Obligations and Contracts Test
Obligations and Contracts Test
Obligations and Contracts Test
A and B are solidary debtors of X and Y solidary creditors to the amount of P4,000. On the
due date, X renounced in favor of A the entire obligation Which of the following is correct?
A civil liability which involves the return of the object of the crime whenever possible, plus
alowances for any deterioration or diminution of value as may be determined by the court
to the rightful owner- (1 point)
A mango tree in the land of Osni is reclining towards the road. All of a sudden without a
storm or an earthquake or even a strong wind, the tree fell hitting a car belonging to Yassie
causing a P20,000 damage The liability of Osni to Yassie arises from
A owes BP2.000 demandable and due on September 10, 2010. B, on the other hand, owes
A P2,000 demandable and due on or before September 30, 2010. If claims compensation on
September 10, 2010, can A rightfully oppose?
A pedestrian who was hit by a taxi and suffered physical injuries can bring an action based
on cupa aquiliana against the operator of the taxi. A pedestrian who was injured because of
the recklessness of a bus driver can bring an action of culpa criminal against the driver but
not the owner.
A person obliged to give something must preserve the object using a standard of care or
diligence. This standard of care or diligence may be.
A sold his cow to B for P2,500. No date was stipulated for the delivery of the cow. While still
in the possession of A, the cow gave birth to a calf
A source of obligation where there easts criminal negligence (1 point)
A wrong committed independent of a contract and with criminal intent (1 point)
A wrong committed independent of contract and without criminal intent is-
Al has been missing for sometime leaving no one to manage his properties Bo and Cyrus
jointly took charge of the management thereof. However, due to the fault of Bo, the
properties of Al were damaged. The liability therefore to Al for damages shall be (1 point)
All of the following except one are civil liabilities arising from crime
An obligation wherein various things are due but the complete performance of all of them
is necessary to extinguish the obligation
Change of persons or objects: (1 point)
Conrad and Charlie are jointly indebted to Pete for P100,000. Pete assigned his interest to
Crispin who assigned it back to Conrad.
Consignation alone shall give rise to the extinguishment of an obligation, EXCEPT: (7 point)
Consignation alone, as a special form of payment, may extinguish an obligation under any
of the following instances. Which is the exception?
D owes C P10,000 payable on December 25. Later, D forced to sign a promissory note for
P10,000 payable on December 25 If all the other requisites of compensation are present,
are both debts extinguished?
D owes C P200,000 but the debt had already prescribed. If O, knowing that it has
prescribed, nevertheless paid , he cannot later on get back what he voluntarily paid C This is
an example of a
D1, D2 and D3 are solidary debtors of C for P30,000. The obligation was in writing. After the
lapsed of the ten- year prescriptive period, which of the following statement is incorrect.
Daryl is the driver of the passenger bus which is owned and operated by Osni While Daryl is
driving said bus, it met an accident through his negligence where Prots, a passenger, was
injured Daryl is liable to Prots for damages which arises from (1 point)
Daryl owes Cris P100 By mistake Daryl pays Cris P1000. Cris must return the P900. This is an
example of
Every obligation whose performance does not depend upon a future or uncertain event, or
upon a past event unknown to the parties, is demandable at once. This refers to:
Example 1-D obliged himself to give a specific ring upon failure to give P10,000. Example 2-
D obliged himself to give a specific ring. However, if he so desires, D may instead give
Example No. 1 D obliged himself to give P10,000 However, the day before the obligation
falls due, D's apartment was completely gutted by accidental fire. There is no question that
the money was also razed by fire. The obligation of D is totally extinguished because of
fortuitous event. Example No. 2: D obliged himself to pay C P 10,000 with 6% interest. On
the due date, tendered P10,000 witha promise to pay the P600 interest the day after If C
refused to accept, he can be compelled to accept thetendered payment because the
obligation is divisible.
Example No. 1 D owes C P 10,000 due on December 25. C owes D P6,000 due on December
25 D's obligation is guaranteed by G On the due date, Dis insolvent. C is liable to C for
P10,000, he (C) cannot set up compensation because he is not a principle debtor. Example
No. 2: D owes C P10,000 payable on December 25. Later, D, through intimidation was able
to make C sign a promissory note stating that is indebted to D for the same amount. In
here, D cannot be acquired to pay C P 10,000 because he (D) can set up compensation
against C.
Example No. 1: D for P10.000 mortgaged his land to c. C instead of a deed of mortgage
executed a deed of sale and let D sign his name D's right is to go to court and ask for
annulment. Example No. 2: D obliged himself to give object No. 1 or object No. 2 to C. In
here, both objects are due.
G was appointed guardian of S. the latter being 16 years old. S sold his parcel of land in
writing to B valued at P100,000 for P75,000, suffering lesion by' of the value. What is the
status of the contract?
III give you my car one year after your death." The obligation is
In which of these cases is advanced payment recoverable by the debtor?
On June 1, 2010, S sold to B the former's horse for P10,000. S promised to delver on June
25, 2010, while 6 did not promise when to pay.
On June 1, 2010, S sold to B the former's horse for P10,000. S promised to delver on June
25, 2010, while 6 did not promise when to pay.
S owns an oil painting. Being in need of money, S sold the painting to B for P1000. After the
sale S discovered that the painting was valuable and was worth P5,000.
S owns specific ring and sells it to B for P10,000. B paid S the price, and S promised to
deliver the ring five (5) days after After the sale, S gets a loan from X and pledged the ring in
a private instrument. Statement 1 - Between 0 and X, B has got a better title because the
pledge did not appear in a public instrument. Statement 2 - However, if S delivers the ring
to X, X will have a better title because there was delivery
S sold to B a specific car for P10,000 and promised to deliver on December 25, 2017. The
next day, after the sale is made, he sold the same car to X and delivered it to X on the same
day. If no delivery is made by S to B on December 26, 2017, which of the following is
Statement No 1: “if the obligation does not fix a period, but from its nature and the
circumstances, it can be inferred that a period was intended, the court may fix the duration
thereof. Once it is fixed by the court, the parties cannot change the fixed date for
performance. Statement No. 2: "I will give you P10,000 as soon as possible." This is an
obligation with a period for the benefit of both the debtor and creditor
Statement No. 1 Responsibility arising from fraud is demandable in all obligations. A waiver
of an action for future fraud is void. Statement No. 2. When the fulfillment of the condition
depends upon the sole will of the debtor, the conditional obligation shall be void. If it
depends upon chance or upon the will of a third person the obligation shall take effect in
conformity with the provisions of laws.
Statement No. 1: "I will give you a specific car if you will not marry X this year (2018) If by
the end of 2017, both parties are alive and no marriage has taken place my obligation is
extinguished. Statement No. 2 " will give you P10,000 if you cannot make a dead man alive.
This is an impossible condition obligation not demandable.
Statement No. 1: D obliged himself to give C a specific car tomorrow. If D failed to deliver
tomorrow after demand is made C may compel D to do his obligation and may ask for
damages. Statement No. 2 D obliged himself to deliver a car to C tomorrow. If D failed to
deliver tomorrow after demand is made C's right is to ask a third person to deliver a car to
him at the expense of D plus damage
Statement No. 1: in culpa aquiliana negligence on the part of the debtor is a substantial
issue which must be proved by the creditor in order to be entitled to an award of damages
Statement No. 2: The highest standard of care that a person obliged to give something is
that diligence of a good father of a family
Statement No. 1: in solutio indebiti, the contract of the parties is the basis for damages in
case of non-performance. Statement No. 2. Dolo", as a ground for awarding damages, is the
deliberate intention to cause damage or injury to another person
Statement No. 1: The receipt of the principal obligation without reservation as to the
payment of interest shall raise a conclusive presumption that the interest is also paid.
Statement No. 2. The receipt of the latter installment of a debt without reservation as to
prior installment, shall not raise a conclusive presumption that the prior installment is also
Statement No. 1: When the prestation is negative and the debtor is precluded from doing
an impossible or unlawful condition, the entire obligation including the condition, is null
and void. Statement No. 2. in an obligation subject to a period, what is suspended is the
birth of the obligation
Statement No. 1; The concurrence of more than one creditor or more than one debtor in
one and the same obligation implies solidarity. Statement No. 2 In alternative obligations
where the right of choice is exercised by the creditor consent of the debtor as to the
creditor's choice of which prestation to perform is necessary. (1 point)
Statement No. I: “Legal compensation takes place by operation of law even if the parties
may not be aware of.” Statement No. 2. The indivisibility of an obligation necessarily implies
The act of abandoning all his properties in favor of his creditors so that the latter may cause
their sale and apply the proceeds thereof to their daims proportionately is called
The delivery and transmission of ownership of thing by the debtor to the creditor as an
accepted equivalent performance of an obligation is called.
The duty not to recover what has been voluntarily paid a though payment was no longer
The following are causes vitiating consent, EXCEPT:
The following except one are secondary modes of extinguishing obligations. Which is that
The kind of compensation which may only be raised by the creditor and not by the debtor
in the obligation to give gratuitous support:
The loss or harm suffered by one person on his property is called:
The obligation of the employer to pay death benefits and funeral expenses for his
employee's death while in the course of employment as sanctioned by the Workmen's
Compensation Act is one that arises from
The officious manager or gestor is liable for any fortuitous event, except
The wrongful act or tort which causes loss or harm to another is called:
Three of the following are requisites of an obligation. Which is the exception?
When Al voluntarily takes charge of the neglected business of Bo without the latter's
authority where reimbursement must be made for necessary and useful expenses, there is
When the debtor binds himself to pay when his means permit him to do so, the obligation
is: (1 point)
When there is a return of what was not lawfully required, there is:
Which of the following is an obligation with a period for the benefit of both the debtor and
the creditor?
a Proof of due diligence in the b. Proof of the contract and c. The negligence of the
selection and supervision of of its breach and of its breach defendant is merely an
employees is not available as is sufficient prima facie to incident in the performance
a defense. warrant recovery of the obligation
yes, under legal No, B's consent was obtained Yes, with the approval of the
compensation by force. court
a. D1 paid C knowing that the b. if D1 paid not knowing that c. lf D1 paid C not knowing
obligation has already the obligation has already that the obligation has
prescribed, D1 cannot ask prescribed, D1 cannot ask already prescribed, his right is
reimbursement from D2 and reimbursement from D2 and to proceed against C because
D3 D3. there was undue payment.
a law b. Quasi-contracts c. Contracts.
a Both are true b. Both are false c. No. 1 is true No. 2 is false.
a valid, because the event is O b valid, the obligation is c. valid, but disregard the
sure to come. conditional condition
b. If the debtor voluntarily
a. lf the payment is only of
interest credited for the paid the obligation knowing c. If the debtor was unaware
that it is not yet due and of the period.
proper period.
a A maker or draver b. An object or prestation c. A drawee
a Both are true b. Both are false c. No. 1 is true No. 2 is false.
o b. Both statements are
a Both statements are true. c. No. 1 is false No. 2 is true.
a Both are true b. Both are false. c. No. 1 is true No. 2 is false.
a Both are true b. Both are false c. No. 1 is true No. 2 is false.
a Both are true b. Both are false. c. No. 1 is true No. 2 is false
b. Fulfillment of resolutory
a Prescription c. Arrival of resolutory period
a Damages b. Damage c Injury
a Prestation b. Efficient cause c. Delivery
c. abandonment of all the
a complete or partial b more than one debt debtor's properties except
insolvency. those exempt from
c. Payable on or before
a Payable if I like b. Payable when you like
December 25, 2010
d. imprisonment
d. Crime e Quasi-delict
d. Yes, Yes
B in order to be entitled to
the calf, should pay additional
cost for the calf to be agreed
upon by both parties
d culpa aquiiana
d Culpa criminal
d quasi-contract e none of the above
d. indemnification for
consequential damages
Not given
d. Personal obligation
d. Quasi delict
d. Pure obligation
d Voidable
d money
d condonation or remission
di legal compensation
d. If he assumed the
management in bad faith.
d. Remission e Rescission
d. Solution indebiti
o d obligation to give a
delimited generic object
d. Condonation is essentially
1. If an obligation states that the debtors bind themselves jointly and
severally, the obligation is considered joint.
5. A lender can recover the principal of a loan in a usurious contract
even if the contract is void as to the interest.
6. The nullity of the penal clause carries with it that of the principal
7. In alternative obligation, the right of choice belongs to the creditor,
unless it has been expressly granted to the debtor.
8. As a rule, a creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from the
time the obligation to deliver it arises.
11. Negligence signifies the idea of delay in the fulfillment of an
20. D obliged himself to give C P1.000.000 if the latter would not kill X
a third person. In this case, both the condition as well as the obligation
is void.
21. An example of debt that may be compensated is that arising from
a deposit
23. Responsibility arising from fraud is demandable in all obligations.
Any waiver of an action for future fraud is void.
46. Without demand from the creditor, the debtor, even if he fails to
perform the obligation on the agreed date does not incur delay.
48. Solidarity cannot exist if the creditors and the debtors are not
bound in the same manner and by the same periods and conditions.
49. D obliged himself to pay to the sum of P50,000 which he owes him
when he (D) feels like it. This kind of obligation is valid and legally
73. Delay or mora is defined as the failure of the debtor to observe the
required standard of care required by the nature of the obligation
taking into consideration the circumstances of time, person event and
73. Delay or mora is defined as the failure of the debtor to observe the
required standard of care required by the nature of the obligation
taking into consideration the circumstances of time, person event and
75. The creditor acquires real rights over the thing from the moment
the thing is delivered and nor from the time the obligation to deliver it
76. In delegacion, the insolvency of the new debtor may at times
revive the original debtor's obligation.
77. Solidarity may exist although the creditors and the debtors may
not be bound in the same manner and by same periods and conditions
78. Just before the obligation became due and demandable, the
debtor proposed to the creditor that he would give him a specific cart
instead of paying P150,000, and which proposal was accepted by the
creditor. Here, there is extinguishment of an obligation by way of
dacion en pago.
98 Payment means not only the delivery of money but also the
performance, in any other manner of an obligation
100. Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between
the contracting parties and should be complied with in good faith
101. In obligations with a penal clause, the penalty shall substitute for
damages and the payment of interest in case of noncompliance.
102. In order that the creditor can demand the penalty in an obligation
with a penal clause, it is necessary that he show proof of actual
damage suffered by him
103. When the debtor binds himself to pay when his means permit
him to do so, the obligation shall be deemed to be conditional.
138. After the obligation became due and demandable, the creditor
agreed to a proposal by the debtor to give him a specific cow instead
of paying P25,000. This is a case of novation by changing the term or
the object of an obligation
171. Obligation for whose fulfillment a day certain has been fixed, shall
be demandable only when that day comes. Obligation with a
resolutory period takes effect at once, but terminates upon arrival of
the day certain
177 The receipt by the principal of the payment for the principal
amount without reservation as to the payment of the interest creates
a presumption that the interest has been paid while the receipt by the
principal of a latter instalment without reservation as to the payment
of a prior installment creates a conclusive presumption that the prior
installment has been paid
178. If the debt produces interest, payment of the interest shall not be
deemed to have been made until the principal has been covered or