Method 1623: Cryptosporidium And: Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA
Method 1623: Cryptosporidium And: Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA
Method 1623: Cryptosporidium And: Giardia in Water by Filtration/IMS/FA
December 2005
The U.S. EPA Office of Water gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following persons and
organizations to the development of this method:
Mike Arrowood, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Parasitic Diseases (MS-F13),
4770 Buford Highway, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30341-3724, USA
Phil Berger, Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M
Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460, USA
Jennifer Clancy, Clancy Environmental Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 314, St. Albans, VT 05478, USA
Kevin Connell, CSC, 6101 Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
Ricardo DeLeon, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 700 Moreno Avenue, LaVerne, CA
91760, USA
Shirley Dzogan, EnviroTest Laboratories, 745 Logan Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3L5, Canada
Mary Ann Feige (retired), Technical Support Center, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268-1320,
Colin Fricker, Thames Water Utilities, Manor Farm Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0JN, England
Carrie Moulton (Hancock), Technical Support Center, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268-1320,
Stephanie Harris,Manchester Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, 7411
Beach Drive East, Port Orchard, WA 98366, USA
Dale Rushneck, Interface, Inc., 3194 Worthington Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526, USA
Frank Schaefer III, National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26
W. Martin Luther King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268-1320, USA
Steve Schaub, Health and Ecological Criteria Division (4304), Office of Science and Technology, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460, USA
Ajaib Singh, City of Milwaukee Health Department, 841 North Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA
Huw Smith, Department of Bacteriology, Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Laboratory, Stobhill NHS Trust,
Springburn, Glasgow, G21 3UW, Scotland
Timothy Straub, Lockheed Martin, 7411 Beach Drive East, Port Orchard, WA 98366, USA
William A. Telliard, Office of Science and Technology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M
Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20460, USA
Cryptosporidium cover photo courtesy of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
Giardia cover photo courtesy of CH Diagnostic & Consulting Service, Inc.
This method has been reviewed by the U.S. EPA Office of Water and approved for publication. Mention
of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Carrie Moulton
Coordinator, Laboratory Quality Assurance Program for the Analysis of Cryptosporidium
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, OH 45268-1320
(513) 569-7919
To support future regulation of protozoa in drinking water, the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of
1996 require the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate the risk to public health posed
by drinking water contaminants, including waterborne parasites, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. To
implement these requirements, EPA must assess Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrence in raw surface
waters used as source waters for drinking water treatment plants. EPA Method 1623 was developed to
support this assessment.
Although development of an acceptable immunomagnetic separation system for Giardia lagged behind
development of an acceptable system for Cryptosporidium, an acceptable system was identified in
October 1998, and EPA validated a method for simultaneous detection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in
February 1999 and developed quality control (QC) acceptance criteria for the method based on this
validation study. To avoid confusion with Method 1622, which already had been validated and was in use
both domestically and internationally as a stand-alone Cryptosporidium-only detection method, EPA
designated the new combined procedure EPA Method 1623.
The interlaboratory validated versions of Method 1622 (January 1999; EPA-821-R-99-001) and Method
1623 (April 1999; EPA-821-R-99-006) were used to analyze approximately 3,000 field and QC samples
during the Information Collection Rule Supplemental Surveys (ICRSS) between March 1999 and
February 2000. Method 1622 was used to analyze samples from March 1999 to mid-July 1999; Method
1623 was used from mid-July 1999 to February 2000.
C Modified IMS acid dissociation procedure
C Updated QC acceptance criteria for IPR and OPR tests
C Addition of a troubleshooting section for QC failures
C Modified holding times
C Inclusion of flow cytometry–sorted spiking suspensions
The interlaboratory validation of EPA Method 1623 conducted by EPA used the Pall Gelman capsule
filtration procedure, Dynal immunomagnetic separation (IMS) procedure, and Meridian sample staining
procedure described in this document. Alternate procedures are allowed, provided that required quality
control tests are performed and all quality control acceptance criteria in this method are met.
Since the interlaboratory validation of EPA Method 1623, interlaboratory validation studies have been
performed to demonstrate the equivalency of modified versions of the method using the following
• Whatman Nuclepore CryptTest™ filter (no longer available)
• IDEXX Filta-Max® filter
• Pall Gelman Envirochek™ HV filter
• Portable Continuous-Flow Centrifugation (PCFC)
• Waterborne Aqua-Glo™ G/C Direct FL antibody stain
• Waterborne Crypt-a-Glo™ and Giardi-a-Glo™ antibody stains
• BTF EasyStain™ antibody stain
• BTF EasySeed™ irradiated oocysts and cysts for use in routine QC samples
The validation studies for these modified versions of the method met EPA’s performance-based
measurement system Tier 2 validation for nationwide use (see Section 9.1.2 for details), and have been
accepted by EPA as equivalent in performance to the original version of the method validated by EPA.
The equipment and reagents used in these modified versions of the method are noted in Sections 6 and 7
of the method.
Because this is a performance-based method, other alternative components not listed in the method may be
available for evaluation and use by the laboratory. Confirming the acceptable performance of a modified
version of the method using alternate components in a single laboratory does not require that an
interlaboratory validation study be conducted. However, method modifications validated only in a single
laboratory have not undergone sufficient testing to merit inclusion in the method. Only those modified
versions of the method that have been demonstrated as equivalent at multiple laboratories on multiple
water sources through a Tier 2 interlaboratory study will be cited in the method.
Table of Contents
3.0 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
5.0 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
15.0 Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
20.0 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Method 1623: Cryptosporidium and Giardia in Water
by Filtration/IMS/FA
1 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
2.3.2 Qualitative analysis is performed by scanning each slide well for objects that meet the
size, shape, and fluorescence characteristics of Cryptosporidium oocysts or Giardia
2.3.3 Quantitative analysis is performed by counting the total number of objects on the slide
confirmed as oocysts or cysts.
2.4 Quality is assured through reproducible calibration and testing of the filtration, immunomagnetic
separation (IMS), staining, and microscopy systems. Detailed information on these tests is
provided in Section 9.0.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 Cryptosporidium is a genus of protozoan parasites potentially found in water and other media.
The recent taxonomy of the genus Cryptosporidium includes the following species and their
potential hosts: C. hominis (humans; formerly C. parvum genotype I; Reference 20.1); C. parvum
(bovine and other mammals including humans; formerly genotype II;); C. baileyi and C.
meleagridis (birds); C. muris (rodents); C. canis (dogs); C. felis (cats); C. serpentis (reptiles); and
C. nasorum (fish). Cryptosporidium oocysts are defined in this method as objects exhibiting
brilliant apple green fluorescence under UV light (FA-positive), typical size (4 to 6 µm) and shape
(round to oval), and no atypical characteristics by FA, DAPI fluorescence, or DIC microscopy.
Examination and characterization using fluorescence (FITC and DAPI stain) and DIC microscopy
are required for exclusion of atypical organisms (e.g., those possessing spikes, stalks, appendages,
pores, one or two large nuclei filling the cell, red fluorescing chloroplasts, crystals, spores, etc.).
3.2 Giardia is a genus of protozoan parasites potentially found in water and other media. The recent
taxonomy of the genus Giardia includes the following species and their potential hosts: G.
lamblia (also called G. intestinalis or G. duodenalis; humans and other mammals); G. muris
(rodents); G. agilis (amphibians); G. psittaci and G. ardeae (birds). Recent molecular studies
suggest the division of G. lamblia into multiple genotypes (Reference 20.2). Giardia cysts are
defined in this method as objects exhibiting brilliant apple green fluorescence under UV light
(FA-positive), typical size (8 to 18 µm long by 5 to 15 µm wide) and shape (oval to round), and no
atypical characteristics by FA, DAPI fluorescence, or DIC microscopy. Examination and
characterization by fluorescence (FITC and DAPI stain) and DIC microscopy are required for
exclusion of atypical organisms (e.g., those possessing spikes, stalks, appendages, pores, one or
two large nuclei filling the cell, red fluorescing chloroplasts, crystals, spores, etc.).
3.3 Definitions for other terms used in this method are given in the glossary (Section 22.0).
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4.3 Solvents, reagents, labware, and other sample-processing hardware may yield artifacts that may
cause misinterpretation of microscopic examinations for oocysts and cysts. All materials used
must be demonstrated to be free from interferences under the conditions of analysis by running a
method blank (negative control sample) initially and a minimum of every week or after changes in
source of reagent water. Specific selection of reagents and purification of solvents and other
materials may be required.
4.4 Freezing samples, filters, eluates, concentrates, or slides may interfere with the detection and/or
identification of oocysts and cysts.
4.5 All equipment should be cleaned according to manufacturers’ instructions. Disposable supplies
should be used wherever possible.
5.0 Safety
5.1 The biohazard associated with, and the risk of infection from, oocysts and cysts is high in this
method because live organisms are handled. This method does not purport to address all of the
safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to establish
appropriate safety and health practices prior to use of this method. In particular, laboratory staff
must know and observe the safety procedures required in a microbiology laboratory that handles
pathogenic organisms while preparing, using, and disposing of sample concentrates, reagents and
materials, and while operating sterilization equipment.
5.2 The toxicity or carcinogenicity of each compound or reagent used in this method has not been
precisely determined; however, each chemical compound should be treated as a potential health
hazard. Exposure to these compounds should be reduced to the lowest possible level. The
laboratory is responsible for maintaining current knowledge of Occupational Safety and Health
Administration regulations regarding the safe handling of the chemicals specified in this method.
A reference file of material safety data sheets should be made available to all personnel involved
in these analyses. Additional information on laboratory safety can be found in References 20.4
through 20.7.
5.3 Samples may contain high concentrations of biohazards and toxic compounds, and must be
handled with gloves. Reference materials and standards containing oocysts and cysts must also be
handled with gloves and laboratory staff must never place gloves in or near the face after exposure
to solutions known or suspected to contain oocysts and cysts. Do not mouth-pipette.
5.4 Laboratory personnel must change gloves after handling filters and other contaminant-prone
equipment and reagents. Gloves must be removed or changed before touching any other laboratory
surfaces or equipment.
5.5 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regulations (42 CFR 72) prohibit interstate shipment of more
than 4 L of solution known to contain infectious materials (see for details). State regulations may contain similar
regulations for intrastate commerce. Unless the sample is known or suspected to contain
Cryptosporidium, Giardia, or other infectious agents (e.g., during an outbreak), samples should be
shipped as noninfectious and should not be marked as infectious. If a sample is known or
suspected to be infectious, and the sample must be shipped to a laboratory by a transportation
means affected by CDC or state regulations, the sample should be shipped in accordance with
these regulations.
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6.1 Sample collection equipment for shipment of bulk water samples for laboratory filtration.
Collapsible LDPE cubitainer for collection of 10-L bulk sample(s)—Cole Parmer cat. no. U-
06100-30 or equivalent. Fill completely to ensure collection of a full 10-L sample. Discard after
one use.
6.2 Equipment for sample filtration. Four options have been demonstrated to be acceptable for use
with Method 1623. Other options may be used if their acceptability is demonstrated according to
the procedures outlined in Section 9.1.2.
6.2.1 Cubitainer spigot to facilitate laboratory filtration of sample (for use with any filtration
option)—Cole Parmer cat. no. U-06061-01, or equivalent.
6.2.2 Original Envirochek™ sampling capsule or Envirochek™ HV sampling capsule
equipment requirements (for use with the procedure described in Section 12.2). The
versions of the method using these filters were validated using 10-L and 50-L sample
volumes, respectively. Alternate sample volumes may be used, provided the laboratory
demonstrates acceptable performance on initial and ongoing spiked reagent water and
source water samples (Section 9.1.2). Sampling capsule Envirochek™, Pall Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, part no.
12110 (individual filter) and or part no.12107 (box of 25
filters) ( or (800) 521-1520 ext. 2) Envirochek™ HV, Pall Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, part
no. 12099 (individual filter) or part no.12098 (box of 25
filters) ( or (800) 521-1520 ext. 2) Laboratory shaker with arms for agitation of sampling capsules Laboratory shaker—Lab-Line model 3589 (available
through VWR Scientific cat. no. 57039-055), Pall
Corporation part no. 4821, Fisher cat. no. 14260-11, or
equivalent Side arms for laboratory shaker—Lab-Line Model 3587
4 (available through VWR Scientific cat. no. 57039-045),
Fisher cat. no. 14260-13, or equivalent
6.2.3 Filta-Max® foam filter equipment requirements (for use with the procedure described in
Section 12.3). The version of the method using this filter was validated using 50-L
sample volumes; alternate sample volumes may be used, provided the laboratory
demonstrates acceptable performance on initial and ongoing spiked reagent water and
matrix samples (Section 9.1.2).
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5 December 2005
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with bottom delivery port (½"), Cole-Palmer cat. no. 06080-42, or equivalent; calibrate
to 10.0 L and mark level with waterproof marker
6.4.2 Stir bar—Fisher cat. no. 14-513-66, or equivalent
6.4.4 Hemacytometer—Neubauer type, Hausser Scientific, Horsham, PA, product no. 3200 or
1475, or equivalent
6.4.5 Hemacytometer coverslip—Hausser Scientific, product no. 5000 (for hemacytometer cat.
6.4.7 Polystyrene or polypropylene conical tubes with screw caps—15- and 50-mL
6.4.8 Equipment required for enumeration of spiking suspensions using membrane filters
support, Fisher cat. no. 09-753E, or equivalent. Replace stopper with size
8, one-hole rubber stopper, Fisher Cat. No. 14-135M, or equivalent. Three-port vacuum filtration manifold and vacuum source—Fisher Cat.
6.5.1 Sample mixer—Dynal Inc., Lake Success, NY, cat. no. 947.01, or equivalent
6.5.2 Magnetic particle concentrator for 10-mL test tubes—Dynal MPC®-1 , cat. no. 120.01 or
6.5.3 Magnetic particle concentrator for microcentrifuge tubes—Dynal MPC®-M, cat. no.
120.09 (no longer available); Dynal MPC®-S, cat. no. 120.20, or equivalent
6.8 Centrifuges
6.8.1 Centrifuge capable of accepting 15- to 250-mL conical centrifuge tubes and achieving
6.9 Microscope
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Zeiss™ -
DAPI (UV) 340-380 400 420 CZ902
7 December 2005
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Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
cylinder. Rinse the vial several times to ensure the transfer of the
detergent to the cylinder. Add 10 mL of Tris solution (Section, 2
mL of EDTA solution (Section, and 150 µL Antifoam A (Section Dilute to 1000 mL with reagent water.
7.4.2 Reagents for eluting Filta-Max® foam filters (Section 6.2.3) Phosphate buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4—Sigma Chemical Co. cat. no.
P-3813, or equivalent. Alternately, prepare PBS by adding the following
to 1 L of reagent water: 8 g NaCl; 0.2 g KCl; 1.15 g Na2 HPO4 , anhydrous;
and 0.2 g KH2 PO4 . Tween® 20 —Sigma Chemical Co. cat. no. P-7949, or equivalent High-vacuum grease—BDH/Merck. cat. no. 636082B, or equivalent Preparation of PBST elution buffer. Add 100 µL of Tween® 20 to
prepared PBS (Section Alternatively, add the contents of one
packet of PBS to 1.0 L of reagent water. Dissolve by stirring for 30
minutes. Add 100 µL of Tween® 20 . Mix by stirring for 5 minutes.
7.4.3 Reagents for Portable Continuous-Flow Centrifuge (Section 6.2.4) Sodium dodecyl sulfate—Sigma Chemical Co. cat. no. 71730 or
equivalent TWEEN 80— Sigma Chemical Co. cat. no. P1754 or equivalent Antifoam A—Sigma Chemical Co. cat. no. A5758, or equivalent Preparation of concentrated elution buffer. Add above reagents to obtain
a final concentration of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 0.01% TWEEN 80,
and 0.001% Antifoam A in concentrated sample volume of ~250mL
7.5 Reagents for immunomagnetic separation (IMS)—Dynabeads® GC-Combo, Dynal cat. nos.
730.02/730.12, or equivalent
7.6 Direct antibody labeling reagents for detection of oocysts and cysts. Store reagents between 1°C
and 10°C and return promptly to this temperature after each use. Do not allow any of the reagents
to freeze. The reagents should be protected from exposure to light. Diluted, unused working
reagents should be discarded after 48 hours. Discard reagents after the expiration date is reached.
The labeling reagents in Sections 7.6.1-7.6.3 have been approved for use with this method.
7.6.1 MeriFluor® Cryptosporidium/Giardia, Meridian Diagnostics cat. no. 250050,
Cincinnati, OH, or equivalent
7.6.2 Aqua-Glo™ G/C Direct FL, Waterborne cat. no. A100FLR, New Orleans, LA, or
7.6.3 Crypt-a-Glo™ and Giardi-a-Glo™, Waterborne cat. nos. A400FLR and A300FLR,
respectively, New Orleans, LA, or equivalent
7.6.4 EasyStain™C&G, BTF Pty Limited, Sydney, Australia or equivalent
NOTE: If a laboratory will use multiple types of labeling reagents, the laboratory must
demonstrate acceptable performance through an initial precision and recovery test
(Section 9.4) for each type, and must perform positive and negative staining controls for
each batch of slides stained using each product. However, the laboratory is not required
to analyze additional ongoing precision and recovery samples or method blank samples
for each type. The performance of each labeling reagent used also should be monitored in
each source water type.
7.6.5 Diluent for labeling reagents—Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (Section 7.4.2).
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7.7 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) stain—Sigma Chemical Co. cat. no. D9542, or equivalent
7.7.1 Stock solution—Dissolve 2 mg/mL DAPI in absolute methanol. Prepare volume
consistent with minimum use. Store between 1°C and 10°C in the dark. Do not allow to
freeze. Discard unused solution when positive staining control fails or after specified
time determined by laboratory.
7.7.2 Staining solution—Follow antibody kit manufacturer’s instructions. Add 10 µL of 2
mg/mL DAPI stock solution to 50 mL of PBS for use with Aqua-Glo™ G/C Direct FL or
MeriFluor® Cryptosporidium/Giardia. Add 50 µL of 2 mg/mL DAPI stock solution to
50 mL of PBS for use with EasyStain™. Prepare working solution daily and store
between 1°C and 10°C (do not allow to freeze). DAPI is light sensitive; therefore, store
in the dark except when staining. The DAPI concentration may be increased if
fading/diffusion of DAPI staining is encountered, but the staining solution must be tested
first on expendable environmental samples to confirm that staining intensity is
7.8 Mounting medium
7.8.1 DABCO/glycerol mounting medium (2%)—Dissolve 2 g of DABCO (Sigma Chemical
Co. cat no. D-2522, or equivalent) in 95 mL of warm glycerol/PBS (60% glycerol, 40%
PBS). After the DABCO has dissolved completely, adjust the solution volume to 100 mL
by adding an appropriate volume of glycerol/PBS solution. Alternately, dissolve the
DABCO in 40 mL of PBS, then add azide (1 mL of 100X, or 10% solution), then 60 mL
of glycerol.
7.8.2 Mounting medium supplied with MeriFluor® Cryptosporidium/Giardia, Meridian
Diagnostics cat. no. 250050, or equivalent (Section 7.6.1)
7.8.3 Mounting medium supplied with Aqua-Glo™ G/C Direct FL kit, Waterborne cat. no.
A100FLR, cat. no. M101, or equivalent (Section 7.6.2)
7.8.4 Mounting medium supplied with EasyStain™C&G, BTF Pty Limited or equivalent
(Section 7.6.4)
7.8.5 Elvanol or equivalent permanent, non-fade archiving mounting medium
7.9 Clear fingernail polish or clear fixative, PGC Scientifics, Gaithersburg, MD, cat. no. 60-4890-00,
or equivalent
7.10 Oocyst and cyst suspensions for spiking
7.10.1 Enumerated spiking suspensions prepared by flow cytometer—not formalin fixed. Live, flow cytometer–sorted oocysts and cysts—Wisconsin State
Laboratory of Hygiene Flow Cytometry Unit ([608] 224-6260), or
equivalent Irradiated, flow cytometer–sorted oocysts and cysts—flow
cytometer–sorted oocysts and cysts—BTF EasySeed™
([email protected]), or equivalent
7.10.2 Materials for manual enumeration of spiking suspensions Purified Cryptosporidium oocyst stock suspension for manual
enumeration—not formalin-fixed: Sterling Parasitology Laboratory,
University of Arizona, Tucson, or equivalent Purified Giardia cyst stock suspension for manual enumeration—not
formalin-fixed: Waterborne, Inc., New Orleans, LA; Hyperion Research,
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada; or equivalent
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Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia If samples are collected early in the day, chill samples by storing in a
refrigerator between 1°C and 10°C or pre-icing the sample in a cooler. If
the sample is pre-iced before shipping, replace with fresh ice immediately
before shipment. If samples are collected later in the day, these samples may be chilled
overnight in a refrigerator between 1°C and 10°C. This should be
considered for bulk water samples that will be shipped off-site, as this
minimizes the potential for water samples collected during the summer to
melt the ice in which they are packed and arrive at the laboratory at
>20°C. If samples are shipped after collection at >20°C with no chilling, the
sample will not maintain the temperature during shipment at #20°C. Public water systems shipping samples to off-site laboratories for analysis
should include in the shipping container a means for monitoring the
temperature of the sample during shipping to verify that the sample did
not freeze or exceed 20°C. Suggested approaches for monitoring sample
temperature during shipping are discussed in Section 8.1.4.
8.1.3 Sample receipt. Upon receipt, the laboratory must record the sample temperature.
Samples that were not collected the same day they were received, and that are received at
>20°C or frozen, or samples that the laboratory has determined exceeded >20°C or froze
during shipment, must be rejected. After receipt, samples must be stored at the laboratory
between 1°C and 10°C, and not frozen, until processed.
8.1.4 Suggestions on measuring sample temperature. Given the importance of maintaining
sample temperatures for Cryptosporidium and Giardia determination, laboratories
performing analyses using this method must establish acceptance criteria for receipt of
samples transported to their laboratory. Several options are available to measure sample
temperature upon receipt at the laboratory and, in some cases, during shipment: Temperature sample. One option, for filtered samples only (not for 10-L
bulk samples), is for the sampler to fill a small, inexpensive sample bottle
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with water and pack this “temperature sample” next to the filtered
sample. The temperature of this extra sample volume is measured upon
receipt to estimate the temperature of the filter. Temperature sample
bottles are not appropriate for use with bulk samples because of the
potential effect that the difference in sample volume may have in
temperature equilibration in the sample cooler. Example product: Cole
Parmer cat. no. U-06252-20. Thermometer vial. A similar option is to use a thermometer that is
securely housed in a liquid-filled vial. Unlike temperature samples, the
laboratory does not need to perform an additional step to monitor the
temperature of the vial upon receipt, but instead just needs to read the
thermometer. The thermometer vial is appropriate for use with filtered
samples not bulk samples. Example product: Eagle-Picher Sentry
Temperature Vial 3TR-40CS-F or 3TR-40CS. iButton. Measures the sample temperature during shipment and upon
receipt. An iButton is a small, waterproof device that contains a
computer chip that can be programmed to record temperature at different
time intervals. The information is then downloaded from the iButton
onto a computer. The iButton should be placed in a temperature sample,
rather than placed loose in the cooler, or attached to the sample container.
This option is appropriate for use with both filtered and bulk samples.
Information on Thermocron® iButtons is available from Distributors include,, and Stick-on temperature strips. Another option is for the laboratory to
apply a stick-on temperature strip to the outside of the sample container
upon receipt at the laboratory. This option does not measure temperature
as precisely as the other options, but provides an indication of sample
temperature to verify that the sample temperature is acceptable. This
option is appropriate for use with both filtered and bulk samples. Example
product: Cole Parmer cat. no. U-90316-00. Infrared thermometers. A final option is to measure the temperature of
the surface of the sample container or filter using an infrared
thermometer. The thermometer is pointed at the sample, and measures the
temperature without coming in contact with the sample volume. This
option is appropriate for use with both filtered and bulk samples. Example
product: Cole Parmer cat. no. EW-39641-00.
As with other laboratory equipment, all temperature measurement devices must be
calibrated routinely to ensure accurate measurements. See the EPA Manual for the
Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water (Reference 20.9) for more
8.2 Sample holding times. Samples must be processed or examined within each of the holding times
specified in Sections 8.2.1 through 8.2.4. Sample processing should be completed as soon as
possible by the laboratory. The laboratory should complete sample filtration, elution,
concentration, purification, and staining the day the sample is received wherever possible.
However, the laboratory is permitted to split up the sample processing steps if processing a
sample completely in one day is not possible. If this is necessary, sample processing can be halted
after filtration, application of the purified sample onto the slide, or staining. Table 1, in Section
21.0 provides a breakdown of the holding times for each set of steps. Sections 8.2.1 through 8.2.4
provide descriptions of these holding times.
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8.2.1 Sample collection and filtration. Sample elution must be initiated within 96 hours of
sample collection (if shipped to the laboratory as a bulk sample) or filtration (if filtered
in the field).
8.2.2 Sample elution, concentration, and purification. The laboratory must complete
elution, concentration, and purification (Sections 12.2.6 through in one work
day. It is critical that these steps be completed in one work day to minimize the time that
any target organisms present in the sample sit in eluate or concentrated matrix. This
process ends with the application of the purified sample on the slide for drying.
8.2.3 Staining. The sample must be stained within 72 hours of application of the purified
sample to the slide.
8.2.4 Examination. Although immunofluorescence assay (FA) and 4',6-diamidino-2-
phenylindole (DAPI) and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy
examination and characterization should be performed immediately after staining is
complete, laboratories have up to 168 hours (7 days) from the completion of sample
staining to perform the examination and verification of samples. However, if
fading/diffusion of FITC or DAPI staining is noticed, the laboratory must reduce this
holding time. In addition the laboratory may adjust the concentration of the DAPI
staining solution (Sections 7.7.2) so that fading/diffusion does not occur.
8.3 Spiking suspension enumeration holding times. Flow-cytometer-sorted spiking suspensions
(Sections 7.10.1 and 11.2) used for spiked quality control (QC) samples (Section 9) must be used
within the expiration date noted on the suspension. Manually enumerated spiking suspensions
must be used within 24 hours of enumeration of the spiking suspension if the hemacytometer
chamber technique is used (Section 11.3.4); or within 24 hours of application of the spiking
suspension to the slides if the well slide or membrane filter enumeration technique is used
(Sections 11.3.5 and 11.3.6). Oocyst and cyst suspensions must be stored between 1°C and 10°C,
until ready to use; do not allow to freeze.
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15 December 2005
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9.1.5 The laboratory shall, on an ongoing basis, demonstrate through analysis of the ongoing
precision and recovery (OPR) sample that the analysis system is in control. Frequency of
OPR samples is described in Section 9.1.7 and the procedures are described in Section
9.1.6 The laboratory shall maintain records to define the quality of data that are generated.
Development of accuracy statements is described in Sections and 9.7.6.
9.1.7 The laboratory shall analyze one method blank (Section 9.6) and one OPR sample
(Section 9.7) each week (7 day or 168 hours time period which begins with processing
the OPR) in which samples are analyzed if 20 or fewer field samples are analyzed during
this period. The laboratory shall analyze one laboratory blank and one OPR sample for
every 20 samples if more than 20 samples are analyzed in a one week (7 day or 168
hours) period.
9.1.8 The laboratory shall analyze MS samples (Section 9.5.1) at a minimum frequency of 1
MS sample per 20 field samples from each source analyzed. The laboratory should
analyze an MS sample when samples are first received from a PWS for which the
laboratory has never before analyzed samples to identify potential method performance
issues with the matrix (Section 9.5.1; Tables 3 and 4). If an MS sample cannot be
analyzed on the first sampling event, the first MS sample should be analyzed as soon as
possible to identify potential method performance issues with the matrix.
9.2 Micropipette calibration
9.2.1 Micropipettes must be sent to the manufacturer for calibration annually. Alternately, a
qualified independent technician specializing in micropipette calibration can be used, or
the calibration can be performed by the laboratory, provided the laboratory maintains a
detailed procedure that can be evaluated by an independent auditor. Documentation on
the precision of the recalibrated micropipette must be obtained from the manufacturer or
9.2.2 Internal and external calibration records must be kept on file in the laboratory’s QA
9.2.3 If a micropipette calibration problem is suspected, the laboratory shall tare an empty
weighing boat on the analytical balance and pipette the following volumes of reagent
water into the weigh boat using the pipette in question: 100% of the maximum
dispensing capacity of the micropipette, 50% of the capacity, and 10% of the capacity.
Ten replicates should be performed at each weight. Record the weight of the water
(assume that 1.00 mL of reagent water weighs 1.00 g) and calculate the relative standard
deviation (RSD) for each. If the weight of the reagent water is within 1% of the desired
weight (mL) and the RSD of the replicates at each weight is within 1%, then the pipette
remains acceptable for use.
9.2.4 If the weight of the reagent water is outside the acceptable limits, consult the
manufacturer’s instruction manual troubleshooting section and repeat steps described in
Section 9.2.3. If problems with the pipette persist, the laboratory must send the pipette to
the manufacturer for recalibration.
9.3 Microscope adjustment and calibration —Adjust the microscope as specified in Section 10.0. All
of the requirements in Section 10.0 must be met prior to analysis of IPRs, method blanks, OPRs,
field samples, and MS/MSDs.
9.4 Initial precision and recovery (IPR)—To establish the ability to demonstrate control over the
analytical system and to generate acceptable precision and recovery, the laboratory shall perform
the following operations:
9.4.1 Using the spiking procedure in Section 11.4 and enumerated spiking suspensions
(Section 7.10.1 or Section 11.3), spike, filter, elute, concentrate, separate (purify), stain,
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and examine the four reagent water samples spiked with ~100-500 oocysts and ~100-500
cysts. The laboratory is permitted to analyze the four spiked reagent samples on
the same day or on as many as four different days (provided that the
spiked reagent samples are analyzed consecutively), and also may use
different analysts and/or reagent lots for each sample (however, the
procedures used for all analyses must be identical). Laboratories should
note that the variability of four measurements performed on multiple days
or using multiple analysts or reagent lots may be greater than the
variability of measurements performed on the same day with the same
analysts and reagent lots. As a result, the laboratory is at a greater risk of
generating unacceptable IPR results if the test is performed across
multiple days, analysts, and /or reagent lots. If more than one modification will be used for filtration and/or separation
of samples, a separate set of IPR samples must be prepared for each
modification. The set of four IPR samples must be accompanied by analysis of an
acceptable method blank (Section 9.6).
9.4.2 For each organism, calculate the percent recovery (R) using the following equation:
R= 100 x
This calculation assumes that the total volume spiked was processed and examined.
9.4.3 Using percent recovery (R) of the four analyses, calculate the mean percent recovery and
the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the recoveries for Cryptosporidium and for
Giardia. The RSD is the standard deviation divided by the mean, times 100.
9.4.4 Compare the mean and RSD to the corresponding method performance acceptance
criteria for initial precision and recovery in Tables 3 and 4 in Section 21.0. If the mean
and RSD for recovery meet the acceptance criteria, system performance is acceptable
and analysis of blanks and samples may begin. If the mean or RSD falls outside the range
for recovery, system performance is unacceptable. In this event, trouble-shoot the
problem by starting at the end of the method (see guidance in Section 9.7.5), correct the
problem and repeat the IPR test (Section 9.4.1).
9.4.5 Examine and document the IPR slides following the procedure in Section 15.0. The first
three Cryptosporidium oocysts and first three Giardia cysts identified in each IPR
sample must be characterized (size, shape, DAPI category, and DIC category) and
documented on the examination form, as well as any additional comments on organisms
appearance, if notable.
9.4.6 Using 200X to 400X magnification, more than 50% of the oocysts or cysts must appear
undamaged and morphologically intact; otherwise, the organisms in the spiking
suspension may be of unacceptable quality or the analytical process may be damaging
the organisms. If the quality of the organisms on the IPR test slides is unacceptable,
examine the spiking suspension organisms directly (by centrifuging, if possible, to
concentrate the organisms in a volume that can be applied directly to a slide). If the
17 December 2005
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Nsp - Ns
R= 100 x
R is the percent recovery
Nsp is the number of oocysts or cysts counted in the spiked sample
Ns is the number of oocysts or cysts counted in the unspiked
T is the true value of the oocysts or cysts spiked Compare the recovery for each organism with the acceptance criteria in
Tables 3 and 4 in Section 21.0.
NOTE: Some sample matrices may prevent the acceptance criteria in Tables 3 and 4
from being met. An assessment of the distribution of MS recoveries across 430 MS
samples from 87 sites during the ICR Supplemental Surveys is provided in Table 5. As part of the QA program for the laboratory, method precision for
samples should be assessed and records maintained. After the analysis of
five samples, the laboratory should calculate the mean percent recovery
(P) and the standard deviation of the percent recovery (sr). Express the
precision assessment as a percent recovery interval from P ! 2 sr to P + 2
sr for each matrix. For example, if P = 80% and sr = 30%, the accuracy
interval is expressed as 20% to 140%. The precision assessment should
be updated regularly across all MS samples and stratified by MS samples
for each source.
9.5.2 Matrix spike duplicate—MSD analysis is required as part of Tier 2 or nationwide
approval of a modified version of this method to demonstrate that the modified version
of this method produces results equal or superior to results produced by the method as
written (Section At the same time the laboratory spikes and analyzes the
second field sample aliquot in Section, the laboratory shall spike and analyze a
third, identical field sample aliquot.
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NOTE: Matrix spike duplicate samples are only required for Tier 2 validation studies.
They are recommended for Tier 1 validation, but not required. For each organism, calculate the percent recovery (R) using the equation
in Section Calculate the mean of the number of oocysts or cysts in the MS and MSD
(Xmean ) (= [MS+MSD]/2). Calculate the relative percent difference (RPD) of the recoveries using the
following equation:
| NMS - NMSD |
RPD = 100 x
RPD is the relative percent difference
NM S is the number of oocysts or cysts counted in the MS
NMSD is the number of oocysts or cysts counted in the MSD
Xmean is the mean number of oocysts or cysts counted in the MS
and MSD Compare the mean MS/MSD recovery and RPD with the acceptance
criteria in Tables 3 and 4 in Section 21.0 for each organism.
9.6 Method blank (negative control sample, laboratory blank)—Reagent water blanks are routinely
analyzed to demonstrate freedom from contamination. Analyze the blank immediately after
analysis of the IPR test (Section 9.4) and OPR test (Section 9.7) and prior to analysis of samples
for the week to demonstrate freedom from contamination.
9.6.1 Filter, elute, concentrate, separate (purify), stain, and examine at least one reagent water
method blank per week (Section 9.1.7) according to the procedures in Sections 12.0 to
15.0. A method blank must be analyzed each week (7 day or 168 hours time period that
begins with processing the OPR) in which samples are analyzed if 20 or fewer field
samples are analyzed during this period. If more than 20 samples are analyzed in a week
(7 days or 168 hours), process and analyze one reagent water method blank for every 20
9.6.2 Actions If Cryptosporidium oocysts, Giardia cysts, or potentially interfering
organisms or materials that may be misidentified as oocysts or cysts are
not found in the method blank, the method blank test is acceptable and
analysis of samples may proceed. If Cryptosporidium oocysts, Giardia cysts (as defined in Section 3), or
any potentially interfering organism or materials that may be
misidentified as oocysts or cysts are found in the method blank, the
method blank test is unacceptable. Any field sample in a batch associated
with an unacceptable method blank is assumed to be contaminated and
should be recollected. Analysis of additional samples is halted until the
source of contamination is eliminated, the method blank test is performed
again, and no evidence of contamination is detected.
9.7 Ongoing precision and recovery (OPR; positive control sample; laboratory control
sample)—Using the spiking procedure in Section 11.4 and enumerated spiking suspensions
(Section 7.10.1 or Section 11.3), filter, elute, concentrate, separate (purify), stain, and examine at
least one reagent water sample spiked with ~100 to 500 oocysts and ~100 to 500 cysts each week
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to verify all performance criteria. The laboratory must analyze one OPR sample for every 20
samples if more than 20 samples are analyzed in a week. If multiple method variations are used,
separate OPR samples must be prepared for each method variation. Adjustment and/or
recalibration of the analytical system shall be performed until all performance criteria are met.
Only after all performance criteria are met should samples be analyzed.
9.7.1 Examine the slide from the OPR prior to analysis of samples from the same batch. Using 200X to 400X magnification, more than 50% of the oocysts or
cysts must appear undamaged and morphologically intact; otherwise, the
organisms in the spiking suspension may be of unacceptable quality or
the analytical process may be damaging the organisms. Examine the
spiking suspension organisms directly (by centrifuging, if possible, to
concentrate the organisms in a volume that can be applied directly to a
slide). If the organisms appear undamaged and morphologically intact
under DIC, determine the step or reagent that is causing damage to the
organisms. Correct the problem and repeat the OPR test. Identify and enumerate each organism using epifluorescence microscopy.
The first three Cryptosporidium oocysts and three Giardia cysts
identified in the OPR sample must be examined using FITC, DAPI, and
DIC, as per Section 15.2, and the detailed characteristics (size, shape,
DAPI category, and DIC category) reported on the Cryptosporidium and
Giardia report form, as well as any additional comments on organism
appearance, if notable.
9.7.2 For each organism, calculate the percent recovery (R) using the following equation:
R= 100 x
R = the percent recovery
N = the number of oocysts or cysts detected
T = the number of oocysts or cysts spiked
9.7.3 Compare the recovery with the acceptance criteria for ongoing precision and recovery in
Tables 3 and 4 in Section 21.0.
9.7.4 Actions If the recoveries for Cryptosporidium and Giardia meet the acceptance
criteria, system performance is acceptable and analysis of samples may
proceed. If the recovery for Cryptosporidium or Giardia falls outside of the
criteria, system performance is unacceptable. Any sample in a batch
associated with an unacceptable OPR sample is unacceptable. Analysis of
additional samples is halted until the analytical system is brought under
control. Troubleshoot the problem using the procedures at Section 9.7.5
as a guide. After assessing the issue, perform another OPR test and verify
that Cryptosporidium and Giardia recoveries meet the acceptance
9.7.5 Troubleshooting. If an OPR sample has failed, and the cause of the failure is not known,
the laboratory generally should identify the problem working backward in the analytical
process from the microscopic examination to filtration.
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21 December 2005
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10.2 Using the manuals provided with the microscope, all analysts must familiarize themselves with
operation of the microscope.
10.3 Microscope adjustment and calibration (adapted from Reference 20.10)
10.3.1 Preparations for adjustment The microscopy portion of this procedure depends upon proper alignment
and adjustment of very sophisticated optics. Without proper alignment
and adjustment, the microscope will not function at maximal efficiency,
and reliable identification and enumeration of oocysts and cysts will not
be possible. Consequently, it is imperative that all portions of the
microscope from the light sources to the oculars are properly adjusted. While microscopes from various vendors are configured somewhat
differently, they all operate on the same general physical principles.
Therefore, slight deviations or adjustments may be required to make the
procedures below work for a particular instrument. The sections below assume that the mercury bulb has not exceeded time
limits of operation, that the lamp socket is connected to the lamp house,
and that the condenser is adjusted to produce Köhler illumination. Persons with astigmatism should always wear contact lenses or glasses
when using the microscope.
CAUTION: In the procedures below, do not touch the quartz portion of the mercury
bulb with your bare fingers. Finger oils can cause rapid degradation of the quartz and
premature failure of the bulb.
WARNING: Never look at the ultraviolet (UV) light from the mercury lamp, lamp
house, or the UV image without a barrier filter in place. UV radiation can cause serious
eye damage.
10.3.2 Epifluorescent mercury bulb adjustment: The purpose of this procedure is to ensure even
field illumination. This procedure must be followed when the microscope is first used,
when replacing bulbs, and if problems such as diminished fluorescence or uneven field
illumination are experienced. Remove the diffuser lens between the lamp and microscope or swing it
out of the transmitted light path. Using a prepared microscope slide, adjust the focus so the image in the
oculars is sharply defined. Replace the slide with a business card or a piece of lens paper. Close the field diaphragm (iris diaphragm in the microscope base) so only
a small point of light is visible on the card. This dot of light indicates the
location of the center of the field of view. Mount the mercury lamp house on the microscope without the UV
diffuser lens in place and turn on the mercury bulb. Remove the objective in the light path from the nosepiece. A primary
(brighter) and secondary image (dimmer) of the mercury bulb arc should
appear on the card after focusing the image with the appropriate
December 2005 22
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia Using the lamp house adjustments, adjust the primary and secondary
mercury bulb images so they are side by side (parallel to each other) with Insert the diffuser lens into the light path between the mercury lamp Turn off the transmitted light and replace the card with a slide of Maintain a log of the number of hours the UV bulb has been used. Never
use the bulb for longer than it has been rated. Fifty-watt bulbs should not
be used longer than 100 hours; 100-watt bulbs should not be used longer
10.3.3 Transmitted bulb adjustment: The purpose of this procedure is to center the filament and
ensure even field illumination. This procedure must be followed when the bulb is
changed. Remove the diffuser lens between the lamp and microscope or swing it
out of the transmitted light path. Using a prepared microscope slide and a 40X (or similar) objective,
adjust the focus so the image in the oculars is sharply defined. Without the ocular or Bertrand optics in place, view the pupil and
filament image at the bottom of the tube. Focus the lamp filament image with the appropriate adjustment on the
lamp house. Similarly, center the lamp filament image within the pupil with the
appropriate adjustment(s) on the lamp house. Insert the diffuser lens into the light path between the transmitted lamp
house and the microscope.
10.3.4 Adjustment of the interpupillary distance and oculars for each eye: These adjustments
are necessary so that eye strain is reduced to a minimum, and must be made for each
individual using the microscope. Section assumes use of a microscope with both
oculars adjustable; Section assumes use of a microscope with a single adjustable
ocular. The procedure must be followed each time an analyst uses the microscope. Interpupillary distance Place a prepared slide on the microscope stage, turn on
the transmitted light, and focus the specimen image using
the coarse and fine adjustment knobs. Using both hands, move the oculars closer together or
farther apart until a single circle of light is observed
while looking through the oculars with both eyes. Note
interpupillary distance. Ocular adjustment for microscopes capable of viewing a photographic
frame through the viewing binoculars: This procedure assumes both
oculars are adjustable. Place a card between the right ocular and eye keeping
both eyes open. Adjust the correction (focusing) collar on
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the left ocular by focusing the left ocular until it reads the
same as the interpupillary distance. Bring an image
located in the center of the field of view into as sharp a
focus as possible. Transfer the card to between the left eye and ocular.
Again keeping both eyes open, bring the same image into
as sharp a focus for the right eye as possible by adjusting
the ocular correction (focusing) collar at the top of the
right ocular. Ocular adjustment for microscopes without binocular capability: This
procedure assumes a single focusing ocular. The following procedure
assumes that only the right ocular is capable of adjustment. Place a card between the right ocular and eye keeping
both eyes open. Using the fine adjustment, focus the
image for the left eye to its sharpest point. Transfer the card to between the left eye and ocular.
Keeping both eyes open, bring the image for the right eye
into sharp focus by adjusting the ocular collar at the top
of the ocular without touching the coarse or fine
10.3.5 Calibration of an ocular micrometer: This section assumes that a reticle has been
installed in one of the oculars by a microscopy specialist and that a stage micrometer is
available for calibrating the ocular micrometer (reticle). Once installed, the ocular reticle
should be left in place. The more an ocular is manipulated the greater the probability is
for it to become contaminated with dust particles. This calibration should be done for
each objective in use on the microscope. If there is a top lens on the microscope, the
calibration procedure must be done for the respective objective at each top lens setting.
The procedure must be followed when the microscope is first used and each time the
objective is changed. Place the stage micrometer on the microscope stage, turn on the
transmitted light, and focus the micrometer image using the coarse and
fine adjustment knobs for the objective to be calibrated. Continue
adjusting the focus on the stage micrometer so you can distinguish
between the large (0.1 mm) and the small (0.01 mm) divisions. Adjust the stage and ocular with the micrometer so the “0" line on the
ocular micrometer is exactly superimposed on the “0" line on the stage
micrometer. Without changing the stage adjustment, find a point as distant as possible
from the two 0 lines where two other lines are exactly superimposed. Determine the number of ocular micrometer spaces as well as the number
of millimeters on the stage micrometer between the two points of
superimposition. For example: Suppose 48 ocular micrometer spaces
equal 0.6 mm. Calculate the number of mm/ocular micrometer space. For example:
0.6 mm 0.0125 mm
48 ocular micrometer spaces ocular micrometer space
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0.0125 mm
1,000 µm 12.5 µm
ocular micrometer space
mm ocular micrometer space Follow the procedure below for each objective. Record the information as
shown in the example below and keep the information available at the
No. of ocular No. of stage µm/ocular
Item Objective
Description micrometer micrometer micrometer
no. power
spaces mm1 space2
1 10X N.A.3 =
2 20X N.A.=
3 40X N.A.=
4 100X N.A.=
1000 µm/mm
(Stage micrometer length in mm × (1000 µm/mm)) ÷ no. ocular micrometer
N.A. refers to numerical aperature. The numerical aperature value is engraved
on the barrel of the objective.
10.3.6 Köhler illumination: This section assumes that Köhler illumination will be established
for only the 100X oil DIC objective that will be used to identify internal morphological
characteristics in Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts. If more than one objective
is to be used for DIC, then each time the objective is changed, Köhler illumination must
be reestablished for the new objective lens. Previous sections have adjusted oculars and
light sources. This section aligns and focuses the light going through the condenser
underneath the stage at the specimen to be observed. If Köhler illumination is not
properly established, then DIC will not work to its maximal potential. These steps need
to become second nature and must be practiced regularly until they are a matter of reflex
rather than a chore. The procedure must be followed each time an analyst uses the
microscope and each time the objective is changed. Place a prepared slide on the microscope stage, place oil on the slide,
move the 100X oil objective into place, turn on the transmitted light, and
focus the specimen image using the coarse and fine adjustment knobs. At this point both the radiant field diaphragm in the microscope base and
the aperture diaphragm in the condenser should be wide open. Now close
down the radiant field diaphragm in the microscope base until the lighted
field is reduced to a small opening. Using the condenser centering screws on the front right and left of the
condenser, move the small lighted portion of the field to the center of the
visual field. Now look to see whether the leaves of the iris field diaphragm are sharply
defined (focused) or not. If they are not sharply defined, then they can be
focused distinctly by changing the height of the condenser up and down
with the condenser focusing knob while you are looking through the
binoculars. Once you have accomplished the precise focusing of the
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radiant field diaphragm leaves, open the radiant field diaphragm until the
leaves just disappear from view. The aperture diaphragm of the condenser should now be adjusted to make
it compatible with the total numerical aperture of the optical system. This
is done by removing an ocular, looking into the tube at the rear focal
plane of the objective, and stopping down the aperture diaphragm iris
leaves until they are visible just inside the rear plane of the objective. After completing the adjustment of the aperture diaphragm in the
condenser, return the ocular to its tube and proceed with the adjustments
required to establish DIC.
10.4 Microscope cleaning procedure
10.4.1 Use canned air to remove dust from the lenses, filters, and microscope body.
parts 90% isoproponal and 1 part acetone) to wipe down all surfaces of the microscope
body. Dry off with a clean, dry Kimwipe.
10.4.3 Protocol for cleaning oculars and condenser Use a new, clean Q-tip dampened with MCS to clean each lense. Start at
the center of the lens and spiral the Q-tip outward using little to no
pressure. Rotate the Q-tip head while spiraling to ensure a clean surface is
always contacting the lens. Repeat the procedure using a new, dry Q-tip. Remove the ocular and repeat the cleaning procedure on the bottom lens
of the ocular. Wipe 100X oil objective with lens paper to remove the bulk of the oil Hold a new Q-tip dampened with MCS at a 45° angle on the objective
and twirl. Using a Kimwipe dampened with microscope cleaning solution, wipe off Using a Kimwipe dampened with microscope cleaning solution, wipe off
the stage and stage clip. Be sure to clean off any residual immersion oil or
10.4.8 Frequency Perform Sections 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.4.5 and 10.4.7 after each
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microscope session. Perform complete cleaning each week.
10.5 Protozoa libraries: Each laboratory is encouraged to develop libraries of photographs and
drawings for identification of protozoa.
10.5.1 Take color photographs of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts by FA, 4',6-
diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and DIC that the analysts (Section 22.2) determine
are accurate (Section 15.2).
10.5.2 Similarly, take color photographs of interfering organisms and materials by FA, DAPI ,
and DIC that the analysts believe are not Cryptosporidium oocysts or Giardia cysts.
Quantify the size, shape, microscope settings, and other characteristics that can be used
to differentiate oocysts and cysts from interfering debris and that will result in accurate
identification of positive or negative organisms.
10.6 Verification of analyst performance: Until standard reference materials, such as National Institute
of Standards and Technology standard reference materials, are available that contain a reliable
number of DAPI positive or negative oocysts and cysts, this method shall rely upon the ability of
the analyst for identification and enumeration of oocysts and cysts. The goal of analyst
verification is to encourage comparison and discussion among analysts to continually refine the
consistency of characterizations between analysts.
10.6.1 At least monthly when microscopic examinations are being performed, the laboratory
shall prepare a slide containing 40 to 200 oocysts and 40 to 200 cysts. More than 50% of
the oocysts and cysts must be DAPI positive and undamaged under DIC.
10.6.2 Each analyst shall determine the total number of oocysts and cysts detected by FITC on
the entire slide meeting the criteria in 10.6.1. For the same 10 oocysts and 10 cysts, each
analyst shall determine the DAPI category (DAPI negative, DAPI positive internal
intense blue and DAPI positive number of nuclei) and the DIC category (empty,
containing amorphous structures, or containing identifiable internal structures) of each.
The DAPI/DIC comparisons may be performed on the slide prepared in 10.6.1, OPR
slide, MS slide, or a positive staining control slide.
10.6.3 Requirements for laboratories with multiple analysts The total number of oocysts and cysts determined by each analyst
(Section 10.6.2.) must be within ±10% of each other. If the number is not
within this range, the analysts must identify the source of any variability
between analysts’ examination criteria, prepare a new slide, and repeat
the performance verification (Sections 10.6.1 to 10.6.2). It is
recommended that the DAPI and DIC categorization of the same 10
oocysts and 10 cysts occur with all analysts at the same time, i.e. each
analyst determines the categorizations independently, then the differences
in the DAPI and DIC categorizations among analysts are discussed and
resolved, and these resolutions documented. Alternatively, organism
coordinates may be recorded for each analyst to locate and categorize the
organisms at different times. Differences among analysts must be
discussed and resolved. Document the date, name(s) of analyst(s), number of total oocysts and
cysts, and DAPI and DIC categories determined by the analyst(s),
whether the test was passed/failed and the results of attempts before the
test was passed. Only after an analyst has passed the criteria in Section 10.6.3, may
oocysts and cysts in QC samples and field samples be identified and
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10.6.4 Laboratories with only one analyst should maintain a protozoa library (Section 10.5) and
compare the results of the examinations performed in Sections 10.6.1 and 10.6.2 to
photographs of oocysts and cysts and interfering organisms to verify that examination
results are consistent with these references. These laboratories also should perform
repetitive counts of a single verification slide for FITC. These laboratories should also
coordinate with other laboratories to share slides and compare counts.
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29 December 2005
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Beginning with the top row of four squares, count with a hand-tally
counter in the directions indicated in Figure 2. Avoid counting organisms
twice by counting only those touching the top and left boundary lines.
Count each square millimeter in this fashion. Use the following formula to determine the number of organisms per µL
of suspension:
reagent water volume (:L) = total volume (:L) - stock suspension volume required (:L) After each use, the hemacytometer and coverslip must be cleaned
immediately to prevent the organisms and debris from drying on it. Since
this apparatus is precisely machined, abrasives cannot be used to clean it,
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31 December 2005
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Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia Apply a cover slip. Use a tissue to remove excess mounting fluid from the
edges of the coverslip. Seal the edges of the coverslip onto the slide using
clear nail polish. Record the date and time that staining was completed. If slides will not be
read immediately, store in a humid chamber in the dark between 1°C and
10°C until ready for examination. After examination of the 10 wells, calculate the mean, standard deviation,
and RSD of the 10 replicates. Record the counts and the calculations on a
spiking suspension enumeration form. The relative standard deviation
(RSD) of the calculated mean spike dose must be #16% for
Cryptosporidium and #19% for Giardia before proceeding. If the RSD is
unacceptable, or the mean number is outside the expected range, add
additional oocysts from stock suspension or dilute the contents of the
beaker appropriately with reagent water. Repeat the process to confirm
11.3.6 Enumeration of spiking suspensions using membrane filters
NOTE: Spiking suspensions enumerated using membrane filters must be used within 24
hours of application of the filters to the slides. Precoat the glass funnels with Sigmacote® by placing the funnel in a
large petri dish and applying 5-mL of Sigmacoat® to the funnel opening
using a pipette and allowing it to run down the inside of the funnel.
Repeat for all funnels to be used. The pooled Sigmacoat® may be
returned to the bottle for re-use. Place the funnels at 35°C or 41°C for
approximately 5 minutes to dry. Place foil around the bottoms of the 100 × 15 mm petri dishes. Filter-sterilize (Section 6.19) approximately 10 mL of PBS (Section Dilute detection reagent (Section 7.6) as per manufacturer’s
instructions using sterile PBS. Multiply the anticipated number of filters
to be stained by 100 mL to calculate total volume of stain required.
Divide the total volume required by 5 to obtain the microliters of
antibody necessary. Subtract the volume of antibody from the total stain
volume to obtain the required microliters of sterile PBS to add to the
antibody. Label the tops of foil-covered, 60 × 15 mm petri dishes for 10 spiking
suspensions plus positive and negative staining controls and multiple
filter blanks controls (one negative control, plus a blank after every five
sample filters to control for carry-over). Create a humid chamber by
laying damp paper towels on the bottom of a stain tray (the inverted foil-
lined petri dishes will protect filters from light and prevent evaporation
during incubation). Place a decontaminated and cleaned filter holder base (Section
into each of the three ports of the vacuum manifold (Section Pour approximately 10 mL of 0.01% Tween® 20 into a 60 × 15 mm petri
dish. Using forceps, moisten a 1.2-µm cellulose-acetate support membrane
(Section in the 0.01% Tween® 20 and place it on the fritted
glass support of one of the filter bases. Moisten a polycarbonate filter
(Section the same way and position it on top of the cellulose
33 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
acetate support membrane. Carefully clamp the glass funnel to the loaded Add 5 mL of 0.01% Tween® 20 to each of the three filtration units and
allow to stand. Vortex the tube containing the spiking suspension (diluted stock Using a micropipettor, sequentially remove two, 10-µL aliquots from the
standing in the unit. Rinse the pipet tip twice after each addition. Apply
then close off vacuum. Pipet 10 mL of reagent water into each funnel and
drain to miniscus, closing off the vacuum. Repeat the rinse and drain all Unclamp the top funnel and transfer each cellulose acetate support
containing stain). Roll the filter into the drop to exclude air. Place the
small petri dish containing the filter onto the damp towel and cover with Reclamp the top funnels, apply vacuum and rinse each three times, each Repeat Sections through for the next three samples (if
that the diluted spiking suspension has sat less than 15 minutes, reduce Repeat Sections through until the 10-µL spiking
suspensions have been filtered. The last batch should include a 10-µL Label slides. After incubation is complete, for each sample, transfer the
cellulose acetate filter support and polycarbonate filter from drop of stain
and place on fritted glass support. Cycle vacuum on and off briefly to
remove excess fluid. Peel the top polycarbonate filter off the supporting
filter and place on labeled slide. Discard cellulose acetate filter support.
Mount and apply coverslips to the filters immediately to avoid drying. To each slide, add 20 µL of mounting medium (Section 7.8). Apply a coverslip. Seal the edges of the coverslip onto the slide using
clear nail polish. (Sealing may be delayed until cover slips are applied to
all slides.)
December 2005 34
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia Record the date and time that staining was completed. If slides will not be
read immediately, store sealed slides in a closed container in the dark
between 1°C and 10°C until ready for examination. After examination of the 10 slides, calculate the mean, standard
deviation, and RSD of the 10 replicates. Record the counts and the
calculations on a spiking suspension enumeration form. The relative
standard deviation (RSD) of the calculated mean spike dose must be
#16% for Cryptosporidium and #19% for Giardia before proceeding. If
the RSD is unacceptable, or the mean number is outside the expected
range, add additional oocysts from stock suspension or dilute the contents
of the beaker appropriately with reagent water. Repeat the process to
confirm counts. If oocysts or cysts are detected on the filter blanks, modify the rinse
procedure to ensure that no carryover occurs and repeat enumeration.
11.4 Procedure for spiking samples in the laboratory with enumerated spiking suspensions.
11.4.1 Arrange a disposable cubitainer or bottom-dispensing container to feed the filter or insert
the influent end of the tube connected to the filter through the top of a carboy to allow
siphoning of the sample.
11.4.2 For initial precision and recovery (Section 9.4) and ongoing precision and recovery
(Section 9.7) samples, fill the container with 10 L of reagent water or a volume of
reagent water equal to the volume of the field samples analyzed in the analytical batch.
For matrix spike samples (Section 9.5), fill the container with the field sample to be
spiked. Continuously mix the sample (using a stir bar and stir plate for smaller-volume
samples and alternate means for larger-volume samples).
11.4.3 Follow the procedures in Section or manufacturer’s instructions for flow
cytometer–enumerated suspensions and the procedures in Section for manually
enumerated suspensions. For flow cytometer–enumerated suspensions (where the entire volume of
a spiking suspension tube will be used): Add 400 µL of Antifoam A to 100 mL of reagent water,
and mix well to emulsify. Add 500 µL of the diluted antifoam to the tube
containing the spiking suspension and vortex for 30
seconds. Pour the suspension into the sample container. Add 20 mL of reagent water to the empty tube, cap,
vortex 10 seconds to rinse, and add the rinsate to the
carboy. Repeat this rinse using another 20 mL of reagent water. Record the estimated number of organisms spiked, the
date and time the sample was spiked, and the sample
volume spiked on a bench sheet. Proceed to Section
11.4.4. For manually enumerated spiking suspensions: Vortex the spiking suspension(s) (Section 11.2 or Section
11.3) for a minimum of 30 seconds. Rinse a pipette tip with 0.01% Tween® 20 once, then
repeatedly pipette the well-mixed spiking suspension a
35 December 2005
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12.2 Capsule filtration (adapted from Reference 20.12). This procedure was validated using 10-L
sample volumes (for the original Envirochek ™ filter) and 50-L sample volumes (for the
Envirochek™ HV filter). Alternate sample volumes may be used, provided the laboratory
demonstrates acceptable performance on initial and ongoing spiked reagent water and source
water samples (Section 9.1.2).
12.2.1 Flow rate adjustment Connect the sampling system, minus the capsule, to a carboy filled with
reagent water (Figure 3). Turn on the pump and adjust the flow rate to 2.0 L/min. Allow 2 to 10 L of reagent water to flush the system. Adjust the pump
speed as required during this period. Turn off the pump when the flow
rate has been adjusted.
12.2.2 Install the capsule filter in the line, securing the inlet and outlet ends with the appropriate
12.2.3 Record the sample number, sample turbidity (if not provided with the field sample),
sample type, and sample filtration start date and time on a bench sheet.
12.2.4 Filtration Mix the sample well by shaking, add stir bar and place on stir plate. Turn
on stir plate to lowest setting needed to keep sample thoroughly mixed.
Connect the sampling system to the field carboy of sample water, or
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37 December 2005
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acceptable performance on initial and ongoing spiked reagent water and source water samples
(Section 9.1.2).
NOTE: The filtration procedures specified in Sections - are specific
to laboratory filtration of a bulk sample. These procedures may require modification if
samples will be filtered in the field.
12.3.1 Filtration Flow rate adjustment Connect the sampling system, minus the filter housing, to
a carboy filled with reagent water. Place the peristaltic pump upstream of the filter housing. Turn on the pump and adjust the flow rate to 1 to 4 L per
NOTE: A head pressure of 0.5 bar (7.5 psi) is required to create flow through the filter,
and the recommended pressure of 5 bar (75 psi) should produce the flow rate of 3 to 4 L
per minute. The maximum operating pressure of 8 bar (120 psi) should not be exceeded. Allow 2 to 10 L of reagent water to flush the system.
Adjust the pump speed as necessary during this period.
Turn off the pump when the flow rate has been adjusted. Place filter module into the filter housing bolt head down and secure lid,
hand tighten housings, apply gentle pressure to create the seal between
the module and the ‘O’ rings in the base and the lid of the housing.
Excessive tightening is not necessary, and may shorten the life of the ‘O’
rings. Tools may be used to tighten housing to the alignment marks (refer
to manufacturer’s instructions). ‘O’ rings should be lightly greased before
use (refer to manufacturer’s instructions). Install the filter housing in the line, securing the inlet and outlet ends with
the appropriate clamps/fittings. Verify that the filter housing is installed
so that the end closest to the screw top cap is the inlet and the opposite
end is the outlet. Record the sample number, sample turbidity (if not provided with the
field sample), and the name of the analyst filtering the sample on a bench
sheet. Filtration Connect the sampling system to the field carboy of
sample water, or transfer the sample water to the
laboratory carboy used in Section If the
sample will be filtered from a field carboy, a spigot can
be used with the carboy to facilitate sample filtration.
NOTE: If the bulk field sample is transferred to a laboratory carboy, the laboratory
carboy must be cleaned and disinfected before it is used with another field sample.
Place the drain end of the sampling system tubing into an
empty graduated container with a capacity greater than or
equal to the volume to be filtered. This container will be
used to determine the sample volume filtered.
Alternately, connect a flow meter downstream of the
filter, and record the initial meter reading.
39 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia Allow the carboy discharge tube and filter housing to fill
with sample water. Turn on the pump to start water
flowing through the filter. Verify that the flow rate is
between 1 and 4 L per min. After all of the sample has passed through the filter, turn
off the pump. Allow the pressure to decrease until flow
stops. Disassembly Disconnect the inlet end of the filter housing assembly
while maintaining the level of the inlet fitting above the
level of the outlet fitting to prevent backwashing and the
loss of oocysts and cysts from the filter. Restart the pump
and allow as much water to drain as possible. Turn off
the pump. Based on the water level in the graduated container or the
meter reading, record the volume filtered on a bench
sheet to the nearest quarter liter. Loosen the outlet fitting, the filter housing should be
sealed with rubber plugs.
NOTE: Filters should be prevented from drying out, as this can impair their ability to
expand when decompressed.
12.3.2 Elution The filter is eluted to wash the oocysts from the filter. This can be
accomplished using the Filta-Max® wash station, which moves a plunger
up and down a tube containing the filter and eluting solution (Section, or a stomacher, which uses paddles to agitate the stomacher bag
containing the foam filter in the eluting solution (Section If the
Filta-Max® automatic wash station is used please see the manufacturer’s
operator’s guide for instructions on its use. If Filta-Max® Quick Connect
kit is used please follow manufacturer’s instructions. Filta-Max® wash station elution procedure First wash
(a) Detach the removable plunger head using the tool
provided, and remove the splash guard.
(b) Place the filter membrane flat in the concentrator
base with the rough side up. Locate the concentrator
base in the jaws of the wash station and screw on the
concentrator tube (the longer of the two tubes),
creating a tight seal at the membrane. Take the
assembled concentrator out of the jaws and place on
the bench.
(c) Replace the splash guard and temporarily secure it at
least 15 cm above the end of the rack. Secure the
plunger head with the tool provided ensuring that the
lever is fully locked down.
(d) Remove the filter module from the filter housing or
transportation container. Pour excess liquid into the
assembled concentrator, then rinse the housing or
December 2005 40
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NOTE: The plunger has an upper movement limit during the wash process to prevent it
popping out of the top of the chamber.
(i) Detach the concentrator and hold it such that the
stainless steel tube is just above the level of the
liquid. Purge the remaining liquid from the elution
tube by moving the plunger up and down 5 times,
then lock the plunger in place. To prevent drips,
place the plug provided in the end of the steel tube.
(j) Prior to the second wash the eluate from the first
wash can be concentrated using the Filta-Max®
apparatus according to Section or the
eluate can be decanted into a 2-L pooling beaker and
set aside. Second wash
(a) Add an additional 600 mL of PBST to the
concentrator module, remove the plug from the end
of the steel tube and screw the concentrator tube back
onto the elution module base. Release the locking
(b) Wash the foam disks by moving the plunger up and
down 10 times. Gentle movements of the plunger are
recommended to avoid generating excess foam.
41 December 2005
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43 December 2005
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(a) Decant the eluate from the 2-L pooling beaker into
250-mL conical centrifuge tubes. Make sure that the
centrifuge tubes are balanced.
(b) Centrifuge the 250-mL centrifuge tubes containing
the eluate at 1500 × G for 15 minutes. Allow the
centrifuge to coast to a stop.
(c) Using a Pasteur pipette, carefully aspirate off the
supernatant to 5 mL above the pellet. If the sample is
reagent water (e.g. initial or ongoing precision and
recovery sample) extra care must be taken to avoid
aspirating oocysts and cysts during this step.
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pellet volume
total volume (mL) required = x 5 mL
0.5 mL
(For example, if the packed pellet volume is 1.2 mL, the total volume required is 12 mL.)
Add reagent water to the centrifuge tube to bring the total volume to the level calculated
NOTE: Extra care must be taken with samples containing sand or other gritty material
when vortexing to ensure that the condition of any oocysts in the sample is not
compromised. Analysis of entire sample. If analysis of the entire sample is required,
determine the number of subsamples to be processed independently
through the remainder of the method: Calculate number of subsamples: Divide the total
volume in the centrifuge tube by 5 mL and round up to
the nearest integer (for example, if the resuspended
volume in Section 13.2.4 is 12 mL, then the number of
December 2005 46
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mL / 3 subsamples = 4 mL).
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Continue the tilting action for 2 minutes with approximately one tilt per
second. Ensure that the tilting action is continued throughout this period to
prevent binding of low-mass, magnetic or magnetizable material. If the
sample in the MPC®-1 is allowed to stand motionless for more than 10
seconds, remove the flat-sided tube from the MPC®-1, shake the tube to
resuspend all material, replace the sample tube in the MPC®-1 and repeat
Section before continuing to Section Return the MPC®-1 to the upright position, sample tube vertical, with
cap at top. Immediately remove the cap and, keeping the flat side of the
tube on top, pour off all of the supernatant from the tube held in the
MPC®-1 into a suitable container. Do not shake the tube and do not
remove the tube from MPC®-1 during this step. Allow more supernatant
to settle; aspirate additional supernatant with pipette. Remove the sample tube from the MPC®-1 and resuspend the sample in
0.5 mL 1X SL-buffer-A (prepared from 10X SL-buffer-A
stock—supplied). Mix very gently to resuspend all material in the tube.
Do not vortex. Quantitatively transfer (transfer followed by two rinses) all the liquid
from the sample tube to a labeled, 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube. Use 0.5
mL of 1X SL-buffer-A to perform the first rinse and 0.5 mL of 1X SL-
buffer-A for the second rinse. Allow the flat-sided sample tube to sit for
a minimum of 1 minute after transfer of the second rinse volume, then use
a pipette to collect any residual volume that drips down to the bottom of
the tube to ensure that as much sample volume is recovered as possible.
Ensure that all of the liquid and beads are transferred. Place the microcentrifuge tube into the second magnetic particle
concentrator (MPC®-M or MPC®-S), with its magnetic strip in place. Without removing the microcentrifuge tube from MPC®-M, gently
rock/roll the tube through 180° by hand. Continue for approximately 1
minute with approximately one 180° roll/rock per second. At the end of
this step, the beads should produce a distinct brown dot at the back of the
tube. Immediately aspirate the supernatant from the tube and cap held in the
MPC®-M. If more than one sample is being processed, conduct three 90°
rock/roll actions before removing the supernatant from each tube. Take
care not to disturb the material attached to the wall of the tube adjacent to
the magnet. Do not shake the tube. Do not remove the tube from MPC®-
M while conducting these steps.
13.3.3 Dissociation of beads/oocyst/cyst complex
NOTE: Two acid dissociations are required.
49 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia Place the tube in the MPC®-M without the magnetic strip in place and
allow to stand in a vertical position for at least 10 minutes at room
temperature. Vortex vigorously for approximately 30 seconds. Ensure that all of the sample is at the base of the tube. Place the
microcentrifuge tube in the MPC®-M. Replace magnetic strip in MPC®-M and allow the tube to stand
undisturbed for a minimum of 10 seconds. Prepare a well slide for sample screening and label the slide. Add 5 µL of 1.0 N NaOH to the sample wells of two well slides (add 10
µL to the sample well of one well slide if the volume from the two
required dissociations will be added to the same slide).
NOTE: The laboratory must use 1.0-N standards purchased directly from a vendor
rather than adjusting the normality in-house. Without removing the microcentrifuge tube from the MPC®-M, transfer
all of the sample from the microcentrifuge tube in the MPC®-M to the
sample well with the NaOH. Do not disturb the beads at the back wall of
the tube. Ensure that all of the fluid is transferred. Do not discard the beads or microcentrifuge tube after transferring the
volume from the first acid dissociation to the well slide. Perform the steps
in Sections through a second time. The volume from the
second dissociation can be added to the slide containing the volume from
the first dissociation, or can be applied to a second slide.
NOTE: The wells on Dynal Spot-On slides are likely to be too small to accommodate the
volumes from both dissociations. Record the date and time the purified sample was applied to the slide(s). Air-dry the sample on the well slide(s). Because temperature and
humidity vary from laboratory to laboratory, no minimum time is
specified. However, the laboratory must take care to ensure that the
sample has dried completely before staining to prevent losses during the
rinse steps. A slide warmer set at 35°C to 42°C also can be used.
13.3.4 Tips for minimizing carry-over of debris onto microscope slides after IMS
• Make sure the resuspended pellet is fully homogenized before placing the tube in the
MPC®-1 or MPC®-M to avoid trapping "clumps" or a dirty layer between the beads
and the side of the tube.
• When using the MPC®-1 magnet, make sure that the tube is snugged flat against the
magnet. Push the tube flat if necessary. Sometimes the magnet is not flush with the
outside of the holder and, therefore, the attraction between the beads and the magnet
is not as strong as it should be. However, it can be difficult to determine this if you do
not have more than one MPC®-1 to make comparisons.
• After the supernatant has been poured off at Section, leave the tube in the
MPC®-1 and allow time for any supernatant remaining in the tube to settle down to
the bottom. Then aspirate the settled supernatant and associated particles from the
bottom of the tube. The same can be done at Section with the
microcentrifuge tube.
December 2005 50
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• An additional rinse can also be performed at Section After the supernatant
has been poured off and any settled material is aspirated off the bottom, leave the tube
in the MPC®-1 and add an additional 10 mL of reagent water or PBS to the tube and
repeat Sections and Although labs have reported successfully
using this technique to reduce carryover, because the attraction between the MPC®-1
and the beads is not as great as the attraction between the MPC®-M and the beads,
the chances would be greater for loss of cysts and oocysts doing the rinse at this step
instead of at Section
• After the supernatant has been aspirated from the tube at Section, add 0.1
mL of PBS, remove the tube from the MPC®-M, and resuspend. Repeat Sections and
• Use a slide with the largest diameter well available to spread out the sample as much
as possible.
51 December 2005
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15.0 Examination
NOTE: Although immunofluorescence assay (FA) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
(DAPI) and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy examination should be
performed immediately after staining is complete, laboratories have up to 168 hours (7
days) from completion of sample staining to complete the examination and verification of
samples. However, if fading/diffusion of FITC or DAPI fluorescence is noticed, the
laboratory must reduce this holding time. In addition the laboratory may adjust the
concentration of the DAPI staining solution (Sections 7.7.2) so that fading/diffusion does
not occur.
15.1 Scanning technique: Scan each well in a systematic fashion. An up-and-down or a side-to-side
scanning pattern may be used (Figure 4).
15.2 Examination using immunofluorescence assay (FA), 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)
staining characteristics, and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. The minimum
magnification requirements for each type of examination are noted below.
NOTE: All characterization (DAPI and DIC) and size measurements must be determined
using 1000X magnification and reported to the nearest 0.5 µm.
Record examination results for Cryptosporidium oocysts on a Cryptosporidium examination form;
record examination results for Giardia cysts on a Giardia examination results form. All
organisms that meet the criteria specified in Sections 15.2.2 and 15.2.3, less atypical organisms
specifically identified as non-target organisms by DIC or DAPI (e.g. possessing spikes, stalks,
appendages, pores, one or two large nuclei filling the cell, red fluorescing chloroplasts, crystals,
spores, etc), must be reported.
15.2.1 Positive and negative staining control. Positive and negative staining controls must be
acceptable before proceeding with examination of field sample slides. Each analyst must characterize a minimum of three Cryptosporidium
oocysts and three Giardia cysts on the positive staining control slide
before examining field sample slides. This characterization must be
performed by each analyst during each microscope examination session.
FITC examination must be conducted at a minimum of 200X total
magnification, DAPI examination must be conducted at a minimum of
400X, and DIC examination and size measurements must be conducted at
a minimum of 1000X. Size, shape, and DIC and DAPI characteristics of
three Cryptosporidium oocysts and three Giardia cysts must be recorded
by the analyst on a microscope log. The analyst also must indicate on
each sample examination form whether the positive staining control was
December 2005 52
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia Examine the negative staining control to confirm that it does not contain
any oocysts or cysts (Section 14.1). Indicate on each sample examination
form whether the negative staining control was acceptable. If the positive staining control contains oocysts and cysts within the
expected range and at the appropriate fluorescence for both FA and
DAPI, and the negative staining control does not contain any oocysts or
cysts (Section 14.1), proceed to Sections 15.2.2 and 15.2.3.
15.2.2 Sample examination—Cryptosporidium FITC examination (the analyst must use a minimum of 200X total
magnification). Use epifluorescence to scan the entire well for apple-
green fluorescence of oocyst and cyst shapes. When brilliant apple-green
fluorescing ovoid or spherical objects 4 to 6 µm in diameter are observed
with brightly highlighted edges, increase magnification to 400X and
switch the microscope to the UV filter block for DAPI (Section,
then to DIC (Section at 1000X. DAPI fluorescence examination (the analyst must use a minimum of
400X total magnification). Using the UV filter block for DAPI, the
object will exhibit one of the following characteristics:
(a) Light blue internal staining (no distinct nuclei) with a green rim
(b) Intense blue internal staining
(c) Up to four distinct, sky-blue nuclei
Look for atypical DAPI fluorescence, e.g., more than four stained nuclei,
size of stained nuclei, and wall structure and color. Record oocysts in
category (a) as DAPI-negative; record oocysts in categories (b) and (c) as
DAPI-positive. DIC examination (the analyst must use a minimum of 1000X total
magnification [oil immersion lens]). Using DIC, look for external or
internal morphological characteristics atypical of Cryptosporidium
oocysts (e.g., spikes, stalks, appendages, pores, one or two large nuclei
filling the cell, red fluorescing chloroplasts, crystals, spores, etc.)
(adapted from Reference 20.10). If atypical structures are not observed,
then categorize each apple-green fluorescing object as:
(a) An empty Cryptosporidium oocyst
(b) A Cryptosporidium oocyst with amorphous structure
(c) A Cryptosporidium oocyst with internal structure (one to four
Using 1000X total magnification, record the shape, measurements (to the
nearest 0.5 µm), and number of sporozoites (if applicable) for each apple-
green fluorescing object meeting the size and shape characteristics.
Although not a defining characteristic, surface oocyst folds may be
observed in some specimens. A positive result is a Cryptosporidium oocyst which exhibits typical IFA
fluorescence, typical size and shape and exhibits nothing atypical on IFA,
DAPI fluorescence, or DIC microscopy. A positive result must be
characterized and assigned to one of the DAPI and DIC categories in
Sections and
15.2.3 Sample examination—Giardia FITC examination (the analyst must use a minimum of 200X total
magnification). When brilliant apple-green fluorescing round to ovoid
53 December 2005
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Look for atypical DAPI fluorescence, e.g., more than four stained nuclei,
size of stained nuclei, and wall structure and color. Record cysts in
category (a) as DAPI negative; record cysts in categories (b) and (c) as
DAPI positive. DIC examination (the analyst must use a minimum of 1000X total
magnification [oil immersion lens]). Using DIC microscopy, look for
external or internal morphological characteristics atypical of Giardia
cysts (e.g., spikes, stalks, appendages, pores, one or two large nuclei
filling the cell, red fluorescing chloroplasts, crystals, spores, etc.)
(adapted from Reference 20.10). If atypical structures are not observed,
then categorize each object meeting the criteria specified in Sections through as one of the following, based on DIC
(a) An empty Giardia cyst
(b) A Giardia cyst with amorphous structure
(c) A Giardia cyst with one type of internal structure (nuclei, median
body, or axonemes), or
(d) A Giardia cyst with more than one type of internal structure
Using 1000X total magnification, record the shape, measurements (to the
nearest 0.5 µm), and number of nuclei and presence of median body or
axonemes (if applicable) for each apple-green fluorescing object meeting
the size and shape characteristics.
December 2005 54
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16.2 If the sample holding time has not been exceeded and a full-volume sample cannot be filtered,
dilute an aliquot of sample with reagent water and filter this smaller aliquot (Section 12.0). This
dilution must be recorded and reported with the results.
16.3 If the holding times for the sample and for microscopic examination of the cleaned up
retentate/eluate have been exceeded, the site should be re-sampled. If this is not possible, the
results should be qualified accordingly.
16.4 Some samples may adhere to the centrifuge tube walls. The use of siliconized or low-adhesion
centrifuge tubes (Fisherbrand siliconized/low retention microcentrifuge tubes, 02-681-320 or
equivalent) may reduce adhesion. Alternately, rinse centrifuge tubes with PBST elution buffer or
Sigmacote® prior to use.
20.0 References
20.1 Morgan-Ryan, UM, A. Fall, L.A. Ward, N. Hijjawi, I. Sulaiman, R. Fayer, R.C.Thompson, M.
Olson, A. Lal, L. Xiao. 2002. Cryptosporidium hominis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae
from Homo sapiens). Journal Eukaryot Microbiol 49(6):433-450.
20.2 Adam, R.D. 2001. Biology of Giardia lamblia. Clinical Microbiology Review 14(3):447-475.
55 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
20.3 Rodgers, Mark R., Flanigan, Debbie J., and Jakubowski, Walter, 1995. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 61 (10), 3759-3763.
20.4 Fleming, Diane O., et al.(eds.), Laboratory Safety: Principles and Practices, 2nd edition.1995.
ASM Press, Washington, DC
20.5 "Working with Carcinogens," DHEW, PHS, CDC, NIOSH, Publication 77-206, (1977).
20.6 "OSHA Safety and Health Standards, General Industry," OSHA 2206, 29 CFR 1910 (1976).
20.7 "Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories," ACS Committee on Chemical Safety (1979).
20.8 APHA, AWWA, and WEF. 2005. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater; 21th Edition. American Public Health Association, American Water Works
Association, Washington, D.C.
20.9 USEPA 2005. Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water; Criteria
and Procedures; Quality Assurance. Fifth Edition. EPA 815-R-05-004. Office of Ground Water
and Drinking Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 West Martin Luther King Drive,
Cincinnati, OH 45268.
20.10 ICR Microbial Laboratory Manual, EPA/600/R-95/178, National Exposure Research Laboratory,
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 Martin Luther
King Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45268 (1996).
20.11 Connell, K., C.C. Rodgers, H.L. Shank-Givens, J Scheller, M.L Pope, and K. Miller, 2000.
Building a Better Protozoa Data Set. Journal AWWA, 92:10:30.
20.12 "Envirochek™ Sampling Capsule," PN 32915, Gelman Sciences, 600 South Wagner Road, Ann
Arbor, MI 48103-9019 (1996).
20.13 "Dynabeads® GC-Combo,” Dynal Microbiology R&D, P.O. Box 8146 Dep., 0212 Oslo, Norway
(September 1998, Revision no. 01).
20.14 USEPA. Results of the Interlaboratory Method Validation Study for Determination of
Cryptosporidium and Giardia Using USEPA Method 1623, EPA-821-R-01-028. Office of Water,
Office of Science and Technology, Engineering and Analysis Division, Washington, DC (2001).
20.15 USEPA. Implementation and Results of the Information Collection Rule Supplemental Surveys.
EPA-815-R-01-003. Office of Water, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Standards and
Risk Management Division, Washington, DC (2001).
20.16 Connell, K., J. Scheller, K. Miller, and C.C. Rodgers, 2000. Performance of Methods 1622 and
1623 in the ICR Supplemental Surveys. Proceedings, American Water Works Association Water
Quality Technology Conference, November 5 - 9, 2000, Salt Lake City, UT.
December 2005 56
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
' Up to 96 hours are permitted between sample collection (if shipped to the laboratory as a bulk
sample) or filtration (if filtered in the field) and initiation of elution
These steps must be completed in 1 working day
Drying of sample
' Up to 72 hours are permitted from application of the purified sample to the slide to staining
57 December 2005
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Method blank
Unspiked reagent
(Section 9.6) Required Required per laboratory
December 2005 58
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59 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
Table 5. Distribution of Matrix Spike Recoveries from Multiple Samples Collected from 87 Source Waters
During the ICR Supplemental Surveys (Adapted from Reference 20.16)
Percent of 430 Cryptosporidium MS Percent of 270 Giardia MS
MS Recovery Range
Samples in Recovery Range Samples in Recovery Range
<10% 6.7% 5.2%
>10% - 20% 6.3% 4.8%
>20% - 30% 14.9% 7.0%
>30% - 40% 14.2% 8.5%
>40% - 50% 18.4% 17.4%
>50% - 60% 17.4% 16.3%
>60% - 70% 11.2% 16.7%
>70% - 80% 8.4% 14.1%
>80% - 90% 2.3% 6.3%
>90% 0.2% 3.7%
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61 December 2005
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63 December 2005
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65 December 2005
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These definitions and purposes are specific to this method but have been conformed to common
usage as much as possible.
°C degrees Celsius
µL microliter
% percent
Analyte—A protozoan parasite tested for by this method. The analytes in this method are
Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
Axoneme—An internal flagellar structure that occurs in some protozoa, such as Giardia,
Spironucleous, and Trichonmonas.
December 2005 66
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
Initial precision and recovery (IPR)—Four aliquots of spiking suspension analyzed to establish
the ability to generate acceptable precision and accuracy. An IPR is performed prior to the first
time this method is used and any time the method or instrumentation is modified.
Laboratory control sample (LCS)—See Ongoing precision and recovery (OPR) standard
Matrix spike (MS)—A sample prepared by adding a known quantity of organisms to a specified
amount of sample matrix for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is
available. A matrix spike is used to determine the effect of the matrix on a method’s recovery
Method blank—An aliquot of reagent water that is treated exactly as a sample, including exposure
to all glassware, equipment, solvents, and procedures that are used with samples. The method
blank is used to determine if analytes or interferences are present in the laboratory environment,
the reagents, or the apparatus.
Oocyst—The encysted zygote of some sporozoa; e.g., Cryptosporidium. The oocyst is a phase or
form of the organism produced as a normal part of the life cycle of the organism. It is
characterized by a thick and environmentally resistant outer wall.
Ongoing precision and recovery (OPR) standard—A method blank spiked with known quantities
of analytes. The OPR is analyzed exactly like a sample. Its purpose is to assure that the results
produced by the laboratory remain within the limits specified in this method for precision and
67 December 2005
Me tho d 1623 - C rypto sporidium and G iardia
Principal analyst—The principal analyst (may not be applicable to all monitoring programs)
should have a BS/BA in microbiology or closely related field and a minimum of 1 year of
continuous bench experience with Cryptosporidium and IFA microscopy. The principal analyst
also should have a minimum of 6 months experience using EPA Method 1622 and/or EPA
Method 1623 and should have analyzed a minimum of 100 samples using EPA Method 1622
and/or EPA Method 1623.
Quantitative transfer—The process of transferring a solution from one container to another using
a pipette in which as much solution as possible is transferred, followed by rinsing of the walls of
the source container with a small volume of rinsing solution (e.g., reagent water, buffer, etc.),
followed by transfer of the rinsing solution, followed by a second rinse and transfer.
Reagent water—Water demonstrated to be free from the analytes of interest and potentially
interfering substances at the method detection limit for the analyte.
Relative standard deviation (RSD)—The standard deviation divided by the mean times 100.
Sporozoite—A motile, infective stage of certain protozoans; e.g., Cryptosporidium. There are four
sporozoites in each Cryptosporidium oocyst, and they are generally banana-shaped.
December 2005 68