ANZ Virtual Internship Module Model Answer For Task 1

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ANZ Virtual Internship Report

This file outlines a sample response to task 1 & 2 using Rstudio.

Load the libraries used for the tasks


Task 1 Exploratory data analysis

1.1 Load the transaction dataset

df = read.csv("data/DSynth_Output_100c_3m_v3.csv")

1.2 Data preparation

The dataset contains 12043 transactions for 100 customers who have one bank account each. Trasactional period
is from 01/08/2018 - 31/10/2018 (92 days duration). The data entries are unique and have consistent formats for
analysis. For each record/row, information is complete for majority of columns. Some columns contain missing
data (blank or NA cells), which is likely due to the nature of transaction. (i.e. merchants are not involved for
InterBank transfers or Salary payments) It is also noticed that there is only 91 unique dates in the dataset,
suggesting the transaction records for one day are missing (turned out to be 2018-08-16).

The range of each feature should also be examined which shows that there is one customer that resides outside
# examine the summary of the dataset

# change the format of date column

df$date<- as.Date(df$date,format = "%d/%m/%Y")

# the dateset only contain records for 91 days, one day is missing
DateRange <- seq(min(df$date), max(df$date), by = 1)
DateRange[!DateRange %in% df$date] # 2018-08-16 transactions are missing

# derive weekday and hour data of each transaction

df$extraction = as.character(df$extraction)
df$hour = hour(as.POSIXct(substr(df$extraction,12,19),format="%H:%M:%S"))
df$weekday = weekdays(df$date)

# confirm the one -to -one link of account_id and customer_id

df %>% select(account,customer_id) %>%
unique() %>%

# split customer & merchant lat_long into individual columns for analysis
dfloc = df[,c("long_lat","merchant_long_lat")]
dfloc<- dfloc %>% separate("long_lat", c("c_long", "c_lat"),sep=' ')
dfloc<- dfloc %>% separate("merchant_long_lat", c("m_long", "m_lat"),sep=' ')
dfloc<- data.frame(sapply(dfloc, as.numeric))
df <- cbind(df,dfloc)

# check the range of customer location

# filtering out transactions for those who don't reside in Australia
# Reference:

df_temp <- df %>%

filter (!(c_long >113 & c_long <154 & c_lat > (-44) & c_lat < (-10)))

Location infomation suggested there is one customer who resides outside Australia. However, all his/her
transaction histories occured within AU thus these records are included for further analysis.

# check the distribution of missing values

apply(df, 2, function(x) sum(| x == ''))
# check the number of unique values for each column
apply(df, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))

1.3 Gather some interesting overall insights about the data.

Given transactions include purchanse and other types - salary, payment etc, it is probably worthwhile to filter these
out from overall dataset and have a closer look.
# filtering out purchase transactions only
# assuming purchase transactions must be associated with a merchant (have a merchant Id)
df_temp <- df %>% filter(merchant_id != '' )
# it turned out that is equivilent to excluding following categories of transactions
df_csmp <- df %>%filter(!(txn_description %in% c('PAY/SALARY',"INTER BANK", "PHONE BANK","PAYMEN


# visualise the distribution of transaction amount

hist(df_csmp$amount[!df_csmp$amount %in% boxplot.stats(df_csmp$amount)$out], #exclude outliers
xlab= 'Transaction Amount', main = 'Histogram of purchase transaction amount')

hist(df$amount[!df$amount %in% boxplot.stats(df$amount)$out], #exclude outliers

xlab= 'Transaction Amount',main = 'Histogram of overall transaction amount')
Visualise customers’average monthly transaction volume.

df2 <- df %>%

group_by(customer_id) %>%
summarise(mon_avg_vol = round(n()/3,0))

xlab= 'Monthly transaction volume', ylab='No. of customers', main = "Histogram of customer
s' monthly transaction volume")
1.4 Segment the dataset by transaction date and time.

# Visualise transaction volume over an average week.

df3 <- df %>%

select(date,weekday) %>%
group_by(date,weekday) %>%
summarise(daily_avg_vol = n()) %>%
group_by(weekday) %>%
summarise(avg_vol=mean(daily_avg_vol,na.rm=TRUE ))
df3$weekday <- factor(df3$weekday, levels=c( "Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday",

ggplot(df3,aes(x=weekday, y=avg_vol)) +geom_point()+geom_line(aes(group = 1))+

ggtitle('Average transaction volume by weekday') +
labs(x='Weekday',y='Transaction volume')
# visualize transaction volume over an average week.

df4 <- df %>%

select(date,hour) %>%
group_by(date,hour) %>%
summarize(trans_vol=n()) %>%
group_by(hour) %>%
summarize(trans_vol_per_hr = mean(trans_vol,na.rm=TRUE))

ggplot(df4,aes(x=hour,y=trans_vol_per_hr))+geom_point()+geom_line(aes(group = 1))+
ggtitle('Average transaction volume by hour') +
labs(x='Hour',y='Transaction volume') + expand_limits( y = 0)
1.5 challenge: exploring location information
We could firstly see the distribution of distance between a customer and the merchange he/she trades with.

# exclude the single foreign customer whose location information was incorrectly stored (i.e lat
itude 573)

df_temp <- df_csmp %>%

filter (c_long >113 & c_long <154 & c_lat > (-44) & c_lat < (-10))

dfloc = df_temp [,c("c_long", "c_lat","m_long", "m_lat")]

dfloc<- data.frame(sapply(dfloc, as.numeric))

dfloc$dst <- distHaversine(dfloc[, 1:2], dfloc[, 3:4]) / 1000

hist(dfloc$dst[dfloc$dst<100], main = "Distance between customer and merchants",xlab= 'Distance

(km)' )
To validate, we could further plot the location of the customer and the merchants he/she trades with on a map.

merch_dist <- function (id ){

### This function takes in a customer Id and plot the location of the customer and all
### merchants he/she have traded with.

cus_icon<- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = 'home', markerColor = 'green')

l = subset (df_csmp[,c("customer_id","m_long","m_lat")], customer_id == id)

l <- l[c("m_long","m_lat")]

cus_loc <- unique(subset (df_csmp[,c("customer_id","long_lat")], customer_id == id))

cus_loc <- cus_loc %>% separate("long_lat", c("long", "lat"),sep=' ')

df_t = data.frame(longtitude = as.numeric(l$m_long), latitude = as.numeric(l$m_lat))

coordinates(df_t) <- ~longtitude+latitude

leaflet(df_t) %>% addMarkers() %>% addTiles() %>%
lng=as.numeric(cus_loc$long), lat=as.numeric(cus_loc$lat),
icon = cus_icon)

merch_dist(id ='CUS-51506836' )

Leaflet ( | © OpenStreetMap ( contributors, CC-BY-SA


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