Xercise: Advanced Subjective Questions
Xercise: Advanced Subjective Questions
Xercise: Advanced Subjective Questions
1. Consider a triangle ABC with sides AB and AC having 8. Find the equations of the sides of a triangle having
the equations L1 = 0 and L2 = 0. Let the centroid, (4, –1) as a vertex, if the lines x – 1 = 0 and
orthocentre and circumcentre of the ABC are G, H
x – y – 1 = 0 are the equations of two internal bisectors
and S respectively. L = 0 denotes the equation of side
of its angles.
(a) If L1 : 2x – y = 0 and L2 : x + y = 3 and G (2, 3)
then find the slope of the line L = 0. 9. P is the point (–1, 2), a variable line through P cuts
the x and y axes at A and B respectively Q is the
(b) If L1 : 2x + y = 0 and L2 : x – y + 2 = 0 and H(2, 3) point on AB such that PA, PQ, PB are H.P. Show that
then find the y-intercept of L = 0. the locus of Q is the line y = 2x.
(c) If L1 : x+y – 1=0 and L2 : 2x – y + 4=0 and S(2, 1) 10. The equations of the altitudes AD, BE, CF of a
then find the x-intercept of the line L = 0. triangle ABC are x + y = 0, x – 4y = 0 and 2x – y = 0
respectively. The coordinates of A are (t, –t). Find
2. The equations of perpendiculars of the sides AB coordinates of B and C. Prove that if t varies the
and AC of triangle ABC are x–y–4=0 and 2x–y–5=0 locus of the centroid of the triangle ABC is x + 5y = 0.
respectively. If the vertex A is (–2, 3) and point of
3 5
intersection of perpendiculars bisectors is , , find 11. The distance of a point(x1, y1) from each of two
2 2 straight lines which passes through the origin of co-
the equation of medians to the sides AB and AC ordinates is ; find the combined equation of these
straight lines.
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