Lesson 3: Flatness and Curvature: Notes From Prof. Susskind Video Lectures Publicly Available On Youtube
Lesson 3: Flatness and Curvature: Notes From Prof. Susskind Video Lectures Publicly Available On Youtube
Lesson 3: Flatness and Curvature: Notes From Prof. Susskind Video Lectures Publicly Available On Youtube
help it. So some aspect of it you have to get over. You
have to get over that hump of tensor notation, bunches of
indices upstairs and downstairs. And then it goes easier,
more smoothly... until you come to do a calculation. Then
you are right back into the mess again.
General relativity in modern physics
So there is a lot of different active areas nowadays rela-
ted to general relativity – classical general relativity, that is
involving no quantum uncertainty. The equations of general
relativity are still full of things to teach us.
Furthermore the equations of black holes have been
found to be extremely useful in condensed matter physics
and fluid dynamics, in other words in domains having no-
thing to do with black holes and gravity. Different domains,
same equations. In short, there is a heavy amount of acti-
vity devoted to applying the equations of general relativity
to other areas of physics. It is probably one of the most
active area of research.
Riemannian geometry
For the system of coordinates, mathematicians technically
talk of a mapping from R2 into S, with nice properties of
smoothness and differentiability.
transformation globally over the whole surface.
The diagnostic quantity that does the job is called the cur-
vature tensor.
And it is very interesting. I think you will find it very in-
teresting. We will try not to make it too boring.
tial mark someplace, goes around the rope till it comes back
to the mark, and records the number of steps it took it to
do it. That is the only thing the bug can say, or measure,
about the closed rope.
We are concerned with whether they are flat. The first ques-
tion then is : find something which distinguishes whether
they are flat. If gmn is not equal to δmn , that doesn’t mean
the space is not flat. It just means you may be in the wrong
coordinates. You can’t diagnose the space by asking whe-
ther gmn is δmn .
0, that implies that the space is flat and that there exist
coordinates such that
gmn (X) dX m dX n
That gives you the square of the length of the little diffe-
rential displacement dX.
We call the displacement dX for simplicity, but we could
call it dP . It is indeed a small vector which will have dif-
ferent components in different coordinate systems. In a Y
system, we will call its components dY . So the square of
the length of the little displacement is
g mn times gmn yields the unit matrix. As a tensor equation
it says that the tensor product of g mn with gnr , when it
is then contracted along the index n, gives the Kronecker
delta tensor.
Up to now, we haven’t paid much attention to the pla-
cing of the indices of the Kronecker delta symbol, see for
instance equation (3) where we wrote both of them downs-
tairs because we equated it to gmn . The point to note is that
in matrix algebra, the Kronecker delta symbol is generally
denoted δmn . While in tensor algebra of general relativity
or Riemannian geometry it is most of the time denoted
δmn with one upstairs index and one downstairs index (the
downstairs index slightly shifted to the right if we like neat
typography) – at least when the Kronecker delta symbol is
treated as a tensor.
This is a thing to prove : if you take the Kronecker
delta symbol and you transform it pretending it is a tensor
of whichever type, you just get back the Kronecker delta
symbol of the same type.
3. the matrix gmn has only positive eigenvalues
4. the matrix gmn is positive definite
Vn = V m gmn (6)
V m = Vn g mn (7)
components of V , equation (7) is the way you build its
contravariant components. This requires a bit of proof that
is left to the reader.
To what extent can you force the metric to look like a flat
metric ? Now we mean not only that the space is flat, but
that we are in a coordinate system such that gmn is equal
to δmn . If that is the case, the space is definitely flat – that
is the definition of flatness. But to what extent given any
space can you find coordinates such gmn might be the Kro-
necker delta over some limited region.
Figure 3 : Displacement of length ∆S along the surface
and along the tangent plane in the same direction. The coordi-
nates are represented on the tangent plane. We could also have
represented them – slightly curved – on the surface itself.
Say, you are a little bug. You move on the surface following
your nose going straight ahead. That defines one coordi-
nate axis. Then you come back to point P . You have some
surveying tools to figure out which other directions make a
right angle with the fist line. On a two dimensional surface
there is only one other direction (in one sense or the other).
In three dimensions, there is a whole plane. And you go
off in an orthogonal direction as straight as you can. You
build that way a complete set of coordinates based on those
You can do that in more than one way. If you found coor-
dinates with which equation (8) is true, you can rotate the
coordinates. This will produce a different set of axes such
that equation (8) in the new set is still true. In figure 3,
think of pivoting the coordinate system around P .
∂ 2 gmn
6= 0 (10)
∂X r ∂X s
How do we prove it ? As said, this is actually not hard. Let’s
take up the point of interest that we called P , of coordinates
X0 , to be the origin.
X0 = 0
Now suppose we have some general metric and some coor-
dinates Y in which the metric has some form, which does
not satisfies equations (9).
Let’s look for some X’s which will be functions of the Y ’s,
and choose them in the following way : at the place where
X = 0, in other words at the origin, let’s also assume that
Y = 0. So the two sets of coordinates have the same origin.
That means that X will start out just equal to Y plus
something quadratic in Y
X m = Y m + Cnr
m n r
Y Y (11)
up to quadratic order 4 . That means that we will be able
to solve the forty equations (9), but that we will fail to set
the left hand sides of equations (10) to be equal to zero.
Covariant derivatives
Figure 4 : Surface viewed at P with Gaussian normal
coordinates X, and any coordinates Y .
If the space is really flat, then we know what it means for
a vector at one point P of the surface to be the same or
to be equal to a vector at another point Q of the surface,
see figure 5. It means they point in the same direction and
have the same length. Therefore in the X coordinates they
have the same components.
Figure 6 : Two equal vertical vectors, at P and at Q.
∂X r
6= 0
∂Y r
It might even be the case – as in figure 5 or 6 – that all of
the derivatives of Vm are 0 in one coordinate system and not
0 in the other coordinate system. That will be because the
coordinates are shifting, not because the vector is changing.
The first thing we do is to construct a set of Gaussian nor-
mal coordinates at point P . Remember : Gaussian normal
coordinates are as straight as possible near P . They are
well defined over the whole variety, and they make up an
approximately Euclidean system of coordinates in the vi-
cinity of P . So we re-express all the vectors of the vector
field in the new coordinates X that are locally flat and Eu-
The components, in Gaussian normal coordinates, of the
difference between VQ and VP are the kind of elements that
we will use to define the derivatives of the vector field at P .
For instance if we were interested in the derivatives along
the P Q direction, it would approximately be VQ − VP divi-
ded by the small distance between P and Q. But we shall
be interested in the derivatives of V along the X axes.
But before we look into these two terms, let’s repeat the
prescription as a methodical procedure.
You have a vector field V on a variety, equipped with
any coordinate system Y . You want to calculate the
derivative of V at P . Then follow these steps :
1. Change coordinates to use Gaussian normal coor-
dinates at P , let’s call them X (notice that they
are valid over the whole surface, and approxima-
tely flat at P ).
2. Differentiate V at P in the usual way, using the
X coordinates.
3. Consider the collection of partial derivatives you
got as the components of a tensor of rank 2 in the
X coordinates.
4. Switch back to your original coordinate system
Y , and re-express in that original system the ten-
sor you got, using the tensor equations linking
X and Y .
Dr Vm = ∂r Vm − Γtrm Vt (13)
2. ∂r Vm is the ordinary partial derivative of Vm with
respect to the r-th direction in Y calculated directly
in the Y coordinates. ∂r is a short hand for ∂Y∂ r .
3. −Γtrm Vt is the additional term due to the fact that
the coordinates Y themselves evolve in the vicinity of
P . The minus sign is a pure convention. This whole
second term on the right hand side of equation (13)
must clearly be proportional to Vt . If you double the
size of Vt it must be twice as big. And the coefficient
Γtrm in front of Vt is a new mathematical object ap-
pearing in the differentiation procedure. We shall talk
about it.
The right hand side of equation (13) is what you will get
if you take a vector, differentiate it in Gaussian normal co-
ordinates and then transform the double-indexed collection
of derivatives to other coordinates as a tensor. In any other
coordinate system what you will get is the usual derivative
in that coordinate system minus an object times the com-
ponents of V themselves. As usual Γtrm Vt means of course
the sum over t.
Dr Vm is called the covariant derivative of Vm 6 . This is
not because the index m is downstairs. The terminology
has another origin. If we had differentiated V m , we would
have obtained a formula analogous to equation (13). And
it would also be called the covariant derivative of V m .
Christoffel symbols
unlikeable enough.
to the frame of reference in which the elevator was accele-
That is closely related to the operations we have been
doing in this chapter : we calculate something because we
know how to do it in coordinates which are as flat as pos-
sible. That would be a freely falling frame in general rela-
tivity. And then we transform it in any coordinate we like,
accelerated coordinates or anything we like, and we trans-
late the statement from one coordinate system to another.
In the construction of the covariant derivative, the cal-
culation of the variation of a vector from point to point is
done first in Gaussian normal coordinates, and then it is
transformed in any coordinate system. Equation (13), re-
produced below,
Dr Vm = ∂r Vm − Γtrm Vt (15)
We will see that the Γtrm ’s are build-up out of the deriva-
tives of the metric ∂r gmn . In fact in a coordinate system
in which the derivatives of the metric are 0, the Christoffel
symbols are 0. But a tensor, if it is zero in one coordinate
system, it is 0 in every coordinate system. So that is ano-
ther way to see that they can’t be tensors.
and we want to differentiate it covariantly along the r-th
axis. We denote the resulting tensor
Dr Tmn
The reader may wonder : what is all this intricate business
of covariant differentiation of tensors for ? Answer : it is for
comparing things at different points. We want to be able
to talk about rates of variation of things along coordinate
lines, with objects which have an existence irrespective of
the system of coordinates we work with.
Remember that a vector in ordinary 3D has an existence
irrespective of the basis we are using. For certain work and
calculations with it – not all of them – we need a represen-
tation of the vector in a basis. The collection of components
to represent it and work with it is different from one ba-
sis to another, but the vector we are talking about is the
same 9 .
Where are we going to use covariant derivatives ? Ans-
wer : in field equations. Field equations are going to be
differential equations which represent how a field changes
from one place to another. But we want them to be the same
equations in every reference frame. We don’t want to write
down equations which are special to some peculiar frame.
We want them to be valid in general. That is, if they are
true one frame they will be true in all frames. That means
they have to be tensors equations. So we have to know how
to differentiate tensors to get other tensors.
even in flat space if you are using funny coordinates. In fact
if you choose any coordinates in which the derivatives of the
gmn ’s are not zero, that is, in which the coordinates vary
from point to point sinuously (viewed from an embedding
space for instance), Γtrm Ttn will be there.
To begin to use our new tool, let’s apply equation (16) to the
metric tensor itself. There is something special, however,
about the metric tensor : in Gaussian normal coordinates,
its derivatives are all zero. That means that the covariant
derivative of the metric tensor is zero. That simple observa-
tion is what is going to allow us to compute the Christoffel
symbols. Let’s write equation (16) with the metric tensor.
We are in a coordinate system that is general, curvilinear
or not, flat of not, whatever :
So equation (17a) becomes
But how are we going to get rid of the grt on the right hand
side of equation (18) ? The answer comes from recalling that
grt has an inverse. We saw that in the form of matrix equa-
tions, as well as in the form of tensor equations, see equation
(33) of chapter 2. We multiply both sides of equation (18)
by the inverse tensor, and move also the factor 2, and we
Γtmn = g rt [ ∂n grm + ∂m grn − ∂r gmn ] (19)
metric tensor. Notice that all our calculations are at one
point P . Whatever coordinate system our variety is equip-
ped with, we position ourselves at a point on it, consider
the metric tensor gmn there, calculate the gammas there
with equation (19).
The use of Gaussian normal coordinates at P was just
for intermediate reasoning, calculation and proof purposes.
We are now back in the initial coordinate system of our
The gmn , g mn and Γtmn depend on P . But equation (19)
is general. At every point, it expresses the connection co-
efficients – the other name of the Christoffel symbols – in
terms of the derivatives of g. These connection coefficients
enable us to figure out how any vector or tensor varies, in
our space, when we move a little bit along the coordinate
of g are not constant, therefore the Christoffel symbols are
not zero in that system of coordinates. Even on a sphere,
however, at any given point we can build a set of Gaussian
normal coordinates (like maps do – you just tinker with the
longitude), and then the Christoffel symbols at that point
will be zero.
Christoffel symbols. But if you want the same equations in
general coordinates then replace the ordinary derivatives by
covariant derivatives.
Curvature tensor
But it is going to be a cone with a round summit, figure 8.
Think of the top of a mountain the sides of which are nice
and flat like those of a volcano, and the top is round.
The rounded cone only differs from a flat space in this vi-
cinity of the summit. To see that just take the same space
below the dotted line but continue it so that it really does
form a genuine cone.
Figure 10 : Cone opened up and laid flat
(smaller scale than figure 9).
On the flat surface, all the vectors point in the same direc-
tion. But when we fold again the shape to form the cone, we
see that the vectors no longer point in the same direction.
Think of them as very small so that they don’t have to be
bent. The first one on the left is along a generatrix, but the
last one on the right points in another direction.
There is another way to say this, which is equivalent and
actually more useful.
second axis. And this will produce a small change in the
vector due to the two derivatives.
Dr Ds V m (20)
Figure 13 : Displacements in the other order.
Let’s go back to our cone, either the genuine cone (figure 9),
or the cone with a rounded top but looking at the part be-
low the dotted line (figure 8). Consider a vector field which
when the cone is opened and laid flat is constant. Fold the
flat shape to form the cone. We discovered that if we follow
the vector field on a closed loop around the top, we don’t
get back to the same vector we started with. This is due to
the following fact, that is important enough to note with
That is the way we will test whether the space is flat or not.
We compute its covariant derivative in the r direction
Dr Vn
Ds Dr Vn = Ds ∂r Vn − Γtrn Vt
In the end, the difference between the two second order co-
t , multiplied
variant derivatives yields a tensor, denoted Rsrn
by Vt
Ds Dr Vn − Dr Ds Vn = Rsrn Vt (24)
And here is R
Rsrn = ∂r Γtsn − ∂s Γtrn + Γpsn Γtpr − Γprn Γtps (25)
It has a complicated expression. And it is even more com-
plicated when you remember that the Christoffel symbols
are given by equation (19), which we reproduce below
1 rt
Γtmn = g [ ∂n grm + ∂m grn − ∂r gmn ]
Let’s see what are the elements in the curvature tensor gi-
ven by equation (25).
The second derivatives are testing and probing out the geo-
metry of the surface a little more thoroughly than just the
first derivatives. In a similar way, in the theory of functions,
when at a point x you know f (x) and f 0 (x) and f ”(x), you
are better off than with just the value of f and of its first
But conceptually what it is doing is simply calculating the
difference in a vector if you transport it around the loop
in figure 13, keeping it parallel to itself, as much as you
can locally at every point, until you have come all the way
around. It calculates the little change in a vector in parallel
transport going around a loop.
rounded cone. It can simply be a plane with a bulge, as in
figure 14.
And then you start moving the probe. While you move it in
the flat region, nothing happens to it. It remains perfectly
happy. It doesn’t get stretched, it doesn’t get distorted or
deformed. This would have also been the case on the side
of the rounded cone away from the summmit, by the way.
But now what happens when you try to move the probe
into the curved region ? When you are trying to move it
into the curved region, it simply can’t follow the curvature
without having to stretch or compress some of its lengths.
It has to follow the metric properties of the curved space.
ture, made for instance of many more hexagones, covering a
larger region of the plane, like floor tiles, but still hinged so
that any two connected sticks can change their directions
from each other, then the probe would feel the curvature
more strongly.
We are finished with our mathematical study of Rieman-
nian geometry, metrics, tensors, curvature, etc. The inter-
ested reader who wants to go further into the mathematical
aspects of these topics is invited to take up any good ma-
nual in differential geometry oriented toward applications.
As far as we are concerned, our new tools will now be put
to use.