for this kind of power factor corrected rectiers An optimum match between the various power
is implemented in a variety of integrated circuits, semiconductor switches within the rectier topolo-
which signicantly faciliates the formers' design | gy is achieved, if their T J is equal.
see for example [3] [4] [5].
2.3 Other Requirements on Power
2.2 Calculation of Power Semicon- Semiconductors
ductor Ratings In addition to the electrical ratings as derived in
While the voltage ratings are determined by the section 2.2, the following aspects should be consid-
operating voltage on primary and secondary side ered, choosing power semiconductor components
and the circuit, the current ratings depend on the for a power factor corrected single phase rectier
power losses in operation as previously described; with a topology according to gure 1:
they may not lead to a junction temperature ex-
ceeding the maximum allowable value: The rectier diodes D1 to D4 must be able
Conduction losses are caused by the forward volt- to stand the inrush current peak at power on,
age drop when the power semiconductor switch has mainly determined by mains voltage and in-
been turned on: ductor L. Further, fast switching behaviour
is advantageous to reduce the emission of dis-
PC = Uforward (I) I (3) turbances during commutation at zero transi-
where I is the current carried and Uforward is the tion of mains current. Special mains rectier
current dependant forward voltage drop. diodes with fast switching behaviour are re-
Switching losses occur during the transients, where ferred to as semifast diodes in the following.
voltage across the switch u(t) rises and current The transistor in the boost chopper T
through the switch i(t) falls or vice versa; assuming should be a fast switching device | either a
the switching operation to start at t0 and to last high voltage MOSFET or an IGBT with op-
for ton=off leads to: timized switching speed | to operate at the
t +t
0 on=off
high switching frequency as mentioned in sec-
tion 2.1. The use of a component with low
Eon=off =
u(t) i(t) dt
(4) gate charge QG is benecial, because it helps
to minimize the required drive power.
Neglecting blocking and control losses, total power The free wheeling diode of the boost
losses, averaged over one period of switching fre- chopper D11 must be optimized for high
quency which is assumed to be constant, are given switching speed, particularly at turn o in
by: switched mode operation. Fast recovery epi-
PV = PC a + fT (Eon + Eoff ) (5) taxial diodes | FREDs | should be used;
where fT is the switching frequency and a with their performance can additionally be im-
0 a 1 the duty cycle | the device is turned proved using a series connection of two diodes.
on for faT . Average power loss during one mains If the free wheeling diode is correctly sized for
period thus approximately is operation at nominal power and high switch-
fT ing frequency, it generally stands the inrush
current at power on as mentioned above.
P V = ffn PV i
T i=1 Several requirements refer to the package:
where PV i are the losses in the i-th interval of The power circuit must be isolated from the
switching frequency fT within one mains period heatsink for safety reasons; thus the package
1 should provide an internal isolation. This, to-
fn . Average junction temperature in steady state gether with the integration of several power
can then be calculated using semicondcutors in the same package, leads to
T J = P V RthJC + TC (7) low mounting eort. Integration further is in-
dispensable to achieve a good operational be-
where TC is a constant case temperature and RthJC haviour of the chopper, particularly with re-
the thermal resistance junction to case. Junction spect to high frequency fast switching, requir-
temperature must be lower than the rated value ing low parasitic inductance. Finally, packag-
T J TJmax (8) ing has a strong impact on reliability.
4 Single and Three Phase Rectiers with Active Power Factor Correction
Table 1: components for single phase power factor correction: type designations, features and rat-
ings for voltage of intermediate circuit UZ = 400V , switching frequency fT = 75kHz, case temperature
TC = 80C
type designation features Pn at Un
rectier chopper package(s) rectier transistor diode 110V 240V
VUI9-06N7 Eco-Pac module semifast fast IGBT ser. FRED 900W 2100W
FBO16-08N FID35-06C Isoplus i4TM standard fast IGBT ser. FRED 950W 2600W
FBO16-08N FMD21-05QC Isoplus i4TM standard QG MOS. ser. FRED 1400W 3100W
VUM24-05N Veridul module standard MOSFET FRED 2200W 2800W
VUM33-05N Veridul module standard MOSFET FRED 3300W 4200W
Figure 5: schematic of three phase rectier with power factor correction | "Vienna" rectier
factor corrected rectier in section 2.1. Further de- Table 2: typical nominal three phase mains power
tails about operation and control of the circuit can P of "Vienna" rectiers; conditions: mains volt-
be found in [8] [9] [10] [11]. n
age Un = 400V , case temperature TC = 80C
type Pn package options
In particular, the method explained in [8] permits VUM25-05 10kW V1-Pack
the calculation of the power ratings of the "Vi- VUM85-05A 30kW V2-Pack soft start thyr.
enna" rectier analogous to the approach for the
power factor corrected single phase rectier as de-
scribed in section 2.2. Basic ratings and charac- 3.3 Three Switch, Three Phase Uni-
teristics of "Vienna" rectiers built with dierent
modules are listed in table 2. A "Vienna" rectier
ty Power Factor Rectier with
will use one of the indicated modules per phase. Variable Voltage DC Link
As could be expected, its range of rectied pow- The circuit in gure 6 is again connected to three
er is higher, compared to single phase rectiers phase mains via one inductor per phase. Contrary
as rated in table 1. The components in table 2 to the "Vienna" rectier, capacitors are located on
again are isolated modules, where V1-Pack has the mains side of the converter and a direct current is
same footprint as Veridul package | see gure 4 controlled to
ow between the terminals I+ and I ;
(right) | while V2-Pack is bigger with a footprint on the secondary side. It may for example be condi-
of 40; 4mm 93mm according to the higher nomi- tioned by a following boost chopper and inverted to
nal power. The VUM85 module additionally pro- drive a motor. The circuit again uses bidirection-
vides a soft start thyristor for limiting the inrush al switches consisting of diodes and transistors |
current at power on, as already discussed in section IGBTs are depicted. Operational principle, control
2.3. methods and calculation of ratings are comprehen-
6 Single and Three Phase Rectiers with Active Power Factor Correction
circuits and components for three phase rectica- [10] J. W. Kolar, U. Drofenik, F. C. Zach:
tion with active power factor correction have been Space Vector Based Analysis of the Varia-
presented. It can be expected, that this technique tion and Control of the Neutral Point Poten-
which up to now is used rather seldom, will gain tial of Hysteresis Current Controlled Three-
importance in the near future because it will be Phase/Switch/Level PWM Rectier Systems;
applied to innovative power supplies for sensitive International Conference on Power Electron-
loads with high power consumption, such as for ics and Drive Systems, Singapore, Feb. 21-24,
telecommunication equipment or computers. 1995
[11] J. Minibock, F. Stogerer, J. W. Kolar: A
References Novel Concept for Mains Voltage Proportion-
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[9] J. W. Kolar, U. Drofenik, F. C. Zach:
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20-22, 1995