This invoice is from elufababy to Nama Cust (Agen) and includes the sale of various baby carriers. A total of 3 standard soft structured carriers, 2 toddler carriers, and 7 Modiva carriers were purchased for a total of Rp3,590,000. Additional fees include Rp40,000 for expedited and the total amount due is Rp3,630,000 with a down payment of Rp1,815,000 and remaining balance of Rp1,815,000. The invoice was issued in Surakarta, Maret 2020.
This invoice is from elufababy to Nama Cust (Agen) and includes the sale of various baby carriers. A total of 3 standard soft structured carriers, 2 toddler carriers, and 7 Modiva carriers were purchased for a total of Rp3,590,000. Additional fees include Rp40,000 for expedited and the total amount due is Rp3,630,000 with a down payment of Rp1,815,000 and remaining balance of Rp1,815,000. The invoice was issued in Surakarta, Maret 2020.
This invoice is from elufababy to Nama Cust (Agen) and includes the sale of various baby carriers. A total of 3 standard soft structured carriers, 2 toddler carriers, and 7 Modiva carriers were purchased for a total of Rp3,590,000. Additional fees include Rp40,000 for expedited and the total amount due is Rp3,630,000 with a down payment of Rp1,815,000 and remaining balance of Rp1,815,000. The invoice was issued in Surakarta, Maret 2020.
This invoice is from elufababy to Nama Cust (Agen) and includes the sale of various baby carriers. A total of 3 standard soft structured carriers, 2 toddler carriers, and 7 Modiva carriers were purchased for a total of Rp3,590,000. Additional fees include Rp40,000 for expedited and the total amount due is Rp3,630,000 with a down payment of Rp1,815,000 and remaining balance of Rp1,815,000. The invoice was issued in Surakarta, Maret 2020.
Harga satuan (setelah SSC Standard dipotong diskon) golden ostrich 2 Pcs Rp 215.000,00 = Rp 430.000,00 Misty Night 1 Pcs Rp 215.000,00 = Rp 215.000,00 Sub Total 3 Pcs Rp 645.000,00 Harga satuan (setelah SSC Toddler dipotong diskon) golden ostrich 2 Pcs Rp 265.000,00 = Rp 530.000,00 Sub Total 2 Pcs Rp 530.000,00 Harga satuan (setelah SSC MODIVA dipotong diskon) golden ostrich 3 Pcs Rp 345.000,00 = Rp 1.035.000,00 Misty night 1 Pcs Rp 345.000,00 = Rp 345.000,00 black in white 1 Pcs Rp 345.000,00 = Rp 345.000,00 mutual friend 1 Pcs Rp 345.000,00 = Rp 345.000,00 ancient mohawk 1 Pcs Rp 345.000,00 = Rp 345.000,00 Sub Total 7 Pcs Rp 2.415.000,00 RINGKASAN TRANSAKSI JENIS PRODUK QTY NOMINAL KETERANGAN SSC STANDAR 3 Rp 645.000,00 Sudah termasuk diskon Rp. SSC TODDLER 2 Rp 530.000,00 50.000,- per pcs SSC MODIVA 7 Rp 2.415.000,00 POPO DIAPERS BAG 0 Rp - JUMLAH Rp 3.590.000,00 EKSPEDISI Rp 40.000,00 JUMLAH TAGIHAN Rp 3.630.000,00 Down Payment Rp 1.815.000,00 Sisa Pembayaran Rp 1.815.000,00