Discourse Elements in English Academic Discourse: Yulia Chubarova
Discourse Elements in English Academic Discourse: Yulia Chubarova
Discourse Elements in English Academic Discourse: Yulia Chubarova
Natalia Rezepova
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Natalia Rezepova, Plekhanov Russian
University of Economics, Stremyanny lane, 36, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997.
E-mail: [email protected]
This paper presents a study of discourse elements in spoken academic discourse – a lecture – and
identifies their specificities. The study seeks to identify discourse elements in a wide body of research
material; to study structural, functional and pragmatic features of discourse elements in terms of the
implementation of the intentions of the speaker; to identify from the auditory analysis any prosodic
features of discourse elements. Discourse elements are specifically defined from the point of view
of their pragmatics: the intention of the speaker influences the language of the lecture and the way
in which ideas are connected with words. The study on discourse elements included several stages.
Research material consisted of audio recordings of Philology lectures to students studying English as a
foreign language by three native speakers of English (General American standard of pronunciation), all
of whom are professors at American colleges and universities. In total, 6 lectures were recorded; they
formed a wide body of research material lasting 7 hours 33 minutes. This wide body of research material
consisted of 2 306 linguistic facts, i.e. discourse elements in context. From these, 150 fragments
containing various discourse elements were then chosen to form a narrow body of research material
lasting 40 minutes. The phonetic research consisted of auditory analysis: dividing the fragments of
discourses into syntagms; defining the boundaries of syntagms; specifying pitch movement, tone level
and type of scale; using perceptual gradations of each prosodic feature, etc. Prosodic marking was
carried out in accordance with the method of notation adopted at the Department of English Phonetics
at Moscow State Teacher Training University (1997). Scaling enabled the classification and sorting
of all the studied elements (discourse elements). The authors used the following types of scales:
nominative, ordinal and interval. Structural analysis proved that discourse elements have different
structure and may be one-word elements and predicative phrases S+P incorporated into the structure
of the academic discourse. All discourse elements can be divided into two large groups – connecting
elements (connectors) and pragmatic elements.
The results of the research show that the studied elements differ structurally and can perform various
functions. The functions of the discourse elements, their structure, intentions of the speaker and also
their position in the phrase determine their prosodic features
Keywords: discourse, institutional discourse, lecture, discourse elements, structure, function, frequency
of use, prosodic features
Discourse as a text in a real communicative «frame model» (Minsky, 1969; Fillmore, 1976, 1982),
situation can be interpreted in different ways. It can arranging perception about various ways of behavior
be regarded as a «mental model» (Johnson-Laird, in typical situations; as a «script model» (Shank, 1975;
2001), representing a generalized summary of our Schank, Abelson, 1977), presuming development,
knowledge and understanding of the world; as a shifts and adjustments of those typical situations.
To study the communicative aspects of discourse, their native language the lecturer has to take into
we use a «situational model» elaborated and offered consideration the linguistic and cultural competence
by Teun Van Dijk (2008, 2009), which combines the of the listeners, their ability to understand him/her.
principles of social categories analysis to define our That is why the contact with the students and the need
understanding and behavior within a social context to create a free and easy atmosphere in the classroom
with personal subjective knowledge (evaluation, are very important for the linguistic, communicative
opinions, patterns), as well as a social-semiotic and pragmatic organization of the discourse.
approach of Michael Halliday (2003) and his discourse Discourse must have a coherent text and explicit
model, interlocking empirical, logical, interpersonal textual references. A substantial number of studies
and contextual levels of analysis. (Grosz, Sidner, 1986; Mann, Thompson, 1988; Martin,
In this work we have applied a sociolinguistic 1992; Foltz, Kintsch, & Landauer, 1998; Marcu,
approach towards an understanding of discourse. 2000; Budayev, 2009) examine the principles of inner
This implies that discourse is communication organization of the discourse and text. By discourse
between people belonging to a particular social group. elements many linguists mean those elements that
According to Vladimir Karasik (2002), this status- play a very important role in the organization and
oriented discourse can have an institutional character. structure of the discourse. Anna Prokhorova (2007)
There are many different kinds of institutional points out that besides their cohesive functions they
discourse in our community, such as scientific, mass may also have some pragmatic aspects. Most discourse
media, political, religious, pedagogical, medical, elements can express the opinion of the speaker, the
military, etc. relationship between the speaker and the listener,
Valeria Chernyavskaya (2006) highlights the social logical links between the ideas. They also can be
context of discourse in arguing that modern discourse studied from the point of view of pragmatics. The
analysis is focused on the character and level of intention of the speaker can influence the language
influence of various extra-linguistic factors on the of the lecture and the way in which the ideas are
language of the discourse. Discourse analysis has to connected with words.
answer the question of how the author, the receiver of English academic discourse has a wide range
the message, the field of communication, the channel, of discourse signals optimizing the process of its
the intention of the speaker and so determine perception and aimed at the recipient. It should be
discourse organization and its language. noted that oral discourse, unlike the written one,
makes the speaker facilitate perception of the material
by various means of speech connectors, including
Materials and Methods discourse elements.
By spoken academic discourse in this work we mean Connecting elements have different names in
a kind of scientific and institutional discourse whose academic literature. In particular, Randolph Quirk
purpose is to inform students. For our research we (1955) names expressions, such as sort of, you see, you
have chosen the lecture as one of the basic monologic know, I mean, well, etc., as intimacy signals, which allow
genres of scientific discourse: academic discourse the listener to feel more at ease, to be closer to the
is a homogeneous lecture devoted to one topic. The interlocutor. There are also other terms for connecting
peculiarity of the studied academic discourse is that elements of discourse, such as “linking signals”,
it has a special addressee that consists of students “fillers in”, “discourse markers”, “temporizers”. There
who study English as a foreign language, with the have been few attempts to describe and classify these
attendant difficulties caused by listening to a foreign elements and most have not been continued. As a
language, which means listening to and understanding result, there is not any well-established scientific
a foreign speech, implying a number of psychological term. The terminological inconsistency is caused
challenges. One of them is the irreversibility of the by a multiplicity of approaches to the study of the
process of perception of speech, which requires a great connecting elements. Moreover, these terms are used
deal of attention from the listeners. to refer to a different set of units, which is determined
In addition, the lecturer needs to be able to navigate by the specific objectives of the researcher.
the communicative situation, feel the addressee, and Most linguists think that discourse connectors are
anticipate their reaction in preparing lectures and the elements that play an important role in organizing
directing educational interaction. This is particularly the content and structure of the discourse in addition to
important, as the recipients are students who are their semantic and pragmatic aspects. Their pragmatic
learning English as a foreign language. Since it is not essence is to ensure the correct understanding of the
discourse. Therefore, the most preferable term, in our features of discourse elements, in terms of
opinion, is the term discourse elements proposed by the implementation of the intentions of the
Deborah Schiffrin (1994). speaker.
By discourse elements we mean segments of 3. To find during the auditory analysis prosodic
speech that connect at least two phrases. They also features of discourse elements.
reflect the intention of the speaker and his/her To meet these objectives, we used complex methods
reaction towards what he/she is saying. The research of research, which included: functional and semantic,
found that the group of these elements has, firstly, formal and structural, pragmatic and auditory types of
no fixed boundaries, and secondly, has elements that analyses, questioning of a native speaker, a statistical
may be presented by different parts of speech. In our method for data analysis of linguistic material, scaling
article the group of discourse elements is presented and linguistic interpretation of the results.
by adverbs (so, now, thus, therefore, anyway, finally,
however, though, further, similarly, perhaps, maybe, Phonetic Research
probably, certainly, (un)fortunately, naturally, evidently,
surely, obviously, actually, etc.), interjections (well, oh), The phonetic research consisted of auditory
numerals (first, second), performative verbs (I think, I’m analysis of all fragments of discourses. Recorded
sure, I suppose, I guess, I agree, I say, I hope, I expect, I fragments were presented to two auditors. At the
mean, I assume, I believe, I remember, I forget, I recall, I preparatory stage, the fragments were given to the
daresay, etc.), set expressions (first of all, for example, auditor, a native speaker, without any special phonetic
on the one hand, on the other hand, in addition, at the training but with a philological education. He was to
same time, in other words, in terms of, in general, that listen to the material, fill in the questionnaire and do
sort of thing(s), of course, no doubt, as you know, if you the following tasks:
remember, you know, as I said, as I mentioned before, 1. Determine whether the recorded speech
etc.), syntactical constructions (Let’s start with …, Let’s belongs to the standard of General American
move on to …, Do you have any questions?, etc.). pronunciation or not.
The lecture as a genre of academic discourse 2. Point out whether the speech belongs to an
abounds in these discourse elements. Since a lecture educated native speaker or not.
may be quite long in time, it demands various elements 3. Specify what style the recorded speech is of:
in its connection, division and organization. This informational, academic, publicist, oratorical
helps explain the great number of discourse elements or conversational.
in it. It is also the result of spontaneity, oral speech The native speaker easily answered the questions,
and improvisation. with the results of the analysis as follows. The speech
belonged to academic style, was of General American
Research Material and Methodology standard of pronunciation and belonging to an
educated native speaker.
The research material for our study was audio The second auditor was a Russian phonetician,
recordings of lectures to students who studied English fluent in English, phonetically trained and experienced
as a foreign language, with lectures in Philology in the analysis of the intonation of oral speech. The
given by three native speakers of English (General main objective of the auditor was the analysis of
American standard of pronunciation). Native speakers the intonation patterns of the selected fragments of
are professors at American colleges and universities. discourses and determination of prosodic features
In total 6 lectures were recorded; they formed a wide of discourse elements. The analysis was conducted
body of research material lasting 7 hours 33 minutes, in terms of scales, terminal tones and pauses. The
consisting of 2306 linguistic facts, i.e. discourse auditor was asked to:
elements in context. Later 150 fragments containing 1. divide the fragments of discourses to syntagms,
various discourse elements were chosen and formed define the boundaries of syntagms;
a narrow body of research material lasting 40 minutes. 2. specify pitch movement, tone level and type of
The research on the material was conducted in scale, focusing on prosodic features of particular
the following way. First, all the academic discourses discourse elements;
– lectures – were recorded, then transposed into 3. determine the duration and functional type of
their written variants, and finally discourse elements pauses, and tempo.
were identified. The following aims of the analysis of We used the following perceptual gradations of
academic discourse were formulated: each prosodic feature:
1. To identify discourse elements in the wide 1. Tone level: low, medium, high.
body of research material. 2. Terminal tones:
2. To study structural, functional and pragmatic - Low Fall, Mid Fall, High Fall;
Nominative Scaling
With the help of nominative scale we classified Figure 1. Separate/Non-separate discourse elements.
discourse elements in terms of special features
2. the position of a discourse element in a phrase
and principles they may have. The first feature is
(at the beginning, in the middle, at the end)
the function they may have. All the elements were
(see Fig. 2).
classified according to the functions in the discourse.
The second feature is their structural characteristic.
Structural analysis has demonstrated that discourse 6%
elements have different structure and may be one-
Initial position 63%
word elements (so, now, thus, therefore, anyway, etc.)
and predicative phrases (S+P) incorporated into the 31%
Middle position 31%
structure of the academic discourse (if you remember,
as I mentioned before, do you have any questions?, etc.). 63%
Final position 6%
Thus we found four groups of discourse elements:
one-word elements, combinations of meaningful
words with auxiliary words, phrases and incorporated
phrases. This is shown in Table 1.
Figure 2. Position of a discourse element is a phrase.
1 group 2 group
Connectors Pragmatic elements
lecturer to get into contact with the audience and see 21. Maybe 1,0
how well they understand him. The discourse element, 22. At the same time 0,9
in other words, is one of the most frequently used and 23. First of all 0,9
has the status of an elaborating element in this context.
24. Do you follow me? 0,8
It belongs to the group of logical connectors. It is also
necessary to note that the speech of the lecturer is 25. It is/was interesting 0,8
very logical and consistent. With the help of discourse 26. No 0,7
element, let me give you an example, historically, the 27. Of course 0,7
lecturer wants to illustrate his opinion. This element 28. Any questions? / Do you have any 0.7
also belongs to the group of logical connectors. The questions? / Anybody ask questions
fact that the professor uses such elements shows that about …? /Are there any questions
discourse has institutional character and that it is very you might have? / Let me ask if any
important to him that his lecture is well understood by questions you had about …?
the students.. 29. Right 0,6
30. Particularly 0,5
Ordinal Scaling 31. Let’s turn to… / Let’s look at… / Let 0,5
me get to … / Let’s do smth. / Let’s try
With the help of an ordinal scale discourse smth.
elements were classified as “more frequently used” 32. In fact 0,4
and “less frequently used”. In this scale it does matter
33. I hope 0,4
in what order the cells in the scale are put. Using this
34. I don't know 0,4
particular scale we managed to arrive at conclusions
about varieties of discourse elements and frequency of 35. Actually 0,4
their use as shown in Table 2. 36. I'm not sure 0,4
Table 2 37. Again 0,4
Frequency of use of discourse elements 38. Primarily 0,3
Frequency of 39. Generally 0,3
use of use of
№ Discourse element 40. Usually 0,3
the discourse
element (%) 41. And so forth 0,3
1. So 15,3 42. Fortunately/unfortunately 0,3
Interval scales enabled us not only to classify 32. I'm not sure 57 14 29
discourse elements but also to numerically express 33. Again - 78 22
and compare them. Thus we received the data about 34. Primarily - 75 25
the number of discourse elements and predominance 35. Generally 33 50 17
of their prosodic characteristics. The analysis and
36. Usually 63 25 13
interpretation of the data collected proved our
hypothesis that the prosodic variations of discourse 37. Say 29 71 -
elements are determined by the intention of the 38. And so forth - 17 83
speaker, the complexity of the structure of the 39. Fortunately/unfortunately 57 43 -
elements, their position in the sentence and in the
40. Apparently 29 57 14
phrase (Table 3).
41. (As) I understand 33 50 17
Table 3 42. In a way 17 67 17
Position of a discourse element in the phrase 43. (As) I say 57 43 -
Position (%) 44. (So) we say 20 60 20
№ Discourse element
Initial Middle Final 45. I'm sure - 80 20
1. So 98 2 - 46. That doesn't mean 60 40 -
2. Now 98 2 - 47. I guess 20 80 -
3. I think 46 51 3 48. By that I mean 100 - -
4. In other words 100 - - 49. What is called 40 60 -
5. In terms of 16 83 2 50. I believe 40 60 -
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