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Technical Renort Documentation p'a!!e
1. Report No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
1111111 I lllllll 111111111111111
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
REFERENCE MANUAL 6. Performing Organization Code
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
This manual has been written to provide training on how to apply principles of geotechnical earthquake engineering
to planning, design, and retrofit of highway facilities. Geotechnical earthquake engineering topics discussed in Part
I of this manual include:
• deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment;
• evaluation of design ground motions;
• seismic site response analyses;
• evaluation of liquefaction potential and seismic settlements;
• seismic slope stability and deformation analyses; and
• seismic design of foundations and retaining structures .
The manual provides detailed information on basic principles and analyses, with reference to where detailed
information on these analyses can be obtained. Design examples illustrating these principles and analyses are
provided in Part II of this manual.
'This module is the ninth in a series of eleven modules that constitute a comprehensive training course in
geotechnical and foundation engineering. Sponsored by the National Highway Institute (NHI) of the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the training course is given at different locations in the U.S.
The intended audience is civil engineers and engineering geologists involved with the design and
construction of transportation facilities.
'This manual adopted much of the information from the following FHWA publications:
Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 3
"Design Guidance: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for Highways, Volume I-Design Principles;
Volume II- Design Examples."
Publication No.: FHWA-SA-97-076 and FHWA-SA-97-077
May 1997.
The subjects that have been added, expanded and/or revised in this manual are as follows:
• The results of the latest srudy by USGS on seismic hazard calculations have been included in this
manual (Chapter 3).
• The site classification guidelines used on the site response analyses have been updated to be
consistent with the latest recommendation by NEHRP (Chapter 4).
• The latest developments in liquefaction evaluation and the recommendations from the NCEER
workshop on the subject have been incorporated (Chapter 8).
• Chapter 9 has been significantly expanded to include complete design guidance for deep foundations
and retaining walls.
• The manuscript has been completely reformatted to be compatible with those of the remaining 10
modules; and
• The manual has been extensively cross-referenced to other modules where more detailed information
on a given subject may be available.
'This manual has been written to provide information on how to apply principles of geotechnical earthquake
engineering to planning, design, and retrofit of highway facilities. Geotechnical earthquake engineering
topics discussed in this manual include:
This manual is divided into two parts. Part I of the manual provides detailed information on basic
principles and analyses, with reference to where detailed information on these analyses can be obtained.
Part II presents design examples illustrating the principles and analyses described in Part I.
This manual has been prepared using up-to-date information. However, earthquake engineering is a
rapidly evolving field. Codes and standards are updated at regular intervals and analytical procedures are
revised and improved frequently. Furthermore, almost every major earthquake leads to modification,
qualification, extension, and/or improvement of some of the methods and techniques presented herein.
Therefore, the geotechnical professional using this document is encouraged to consult the technical
literature for recent advances in geotechnical earthquake engineering relevant to his/her project prior to
completing his/her design.
Finally, this manual is developed to be used as a living document. After attending the training
session, it is intended that the participant will use it as a manual of practice in everyday work.
Throughout the manual, attention is given to ensure the compatibility of its content with those of the
participants manuals prepared for the other training modules. Special efforts are made to ensure that
the included material is practical in nature and represents the latest developments in the field.
Pennission by the FHWA to adapt the original manuscript prepared by GeoSyntec Consultants for
Geotechnical Circular No. 3 is gratefully acknowledged. Provision of the original electronic files for the
circular by GeoSyntec Consultants is also acknowledged. Furthennore, the authors appreciate Jerry
DiMaggio, Andy Munoz and Peter Osborn of FHWA for their thorough reviews and recommendations.
The authors would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Ke Fan, Jeremy Hung, and a number
of other professionals from Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc., in the preparation of this manual.
The infonnation in this document has been funded wholly or in part by the US Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), under Contract No. DTFH 61-94-C-00104 to
Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. The document has been subjected to peer and administrative
review by FHWA, and it has been approved for publication as a FHWA document.
In this document, certain products have been identified by trade name. Also, photographs of these
products have been included in the document for illustration purposes. Other products which are not
identified in this document may be equally viable to those identified. The mention of any trade name or
photograph of a particular product does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by either
the authors or FHWA.
Fahrenheit temperature(°F) 5/9(°F- 32) Celsius temperature(0 C) Celsius temperature(0 C) 9/5(°C)+ 32 Fahrenheit temperature(°F)
Notes: 1) The primary metric (SI) units used in civil engineering are meter (m), kilogram (kg), second(s), newton (N) and pascal (Pa=N/m2).
2) In a "soft" conversion, an English measurement is mathematically converted to its exact metric equivalent.
3) In a "hard" conversion, a new rounded metric number is created that is convenient to work with and remember.
1. 0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1. 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 Sources of Damage in Earthquakes ............................... 1-2
1.2.1 General ............................................ 1-2
1.2.2 Direct Damage ....................................... 1-2
Classification of Direct Damage ............................ 1-2
Primary Damage ...................................... 1-2
Secondary Damage ..................................... 1-3
1.2.3 Indirect Damage ...................................... 1-5
1.3 Earthquake-Induced Damage to Highway Facilities ..................... 1-6
1.3.1 Overview ........................................... 1-6
1.3.2 Historical Damage to Highway Facilities ...................... 1-6
1.4 Organization of the Document ................................... 1-8
5.4.3 Soil Density ........................................ 5-15
5.4.4 Shear Wave Velocity .................................. 5-15
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Geophysical Surveys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Compressional Wave Velocity ............................ 5-22
5.4.5 Evaluation of Cyclic Stress-Strain Parameters .................. 5-22
Laboratory Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
Use of Empirical Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
5.4.6 Peak and Residual Shear Strength .......................... 5-26
The General Bearing Capacity Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
Bearing Capacity from Penetration Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
Sliding Resistance of Shallow Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Factors of Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
9.2.3 Equivalent Foundation Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
Stiffness Matrix of a Circular Surface Footing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Rectangular Footings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Embedment Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
Implementation of Dynamic Response Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
9 .3 Design of Deep Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18
9.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18
9.3.2 Seismic Vulnerability of Deep Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20
9.3.3 General Design Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20
9.3.4 Seismic Response of Pile Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-22
9.3.5 Method of Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-23
Group Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28
9.3.6 Equivalent Foundation Stiffness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
Equivalent Cantilever Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
Foundation Stiffness Matrix Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-31
9.3.7 Other Design Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-33
Foundation Design Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-33
Soil Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-43
Pile Uplift Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-43
Liquefaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
Ground Displacement Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
9.4 Retaining Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
9.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-45
9.4.2 Gravity Type Retaining Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
Dynamic Earth Pressure Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
Permissible Displacement Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-49
9.4.3 Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-51
External Seismic Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-52
Internal Seismic Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-54
9.4.4 Soil-Nailed Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-55
9.4.5 Anchored Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-57
9.4.6 Stiffness of Abutment Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-59
LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
5 .1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5 .1.1 Description of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1.2 Source Materials Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.2 Site Geology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.3 Geotechnical Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.3.2 Geotechnical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.4 Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.5 Slope Stability Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.5.1 Design Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.5.2 Stability Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.6 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.7 Remedial Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
5.8 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
7. 0 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
1-1 Areas Impacted by Major Historical Earthquakes in the United States ..... . 1-1
1-2 Tilting of Buildings Due to Soil Liquefaction During the Niigata (Japan)
Earthquake of 1964 ....................................... . 1-4
1-3 Slumping of the Lower San Fernando Dam in the 1971 San Fernando
Earthquake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-4 Secondary Earthquake Damage Caused by Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-5 Collapse of Hanshin Expressway During the 1995 Kobe (Hyogo-ken Nabu,
Japan) Earthquake ........................................ . 1-7
2-1 Major Tectonic Plates and Their Approximate Direction of Movement . . . . . . . 2-2
2-2 Cross-section Through Tectonic Plates in Southern Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-3 Thrust Faulting Without Surface Rupture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2-4 Types of Fault Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-5 Comparison of Earthquake Magnitude Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-6 Definition of Basic Fault Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-7 Various Distance Measures Used in Earthquake Engineering ............. 2-10
2-8 Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement Time Histories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-9 Schematic Representation of Acceleration Response Spectra .............. 2-12
2-1 0 Tripartite Representation of Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement
Response Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
4-7 Attenuation of the Root Mean Square Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4-8 Arias Intensity Attenuation Relationship (Kayen and Mitchell, 1997) . . . . . . . . 4-13
4-9 Accelerogram Recorded During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake ......... 4-14
4-10 Bolt (1973) Duration of Strong Shaking ........................... 4-15
4-11 Trifunac and Brady (1975) Duration of Strong Shaking ................. 4-15
4-12 Duration Versus Earthquake Magnitude for the Western United States ....... 4-16
4-13 Soil Conditions and Characteristics of Recorded Ground Motions, Daly City
(San Francisco) Mw 5.3 Earthquake of 1957 ........................ 4-17
4-14 Comparison of Soil and Rock Site Acceleration Response Spectra for M., 8
Event at 5 lan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4-15 PGA Attenuation in 1985 Mexico City Earthquake (Krinitzsky, 1986) ....... 4-19
4-16 Spectral Amplification in 1985 Mexico City Earthquake (Romo and Seed,
1986) ................................................. 4-19
4-17 Normalized 1994 Uniform Building Code Response Spectra .............. 4-20
4-18 1997 Uniform Building Code Response Spectra ...................... 4-21
4-19 Fundamental Frequency of Trapezoidal Dam/Embanlanent .............. 4-25
5-1 Stresses Induced in a Soil Element by Vertically Propagating Shear Wave . . . . . 5-6
5-2 Hysteretic Stress-Strain Response of Soil Subjected to Cyclic Loading . . . . . . . 5-7
5-3 Shear Modulus Reduction and Equivalent Viscous Damping Ratio Curves . . . . . 5-8
5-4 SPT-Relative Density Correlation ............................... 5-10
5-5 Correction Factor for the Effective Overburden Pressure, CN. . ........... 5-14
5-6 Soil Classification System Based on the CPT ........................ 5-16
5-7 CPT-Soil Behavior - SPT Correlation Chart ........................ 5-17
5-8 Schematic Sketch of Cross Hole Survey ........................... 5-18
5-9 Schematic Sketch of Down Hole Survey ........................... 5-19
5-10 Schematic Sketch of Seismic Cone Penetration Testing (SCPT). . .......... 5-19
5-11 Schematic of SASW Testing .................................. 5-21
5-12 Shear Modulus Reduction Curves for Sands ........................ 5-27
5-13 Shear Modulus Reduction Curves for Sands ........................ 5-28
5-14 Shear Modulus Reduction and Damping Ratio as a Function of Shear Strain
and Soil Plasticity Index ..................................... 5-28
5-15 Relationship Between Corrected "Clean Sand" Blow Count (N1)= and
Undrained Residual Strength (S,) from Case Studies ................... 5-30
7-6 Newmark Analysis Using Peak and Residual Shear Strengths (Matasovic,
Kavazanjian, and Giroud, 1998) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7-7 Comparison of Results from Newmark Analysis Using Peak and Residual
Shear Strengths (Matasovic, Kavazanjian, and Giroud, 1998) ............. 7-10
7-8 Inter-Relationship of Yield Acceleration and Peak Average Acceleration ...... 7-10
7-9 Permanent Displacement Versus Normalized Yield Acceleration for
Embanlanents ............................................ 7-13
9-22 Lateral Stiffness of Fixed Head Piles .............................. 9-37
9-23 Rotational Stiffness at Pile Head. . .............................. 9-38
9-24 Cross-Coupling Stiffness at Pile-Head............................. 9-39
9-25 Embedment Effects on Lateral Stiffness of Fixed Head Piles ............... 9-40
9-26 Embedment Effects on Rotational Stiffness. . ....................... 9-41
9-27 Embedment Effect on Cross-Coupling Stiffness ...................... 9-42
9-28 Dynamic Active Forces Behind a Gravity Wall in the Mononobe-Okabe
Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-47
9-29 Effect of Seismic Coefficients and Friction Angles on Seismic Active Pressure
Coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-48
9-30 Range of Normalized Displacements Using Newmark Sliding Block Model,
and Various Equations Approximating the Upper Envelope .............. 9-50
9-31 Seismic External Stability of MSE Wall ........................... 9-53
9-32 Seismic Internal Stability of MSE Wall ........................... 9-56
9-33 Design Value of the Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient, K, for Various Types
of Soil Reinforcement Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-56
9-34 Seismic Effects on Anchored Bulkheads ........................... 9-58
A normalizing constant for Gmax calculation (Section 5.4.5) and/or maximum
acceleration of earthquake record (Section 9.4)
Am maximum wall acceleration
~ dam/embankment fundamental frequency coefficient
~ peak average acceleration, peak acceleration at the top of the embankment
a(t) acceleration time history
B foundation width (footing width) and/or width of the abutment wall
B' effective width of footing
C cohesion and/or viscous damping coefficient
c60 product of correction factors for use in calculating N60
CN correction factor for use in calculating (N 1) 60
CHT SPT correction factor for nonstandard hammer type
CHW SPT correction factor for nonstandard hammer weight/height of fall
Css SPT correction factor for nonstandard sample setup
CRL SPT correction factor for change in rod length
CBD SPT correction factor for nonstandard borehole diameter
CSREQ critical stress ratio induced by earthquake
CSRL corrected critical stress ratio resisting liquefaction
c. seismic coefficient (UBC)
CV seismic coefficient (UBC)
Cw1, CW2 correction factors that depend on depth of the groundwater table
dR residual displacement of wall
D pile diameter and/or damping ratio ·
Dso mean grain size
D50 15 average mean grain size in granular layer included in H 15
Db bracketed duration of strong ground motion
Dr depth to the base of the footing from ground surface
Dr relative density
D, significant duration of strong shaking
Dw depth of the groundwater level
e eccentricity of the resultant force and/or void ratio
E Young's modulus of a pile
efficiency factor for stiffness of p-y curve due to group effects
maximum void ratio
small strain (initial) Young's modulus
emin minimum void ratio
eo in situ void ratio
Es Young's modulus
f. fundamental frequency
fo resonant frequency
f, cone penetration test sleeve resistance
Fis average fines content for granular layers included in H 1s
FVE SPT energy correction factor using F2 method
SYMBOLS (continued)
seismic active earth pressure coefficient
seismic passive earth passive coefficient
horizontal seismic coefficient
Ki initial slope of soil modulus in laterally loaded pile analysis
~j coefficient of stiffness matrix
~ correction factor for earth quake magnitudes other than Mw 7 .5
~ peak horizontal average acceleration
K., coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest
k. seismic coefficient
K. translational stiffness
kv vertical seismic coefficient
K_,g vertical ground acceleration
KWS pseudo-static inertia force
ky yield acceleration
L foundation length
L.i effective resistant length of reinforcement for MSE wall
m mass
IIli, (short period) body wave magnitude
SYMBOLS (continued)
SYMBOLS (continued)
SYMBOLS (continued)
In the United States, design of constructed facilities to resist the effects of earthquakes is often considered
a problem restricted to California or the western United States. However, historical records show that
damaging earthquakes can, and do, also occur over broad areas of the eastern and central United States.
Some of these historical eastern and central United States earthquakes have been truly major events, with
intensities equal to or greater than that of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, impacting areas far larger
than the impact areas of major earthquakes that have occurred in the western United States in historical
times (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1: Areas Impacted by Major Historical Earthquakes in the United States. (After Nuttli, 1974,
reprinted by permission of ASCE)
The areas over which damaging earthquakes may reasonably be expected to occur cover more than 40
percent of the continental United States (e.g., see the seismic risk maps in Chapter 3 of this document).
Until recently, highway facilities in many of these areas have not been designed for seismic loading.
Seismic design concepts are therefore relatively new to highway engineers in these regions. Furthermore,
the state-of-practice in earthquake engineering has evolved rapidly in the past 25 years, as lessons learned
from new earthquakes are incorporated into practice.
1 - 1 (Part I)
The objective of this document is to provide general guidance to geotechnical engineers on the seismic
design of highway facilities. This document is intended to supplement existing FHWA guidance documents
on seismic design of bridges and other highway facilities. Therefore, detailed information on geotechnical
aspects of seismic design is provided herein while other aspects are addressed by reference and only briefly
addressed herein. Furthermore, it is assumed that the geotechnical engineer using this document is familiar
with the static design of highway facilities. Accordingly, this document only focuses on those aspects of
geotechnical investigation, analysis, and design that relate to seismic design.
The practice of earthquake engineering continues to evolve rapidly. For instance, the coefficients for some
of the acceleration attenuation relationships described in Chapter 4 are updated on a yearly basis. A design
engineer using this document should check the technical literature on geotechnical earthquake engineering
for enhancements or modifications of the methods presented herein and for new developments in the field
to be completely up to date.
1.2.1 General
Damage resulting from earthquakes may be directly attributable to the effects of the earthquake or may
be an indirect result of direct earthquake damage. Likewise, direct damage from earthquakes may result
from both the primary impacts from the earthquake (i.e., ground shaking and fault displacement) or from
secondary impacts, like landslides and soil liquefaction, generated by the primary impacts.
Damage that is directly linked to the effects of the earthquake is referred to as direct damage. Direct
damage can be separated into two broad classes: primary damage due to strong shaking and fault rupture
and secondary damage due to the effects of strong shaking and fault rupture.
Primary Damage
Primary damage is damage that is a direct result of strong shaking or fault rupture. Primary damage
attributable to strong shaking and fault rupture includes partial or total collapse of a structure. The
magnitude of the damage due to strong shaking will depend on both the intensity of the motion and the
frequency (or frequency content) of the motion. These factors, in turn, may depend upon the earthquake
magnitude and source mechanism (e.g., strike-slip or thrust faulting), the location of the site with respect
to the point of energy release of the earthquake (e.g., distance, azimuth), and the response characteristics
of both the foundation for the impacted structure and the structure itself (e.g., natural period). Damage
due to fault rupture depends upon the amplitude, spatial distribution (e.g., concentrated along a single
strand or diffused across a zone), and direction (e.g., vertical or lateral) of the fault displacement.
The relationship of the natural frequency of a structure (earthen or man-made) to the predominant
frequency of the strong shaking generated at the site by the earthquake is an important factor influencing
the damage potential of the ground motions. The predominant frequency of the strong shaking at the site
is, in turn, influenced not only by the earthquake source mechanism, but also by travel path of the seismic
waves from the source to the site and by the local geology and topography at the site. A notable example
1 - 2 (Part I)
is the seismic response of the Mexico City sedimentary basin to distant earthquakes and associated
structural damage to buildings. Both in the 1957 and 1985 earthquakes, only certain buildings in selected
areas of the city were damaged whereas other areas remained unaffected.
Damage linked to vertical and horizontal fault displacement is most often associated with linear systems
such as water lines, gas mains, roadways, and railways. Many of these linear systems provide essential
services to the community and are therefore referred to as lifelines. Fault rupture will also impact
structures that are constructed directly above the fault.
Secondary Damage
In addition to direct damage to constructed families and natural slopes caused by the inertial forces due to
ground shaking and permanent ground displacement due to faulting, structures may also experience
secondary damage as a consequence of direct damage induced by earthquake ground motions. For
instance, the strong shaking may cause a landslide that damages a bridge or viaduct. In some soils (e.g.,
saturated sands), strong shaking may cause a loss of soil strength or stiffness in level ground that results
in settlement or lateral spreading of foundations and failure of earthen structures. Secondary damage due
to earthquake ground motions is an important consideration for highway systems. Examples of secondary
damage to highway facilities include:
• Damage due to landslides: There are numerous documented cases of landslides generated by
earthquake ground motions. Ground movement associated with a landslide can cause structural
damage to the superstructure or foundation of a highway facility, block roadways, and generate other
types of secondary impacts (e.g., seiches in reservoirs, rupture to pipelines).
• Liquefaction: Strong ground shaking can cause a loss of strength in saturated cohesionless soils. This
loss of strength is referred to as liquefaction. Liquefaction of saturated sands during earthquakes was
first identified as a major source of secondary damage after the 1964 Niigata and Alaska earthquakes.
Since that time, a considerable amount of research has been performed to understand and mitigate
liquefaction problems. Soil liquefaction is discussed in detail in Chapter 8 of this document. The
consequences of liquefaction may include bearing capacity failure, lateral spreading, and slope
• Bearing capacity failure: When the soil supporting a structure liquefies and loses strength, the
bearing capacity of the soil drops to almost zero. As a consequence of this loss of bearing
capacity, large foundation defonnations can occur. Bearing capacity failure may result in the
structure settling and rotating (tilting) as in Niigata in 1964 (see Figure 1-2). Seismically-induced
bearing capacity failure can also occur without liquefaction of the underlying soil.
• Lateral g>reading: Lateral spreading is the lateral displacement of large surficial blocks of soil as
a result of liquefaction in a subsurface layer. Liquefaction of a layer or seam of soil in even gently
sloping ground can often result in lateral spreading. Movements may be triggered by the inertial
forces generated by the earthquakes and continue in response to gravitational loads. Lateral
spreading has been observed on slopes as gentle as 5 degrees.
• Slope instability: Liquefaction of even thin seams of soil can induce an overall stability failure in
a slope or embankment. These slope failures can occur during or after the earthquake. The
slumping of the Los Angeles (Lower San Fernando) Dam in the 1971 San Fernando earthquake
is perhaps the best known example of a liquefaction-induced slope failure (see Figure 1-3).
1 - 3 (Part I)
Figure 1-2: Tilting of Buildings Due to Soil Liquefaction During the Niigata (Japan) Earthquake of
1964. .
Figure 1-3: Slumping of the Lower San Fernando Dam in the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake.
1 - 4 (Part I)
• Fire and explosion: Fire or explosions have historically been a major source of damage following
earthquakes. Rupture of gas and electric lines is often the cause of dramatic explosions and fires. In
many cases, the right-of-way for oil and gas pipelines is located along highway alignments. During
the 1994 Northridge earthquake, fire following rupture of a gas line in a street provided some of the
most graphic images of the earthquake (see Figure 1-4).
• Other sources of secondary damage: Other sources of secondary damage from earthquakes include
chemical spills, sewer damage, and loss of potable water supplies. Secondary damage to underground
sewer and water supply pipelines often may not be evident immediately following the earthquake.
Indirect damage refers to the socio-economic impact of an earthquake. Indirect damage may include loss
of business or essential services and environmental impacts.
• Loss of services: An important effect of earthquakes that is not easily quantifiable is cost in terms of
loss of business and disruption of services. Many businesses cannot operate after an earthquake, and
many other businesses may be impaired by increased travel and delivery times due to earthquake
damage. The indirect impacts of earthquakes can last months and even years after the event. Loss
of essential services such as transportation facilities and power and water systems are major
contributors to indirect damage.
• Environmental impact: The indirect environmental side effects of an earthquake can include increased
consumption of fossil fuels, resulting in air pollution and health impacts due to disruption of waste
disposal services. Increased travel time and traffic congestion can significantly increase air emissions
following a seismic event. Closure of waste disposal facilities and disruption of waste collection both
contribute to post-earthquake environmental impacts.
1 - 5 (Part I)
1.3.1 Overview
Recent earthquakes in the United States and abroad have provided a vivid reminder of the potential for
damage to highway facilities in earthquakes and the impact of that damage on the community. Damage
in the 1989 Loma Prieta (Santa Cruz Mountains) and 1994 Northridge earthquakes in the United States and
the 1995 Kobe (Hyogo-Ken Nabu) earthquake in Japan have illustrated the potential for not only direct
damage, including loss of life and destruction of highway structures, but also indirect damage due to loss
of service of portions of highway systems. Economic loss due to closure of the Bay Bridge following the
Loma Prieta earthquake is a good example of the potential magnitude of indirect damage. Economic losses
associated with closure of the bridge include the costs associated with increased travel time and air
pollution due to necessary detours. Furthermore, in many cases, business trips to San Francisco were
simply deferred or canceled, resulting in loss of business. Travel and tourism also suffered. Estimates
of the cost of these indirect losses exceed $10 billion. Thus, the estimated indirect costs are greater than
the estimated $6.5 billion cost of repairing the direct damage from the earthquake. Disruption of highway
systems also contributed to delays in emergency response and recovery activities, possibly increasing direct
damage, including loss of life and fire-related damage.
The historical record of damage to highway facilities in major earthquakes does not begin until the 1933
Long Beach earthquake since there were few major highway facilities prior to that time. However, the
accounts of the impact of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake include reports of minor damage to railway
tunnels from strong shaking (primarily at the tunnel portal) and numerous reports and pictures of damage
to local thoroughfares induced by local ground failures that are now known to have been caused by
liquefaction (see, e.g., Youd and Hoose, 1976). Furthermore, in earthquakes throughout history, there
have been reports of landslides and mass soil movements blocking travel routes and disrupting commerce.
At the time of the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, the Los Angeles freeway network had yet to be
developed. Furthermore, the earthquake struck south of Los Angeles in, at the time, relatively sparsely
.populated Orange County. However, damage accounts from the earthquake include reports of disruption
to the Pacific Coast Highway, the main thoroughfare between Long Beach and the coastal areas of Orange
County, due to lateral spreading of the ground. The lateral spreading is now recognized as attributable
to liquefaction.
The first reports of major damage to structural elements of highway facilities due to earthquakes were
from the 1964 Niigata and Alaska earthquakes. Numerous bridges were destroyed in both of these
earthquakes by soil movements attributable to liquefaction (see, e.g., Ross, et al., 1969). In fact, it was
only after study of the damage induced by these earthquakes that liquefaction was recognized as an
important phenomenon in earthquakes.
The 1971 San Fernando earthquake was the first event in which major damage to highway facilities were
not attributed to liquefaction or landslides. Damage to highway facilities in the San Fernando event
included toppling of highway overpasses and structural damage to bridge piers and retaining walls.
Following the San Fernando event, the engineering profession undertook a comprehensive reassessment
of procedures and practices for seismic design of highway facilities.
1 - 6 (Part I)
Significant damage to transportation systems was one of the major characteristics of the 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquake. The collapse of a more than 1.5-lan long section of elevated roadway on Interstate 880 (the
Cypress Street Viaduct) along with the loss of a 15-m long span of the upper deck of the Bay Bridge
linking San Francisco to Oakland resulted in both loss of life and major disruption to the transportation
system. At both locations, amplification of the ground motions from the relatively distant earthquake by
local soil conditions (i.e., soft to medium-stiff clay soils) significantly affected the seismic loads on the
structure, contributing to its collapse. Of the 1,500 highway bridges in the felt area of the Loma Prieta
earthquake, 10 were closed due to structural damage, 10 required shoring to remain in service, and 73
experienced lesser damage (EERI, 1989). In addition to this structural damage, a series of landslides
disrupted State Route 17, the only direct high capacity roadway between the Santa Cruz and the San Jose
It is estimated that approximately 10 percent of the 20,000 Ian of state highway in California experienced
ground acceleration greater than 0.25 g during the 1994 Northridge earthquake (CDMG, 1995). The most
significant damage to highway facilities occurred at the State Route 14-Interstate 5 interchange, constructed
between 1971 to 1974. This interchange was under construction during the 1971 San Fernando earthquake
and was designed to pre-San Fernando earthquake standards. In addition to bridge failure and damage,
there was also extensive non-structural damage to highway systems in the Northridge event. Highway
damage included excessive settlement of bridge approaches, soil settlement under pavement, and
The collapse of the Hanshin expressway due to strong shaking during the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan
provided another graphic example of damage to highway structures during earthquakes (see Figure 1-5).
Figure 1-5: Collapse of Hanshin Expressway During the 1995 Kobe (Hyogo-ken Nabu, Japan)
1 - 7 (Part I)
This expressway was constructed before modern seismic details for columns were incorporated into
practice (EERI, 1995). In this earthquake, some bridges in Kobe also experienced significant damage due
to soil liquefaction.
Experience from the Loma Prieta, Northridge, and Kobe earthquakes indicates that bridges and other
structural highway facilities designed in accordance with current codes will, in general, perform well when
subjected to strong ground motions. However, damage from these earthquakes also illustrates the fragility
of structures not designed in compliance with current codes. The damage to highway facilities in these
events emphasizes the continuing importance of consideration of effects of strong shaking, soil liquefaction,
landslides, and local soil amplification.
Part I
General background information on the sources, types, and effects of earthquakes, including the definition
of key terms used in earthquake engineering, is provided in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 of this document
discusses seismic source characterization and provides information on readily available geological,
seismological, and geophysical data. Chapter 4 describes the characterization of earthquake ground
motions for use in engineering analysis. Details of geotechnical site characterization for seismic analyses
are presented in Chapter 5. Seismic site response analyses are addressed in Chapter 6, and methods for
evaluating the seismic stability of slopes and embankments based upon the results of a seismic site response
analysis are presented in Chapter 7. Techniques for evaluating the liquefaction and seismic settlement
potential of a site are discussed in Chapter 8. Basic elements of the seismic design of retaining walls,
spread footings, and piles are presented in Chapter 9. References cited in the document are listed in
Chapter 10.
Part II
Examples illustrating the application of the methods discussed in Part I are presented in Part II - "Design
Examples", immediately following the Part I docwnent.
1 - 8 (Part I)
Earthquakes are produced by abrupt relative movements on fractures or fracture zones in the earth's crust.
These fractures or fracture zones are termed eanhquake faults. The mechanism of fault movement is
elastic rebound from the sudden release of built-up strain energy in the crust. The built-up strain energy
accumulates in the earth's crust through the relative movement of large, essentially intact pieces of the
earth's crust called tectonic plates. This relief of strain energy, commonly called fault rupture, takes place
along the rupture zone. When fault rupture occurs, the strained rock rebounds elastically. This rebound
produces vibrations that pass through the earth crust and along the earth's surface, generating the ground
motions that are the source of most damage attnbutable to earthquakes. If the fault along which the rupture
occurs propagates upward to the ground surface and the surface is uncovered by sediments, the relative
movement may manifest itself as surface rupture. Surface ruptures are also a source of earthquake damage
to constructed facilities.
2.2.1 General
Faults are ubiquitous in the earth's crust. They exist both at the contacts of the tectonic plates and within
the plates themselves. In some areas of the western United States, it is practically impossible to perform
a site investigation and not encounter a fault. However, not all faults are seismogenic (i.e., not all faults
produce earthquakes). Faults that are known to produce earthquakes are termed active faults. Faults that
at one time produced earthquakes but no longer do are termed inactive faults'. Faults for which the
potential for producing earthquakes is uncertain are termed potentially active faults. When a fault is
encountered in an area known or suspected to be a source of earthquakes, a careful analysis and
understanding of the fault is needed to evaluate its potential for generating earthquakes.
Plate tectonics theory has established that the earth's crust is a mosaic of tectonic plates. These plates may
pull apart from each other, override one another, and slide past each other. The motions of the tectonic
plates are driven by convection currents in the molten rock in the earth's upper mantle. These convection
currents are generated by heat sources within the earth. Plates grow in size at spreading zones, where the
convection currents send plumes of material from the upper mantle to the earth's surface. Plates are
consumed at subduction zones, where the relatively rigid plate is drawn downwards back into and
consumed by the mantle.
The major tectonic plates of the earth's crust are shown in Figure 2-1 (modified from Park, 1983). There
are also numerous smaller, minor plates not shown on this figure. The motions of these plates are related
to the activation of faults, the generation of earthquakes, and the presence of volcanism. Most earthquakes
occur on or near plate boundaries, in the so-called Benioff zone, the inclined contact zone between two
tectonic plates that dips from near the surface to deep under the earth's crust, as illusttated in Figure 2-2
(modified after Gere and Shah, 1984). Earthquakes also occur in the interior of the plates, although with
a much lower frequency than at plate boundaries.
2 - 1 (Part I)
120· ,so· 160° so· 4-0• o· so·
Figure 2-1: Major Tectonic Plates and Their Approximate Direction of Movement. (Modified from
Park, 1983, Foundations of Structural Geology, Chapman and Hall)
Figure 2-2: Cross-Section Through Tectonic Plates in Southern Alaska. (After Gere and Shah, 1984)
2 - 2 (Part I)
For the continental United States, the principal tectonic plate boundary is along the western coast of the
continent, where the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate are in contact (see Figure 2-1). In
California, the boundary between these plates is a transform fault wherein the relative movement is
generally one of lateral slippage of one plate past the other. Elsewhere along the west coast (e.g., off the
coast of Oregon, Washington, and Alaska), the plate boundary is a subduction zone wherein one plate dives
(subducts) beneath the other plate (as illustrated in Figure 2-2). In the western interior of the United States,
adjacent to the western edge of the American Plate, there may be subplates that have formed as a result
of subcrustal flow. Earthquake sources in Utah and Montana may be attributable to such subplate sources.
Earthquake source areas in the central and eastern United States and along the Saint Lawrence Valley are
within the American Plate and are considered to be intraplate source zones. The mechanisms generating
earthquakes in these intraplate zones are poorly understood, but may be related to relief of locked-in
stresses from ancient tectonic movements, crustal rebound from the ice ages, re-adjustment of stress in the
interior of the plate due to boundary loads, sediment load such as the Mississippi River basin, or other
unrecognized mechanisms. Earthquakes in Hawaii are believed to be associated with an isolated plume
of molten rock from the mantle referred to as a hot spot.
The intensity and impact of earthquakes may be as great or greater in the plate interiors as they are at the
active plate boundaries. The differences between plate boundary and intraplate earthquakes is in their
geographic spread and the frequency of occurrence. Earthquake activity is much greater along the plate
boundaries than in the plate interior. However, ground motions from intraplate earthquakes tend to
attenuate, or dissipate, much more slowly than those from plate boundary events. Plate boundary faults
are relatively longer than those in the plate interior and tend to be associated with a smaller stress drop (the
stress drop is the sudden reduction of stress across the fault plane during rupture), longer duration of
shaking, and a more frequent rate of earthquake occurrence.
In a subduction zone, such as that along the coast of Oregon and Washington, there are faults that are both
shallow and located within the over-riding crust ( < 19 km focal depth) and deep within the subducting plate
(>20 km focal depth). The subduction zone that now exists off the Washington and Oregon coast has been
gradually migrating eastward for millions of years. A southern extension of it was consumed beneath
California during the collision of the North American and Pacific plates ten to twenty million years ago.
In the plate interior, faults may vary from shallow to deep. In California, the plate boundary is generally
of the transform type, wherein the plates slide laterally past each other, and faults are relatively shallow
(<20 km).
Faults are created when the stresses within geologic materials exceed the ability of those materials to
withstand the stresses. Most faults that exist today are the result of tectonic activity that occurred in earlier
geological times. These faults are usually inactive, but faults related to past tectonism can be reactivated
by present-day tectonism.
Not all faults along which relative movement is occurring are a source of earthquakes. Some faults may
be surfaces along which relative movement is occurring at a slow, relatively continuous rate, with an
insufficient stress drop to cause an earthquake. Such movement is called fault creep. Fault creep may
occur along a shallow fault, where the low overburden stress results in a relatively rapid dissipation of
stresses. Alternatively, a creeping fault may be at depth in soft and/or ductile materials that deform
plastically. Also, there may be a lack of frictional resistance or asperities (non-uniformities) along the fault
plane, allowing steady creep and associated release of the strain energy along the fault. Fault creep may
also prevail where phenomena such as magma intrusion or growing salt domes activate small shallow faults
2 - 3 (Part I)
in soft sediments, where faults are generated by extraction of fluids (e.g., oil or water in southern
California) which causes ground settlement and thus activates faults near the surface, where movements
are associated with steady creep in response to adjustments of tectonically activated faults, and where faults
are generated by gravity slides that take place in thick, unconsolidated sediments.
Active faults that extend into crystalline basement rocks are generally capable of building up the strain
energy needed to produce, upon rupture, earthquakes strong enough to affect highway facilities. Fault
ruptures may propagate from the crystalline basement rocks to the ground surface and produce ground
rupture. However, in some instances, fault rupture may be confined to the subsurface with no breakage
of the ground surface due to fault movement. Subsurface faulting without primary fault rupture at the
ground surface is characteristic of almost all earthquakes in the central and eastern United States. In
addition, several of the most recent significant earthquakes in the Pacific Coast plate boundary areas are
due to rupture of thrust faults that do not break the ground surface, termed blind thrust faults. Figure 2-3
illustrates the fault in which rupture does not propagate to the ground surface. Strong shaking associated
with fault rupture may also generate secondary ground breakage such as graben structures, ridge-top
shattering, landslides, and liquefaction. While this secondary ground breakage may sometimes be
interpreted as faulting, it is generally not considered to represent a surface manifestation of the fault.
-- Tpu
-- Tpu
2 - 4 (Part I)
Whether or not a fault has the potential to produce earthquakes is usually judged by the recency of previous
fault movements. If a fault has propagated to the ground surface, evidence of faulting is usually found in
geomorphic features associated with fault rupture (e.g., relative displacement of geologically young
sediments). For faults that do not propagate to the ground surface, geomorphic evidence of previous
earthquakes may be more subdued and more difficult to evaluate (e.g., near surface folding in sediments
or evidence of liquefaction or slumping generated by the earthquakes). If a fault has undergone relative
displacement in relatively recent geologic time (within the time frame of the current tectonic setting), it
is reasonable to assume that this fault has the potential to move again. If the fault moved in the distant
geologic past, during the time of a different tectonic stress regime, and if the fault has not moved in recent
(Holocene) time (generally the past 11,000 years), it may be considered inactive.
Geomorphic evidence of fault movement cannot always be dated. In practice, if a fault displaces the base
of unconsolidated alluvium, glacial deposits, or surficial soils, then the fault is likely to be active. Also,
if there is micro-seismic activity associated with the fault, the fault may be judged as active and capable
of generating earthquakes. Microearthquakes occurring within basement rocks at depths .of 7 to 20 km
may be indicative of the potential for large earthquakes. Microearthquakes occurring at depths of 1 to 3
km are not necessarily indicative of the potential for large, damaging earthquake events. In the absence
of geomorphic, tectonic, or historical evidence of large damaging earthquakes, shallow microtremors may
simply indicate a potential for small or moderate seismic events. Shallow microearthquakes of magnitude
3 or less may also sometimes be associated with mining or other non-seismogenic mechanisms. If there
is no geomorphic evidence of recent seismic activity and there is no microseismic activity in the area, then
the fault may be inactive and not capable of generating earthquakes.
The maximum potential size of an earthquake on a capable (active or potentially active) fault is generally
related to the size of the fault (i.e., a small fault produces small earthquakes and a large fault produces
large earthquakes). Faults contain asperities (non-uniformities) and are subject to certain frictional and
geometric restraints that allow them to move only when certain levels of accumulated stress are achieved.
Thus, each fault tends to produce earthquakes within a range of magnitudes that are characteristic for that
particular fault.
A long fault, like the San Andreas fault in California or the Wasatch fault in Utah, will generally not move
along its entire length at any one time. Such faults typically move in portions, one segment at a time. An
immobile (or "locked") segment, a segment which has remained stationary while the adjacent segments
of the fault have moved, is a strong candidate for the next episode of movement. The lengths of fault
segments may be interpreted from geomorphic evidence of prior movements or from fault geometry and
kinematic constraints (e.g., abrupt changes in the orientation of the fault).
Short, disconnected faults aligned en-echelon in sediments at the ground surface may well be continuous
at depth, with their surface expression modified by the near surface geologic structure. Thus, the observed
length of a group of such faults is often shorter than their true length. However, these groups of faults may
also move in distinct segments. The lengths of these groups of short fault segments may be identified by
the continuity of the geomorphic evidence.
A variety of correlations between the size (magnitude) of an earthquake, the length or area of a fault plane,
and the amount of displacement along the fault are available (Bonilla, et al., 1984; de Polo and Slemmons,
1990; Hanks and Kanamori, 1979; Wesnousky, 1986; Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1979; Wyss, 1979).
However, evaluation of fault segmentation and magnitude potential is a complex task that is best left to
qualified geologists and seismologists and should not be attempted by unqualified geotechnical engineers.
2 - 5 (Part I)
Finally, even in the best of circumstances, with a thorough understanding of local geology,
geomorphology, and seismicity, one cannot assume that all active faults have been found. Engineering
evaluations should be made in such a way that the potential for earthquakes from unknown faults is
considered. For this purpose, floating or random earthquakes that can occur anywhere within a known
earthquake zone are often used in engineering practice.
2.3.1 Introduction
A variety of different terms are used to describe earthquakes and their influence on the ground and on
engineering structures. A summary of terms commonly used in earthquake engineering and that will be
frequently used in this document is provided below.
Faults may be broadly classified according to their mode, or style of relative movement. The principal
modes of relative displacement are illustrated in Figure 2-4 and are described subsequently.
Faults along which relative movement is essentially horizontal (i.e., the opposite sides of the fault slide past
each other laterally), are called strike slip faults. Strike slip faults are often essentially linear (or planar)
features. Strike slip faults that are not fairly linear may produce complex surface features. The San
Andreas fault is a strike slip fault that is essentially a north-south linear feature over most of its length.
Strike slip faults may sometimes be aligned in en-echelon fashion wherein individual sub-parallel segments
are aligned along a linear trend. En-echelon strike slip faulting is sometimes accompanied by step over
zones where fault displacement is transferred from adjacent strike slip faults. Ground rupture patterns
within these zones may be particularly complex.
Faults in which the deformation is perpendicular to the fault plane may occur due to either normal
(extensional) or reverse (compressional) motion. These faults are sometimes referred to as dip slip faults.
Reverse faults are also referred to as thrust faults. Dip slip faults may produce multiple fractures within
rather wide and irregular fault zones. Some dip slip fault zones may contain broad deformational features
such as pressure ridges and sags rather than clearly defined fault scarps or shear zones (Hart, 1980).
Faults that show both strike slip and dip slip displacement may be referred to as oblique slip faults. In
some cases, due to changes in fault alignment, the type of a given fault may be mixed. A good example
of this is in the vicinity of the so-called "big-bend" in the alignment of the San Andreas fault in California,
where the fault, generally north-south trending, bends into a generally east-west alignment. In the vicinity
of the big-bend, the generally strike slip lateral movement along the plate boundary is transferred into
thrusting and compression, generating deformation perpendicular to the east-west trending fault plane.
2 - 6 (Part I)
Due to limitations in the ability of some recording instruments to measure values above a certain amplitude,
some of these magnitude scales tend to reach an asymptotic upper limit. To correct this, the moment
2 - 7 (Part I)
magnitude, Mw, scale was developed by seismologists (Hanks and Kanamori, 1979). The moment
magnitude of an earthquake is a measure of the kinetic energy released by the earthquake. Mw is
proportional to the seismic moment, defined as a product of the material rigidity, fault rupture area, and
the average dislocation of the rupture surface. Moment magnitude has been proposed as a unifying,
consistent magnitude measure of earthquake energy content. For this reason, moment magnitude is
consistently used in this document to describe earthquake magnitude unless it is otherwise noted. Figure 2-
5 (Heaton, et al., 1986) provides a comparison of the various other magnitude scales with the moment
magnitude scale. Note that in the magnitude range of O to 6, moment magnitude ~ is approximately
equal to the local (Richter) magnitude ML, while in the magnitude range of 6 to 7.5, moment magnitude
Mw is approximately equal to the surface wave magnitude M,.
The hypocenter (focus) of an earthquake is the point from which the seismic waves first emanate.
Conceptually, it may be considered as the point on a fault plane where the slip responsible for an
earthquake was initiated. The epicenter is a point on the ground surface directly above the hypocenter.
Figure 2-6 shows the relationship between the hypocenter, epicenter, fault plane, and rupture zone of an
earthquake. Figure 2-6 also shows the definition of the strike and dip angles of the fault plane.
The zone of energy release, sometimes referred to as the zone of seismogenic rupture, is the area on the
fault plane from which the seismic waves that generate strong ground motions emanate. The zone of
energy release is generally the portion of the rupture zone that is within crystalline rock. Therefore, even
if the fault plane ruptures to the ground surface, the zone of energy release may not extend to the ground
. ----
. -- ---- ,..---
~ -----
,... ms
-· .... ML
,.. ___
,I. ~- lo-'--- ---· mb
I/ P'
✓• ,
l/; I Scale
~ ./
M, Surface wave
I mb Shon-period body wave
ms Long-period body wave
2 - 8 (Part I)
Figure 2-6: Definition of Basic Fault Geometry.
Figure 2-7 provides definitions of various site-to-source distances commonly used to estimate earthquake-
induced ground motions. In the eastern United States, epicentral distance, Rs, is commonly used. In the
western United States, the rupture distance, RR, the seismogenic distance, R5 , the hypocentral distance,
RH, and, the so-called Joyner and Boore distance, RJB, are commonly used. It should be noted that if the
site is located within the vertical projection of the fault plane, then RJB is equal to zero.
The intensity of earthquake-induced ground motion is often descn"bed by the peak value of the acceleration
time history, the peak ground acceleration (PGA). Peak ground velocity (PGV) and/or peak ground
displacement (PGD) are also sometimes used as indices of earthquake damage potential. Peak ground
motions are generally specified for the motions in the horizontal plane, as the horizontal ground motions
generated by an earthquake tend to be the motions that cause the greatest damage. Figure 2-8 illustrates
the acceleration, velocity, and displacement time histories from the horizontal component of an: earthquake.
The corresponding peak horizontal ground acceleration (PHGA), peak horizontal ground velocity (PHGV),
and peak horizontal ground displacement (PHGD) values are indicated on Figure 2-8 by solid dots. Both
horizontal and vertical components of PGA, PGV, and PGD are commonly referred to as ground motion
2 - 9 (Part I)
I ,,
-- ----1--- ·1 /~
l \>,
1 \'
ALLUVIUM : ------------- R I
I \ \. I -----t._
•~P>"""~,,. !D>~•' I
\ ' I
\ \ I
\ ', I
\ ' I
\c, ' ', I
~'II ' I
' 1-,
' I
'\ I ' \ RR
\\ II '
(( ;\:
\ I
- - - - - - - - F A U L T PLANE
2 - 10 (Part I)
~ 0.0
r3 -0.3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
TIME (sec)
- ~
>, 0.0
i,.:i -0 • 3
rz:l PGV
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
TIME (sec)
--e 0.3
zrz:l 0.1
j -0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
TIME (sec)
2 - 11 (Part I)
2.3.8 Response Spectrum
The response spectrum of an earthquake record is a plot of the maximum (acceleration, velocity or
displacement) response of a series of linear single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems with the same
damping, c, and mass, m, but variable stiffness, k;, to the specified ground motion (accelerogram).
Development of an acceleration response spectrum is illustrated on Figure 2-9.
T1 T2 T3 Tn PERIOD, T (sec)
2 - 12 (Part I)
The undamped fundamental period, T0 , of each SDOF system used to develop the response spectrum is
calculated as:
T o = 2rc ~k. 1
The damping of the SDOF system is represented by the viscous damping coefficient, c, commonly referred
to as the spectral damping. In geotechnical earthquake engineering, spectral damping is commonly
assumed to be equal to 5 %.
Response spectra are commonly calculated by commercial computer programs (e.g., Nigam and Jennings,
1968; Idriss, et al., 1992). The spectral accelerations, s., spectral velocities, s., and spectral
displacements, Sd, can be presented in several graphical forms. The most common presentation is a plot
of the spectral values as a function of T;, as illustrated on Figure 2-9.
In structural and retaining wall design, where spectral velocities or displacements may govern the design,
presentation of the response spectrum as a tripartite spectral plot is common. An example of such a
tripartite plot is shown on Figure 2-10. A tripartite plot simultaneously displays S., s., and Sd values for
the selected spectral damping. For a given fundamental period, T0 , (or fundamental frequency f0 = 1/TJ,
s., Sv, and Sd are read from appropriate ordinates. For example, as indicated on Figure 2-10, for
To= 0.7 s (fo = 1.4 Hz), s. = 0.19 g, s. = 0.25 mis, and sd = 0.03 m.
T. =0.7 sec
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 2-10: Tripartite Representation of Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement Response Spectra.
2 - 13 (Part I)
2.3.9 Attenuation Relationships
Numerous attenuation relationships can be found in the technical literature. Commonly used attenuation
relationships are described in Chapter 4. Figure 2-7 identifies the distance measures associated with the
most common attenuation relationships used in engineering practice.
The local strength, or intensity, of earthquake ground motions depend on a variety of factors, including
earthquake magnitude, site-to-source distance, the travel path of the seismic waves, the type of faulting,
the direction of fault propagation, and local site conditions. Several different intensity scales exist,
including the Rossi-Fore! scale and the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale. Toe modified Mercalli Intensity
scale is the most commonly used measure of intensity of earthquake ground motions and is presented in
Table 2-1.
2 - 14 (Part I)
1956 VERSION (Bott, 1988)
Intensity Description
I. Not felt. Marginal and long-period effects of large earthquakes.
II. Felt by persons at rest, on upper floors, or favorably placed.
III. Felt indoors. Hanging objects swing. Vibration-like passing of light trucks. Duration estimated. May not
be recognized as an eanhquake.
IV. Hanging objects swing. Vibration-like passing of heavy trucks; or sensation of a jolt like a heavy ball
striking the walls. Standing cars rock. Windows, dishes, doors rattle. Glasses clink. Crockery clashes. ln
the upper range of IV, wooden walls and frames creak.
V. Felt outdoors; direction estimated. Sleepers awakened. Liquids disturbed, some spilled. Small WIStable
objects displaced or upset. Doors swing, close, open. Shuners, pictures move. Pendulum clocks stop, start,
change rate.
VI. Felt by all. Many frightened and run outdoors. Persons walk unsteadily. Windows, dishes, glassware
broken. Knickknacks, books, etc., off shelves. Pictures off walls. Furniture moved or overturned. Weak
plaster and masonry D cracked. Small bells ring (church, school). Trees, bushes shaken visibly, or heard to
VII. Difficult to stand. Noticed by drivers. Hanging objects quiver. Furniture broken. Damage to masonry D,
including cracks. Weak chimneys broken at roof line. Fall of plaster, loose bricks, stones, tiles, cornices,
also unbraced parapets and architecrural ornaments. Some cracks in masonry C. Waves on ponds, water
turbid with mud. Small slides and caving in along sand or gravel banks. Large bells ring. Concrete
irrigation ditches damaged.
VIII. Steering of cars affected. Damage to masonry C; partial collapse. Some damage to masonry B; none to
masonry A. Fall of stucco and some masonry walls. Twisting, fall of chimneys, factory stacks, monuments,
towers, elevated tanks. Frame houses moved on foundations if not bolted down; loose panel walls thrown
out. Decayed piling broken off. Branches broken from trees. Changes in flow or temperature of springs
and wells. Cracks in wet ground and on steep slopes.
IX. General panic. Masonry D destroyed; masonry C heavily damaged, sometimes with complete collapse;
masonry B seriously damaged. General damage to foundations. Frame structures, if not bolted, shifted off
foundations. Frames cracked. Serious damage to reservoirs. Underground pipes broken. Conspicuous
cracks in ground. In alluviated areas, sand and mud ejected, earthquake foundations, sand craters.
X. Most masonry and frame structures destroyed with their foundations. Some well-built wooden structures and
bridges destroyed. Serious damage to darns, dikes, embankments. Large landslides. Water thrown on banks
of canals, rivers, lakes, etc. Sand and mud shifted horizontally on beaches and flat land. Rails bent slightly.
XI. Rails bent greatly. Underground pipelines completely out of service.
XI. Damage nearly total. Large rock masses displaced. Lines of sight and level distoned. Objects thrown into
the air.
Notes: Masonry A, B, C, D. To avoid ambiguity of language, the quality of masonry, brick, or otherwise, is specified by the following
Masonry A: Good workmanship, monar, and design; reinforced, especially laterally, and /Jowui together by using steel, concrete,
etc.; designed to resist lateral forces.
Masonry B: Good workmanship and monar; reinforced, bra nor designed in detail to resist lateral forces.
Masonry C: Ordinary workmanship and monar; no extreme weaknesses like failing to tie in aJ comers, bra neither reinforced nor
designed against horizonJal forces.
Masonry D: Weak materials, such as adobe; poor 11Wnar; low standards of workmanship; weak horizon1ally.
2 - 15 (Part I)
The process by which design ground motion parameters are established for a seismic analysis is termed
the seismic hazard analysis. Seismic hazard analyses generally involve the following steps:
• identification of the seismic sources capable of strong ground motions at the project site;
• evaluation of the intensity of the design ground motions at the project site.
Identification of seismic sources includes establishing the type of fault and its geographic location, depth,
size, and orientation. Seismic source identification may also include specification of a random seismic
source to accommodate earthquakes not associated with any known fault. Evaluation of the seismic
potential of an identified source involves evaluation of the earthquake magnitude (or range of magnitudes,
see section 3.3.3) that the source can generate and, often times, the expected rate of occurrence of events
of these magnitudes.
Identification of capable seismic sources together with evaluation of the seismic potential of each capable
source may be referred to as seismic source characterization. Once the seismic sources are characterized,
the intensity of ground motions at the project site from these sources must be characterized. There are
three general ways by which the intensity of ground motions at a project site are assessed in practice. They
are, in order of complexity: (1) use of local building codes and standards; (2) deterministic seismic hazard
evaluation; and (3) probabilistic seismic hazard evaluation. Which particular approach is adopted may
depend on the importance and complexity of the project and may be dictated by regulatory agencies.
3.2.1 Overview
Seismic source characterization is best done as part of a comprehensive geologic and seismologic
evaluation that includes review of pertinent literature, aerial photograph interpretation, geologic field
reconnaissance, geologic mapping, and micro-seismicity evaluations.
General information on regional seismic sources can usually be obtained from published information. Site
specific studies may be required to characterize local seismic sources. Geophysical surveys, geologic
mapping, and trenching are often useful for locating local faults and characterizing their seismic potential.
However, such investigations may only identify those faults along which rupture has propagated to the
ground surface. Buried faults without surface expression must also be considered in the characterization
3 - 1 (Part I)
of seismic sources. A mirco-seismicity study (study of instrumentally-recorded earthquakes that are
generally not felt and do not cause damage to structures) using data from local or regional seismic
monitoring networks may be useful in evaluating the potential for buried faults in the project vicinity.
Seismic sources are generally characterized on a fault-specific basis by geometry (location, length, dip
angle, depth, and distance to the site), seismic potential (earthquake magnitude, activity, recurrence), and
style of faulting (strike slip, dip slip, or oblique slip). In regions where the observed seismicity cannot be
correlated with specific faults, broad area sources may be appropriate.
An investigation to identify the seismic sources that may impact a given site typically includes both a
review of available data and field geologic reconnaissance. Available data may include pertinent technical
publications, university theses and research reports, maps, aerial photographs, and interviews with experts
familiar with the region under study. Pertinent technical publications include maps prepared by the
California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG) identifying young faults in the western dates (e.g.,
Jennings, 1994), publications of the Seismological Society of America (e.g., SSA, 1988), and regional
reports from seismological networks and state geological surveys. A detailed summary of available sources
of engineering geologic information is presented by Trautmann and Kulhawy (1983).
Studies performed for siting of nuclear power plants and for high and low level radioactive waste disposal
facilities can be a useful source of information on regional seismicity and geology. All applications for
construction permits for nuclear generating stations are required to contain documentation on regional
geology, including known faults and observed seismicity, within a 320 kilometer radius of the site. This
information can be found in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) and the Final Safety Analysis
Report (FSAR) for the project. These reports are available through the National Technical Information
Service (NTIS) for all existing and many proposed nuclear generating stations. However, as many of these
reports are more than 20 years old, more recent sources of information on regional seismicity and tectonics
should be consulted. More recent information may be available from siting studies performed for low level
radioactive waste repositories, regional landfills, and other important or critical facilities.
Existing seismic networks often provide very detailed information about recent earthquakes within seismic
impact regions. Figure 3-1 shows the location of seismic monitoring stations in the Central United States.
Information provided by the existing seismic networks typically includes the magnitude and epicentral
location of all detected events and is commonly available in plotted map form. A detailed evaluation of
each detected event may also be available. The presence of micro-seismic activity can also be used to infer
the location of a subsurface seismic source. For instance, Figure 3-2 presents seismicity information in
the Southeastern United States from 1977 through 1985. The clusters of seismic events shown in Figure
3-2 are good indicators of the locations of the significant seismic sources in this area. Information from
most of the established seismic networks in the United States can be obtained for a nominal cost from the
National Geophysical Data Center which is located in Boulder City, Colorado.
Interpretation of aerial photographs can be particularly useful in identifying and locating potentially active
faults. Sources of such photographs are discussed by Trautmann and Kulhawy (1983). Evidence of active
faults may be indicated in aerial photographs by geomorphic features such as fault scarps, triangular facets,
fault scarplets, fault rifts, fault slice ridges, shutter ridges, and fault saddles (Cluff, et al., 1972).
Additional evidence can be provided by ground features such as open fissures, offsets in such features as
fence lines, landscape features, mole tracks, and furrows, rejuvenated streams, folding or warping of
young deposits, groundwater barriers in recent alluvium, and fault paths on young surfaces. Usually a
3 - 2 (Part I)
a, 36
-88 -aq -80 -76
Longitude (Deg.)
(1) 36
C) 6
::: C) 5
32 (§ C) 4
:::..:: (I) 3
N = 41 200 KM
-88 -aq -eo -76
Longitude (Deg.)
Figure 3-2: Epicenters of Earthquakes in the Southeastern United States from July 1977 through June
1985 (Sibol et al., 1985): Magnitude of 3 or Greater
3 - 3 (Part I)
combination of such features is generated by recent fault movement at the ground surface. Note that many
of the fault movement indicators require the presence of undisturbed surface soils at the site. Regions that
have limited surface soils due to geologic mechanisms or man's activities can provide a significant
challenge in evaluating the recency of movement on existing faults.
Seismic source identification almost always includes preliminary field reconnaissance. Preliminary field
reconnaissance should be performed in the project vicinity using the following steps (modified after
USEPA, 1993):
Step 1: Walk the site and site vicinity to identify possible geomorphic or ground features that indicate
Step 2: Collect and interpret aerial photographs, such as low sun angle photographs, that use shadows
to accentuate topographic differences, infrared photographs that indicate temperature differences
containing surface moisture content, and color photographs to study slight color changes.
Step 3: Based on the above reconnaissance, draw a conclusion on the potential presence of active faults
within the surveyed area.
Seismic source characterization can be a complex task, particularly in areas where the information
available in the technical literature is incomplete or insufficient. Evaluation of micro-seismicity,
interpretation of aerial photographs, and field reconnaissance studies should be performed by a geologist,
seismologist, or geotechnical professional experienced in these areas and not by an unqualified geotechnical
Movement within the Holocene Epoch (approximately the past 11,000 years), is generally regarded as the
criterion for establishing that a fault is active (e.g., CDMG, 1986; USEPA, 1993). However, it is possible
that the recurrence interval for major earthquakes may exceed 11,000 years on some faults. Furthermore,
since not all faults rupture the ground surface and geomorphic evidence of fault displacement can be
obliterated by natural and man-made activities, it may not be possible to definitely establish whether or not
a fault has moved in the past 11,000 years. Therefore, lack of evidence of Holocene movement may not
in itself be sufficient grounds to dismiss a fault as inactive. Nevertheless, evidence that a fault has not
moved in Holocene time is generally considered sufficient evidence to dismiss the potential for ground
surface rupture.
Most Holocene fault activity in North America has been west of the Rocky Mountains. Only two instances
of ground surface rupture east of the Rocky Mountains in Holocene time have been conclusively
established (the Meers fault in Oklahoma and the Ungava fault in Quebec). However, there have been
several major earthquakes that caused widespread damage (e.g., Cape Ann, Massachusetts, 1775; New
Madrid, Missouri, 1811 and 1812; and Charleston, South Carolina, 1886) and numerous smaller events
causing local damage (e.g., Attica, New York, 1929; Massena, New York, 1944; Miramichi, New
Hampshire, 1982) in the eastern and central United States in the past 250 years. Most of these damaging
eastern and central United States events have had surface manifestations in the form of landslides, soil
liquefaction, and ground cracking.
If the review of available geotechnical and seismological information and the preliminary site
reconnaissance indicates the potential presence of active faults at the project site, then detailed geologic
3 - 4 (Part I)
investigation may be required to establish the location of faults and the recency of fault movement in the
vicinity of the site. A detailed geologic surface reconnaissance study may be sufficient to identify fault
locations and assess the magnitude and direction of past fault movements. The detailed reconnaissance
study may be supplemented, if necessary, by a subsurface field investigation. The field investigation may
include the following:
• use of geophysical methods such as resistivity, seismic refraction, seismic reflection, or magnetic
survey methods to identify potential fault locations;
• excavation of exploratory trenches across potential faults and through "marked" beds of geologic strata
to allow the detailed examination of the trench walls for evidence of the presence or absence of
earthquake-induced displacements and recovery of material for stratigraphic age dating; and
• use of vertical and angled borings to locate fault zones and recover material for stratigraphic age
The depth of the subgrade investigated by trenches and geophysical methods should be sufficient to
encompass geologic activity within the Holocene Epoch. The depth of the boring may need to be
significantly greater than the depth of Holocene strata if its purpose is to locate the fault trace.
Radiocarbon dating of carbonaceous material encountered in the field investigation can be used to constrain
the age of most recent fault offsets. A detailed description of soil-stratigraphic dating techniques is
presented by Shlemon (1985). Sieh, et al. (1989) describe the application of high-precision radiocarbon
dating for chronological analysis of active faulting. Jibson (1985) describes field investigation of
geomorphic evidence (e.g., landsliding, liquefaction) of earthquake activity in an area in the central United
States where fault rupture did not propagate up to the ground surface. Establishing that recent
displacement has or has not occurred is greatly complicated if a limited soil profile over rock exists at the
site, for example, in glacially polished terrain or if the Holocene zone is absent or otherwise disturbed.
3.2.4 Seismic Source Characterization in the Eastern and Central United States
In recent years, seismologists have expressed significant concern regarding the lack of understanding of
the source of earthquakes, referred to as seismogenesis, in the eastern and central United States. Plate
tectonic theories do not adequately explain the mechanisms associated with intra-plate earthquakes. Recent
workshops and seminars on the seismogenesis and seismicity of the eastern United States (SSA, 1988;
ATC, 1994) have shown that some widely accepted views on earthquake origins are inconsistent with
recent observations and that a global perspective may be required to understand intra-plate seismogenesis.
These concerns are beyond the scope of this document. It is, however, important to recognize several
observations regarding earthquake/fault considerations in the eastern and central United States. These
observations are described below.
• Earthquake source zones do appear to be related to subsurface crustal structure. However, these
source zones do not appear to be related to surface expressions of faulting (ATC, 1994).
• The relationship between intra-plate earthquakes and the potential for surface faulting remains in
question. This is in part due to the lack of either accumulated strain or recorded significant seismic
events in the eastern and central United States.
• Detailed comparison of earthquake hypocenters and known surface fault locations have failed to
indicate a correlation (Hynes, et al., 1988).
3 - 5 (Part I)
• Only two faults on which fault rupture has propagated to the ground surface during the Holocene
Epoch have been identified in North America east of the Rocky Mountains.
Current understanding of seismogenesis east of the Rocky Mountains strongly suggests that significant field
reconnaissance efforts to define seismically active faults in this region may not be useful. The region
where faults capable of rupturing the ground surface may be encountered reaches from the West Coast to
the Meers fault in Oklahoma but clearly excludes most of the Midwest and all of the eastern United States.
Therefore, seismic source characterization for the eastern and central United States depends primarily on
micro-seismicity studies and the historic record of felt earthquakes with no direct surface expression of
3.3.1 Introduction
Once the seismic sources capable of generating strong ground motions at a project site have been identified
and characterized, the intensity of the ground motions which may be generated at the site are evaluated
for use in design. Design ground motions can be evaluated in three different ways:
Information used for seismic source characterization can· often be obtained from published codes and
standards (e.g., local building codes, publications of the United States Geological Survey (USGS), or
various state agencies). Published codes and standards are often used because they provide credibility for
the designer and may give the engineer a feeling of security. However, due to the lag time between
development and publication, published codes and standards may not incorporate recent developments on
local or regional seismicity. Furthermore, published codes and standards are usually based upon rather
broad, regional analyses and may not reflect local, site-specific conditions.
Building Codes often contain a seismic zone map that includes minimum required seismic design
parameters. For example, the Applied Technology Council (ATC) map shown in Figure 3-3 in a reduced
size format divides the United States into five zones that reflect the expected intensity of shaking in each
zone. Typically, seismic coefficients for use in structural analyses are associated with the seismic zones
presented on the map. An example of such a map is shown in Figure 3-4 (UBC, 1994). The seismic
coefficients associated with these zones usually represent "effective" ground motions for structural analyses
and are not suitable for use in geotechnical analyses. However, codes may occasionally provide minimum
values of the seismic coefficient for use in slope stability analyses. In using building codes, it should be
kept in mind that building codes are generally intended to mitigate collapse and loss of life and not
necessarily prevent damage, and that a code presents a minimum standard of care for design.
Some published codes and standards provide information on the expected value of the peak earthquake
ground motions. The California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) has developed a statewide
3 - 6 (Part I)
Figure 3-3: Effective Peak Acceleration Levels (In Decimal Fractions of Gravity) with a 10%
Probability of Being Exceeded During a 50-year Period. (ATC, 1978, Reprinted by
Permission of ATC)
3 - 7 (Part I)
- a:8
Figure 3-4: Map and Table for Evaluation of UBC Seismic Zone Factor, Z. (Reproduced from the
Uniform Building Code™, Copyright© 1994, with the Permission of the Publisher, the
International Conference of Building Officials)
3 - 8 (Part I)
map showing the peak ground acceleration in bedrock from the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE)
(Mualchin and Jones, 1992; updated by Mualchin, 1995). The MCE is the regulatory design-basis
earthquake in California for major bridges (e.g., toll bridges) and other important facilities (e.g., hospitals,
earth dams). The USGS map presented in Figure 3-5 presents the estimated bedrock peak acceleration
contours for Central and Eastern US, with a 90 percent probability of not being exceeded in 50 years
(Frankel, et al., 1996). Historically, USGS provided maps for a 90 percent probability of not being
exceeded for 10- and 50-year exposure periods for the peak values of acceleration (Algermissen et
al.,1882,1991). Recently, maps that include spectral acceleration values (in addition to the peak
acceleration values) at various spectral periods (i.e., at 0.2, 0.3, and 1.0 second) have been developed by
USGS under the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP). These maps can be accessed
via the USGS Internet Website at "" This USGS website also provides
a convenient "search by zip code" feature. Using this feature, map values for peak and spectral
accelerations with a probability of being exceeded of 2 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent in 50 years (
corresponding to a 90 percent probability of not being exceeded in approximately 250, 100, 50 years,
respectively) can be recovered in tabular form. An example of output data from the search at the USGS
website is presented in the following:
If bedrock is not present at or near the ground surface, values from the CALTRANS or USGS maps may
need to be modified to account for local site conditions.
The procedure for seismic hazard analysis using a published map is relatively simple:
Step 1: Read the design peak ground acceleration from the map.
Step 2: Assign a corresponding magnitude and distance to the peak design ground acceleration using
information on regional seismic sources.
Historically, the CALTRANS, USGS, and other common seismic hazard maps typically did not provide
infonnation on the magnitude, distance, or duration of the earthquake associated with the map acceleration
values. Therefore, representative values of these parameters, if necessary, had to be derived from
ancillary data. Evaluation of these parameters from ancillary data is complicated by the fact that the
acceleration values provided by the probabilistic maps are typically composed of contributions of
earthquakes of many different magnitudes at many different distances (and therefore of many different
durations). These maps provide a statistical estimate of the peak ground acceleration based on the
estimated frequency of occurrence of earthquakes for the various seismic sources considered in the
analysis. For many geotechnical analyses, knowledge of earthquake magnitude and, in some cases,
distance and/or duration, is required. Therefore, if a map acceleration is to be used in a geotechnical
analysis, a means of assigning a representative magnitude and/or distance to the design event may be
3 - 9 (Part I)
,- ,-
a, i::
CD (I) co
> C>
-1111 a,
.2 ...
a, ~
.E _2 C
CD 0 :,
·c c1 "')
"D oj
>C -
:a .0
a, (.)
0 ::c
-... =..
!:>o CD •
0 •
~ &
~ C\!.
a, 0
Figure 3-5: Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration in Bedrock for Central and Eastern U.S. with a 10
Percent Probability of Exceedance in 50 Years. (Frankel, et al., 1996)
3 - 10 (Part I)
Another problem associated with using a map acceleration in a geotechnical analysis is that the earthquake
generating the maximum peak ground acceleration at a site may not necessarily be the most damaging
earthquake. An earthquake of lesser peak intensity but greater duration may be more damaging than the
event associated with the maximum peak ground acceleration. In such cases, it may prove necessary to
perform a site-specific seismic risk analysis.
Despite these shortcomings, peak acceleration values derived from published maps can be, and often are,
used in geotechnical practice. Information on the location and magnitudes of earthquake sources can be
obtained from either background infonnation published with the map or from other sources of information.
One conservative approach is to assign the maximum magnitude from all seismic sources contributing to
the seismic hazard at the site to the published map acceleration value. Mualchin and Jones (1992) provided
a listing of seismic sources and maximum magnitudes used to develop the CALTRANS map. Infonnation
on earthquake magnitudes associated with USGS map shown in Figure 3-5 can be found in Frankel, et al.,
(1996). Figure 3-6 is a recent map of seismic sources for the central United States. The map in Figure
3-6 includes information on the maximum magnitude earthquake associated with each source zone,
expressed in terms of body wave magnitude. Figure 3-7 is another example of a seismic source zone map.
This map, developed especially for the central and eastern united States, and accompanying detailed
information on source and background zones and earthquake magnitudes, can be found in a
comprehensive, ten-volume seismic hazard study by EPRI (1986).
Alternatively, the USGS website discussed above provides information that can be used to estimate the
representative magnitude and distance for a site in the continental United States to associate with a map
peak or spectral acceleration value. This website provides the "deaggregated hazard", the distribution of
earthquake magnitude and distance combinations contributing to the 1996 USGS map acceleration values,
for a 2 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years (corresponding to a 90 percent probability of
not being exceeded in 250 years) for selected sites. The deaggregated hazard is provided for 56 cities in
the Central and Eastern United States and 44 cities in the Western United States. The following output data
from the website search provide an example of the deaggregated hazard information for Evansville,
Illinois, one of the selected cities in the Central United States.
3 - 11 (Part I)
-10s" -100° -95° -90° -85" -so"
, - - - . . . . - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - -.......---.50°
- 1?0""'
.......__ MO
Figure 3-6: Seismic Source Zones in the Central United States. (Johnston and Nava, 1994, reprinted
by permission of A TC)
3 - 12 (Part I)
Figure 3-7: Seismic Source Zones in the Central and Eastern United States. (EPRI, 1986, reprinted
by permission of ATC)
In using background zone and magnitude information to supplement PGA data from USGS, EERI, and
other maps, the prudent engineer generally makes conservative assumptions to compensate for the
uncertainty associated with published map data. For instance, the engineer may select the largest
magnitude associated with the governing source zone for his project and locate it at the point within the
zone closest to his site. If the governing source zone is uncertain, he may include multiple source zones
in his analysis. To use the deaggregated seismic hazard information from the USGS website, the engineer
generally recovers the data from the closest city of cities to the site. However, because the deaggregated
data is provided for only selected cities and for one probability level and because the provided data
represents multiple combinations of magnitude and distance, significant judgement is still required in
choosing a representative value. Typically, the engineer will choose a magnitude and distance combination
that encompasses 70 to 90 percent of the hazard (i.e., 70 to 90 percent of the hazard is from a smaller
magnitude and a closer distance). In some cases, more than one combination of magnitude and distance
may be required. The peak acceleration seismic hazard data presented above for Evanston illustrates such
a case. These data indicate that most of the seismic hazard for Evanston is derived from earthquakes less
than 25 km from the site with magnitudes between 5 and 6 (though the magnitude of some of these local
events may be as great as 7.5). However, over 20 percent of the seismic hazard is from a distant
earthquake more than 150 km from the site with a magnitude of 8.0. Therefore, for some projects in
Evanston, the impact of both local and distant events may warrant consideration.
3 - 13 (Part I)
3.3.3 The Deterministic Approach
The objective of a deterministic seismic hazard analysis is to evaluate the magnitude of ground motion
parameters (usually peak ground acceleration and acceleration response spectra) at a specific site from all
the capable seismic sources with the potential for generating strong ground motions at the site. In some
cases, particularly when soft soils capable of amplifying ground motions from earthquakes are present at
the site, the seismic hazard analysis may include sources located over 100 Ian from the site.
In a deterministic seismic hazard analysis, the engineer or geologist performing the analysis first identifies
the capable seismic sources and assigns a maximum magnitude to each source. Then, the intensity of
shaking at the site from each capable source is calculated and the design earthquake is identified based on
the source capable of causing the greatest damage. The steps in a deterministic seismic hazard analysis
are as follows:
Step 1: Establish the location and characteristics (e.g., style of faulting) of all potential earthquake
sources that might affect the site. For each source, assign a representative earthquake
Step 2: Select an appropriate attenuation relationship and estimate the ground motion parameters at the
site from each capable fault as a function of earthquake magnitude, fault mechanism, site-to-
source distance, and site conditions.
Step 3: Screen the capable (active) faults on the basis of magnitude and the intensity of the ground
motions at the site to determine the governing source.
Engineers or engineering geologists performing deterministic seismic hazard analyses should consider all
reasonable interpretations, models, and values in characterizing the seismic source zones. While all
capable sources are usually treated equally in a deterministic analysis regardless of their likelihood of
occurrence, the likelihood of occurrence may enter into the determination of whether or not a fault is
capable of generating earthquakes of specified magnitudes. For instance, some bridges in California have
been designed for the Maximum Probable Earthquake (MPE) defined by the California Division of Mines
and Geology (CDMG) as the maximum earthquake anticipated in the next 100 years (CDMG, 1975).
Therefore, active faults with long recurrence intervals may not be considered in evaluating the MPE, and
the MPE magnitude may not be the largest magnitude earthquake of which the fault is capable.
Screening for the most damaging event in a deterministic seismic hazard analysis is typically based upon
magnitude, intensity, and distance wherein events of smaller magnitude and lower intensity than events
closer to the source are eliminated from consideration. However, it may not be possible to establish a
single event that is most damaging based on the results of a deterministic analysis, as this process can result
in a family of design events of increasing magnitude and distance with decreasing intensity. As there is
no general method for evaluating the relative damage potential of one event with a large magnitude and
low intensity compared to a smaller magnitude event of higher intensity, it may be necessary to consider
multiple events in subsequent engineering analysis (unless the intensity discrepancy is so great or the
magnitudes are so close that the choice is obvious).
Screening capable seismic sources on the basis of magnitude and distance prior to evaluating the intensity
of ground motions at the site is not recommended as it can lead to errors due to the dependence of the
mode of faulting on the intensity of ground motions. It is generally assumed that thrust faults generate
higher intensity ground motions than strike slip faults of the same magnitude at the same distance.
3 - 14 (Part I)
Therefore, if the family of capable (active) faults includes faults with different modes of behavior, faults
should not be screened on the basis of magnitude and distance only.
The intensity of the earthquake ground motions at the site generated by a capable (active) fault (or seismic
zone) is evaluated using an attenuation relationship. Attenuation relationships that discriminate between
different styles of faulting and between rock and soil sites are available. However, attenuation
relationships associated with soil sites typically have greater uncertainty assigned to them than rock site
attenuation relationships due to the greater observed variability in ground motions at soil sites. Therefore,
it is generally more desirable to use attenuation relationships developed for rock sites in a seismic hazard
analysis in combination with a site-specific analysis of the impact of local soil conditions on the design
ground motions rather than to use a soil site attenuation relationship. Attenuation relationships are
described in more detail in Chapter 4. Site-specific seismic response analyses are described in Chapter
A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis incorporates the likelihood of a fault rupturing and the distribution
of earthquake magnitudes associated with fault rupture into the assessment of the intensity of the design
ground motion at a site. Toe objective of a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is to compute, for a given
exposure time, the probability of exceedance corresponding to various levels of a ground motion parameter
(e.g., the probability of exceeding a peak ground acceleration of 0.2 gin a 100-year period). Toe ground
motion parameter may be either a peak value (e.g., peak ground acceleration) or a response spectra
ordinate associated with the strong ground motion at the site. Toe probabilistic value of the design
parameter incorporates both the uncertainty of the attenuation of strong ground motions and the
randomness of earthquake occurrences. A probabilistic seismic hazard analysis usually includes the
following steps, as illustrated in figure 3-8:
Step 1: Identify the seismic sources capable of generating strong ground motion at the project site.
Step 2: Determine the minimum and maximum magnitude of earthquake associated with each source
and assign a frequency distribution of earthquake occurrence to the established range of
magnitudes. While the. maximum magnitude is a physical parameter related to the fault
dimensions, the minimum magnitude may be related to both the physical properties of the fault
and the constraints of the numerical analysis. Use of a minimum magnitude less than 4.5 is not
recommended, even if the seismic source is capable of generating smaller magnitude events, as
inclusion of such small magnitude events can result in misleadingly high response values for
extreme (low) probabilities of exceedance.
Step 3: For each source, assign an attenuation relationship on the basis of the style of faulting.
Uncertainty is usually assigned to the attenuation relationships based upon statistical analysis of
attenuation in previous earthquakes.
Step 4: Calculate the probability of exceedance of the specified ground motion parameter for a specified
time interval by integrating the attenuation relationship over the magnitude distribution for each
source and summing up the results.
The Gutenberg-Richter magnitude-recurrence relationship (Gutenberg and Richter, 1942) is the relationship
used most commonly to describe the frequency distribution of earthquake occurrence. This relationship,
presented in Figure 3-9 (after Schwartz and Coppersmith, 1984) for the San Andreas Fault in southern
3 - 15 (Part I)
3 - 16 (Part I)
(South-Centrol Segment
o=3.30; b=0.88)
w log N(Mw) = o - bMy,
-::l 0.1
0.01 '\ DATA
':!;! '\
0 1900-1932 '\
u 0.001 •
Figure 3-9: Cumulative Frequency-Magnitude Plot of Instrumental Seismicity; San Andreas Fault
South-central Segment Data. (After Schwartz and Coppersmith, 1984 Fault Behavior and
Characteristic Earthquakes: Examples from the Wasatch and San Andreas Fault Zones,
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 89, No. B7, pp. 5681-5698, Published by the
American Geophysical Union)
An alternative method for establishing the magnitude-frequency of occurrence distribution for a seismic
source is to use the geologic data on the historic occurrence of earthquakes and on regional tectonic
movements. For some faults (e.g., the San Andreas fault zone in southern California, see Figure 3-9),
field studies may provide reliable information on the magnitude and frequency of occurrence of major
earthquakes. However, such instances are likely to be limited to a few major faults in the western United
States. Alternatively, stratigraphic and seismologic data may be used to estimate regional tectonic
deformation rates. These regional deformation rates may then be apportioned to individual faults and used
to establish the magnitude-frequency of occurrence relationship for each individual fault. In many areas,
this may be the only means of establishing the recurrence rate of major earthquakes, particularly for buried
faults or faults with low rates of occurrence.
3 - 17 (Part I)
Seismicity that is not associated with known faults is typically incorporated into a probabilistic seismic
hazard analysis using a "random" area source. A "random" earthquake is assigned an equal likelihood
of occurrence at any point within the area source. The minimum and maximum magnitudes and the rate
of occurrence are usually based upon the historical record for earthquake associated with faults not
recognized prior to the event. The depth or depth range for the random earthquakes is typically based
upon the depth at which micro-seismicity is observed to occur in the region.
Most probabilistic seismic hazard analyses are designed to provide information on the intensity of ground
motions for design only, and not on the magnitude associated with the design intensity. While infonnation
on the distribution of magnitudes associated with the design intensity can be obtained from a probabilistic
seismic hazard analysis, most commercially available computer programs do not readily provide this
information. Furthermore, even if information on the distribution of earthquake magnitudes associated
with the design intensity is available, there is no generally agreed upon method for determining the design
magnitude from this information. Figure 3-10 illustrates the magnitude-distance distribution associated
with the peak ground acceleration from a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. As there is no generally
accepted procedure for determining the design magnitude from a magnitude distribution like the one
presented in Figure 3-10, engineering judgement is required to determine the design magnitude. For many
projects, considering that the design acceleration is already based upon a low probability of occurrence,
the expected magnitude value (the 50th percentile value) associated with the design acceleration may be
used. Alternatively, a conservative approach in which the maximum magnitude or the magnitude with a
10 percent probability of being exceeded may be appropriate for some projects.
Additional information on procedures for performing both deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard
evaluations can be found in Krinitzsky, et al., (1993).
475-Year Average Return Period
Figure 3-10: Magnitude-Distance Distribution for a Specified Peak Ground Acceleration. (Moriwaki,
et al. , 1994, reprinted by permission of ATC)
3 - 18 (Part I)
Results of the seismic hazard analysis will establish the peak horizontal ground acceleration (PHGA) for
use in design analysis. However, PHGA is only one of the characteristics of the earthquake ground motion
at a site that influence the potential for damage. The damage potential of seismically-induced ground
motions may also depend upon the duration of strong shaking, the frequency content of the motion, the
energy content of the motion, peak vertical ground acceleration (PVGA), peak ground velocity and
displacement, and the intensity of the motion at times other than when the peak acceleration occurs, as
elaborated below.
The acceleration response spectrum is one commonly used index of the character of earthquake ground
motions. An acceleration response spectrum provides quantitative information on both the intensity and
frequency content of the acceleration time history. However, while widely used in structural engineering,
response spectra are of limited use in geotechnical analysis. The primary application of response spectra
to geotechnical practice is as an aid in selection of time histories for input to site response and deformation
analyses, for comparison of accelerograms, and for illustration and evaluation of the influence of local soil
conditions on ground motions.
Other parameters used less frequently than PHGA and the acceleration response spectrum to describe the
character of earthquake ground motions include various measures of the duration and energy content of
the acceleration time history. Duration is sometimes expressed directly as the length of time from the
initiation of strong shaking to its cessation. Alternatively, indirect measures of duration, including the
number of equivalent cycles and the number of positive zero crossings of the acceleration time history, are
sometimes employed in earthquake engineering practice.
The energy content of the strong ground motion may be expressed in terms of the root-mean-square (RMS)
and duration of the acceleration time history or in terms of the Arias intensity. The RMS, discussed in
detail in Section 4.4, represents an "average" or representative value for the acceleration over the defined
duration of the strong ground motion. The Arias intensity is the square of the acceleration integrated over
the duration of the motion. The time history of the normalized Arias intensity, referred to as a Husid plot,
is sometimes used to define the duration of strong shaking.
These various indices of the character of strong ground motions (ground motion parameters) commonly
used in engineering practice are defined and described in this chapter. Following their defmition and
description, procedures for using these indices for selection of representative time histories to characterize
earthquake ground motions at a site are presented.
Peak horizontal ground acceleration (PHGA) is the most common index of the intensity of strong ground
motion at a site. The PHGA is directly related to the peak inertial force imparted by strong shaking to a
structure founded on the ground surface and to the peak shear stress induced within the ground itself. Peak
vertical ground acceleration (PVGA), peak horizontal ground velocity (PHGV), and peak horizontal
4 - 1 (Part I)
ground displacement (PHGD) are also used in some engineering analyses to characterize the damage
potential of ground motions. For instance, PHGV is a common index of structural damage and PHGD may
be used in analyses of retaining walls, tunnels, and underground pipelines. PVGA is an important
parameter in the design of base-isolated structures.
Peak values for design analyses are evaluated on the basis of the seismic hazard analysis. For major
projects, a site or project specific seismic hazard analysis may be performed. Alternatively, results from
published regional seismic hazard analyses or from seismic hazard analyses performed for previous
projects in the same vicinity may be used. Most published seismic hazard maps tend to be probabilistic
in nature. Both deterministic and probabilistic project-specific analyses are used in practice.
A key step in both deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses is calculation of the ground
motion parameter of. interest at a given site from an earthquake of a given magnitude and site-to-source
distance. These ground motion parameter values are typically evaluated using an attenuation relotionship,
an equation that relates the parameter value to the key variables on which the ground motion parameter
depends (e.g., earthquake magnitude, site-to-source distance, style of faulting). Attenuation relationships
may be developed either from statistical analyses of values observed in previous earthquakes or from
theoretical models of the propagation of strong ground motions. These observations and analyses indicate
that the most important factors influencing peak values of earthquake strong ground motions at a site are
the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance between the site and the earthquake source, the style of
faulting, and local ground conditions (e.g., rock or soil site conditions).
There are many different attenuation relationships that have been proposed. Campbell (1985), Joyner and
Boore (1988), and Atkinson and Boore (1990) provide excellent summaries of many of the available
attenuation relationships.
A large number of attenuation relationships are available for the western United States. These attenuation
relationships are based primarily on statistical analysis of recorded data. For the eastern and central United
States, where little to no recorded strong motion data are available for statistical analysis, relatively few
attenuation relationships are available. The few attenuation relationships that do exist for the eastern and
central United States are based primarily upon theoretical models of ground motion propagation due to the
lack of observational data.
Even when restricted to a relatively narrow geographic locale like the northwestern United States, there
may still be a need to use different attenuation relationships for different tectonic conditions. For example,
Youngs, et al. (1988) found differences in attenuation of ground motions between earthquakes occurring
along the interface between the subducting Juan de Fuca tectonic plate and the North American plate
(interplate events) and earthquakes occurring within the subducting Juan de Fuca plate (intraplate events)
in the Pacific northwest (see Figure 2-1).
PHGA attenuation relationships for shallow earthquakes that occur at the interface between the Pacific and
American tectonic plates in the western United States have been developed by many investigators,
including Campbell and Duke (1974), Campbell (1993), Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994), Boore, et al.,
(1993), Boore and Joyner (1994), Sadigh, et al., (1993), Geornatrix (1995), Silva and Abrahamson (1993),
Abrahamson and Silva (1996), and Idriss (1995). Table 4-1 presents a summary of commonly used PHGA
attenuation relationships in the western United States. These relationships consider earthquake magnitude,
site-to-source distance, and local ground conditions (soil or rock). These relationships may also
4 - 2 (Part I)
(For Shallow Crustal Earthquakes)
Reference< 11 Magnitude Measure< 21 Distance Measure<31 Llmitation14>
Schnabel and Seed (1973) M<5> Closest Horizontal Distance to the Zone Available only in the form of charts.
of Energy Release, RE 3;; Rs;; 1,000km
Geomatrix (1991, 1995); Mw Closest Distance to the Rupture Zone, RR 0 <RR;; 100 km
Sadigh, et al. (1993);
Silva and Abrahamson (1993);
Abrahamson and Silva (1996)
Notes: (I) Table lists main references and their latest updates. The following references also include coefficients for spectral values: Joyner and Boore
(1988); Geomatrix (1991, 1995); Campbell (1990, 1993); and Idriss (1993). Relationship by Schnabel and Seed (1973) is shown by dashed lines
in Figure 4-2. Relationship by Kavazanjian, et al. (1985) is shown in Figure 4-7. See Equation 4-4 for Campbell and Duke (1974) relationship.
(2) Mw = Moment Magnitude, ML = Local (Richter) Magnitude, Ms = Surface Wave Magnitude. Note that for M < 6, ML "' Mw and for
M > 6, M,"' MW.
(3) Refer to the or.iginal references for detailed definition of distance measures. Note that for design, it is commonly assumed that the rupture zone
equals to the area of the fault plane.
(4) IA = Arias Intensity, as defined in Chapter 4.5; RMSA = Root Mean Square Acceleration as defined in Chapter 4.4.
(5) Magnitude measure was not specified by Schnabel and Seed (1973).
discriminate on the basis of style of faulting, as statistical analysis shows that reverse (thrust) fault events
generate peak ground accelerations approximately 20 to 30 percent greater than strike-slip events of the
same magnitude at the same distance. Figure 4-1 compares mean value PHGA attenuation curves for
magnitude 6.5 and 8.0 events on a strike-slip fault calculated by three commonly used attenuation
relationships for western United States earthquakes.
Different attenuation relationships than those used for shallow crustal earthquakes are used for the
subduction zone earthquakes that occur along the Pacific Coast in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and the
northwest comer of California. For subduction zone earthquakes, PHGA attenuation relationships by
Cohee, et al., (1991) and Youngs, et al., (1988) are often used in earthquake engineering practice. Table
4-2 presents the relationships for attenuation of PHGA in subduction zone earthquakes developed by
Cohee, et al. (1991) and Youngs, et al. (1988).
With respect to differences in ground motion attenuation between the western United States and the eastern
and central United States, it is generally agreed that ground motions east of the Rocky Mountains attenuate
more slowly than ground motions in the west. However, due to the much lower rates of seismicity and
the absence of large magnitude earthquakes since the deployment of strong motion accelerographs in the
eastern and central United States, there is insufficient data to characterize the attenuation of strong ground
motions east of the Rocky Mountains using statistical methods. Therefore, attenuation relationships used
for earthquakes occurring in eastern and central United States are based upon theoretical modeling of
ground motion attenuation. Attenuation relationships for the eastern and central United States commonly
used in engineering practice include relationships developed by Nuttli and Herrmann (1984), Boore and
Atkinson (1987), McGuire, et al. (1988), Boore and Joyner (1991), and Atkinson and Boore (1995).
Table 4-2 includes the PHGA attenuation relationships developed by Toro, et. al (1997) for the Mid-
Continent and Gulf Coast regions that were used in developing the 1996 USGS seismic hazard maps.
Figure 4-2 compares typical PHGA attenuation relationship for the eastern and central United States to that
used in the western United States (dashed lines).
Factors other than distance, magnitude, and style of faulting may influence the attenuation of strong ground
motions. These factors include depth of earthquake hypocenter, the strike and dip of the fault plane (see
Figure 2-6), location of the site relative to the hanging and foot walls of a thrust fault (see Figure 2-7),
rupture directivity effects, topographic effects, depth to crystalline bedrock, velocity contrasts, asperities
on the rupture surface, wave reflection, wave refraction, and wave scattering. Figure 4-3 presents a recent
attenuation relationship developed by Abrahamson and Silva (1996) for reverse (thrust) faults showing the
influence of the location of the site with respect to the hanging wall and the foot wall of the fault. Most
other factors (e.g., directivity, rupture effects) are not explicitly considered in attenuation relationships and
can only be accounted for by detailed seismologic modeling.
The engineer choosing an attenuation relationship for use in practice should keep in mind that new
attenuation relationships are regularly being developed. Many of the investigators who have developed
attenuation relationships for the western United States revise their relationships after almost ever major
earthquake to include newly recorded motions, Therefore, when selecting an attenuation relationship, it
is prudent to review the current literature and select the most appropriate relationship or relationships for
the project site. When evaluating whether or not a certain attenuation relationship is appropriate, the
engineer should thoroughly review the published information regarding its development, especially the
tectonic regime for which it was developed, the ranges of magnitude and distance to which it is restricted,
4 - 4 (Part I)
0 -- ------ .:-...:,~
·---- --- ,_ -j -··
:;:; -- '- '~
Cl) - ,- ...................
-a; - --- - -·-·-' - 1.::: ,-
r-- ;:
< ~-,;',_
- ....
' ,.....
', -~
Boore et al. (1993) r-,.._ --..._
·-------- Campbell (1993)
Sadigh et al. (1993)
, ....
c.. !'
1 10 100
Distance to Surface Projection of Rupture (km)
-a; ·,,
r------... >-.
(,) ~
<( ~ ~ ...
- Boore et al. (1993)
::c - --------- Campbell (1993)
m - Sadigh et al. (1993)
1 10 100
Distance to Surface Projection of Rupture (km)
Figure 4-1: Comparison of Attenuation Relationships by Various Investigators. (For Strike-Slip Faults)
4 - 5 (Part I)
Gulf Coast
ln(PGA) = 2.80 + 1.31 (Mw - 6) - 1.49 ln(R,,, )- 0.09 Max[ln (R.i,/100), 0] - 0.0017 R.i,
Toro, et al. ( 1997)
Figure 4-2: Comparison of Attenuation Relationship for Eastern and Central United States to
Attenuation Relationship for Western United States.
~ 0.1
4 - 7 (Part I)
and the local ground conditions to which it applies. Frequently, several different attenuation relationships
may be found to be equally appropriate. In such a case, the geometric mean (i.e., In X,,,ean = (I! In X;)/n)
of the values calculated using all of the appropriate attenuation relationships is commonly employed in
practice. By using the geometric mean of the values calculated by multiple relationships, bias
inherent to individual relationships is minimized. However, when this approach is used, the multiple
attenuation relationships should not include two generations of an attenuation relationship from the same
investigator (e.g., Campbell, 1989 and Campbell and Bozorgnia, 1994):
Usually, attenuation relationships for both rock and soil sites will be available for use. Except for soil sites
with less than IO m of soil overlying bedrock and for soft soil sites where the average shear wave velocity
over the top 30 m is less than 120 m/s, soil-site attenuation relationships may be used directly to
characterize ground motions at a soil site. However, due to the variability in conditions at soil sites and
the resulting uncertainty in soil site response, engineers often prefer to use a rock site attenuation
relationship to characterize the design earthquake motions at a hypothetical bedrock outcrop at the
geometric center of the project site and then conduct a site response analysis to evaluate the influence of .
local soil conditions on the earthquake motions at the site. The hypothetical bedrock outcrop concept is
congruent with both the free-field (i.e., not affected by structure and/or topography) criterion used to
develop the attenuation relationships and with the concepts used to specify motions for input to computer
programs for seismic site response analyses (rock outcrop and transmitting boundary models, see Sections
6.4 and 6.5).
When using an attenuation relationship, it is important to use the magnitude scale consistent with the scale
used to develop the attenuation relationship. In the eastern and central United States, the magnitude
measure generally used in practice is body wave magnitude, mb. In California, moment magnitude, Mw,
local (Richter) magnitude, ML, or surface wave magnitude, M 5 , are used. The differences in these scales
are due to the type of earthquake waves being measured, the type of instrument used to measure them, and
local scaling factors. The relationship between these magnitude scales is shown on Figure 2-5.
Consistency with the site-to-source distance measure used in developing the attenuation relationship is also
important, especially for near-field earthquakes. In the early days of development of attenuation
relationships, the epicentral distance was often used because it was generally the most reliable distance
measure (seismographs were too sparsely located to adequately constrain the focal depth). As
seismographs became more numerous and portable arrays were deployed to measure aftershock patterns
that roughly delineate the rupture zone, the focal depth and extent of the rupture surface were able to be
better located. Statistical analyses indicate that measures of distance from the recording site to the rupture
surface provide a more robust measure of seismic wave attenuation than epicentral distance. Therefore,
most current attenuation relationships for the western United States use some measure of the distance to
the rupture zone. In the eastern and central United States, hypocentral and epicentral distance measures
are still commonly used due to the sparsity of strong-motion recordings from significant earthquakes.
All of the attenuation relationships commonly used in practice assume that the output ground motion
parameter values are log-normally distributed (i.e., the logarithm of the parameter value is normally
distributed). Most of the traditional attenuation relationships used in practice characterize the distribution
of the output parameter values with a single, constant value for the log normal standard deviation,
independent of earthquake magnitude. In these traditional relationships, the mean plus one standard
4 - 8 (Part I)
deviation peak acceleration values are typically about 1.5 times the corresponding mean values. Recently,
Sadigh, et al. (1993), Idriss (1993), and Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994) have developed magnitude
dependent values for the standard deviation, with smaller standard deviations for larger magnitudes.
The importance of the frequency content of the earthquake ground motions with respect to the damage
potential of the motions has been demonstrated repeatedly by damage surveys following earthquakes. Such
damage surveys show strong correlations between damage to engineered structures, the natural period of
the damaged structure, and the predominant frequency of the ground motion to which the structure was
subjected. The frequency content of earthquake ground motions is generally characterized by the shape
of the acceleration response spectrum. Velocity and displacement response spectra are also used in
practice to characterize the frequency content of ground motions.
The same statistical analyses used to develop peak ground motion attenuation equations for the western
United States have been used to develop attenuation relationships for spectral values. Joyner and Boore
(1988), Geomatrix (1991), Campbell (1993), and Idriss (1993) present the coefficients for spectral
acceleration attenuation for spectral periods of up to 7.5 seconds. These coefficients can be used to
generate smoothed response spectra that illustrate the influence of magnitude and distance on the frequency
content of strong ground motions.
Figure 4-4 compares smoothed acceleration response spectra for a rock site from Campbell (1993) for
magnitude 5.5, 6.5, and 7.5 events at a distance of 15 km. For comparison purposes, these spectra are
all normalized to a zero period (peak ground) acceleration value of 1.0. This figure clearly illustrates the
increased damage potential of larger magnitude earthquakes. The larger magnitude events have larger
peak spectral accelerations and larger spectral accelerations in the long period range where ground motions
are often most damaging, even though all three spectra are scaled to the same peak acceleration value.
Figure 4-5 compares smoothed acceleration response spectra from three different investigators (Campbell,
1993; Sadigh, et al., 1993; and Boore, et al., 1993) for a rock site for a magnitude 6.5 event at a distance
of 15 km. This figure illustrates the differences among attenuation relationships developed by different
investigators using essentially the same data base. These differences are primarily due to the weighting
scheme used in statistical analysis and the screening criteria used by each investigator in culling records
from the common data base of world-wide strong motion records available for the analysis and theoretical
assumptions on the shape of the attenuationship in the near field (whether or not it "saturates" (plateaus)
at low distances) and the rate of decay of ground motion in the far field. The decision on which attenuation
to use is a subjective one that is generally based on a comparison between the data base and asswnptions
used to develop the attenuation relationship and the problem at hand. Alternatively, the arithmetic average
or geometric mean of multiple attenuation relationships may be used.
The smoothed acceleration response spectra illustrated in Figures 4-4 and 4-5 are important tools for
selection of appropriate time histories for geotechnical analysis. When selecting or synthesizing ground
motion time histories for use in engineering analysis, the smoothed spectra are used as a guide to the
appropriateness of the time history frequency content. As illustrated in Figure 4-6, a suite of time histories
for use in engineering analysis is selected such that the suite as a group conforms to the smoothed spectra,
though no single time history is expected to conform to the spectra.
4 - 9 (Part I)
3~ r--------------------------,
ROCK SITE; Rs - 15 km
IDomping=5% j
1 2 3 4 5
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-4: Comparison of Smoothed Acceleration Response Spectra for Various Earthquake
Magnitudes. (Campbell, 1993 Attenuation Relationship)
CIJ 0.4
'\ Boore et al. (1993)
·------- Campbell (1993)
.S! \
Cl) ,"'
0 0.3
0 '
- E
\ -.
"'~ IDamping=5% I
en 0.1
0.0 0.5
1.0 1.5
f-::-::.:.:.::: ------- --------
2.5 3.0
1---- ---w ---
Period (sec)
4 - 10 (Part I)
- b (l
Daxnpin.g - 5"5 /' '-
i::z;:i 1.2 _,,,.
c.;> _,,,.
< O.B ---
< ' '
E- 0.4-
-- .....
PHGA (in Wealc Rock) = 0.61 g
er.! o.o
0.01 0.1 1
PERIOD (sec)
-- Abraha=aon and. Silva (1996) ra.edia.n ·
- - Abra.h.anu,on a.n.d Silva (1996) 16th. &: 841:.h.
-- Corralitos - Eureka. Canyon Road (0 deg) (Loma Pri.eta.)
---- Rio Dell (270 deg) 25 Apr. •92 (Cape Mendocino/Petrolia Eq.)
- - - C4, - Synthetic Accelerogram (Silva.. 1995)
The energy content of the acceleration time history provides another means of characterizing strong ground
motions. The energy content of the motion is proportional to the square of the acceleration. In
engineering practice, the energy content of the motion is typically expressed in terms of either the
root-mean-square (RMS) and duration of the acceleration time history or the Arias intensity, IA. The RMS
of the acceleration time history is the square root of the square of the acceleration integrated over the
duration of the motion and divided by the duration:
RMSA _! j[a(t)] 2 dt (4-1)
tf 0
where RMSA is the RMS of the acceleration time history, a(t) is the acceleration time history, and tr is the
duration of strong ground shaking. The RMSA represents an average acceleration for the time history over
the duration of strong shaking. The square of the RMSA multiplied by the duration of the motion is
directly proportional to the energy content of the motion.
The value of the RMSA depends upon the definition of the duration of the motion. For instance, if the
duration of the motion is defined such that it extends into the quiet period beyond the end of strong
shaking, the RMSA value will be "diluted" by the quiet period at the end of the record. However, as the
energy content of the motion is unchanged, the product of the RMSA and duration will remain constant.
As the RMSA is not used as frequently as peak ground acceleration in engineering practice, RMSA
attenuation relationships are not developed or revised as frequently as peak acceleration attenuation
relationships. Figure 4-7 presents an attenuation relationship for RMSA at rock sites in the western United
States developed by Kavazanjian, et al. (1985a) using the significant duration (Trifunac and Brady, 1975)
defined in the next Section of this Chapter.
4 - 11 (Part I)
(j') .010
0::: NOlES:
(1) RMSA is eolculated over the eignificont duration
(2) For thrust faults increase estimated RMSA by 30%
.1 1.0 10.0 100.0
Figure 4-7: Attenuation of the Root Mean Square Acceleration. (Kavazanjian, et al., 1985a, reprinted
by permission of ASCE)
The Arias intensity, IA> is proportional to the square of the acceleration integrated over the entire
acceleration time history, a(t):
IA = _..::.f[a(t)]2dt (4-2)
where g is the acceleration of gravity and tr is the duration of strong shaking. Arias (1969) showed that
this integral is a measure of the total energy of the accelerogram. Arias intensity may be related to the
RMSA as follows:
Figure 4-8 presents the attenuation relationship developed by Kayen and Mitchell (1997) for Arias
The specification of the duration of strong shaking for an acceleration time history can be somewhat
arbitrary, as relatively low intensity motions may persist for a long time towards the end of the record.
If the defined duration of strong motion is increased to include such low intensity motions, the Arias
4 - 12 (Part I)
_••••••• Predicted Mean Surface-Arias Intensity (mis)
for Focal Depth of 10 km.
lh (m/s)
0.1 --
Soft Soil
- - Alluvium
- - - Rock
1 10 100
Figure 4-8: Arias Intensity Attenuation Relationship (l(ayen and Mitchell, 1997)
intensity will remain essentially constant but the RMSA will decrease (as discussed above). Therefore,
some investigators prefer Arias intensity to RMSA as a measure of energy content because the Arias
intensity of a strong motion record is a more definite, essentially fixed value while the RMSA depends
upon the definition of the duration of strong ground motion. A definition that results in a longer duration
will result in a lower RMSA, but IA will remain essentially unchanged.
Husid (1969) proposed plotting the evolution of the Arias intensity for an accelerogram versus time to
study the evolution of energy release for the strong motion record. Figure 4-9 presents the acceleration
time history recorded at Aloha Avenue in Saratoga during the 1989 Mw 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake and
the corresponding Husid plot.
Arias intensity and/or RMSA and duration are useful parameters in selecting time histories for geotechnical
analysis. This is particularly true if a seismic deformation analysis is to be performed, as the deformation
potential of a strong motion record is directly proportional to the energy content, which can be expressed
as a function of either Arias intensity or the product of the RMSA and duration of the record.
The duration of shaking is important to the response of a soil deposit and/or overlying structures if the
materials are susceptible to cyclic pore pressure generation, loss of strength or stiffness during cyclic
4 - 13 (Part I)
0.8 :
0.4 f
tr= 40 sec
PGA=0.526g I.=1.59m/sec
Dr=ti:=40 sec
0 10 20 30 40 50
TIME (sec)
Figure 4-9: Accelerogram Recorded During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.
loading, or other forms of cumulative damage (e.g., permanent seismic deformation). Duration is often
neglected or treated indirectly in evaluating the dynamic response of structures, but is usually implicitly
(based upon magnitude) or explicitly accounted for in liquefaction and seismic deformation analyses.
The bracketed duration of strong motion, Db, defined by Bolt (1973) as the elapsed time between the first
and last acceleration excursion greater than a specified threshold level, is the definition most often found
in strong motion catalogs. Figure 4-10 illustrates calculation of bracketed duration for Saratoga - Aloha
Avenue accelerogram and a threshold acceleration of 0.05 g.
For problems dealing with cumulative damage during an earthquake, many engineers find the definition
of significant duration, D., proposed by Trifunac and Brady (1975) to be the most appropriate duration
definition. Trifunac and Brady (1975) defined the significant duration as the time interval between 5 and
95 percent of the total Arias intensity on a Husid plot. The Trifunac and Brady definition of duration is
illustrated on the Husid plot in Figure 4-11.
The most recent study of significant duration available in the technical literature is by Dobry, et al. (1978).
These investigators plotted significant duration versus earthquake magnitude for events less than and
greater than 25 km from the source. Based upon the summary plot shown on Figure 4-12, these
investigators suggested the following design equation for the significant duration at rock sites:
D S = l Q (0.432Mw - 1.83)
4 - 14 (Part I)
------ Bracket = +/-0.050g
b l)
t,=40 sec
~ 0.0
- ______________________________,1.
t.) tz=18.6 sec
~ -0.2
Bracketed Duration
PGA=PHGA:0.526& Db=¼-t1=15.3 sec
0 10 20 30 40 50
TIME (sec)
t,=40 sec
0.8 t..=14.0 sec
~ 0.2
.::: Significant Duration, D8
z 0.0 from. Normalized Husid
t,.=4.6 sec Plot: Da=t2 -t1 =9.4 sec
0 10 20 30 40 50
TIME (sec)
4 - 15 (Part I)
CJ .:30
en 25
en 20
(.) 10
5 6 7 8
Figure 4-12: Duration Versus Earthquake Magnitude for the Western United States. (Dobry, et al.,
1978, reprinted by permission of SSA)
where D, is the significant duration as defined by Trifunac and Brady (1975) and Mw is the moment
magnitude of the design earthquake.
For problems related to soil liquefaction, duration is commonly expressed· in terms of the number of
equivalent uniform cycles (e.g., see Seed, et al., 1975). The number of equivalent uniform cycles is
typically expressed as a function of earthquake magnitude to reflect the general increase in duration with
increasing magnitude. Recommendations for the number of equivalent uniform cycles as a function of
earthquake magnitude for use in liquefaction and seismic settlement analyses are presented in Chapter 8.
Qualitative reports of the influence of local soil conditions on the intensity of shaking and on the damage
induced by earthquake ground motions date back to at least the 1906 San Francisco earthquake (Wood,
1908). Reports of localization of areas of major damage within the same city and of preferential damage
to buildings of a certain height within the same local area from the Mexico City earthquake of 1957, the
Skopje, Macedonia earthquake of 1963, and the Caracas, Venezuela earthquake of 1967 focused the
attention of the engineering community on the influence of local soil conditions on the damage potential
of earthquake ground motions.
Back-analysis by Seed (1975) of accelerograms from the moment magnitude Mw 5.3 Daly City (San
Francisco) earthquake of 22 March 1957, presented in Figure 4-13, demonstrate the influence of local soil
conditions on site response. Figure 4-13 shows peak acceleration, acceleration response spectra, and soil
4 - 16 (Part I)
stratigraphy data at six San Francisco sites approximately the same distance from the source of the 1957
earthquake. The peak acceleration and frequency content of the ground motion recorded at these six sites
were dependent on the soil profile beneath each specific site.
At the sites shown in Figure 4-13, the local soil deposits attenuated the peak ground acceleration by a
factor of approximately two compared to the bedrock sites. However, the acceleration response spectra
for the soil sites clearly show amplification of spectral accelerations at longer periods (periods greater than
0.25 sec) compared to the rock sites. If the bedrock motions had larger spectral accelerations at the longer
periods, a characteristic of larger magnitude events and of events from a more distant source, or if the
natural period of the local soil deposits more closely matched the predominant period of the bedrock
motions, amplification of the peak acceleration could have occurred at the soil sites.
The influence of local ground conditions can also be illustrated using the smoothed acceleration response
spectra discussed in Section 4.3. Figure 4-14 presents smoothed acceleration response spectra calculated
using the Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994) attenuation relationship for a magnitude 8 event at a distance of
5 km for both soil and rock sites. This figure clearly indicates the tendency for soil site motions to contain
a larger proportion of their energy content at longer periods than rock site motions.
oi 0.5 ,--,--,--~
i ~:: .:i:::i::::1:::
~ 0.2
• • ,
.; ... ~ .... ;...
··: ·--:■---:----
;£ 0.1 .. :···++··
0o . 1 . 2
§ Period (sec) Period (sec) Period (sec) Period (sec) Period (sec)
Period 1sec)
~ 0.15r---.rl;=-------:::,-:':--------+-----+-----+----+-~
CD 0.10Q 010g
ii 0.10 · .
~ 0.05 . •••••••• 0.05 g 0.05 g
E O~--i--------+-------+-----+----+----+-_;
Cl! Mason and
Pine Streets
100 -
f-- 1 km --;
Figure 4-13: Soil Conditions and Characteristics of Recorded Ground Motions, Daly City (San
Francisco) Mw 5.3 Earthquake of 1957. (Seed, 1975, reprinted by permission of Chapman
and Hall)
4 - 17 (Part I)
! ! i I ! ! i
--- --rt ~-+.,.. .
i I'~-' - I
I !
' ••
I l
I !
.-,. I I
'-' .
z ....
' " ·.'.
; ;
0 I
' I I
<( i I !
~-~ !
w : i
w !
<( I il i
Mw- 8 '
(_) RR= 16 km I
CL Reverse Faulting I
84th Percentile
I Damping = 5% ,-
I l I Ii l
I. I
' I I! I
0.01 0.1 10
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-14: Comparison of Soil and Rock Site Acceleration Response Spectra for Mw 8 Event at 5 km.
(Campbell and Bozorgnia, 1994, reprinted by permission of EERI)
The Richter Magnitude 8.0 Mexico City earthquake of 1985 provided dramatic evidence of the influence
of local soil conditions on earthquake ground motions with respect to both peak ground acceleration and
spectral acceleration. ·Figure 4-15 compares the peak ground acceleration measured at three soft soil sites
in Mexico City to the peak acceleration values calculated from a conventional attenuation relationship at
the mean plus one standard deviation level. As the figure shows, the peak ground accelerations at the three
soft soil sites were significantly greater than the calculated mean plus one standard deviation acceleration
values. The peak ground acceleration at one of these sites approached 0 .2 g as compared to the mean plus
one standard deviation value of 0.08 g for this earthquake, which occurred at a distance of 400 km from
Mexico City. Figure 4-16 shows the effect of the local soil conditions at two of these three sites on
spectral accelerations. The acceleration response spectra for the two soft clay sites show spectral
amplification factors of up to 6 (i.e., a ratio of spectral acceleration to peak ground acceleration of up to
6) at the resonant site period.
The influence of local soil conditions on spectral shape may be illustrated using design spectra developed
for building codes. For example, the 1994 version of the Uniform Building Code (UBC, 1994), defined
three classes of site conditions when defining the shape of the normalized smoothed response spectra for
structural design. These three classes of site conditions are rock (Type I), deep, cohesionless or stiff clay
soil (Type II), and soft to medium stiff clays and sands (Type ill). The smoothed normalized response
spectra corresponding to these three site conditions, presented in Figure 4-17, again illustrate the increase
in spectral acceleration at long periods for soil site motions compared to rock site motions.
4 - 18 (Part I)
- 7.0 - ~
MEAN+ tr
,_ ...
-- -
----- ....
" "'~,,
N ......
(.) e.o "-
r-- ..... ... f"-....
. I'--."' '\io'\'
~ -- 5.5
-... r--.
%- r-..
--- ..., ..... ' ,, . '.,
~c~ K<~
100 II
< I I I I
' ' ' .
' ' ' \. "\ ' ' ' "\
- -
:c so -
SUBDUCTION ZONE "" ..... ' \ '\.
30 . . .
. I • T I I'\.'\
\ '
10 so 100 400
Figure 4-15: PGA Attenuation in 1985 Mexico City Earthquake (Krinitzsky, 1986)
0.7 D::::37m)
~ 0.4
0 1 2 3 4 5·
Figure 4-16: Spectral Amplification in 1985 Mexico City Earthquake (Romo and Seed, 1986)
4 - 19 (Part I)
0:: (.)
...J <(
w \
() ...J
<( 2
' ',,......
----- -- --
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-17: Normalized 1994 Uniform Building Code Response Spectra. (UBC, 1994, reproduced
from the Uniform Building Code"', copyright© 1994, with the permission of the publisher,
the International Conference of Building Officials)
The 1997 version of the UBC has six classes of site conditions and incorporates the effects of near-field
ground motion. The six classes of site conditions incorporated in the 1997 UBC, designated SA through
SF, are defined in Table 4-3 on the basis of the average shear wave velocity in the top 30 meters and other
relevant geotechnical characteristics. The acceleration response spectra for classes SA through SE are based
on Figure 4-18. For site class Sp, a site specific analysis is required to develop the response spectrum.
The value of c., the spectral acceleration at zero period for the UBC spectra, is equal to the peak ground
acceleration with a 10 percent probability of not being exceeded in 50 years. For site classes SA through
~, c. may be taken from Table 4-4 in combination with the use of Figure 3-4 (to determine the Seismic
Zone Factor, Z). For site class Sp, a site-specific analysis is required to evaluate c..
The value of Cv for
developing the UBC spectra described by Figure 4-18 is a function of the site class and UBC seismic zone
factor (Figure 3-4 and Table 4-5).
For sites close to active faults (i.e. sites in zone 4), the Near Source Factors defined by Tables 4-6 through
4-8 should be applied to c. and Cv. Vertical spectral accelerations are generally assumed equal to 2/3 of
the horizontal spectral accelerations. However, for cases where a Near Source Factor greater than 1.0
is applied to the horizontal spectra, the UBC requires a site-specific analysis to develop the vertical
response spectra.
While building code response spectra are useful to illustrate the effect of local soil conditions on ground
response, these spectra represent effective spectral accelerations for use in structural design and are not
intended to represent smoothed spectra from actual earthquakes. To represent an actual earthquake
4 - 20 (Part I)
Control Periods
Jn T, = Cj2.5C,
z T0 = 0.2Ts
a: I I
u I I
u I I
_,<( I I
c. I I
To Ts
Figure 4-18: 1997 Unifonn Building Code Design Response Spectra (UBC, 1997, reproduced from the
Unifonn Building Code™, copyright© 1997, with the permission of the publisher, the
International Conference of .Building Officials)
. "'•- r1~« ~ ...... __ W"ll'UA - - - I l\th-- .--
. ,
Sr Very Dense Soil and Soft Rock 360 mis to 760 m/s N > 50, S,, > 100 kPa
SD Stiff Soil 180 mis to 360 mis 15 < N < 50
50 kPa < S, < 100 kPa
s, Soft Soil Less than 180 mis More than 3m of soil with PI > 20,
W, > 40%, and S, < 25 kPa
4 - 21 (Part I)
Seismic Zone Factor, Z
Soil Profile Type
Z - II 1175 Z - II 1, Z- 02 Z - II~ Z - 0.4
Seismic Zone Factor, Z
Soil Profile Type
Z - II 1175 Z a: II 1, Z - II? Za:11~ Z - 0.4
A Faults that are capable of producing large magnitude events and that M > 7.0 SR, 5
have a high rate of seismic activity
C Faults that are not capable of producing large magnitude earthquakes M < 6.5 SR,; 2
and that have a relatively low rate of seismic activity
4 - 22 (Part I)
2 3
Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source •
Seismic Source Type
,; 2 km 5km ;, 10km
Closest Distance to Known Seismic Source 2• 3
Seismic Source Type
,; 2km 5km 10km ;, 15km
spectrum, the spectrum generated from an attenuation relationship, or the spectrum from seismic site
response analysis (see Chapter 6) should be used.
In May 1997, FHWA and the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) jointly
sponsored a workshop on the "National Representation of Seismic Ground Motion for New and Existing
Highway Facilities" (Friedland, et. Al, 1997). Among the issues considered at the workshop were:
• Should the USGS maps and UBC code provisions be used for highway facilities;
• Should vertical and near-source ground motions be specified for design; and
• Should spatial variations of ground motions be specified for design?
While building code response spectra are useful to illustrate the effect of local soil conditions on ground
Workshop participants concluded that, while the 1996 USGS maps provide the basis for a national
portrayal of seismic hazard for highway facilities, design of highway facilities to prevent collapse should
consider design ground motions at probabilities lower than 10 percent probability of exceedence in 50
years that is currently in AASHTO and the UBC. The workshop participants recommended to develop
seismic hazard maps for highway facilities similar to the 1997 National Earthquake Hazard Reduction
Program (NEHRP) provisions for collapse- prevention design of building, wherein the USGS maps for 2 %
probability of exceedence in 50 years truncated by deterministic peak values in areas of high seismicity
was recommended.
4 - 23 (Part I)
Workshop participants concluded that the 1997 UBC spectra, with separate sets of short and long period
factors dependant on the intensity of ground shaking, with increased amplification for low levels of
shaking, and 1/T decay at long periods, were more appropriate than the current AASHTO provisions for
highway facilities design.
Workshop participants also concluded that because the high vertical motions in near-source regions can
significantly impact bridge response, vertical ground motions should be specified for certain types of
bridges in higher seismic zones. Furthermore, because near-source motions have certain unique
characteristics not captured in current UBC or NEHRP spectral shapes, new approaches to specifying near
field motions are needed. Workshop participants recognized that the response of "ordinary" highway
bridges is not greatly affected by spatial variations of ground motion, but that spatial variations can be
important in some cases and that research is needed to define and address these cases.
Local soil conditions can also affect duration and energy content. Energy and durations on soil sites have
greater scatter and tend to be longer than durations on rock sites. In fact, the range of energy and
durations for rock sites appears to be a lower bound for soil site durations. The FHWA/NCEER workshop
participants concluded that energy is a more fundamental parameter, influencing structural response.
However, no accepted energy-based design procedures are currently available. For some geotechnical
problems, duration may be as important as energy content.
Amplification of long period bedrock motions by local soil deposits and constructed dams/embankments
and soil retaining systems is now accepted as an important phenomenon that can exert a significant
influence on the damage potential of earthquake ground motions. Significant structural damage has been
attributed to amplification of both peak acceleration and spectral acceleration by local soil conditions.
Amplification of peak acceleration occurs when the resonant frequency of the soil deposits or soil structure
is close to the predominant frequencies of the bedrock earthquake motions (the frequencies associated with
the peaks of the acceleration response spectra). The resonant frequency, f0 , of a horizontal soil layer
(deposit) of thickness H can be estimated as a function of the average shear wave velocity of the layer,
(V,).v8 , using the following equation:
., (V ,)avg
r. 4H
The resonant frequency of a trapezoidal embankment, f., can be estimated using a similar. equation of the
where the coefficient a,, varies between 2.4 and 4 as shown in Figure 4-19.
Amplification of the spectral acceleration may occur at soil sites in any earthquake at frequencies around
the resonant frequency of the soil deposit. Some of the most significant damage in recent earthquakes
4 - 24 (Part I)
}.. "' -Hh •
(11 s)avg
f ; __;....;;..::;
a H
TT •
hl_ I
f. = Fundamental Frequency
H H-h = Height of the Dam/Embanlanent
' Shear Wave Velocity
Vs =
I a,, = coefficient
0.00 2.405
0.03 2.409
0.05 2.416
0.10 2.448
0.15 2.501
0.20 2.574
0.25 2.668
0.30 2.786
0.35 2.930
0.40 3.107
0.45 3.323
0.50 3.588
1.00 4.0
Note: For 0.5 ~ A ~ 1.0, a,, may be derived by linear interpolation from a,, = 3.6 for A = 0.5 to a,,= 4.0 for A = 1.0.
4 - 25 (Part I)
(e.g., building damage in Mexico City in the 1985 earthquake and damage to freeway structures in the
Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989) has occurred in situations where the predominant frequencies of the
bedrock motions and the resonant frequencies of both the local soil deposit and the overlying structure all
fell within the same range.
Earthquake time histories may be required for input to both seismic site response analyses (see Chapter 6)
and seismic defonnation analyses (see Chapter 7). There are several procedures that can be used to select
earthquake ground motions at a site. These procedures include:
• selection of motions previously recorded for similar site conditions during a similar earthquake
and at distances comparable to those under consideration;
• selection of generic, publicly available synthetic ground motions generated to represent an event
of the target magnitude;
• use of simulation techniques to generate a project-specific synthetic time history, starting from the
source and propagating the appropriate wave forms to the site to generate a suite of time histories
that can then be used to represent the earthquake ground motions at the site of interest.
In selecting a representative time history from the catalog of available records, an attempt should be made
to match as many of the relevant characteristics of the design earthquake as possible. Important
characteristics that should be considered in selecting a time history include:
• earthquake magnitude;
• source mechanism (e.g., strike slip, dip slip, or oblique faulting);
• focal depth;
• site-to-source distance;
• site geology;
• peak ground acceleration;
• frequency content;
• duration; and
• energy content (RMSA or /A)-
The relative importance of these factors varies from case to case. For instance, if a bedrock record is
chosen for use in a site response analysis to model the influence of local soil conditions, site geology will
not be particularly important in selection of the input bedrock time history. However, if a soil site record
is to be scaled to a specified peak ground acceleration, site geology can be a critical factor in selection of
an appropriate time history, as the record must already include any potential influence of local soil
conditions on the motion. Scaling of the peak acceleration of a strong motion record by a factor of more
than two is not recommended, as the frequency characteristics of ground motions can be directly and
indirectly related to the amplitude of the motion. Leeds (1992) and Naeim and Anderson (1993) present
comprehensive databases of available strong motion records and their characteristics. These strong motion
4 - 26 (Part I)
records can be obtained in digital form (CD-ROM) from the National Geopi).ysical Data Center (NGDC)
in Boulder, Colorado. Also, Tao (1996) provides detailed information on several other sources from which
accelerograms can be obtained directly via on-line systems or purchased in a variety of formats.
Due to uncertainties in the selection of a representative earthquake time history, response analyses are
usually performed using a suite of time histories rather than a single time history. Engineers commonly
use two to five time histories to represent each significant seismic source in a site response analysis. The
1997 UBC requires a minimum of three pairs of time histories from recorded events for time history
analysis. For earthquakes in the western United States, it should be possible to find three to five
representative time histories that satisfy the above criteria. However, at the present time, there are a
limited number of bedrock strong motion records available from earthquakes of magnitude Mw 5.0 or
greater in the central and eastern United States or Canada, including:
• eight records from the 1988 Saguenay, Quebec earthquake of magnitude Mw 5.9;
• three records from the 1985 Nahanni; Northwest Territories (Canada) Earthquake of Magnitude
Mw 6.7; and
• the Loggie Lodge record with a peak horizontal acceleration of 0.4 g from the 1981 Mirimichi,
New Brunswick earthquake of magnitude Mw 5.0.
Therefore, for analysis of sites east of the Rocky Mountains, records from a western United States site,
an international recording site or synthetic accelerograms are often used to compile a suite of at least three
records for analysis.
Generic, synthetically generated ground motions are available only for a limited number of major faults
(fault systems). For example, Jennings, et al. (1968) developed the Al synthetic accelerogram for soil site
conditions for an earthquake on the southern segment of the San Andreas fault. Seed and Idriss (1969)
developed a synthetic accelerogram for rock sites for an earthquake on the northern segment of the San
Andreas fault. The Jennings, et al. (1968) Al accelerogram has an energy content which is larger than
the energy content of any accelerogram recorded to date. For this reason, the Al record is often used to
simulate major earthquakes in the Cascadia and New Madrid seismic zones. Appropriate synthetic
accelerograms may also be available to the engineer from previous studies and may be used if they are
shown to be appropriate for the site. Synthetic earthquake accelerograms for many regions of the country
are currently being compiled by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University under the
auspices of the Multi-Disciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (formally National Center
for Earthquake Engineering Research, NCEER) and can be downloaded from the NCEER website at
" A catalog of records representative on northeastern United States seismicity
(i.e., Boston) was recently developed for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) research
project on the performance of steel buildings (Somerville, et. Al, 1998). These records can be downloaded
from the Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC) website at "http://quiver.eerc.berkeley.
edu: 8080/studies/system/ ground_motions.html."
The target spectrum may be estimated from available attenuation relationships (see Section 4.3). These
attenuation relationships, typically developed for a spectral damping of 5 percent, provide estimates of the
median spectral ordinates and the log-normal standard deviation about the mean. Representative time
histories are selected by trial-and-error on the basis of "reasonable" match with the target spectrum. A
"reasonable" match does not necessarily mean that the response spectrum for the candidate record "hugs"
the target spectrum. Particularly if a suite of time histories is used, a "reasonable" match only requires
that the suite of response spectra averaged together approximates the mean target spectrum. Each
individual spectrum may fluctuate within the plus and minus one standard deviation bounds over most of
4 - 27 (Part I)
the period range of interest. Natural and/or generic synthetic time histories_ can be screened in this type
of selection process.
4 - 28 (Part I)
This chapter describes the site characterization infonnation required to evaluate the geotechnical
parameters used for the seismic design of highway facilities. It is assumed that the basic geological,
geotechnical, and hydrological investigations required for the general design of the structure under
consideration have been (or will be) conducted according to the state of practice. The goal of site
characterization for seismic design is to develop the subsurface profile and soil property information
necessary for seismic analyses. Soil parameters required for seismic analyses include the mitial (small
strain) dynamic shear modulus, equivalent viscous damping ratio, shear modulus reduction and equivalent
viscous damping characteristics, cyclic shear strength parameters, ~d liquefaction resistance parameters.
Three broad categories of site investigation activities can be included in a seismic site exploration program.
The first category is conventional geotechnical site exploration, including a drilling program followed by
laboratory testing on undisturbed or remolded samples. The second category is in situ testing, wherein
the parameters that describe dynamic soil properties are estimated in situ using penetrometers and other
types of probes and in situ testing devices. The third category is geophysical exploration.
All the three categories of site investigations are discussed in detail in Module 1 (Subsurface
Investigations). Herein, only brief discussions related to characterization of site for seismic studies are
The remainder of this chapter will describe the relevant soil parameters for seismic site characterization,
their importance for seismic analyses, and the available evaluation techniques.
5.2.1 General
As for all geotechnical engineering analyses, seismic analysis requires lmowledge of the subsurface profile,
or stratigraphy, at the site under study. The required stratigraphic information includes information on the
water level, the soil stratigraphic profile, and the underlying bedrock. Stratigraphy can be obtained using
classical investigation techniques (drilling and sampling), in situ tests, or geophysical means.
As in any geotechnical analysis, identification and quantification of relatively thin, weak layers can be an
important part of seismic site characterization. However, the "weak" layer in a seismic analysis may differ
from the "weak" layer in a static analysis. For instance, a saturated sand layer considered a suitable
foundation material with respect to static loads may be susceptible to liquefaction under earthquake loads
and thus becomes a weak layer in a seismic analysis. In other cases, such as soft material between beds
of rock or stiff soil on a hillside, the same material that is a weak material for static analyses also
represents a potential problem under earthquake loads.
The groundwater level (or levels) should be established during a seismic site investigation. Groundwater
may play an important role in seismic analysis, particularly if the soil deposits are liquefiable. Seasonal
5 - 1 (Part I)
variability in the water level should be considered in developing the stratigraphic profile and performing
liquefaction potential analyses.
Groundwater level information is often obtained by observation of the depth to which water accumulates
in an open borehole. However, water level observations in boreholes may be unreliable due to a variety
of factors, including:
A cone penetrometer (CPT) with pore pressure measuring capabilities, referred to as a piezocone, can also
be used to estimate water level elevations. By holding the cone at a constant elevation and waiting until
the pore pressure drops to a constant value, the piezocone can be used to determine the steady state pore
pressure at a specified elevation. The potential for perched water tables or confined aquifers can be
assessed with the piezocone by combining steady-state pore pressure readings at several elevations with
stratigraphic information developed from the tip and sleeve resistance of the cone.
Geophysical stratigraphic profiling methods are generally not used to evaluate the depth to groundwater.
Geophysical methods used to evaluate soil stratigraphy are often based upon shear wave or Rayleigh wave
velocity and thus are generally insensitive to the water level. Some resistivity methods (e.g., down hole
resistivity surveys) can detect the presence of water in the soil pores but cannot measure the pressure in
the water. Therefore, in a fine-grained soil, such methods can neither distinguish between soil above the
water table saturated by capillarity and soil below the water table nor measure an artesian pressure in a
confined aquifer.
The subsurface investigation should provide a detailed description of the soil stratigraphy at the site,
including the thickness and elevation of the different layers. Potentially liquefiable soils should be clearly
identified and quantified by one of the methods described later in this chapter. Both conventional boring
and sampling and in situ testing using the CPT offer the possibility of development of a continuous soil
profile in which layers as small as 75 mm can be identified. Thin continuous layers of weak or potentially
liquefiable soil encountered between beds of more competent soil may prove to be the critical plane in
seismic slope stability analyses. Borings offer the advantage of recovery of a sample for visual
classification and, if desired, laboratory testing. In a boring in which continuous Standard Penetration
Tests (SPT) sampling is performed, layers of soil can be visually identified from the sample recovered from
the split spoon to develop a continuous stratigraphic profile. However, the SPT blow count, the primary
measurement of cohesionless soil strength and consistency obtained using the SPT, generally applies only
to the gross behavior of a relatively large 300 mm interval of the boring and thus cannot be used to
characterize the liquefaction susceptibility of thin lenses of soil visually identified in the split-spoon sample.
In the CPT, the resistance of the tip and sleeve of the cone to penetration can be used to develop
continuous profiles of the shear strength of the soil that are applicable to layers as thin as 75 mm.
5 - 2 (Part I)
Geophysical methods will provide infonnation on the stratigraphy of the soil with respect to the measured
geophysical property. The measured geophysical property may be a physical property of direct interest
in a seismic analysis (e.g., shear wave velocity) or may be correlated to a physical property of interest
(e.g., electrical resistivity and water level). The ability of geophysical methods to resolve layering in the
ground varies among the available methods and, in general, decreases with depth unless a down hole
method is used (in which case a boring or in situ probe is required).
Ideally, the soil profile developed for a seismic analysis should extend to competent bedrock, where
competent bedrock is defined as material with a shear wave velocity of at least 700 mis, and the physical
properties of the soil over the entire interval between the ground surface and competent bedrock should
be defined. However, if competent bedrock is not reachable at a reasonable depth, the depth over which
the physical properties of the soil for seismic analyses are defined should be at least 30 m. Furthermore,
the depth to which the soil profile is developed should be at least as deep as required for conventional
geotechnical analyses.
5.3.1 General
At a minimum, a seismic analysis requires the same parameters used to describe soil properties for static
analyses of earth structures and foundations. During the course of a typical geotechnical investigation, the
following information is obtained:
For seismic design purposes, a series of other soil parameters and properties may need to be evaluated.
For a seismic analysis, these may include:
Measures of both the absolute and relative density of the soil skeleton are required for seismic analysis.
The absolute density is usually expressed in terms of unit weight. The unit weight of the soil is used to
calculate the total and effective vertical stresses for liquefaction and slope stability analyses. Unit weight
is also an important parameter in dynamic response and stability analyses, as the inertia force of an element
of soil is equal to the acceleration times the total weight. Total unit weight may be assessed on the basis
of measured values from undisturbed samples, or from the water content and specific gravity of saturated
Relative density is an important parameter with respect to the potential for soil liquefaction and seismically-
induced settlement of cohesionless soils. The relative density is a measure of the relative consistency of
5 - 3 (Part I)
the soil.
Mathematically, relative density, D,, is related to the maximum dry density (Yd max) or minimum void ratio
emin (the densest state to which the material can be compacted) and the minimum density (yd min) or
maximum void ratio e= (the loosest state the material can attain) by:
emax -e 0 1-y /y
D, = dmin do lOO% (5-1)
e max -e mm
. l -ydmm1Ydmax
where e0 is the in situ void ratio of the material and ydo is the dry in situ unit weight. The relative density
is an important parameter with respect to liquefaction and seismic settlement potential because it is related
to the potential for a granular material to decrease in volume when subjected to disturbance.
Relative density is rarely measured directly. Generally, an index of the relative density is measured in situ.
Commonly used indices of the relative density, or relative consistency, of soil in situ are the SPT blow
count, N, and the normalized tip and sleeve resistance of the CPT probe, 4ci, and f,, respectively. Table 5-
1 presents the Terzaghi and Peck (1948) relationship between relative density and SPT blow count for
sandy soils. Several of the indices used to evaluate relative density in situ have, in turn, been directly
correlated to liquefaction and seismic settlement potential, often eliminating the need for direct evaluation
of relative density in a seismic analyses.
(After Terzaghi and Peck, 1948)
The shear wave velocity of a soil is used to establish the stiffness of the soil at small strains. The small
strain (initial) shear modulus of a soil, Gmax, is related to the shear wave velocity, V,, and the mass density,
p, of the soil by the equation:
Gmax = p . V: (5-2)
5 - 4 (Pan I)
Mass density of the soil is related to the total unit weight of the soil, y,, by the acceleration of gravity, g:
Y, (5-3)
p = -
The mass density of most soils can be reasonably estimated from soil classification and location relative
to the water table. Therefore, measurement of shear wave velocity can provide a reliable means for
evaluating the small strain shear modulus of the soil if the stratigraphic profile is known.
Small strain (initial) Young's modulus, E,,,.,,, is related to small strain shear modulus as a function of
Poisson's ratio, v, by the theory of elasticity:
For practical purposes, Poisson's ratio of soil can be assumed equal to 0.35 for sands and 0.45 for clays.
Alternatively, ifresults of geophysical measurements are available, the following equation may be used
to estimate v.
v=l------ (5-5)
2(1-(V 5 /V / )
where V, and VP are shear and compressional wave velocities, respectively. Young's modulus can also
be evaluated from the compressional wave velocity and mass density of the soil. Consequently an efficient
and reliable means of obtaining the small-strain elasticity properties of the soil is through the measurement
of shear and compressional wave velocities.
During an earthquake, a soil deposit is subjected to a complex system of stresses and strains resulting from
the ground motions induced by the earthquake. In general, these stresses and strains will be cyclical due
to the vibrational nature of the earthquake loading. To evaluate the seismic response of the soil deposit,
it is necessary to estimate how it responds to this cyclic loading.
The earthquake-induced stresses and strains that produce the most damage in soils are generally considered
to be due to cyclic shearing of the soil. Shear waves propagate primarily upward near the ground surface.
Therefore, most geotechnical earthquake engineering analyses assume that earthquake ground motions are
generated by vertically-propagating shear waves.
The cyclic stresses induced on a soil element by a vertically-propagating shear wave are schematically
presented in Figure 5-1. The stress-strain response of soil to this type of cyclic loading is commonly
characterized by a hysteresis loop. A typical hysteresis loop is shown on Figure 5-2. Various constitutive
models have been developed to characterize soil hysteresis loops. The most common model used to
represent the hysteretic behavior of soil in seismic analysis is the equivalent-linear model (Seed and Idriss,
1970). Various non-linear constitutive models (Kondner and Zelasko, 1963; Martin, 1975; Matasovic and
Vucetic, 1993) have also been developed to represent hysteretic soil behavior. Detailed discussion of non-
linear constitutive models for the hysteretic behavior of soil is beyond the scope of this document.
The equivalent-linear model represents non-linear hysteretic soil behavior using an equivalent shear
5 - 5 (Part I)
◄~----t,._--1.► EAR1HQUAKE SHAKING
(7) I
' ~-_,, /
Figure 5-1: Stresses Induced in a Soil Element by Vertically Propagating Shear Wave.
5 - 6 (Part I)
Tc T
modulus, G, equal to the slope of the line connecting the tips of the hysteresis loop and an equivalent
viscous damping ratio proportional to the enclosed area of the loop. The equivalent modulus and damping
ratio are strain-dependent. The strain dependence of the equivalent modulus and damping ratio are
described by the modulus reduction and damping curves shown on Figure 5-3. The equivalent viscous
damping ratio is evaluated from the area of the hysteresis loop as schematically shown on Figure 5-2.
Modulus reduction and damping curves strictly apply only to uniform cyclic loading. However, these
curves are typically also used to model the soil behavior under irregular (non-uniform) cyclic loading
generated by earthquakes.
Cyclic loading can break the bonds between soil particles and rearrange the particles into a denser state.
In a dry soil, this rearrangement will be manifested as compression of the soil and will result in seismic
settlement. If the soil is saturated, volume change cannot occur instantaneously and the load carried by
the soil skeleton is transferred to the pore water as the particles are rearranged. If the rearrangement is
sufficient in magnitude, the soil skeleton can shed all of the load to the pore water, resulting in a pore
pressure equal to the overburden pressure, complete loss of shear strength, and, consequently, liquefaction
of the soil.
Peak and residual shear strengths are important elements in the evaluation of seismic stability. The peak
shear strength refers to the maximum shearing resistance an element of soil can sustain during and after
cyclic loading. The peak shear strength may be used to calculate the yield acceleration of a soil
(thehorizontal acceleration above which permanent seismic deformations begin to accumulate) if the
buildup of seismically-induced pore pressures is not anticipated. Residual shear strength refers to shear
strength of the soil after significant static and/or cyclic shearing has occurred. Residual shear strength is
often used to evaluate stability and calculate the accumulation of permanent seismic deformation in a post-
liquefaction stability and deformation analysis for a foundation or earth structure.
5 - 7 (Part I)
1.0 r------"---==----1 - - - -1 - - - -1
X 0.6 30
0.4 20
0.2 10
Figure 5-3: Shear Modulus Reduction and Equivalent Viscous Damping Ratio Curves.
While there is some limited infonnation to indicate that the shear strength of soil increases with increasing
strain rate, the peak shear strength of soil subjected to cyclic loading is generally assumed to be less than
or equal to the peak static strength. If the soil is dry, the drained shear strength may be used. If the soil
is saturated, even if the soil is relatively free draining, the undrained shear strength should be used for
seismic analyses because of the rapid nature of earthquake loading.
Residual shear strength is used to represent the post-peak strength of the soil subsequent to both monotonic
and cyclic loading. Many soils and geosynthetic interfaces show a marked decrease in shearing resistance
when subjected to relatively large monotonic shear strains. If the seismic design philosophy for a
foundation or earth structure calls for allowing the peak strength to be exceeded as long as cumulative
deformations remain within a range defined as acceptable, the residual shear strength after monotonic
loading is typically used to assess the post-liquefaction stability. The yield acceleration calculated using
the residual shear strength can be used to assess cumulative seismic defonnations on a conservative basis.
5.4.1 General
The key dynamic soil parameters required to perform a seismic response analysis are the shear wave
velocity, modulus reduction and damping curves, peak and residual shear strength, and the parameters
needed to evaluate soil liquefaction potential. A value for Poisson's ratio may also be required. These
parameters can either be directly evaluated from laboratory test results or in situ test results or indirectly
evaluated by correlation with index properties of soils. Laboratory tests generally provide the most direct
means of evaluating soil parameters for seismic analyses. However, laboratory tests are subject to
limitations on the recovery and testing of representative samples as well as on the testing itself. For some
parameters (e.g., shear wave velocity), field testing provides a reliable and cost effective means of
evaluation. However, in many cases, empirical correlation with index parameters and in situ test results
is the most practical means of evaluating soil parameters for seismic analyses. Sometimes, for particular
geographical areas and soils (e.g., Piedmont region residual soils, Borden, et al., 1996) typical dynamic
5 - 8 (Part I)
soil parameters have been established.
Probably the most common in situ test used in geotechnical practice, the SPT, measures the resistance to
penetration of a standard split-spoon sampler in a boring. The test method is rapid and yields useful data,
although there are many factors that affect the results. The procedure used to perform the SPT is codified
under ASTM Standard D 1586 and discussed in Module 1 (Subsurface Investigations). The SPT consists
of driving a standard split barrel sampler with a 63.5 kg hammer dropping 762 mm in a free fall which
theoretically delivers 60 percent of the energy to the drill rod. The (uncorrected) SPT blow count, N, is
the result of the test.
Although widely recognized as an unsophisticated test, the SPT is performed routinely worldwide and,
when performed properly, yields useful results. Extensive work has been conducted to understand the
limitations of the test and develop reliable correction factors accounting for the influence of vertical stress,
soil gradation, hammer efficiency, and other factors on test results. Correction factors to normalize and
standardize the value of the SPT blow count, N, are discussed in Chapter 8. Corrected SPT blow count
values can be used to:
Most soil mechanics text books contain correlations relating SPT blow counts to soil shear strength and
foundation bearing capacity (e.g., Bowles, 1988). As discussed in Section 5.3.2 and presented in Table 5-
1, SPT blow counts may also be used to estimate relative density of sand. Figure 5-4 presents a correlation
between overburden pressure, relative density, and SPT blow count developed by Marcuson and
Bieganousky (1977) for clean sand. As indicated in Figure 5-4, soils with the same relative density will
have different SPT blow counts under different overburden pressures. Dynamic soil properties (e.g.,
cyclic resistance against liquefaction and residual undrained shear strength) are often related to the relative
density of the soil. Therefore, to provide a consistent and stable parameter using SPT blow count
numbers, field SPT N values should be corrected to account for the overburden pressure effects.
Hammer efficiency is another key factor in evaluating SPT blow count. Values of hammer efficiency,
defined as the energy delivered to the sampler divided by the theoretical kinetic energy of the free-falling
weight, measured in the field vary from 30 to 90 percent, with an average value of 60 percent, depending
on the equipment, the operator, and other site-specific conditions. Field and analytical data indicate that
the blow count is directly proportional to the energy delivered to the split spoon sampler (Seed, et al.,
1985). Measurement of efficiency made on the same day using the same equipment and operator has been
known to vary by a factor of two. A two- to three-fold variation in efficiency will result in a two- to three-
fold variation in blow count in a uniform soil. To mitigate this problem, i.e., to be able to relatively
accurately standardize the blow count to correspond to the average efficiency of 60 percent, several
companies have developed systems for measuring the energy delivered to the rods or split spoon sampler
by the hammer. The services of these companies are available on a commercial basis and should seriously
5 - 9 (Part I)
z ~Dr=80%
E- .
40 ..
m 20
10 . .
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Overburden Pressure (kPa)
Figure 5-4: SPT-relative Density Correlation. (After Marcuson and Bieganousky, 1977, reprinted by
permission of ASCE)
be considered for major projects or where liquefaction potential assessment is a critical issue.
The procedure used to account for the effects of energy variations and overburden pressure on the field
SPT blow counts is presented below.
Step 1: Evaluate the standardized SPT blow count, N6(), which is the standard penetration test blow count
for a hammer with an efficiency of 60 percent (60 percent of the nominal SPT energy is delivered
to the drill rod). The "standardized" equipment corresponding to an efficiency of 60 percent is
specified in Table 5-2. If nonstandard equipment is used, N60 is obtained from the equation:
where C6Cl is the product of various correction factors. The equation for the global correction
factor, C60 , in Equation 5-6 and the contributing correction factors recommended by various
investigators for some common non-standard SPT configurations are provided in Table 5-3
(Richardson, et al., 1995). The correction factors for non-standard hammer type, CHT, and non-
standard hammer weight or height of fall, CHW, combine to represent a hammer energy factor, HE:
5 - 10 (Part I)
and Css, CRL, and CBo are the non-standard sampler setup, short rod length, and non-standard
borehole diameter factors presented in Table 5-3.
For important projects, HE may be calculated directly, by measuring the hammer energy. There
are two commercially available methods for measuring hammer energy: the Force Squared (F2)
method and the Force Velocity (FV) method. In the F2 method, strain gauge load cells are used
to measure the force transmitted to the drill rods. The square of the force is integrated over time
to calculate the hammer energy. In the FV method, the product of the force times the velocity is
integrated over time. The FV method requires both load cells to measure the transmitted force and
an accelerometer to measure the velocity time history. The equipment for making FV
measurements is similar to pile driving analyzer equipment for dynamic load testing of driven
In general, the F2 method is not considered as reliable as the FV method and is not recommended
for correcting SPT blow counts. Using the energy measured by the FV method, FVE the energy
correction factor may be evaluated as:
H =--- (5-9)
E 0.6 F max
where Fmax is the theoretical maximum energy of the SPT hammer (1,151 kg m2/s2).
If CPT data are available, Nro can be obtained from the chart relating Nro to 4: and D50 presented
in Figure 5-7 (Robertson et al.,1983).
Step 2: Calculate the normalized and standardized SPT blow count, (N 1) 60 • (N 1) 60 is the standardized blow
count normalized to an effective overburden pressure of 96 kPa in order to eliminate the influence
of confining pressure. The most commonly used technique for normalizing blow counts is via the
correction factor, CN, shown in Figure 5-5 (Seed, et al., 1983). However, the closed-form
expression proposed by Liao and Whitman (1986) may also be used:
where o; equals the vertical effective stress at the sampling point in kPa.
As shown in Figure 5-5, the Seed, et al. (1983) effective overburden correction factor curves
are valid only for depths greater than approximately 3 m (approximately 50 kPa). A similar plot
presented by Liao and Whitman (1986) suggests that CN in Equation 5-10 should be limited to
2.0 at depths lower than 3 m.
5 - 11 (Part I)
Regardless of the manner in which CN is estimated, the normalized and standardized blow count
is calculated as:
Other factors, such as grain size distribution, may influence CN (Marcuson and Bieganousky, 1977).
However, considering the uncertainties involved in the SPT itself, the application of equipment and
overburden pressure correction factors should be sufficient for engineering purposes.
The use of SPT blow counts (N1) 00 to evaluate soil liquefaction potential is described in detail in Chapter 8.
(After Seed, et al.., 1985 and Riggs, 1986, Reprinted by Permission of ASCE)
Penetration Resistance Count Measured over range of 150 to 460 mm of penetration into
the ground
Notes: (l)
If the equipment meets the above specifications, N = N60 and only a correction for
overburden is needed.
This specification is essentially the same to the ASTM D 1586 standard.
5 - 12 (Part I)
(Richardson, et al., 1995; Youd and Idriss, 1997)
0 100
"b 150
La.I 200
0 250
~ 300
i= 350
Figure 5-5: Correction Factor for the Effective Overburden Pressure, CN. (Seed, et al., 1983,
reprinted by permission of ASCE)
The CPT test involves pushing a standard dimension conical probe into the ground at a constant rate and
measuring the resistance of the tip of the cone and along the side of the cone to penetration. The cone tip
resistance, q,, combined with the friction ratio, f, (the ratio between the side resistance and point resistance
of the cone), has been shown to be strongly correlated to soil type and soil strength. In recent years, cone
penetration testing probes have been fitted with pore pressure cells (piezocones) to measure pore pressure
during penetrations and pore pressure dissipation after penetration, facilitating in situ measurement of
consolidation properties and water table depth. The CPT can also be fitted with a geophone for use in
"down hole" seismic profiling to determine shear wave velocity.
CPT testing is codified as ASTM Standard D 3441 and discussed in Module 1 (Subsurface Investigations).
Recommendations for CPT testing are also provided by Riaund and Miran (FHWA Report No. FHWA-
SA-91-043, 1992). The CPT is relatively easy to perform and provides a continuous profile of soil
stratigraphy that can be invaluable in identifying the extent of liquefiable soils at a site. Figure 5-6 shows
5 - 14 (Part I)
a typical soil behavior type classification chart based on cone penetration resistance readings. Data from
the CPT can also be used to establish allowable bearing capacity and for pile design (Riaund and Miran,
1992). In addition, correlations between SPT N values and CPT cone resistance have been developed to
allow for the use of CPT data with relationships between SPT values and dynamic soil properties (e.g.,
liquefaction potential). Figure 5-7 presents the recommended chart (Robertson et al., 1983) which
illustrates the relationship between cone resistance and SPT N values as a function of the mean grain size,
D50 • Cone resistance has also been correlated to undrained shear strength, angle of internal friction, and
relative density (Bowles, 1988; Meigh, 1987; Schmertmann, 1975; Riaund and Miran, 1992).
The total density of soil is usually expressed in tenns of total unit weight. Typical values of the total unit
weight are generally adequate for use in engineering analysis. If a higher degree of accuracy is required,
unit weight can be evaluated from measurements made on undisturbed samples. In saturated cohesive
soils, unit weight can be evaluated from the water content and the specific gravity.
Relative density, D,, is rarely measured directly for geotechnical engineering purposes. Instead, an index
of the relative density, usually the SPT blow count or the CPT resistance, is measured. Figure 5-4 presents
one relationship between SPT blow count and the relative density of a clean sand.
In general,- shear wave velocity is directly measured in the field. However, shear wave velocity can also
be estimated based upon soil type and consistency or by using the empirical correlations for small strain
shear modulus described in Section 5.4.5 in conjunction with the soil density and Equation 5-2.
Shear wave velocity, or small strain shear modulus, can be evaluated in the laboratory using resonant
column tests, as noted in Section 5.4.5. However, field geophysical measurements are used more
commonly and reliably to estimate shear wave velocity.
Geophysical measurements of in situ wave velocities are typically based on measuring the wave travel time
along a known propagation path. From knowledge of distance and travel time, the velocity is obtained.
Wave velocity may be measured from intrusive methods such as boreholes and CPT soundings (seismic
cone) or non-intrusively using seismic reflection, refraction, and surface wave profiling.
Geophysical Surveys
Geophysical techniques for subsurface exploration are described in detail in Module 1 (Subsurface
Investigations) and by Woods (1994). Geophysical techniques commonly used in geotechnical practice are
briefly summarized in the following paragraphs. Two general types of techniques are available to measure
shear wave velocities in the field:
• intrusive techniques whereby measurements are made using probes and sensors that are lowered
in boreholes or pushed into the ground; and
• non-intrusive techniques whereby the measurements are made from the ground surface.
5 - 15 (Part l)
z 2
ct 10
PEA TS______..
o 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 5-6: Soil Behavior Type Classification Chart Based on the CPT. (Douglas, 1984, 1981.
reprinted from FHWA-SA-91-043, 1992.)
5 - I6 (Part I)
~ in bars ( 1 bar = 100 kPa)
- ,~
... V
-· ~ 6
..,, 5
' 3 .9 _, ·~ c.B "•
3: ~o
0 "~ -~
u -
,- 4
z 3
12 .
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
Borehole Surveys
In a borehole seismic survey, one or more boreholes are drilled into the soil to the desired depth of
exploration. Wave sources and/or receivers are then lowered into the boreholes to perform the desired
tests. There are three approaches to borehole seismic surveys:
• Cross Hole Survey: In a cross hole survey, the energy source is located in one boring and the
detector (or detectors) is placed at the same depth as the energy source in one or more
surrounding boreholes at a known spacing. Travel time between source and receiver is measured
to determine the wave velocity. The cross hole survey method is illustrated by the sketch shown
in Figure 5-8.
• Down Hole Survey: In a down hole survey, the energy source is located on the surface and the
detector, or geophone, is placed in the borehole. The travel time is measured with the geophone
placed at progressively increasing depth to evaluate the wave velocity profile. Figure 5-9 is a
sketch showing the down hole survey method. Seismic cone penetration testing (SCPT) is
another form of down hole survey, combined with conventional cone penetration testing (see
Figure 5-10).
• Up Hole Su11Jeys: Geophones are laid out on the surface in an array around the borehole. The
energy source is set off within the borehole at successively decreasing depths starting at the
bottom of the hole. The travel times from the source to the surface are analyzed to evaluate wave
velocity versus depth. The energy source is usually either explosives or a mechanical pulse
instrument composed of a stationary part and a hammer held against the side of the borehole by
a pneumatic or hydraulic bladder.
5 - 17 (Part I)
Source Borehole ___ Receiver
3 meters 3 meters
PLAN VlEll'·
Seismic Recorder
Source Receiver
5 - 18 (Part I)
I Inclinometer
Pore Pressure
5 - 19 (Part I)
The cross hole technique is generally the preferred technique for a borehole survey as it offers the highest
resolution and greatest accuracy. However, cross hole measurements require a very precise evaluation
of the distance between the energy source and the detector. An inclinometer reading is generally
performed in the boreholes used in a cross hole survey to correct the results for deviation of the boreholes
from verticality. Cross hole geophysical testing is codified in ASTM Standard D 4428 and is discussed
in Module 1 (Subsurface Investigations).
Seismic refraction and reflection exploration surveys are conducted from the surface and do not require
boreholes. The resolution of the methods is relatively poor and decreases with depth. These methods are
most suitable as a means of identifying the depth to competent rock and the location of prominent soil
horizons that have a large contrast in density and stiffness compared to the overlying soil.
Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW) is a non-intrusive geophysical technique used primarily for
evaluating subsurface shear wave velocity profiles. SASW testing evaluates shear wave velocity indirectly
by direct measurement of Rayleigh, or surface wave, velocity. Rayleigh wave velocity is related to shear
wave velocity by Poisson's ratio. The two velocities are usually within 5 percent of each other for most
soils. SASW results are representative of the average properties of a relatively large mass of material,
mitigating the potential for misleading results due to non-homogeneity. SASW can be a very cost-effective
method of investigation. The ease and rapidity of field measurements and automated algorithms for data
processing and inversion allow for evaluation of subsurface conditions at a relatively large number of
points at a fraction of the cost of conventional intrusive exploration techniques.
A schematic representation of SASW testing is presented in Figure 5-11. Excitation at the ground surface
is used to generate the Rayleigh, or surface, waves at various frequencies. By spectral analysis of the
ground surface response (velocity or acceleration) at two points a known distance apart, the Rayleigh wave
velocity can be obtained at discrete frequencies. Usually, an inversion process (trial and error) is used to
determine the velocity profile. At sites where wave velocity increases gradually with depth, the velocity
profile may be determined directly from the field data. The depth over which reliable measurements can
be made depends upon the energy and frequency content of the source excitation and the consistency of ·
the subgrade material. Measurements are not affected by the depth to the water table.
The concept of measuring the velocity of Rayleigh waves of different frequencies to determine the profile
of shear wave velocity with depth was first proposed by Jones (1962), in Great Britain, for pavement
surveys and by Ballard (1964), at the Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi, for
geotechnical analyses. These investigators used impact loading as the source excitation and developed an
analysis based upon the assumption of a uniform, homogeneous layer. Stokoe and Nazarian (1985) at the
University of Texas, Austin, extended the analysis to consider multi-layered media. These investigators
also used a surface impact as the source excitation and thus reliable measurements were typically limited
to maximum depths on the order of 10 meters by the relatively low energy content of the excitation at
relatively long wave lengths.
Satoh and his co-workers (1991) in Japan developed an electro-magnetic controlled vibrator for use as the
source excitation. Large (2000 kg) mass, Controlled Source Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves
(CSSASW) equipment capable of penetrating over 100 meters below the ground surface has recently been
developed. Comparisons between SASW and down hole velocity measurements have been made (Nazarian
and Stokoe, 1984) and show good agreement between the two methods.
5 - 20 (Part I)
I 50 Hz
25 Hz
12.5 Hz
Figure 5-11: Schematics of SASW Testing. (Kavazanjian, et al., 1994) and Stakoe, 1984) and show
good agreement between the two methods.
5 - 21 (Part I)
Compressional Wave Velocity
Compressional wave velocity may sometimes be required for seismic analyses. Compressional wave
velocity can be directly measured in a bore hole survey or in a laboratory test. Alternatively, the
compressional wave velocity can be calculated from the shear wave velocity and Poisson's ratio using
Equation 5-5.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory testing for evaluation of cyclic stress-strain parameters of soil is appealing to many engineers
because direct measurements are made of the hysteretic stress-strain behavior of soils. However, cyclic
laboratory testing is subject to a variety of constraints, including:
A summary of the different types of cyclic laboratory tests used in geotechnical practice and their
advantages and limitations follows. More details on cyclic laboratory testing can be found in Kramer
The cyclic direct simple shear (CyDSS) test may provide the most accurate representation of the stress state
resulting from a vertically propagating shear wave in a horizontally layered soil deposit of any laboratory
test. The simple shear device consists either of a rectangle box made of hinged plates or a cylindrical wire-
reinforced membrane which surrounds the sample and restrains the sample from deforming laterally during
the test. The apparatus includes either an arrangement for applying a constant vertical load or for
maintaining a constant sample height while measuring the vertical load and a mechanism for applying a
horizontal cyclic shear load. The sample is usually formed directly in the simple shear device. However,
undisturbed samples of cohesive soil or frozen sand can be tested in the devices that use wire-reinforced
The cyclic triaxial test was developed for geotechnical purposes by Seed and his co-workers at the
University of California at Berkeley in the 1960s and has been used extensively to evaluate cyclic behavior
of soils. The device consists of a regular triaxial cell and a cyclic, often sinusoidal loading machine
attached to the loading piston. The sample is isotropically consolidated in the triaxial cell and then
subjected to a cyclic axial load in extension and compression. The primary drawback of the cyclic triaxial
tests is that it does not provide a good representation of the stress state induced in the ground by an
earthquake (see Figure 5-1). The main difference in cyclic triaxial test stress conditions compared to the
field conditions are: (1) the laboratory soil sample is isotropically consolidated, whereas the soil is under
a K0 condition in the field; (2) in the field there is a continuous reorientation of the principal stresses
whereas in the triaxial test, the reorientation angle is either O or 90 degrees; (3) the cyclic shear stress is
applied on a horizontal plane in the field but on a 45 degree plane in the triaxial test; and (4) the mean
normal stress in the field is constant while the mean normal stress in the laboratory varies cyclically.
5 - 22 (Part I)
Torsional Simple Shear Test
In order to overcome some of the limitations of the CyDSS and triaxial tests, Ishibashi and Sherif (1974)
developed a torsional simple shear test. The sample is "doughnut-like" in shape with outer to inner radius
and outer to inner height ratios of about two. This doughnut-like shape ensures a relatively uniform shear
strain on the horizontal plane throughout the sample. The torsional simple shear test offers several
advantages over CyDSS and cyclic triaxial tests:
• simulates closely the field stress (strain) conditions like the CyDSS;
• it is possible to apply vertical and horizontal stresses independently; and
• permits the octahedral normal stress to remain unchanged during the test.
• interpretation of the results is rather complicated and the definition of liquefaction (Ishibashi and
Sherif, 1974) does not permit correlation of torsional simple shear results with those of other
• mobilization of enough interface shear between the sample and the top and bottom plates to
prevent slippage may be difficult, however steel pins cast into porous stones will provide good
contact between the sample and the plates; and
• the shape of the sample makes the device impractical for use in conventional practice, particularly
for undisturbed samples.
The resonant column test for determining dynamic properties of soils is based on the theory of wave
propagation in rods. Either compression or shear waves can be propagated through the soil specimen in
resonant column testing. Solid or hollow specimens can be used in the apparatus. Either a sinusoidal
torque or a vertical compressional load is applied to the top of the sample through the top cap. The
deformation of the top of the specimen is measured. The excitation frequency is adjusted until the
specimen resonates. The wave velocity or modulus is computed from the resonant frequency and the
geometric properties of the sample and driving apparatus. Damping is determined by switching off the
current to the driving coil at resonance and recording the amplitude of decay of the vibrations. The decay
of the amplitude with time is used to determine the logarithmic decrement (the percentage decay over one
log cycle of time), which is directly related to the viscous damping ratio.
The primary problem associated with using resonant column tests to measure dynamic soil properties is
that the test is generally limited to small to intermediate shear strains by the applied force requirements and
resonant frequencies. Furthermore, at larger strains, hollow samples must be used to maintain a relatively
constant shear strain across the sample. For these reasons, resonant column testing is primarily used to
estimate small strain shear modulus. However, it can also be used to determine modulus reduction and
equivalent viscous damping in intermediate strain range.
Parameters describing the cyclic soil properties required for a dynamic analyses include the initial (small
strain) damping, A, the initial (small strain) shear modulus at small shear strain, Gmax, and the modulus
5 - 23 (Part I)
reduction and damping curves for the soil. Small strain damping is difficult to evaluate. Therefore, an
equivalent viscous damping ratio of 2 to 5 percent is commonly assumed in equivalent-linear analyses,
while a viscous damping ratio of 0.5 to 1 percent is commonly assumed in non-linear analyses. The small
strain shear modulus, commonly referred to as the initial shear modulus,, can be obtained from site-
specific investigations or by using empirical correlations with index soil properties. Geophysical methods
for establishing Gmax were previously described. Table 5-4 presents the typical range of am:_. for several
generic soil types.
The parameter Gmax has been empirically related to both the SPT N value and CPT point resistance, 4c·
Correlations with SPT results by Seed, et al. (1984) and hnai and Tonouchi (1982) and with CPT results
by Mayne and Rix (1993) are Table 5-5.
Following the initial work of Hardin and Dmevich (1972), many researchers developed empirical
relationships to estimate of the following general form:
where f(e) is some function of the void ratio, e, OCR is the overconsolidation ratio, A is a normalizing
constant, k is the power factor, and o'm is the mean normal effective stress obtained as:
1 +2K 0 ]
a'm = a'V (5-12)
[ 3
where o\ is the vertical effective stress and K0 is the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest.
Seed and Idriss (1970) developed a series of curves relating Gmax to relative density and mean normal
effective stress through a coefficient, (KJmax:
5 - 24 (Part I)
Jamiolkowski, et al. (1991) 625(P · a' )o.s OCR Limited to cohesive soils
u, G max = t
m kPaU>( 3l P. = atmospheric pressure
1.3 a
Pl k
0 0
20 0.18
40 0.30
60 0.41
80 0.48
> 100 0.50
where (Ki),_ is a function of relative density and soil type (see Table 5-5). This approach has been further
extended to estimate stress-dependent modulus reduction curves for sandy soils using the strain dependent
parameter K2 instead of <KJmax- An example of a curve relating K2 to shear strain is shown in Figure 5-12.
Iwasaki, et al. (1978) found that the mean normal effective stress is the predominant factor that governs
the modulus reduction of cohesionless soils and developed stress dependent curves shown in Figure 5-13.
Note that the authors did not provide damping curves.
Vucetic and Dobry (1991) have shown that the relationships between modulus reduction and cyclic shear
strain and between equivalent viscous damping and cyclic shear strain can, with a relatively high degree
of confidence, be reduced to a set of curves that depend on the plasticity index, PI, of the soil. The
Vucetic and Dobry modulus reduction and damping curves are presented in Figure 5-14. Note that the
curves for PI equal to zero apply to sands, gravels, and other cohesionless soil. The Vucetic and Dobry
PI = 0 damping curve may be used in conjunction with the Iwasaki, et al. (1978) stress-dependent modulus
reduction curve to characterize the dynamic behavior of sandy soils.
The modulus reduction curves shown on Figures 5-12, 5-13, and 5-14 end at a shear strain level of
1 percent. In areas of high seismicity (e.g., California) cyclic strains in soils may exceed 1 percent. If
necessary, modulus reduction curves can be extended to shear strain levels larger than 1 percent using a
procedure developed by CALTRANS and elaborated upon in Jackura (1992).
The peak shear strength of soil not subject to strength degradation under cyclic loading may be evaluated
using conventional methods, including laboratory and in situ testing and correlations with soil index
properties. A key difference in seismic problems compared to static problems is that undrained strength
parameters are typically used for the strength of saturated soils subjected to cyclic loading, even for
cohesionless soils (e.g., sands, gravels) because of the relatively rapid rate of earthquake loading.
The dynamic undrained shear strength of a soil may be influenced by the amplitude of the cyclic deviator
stress, the number of applied loading cycles, and the plasticity of the soil. For saturated cohesionless soils,
even relatively modest cyclic shear stresses can lead to pore pressure rise and a significant loss of
undrained strength. However, Makdisi and Seed (1978) point out that substantial permanent strains may
be produced by cyclic loading of clay soils to stresses near the yield stress, while essentially elastic
behavior is observed for large numbers of(> 100) cycles of loading at cyclic shear stresses of up to
80 percent of the undrained strength. Therefore, these investigators recommend the use of 80 percent of
the undrained strength as the "dynamic yield strength" for soils that exhibit small increases in pore
pressure during cyclic loading, such as clayey materials, and partially saturated cohessionless soils.
Evaluation of the potential for shear strength reduction in a saturated or almost saturated cohesionless soil
(low plasticity silt, sand, or gravel) subjected to dynamic loading may require sophisticated cyclic
laboratory testing. Alternatively, a residual strength may be assigned to the soil based upon either
undrained laboratory tests or in situ test results.
The residual shear strength after cyclic loading is of critical importance in assessing the post-liquefaction
stability of a foundation or earth structure. Saturated soils which liquefy typically possess some "residual"
shear strength even when in the liquefied state. In initially loose soils, this residual strength may be very
small and of little consequence. In initially dense soils, particularly in dense granular soils which tend to
5 - 26 (Part I)
G • 220 K,.co;;;)'°z kPa
9> • 35•
~•150 kPa
10-.. 10-z 10 ...
Shear Strorn -percent
G • 220 Kz(.o-,;,i''• kPa
,o-• ,o-> 10-:t 10-•
Shear Stroin -pe!"c:ent
Figure 5-12: Shear Modulus Reduction Curves for Sands. (Seed and Idriss, 1970, reprinted by
permission of ASCE)
5 - 27 (Part I)
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Figure 5-13: Shear Modulus Reduction Curves for Sands. (Iwasaki, et al., 1978, reprinted by
pennission of Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering)
~ 0.4
= /OCR= 1-151
0·i.'nooo;;;;;1-----;o-;-;.001:;;:;:;---::..----:o.-f-.01::-----o.L.1-~-..:::::...,___ _ __j10
_20 15
;::: so
~ 10
0. 0001 0.001 0.01 · 0.1 10
Figure 5-14: Shear Modulus Reduction and Damping Ratio as a Function of Shear Strain and Soil
Plasticity Index. (Vucetic and Dobry, 1991, reprinted by permission of ASCE)
5 - 28 (Part I)
dilate, or expand in volume, when sheared, this residual strength can be significant and of great
consequence in acting as a stabilizing force subsequent to liquefaction.
The steady-state shear strength, Ssu, governs the behavior of liquefied soil. Poulos, et al. (1985) proposed
a methodology for evaluation of the in situ S.., based on obtaining high-quality soil samples with minimal
disturbance. The high-quality samples were tested in the laboratory and the laboratory strengths were then
adjusted for field conditions using specially developed techniques to correct the resulting laboratory Ssu
values for effects of void ratio changes due to sampling, handling, and test set-up. Due to the very high
sensitivity of S.., to even small changes in void ratio, the laboratory techniques proposed by Poulos, et al.
presently do not appear to represent a reliable basis for engineering analyses unless very conservative
assumptions and high factors of safety are employed to account for the considerable uncertainties involved.
Because of difficulties in measuring steady-state strength in the laboratory, Seed (1987) proposed an
alternate technique for evaluation of in situ undrained residual shear strength based on the results of SPT
testing. He back analyzed a number of liquefaction-induced failures from which residual strength could
be calculated for soil zones in which SPT data was available, and proposed a correlation between residual
strength, S,, and (N 1)60-cs. (N1)60-cs is a "corrected" normalized standardized SPT blow count, as discussed
in Section 5.4.2, with a correction, Ncorr, for fines content to generate an equivalent "clean sand" blow
count as:
where N00rr is a function of percent of fines. Recommendations for selecting N00rr are given in the insert
of Figure 5-15. Since there is no guarantee that all the conditions for steady-state of deformation were
satisfied in the case histories used to develop Figure 5-15, the term residual strength is used instead of
steady-strength. Note that the fines correction on Figure 5-15 is not the same "fines" correction as is used
in the liquefaction susceptibility analyses (see, e.g., Figure 8-5).
Figure 5-15 presents an updated and revised version of the Seed (1987) residual shear strength correlation
developed by Seed and Harder (1990). Due to scatter and uncertainty and the limited number of case
studies back analyzed to date, it is recommended that the lower-bound curve and the average (N1)60-cs from
all borings be used to estimate S,. If lower bound, rather than average, (N 1)60-cs values are used, S, may
reasonably be estimated based upon the average of the lower and upper bound curves in Figure 5-15.
5 - 29 (Part I)
J::' 80
+"' OEarthquake-induced liquefaction and sliding case histories where
C'l SPT data and residual strength parameters have been estimated.
II) D Construction-induced liquefaction and sliding case histories.
... 60
.c. % fines Nw,
0 0
'O 10 1
G) 40 25 2
50 4
...a, 75 5
lower San Fernando dam
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Equivalent "clean sand" SPT blow count, (N,) 60-cs
Figure 5-15: Relationship Between Corrected "Clean Sand" Blow Count (N 1)60-cs and Undrained
Residual Strength (S,) from Case Studies. (Seed and Harder, 1990)
5 - 30 (Part I)
The local soil profile at a project site can have a profound effect on earthquake ground motions. Local soil
conditions can affect the intensity, frequency content, and duration of strong shaking. Amplification of
peak bedrock acceleration by a factor of four or more and amplification of spectral accelerations by a
factor of ten or more have been attributed to the response of the local soil profile to the bedrock ground
The influence of local soil conditions on seismic ground motions can be assessed either in a gross empirical
manner (using "soil-site" attenuation relationships, seismic hazard maps for soil sites, and/or code-
prescribed response spectra for soil sites) or by conducting a site-specific seismic site response analysis.
The choice of the approach to employ is usually a discretionary decision of the design engineer and
depends on a variety of factors, including local seismicity, local soil conditions, type of facility, and the
importance of the project. For major projects and critical facilities, when an analysis more accurate than
a gross empirical analysis is desired, and for deep deposits of soft clay and other Special Study soil sites
(see UBC, 1997 and Table 4-3), a site-specific site response analysis is usually warranted. A site-specific
response analysis can be performed for foundation soils, for earthen embankments, or for the coupled
response of foundation soil and an embankment, as discussed in the remainder of this chapter.
Site-specific seismic site response analyses are generally based upon the assumption of a vertically
propagating shear wave through uniform horizontal soil layers of infinite lateral extent. The assumption
of that shear waves propagate vertically to the ground surface is, in general, a valid engineering
assumption, as even if a shear wave is not propagating vertically at depth it will refract into a near vertical
position as it approaches the ground surface. This refraction is due to the general decrease in shear wave
velocity with decreasing distance from the ground surface, as illustrated in figure 6-1. This phenomenon
is similar to the refraction of water waves at the beach such that they usually approach the shore with their
crest aligned parallel to the shore line. The influence of vertical motions, compression waves, laterally
non-uniform soil conditions, incoherence and spatial variation of ground motions are typically not
accounted for in conventional seismic site response analyses. Evaluation solely of the impact of vertically
propagating shear waves in a site response analysis is consistent with common design and code practices.
It is also consistent with geotechnical engineering analyses for liquefaction potential and seismic slope
stability, which consider only the horizontal component of the seismic motions. Three different levels of
site-specific seismic site response analysis are available to the geotechnical engineer.
These three levels of site response analysis are discussed in detail in the remainder of this chapter.
For screening purposes and preliminary analyses, the influence of local soil conditions on seismic site
6 - 1 (Part I)
response can be assessed in a simplified manner using empirical relationships which correlate ground
motions at rock sites to those at soil sites. These relationships, developed on the basis of both observations
of ground motions in earthquakes and one-dimensional site response analysis, provide amplification factors
that can be used to provide a rough estimate of the free-field (i.e., not affected by structure and/or
topography) peak ground acceleration at soft and stiff soil sites from the free-field rock site peak ground
acceleration determined in a seismic hazard analysis. Empirical relationships for the amplification of peak
ground acceleration by earthem embankments have also been developed.
Whereas structural analyses typically require information on the spectral content of ground motions, and
thus require a complete time history to characterize the design motion, geotechnical analyses frequently
only require knowledge of either the peak ground acceleration or a combination of peak ground
acceleration and earthquake magnitude. Earthquake magnitude and the peak acceleration at a hypothetical
bedrock outcrop at the project site are generally evaluated as part of the seismic hazard analysis (see
Chapter 3). Several investigators have developed empirical relationships between the peak ground
acceleration at a hypothetical bedrock outcrop at the project site to the peak ground acceleration at a
specific site as a function of the local soil conditions. The plot on Figure 6-2 shows a relationship
developed by Seed and Idriss (1982) for soft soil and stiff soil site conditions. This plot was developed
using SHAKE, a computer program for equivalent-linear one-dimensional site response analyses described
in greater detail in Section 6.4.
Experience from recent earthquakes has shown that the curves shown on Figure 6-2 may significantly
under-predict site amplification effects in many situations. Figure 6-3 shows an updated site amplification
6 - 2 (Part I)
relationship for free-field soft soil sites developed by Idriss (1990). This updated plot yields peak
acceleration values significantly greater than the soft soil site curve from the 1982 Seed and Idriss plot.
The updated plot was developed by Idriss (1990) from both SHAKE analyses and field observations of soft
soil site response in recent earthquakes.
Figure 6-4 presents a comparison of peak acceleration values recorded at the base (usually bedrock) of
several earthen dams and the corresponding transverse peak acceleration at the crest (Harder, 1991).
Figure 6-4 indicates that larger amplification effects may be expected in earthen structures than at free-field
soft soil sites due to two-dimensional effects. Note, however, that Figure 6-4 only applies to the transverse
acceleration of embanlanents. For the longitudinal acceleration of embanlanents (e.g., for end slopes) and
for the transverse acceleration of cut slopes, amplification effects may be expected to be significantly
smaller than indicated by Figure 6-4.
The free-field soft soil site amplification curve presented in Figure 6-3 and the embankment response
observational data presented in Figure 6-4 may be used in a simplified three- or four-step site response
O> 0.5 ROCK
0:: 0.4
< 0.3 .. •
... ····· ········
ii:: 0.2
Q.. 0.1
Figure 6-2: Relationship Between PHGA on Rock and on Other Local Site Conditions. (After Seed
and Idriss, 1982, reprinted by permission of EERI)
6 - 3 (Part I)
I=! 0.5
i5 0.4
Cl) 0.3
0 0.2
...J 0.1
0 0.1 Q2 Q3 Q4 QS 0.6
Figure 6-3: Relationship Between PHGA on Rock and on Soft Soil Sites. (Idriss, 1990)
0.7 •
s /
. .-
~ 0.6 -
Q,Y •
~ •
a: ~i' ■ -
w 0.5 - oo/
J ~
w ~/. ■
II • .
t .
I.LI 0.3 ~ ~
w ■ ,.
Z 0.2 ·
<( I • .
<( .
•/'a • ■ 1989 LOMA PRIETA
l• 0.1
0.4 0.5
Figure 6-4: Comparisons of Peak Base and Crest Accelerations Recorded at Earth Dams. (Harder,
6 - 4 (Part I)
analysis procedure to account for the influence of local soil conditions and earthen embankments on the
peak ground acceleration at a project site. The three- or four-step procedure, depending on whether an
embankment is present, is as follows:
Step 1: Classify the site. Using Table 4-3 (UBC, 1997), classify the site as a Special Study, soft,
medium stiff, stiff, or rock on the basis of the average shear wave velocity for the top
30 meters of soil.
Step 2: Estimate the hypothetical free-field bedrock acceleration at the site. Using one of the methods
discussed in Chapter 3, estimate the free-field peak ground acceleration at a hypothetical
bedrock outcrop at the project site.
Step 3: Estimate the free-field acceleration at the site. Estimate the potential amplification of the
hypothetical bedrock peak ground motion by the local soil conditions based upon the soil profile
classification. For soft soils, use the curve shown on Figure 6-3 recommended by Idriss
(1990). For medium stiff and stiff soil sites, for all acceleration levels, assume the free-field
peak ground acceleration at the site is equal to the peak rock site acceleration. For Special
Study soil sites, Figures 6-2 and 6-3 should not be used. Instead, site specific seismic response
analyses such as those described in the next section of this chapter should be conducted.
Step 4: Estimate the peak acceleration at the top of the embankment. Estimate the potential
amplification of the peak acceleration at the top of the embankment, if an embankment is
present, using the free-field peak soil acceleration derived in Step 3 and the earth dam
amplification curve in Figure 6-4.
Step 4 in the procedure presented above is based upon a simplified, "decoupled" assumption that the peak
acceleration at the base of the embankment is the same as the free-field peak acceleration, thereby ignoring
interaction between the embankment mass and the ground. Analyses of the coupled response of
embankments and foundation soils indicates that this simplified, decoupled analysis usually yield a
conservative upper bound estimate of the acceleration at the base of the embankment (Bray, et al., 1995).
However, in general, this simplified approach is intended only to give a rough estimate of amplification
effects at a site and is not intended for use in final design of highway facilities. The design engineer should.
decide if this approach is appropriate for the intended purpose or, if it is necessary to perform a more
sophisticated analysis.
The peak acceleration at the top of an embankment estimated in Step 4 may also be used in preliminary
analyses for various highway ancillary structures and for structures constructed on top of embankment fill.
This acceleration is not, however, the appropriate peak acceleration for use in seismic stability and
deformation potential calculations for an embankment mass or for bridge abutments. For these
calculations, the average acceleration of the assumed failure mass, and not the acceleration at the top of
the embankment, should be used. The average acceleration is directly proportional to the seismically-
induced inertia forces and thus is the relevant response quantity. The peak average acceleration is always
less than the peak ground acceleration due to spatial averaging.
For a given embankment height, h, and peak acceleration at the top of the embankment, a,,,.., the peak
average acceleration,,;, may be estimated at any elevation y within an embankment from the Makdisi
and Seed (1978) chart. This chart, developed on the basis of one- and two-dimensional equivalent-linear
site response analyses of earth darns, is shown on Figure 6-5. The Makdisi and Seed curve of Figure 6-5
6 - 5 (Part I)
< 0.2
:c 0.4
' >.
0 0.6
i!: 0.8
0 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 6-5: Variation of Peak Average Acceleration Ratio with Depth of Sliding Mass. (Makdisi and
Seed, 1978, reprinted by permission of ASCE)
should not be used to evaluate the peak average acceleration for cut slopes and end slopes. For cut slopes
and end slopes, the engineer should either do a formal response analysis or should use the rd factor
presented in Equation 8.2 and Figure 8.2 in Chapter 8 to estimate the peak average acceleration from the
peak ground acceleration.
When an analysis more accurate than the simplified analysis presented above is desired, a formal seismic
site response analysis can be performed. Equivalent-linear one-dimensional analysis is by far the most
common method used in engineering practice to analyze seismic site response. Even if a two-dimensional
embankment or slope is to be analyzed, a one-dimensional response analysis can be used. Experience with
response analyses of earth darns has shown that one-dimensional response analysis of vertical columns of
soil within a two-dimensional earth structure provide a reasonable approximation of the two-dimensional
response (Vrymoed and Calzascia, 1978).
In a one-dimensional equivalent-linear site response analysis, the soil profile is modeled as a horizontally
layered, linear visco-elastic material characterized by an initial (small-strain) shear modulus and an
equivalent viscous damping ratio. To account for the non-linear, strain-dependent behavior of soil, the
equivalent-linear modulus and equivalent viscous damping ratio are evaluated from the modulus reduction
and damping curves (see Chapter 5). The equivalent-linear material properties are evaluated in each
iteration at the calculated effective shear strain level. The effective shear strain level is usually specified
6 - 6 (Part I)
where Y.rr is effective strain, Ym:u. is maximum absolute value of shear strain and n is the effective strain
factor. Because Yetr is not known prior to the start of the analysis, equivalent-linear response analyses are
performed in an iterative manner, using the effective strain from one iteration of the analysis to evaluate
the equivalent modulus and viscous damping ratio for the next iteration. Usually 5 to IO iterations are
needed for convergence.
The computer program SHAKE, originally developed by Schnabel, et al. (1972) and updated by Idriss and
Sun (1992) as SHAKE91, is perhaps the most commonly used computer program for one-dimensional
equivalent-linear seismic site response analysis. This program idealizes the site profile as a horizontally
layered soil deposit overlying a uniform visco-elastic half-space, as illustrated in Figure 6-6. SHAKE91
is available from the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (NISEE) at the University
of California at Berkeley for a nominal cost. Basic input to SHAKE91 includes the soil profile, soil
parameters, and the input acceleration time history. Soil parameters used in SHAKE91 include the shear
wave velocity or initial (small strain) shear modulus and unit weight for each soil layer. Also, curves
relating the shear modulus reduction and equivalent viscous damping ratio to shear strain for each soil type
are used. Evaluation of representative values for these soil properties is discussed in Chapter 5.
Once the soil profile and material properties have been specified, the only remaining input is the
earthquake motion. Selection of representative acceleration time histories for the input motion is discussed
in Chapter 4. The acceleration-~ime history may be input as either the motion at a hypothetical bedrock
outcrop (most commonly used option because it is congruent with assumptions embedded in attenuation
relationships) or at the bedrock-soil interface at the base of the soil column. Results of the analysis provide
shear stress-, shear strain-, and acceleration-time histories and peak values for the ground surface,
hypothetical bedrock outcrop, and for each layer within the soil profile.
Historically, the value of the effective strain factor used in SHAKE analyses to determine the equivalent-
linear modulus and damping has been n = 0.65. However, based upon back analysis of strong motion
records obtained at soil sites in recent earthquakes, several investigators have proposed that n be related
to the earthquake magnitude. Equation 6-2 presents the relationship between earthquake magnitude, Mw,
and n as proposed by Idriss and Sun (1992).
(M,.. - 1)
n = ---- (6-2)
In engineering practice, one-dimensional equivalent liner site response analyses such as those performed
using SHAKE or similar computer programs are used for analysis of both one- and two-dimensional site
response. Two-dimensional site response is modeled using one-dimensional profile and analysis by taking
a series of vertical slices through the two-dimensional profile and analyzing each slice one-dimensionally.
Figure 6-7 compares the results of one-dimensional equivalent linear site response analyses of vertical
columns through a two-dimensional profile, expressed in terms of the maximum earthquake-induced shear
stress versus depth, to the results of a two-dimensional equivalent linear analysis. The results from the
one-dimensional analysis, performed using SHAKE, are generally within 5 to 10 percent of results of the
two-dimensional analysis, perfromed using the computer program QUAD-4.
While it is relatively easy to set up SHAKE and perform a SHAKE analysis, the results of the analysis may
be extremely sensitive to the details of the program input. Factors such as the thickness and number of
sub-layers, selection of appropriate input motions, the digitization interval of the input time history, the
"cut-off" frequency (the highest frequency used in the Fourier transformation of the input motion), the
shear wave velocity and unit weight of the underlying half-space, and whether the input motion is specified
6 - 7 (Part I)
system ru
reflected w;)···t-
For Each Sublayer, m:
shear modulus = Gm
• damping ratio
. = 1'..m
• mass ensrty = Pm
m <---!---t·►
. .+. (:ident wave
<---i---t-► particle motion
Figure 6-6: I-Dimensional Column for SHAKE Analysis (Schnabel et al., 1972)
6 - 8 (Part I)
a:: 12
a.. 2♦
... R<U£D Fil.
0 50 100
as a within profile motion or outcrop motion can significantly affect program output. Therefore, it is
recommended that all fonnal seismic response analyses should be performed by, or at a minimwn reviewed
by, a qualified geotechnical professional familiar with the program being used and the problem being
analyzed and experienced in seismic response analysis.
6.5.1 General
An advanced seismic site response analysis may be necessary if one or more of the following project-
specific conditions exists: (1) the project is considered important or critical (e.g., a "lifeline" structure);
(2) irregular boundary conditions must be modeled; (3) the project includes an embankment founded on
Special Study soils; and (4) an analysis more accurate than a one-dimensional equivalent-linear site
response analysis is desired. Depending on the particular situation, either one-dimensional non-linear or
two-dimensional equivalent-linear or non-linear site response analyses may be employed.
The primary difference between non-linear and equivalent-linear site response analyses is that non-linear
analyses use a more realistic model to represent the behavior of soil subjected to cyclic loads. Essentially,
a non-linear model traces the evolution of the hysteresis loops generated in a soil by cyclic loading in a
6 - 9 (Part I)
sequential manner, whereas the equivalent-linear model only approximates the representative soil stiffness
and damping over the entire sequence of cyclic loads. The more realistic representation of the non-linear
behavior of cyclically-loaded soils gives non-linear analyses a significant advantage over equivalent-linear
seismic response analyses at higher levels of seismic shaking where non-linear effects tend to dominate.
In general, equivalent-linear site response analyses are considered unreliable at ground shaking levels in
excess of 0.4 g (see Ishihara, 1986) or if calculated peak shear strains exceed approximately 2 percent.
However, non-linear site response analyses are also subject to limitations. The material models used in
non-linear site response analyses often require parameters for which readily obtainable or published values
do not exist. Furthennore, computer programs for non-linear site response analysis are not readily
available to the general engineering community. Therefore, even though non-linear site response analyses
typically provide a more accurate and more versatile representation of seismic behavior, equivalent-linear
site response analyses and other approximate solutions still dominate highway engineering practice.
The computer program DESRA-2, originally developed by Lee and Finn (1978), and its descendants, are
perhaps the most commonly used computer programs for performing total stress, one-dimensional non-
linear seismic site response analysis. Basic input to DESRA-2 includes the soil profile, parameters of the
Kondner and Zelasko (1963) constitutive model, and the input time history of ground motions. The
Kondner-Zelasko constitutive model uses a hyperbola to describe the backbone curve of the hysteresis
loop. The backbone curve of a soil element is drawn by connecting the tips of the hysteresis loops
generated during unifonn cyclic loading. Hysteresis loops are generated from the backbone curve based
upon the assumption of Masing (1926) behavior during cyclic loading. Parameters required for the
Kondner-Zelasko (1963) model are the shear modulus at small strains and the shear strength of the soil.
However, as noted by several researchers (see e.g., Ishihara, 1986), the relatively simple Kondner-Zelasko
model can not accurately simulate the cyclic behavior of soil in the small shear strain range (i.e., for shear
strain levels less than 0.1 percent).
Various derivative codes of DESRA-2 are also in use. In several of these codes, modifications have been
made to improve the accuracy of the Kondner-Zelasko constitutive model at small strains. Chang, et al.,
(1991) developed the computer program MARDES to study nonlinear ground response at a liquefied site
in Taiwan. MARDES uses the three-parameter Martin-Davidenkov (Martin, 1975) constitutive model
which enables a more accurate description of non-linear soil behavior than the Kondner-Zelasko model.
Matasovic (1993), while studying pore water pressure generation in saturated clay deposits, developed the
computer program D-MOD. D-MOD employs a Modified Kondner and Zelasko (M-K-Z) constitutive
model (Matasovic and Vucetic, 1993) that also provides a better description of the actual soil behavior than
the Kondner-Zelasko model. The M-K-Z parameters can be directly evaluated by curve-fitting of modulus
reduction and damping curves. Li, et al. (1992) developed a computer program, SUMDES, which enables
calculation of the seismic response of soil deposits subjected to multi-directional shaking. Computer
programs with non-linear soil models can also be used for evaluation of pore pressure generation and
liquefaction potential and of the impact of pore pressure generation on site response in an effective stress
A variety of finite element and finite difference computer programs are available for use in two-
dimensional seismic site response analyses. The computer program QUAD4, originally developed by
Idriss and his co-workers (Idriss, et. al., 1973) and recently updated as QUAD4M by Hudson, et. al.
(1994), is among the most commonly used computer programs for two-dimensional site response analysis.
QUAD4M uses an equivalent-liner soil model similar to the model used in SHAKE. Basic input to
6 - 10 (Part I)
QUAD4M includes the two-dimensional soil profile, equivalent-linear soil properties, and the time history
of horizontal ground motion. Time history of vertical ground motion may also be applied at the base of
the soil profile. The base can be modeled as a rigid boundary, with design motions input directly at the
base, or as a transmitting boundary which enables application of ground motions as hypothetical rock
outcrop motions. With respect to the input soil properties, QUAD4M is very similar to SHA.KE91.
However, the ability to analyze two-dimensional geometry and the option for simultaneous base excitation
with horizontal and vertical acceleration components make QUAD4M a more versatile analytical tool than
A major difference between the QUAD4M and SHAKE91 equivalent-linear models is that the damping
ratio in QUAD4M depends on the frequency of excitation or rate of loading. In QUAD4M, the equivalent-
linear viscous damping ratio is used to fix the frequency dependent damping curve at the natural frequency
of the soil deposit in order to optimize the gap between model damping and the damping ratio. A major
drawback of QUAD4M is its limited pre- and post-processing capabilities. These limited capabilities make
finite element mesh generation and processing and interpretation of the results difficult and time
consuming. QUAD4M is available from the National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering
(NISEE) at University of California at Berkeley for a nominal cost.
Other two-dimensional equivalent-linear seismic site response analysis computer programs that are
available to the public include program TELDYN (Pyke, 1995) and FLUSH (Lysmer, et. al., 1975).
TELDYN is an enhanced version of the original QUAD4 which can also be run in a nonlinear mode and
is fully supported by its developer. FLUSH is a versatile frequency-domain program equipped with
transmitting boundaries which enable calculations with a mesh of smaller size and a "quasi" three-
dimensional analysis option. Because of the quasi three-dimensional analysis capabilities, FLUSH is
popular for use in soil-structure interaction problems and for analyses of major earth dams.
Computer programs are also available for truly non-linear two-dimensional seismic site response analyses
(e.g., Prevost, 1981; Finn, et. al., 1986; Cundall and Board, 1988; Muraleetharan, et. al., 1991; Bardet,
1992). However, these programs are not particularly "user-friendly" and usually require involvement of
the developers to establish the parameters of constitutive models and boundary conditions. Therefore, such
programs are not commonly used in geotechnical engineering practice.
6 - 11 (Part I)
The design, construction and maintenance of soil slopes in highway embankments and cuts are discussed
in detail in Module 3 (Soil Slopes and Embankments). In this chapter, the seismic stability and
deformation analysis of soil slopes are discussed in detail.
The ground accelerations associated with seismic events can induce significant inertia forces that may lead
to instability and permanent deformations of natural and man-made slopes and embankments. There are,
in general, two different but related methods used to evaluate the seismic stability of slopes and
embankments in conventional geotechnical practice: (1) the seismic coefficient-factor of safety approach;
and (2) the permanent seismic deformation approach. Both of these approaches to seismic stability
assessment employ pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis.
An essential element in both seismic coefficient-factor of safety analyses and permanent seismic
deformation analyses to assess seismic slope stability is limit equilibrium slope stability analyses. In a
pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis, the earthquake inertia forces are represented by static loads applied
at the center of gravity of each "slice" through the potential failure mass. Numerous limit equilibrium
methods and procedures are currently available to evaluate static slope stability (Duncan, 1992). Most of
these methods are, in some form, also suitable for pseudo-static seismic stability analysis. Pseudo-static
limit equilibrium analyses required for both seismic coefficient and permanent seismic deformation analyses
are generally carried out using the same model of the slope used in the static stability analysis. The cross
sections are often reinterpreted using appropriate dynamic shear strength parameters. However, even if
the cross section doesn't change, the search for the critical surface, i.e., the surface with the lowest factor
of safety or yield acceleration, may have to be repeated because the critical surface from the static analysis
is not necessarily the same as the critical surface for the dynamic analysis.
A wide variety of commercially available computer programs exist that can perform both static and
pseudo-static limit equilibrium analyses. Most of these programs provide general solutions to slope
stability problems with provisions for using the simplified Bishop, simplified Janbu, and/or Spencer's
method of slices. Potential sliding surfaces, both circular or polygonal, can usually be pre-specified or
randomly generated. Commonly used programs include PCSTABL4 (Carpenter, 1985) and PCSTABL5
(Achilleos, 1988) developed at Purdue University, UTEXAS3 (Wright, 1995) developed at the University
of Texas at Austin, XSTABL (Sharma, 1994) developed at University of Idaho, Moscow, and SLOPEW
distributed by Geo-Slope International.
In principle, pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis can be performed using either a total or an effective
stress analysis. Problems of estimating pore pressures induced by cyclic shearing are avoided by using
a total stress analysis. The typical Corps of Engineers practice for pseudo-static stability analyses in sandy
soils is to use a composite shear strength envelope based on consolidated drained (CD) test results at low
confining pressures ("S" envelope) and on consolidated undrained (CU) test results at high confining
pressures ("R" envelope), as shown on Figure 7-1. This strength envelope, which conservatively takes
into account any possible dissipation of shear-induced negative pore pressures that might occur in the field
in stiff clays and dense sands, is recommended for pervious soils. For soils of low permeability, in which
undrained conditions are more likely to exist during an earthquake, a CU strength envelope is appropriate.
7 - 1 (Part I)
In the seismic coefficient - factor of safety approach to pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis, a seismic
coefficient is used to represent the effect of the inertia forces imposed by the earthquake upon the potential
failure mass. An allowable factor of safety is associated with the seismic coefficient in such a way that the
behavior of the slope is within the range considered acceptable, i.e., the slope or embankment will
experience acceptable deformation in the design earthquake. The seismic coefficient, k., is a dimensionless
constant. The main drawback of the seismic coefficient - factor of safety approach lies in the difficulty of
directly relating the value of the seismic coefficient to the characteristics of the design earthquake.
Therefore, a considerable amount of conservatism is usually built into seismic coefficient - factor of safety
analyses. Use of ei.ther the peak ground acceleration PGA, or the peak average horizontal acceleration
of the failure mass, k,,,.., as the seismic coefficient (expressed as a function of gravity, i.e., k. = k,,,../g)
in conjunction with a pseudo-static factor of safety of 1.0 has been shown to give excessively conservative
assessments of slope performance in earthquakes. However, little guidance on selection of the seismic
coefficient as a fraction of the peak acceleration is available to the engineer.
In contrast to the seismic coefficient-factor of safety approach, the permanent seismic deformation
approach involves the explicit calculation of cumulative seismic deformation. In this approach, the
potential failure mass is treated as a rigid body on a yielding base. The acceleration time history of the
rigid body is assumed to correspond to the average acceleration time history of the failure mass.
Deformation accumulates when the rigid body acceleration exceeds the yield acceleration of the failure
mass, ky, where k,, is defined as the horizontal acceleration that results in a factor of safety of 1.0 in a
pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis. The method, most commonly used for calculating the permanent
seismic deformation of a slope or embankment, is termed the Newmark method (Newmark, 1965).
In a Newmark analysis, relative displacement is usually assumed to accumulate in only one direction, the
downslope direction. Using this assumption, the yield acceleration in the other (upslope) direction is
implicitly assumed to be larger than the peak acceleration of the failure mass being analyzed.
Furthermore, vertical accelerations are typically ignored in a Newmark analysis.
For practical purposes, the seismic coefficient - factor of safety and permanent seismic deformation
approaches may be combined into a unified seismic slope stability and deformation analysis, as discussed
in Section 7.4.
7 - 2 (Part I)
7.2.1 General
The traditional pseudo-static limit equilibrium method of seismic stability analysis is illustrated in Figure
7-2. Simplifications made in using the pseudo-static approach to evaluate seismic slope stability include
replacing the cyclic earthquake motion with a constant horizontal acceleration equal to k, · g, where k, is
the seismic coefficient, and g is acceleration of gravity, and assuming that this steady acceleration induces
an inertia force k,W through the center of gravity of the potential failure mass, where W is the weight of
the potential failure mass.
One of the most common questions asked about the traditional pseudo-static approach to limit equilibrium
analysis is the impact of ignoring the vertical acceleration in the analysis. However, ignoring the vertical
acceleration has been shown to be a reasonable engineering assumption. In general, studies have shown
that application of a vertical pseudo-static force in limit equilibrium analysis will change the horizontal
yield acceleration by no more than 10 percent as long as the vertical pseudo-static force is less than or
equal to the horizontal pseudo-static force. This phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 7-3. Whether the
change in the horizontal yield acceleration is an increase or decrease depends upon the direction of the
vertical force. Vertical ground motions are generally out of phase with and of different frequency than
horizontal ground motions. Therefore, the vertical pseudo-static force is as likely to be acting up on the
potential failure mass as it is to be acting down when the inertia force is acting in a destabilizing direction
(i.e., out of slope). As the direction of the vertical pseudo-static force is not correlated with direction of
the horizontal pseudo-static force, vertical ground motion is as likely to increase the horizontal yield
acceleration as it is to decrease it and whatever change does occur will be relatively small. On this basis,
the net effect of vertical accelerations on a pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis can reasonably be
In the seismic coefficient-factor of safety approach to pseudo-static stability analyses, the engineer attempts
to select a seismic coefficient and allowable factor of safety such that the cumulative permanent
deformation in the design earthquake is small enough to be acceptable. The seismic coefficient is always
less than the peak average acceleration of the failure mass and the factor of safety is typically between 1. 0
and 1.2. The reason the seismic coefficient is always less than the peak average acceleration is as follows:
Earthquakes produce ground motions that in turn induce inertia forces of an alternating nature in slopes
or embankments. The alternating inertia forces are of short duration and change direction many times.
Therefore, even though the factor of safety during a cycle of earthquake loading may fall below one, it will
usually remain below one for only a very brief period of time, until the load reverses. During the interval
when the factor of safety is below one, permanent displacement will accumulate. However, only limited
displacements will occur during the interval because of its short duration. Therefore, even though the
seismic coefficient is less than the peak average acceleration of the failure mass, the cumulative
deformation that occurs over the entire earthquake will be small provided the seismic coefficient and factor
of safety are selected appropriately.
To perform pseudo-static slope stability analyses, estimates of the unit weight and the dynamic shear
strength parameters of the various soils in the slope cross section are needed. Such data can be obtained
directly through laboratory or in situ tests, from data in the literature, or evaluated indirectly through back
analyses of representative case histories. The reader is referred to Chapter 5 for details on evaluation of
the shear strength of soils subjected to seismic loading.
7 - 3 (Part I)
A major difficulty in the application of the seismic coefficient-factor of safety approach to seismic stability
analysis arises from the fact that there are many different views on how to define the seismic coefficient
(Seed and Martin, 1966; Seed, 1979; Marcuson, 1981; Hynes and Franklin, 1984). In many building
codes, empirical values based on judgement and experience are used (k, = 0.1 to 0.25 is typical in the
United States; k, = 0.15 to 0.25 is typical in Japan). Seed (1979) reports that clay slopes and
embankments with a pseudo-static factor of safety of 1. 15 using a seismic coefficient of 0.15 have
experienced "acceptable" deformations in earthquakes of magnitude as great as 8.5 subjected to peak
acceleration levels as great as 0.75 g. Seed's definition of acceptable deformation appears to include
deformations ofup to one meter in some cases. Seed (1979) also recommends that, for earthquakes of
magnitude 6.5 or less, a seismic coefficient of 0.10 combined with a factor of safety of 1.15 should be
used. Seed's definition recognizes the importance of earthquake magnitude in determining the seismic
coefficient. Unfortunately, this definition provides no guidance on selection of an appropriate value for
k,, for earthquakes with peak acceleration levels less than 0.75 g.
7 - 4 (Part I)
:' NOTE:
: 600 failure surfaces through
• solid waste considered
(t = 33°, c = SKPa)
~ 0.1
u -------------------------------~------------------------------
< ~
A -0.1 :
,_:i .,,
~ la
;;:: ]
~-0.3 ~
er:: A
- 0. 5
<-- a. acts doffll.ward a, acts upward -->
Other investigators have attempted to relate the seismic coefficient to the peak horizontal ground
acceleration without considering earthquake magnitude. Figure 7-4 shows the results of Newmark seismic
deformation analyses performed by Hynes and Franklin (1984) using 348 strong motion records (all
soil/rock conditions; 4.5 < ~ < 7.4) and 6 synthetic records. Based upon this data and their experience
with seismic response analyses of slopes and embankments, Hynes and Franklin (1984) concluded that
slopes and embankments designed with a yield acceleration Is, equal to half the peak ground acceleration
3max (i.e., a factor of safety of 1.0 fork. = 0.5 · bfg) would experience permanent seismic deformations,
u, of less than one meter in any earthquake, even for embankments where amplification of peak
accelerations by a factor of three occurs. In the absence of amplification, or if amplification is taken into
account in determining the peak acceleration, the Hynes and Franklin "upper bound" curve presented in
Figure 7-4 suggests that deformations will be less than 0.3 m for yield accelerations greater than or equal
to one-half the peak acceleration for all cases. Therefore, based upon the work of Hynes and Franklin,
it appears that a value of k. equal to 0.5 · l&..x/g will limit permanent seismic deformations to less than
0.3 m, where k.i,.,, is peak horizontal average acceleration of the potential failure mass. The value of k.i,.,,
can be estimated using the methods presented in Chapter 6.
The Hynes and Franklin curves illustrate the influence of the magnitude of the allowable deformation on
selection of the seismic coefficient. When using the upper bound curve on Figure 7-4, the value of J.s,lk.n.x
is 0.17 for 1 m of permanent displacement. Thus, the Hynes and Franklin results indicate that
deformations will be limited to less than 1 m if the yield acceleration is greater than 0.17 (approximately
1/6) of the peak average acceleration of the potential failure mass.
7 - 5 (Part I)
Figure 7-4: Permanent Seismic Deformation Chart. (Hynes and Franklin, 1984, reprinted by
permission of U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station)
Permanent seismic deformation analyses for slopes and embanlanent are generally conducted using the
Newmark method (1965) in which the failure mass is modeled as a block on a plane. The shearing
resistance between the potential sliding mass and the underlying soil, or between the block and the plane,
is evaluated in terms of the yield acceleration, Is,, the acceleration that will reduce the factor of safety
obtained in a pseudo-static analysis to 1.0. The lowest yield acceleration for all possible failure surfaces
passing through the slope or embanlanent should be used in the Newmark analysis.
In contrast to the seismic coefficient - factor of safety approach, the Newmark permanent seismic
deformation approach involves the explicit calculation of cumulative seismic deformations. In the
Newmark approach, the potential failure mass is treated as a rigid body on a yielding base. The
acceleration time history of the rigid body is assumed to correspond to the average acceleration time
history of the failure mass. Deformations accumulate when the rigid body acceleration exceeds its yield
The calculation of permanent seismic deformations using the Newmark approach is depicted in Figure 7-5.
Acceleration pulses in the time history that exceed the yield acceleration are double integrated to calculate
cumulative relative displacement. In a Newmark analysis, relative displacement is often assumed to
accumulate in only one direction, the downslope direction. With this assumption, the yield acceleration
in the other (upslope) direction is implicitly assumed to be larger than the peak acceleration of the failure
mass being analyzed. Analyses conducted by Yan, et al. (1996) demonstrate that the influence of the
7 - 6 (Part I)
W = m·g
ky = Const.
time, t
Figure 7-5 Basic Elements of Newmark Deformation AIµtlysis. (Matasovic, et al., 1997)
7 - 7 (Part I)
vertical ground motion component in a Newmark analysis is generally relatively small for most situations
encountered in practice.
The results of the permanent seismic deformation analysis must be compared to the criterion established
for acceptable defonnations to determine if seismic perfonnance is satisfactory. The criterion for
satisfactory performance may depend on both the system component analyzed and the geometry of the
failure surface. Cut slopes may be able to sustain several meters of permanent seismic displacement
without jeopardizing the structural components of the highway system. Highway embankments with
approach slabs may be able to accommodate substantial deformation perpendicular to the alignment of the
approach slab but may not be able to sustain significant deformation parallel to the slab alignment.
Establishing how much deformation a system component can accommodate in a seismic event is usually
determined by the design engineer.
In using the acceleration time history from a one-dimensional site response analysis as the excitation in a
Newmark sliding block analysis, the seismic response of a soil has been decoupled from its permanent
seismic deformation. In other words, the influence of yielding and the accumulation of permanent seismic
deformation has not been accounted for in the evaluation of the seismic response of the soil mass. Lin and
Whitman (1986) have shown that this type of decoupled analysis overestimates seismic deformation by a
minimum of 20 percent and by as much as a factor of 2 or 3 when the predominant period of the
earthquake motion is close to the resonant period of the soil deposit. The predominant period of the
earthquake motion can be determined from the acceleration response spectrum as the period at which the
spectral acceleration is a maximum. The fundamental period of the soil deposit, T0, can be evaluated using
Equation 4-5 as T0 = l/f0 •
While the residual shear strength is typically employed in practice to evaluate the yield acceleration, this
common practice is another source of conservatism in pennanent seismic defonnation analyses.
Deformations should not begin to accumulate until the seismic acceleration exceeds the yield acceleration
corresponding to the peak shear strength. Furthermore, several centimeters of deformation may have to
accumulate before the shear strength (and yield acceleration) fall from peak to residual values. Therefore,
particularly for small calculated deformations, the use of residual shear strength to evaluate the yield
acceleration for a Newmark deformation analysis can introduce considerable conservatism into the analysis.
Figure 7-6 illustrates the difference between the use of a constant shear strength based on residual strength
in a conventional Newmark analysis and the use of a shear strength that degrades from the peak strength
to a residual value as deformation accumulates in a modified Newmark analysis. Figure 7-7 compares the
results from Newmark analyses using a constant strength equal to the peak strength to those from Newmark
analyses using a constant strength equal to the residual strength to those from a Newmark analysis in which
the strength degrades from peak strength to the residual strength. In the analyses shown in this figure, the
residual strength was 70 percent of the peak strength and the strength degradation occurred linearly
between a defonnation of 20.1 mm and a deformation of 73 mm.
When performing a Newmark analysis, it is important to remember that the engineer must evaluate the
deformation potential of all possible failure surfaces, much in the same way that the engineer must evaluate
the factor of safety of all potential failure surfaces in a limit equilibrium stability analysis. It cannot be
assumed a-priori that the surface with the largest permanent seismic deformation potential is either the
surface with the lowest yield acceleration or surface with the highest peak average acceleration unless these
are the same surface. In general, however, these are not the same surface, as illustrated in Figure 7-8, and
the failure surface with the greatest permanent seismic deformation potential is the surface for which the
7 - 8 (Part I)
1- . . *
Cl'assical : Newmark--,
w : :
Modified Newmdrk--,
'O .
Clcissical Newmark--~
(.) Modified
<( /
> . _,,.
<( -·-·-'<>--"
0 t, t
* Yield acceleration evaluated using large deformation shear strength parameters (ky =ky).
Figure 7-6: Newmark Analysis Using Peak and Residual Shear Strengths (Matasovic, Kavazanjian and
Giroud, 1998)
7 - 9 (Part I)
- 0.30
Cla11aical Newmark Analya,l.s
Classical Ne....-rnark Analyais
Modified Ncwmnrk Analy:is
l Paramclr, r,i)
~ 0.25 I
~ •
(c) NORMAL STRESS =j 69.0
I 5?>
u I
j 0.20 I
en I
Cl I
0.15 I
p., 0.10 p
,• ,,
E--< • ,,
j , /!)
:::> 0.05 , , ...
u ,,
....:i ~-01=20.J...-•mm
u< ... ....
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 7-7: Comparison of Results from Newmark Analysis Using Peak and Residual Shear Strengths
(Matasovic, Kavazanjian, and Giroud, 1998)
7- lO(Partl)
ratio of the peak average yield acceleration to the peak average acceleration is the smallest. Not only must
the design engineer search for surface with largest permanent seismic deformation potential, but the Design
Engineer may also have to evaluate the permanent seismic deformation potential of other surfaces which
pass through or under deformation-sensitive components of the highway system.
The seismic coefficient-factor of safety and permanent seismic deformation analysis methods for seismic
slope stability may be combined into a single, unified method for evaluation of slopes and embanlanents.
First, a seismic coefficient-factor of safety analysis is performed using a suitably conservative value for
the seismic coefficient. Then, if the seismic coefficient-factor of safety analysis results in an unacceptable
factor of safety, a permanent seismic deformation analysis is performed.
The "unified" seismic stability and deformation analysis is carried out using the same basic model(s) of
slopes used in the static analysis. Note, however, that the critical surface with the lowest yield acceleration
or pseudo-static factor of safety may be very different from the surface with the lowest static factor of
safety. The following steps are carried out to perform the unified seismic slope stability and deformation
Step 1: Reinterpret the cross-sections analyzed in the static stability analysis and assign appropriate
dynamic residual strength parameters. In cases where it is not clear whether drained or
undrained shear strength parameters are appropriate for the dynamic analysis, follow guidelines
presented in Duncan (1992) or use a composite consolidated drained-consolidated undrained
strength envelope proposed by the Corps of Engineers for pervious soils and the consolidated
undrained strength envelope for silts and clays. For fully saturated silts or clays of low
sensitivity, multiply the undrained peak shear strength by 0.8 for the analysis. For sensitive
soils, residual shear strength is often used to provide a conservative basis for design.
Step 2: Select a seismic coefficient, k,, for a minimum factor of safety of 1.0 based upon the work of
Hynes and Franklin. If a permanent seismic deformation of 1 m is acceptable, a value of k,
equal to 0.5 · fu/g, where~ is peak horizontal acceleration at the ground surface, may be
used for embankments. If a site response analysis has been performed to evaluate the peak
average acceleration of the failure mass, a value of k, equal to O.17 · fux/ g may be used. For
natural and cut slopes, where amplification effects are expected to be minimal, a value of k,
equal to 0.17 · fux/g may also be used (see discussion in Section 7 .3.2).
Step 3: Perform the pseudo-static stability analysis. If the minimum factor of safety, FSmin, exceeds 1.0,
the seismic stability analysis is completed.
Step 4: If the pseudo-static factor of safety is less than 1.0, perform a Newmark deformation analysis.
This is done using the following three steps:
1) Calculate the yield acceleration, Js.. The yield acceleration is calculated using a trial and
error procedure in which the seismic coefficient is varied until FSmin = 1.0 is obtained.
2) Calculate the permanent seismic deformation. The permanent seismic deformation may
be calculated using either simplified design charts (e.g., Figure 7-4), as described below,
7 - 11 (Part I)
or by performing a formal time-history analysis in which the excursions of the average
acceleration time history above the yield acceleration are double integrated.
Several investigators have presented simplified charts based upon the results of Newmark deformation
analyses for estimating pennanent seismic deformations. The chart developed by Hynes and Franklin
(1984) was presented in Figure 7-4. The Hynes and Franklin chart does not consider either site
amplification or earthquake magnitude effects. Therefore, the Hynes and Franklin charts may be expected
to give reasonable values for natural and cut slopes and low, broad embankments where amplification
effects are expected to be small when subject to large earthquakes. For small earthquakes, the Hynes and
Franklin charts may yield conservative values for such cases.
Makdisi and Seed (1978) developed the seismic deformation chart shown in Figure 7-9 from the results
of two-dimensional finite element analyses of embanlanents .. This chart includes the effect of amplification
of seismic motions by the embankment and provides upper and lower bounds on the permanent
deformation as a function of magnitude.
To calculate the permanent seismic deformation using either Figure 7-4 or 7-9, the following procedure
should be used:
Step 1: Calculate the yield acceleration for each potential failure surface of interest using limit
equilibrium analysis as described previously in this section;
Step 2: Calculate the peak average acceleration for each failure surface of interest based upon the
seismic response considerations described in Section 6.3;
Step 3: Calculate the ratio of the yield acceleration to the peak average acceleration for each failure
surface of interest and evaluate the permanent seismic deformation from the appropriate
curve in either Figure 7-4 or 7-9.
If Figure 7-4 is used, the upper bound curve should only be used for distant (site-to-source distance greater
than 25 km), large magnitude (moment magnitude greater than 7.5) events. The average curve should only
be used for small magnitude events (magnitude equal to or less than 5.5) or for intermediate magnitude
events (magnitude between 5.5 and 6.5) with small site-to-source distance (site to source distance less than
10 km). For all other events, the mean plus one standard deviation curve should be used. If Figure 7-9
is used, the curve corresponding to the appropriate magnitude should be employed. Distance
considerations may be used with judgement to determine where to choose the deformation from within the
band for the appropriate magnitude.
If a seismic response analysis has been performed, a formal Newmark seismic deformation analysis can
be performed by using the acceleration or shear stress time histories from the seismic site response
analysis. Jibson (1993) describes the analytical procedure for performing such an analysis. To evaluate
the permanent displacement of the sliding mass, the average acceleration time history of mass above the
critical failure plane (the failure surface with the lowest yield acceleration) should be used.
7 - 12 (Part I)
8 1/4
7 1/2
:i 100
Figure 7-9: Permanent Displacement Versus Normalized Yield Acceleration for Embankments. (After
Makdisi and Seed, 1978, reprinted by permission of ASCE).
Stability of the underlying foundation soil is an important consideration in evaluating the overall
performance of the embankment, particularly if a layer (or layers) in the foundation is susceptible to
liquefaction. The potential for a liquefaction-induced flow failure may be analyzed using limit equilibrium
analyses by employing residual shear strengths in the potentially liquefiable zones. In this type of
post-earthquake stability assessment, the seismic coefficient should be set equal to zero (Marcuson, et al. ,
1990). If the residual shear strength is conservatively assessed using minimwn values of SPT blow counts
(or CPT tip resistance) within the potentially liquefiable layer(s), a factor of safety of 1.1 may be
considered as acceptable. Evaluation of residual shear strength for post-liquefaction stability analyses is
discussed in Chapter 8.
7 - 13 (Part I)
During strong earthquake shaking, loose, saturated cohesionless soil deposits may experience a sudden loss
of strength and stiffness, sometimes resulting in loss of bearing capacity, large permanent lateral
displacements, and/or seismic settlement of the ground. This phenomenon is called soil liquefaction. In
the absence of saturated or near-saturation conditions, strong earthquake shaking can induce compaction
and settlement of the ground. This phenomenon is called seismic settlement.
Liquefaction and/or seismic settlement beneath and in the vicinity of highway facilities can have severe
consequences with respect to facility integrity. Localized bearing capacity failures, lateral spreading, and
excessive settlements resulting from liquefaction may damage bridges, embanlanents, and other highway
structures. Liquefaction-associated lateral spreading and flow failures and seismically-induced settlement
can also affect the overall stability of the roadway. Similarly, excessive total or differential settlement can
impact the integrity and/or serviceability of highway facilities. Therefore, a liquefaction and seismic
settlement potential assessment is a key element in the seismic design of highways.
This Section outlines the current state-of-the-practice for evaluation of the potential for, and the
consequences of (should it occur), soil liquefaction and seismic settlement as they apply to the seismic
design of highways. Initial screening criteria to determine whether or not a liquefaction analysis is needed
for a particular project are presented in Section 8.2. The simplified procedure for liquefaction potential
assessment commonly used in engineering practice is presented in Section 8.3. Methods for performing
a liquefaction impact assessment, i.e., to estimate post-liquefaction deformation and stability, are presented
in Section 8.4. The simplified procedures for seismic settlement of unsaturated sand evaluation commonly
used in engineering practice are presented in Section 8.5. Methods for mitigation of liquefaction and
seismic settlement potential and of the consequences of liquefaction are discussed in Section 8.6.
Advanced methods for liquefaction potential assessments, including one- and two-dimensional fully-coupled
effective stress site response analyses, are briefly discussed in Section 8.3.
The first step in any liquefaction evaluation is to assess whether the potential for liquefaction exists at the
site. A variety of screening techniques exist to distinguish sites that are clearly safe with respect to
liquefaction from those sites that require more detailed study (e.g., Dobry, et al., 1980). The following
five screening criteria are most commonly used to make this assessment:
• Geologic age and origin. Liquefaction potential decreases with increasing age of a soil deposit. Pre-
Holocene age soil deposits generally do not liquefy, though liquefaction has occasionally been
observed in Pleistocene-age deposits. Table 8-1 presents the liquefaction susceptibility of soil deposits
as a function of age and origin (Youd and Perkins, 1978).
• Fines content and plastid.ty index. Liquefaction potential decreases with increasing fines content and
increasing plasticity index, PI. Data presented in Figure 8-1 (Ishihara, et al., 1989) show grain size
distribution curves of soils known to have liquefied in the past. This data serves as a rough guide for
liquefaction potential assessment of cohesionless soils. Soils having greater than 15 percent (by
8 - 1 (Part I)
(After Youd and Perkins, 1978, Reprinted by Permission of ASCE)
Continental Deposits
River channel Locally variable Very high High Low Very low
Flood plain Locally variable High Moderate Low Very low
Alluvial fan and plain Widespread Moderate .Low ·- Low Very low
Marine terraces and plains Widespread - Low Very low Very low
Delta and fan-delta Widespread High Moderate Low Very low
Lacustrine and playa Variable High Moderate Low Very low
Colluvium Variable High Moderate Low Very low
Talus Widespread Low Low Very low Very low
Dunes Widespread High Moderate Low Very low
Loess Variable High High High Unknown
Glacial till Variable Low Low Very low Very low
Tuff Rare Low Low Very low Very low
Tephra Widespread High High Unknown Unknown
Residual soils Rare Low Low Very low Very low
Sebka Locally variable High Moderate Low Very low
Coastal Zone
Delta Widespread Very high High Low Very low
Esturine Locally variable High Moderate Low Very low
Beach-high wave energy Widespread Moderate Low Very low Very low
Beach-low wave energy Widespread High Moderate Low Very low
Lagoonal Locally variable High Moderate Low Very low
Fore shore Locally variable High Moderate Low Very low
Artificial Deposits
Uncompacted fill Variable Very high - - -
Comnacted fill Variable Low - - -
8 - 2 (Part I)
weight) finer than 0.005 mm, a liquid limit greater than 35 percent, or an in-situ water content less
than 0.9 times the liquid limit generally do not liquefy (Seed and Idriss, 1982).
• Saturation. Although unsaturated soils have been reported to liquefy, at least 80 to 85 percent
saturation is generally deemed to be a necessary condition for soil liquefaction. In many locations,
the water table is subject to seasonal oscillation. In general, it is prudent that the highest anticipated
seasonal water table elevation be considered for initial screening.
• Depth below ground suiface. While failures due to liquefaction of end-bearing piles resting on sand
layers up to 30 m below the ground surface have been reported, shallow foundations are generally not
affected if liquefaction occurs more than 15 m below the ground surface.
• Soil penetration resistance. According to the data presented in Seed and Idriss (1982), liquefaction
has not been observed in soil deposits having normalized Standard Penetration Test (SPT) blow counts,
(N1)(1.J larger than 22. Marcuson, et al. (1990) suggest a normalized SPT value of 30 as the threshold
value above which liquefaction will not occur. However, Chinese experience, as quoted in Seed, et
al. (1983), suggests that in extreme conditions liquefaction is possible in soils having normalized SPT
blow counts as high as 40. Shibata and Teparaska (1988), based on a large number of observations,
conclude that no liquefaction is possible if normalized Cone Penetration Test (CPT) cone resistance,
qc,, is larger than 15 MPa.
If three or more of the above criteria indicate that liquefaction is not likely, the potential for liquefaction
may be considered to be small enough that a formal liquefaction potential analysis is not required. If,
however, based on the above initial screening criteria, the potential for liquefaction of a cohesionless soil
layer beneath the site cannot be dismissed, more rigorous analysis of liquefaction potential is needed.
Liquefaction susceptibility maps, derived on the basis of some (or all) of the above listed criteria, are
available for many major urban areas in seismic zones (e.g., Kavazanjian, et al., 1985b for San Francisco;
Tinsley, et al., 1985 for Los Angeles; Hadj-Hamou and Elton, 1988 for Charleston, South Carolina;
Hwang and Lee, 1992 for Memphis). These maps may be useful for preliminary screening analyses for
highway routing studies. However, as most new highways are sited outside major urban areas, these types
of maps are unlikely to be available for many highway sites. Furthermore, most of these maps do not
provide sufficient detail to be useful for site-specific studies or detailed design analyses.
Several attempts have been made to establish threshold criteria for values of seismic shaking that can
induce liquefaction (e.g., minimum earthquake magnitude, minimum peak horizontal acceleration,
maximum distance from causative fault). Most of these criteria have eventually been shown to be
misleading, since even low intensity bedrock ground motions from distant earthquakes can be amplified
by local soils to intensity levels strong enough to induce liquefaction, as observations of liquefaction in the
1985 Mexico City and 1989 Loma Prieta earthquakes demonstrate.
Most soil deposits known to have liquefied are sand deposits. However, as indicated on Figure 8-1, some
deposits containing gravel particles (> 2 mm size) in a fine grained soil matrix may be susceptible to
liquefaction. Discussion of the liquefaction potential of gravel deposits is beyond the scope of this
document. The reader is referred to Ishihara (1985), Harder (1988), and Stark and Olson (1995) for a
discussion of methods for evaluation of the liquefaction potential of gravels.
8 - 3 (Part I)
z 50
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
t ....
0.001 10
Figure 8-1: Grain Size Distribution Curves of Potentially Liquefiable Soils. (Modified after Ishihara,
et al., 1989, reprinted with permission of A.A. Balkema, Old Post Rd., Brookfield, VT
8 - 4 (Part I)
8.3.1 Introduction
Due to the difficulties in obtaining and testing undisturbed representative samples from most potentially
liquefiable soil materials, in situ testing is the approach preferred by most engineers for evaluating the
liquefaction potential of a soil deposit. Liquefaction potential assessment procedures involving both the
SPT and CPT are widely used in practice (e.g., Seed and Idriss, 1982; Ishihara, 1985; Seed and De Alba,
1986; Shibata and Teparaska, 1988; Stark and Olson, 1995). For gravelly soils, the Becker Penetration
Test (BPT) is commonly used to evaluate liquefaction potential (Harder and Seed, 1986). Geophysical
techniques for measuring shear wave velocity have recently emerged as potential alternatives for
liquefaction potential assessment (Tokimatsu, et al. , 1991; Youd and Idriss, 1997).
The most common procedure used in engineering practice for the liquefaction potential assessment of sands
and silts is the Simplified Procedure originally developed by Seed and Idriss (1982). Since its original
development, the original Simplified Procedure as proposed by Seed and Idriss has been progressively
revised, extended, and refined (Seed, et al., 1983; Seed, et al., 1985; Seed and De Alba, 1986; Liao and
Whitman, 1986). The Simplified Procedure may be used with either SPT or CPT data. Recent summaries
of the various revisions to the Simplified Procedure are provided by Marcuson, et al., (1990) and Seed and
Harder (1990). A 1996 workshop sponsored by the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
(NCEER) reviewed recent developments on evaluation of liquefaction resistance of soils and arrived
consensus on improvements and augmentation to the simplified procedure (Youd and Idriss, 1997). Based
primarily on recommendations from these studies, the Simplified Procedure for evaluating liquefaction
potential at the site of highway facilities can be performed using the following steps:
Step 1: From borings and soundings, in situ testing and laboratory index tests, develop a detailed
understanding of the project site subsurface conditions, including stratigraphy, layer geometry,
material properties and their variability, and the areal extent of potential problem zones. Establish
the zones to be analyzed and develop idealized, representative sections amenable to analysis. The
subsurface data used to develop the representative sections should include the location of the water
table, either SPT blow count, N, or tip resistance of a standard CPT cone, qc, mean grain size,
D50 , unit weight, and the percentage of fines in the soil (percent by weight passing the U.S.
Standard No. 200 sieve).
Step 2: Evaluate the total vertical stress, ov, and effective vertical stress, o;, for all potentially Iiquefiable
layers within the deposit both at the time of exploration and for design. Vertical and shear stress
design values should include the· stresses resulting from facility construction. Exploration and
design values for vertical total and effective stress may be the same or may differ due to seasonal
fluctuations in the water table or changes in local hydrology resulting from project development.
Note that for underwater sites, the total weight of water above the mudline should not be included
in calculating the total vertical stress. Also evaluate the initial static shear stress on the horizontal
plane, 'ho• for design.
Step 3: If results of a site response analysis are not available, evaluate the stress reduction factor, rd as
described below. The stress reduction factor is a soil flexibility factor defined as the ratio of the
peak shear stress for the soil column, (,maxt, to that of a rigid body, (,max)r There are several
ways to obtain rd. For non-critical projects, the following equations for rd were recommended by
8 - 5 (Part I)
a panel of experts convened by the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
(NCEER) in 1996 (Youd and Idriss, 1997):
For critical projects warranting a site-specific response analysis, or if results of a site response
analysis (see Chapter 6) are available, the maximum earthquake-induced shear stress at depth z,
"=• can be directly obtained from the results of the site response analysis. In this case, it may be
convenient to calculate rd from the site response results for use in spreadsheet calculations using
the following equation:
r = ('tma,)@depth=z
d (O)@depth=z • (amax /g)@surfacc
where ov is the total shear stress at depth z, ~ is the peak ground surface acceleration, and g is
the acceleration of gravity. The parameters ov and~ are also directly calculated by most site
response computer programs described in Chapter 6.
Average values
Mean values ofrd calculated
2 9(30) fromequalion2
N 12(40)
21 (70)
. .. ... .. ..
'II (SO) .. . . . ..
.. . .
30 (100) i........;••....._·.....- - ·- ·......................._ _ . _ _ _ _ , . _ _ . . . . . _........_
Figure 8-2: Stress Reduction Factor, rd, Versus Depth Curves Developed by Seed and Idriss (1971)
with Added Mean Value Lines from Equation 8-1.
8 - 6 (Part I)
Use of 'max from site response analysis (or use of the results of a site response analysis to evaluate
rd) is considered to be generally more reliable than any of the simplified approaches to estimate
rd, and is strongly recommended for sites that are marginal with respect to liquefaction potential
(i.e., sites where the factor of safety for liquefaction is close to 1.0).
Step 4: Calculate the critical stress ratio induced by the design earthquake, CSREQ, as:
If the results of a seismic site response analysis are available, CSREQ can be evaluated from 'max
Note that the ratio '=/cr; corresponds to the peak average acceleration denoted by k,,,ax in Chapter
Step 5: Evaluate the standardized SPT blow count, N60 , using the procedure presented in Chapter 5.
Step 6: Calculate the normalized and standardized SPT blow count, (N 1) 60 , using the procedure presented
in Chapter 5
Step 7: Evaluate the critical stress ratio CSR7 _5 at which liquefaction is expected to occur during an
earthquake of magnitude Mw = 7 .5 as a function of (N 1) 60 • Use the chart developed by Seed, et
al. (1985) as modified by NCEER, shown in Figure 8-3, to find CSR75 . It should be noted that
this chart was developed using a large database from sites where liquefaction did or did not occur
during past earthquakes. The general conditions for the case history data presented in this chart
are as follows: (1) all sites evaluated were under level ground condition, (2) the effective
overburden pressure for all cases does not exceed 96 k:Pa, and (3) the magnitude of the
earthquakes considered in all cases was in the neighborhood of 7 .5.
Step 8: Calculate the co"ected critical stress ratio resisting liquefaction, CSRi_. CSRL is calculated as:
where kM is the correction factor for earthquake magnitudes other than 7.5, k., is the correction
factor for stress levels larger than 96 k:Pa, and k.x is the correction factor for the initial driving
static shear stress, 'ho· Previous investigators have derived various recommendations on the
magnitude correction factor, KM, as shown in Figure 8-4. Upon review of all the data, the
NCEER workshop panicipants have recommended a range of KM values for design and analysis
purposes. Their recommendations are presented in Figure 8-4. For effective confining pressures
o'm larger than 96 k:Pa, ko can be detennined from Figure 8-5 (Youd and Idriss, 1997). For o'm
less than or equal to 96 k:Pa, no correction is required.
The value of k" depends on both 'ho and the relative density of the soil, Dr. On sloping ground,
or below structures and embankments, 'ho can be estimated using various closed-fonn elastic
solutions (e.g., Poulos and Davis, 1974) or using the results of finite element (static) analyses.
Once 'ho and o; are estimated, k.x can be determined from Figure 8-6, originally proposed by Seed
8 - 7 (Pan I)
0.6,-------,---........37- - - , . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - ~
.29 251::l
I I A10
Modified Chinese Code Proposal (clay content= 5%) @
0.1 r~,"-7,i~.~.:r+--==~-
21 · ;) Marginal No
/Ir.======= Liquefaction Liquefaction Liquefaction
- 0 Pan -American data • l:l
Recommended Japanese data • e> 0
By Workshop Chinese data "
QL--...!======l----1._ _ __j__ _ __j__ _ e. -=-_J
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 8-3: Relationship Between Cyclic Stress Ratio Causing Liquefaction and SPT (N 1),,n Values for
Sands for M = 7 .5 Earthquakes (modified From Seed et al.. I 985)
8 - 8 (Part I)
-+- Seed and Idriss, ( 1982)
-t-----',-----,:-+-----.------,l----=--, - - - Idriss
x Ambraseys ( 1985)
◊ Arango (1996)
3 -+----0---1----'J---------1-, ♦ Arango (1996)
-+- Andrus and Stokoe
2.5 • Youd and Noble, PL<20%
t:,_ Youd and Noble, PL<32%
2 • Youd and Noble, PL<50%
5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
Figure 8-4: Magnitude Scaling Factors Derived by Various Investigators (After Youd and Idriss, 1997)
'-...... ............
"'--- -
I1.0 TSF = 96 k.Pa I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 8-5: Recommended Correction Factor k0 • (After Youd and Idriss, 1997)
8 - 9 (Part I)
Dr "" 55-70%
Dr ,. 45-50%
---- Dr"" 40%
---- -------
Figure 8-6: Curves for Estimation of Correction Factor, k,,. (Harder, 1988 and Hynes, 1988, as cited
in Marcusen, et al., 1990, reprinted by permission of EERI)
(1983) and modified by Harder (1988) and Hynes (1988). However, experts participating in the
1996 NCEER workshop on "Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils" (1997) have
concluded that due to the wide range of k,, values developed from previous studies and a lack of
consistency of the results, general recommendations for use of k,, for design purposes are not
advisable at this time. The evaluation of liquefaction resistance beneath sloping ground or
embankments is not well understood and further research is required.
The effect of plasticity index on liquefaction resistance has also been reported (Ishihara, 1990).
It is generally recognized that liquefaction resistance increases with soil plasticity. For example,
many practitioners have been applying a 10 percent increase to the liquefaction resistance for soils
with a plasticity index greater than 15 percent. However, a reliable correction relationship could
not be formulated at this time due to the lack of data (Youd and Idriss, 1997).
Liquefaction resistance based on SPT (or CPT) measurements could not be reliably estimated for
gravelly soils. Large gravel particles tend to increase the penetration resistance of the penetrometer
unproportionately. To overcome this difficulty, large-diameter penetrometers have been used by
some investigators. The Becker penetration test (BPT) has become the more effective and most
widely used of this type of tools. There are correlations between Becker blowcount and SPT
blowcount. The correlation proposed by Harder (1997) is recommended for liquefaction
evaluation of gravelly soils in cases where Becker penetration testing data are available. Detailed
information on the procedure is presented in the NCEER report (Youd and Idriss, 1997). In the
absence of Becker penetration testing data, the effects of gravel content can be roughly estimated
using the correlation curve shown in Figure 8-7 (Ishihara, 1985). The "Cyclic Strength of Sand
8 - 10 (Part I)
. .
'o 'o 1-4
.c .c 1-2.
e~ 1-01--=::....-------
0 ;;
- 0-S
-o o. 0-6
::J 0 '
50 100
Figure 8-7: Effects of Gravel Content on Liquefaction Resistance of Gravelly Soils (Ishihara, 1985)
with Zero Gravel" cited in the figure should be obtained from the sand layers at the site in the
vicinity of the gravelly soil deposit, provided that the sand layers (without gravel) and the
gravelly soil layers were fonned under the same geological conditions.
Step 9: Calculate the factor of safety against initial liquefaction, FSL, as:
There is no general agreement on the appropriate minimum factor of safety against liquefaction (NRC,
1985). There are cases where liquefaction-induced instability has occurred prior to complete liquefaction,
i.e., with a factor of safety against initial liquefaction greater than 1.0. For regular highway bridge design,
it is recommended that a minimum factor of safety of 1.1 against liquefaction be required.
It should be noted that the Simplified Procedure is aimed primarily at moderately strong ground motions
(0.2 g < a,.., < 0.5 g). If the peak horizontal acceleration is larger than 0.5 g, more sophisticated, truly
non-linear effective stress-based analytical approaches may be advisable. Computer programs for
evaluation of liquefaction potential as a part of a site response analysis include the one-dimensional
response analysis computer program DESRA-2 (Lee and Finn, 1978) and its derivative codes MARDES
(Chang, et al., 1991), D-MOD (Matasovic, 1993), and SUMDES (Li, et al., 1992) as well as two-
dimensional codes such as DYNAFLOW (Prevost, 1981), TARA-3 (Finn, et al., 1986), LINOS (Bartlet,
1992), DYSAC2 (Muraleetharan, et al., 1991), and certain adaptations of FLAC (Cundall and Board,
1988) (e.g., Roth and Inel, 1993). These computer programs are briefly discussed in Chapter 6.
8 - 11 (Part I)
An example of a liquefaction analysis performed using the Simplified Procedure is presented in Part II of
this document.
The principle variations on the simplified procedure used in practice include the use of CPT resistance and
shear wave velocity, instead of the nonnalized SPT blow count to evaluate the critical stress ratio, causing
liquefication for a magnitude 7 .5 earthquake, CSR7_5 • Figure 8-8 presents the relationship between
corrected CPT tip resistance, qcJN, and CSR7 _5 , where qcIN is evaluated from the tip resistance qc as
where a' vis effective overburden pressure, P. is atmospheric pressure (approximately 100 k:Pa) and n is
an exponent that varies from 0.5 for clean sands, 0.7 for silty sands, and 0.8 for sandy silt.
It should be noted that Figure 8-8 is applicable for clean sands with fines less than 5 %. To correct the
normalized penetration resistance, qcJN, of sands with fines greater than 5 % to an equivalent clean sand
value, (qcJN)cs the following relationship is used.
where Kcs varies from 1.0 for fines less than 5%, 1.4 for fines equal to 15%, to 3.35 for fines equal to
Simplified procedures using field measurements of small-strain shear wave velocity, Vs, to assess
liquefaction resistance of granular soils have also been proposed. Figure 8-9 presents the relationship
(Youd and Idriss,1997) between CSR7_5 and stress-corrected shear wave velocity, V 51 , where V 51 is
calculated as:
- vs [ -p.
a' V
0 25
. (8-8)
The relationship shown in Figure 8-9 was developed based on data from many field sites (including the
field performance data from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake) where liquefaction did or did not occur.
Similar to the relationships developed using SPT and CPT data, the liquefaction resistance curves in Figure
8-9 are for magnitude 7.5 earthquakes and effective overburden pressures less than about 100 kPa.
Appropriate correction factors as discussed in Section 8.3.2 should be applied to account for magnitudes
other than 7.5 or effective overburden pressures greater than 100 kPa.
For soil layers in which the factor of safety against initial liquefaction is unsatisfactory, a liquefaction
impact analysis may demonstrate that the site will still perform adequately even if liquefaction occurs.
Potential impacts of liquefaction include bearing capacity failure, loss of lateral support for piles, lateral
spreading, and post-liquefaction settlement. These are all phenomena associated with large soil strains and
8 - 12 (Part I)
0.6 r;::::::::=::;--:-------;:========::::::::-1
IM=7.5! 0.25 < Dso (mni) <2.0
r:t.i 0.3 !No Liquefaction!
IZl I::,,.
u A
csO i
0.1 /:J:)
Field Perfonnancc Liq. No Liq.
NCEER (1996)
Stark & Olson.(1995)
Suzuki etal. (1995b) ...• . 0
0 50 100 150 200. 250 300
Figure 8-8: Relationship between Cyclic Stress Ratio Causing Liquefaction and CPT Tip Resistance,
qclN for Sands for M = 7.5 (Robertson and Wride, 1997)
ground deformations. Relatively dense soils which liquefy may subsequently harden or stabilize at small
deformations and thus have minimal impact on overlying highway structures. Conversely, relatively loose
soils that liquefy will tend to collapse resulting in a much greater potential for post-liquefaction
deformation. Methods for assessing the impact of liquefaction generally are based upon evaluation of the
strain or deformation potential of the liquefiable soil. A liquefaction impact analysis for highway-related
projects may consist of the following steps:
Step 1: Calculate the magnitude and distribution of liquefaction-induced settlement by multiplying the post-
liquefaction volumetric strain, e., by the thiclmess of the liquefiable layer, H.
The post-liquefaction volumetric strain can be estimated from the chart presented in Figure 8-10
(Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987). An alternative chart has recently been proposed by Ishihara (1993).
Note that both charts were developed for clean sands and tend to overestimate settlements of sandy
silts and silts. Application of Ishihara' s chart requires translation of normalized SPT blow count
(N 1) 60 values determined in Chapter 5 to Japanese-standard N1 values (N1 = 0.833 (N 1) 60 ; after
Ishihara, 1993). The magnitude of liquefaction-induced settlement should be calculated at each
SPT or CPT sounding location to evaluate the potential variability in seismic settlement across the
project site.
Step 2: Estimate the free-field liquefaction-induced lateral displacement, ~L- The empirical equation
proposed by Hamada, et al. (1987) may be used to estimate ~Lin meters:
8 - 13 (Part I)
Boundaries Defined by:
CRR = a(Vsi/100) 2 + b[l/(Vs1c-Vs1)-1Ns1cJ Mw = ?.5
a= 0,03, b = 0.9
Vs1c = 220 mis for sands and gravels with FC ~ 5%
Vs1c = 210 mis for sands and gravels with FC = 20%
Vs1c = 200 mis for sands and silts with FC:::: 35%
Chart Based on:
0.6 Average values ofVs1& a max
Uncemented, Holocene-age soils
Average fines content (FC)
U 0.4
100 200 300
Figure 8-9: Relationship Between Cyclic Stress Ratio Causing Liquefication and Shear Wave Velocity
Values, V5i, for Sands for M= 7.5 Earthquakes (Youd and Idriss, 1997)
8 - 14 (Part I)
Volumetric strain(%)
1054 3 2 1 0.5
0.4 ..
.,, ...
0.3 ...·..••....
CJ) ..-:::::~:---·
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 8-10: Curves for Estimation of Post-Liquefaction Volumetric Strain Using Spt Data and Cyclic
Stress Ratio for M,. 7 .5 Earthquakes. (Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987, reprinted by permission
of ASCE).
~ = 0. 75 (H) 112 (S) 113 (8-9)
where H is the thickness of the liquefied layer in meters and S is the ground slope in percent.
The Hamada, et al. (1987) formula in Equation 8-9 is based primarily on Japanese data (for major
earthquakes of magnitude 7 .5 or greater) on observed liquefaction displacements of very loose
sand deposits having a slope, S, less than 10 percent. Therefore, Equation 8-9 should be assumed
to provide only a rough upper bound estimate of lateral displacement. Since Equation 8-9 does
not reflect either the density, or (N1) 60 value, of the liquefiable soil or the depth of the liquefiable
layer, it likely provides a conservative estimate of lateral displacement for denser sands or for
cases where the soil liquefies at depth. Estimates of lateral displacement obtained using Equation
8-9 may indicate excessive liquefaction-induced lateral displacements in areas of essentially flat
ground conditions.
A more accurate empirical procedure for assessing lateral spreading was developed by Bartlett and
Youd (1995). This procedure was developed from multiple linear regression analyses of U.S. and
Japanese case histories. Two general types of lateral spreading are differentiated according to
Bartlett and Youds' study: (1) lateral spread towards a free face, and (2) lateral spread down gentle
ground slopes where a free face is absent. The procedure is summarized as follows:
(1) If (N1\ 0 values are equal to or more than 15, the potential for lateral displacements
would be small for earthquakes with magnitudes less than 8.0, and no additional
8 - 15 (Part I)
analyses are warranted.
(2) If (N 1) 60 values are less than 15, then the evaluation of lateral displacement is
performed using the following equations:
AL = Estimated lateral ground displacement in meters
H15 = Cumulative thickness of saturated granular layers with corrected
blow counts, (N 1) 60 , less than or equal to 15, in meters.
D50 15 = Average mean grain size in granular layer included in H, 5 in
F 15 = Average fines content for granular layers included in H 15 in
M = Earthquake magnitude (moment magnitude).
R = Horizontal distance from seismic energy source, in kilometers.
S = Ground slope, in percent.
W = Ratio of the height (H) of the free face to the distance (L) from
the base of the free face to the point in question, in percent (i.e.,
Step 3: In areas of significant ground slope, or in situations when a deep failure surface may pass through
the body of the facility or through underlying liquified layers, a flow slide can occur following
liquefaction. The potential for flow sliding should be checked using a conventional limit
equilibrium approach for slope stability analyses (discussed in Chapter 7) together with residual
shear strengths in zones in which liquefaction may occur. Residual shear strengths can be
estimated from the penetration resistance values of the soil using the chart proposed by Seed, et
al. (1988) presented in Figure 5-15. Seed and Harder (1990) and Marcuson, et al. (1990) present
further guidance for performing a post-liquefaction stability assessment using residual shear
If liquefaction-induced vertical and/or lateral deformations are large, the integrity of the highway facility
may be compromised. The question the engineer must answer is "What magnitude of deformation is too
large?" The magnitude of acceptable deformation should be established by the design engineer on a case-
by-case basis. Calculated seismic deformations on the order of 0. 15 to 0.30 mare generally deemed to
be acceptable in current practice for highway embankments in California. For highway system components
other than embankments, engineering judgement must be used in determining the allowable level of
calculated seismic deformation. For example, components that are designed to be unyielding, such as
bridge abutments restrained by batter piles, may have more restrictive deformation requirements than
structures which can more easily accommodate foundation deformations. At the current time.
8 - 16 (Part I)
detennination of allowable defonnations remains a subject requiring considerable engineering judgement.
Both unsaturated and saturated sands tend to settle and densify when subjected to earthquake shaking. If
the sand is saturated and there is no possibility for drainage, so that constant volume conditions are
maintained, the primary initial effect of the shaking is the generation of excess pore water pressures.
Settlement then occurs as the excess pore pressures dissipate. In unsaturated sands, on the other hand,
settlement may occur during the earthquake shaking under conditions of constant effective vertical stress
(depending on the degree of saturation). In both cases (saturated and unsaturated soil), however, one result
of strong ground shaking is settlement of the soil.
Seismic settlement analysis of unsaturated sand can be performed using the following steps:
Step 1: From borings and soundings, in situ testing and laboratory index tests, develop a detailed
understanding of the project site subsurface conditions, including stratigraphy, layer geometry,
material properties and their variability, and the areal extent of potential problem zones. Establish
the zones to be analyzed and develop idealized, representative sections amenable to analysis. The
subsurface data used to develop the representative sections should include normalized standardized
SPT blow counts, (N 1) 60 (or results of some other test, e.g., the CPT from which (N 1) 60 can be
inferred) and the unit weight of the soil.
Step 2: Evaluate the total vertical stress, ov, and the mean normal effective stress, o' m, at several layers
within the deposit at the time of exploration and for design. The design values should include
stresses resulting from highway facility construction. Outside of the highway facility footprint,
the exploration and design values are generally the same.
Step 3: Evaluate the stress reduction factor, rd, using one of the approaches presented in step 3 of
Section 8.3 of this Chapter.
Step 4: Evaluate Yeff (Geff /G,m.,) using the Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) equation:
where y<ff (G.JGma,c) is a hypothetical effective shear stress factor, is the peak ground surface
acceleration, g is the acceleration of gravity, and G= is the shear modulus of the soil at small
strain. Note that G= = p ·'{-,where V, is the shear wave velocity and p is the mass density of
the soil. Alternatively, Gmax (in kPa) can be evaluated from the correlation given below (Seed and
Idriss, 1970):
where (N 1) 60 is the normalized standardized SPT blow count defined before and o'm is mean
normal effective stress in kPa. For unsaturated sands, o'm can be estimated using Equation 5-12.
8 - 17 (Part I)
However, for most practical purposes, the approximation a' m = 0.65 a'v will suffice.
Step 5: Evaluate Yctr as a function of Yctr (G0JGma) and om using the chart reproduced in Figure 8-11.
Step 6: Assuming that Yeff = y 0 , where y, is the cyclic shear strain, evaluate the volumetric strain due to
compaction, e0 , for an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 (15 cycles) using the chart reproduced in
Figure 8-12.
Step 7: Correct for earthquake (moment) magnitude other than Mw 7.5 using the correction factors
reproduced in Table 8-2.
Step 8: Multiply the volumetric strain due to compaction for each layer by two to correct for the
multidirectional shaking effect, as recommended by Tokimatsu and Seed (1987), to get the
representative volumetric strain for each layer.
Step 9: Calculate seismic settlements of each layer by multiplying the layer thickness by the representative
volumetric strain evaluated in Step 8. Sum up the layer settlements to obtain the total seismic
settlement for the analyzed profile.
8 - 18 (Part I)
Cyclic shear strain, Ye
10·3 10·2 10·1
w 10·3
0 N1 ==40',
:.:: ==30 ',
ctS ==20
E 10·2 ==15
0 ==10
' ...
i::, 10·1 ''
C: ''
0 '
1 ''
Cl) '' ..
> 10
Figure 8-12: Relationship Between Volumetric Strain, Cyclic Shear Strain, and Penetration Resistance
for Unsaturated Sands. (Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987, reprinted by pennission of ASCE)
(After Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987, Reprinted by Permission of ASCE)
8.5 26 1.25
7.5 15 1.0
6.75 10 0.85
6 5 0.6
8 - 19 (Part I)
Considerable judgement is required when evaluating the performance of a highway facility based on an
estimate of seismic settlement. The magnitude of calculated seismic settlement should be considered
primarily as an indication of whether settlements are relatively small (several centimeters) or relatively
large (several meters). A more precise evaluation of seismic settlement is not within the capabilities of
conventional engineering analyses using the simplified methods presented herein.
If the seismic impact analyses presented in Sections 8.4 and 8.5 yield unacceptable defonnations,
consideration may be given to performing a more sophisticated liquefaction potential assessment and to
evaluation of liquefaction potential mitigation measures. Generally, the engineer has the following
options: (1) proceed with a more advanced analysis technique; (2) design the facility to resist the
anticipated defonnations; (3) remediate the site to reduce the anticipated deformations to acceptable levels;
or (4) choose an alternative site. If a more advanced analysis still indicates unacceptable impacts from
liquefaction, the engineer must still consider options (2) through (4). These options may require additional
subsurface investigation, advanced laboratory testing, more sophisticated numerical modeling, and, in rare
cases, physical modeling. Discussion of these techniques is beyond the scope of this document.
Options that may be considered when designing to resist anticipated defonnation include the use of ductile
pile foundations, reinforced earth, structural walls, or buttress fills keyed into non-liquefiable strata to
resist the effects of lateral spreading. These techniques are described in detail elsewhere (e.g., Kramer
and Holtz, 1991).
A variety of techniques exist to remediate potentially liquefiable soils and mitigate the liquefaction hazard.
Table 8-3 presents a summary of methods for improvement ofliquefiable soil foundation conditions (NRC,
1985). The cost of foundation improvement can vary over an order of magnitude, depending on site
conditions (e.g., adjacent sensitive structures) and the nature and geometry of the liquefiable soils.
Remediation costs can vary from as low as several thousand dollars per acre for dynamic compaction of
shallow layers of clean sands in open areas to upwards of $100,000 per acre for deep layers of silty soils
adjacent to sensitive structures. Liquefaction remediation measures must be evaluated on a case-by-case
basis to determine their economic viability.
The results of a number of post-earthquake settlement measurements made on Port Island and Rokko Island
following the 1995 Kobe Earthquake in relation to site treatment methods are presented in Figure 8-13
(Yasuda, et al, 1995). The soil profile on these islands is typically 12 to 20 m of loose, hydraulically
filled, decomposed granite sand underlain by several meters of soft, compressible alluvial clay. It should
be noted that sand drains and preloading were used for the purpose of precompressing the soft clay for
reducing future long tenn settlements under static loads. The results shown in Figure 8-13 suggest that
sand drains and preloading, although have some beneficial effects on the liquefaction resistance, are not
effective methods in preventing liquefaction from occuring. To mitigate liquefaction risk of loose,
grannular soils, proper methods of ground treatment have to be applied.
8 - 20 (Part I)
o Port Island }
Mean Values
800 • Rokko Island
r-i Range of Measured Values
-~ 600 13
25 No. of Measurements
·Cl) 500
.... E
400 21
300 131 11
100 1
2 2
SP, SW, or SM soils which have average relative density equal to or greater than 85 percent and the minimum relative density not less than 80 percent are In general not susceptible to liquefaction (TM 5-818-1). D' Appolonia (1970)
staled that for soil within the zone or influence and confinement or the slructure foundation, lhe relalive density should not be less than 70 percent. Therefore, a criterion may be used that relative density increase into the
70-90 percent range is in general considered to prevent liquefaction. These properties of treated materials and applications occur only ynder ideal condilions of soil, moisture, and mclhod application. 111c methods and propcrlics
achieved are not applicable and will not occur in all soils.
Applications and resulls or the improvemenl mclhods are dependent on: (a) soil profiles, types, and conditions, (b) site conditions, (c) earthquake loading, (d) structure type and condition, and (e) material and equipment availability.
Combinations or the methods will most likely provide the best and most s1able solution.
Site cm1ditions have been classified into three cases; Case I is for bcncalh structures, Case 2 is for the not-under-water rree field adjacent lo a structure, and Case 3 is for the under~watcr free field adjacent lo a structure.
ll means die method has potential use for Case 3 with special techniques required which would increase lhc cost,
waler pressure. Pcrmancnl 2
dewatering with pumps. 3
(9) Paniculate Penetration grouting ~ fill soil pores Medium to coarse Unlimited Small Impervious, high Eliminate liqucfaclion danger. Slope stabilization. I Lowest or Grout
Grouting with soil, cement, and/or clay. sand and gravel. strength with cement Could potentially be used to confine an area or 2 Methods
grout, Voids filled so liqucfiable soil so that liquened soil could not flow 3
ther cann?.t c0ll~~sc out of the area.
SP, SW, or SM soils which have average relative density equal to or greater than 85 percent and the minimum relative density not less than 80 percent are in general not susceptible to liquefaction (TM 5-818-1). D'Appolonia (1970)
stated that for soil within the zone of influence and confinement of the structure foundation, the relative density should not be less lhan 70 percent Therefore, a criterion may be used that relative density increase inlo the
70-90 percent range is in general considered to prevent liquefaction. These properlies of treated materials and applications occur on\y µnder ideal conditions of soil, moisture, and method application. The methods and properties
achieved arc not applicable and will not occur in all soils.
Applications and resuhs or1hc Improvement methods are dependent on: (a) soil profiles, types, and conditions, (b) sile conditions, (c) ea,1hquake loading, (d) structure type and condilion. and (e) material and equipment availability.
Combinalions of the melhods will most likely provide lhe besl and most slable solution.
Site condilions have hcen classified into three casesi Case I is for beneath s1ruc1ures, Case 2 is for the not~under-water free field adjacent to a s1ruc1ure, and Case J is for the under-water free field adjacent to a structure.
6 means the method has potential use for Case 3 wilh special techniques required which would increase the cost.
Mclhod Principle
Mosl Suitable Soll
Moxlmum EITedlve
Treatmenl Depth
Economlcal Size
of Treated Area
Ideal Properties of
Treated Materlar Applications
.. Case' Rclellve Costs
(10) Chemical Grouling Solulions of two or more chemicals Medium silts and Unlimited Small Impervious, low to Bliminale liquefaclion danger. Slope stabilization. I High
react in soil pores 10 form a gel or coarser. high s1rcng1h. Voids Could po1enlially be used 10 confine an area or 2
a solid precipilate. filled so 1hcy cannol liquefiable soil so 11,al liquefied soil could nol flow 3
collapse under cyclic out of the area. Good water shutoff.
(11) Prcssure-lnjeclcd Penetration grouting - fill soil pores Medium to coarse Unlimited Small Impervious to some Reduce liquefaction potential. I Low
Lime with lime, sand and gravel. degree. No 2
significant strength 3
increase. Collapse or
voids under cyclic
loading reduced.
Pore-Water Pressure Relief
(12) Elcc1rokine1ic Stabilizing chemicals move into and Saiura1cd sands, Unknown Small Increased slrength, Reduce liquefaclion potential. I Expensive
Injection fill soil pores by electro-osmosis or silts, silty clays. reduced 2
colloids inlo pores by elec1ro- compressibility, voids 3
phoresis. filled so !hey cannol
collapse under cyclic
(13) lei Grouling High-speed jets at deplh e1tcavate, Sands, sills, clays. Unknown Small Solidified columns Slope slabili7.ation by providing shear resistance in I High
injecl, and mix a slabilizer wilh soil and walls. horizomal and inclined direclions which s1reng1hens 2
to form columns or panels. polential failure surfaces or slip circles. A wall could 3
be used 10 confine an area or liquetiable soil so Iha!
liQueficd soil could not Dow out of the area.
Admixture Stabilization
(14) Mix-in-Place Piles Lime, cement, or asphalt Sands, silts, clays, >20m Small Solidified soil piles or Slope stabilization by providing shear resistance in I High
and Walls introduced through rotating auger all son or loose (60 m obtained in walls of relatively horizontal and inclined directions which strengthens 2
or special In-place mi1ter. inorganic soils. Japan) high slrenglh. potential failure surraces or slip circles. A wall could 3
Ml1chell (1981) be used 10 confine an area of liquefiable soil so !hat
I•• _.,.. • •• _,_. -•.., -• ,,., ••·
SP, SW, or SM soils which have average relative density equal to or greater lhan 85 percent and the minimum relative density not less than 80 percent are In general not susceptible to liqucrac1ion (TM 5-818-1). D'Appolonia (1970)
stated that for soil within the zone of influence and confinement of the structure foundation, the relative density should not be less than 70 percent. Therefore, a criterion may be used that relative density increase into lhc
70-90 percent range is in general considered lo prevent liquefaclion. These properties of treated materials and applications occur only under ideal conditions of soil, moisture, and method application. The methods and properties
achieved nre not applicable and will not occur in all soils.
Applicaiions and resulls or 1he improvcmenl me1hods arc dependenl on: (a) soil profiles, lypes, and conditions, (b) sile condilions, (c) carlhquakc loading, (d) Slruclurc lypc and condilion, and (e) maierial and cquipmcnl availabilily.
Combinations of 1he methods will most likely provide the best and most stable solution.
Site conditions have been classified into three cases; Case I is for beneath slructures, Case 2 is for the not•under-waler free field adjacent to a slruclurc, and Case 3 is for lhe under•waler free field adjacent lo a structure.
SP, SW, or SM soils which have average relative density equal to or greater than SS percent and the minimum relative density not less than 80 percent are in general not susceptible to liquefaction (TM 5-818- I). D' Appolonia (1970)
staled that for soil within the zone of inHuence and confinement or the slructure foundation, the relative density should not be less than 70 percent. Therefore, a criterion may be used that relative density increase into the
70-90 percent range is in general considered lo prevent liquefaction. These properties of treated materials and applications occur only under ideal conditions of soil, moisture, and method application. 111c methods and properties
achieved are not applicable and will not occur in all soils.
Applications and results of the improvement methods arc dependent on: (a) soil profiles, types, and conditions, (bl site conditions, (c) earthquake loading, (d) structure type and condition, and (c) material and equipment availability.
Combinations of the methods will most likely provide the best and most stable solution.
Sile condhions have been classified into three cases; Case I is for beneath s1ructurcs, Case 2 is for the not-under-water free field adjacent to a structure, and Case 3 is for the under-water free field adjacent to a structure.
6. means the method has potential use for Case 3 wilh special lechniques required which would increase the cost.
This chapter addresses geotechnical aspects of seismic design of foundations, retaining walls, and other
structural components of highway systems. In addressing these issues, it is assumed that the ground
motions at the site have been determined by the project geologist and/or geotechnical engineer and that the
earthquake-induced forces from the superstructure have been provided by the structural engineer.
Guidelines are available for the seismic design of highway bridges which cover some of the issues related
to seismic design of foundations and retaining walls. Of particular note are the AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Highway Bridges (AASHTO, 1994), the seismic design course notes prepared by ABAM
Engineering (ABAM, 1994), FHWA Guidelines for Seismic Design of Highway Bridge Foundations (Lam
and Martin, 1986); Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations (Hannigan, et al., 1997), and
Laterally-Loaded Piles (Reese, 1984). Much of the information contained in these guidelines will not be
covered in detail herein, but will be incorporated by reference.
The discussions herein are intended to cover routine situations encountered in highway engineering.
Specialty topics such as seismic retrofit of long span bridges require special considerations and are beyond
the scope of this document.
In a manner similar to evaluation of the stability of a slope subject to earthquake ground motions
(Chapter 7), earthquake effects on foundations can be modeled using either a pseudo-static approach,
wherein the earthquake-induced loads are represented by static forces and/or moments to the foundation,
or a dynamic approach, wherein the time history of transient cyclic earthquake forces is applied to the
structure-foundation system.
In a pseudo-static analysis, the effects of the dynamic earthquake-induced loads on the foundation are
represented using static forces and moments. The bearing capacity and lateral resistance of a foundation
element is evaluated using static fonnulations and compared to the pseudo-static loads. However, the static
shear strength may be either decreased or increased, depending on soil type and groundwater conditions,
to account for dynamic loading conditions.
Earthquake induced loading on the foundation for a highway structure is typically dominated by the inertia
forces from the superstructure. The earthquake-induced forces on the superstructure are predominantly
horizontal. However, these horizontal forces are transmitted to the foundation in the form of horizontal
and vertical forces and rocking and torsional moments. To represent the combined effect of the forces and
moments induced by an earthquake, the resultant pseudo-static loads are applied to the foundation as
shown in Figure 9-1. The resultant load may have to be inclined and applied eccentrically, as shown in
Figure 9-2, to account for vertical loads and moment loading. Solutions for the bearing capacity of
eccentrically loading footings may then be used to evaluate foundation performance (refer to Module 7 -
Shallow Foundations). Alternatively, vertical bearing capacity and horizontal sliding resistance of the
foundation can be considered independently. Note, however, that the influence of the applied moments
on the vertical and horizontal loads must be considered in such analyses. Often (e.g., in the evaluation
of shallow foundations), for "unimportant" structures, only the gross stability of the foundation is
evaluated in the pseudo-static approach. Neither an assessment of the dynamic response of the foundation
9 - 1 (Part I)
., F
+ +
9 - 2 (Part I)
nor an evaluation of the interaction between the foundation and the superstructure is made. In other cases,
(e.g., evaluation of the response of a laterally loaded pile), the stiffness or defonnation of the foundation
subject to the pseudo-static load is calculated in addition to a bearing capacity evaluation.
In a dynamic response analysis, the dynamic stiffness of the foundation is incorporated into an analytical
model of the highway structure to evaluate the overall seismic response of the system. The foundation for
a highway structure subject to dynamic excitation has six degrees of freedom (modes of
motion): horizontal sliding in two orthogonal direction; vertical motions; rocking about two orthogonal
horizontal axis; and torsion (rotation) about the vertical axis. Therefore, in the dynamic analysis of a
highway structure, the response of the foundation to these modes of excitation is described by a 6 x 6
stiffness matrix with 36 stiffness coefficients, K;i. The six modes of motion (degrees of freedom) of a
shallow foundation and the corresponding stiffness matrix are shown in Figure 9-3. Each term K;i of the
stiffness matrix describes the deformation response of the foundation in coordinate direction I to a unit load
in coordinate direction j (e.g., if mode I is horizontal motion in the y direction and mode j is rocking about
the y axis, then~ is the horizontal translation under a unit horizontal force and K;; is the rocking rotation
in response to a unit horizontal force). It should be noted that the cross term coefficients K;i, where Is1j,
are generally ignored for shallow footing analysis due to the negligibly small coupling effects. However,
an exception may occur with respect to the rocking and sliding modes, which may be coupled as shown
in Figure 9-4. A Similar 6 x 6 matrix can be developed for the damping of the foundation, as discussed
in Section 9 .2.3. Internal damping of the soil is commonly incorporated in the site response model used
to calculate design ground motions, as described in Chapters 5 and 6, and not in the foundation model
itself. The geotechnical engineer provides the values of the foundation stiffness and damping coefficients
to the structural engineer for use in the dynamic response analysis of the structure. Even when a dynamic
response analysis is performed, the gross stability of the foundation should still be evaluated using a
pseudo-static bearing capacity analysis. However, in this case, the applied loads on the foundation
elements may be taken directly from the results of the dynamic response analysis by factoring the peak
loads, as discussed in Section 9.2.2, Load Evaluation for Pseudo-Static Bearing Capacity Analysis.
The seismic performance of retaining walls is an important component of earthquake engineering for
highway systems .. Retaining walls are used extensively for bridge abutments, depressed segments of
highway alignments, and elevated highways. Retaining walls are generally designed to resist sliding,
overturning, and structural failure due to lateral pressures. Most retaining structures are designed to resist
seismic loads using pseudo-static analyses. For sliding of gravity walls, a deformation based design
methodology (i.e., permissible displacement approach) is often used in practice.
9.2.1 General
Shallow foundations are commonly used as foundations for bridge piers and abunnent walls. Shallow
foundations are suitable at rock sites or when firm soils are found at shallow depth provided the potential
for landslide induced displacements is fairly low and the risk of liquefaction is very low or non-existent.
In areas where deposits of compressible, expansive, or collapsible soils are found near the ground surface,
shallow foundations may not be suitable. Where soil conditions are not suitable for the use of shallow
foundations, deep foundations are used.
The seismic performance of shallow foundations may be evaluated using either pseudo-static limit
9 - 3 (Part I)
x(1) x(1)
z(3) z(3)
6x 6Y 62 8x 8Y 82
K11 0 0 0 -K15 0
0 K22 0 K24 0 0
0 0 K33 0 0 0
0 K42 0 K44 0 0
-Ks, 0 0 0 K55 0
0 0 0 0 0 l<s6
.. F
I .c
9 - 4 (Part I)
equilibrium analysis or dynamic response analysis. The critical element in a pseudo-static analysis of a
shallow foundation is the evaluation of the pseudo-static loads (forces and moments) for use in the analysis.
The primary task of the geotechnical engineer in a dynamic response analysis of a structural system that
employs shallow foundations is the evaluation of the coefficients of the stiffness matrix. If a dynamic
response analysis of the structure is performed, the, gross stability of the shallow foundation should still
be evaluated using pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis.
In addition to evaluating the gross stability of the shallow foundation under dynamic loads, the risk of
excessive seismic settlement and soil liquefaction should also be evaluated for foundations founded upon
saturated cohesionless soils. Evaluation of liquefaction and settlement potential is described in Chapter 8.
Two alternative methods are commonly used in geotechnical practice to evaluate the ultimate bearing
capacity of shallow foundations for highway structures:
• the general bearing capacity equation using bearing capacity factors derived from soil shear strength
parameters (c, <!>); and
• the bearing capacity equation based on Standard Penetration Test blow counts.
In theory, the two methods cited above should give similar results if the strength parameters used to
represent the foundation soil are consistent with the SPT blow count. Some engineers prefer to use the
blow count method for dynamic bearing capacity analysis because the SPT is a dynamic test and thus its
use may take into account any tendency for the soil to lose strength when subjected to dynamic loading.
However, the general bearing capacity equation method provides more flexibility in accounting for inclined
and eccentric loading. Bearing capacity can also be evaluated using CPT results (Riaund and Miran,
Shallow foundations should also be designed to resist sliding under seismic loading. Sliding resistance is
typically assessed using the interface friction and adhesion between the bottom of the foundation and the
foundation soil to resist the applied seismic loads. Friction and adhesion on the sides of the foundation may
also be included in evaluating the resistance of a foundation to sliding. Some engineers include the passive
seismic soil resistance on the front of the footing when calculating sliding resistance. However, when
passive resistance is employed in evaluating sliding resistance, the calculated passive seismic earth pressure
is often divided by two to compensate for the relatively large lateral deformations required to mobilize the
passive resistance of the soil. Furthermore, if the passive seismic resistance on the front of the footing is
included in the analysis, the active seismic pressure on the back of the footing should also be considered.
Evaluation of passive and active seismic earth pressures is discussed subsequently in Section 9. 6.
Procedures for evaluating bearing capacity and sliding resistance of shallow foundations are presented in
detail in Module 7 (Shallow Foundations). Herein, only guidance evaluating loads and resistances for
pseudo-static analysis is presented.
The foundation loads for use in a pseudo-static bearing capacity analysis for a shallow foundation may be
9 - 5 (Part I)
evaluated either by applying a pseudo-static load to the structure or from the results of a dynamic response
analysis. In determining foundation loads by applying a pseudo-static force to the structure, both the
horizontal and vertical inertial forces from the superstructure may be considered. These inertia forces are
modeled by applying through the center of gravity of the superstructure, a load equal to the weight of the
structure multiplied by a seismic coefficient. If applied centrically, the vertical load will generate only
vertical forces on the foundation. However, if the vertical force is eccentrically applied to the foundation,
it will generate a moment loading. The horizontal load typically generates both vertical forces and
moments on the foundation. The peak vertical and horizontal dynamic loads are often considered
separately, as it is highly unlikely that the peak vertical and horizontal forces will act simultaneously on
the superstructure. In each case, the resultant forces and moments on the foundation elements are used
in the pseudo-static bearing capacity analysis. Foundation performance should be evaluated for both
compressive and tensile vertical seismic loads. Furthermore, the vertical and horizontal dead loads of the
superstructure and foundation should be added to the seismic loads when analyzing the foundation system
in either case.
There is no general agreement on establishing the seismic coefficient used in evaluation of the pseudo-static
load for the seismic analysis of foundations. Based upon experience with the seismic stability of slopes
(Chapter 7), the seismic coefficient for foundation design should be a fraction of the peak ground
acceleration (PGA) expressed as a fraction of gravity. For many cases, the effective peak acceleration
from AASHTO maps may be appropriate for use as the seismic coefficient in pseudo-static analysis, as this
value is typically already reduced from the expected maximum peak ground acceleration. Alternatively,
based upon experience with seismic deformation analyses of slopes and embankments, including back
analyses of the performance of slopes and embankments in earthquakes, a value equal to one-half the PGA
(expressed as a fraction of gravity) would appear to be reasonable. However, for structures that cannot
tolerate foundation deformations of up to several centimeters and for structures founded on soils subject
to progressive failure and/or a post-peak strength decrease, a value equal to the PGA (expressed as a
fraction of gravity) may be appropriate. Furthermore, the potential for amplification of the PGA by the
structure itself should be considered. For slender, flexible structures, it may be prudent to multiply the
above values by an amplification factor provided by the structural engineer.
If the loads used in the pseudo-static foundation analysis are determinect from the results of a dynamic
response analysis of the structure, then the potential for amplification of the ground motion by the structure
is included in the peak loads from the response analysis. In this case, the peak loads provided by the
structural engineer should be factored in the same manner described above to evaluate the seismic
coefficient from the PGA; that is, a factor of one-half would appear to be reasonable in most situations,
while a value of one may be used for structures that cannot tolerate significant deformations and for
structures founded on soils subject to progressive failure and/or post-peak strength decrease. When using
the loads from a dynamic response analysis to evaluate foundation performance, peak loads that occur at
different times in the analysis should not be superimposed. Loads used in combination should be loads that
act upon the foundation at the same time. For instance, the peak horizontal load should be used in
combination with the vertical loads imposed on the foundation by the peak horizontal load and with other
vertical loads acting on the foundation at the same time as the peak horizontal load, but not in combination
with the peak rocking moment or peak vertical load.
Terzaghi presented the first comprehensive theory for the evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of
rough, shallow foundations. Using limit equilibrium analysis, Terzaghi expressed the ultimate bearing
capacity as a function of the geometry of the foundation, the geometry of the assumed failure surfaces, and
9 - 6 (Part I)
the geotechnical properties of the foundation soil.
Terzaghi's early work was then expanded upon to provide fonnulations accounting for different foundation
shapes, load inclination and load eccentricity, water table location, and other factors. These fonnulations
are also based on the resolution of a limit equilibrium problem and the evaluation of the shear strength
properties of the foundation soil.
Consequently, to account for eccentric loads, moments, inclined loads, and different foundation shapes,
a series of correction factors were applied to the initial Terzaghi bearing capacity equation. Application
of these correction factors results in a generalized bearing capacity equation of the form:
where q1111 is the ultimate bearing capacity, q, is a unifonn surcharge load applied at the ground surface
adjacent to the foundation, B is the foundation width, sc, Sy, and sq are foundation shape factors, ic, iy and
iq are load inclination factors, candy are the cohesion and unit weight of the soil, and Ne, Ny, and Nq are
the bearing capacity factors. Note that the surcharge load q, is equal to yD for a foundation embedded at
a depth D below the ground surface.
The bearing capacity factors, Ne, Ny, and Nq are a function of the friction angle of the soil, <!>. Charts of
bearing capacity factors versus <I> are commonly available in geotechnical literature. For spread sheet
calculations, the following equations may be used:
The first step in a pseudo-static seismic bearing capacity analysis is to compute the pseudo-static loads.
The pseudo-static and static loads are then combined into a single resultant force with an inclination a and
an eccentricity, e, as illustrated in Figure 9-2.
Following computation of the resultant force, equivalent dimensions are computed for the footing to
account for the eccentricity of the load on the footing. The load eccentricity is caused by the moment
applied to the foundation. This applied moment creates a non-unifonn pressure on the bottom of the
footing and can lead to loss of contact pressure between the bottom of the footing and the ground.
Therefore, the width of a footing subjected to an eccentric load is represented by a reduced, effective
width, B'. The computation of equivalent dimensions to account for the load eccentricity is illustrated on
Figure 9-5.
Some widely used relationships for the effective contact area are B' = (B-2e), as recommended by
9 - 7 (Part I)
1 I•
B'= B - 2~ , L' = 2~
Maximum Soil Pressure (Linear Distribution):
Meyerhof (1953), and B' = (3B/2-3e) corresponding to a linear soil pressure distribution. The calculated
value tends to be conservative in that the actual contact area will usually be larger than the calculated
values using these relationships.
To prevent uplifting of the footing edge, a limit is usually set on the allowable eccentricity of the dynamic
load. Hansen (1953) showed that if e s: B/4, there would be no uplift. Hansen (1953) recommended sizing
the footing such that e is limited to B/6. In areas of high seismicity (ground motions in excess of O.4 g),
this may not be practical. In cases where it is not practical to limit e to B/6, it is recommended that e be
limited to B/4.
An upwards vertical load on a foundation will tend to increase e. This will tend to reduce the effective
footing area, which may lead to an increase in the calculated minimum soil pressure. Therefore, the
foundation should be checked for both upwards and downwards vertical seismic loads.
Recommendations for the correction factors in Equation 9-1 for inclined loads and non-circular footing
shapes are provided by Meyerhof (1953). These recommendations are as follows:
9 - 8 (Part I)
i 0 = 1 - [nH/(BLcN c)] for <I> = 0 (9-5b)
where H and V are resultant horizontal and vertical seismic loads, respectively, and L and B are foundation
length and width, respectively, and:
n = [(2 + L/B)/(1 + L/B)]cos 2 8 + [(2 + B/L)/(1 + B/L)]sin 0 (9-6a)
n = [2 + B/L)/(1 + B/L)]cos 2 0 + [(2 + L/B)/(1 + L/B)]sin 0 (9-6b)
For rectangular footings with a length less than five times the width,
Other Cases
For complex situations such as multi-layer soils, inclined foundations, or foundations placed on or near
a slope, alternative solutions for bearing capacity factors have been developed. Charts and tables to
address such cases can be found elsewhere (e.g., AASHTO, 1994; NAVFAC, 1986).
The bearing capacity of a shallow foundation on granular soils can be evaluated directly from SPT and
CPT results. Bearing capacity evaluations based on SPT and CPT data are less reliable for foundations
supported on cohesive soils.
9 - 9 (Part I)
Meyerhof (1956) proposed the following equation relating ultimate bearing capacity to SPT blow count:
where 11,i, is the ultimate bearing pressure in tons/ff, N,ve is the average blow count (blows/ft) adjusted for
submergence effects, Bis the footing width (least dimension), Dr is the depth to the base of the footing
from the ground surface, R1 is the load inclination factor from Table 9-1, and Cw 1 and Cw2 are correction
factors that depend on the depth of the groundwater table, Dw, according to:
Interpolation should be used to evaluate Cw1 and Cw2 for Dw in between O and Dr or between Dr and
Dr+ 1.5B.
The SPT blow count correction for submergence applies only to fine and silty sand. The submergence
corrected blow count, N", is obtained as:
N"=N if N s 15 (9-lOb)
where N is the measured blow count. The measured blow count value used in Equation 9-10 is averaged
within the range of depth from the bottom of the footing to 1.5B below the bottom of the footing.
Load eccentricity can be accommodated using Equation 9-8 by substituting B' for B, where B' is evaluated
in accordance with Figure 9-5. No correction factors for non-circular footings were proposed by Meyerhof
for use with these equations. However, the general bearing capacity equations presented in the previous
section can be used to calculate a correction factor for the bearing capacity of a non-circular footing.
The sliding resistance of a shallow foundation should be calculated independently of the bearing capacity.
In calculating sliding resistance, the unit adhesion and/or frictional resistance of the base of the foundation
to sliding is multiplied by the area of the base to determine the sliding resistance. The adhesion and
interface frictional resistance of the base depend upon both the type of soil and the foundation material.
Typically, for a concrete foundation, the adhesion and interface friction coefficient will be reduced by 20
to 33 percent from the cohesion and friction coefficient of the underlying soil. Navy Design Manual
DM 7.2 (NAVFAC, 1986) provides recommendations for interface friction and adhesion values for
9 - 10 (Part I)
(After Meyerhof, 1956)
9 - 11 (Part I)
dissimilar construction materials (e.g., sand/concrete, clay/steel). These values can be used for the design
of both foundations and retaining walls against sliding. For eccentrically loaded foundations, the effective
base area B' should be used in evaluating sliding resistance.
The vertical component of the seismic load on the footing should be included when evaluating the sliding
resistance. Sliding resistance should be checked for both the maximum and minimum vertical loads
(upwards and downwards seismic loading).
For embedded foundations, the passive seismic resistance in front of the foundation is often included in
evaluation of the sliding resistance of a shallow footing. However, due to the relatively large defonnations
necessary for mobilization of the passive resistance, the passive earth pressure is typically reduced by a
factor of two for use in sliding resistance analyses. Furthermore, the active seismic force on the front of
the foundation should be either subtracted from the passive sliding resistance or added to the sliding driving
force. The net result of factoring the passive seismic resistance and then subtracting the active seismic
force may often be little to no change in the sliding resistance of the foundation.
Factors of Safety
Seismic loads represent an extreme loading condition, therefore relatively low factors of safety are
generally considered acceptable in a pseudo-static analysis. Factors of safety on the order of 1.1 and 1.15
are typically used in practice for both bearing capacity and sliding resistance. The choice of the factor of
safety and of the seismic coefficient (or peak load reduction factor) are intimately linked. For instance,
if a seismic coefficient equal to the PGA (divided by the acceleration of gravity) has been used in the
pseudo-static analysis because the foundation cannot tolerate large movements, there may be no need to
increase the factor of safety beyond 1.0. Alternatively, if the seismic coefficient is one-half the PGA and
the soil is susceptible to a post-peak strength decrease, it may be prudent use a factor of safety of 1.1 or
An accurate seismic response analysis requires the incorporation of the foundation system into the general
dynamic model of the structure. The combined analysis is commonly referred to as the soil-structure-
interaction, SSI analysis. In SSI analyses, the foundation system can either be represented by a system of
springs (classical approach), or by a foundation stiffness (and damping) matrix. The latter approach,
commonly used for SSI analyses of highway facilities, is commonly referred to as the stiffness matrix
method approach.
The general form of the stiffness matrix for a rigid footing was presented in Figure 9-3. The 6 x 6 stiffness
matrix can be incorporated in most structural engineering programs for dynamic response analysis to
account for the foundation stiffness in evaluating the dynamic response of the structural system. The
diagonal tenns of the stiffness matrix represent the direct response of a mode of motion to excitation in that
mode while the off diagonal terms represent the coupled response. Many of the off-diagonal terms are
zero or close to zero, signifying that the two corresponding modes are uncoupled (e.g., torsion and vertical
motion) and therefore may be neglected. In fact, for symmetric foundations loaded centrically, rocking
and sliding (horizontal translation) are the only coupled modes of motion considered in a dynamic analysis.
Often, all of the off-diagonal (coupling) terms are neglected for two reasons: (1) the values of these off-
9 - 12 (Part I)
diagonal terms are small, especially for shallow footings; and (2) they are difficult to compute. However,
the coupling of the two components of horizontal translation to the two degrees of freedom of rocking
(tilting) rotation may be significant in some cases. For instance, coupled rocking and sliding may be
important for deeply embedded footings where the ratio of the depth of embedment to the equivalent
footing diameter is greater than five. The reader is referred to Lam and Martin (1986) for more guidance
on this issue.
The stiffness matrix, K, of an irregularly shaped and/or embedded footing can be expressed by the
following general equation:
where KEcF is the stiffness matrix of an equivalent circular surface footing, a is the foundation shape
correction factor, and p is the foundation embedment factor. Each of these terms are discussed below.
The solution for a circular footing rigidly connected to the surface of an elastic half space provides the
basic stiffness coefficients for the various modes of foundation displacement. For vertical translation, the
stiffness coefficient K33 can be expressed as:
For horizontal translation, the stiffness coefficients K11 and K22 can be expressed as:
K 11 = K 22 = 8GR/(2 - v) (9-12b)
For rocking rotation, the stiffness coefficients K 44 and Ks5 can be expressed as:
In Equation 9-12, G and v are the dynamic shear modulus and Poisson's ratio for the elastic half space
(foundation soil) and R is the radius of the footing.
The dynamic shear modulus, G, used to evaluate the foundation stiffness should be based upon the
representative, or average, shear strain of the foundation soil. However, there are no practical guidelines
for evaluating a representative shear strain for a dynamically loaded shallow foundation. Frequently, the
value of Gmax, the shear modulus at very low strain, is used to calculate foundation stiffness. However,
9 - 13 (Part I)
this is an artifact of the original development of the above equations for foundation stiffness for the design
of machine foundations. For earthquake loading, it is recommended that values of G be evaluated at shear
strain levels calculated from a seismic site response analysis using the modulus reduction curves presented
in Chapter 5. If results of a site response analysis are not available, G may be evaluated using the modulus
reduction curves presented in Chapter 5 and an assumed shear strain level that depends upon the magnitude
of the earthquake, intensity of ground motion, and soil type. For events of magnitude 6. 0 or less, and for
ground motion intensities of 0.4 g or less, a value of G corresponding to a strain level of 0.1 percent
appears to be appropriate. For larger magnitudes and/or higher intensity earthquakes, a larger strain level
may be used. For very large magnitude events (M > 7.5) with very high shaking intensity (PGA > 0.6
g), a value of G corresponding to a shear strain of 1 percent is recommended.
One of the advantages of the stiffness matrix method over the classical approach is that a damping matrix
can be included in SSI analysis. The format of the damping matrix is the same as the format of the
stiffness matrix shown on Figure 9-3. While coefficients of the damping matrix may represent both an
internal (material) damping and a radiation (geometric) damping of the soil, only radiation damping is
typically considered in this type of analysis.
As discussed in Section 5.3.4, the internal damping of the soil is predominantly strain dependent and can
be relatively accurately represented by the equivalent viscous damping ratio, A. At the small strain levels
typically associated with foundation response, ).. is on the order of 2 to 5 percent. Radiation damping, i.e.,
damping that accounts for the energy contained in waves which "radiate" away from the foundation, is
frequency-dependent and, in a SSI analysis, significantly larger than the material damping. Consequently,
radiation damping dominates the damping matrix in SSI analyses.
The evaluation of damping matrix coefficients is complex and little guidance is available to practicing
engineers. Damped vibration theory is usually used to form the initial foundation damping matrix. That
theory, commonly used to study (small-strain) foundation vibration problems, assumes that the soil
damping can be expressed via a damping ratio, D, defined as the ratio of the damping coefficient of the
footing to the critical damping for the six-degree-of-freedom system.
The damping ratio for a shallow foundation depends upon the mass (or inertia) ratio of the footing. Table
9-2 lists the mass ratios and the damping coefficients and damping ratios for the various degrees of freedom
of the footing. The damping ratios should be used as shown on Figure 9-3 to develop the damping matrix
of the foundation system. It should be noted that this approach only partially accounts for the geometry
of the foundations and assumes that small earthquake strains are induced in the soil deposit. For pile
foundations or for complex foundation geometry, a more rigorous approach, commonly referred to as the
soilfoundation-strncture-interaction (SFSI) analysis, may be warranted. SFSI is beyond the scope of this
Rectangular Footings
Application of the foundation stiffness general equation 9-11 (K = a:~KEcF) for rectangular footings
involves the following two steps:
Step 1: Calculate the radius of an equivalent circular footing for the various modes of displacement using
Table 9-2 and Figure 9-6. For vertical and horizontal (translational) displacements, the equivalent
radius, r 0 , is the radius of a circular footing with the same area as the rectangular footing. For
9 - 14 (Part I)
(After Richart, et al., 1970)
Mode of Vibration Mass (or Inertia) Ratio Dampln2 Coefficient Damping Ratio Equivalent Radius
Vertical Translation
(1-v) m 3.4 r0
2 0.425 r 0 = R Z = JBL/rr.
B, = -- c. = - - .fpG Dz = - -
4 pr/ 1 -v ,/B.
Horizontal Translation
(7-Sv) m 2
4.6 r 0 0.288 r 0 = R X = /BL/rt
(Sliding) B
• =
c, - - - VPG
DX = - -
32 (1-v) pr.3
2-v JB.
X- and Y-axis Rocking
B,p =
3 (1 -v)
(1 -v) (1 +B,p)
D,p =
(l+B,i,)JB; r 0 = R1JI. = [ 16(:~L)
r 0 =R =[16(B) (L)r
1Jly 37t
Ba =
4 JB 8 • pG
1 +2B 8
De =
1 +2B 8
r =R
0 ,P,
=[16BL(B +L
Noles: m mass of the foundalion
c damping coefficient (cu c., c•, c8 )
I momenl of inerlia of lhe foundalion
p mass densily of foundation soil
r. equivalent radius (R., R,, Rt)
B = widlh of lhe foundation (along axis of rolalion for rocking)
L lenglh of lhe foundalion (in lhe plane of rotation for rocking)
G shear modulus of the soil
v Poisson's ratio of lhe soil
D damping ratio (D., D,. Dt, D8 )
9 - 15 (Part I)
,-- -,
1 I
rocking and torsional motions, the calculation of the equivalent radius is more complicated, as
it depends on the moment of inertia of the footing. The equivalent radius is then used in the
equations from Section 9.2.3 to solve for the baseline stiffness coefficients KEcr in
Equation 9-11.
Step 2: Find the shape factor a to be used in Equation 9-11 using Figure 9-7. This figure gives the shape
factors for various aspect ratios (LIB) for the various modes of displacement discussed in
Section 9.2.3.
Embedment Effects
The influence of embedment on the response of a shallow foundation is described in detail in Lam and
Martin (1986). The values of the foundation embedment factor ~ from that study are presented in
Figure 9-8 for values of DIR less than or equal to 0.5 and in Figure 9-9 for values of DIR larger than 0.5.
For cases where the top of the footing is below the ground surface, it is recommended that the thickness
of the ground above the top of the footing be ignored and the thickness of the footing (not the actual depth
of embedment Df) be used to calculate the embedrnent ratio (DIR) in determining the embedment factor
Implementation of Dynamic Response Analyses
Typically, the geotechnical engineer provides values for terms of the stiffness matrix to the structural
engineer for use in the dynamic response analysis. Based upon the results of the analysis, the structural
engineer should then provide the peak dynamic loads and deformations of the foundation elements back
to the geotechnical engineer. The geotechnical engineer then compares the dynamic loads and
deformations to acceptable values to ascertain if the seismic performance of the foundation is acceptable.
9 - 16 (Part I)
1.15 d..___,~--;-->'i?,
~ z
'-'- 1.10 -------··---·-··--·--·--··-
0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Figure 9-7: Shape Factor a for Rectangular Footings. (Lam and Martin, 1986)
Figure 9-8: Embedment Factors for Footings with DIR < 0.5. (Lam and Martin, 1986)
9 - 17 (Part I)
-----·y--------. ··-·--······ 8.0
' ~v i
V l. :
! ' j " -~ .,, 2.0
i ! .
Figure 9-9: Embedment Factors for Footings with DIR > 0.5. (Lam and Martin, 1986)
If the foundation loads or deformations are unacceptable or if the stiffness coefficients depend upon the
amount of deformation or on the magnitude of the dynamic load, iteration may be required to achieve a
satisfactory foundation design. Even when a dynamic response analysis is employed to evaluate the seismic
performance of a shallow foundation, the gross stability of the foundation must still be evaluated using
pseudo-static analysis for bearing capacity and sliding resistance, as described in Section 9.2.2.
9.3.1 General
Deep foundations are often used under the following foundation conditions (Lam and Martin, 1986):
Typical deep foundation systems for highway bridges include pile group (with or without battered piles),
single column drilled shaft and pile bent foundations (see Figure 9-10). The pile group system (pile
9 - 18 (Part I)
Figure 9-10: Commonly Used Deep Foundations for Highway Bridges. (Lam and Martin, 1986)
9 - 19 (Part I)
footings) is the most commonly used deep foundation system for support of highway bridge structures.
Piles used for this system may include steel H piles, pipe piles (concrete filled or unfilled), timber piles,
cast-in-place concrete piles, precast concrete piles, and precast-prestressed concrete piles. The single
column drilled shaft and the pile bent foundations systems differ from the pile footing system in that no
footings (or caps) are used and the substructures extends below ground as large diameter bridge drilled
shafts or smaller diameter pile extensions. In general, the rotational stiffness of the drilled shafts and pile
extensions tend to be much lower than that of the pile footings. Therefore, foundation displacement
evaluation and the consideration of foundation compliance in the bridge dynamic response analysis are
particularly important for these foundation systems.
The construction aspects and design procedures for estimating axial load capacity of various pile/drilled
shaft foundation systems are detailed in Module 8 (Deep Foundations). This chapter focuses on the
evaluation and modeling procedures under seismic loading conditions. Since there are many common
aspects in the behavior of piles and drilled shafts under seismic loading conditions, in the remainder of this
chapter the term pile will be used to discuss the general seismic design methodologies for deep foundation.
The discussion on piles also applies to other types of deep foundations, unless noted otherwise.
Deep foundation failures may be divided into two types. The first type of failure involves large
displacements of the foundation soil resulting from instability generated within the soil, such as that caused
by liquefaction or embankment/slope instability. The mechanism for this type of failure is described in
detail in Chapters 7 and 8. The second type of failure involves the yielding or failure of the foundation
elements due to excessive seismic forces transmitted from the structure to the foundation. Figure 9-11
shows the potential failure modes for a typical pile footings. As indicated, the failure modes can be
classified as follows (Buckle and Friedland, 1994):
If the shear and flexural failures of the footing and the anchorage failure of the column steel will not occur,
then the capacity of the foundation will be governed by pile failure. It should be noted that pile uplift may
be limited by pullout of the pile from the footing or by insufficient soil frictional resistance along the pile.
In addition to the potential failure modes presented above, the design should also consider the lateral and
rotational movements of the foundation. Foundation movements that are larger than desirable may be
harmful to the superstructure and render the bridge unfunctional.
(1) Using preliminary earthquake-induced forces (from the superstructure) provided by the structural
engineer, perform a trial design by selecting initial pile/shaft size and arrangement (layout). The
9 - 20 (Part I)
Figure 9-11: Potential Failure Modes for Pile Foundations. (Buckle and Friedland, 1994)
9 - 21 (Part I)
earthquake-induced forces should include moments, shears and axial loads applied to the top of
the pile/shaft group.
(2) Determine the load distribution (of the earthquake-induced forces) to the individual pile/shaft
elements in axial, shear and bending so that the pile/shaft can be properly sized for its structural
as well as geotechnical capacity.
(3) Compute the displacements and equivalent stiffness of the foundation (lateral as well as rotational).
Check the foundation displacements against the allowable values, if applicable. Two methods have
been widely used in design practice to model the foundation stiffness: (a) equivalent cantilever
model, and (b) foundation stiffness matrix model. These two methods will be discussed in detail
in Section 9.3.6.
(4) Reanalyze the earthquake-induced forces (by structural engineers) incorporating the equivalent
foundation stiffness derived in step (3) into the bridge response analysis. The displacements of the
superstructure should also be checked to ensure the adequacy of the bridge performance during
(5) With the new set of earthquake-induced forces, modify the pile/shaft design and adjust the
foundation stiffness as required. Steps (2) through (5) are repeated until the forces are compatible
with the foundation stiffness used.
As shown in Figure 9-12, the basic problem of the seismic response of a pile foundation involves the
distribution of a set of superstructure loads into the surrounding soil mass through the pile members. The
general case involves consideration of the same six degrees of freedom considered in the design of shallow
foundations; that is, three components of translational forces (an axial and two lateral shear forces) and
three components of rotational moments (a torsional moment about the pile axis and two rotational
moments about two orthogonal horizontal axes) along the pile member. For convenience in design
analyses, the axial support characteristics of the pile are assumed to be independent of the lateral support
characteristics. This assumption is usually justified because lateral soil reactions are usually concentrated
along the top 5 to 10 pile diameters whereas the axial soil resistance of the pile is typically developed at
greater depths. Therefore, the axial and lateral soil support behavior of the pile can be analyzed
In evaluating the response of the pile or pile group to lateral loads, the lateral displacement of the pile or
pile group is evaluated and compared to acceptable levels of displacement. In evaluating response to
vertical loads, the loads on the pile are compared to the uplift and compressive capacities of the pile. In
both lateral and vertical loading analyses, the structural capacity of the pile and pile cap must also be
compared to the applied loads.
Under even relatively small lateral loads, some portion of the soil mass may yield during loading.
Typically, this yielding will occur near the soil surface. Furthermore, in most situations, several different
layers of soil will be encountered along the length of the pile. Therefore, a realistic approach to dynamic
analysis of pile foundations should account for the nonlinear behavior of near-surface soils and the layered
nature of typical soil profiles. In view of these constraints, current design practice usually models the soil
support characteristics along the pile by discrete nonlinear springs. Analysis of such a soil-pile system
usually involves modeling the pile as a beam-column supported by one set of lateral springs and another
9 - 22 (Part I)
'-? 8
Figure 9-12: Three-Dimensional Soil Pile Interaction. (After Bryant and Matlock, 1977)
set of axial springs. The support curves characterizing the lateral soil reaction versus lateral pile deflection
are usually referred to as p-y curves. The corresponding curves for the axial load transfer characteristics
of the pile is referred to as t-z curves. Torsional resistance against rotation of individual piles is usually
ignored or assumed to be negligible for highway bridges, as most deep highway foundations are supported
by pile groups and torsional loads on pile groups become resolved as lateral loads on the individual piles.
The constraint at the head of a pile can have a significant influence on lateral load response of the pile.
Piles free to rotate at the head will generally undergo larger lateral displacements than fixed-head piles
subject to the same load. However, fixed-head piles may induce large moments at the head of the pile.
Both the pile and pile cap must then be designed to accommodate this moment.
A comprehensive coverage on seismic analysis of pile foundations is provided in Lam and Martin (1986).
Martin and Lam (1995) present additional, updated information on seismic design of pile foundations. The
discussion provided herein will touch on only the key aspects of this problem. The readers are referred
to Lam and Martin (1986), Martin and Lam (1995), and to the other references cited in this chapter for
in-depth coverage of the subject.
Because of the inherently variable and nonlinear nature of soil, there is seldom any advantage in attempting
to apply closed form mathematical solutions or in developing design charts for seismic design of pile
foundations. Analysis of the response of piles to lateral loading is most conveniently accomplished using
established computer programs. A variety of computer programs for the lateral and vertical load response
9 - 23 (Part I)
of piles and pile groups are commercially available. Most of these programs use methods developed by
Reese and his co-workers (e.g., Reese, et al., 1984; Wang and Reese, 1991). Many of these programs
have user-friendly input and output routines and thus can be easily used by most geotechnical engineers,
even those with limited computer training. Some of the widely used computer programs for this purpose
include COM624P (FHWA-SA-91-048, 1993) for laterally loaded single pile analyses and GROUP (Reese,
et al., 1994) for laterally loaded pile group analyses. These programs analyze lateral pile/pile group
response using finite-difference models of the pile along with non-linear springs (p-y and t-z springs) as
depicted in Figure 9-13.
~. t
9 - 24 (Part I)
The construction of a full set of p-y curves for the analysis of a laterally loaded pile involves calculating
p-y curves at selected depths along the length of the pile. Calculations for p-y curves for laterally loaded
piles are described in detail by Reese, et al. (1984). These calculations are typically performed internally
by the computer program based upon input soil types and shear strength parameters. For example, the
COM624P program provides internally generated p-y curves for the following soil and water table
The required soil input parameters for generating these p-y curves typically consist of the following:
Typical values of E50 and K; are presented in Table 9-3 (Hannigan, et al., FHWA-HI-97-013, 1997). A
typical p-y curve for soft clay is shown in Figure 9-14, where the soil resistance pis normalized to the
ultimate resistance of the soil, P., and the soil/pile deflection y is normalized to the deflection at ½ the
ultimate soil resistance, y50 • The ultimate soil resistance can be derived from c., and the value of y50
shown in Figure 9-14 is a function of E50 •
In general, interpolations are done internally in the computer program to provide p-y characteristics at
additional points between the points where p-y curves are input. The additional points generated by the
computer should be spaced at about one-half the pile diameter to provide good resolution for the distributed
soil support. Placement ofp-y curves typically includes the top and bottom (or assumed bottom for a very
long pile) of the pile. Since the lateral response of a pile is concentrated close to the soil surface,
additional p-y curves are generally placed at closer spacings near the top of the pile. Usually, the pile
response is relatively insensitive to p-y curves prescribed at greater depths. However, p-y curves should
be placed at the top and bottom of all significant soil layers. In the analysis of a laterally loaded pile, the
pile can usually be cut off at 30 to 40 diameters below the ground surface without affecting the lateral
behavior of the upper part of the pile.
Typical output information from the laterally loaded pile analysis (e.g., using COM624P) includes the
computed pile deflections, bending moments, stresses, shear, and soil reaction forces as functions of depths
below the pile head. A typical graphical presentation of these output results is shown in Figure 9-15.
For evaluating the vertical response of piles subject to dynamic loading, t-z curves are generally calculated
9 - 25 (Part I)
TYPICAL VALUES OF K; AND C50 (Hannigan, et al., 1997)
9 - 26 (Part I)
0 "-:""".~-----,,----~
1.0 8.0
Mb y s-~
P dx
Pile-QL - r,,,.
9 - 27 (Part I)
over the entire length of the pile. Rules for specifying t-z curves are similar to those cited above for
specifying p-y curves. Procedures for evaluating t-z curves are provided by Lam and Martin (1986).
Analysis of piles and pile groups subjected to dynamic vertical loads is also usually performed using
commercially available computer programs.
Group Effects
One of the most difficult problems in evaluating the lateral response of pile foundations is the evaluation
of group effects on pile stiffness. Historically, group effects have been generally addressed in two different
manners. Either the stiffness of the p-y curves of the individual piles are decreased to account for group
effects, or the pile group is analyzed as an equivalent single pile. As knowledge of the influence of group
effects on the behavior of the individual piles has increased, use of equivalent single pile analyses has
decreased. In practice today, equivalent single pile analyses should only be used for large groups of
closely spaced piles where appropriate guidelines for the behavior of individual piles within the group are
not available.
The behavior of individual piles within a 3 x 3 group of piles founded in sand has been discussed by
Brown, et al. (1988), McVay, et al. (1995), and Pinto, et al. (1997). The findings of these investigations
may be summarized as follows:
• for center-to-center spacing, S, greater than SD (S pile diameters), group effects are negligible and
may be ignored;
• for center-to-center spacing of SD or less, the behavior of individual piles within the group
depends upon the relative density of the sand and position within the group;
• group efficiency, defined as the actual capacity of the group divided by the ideal capacity of the
group if there was no group effect, decreases with decreasing spacing (capacity is defined as the
lateral load at a lateral deformation of 76 mm); and
• the lead row of piles in the group shows a stiffer lateral load response than trailing rows.
Table 9-4 summarizes the results of centrifuge model tests in sand from Pinto, et al. (1997) illustrating
these effects. The term "multipliers" in this table refers to the multiplier (or reduction factor) applied to
the load term (p) of a single pile p-y curve in order to represent the behavior of the pile within the pile
group, as illustrated in Figure 9-16. The p-y multipliers shown in this table are consistent with those
recommended by Brown, et al. (1988). The reduction in stiffness and capacity for piles in the trailing rows
is often referred to as the "shadow" effect. For groups of 4 x 4 or larger, piles in row 4 or greater may
be assumed to behave similarly to the piles in the third row of the 3 x 3 group due to the shadow effect.
While no similar data on group effects is available for piles in clay, pile groups in stiff clay may be
assumed to behave like pile groups in dense sand and pile groups in soft clay may be assumed to behave
like piles in loose sand with respect to the shadow effect.
Brown and Bollmann (1996) provided a general guideline in pile/shaft group design using the p-multiplier
concept. The recommended "p-multiplier" values as a function of row position and pile spacing are
presented in Table 9-5. It should be noted that these values are more representative of pile group effect
when lateral deflection of the pile is on the order of about 10 percent of the pile diameter. For smaller
deflections, the p-multiplier values tend to approach 1. 0.
9 - 28 (Part I)
(Pinto, et al., 1997)
Spacing I Dr > 90%(l) I Dr = 55% I Dr = 45% I Dr = 33% Dr= 17%
Free Head (3D)
p-1P,ota1 .45 .32 .23 .41 .32 .27 .41 .32 .27 .37 .33 .30 .37 .33 .30
Multipliers 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.45 0.3 0.65 0.45 0.35
Efficiency 0.74 0.73 0.73
Load (kN) 1,050 807
Free Head (5D)
p-1P10ta1 .36 .33 .31 .35 .33 .31 .36 .33 .31
Multipliers 1.0 0.85 0.7 1.0 0.85 0.7
Efficiency 0.95 0.92
Load (kN) 1,440 1,135
Fixed Head (3D)
Load (kN) 1,628 (+55%)<2 > 1,094 (+36)<2>
Fixed Head (SD)
Load (kN) 2,028 ( +41 %)(2) 1,334 ( + 18%)(2)
Notes: <> Field Load Test by Brown, et al. (1988).
<> Increase in capacity relative to free head (at 76 mm of deflection).
(Brown and BoDmann, 1996, Hannigan, et al., 1997)
Row Spacing Front Row 2nd Row 3rd & More Rows
3D 0.8 0.45 0.35
4D 0.9 0.65 0.55
SD 1.0 0.85 0.75
9 - 29 (Pan I)
p i--- Reduced Resistance
Pr = (p-Multiplier)•Pu
The foundation stiffness of pile/shaft foundations may vary widely. For instance, a pile/shaft supported
footing foundation may display an equivalent rotational stiffness an order of magnitude that of a single
column drilled shaft or pile extension foundation. The dynamic response of the overall bridge may be
significantly affected by the foundation compliance. It affects the computation of the oscillator period of
the structure and changes the distribution of the forces and moments in the structure. The magnitude of
the superstructure displacement is also highly dependent on the foundation stiffness.
As discussed earlier, the stiffness of a pile/shaft foundation can be incorporated into the seismic response
analysis of the bridge by various methods. The two most widely used methods are the equivalent cantilever
method and the foundation stiffness matrix method (see Figure 9-17). The equivalent cantilever method
has the advantage of simplicity, eliminating the need for a detailed foundation model. The foundation
stiffness matrix method, on the other hand, is the most general method of representation of foundation
stiffness and generally provides a more accurate assessment.
This method assumes that an equivalent cantilever column can be used to model the pile/shaft foundation.
The depth to the cantilever fixity is adjusted so as to give either the same stiffness at the ground level or
the same maximum bending moment as in the actual pile/shaft system. Figure 9-18 is a schematic sketch
showing the equivalent cantilever method based on the equal deflection (stiffness) assumption. The
equivalent depth to fixity is primarily a function of the relative stiffness of the pile and soil. Typical ranges
for the effective depth to fixity are from 3 to 9 pile diameter. The low end value corresponds to piles in
very stiff sites.
9 - 30 (Part I)
Figure 9-17: Methods for Representing Deep Foundation Stiffness, (a) Schematic of a Bridge-Pile
System, (b) Foundation Stiffness Matrix Method, and (c) Equivalent Cantilever Method
(Buckle et al., 1987).
In relatively competent sites, the use of this method will give satisfactory results. It is widely used for
preliminary design purposes or for design of regular highway bridges that are not considered as critical
The general form of the stiffness matrix for a pile/shaft foundation is the same as that for the shallow
footing as presented in Figure 9-3, except that the cross coupling stiffness coefficient, which are generally
ignored for shallow footings, are included for pile/shaft foundations. Calculations of these coefficient are
normally done by performing laterally loaded pile or pile group analyses, as discussed in sections 9.3.4
and 9.3.5. In the analysis, a single pile or pile group is modeled explicitly in the soil mass, using non-
linear spring (i.e., p-y and t-z curves) distributed along the pile length.A procedure proposed by Lam,
Martin and Imbsen (1991) for a pile/shaft supported footing foundation is summarized as follows:
(1) Solve for the stiffness matrix of a single pile under lateral loading. The computer program
COM624P (1993) can be used for this purpose.
9 - 31 (Part I)
""' ...... ...... ...... _ C:
·- 0
-~ -as
0 :J
g- 0
II u,
9 - 32 (Part I)
(2) Solve for the stiffness of a single pile under axial loading.
(3) Determine the pile group reduction factors (p-multipliers); refer to section 9.3.5.
(4) Superimpose the stiffness of individual piles to obtain the pile group stiffness, taking into account
the group reduction effect.
(5) Determine the stiffness contribution of the pile cap. This additional stiffness results primarily from
the passive resistance on the vertical surface of the cap.
(6) Superimpose the stiffness of the pile cap to the pile group.
Strictly speaking, nonlinear pile solutions under lateral loading in layered soil deposits usually require the
aid of computer models, such as the computer program COM624P cited above. Analysis using non-linear
p-y curves is the state-of-practice for evaluating lateral pile stiffness for highway bridges. However, linear
representation of the soil stiffness can also yield solutions of reasonable accuracy provided that the soil
conditions are not highly variable and the expected lateral deflection of the pile is within a reasonable range
(i.e., between 10 mm and 25 mm). This type of solutions can be derived using the horizontal subgrade
reaction model, which assumes the support springs along the pile are elastic and the stiffness of the springs
is independent of the pile diameter and vary linearly with depth. The recommended coefficients of
variation of subgrade modulus for sand and for clay are presented in Figure 9-19 and Figure 9-20,
Using the subgrade reaction model described above, Lam (1995) has developed a series of linear pile-head
stiffness charts to expedite soil-pile analysis under lateral loading, as shown in Figure 9-21 through 9-27.
These design charts reflect the relationship between applied pile head lateral loads and moments and the
corresponding lateral deflections. The design charts provide stiffness values for various pile-head
embedment and boundary conditions, which significantly affects pile stiffness. It is important that the pile-
cap connection be properly accounted for. For example, an assumption of a free pile head may be
appropriate for timber and steel pile with minimal pile head embedment into the pile-cap. On the other
hand, an assumption of fixed head condition may be warranted for concrete piles with proper
reinforcement steel/dowels into the pile-cap. Because of the ease of their use, these simplified design
charts are particularly useful for preliminary design or sensitivity evaluations.
The earthquake-induced design forces for the foundation are generally taken as twice the seismic forces
in the column. Alternatively, the foundation can also be designed to resist the forces corresponding to the
column yield demands. (i.e., forces corresponding to column plastic hinges). The intent of these design
requirements is to ensure the failure would not occur in the foundation components and limit the damage
to exposed locations.
Single column drilled shafts and pile extensions (see Figure 9-10) are the exceptions to the design
philosophy to avoid seismic damage below ground level. Historically, there has been a number of
foundation problems associated with pile extensions. However, drilled shafts tend to performed better.
This may be attributed to the large diameter of the shaft allowing more ductile details as compared to
conventional piles used for pile extensions.
9 - 33 (Part I)
2s· 29" J~ 38• -c 1.
- I t""--. M- .
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9 - 34 (Part I)
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9 - 35 (Part I)
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N Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
0 Modulus with Depth, t (LB/IN 3 )
' I I
"""I I I It 11111
1010 11
10 10 12
, K~
=Ki;· "R;-
= 0.41
I lb/in 3 = 272 kN/m 3
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9 · 36 (Part I)
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Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
Modulus with Depth, f (LB/1N3 )
' I • • • •. f' ' ' • f •••
, /
P1 = K0•ll+ Koe· 0
M 1=Koell+K 0 ·8
K = 1.0765·E·I
T3 I lb/in 3 = 272 kN/m 3
ill..'!1/5 I ksf= 48 kPa
T = \-f7 I lb/in= 0.1752 kN/m
I lb-in'= 2.87x 10-6 kN-m 2
9 - 37 (Part I)
' 11 I I I
z< Q
i5 0
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I I I I I IU j
II I I I I I I I 1j
Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
Modulus with Depth, I (LB/IN 3)
9 · 38 (Part I)
' ' I 111 I I I t t
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./1/1 I I ,,1
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I! Ii I I Coeff. of Variation of Soil Reaction
- ,........,r, !
0 Modulus with Depth, I (LBnN 3 )
I I I 'I 'I • I I • I I I I I I • • • I I •• I I I It I 001
1010 1013
Pt= K,;-6+ Koe·8
, I
Koe= 0.999·E·l
T = \l-/ I lb/in 3 = 272 kN/rn 3
I ksf= 48 kPa
I lb/in= 0.1752 kN/m
I lb-in 2 = 2.87x I 0· 6 kN-m 2
9 - 39 (Part I)
0 . •'I Ill
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. 10'
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~ ;.
f ::: 100
..... - ...
: ~------_:..~ ~
-- -
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L... - - - - _.,.,
--- --
...J ---- __ 1.
:z: I = 10
0 ~
I- f = I --
"- I = 0. I -
- .....
.L------1.---' Coeff. or Variolion or Soil Regclion
I- J.lodulus with Oeplh, I (L.8/IH )
I t I I I I I lj
' ' ' " I U
IJ, =
• & + K,,-9
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9 - 40 (Part I)
o : ' ' ' .
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H~ [/ v I,: ..., ~o
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- - P,,6 [, P,
= K, ·
= K,,-
+ K,,9
E, + K, ·6
9 - 41 (Part I)
I I I t Oto
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,- _,. V
l's r-..._ r-- '~ -
:::> V
0 - /' /'
v .,. : ..,:~ I"-. f = 10 -t
I --<
- -. .
C...-, /'
- '
.., . .,.
f =I --
--:: ·-::--
' ~ f = 0.1 -
~- V Coeff. or Voriolion of Soil Refclion -
0 1/
10 10 10 11
Modulus with Depth, I (LB/IN )
10 12
P1 = K, - & + K,,-8
1,1, = K,,· & + K, -8
,,,- I
- P,.&
J,) ;; ) t\
~OO ,,,-
t- -···
( (LB/IN 3)
9 - 42 (Part I)
Soil Strength
Lam and Martin ( 1986) performed a sensitivity study to examine the effects of various factors on the
overall pile behavior. These factors include the p-y curve shape, the gapping effects at the pile head, and
the shear strength of soil. The results indicate that the overall pile behavior is relatively insensitive to
minor variations of the p-y curve (e.g., initial stiffness and curve shape). Primary emphasis should be
placed on assessing the soil strength. This is particularly the case when saturated loose sand and soft clay
foundation soils are encountered. Current FHWA/AASHTO guidelines recommend the consideration of
potential for strength and stiffness degradation under repeated cyclic loading in these soils (refer to Chapter
It should also be noted that current design practice is to use the ultimate capacity of the foundation
supporting medium in designing for seismic loads. Because of the transient nature of these loads, even
when the ultimate capacity is reached the foundation is expected to experience limited deformation and
collapse of the structure is unlikely. This assumption enables cost effective design and construction of
foundations in highly seismic area.
It is not unusual for piles in pile groups to be subjected to significant uplift resulting from seismic loading.
The moment applied by the seismic lateral force to the pile cap is typically resisted by axial loads in the
piles. Thus, the outermost piles in the group can be subjected to relatively large cyclic axial loads.
Experience with seismic analysis of pile foundations for seismic retrofitting of bridges in California
indicates that foundation piles, subjected to such uplift loads, reach or exceed their tensile capacity. This
is particularly the case for single column bent pile footings where additional uplift capacity is necessary
to resist large overturning moments. Numerous pile foundations for bridges in California have been
and/or are currently scheduled for retrofit due to inadequate tensile capacity compared to peak seismic
uplift loads.
Analogy with the seismic response of embankments and slopes would indicate that the tensile capacity of
piles should only have to be a portion of the peak uplift load during seismic loading. Exceeding the uplift
capacity for only a few cycles of loading should result in only limited permanent deformation of the pile.
The analogy can also be interpreted as follows. In a multi-pile group, the pile cap should not suffer any
permanent deformation until all piles in the "outboard" half of the pile group have reached their tensile
capacity. If even one pile subject to uplift remains within the load limit, unrecoverable rotation of the cap
should not occur. Lam and Martin ( 1997) have demonstrated the tradeoff between the additional capacity
derived by allowing some of the piles in a group to yield in tension and the resulting permanent
displacement of the pile caps. In general, permanent displacements are small provided at least one pile
in the cap has not yielded. The above discussion is consistent with AASHTO (1994) recommendations.
In Section 6.4.2(b), AASHTO suggests that some separation between end bearing foundations and the
subsoil is permitted, provided that the foundation soil is not susceptible to loss of strength under the
imposed cyclic loading. For pile groups, the separation may reach up to one-half the end bearing area of
the pile group. In Section 6.4.2(c), AASHTO recommends that the ultimate capacity of the piles be used
in designing the foundation for uplift forces. However, these recommendations should be considered with
structural requirements including embedment length of the pile in the pile cap and the detailing of the
Specifically, AASHTO requires that all piles be properly anchored to the pile footing or cap. The
embedment length of concrete piles should be sufficient to develop uplift forces but should not be less than
9 - 43 (Part I)
the development length required for the reinforcement. For concrete-filled pipe piles, the pile head should
be anchored into the footing or cap by at least 4 reinforcing steel dowels. For timber and steel H piles,
including unfilled pipe piles, special anchoring devices should be provided to develop the full uplift forces.
In general, steel piles, including concrete filled pipe piles, are more favored in highly seismic areas
because their superior characteristics in ductility and shear resistance. Concrete piles tend to hinge or
shatter at the location immediately below the pile cap, thereby requiring reduced tie spacing for better
concrete confinement.
Pile-supported structures have perfonned extremely well in areas subject to liquefaction in recent
earthquakes. Notable examples include the performance of pile-supported container cranes at the Port of
Oakland in the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989 and the performance of pile-supported buildings on Port
Island in the Kobe earthquake of 1995.
In many earthquakes where liquefaction occurs, the soil may not liquefy until the end of the earthquake.
Therefore, during an earthquake piles may still be able to rely on the vertical and lateral support of the soil
in the potentially liquefied zone. However, due to uncertainties as to exactly when liquefaction will occur,
it seems prudent to assign a reduced vertical and lateral resistance to potentially liquefiable soil surrounding
a pile if the pile is expected to function as a load carrying member during and after an earthquake.
Preliminary results by Dobry, et al. ( 1996) suggests that the lateral resistance of a pile in liquefied ground
is approximately 10 percent of the lateral resistance in non-liquefied ground. In characterizing the p-y
relationship of the liquefied zone, it is important that the residual shear strength of the soil be used.
Additionally, this residual shear strength should be limited to a value that does not exceed the drained
strength of the liquefied materials. If a pile foundation in potentially liquefiable soil is expected to carry
lateral loads after the surrounding soil liquefies, batter piles may be required to provide adequate lateral
support. If batter piles are used, the pile cap connections should be designed to sustain concentrated shears
and moment loads induced by lateral movements and the batter piles should be designed to sustain loads
due to soil settlement.
In addition to the inertial superstructure forces (applied to the pile cap), the pile/shaft foundation may also
experience earthquake loading in the fonn of ground displacements. The sources of this form of loading
may include: (1) free-field ground displacement, (2) unstable embankments/slopes, and (3) liquefaction-
induced lateral spreading.
Ground displacements impose forces acting along the length of the piles and pile cap. For the free-field
ground displacement, the forces can be estimated by imposing the peak free-field ground displacement
profile on the pile through p-y springs. The free-field site response analysis program SHAKE can be used
to develop the peak free-field ground displacement profile. In competent sites, the free-field ground
displacement normally does not govern the pile design primarily because the curvature of the ground
displacement profile is small, thereby causing insignificant bending moment in the pile. Nevertheless,
large curvatures could develop at interfaces between soft and stiff soil layers. In such cases the emphasis
should be placed on using flexible ductile piles. Dobry (1990) provided a simplified chart for estimating
bending moment of pile at interfaces between soil layers having a large stiffness contrast.
9 - 44 (Part 1)
ground displacements are generally much larger. The procedures for estimating the ground displacements
due to an unstable embankment/slope and liquefaction-induced lateral spreading are presented in Chapters
7 and 8 respectively. Designing a pile foundation to resist this form of loading is generally not feasible.
Instead, various forms of ground treatment and/or modification of design configuration are often
9.4.1 General
A comprehensive discussion of various types of earth retaining structure systems used for highway
applications is presented in Module 6 (Earth Retaining Structures). Also included in Module 6 are detailed
discussions on wall selection, contracting issues, bidding documents and static design and analysis
procedures for each type of earth retaining structures. The materials presented in the following sections
focus on the seismic design aspects of the retaining structures.
Gravity earth retaining walls subjected to seismic loading have suffered large movements and extensive
damage in earthquakes, even though the retaining structures had been designed with adequate factors of
safety against static earth pressures. In some cases, this damage has been attributed to liquefaction.
However, in some cases, the damage has been attributed to the increase in the magnitude of the lateral
earth pressure during seismic events. Seed and Whitman (1970) have reported several cases of failure of
gravity retaining walls in earthquakes by rotation about the wall-top as a result of the dynamic earth
pressure. Descriptions of damage to gravity retaining structures subjected to earthquakes are also given
by Seed and Whitman (1970), Nazarian and Hadjian (1979), and others. Mechanically Stabilized Earth
(MSE) walls, and soil-nailed walls have, in general, performed very well in earthquakes with no reports
of significant damage. Anchored walls have performed reasonably well in the U.S .. However, when used
as waterfront structures, anchored walls are often vulnerable.
Damage to retaining structures due to earthquakes can be classified using three main categories:
• Damage to gravity retaining walls with saturated backfill: Damage of this type has been frequently
reported for port and harbor structures such as quay walls. Seed and Whitman (1970) suggest that
failure in quay walls from dynamic loads is primarily due to a combination of the increase in the
lateral soil pressure behind the wall, a reduction in water pressure in front of the wall, and possibly
liquefaction of the foundation soil. Liquefaction of retaining wall backfill created large lateral
pressures that are believed to be responsible for outward movements of quay walls as great as
8 meters during recent earthquakes in Japan.
• Damage to gravity retaining walls with unsaturated backfill: Fewer cases of failure of retaining
walls with unsaturated backfill have been reported than for walls with saturated backfill. Jennings
(1971) and Evans (1971) reported movements and failures in retaining walls and bridge abutments
in the San Fernando earthquake. Ross, et al. (1969) reported that as a result of the 1964 Alaskan
earthquake, the flexible deck of a bridge structure buckled due to the movement of retaining walls
in the abutments. Conventional gravity retaining walls supporting elevated portions of the
Shinkansen ("bullet" train) track alignment failed in Kobe in the 1995 earthquake.
• Damage to MSE walls, anchored walls, and soil-nailed walls: Tatsuoka, et al. ( 1995) report that
mechanically stabilized earth walls (reinforced earth walls) along the same stretch of the alignment
where conventional gravity walls failed performed very well in the 1995 Kobe earthquake.
9 - 45 (Part l)
Mechanically stabilized earth walls also performed well in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
There have been no reports of serious damage to anchored walls in earthquakes in the U.S. This
includes several anchored walls in the epicentral region of the Northridge earthquake. In Japan,
however, anchored wall have been shown to suffer significant damage either due to liquefaction
in the backfill soil or the combined effect of dynamic earth pressure and hydrodynamic forces.
Felio, et al. (1990) report that eight soil-nailed walls in the San Francisco Bay area showed no
signs of significant distress as a result of shaking during the Loma Prieta earthquake.
The seismic performance of gravity type retaining walls is most commonly evaluated using pseudo-static
dynamic earth pressure analysis, where the dynamic lateral earth force is estimated as a sum of the initial
static earth force and the increment in active earth force due to the seismic loading. For some cases,
alternative permissible displacement-based approach is also adopted.
During earthquakes, the soil behind a retaining wall exerts a horizontal dynamic earth thrust that is greater
than the static force. The method most frequently used for the calculation of this dynamic earth thrust is
that developed by Mononobe (1929) and Okabe (1926). This pseudo-static approach was developed for dry
cohesionless materials and was based on the following assumptions:
• The wall yields sufficiently to produce minimum active pressure during earthquakes. When a wall
is not allowed to yield sufficiently, the dynamic earth pressure tends to increase and the psuedo-
static approach needs to be adjusted. A recommendation on this adjustment will be presented later.
• The active failure wedge developed behind the wall behaves as a rigid body so that the
accelerations are uniform throughout the soil mass and the effect of earthquake motion is
represented by a pseudo-static inertial force (lciiW,) and (k.W,), where W, is the weight of the
active failure wedge, as shown in Figure 9-28. This is a reasonable assumption in most cases,
except for very high walls where more detailed analyses may be justified.
• The soils behind the wall are not saturated and liquefaction will not occur. When liquefaction
occurs in the backfill zone, soil pressure may be greatly increased due to the loss of strength of
the soil. Furthermore, the effect of hydrodynamic forces of the liquefied soil should also be
Using this approach, the total dynamic active earth thrust, Pae• is expressed by the following equation:
Pac = .!..yH 2 (1-k v )K ae
where K, 0 is given by
co s ($-ljr-6) 2 (9-13b)
K =-----------~---------,--
ae cosljr cos 2 6 cos(o+6+ijr) 1 + sin(q>+o) sin(<l>-tjr-p)] 2
cos(o +6 +w> cos<P-0>
9 - 46 (Part I)
and where:
Figure 9-28: Dynamic Active Forces Behind a Gravity Wall in the Mononobe-Okabe Theory
9 - 47 (Part I)
Figure 9-29, from Lam and Martin (1986), presents values for K.. for values of <I> from 20 to 45 degrees
for vertical walls with level backfill and a wall/backfill interface friction angle equal to cp/2 for horizontal
seismic coefficients and vertical seismic coefficients (i.e., ~ and k.) from Oto 0.5 and from O to 0.2,
It should be noted that the total dynamic earth thrust calculated using Eq. (9-13a) consists of two
components: (1) the static active earth force, P., and (2) the incremental dynamic earth force, .llP••. The
static active earth force can be calculated by assuming ki,=k,,=0 and ljr=O. The incremental dynamic earth
force is simply the difference between the total dynamic earth thrust and the static active earth force
(.llP.. =P•• -P.).
Besides the magnitude of the seismic earth pressure, the distribution of the seismic earth pressure or the
location of the dynamic earth pressure resultant is needed for analyses. The height at which the resultant
of the total dynamic earth thrust, P.., acts on the wall can be divided into two parts. The static force, i.e.,
with no dynamic effect involved, acts at H/3 from the bottom of the retaining wall. The incremental
dynamic force, ~pae• should be taken to act at a height of 0.6H from the bottom. For practical purposes,
it may be assumed that the total seismic active earth pressure is uniformly distributed over the height of
the wall, meaning that the earth pressure resultant acts at the midheight of the wall (i.e., at 0.5H). This
assumption appears appropriate for most highway problems in moderate to high seismic areas .
w 0.
(.) cl>=35°
cn f3=8=kv=O 1,3=8=0
w 6=q,/2
cn 6=cj,/2
Figure 9-29: Effect of Seismic Coefficients and Friction Angle on Seismic Active Pressure Coefficient.
(Lam and Martin, 1986)
9 - 48 (Part I)
In using the Mononobe-Okabe approach, it is necessary to note that the inertial effect of the retaining wall
itself is not taken into account. For gravity type retaining walls, this effect need to be included in stability
analysis (e.g., against sliding and overturning). It should also be noted that, the vertical acceleration is
usually ignored in practice in the design of retaining walls (i.e., k_.=0)
The procedure for seismic stability evaluation of gravity type retaining walls is summarized as follows:
(1) Select an appropriate seismic coefficient, lei,, based on the design earthquake, and assume k_,=0.
(2) Calculate the horizontal inertial force of the gravity wall itself, lei,W, and the dynamic earth thrust, Pac'
using the Mononobe-Okabe equation presented above.
(3) Evaluate sliding, overturning and seismic bearing capacity stability using procedures presented in
Module 6, "Earth Retaining Structures".
Like any pseudo-static analysis, the major challenge in applying the Mononobe-Okabe theory is selection
of an appropriate seismic coefficient. Evidence from shaking table and centrifuge model testing,
summarized by Whitman (1990), indicates that the peak ground acceleration should be used to evaluate
the peak lateral earth pressure on a retaining wall. Thus, for critical facilities with walls that can
accommodate very little deformations, use of the peak ground acceleration divided by the acceleration of
gravity as the seismic coefficient may be warranted. In some extreme cases, where the walls are rigid and
restrained from any lateral movements such that active soil wedge behind the wall cannot be mobilized,
the dynamic earth force will be greater than that given by the Mononobe-Okabe analysis. For very critical
structures under this condition, it is recommended that the incremental dynamic component of the earth
force, ~P•• , be increased by a factor of 1.5. It is a design practice to allow lower factors of safety for
retaining wall stability analyses under the design seismic loading condition. Generally, if the seismic
coefficient, lei,, is assumed to be equal to the peak ground acceleration value, factors of safety between 1.0
to 1.1 are considered acceptable for bearing capacity and sliding resistance. For overturning stability,
factors of safety ranging from 1.3 to 1.5 are typically used in practice. If a reduced seismic coefficient
is used (as discussed in the following paragraphs) it is recommended that factors of safety between 1.1 and
1.2 be used for bearing capacity and sliding stability evaluations and a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 for
overturning stability evaluation.
However, for retaining walls that are allowed to accommodate some limited deformations, the design may
become overly conservative if the peak ground acceleration is used, particularly in high seismic areas.
Most retaining walls for highway applications can accommodate a small amount of displacement without
jeopardizing their functions. To provide a more economical structure, a reduced seismic acceleration
coefficient smaller than the peak ground acceleration may be used, provided that the wall is detailed to
accommodate a small tolerable displacement. This so-called "Permissible Displacement Approach"
procedure is recommended by FHWA (Lam and Martin, 1986) and will be presented next.
Several theories were developed to account for the displacement and rotation of walls during an
earthquake. Richards and Elms (1979) extended the work of Franklin and Chang (1977) on seismic
deformation of earth dams to gravity retaining walls. The approach is similar to the method suggested by
Newmark (1965) to evaluate the amount of slip displacements occurring in dams and embankments during
earthquakes (see Chapter 7 of this module). The results of their study along with those obtained by
Newmark (1965) and Franklin and Chang (1977) are shown in Figure 9-30. This figure is a plot of the
9 - 49 (Part I)
- - - Various Equations
Proposed by
0 ')
..... v 2 N~ 1
Newmark (1965)
Richards- Elms
Equation (1979)
- dR
> Ag A
:E y2 N-4
(.) dR =·0.087 Ag
a: Range of computed I V 2 N -2
displacements (all data> dR =--(-)
0 2Ag A
la.I ofter Franklin and
N 1.0 Chong ( 1977)
:E I V 2 N-2 N
a= dR =- - (-) {I--)
0 2 Ag A A
Figure 9-30: Range of Normalized Displacements Using Newmark Sliding Block Model, and Various
Equations Approximating the Upper Envelope (Richard and Ehns, 1979).
9 - 50 (Part I)
nonnalized residual displacement, dR,versus the ratio of transmittable acceleration, N, to peak ground
acceleration, A. These data were obtained from numerous strong motion records from previous
earthquakes. It is clear that there is considerable scatter in the calculated displacements, primarily due to
the differing characteristics of the various earthquake records. The figure also shows several fonnula
suggested by various other investigators. As indicated, these fonnula tend to yield upper bound estimates
of the residual displacements. Since in most applications the ratio NIA ranges between 0.3 and 0.7,
AASHTO has recommended to use the formula derived by Richards and Elms (1979), expressed in any
consistent set of units, for the displacement of a gravity wall.
where dR is the displacement, V is the peak velocity of the earthquake record, N is the peak seismic
resistance coefficient sustainable by the wall before it slides (equal to the yield acceleration coefficient of
the retaining wall divided by gravity), and A is the peak ground acceleration.
In the absence of information on the time history of velocity, the following values may be used:
A design procedure employing the permissible displacement approach for a gravity type retaining wall is
outlined as follows:
(1) Determine the allowable displacement, d, of the wall. The allowable displacement will depend on the
allowable settlement that may be tolerated in the backfill, the alignment of the wall, any impact on
adjacent facilities, and others.
(2) Select an appropriate peak ground acceleration coefficient, A, and peak ground velocity, V, based on
the design earthquake.
(3) Derive the seismic resistance coefficient, N, sustainable by the wall using Eq 9-14 and the parameters
A, V and dR( =d) detennined above.
(4) Using Ki,=N and assuming K.,=0, calculate the horizontal inertial force of the gravity wall itself, Ki,W,
and the dynamic active earth thrust, P••, using the Mononobe-Okabe equation presented previously.
(5) Evaluate sliding, overturning and seismic bearing capacity stability using procedures presented in
Module 6 (Earth Retaining Structures).
For most design purposes, it has been shown (Elms and Martin, 1979) that a design value of Ki, =0.5A is
adequate, provided that the wall can accommodate an outward displacement of up to about 250A mm.
Seismic design and analysis of MSE walls are, in many aspects, very similar to that for gravity type
retaining walls. The primary difference is that an internal seismic stability analysis should also be
perfonned as part of the design for MSE walls. The internal stability analysis incorporates the effects of
the inertial force generated by the reinforced soil volume on individual reinforcing element during an
earthquake as a pseudo-static horizontal load. The FHWA has recently published design guidelines for
seismic design and analysis for MSE walls (Elias and Christopher, 1996). According to these guidelines,
9 - 51 (Part I)
the external stability analysis for MSE walls follows a procedure similar to that presented for gravity type
retaining walls, except that different assumptions were used in the selection of design seismic coefficient
and in the consideration of the inertial forces of the reinforced soil mass and the backfill. A detailed design
procedure for MSE walls (Elias and Christopher, 1996) is presented below.
During an earthquake, the retained fill exerts an incremental dynamic horizontal thrust, AP.0 , on the MSE
wall in addition to the static thrust, P•. Moreover, the reinforced soil mass is subjected to a horizontal
inertia force Pm =MA,,,, where Mis the mass of the active portion of the reinforced wall section assumed
at a base width of 0.5H, and A,,, is the maximum horizontal acceleration in the reinforced soil wall (see
Figure 9-31).
The force APae can be evaluated by the Mononobe-Okabe analysis (presented for the gravity type retaining
walls) and added to the static forces acting on the wall (weight, surcharge, and static thrust). The dynamic
stability with respect to external stability is then evaluated. Allowable minimum dynamic safety factors
are assumed as 75 percent of the static safety factors.
(1) Select a peak horizontal ground acceleration (free field peak acceleration) based on the design
earthquake. If a site-specific seismic hazard analysis is not performed, the peak free field ground
acceleration coefficient may be obtained from Division IA of current AASHTO where it is given as
A, Acceleration Coefficient.
where A = maximum free field ground acceleration coefficient, AASHTO, Division IA.
A.n = maximum wall acceleration coefficient at the centroid of the wall mass.
(3) Calculate the horizontal inertia force PJR and the incremental dynamic earth thrust AP.0 :
where y, is the unit weight of the reinforced soil mass and yf is the unit weight of the retained backfill.
Note that the equation for Ap.0 shown above was developed assuming a friction angle of 30 degrees
and may be adjusted for the other soil friction angles using the Mononabe-Okabe analysis.
(4) Add to the static force P. (see Figure 9-31) acting on the structure, 50 percent of the seismic thrust
APae and the full inertial force P1R. The reduced .6.P. is used because these two forces are unlikely to
peak simultaneously.
9 - 52 (Part I)
Mass for inertial force Reinforcement layer
Retained backfill
9 - 53 (Part I)
(5) For structures with sloping backfills, the inertial force (P1R) and the dynamic horizontal thrust (.6.P.J
shall be based on a height H 2 near the back of the wall determined as follows:
.6.p.c may be adjusted for sloping backfills using the Mononobe-Okabe method, with the horizontal
acceleration Kb equal to ~ and K_, equal to zero. A height of H2 should be used to calculate .6.Pac in
this case. PIR for sloping backfills should be calculated as follows:
where P;r is the inertial force caused by acceleration of the reinforced backfill and P;, is the inertial
force caused by acceleration of the sloping soil surcharge above the reinforced backfill, with the width
of mass contributing to Pm equal to 0.5H2 • Pm acts at the combined centroid of Pir and P;, as shown
in Figure 9-31. .6.K,,. should be computed as .6.K,,.= K..-K., where K.. is given by Eq. 9-13b presented
previously for gravity type walls and K. is the static earth pressure coefficient, which can be calculated
using the same equation with lj,=0.
(6) Evaluate sliding, overturning and seismic bearing capacity stability as detailed in the previous sections.
(7) Check that the computed safety factors are equal to or greater than 75 percent of the minimum static
safety factors.
Note that seismic loads may be reduced if the wall is designed to allow horizontal displacements. The
permissible displacement method presented in Section 9.4.2 for the gravity type retaining walls is also
applicable for the MSE wall design
Seismic loads produce an inertial force P1 acting horizontally within the active zone (see Figure 9-32), in
addition to the existing static forces.
This force will lead to incremental dynamic increases in the maximum tensile forces in the reinforcements.
It is assumed that the location and slope of the maximum tensile force line does not change during seismic
loading (this assumption is conservative relative to pullout resistance). Calculation steps for internal
stability analyses with respect to seismic loading are as follows (see Figure 9-32).
(1) Calculate the maximum acceleration in the wall and the force P1 per unit width acting above the base:
9 - 54 (Part I)
Am = (1.45 -A)A (9-24)
where, WA is the weight of the active zone (shaded area on Figure 9-32) and A is the AASHTO site
acceleration coefficient.
(2) Calculate the total maximum static load applied to the reinforcement T= in each reinforcement layer
per unit width following the procedures outlined in Module 6 (Earth Retaining Structures):
Where sv is the vertical spacing between reinforcements and oh is the horizontal stress (static) at the
reinforcement level of interest. The horizontal stress should consider those due to the weight of the
retained fill y;z, plus, if present, uniform surcharge load q and concentrated surcharge loads:
(3) Calculate the dynamic increment Tm11 directly induced by the inertia force P1 in the reinforcements by
distributing P 1 in the different reinforcements proportionally to their "resistant area" (Lei) on a load
per unit wall width basis. This leads to:
= Lei_
pl _ _
L (Lei)
which is the resistant area of the reinforcement at the ith level divided by the sum of the resistant area
for all reinforcement levels.
Check stability with respect to breakage and pullout of the reinforcement, with seismic safety factors
of 75 percent of the minimum allowable static safety factors. Refer to Module 6 (Earth Retaining
Structures) for procedures for evaluating the breakage and pullout stability.
The general principles of seismic design and analysis of soil-nailed walls are very similar to those for the
MSE walls. The seismic loading is accounted for by applications of a seismic coefficient as a psudostatic
inertia force. The following guidance is recommended in defining the appropriate design seismic
coefficient. The detailed seismic design procedure for soil-nailed walls, including the evaluation of internal
9 - 55 (Part I)
Zone =45°+<1>/2
1 1
Resistant H/2
2 P, '2
Zone I
I Resistant
Zone 3
i'th La er
I l
/2 Lei
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j_...__..._
P1 = Internal inertial force due to the weight of the backfill within the active zone.
L.; = The length of the reinforcement in the resistant zone of the i'th layer.
Tmax =The load per unit wall width applied to each reinforcement due to static forces.
Tmd =The load per unit wall width applied to each reinforcement due to dynamic forces.
The total load per unit wail width applied to each layer, T,ota1 = Tmax + Tmd
Figure 9-32: Seismic Internal Stability of a MSE Wall. (Modified from Module 6, 1997)
0 KIK,
1.0 1.2
*Does not include polymer strip reinforcement
Figure 9-33: Design Value of the Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient, K, for Various Types of Soil
Reinforcement Systems. (Module 6, 1997)
9 - 56 (Part I)
stability as well as external stability, has been documented in a recent FHWA publication (Byrne, et
• Select a peak horizontal ground acceleration (free field peak acceleration) based on the design
earthquake. In the absense of site specific data or local seismic map, the acceleration coefficient,
A, can be taken off the current AASHTO Division lA map.
• For slip surfaces that are primarily "internal" in nature (i.e., intersect the nail reinforcement),
define a design seismic coefficient, A,,,= (1.45-A)A in accordance with that recommended for
MSE walls. This design seismic coefficient is applied to "internal" slip modes as a psudostatic
earthquake acceleration.
• For slip surfaces that are primarily "external" in nature, the design psudostatic seismic
coefficient, A,,,, will vary depending on the permanent displacements that the retaining wall can
tolerate during the design event. For example, if the wall can tolerate a permanent displacement
of up to 250A mm then a design seismic coefficient equal to O.SA can be assumed. For other
tolerable permanent displacements, the appropriate seismic acceleration coefficient can be
determined in accordance with the permissible displacement approach presented in Section 9.4.2
of this chapter.
• For assessment of seismic bearing capacity stability of the reinforced soil block, a design seismic
coefficient equal to 0.5A is recommended.
For ease of discussion, this type of retaining structures include those constructed of sheet piles, soldier
piles and lagging, and other relatively flexible, externally supported structural walls. Earthquake failures
of such structures are primarily due to increased dynamic active pressure combined with the decreased
passive resistance in front of the pile/wall embedment as well as the anchor. When this type of walls are
used as waterfront bulkhead structures retaining saturated loose backfill, liquefaction and hydrodynamic
forces often lead to failure during major earthquakes. In this case, the structure should be carefully
evaluated and solutions by ground treatment methods may need to be considered.
Figure 9-34 shows the seismic effects on anchored walls (Elms and Richards, 1990). Basically, there are
three main considerations:
• The incremental dynamic active earth thrust, D-Pae• in addition to the static active force, P•.
• The reduction of the static passive soil resistance, PP, by a decrement aPw
• The increased interference between the passive wedge in front of the anchor (or tiebacks) and the
dynamic active failure wedge behind the wall. This interference will reduce the anchor resistance if
anchors are not placed far enough behind the wall.
Evaluation steps for seismic design and analysis of anchored walls are as follows:
(1) Select an appropriate seismic coefficient, Kh, based on the design earthquake, and assume k_,=0.
9 - 57 (Part I)
(2) Calculate the dynamic active earth thrust, P.c, using the Mononobe-Okabe equation (active earth thrust
case) presented in Section 9.4.2.
(3) Calculate the reduced passive resistance, Ppc' within the pile/wall embedrnent using the equivalent
Mononobe-Okabe passive equation as follows:
Ppc = .!_ yH 2
(1 -k v ) K pc
where ~ is given by
cos [(<f>-'l!r+0)
cosljl cos2 0 cos(o-0+'l!r) 1 - sin (<!> +o) sin (<f> - ljl +P>
cos(o-0+ljl) cos(P-0)
(4) Determine the dynamic failure surface of the active wedge. Calculate the active failure surface
inclination, a.. , from horizontal as follows:
where F 1 = tan(<f>-1Jr-P)
F2 = cot(<f>-ij,-0)
F3 = tan(o+0+1jl)
interference zone
Anchor/ Li~
Failure surface-static--~-
Figure 9-34: Seismic Effects on Anchored Bulkheads (Elms and Richards, 1990).
9 - 58 (Part I)
(5) Using dynamic active and passive earth forces obtained from steps (2) and (3) above, calculate the
required wall embedment depth and anchor load through moment equilibrium (with respect to the
anchor point at the wall face) and horizontal force equilibrium analyses. Refer to Module 6 (Earth
Retaining Structures) for detailed calculation procedure.
(6) Design anchors (or tiebacks) to be located beyond the potential dynamic active failure surface (defined
by the angle o:•.) to minimize the interference effect on anchor passive resistance.
Lam and Martin (1986) presents equations for incorporating the stiffness of abutment walls into a dynamic
model of a bridge system. The stiffness is intended for bridge analysis when the wall is displaced into the
backfill by longitudinal inertial loading from the bridge superstructure. These investigators propose the
following equations for the translational stiffness, K,, and the rotational stiffness, Ke, of an integral
abutment wall:
K. = 0.425 Es · B (9-31)
Ke = 0.072 E, · B · H2 (9-32)
where His the wall height, Es is the Young's modulus of the soil, and Bis the width of the abutment wall.
Equations 9-31 and 9-32 are used when the stiffness of the abutment wall is incorporated in the dynamic
response analysis of the bridge structure.
The Young's modulus for the soil, E,, used in Equations 9-31 and 9-32 can be evaluated using the
equations in Chapter 5. Use of strain-compatible Young's modulus values in Equations 9-31 and 9-32 is
recommended. The strain-compatible moduli values can be estimated from the shear strains calculated in
site response analyses assuming that the reduction of Young's modulus follows the same modulus reduction
curves as the shear modulus. If the results of a site response analysis are not available, strain-compatible
Young's modulus may be evaluated using the same modulus reduction curves and assuming a shear strain
level depending upon the magnitude of the earthquake, intensity of ground motion, and soil type. For
events of magnitude 6.0 or less, and for ground motion intensities of 0.4 g or less, Es at a strain level of
0.1 percent may be used. For larger magnitudes and/or higher intensity earthquakes, a value of E,
corresponding to a shear strain of 1 percent is recommended.
The location of the resultant force due to wall translation may be applied at 0.6 H from the base of the wall
and the resultant force from wall rotation may be applied at 0.37 H from the base of the wall.
9 - 59 (Part I)
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10 - 18 (Part I)
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10 - 19 (Part I)
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10 - 20 (Part I)
No. Caption ~
2-1 Cross Section of Proposed Bridge and Soil Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-2
2-2 Location of the Example 1 Test Boring ........................ . . . 2-3
2-3 Corrected SPT Results for Example 1 Test Borings ................ . .. 2-5
ii (Part II)
6-11 Permanent Seismic Deformation Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ...... . 6-17
6-12 Response Spectra from SHAKE Analysis for OLE Events . .... . ...... . 6-21
6-13 Response Spectra from SHAKE Analysis for CLE Events . .... . ...... . 6-22
6-14 Design Response Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ...... . 6-23
No. Caption ~
1-1 Brief Description of Volume II Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
iv (Part II)
In the United States, design of constructed facilities to resist the effects of earthquakes is often considered
a problem restricted to areas west of the Rocky Mountains. However, historical records show that
damaging earthquakes can, and do, also occur over broad areas of the eastern and central United States.
In fact, the areas over which damaging earthquakes may reasonably be expected to occur cover more than
40 percent of the continental United States. Until recently, highway facilities in many of these areas have
not been designed for seismic loading. However, in response to a growing awareness of both the potential
for strong motions due to earthquakes in the eastern and central United States and the impact of even the
modest levels of shaking on facilities not designed to resist earthquake effects, most states now require
some consideration of seismic loading in design of new highway facilities.
This reference manual has been prepared to provide geotechnical engineers with general guidance on the
seismic design of highway facilities. The manual is divided into two parts. Part I presents the principles
of geotechnical earthquake engineering for highway projects. This second part (Part II) presents a series
of five design examples illustrating the application of the design principles presented in Part I.
The examples presented in Part Il are based upon actual problems encountered in geotechnical earthquake
engineering practice. Each example is self-supporting and contains all the necessary information to
conduct the required analyses. In example 1, the seismic bearing capacity and dynamic stiffness matrix
of a shallow bridge foundation is evaluated. Example 2 is devoted to the seismic design of a deep
foundation constructed with driven piles for a four-lane highway bridge. In example 3, a complete site
specific seismic response analysis for a design earhtquake is conducted for a highway project in the
northeastern United States. The seismic stability analysis of a cut slope in soft rock is presented in example
4. Example 5 illustrates the evaluation of liquefaction potential.
Table 1-1 summarizes the topics covered in each of the five examples presented in this part of the manual.
In each example, reference is made to the appropriate chapters in Part I. For each example, a concise
statement of the problem to be solved is presented along with the necessary information, detailed
calculations, and the final recommendations for design. Equation numbers which appear in the right-hand
margin of the calculation sheets refer back to Part I.
1 - 1 (Part II)
1 - 2 (Part II)
This project involves a foundation performance evaluation for the construction of a new bridge in an
alluvial valley. The geotechnical engineer has been asked to evaluate the allowable seismic bearing
capacity of the proposed spread footing foundation and provide the structural engineer with the dynamic
stiffness matrix for the footings and abutment walls. The bridge is 38 m long with a 5-m clearance. It is
a composite structure with steel girders and precast concrete slabs forming the deck. The cross section
of the bridge and soil profile are shown on Figure 2-1. The bridge is 24 m wide, including sidewalks and
barriers, as shown in Figure 2-2. The seismic hazard and site response analyses were performed as part
of earlier, preliminary, design work and are not part of this problem. The maximwn credible earthquake
design event is characterized by a moment magnitude equal to 7 .5 and a peak horizontal ground
acceleration equal to 0.55 g. Seismically-induced peak shear strains calculated in site response analyses
were on the order of 0.02 percent.
Soil conditions in the valley are dominated by deep Holocene alluvium. Available information on the
regional geology indicates that the site is underlain by up to 450 m of this Holocene alluvium. Information
obtained during initial site reconnaissance, from a review of surficial geology maps, and from a review
of data from previous subsurface investigations in the vicinity of the site indicates that the soils at the site
consist of sand, silty sands, sandy silts, and gravelly sands.
Soil conditions at the site were obtained from two soil borings (B-7 and B-8) located at the ends of the
proposed bridge, as shown on Figure 2-1. Borings were advanced using a 0.2 m diameter hollow stem
auger mounted on a CME-75 drill rig. The boring program included standard penetration tests (SPT)
(ASTM D 1586) and California Drive Sampling (ASTM D 3550) in predominantly cohesionless soils.
Standard penetration tests and drive sampling were performed alternately at 1.5-m intervals using a donut
hammer with rope and pulley.
Borings B-7 and B-8 were drilled to refusal at depths of 24 m and 21 m, respectively, at the locations
shown on Figure 2-2. Groundwater was not encountered in either boring. The soil profile developed
based on information from these borings is reported on Figure 2-1.
2 - 1 (Part II)
19 m
38 m
I~~ 19 m :1
ELEVATION ----------
..... 5m
...,to 10 m SAND
';a [
..... en
' -' :=: 15 m
----- -
- ----
25 m
5 meters
::l I~
~ I '-
~ I
I ~
I _,
I <
I 0
:..: I
:-.; I
.... m Q
~ ....ii:
:+ >-
2 - 3 (Part II)
Based upon the results of the laboratory and field tests, the site stratigraphy was idealized for engineering
analysis. Table 2-1 presents this idealized soil profile and relevant soil parameters obtained from the
laboratory test results and empirical correlations for use in the bearing capacity analysis.
Depth Soil Type Dry Unit Total Unit Friction Angle Cohesion
Weight Weight
(m) (USCS) (kN/mJ) (kN/mJ) (0) (kPa)
The field blow counts and blow counts normalized to 96 kPa overburden pressure and standardized for
60 percent hammer efficiency are reported on Figure 2-3. Details of the normalization and standardization
procedures are provided in the attached calculation sheets. In general, the blow counts increase with
depth. Average normalized and standardized values vary from approximately 25 blows per 300 mm at
shallow depths (0 to 10 m) to approximately 30 blows per 300 mm at greater depths (11 to 20 m). Both
borings were terminated due to refusal at the bottom of the hole (depths 21 m and 24 m). Refusal and the
isolated high blow counts at shallower depths may be attributed to the presence of gravel, which is known
to result in high blow counts.
The proposed bridge will be supported by a central pier resting on a rectangular footing and two cast-in-
place concrete abutment walls, as shown on Figure 2-1. The bearing capacity and stiffness matrix of the
central pier footing and the footings for the two abutment walls are needed by the structural engineer for
the seismic analysis. The structural engineer also requires the rotational and translational stiffness of the
abutment walls. The analysis was carried out in two phases. For the initial phase, an estimate of the static
bearing capacity was made to enable the engineer to assess the adequacy of the dimensions of the footings.
The footing dimensions were then used to evaluate the stiffness matrix. Using the stiffness matrix, the
structural engineer performed the seismic response computations and provided the geotechnical engineer
with estimates of the vertical and horizontal loads which may be imposed on the footings during the design
earthquake. In the second phase, the bearing capacity of the footings under dynamic conditions was
assessed the loads from the dynamic analysis.
The geometry of the foundations shown on Figure 2-1 is summarized in Table 2-2.
The allowable static bearing capacity was calculated using the method described in Section 9.2.2 of Part I.
The allowable static bearing capacity, including a factor of safety of 3, is approximately 420 kPa for the
central pier footing and 580 kPa for the abutment wall footings. This static capacity is for vertical loads
only and was used to size the foundations. The dynamic bearing capacity will be estimated once the
magnitude of the seismic loads, and hence the magnitude and direction of the resultant force, are obtained
from the structural engineer.
2 - 4 (Part II)
SPT Blow Counts (Blows/300mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100
•- SPT N for 8-7
G SPT N for 8-8
• (N1 )60 for 8-8
• (N1 )60 for B-7
.; . .
.... .
. ".......
cu :• ,,•
• I
15 -- ... .... -- . - - -- ,I -•........ ·:· .......... .
... ,
II ~
., ,, :'. ,, ,
. . ••
a" "
. ... . . .
....... - ................. ~ .,. . ·•· .......... .
.. ..
I• II - ._ - .. II
20 I I 4\r : ~ Ill,.
' ,.
.. ..
Figure 2-3: Corrected SPT Results for Example 1 Test Borings.
2 - 5 (Part II)
The stiffness matrix for the footings for soil-structure interaction computations was obtained using the
procedure detailed in Section 9.2.3 of Part I. The elements of the stiffness matrix for the footings are
listed in Table 2-4 below and the detailed calculations are provided in the calculation sheets at the end of
this example.
The rotational and translational stiffness of the abutment walls were calculated using the procedure detailed
in Section 9.4.6 of Part I. The rotational stiffness was calculated as 4,294 MPa/m and the translational
stiffness was calculated as 1,147 MPa/m2 • Detailed calculations are provided in the calculation sheets at
the end of this example.
Using the stiffness coefficients provided by the geotechnical engineer, estimates of the dynamic horizontal
and vertical loads were provided by the structural engineer and are incorporated into the final check of the
dynamic bearing capacity of the footing. For the central pier, the following dynamic loads were
2 - 6 (Part II)
The seismic settlement of the foundation soil in the design earthquake was evaluated using the method
described in Section 8.5 of Part I. The calculated seismic settlement is 22 mm. The calculations are
provided in the calculation sheets. The potential for earthquake-induced liquefaction is negligible because
groundwater was not encountered in either of the borings, indicating that groundwater was at least 24 m
below ground surface.
The calculations for Example 1, "Seismic Analysis of a Shallow Bridge Foundation" are presented in
Section 2.8.
Preliminary dimensions for the shallow foundations for a highway bridge were estimated based upon the
static loads. The stiffness matrix and dynamic bearing capacity for the proposed bridge foundations were
evaluated based upon these dimensions. The structural engineer used the stiffness matrix provided by the
geotechnical engineer to evaluate the seismic response of the bridge structure. Using the foundation loads
calculated by the structural engineer in the seismic response analysis, the geotechnical engineer checked
the dynamic bearing capacity and sliding resistance of the foundations and found them to be acceptable.
Liquefaction was not of concern due to the absence of groundwater within 24 m of the ground surface and
the high blow count values encountered at depths greater than 20 m. Seismic-induced settlement was
calculated to be 24 mm. This value was deemed to be acceptable by the structural engineer.
Equation numbers that appear in the right hand margin of the calculations refer back to Part I.
1. Standardization
The standardized SPT blow count N60 is the standard penetration blow count for a hammer with an
efficiency of 60 percent. If non-standard equipment is used, N60 is obtained from Equation 5-6 of Part I.
Toe equipment used at the site included a donut hammer with rope and pulley. Other elements of the SPT
equipment met the recommended standards listed in Table 5-2 of Part I.
2 - 7 (Part II)
From Table 5-3 of Part I:
CHT = 0.75
CHW = 1.0
Css = 1.0
CRL = 1. 0 (Assume the effect of rod length is negligible.)
CBD = 1.0
- c60 = (0.75)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0)(1.0) = 0.75
2. Normalization
(N1) 60 is the standardized blow count normalized to an effective stress of 96 k:Pa (I ton per square foot) in
order to eliminate the influence of confining pressure.
where CN is read from Figure 5-5 of Part I (use Table 5-1 or Figure 5-4 from Part I for N-Dr
correlation) or obtained using Equation 5-10. A spreadsheet was developed to perform the calculation of
the standardized normalized blow count at the site. The distributions with depth of both field measured
and normalized and standardized blow count are shown in Figure 2-3 of this example.
2 - 8 (Part II)
Allowable Bearing Capacity
Allowable bearing capacity is evaluated using the procedure described in Section 9.2.2 of Part I. The
equation for ultimate bearing capacity can be written as:
Step 1: Evaluate the Coefficients and Soil Parameters (Section 9.2.2 of Part I)
For preliminary calculations, it is asswned that the applied loads are vertical. This implies that, with
respect to the load inclination factors in Equation 9-1, i0 = iq = i., = 1.
The foundation shape factors are given by (Section 9.2.2 of Part I):
B B (9-7a,b,c)
s = 1 +-(N /N) s = 1 +-tan<!>
C L q C q L
As the proposed foundations are shallow foundations, the soil parameters for the upper 18 m thick soil
layer are used for this analysis. From Table 2-1, these parameters are:
<I>= 35°
y = 17.2 kN/m3
The footing length, L, was set at 25 m, the width of the bridge. After several trials, a footing width, B,
of 4.25 m was established for the central pier, and a width of 6 m was established for the abutment wall.
Based upon these values, the following bearing capacity coefficients were calculated:
NV 37.2 37.2
N_ 46.1 46.1
S" 1.12 1.17
Sv 0.93 0.90
Sc 1.12 1.17
2 - 9 (Part II)
Step 2: Evaluate Bearing Capacity
For this computation, it is assumed that the footings are founded directly at the proposed grade elevation
(no embedment). The effect of embedment on the bearing capacity of the abutment wall footings and the
effect of the horizontal seismic loads on bearing capacity will be included in later analyses.
Therefore, the equation of bearing capacity (Equation 9-1 in Part I), with c = 0 (cohesionless), q, = 0 (no
surcharge), and~ = 1 (no inclination), can be written as:
Assuming a factor of safety FS = 3 the allowable bearing capacities for static loading calculated using this
equation are:
1 265
Central Pier Footing: q = • =420kPa
• 3
. 1728
Abutment Wall Footings: q = - - =580kPa
a 3
As the bridge is 25 m wide, and therefore the footings are 25 m long (L=25 m), the following footing
widths were established for each footing.
44 625
Central Pier Footing: B . = • =4.25 m
mm (420)(25)
. 87 000
Abutment Wall Footmg: B . - ' =6.00m
mm (25)(580)
These results indicated that 4.25 m was an acceptable width for the central pier and that 6 m was an
acceptable width for the abutment wall.
Stiffness Matrix
2 - 10 (Part II)
The stiffness coefficients of a circular footing of radius Rare: (Section 9.2.3 of Part I)
Using the equations for evaluating the equivalent circular radius of a rectangular footing given in Table 9-2
of Part I, the equivalent radius is calculated for each mode as follows:
where the x-axis is parallel to the B-dimension (width of the footing), the y-axis is parallel to the
L-dimension (length of the footing) and Z is the vertical axis. Results of the calculations are presented in
the following table:
Equivalent Radius
Motion Central Pier Foo~ (m) Abutment Wall Footiru!s (m)
Vertical and Horizontal Translation R =R = 5.82 R. = R. = 6.91
X-Axis Rocking R1", = 18.32 Rljr, = 19.97
Y-Axis Rocking R"'• = 7.56 R"'•
= 9.78
Z-Axis Rotation (Torsion) R"'• = 15.52 R1", = 17.03
2 - 11 (Part II)
Step 2: Evaluation of the Shear Modulus
As no direct measurements of the shear modulus or shear wave velocity are available, the small strain
shear modulus of the upper layer of medium dense sand and silty sand at the site must be estimated for use
in evaluating the stiffness coefficients. Available methods for estimating shear wave velocity or modulus
include: (1) correlations using SPT blow count values; (2) typical values for dense sandy soils; or
(3) empirical correlations such as those described in Section 5.4.5 and Table 5-5 of Part I.
Compute G = Gmax at a depth approximately equal to the equivalent radius for translation of the
foundation. Use 6.5 meters as average value for both footings and use the properties reported in Table 2-1
and Figure 2-3 for the soils between 1 and 6.5 meters:
1 +2K 0 )
o' m = ( o' V
1 2 3
o'm = ( + ~0.4 )) (112) = 69kPa
G= = 130MPa
2 - 12 (Part II)
Based on the results of a seismic site response analysis, it is assumed that the design earthquake will induce
shear strains of about 0.02 percent. Therefore, following the recommendations from Part I, Section 9.2.3,
and using modulus reduction curve for sand shown on Figure 5-12 of Part I (a'm"' 100 kPa), the small
strain shear modulus will be reduced by 30 percent to 91 MPa for use in calculating the footing stiffness
Using the Gmax value calculated above (including the 30 percent reduction), the equivalent radius values
computed in Step 1, and an assumed value of Poisson's· ratio, v = 0.35 (see Part I, Section 5.3.3), the
stiffness coefficients for a circular footing are calculated using Equations 9.12a through 9.12d. The results
of this calculation are shown in the following table.
Once the stiffness coefficients for an "equivalent" circular footing are calculated, they can be multiplied
by the shape and embedment factors o: and Pto get the stiffness coefficient for the embedded rectangular
footing in accordance with Equation 9-11. The shape and embedment factors, o: and P, are functions of
depth of embedment, dimensions of the footings, and type of motion. Values for these factors may be
taken from Figures 9-7 and 9-8 from Part I and combined with the stiffness values calculated in Step 3 to
calculate the stiffness coefficients for the bridge foundations.
For both footings, use a footing thickness D = 1 m from the design drawings.
Since L = 25 m and B = 4.25 m, LIB = 5.9. To calculate the shape and embedment factors, use
asymptotic values for LIB = 4 and DIR calculated with D = 1 and R from the table on page 2-11. The
resulting values of o: and P(see Figures 9-7 and 9-8 in Part I) and the calculated stiffness values for the
central pier footing are given in the following table.
2 - 13 (Part II)
Motion DIR a (MPa·m)
Vertical Translation 0.172 1.09 1.13 K,. = 4,015
Horizontal Translation 0.172 1.26 1.06 K,, = Kn = 3,430
X-Axis Rocking 0.055 1.1 1.185 K., = 2,992,156
Y-Axis Rocking 0.13 1.2 1.16 K.. = 224,544
Z-Axis Rotation (Torsion) 0.06 1.3 1.17 K,, = 2,800,657
For the Abutment Wall Footings:
Since L = 25 m and B = 6 m, LIB = 4.2. Use asymptotic values for LIB = 4 and DIR calculated with
D = 1 and R from the table on page 2-11. The resulting values of a and ~ and the calculated stiffness
values for the abutment footings are given in the following table:
Motion DIR a
Vertical Translation 0.145 1.07 1.13 K.. = 4,679
Horizontal Translation 0.145 1.18 1.06 K,, = K.,., = 3,814
X-Axis Rocking 0.05 1.1 1.185 K.. = 3,875,628
Y-Axis Rocking 0.10 1.2 1.16 K.. = 486,130
Z-Axis Rotation (Torsion) 0.06 1.3 1.17 K,, = 3,645,971
The translational and rotational stiffness coefficients for the abutment walls are computed below using
Equations 9-31 and 9-32 from Part I.
K5 = 0.425 E. B (9-31)
Ke = 0.072 E. B H 2 (9-32)
where Band Hare the width and height of the wall and E, is the Young's modulus of the soil. Values for
Band H were obtained from the design drawings and are equal to 25 m and 4.7 m, respectively.
The shear modulus of the backfill, G, is estimated from the values listed in Table 5-4 of Part I.
2 - 14 (Part II)
G = 80MPa
As recommended in Section 9.4.6 of Part I, the value of Young's modulus is reduced to reflect a strain
level of 0.02 percent. Following the logic used previously for the shear modulus and using modulus
reduction curves for sand shown on Figure 5-13 of Part I (o'm "' 25 kPa), E, will be reduced by 50 percent.
Following performance of a seismic response analysis for the bridge, the structural engineer has provided
the following estimates of the peak dynamic vertical and horizontal loads on top of the central pier footing:
(Py)°YN = 7,000 kN
These loads must be checked against the dynamic bearing capacity of the footing and the sliding resistance.
Note that cited horizontal forces used in this example are transverse loads (perpendicular to the roadway).
For actual design, the calculations also need to be performed for horizontal loads along the longitudinal
direction of the bridge.
The footing is subjected to a combined vertical load and horizontal load. This combined system of loads
is first replaced by a single inclined load. Then, the footing is analyzed for two load conditions, one in
which the vertical load is assumed to act upwards (maximum dynamic load inclination) and another where
the vertical load is assumed to act downwards (maximum vertical load).
This loading condition governs sliding, but it will also be used to evaluate bearing capacity.
Since H = (PH)°YN = 14,000 kN, the load is inclined at an angle a from the horizontal evaluated as:
a= tan- 1 37,625 = 700
2 - 15 (Part II)
P = VH 2 +V 2 = ✓14,000 2 +37,625 2 = 40,145kN
Since the central pier footing is founded directly at the proposed grade elevation on a cohesionless soil,
the bearing capacity Equation 9-1 reduces to:
The parameters e 8 and eL are the load eccentricity factors (offset distances) in the transverse and
longirudinal directions, respectively.
D = [( 2 + ~) { 1 + ~)]
= [( 2 + ~ ) ,( 1 + ~ ) ] = 1.145
4.25 4.25
4ui1 = (0.5)(17.2)(4.25)(37.2)(0.93)(0.59) = 746 kPa (ultimate bearing capacity for the maximum
dynamic load inclination).
FS = = 1.97
Sliding Resistance
The frictional capacity is given by: F = V(tan <!>) r, where r is a reduction factor varying from 0.67
2 - 16 (Part II)
to 0.8 (see Section 9.2.2 of Part I for further discussion) that is applied to the friction coefficient of
the soil to obtain the footing-soil interface friction coefficient. For concrete on sand, r = 0.8, so:
F = (37,625)(0.8)(tan(35)) = 21,076kN
FS = 20,006 = l .4 3
This maximum load occurs when the dynamic vertical load acts down and is combined with the static
Since the central pier footing is founded directly at the proposed grade elevation on a cohesionless soil,
the bearing capacity Equation 9-1 reduces to:
2 - 17 (Part II)
n = [( 2 + ~) 1( 1 + ~)]
4.25 +~)]
4.25 = 1.145
i = (1- 14,000)1.145 = 0.70
y 51,625
'lui, = (0.5)(17.2)(4.25)(37 .2)(0.93)(0. 70) = 885 kPa (ultimate bearing capacity for the maximum
vertical load).
p = 53 , 49 0 = 503kPa
A 4.25(25)
FS - - = 1.76
Note that sliding need not be checked for this case, as the factor of safety against sliding will exceed that
calculated for the upwards vertical load (since~ is greater for this case than when the load acts upwards).
Also, the abutment footing must be checked for bearing capacity and sliding resistance. As these
evaluations are similar to those for the central pier footing, they are not presented in this example.
As discussed in Section 8.2 of Part I, the first step in assessing liquefaction potential is evaluating whether
or not a potential for liquefaction exists. Five screening criteria are listed in Section 8.2 of Part I. Of
relevance to this problem are the depth to groundwater and soil penetration resistance. Groundwater was
not encountered in either boring. Therefore, it can be assumed that the water table is at least 24 m below
ground surface (the maximum boring depth). Furthermore, for depths deeper than 20 m, the normalized
and standardized blowcounts are in excess of 60 blows per 300 mm. Given the depth of the groundwater
table and the high blow counts, liquefaction is not expected at the site.
The step by step method outlined in Section 8.5 of Part I provides a means of evaluating the seismic
settlement potential. The calculations are performed by subdividing the top 20 rn into two 10-m-thick
layers. These calculations are presented in the table below. Note that it was assumed that the seismic
strains in the layers at depths greater than 20 rn will be negligible due to the high blow counts (normalized
and standardized blow counts greater than 60).
2 - 18 (Part II)
1 +2K 0
a' = o'
m 3 V
Depth5m: ov = 86 kPa = o\
a' = 1 + 2 (0.4 3 ) (86) =53 kPa
m 3
2 - 19 (Part II)
Portions of a new highway will be built on a viaduct over an existing roadway and railroad tracks. To
minimize disruption to existing traffic and because of the low bearing capacity of the top few meters of
soil, a driven pile foundation will be employed for the viaduct. The viaduct will be composed of simply
supported sections resting on pile-supported bents. Each bent will consist of three columns, each 1 m in
diameter, transferring the load to a cast-in-place pile cap on top of the foundation piles.
To accommodate four lanes of traffic, the central barrier, shoulders, and side barriers, the viaduct is about
25 m wide. Figure 3-1 shows a cross section of the superstructure. The superstructure is composed of
nine AASHTO standard precast type VI I-beams. The typical span is 43 m long resting on two bents as
shown in Figure 3-2. The bottom of the bent is about 5 m above the top of the pile cap.
The structural engineer has made a preliminary estimate of the loads transferred to the bottom of the
columns in the design earthquake. The geotechnical engineer must evaluate the lateral load-deformation
behavior and the ultimate uplift and compressive capacities of the proposed pile foundation for use in final
• National Highway Institute manual for design and construction of driven pile foundations (NHI, 1996);
• COM624 computer program for analysis of laterally loaded piles (Reese, et al., 1984; or Wang and
Reese, 1991).
Three borings were drilled at the ends of the bridge. The borings were drilled to depths ranging from
23 to 25 m. Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) were performed at 1.5-m intervals in the borings. The
general stratigraphy at the site consists of sands and silty sands with a few lenses of low plasticity silts and
clays. Figure 3-3 shows a typical boring log from the site. Groundwater was not encountered in any of
the borings. Samples were recovered from the SPT split spoon for soil classification purposes. The
distribution of normalized and standardized SPT blow count values with depth is shown on Figure 3-4.
The blow counts show that the material gets progressively denser with depth. The top 5 m are
characterized by very variable normalized and standardized SPT values with an average value of about 10.
3 - 1 (Part II)
3 - 2 (Part II)
3 - 3 (Part II)
l <!l
BGS '.::: j MSL UJ 0 RO
(ml :c :c (%) BLOWS
:> '► OR N
I :C z \111 PER
; '(%) 150mm
Cl) I
i :::
-30-l, s-1
s-2 3-5-4 i,
I I 5-6-6
r:~ l
i ,2
Dark brown, dense, silty sand with clay
seams. .·. ..
.- :··t 8-10-12122
:.:_1:_•:' .1 s-5 ,
·: :. - -/
s-7 8-22-23 45
s-8 0-26-27 53
·,• •.
s-9 6-26-2955
s-13 ! 0-34-3
l:: -
·_1 ·_ .
3 - 4 (Part II)
From 5 to about 9 m below ground surface, the normalized and standardized SPT values are about 25 and
then increase to about 50 from 9 to about 15 m below grade. At a depth of 16 m, the normalized and
standardized SPT blow counts increase to about 70. The blow counts eventually reach refusal in a dense
gravelly sand layer 24 to 30 m below grade. The idealized normalized and standardized SPT profile used
for design is shown on Figure 3-4.
The isolated cohesive silt and clay seams and lenses encountered in the borings were of low plasticity and
were not saturated. For the pUiposes of design analyses, the subsurface profile was simplified as a uniform
layer of cohesionless soil that is progressively denser with depth. A total unit weight of 19 kN/m3 was
assigned to the soil and the friction angle was assumed to vary from 33 degrees at depths from Oto 9 m
to 38 degrees from 9 to 16 m. These friction angles were estimated using the normalized and standardized
SPT blow counts and empirical correlations.
Preliminary values for the loads transferred from the superstructure to the top of the pile caps were
provided by the structural engineer. The following preliminary loads were used for design analysis of the
pile cap:
Based on the preliminary loads, octagonal 0.4-rn-diameter driven concrete piles were selected for use in
the foundation. Given the general stratigraphy of the site, it was decided to embed the pile in the denser
sand layer that starts at 9 m depth. To provide sufficient end bearing capacity, the tip elevation was set
at a depth of 12 m. Six 12-m-long piles, configured as shown in Figure 3-5, were proposed for the cap
under each column, resulting in a static vertical load of approximately 520 kN/pile. To minimize group
effects, the center-to-center spacing of piles in each cap was set at five pile diameters (i.e., 2.0 m). A pile
cap embedment depth equal to 2.5 pile diameters (1 m) was used to fix the pile head with respect to the
pile cap (no rotation of the pile head in the lateral load analysis). The ultimate static vertical compressive
bearing capacity of a 12 m long, 0.4-m-diameter driven concrete pile at the site is on the order of
2,515 kN, resulting in a static factor of safety of almost 5. The detailed calculations are provided.
In addition to the vertical compressive capacity of the piles, calculations were performed to evaluate
vertical uplift capacity and lateral stiffness of the piles. The lateral capacity of the pile group was evaluated
using the computer program COM624 (Reese, et al., 1984). The p-y curves representing the lateral
resistance of the soils were generated internally by the program based upon recommendations made by
Reese, et al. (1984) for cohesionless soils. Because the pile heads were fixed, the sand was medium dense
to dense, and the piles were spaced at 5 pile diameters (center-to-center), group interaction behavior was
ignored (the p-y curve for the trailing piles in the group was not modified). If the pile heads were free to
rotate, "p-multipliers" of0.85 and 0.75 would have been used to modify the p-y curves for the second a:nd
third row of piles, respectively, based upon the values presented in Table 9-4 of Part I. The lateral load-
deformation behavior of the cap would be calculated by assuming each pile deflected the same amount and
summing up the lateral load carried by each pile to calculate the group load.
3 - 5 (Part II)
Normalized and Standardized SPT N Values
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
I Desig~ ___.,__
10 -------------------
.. •--:------·---
. ..
15 .............. .r--------··r·--·
20 ·-····-··•·····················•···· -- .. ------··--------
3 - 6 (Part II)
1.2 m
L_\;..._._ _;
0.2 m
0.4 m
0 y
0.8 m 1.2 m
0.4 m
0.8 m 1.2 m
t-l-J--- oJ
0.4 m
0.2 m
f I·, ,: I ·1 m. I 2.0 m
1.0 m
0.2 m _j ----i-1-•_____..,_---i
0.4 m 0.8 m
3 - 7 (Part II)
The loads provided by the structural engineer were resolved into individual pile loads, as shown in the
calculations in Section 3.4 (see Step 3) and summarized in Table 3-1. Note that the vertical load on the
pile analyzed for stiffness capacity was increased from the static load of 518 kN to 1,045 kN to account
for the vertical load induced by moment loading (see calculations in Section 3.4). Also listed in Table 3-1
is the factor of safety against uplift or compression failure and the expected vertical and lateral deflection
of the pile under the dynamic loads.
Type of Load Maximum Load Per Pile Factor of Safety (FS) Deflection<1l
(kN) (mm)
Static bearing capacity is evaluated using the Nordlund Method as outlined in NHI (1996). The idealized
normalized and standardized SPT profile and the pile profile are shown in Figure 3-6. The ultimate
bearing capacity, 4ui1, is composed of a shaft resistance, R5, tip resistance, RT, such that q,, =Rs+ RT.
3 - 8 (Part II)
Normalized and Standardized SPT N Values
0 25 50 75 100
_ 10 ................................................
... ----------·-----<1------------
. . . -- .
Cl> ..
. ...
C 15 --------·-------·-------···--·-·· ··-··-----------.1-- ........................ .
20 ................ •.............................. .
3 - 9 (Part II)
where: d = depth;
D = embedded pile length;
K0 = coefficient of lateral earth pressure at depth d;
CF = correction factor ofK0 when o ., cj>; ·
pd = effective overburden pressure at the center of depth increment d;
o = soil-pile friction angle;
w = angle of pile taper;
Cd = pile perimeter at depth d;
Ad = length of pile segment;
a:, = dimensionless factor (dependent on pile depth-width relationship);
N'q = bearing capacity factor;
A, = pile tip area; and
p, = effective overburden pressure at the pile tip.
RT = ~ N'g A. P,
~ = 0.7 for <I> = 38° (NHI, 1996)
N"g = 100 for <I> = 38°(NHI, 1996)
A, = 1tr = 1t(0.4 m/2)2 = 0.126 m2
p, = (12 m)(19 kN/m3) = 228 kPa
The limiting value ofp, is 150 kPa (NHI, 1996), therefore, p, = 150 kPa and RT = (0.7)(100)(0.126
m2)(150 kPa) = 1,325 kN
However, RT is limited to RT = (h. A,.
Ck = 12,000 kPa for <I> = 38° (NHI, 1996)
RT limiting = (12,000 kPa)(O. 126 m2) = 1,510 kN (does not govern)
d=D .
=EK c
d=! 6 Fpd
sm(o+w) c Ad
cosu> d
For this calculation, the soil deposit has been divided into two layers as follows:
3 - 10 (Part II)
Determine approximate circumference of pile, Cd.
Cd "' 2m = 2n(0.4m/2) = 1.26 m
This is constant over the length of pile, i.e., the angle of the pile taper, w, = 0.
Determine o, the friction angle between pile and soil based on soil friction angle, 4>. For a pre-cast
concrete pile, o/<j> = 0. 72 (NH!, 1996)
01 = (0.72)(33°) = 24°
02 = (0.72)(38°) = 27°
Determine for each material based upon displaced soil volume, V (NHI, 1996)
n( 0.4)z·lm
1tr 2 • lm 2 m3
V =V = = =0.126-
1 2 lm lm m
= 0.80 for o/<j> = 0.72 and 4> = 38°
= (19 kN/m3)(10.5 m) = 199.5 kPa
3 - 11 (Part II)
Step 3: Calculate Loads on Piles
• Compute vertical loads on piles from preliminary values provided by the structural engineer using the
average vertical compressive load and the load induced by the moment distribution:
Q M·d;
n f- 2
Piles on outer edge will experience the highest load. Calculated loads on each pile are listed on the
following table:
3 - 12 (Part II)
Calculate maximum and minimum pile loads by superimposing longitudinal and transverse moment
• Compression Loads
FS = 2,515kN = 4 9
STATIC 518kN ·
FS = 2,515kN = 2 4
SEISMIC 1,045kN ·
3 - 13 (Part II)
• Uplift Forces
The maximum uplift force on any pile is 9 kN. This force is significantly less than the ultimate
capacity of the pile, so uplift capacity is adequate.
The effect of lateral forces on the piles was estimated using the program COM624 (Wang and Reese,
1991) in accordance with NHI, 1996 recommendations. Because pile spacing was 5D and the sand
was dense, group interaction effects were ignored. Deformation of the pile is estimated to be 5 mm.
COM624 input and output files are attached following these computation sheets.
Note: Maximum moment in pile from COM624 output (2.95 x 106 in. · lbs (333 m · kN)) must be
compared to pile capacity for structural adequacy.
Maximum vertical seismic deflection is calculated assuming that all load is carried at the pile tip. This
is a conservative assumption. More detailed computations can be made using the t - z curve method
(see Chapter 9, Part I)
The vertical deflection of the foundation pile is calculated as the sum of the elastic deformation of the
pile and the settlement of the soil at the pile tip. That is, 6T = 6PILE + 6smLATTIP·
0.96 PdBif
0son..ATTIP = _ _..;;.._--.c (NH!, 1996)
(N 1>60
_ 0.96·299·y2.4·0.5 _ _
6S0ILATTIP----~----4.4mm -0.004m
3 - 14 (Part II)
p = (527kN /piles)(6 piles) = 299 kPa
r (4.4m)(2.4m)
Input Data
COM624 Sample Printout
***** UNIT DATA. *****
(UP TO 16 CHAR.)
3 - 15 (Part II)
.200E-01 .890E+02
.700E-01 .171E+03
. llOE+OO .199E+03
.160E+OO .220E+03
.200E+OO .237E+03
.240E+OO .252E+03
.600E+OO .355E+03
.160E+02 .355E+03
.200E-01 .444E+03
.700E-01 .133E+04
. llOE+OO .196E+04
.160E+OO .238E+04
.200E+OO .269E+04
.240E+OO .296E+04
.600E+OO . 494E+04
.160E+02 .494E+04
.200E-01 .800E+03
.700E-01 .240E+04
. llOE+OO .337E+04
.160E+OO . 396E+04
.200E+OO .447E+04
.240E+00 .492E+04
.600E+00 .821E+04
.160E+02 .821E+04
.200E-01 .107E+04
.700E-Ol .320E+04
. llOE+OO .449E+04
.160E+OO . 528E+04
.200E+OO .596E+04
.240E+OO . 656E+04
.600E+OO .109E+05
.160E+02 .109E+OS
Output Data
COM624 Sample Printout
3 - 16 (Part II)
3 - 17 (Part II)
******* ********* ********* ********* ********* ********* *********
.00 .171E+OO -.295E+07 .781E+04 .OOOE+OO -.526E+04 . 906E+ll
19. 67 .165E+OO -.236E+07 . 626E+04 .OOOE+OO -.311E+04 . 906E+ll
39.33 .149E+DO -.158E+07 . 418E+04 .OOOE+OO -.875E+03 . 906E+ll
59.00 .126E+OO -.739E+06 .196E+04 .OOOE+OO .164E+04 . 906E+ll
78. 67 .999E-Ol .198E+05 .523E+02 .OOOE+OO .462E+04 . 906E+ll
98.33 .740E-01 .603E+D6 .l60E+04 .OOOE+OO .788E+04 . 906E+ll
118. 00 .507E-01 .966E+06 .256E+04 .OOOE+OD .112E+05 . 906E+ll
137.67 . 313E-01 .111E+07 .294E+04 .OOOE+OO .149E+05 . 906E+ll
157.33 .167E-01 .108E+07 .285E+04 .OOOE+OO . l92E+05 . 906E+ll
177.00 . 663E-02 .918E+06 .243E+04 .OOOE+OO .222E+05 . 906E+ll
196.67 .464E-03 . 702E+06 .186E+04 .OOOE+OO .252E+05 .906E+ll
216.33 -.271E-02 .480E+06 .127E+04 .OOOE+OO .281E+05 .906E+ll
236.00 -.382E-02 .286E+06 .758E+03 .OOOE+OO .311E+05 .906E+ll
255.67 -.371E-02 .138E+06 .36SE+03 .OOOE+OO . 341E+05 . 906E+ll
275.33 -.299E-02 .377E+05 .999E+02 .OOOE+OO .370E+05 . 906E+ll
295.00 -.210E-02 -.l98E+05 .526E+02 .OOOE+OO .400E+05 . 906E+ll
314.67 -.128E-02 -.451E+OS . ll9E+03 .OOOE+OO .422E+05 .906E+ll
334.33 -.653E-03 -.493E+05 .130E+03 .OOOE+OO .444E+05 . 906E+ll
354.00 -.231E-03 -. 421E+05 . lllE+03 .OOOE+OO . 467E+05 . 906E+ll
373.67 .114E-04 -.305E+OS .809E+02 .OOOE+OO .489E+05 .906E+ll
393.33 .124E-03 -.191E+05 .505E+02 .OOOE+OO . 511E+05 . 906E+ll
413.00 .154E-03 -.998E+04 .264E+02 .OOOE+OO .533E+05 . 906E+ll
432.67 .141E-03 -.398E+04 .105E+02 .OOOE+OO .533E+05 . 906E+ll
452.33 .llOE-03 -. 860E+03 .228E+Ol .OOOE+OO .533E+05 . 906E+ll
472.00 . 746E-04 .OOOE+OO .OOOE+OO .OOOE+OO . 533E+05 .906E+ll
l 1 CASE
A new highway will be built on a viaduct over an existing roadway and railroad tracks. Due to the
relatively low bearing capacity of the near-surface soils and because it was necessary to minimize
disruption to traffic, a pile foundation was selected. Precast concrete piles, 0.4 min diameter driven in
groups of six were used to support each column. The vertical and lateral static and pseudo-static loads
were provided by the structural engineers.
3 - 18 (Part II)
The geotechnical investigation indicated that the top 5 m consisted of very loose fine sand underlain by
about 4 m of silty sand with clay lenses. The bearing layer was identified to be a dense sand layer starting
at depths of 10 m.
The static bearing capacity of each pile in the group was estimated based on methods presented in NHI
(1996) to be 2,515 kN. The static factor of safety for the piles was 4.9.
The maximum pseudo-static load on any pile was calculated to be 1,045 kN, resulting in a seismic factor
of safety of 2.4 for compressive loading. The maximum pseudo-static uplift force on any pile was
estimated to be 9 kN, resulting in an adequate seismic factor of safety for uplift loading.
The lateral deflection due to seismic loading was estimated using the computer program COM624. The
seismically-induced lateral deflection was estimated to be 5 mm. The upper bound vertical deformation
was evaluated using NHI methods and assuming that all vertical loads were carried by the pile tip. The
vertical incremental deflection due to seismic loading was estimated to be 6 mm.
3 - 19 (Part II)
A 4-m-high embankment will be built across a 12-m-thick clay deposit as part of a highway project in
the northeast United States. The geotechnical engineer has been asked to evaluate both the free-field
site response for design of an adjacent viaduct and the response of the embankment to ground motions
with a 2-percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. To perform the site response analysis, the
following tasks need to be performed:
Figure 4-1 shows the subsurface profile for the site from the geotechnical investigation. Also shown on
this figure is the geometry of the proposed embankment. As shown on Figure 4-1, the soil profile at the
site consists of 2 m of high-plasticity organic silt underlain by 12 m of normally consolidated clay. The
clay sits on top of 6 rn of glacial till overlying weathered metamorphic rock bedrock. The water table is
at the ground surface.
Beneath the embanlanent, the organic silt will be excavated and replaced with well-compacted sand
backfill. The embankment itself will be built out of the same sand backfill material. The embankment will
rise 4 m above grade and will be 40 rn wide at the crest and 56 m wide at the base (i.e., side slopes will
be at 2H:1V). The pile caps for the viaduct will be founded on top of the clay layer.
4 - 1 (Part II)
EL 0.0
EL-12.0m - - - - - - - - - - - - . . J
EL-18.0m _ _ _ _ _ _ __.,;__ _ _ _.....i
Dynamic soil properties were estimated based upon the available geotechnical infonnation and correlations
with index properties. Table 4-1 presents a summary of available information from the geotechnical
investigation. Available data indicated that the plasticity index for the organic silt was over 50, the total
unit weight was 12 kN/m3, and the void ratio was 3. The mean effective stress at the center of the silt
layer was estimated using Equation 5-12 from Part I and assuming K,, = 0.5 as 1.47 kPa. Based upon the
correlation of Jamiolkowski, et. al in Table 5-5 of Part I, the small strain shear modulus, G=, at the center
of the silt layer was estimated as:
6 5
Gmax= ~ (100<1.4~ 05 xlk =4820kPa
The shear wave velocity for the silt was estimated using Equations 5-2 and 5-3 from Part I as:
V, =.JG! p = (L820< ·
98)o.s =39m/ s
12 (5-2 & 5-3)
The clay was normally consolidated with a plasticity index of 15, a total unit weight of 16 kN/m , and a
void ratio of 1.2 at the top of the layer and 1.0 at the bottom of the layer. Assuming Ko = 0.5, the mean
effective stress st the top of the clay was evaluated as 2.93 kPa. In the free-field at the top of the clay
layer, Gmax was evaluated using the Jamiolkowski, et. al equation as:
4 - 2 (Part II)
and the shear wave velocity was estimated as:
V, =(8,440x ·
98)0.5 =72ml s
In the free-field at the bottom of the clay layer, the mean effective stress was calculated as 52.5 kPa, and
G= was evaluated as:
6 5
Gmax= ~ (100<525) 05 x]k =45,300kPa
V, = 45,300x · 98)
For the glacial till, the average nonnalized blow count was approximately 75. Therefore, based upon the
Imai and Tonouchi equation in Table 5-5 of Part I, Gmax was estimated as:
Assuming a total unit weight of 20.5 kN/m3 , the shear wave velocity was estimated as:
V, =(29~000x-·-
=375m/ s
The weathered bedrock was assigned a unit weight of 21.2 kN/m3 and a shear wave velocity of 760 mis
(corresponding to the boundary between UBC Soil profiles SB and Sc in Table 4-3 of Part I).
The embankment soil was assumed to be sand compacted to a relative density of 75 percent and a total unit
weight of 19.5 kN/m3 • Using the Seed, et. al equation in Table 5-5 of Part I and Figure 5-12 of Part I,
Gmax at a depth 1 m below the top of the embankment was estimated assuming K0 = 1 (for near-surface
compacted soil) as:
V, =(6Q230x-·-
98)0.S =174m/s
4 - 3 (Part II)
One meter below the ground surface (1 m above the top of the clay), Gmax in the compacted sand backfill
was estimated assuming K0 = 0.6 as:
V, =(I0~90x-·-
98)0.5 = 234ml s
Calculations were also conducted for the shear wave velocity in the clay layer beneath the centerline of
the embankment after embankment construction. At the top of the clay after embankment construction,
Gmax was estimated using the Jamiolkowski, et. al correlation from Table 5-5 of Part 1 and assuming
K0 = 0.5 as:
V, =(5Q350x ;
98)o.s =175mls
At the bottom of the clay layer after embankment construction, Gmax was estimated as:
Gmax= ~; (100<1145) 05 xlk =76,700kPa
V, =( 8)
76,700< 9·
=2l 7m/ s
Modulus reduction and damping curves were assigned to the various materials using the curves in
Figure 5-14 of Part 1 as follows:
4 - 4 (Part II)
4.2.3 Fundamental Period
Using the properties summarized in Table 4-2, the fundamental period was calculated using Equation 4-5
from Part 1 for the following cases:
The average shear wave velocity of the clay layer in the free-field was calculated from the values in
Table 4-2 for the top and bottom of the layer as:
The fundamental period of the 12-m-thick clay layer was calculated as:
The average shear wave velocity of the clay layer beneath the embankment was calculated from the values
in Table 4-2 as:
The fundamental period of the clay beneath the embankment was calculated as:
o BE
xl =025s
The fundamental period of the embankment was calculated using Figure 4-19 in Part I. Taking the height
of the embankment as 6 m (including the compacted sand below ground surface), the embankment aspect
ratio, }., was calculated as:
/4=.!!...= lO =0.625
H 16
Using linear interpolation, the factor a,, for Figure 4-19 of Part I is calculated as:
0 62
a. · 5-0.S (4.0-3.58~+3.588=3.69
4 - 5 (Part II)
The average shear wave velocity of the embankment is calculated from the values at the top and
bottom of the embankment in Table 4-2 as:
(v.Ar!l =(174+23"1)/2=204m/ S
3.69x 6 =OJ Is
4.3.1 Introduction
The seismic hazard analysis was based upon the maps produced by the USGS for the National Earthquake
Hazard Reduction Project (NEHRP). Because of the importance of the facility and because of the
uncertainty associated with use of a regional map, the decision was made to use a ground motion with a
2 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years as the basis for design.
Peak and spectral acceleration values corresponding to the design basis were downloaded from the USGS
website at using the "search by zip code" option. The response spectrum
from the downloaded values is shown in Figure 4-2 along with the response spectra constructed using the
1997 Uniform Building Code. The peak acceleration from the USGS map for the site is 0.16 g and the
peak spectral acceleration at 0.2, 0.3, and 1 second period are 0.31 g, 0.23 g, and 0.09 g, respectively.
Beyond 1 second period, the spectral acceleration was assumed to decay as 1/T.
The distribution of earthquake magnitudes contributing to the response spectrum shown in Figure 4-2 was
evaluated by downloading the deaggregated hazard values for Boston from the USGS website. Table 4-3
summarizes the magnitude contributions to the peak acceleration hazard from the deaggregated hazard
data. Table 4-3 indicates that the magnitude contributions to the seismic hazard are broadly distributed
from magnitudes less than 5.0 to as great as 7 .5. While approximately 45 percent of the peak acceleration
hazard is from events of magnitude equal to or less than magnitude 5 .5, approximately 22 percent of the
hazard is from events of magnitude greater than 6.5. The smaller magnitude events tend to be associated
with distances of less than 25 km while the larger magnitude events tend to be associated with distances
in the 50 to 100 km range. The spectral accelerations at larger periods are influenced more by the larger
magnitude, more distant events. For instance, approximately 30 percent of the hazard for the spectral
acceleration at I Hz frequency (1 second period) is from events of magnitude 7 to 7 .5 with a predominant
distance of 75 to 100 km and a mean distance of 225 to 250 km.
4 - 6 (Part II)
4 - 7 (Part II)
4.3.4 Selection of Time Histories
A suite of three time histories were selected to represent the design earthquake from the catalog of
available strong motion records. These time histories were chosen from a collection of 10 pairs of time
histories (20 records total) selected to represent earthquake ground motions in the northeastern United
States for a Federal Emergency Management Agency-sponsored research project on the performance of
steel structures (Somerville, et. al, 1998). These records may be downloaded from the website at
"http://quiver.eerc. berkeley. edu: 8080/studies/system/ground_motions.html" by U. C. Berkeley Earthquake
Engineering Research Center (EERC). The selected ground motions include records from:
§ 0.5
(l) ....._.,.-=-=-, - - - - - - - ,\. ._ ...__
--......."'"'.._,,.., __
<C 0.25
--- --- --- ........ _
a. ■
0 1.0 2.0
4 - 8 (Part II)
• the 1985 Mw 6.9 Nahanni Earthquake in the Northwest Territories (Canada);
The response spectra for the three selected time histories scaled to the design value of the peak ground
acceleration are shown plotted against the target spectra in Figure 4-3a. Scaling to the target peak ground
acceleration is typical for geotechnical analysis. The response spectra for the selected time histories scaled
to the design value of the spectral acceleration at the fundamental period of the clay layer in the free-field,
approximately 0.4 seconds, are plotted against the target spectra in Figure 4-3b. Scaling to the spectral
acceleration of interest is typical for structural analysis.
Seismic response analyses were performed using the computer program SHAKE91. The following three
different sets of analyses were conducted:
• free-field response analyses using time histories scaled to the peak ground acceleration;
• free-field response analyses using time histories scaled to the spectral acceleration at the 0.4 s spectral
period; and
The essential input on soil properties to SHAKE91 is summarized in Table 4-2. The effective strain factor
used in the SHAKE91 analyses for each of the three time histories cited in Section 4.3.4 was different and
was based upon the magnitude of the particular record and Equation 6-2 of Part I. The SHAKE91 input
files for the free-field response and embankment analyses are presented at the end of this section.
Figures 4-4 through 4-7 portray the results of the free-field response analyses. Figures 4-4 and 4-5
present the acceleration response spectra for the top of the clay layer plotted against the target response
spectra for the input motions for the two different input motion cases (peak acceleration scaling and
spectral acceleration scaling). Figures 4-6 and 4-7 compares the input motion response spectra for one
time history, the Nahanni record, to the response spectrum at the top of the clay from the response analysis
for both cases. These figure show the amplification of ground motions that occurs around the degraded
fundamental period of the clay layer of approximately 0.6 s (the fundamental period of the clay increases
as the modulus softens).
4 - 9 (Part II)
Figures 4-8 through 4-10 illustrate the results of the embankment response analyses. Figure 4-8 shows
the response spectra at the top of the embankment from the three motions compared to the input motion
target spectrum. Figure 4-9 shows the maximum shear .stress versus depth within the embankment
(proportional to the peak average acceleration) from each of the three motions. Figure 4-10 compares the
response spectrum at the base of the embankment, the response spectrum at the top of the embankment,
and the response spectrum from the free-field analyses (peak acceleration scaling) for the Nahanni record
to illustrate the effect of the embankment on the free-field site response.
Figure 4-9 was used by the geotechnical engineer in pseudo-static slope stability analysis. The peak shear
stress from the Saguenay record in this figure was divided by the overburden stress to evaluate the peak
average acceleration for use in simplified Newmark analyses using the Hynes and Franklin and Makdisi
and Seed charts (Figures 7-4 and 7-9 in Part I). The "smoothed" spectra in Figure 4-5 was provided to
the structural engineer for analysis of the viaduct structural response.
4 - 10 (Part II)
I \
~ I \
~ 0.4 I \
~ I
~ ,, ,1
I '
~ II
I \
\ I
~ 0.3 \I
v'\ l I
u I
I \ I
jt ," .. I
u I
I \ \. _,.
,• •
' I I \
~ 0.2 I
\: \
::' ~~ \\
~ I \/
\ \
, \
~ \
,, I ' I \
' ,
, , ' - ... ,
~ '"' '\
0.1 ' ,r' - " : -
........ ,
~ Damping ' ',' '
P-➔ -- - .... .
-- --
U) 0.0
0.01 0 .1 1
PERIOD (sec)
B024 iM,.. 6.5 Simulation FW)
B030 M,.. 6.5 Nahanni, 1985)
B033 M,.. 5.9 Saguenay, 1988)
Target Response Spectrum (2% PE in 50 yrs.)
4 - 11 (Part II)
z 0.5 I I /I t
I I, I,\
0 I ''
~ ~ \ II
''', I
<e 0.4 ''i I
~ f \ \ J\
: : I /
, '
~ [ !~ \
~ 0.3 '' '
u :
' \ I -
u I
\ :I
I -- \
,.,,J \~
<e 0.2 :,
, ; ,\1,
~ ' \' ,.
I', '''._
<C ,, ,, '
~ ''
~ 0.1 ''
~ Damping
,.. ,.. '
,, -
--".:::., ___
~ -- '
-----==- ..
ifl 0.0
0.01 0.1 1
PERIOD (sec)
B024 (M,. 6.5 Simulation FW)
B030s (M.,. 6.5 Nahanni, 1985)
B033 (M.,. 5.9 Saguenay, 198B)
Target Response Spectrum (2,;s PE in 50 yrs.)
4 - 12 (Part II)
i .5
- Response spectra correspond to top of layer of clay
- - - bo24 -. simulation
- Input motion scaled to PGA (0.16 g)
O ") i .25 -1 [_~--=--=--=---=--=--~~=--=--===--=--=---=--=---=---~--=-=--=-=-=-~--=--=""---- · · · · · · bo30 - Nahanni
- - bo33 - Saguenay
0 ·• · ·· • Input Motion Target Spectrum
<( 1
a: ..
. '
u 0.75
.i,. u
w ...J
~ <(
II> 0.5 -
~ I-
0 -------------------==~=-=::::=---1
0.01 0. i i 10
PERIOD (sec)
;:! <(
- 0:
i' '.
I '
0.01 0.1 1 10
PERIOD (sec)
- Free-field response spectrum corresponds to top of layer of clay
- Input motion scaled to PGA (0.16 g)
1 .25 - L - - - ~ - - , - - - - - , - - - , -- i-,--,----,--,,1----,---..--1-.----.--,-1-r--r--r-r----1-----;---
Ii I i ! lI
I i I i II I
--- ---
: I
-r I
- - Input motion
1 --
- - · · · · Output from Shake
.. ..
' ''
0 0 •75 -_______,______ ·-·---1------1--• • ••••• --- .. - ------·-·· • - - --·· -•·· .. • fl •·-f-.,
~- •-•· ---•---- -·••·-•• •·•••-- • - - •-- •·• ·---I- •• -
u . '
<C '
.' '
a: 0.5 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - t - - - + - - - l - - -- --+-+-,+---------l-----l-----+.;.._+--J.-.-l--'e--1-1------l----+---+--+-+---l---,I-J-I
i A
J \ ~-.
w j /
Cl) rs-:1,...,r,.,.~·. I/
ll. 0.25 ,---1--~N---~vv-+--~~~~\-~-.+-"-'··,,____,_,_,_.~-1~•·'-,-.b.-4L--+----+-J\.++~--f-----+--+---+-+-,H-H
..... /v-.. \' \ ..... ...
, ,
"r--. \
0.01 0.1 1 10
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-6: Acceleration Response Spectra- Peak Acceleration Scaling (Input vs. Free-Field for Nahanni Record).
- Free-field response spectrum corresponds to top of layer of clay
- Input motion scaled to match spectral acceleration at period = 0.4 sec
1.25 --'-----------~--------,-...,........,--,-......-----,---' +--+------1---+--l-l-+---l
- - Input motion
1 --
· · · · · · Output from Shake
u 0.75 ! II!
i Iii.
,..... '- i
I : I
I ! I
I I ' I
I •
• ! i I
>ti ! I ! •I I
~ <( t--t------·--------1 •---···--- ------- ., '_ -~~ ·---•--·-···i•----·- - ----- -----<--+----+---'!!
a: 0.5
•· - - - - - - - - - · - - ----· -·-· - --·-· · · · - l i___ --
• I
-- I-
u , I
w _,, V""'
a. 0.25
••••••_;vvw. _'-;- .\t\:~~:~•••~•v•,,..-i-.....--1'1/
I\ •
I ~ !"-,-.,
' .,_. -...... "".
0.01 0.1 1 10
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-7: Acceleration Response Spectra- Spectral Acceleration Scaling (Input vs. Free-Field for Nahanni Record).
i .5
- Shake response spectra are from top of embankment
- Input motion scaled to PGA (0.16 g)
i .25 . --- ------- -------- ------------- ----- ----- -- -- ----- -- -- -------------- ...
O.Oi 0. i iO
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-8: Acceleration Response Spectra- SHAKE Analysis vs. Target Spectra
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
- -+ - bo24 - simulation
· · • · · bo30 - Nahanni
- x - bo33 - Saguenay
10 'II,
' .
j :c
'-' I-
15 '
'~ \
C) \
20 - -- ,. -·-·--·-··-·-·- --·----·
---,-,. -~ -
25 - ,n-••••• .. ••-••••••••,.••••••-N"•••••,.•-••• ,.,_., __ ,..,.,.,.,., •• ..,,. ,,.. ,, ..•·•••-••,-••• ,.., ••• ••• •• , e•• •.. •••·••• ••·m•~••·•••••·.,n••••• , ...... ,, ••••• ,,.., ·• •·•• H m,,,.,,.,y,.·••• •••• ••• •••• •••" ,,,,,.,,,,.,,, ,,,,,,.,., • .,,,,,,.,,.,.,., .. .,.,, ,,.,., /
! f
l ' .
j ,' , i
...J I i :.
w I
i 1' 1'
...... <C I.•' ,.:'II\\ '
,,..._ -I '' ' ',' ,,
l '\~-·;t~'-· :~
o -L_
...,. _______ '-""---i--- ,.,:-' , , · ! V
" 1-..f'.L,,
_L_LLJ_J_J\_J,J_,..!-,_ _L__!ILL.J.__J_J_J_J__L!~..::·.=·•--:::::
' '·.
vK· ... '
0.01 0.1 10
PERIOD (sec)
Figure 4-10: Acceleration Response Spectra- Embankment vs. Free-Field for Saguenay Record.
OPTION 1 · dynamic soil properties • (max Is thirteen): 8 5 0.10 0.135 2493
1 OPTION 3 -• Input motion:
5 J
9 #1 Modulus for sand (Pl=O) (Vucetic and Oobry, 1991) 3752 4096 .005 bo30.sar (8F9.6)
10.0001 0.000316 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 0.1 0.316 0,16 25. 2 8
OPTION 4 • • sublayer for input motion {within (1) or culcrcppfng (0):
1.000 1.0 .960 0.87 o. 715 0.49 0.25 0.1 4
0.02 8 0
9 #1 Oanping for sand (Pl=O) (Vucetic and Oobry, 1991) OPT ION 5 · · nutber of iterations & ratio of avg strain to max strain
0.0001 0.000316 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 0.1 0.316 5
1. 0 8 0,59
2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.5 10.5 16.0 20.0 OPTION 9 • • RESPONse
24 .0 9
10 #2 Modulus for silt (Pl=50) (Vucetfc and Dobry, 1991) 2
0.0001 0.000316 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 0.1 0.316 1 0 981
1• 3.16 0,05
1.000 1.000 1.000 0.99 0.95 0.83 0.67 0.45 STOP execution 11ill stop when program encounters 0
0.22 0.02 0
10 #2 Damping for sil CPl=50) cvucetlc and Dobry, 1991)
0.0001 0.000316 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 o. 1 0.316
1. 3.16
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4. 1 6.0 9.3
13 .2 18.0
9 #3 Modulus for Cl (Pl=15) (Vucetfc end Dobry, 1991)
0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 0.1 0.316
Iv 1 .000 1.000 1 .000 0.95 0.810 0.63 0.400 0.200
0 0.1,.
9 #3 Damping for CL CP1=15) (Vuoetic end Dobry, 1991)
0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 0.1 0.316
2.580 2.580 2.580 2.580 4.645 7.77 11.67 16.085
9 #4 Hodul us for t ii l (Pl=5l (Vueetic and Dobry, 1991)
0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.00316 0.01 0.0316 0.1 0.316
1.000 1.000 0.980 0.900 0.77 0.51 0.32 0.16
9 #4 Oa,rping for till not yet (Pl=5) (Vucetlc end Dobry, 1991)
0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0,00316 0,01 0,0316 0.1 0.316
Construction of a new highway will require extensive excavation and regrading of a hillside. Figure 5-1
shows the original topography and the proposed final grading. The highest cut slope rises approximately
44 m above grade. The existing topography is at an average inclination of 2.9H: 1V (Horizontal: Vertical)
and the proposed final grading calls for 1.5H:1V slopes. In general, the hillside is composed of
interbedded weak sedimentary rock that, in some cases, dips out of slope. To complete the seismic design
of the slope, the following tasks need to be performed:
The local highway department required minimum factors of safety of 1.5 for static conditions and 1.1 for
pseudo-static conditions with a seismic coefficient equal to one-half the peak ground acceleration.
Previous investigations identified two bedrock formations and five classes of surficial deposits within the
area. The surficial deposits include terrace deposits, landslide debris, colluvium, alluvium, and artificial
fill. The bedrock formations consist of marine sediments. The bedrock formations are divided into an
upper group of Miocene formations and an underlying group of Pliocene age formations.
The Pliocene formation group is a siltstone unit, exposed over much of the area. It is described in boring
logs as a light tan sandy siltstone, clayey siltstone, and silty sandstone with local silty claystone interbed
seams. It was reported that the siltstone bedrock materials are massive with thin interbedded sandstone
layers and abundant gypsum- and clay-lined joints. Weak seams are typically parallel to bedding and, by
definition, have lower shear strengths than the predominant bedrock. In slope areas where adverse (i.e.,
out-of-slope) bedding is present, these weak seams may provide a mechanism for slope instability.
Regionally, bedding planes generally dip toward the north except where there has been local deformation
due to faulting and folding. This regional trend is inferred to exist at the site based upon previous
5 - 1 (Part II)
C ,...,
....... ...
(.? zz
..J a: ... E
< <Vl
c.. ... ~
z C..::!
;:;: >-
<(V) ~
c.. 0
(!) I-
0 Cl)
~ 0
ii1: 0
0 ~
0 0
.., 0 0
"'.., 0 If) 0
"' "'
(sJa+aw) NOLL v'J\313
5 - 2 (Part II)
5.3.1 General
Data from previous exploration programs and lmowledge of the local geology indicate that the
geomorphology will have a great influence on the stability of the cut slopes. Consequently, the geotechnical
exploration program was designed to provide information on the orientation of the beds and on the shear
strength of both the rock mass of the bedrock and on the bedding plane interfaces and weak seam material.
To that effect, and to complement traditional borings and sampling procedures, a series of three
0.6-m-diameter test borings were excavated with a bucket auger. Downhole logging was performed in
these borings to note bedding attitudes and to collect block samples for direct shear testing along bedding
planes. The log of Boring B-1 is reported on Figure 5-2. The geologic lithology of the section analyzed
in this example is predominantly siltstone. The bedding dips out of the proposed cut slope at an apparent
angle of approximately 12 degrees.
Intact Rock
The claystone and siltstone materials within the different bedrock formations exhibit similar shear strength
parameters. Based upon laboratory test results, a cohesion of 50 kPa, a friction angle of 35 degrees, and
a unit weight of 18.8 kN/m3 were assigned to intact claystone and siltstone bedrock.
A limited number of laboratory direct shear and triaxial shear test results were performed on intact and
remolded samples of claystone and siltstone material. Data on other claystone and siltstone strata of similar
origins but different locations were also available. Due to the similarity in the index properties reported
for these strata and those reported for material from the project site, and considering that these bedrock
formations are marine deposits that are typically relatively uniform over large areas, the data from the
other claystone and siltstone strata in the area were used in developing shear strength parameters for the
stability analyses. In addition to this laboratory data, there were a number of landslides in the area from
which shear strengths could be back calculated.
Analysis of this data indicated that the peak shear strength of the claystone and siltstone materials could
be conservatively characterized by a lower bound strength envelope with a friction angle of 19 degrees and
cohesion of 50 kPa. Based largely on strength parameters back-analyzed from landslides in the same
formations, a friction angle of 12 degrees and a cohesion value of 10 kPa were assigned to the residual
shear strength parameters for the claystone and siltstone seam material. A unit weight of 18.8 kN/m3 was
assigned to the claystone and siltstone seam material. The shear strength envelopes for the different
materials are reported on Figure 5-3.
The project site is located about 7.5 km from a strike-slip fault capable of generating a maximum credible
earthquake (MCE) with a moment magnitude, Mw, of 7. In order to evaluate the value of maximum
horizontal acceleration at the site from the MCE, five different attenuation relationships for rock sites were
5 - 3 (Part II)
_, .
Bedrock an surface, ve,y dry
Buff colors some gravel, sllstone some
sand. ~~=·
Monitor with PIO: Oppm
D2•16.3 at bottom
. 1=::::: Will pump 02 downhole during
""-=· 805 logging
Light ta medium grey.clayey d"iatomaceaus
'"silmone N85W 19S
~:. .
3 cm. Sandstone, grey, ironstained ""-=·
Back to dense grey llltstane as above 1=:;:
9.0 §;;:
Sickenslide surface In clayey lillatone
· ~ cm. thict very clayey, medium ta clllt. ~~~~ .
grey lilty c:layatane wilh ll&ckenstides.
Orange IUined sand 1/4 ta 112• thick
1-::: S1
Dense, medium grey lilmone again ~===
~~~ .
'"Dense sllmone as above N80E20S t,,-,;..~
. S2 90
N10E26SE t-:~
-=- 780
: S2 y
21-22.5 m. Hard brittle zone (bani and N85W24S ---=
bedded 1-:=:
N8E6SE -=·
~=-· 110·
40.0 ~=?
Due to unstable rock. dawnhole logging
compleied at Total depth 40 m
NORTlllNG 776.7
EASTING 2816.6
Figure 5-2: Example 4 Boring Log.
5 - 4 (Part II)
50 .. ---- .. - .... ,........ - .. -- - - ...... -- .. .. . .. . .. . .. -
Bedrock Intact .. .... - - ..
-+- Seam Residual
--e-Seam Peak
.................... ',.................... -. ....................... r ...... ..
0 20 40 60 80 100
Normal Stress (kPa)
5 - 5 (Part II)
Figure 5-4 illustrates the calculation of the MCE peak ground acceleration. This figure provides the
reference for each attenuation relationships and the mean and mean plus one standard deviation peak
ground acceleration at the site for each attenuation relationship.
The average of the mean values of peak ground acceleration, 0.4 g, will be used in the design.
The slope stability criteria imposed by local regulators required a minimum static factor of safety of 1.5.
For seismic conditions, a factor of safety of 1.0 when using a seismic coefficient equal to 0.5 a_._/g in a
pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis was considered acceptable. The rationale for this seismic design
criterion is discussed in Section 7 .2.2 of Part I. The seismic coefficient established using this criteria was
(0.5)(0.4g)/g = 0.20.
The shear strength parameters used in the long tenn static stability were the peak values for the intact rock
and the residual values for the claystone and siltstone seams. The shear strength parameters used in the
pseudo-static seismic (short term) analysis were the peak values for both the intact rock and the claystone
and siltstone seams.
The computer program STABL4 (Lovell, et al., 1984) was used to assess the stability of the slope.
STABLA employs limit equilibrium principles to provide general solutions to slope stability problems using
the Modified Bishop or Modified Janbu methods to calculate factors of safety. Potential sliding surfaces
can be pre- specified or randomly generated. The Modified Janbu method was used for the slope stability
analyses performed herein.
Both circular and planar failure surfaces were evaluated. Planar failure surfaces generated for analysis
considered the presence of weak zones such as the claystone and siltstone seams. The locations of the
potential failure surfaces were varied in the slope stability analyses to evaluate the depth to the potential
failure surface (the seam of weak material along the bedding).
The STABL4 input and output for the critical surface (the surface with the lowest pseudo-static factor of
safety) are provided following this design example.
Figure 5-5 shows the most critical failure mechanisms for the slope. A wedge analysis was performed
assuming sliding along the weak seam dipping at a 12-degree angle out of slope. The minimum calculated
factor of safety under static loading conditions is 0.95. Under a seismic coefficient of 0.2, the pseudo-
static factor of safety of the slope is 0.93, which is also not sufficient, as shown on Figure 5-6.
Figures 5-7 and 5-8 show the stability analysis for circular deep seated failures under static and pseudo-
static conditions. The analyses using circular surfaces give higher factors of safety than the wedge
analyses, indicating that stability is controlled by the strength of the weak seams in the rock mass.
5 - 6 (Part II)
Mw = 7.0
1.5 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
0.659 0.664
0.4 0.4
2 3 5
~M ean
. illJJMean + Sig. _Average Values
Idriss, I.M. (1993) "Procedures fer Selecting Earthquake Ground Motions at Rock Sites
Rock Sites," Report NIST GCR 93-625, U.S. Department of Commerce, Na- 4.6 < M < 7.4; 1 < R < 60 km
5 tional Institute of Standards and Tecbnology. Gbaitbersburg, Maryl.and. 7 p. Randomly Oriented Horizom:,1/ Comp 0.392 0.591
5 - 7 (Part II)
'{g' Highway Cut - GEC#2 - Static Analysis Seam daylight at road level
V, Ten Most Crltlcal. R:GEC-F23.PLT By: THH 09-03-96 11 :66am
# FS Soll Totol Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pre11ure PIH,
•b 0.95 Lebel Unit Wt. Unit Wt, Intercept Angla Pre ■aure Cnn■t11nt
lp&'I Surface
1 lfjl/ 'fill tsr~ l~•if' Param.
~- 'd 0.96
SEAM 2 120 120 200 12 0 0
o· 0.97
• 0.98
h 0.99
~ I 0.99
...,C 1100 J 0.99
..., Elev.
to (ft)
....... (1)
>ti ::,
p, g.
' -'
t"" 700
• 0.93
• 0,93
r 0.93
a 0.93
h 0.93
u, Elev.
0 700
5 0 0 ' - - - - - - - - - . L - - - - - - - - - . . , __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - ~
0 200 400 600 800 1000
PCSTABLS FSmln = 0.93 X-Axls (ft)
Factors Of Safety Calculated By The Modified Janbu Method
Note: I ft-0.3048 m, I psf-47.9 N/m2, I pcf• 0.157 kN/m3
I Highway Cut - GEC#2 - Static analysis - Deep seated circular mechanism
Ten Most Crltloal. R:GEC-F26N.PLT By: THH 09-03-98 10:10am
() # FS son Total S•turet.d Coh••lon Friction Para Praaaure Plat:.
~-o· • 1.17
b 1,17
l ■b.r
Unit Wt. llnlt Wt. lnt•rc•pt
'!11/ fpofl
P,aa ■ ure
1.17 SEAM 2 120 120 200 12 0 0
~ d 1,18
tJ 1000 • 1,18
Cl> t 1.18
.g I 1,19
I ~ 1,19
en 1,18
~ Elev.
,_. Cl>
0 (ft)
0 P'
>-c "'e.
g_ 600
JJ' 500
1000 • 1.18
r 1.18
I 1.19
(1) h 1.19
.g 1.19
I 1.19
"' 800
(1) Elev.
~ (ft)
j [
........:::t j"
~ 600
g_ 600
S" 4 0 0 ' - - - - - - ' - - - - - ' - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - . . . ______.______,__ _ ___,_ _ _ _.....__ _ _ __,
0 100 200 300 400 600 600 700 800 900 100(
PCSTABL IFSmln,..1.17 X-Axle (ft)
Factors Of Safety Calculated By The Modified Janbu Method
Note: I t\-0,3048 m. l psf\-47.9 N/m 2• I pcf• 0.157 kN/m3
The results indicate that the proposed grading plan for the highway cut does not meet the requirements for
either static or seismic conditions. Geometric constraints did not allow the engineers to flatten the slopes
to increase stability. Therefore, structural stabilization solutions were investigated.
To increase the factors of safety to the required level, structural stabilization of the slope was required.
The proposed stabilization system consisted of three rows of soil anchors located on benches. In general,
the lowest row of anchors was designed to stabilize a global potential failure surface that extends parallel
to the apparent dip and would daylight at road level or pass under the proposed roadway. The upper two
rows of anchors were designed to stabilize the potential failure mass contained within the 1.5H: 1V slopes.
While many engineers prefer not to use benches on slopes above highways due to the potential for
rockfalls, that potential was considered relatively low for this slope and the benches facilitate both access
to the anchors for maintenance and monitoring and surface water drainage control.
The required anchor capacities were computed using hand calculations. Anchor loads were evaluated for
all surfaces with a factor of safety below the desired value to find the required anchor capacity. The
pseudo-static load due to a seismic coefficient of 0.20 was included in these calculations. The critical
failure mechanisms were modeled as 4-block wedge mechanisms consisting of an upper (active) wedge,
two middle sliding blocks, and a lower (passive) wedge, as shown on Figure 5-9. The 4-block wedge slope
stability hand calculations were performed using force equilibrium. In these inclinations, the interslice
forces were assumed to be inclined at 12 degrees to the horizontal (i.e., parallel to the weak bedding
plane). The calculation used an iterative approach to find a set of four normal forces, three interslice
forces, and an anchor force that produced the required factor of safety against instability. The set of
simultaneous equations were programmed into commercially available spreadsheet software.
Toe purpose of this chapter is not to show the detailed design of anchors; however, it is important to note
that there are several potential failure mechanisms that need to be considered in anchor design:
• failure of the soil-grout interface in shear (i.e., pullout of the anchor); and
The anchors were installed on the benches from the top row down as the cut progressed. Each anchor was
designed to resist the calculated anchor force and to develop this resistance below the potential failure
surfaces (i.e., below the weak bedding plane). Information on the analysis and design of permanent
ground anchors can be found in Module 6 (Earth Retaining Structures).
Construction of a new highway required regrading of a hillside. Toe highest cut slope rose about 44 m
above grade at an inclination of 1.5H:1V. The site geology is characterized as sedimentary bedrock of
marine origin. It is described as a light tan sandy siltstone with local interbedded clay seams. The bedding
dips out at the proposed cut slope at an apparent angle of 12 degrees. The site is located about 7.5 km
from a strike-slip fault capable of generating earthquakes of moment magnitude (Mw) of 7. 0. A seismic
5 - 12 (Part II)
hazard analysis was conducted using five attenuation relationships, resulting in a maximum horizontal
ground acceleration of 0.4 g for use in design at the site.
Slope stability criteria called for a static factor of safety of 1.5 and a pseudo-static factor of safety of 1.1
for a seismic coefficient of 0.2 (one-half the peak ground acceleration). Initial slope stability analyses
indicated that the proposed grading design would not meet the static and pseudo-static criteria.
A remedial solution was developed to stabilize the slope. The solution was based on using permanent
ground anchors located on benches. The ground anchors were also designed for a seismic coefficient of
0.2 g.
""' 225
z 210
~Ill 195 _.,.
180 . . . . . --J- -- FORCE 3
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
5 - 13 (Part II)
PCSTABL Output File
** pcSTABL4 **
Purdue University
Run Date:
Time of Run:
Run By:
Input Data Filename: gec-f23.inp
output Filename: gec-f23.ouu
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Highway Cut - GEC#2 - Static Analysis
Seam daylight at first bench
9 Top Boundaries
10 Total Boundaries
Boundary X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right Soil Type
No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Below End
5 - 14 (Part II)
•*Safety Factors Are Calculated By The Modified Janbu Method••
Failure Surface Specified By 8 Coordinate Points
Failure Surface Specified By 8 Coordinate Points
Note: Failure surface coordinates omitted from the original PCSTABL output.
5 - 15 (Part II)
A highway project includes a channel crossing with an approach embankment and a major cable-stayed
bridge structure. The embankment, which will reach a maximum height of 3.5 m near the abutment wall,
is founded upon potentially liquefiable soil. The bridge will be supported on a large diameter concrete pier
founded upon steel H-piles in the center of the channel. The tasks of the geotechnical engineer are to:
• evaluate the stability of the approach embanlanent, including the effects of seismic loading; and
• provide the structural engineer with response spectra for design of the bridge structure.
Of primary concern in this case is the evaluation of the liquefaction potential of the foundation soil for the
approach embankment and the effect of local soil conditions upon the response spectra.
The site is located along a broad coastal plain of limited relief surrounded by mountains to the north and
east, and water to the south and west. The site lies in an area of high seismic exposure due to its proximity
to three major fault zones. Figure 6-1 shows the site location relative to these known faults (Faults A, B,
and C). Evaluation of the historical seismicity indicated that not all of the major earthquakes (magnitude
> 5.0) in the region can be attributed to the three major faults. Recent studies indicated that the seismicity
not attributable to these identified faults may be attributable to an unmapped buried thrust and fold belt that
is capable of producing earthquakes up to magnitude 6.5 to 7.0. Therefore, in addition to the three
recognized faults, the blind thrust and fold belt has been identified as a seismic source zone impacting the
site. Figure 6-1 shows the location of the fold and thrust zone established on the basis of micro-seismicity
studies and seismic reflection profiling.
Available data from previous subsurface investigations indicated that schist and basalt basement rocks can
be found at a depth of approximately 40 to 60 m in the vicinity of the site. These basement rocks are
6 - 1 (Part II)
FAULT B M max .. 6,25
Mmax .. 7.o FAULT C
M max== 8,0
Figure 6-J:
6 - 2 (Fan: IJ)
overlain by approximately 20 m of Miocene marine shale and sandstone deposits which are, in tum,
overlain by Pleistocene and Holocene sediments. Borings indicate that, on shore, the top 30 m at the site
consists of Pleistocene marine terrace deposits covered by 3 to 5 m of alluvium. The channel is filled with
recent sediments, having been incised into the Pleistocene marine terrace and Miocene shale and sandstone
deposits when sea level fell below its present elevation during the Late Pleistocene period and being subject
to periodic dredging. At the project site, the channel is filled with approximately 30 m of recent deposits
of silts, clays, and sand.
Two levels of ground motions were established by the owner in developing the seismic design criteria for
the project: an "operational" level at which the structure is assumed to respond elastically with little to no
damage and a "contingency" level at which some "acceptable" level of damage is expected. The amount
of damage considered to be acceptable at the contingency level depends on the function of the facility, the
ease of repair, and the availability of alternative transportation routes. For critical facilities defined as
lifelines, the criteria for acceptable damage requires the structure to remain serviceable. For important
facilities where loss of service for limited periods of time can be accommodated, the criteria is that the
damage be easily repairable. For ordinary facilities, where alternative transportation routes are available,
it is simply necessary to prevent collapse of the structure and loss of life. For this project, the approach
embankment and bridge crossing were judged to be important, but not critical facilities, as they were
important for moving freight but there were alternative routes that could accommodate emergency services.
Due to the importance of the route as a freight corridor, acceptable "downtime" following a major
earthquake was limited to 2 to 4 weeks.
The Operational Level Event (OLE) and Contingency Level Event (CLE) were defined by the owner on
a probabilistic basis. The OLE is defined as the most damaging event with a peak horizontal ground
acceleration (PHGA) that has 50 percent probability of not being exceeded in a 50 year period. The CLE
is defined as the most damaging event with a PHGA that has 10 percent probability of not being exceeded
in a 50 year period.
The firm ground intensity levels for the OLE and CLE design motions were evaluated on the basis of a
conventional probabilistic strong shaking seismic hazard evaluation. The analyses followed the procedure
originally suggested by Cornell (1968), as embodied in the computer program EQRISK (McGuire, 1976).
Active faults within 100 km of the project site were identified, assigned earthquake magnitude recurrence
rates on the basis of observed slip rates and historic seismicity, and assigned maximum magnitudes on the
basis of the length of the fault segments. Historical seismicity and regional deformation not assigned to
active faults were then assigned to either "random" seismicity or to buried blind fold and thrust belts. The
three major known active faults were treated as line seismic sources while the blind thrust and fold belts
and the sources of the "random" seismicity were treated as area sources. Figure 6-2 presents the
Gutenberg-Richter recurrence plot developed for the blind thrust and fold belt on the basis of the historical
seismicity. Once the magnitude-recurrence relationships were established for each source, the contribution
of each source to the PHGA hazard at the site was calculated using the EQRISK computer program on the
basis of the attenuation relationships developed by Campbell (1993). The sensitivity of the results to the
choice of attenuation relationship and to assumptions regarding the "random" seismicity and the blind thrust
and fold belt events was then investigated in subsequent analyses. The resulting seismic hazard curve
adopted for the project is shown in Figure 6-3. On the basis of this curve, the PHGA on firm soil in the
6 - 3 (Part II)
C: 2.4
::, "'
0- >-. 2.2 N(rri) = a: - bm
~ ........
"' :,,:
-"" E 1.8
0 ....
::, "' 1.6
_g- 0.
-;:: (f) 1.4
wo -
> Lu
:;:; 1
0 0.8
0.6 , 1.2 1~8 2.4 3 3.6 ,
0.9 1.5 2.1 2.7 3.3 3.9 5.7
Magnitude (m)
a = 4.50
b = 0.80
Data covers a 34 year period
Figure 6-2: Recurrence Relationship for Blind Thrust and Fold Belt.
6 - 4 (Part II)
1.0 . , . . . _ ; ; ; ; ; : ; ; ; : : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
0:: 0.9
<( 0.7
<( 0.6
(.!) 0.5
(.!) 0.4
j: 0.2
0:: 0.1
0.0 -+-------,.-----+-------,-------+--------i
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
6 - 5 (Part II)
OLE was established as 0.2 g. The PHGA on firm soil in the CLE was established as 0.4 g. Analysis of
the results indicated that the most damaging source of the 0.2 g PHGA for the OLE would be a magnitude
8.0 event on Fault C (see Figure 28) at a distance of 52 lan. The most damaging event associated with the
0.4 g PHGA for the CLE was determined to be a magnitude 7.0 event within the blind thrust and fold belt
at a distance of 11.3 Ian from the site. Table 6-1 summarizes the parameters of the design earthquakes.
A subsurface exploration program which consisted of 12 geotechnical borings, 6 cone penetrometer tests
(CPT), and laboratory testing on samples recovered from the borings was conducted at the site. Four of
the soil borings were drilled from a barge in the channel. Cross hole seismic profiling was conducted
within three of these channel borings to develop a shear wave velocity profile for seismic response
analyses. The soil borings were drilled using rotary wash drilling equipment. Relatively undisturbed
samples of the silts and clays in the channel were obtained for laboratory testing using 75-mm-diarneter
Shelby tubes. In the land-side borings, Standard Penetration Tests were conducted in accordance with
ASTM Standard D 1586-84 at 1.5 m intervals. The six CPT soundings were advanced on land to
continuously log the resistance of soil strata at the site to identify weak layers that may go unnoticed in
traditional borings. The SPT blow counts and equivalent blow counts from the CPT soundings were used
in the liquefaction potential analysis.
Based on the results of the subsurface exploration program, characteristic stratigraphic profiles were
developed for the site. For the purpose of geotechnical analyses, typical properties were assigned to each
of the characteristic stratigraphic units. The stratigraphic profile beneath the approach embanlanent is
shown in Figure 6-4. The log for Boring B-2 is shown in Figure 6-5. The idealized stratigraphic profile
of sediments found beneath the embanlanent near the bridge abutment consists of 1.5 m of soft organic silt
underlain by 7 m of medium-dense sand underlain by 5 m of medium dense to dense silty sands underlain
by dense to very dense sand and gravel. The representative profile of uncorrected SPT blow counts
beneath the approach embanlanent, developed from both the borings and the CPT soundings, is shown in
Figure 6-6. The stratigraphic profile at the center of the channel consists of 18 m of silt, sand, and clay
layers underlain by dense sand and gravel. Figure 6-7 shows the shear wave velocity profile within the
channel developed from the cross hole soundings. Figure 6-7 also shows the shear wave design profile
used in the SHAKE analyses.
Preliminary design called for an approach embanlanent with an 18-m-wide crest and side slopes at an
inclination of l.5H:1V. The design called for excavation of the 1.5-m layer of organic silt, placement of
a geotextile separation layer, and construction of the embanlanent. The embankment was compacted to
95 percent of the maximum dry density determined using ASTM D-1557, the Modified Proctor
Compaction Test. The embanlanent is about 150 m long and varies in height to reach a maximum of 3 .5 m
over the last 100 m near the abuttnent wall of the bridge. Conventional geotechnical analyses performed
for design of the embanlanent, including static slope stability and settlement analyses, were performed but
are not described herein. Seismic performance analyses for the embankment that are described herein
6 - 6 (Part II)
28.5 m
O<i" 18 m
1· .I 5
,,, s
I • 18 kN/m'
I • 18 kN/m'
a • 19 kN/m'
2100 Main Sllffl, S..lte 160 FINISH DATE 12 JAN 98 DATUM Moan Sea Level
Huntington Beach, Clllomla 92848
Tel: (7141889-0800 Fix: 17141889-0820 PROJECT GECl2
~ ~~
=~ : :~ E: . _:
~ ~ ~:
.. 1----; ('II.I 160mm C ~ ., ., V
: . -30--+--+➔--+--++------+--+--,l-+---l
~: .
I 6-7•7 14 4
7.8 r-4
I 7-8-7 16 7
.~ J 9-8•8 17 8
Donao eand Ind g,_
t .
I 6-111-11 32 10
I 6-1&-21 40 6
I.,, r-1D I ,4-23-2! 48 7
1•11 J lB-32-3( 82 8
20.D ~
End of drilling at 20 m.
CME 76
8.26 HS4
NORTHING 31788.4
Figure 6-5: Example 5 Boring Log.
6 - 9 (Part II)
SPT N Value (Blows/300mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
E .
10 ............... ···••j•
6 - 10 (Part II)
Shear Wave Velocity (m/sec)
5 ...........◄ ···.···········••:••···········;·············:·············
• Measured
. '.
. ,,
10 ····---•· . ····· ..................................................... .
. ••
- 15 ·•
- ... - • - . . . . . . - J • . . . . . . . . . . . . - .,. . . . . . . . . . . . - ...... - - - - ...... - .. - - ,I • • - .... - - ....... - -
' .
C 20 --···-·······-~•---····••1••--------······------
...................... .
----·-·· ........ .... • .
• • • • • • • .. • •,· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r .... • ........... '\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- •
. .
30 - • - - - - .... - .. ■ :
••• - - - - ......... •........ -
- ....... ~
............ - - .' . . . -
...... - . . . . ..
. ♦
6 - 11 (Part II)
6.6.2 Seismic Slope Stability
Pseudo-static slope stability analyses of the embankment were performed using the computer program
ST ABIA assuming that liquefaction would not occur. In the dynamic stability analyses, the seismic
coefficient was set equal to one-half the PHGA divided by the acceleration of gravity, or 0. I for the OLE
and 0.2 for the CLE. Results of the analyses yielded a factor safety greater than 1.5 for both cases,
indicating acceptable seismic performance in the absence of liquefaction. The critical failure surfaces are
shown in Figure 6-8 for the OLE and Figure 6-9 for the CLE. Post-liquefaction stability analyses are
described subsequently.
The input and output files for the STABIA analyses using the OLE are provided in the attached calculation
Evaluation ofliquefaction and seismic settlement potential is described in detail in Volwne I. The step-by-
step methodology developed in Section 8.3 of Volume I will be followed in this example.
First, the uncorrected blow counts were normalized to a confining pressure of 96 kPa and standardized for
a hammer efficiency of 60 percent. As a safety hammer was used in the rotary wash borings, the
standardization factor for hammer efficiency was 1.0 (see Section 8.3 of Volume I). The normalization
procedure is illustrated in the calculations and swnmarized in Tables 6-4 through 6-6. Next, the factor of
safety against liquefaction was calculated at each 1.5 m interval within the potentially Iiquefiable strata for
both design earthquake loadings (the OLE and the CLE). Liquefaction potential was evaluated under the
centerline of the embankment, beneath the toe of the embankment, and in the free-field beyond the
embankment toe. Detailed calculations for liquefaction potential are provided in the attached calculation
Figure 6-10 shows the distribution of the factor of safety against liquefaction with depth for the free-field
conditions. Under both the OLE and CLE conditions, liquefaction is expected to occur within
approximately the top IO m of the sand layer.
Figure 6-11 shows the distribution of the factor of safety against liquefaction with depth under the center
of the embankment. Figure 6-11 shows that, due to the increase in confining stress imposed by the
embankment, liquefaction is not anticipated under the embankment centerline in the OLE event but is
expected to occur in the CLE event.
Figure 6-12 shows the distribution of the factor of safety under the toe of the embankment. At this
location, liquefaction is also anticipated in the CLE but not in the OLE due to the beneficial influence of
the initial static shear stress from the embankment on liquefaction potential. Note, however, that if the
initial relative density of the surficial sand layer was less than 40 percent, the initial static shear stress from
the embankment would increase the liquefaction potential. As indicated in Figure 8-8 of Volume I, the
initial static shear stress correction factor k0 is larger than one for relative densities greater than 40 percent
and less than one for relative densities less than 40 percent. The coefficient k 0 appears in Tables 6-4
through 6-6 in the attached computations and, for this example, is always larger than one since the sand
found at the site has estimated relative densities varying from 40 to 55 percent.
6 - 12 (Part 11)
00 Liquefaction example Dynamic analysis
Tan Moat Critical, R:LIQ3OLE.PLT 03-21-98 4:48pm
.._ ,,f... uryv
8...... f
,c tf' -~·
~.:=-~ '1
§ .
g,...... Pl•••
'Tl 1,97
e:. 1,97
-, I 1.99 K,.=O. lOg
n, 120 J 1,99
0 Y-Axl•
°' r
'°' 160
# FS Toto!
Unit Wt.
S1tur1tod Coh1alon , Friction
,,.. ,u,. P,eaaure PiH.
I 1.60 label Unit Wt. Angl• Can•tant Surface
• 1.51 FIil
fff tr,R ~&U l~33•:t> Parr, (p&') No,
n • 1.52 Sand
160 D
•I 1.57
"' 1.68
'Tl •' 1.69
I 1.60 :Kg=0.20g
~. 120 J 1.61
0\ n Y-Axls
r (ftJ
Since the analyses indicate that there is a potential for liquefaction in the free-field and under the
embankment in both the OLE and CLE, the engineer must evaluate the consequences of liquefaction in
these events. As discussed in Section 5.3, the design criteria are that in the OLE the embankment should
remain usable and that in the CLE the damage will be repairable in 2 to 4 weeks.
The liquefaction analyses indicate that in the OLE liquefaction will occur in the free-field, as the factor of
safety for the upper 10 mis in the range from 0.7 to 0.8. Due to the higher effective confining pressure
the factor of safety against liquefaction in the OLE under the centerline of the embankment is improved
to very near one from 5 m to 10 m, leaving about the upper 3.5 m of the sand layer vulnerable to
liquefaction with factors of safety around 0.8. In the CLE, the factor of safety varies from about 0.5 in
the free-field to about 0.7 under the embankment. Such low values indicate that extensive liquefaction may
occur, resulting in large displacements (lateral spreading) and potential slope failure along the
To lower the risk of liquefaction, it was decided to densify the top 10 m of the sand layer. Target factors
of safety of 1.1 under the embankment and 1.0 in the free-field during the CLE event were established.
To achieve these factors of safety, it was determined that the cyclic shear ratio at which liquefaction will
occur (the liquefaction resistance of the soil) must be greater than or equal to 0.3 over the top 10 m of sand
layer. Based on Figure 8-3 of Part I, to achieve a liquefaction resistance of 0.3 for a soil with a fines
content of 5 percent requires a value of (N 1)6() of about 25. The remedial ground improvement program
was designed on this basis to provide an (N,)6() of 25 or greater at the site. As the site was an open,
undeveloped area with no structures or utilities nearby, dynamic compaction was selected as the most
economical ground improvement method with which to achieve the required liquefaction resistance.
Even with a standardized and normalized blow count of 25, there is still a risk of liquefaction in the free-
field in the OLE and CLE, as only the soil under the embankment footprint was designated for
densification. The potential consequence of liquefaction in the free-field adjacent to the toe of the
embankment is lateral spreading of the embankment. Lateral spreading can occur subsequent to
liquefaction both during the earthquake (assuming liquefaction occurs prior to the cessation of strong
shaking) and after the event. To evaluate the potential for lateral spreading in the CLE, a limit equilibrium
analysis was performed using the residual shear strength for the potentially liquefiable soil beyond the toe
of the embankment. The rationale for the use of residual shear strength in this analysis is discussed in
Section 8.4 of Part I. The residual shear strength of the liquefied soil was evaluated using the correlation
with SPT (N 1)6().cs values shown in Figure 5-15 of Part I.
Because the area outside the footprint of the embankment was not treated with dynamic compaction, the
value of residual shear strength was obtained using the average initial SPT values over the top 10 m of the
sand layer and the lower-bound curve on Figure 5-15 of Part I. On this basis, a value of 15 kPa was
selected to characterize the residual shear strength of the sand.
Results of the residual strength stability analysis are presented in Figure 6-10. The figure indicates a static
factor of safety of 1.57 for the embankment using residual shear strength parameters. This analysis
indicates that, once the strong shaking stops, the embankment will be stable and lateral spreading will
cease. The yield acceleration calculated using residual shear strength beyond the toe of the embankment
is 0.14 g. Using this value in conjunction with the CLE PHGA of 0.4 g results in a value of 0.35 for the
ratio of yield to peak acceleration. From the Hynes and Franklin (1984) chart presented in Figure 7-4 of
Part I, this results in an upper bound permanent seismic deformation of 0.36 m, as shown in Figure 6-11.
This is assumed to be the upper bound value for the lateral spreading anticipated during the CLE.
6 - 15 (Part II)
..,C Liquefaction example Post llquefactlon analysls
Ten Moat Crltlcal. R:LIQ3PL.PLT 03-21-98 4:46pm
....... ,.. •••ur• ~...... ~-
Fff ,.,,-
r "fYT
•.. 1.67 ,.,ain, onatant
I oa
C 1.61
•• 1,62
I 1.84
i~U:. 8 I· i
•.. 1.64
I 1,615
~ 120 J 1,88
g: Y•Axls
~- 80
~ I»
0 40 80 120 160 200
PCSTABL FSmfn - 1,67 X-Axfs (ft)
Factors Of Safety Calculated By The ModlfJad Janbu Method
Figure 6-11: Pennanent Seismic Deformation Chart (Modified from Hynes and Franklin, 1984,
reprinted by permission of U.S. Anny Engineer Waterways Experiment Station).
6 - 17 (Part II)
calculated assuming that the soil liquefies immediately following the start of strong ground motion. As this
potential amount of lateral spreading at the toe of the embankment was considered to be repairable in the
designated time period by the design engineers, no additional remedial action was considered necessary.
Note that for the OLE, the ratio of yield to peak acceleration is 0. 7 and the upper bound on the anticipated
amount of lateral spreading is less than 0.15 m. This magnitude of lateral spreading is considered
A site specific response analysis was conducted to develop response spectra for the OLE and CLE for use
in design of the bridge structure. The response analysis was conducted using the in-house modified
computer program SHAKE91 (Schnabel et al., 1972; Idriss and Sun, 1992). Input time histories were
selected using the methods described in Chapter 4 of Part I. Table 6-1 presents the target values for
acceleration intensity, duration, and energy content for the two design events. Tables 6-2 and 6-3 show
the time histories that were screened for use in the analyses and identify the selected time histories for the
CLE and OLE, respectively.
The input time histories, scaled to the appropriate peak acceleration, were specified as outcrop motions
in the SHAKE analyses. The soil profile for the SHAKE analyses were based upon the cross hole velocity
profile shown in Figure 6- 7, laboratory density and shear strength values for the silt and clay strata, and
modulus reduction and damping curves from Vucetic and Dobry ( 1991). Results of the SHAKE analyses
are presented in Figures 6-12 and 6-13. In Figure 6-12, response spectra at the top of the silty clay stratum
in the channel are plotted for the three input OLE time histories. Also shown in this figure is the smoothed
response spectra recommended for use in design. Figure 6-13 presents the same information for the CLE.
In Figure 6-14, the smoothed response spectra for the OLE and CLE are plotted together for comparison.
These results clearly demonstrate the focusing of seismic energy around the predominant period of the site,
estimated to be approximately 0.3 seconds, and the influence of the long period motions of the CLE design
event on site response.
The calculation sheets for Example 5, "Liquefaction Potential Analysis" follow. Equation numbers that
appear in the right margin of the calculation sheets refer back to Part I. Included are input and output files
for a sample PCSTABL4 and SHAKE analysis.
The liquefaction potential at depth 4.5 m below the original ground surface is evaluated in this example.
For other depths, a spreadsheet was developed and the calculations are shown in Tables 6-4, 6-5, and 6-6.
The liquefaction potential analysis described in this example is found in Chapter 8 of Part I.
0 0
= (1.5 m)(l6 kN/m 3) + (3 m)(l8 kN/m 3) = 78 kPa
u., = (2 m)(9.8 kN/m 3) = 20 kPa
o'., = o., - u., = 78 - 20 = 58 kPa
6 - 18 ( Part II)
• Statiijn (
PE~abt~t·~f ij~i,!~::<~h1.~d.;•
1996) /•,:••:'.'t';.:, ;:,; :\1,(;;••i' /
Notes: (I) Uncorrected peak horizontal acceleration (PHGA) value of strong motion record before digital processing.
(2) Significant duration of strong shaking, D,, as defined by Trifunac and Brady (1975).
(3) Root Mean Square Acceleration (RMSA) over the significant duration of the record scaled to PHGA.
Redlined Accelerograms eliminated from further consideration.
MAti~s••i~ei4:1m<J J<kiss;.;if ·.
196Qt;Y· . :.:·••<tic>•:
Notes: (1) Uncorrected peak horizontal acceleration (PHGA) value of strong motion record before digital processing.
(2) Significant duration of strong shaking, D,, as defined by Trifunac and Brady (1975).
(3) Root Mean Square Acceleration (RMSA) over the significant duration of the record scaled to PHGA.
Redlined Accelerograms eliminated from further consideration.
. •
CD ·N-c -
C: •
•• - 0
z <C
=> w ., ·'
En• :c ....••
u, 0 ~
<( 0 .
_, •
--~-~.~--·--~ U)
--·----- -
..,-.. .. --·--·-·--
. U)
. 0
Figure 6-12: Response Spectra from SHAKE Analysis for OLE Events.
6 - 21 (Part II)
C: U)
0 u
CD Cl)
en fl)
(.) ~
...I LO
- -
co co 0
ci ci
Figure 6-13: Response Spectra from SHAKE analysis for CLE Events.
6 - 22 (Part II)
( ,)
... 0.
C: C
O> O>
·c;; "in
Q) Q)
Cl Cl
co N <r- CX) co 'o::t N 0
<r- <r- 0 0 0 0
(6) uo1ieJa1a:>:>\f 1eJ:i:>ad s
6 - 23 (Part II)
Step 3: Evaluate Stress Reduction Factor
Tables 5-2 and 5-3 in Part I are used to evaluate the standardized blow count. For this example, except
for the rod length effect, CRL, no corrections are necessary to apply since standard equipment was used
for the SPT tests.
Step 7: Evaluate Critical Stress Ratio Resisting Liquefaction (Figure 8-3 in Part I)
Mw = 8.0 kM = 0.84
Mw = 7.0
6 - 24 (Part II)
a'.= 58 k:Pa
6 - 25 (Part II)
3 9 51.0 46 31 1.44 0.85 11 0.977 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.282 0.120 0.150 0.53
4.5 11 78.0 58 39 1.29 0.85 12 0.966 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.338 0.130 0.163 0.48
6 13 105.0 70 47 1.17 0.95 14.4 0.954 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.372 0.160 0.200 0.54
7.5 15 132.0 82 55 1.08 0.95 15.4 0.943 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.394 0.170 0.213 0.54
9 17 159.0 94 63 1.01 1 17.2 0.931 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.409 0.189 0.236 0.58
10.5 19 186.0 106 71 0.95 1 18.1 0.894 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.407 0.199 0.249 0.61
12 26 214.5 120 80 0.89 l 23.1 0.854 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.400 0.256 0.320 0.80
13.5 32 243.0 133 89 0.85 l 27.2 0.814 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.387 0.340 0.425 1.10
15 40 271.5 147 98 0.81 1 32.4 0.774 1.25 1.000 1.0 0.373 NIA NIA NIA
16.5 49 300.0 160 107 0.77 1 37.7 0.733 1.25 1.000 0.99 0.357 NIA NIA NIA
18 60 328.5 174 117 0.74 l 44.4 0.693 1.25 1.000 0.98 0.341 NIA NIA NIA
OLE event: a..._ = 0.2 11:; M =8
3 9 51.0 46 31 1.44 0.85 11 0.977 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.141 0.120 0.101 0.72
4.5 11 78.0 58 39 1.29 0.85 12 0.966 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.169 0.130 0.109 0.64
6 13 105.0 70 47 1.17 0.95 14.4 0.954 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.186 0.160 0.134 0.72
7.5 15 132.0 82 55 1.08 0.95 15.4 0.943 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.197 0.170 0.143 0.73
9 17 159.0 94 63 1.01 1 17.2 0.931 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.205 0.189 0.159 0.78
10.5 19 186.0 106 71 0.95 1 18.1 0.894 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.204 0.199 0.167 0.82
12 26 214.5 120 80 0.89 1 23.1 0.854 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.200 0.256 0.215 1.08
13.5 32 243.0 133 89 0.85 1 27.2 0.814 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.194 0.340 0.286 1.47
15 40 271.5 147 98 0.81 I 32.4 0.774 0.84 1.000 1.0 0.187 NIA NIA NIA
16.5 49 300.0 160 107 0.77 1 37.7 0.733 0.84 1.000 0.99 0.179 NIA NIA NIA
18 60 328.5 174 117 0.74 1 44.4 0.693 0.84 1.000 0.98 0.171 NIA NIA NIA
*Fmes Content = 5%
SPT blow-count from field investigations o, Total overburden stress
CN Correction factor for overburden pressure (Equation 5-10 of Part I) ov' Effective overburden stress
c60 Correction factor for equipment (Tables 5-2 and 5-3 of Part I) om' Effective confining stress
(N,)60 SPT blow count corrected as per Equation 5-11 of Pan I FSL Factor of Safety against liquefaction
rd Stress reduction factor (Equation 8-1 of Part I) a,,,,. Peak ground acceleration
kM Magnirude correction factor (Figure 8-4 of Part I) M,. Moment magnirude
k,, Initial static shear stress correction factor (Figure 8-6 of Part I) CLE Contingency Level Event
le,, Stress level correction factor (Figure 8-5 of Part I) OLE Operational Level Event
CSR,., Critical stress ratio imposed by the earthquake (Equation 8-3a of Part I) NIA Not Applicable (for (N 1) 60 >30,
CSR75 becomes very large as
shown on Figure 8-3 of Part I)
CSR7_5 Critical stress ratio read from Figure 8-3 of Part I
CSRL Critical stress ratio from Figure 8-3 corrected as per Equation 8-4 of Part I
6 - 26 (Part II)
Evaluate CSRC<J for two design events:
Tables 5-2 and 5-3 in Part I are used to evaluate the standardized blow count. For this example, except
for the rod length effect, CRL, no corrections are necessary to apply since standard equipment was used
for the SPT tests.
The construction of the embankment has an effect on the overburden pressure but it is assumed that it will
not affect the SPT values. Under the 3.5 meters of fill, the settlement of the sand layer will be negligible;
consequently, the liquefaction resistance of the sand as measured by the SPT value is not affected by the
increase in overburden pressure. Therefore the corrected SPT values to use in the analysis are the same
as for the free-field analysis.
Step 7: Evaluate Critical Stress Ratio Resisting Liquefaction (Figure 8-5 in Volume I)
6 - 27 (Part II)
(1) OLE (a,... = 0.2 g; MW = 8.0)
6 - 28 (Part II)
6 - 29 (Part II)
PCSTABL Output File
* * pcSTABL4 **
Purdue University
7 Top Boundaries
10 Total Boundaries
6 - 30 (Part II)
Technique For Generating Circular Surfaces, Has Been Specified.
Failure Surface Specified By 29 Coordinate Points
*** l..962
6 - 31 (Part II)
*** 1.971 ***
Failure surface Specified By 29 Coordinate Points
Note: Failure surface coordina~es omitted from the original PCSTABL output.
SHAKE Output File
* --------------------------------------------------------
• Shake94 Routine for direct calculation of average ..*
(al) acceleration is added to the program. out- ..
. put format is modified to enable the two - *
- page landscape printing. The following
.• modulus reduction and damping curves are
added: Kavazanjian & Matasovic (1995) for
. municipal solid waste; Matasovic & Vucetic ..*
• (1993) for SMB sand; and Vucetic and Dobry •
. (1991) for clays of various plasticities. .
. by: Neven Matasovic ..
* August 1993 - May 1994 .
6 - 32 (Part II)
CURVE NO. 7: #4 Modulus for Clay (PI=l5) (Vucetic and Dobry, 1991)
CURVE NO. 8: Damping for Clay (PI=l5) (Vucetic and Dobry, 1991)
CURVE NO. 9: #5 Modulus for Clay (PI=50) (Vucetic and Dobry 1991)
CURVE NO. 10: Damping for Clay (PI=50) (Vucetic and Dobry, 1991)
6 - 33 (Part II)
CURVE NO. 5: #3 Modulus for Peat (TETC modification of Seed & Idriss
CURVE NO. 6: Damping for Clay used for Peat (Seed & Idriss, 1990)
(ft) (ft) (psf) (ksf) (%) (pcf) (fps)
6 - 34 (Pan II)
l 3 6.00 3.00 300.00 629. 5.00 100.00 450.0
2 5 15.00 13.50 1425.00 854. 5.00 110.00 500.0
3 l 18.00 30.00 3285.00 1286. 5.00 115.00 600.0
4 4 15.00 46.50 5220.00 1698. 5.00 120.00 675.0
5 1 15.00 61.50 7057.50 2040. 5.00 125.00 725.0
6 l 15.00 76.50 8955.00 2544. 5.00 128.00 800.0
7 l 12.00 90.00 10695.00 4502. 5.00 130.00 1056.0
8 4 16.00 104. DO 12435.00 16435. 5.00 120.00 2100.D
9 BASE 39130. 1.00 140.00 3000.0
FOR FREQUENCY (f) 2.02 c/sec
FOR PERIOD (l / £) .SO sec
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
PROFILE - Channel deposit
6 - 35 (Pan II)
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
PROFILE Channel deposit
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
P R O F I L E - Channel deposit
ACCELEROGRAM -riodl-hz.sar
P R O F I L E - Channel deposit
6 - 36 (Part II)
5 1 61.5 .50639 .179 .177 1.2 278.6 286.5 -2.9 .140
6 l 76.5 .40123 .169 .166 J.. l 396.5 404.9 -2.l .159
7 l 90.0 .11523 .105 .112 -5.8 1555.4 1463. 2 5.9 .325
8 4 104.0 .01550 .058 .063 -7.8 12328.8 11902.5 3.5 . 724
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
PROF I L E - Channel deposit
NO TYPE DEPTH UNIFR!-1. <---- DAMPING ----> <---- SHEAR MODULUS -----> G/Go
------- ------- -------
l 3 3.0 .05622 .079 . 081 -1.6 206.2 204.0 1.1 .324
2 5 13. 5 . 09239 .061 .063 -2.3 584.l 573 .5 1.9 .671
3 1 30.0 .74033 .196 .193 J..5 J.35.0 J.41.9 -5.2 .110
4 4 46.5 .38865 .J.68 .170 -J..3 321.5 310. 7 3.4 .183
5 l 61.5 .50932 .179 .179 .l 277 .6 278.6 -.4 .137
6 l 76.5 .39803 .168 .168 -.2 398.2 396.5 .4 .156
7 l 90.0 .10570 .101 .105 -4.4 1622.6 1555.4 4.1 .345
8 4 104 .0 .01470 .057 .058 -2.6 12464.9 J.2328.8 J.. J. .750
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
PROF I L E - Channel deposit
------- ------- -------
1 3 3.0 .05531 .079 .079 -.5 206.8 206.2 .3 .328
2 5 13.5 .09023 .061 .061 -.6 587.2 584.l .5 .684
3 l 30.0 .76916 .198 .196 .9 130.9 135.0 -3.l .105
4 4 46.5 . 37179 .167 .168 -.9 329.0 321.5 2.3 . 189
5 l 61.5 .50659 .179 .179 -.l 278.5 277 .6 .3 .136
6 l 76.5 .39215 .167 .168 -.4 401.3 398.2 .8 .157
7 l 90.0 .10045 .098 .101 -2.7 1662.3 1622.6 2.4 .360
8 4 104.0 .01446 .056 .057 -.8 12506.2 12464.9 .3 .758
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
PROFILE - Channel deposit
NO TYPE DEPTH UNIFR!-1. <---- DAMPING ----> <---- SHEAR MODULUS -----> G/Go
------- ------- -------
l 3 3.0 .05511 .079 .079 -.1 207.0 206.8 .l .329
2 5 13 .5 .08976 .061 .061 -.l 587.8 587.2 • J. .688
3 l 30.0 .78798 .199 .198 .6 128.3 130.9 -2.0 .102
4 4 46.5 .36169 .166 .167 -.6 333.7 329.0 1.4 .194
5 l 61.5 .50253 .179 .179 -.2 279.9 278.5 .5 .136
6 l 76.5 .38679 .167 .167 -.4 404. 2 401.3 .7 .158
7 l 90.0 .09757 .097 .098 -1.2 1690.6 1662.3 1. 7 .369
8 4 104.0 .01437 .056 .056 -.3 12522.0 12506.2 .l .761
ACCELEROGRAM - riodl-hz.sar
PROFILE - Channel deposit
6 - 37 (Part II)
TYPE (ft) (ft) (%) (psf) (g) (sec:)
FOR FREQUENCY ( f) .81 c/sec
FOR PERIOD (l / f) l.23 sec
ACCELEROGRl\M - riodl-hz.sar
DEPOSIT - Channel deposit
6 - 38 (Part II)
PER .13 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1800 TV 6.1400 TA= 6.1800
PER .14 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.8200 TV 5.9000 TA= 6. 8200
PER .15 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5400 TV 5.9200 TA= 5.5400
PER . 16 TIMES FOR MAX . - TD 5.5600 TV 5.9200 TA= 5.5400
PER .17 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5600 TV= 6.2200 TA= 5.5600
PER .18 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2000 TV = 6.2400 TA 6.2000
PER .19 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6000 TV = 5.6600 TA= 5.6000
PER .20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 7.6400 TV= 6.5800 TA= 7.6400
PER .21 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.4400 TV 6.6000 TA 6. 5400
PER .22 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.5600 TV 6.6200 TA= 6.5600
PER .23 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.4600 TV 6.5200 TA= 6.4600
PER .24 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.4800 TV 6.5400 TA= 6 .4800
PER .25 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.8800 TV 6.4400 TA= 6.8600
PER .26 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.4800 TV 5.4000 TA= 5.0600
PER .27 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5000 TV 5.4200 TA= 5.5000
PER .28 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5200 TV 5.4400 TA 5_5200
PER = .29 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5400 TV 6.1000 TA 5.5400
PER .30 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5600 TV 6.1000 TA 5. 5600
PER .31 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.0600 TV 5.9800 TA 6.0600
PER .32 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6000 TV 6.0000 TA 5.6000
PER .33 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.7800 TV 8.8600 TA 8.7800
PER .34 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.8000 TV 8. 7200 TA 8.8000
PER .35 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.8200 TV= 8.7400 TA 8.8000
PER .36 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.8200 TV= 8.7400 TA 8. 8200
PER .37 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.8400 TV 8.7400 TA 8.8200
PER .38 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.8400 TV 4.6600 TA= 8.8400
PER .39 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 4.5800 TV 4.6600 TA= 4.5800
PER .40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6200 TV 4.6800 TA= 5.6200
PER .41 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6400 TV 5.7400 TA= 5.6200
PER .42 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6400 TV 5.7600 TA= 5.6400
PER .43 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 4.6000 TV 4.7000 TA= 4.6000
PER .44 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1000 TV 4.7000 TA= 5.1000
PER . 45 TIMES FOR MAX . - TD 5.1200 TV 5.2200 TA= 5.1000
PER .46 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1200 TV 5.2200 TA= 5.1200
PER .47 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1400 TV 5.2400 TA= 5,1200
PER .48 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1400 TV 5.2400 TA= 5 .1400
PER .49 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1600 TV 5.2600 TA= 5.1400
PER .so TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1600 TV 5.2800 TA= 5.1600
PER .51 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1800 TV 5.0600 TA= 5.1600
PER .52 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1800 TV 5.0600 TA= S.1800
PER .53 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.1800 TV 5.0800 TA= 5.1800
PER .54 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.2000 TV 5.0800 TA= 5.1800
PER .ss TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5400 TV 5.0800 TA= 5.5200
PER • 56 TIMES FOR MAX . - TD 5.5600 TV 5.7200 TA= 5.5400
PER .57 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5800 TV 5.7400 TA 5. 5600
PER .58 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6000 TV 5.7600 TA= 5.5800
PER .60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6200 TV 5.7800 TA= 5.6000
PER .62 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5 .6400 TV 5.7800 TA= 5.6200
PER .64 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6600 TV 5.8000 TA= 5.6400
PER .66 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6600 TV 5.8000 TA= 5.6600
PER .68 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6800 TV 5.8200 TA= 5.6600
PER .70 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.6800 TV 5.8200 TA= 5.6800
PER • 72 TIMES FOR MAX . - TD 5.7000 TV 5.8400 TA= 5.6800
PER . 74 TIMES FOR MAX . - TD 5. 7200 TV 6.3200 TA= 5.7000
PER .76 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.7200 TV 6.3400 TA= 5.7000
PER .78 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5. 7200 TV 6.3400 TA= 5. 7200
PER .80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.7400 TV 6.3400 TA= 5.7200
PER .82 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1600 TV 6.3600 TA= 6.1600
PER .84 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1800 TV 6. 3600 TA= 6.1800
PER .86 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2000 TV 6.3800 TA= 6.1800
PER .88 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2200 TV 6.0000 TA= 6.2000
PER .90 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2200 TV 6.0200 TA= 6.2200
PER .92 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2400 TV 6.0200 TA= 6.2200
PER .94 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2600 TV 6.0200 TA= 6.2400
PER .96 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2600 TV 6.0200 TA= 6.2400
PER .98 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2800 TV 6.0200 TA= 6 .2600
PER 1.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2800 TV 6.0200 TA= 6.2800
PER 1.05 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.3200 TV 6.0400 TA= 6 .3000
6 - 39 (Part II)
PER 1.10 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.3600 TV 6.0600 TA= 6.3400
PER 1.15 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 7.0400 TV 6.1800 TA= 7.0200
PER 1.20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.3400 TV 7.4000 TA= 8.3200
PER 1.25 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.0400 TV 8.7600 TA= 9.0200
PER 1.30 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.1400 TV 8.8200 TA= 9.1200
PER 1.35 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.2200 TV 8.9000 TA= 9.2000
PER 1.40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.6600 TV 8.9600 TA = 8.6400
PER 1.45 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 8.7000 TV 6.9600 TA= 8.6800
PER 1.50 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD = 9.5000 TV 6.9800 TA= 9.4800
PER 1.55 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.5800 TV= 7.0600 TA= 9.5600
PER 1.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.7600 TV= 7.0800 TA= 6.7400
PER 1.65 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.8000 TV= 7.1000 TA= 6.7600
PER 1. 70 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.8200 TV= 5.6400 TA= 6.7800
PER 1. 75 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.8400 TV= 5.6400 TA= 6.8000
PER l.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.0400 TV 5. 6400 TA= 6.0000
PER 1.85 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1000 TV 5.6400 TA= 6.0800
PER = 1.90 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1200 TV 5.6400 TA= 6.1000
PER 1.95 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1200 TV 5. 6400 TA= 6.1000
PER 2.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1400 TV 5. 6400 TA= 6.1000
PER 2.05 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1400 TV 5.6400 TA= 6.1200
PER 2.10 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1400 TV 5.6400 TA= 6.1200
PER 2.15 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.1400 TV 5. 6400 TA= 6.1200
PER 2.20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.6400 TV 5.6400 TA= 9.6200
PER 2.25 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.6800 TV 5.6400 TA= 9.6400
PER= 2.30 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.7000 TV 5. 6400 TA= 9.6600
PER= 2.35 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.7400 TV 5. 6400 TA= 9.7000
PER= 2.40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.7800 TV 5.6400 TA= 9.7400
PER= 2.50 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.8400 TV 5.6400 TA= 9.8000
PER= 2.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 12.6400 TV 5. 6400 TA= 12.6000
PER= 2.70 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 12. 7200 TV 5.8800 TA= 12.6800
PER= 2.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2000 TV 5.8800 TA= 6.1600
PER= 2.90 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.2200 TV 5.8800 TA= 6.1600
PER 3.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.3800 TV 5.8800 TA= 6.3400
PER= 3.10 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.4000 TV 5.8800 TA= 6.3600
PER= 3.20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 6.4000 TV 5.8800 TA= 6.3600
PER= 3.30 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5000 TV 5.8800 TA 5.4600
PER= 3.40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5000 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER= 3.50 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5200 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER= 3.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5200 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER= 3.70 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD = 5.5200 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER 3.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5200 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER 3.90 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5200 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER 4.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 5.5200 TV 5.8800 TA= 5.4600
PER 4.10 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11. 9200 TV 5.8800 TA= ll. 8600
PER 4.20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11.9400 TV 5.8800 TA= ll.8800
PER 4 .30 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11.9600 TV 5.8800 TA= ll. 9000
PER 4.40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11. 9800 TV 5.8800 TA= 11. 9200
PER 4.50 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.8600 TV 5.8800 TA= 9.7800
PER 4.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.8800 TV 5.8800 TA= 9.7800
PER 4.70 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.9000 TV 5.8800 TA= 9.8000
PER 4.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.9400 TV 5.8800 TA= 9.8400
PER 4.90 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.2400 TV 5.8800 TA= 10.2000
PER 5.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.2800 TV 5.8800 TA= 10.2000
PER 5.10 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.5600 TV 5.8800 TA= 10.5200
PER 5.20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.6000 TV 5.8800 TA 10.5200
PER 5.40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.7400 TV 5.8800 TA 10.7000
PER 5.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.7800 TV 5.8800 TA 10. 7200
PER = 5.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.8200 TV 5.8800 TA 10.7400
PER 6.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 10.8600 TV 5.8800 TA 10.7600
PER 6.20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11. 0400 TV 5.8800 TA 10.8000
PER 6.40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11. 0800 TV 5.8800 TA 11.0200
PER 6.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11.1000 TV= 5.8800 TA J.l.0400
PER 6.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11.1400 TV = 5.8800 TA 11.0600
PER 7.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 11. 3400 TV = 5.8800 TA 11.0800
PER 7 .20 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 18.8000 TV= 5.8800 TA 18.7000
PER 7 .40 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 15.8000 TV= 5.8800 TA 15.6800
PER 7.60 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 16.0000 TV = 5.8800 TA 15.9600
PER 7.80 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 16.0800 TV= 5.8800 TA 15.9800
6 - 40 (Part II)
PER 8.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 16.2800 TV 5.3400 TA= 16.2200
PER 8.50 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 16.4800 TV 5.3400 TA= 16.2800
PER 9.00 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 12.7600 TV 5.3400 TA= 12.6400
PER 9.50 TIMES FOR MAX. - TD 9.1200 TV 5.3400 TA= 8.6800
6 - 41 (Part II)
57 .58 .23475 2.39955 2.54306 .86037 .85556 1. 72
58 .60 . 263 l.3 2 .67290 2.75548 . 89874 .896J.3 1.67
59 .62 .28459 2.83653 2. 884l.2 . 9l.2l.4 .90771 1. 6l.
60 .64 .29750 2.86089 2.92067 .89898 .89049 1.56
61 .66 . 30479 2.76251 2.90162 .86215 .85787 1.52
62 .68 .30702 2.62209 2.83684 .81677 .81405 1.47
63 .70 .30669 2.45482 2.75283 .77387 .76737 1.43
64 . 72 .30781 2 .29779 2.68618 .72966 . 72799 1.39
65 .74 .30475 2.25480 2.58759 .68812 .68232 1.35
66 .76 .30093 2.33112 2.48786 .64081 .63876 1.32
67 .78 .29415 2.35489 2.36949 . 59603 .59277 1.28
68 .80 .28899 2.31478 2 .26971 .55799 .55361 1.25
69 .82 .29072 2.29165 2.22763 .53167 .53009 1.22
70 .84 .29991 2.27060 2.24331 .52229 .52112 1.19
71 .86 .31341 2.25612 2.28980 .52080 .51955 1.16
72 .88 .32937 2.28778 2.35169 .52390 .52146 1.14
73 .90 .34723 2.36514 2.42414 .52790 .52558 l.ll
74 .92 .36710 2.45947 2.50710 .53394 .53175 1.09
75 .94 .38744 2.55702 2.58975 . 54ll8 .53759 1.06
76 .96 . 41062 2.65669 2.68751 .54843 .54626 1.04
77 .98 .43341 2.75190 2.77878 .55693 .55329 1.02
78 1.00 .45545 2. 83103 2.86170 .56130 .55840 1.00
79 1.05 .49637 2.93984 2.97028 .55560 .55199 .95
80 l.10 .50641 2.79994 2.89258 .51546 .51312 .n
81 1.15 .53286 2.85465 2.9ll37 .49652 .49400 .87
82 l.20 .55783 2.99701 2.92080 .47734 .47495 .83
83 1.25 .60256 3.05147 3.02879 .47561 .47281 .80
84 l.30 .62708 3.17183 3. 03080 .45676 .45492 .77
85 l.35 .63041 3 .14471 2.93406 .42645 .42409 .74
86 1.40 .61428 2.97409 2.75690 .38654 .38425 .71
87 1.45 .59415 2.71080 2.57458 .34938 .34647 .69
88 1.50 .55837 2.56719 2.33889 .30599 .30426 .67
89 1.55 .50576 2.39877 2.05019 .25933 .25810 .65
90 l.60 .50700 2.30907 l.99098 .24426 .24281 .63
91 1.65 .51166 2.17438 l.94839 .23202 .23042 .61
92 1. 70 .50999 2.13678 l.. 88492 .21821 .21636 .59
93 1.75 .50093 2.10896 1.79855 .20273 .20054 .57
94 1.80 .49143 2.07196 l.. 71542 .l.8751 .l.8596 .56
95 1.85 .48759 2.02636 l.. 65602 .l.7498 .l.7467 .54
96 l.. 90 .48361 1.97456 1.59927 .16503 .16425 .53
97 1.95 .47797 1.91994 l. 54009 . l.5519 . l.54ll . 51
98 2.00 .47086 l.86601 1.47926 .l.4555 .l.4432 .so
99 2.05 .46441 1.81579 1.42339 .l.3678 .13549 .49
100 2.10 .45839 l..77142 1.37150 .l.2889 .12744 .48
l.Dl 2.15 .45358 l. 734l.2 l.32554 .l.2188 .l.2030 .47
l.02 2.20 .47526 1.70419 l.35733 .l.2115 .l.2039 .45
103 2.25 .498ll l. 68116 l. 39098 .l.2151 .12063 .44
l.04 2.30 .51470 l.. 664 l.2 l.40606 .l.2006 .ll.929 .43
105 2 .35 .52568 l..65180 l.40550 .11737 .ll.670 .43
106 2.40 . 53 012 1.64287 1.38784 .11365 .l.1284 .42
l.07 2.50 .5J.775 1.63002 l.30126 .l.0234 .l.Ol.57 .40
108 2.60 .52509 l..61702 l.26894 .09573 .09523 .38
J.09 2.70 .49002 l.62714 1.14033 . 08311 .08241 .37
l.l.O 2.80 .4409l. 1. 63050 .98939 . 07030 .06895 .36
lll 2.90 .42646 l.62437 .92399 .06349 .06217 .34
112 3.00 . 41493 1.60920 .86902 .05700 .05652 .33
113 3 .l.0 .40391 l. 58668 .81866 .05221 .05153 .32
ll4 3.20 .39115 l.55909 .76802 .04755 .04683 .31
ll5 3.30 .37886 l.52877 . 72134 .04427 .04265 .30
116 3.40 .37878 l..49779 .69998 . 04182 .04017 .29
117 3.50 .37704 l. 46779 .67685 .03937 . 03774 .29
ll8 3.60 .37414 l.43998 .65300 .03701 .03539 .28
ll9 3.70 .37037 l.4J.513 .62894 . 03477 .033J.7 .27
120 3.80 .36620 l.39366 .60551 .03268 .03109 .26
J.2J. 3.90 .36207 1.37569 .58332 .03076 . 02919 .26
l.22 4.00 .35830 1. 36ll.O .56282 .02902 .02746 .25
123 4.10 .38420 1. 34961 .58878 . 02841 .02802 .24
124 4.20 .40691 l.34094 .60874 .02871 .02828 .24
6 - 42 (Part II)
125 4.30 .42513 1.33467 .62120 .02865 .02819 .23
126 4.40 .43841 1.33041 .62605 .02824 .02776 .23
127 4.50 .44777 1.32777 .62521 . 02753 .02711 .22
128 4.60 .47135 l. 32640 .64382 .02769 .02731 .22
129 4.70 .49334 l. 32597 .65952 .02771 .02738 .21
130 4.80 .51388 l. 32620 .67266 .02762 . 02735 .21
131 4.90 .53276 1. 32684 .68314 . 02748 .02720 .20
132 5.00 .56267 1. 32763 .70707 .02791 .02759 .20
133 5.10 .59540 1.32848 .73353 . 02827 .02807 .20
134 5.20 .63441 l. 32921 .76656 .02901 .02876 .19
135 5.40 .71325 1.32992 . 82991 . 03016 .02999 .19
136 5.60 . 78412 1.32919 .87978 .03099 .03066 .18
137 5.80 .84196 1.32673 .91210 . 03111. .03069 .17
138 6.00 .88577 l.32254 .92758 . 03061 .03017 .17
139 6.20 .92380 1.31669 .93619 .02960 .02946 .16
140 6.40 .95385 1.30931 .93644 .02884 .02855 .16
141 6.60 .96846 l. 3 0058 .92197 .02766 .02726 .15
142 6.80 .96842 1.29075 .89482 .02615 .02568 .15
143 7.00 .96416 l.28006 .86543 .02438 .02412 .14
144 7.20 .96031 1.26867 .83803 .02296 .02271 .14
145 7.40 1. 00756 1.25675 .85550 .02273 .02256 .14
146 7.60 1.05649 1.24439 .87343 .02260 .02243 .13
147 7.80 1.08640 1.23191 .87513 .02220 .02189 .13
148 8.00 1.10868 1.23626 .87076 .02146 .02124 .13
149 8.50 1. 06940 1. 26059 .79050 .01843 .01815 .12
150 9.00 l . 04769 1. 28333 .73142 .01618 .01586 .11
151 9.50 l.02550 1.30422 .67825 .01450 .01393 .ll
152 10.00 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .10
6 - 43 (Part II)
A cable-stayed bridge with an approach embankment that traverses liquefiable ground is to be constructed
in a coastal city in the western United States. The project site is located in a broad coastal plain and lies in
an area of high seismic exposure due to its proximity to three faults and a "blind" fold and thrust belt.
The soil stratigraphy beneath the embankment consists of 5 m of recent alluvium overlying up to 20 m of
marine terrace deposits of silty sand, sandy silt, and silty clay. The channel is underlain by approximately
30 m of recent deposits of silts, clays, and sands.
The owner dictated that a two-level earthquake design criteria be used. The criteria called for design to
resist the Operational Level Earthquake (OLE) (defined as the event with a PHGA that has a 50 percent
probability of not being exceeded in a 50-year period) without loss of serviceability and to· withstand the
Contingency Level Earthquake (CLE) (defined as the event with a PHGA that has a 10 percent probability
of not being exceeded in 50 years), with damage repairable in 2 to 4 weeks.
The probabilistic seismic hazard analysis resulted in a magnitude Mw = 7 event with a peak horizontal
ground acceleration of 0.4 g for the CLE and a magnitude Mw = 8 event with a peak horizontal ground
acceleration of 0.2 g for the OLE.
The liquefaction analyses indicated that liquefaction is likely to occur in the free-field during both the OLE
and CLE events. The analyses showed that liquefaction is likely to occur under the embankment during both
the OLE and CLE events, although the thickness of the liquefied zone in the OLE event will be limited to
about 3.5 m also.
Consequently, to minimize the extent of lateral spreading in the design earthquakes, it was decided to density
the potentially liquefiable soil to reduce the risk of unacceptable performance. As the site was in an
undeveloped area with no structures or utilities in the vicinity, dynamic compaction was recommended. The
densification program was designed to provide normalized and standardized blow counts, (N1) 60 , equal to
or greater than 25 at the site.
Post liquefaction stability analyses were carried out using residual shear strength parameters for the liquefied
sand. Results of the analyses yielded a static factor of safety greater than 1.5, indicating the embankment
would stabilize once the shaking stopped, even if the soil did liquefy. The estimated permanent seismic
deformation of the embankment in the OLE was less than 0.15 m. The estimated permanent seismic
deformation of the embankment in the CLE was calculated to be 0.36 m. These magnitudes of potential
deformation were considered acceptable.
A site-specific response analysis was conducted to develop response spectra for the soil in the main channel
for the OLE and CLE. Three time histories were selected for each level of loading. The response spectra
were obtained using the computer program SHAKE (Schnabel et al., 1972; Idriss and Sun, 1992) and were
provided to the structural engineer for use in design of the bridge structure.
6 - 44 (Part 11)
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7 - 1 (Part II)
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7 - 3 (Part II)