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Air Gap (drainage system): The unobstructed vera! distance trough the fre atmosphere between the outlet ‘ofthe waste pipe and the flood level rim ofthe receptor into which itis discharging. See Figure 1.24 Comment: Air gaps are required where backflow can ocur duet back-siphonage — Figure 124 AN AIR GAP FOR INDIRECT WASTE PIPING Air Gap (water distribution system): The unobstructed vertical distance through the fee atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water toa tank, plumbing fixture or other device andthe ‘ood level im of the receptor See Figure 1.2.5, ‘Comment BI- The minimum required airgap distance x based onthe effective opening ofthe water supply ote The ar gap must be nereased I he outlet i clase o walls or ther vertical surfaces. See Comment 2: If airs being dram im thet spout bya vacuum ithe water sup piping, was water a the food level rim of the fire wl tend ob Kf upward towards the ou opening by the Hw of ez The water will if higher ifthe spout opening iclase toa wal, sme “Oe 4 tr Figure 12 ANAIR GAP FORA POTABLE WATER OUTLET 9 Nal Sd Pg Co Tred‘Authority Having Jurisdition See also “Adopting Agency”: ‘amended, Unless otherwise defined herein, or unles the context clearly indicates otherwise he term “authority ‘having jurisdiction" for purposes ofthe plumbing subcode, shall mean the “plumbing subcode oft. device that automatically flushes a fixture after each use without the need for ‘Automatic Flushing Devi ‘manual activation, Auxiliary Floor Drain: A floor drain that does not receive the discharge from any indirect waste pipe or other predictable drainage flows. Auuiiary oor drains have o DFU loading. Backifow Connection: Any arangement whereby backflow can occur. Comments Sea Cross Comneton™ Backflow (drainage): reversal of low inthe drainage system Backflow Preventer: A device or means to prevent backflow. See Figures 1.25, 1.2.8, 1.2.9, 1223, 12.28, 12.26, 12.27, 1.2.48, 12.66, and 1.2.67. (Comments Refer tothe deintons of “backfow (water dcribation)™ “backpressure backflow, “hack siphonage”, erica level”, cross connection”, “Souble check vale assembly, “ence pres sure principle ack presurebachftow prevetor, "vacuum breaker, amorpheric, “veut breaker, pressure ope", and "vacuum breaker spl-rexisant, pemcusoren § @ pein sox Figure 1.28 BACKFLOW CAUSED BY BACK-PRESSURE, NoTEs: 1. Back pressure backflow is ganerally caused by water pressure producing equipment within a bulldog 2. Thehot water heating bier operates al upto 30 psy and has a chemical shot feeder. 23. The pressure inthe pubic water main can drop below 30 psig ue toa shutdown for repair or hoary demand fr fre fighing operations. $07 Narra Santo Poding CoO TSTa6d CORPORATES NIAC HABAI5 EDITS)twee Figure 1.2.13 BRANCH PIPING Branch, Fisture: See “Fixture Branch” Branch, Horizontal: See "Horizontal Branch Drain" [Branch Interval: A distance along a vetcal soil or waste stack comesponding, in general, toa story height, but inno case less than § fet within which the horizontal branches ftom ane loor or story of «building are connected fo the stack. See Figure 12.14 ‘Comments Branch intervals are used 1 determine the penta drainage led on tacks forthe purpose] of sing the stacks Figure 1.2.14 BRANCH INTERVALS Branch Vent: See “Vent, Branch {7 Rat Sond Pati Caan aigure 1.2.35 A FLUSHOMETER VALVE, Force Main: A min that delivers waste water under pressure from a sewage ejector or pump tit destination, Fullway valve: Fullovay valves include gate valves, ill port ball valves, and other valves that ar identified by ‘their manufacturer as full pot or full bore. Grade: The I (slope) of line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane. See Figure 1.236. ‘Comment: See Tables 115.14 and 1.578 for sing bling drains, bldg sewers, ad horizontal Beture branches Ses Table 132 for sormmater drains. re dt a an Figure 1.2.36 GRADE ON A SLOPING GRAVITY DRAIN Grease Interceptor: A plumbing appurtenance that is installed inthe sanitary drainage system fo interop oily and greasy wastes from wastewater discharges, typically in commercial kitchens and fod processing plans, Such equipment ba te ability to intercept commonly occurring fee oating fats and oils Grease Removal or Recovery) Device (GRD): A plumbing appurtenance that is installed inthe sanitary drainage system to intereept and remove free-floating fats els, and grease from wastewater discharges, typically in commer ial tchens and food processing plants, Such equipment operates on time or event- controled basi and has the ability to remove the entre range of commonly occuring fre-oating fats, os, and grease automatically without inervention from the user except for maintenance. The removed material i extentially wate-fre, which llows for recycling of the removed produc. Grease Trap: Sce “Interceptor” Grinder Pump: pump for sewage that shreds or grinds the solids inthe sewage that it pumps ‘TW Vaan Std Pig Cae Tarond B‘Supports: Devices for supporting and securing pipe, fixtures and equipment. See Chapter 8 Svimming Pool: Any structure, basin, chamber or tank containing. body of wate for swimming, diving or recreational bathing. See Section 9.1.11 | | ‘Swimming Poot, Public: A swimming poo! located on any property other than a one or two family residential Property and including, but no limited to, swimming pools open tothe use of members, residents othe pubic. | | Zempersa rater: A intr ort and old wate to reach a ese temperate frien espa of 95°F = 105°F, ‘Thermostati/Pressure Balancing Valve, Combination: A mixing valve tat senses outlet temperature and incoming hot and cold water pressures and compenstates for fuctuations in incoming hot and colé water tempe tures andlor pressures to stabilize its outlet temperatire, | Comoe Combination thermasalpressare balancing contol valves are wed fr indvidual bing felis and mast comply with SSE 1016, Type PT. ‘Thermostatic (Temperature Control) Valve: A mixing valve tha senses outlet temperature and compensates for fluctuations in incoming hot or cold water temperatures, [ Comment: Thermostatic cantot valves used for Indviual bathing ste mst comply with ASSE 1016, Type. Thermostatic control vale for other poina-useaplcations should comply withthe appropriate standard ‘Toilet Facility: A room or combination ofinterconneeted space in oter than a dwelling that contains one oF more water closets and associate lavatories, with signage to identify its intended use ‘Traps A fiting or device that provies a igud seal preven the emission of sewer gases without materially aoetng the flow of sewage or wastewater through it. See Figure 1.2.62 and Sections 8, 52, and 83, mer porn EOF Ie “Trew Figure 1.2.62 ELEMENTS OF A FIXTURE TRAP ‘Trap Arm: Thot portion of fixture drain between trap and its vent. See Figure 1.2.63 and Section 12.8.1 Comment: Refer to Table 728.1 for de maximum allowable length of trap arms to avd rap siphon ge — 1097 il Sot Pt Cok svaad INCORPORATES NIAC EARATS EDITS) S[Comment B= Soi samples shouldbe tak to asare that the wil wil not corade the pipe. Wrappings | nd cotings reduce contact coresin, bat cathe protection may be regnred where say elect car| renee Comment #2: Job site debris should no be alowed inte back for piping trenches. Material such as metal cans, mal ua, aed yp Board may chemealy eat wi some pes of Pe 2.9.3 Cutting or Notehing Any structural member weakened or impaired by cutting, notching, or otherwise, shall be reinforced, epsited oe replaced, soas to be left ina sae structural condition in accordance with the requirements ofthe Building Code acrequired bythe proper Authority Having Jurisdilion building subcode. 2.9.4 Penetration Plastic and capper piping run through framing members to within one inch ofthe edge ofthe framing shall be protected by steel nll plats not less than 18 gauge. Where such piping penetrates top plates o sole plates ofthe taming, the nil plate shall extend at [east so inches below top plates and two inches above sole plates. 'b, Where paste and copper piping runs through metal framing members, it shal be protected from abra- sion caused by expansion and contraction of the piping or movement of the framing, 2.10 EXCLUSION OF MATERIALS DETRIMENTAL TO THE SEWAGE SYSTEM. 2.1041 General "No material shall be deposited into a building drainage system or sewer that would or could either obstruct, damage, or overload such system; that could interfere with the normal operation of sewage treatment pro ‘cesses; or that could be hazardous to people or property. This provision shall not probit the installation of special waste systems when approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction 2.10.2 Industrial Wastes ‘Waste products from manufacturing or industrial operations shall not be introduced int the public sewer system until it as been determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction tht the introduction thereof will not cause damage othe public sewer system or interfere wih he functioning of the sewage treatment pant ‘Comments Where indus wastes wil be created, the acy should provide the folowing informa tion tthe Authority Having Jurisdiction forthe sewerage tem: (1) the quanti of water and waste ‘material tha il be charged int the seer syst, (2) Une nda proceses that erat he ar (3) the composition and concentration ofthe chemicals nthe waste (the water supply demand forthe [faci and (5) th intended design of te pretreatment or netrlting tem or the estes pit tts “scharge io the sener stom. 2.11 PIPING MATERIALS EXPOSED WITHIN PLENUMS: ‘All piping materials exposed within plenums shall comply withthe provisions of other applicable Codes ‘subcodes 212 SLEEVES All piping passing through concrete walls, floors, slabs, and masonry walls shall be provided with sleeves for protection. % {i Nari Sao Ping Cle al INCORPORATES NIAC 52518 EDITS)2.20.2 Location of Piping and Fixtures Piping, tues, or equipment shall not be located in such a manner as to inerere withthe noma operation ‘of windows, doors, or other ext openings. 2.21 PIPING MEASUREMENTS [Except where otherwise specified inthis Code, all measurements shall be made to the center Hines of the pipes 2.22 WATER CLOSET CONNECTIONS ‘a Three-inch bends may be used on water closets o similar connections provided a 4-nch by inch flange is installed to receive the closet fixture orn, '.Foursnch by three-inch closet bends shall be permite. See Figure 222 i pee re ae em - Notes: 11 Reducing fikure crane for water closes from 4” to 2" ie permissible Figure 222 WATER CLOSET DRAIN CONNECTIONS 2.23 DEAD ENDS. 2 In the installation or removal of any par of drainage or ven system, dead ends shall be avoided. EXCEPTION: Where necessary t extend a cleanout soa to be accesible —b-inthe-instaiaton orremovatoFany-partoF-peable-waierysiom-dend-endeshall avoided — See the definition of "Dead End”. ‘Comments Rouph-ins Jor Jtare tres ar nt considered ded ends ithe pining i accel and can] ‘be cleared of any blockages when the fur itres are installed. INCORPORATES NIMC 323-315 EDITS) BMaterials 3.1 MATERIALS 3.1.1 Minimum Standards ‘The standards ite inthis chapter shall contro ll materials ystems, and equipment used inthe construc ar or replacement of plumbiag or drainage systems or parts thereat EXCEPTIONS: (1) The Authority Having Jurisdiction shal allow the extension, ation to or relocation of existing water, soil, ‘eat, drsinage and vet pipes wih materials of ik grade or quality as permite in Seeen-3122 NLA.C (2 Matra nt covery he snare inthis chager maybe sed withthe appro ofthe Athy || _tvingJursistion as eri Seadoo 322 NIAC S37 3.12 General Requirements 4. Matra Futures o einen din the instltion, repair aration of plumbing system hal | | conform atest othe staardslistedi his chap, exept as otherwise approved by the Authority having Stina ported in Seow e122 NAC 32532 . Materials stalled in pambing systems shal be handled and insted as avoid danage sta yf trl wilt pie «No deectv or damaged materi, exumentor appr shal be installed or mainline. (Se See- sone 26 and 213) All materiale shal be nll in strict cordance with he sandads ude which he trl ae accepted and approved inofing te appedics ofthe dunars end in sie scone wi ema turer's instcton, Where te provisions of mater sandard or manufrs ston confit wt therein ofthis Coe bis Coe shal preva Marking ot ion sol pp and Sige Each eng of stir spp and Sings se io the plumbing syste tal bead by le manufactur’ me or epsced edema ese end wer {realy det the mansfcter, The racing hl be Jone Gung he ine of manure, Feld mask ing shal ot be permite { Ceteaton fest on sol pipe and tings: Where cation so pipe und ings are eng niall, the Authority Having ulin sal be farsa, when requested, ceca by he manuf of compliance oh prod snare Resell of eat rn sol pipe aod tings mantacre by tes nd sing tid party etetons or inpectons to suport proto compliance othe roduc snr hal Adon othe manuf certfeaton, provide, ben etuese, copies of he tel party sport toe Kathy Hsing Jursdicon 3.1.3 Standards Applicable to Plumbing Materials "| A matril shall be considered approved if its liste or certified by a recognize cenification body as complying ‘with one or more ofthe standard cited in Table 3.13, ad in the case of plate pipe, tings and solvent cement also NSF 14. Materials not listed in table 3.1.3 shal be used only 3s provided fot in Seaton 312-2. NLALC. 5:23. 3.7 eras permitted elsewhere inthis Code Note: Abbreviations in able 3.1.3 refer to the following organizations: Td INCORPORATES NIAC 539-215 EDITS)33.8 Pressure Tanks and Vessels 1 Hot water storage tanks shall met construction requirements of ASME, CSA, or UL as appropriate (See Table 5.1.) Pressure vessels shall be designed and consrucied In accordance with the requirements of the cerican ‘Society af Mechanical Engineers (ASME, Rules for Consructon of Presere Vessels, Section VII/2004. ny ‘pressure vessel that exceeds cny of the fllowlng shall met the requirements of ASME and shall be stamped ‘ASME: A heat input rating of2000,000 BTU per hou; or a water temperature of200 degrees Fahrenheit or a ‘nominal water capacity of 120 gallons or amy other thresholds of ASME that app. », Storage tanks les in volume than those requirements specified by ASME shall be of durable materials and constructed to withstand 125 psi, witha safety faster of 2. 33.9 Roof Drains Roof drains shall be of cast iron, copper, lead, plasti,or other approved corosion- resisting materials. See Section 13.5.1 33.10 Safety Devices for Pressure Tanks Safety devices shall meet the requirements ofthe American National Standards Insitute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or the Underwriters Laboratories. Listing by Underwriters Laboratories, Canadian Standards Assocation, of National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vesel Inspectors sall consis evidence of conformance with thes standards, Where a device isnot sted by any ofthese organizations, it shall have cestieation by an approved laboratory as having met these requirements. (See Section 10.16.) ‘Sine oath ent othe Ahr Hong on ropa Shans inesons ‘ining st-nleclans and auch bar prient dt tay here ‘Septal be epi ofstend demas no ect tosses someon esa sit be-teih(Se0 Paieetrer ewer ee) 33.12 Carriers and Supports Carriers and suppor for plumbing fixtures shall comply with ASME AL12.6.1, ASME 112.62 or ASME. An12.19.12, 3.4 POTABLE WATER PIPING 3.4.1 Plastic Piping Plastic piping materials used forthe conveyance of potable water shall comply with NSF 14 and be marked secordingly 3.4.2 Water Service Piping Wiser service pipe and pipe fitings fo the point of entrance into the building through & foundation wall or ‘oor sal be of materials sted in Table 3.4 and shall be wate pressure ated not less than 160 psi at 73 deg F. See Table 3.4.2. Water service pipe and pipe fitings shal comply with NSF 61, 442-1 Combination/Fire water Service: Water service piping fr combination domestifie water services shall ‘be of materials listed in table 34 an shall be water pressure rated not lexsthan200 psig at 73°F. Joint resnainss ‘shall comply with Section 63, ened “Join Restraint for Fire Mains" per NEPA 1 ‘Exception: Limited area sprinkler systems installed n accordance with Setion 03.35.11 of the building subcode, shal be water pressure rated not ess than 160 pig at 73°F. [ Comment: The manafecarer’s markings om paste weer seni Ppe mst ae Ta aa] | Jor 160 psig @ 75°F and complies with NSF 8 3.443 Water Distribution Piping ‘Water piping fr the distribution of hot or cold water within buildings shall be of material std in Table 3.4 and shall be water pressure rated for not less than 100 ps at 180 deg F and 160 pi at 73 deg F. Plastic pip Ing used for hot water distibution shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Section 1015.8, ‘Water dstination pipe and pipe tings shall comply with NSF 61, NOTE: The working pressure rating of certain approved plastic piping materials varies depending on the pipe size, material compositio, wal thickness, and methods of joining. See Table 3.43. ll Ping Cok Tava INCORPORATES NIAC A¥AIS EDITS) ef43.8 Special Joints and Couplings for Drainage Piping. «Joints between two different drainage piping materials or between different size piping, ofthe same or siferentinateril shall be made using fitings or mechanical couplings tht are designed forthe specific, pplication, including adapter Stings, ubless pipe couplings slip-on couplings, transition couplings, and repair couplings. +, Fittings and couplings for use under this Section shall either (1) comply with a standard listed in Table 3:13, 2) be listed or labeled by a recognized listing agency, or (3) beapproved:by-the- Authority Having F as permited under NAC. 3:23-3.7 Installation sall ‘comply with the coupling manufactures instrctions and intended use, «Shielded couplings shall consist ofa flexible elastomeric sealing sleeve, a protecting and supporting ‘continuous metal shield or shear ing, and metal screw clamping bands. al meal pats shall be corosion- resisting. Shielded couplings shall be cspable of withstanding a shear test besed ona load of 30 pounds per inch of nominal pipe diameter, and shall be permitted vo partially support the pipe being joined when such installation is recommended by the manufacturer's instructions. Shielded couplings may be installed above ‘round or underground, a intended by the manufacturer. 4. Mechanical unshielded couplings using thermoplastic elastomer gaskets shall consist ofa iid or semi- Fig sealing sleeve and corrsion-resisting metal seew clamping bands. Mechanical unshielded couplings using thermoplastic elastomer gaskets shall not be installed where the operating internal or extemal tem- peratures exceed 130°F (54°C) or ae below OFF (-18°C). The pipe shall be supported on both sides ofthe ‘coupling within 18 inches ofthe centerline ofthe coupling. Mechanical unshielded couplings using thermo- plastic elastomer gaskets shall be permitted aboveground or underground, Mechanical unsielded couplings ‘sing thermoplastic elastomer gaskets shall not be iasaled in constuction that has fire rating that restricts {he use of flammable materials or be installed in trough penetrations o plenum without aditional fire resistance protection, «. Flexible unshielded couplings shall consist ofan elastomeric sealing sleeve and corasive-esisting ‘metal serew clamping bands. The use of flexible unshielded couplings shal be limited to joins in under ‘round sewer, drain or vet piping Couplings installed aboveground hal include center stops. EXCEPTION: Slip-on repair couplings used for repair or rework, The shear tests required under this Section shall be performed in accordance withthe shear test proce «dures specified under any ofthe coupling standards listed in Table 3.1.3 that inlude such tess, ‘See Figures 43-4 through-D nemeguerunc / Sees amen Ce CENTER STOP [aERE REDUIRED) — Notes: 1. Shielded couplings can be used aboveground and underground. They can patay support he pipe Center stops are required excep or repair coupings Figure, |ASHIELDED COUPLING ON DRAINAGE PIPINGNoves: 1 Only the slip joint ust be accessible, Figure $3.1-C A FIXTURE TRAP WITH THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF JOINTS 53.2 Trap Seals Each fixture trap shall havea liguid seal of not less than two inches and not more than 4 inchs. EXCEPTIONS: (]) Intereeptors in Chapter 6 that provide the required tap se. Note: Intereeptors in Chapter 6 that donot provide the required trap sel shal be provided with separate tap. (2) Special eontins such a accesible fixes, a dsp eal may be required by he Authority Having Jurisdiction in accordance with N.J.A.C, $:23-3.3. “e * See Figure S32 ——— wn) oe NoTEs: 1, The minimum trap seal depth of 2"is based on the design cxterla forthe vent piping, ‘Trap seals deeper ‘than 4 wil tend fo trap solids and create a breeding ground fr bacteria, Figures.3.2 ‘TRAP SEAL DEPTH 53.3 Trap Setting and Protection Traps shall be set level with espetto their waler seals and, where necessary, shall be protected from fee2- ing, See Figure 53.3 10 a Sond Pring Cok Thor@al Gi NCORPORATES NIAC 523-415 EDITS) 13Chapter 6 Liquid Waste Treatment Equipment 6.1 GENERAL 6.1.1 Where Required Interceptors, separators, neutralizer, dilution tanks, or other means shal be provided where required to prevent liquid wastes containing fats, ols, greases, flammable liquids, sand, olds, acid or alkaline waste, chemicals, ‘other harmful substances from entering a building drainage system, a public o privete sewer, or sewage eeatment ae = SOLIDS INTERCEPTOR ‘SAND INTERCEPTOR OIL INTERCEPTOR Figure 6.11 DIFFERENT TYPES OF INTERCEPTORS. 6.1.2 Design ‘The size and typeof liquid waste treatment equipment shal be based on the maximum volume and rate of discharge ofthe plumbing fixtures and equipment being drained, 6.1.3 Exclusion of Other Liquid Wastes (Only wastes from fixtures and equipment requiring treatment or separation shall be discharged nto treatment equipment.743 Contour of Bowls ‘Water closets shall have elongated bowls with open-font seats. EXCEPTIONS: (1) Water closets having closed-font seats and either round or elongated bowls shal be permited in dwell- ing unis (@) Water closets having closed-font sats that ae protected by automated seat cover protectin. (@) A water closet in a private office toilet rom, intended forthe excusve use of one individu. (4) Water closets intended for use in pre-school and kindergarten facilites. See Figure 743-A and-B Sreures raeasce NOTES: 1. See Figure 7.44 -Afor bow heights for chicren's use 2. See Figure 7 44 -B for bow heights for adult accessible use. Figure 743-4 AN ADULT-HEIGHT ELONGATED WATER CLOSET BOWL COMPARED TO.A ROUND BOWL Notes: 41 Seats for water closots must the water coset bow. Section 74.5 requires elongated seats on elon {gated bows end round seats on round bows Figure 743 -B AN OPEN FRONT ELONGATED WATER CLOSET SEAT (LESS LID) 9 Nana Sd Pang Corre 134. Plans for plumbing systems, where required, shal indicate the maximum number of persons to be served by the facilis. «In occupancies having established seating, such as auditoriums and restaurants, the sumber of eccupants| for plumbing purposes shall not be les than the numberof seats, 7.21.3 Access to Fixtures In multi-story buildings accessibility othe requted fixtures shall not exceed one story bs Fixtures eccessible ony o private offices shall not be counted to determine eompliance wit this «©. The lavatories required by Tables 7.21.1 for employee and public ole facilites shall be located Within the same toilet facility as thor associated water closets and rials. 7214 Separate Facilities «a, Separate tilt facilities shall be provide foreach sex. EXCEPTIONS: (0). Residential installations. (2). In occupancies serving 15 or fewer peopl, ove ole facili, designed for use by no more than one person at time, shall be permitted for use by both sexes. {G). In business occupancies with a total floor area of 1500 squae feet or less, one toilet facility, designed for use by no more than one person ata time, shall satis the requirements for serving customers and employees ofboth sexes. (), In mercantile occupancies with a net cccupiable flor area of 1500 square fest o es that is aces- sible to customers, one tilt facility designed for use by no mare than one person atime, shal satisfy the requirements for serving customers and employees of both sexes person a atime, sall be permite for use by both sexes. 7.21.5 Substitution and Omission of Fixtures 4 Urinals: Not more than 50% of the required numberof water closets may be substituted with urinal ’. Drinking Wate Fails: A kitchen or bar sink shal be considered as mecting the requiemeats for vinking water feciities for employes. «. Laundry Trays: Multiple dwelling units or boarding hous without public laundry rooms shall not, require lundsy ays 4. Service Sinks: Service sinks may be omitted when the Authority Having Jurisdiction determines that they are not necessary for proper cleaning a the feiliy 7.21.6 Fixture Requirements for Special Oceupancies 4. Additonal fixtures may be required when unusual environmental conditions or special activities ae encountered In food preparation areas of commercial food establishment, fixture requirements may be dictated by the heath andlor sanitary codes. Fixtures, fixture comiperments and appliances used for rinsing or sanitizing esqipment or utensils, processing or preparing fed far sale or serving, shall be installed in accordance with Section 91.1 to ensure the required protection from backflow and flooding «Types of occupancies not shown in Table 721.1 shall be considered individually by the Authority Hay- ing Junie <4. Where swimming pools operated by an apartment building, condominium, or similar mul-femily welling unit are restricted to the use of residents and guests of residents of dveling unt in the immedi ate vicinity ofthe poo, the minimum required toilet facilities for bathers within the pool compound shall be ‘ene I) male toilet room and one (1) female toilet room, each consisting ofa water closel and lavatory as @ {09 Nana! Sun Png Cok Tras weChapter 10 Water Supply and Distribution 10.1 QUALITY OF WATER SUPPLY Only potable water shall be supplied to plumbing fixtures used fr drinking, bathing, culinary use othe pro ing of food, medical or pharmaceutical products. 10.2 IDENTIFICATION OF POTABLE AND NON-POTABLE WATER 4. In buildings where dual water distribution systoms are installed, one potable and the other non-potabe, tach system shall be identified ether by color marking or metal tags, or other appropriate methods such a5 ‘may be approved bythe Authority Having Jurisdiction in accordance with N\LA.C: 5:23.33. cach outlet on the non-potable water line that may be sed fr drinking or domestic purposes shall be posted: DANGER (ed background) - UNSAFE WATER - DO NOT DRINK. Color coding of piping shall be based on ANSI A13.1. System designations and background colors shall be as follows or the equivalent Potable Water= GREEN [Non-Potable Water= YELLOW (Cold Water Supply = GREEN Hot Water Supply = YELLOW Hot Water Retum = YELLOW Senitary Drain = GREEN Plumbing Vent = GREEN ‘Waste = GREEN Waste (corosve 10.3 WATER REQUIRED 103.1 Buildings Plumbing fixtures shall be provided with a potable supply of water in the amounts and atthe pressures speci- Sed inthis Chapter 10.4 PROTECTION OF POTABLE WATER SUPPLY 104.1 General A polable water supply shall be desizned, installed and maintained wo prevent contamination from non-pots- ble liquids, solids or gases by cross connections. INCORPORATES NIAC 328415 EDITS) a“scwareeveve. RsQURED ARGKP ee 7 (sean REQUIRED COVER aTER SUPPLY iter ot Soho a i 1 a Notes: 41. The covers of potable wate tanks or vats must haw than that ofthe cult pip. 2, The size of he overton pipe must comply with Table 10.8.3, based on the masimum makeup water flow 3. The airgap at the tank overtow cischarge must be 2 X the inside diameter ofthe overfow pipe. 4. The maximum averfow water level must be eslabished bared onthe sizeof tha ovetiow pipe and the ‘maximum avaiable makeup water fow. Calculated required sac head or rise above the invert of the ‘verfow shouldbe confines by operational esis under actual ul fw condone with he tank outs) closed 5, The requled ar gap at the water inlet to the tank or vat must be a least 1-12 times the ise in water level above the invar ofthe avertiow cult under maximum overow concons, measured from the Inver ofthe tank overtow. creened vent pipes with intemal areas not ess Figure 10.7 APOTABLE WATER TANK OR VAT WITH ITS INLET BELOW THE OVERFLOW RIM 10558 Connections to Carbonated Beverage Dispensers a. The water supply ta carbonated beverage dispenser sll be protected agnnst backflow with an integral backflow preventer conforming to ASSE 1022 or an air gap. Carbonated beverage dispensers and carbonated beverage dispensing systems without an integral backflow preventer conforming to ASSE 1022 or tn air ap shall have the wate supply protected with a double check valve with atmospheric vent conforming to ASE 022 ’. Where an ASSE 1022 device must be installed in the water supply piping extemal toa carbonated bever- tage dispenser, the piping from the device to the beverage dispenser shal be acid resistant and not copper. 17 aoa Std Pg Cok To ms10.8 WATER PRESSURE BOOSTER SYSTEMS 10.8.1 Water Pressure Booster Systems Required 4 When the water pressure in the public water main or individual water supply’ systm is insufficient to supply the Potable peak demand flow to plumbing fixtures and other water needs freely and continuously withthe minimum pressure and quantities specified in Section 10.143, or elsewhere in this Code, and in accordance with good | | prsetice as required bythe Authority Having Jursdietion, the rae of supply shal be supplemented by onc ofthe Following methods: IF An elevated water tank 2. hydro-pneumatc pressure booster system. 3. water pressure booster pump. 10.8.2 Reserved 10.83 Overflows for Water Supply Tanks Gravity or suction water supply tanks shall be provided with an overflow having a diameter not ess than that shown in Table 10.8.3. The overflow outlet shal discharge above and within not less than 6 inches ofa root ‘or roof drsin, foor or oor drain, or over an open water-supplied fixture. The averiow outlet stall be covered bby a corrosion-resistant screen of not less than 16 x 20 mesh to the inch and by 1/4 inch hardware cloth, rit shall terminate ina horizontally installed 45" angle-eat check valve. Drainage from overflow pipes shall be Girected so as not to freeze on roof walkways, See Figure 10.5.7 ‘Table 10.83 SIZES! OF OVERFLOW PIPES FOR WATER SUPPLY TANKS Table Waka Siaes' Of Overflow Pipes For Water Supply Tanks ‘Maximum Capacity of Diameter of ‘Maximum Capacity of Diameter ‘Water Supply Line Overton Pipe ‘ater Supply Line Overton Pipe toTank (nches 1D) toTank (aches 1D) 0-13 gpm Ta, 356-640 gpm 5 16-55 gpm 2 ‘61-1040 gpm 6 56-100 gpm 2a ‘ver 1040 gpm 3 TOI-16S gpm 3 166-355 gpm 4 * Computed by the method of NBS Mono, 31, for vertical pipes owing not grater than 1/2 full at fenninal velocity. (18 fal for 1-1/2 in. pipe). 1084 Covers Al water supply tanks shall be covered to keep out unauthorized persons, din, and vermin. The covers of trvity tanks shall be vented with a return bend vent pipe having an area not less than the ares of the down fed riser pipe and the ven shall be Sreened with corrosion resistant Screen having not fess than 14 and not more than 20 openings per linear inch. See Figure 10.5.7 10.85 Potable Water Inlet Control and Location Potable water inlets to gravity tanks shall be controled by a balleock or other automatic supply valve so installed a to prevent the tank fom overflowing. The inlet shal be terminated s0 as fo provide an accepted ‘ir gap but in no case fess than 4 inches above the overlow. See Figure 10.5.7 INCORPORATES NIAC BASIS EDITS)| a Notes: 1. Example: A pressure booster pump is required to deliver domestic walerto the 18th floor. 2. Tho Tet, 2nd, and 3rd Floors ae supplied with street pressure and a separate hot water hear. 3. Without pressure reducing valves, tho water supply pressure on te 4h Uvough 13h Flore Would ex: ceed 80 psig 4, Generally up to fvefoars can be zoned wih one set of pressure reducing valves without having exces- Sve prassure dferences between the top and bottom floas a he zone. 5, The pressure in the hot waar recculaton tne is essentally the same nthe adjacent hot water sup- py ese. 6. The figure 10.14.68 shows only the hot water riser recirculated. If hot water must be cciated frm the inlvdual floors, pressure booster pumps would be requiad o pump the reculated water fom ‘each rducad pressure zane back into the higherpeessure elu reer (the downcomer) Figure 10.166-B (ONE POSSIBLE ARRANGEMENT OF PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES INA HIGH-RISE BUILDING 10.14.7 Water Hammer 4. Approved water hammer arrester, complying with ANSUASSE 1010, shal be installed on water dstr- bation piping in which quick closing valves are installed. EXCEPTION: Single lever faucets, domestic clothes washers, and domestic dishwashers ‘. Water hammer aresters shall be placed as close as possible to the quick ating valve, atthe end of lng piping runs, o near batteries of fixtures. «-Arestrs shall be accessible for replacement See Figure 10.147 ‘R09 Nant Saad Pig Cok Tod TS10.168 Replacement of Relief Valves 4 Relief valves shall be maintained in proper working order and shall be replaced when necessary b. Whenever a water heater i eplaced, its temperature rliet valve and pressure relief valve, or combina- tion temperarre-pressure relief valve shal also be replaced and shal ot be reused 10.17 MANIFOLD-TYPE PARALLEL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, 1017.1 General Parallel water distebution systems shal provide individual hot and cold water supply lines from a mani- fold to each finture served », Manifolds sal be specifically designed and manufactured fr parallel water distribution. © Manufacturer’ of such systems shall provide complete sizing and installations instructions, including any limitations or restrictions on use. A Piping materials shall be as recommended bythe system manufacturer and be listed in Table 34 for ot snd cold water distribution. 10.17.2 Sizing See Appendix B for sizing manifolds and distribution lines, Distribution line size shall be as recommend ce by the system manufacturer to provide the fixture flow rats listed in Section 10.14.28, The minimum ine Size shall be 38" nominal 10.17.3 Valving 4 Each manifold outlet that is equipped with a shutof valve shall identify the fixture being supplied Ad- Aitional shutoff or stop valves a the fixtures shall be provided as required by Section 10.12 EXCEPTION: Additional shut-off or stop valves at the Fixtures shall not be required if manifold with shutoff valves is located within the same room asthe fixture, orn an adjacent closet ', Manifalds having shuto valves shall be readily accesible 10.17.4 Support ‘8 Tube bundles for manifold systems shall be supported in accordance with Chaper 8 of this Coe. >. Supports at changes indirection shal be in accordance withthe sytem manufacturers recomend 10.17.5 Combined Distribution Systems “Manifold-ype parallel water distribution systems shall be permite to be combined with conventional main’ branch piping systems that serve one or more fixtures) though common main and branch piping. 10.18 DRINKING WATER TREATMENT UNITS 10.181 Compliance with Standards Drinking water treatment units shall comply withthe standards listed in Table 3.13, 10.182 Air Gap Discharge Discharge from al drinking water weatmen units shal be installed with an ae gap. EXCEPTION: Reject water connections from reverse osmosis drinking wale treatment units shall be Utroueh an ir gap or alternate air gap deviee in accordance with the requirements of NSF 58. ran Sl Png akon 7S‘Table 11-41 (Continued) DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) VALUES THEAVYAUSE ASSEMLY ‘OTHER THAN DWELLING UNITS ‘SERVING 3 OR MORE DWELLING ENTTS INDIVIDUAL DWELLING UNF ‘Batibo Combination Buber 112 Trp Bie, 8" Tap ‘Clothes Waser, Dames Sadie Ditto wi depen Daa Dining Fours o Werner Foot Wase- Grinder, Comarca Min Tap oor isin Aseiry ‘Kien Sink Donets wih Ove 1-12 Tap ich Sink Demet with Food Wa Grier ics Sn, Damani wit Disaster ‘ice Sak, Doms wats Grae Die Tau Sik On To Compaen: Wane ‘aun Sink, wit Disc for Clabes Washer Tso a? Wat Mop Bain Tap Senice Sink Tap Shower Sal, VP" Tap ‘Somer Sl, Tap ‘Shonen Group, pe Head (Coniaous Us) Sik 12 Tp Sak 2Tap Sik Tap TepSis, 1 (Oe) “Tap Size, 1-12" (Oe) Tape (Ome) TapSiee (Oe) Tape (Othe) ial LOG ‘Url, Greer Than LO GPF ‘Wish Fours 127 Tap ‘Wet Foun 2” Tap TWh Sink Each Set of Fane m Pong oe aChapter 13 Storm Water Drainage 13.1 GENERAL 13.11 Where Required Roofs, paved areas, yards, cous, and courtyards shal be drained to ether a storm sewer where available, & combined sewer where necessary, or oa place of disposal satisactoy tothe Authority Having Jurisdiction, EXCEPTION: Storm water from one- and two-fimily dwellings may be discharged on lawns or streets pro Vided thatthe storm water flows away from the dwelling and does nat olherwise create a nuisance 13.12 Storm Water Drainage to Sanitary Sewer Prohibited ‘tom wate shall not be drained into sewers intended for sewage only, excep as approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction ‘Comment BI: The peak storm water flows in combined sanitary and sorm sewer systems can overiond ‘the sewage teamen fly, causing Ito Bypass unrated sewage in ts point of discharge Comment #2: In many es with combined sewers, impractical to intl separate sewers in the onion area because of the mumber of eng ules under the sre {Comment #3: Some jurisdictions with combined severs require that new or removed buildings have Separate sanitary ad storm ulin drains otha they could be connected fo separate seversin the | pacar 13.13 Sanitary and Storm Sewers Where separate systems of sanitary drainage and storm water are installed inthe same property, the storm and sanitary building sewers and drains may be laid side by side inthe same tench 13.14 Reserved 13.15 Foundation Drains 42-4. Subsotdhains shall be provided in accordance with the building subcode. ‘Space below prade-The drains shal be posiione-ihernside-orobsie oF the footing end-shelbbe-oF he perforated or epen-joint approved din ile-or pipe not less than" pipe size The top-F foundation deine shall ‘benotfessthan-2 inches below the underside ofthe hor slab being protected bo Seepites ; 2) here foundation dren are located on the interior side of hllow-sore-sonerle masonry ants Ho 222 liameterweep holes shall be loeted through the inside face ofthe foundation-wallatthe footing on 16-inch Po Sjgechecbanhicnebecbarhefiomsienbepmembsonecietmtpbient hid pes shal be stalled dough thefonting-onsivfoot centers: ae) (INCORPORATES NIAC 523-315 EDITS) 3ror —/ | Notes: 1 The foundation rin canbe inside r outside ofthe fotings. See Figures 131 8-Aand iis. 2, The window well drain can connect oa foundation dra Ifthe slze ofthe window wel (and any adjacent areas that drain iio the window well) is 10 square feet or less. It must dscharge separately Ihe area boing drained is argr than 10 square fest. 3. Drain pipes for window wels must be sized according to Table 13.62, accounting forthe rainfall rate andthe size of he window well and any adjacent areas that may drain inte tha window wel. The mink ‘mum drain pipe sizes are 2 i sloped 1/4 in. or more and 3" I'sloped 1/8 in Figure 13..7-A A WINDOW WELL DIRECTLY DRAINED pessoas Notes: 1 The foundation dain must be outside ofthe footings. Sea Figure 12.1.5-8. 2. The porous fiter bed must extend from the area drain inte window wellothe foundation drain, install Ing after fabric between te earth and the fier bec wil keep the porous bed rom becoming cloaged ih ne sl pares Figure 13..7-B A WINDOW WELL INDIRECTLY DRAINED ‘109 Navona Samte Prthig Cake», Formetallic pipe and where the Authority Having Jurisdiction determines that providing potable water forthe test represents a hardship or practical dificult, the sysem may be tested with arto the pressures noted above, 36 allowed by the pipe manufacturer, «-Forplastc pipe, testing by compressed gus or ar pressure shal be prohibited. 4. Piping shall be disinfected after sting per Section 10°. 15.6.1 Combination Domestie/Fire Water Service Systems: Piping for combination domesi/fire water service systems sll be pressure tested to not less than 200 psig ‘and shall maintain the pressure without fos for two hos 15.611 Leakus The flowing provisions shall aply to buried pipe all combination domestic/ine water service ystems, excep for limited sprinkler systems: () The amount of leakage atthe joints shal be no greater than 2 qU/h (1.89 Lit) per 100 joints or goakets, regardiess of pipe diameter. @) The amount of leakage in accordance with 91) above shall be permitted tobe increased in increments of | fluid ounce (30 ml) per inch valve diameter per hour fr each metal seated valve thot isolates the est )Tie amount of leakage in buried piping shall be measured a the test pressure specified by pumping from a calibrated container. 15.7 DEFECTIVE PLUMBING ‘Where there is reason to believe thatthe plumbing system of any building has become defective i shall be ub- Jested to test or inspection and any tess found shall be corrected. 15.8 MAINTENANCE 158.1 General ‘The plumbing an drainage systems shall be maintained a al imes in compliance withthe provisions ofthis Code, 1582 Exception Existing plumbing installed under prior regulations o lack thereof, may remain unchanged unless immedite hazards to heath if, or property are evident 15.9 Flushing of Piping: “Lean comections to system ries ad fre service main fromthe water suppl tothe system riser exlcing Tinted stems) shal be shed completly before comecton made to sprinter piping The ashing peraton sal be continued for asin amount of te tense that the tem i throughly cleaned. The ‘nin ae of flow shale not es than one ofthe flowing (1) The hyvanbaly calenlted water demand rae the stem. cling ay hose requirements (2) Te low et is necessary to provi a eloctyof 1 flee (3.1 mec (3) The maximum low rate valle othe stem unde re conditons a| (wvien the exception to modify Section 16.1.7, Sections 16.1 through are deleted by the NJUCC,) Regulations Governing Individual Sewage Disposal Systems for Homes and Other Establishments Where Public Sewage Systems Are Not Available Ti ana Sood Pi ANCORPORATES NIAC S815 EDITS) utChapter 1 17, Sections 17 through 1715.2 are deleted by the NJUCC) isting standards ofthe Department of Environmental Protection and boards of health with respect to Individual onsite water supply systems rematn In effec. Potable Water Supply Systems (INCORPORATES NIAC 523-315 EDITS)1856 Location of Water Connection “The trailer pack water outlet for each trier coach space shall be located near the center ofthe lef side of| cach taller coach 185.7 Fire Protection Inthe design ofthe water distribution system ina ter park, consideration for fie outlet stations through ‘out the park should be made relative tothe locaton and quantity of water necessary during an emergency peri. 1858 Backflow Protection | | All requirements as described in Chapter 10 of this Code and as provided by the authority having jurisdiction shall be considered a part ofthis Section 18.6 RESERVED 18.7 TESTING Installations shall be tested and inspected as required by this Code 18.8 SANITARY FACILITIES 18.8.1 Public Water Closets, Showers, and Lavatories Separate public water closets, showers, nd lavatories shal be installed end maintained for each sex in ac- cordance withthe following rato of wale sites: Dependent Trailer ‘Trailer parks constructed and operated exclusively for dependent trailers shall have one water close, ‘one shower, and one lavatory foreach 10 sits or factional pat thereor “Comment: Dependent railer are not equipped with «water closet and lavatory and are dependant on the trier park for such faces. 1881.3 Combined Trailer Use Trailer parks constructed and operated forthe combined use of dependent and independent tales shall have facilites as shown in Table 188.13. ‘7 Rant Sod Ping Ca Taraed (INCORPORATES NIAC 325-315 EDITS) cyE.8.5.2 The aggregate size ofthe outdoor vent terminals shall eomply with Section 12.16 6 unless the build ing drain is vented in accordance with Section E853, E853. Where the aggregate sizeof outdoor vent terminals doesnot comply with Section E85. dry vent, ized according to Table 1216, shall be provided downstream from the last Fixture connection, branch connection, or stack connection to the building drsin before the connection of the building dein to the building sever. E.8.6 Referenced Standards . ‘2, ASSE 1050-2002 Stack Air Admittance Valves for Sanitary Drainage Systems ASSE 1051-2002 Inividual and Branch Type Air Admitaace Valves for Plumbing Drainage Systems. E.8.7 Requirements for Special Design Plumbing Systems The requirements of Sections E.1,E2, E.3, and E.4 apply to this special design plumbing system, E.9 SIPHONIC ROOF DRAINAGE 91 General Requirements 1. Siphoni roof drainage systems for primary oof drainage shall be designed installed, inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of ASPE Standard 45- Siphonie Roof Drainage, it Appendices, andthe other requirements of Section of F9 ia NSPC Appendix E. b. Systems shall be permitted tobe designed using compute programs that produce results equivalent to ASPE Standard 45, «. Design plans shall show all details of the system instalation, including pipe sizing, routing, elevations, fing and orientation. The system installation stall be coordinated with ll other aspects ofthe facility con 4. The requirements of Sections E.1, 2, £3, and E apply to this special design plumbing system, E.9.2 Roof Drains Siphonic roof drains shall eomply wih ASME A112.69. B93 Rainfall Rates chin NRE Appendiesty Rainfall rates shall be applied so shat the applicable rainfl rae for Burlington arnt (Ocean counties and all counties south shall be six inches per hour cand for Mercer and Monmouth and il ‘ountles north, the applicable rainfall rate shall be five inches per how: “nth scenery ReweDr inate -Sceondany +00 drsinagesall be provided i-scoonlance-withNSPC Section Hi}2e £95 Referenced Standards |ASPE Standard 45- current edition [ASME AL12.69-2005_Siphonic Roof Drains 1 Net Std Pt Cae Tisd (INCORPORATES NIAC #818 ROTTS) ar
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