Anne Bakes A Cake Q AND A

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determined to make her cake despite having

Understanding the Text caught a cold from playing in the spring the
A. 1. “Avonlea opened its heart to them from previous evening. She drew a long breath
the start—everyone liked the cheerful young when she shut the oven door, showing how
man and the bright, gentle lady who was his breathlessly she had been working on the
wife.” 2. Yes. Marilla must have been cake and how anxious she was for it to turn
bored by them because when Anne tells out well. 6. “Anne felt that Mrs Allan’s
her she asked her teacher a lot of questions, approving smile was almost too much
Marilla says ‘I believe you’. 3. Marilla happiness for this world.” 7. No, she
wants to invite Mr and Mrs Allan home didn’t, because the text says Anne was red
because she has heard that they had been with embarrassment after tasting the cake
everywhere else in the neighbourhood but and she didn’t expect the cake to taste the
hadn’t visited the Cuthberts’ home yet. way it did. 8. Not only had the cake
Marilla took a lot of trouble to make great turned out badly due to Anne using
preparations because hosting the minister Anodyne Liniment instead of vanilla, but
and his wife to tea was an important also Anne had failed to smell the contents of
matter and Marilla did not want to be the bottle before using them, due to her
outdone by any of the other Avonlea cold.
housekeepers. 4. Anne is nervous and 9. Anne jumped up because she realised that
often doubts her own ability whereas Diana the person she had been talking to was not
is confident that things will turn out well Marilla but Mrs Allan. 10. No, because
and is reassuring. Anne is imaginative and Anne ‘permitted herself to be led down and
rather high-strung whereas Diana is calm comforted’. The paragraph also says that she
and logical. 5. Anne couldn’t sleep that had enjoyed the evening more than she had
night and got up early, at sunrise. She was expected.
B. 1. a. plenty of cake and other things to eat,
without Anne’s layer cake b. The
problem was of the possibility of Anne’s
cake not rising.
C. c. Marilla’s view was that Anne’s cake
was not very important nor necessary, as
there were other things to eat, but Anne
was worried that if the cake didn’t rise, she
would fail to bake a nice cake for Mrs
2. a. Marilla saw Mrs Allan’s
expression. It was a strange expression
indicating that there was something
wrong with the cake.
b. Marilla guessed that there was
something wrong with the cake. She quickly
tasted the cake to confirm her guess.
c. Anne did not notice it probably
because Mrs Allan did not say a word
and ate the cake steadily. Also, Anne
hadn’t eaten the cake herself yet.
3. a. Mrs Allan’s kindly voice, speaking
to Anne, in Anne’s bedroom.
b. Tell Mrs Allan that the liniment Anne
had put into the cake by mistake was not

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