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User Manual - Batch Card - Knit Card - Barcode - V1.0

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Viyellatex Group


Knit Card, Batch Card

& Barcode Process

Prepared by:

Abhishek Sarkar

Date – 24.11.2019
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Creation and Change Log...................................................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Bar-code Flow....................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Total Process......................................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Knit Card Creation Based on the Production Order............................................................................................4

2.2 Batch Card Creation Based on the STO Number Selection...............................................................................11
3. Subcontract GRN Process ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

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1. Introduction
1.1 Creation and Change Log
Version Date effective Reason for Created / Changed By Role

1.0 08.07.2019 Initial Abhishek Sarkar & Anjoy Poddar PwC


1.0 24.11.2019 Version – V1 Abhishek Sarkar & Anjoy Poddar PwC


1.2 Bar-code Flow

The barcode process as discussed during BBP phase and documented in BBP is shown below:

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2. Total Process
As per the Process Flow, a detailed illustrative cycle being shown covering Knit Card, Batch Card and bar-code
Process with Relevant Screenshots wherever applicable: -

2.1 Knit Card Creation Based on the Production Order

Step 1: Execute T-Code – ZBAR_CODE

As an input there is Material Number and Production Order number.

Radio Buttons: -

With Only Material Number (if material Number is known)/ with Only production order Number (if Production
order Number is known) or without any input this t-code can be executed, and the list provides the entire report
with status and Radio Buttons.

- Shows all Knit Cards – Created/ Partially Created/Not Created

- Shows only the Created Knit Cards/ partially Created Knit Cards

- Shows for which No Knit Card has been Created yet.

Step 2: Execute (F8) with the Radio Button Selection- “All Knit Cards” and it shows the entire list of grey
Fabric orders with Status

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Step 3: Select one of the Line items having Action as and Click on the button to
create the Knit Card.

Once clicked on this, as KNIT CARD screen

Mandatory Fields – Order To, M/C DIAXCG, Week, M/C Number and Stitch Length.

Fill up the details

Rest all fields data are already populated.

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Step 4: Once the Required field Values are entered along with Yarn Lot and Yarn Brand and then need to click
on to create the Knit Card and to print the Knit Card.

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Step 5: Based on Knit Card, Knitting Plant will create Fabric Roll Sticker.

For that User needs to select the Line item and click on “Display Knit Card” Icon to display the Knit Card

The knit Card Roll Stickers now needs to created clicking the ICON - and screen
pop up comes where-by User needs to enter the Weight (KG), Operator Name and Shift Name

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Once all the Roll Stickers are generated it is displayed in the Knit Card Display Screen

To Print and Reprint the Roll Stickers click on the button

Below is the Sample for Roll Sticker Print Out

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Step 6: The Knit Rolls needs to be scanned, perform GR against the Production order, Outbound Delivery
Creation and GR against Stock Transfer Purchase Order in 1 Single Screen

Select the Line Items and “Final Inspection” to be clicked for automatic Confirmation and GR
against Production order

Enter the Difference Quantity, Click on Save and Click on Final Confirmation

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GR done

Step 7: AUTOMATIC OBD, PGI and GR of Rolls in Plant – 2300, Location – RGF1

For this Enter the T-code – ZROLL, where the Users needs to enter the Roll Number and since each roll is QR
code enabled, all the Roll Numbers will be scanned and STO tagging to Roll Number IDs to be done. STO # will
be displayed for the respective material in the Drop Down of STO Number

To achieve the OBD, PGI and GR activity, STO selected for each Roll Line item,

Select all the Line Items and Click on “Tag STO”, then “Create Delivery” and then Save

The STOCK is in Plant – 2300, Location – RGF1 now.

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2.2 BatchCard Creation Based on the STO
Number Selection

Step 1: The Batch Card Creation, T-code – ZBTCARD,

Radio Buttons – All STO, Created Batch Card STO and Not Created Batch Card STO.

User Can Enter with the a single STO # /Multiple Selection of STO #/ or ALL STO Number Selection

With Selection of STOs, click on the

All the Line items for the STO selection are displayed.

Users needs to select the relevant Line Items and provide the machine Number,

Click on “Batch”, to Create the batch (STO wise Batch #) and “Create Order” icon to create the
Production Order item-wise.

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Here batch Cards are created

Note: - For all the batch card Number logic – 1st 6 digits of STO + 001…

Here Based on Machine Number and STO Line Item Number system created Batches.

But if the STO number changes the Batch Card Number Changes

Step 2: Print the Batch Cards

Click on icon “Print Batch Card” to Print the batch Card. Batch Cards are QR Code Enabled containing
the information - Batch Card Number in it.

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Step 3: The Batch Card Information passed on PHP System through a RFC.

Each Operation in Dyeing is scanned using the QR code of the Batch. The Mapping of the SAP Work
Centres with the Scanning ID (For Eg. - C10, C20, C30…) in the Shop Floor is mapped in the system.

Hence on scanning the ID the Information is passed on to SAP .

This is for Information Purpose Only…………………..

Now SAP will Post the respective Confirmation against each operation with the Actual
machine Hour and Actual Labour Hours as Per Routing.

Step 4: Knit Roll Tagging to Batch Card Production order

T-code – ZROLL_311. In this T-code the Knit Roll needs to be tagged to the Finished Fabric
production Order Number.

Outcome: Roll IDs are tagged to the Batch Card production Order Number.

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For the last Operation, there will be PHP Interface Screen where by User will Enter


On Entering the batch Card Number, System Identifies the Rolls against each and
there will a column showing the initial weight of the Rolls and another column to
enter the Final Weight of the Rolls. This Cumulative Roll weights will be sent to SAP
and with that quantity the Confirmation is posted for the Final Inspection Operation.

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Subcontracting Process GRN

1. Got the transaction MIGO. Select the Goods Receive- Purchase Order. Then put the purchase order
number. Then press enter.

2. Then put all the details like Storage Location, Qty, Batch and then press the post button to complete the

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