Paving Operation
Paving Operation
Paving Operation
Condition of Grade
Dowel Bars and Assemblies
Plant Technician
Mixing Concrete
Weather Restrictions
Placing Concrete
Edge Slump
Removal of Forms
Once the subgrade or base course has been checked for true line and
grade, the paving operation may begin. The paving operation is a straight
forward and systematic series of steps. This chapter covers each step in
the paving operation and explains why each is necessary for a quality
concrete product. The following topics are discussed:
Dowel bars are smooth, epoxy coated, steel bars which are placed at all
transverse joints to provide load transfer across the joints. Dowel bars
allow the pavement to slide freely at the joint during expansion and
contraction of the pavement. When the dowel bars are used for expansion
joints, the free end of each bar has an expansion tube attached to the bar.
The entire dowel bar assembly, or basket, is secured to the grade with
basket pins. There is require to be at least 8 basket pins in a 10, 11, or 12
ft assembly.
Figure 6-3. Dowel Bar Checker
Vertical alignment may be checked with a dowel bar checker (Figure 6-3).
This device is first placed on the form or grade next to the basket being
checked, and the bubble is leveled to conform to the grade. Each dowel is
then checked. If the bubble is not in the center, one leg of the checker is
lifted until the bubble is in the center. If this correction is more than 1/4
inch, the dowel bars are required to be corrected.
The deviation of any bar after the pavement has been finished is required
to be no greater than an angle the tangent of which is 1/48. This means
that the bar cannot deviate by more than 1/4 in. per foot. This is generally
a simple requirement to meet and, if baskets are stored and handled
properly, there are very few problems.
All dowel bar checks are documented and these records are included in the
contract file. Before paving begins, all connection wires on the baskets
are required to be cut near the center of the tie. Dowel bars are coated
with an approved material to break the bond with the concrete.
1) On site mixers (these mixers are rarely used and are not
If transit mixer trucks are used, the concrete is required to be mixed for 70
to 100 revolutions. When central mix concrete is used, the mixing time is
required to be no less than 60 seconds.
Water may need to be added to transit mix concrete at the paving site.
This may only be done within 45 minutes from the time the water was
added at the plant. If the proper slump cannot be achieved by this time,
the PE/PS is consulted for assistance. If adding water to the concrete
trucks becomes routine, a correction is required to be made in the amount
of water being added at the plant. The amount of water added is noted on
the concrete tickets (Figure 6-4) for the concrete record.
Figure 6-4. Concrete Ticket
Concrete is required to be placed in a timely manner. Once the water is
added at the concrete plant, the concrete is required to be placed within 90
minutes if hauled in transit mixers or truck agitators, or within 30 minutes
if hauled in non-agitator trucks. The actual time the water was added is
stamped on the ticket.
Chemical admixtures, Type B, Type C, and Type E, are allowed only with
prior written approval. All other chemical admixtures may be used
without written approval. Different brands of cement are not allowed to
be used alternately, nor mixed. A Contractor may elect to use class "C"
concrete which requires the use of a water reducer or retarder admixture.
The water required for a workable mix allows for a lower water-
cementitious ratio and faster strength. A retarder is generally used in
warm weather to slow the set of the concrete, therefore keeping the
concrete workable longer.
Unless authorized in writing, concrete paving may only start if the air
temperature is above 35º F and rising. If temperatures are falling, the
operation is required to stop when the temperature reaches 40º F.
If cold weather paving has been authorized, the water and/or the aggregate
may have to be heated before the concrete is mixed. The temperature of
the mix when placed is required to be between 50 to 80º F.
aluminum alloys is not allowed to be used to place or transport concrete.
All workers walking on the fresh concrete during placement are required
to keep their footwear free of foreign material that may contaminate the
fresh concrete.
Caution is taken by all workers to not disturb joints, dowel bars, and
assemblies. Machine mounted vibrators may have to be lifted to avoid
certain joints, manholes, and other possible hazards. Hand held vibrators
are required to be used to consolidate the concrete in these areas as well as
any other area that may not be accessible to the machine mounted
vibrators. Consolidating the concrete against the faces of all forms and
joints is important.
Vibrators are not to be used in any one spot for more than 15 seconds and
may never come into direct contact with the side forms, joint assemblies,
or the grade.
Reinforcing tie bars for longitudinal joints may be inserted into the
concrete automatically by the paver. When paving two lanes at once, a
straight tie bar is inserted every 3 ft along the longitudinal joint by the
paver. If an adjacent lane is to be connected later to the lane currently
being paved, tie bars are inserted into the edge of the pavement at 30
degrees to the perpendicular and bent straight after the concrete has set
(Figure 6-6). If more than one of the deformed bars break in a panel
during straightening, all broken bars are replaced with retrofitted tie bars.
All reinforcing steel is required to be free from dirt, harmful rust, scale,
paint, grease, oil, or anything else that may prevent the concrete from
bonding to the steel. Mesh is stored flat before placement so that the
proper shape of the mesh wire is maintained during paving.
Hand methods of placing, compacting, and finishing (Figure 6-8) may
only be used in the following situations:
When hand methods are required, the concrete is placed above the
required grade and properly vibrated and struck off to obtain the desired
results. If the width of the pavement is less than 4 ft, a simple board may
be used to strike off the concrete after hand vibration. Wider pavements
require a vibratory strike-off board. Bridge deck type finishers may also
be used.
The final finish for the pavement is achieved by tining which is a process
of placing grooves in the pavement to aid in skid resistance. This is done
by a machine (Figure 6-10) using a comb with steel tines. Tining may be
done manually on ramps, connections, and other miscellaneous areas
where machines cannot be utilized.
The grooves for tining are required to be between 3/16 and 1/8 in. in width
and between 1/8 and 3/16 in. deep.
Spacing of the tines is random and may be any of the following spaces:
The required spacing of the tines was previously 3/4 in. for all tines. This
spacing created an irritating humming sound when vehicles drove on the
pavement. The spacings described above break the rhythm and make the
humming sound disappear.
Timing is very important for the tining process (Figure 6-11). If done too
soon, the grooves may be too deep or close up. If done too late, the
grooves may not be deep enough. When the latter occurs, grooves are
required to be cut into the concrete by machine after the pavement hardens
All edges of slabs and formed joints are required to be rounded to the
radius indicated in the plans. This procedure is accomplished using a
finishing tool called an edger (Figure 6-12).
Any tool marks left behind by the edger are removed before the burlap
drag is used. All joints are checked with a straightedge to verify that no
side of the joint is higher than the other. Corrections are required to be
made immediately.
When the slip-form method is used, special attention is placed on the edge
slump (Figure 6-13). The edge slump is defined as how far the edge of the
wet concrete pavement slumps down after the slip-form paver has passed.
For 6 in. from the edge of the pavement, a maximum 3/8 in. edge slump
from a typical cross section is required; however, if the edge is joined by
another pavement slab, the edge slump may not exceed 1/4 in. If edge
slump requirements cannot be met, the PE/PS is notified immediately.
Additional trailing forms to support the edges longer may be needed to
prevent the excessive edge slumping.
The Technician is responsible for placing the date and station numbers on
the pavement. This is done immediately after tining, while the concrete is
still plastic.
Cast iron dies are used to place the date and the plus station at the
beginning of each days run. Full stations are also stamped every 100 ft
(Figure 6-14).
Figure 6-14. Pavement Stamping
Station numbers are to be stamped on the right side of the pavement with
the nearest digit approximately 8 in. from the edge of the pavement
(Figure 6-15).
In the case of multiple lanes, the station numbers are placed along the
outside edge of the pavement, readable from the same direction as the
flow of traffic.
1) Wet burlap
2) Wet straw
3) Waterproof blankets
4) Ponding
5) Curing compound
When wet burlap is used, two layers are placed over the concrete
pavement. The first layer is placed as soon as marring of the fresh surface
may be avoided. The second layer of wet burlap is applied over the first
before 9:00 a.m. of the next day. The burlap is required to be kept wet for
the entire curing period.
When ponding is used for curing, the initial burlap is removed by 9:00
a.m. of the following day and the surface is immediately covered with two
inches of water for the remainder of the curing period.
When forms are removed, the edges of the pavement are required to be
banked with earth 12 in. wide or covered by one of the curing methods
listed above.
Generally, paving forms may not be removed from fresh pavement until
the concrete has been allowed to set for at least 8 hours. Forms may be
removed at the ends of contraction joints as soon as joints may be sawed
without raveling. Mechanical form pullers may not be used from the
pavement side of the forms.
Daily Check List
Daily Check List