Air Handling Unit 3: Total Air Quantity 12800 CFM Duct Velocity 4000 FPM (Recommended)
Air Handling Unit 3: Total Air Quantity 12800 CFM Duct Velocity 4000 FPM (Recommended)
Air Handling Unit 3: Total Air Quantity 12800 CFM Duct Velocity 4000 FPM (Recommended)
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.
Duct Section Air Quantity CFM Capacity
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.
To A 12800 100%
A-B 10950 86%
B-C 9100 71%
C-D 7250 57%
D-E 5400 42%
E-F 3400 27%
F-G 1600 13%
G-H 1000 8%
A-1 1850 15%
1-2 925 7%
B-3 1850 15%
3-4 925 7%
C-5 1850 15%
5-6 925 7%
D-7 1850 15%
7-8 925 7%
E-9 2000 16%
9-10 1400 11%
F-11 1600 13%
11-12 1200 9%
12-13 600 5%
G-14 600 5%
H-15 1000 8%
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.
T – 2 Coordinator’ s Room:
144 ¿2 π D2
A=0.31 ft 2 ( 1 ft 2 )
=44.15 ¿2 A=
( 4 ) 63.07 ¿2
D 2=
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.
T - 3 Conference Room:
T – 4A Accreditation Center:
T – 4B & T – 4C
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.
Using Concentric Reducers:
L= ( D −D
2 )
Diameter Diameter
Reducer No. Ratio Used: LENGTH TO USE
No.1 No.2
1 24.5 22.75 7 6.125 6.25
2 22.75 21.25 7 5.25 5.25
3 21.25 19.5 7 10.5 10.5
4 19.5 17.5 7 7 7
5 17.5 14.9 7 9.1 9.25
6 14.9 11 7 13.65 13.75
7 11 10 7 3.50 3.5
8 11.75 9 7 9.625 9.75
9 11.75 9 7 9.625 9.75
10 11.75 9 7 9.625 9.75
11 11.75 9 7 9.625 9.75
12 11.75 9 7 9.625 9.75
13 7.75 6.75 7 3.5 3.5
14 6.75 5.25 7 5.25 5.25
**All data are obtained and calculated from ASHRAE Manual, Friction Chart.