meeting, held on the date 29.12.2017, of the co-ordination committee constituted by the
Government resolution No: Abhyas-2116/(Pra.kra.43/16) S.D-4 dated 25.4.2016
PART – 2
Translation :
Dr. Jaydeep Vinayak Sali 70 GSM Creamwove
Shri. Sandip Popatlal Chordiya
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Shri. Rajendra Vispute Maharashtra State Textbook Bureau,
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Dear students
Welcome to Std X. We have great pleasure in offering you this Science and
Technology textbook based on the new syllabus. From the primary level till today, you
have studied science from various textbook. In this textbook, you will be able to study the
fundamental concepts of science and technology from a different point of view through
the medium of the different branches of Science.
The basic purpose of this textbook Science and Technology Part-2 can be said to
be ‘Understand and explain to others’ the Science and Technology that relates to our
everyday life. While studying the concepts, principles and theories in science, do make
the effort to understand their connection with day to day affairs. While studying from
this textbook, use the sections ‘Can you recall?’ and ‘Can you tell?’ for revision. You
will learn science through the many activities given under the titles such as ‘Observe and
discuss.’ and ‘Try this’ or ‘Let’s try this. Make sure that you perform all these activities.
Activities like ‘Use your brain power!’, ‘Research’, ‘Think about it’ will stimulate your
power of thinking.
Many experiments have been included in the textbook. Carry out these experiments
yourself, following the given procedure and making your own observations. Ask your
teachers, parents or classmates for help whenever you need it, interesting information,
which reveals the science underlying the events we commonly observe and the technology
developed on its basis, has been given in details in this textbook through several activities.
In this world of rapidly developing technology, you have already become familiar with
computers and smartphones. While studying the textbook, make full and proper use of
the devices of information communication technology, which will make you studies
easier. For more effective studies, you can avail additional audio-visual material for
each chapter using the Q.R code through an App. This will definitely help you in your
While carrying out the given activities and experiments, take all precautions with
regard to handling apparatus, chemicals, etc. and encourage others to take the same
It is expected that while carrying out activities or observation involving plants and
animals, you will also make efforts towards conservation of the environment. You must
of course take all the care to avoid causing any harm or injury to them.
Do tell us about the parts that you like, as well as about the difficulties that you face
as you read and study and understand this textbook.
Our west wishes for your academic progress.
For Teachers
• The real objective of science education is to learn to be able to think about events that
are happening around us, logically and with discretion.
• In view of the age group of Std IX students, it would be appropriate now, in the process
of science education, to give freedom and scope to students’ own curiosity about the
events of the world, their propensity to go looking for the causes behind them and to their
own initiative and capacity to take the lead.
• As experimentation is necessary to learn the skills of observation, logic, estimation,
comparison and application of available data, which form a part of science education,
deliberate efforts must be made to develop these skills while dealing with laboratory
experiments give in the textbook. All observations that the students have noted should
be accepted and then they should be helped to achieve that the expected results.
• These two years in middle school lay the foundation of higher education in Science.
Hence, it is our duty and responsibility to enrich and enhance the student’s interest in
science. You all will of course always actively pursue the objective of developing their
creativity and imbuing them with a scientific temper.
• You can use ‘Let’s recall’ to review the previous knowledge for a lesson and ‘Can you
tell?’ to introduce a topic by eliciting all the knowledge that the students already have
about it from their own reading or experience. You may of course use any of your own
activities or questions for this purpose. Activities given under ‘Try this’ and ‘Let’s try
this’ help to explain the content of the lesson. The former are for students to do themselves
and the latter are those that you are expected to demonstrate. ‘Use your brain power!’
is meant for application of previous knowledge as well as the new lesson, and ‘Always
remember’ gives important suggestions/information or values. ‘Research’, ‘Find out’,
‘Do you know?’ ‘ Introduction to scientists’ and ‘Institutes at work’ are meant to give
some information about the world outside the textbook and to develop the habit of doing
independent reference work to obtain additional information.
• This textbook is not meant for reading and explaining in the classroom but guiding
students to learn the methods of gaining knowledge by carrying out the given activities.
An informal atmosphere in the classroom is required to achieve the aims of this textbook.
All students should be encouraged to participate in discussions, experiments and
activities. Special efforts should be made to organize presentations or report-reading in
the class based on students activities and projects, besides observing of Science Day and
other relevant occasions/days.
• The science and technology content of the textbook has been complemented with
Information Communication Technology. These activities are to be conducted under
your guidance along with the learning of various new scientific concepts.
Front and back covers : Pictures of various activities, experiments and concepts in the book.
DISCLAIMER Note : All attempts have been made to contact copy righters (©) but we have not heard from them.
We will be pleased to acknowledge the copy right holder (s) in our next edition if we learn from them.
Competency Statements Std X
The students are expected to achieve the following competency level after studying the text book
Science and Technology II
The Living World.
* To analyze the scientific information about heredity and state opinions about new hybrid species.
* To understand evolution theories or living and state there characteristics.
* To explain reproductive systems of plants and animals.
* To state importance of cell science by collection of information of cell on utility and various medical facilities.
* To understand production processes of various biotic factors by experiments and prove them scientifically.
* To collect and analyze useful data by observing diversity of animals through different tools.
* To describe animals in the surroundings on scientific basis and classify them.
* To develop awareness of hobbies like watching the things and their conservation.
* To present documentary on animals.
* To collect useful and scientific information on human reproductive system and explain effects on society.
* To eradicate superstitions and rigid customs prevailing in society.
* By considering the serious consequences of the energy crisis, adopt proper lifestyle and motivating others to
decide their lifestyle accordingly.
* Explain the steps involved in the process of generation of electrical energy.
* To analyze the correlation of electricity generation processes and environment.
* Knows the importance of green energy and saves energy in daily life.
No. Chapter Page No.
Academic Planning
Two separate books have been prepared for Science and technology.
Science and technology part 2 contains ten chapters mainly related to Biology,
Environment, Microbiology, Biotechnology. While thinking about science
and technology, it is expected that an integrated approach will be taken while
teaching and a connection will be made between different components of science
and technology. In previous standards, we have studied various topics in science
and technology together. For technical case two separate books science and
technology part 1 and part 2 have been prepared, but it is necessary that an
integrated perspective be taken while teaching.
Out of the ten chapters included in textbook science and technology part 2,
the first five chapters are expected to be taught in the first session while the next
five chapters in the second session. At the end of a session, a written examination
for 40 marks and a practical examination for ten marks should be conducted.
Exercises and projects have been given at the end of every chapter in the text
In view of evaluation, representative questions similar to those in the
activity sheets of language books are given in exercises. You may make similar
other questions for your use. The students should be evaluated based on these
questions. Detailed information about this will be given in separate evaluation
1. Heredity and Evolution
Ø Heredity and Hereditary Changes Ø Transcription, Translation &
Ø Evolution Ø Evidences of Evolution
Ø Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection Ø Lamarckism
Ø Speciation Ø Human Evolution
Evidences of evolution
Collective thinking upon all above mentioned theories implies that evolution
is everlasting process of changes. However, it needs proof to prove it. Following are
various proofs available in support of the theories mentioned above.
1. Morphological Evidences
Observe the following images and note the similarities between given
Try this animal images and plant images.
Various similarities like
structure of mouth, position of
eyes, structure of nostrils and
ear pinnae and thickly
distributed hairs on body are
seen in animals whereas
similarities in characters like
leaf shape, leaf venation, leaf
petiole, etc. occur in case of
plants. This indicates that there
are some similarities in those
groups and hence it proves that
their origin must be same and
1.4 Morphological evidences
must have common ancestors
2. Anatomical Evidences
If you carefully observe the
pictures, there doesn’t seem any
superficial similarity between human
hand, foreleg of ox, flipper of whale
and patagium of bat. Similarly, use of
each of those structures is different in
respective animals. However, there is
similarity in structure of bones and
bony joints in organs of each of those
Human foreleg Patagium Flipper
animals. This similarity indicates that
hand of ox of Bat of Whale those animals may have common
1.5 Structure of bones ancestor.
Can you tell? 1. Which are the different organs in body of organisms?
2. Is each of the organs useful to organism?
Use of ICT :
Collect the information of geological dating and Present it classroom.
3. Vestigial Organs
Degenerated or underdeveloped useless organs of organisms are called as vestigial
organs. In living organisms, sudden development of new tissues or organs for living in
changing environment is not possible. Instead, existing organs undergo gradual changes.
Mostly, a specific structure in the body is useful under certain situation. However, same
structure under different situation may become useless or even harmful. Such structure begins
to degenerate under such situation as per the principle of natural selection. It takes thousands
of years for a structure to disappear. Such organs are seen in different phases of disappearance
in different animals. Such organ, though non-functional in certain organism, it may be
functional in other organisms i.e. it is not vestigial in other organisms.
Appendix, which is useless to human, is useful and Small
fully functional organ in ruminants. Similarly, muscles of Intestine
ear pinna, which are useless to human, are useful in
monkeys for movement of ear pinna. Various vestigial
organs like tail-bone (coccyx), wisdom teeth, and body
hairs are present in body of human being. Large
Intestine Appendix
Wisdom teeth
Tail bone
Use of ICT
Find how the
vestigial organs in
certain animals are
functional in others.
Present the
information in your
class and send it to
1.7 Some fossils
4. Palaeontological Evidences
A question may arise in your mind that which organisms existed millions of years
ago? How can we tell this? Now this secrete has been hidden in the Earth. Large number
of organisms get buried due to disasters like flood, earthquake, volcano, etc. Remnants
and impressions of such organisms remain preserved underground. These are called as
fossils. Study of fossils is an important aspect of study of evolution.
Carbon consumption of animals and plants stops after death and since then, only the
decaying process of C-14 occurs continuously. In case of dead bodies of plants and animals,
instead of remaining constant, the ratio between C-14 and C-12 changes continuously as
C-12 is non-radioactive. The time passed since the death of a plant or animal can be
calculated by measuring the radioactivity of C-14 and ratio of C-14 to C-12 present in
their body. This is ‘carbon dating’ method. It is used in palaeontology and anthropology
for determining the age of human fossils and manuscripts. Once the age of fossil been
determined by such technique, it becomes easy to deduce the information about other
erstwhile organisms. It seems that vertebrates have been slowly originated from
5. Connecting Links
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed that morphological changes occurring in living
organisms are responsible for evolution and the reason behind those morphological changes
is activities or laziness of that organism. He called this concept as principle of ‘use or disuse
of organs’.
Further, he said that the neck of giraffe has become Introduction to Scientists
too long due to browsing on leaves of tall plants by
extending their neck for several generations; similarly,
shoulders of the ironsmith have become very strong due
to frequent hammering movements. Wings of birds like
ostrich and emu have become weak due to no use. Legs
of the birds like swan and duck have become useful for
swimming due to living in water and snakes have lost their
legs by modifications in their body for burrowing habit.
All these examples are types of ‘acquired characters’ and
are transferred from one to another generation. This is
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829)
called as theory of inheritance of acquired characters or
Lamarckism. Lamarck proposed that the
activities of the organisms
are responsible for their
evolution. This French
naturalist proposed that
each animal or plant
undergo some changes in
its life span and those
changes are transferred to
the next generation and
1.11 Giraffe
such changes occur in next
Development of organs due to specific activities or their subsequent generations too.
degeneration due to no use at all was widely accepted but
transfer of those characters from generation to generation
was rejected. Because it had been verified many times Internet is my friend
that modifications brought in us are not transferred to next
generation and thereby Lamarck’s theory was disproved. Collect the pictures and
information of various
The living organism can transfer the characters which it
species of monkeys from
has acquired, to the next generation. This is called ancestry of
acquired characters.
Formation of new species of plants and animals is the effect of evolution. Species is
the group of organisms that can produce fertile individuals through natural reproduction.
Each species grows in specific geographical conditions. Their food, habitat, reproductive
ability and period is different. However, genetic variation is responsible for formation of
new species from earlier one. Besides, geographical and reproductive changes are also
responsible. Similarly, geographical or reproductive isolation also leads to speciation
Human Evolution
The biodiversity that is known today has been said to be formed from very simple
unicellular organism due to evolution. In this evolution, origin of human evolution can be
shown as per the picture given below. Last dinosaurs disappeared approximately seven
crore years ago. At that time, monkey-like animals are said to be evolved from some
ancestors who were more or less similar to the modern lemurs. Tail of these monkey-like
animals of Africa is said to be disappeared about 4 crore years ago. They developed due to
enlargement in brain their hands were also improved and thus ape-like animals were
evolved. Meanwhile, these ape-like animals reached the South and North-East Asia and
finally evolved into gibbon and orang-utan.
Remaining ape-like animals stayed in Africa and from them, gorilla and chimpanzee
evolved about 2.5 crore years ago. Evolution of some of the 2 crore year old species of apes
seems to be occurred in different way. They had to use their hands more for eating food and
other work.
Cro-Magnon man
50,000 Years ago
20,00,000 Years ago
Skilled Human
Ancient animals like lemurs
Rama pithecus
4,00,00000Years ago
7,00,00000Years ago
1. Complete the following diagram. 2. Read the following statements and
justify same in your own words with
Morphological the help of suitable examples.
a. Human evolution began
approximately 7 crore years ago.
b. Geographical and reproductive
Evidences isolation of organisms gradually
of leads to speciation.
Evolution c. Study of fossils is an important
aspect of study of evolution.
d. There is evidences of fatal
Similarities in
bones structure
science among chordates.
3. Complete the statements by choosing 6. Define vestigial organs. Write names
correct options from bracket. of some vestigial organs in human
(Gene, Mutation, Translocation, body and write the names of those
Transcription, Gradual development, animals in whom same organs are
Appendix) functional.
a. The causality behind the sudden
changes was understood due to -- -- 7. Answer the following questions.
principle of Hugo de Vries. a. How are the hereditary changes
b. The proof for the fact that protein responsible for evolution?
synthesis occurs through -- --- was b. Explain the process of formation of
given by George Beadle and complex proteins.
Edward Tatum. c. Explain the theory of evolution and
c. Transfer of information from mention the proof supporting it.
molecule of DNA to mRNA is d. Explain with suitable examples
called as -- -- -- process. importance of anatomical
d. Evolution means -- -- -- --. evidences in evolution.
e. Vestigial organ -- -- -- present in e. Define fossil. Explain importance
of fossils as proof of evolution.
human body is proof of evolution.
f. Write evolutionary history of
modern man.
4. Write short notes based upon the
information known to you. Project :
a. Lamarckism 1. Make a presentation on human
b. Darwin’s theory of natural selection. evolution using various computer
c. Embryology. softwares and arrange a group
d. Evolution. discussion over it in the class
e. Connecting link. room.
2. Read the book – ‘Pruthvivar
5. Define heredity. Explain the Manus Uparach’ written by Late
mechanism of hereditary changes. Dr. Sureshchandra Nadkarni and
note your opinion on evolution.
2. Life Processes in living organisms Part -1
Ø Living Organisms & Life Processes Ø Living Organisms & Energy
Ø Some Nutrients & Energy Efficiency Ø Cell Division- A Life Process
1. How are the food stuffs and their nutrient contents useful
Can you recall? for body?
2. What is the importance of balanced diet for body?
3. Which different functions are performed by muscles in body?
4. What is the importance of digestive juices in digestive system?
5. Which system is in action for removal of waste materials produced in human body?
6. What is the role of circulatory system in energy production?
7. How are the various processes occurring in human body controlled? In how many
ways ?
Living Organisms and Life Processes
Various organ-systems are continuously performing their functions in human body.
Along with the various systems like digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and control
systems, different external and internal organs are performing their functions independently
but through a complete co-ordination. This overall system is in action in more or less same
way in all the organisms. Those are in need of continuous source of energy for this purpose.
Carbohydrates, fats and lipids are the main sources of this energy and it is harvested by the
mitochondria present in each cell. It is not like that only foodstuff is sufficient for energy
production but oxygen is also necessary. All these i.e. food stuffs and oxygen are transported
up to the cell via circulatory system. Besides, it is coordinated by the control system of the
body. i.e. each life process contributes in its own way in the process of energy production.
Functioning of all these life processes also requires the energy.
Human and other animals consume the fruits and vegetables. Plants are autotrophs.
They prepare their own food. They utilize some of the food for themselves whereas remaining
is stored in various parts like fruits, leaves, stem, roots, etc. We consume all these various
plant materials and obtain different nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins,
minerals, etc. Which food materials do we consume to obtain these nutrients?
We obtain the carbohydrates from milk, fruits, jaggary, cane sugar, vegetables,
potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet meats and cereals like wheat, maize, ragi, jowar, millet,
rice, etc. We get 4Kcal energy per gram of carbohydrates. Let us study the way by which
this energy is obtained.
Many players are seen consuming some food stuffs during breaks of the game.
Living organism and Energy production
3. Electron transfer chain Pyruvic acid Fatty acids
Molecules of NADH2 and
FADH2 formed during all above
processes participate in electron TCA
transfer chain reaction. Due to Cycle
this, 3 molecules of ATP are
obtained from each NADH2
molecule and 2 molecules of ATP Outer Mitochondrial
from each FADH2 molecule. Membrane Inner matter
Besides ATP, water molecules Membrane
are also formed in this reaction. 2.2 Mitochondria and Tri-carboxylic acid cycle
Electron transfer chain reaction is
operated in mitochondria only.
Thus, a molecule of glucose ATP: Adenosine triphosphate is
is completely oxidized in aerobic energy-rich molecule and energy is
respiration and molecules of CO2 stored in the bonds by which phosphate
and H2O are produced along with groups are attached to each other.
energy. These molecules are stored in the cells
as per need. Chemically, ATP is
triphosphate molecule formed from
Always Remember. adenosine ribonucleoside. It contains
a nitrogenous compound-adenine,
NADH2 - Nicotinamide Adenine pentose sugar- ribose and three
dinucleotide phosphate groups. As per the need,
FADH2 - Flavin adenine dinucleotide energy is derived by breaking the
phosphate bond of ATP; hence ATP is
Both enzymes are formed in the cells and called as ‘energy currency’ of the cell.
used in cellular respiration.
Adenine Adenine
Phosphate bonds with
more energy
Inorganic Phosphate
3.3 ATP: Energy Currency Energy released
Introduction To Scientists
Process of glycolysis was discovered by three scientists
Gustav Embden, Otto Meyerhof, and Jacob Parnas along with
their colleagues. For this purpose, they performed experiments on
muscles. Hence, glycolysis is also called as Embden-Meyerhof-
Parnas pathway (EMP pathway).
The cyclical reactions of tricarboxylic acid cycle were
discovered by Sir Hans Kreb. Hence, this cyclical process is also
Sir Hans Kreb
called as Kreb’s cycle. He has been awarded the Nobel Prize in
1953 for this discovery.
Process of energy production through anaerobic respiration in living
aerobic respiration of carbohydrates, organisms/ cells
proteins and Fats.
Lipids Carbohydrates Proteins
Pyruvic Pyruvic
Fatty acids Glycolysis Amino acids acid acid
Melanin , Always remember
Blood: keratin
Excess of amino acids
Haemoglobin, obtained from proteins are not
Antibodies Bones: Ossein
stored in the body. They are
broken down and the ammonia
Amino formed is eliminated out of the
Muscles: Acids Cells : body. If necessary, excess of
Actin and various proteins of proteins are converted into other
Myosin flexible cell membrane, useful substances like glucose
proteins various enzymes through the process of
Pancreas: gluconeogenesis.
Pituitary Gland : Insulin, Plants produce the necessary
Various Trypsin amino acids from minerals denovo
hormones and thereby produce different
proteins. An enzyme RUBISCO
2.4 Proteins and different amino acids obtained
present in the plant chloroplasts is
most abundant protein found in
Can you recall? nature.
Can you recall? What is the shape of chromosome? Give its names in the figure.
2n 2n
2.6 Mitosis
D. Telophase : The chromosomes which have reached at opposite poles of the cell now
start to decondense due to which they again become thread-like thin and invisible. Nuclear
membrane is formed around each set of chromosomes reached at poles. Thus, two daughter
nuclei are formed in a cell. Nucleolus also appears in each daughter nucleus. Spindle
fibers completely disappear.
In this way, karyokinesis completes and cytokinesis
The cytoplasm divides by cytokinesis and two
new cells are formed which are called as daughter
cells. In this process, a notch is formed at the equatorial
plane of the cell which deepens gradually and thereby
two new cells are formed. However, in case of plant
cells, instead of the notch, a cell plate is formed exactly
along midline of the cell and thus cytokinesis is 2.7 Cytokinesis
Mitosis is essential for growth of the body. Besides, it is necessary for restoration of
emaciated body, wound healing, formation of blood cells, etc.
1 2 3
4 5
Prophase- I (1-5) Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I
Meiosis-II is just like mitosis. In this stage, the two haploid daughter cells formed in
meiosis-I undergo division by separation of recombined sister chromatids and four haploid
daughter cells are formed. Process of gamete production and spore formation occurs by
meiosis. In this type of cell division, four haploid (n) daughter cells are formed from one
diploid (2n) cell. During this cell division, crossing over occurs between the homologous
chromosomes and thereby genetic recombination occurs. Due to this, all the four daughter
cells are genetically different from parent cell and from each other too.
1. Fill in the blanks and explain the c. With the help of suitable diagrams,
statements. explain the five stages of prophase-I
a. After complete oxidation of a glucose of meiosis.
molecules, ---- --- --- number of d. How all the life processes contribute to
ATP molecules are formed. the growth and development of the
b. At the end of glycolysis, ---- --- -- body?
molecules are obtained. e. Explain the Kreb's cycle with reaction.
c. Genetic recombination occurs in -- 5. How energy is formed from oxidation
-- -- phase of prophase of meiosis-I. of carbohydrates, fats and proteins?
d. All chromosomes are arranged Correct the diagram given below.
parallel to equatorial plane of cell in
-- -- -- phase of mitosis. Pyruvic Acid
e. For formation of plasma membrane,
--- --- --- molecules are necessary.
f. Our muscle cells perform -- -- -- type
of respiration during exercise.
Acetyl Co-Enzyme A
2. Write definitions.
a. Nutrition. b. Nutrients
c. Proteins. d. Cellular respiration
e. Aerobic respiration.
f. Glycolysis. Lipid Glycolysis Amino acids
3. Distinguish between
a. Glycolysis and TCA cycle.
b. Mitosis and meiosis.
Proteins kreb’s cycle Fats
c. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
4. Give scientific reasons. Project :
a. Oxygen is necessary for complete With the help of information
oxidation of glucose. collected from internet, prepare the
b. Fibers are one of the important slides of various stages of mitosis
and observe under the compound
c. Cell division is one of the important
properties of cells and organisms.
d. Sometimes, higher plants and
animals too perform anaerobic
e. Kreb's cycle is also known as citric
acid cycle.
5. Answer in detail.
a. Explain the glycolysis in detail.
b. With the help of suitable diagrams,
explain the mitosis in detail.
3. Life Processes in Living Organisms Part - 2
Ø Reproduction: Asexual and Sexual reproduction.
Ø Reproduction and modern technology
Ø Reproductive health
Ø Population Explosion
1. Which are the important life processes in living organisms?
Can you recall? 2. Which life processes are essential for production of energy
required by body?
3. Which are main types of cell-division? What are the differences?
4. What is the role of chromosomes in cell-division?
We have studied various life processes in previous classes. All those life processes i.e.
nutrition, respiration, excretion, sensation & response (control & co-ordination), etc. are
essential to each living organism to remain alive. Besides these life processes, one more life
process occurs in living organisms; it is reproduction. However, reproduction does not help
the organism to remain alive but it helps to maintain the continuity of the species of that
Observe the pictures and
tell the life process which you b.
Can you tell? c.
3.1 Some Life processes
1. What do we mean by maintenance of species?
2. Whether the new organism is genetically exactly similar to earlier one that has produced
3. Who determines whether the two organism of a species will be exactly similar or not?
4. What is the relationship between the cell division and formation of new organism of
same species by earlier existing organism?
Formation of new organism of same species by earlier existing organism is called as
reproduction. Reproduction is one of the various important characters of living organisms.
It is also one of the various reasons responsible for evolution of each species. In living
organisms, reproduction occurs mainly by two methods. Those two methods are- asexual
and sexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction
Process of formation of new organism by an organism of same species without
involvement of gametes is called as asexual reproduction. As this reproduction does not
involve union of two different gametes, the new organism has exact genetic similarity with
the reproducing organism. This is uniparental reproduction and it occurs by mitotic cell
division. Absence of genetic recombination is a drawback whereas fast process is advance
of this reproductive method.
A. Asexual reproduction in unicellular organisms
1. Binary Fission
Daughter Amoeba
Parent Amoeba
Try this
Activity 1 : Take a conical flask and collect the
water in it from a pond having stagnant water
and aquatic plants. Add some wheat grains
and aquatic plants to it. Keep it for 3 – 4 days
so that wheat grains & plants will decompose. 3.2 Simple binary fission: Amoeba
Early in the morning on fourth day, take a
glass slide and put a drop of that water over
it. Carefully, put a cover-slip on that drop and
observe under compound microscope.
You will be able to see many paramecia
performing the binary fission.
Prokaryotes (Bacteria), Protists (Amoeba,
Paramecium, Euglena, etc.) and eukaryotic Parent Paramecium
cell-organelle like mitochondria and Paramecium
chloroplasts perform asexual reproduction by
binary fission. In this process, the parent cell 3.3 Transverse binary fission : Paramecium
divides to form two similar daughter cells.
Binary fission occurs either by mitosis or
Axis of fission / division is different in
different protists. Ex.: Amoeba divides in any
plane due to lack of specific shape; hence it is
called as ‘simple binary fission’. Paramecium
divides by ‘transverse binary fission’ whereas
Euglena by ‘longitudinal binary fission’.
Binary fission is usually performed by
living organisms during favourable conditions
i.e. availability of abundant food material.
3.4 Longitudinal binary fission: Euglena
2. Multiple Fission
Asexual reproduction by multiple fission is performed by Amoeba and other similar
protists. Amoeba stops the formation of pseudopodia and thereby movements whenever
there is lack of food or any other type of adverse condition. It becomes rounded and forms
protective covering around plasma membrane. Such encysted Amoeba or any other protist
is called as ‘Cyst’.
Many nuclei are formed by repeated nuclear divisions in the cyst. It is followed by
cytoplasmic division and thus, many amoebulae are formed. They remain encysted till
there are adverse conditions. Cyst breaks open on arrival of favourable conditions and
many amoebulae are released.
Division of nucleus and Daughter
Parent Amoeba cytoplasm amoeba
Use your brain power
3.10 Vegetative
reproduction Potato
Try this
Calyx flower
3.13 Papaya Flower
3.12 Parts of flower
A flower is called as ‘bisexual’ if both whorls i.e. androecium and gynoecium are
present in the same flower. Ex. Hibiscus. A flower is called as ‘unisexual’ if any one of
the abovementioned two whorls is present in the flower. If only androecium is present, it is
‘male flower’ and if only gynoecium is present, flower is ‘female flower’. Ex. Papaya.
Many flowers have the stalk for support, called as ‘pedicel’ and such flowers are called
as ‘pedicellate’ whereas flower without stalk is called as ‘sessile’.
Androecium is male whorl and its members are called as stamens. Gynaecium is
female whorl and its membranes are called as carpels.
Members of gynaecium are called as carpels. These may be separate or united. Ovary
is present at the basal end of each carpel. A hollow ‘style’ comes up from the ovary.
Stigma is present at the tip of style. Ovary contains one or many ovules. Embryo sac is
formed in each ovule by meiosis. Each embryo sac consists of a haploid egg cell and two
haploid polar nuclei.
Pollen grains from anther are transferred to the stigma. This is called as pollination.
Pollination occurs with the help of abiotic agents (wind, water) and biotic agents
(insects and other animals). Stigma becomes sticky during pollination Pollens germinate
when they fall upon such sticky stigma i.e. a long pollen tube and two male gametes are
formed. The pollen tube carries male gametes. Pollen tube reaches the embryo sac via
style. Tip of the pollen tube bursts and two male gametes are released in embryo sac. One
male gamete unites with the egg cell to form zygote. This is fertilization. Second male
gamete unites with two polar nuclei and endosperm is formed. As two nuclei participate
in this process, it is called as double fertilization.
Pollen grain
Stigma Egg cell
Male Pollen tube
Style Gametes Synergids Nucleus
Ovules Male
Ovary gametes
Do you know?
Use of ICT Make an video album of pollination and show it in the class.
3.15 Seed germination
Try this
Take a suitable glass vessel like conical
flask or beaker. Add some garden soil in it
and sow some pulse grains in it in such a way
that you can observe them through glass.
Water it every day and record the changes.
Ovule develops into seed and ovary into fruit after fertilization. Seeds fall upon the
ground when fruits break up and they germinate in the soil under favourable conditions.
Zygote develops at the cost of food stored in endosperm of seed and thus a new plantlet is
formed. This is called as seed germination.
B. Sexual reproduction in human being
1. Which different hormones control the functions of human
Can you recall?
reproductive system through chemical coordination?
2. Which hormones are responsible for changes in human body occurring during on set
of sexual maturity?
3. Why has the Government of India enacted the law to fix the minimum age of
marriage as 18 in girls and 21 in boys?
We have studied in the chapter of heredity and variation that men have XY sex-
chromosomes and women have XX sex-chromosomes. Reproductive system with specific
organs develops in the body of men and women due to these sex-chromosomes only.
X-chromosome is present in men and women whereas Y-chromosome is present in men
only. Now we shall study the structure and functions of human reproductive system.
Urinary bladder
Human male reproductive system
Male reproductive system of
humans consists of testes, various
ducts and glands. Testes are present
in the scrotum, outside the abdominal Seminal
cavity. Testes contain numerous
seminiferous tubules. Germinal Prostate gland
Vas deferens Ejaculatory
epithelium present in the tubules
divide by meiosis to produce sperms. Cowper's
Those sperms are sent forward through gland
various tubules. Sequence of those Urino genital
tubules is as- rete testes, vas eferens, duct
epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory Epididymis
duct and urinogenital duct. As the
sperms are pushed forwards from one
duct to next, they become mature and Scrotum
able to fertilize the ovum. Testes
3.16 Male reproductive system of human
Seminal vesicles secrete their
secretion in ejaculatory ducts whereas Surprising Facts
prostate glands and Cowper’s glands 1. Length of each epididymis is about 6 meters.
secrete their secretions in urinogenital 2. Length of a sperm is about 60 micrometers.
duct. Semen is formed of sperms and 3. Such a small sperm has to cross the distance
secretions of all these glands. Semen of approximately 6.5 meter while passing
is ejaculated out through penis. All the out of male reproductive system.
organs of male reproductive system 4. Sperm needs large amount of energy. For
are paired except urinogenital duct, this purpose, fructose is present in the
prostate gland, penis & scrotum. semen.
Human female reproductive system
All organs of female reproductive
system are in abdominal cavity. It
includes a pair of ovaries, a pair of
oviducts, single uterus and a vagina.
Besides, a pair of Bartholin's gland is
also present.
Generally, every month, an ovum
is released in abdominal cavity Ovary
alternately from each ovary. Free end
of oviduct is funnel-like. An opening
is present at the center of it. Oocyte
enters the oviduct through that
opening. Cilia are present on inner
surface of oviduct. These cilia push
the oocyte towards uterus.
3.17 Human female reproductive system
Gamete Formation
Both gametes i.e. sperm and ovum are formed by meiosis. Sperms are produced
in testes of men from beginning of maturation (puberty) till death. However, in case of
women, at the time of birth, there are 2 – 4 million immature oocytes in the ovary of female
foetus. An oocyte matures and is released from ovary every month from the beginning of
maturity up to the age of menopause (approximately 45 years of age). Menopause is the
stoppage of functioning of female reproductive system. At the age of about 45 – 50 years,
secretion of hormones controlling the functions of female reproductive system either stops
of becomes irregular. This causes the menopause.
Formation of zygote by union of sperm and ovum is called as fertilization. Fertilization
is internal in humans. Semen is ejaculated in vagina during copulation. Sperms, in the
numbers of few millions start their journey by the route of vagina – uterus – oviduct. One
of those few million sperms fertilize the only ovum present in the oviduct.
From the age of puberty up the menopause (from 10 – 17 years of age up to 45 – 50
years), an ovum is released every month from the ovary. i.e. out of 2 – 4 million ova,
approximately only 400 oocytes are released up to the age of menopause. Remaining
oocytes undergo degeneration.
Sperms Oocyte
Oocytes released from ovaries during last
few months nearing the age of menopause are
40 – 50 years old. Their ability of division has
been diminished till now. Due to this, they cannot
complete meiotic division properly. If such oocytes
are fertilized, the new-borns produced from them
may be with some abnormalities like Down’s
3.18 Fertilization
Do you know?
1. The chromosome number in germ cells
producing the gametes are diploid i.e. 2n. It
includes 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of Sperms Oocytes
sex-chromosomes i.e. (44 + XX or 44 + XY).
(22 + X) or (22 + Y) (22 + X)
These germ cells divide by meiosis. Due to this,
gametes contain only haploid (n) number of
chromosomes i.e. (22 + X or 22 + Y). Two types
of sperms are produced as (22 + X) or (22 + Y) Girl (44 + XX) Boy (44 + XY)
whereas oocytes are produced of only one type 3.19 Sex determination in human being
as (22 + X).
2. Both, sperms and oocytes are produced by meiosis. In case of sperms, process of meiotic
division is completed before the sperms leave male reproductive tract. However, in case
of oocytes, process of meiotic division completes after ovulation; during fertilization in
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 Weeks
3.20 Growth of an embryo
Always remember Can you tell?
The man is totally responsible, whether the couple 1. Which hormone is released
will have a boy or a girl child. During zygote formation, from pituitary of mother
man contributes either X or Y chromosome to the once the foetal development
next generation, but woman contributes only X-sex is completed?
chromosome to the next generation. At the time of 2. Under the effect of that
fertilization, if X- chromosomes comes from male, the hormone, which organ of the
child will be a girl and if Y-chromosome comes then female reproductive system
the child will be a boy. Thinking of this, is it right to starts to contract and thereby
consider the mother responsible for a girl child? We
birth process (Parturition) is
all must take efforts to stop female foeticide.
Menstrual Cycle:
Female reproductive system undergoes some changes at puberty and those changes
repeat at the interval of every 28 – 30 days. These repetitive changes are called as
menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle is a natural process, controlled by four hormones. Those
four hormones are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen
and progesterone. One of the several follicles in the ovary starts to develop along with
the oocyte present in it, under the effect of follicle stimulating hormone. This developing
follicle secretes estrogen. Endometrium of the uterus starts to develop (during first cycle) or
regenerate (during subsequent cycles) under the effect of estrogen. Meanwhile, developing
follicle completes its development. It bursts under the effect of luteinizing hormone and
oocyte is released. This is called as ovulation. Remaining tissue of the burst follicle forms
the corpus luteum. Corpus luteum starts to secrete progesterone. Endometrial glands
secrete their secretion under the effect of progesterone. Such endometrium is ready for
implantation of embryo.
Pituitary gland
Changes in the
ovary during
Corpus Corpus
Fully grown follicle luteum
Ovulation albicans
Estrogen Beginning
of new
changes in Menstruation
the uterus
If oocyte is not fertilized within 24 hours, corpus luteum becomes inactive and
transforms into corpus albicans. Due to this, secretion of estrogen and progesterone stops
completely. Endometrium starts to degenerate in absence of these two hormones. Tissues
of degenerating endometrium and unfertilized ovum are discarded out through vagina.
This is accompanied with continuous bleeding. Bleeding continues approximately for five
days. This is called as menstruation.
Unless the oocyte is fertilized and embryo is implanted, this process is repeated every
month. If the embryo is implanted, repetition of this cycle is temporarily stopped till the
parturition and thereafter period of breast feeding. Menstrual cycle is a natural process
and the women experience severe pains during this period. Severe weakness is felt due to
heavy bleeding. There is higher possibility of infections too during this overall period. Due
to all such reasons, there is need of rest along with special personal hygiene.
Reproduction and Modern Technology
Many couples cannot have children due to various reasons. In case of women,
irregularity in menstrual cycle, difficulties in oocyte production, obstacles in the oviduct,
difficulties in implantation in uterus and many other reasons are responsible for this.
Absence of sperms in the semen, slow movement of sperms, anomalies in the sperms are
the reasons in case of males. But now with the help of advanced medical techniques like
IVF, Surrogacy, Sperm bank the childless couples can have a child. Sperms being
Micro pipette Ovum introduced
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) through micro
In this technique, fertilization is brought needle
about in the test-tube and the embryo formed is
implanted in uterus of woman at appropriate time.
IVF technique is used for having the child in case
of those childless couples who have problems like
less sperm count, obstacles in oviduct, etc.
Surrogacy 3.22 Fertilization in a test tube
Some women have problems in implantation
of embryo in uterus. Such women can take the
help of the modern remedial technique called as
surrogacy. In this technique, oocyte is collected
from the ovary of the woman having problem in
implantation in uterus. That oocyte is fertilized
in test-tube with the help of sperms collected
from her husband. The embryo formed from such
fertilization is implanted in the uterus of some other
woman having normal uterus. Such a woman, in
whose uterus the embryo is implanted, is called as
surrogate mother. 3.23 Surrogacy
Sperm Bank/ Semen Bank
There are various problems in sperm production as mentioned above, in case of many
men. So as to have the children in case of such couples, new concept of sperm bank has
been introduced. This concept is similar to blood bank. Semen ejaculated by the desired
men is collected after their thorough physical and medical check-up and stored in the sperm
As per the wish of needful couple, oocyte of woman of the concerned couple is fertilized
by IVF technique using the semen from sperm bank. Resultant embryo is implanted in the
uterus of same woman. Name of the semen donor is strictly kept secret as per the law.
Two embryos develop simultaneously in
the same uterus and thus two offsprings are
delivered simultaneously. Such offsprings
are called as twins. Many couples have
twins. There are two main types of twins
as- monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins.
Monozygotic twins are formed from
single embryo. During early period of
embryonic development (within 8 days of
zygote formation), cells of that embryo
divide into two groups.
3.24 Twin girls: age 18 months
Those two groups develop as two separate embryos and thus monozygotic twins are
formed. Such twins are genetically exactly similar to each other. Due to this, such twins
are exactly similar in their appearance and their gender is also same i.e. both will be either
boys or girls.
In case of monozygotic twins, if the embryonic cells are divided into two groups 8
days after the zygote formation; there is high possibility of formation of conjoined twins
(Siamese twins). Such twins are born with some parts of body joined to each other. Some
organs are common in such twins.
Occasionally, two oocytes are released from the ovary of woman and both oocytes
are fertilized by two separate sperms and thus two zygotes are formed. Two embryos are
formed from those two zygotes and both of those embryos are separately implanted in the
uterus and thus dizygotic twins are delivered after complete development. Such twins are
genetically different and may be same of different by gender.
You may have read that sometimes a woman
Internet is my friend may deliver more than two offsprings at a time. Collect
more information from internet about reasons for such
Reproductive health
A person’s state of being physical, mental and social strongness is called as health.
In our country, there seems to be lack of awareness regarding reproductive health due to
various reasons like social customs, traditions, illiteracy, shyness, etc. Especially, there
seems to be indifference towards the reproductive health of women.
Occurrence of menstrual cycle is related with reproductive and overall health of women.
Now a day, women are working at par with men. Due to this, they have to stay outdoors for
whole day. Bleeding occurs during menstrual cycle. Due to this, private organs (genitals)
need to be maintained clean time to time, otherwise, problems regarding reproductive
health may arise. Some problems regarding reproductive health may arise in men too. It is
essential to maintain the cleanliness of their genitals.
Among the various sexual diseases, syphilis and gonorrhoea occur on large scale. Both
of these diseases are caused by bacteria. Occurrence of chancre (patches) on various parts of
body including genitals, rash, fever, inflammation of joints, alopecia, etc. are the symptoms
of syphilis. Painful and burning sensation during urination, oozing of pus through penis and
vagina, inflammation of urinary tract, anus, throat, eyes, etc. are symptoms of gonorrhoea.
Get information Visit a public health center nearby your place and collect the
information through an interview of health officer about mean-
ing and various methods of family planning.
1. Complete the following chart.
4. Environmental management
Ecosystem – A review
Ø Environment and Eco-system
Environment Conservation
Ø Environment management
Biodiversity hotspots
Ecosystem A review
Ecosystem is formed by biotic and abiotic
factors and their interactions with each other.
Each factor plays very important role in the
ecosystem. Producers like plants are important.
Herbivores like deer, goats, sheep, cattle,
horses, camels, etc. feeding upon producers are
also important. Predators like lion and tiger 4.1 Food chain
which prevent the overpopulation of herbivores
are also equally important. A question may
arise in our mind that whether the caterpillars Think:
found in nature, organisms present in filthy
places, termites, insects present in dung, are If fallen foliage in forest, dead
really useful? However, those organisms are trees, and carcasses in and around
also important though they are dirty. They are villages had not been decomposed for
responsible for cleaning the environment. years……
It means that our existence is due to these
factors present around us. Hence, we should Discuss
care for these factors.
‘Jivo Jivasya Jivanam’
A bird building nest on a tree feed upon the fishes in nearby
Let's Think pond. Whether this bird is part of both i.e. tree as well as pond
Fill up the blank boxes and display the completed chart in
Complete the chart
Abiotic components
Inorganic substances
Proteins, consumer
Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Nitrogen, Carbohydrates,
Calcium, Iron, fats
Sodium, Potassium
Paddy is cultivated on large scale in various states of South India. Paddy fields are fre-
quently attacked by grasshoppers. Similarly, frogs are also present in large number in the
mud of paddy fields, to feed upon grasshoppers and snakes are also present therein to feed
upon their favourite food- frogs.
However, if frog population declines all of a sudden,
1. What will be the effect on paddy crop?
Let's Think 2. Number of which consumers will decline and which will increase?
3. What will be overall effect on that ecosystem?
1. What is environment?
Can you tell?
2. What is included in environment?
Relationship between Environment and Ecosystem
Environment is a broad concept. Physical, chemical and biological factors affecting
the living organisms in any possible way is collectively called as environment. In short,
environment is the condition in surrounding. It includes many biotic, abiotic, natural and
artificial factors. There are two main types of environment. One is natural environment
and other is artificial environment.
Natural environment consists of air, atmosphere, water, land, living organisms, etc.
Continuous interactions occur between biotic and abiotic factors. Their interactions are
very important. Artificial environment is also affecting the natural environment directly
or indirectly. Basically, environment consists of two basic factors- 1. Biotic factors,
2. Abiotic factors. The science that deals with the study of interactions between biotic and
abiotic factors of the environment is called as ecology. Basic functional unit used to study
the ecology is called as ecosystem.
Environment consists of many ecosystems. We have studied some ecosystems in
earlier classes. A small pond is an ecosystem whereas the Earth is largest ecosystem. In
brief, biotic and abiotic factors occupying a definite geographical area and their interactions
collectively constitute the ecosystem.
Can you recall? Which cycles are operated in environment? What is their
Environmental balance is maintained through continuous operation of various natural
cycles like water cycle, carbon cycle, gaseous cycles like nitrogen cycle, oxygen cycle, etc.
Environmental balance is also maintained due to various food chains of ecosystem.
Human existence is totally impossible without the existence of nature. Hence, it is
basic responsibility of human being to preserve the nature without disturbing its balance.
It is said that we have got this Earth planet on lease from our future generations and not
as an ancestral property from our ancestors. Hence we should not forget to conserve it
for ourselves and for future generations.
Environmental Conservation
1. Which factors affect the environment? How?
Can you tell? 2. What will happen if number of consumers in environment goes
on increasing gradually?
3. What will be the effect of industry established on river bank on the river ecosystem?
When some natural factors of environment and some artificial polluted factors harm
the environment, it creates imbalance between various factors of the environment and
ultimately affects the existence of biotic factors.
Observe the environment around you.
Observe and fill the information Complete the following flow chart.
Do you know?
Radioactive pollution: Radioactive pollution can occur due to two reasons as natural and
artificial. UV and IR radiations are natural radiations whereas X-rays and radiations from
atomic energy plants are artificial radiations. Chernobyl, Windscale, and Three Miles Island
mishaps are the major mishaps of the world till present. Thousands of people have been
affected for long term due to these accidents. Some of the effects of radiations are as follows-
1. Cancerous ulceration occurs due to higher radiations of X-rays.
2. Tissues in the body are destroyed.
3. Genetic changes occur.
4. Vision is adversely affected.
Use your brain power Why is it said that pollution control is important?
Need of environmental conservation
General public is not aware about the rules of A peek into the history
environment conservation. There should be large In 1972, United Nations
scale participation of the people in environment Environment Program (UNEP)
conservation. It will be possible to answer the has been established in a
environmental problems only if environmental conference arranged on human
protection-conservation becomes an effective and environment in which
public movement. For this purpose, values like environmental problems were
positive attitude and affection towards environment, discussed. Afterwards, in India,
knowledge about it, etc. should be inculcated among a separate environmental
the children since their childhood. This will help department had been established
to make the future generations more aware about after through discussion on
environmental conservation and protection. So as to environmental problems.
achieve this, it is necessary to increase the awareness Ministry of environment and
through education. forests is involved in planning,
Today, all the developed, developing and inducting and increasing
underdeveloped countries have accepted the awareness about environment
responsibility of environmental protection. Their and forest through various
efforts are in that direction. They have defined the programs since 1985.
future plans about environmental protection and have
constituted the necessary laws.
Environmental Conservation. Our social responsibility
Since existence of human, there is interrelationship between human and environment.
Human stepped on the Earth long after formation of Earth. On the Earth, human being
proved its superiority as compared to other animals with the help of characters like
intelligence, memory, imaginary ability, etc. Human established domination over the
nature. Human utilized all the natural resources as much as possible. In an attempt to live
a satisfactory life, human kept on snatching from the nature as much as possible and this
lead to increase in problems. From this entire scenario, we can understand that human has
crucial role in maintaining the environmental balance. If human has disturbed the
environmental balance, then human itself only can conserve and improve the quality of
nature. Many times, general public is unknown that its activities are harmful to environment
and thereby unknowingly many activities happen.
The big story of a small man
Jadav Molai Payeng is a highly capable person in Assam.
Born in 1963, he is working as a forest worker since the age of
16 years. Once, large number of snakes died in the flood of
Brahmaputra River flowing by the village. As a preventive
measure, Molai planted 20 bamboo plantlets. In 1979, the
local Social Forestry Department began a social afforestation
project on 200 hectares of land. ‘Molai’ was one of the few
forest workers who were looking after that project. Molai
continued to plant the trees even after completion of the project.
As a result of his continuous work of planting and caring for
the trees, the barren area witnessed the forest cover over the
1360 acres.
Today, this jungle in Kokilamukh of Jorhat district of Assam is the result of the hard work
for 30 years. He has been awarded with the prestigious ‘Padmashree’ award by government
of India for this unparallel work. Now, it is well known as ‘Molai Jungle’. Many people
come together to destroy the forest, but a single person, if determined, can establish a
new forest!
Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity
Most harmful effect of the environmental pollution occurs on the living organisms.
Have you seen some examples of this in your area? Our living world had been richly
diverse. It consisted of varieties of plants and animals. However, we are not able to see
some specific animals about which we had listened from our earlier generations. Who is
responsible for this?
Biodiversity is the richness of living organisms in nature due to presence of varieties
of organisms, ecosystems and genetic variations within a species. Biodiversity occurs at
three different levels.
Genetic Diversity
Occurrence of diversity among the organisms of same species is genetic diversity. Ex.
Each human being is different from other. Possibility of wiping out the species arises if
there is decrease in the diversity within the species whose members involve in sexual
Species Diversity
Innumerable species of organisms occur in the nature. This is called as species diversity.
Species diversity includes various types of plants, animals and microbes.
Ecosystem Diversity
Many ecosystems are present in each region. Ecosystem is formed through the
interaction between plants, animals, their habitat and changes in the environment. Each
ecosystem has its own characteristic animals, plants, microbes and abiotic factors.
Ecosystems are also of two types are natural and artificial.
There should be positive attitude of human being towards the environment for
welfare of entire living world. For this purpose, following roles are important. You can
be a conservator, organizer, guide, plant-friend, etc. Describe about the role you wish to
perform and your plans for that role.
Sacred Groves
The forest conserved in the name of god
and considered to be sacred is called as
sacred grove. These are in fact ‘sanctuaries’
conserved by the society and not by the
government forest department. As it has
been conserved in the name of god, it has
special protection. These clusters of thick
forests are present not only in Western Ghats
4.3 Sacred grove of India but in the entire country.
More than 13000 sacred groves have been reported in India. Where are such sacred
groves in Maharashtra? Make a list and visit with your teachers.
Some symbols are given below. Find the meaning of those
Enlist and discuss symbols in relation to environment conservation. Make a list
of other such symbols.
How can biodiversity be conserved?
1. Protecting the rare species of organisms.
2. Establishing national parks and sanctuaries.
3. Declaring some regions as ‘bioreserves’.
4. Projects for conservation of special species.
Stick here a
5. Conserving all plants and animals.
symbol known to
6. Observing the rules.
7. Maintaining record of traditional knowledge.
Till now, we have studied the rules and regulations about environmental conservation
and protection, in this lesson. Many people in the society are voluntarily coming together
to perform this noble work. Many institutes at state, national and international level are
involved in this work.
Voluntary Organizations International Environment
1. Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai. Organizations
2. CPR environment group, New Chennai. 1. International Union for Conservation of
3. Gandhi Peace Foundation, Environment Nature (IUCN), Gland VD, Switzerland.
Cell, Delhi. 2. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
4. Chipko Centre, Tehri Garhwal. Change (IPCC), Geneva.
5. Centre for Environment Education, 3. United Nations Environment Program,
Ahmadabad. Geneva.
6. Kerala Science Literature Council, 4. World Wildlife Fund, New York.
Trivandrum. 5. Bird Life International, Cambridge.
7. Indian Agro Industries Foundation, Pune. 6. Green Climate Fund, Songdo, S. Korea
8. Vikram Sarabhai Community Science
Centre, Ahmadabad.
Green Peace is world’s largest organization engaged in environmental activities. More
than 25 lakh people from 26 different countries are members of this organization.
Collect more information about the work of above mentioned organizations.
Attempts at various levels are performed for conserving
Think and Answer environment. Role of the person is defined as per these levels.
Some roles are given below. Which role would you like to
per form? Why ?
Control Production
1. Preventing the harm. 1. Revival of harmed
Conserving the available
2. Stopping the harmful factors of environment.
activities. 2. Attempting innovation.
3. Changing the mindset.
Preservation My Role in Environment 1. Education
1. Preserving whatever 2. Guidance
has been leftover. 3. Awareness
2. Remedies to prevent 4. Imitation
further loss. 5. Organization
1. Preventing possible
3. Preserving unknown 6. Participation
2. Designing new plans
3. Factors harmful to
Hotspots of Biodiversity
34 highly sensitive biodiversity spots are reported all over the world. Such areas had
once occupied 15.7% area of the Earth. At present, 86% of the sensitive areas are already
destroyed. Presently, only 2.3% area of the Earth has been left over with sensitive spots. It
includes 1,50,000 plant species which are 50% of the world count.
As far as India is considered, out of 135 species of animals, 85 species are found in
the jungles of eastern region. About 1,500 endemic plant species are found in western
ghat. Out of the total plant species in the entire world, 50,000 are endemic. Collect more
information about locations of these hotspots present in the world.
Collect the names of extinct birds and animals of India and tell
Recall a little those names to others.
Classification of Threatened Species
1. Endangered Species
Either number of these organisms is declined or their
habitat is shrunk to such an extent that they can be extinct in
near future if conservative measures are not implemented.
Example, Lion tailed monkey, lesser florican.
2. Rare Species
Number of these organisms is considerably declined. 4.4 Lion-tailed Monkey
Organisms of these species being endemic may become
extinct very fast. Example, Red panda, Musk deer.
3. Vulnerable Species
Number of these organisms is extremely less and
continues to decline. Continuous decline in their number is
worrisome reason. Example, Tiger, Lion.
4. Indeterminate Species
These organisms appear to be endangered 4.5 Red Panda
but due to their some behavioural habits (like
Specialty of the Day
shyness) there is no definite and substantial
information. Example, Giant squirrel 22 May: World Biodiversity Day
Do you know?
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) prepares the ‘Red List’
that contains the names of endangered species from different countries. Pink pages of
this book contain the names of endangered species while green pages contain the names
of previously endangered but presently safe species.
Always remember
Always Remember
World Wildlife Fund
Let us remember…. Let us behave accordingly……
1. Destroying a plant is to destroy everything. (WWF) published a survey in
2. Practice afforestation to conserve environment. 2008. According to it, about
3. Forest is Wealth. 30% of animal species have
4. Environmental protection is value education. become extinct over the period
5. Provident use of paper is prevention of of 35 years (1975 – 2005).
deforestation. What will happen in future if
6. To practice the environmental protection is to this continues as it is?
development of human society.
7. Pure air, pure water is key to healthy life.
1. Reorganize the following d. How the biodiversity can be
food chain. Describe the conserved?
ecosystem to which it belongs. e. What do we learn from the story of
Grasshopper – Snake – Paddy field – Jadav Molai Peyang?
Eagle – Frog. f. Write the names of biodiversity hot
2. Explain the statement- ‘we have got this spots.
Earth planet on lease from our future f. Which are the reasons for
generations and not as an ancestral endangering the many species of
property from our ancestors.’ plants and animals? How can we
3. Write short notes. save those?
a. Environmental Conservation. 7. What are the meanings of following
symbols? Write your role accordingly?
b. Chipko Movement of Bishnoi.
c. Biodiversity.
d. Sacred Groves.
e. Disaster and its management.
4. How will you justify that overcoming
the pollution is a powerful way Project:
of environmental management? Make a presentation on pollution
5. Which projects will you run in relation of Ganga and Yamuna Rivers and
to environmental conservation? How? effects of air pollution on Tajmahal.
6. Answer the following.
a. Write the factors affecting
b. Why does the human beings have
important place in environment?
c. Write the types and examples of
-: A Pledge for Life :-
I am aware that the diversity on the Earth is for the existence of me, my family
and the entire mankind. I am aware about the responsibility of conserving and protect-
ing the rich diversity. I am aware about the fast declining number of wildlife, plants
and animals. I am accepting the responsibility of judicious use of natural resources
and management of biodiversity.
I pledge for adopting the following principles for happy and satisfactory life of all
organisms on the Earth.
I will always try for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.
I will make the change that I am expecting.
I will be committed for safety of entire life on the Earth.
I will educate the people about benefits of conservation and co-existence.
5. Towards Green Energy
Make a table Make a table based on forms of energy and corresponding devices.
We know that energy can be converted from one form to another. Different sources of
energy are used to the different forms of energy necessary for us. In previous standards
we have learnt about energy, sources of energy and various concepts related to them.
Here we will learn about various sources that are now used for the generation of electrical
energy, the methods that are used for this, the scientific principles that are used there, the
advantages and disadvantages of these methods and also what is meant by green energy.
Most of the electric power plants are based on the principle of electromagnetic induction
invented by Michael Faraday. According to this principle, whenever magnetic field around
a conductor changes, a potential difference is generated across the conductor.
The field around a conductor can be changed in two ways. If a conductor is stationary
and magnet is rotating, the field around the conductor changes or if a magnet is stationary,
but the conductor is moving then also the field around the conductor will change. Thus, in
both these cases, a potential difference is created across the conductor. (Figure 5.1). The
electrical power generating machine based on this principle is called electric generator.
Such large generators are used in commercial power generation plants. Turbine is used
to rotate the magnet in the generator. A turbine has blades .When a flow of liquid or gas is
directed on the blades of the turbine, it rotates (see Figure 5.2). because of the kinetic energy
of the flow.This turbine is connected to electric generator. Thus the magnet in electric gener-
ator starts rotating and electric energy is produced (Fig.5.3)
Lines of flux Nozzle
Coil Blade
Voltmeter High
Induced steam
Rotating Shaft
field 5.1Electromagnetic Induction 5.2 Steam turbine
generated electrical
energy This method of electric energy generation can
be represented as below.
Thus, to generate electricity based on the
principle of electromagnetic induction, we need a
generator. To rotate the generator we need a turbine
Rotating and to drive the turbine, we need an energy source.
Electric Based on which type of energy source is used to
magnet rotate the turbine, there are different types of power
generating stations. The design of the turbine used
5.3 Schematic of electric generator in different types of power stations is also different.
Cooling tower
Fuel Condenser
Air Warm water
1. Air pollution due to burning Do you know?
of coal: Burning of coal results
in emission of gases like carbon Some major thermal power plants in India and
dioxide, sulphur oxide and nitrogen their capacity
oxide which are harmful to the Place State Capacity (MW)
health. Vindhyanagar Madhya Pradesh 4760
2. Along with the emission of Mundra Gujarat 4,620
gases due to burning of coal, soot Mundra Gujarat 4,000
particles are also released into Tamnaar Chhattisgarh 3,400
the environment. This may cause
Chandrapur Maharashtra 3,340
serious health problems related to
the respiratory system.
3. The reserves of fuel used in this method i.e. coal are limited. Therefore, in future,
there will be limitations on the availability of the coal.
Power plant based on Nuclear Energy
In the power plant based on nuclear energy also , steam turbine is used to rotate the
generator. However, here, the energy released by fission of nuclei of atoms like Uranium or
Plutonium is used to generate the steam of high temperature and high pressure. The energy
in the steam rotates the turbine, which in turn drives the generator producing electricity.
The flow chart of nuclear power plant is shown in fig 5.8 .
Fuel: Uranium or Plutonium System for conversion of steam back into water
5.8 Nuclear power plant
Thus, here nuclear energy is converted into thermal energy, thermal energy is
converted into kinetic energy of steam, kinetic energy of steam is converted into kinetic
energy of turbine and finally the kinetic energy of the turbine is converted into electrical
energy .The step-by-step transformation of energy is shown in figure 5.5.
Nuclear Thermal Kinetic energy Kinetic energy Electrical
energy energy in steam in turbine Energy
5.9 Energy transformation in nuclear power plant
Nuclear Control pods
Observe the schematic of thermal power plant and the nuclear power plant. Discuss
what are the similarities and differences between the two?
Power generation plant based on energy of natural gas
In this plant, the turbine is run by a gas at very high temperature and pressure generated
by combustion of natural gas. A flow chart showing various stages in the power generation
plant based on natural gas energy is shown in figure 5.12.
Compressor for Combustion Electrical
Gas turbine Generator
pressurised air chamber energy
Electric energy generation and environment Towards environment
Electricity generation based on fossil fuels like coal, ऊर्जा
friendly energy…..towards
natural gas and nuclear fuels like uranium and plutonium are
not environment friendly. It means, that if electrical energy green energy:
is generated using these fuels, it can lead to environmental There are other ways of
degradation. electricity production which
1. We have seen that burning of fossil fuels like coal, and avoids above problems.
natural gas leads to emission of certain gases and soot Electricity generation from
particles. This results in air pollution. Incomplete combustion water reservoir, wind,
of fuels leads to formation of carbon monoxide. It adversely Sunlight, biofuels etc. are the
affects our health. Increase in percentage of carbon dioxide examples of such methods.
in the air due to burning of fuels affects environment ऊर्जा The energy sources used
severely. The phenomena of global warming is an example in such options i.e. water-
of this. Nitrogen dioxide generated due to burning of fuels -reservoir, wind, sunlight,
like coal, diesel, petrol, etc. lead to problems like acid-rain. biofuel are never-ending i.e
Soot particles generated due to incomplete burning of fossil are perpetual. Moreover, use
fuel cause air pollution. It can lead to problems related to of these sources do not lead
respiratory system, like asthama. to environmental problems
2. It took millions of years for formation of fossil fuels like discusses above. Therefore,
coal, crude oils and natural gases (LPG and CNG). Also, the electricity generation
reserves of these fuels are limited. They are going to deplete through these sources can be
in future. It is said that with the current speed of their use, called environment friendly.
the coal reserves in the world would last for another about We can also call the energy
200 years or so and the natural gas reserves for about 200- generated by these processes
300 years. as green energy. Looking at
3. We have also discussed above about the problems the problems in electricity
in use of nuclear energy like the disposal of nuclear waste generation using fuels
and possibility of disaster due to accident in nuclear power like coal, natural gas and
plant. nuclear fuels, the world
Considering all these points, it can be said that the en- is now heading towards
environment friendly energy
ergy generation from fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are not
i.e. green energy.
environment friendly.
Hydroelectric Energy
Kinetic energy in flowing water or the potential energy in water reservoir is a conventional
source of energy. In hydroelectric power plant, the potential energy in water stored in dam is
converted into kinetic energy of water. Fast flowing is brought from the dam to the turbine at
the bottom of the dam. The kinetic energy of the flowing water drives the turbine. The turbine
in turn drives the generator to generate electricity.
The block diagram showing different components of hydroelectric power plant is shown in
figure 5.15
Electricity generation using wind-energy
Power house
A Generator
Sluice gates
C Penstock
The kinetic energy in wind has been used since long for lifting of water, for driving
floor mill etc. The wind energy can also be used for electricity generation. The machine
which converts the kinetic energy of wind to electrical energy is called wind-turbine. As the
wind strikes the blades of the turbine, the blades rotate. The axel of the turbine is connected
to electric generator through a gear-box. The function of the gear-box is to increase the
rotations per unit time. Thus, the rotating blades drive the turbine and the turbine in turn
drives the generator to generate electricity. Various stages in the wind-energy generation
system can be shown in figure 5.19 and schematics of a wind mill is shown in figure 5.20.
energy Generator
5.19 Stages in electric generator Bering
using wind energy Support
The energy conversion process is
5.20 Schematic of wind mill
shown in figure 5.21.
Wind turbines with capacity right from less than 1 kW to about 7 MW (7000 kW) are
commercially available. Depending on the wind velocity available at the site of installation,
wind-turbine with specific capacity is selected. The wind velocity at specific location
depends on many geographical factors.
Wind velocity is usually high on sea shores and that environment is appropriate for
installation of wind turbine. Wind-energy is a clean energy source. However, the wind-ve-
locity necessary for wind-energy generation is not available everywhere. In that sense, use
of wind-energy is limited.
Get information
Blade length : 100 m
Capacity: 6000-7000 kW
Get information about
Blade length : 50 m major wind-power
Capacity: 2000 kW
stations in India and
their capacity. Make a
Blade length : 1.5m
table of their location,
Capacity: 2 kW state and their power
generation capacity in
Photovoltaic effect
Energy in Sunlight DC Electric power
If two solar cells are connected in series as Cell 1 Cell 2
shown in figure 5.23, the potential difference
obtained from this combination is addition of
- +
the potential differences of individual solar
cells. However, the current generated from
this combination is equal to the current from
an individual cell. It means that when solar I = I1= I2
cells are connected in series, currents from VTotal= V1+V2
the individual cells are not added. Similarly
as shown in figure 5.24, if two solar cells are 5. 23 Solar cells in series
connected in parallel, the current generated
from this combination is the summation of Cell 1
the currents from an individual solar cells. I1
However, the potential difference obtained
from this combination is the same as the - +
potential difference obtained from individual
cell. Thus, if two solar cells are connected in
parallel, the potential differences from the two I2
cells are not added. Cell 2
In this way, by connecting many solar cells - +
in series and in parallel solar panels generating
required current and potential difference are I = I1+ I2
V =V1 = V2
made. See Figure 5.25. For example, if 36 5.24 Solar cells in parallel
solar cells, each of size 100 cm2 are connected
in series in a solar panel, it will give potential
difference of 18 V and current of 3 A. Many
such panels are connected together to generate
electricity on larger scale. A good solar cell
can have an efficiency of around 15%. It
means that if a solar panel receives power of
100 watt from solar radiation, the electrical
power output from the panel will be 15 watt. 5.25 A solar panel made from 36 solar cells
Many solar panels are connected in series
and in parallel to generate required current Array
and potential difference. As shown in Figure Strings in parallel
5.26, solar cell is the basic unit in solar electric cells in series
plant . Many solar cells come together to form String
a solar panel. Many solar panels connected in modules in series
series form a solar strings, and, many solar Cell
strings connected in parallel form a solar
array. As we can obtain as much electrical
power as needed, they are used in applications
which need marginal power (e.g. calculators
that run on solar energy) to power station of
MW capacity.
5.26 Solar cell to solar array
The power available from the solar cells is DC. So, in applications which need DC
power , e.g. electric lights based on Light Emitting Diodes, the energy can be directly used.
However, since the energy from solar cell is available only in presence of sunlight, the
energy has to be stored in batteries for use at later time.
As shown in Figure 5.30 , many reflectors reflect and concentrate solar radiation on
absorbers. There solar energy is converted into heat energy. Using this heat energy steam
is generated to drive the turbine and generator.
Power grid
Solar energy
Solar energy
Steam Water
Solar panel Pump tower
5.29 Schematic of solar thermal power plant
Do you know?
Energy sources use for electrical power generation in the world.
Sources World (%) India (%)
Coal 41 60
Natural Gas 22 08
Hydroelectric 16 14
Nuclear energy 11 02
Petroleum 04 0.3
Renewable sources (wind, solar etc.) 06 15.7
Total 100 100
1. Remake the table taking into account 2. Which fuel is used in thermal power
relation between entries in three plant? What are the problems asso-
ciated with this type of power gener-
I II III 3. Other than thermal power plant,
Coal Potential energy Wind electricity
which power plants use thermal en-
ergy for power generation? In what
different ways is the thermal energy
Uranium Kinetic Energy Hydro electric obtained?
plant 4. Which type/types of power genera-
Water Nuclear Energy Thermal plant tion involve maximum number of
Reservoir steps of energy conversion? In which
Wind Thermal Energy Nuclear power power generation is the number
plant minimum?
5. Solve the following crossword puzzle. 11. Give scientific reasons
a. Maximum energy generation in India a. The construction of turbine is different
is done using..... energy. for different types of power plants.
b. ...... energy is a renewable source of b. It is absolutely necessary to control the
energy fission reaction in nuclear power plants.
c.Solar energy can be called.... energy. c. Hydroelectric energy, solar energy and
d .... energy of wind is used in wind wind energy are called renewable
mills. energies.
e. ..... energy of water in dams is used d. It is possible to produce energy from
for generation of electricity. mW to MW using solar photovoltaic
a b cells.
12. Draw a schematic diagram of solar
d thermal electric energy generation.
c 13. Give your opinion about whether
hydroelectric plants are environment
friendly or not?
14. Draw neat and labelled diagrams.
a. Energy transformation in solar thermal
e electric energy generation.
b. One solar panel produces a potential
difference of 18 V and current of 3A.
Describe how you can obtain a potential
6. Explain the difference.
difference of 72 Volts and current of 9
a. Conventional and Non-conventional
A with a solar array using solar panels.
Sources of energy.
You can use sign of a battery for a solar
b Thermal electricity generation and
solar thermal electricity generation.
15. Write short note on
7. What is meant by green energy?
Electrical energy generation and
Which energy sources can be called as
green energy sources and why? Give
Project :
1.Gather information about solar
8. Explain the following sentences.
light, solar water heating system and
a. Energy obtained from fossil fuels is
solar cooker.
not green energy.
2.Gather information about a power
b. Saving energy is the need of the hour.
plant near your locality by vising the
9. Answer the following questions.
a. How can we get the required amount plant.
of energy by connecting solar
b. What are the advantages and
limitations of solar energy?
10. Explain with diagram step-by-step
energy conversion in
a. Thermal power plant
b. Nuclear Power Plant
c. Solar thermal power plant
d. Hydroelectric power plant
6. Animal Classification
Ø History of animal classification
Ø New (method) system of animal classification.
Ø Kingdom- Animalia.
Can you recall? Which criteria are used for classification of organisms?
You have studied the classification of living organisms in earlier classes. The living
organisms present around us are mainly plants and animals. We have studied the criteria
of their classification. With the help of that, complete the following chart.
Living organisms
Kingdom: Monera
Unicellular Multicellular
organisms organisms
Kingdom: -----------
Kingdom: Animalia
Non-chordates are classified / divided into ten phyla. Those phyla are- Protozoa,
Porifera, Coelentarata / Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelida,
Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Hemichordata
Chordates : Characters of chordates are as follows
1. Body is supported by notochord.
2. Pharyngeal gill-slits or lungs are present for respiration.
3. Nerve cord is present on dorsal side of body. It is hollow.
4. Heart is present on ventral side of body.
All chordate animals are grouped together in a single phylum and the name of
phylum is same i.e. Phylum- Chordata. This phylum has been divided into three
subphyla as- Urochordata, Cephalochordata & Vertebrata. Sub-phylum Vertebrata has
been further divided into six classes as- Class: Cyclostomata, Class: Pisces, Class:
Amphibia, Class: Reptilia, Class: Aves and Class: Mammalia.
1. Protozoa 6. Annelida
Sub Kingdom
2. Porifera 7. Arthropoda
Phylum 3. Cnidaria 8. Mollusca
4.Platyhelminthes 9. Echinodermata
5.Aschelminthes 10. Hemichordata
2. Cephalochordata
4. Reptilia
3. Vertebrata 5. Aves
Subphylum 6. Mammalia
6.3 Conventional System of Animal Classification
This system of animal classification was in practice till now. However, now a days, new
system of classification is followed. We will study this new system of animal classification
in brief.
At present, according to the five kingdom classification system of Robert Whittaker, all
multicellular animals are included in Kingdom: Animalia. This system of classification is
based upon some criteria like Body organization, Body symmetry, Body cavity, Germinal
layers, Segmentation, etc.
Criteria for new system of classification
A. Grades of organization
Body of animals is made up of cells. In case of multicellular animals, many cells are
performing different functions in their body while in unicellular animals, as their body is
made up of single cell; all functions are performed by same cell only. Body organization
of unicellular animals is referred as ‘Protoplasmic grade’ organization.
In case of multicellular Amoeba Paramecium
animals, if tissues are not formed,
their body organization is called
as ‘Cellular grade organization’.
Ex. Phylum-Porifera.
In case of some animals,
cells come together to form
tissues with the help of which all 6.4 Some animals with Protoplasmic-grade organization.
the body functions are performed.
Such animals show ‘Cell - tissue Outlet (Osculla)
grade’ organization. Ex. Animals
from phylum- Cnidaria.
Flat worms show ‘Tissue-Organ Amoebocyte
grade’ organization. In this Ostium
type of organization, tissues are Non living
organized to form some organs. part
However, complete organ Sycon
systems are not formed.
Collar cells
6.5 Cellular grade organization
Bell Gastrovascular
Tube Gonads Cavity
Muscle ring
Tentacle Eye spot
6.6 Cell -Tissue grade organization 6.7 Tissue -Organ grade organization
Body organization of human has been shown in the following figure.
Observe Use appropriate labels in that figure. Which organs are present in
human body?
Besides the four types of body organizations
mentioned above, Remaining all animals show
‘Organ - system grade organization’ in which
different organs are joined together to form organ
system that performs specific functions. Ex. Crab,
Frog, Human, etc.
B. Body Symmetry
Take the pictures of human body and Amoeba
and try to take an imaginary section through
specific plane of their bodies so as to get two equal
What did you observe?
6.8 Organ- System grade of organization
In imaginary sense, if body of any animal is cut through imaginary axis of body,
it may or may not produce two equal halves. Depending upon this property, there are
different types of animal bodies.
Asymmetrical Body : In case of such body, there is no any such imaginary axis of the body
through which we can get two equal halves. Ex. Amoeba, Paramecium, some sponges.
Radial symmetry : In this type of body, if imaginary cut passes through central axis but
any plane of body, it gives two equal halves. Ex. Star fish. In case of this animal, there are
five different planes passing through central axis of body through which we can get two
equal halves.
Bilateral symmetry: In this type of body, there is only one such imaginary axis of body
through which we can get two equal halves. Ex. Insects, fishes, frog, birds, human, etc.
Asymmetrical body Radial Symmetry Bilateral Symmetry
D. Body cavity (Coelom) Coelom
Cavity between the body and internal Ectoderm
organs is called as body cavity/coelom. In case
of multicellular animals, during initial period
of their embryonic development, body cavity is Mesoderm
formed from either mesoderm or gut. Such type
of body cavity is present in animals of phylum Eucoelomates
Annelida and all phyla coming after Annelida.
Such animals are called as eucoelomate Ectoderm
(animals with true body cavity). Body cavity is
absent in case of animals from phyla Porifera, Pseudocoelom
Cnidaria and Platyhelminthes. Such animals are
called as acoelomate. In case of animals from Endoderm
phylum Aschelminthes, they have body cavity Pseudocoelomates
but it is not formed by the above mentioned
two ways. Hence those animals are called as Ectoderm
pseudocoelomates. Mesoderm
E. Body Segmentation
If the body of animals is divided into
small, similar units, then such body is called as Endoderm
segmented body and each small unit is called Acoelomates
as segment. Ex. Animals like earthworm from
6.11 Animal types as per body cavity
phylum Annelida.
Kingdom Body organization Body symmetry Body cavity Phylum
king 6. Arthropoda
dom Eucoelomate
-An 7. Mollusca
8. Echinodermata
9. Hemichordata
With the help of above mentioned criteria, animals are classified . 10. Chordata
Phylum- Porifera
1. These animals are with simplest body plan and are
called as ‘Sponges’. They bear numerous pores on
their body. Those pores are called as ‘Ostia’ and
2. These are aquatic animals. Most of them are marine
and few are fresh water dwellers.
3. Most of the animals have asymmetrical body.
4. These animals have special types of cells- collar cells.
5. These animals are always attached to substratum, Collar cells
hence do not show locomotion. Hence, they are
referred as sedentary animals.
6. Their spongy body is supported by spicules or spongin
fibres. Spicules are made up of calcium carbonate or
7. These animals feed upon small organisms taken in
their body along with water. Water is taken in through Ostia
ostia and given out through oscula.
8. These animals reproduce by budding, an asexual
method and / or by sexual method. Besides, they have
good ability of regeneration. Sycon sponge
Examples: Sycon, Euspongia (Bath sponge), 6.12 Animals in Porifera phylum
Hyalonema, Euplectella, etc.
Phylum - Coelenterata/Cnidaria
1. Body of these animals is cylindrical or
umbrella-like. If it is cylindrical, it is called Tentacles
as ‘Polyp’ and if it is umbrella like, it called Mouth
as ‘Medusa’. Testes
2. Most of these animals are marine. Only few
are fresh-water dwellers.
3. Body of these animals is radially symmetrical
Ovary New bud
& diploblastic.
4. Cnidoblast bearing tentacles are present Hydra
around the mouth. Tentacles are useful for
capturing the prey whereas cnidoblasts Tentacles
inject the toxin in the body of prey.
Sea anemone
Those are useful for protection too.
Examples: Hydra, Adamsia (Sea anemone),
Physalia (Portuguese- man-of war),
Aurelia (Jelly fish), Corals, etc.
Surprising information
Coral reefs are present in ocean. These reefs are actually colonies
of specific cnidarians. A precious stone called ‘Coral’ (पोवळा) and
the coral powder (प्रवाळ भस्म) used in ayurveda is derived from these
reefs. Collect more information about these corals from internet.
Phylum- Aschelminthes
1. Body of these animals is long thread-like or Mouth
cylindrical. Hence, they are called as round Genital
worms. aperture
2. These animals are either free living or Mouth Female
endoparasites. Free living animals are either Ascaris
aquatic or terrestrial. Ascaris
3. Body of these animals is triploblastic and
pseudocoelomate. hole
4. Body of these animals is non-segmented and hole
covered with tough cuticle.
5. These animals are unisexual. Tail Tail
Examples: Ascaris (Intestinal worm), Filarial 6.15 Animals in phylum
worm, Loa loa (Eye worm), etc. Aschelminthes
Internet is my friend
Collect the Information
1. How does the infection of tapeworm in man, liver fluke in grazing animals like
goat and sheep occur and what are their preventive measures?
2. How does the infection of round worms like Ascaris, filiarial worm & plant
nematodes occur and what are their preventive measures and treatment?
Phylum - Annelida
1. Body of these animals is long, cylindrical & metamerically segmented.
2. Most of the animals are free-living, but few are ectoparasites. Free-living animals
may be marine or fresh water dwellers or terrestrial.
3. These animals are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and eucoelomate.
4. They have setae or parapodia or suckers for locomotion.
5. Their body is covered with special cuticle.
6. These animals are either hermaphrodite or unisexual.
Examples: Earthworm, Leech, Nereis, etc.
Segment Tentacle
Clitellum Mouth Anus Mouth
Mouth Leech Nereis
Phylum- Arthropoda
1. These animals have jointed appendages. Hence they are called as arthropods.
2. Planet Earth has highest number of animals from this phylum. Hence, this is largest
phylum with highly successful animals in animal kingdom.
3. These animals are found in all types of habitats ranging from deepest oceans to
highest mountains.
4. Body of these animals is triploblastic, eucoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical and
5. Chitinous exoskeleton is present around their body.
6. These animals are unisexual.
Examples: Crab, spider, scorpion, millipede, centipede, cockroach, butterfly, honey
bee, etc.
Centipede Wings Thorax
Find out
What is chitin?
Scorpion Cockroach
1. What types of benefit & harm occur to human from animals of phylum- Arthropoda?
2. Which are the animals from phylum Arthropoda those have shortest & longest
3. Why has it been said that only insects directly compete with humans for food?
Phylum- Echinodermata
1. Calcareous spines are present on the body of these animals; hence they are called as
2. These animals are found only in ocean.
3. Their body is triploblastic, eucoelomate. And it is radially symmetrical in adult
stage. However, they show bilateral symmetry in larval stage.
4. They perform locomotion with the help of tube-feet. Tube feet are also useful for
capturing the prey. Some animals are sedentary.
5. They have skeleton made up of calcareous spines and / or ossicles (plates).
6. These animals have good ability of regeneration.
7. These animals are mostly unisexual.
Examples: Star fish, sea-urchin, brittle star, sea-cucumber, etc.
Phylum- Hemichordata
1. Body of these animals is divided into three Proboscis
parts as proboscis, collar & trunk.
2. Notochord is present in proboscis Collar
region only. Hence, they are called as
3. These animals are also called as ‘acorn Balanoglossus
4. These are marine animals, live in burrows
in sand.
5. They have one to many pharyngeal gill Saccoglossus
slits. Trunk
6. They are unisexual or some may be
Ex.: Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus. 6.20 Animals in phylum Hemichordata
Phylum- Chordata
These animals have supporting notochord in their body. All chordates are included in
the same phylum. The phylum Chordata is classified in to three subphyla. Following are
important characters of phylum Chordata
1. Notochord is present in the body during at least any developmental stage.
2. Pharyngeal gill slits are present in the body during at least any developmental stage.
3. Single, tubular spinal cord is present on dorsal side of body.
4. Heart is present on ventral side of body.
A. Sub phylum - Urochordata
1. These are marine animals.
2. Their body is covered by skin-like Branchial Atrial aperture
test or tunic. aperture
3. Larvae of these animals are freely
swimming and notochord is present Tunic
in only tail region of larvae. Hence,
they are called as Urochordata.
4. Larvae metamorphose into adults Body
after settling down at bottom of the
5. Generally, these animals are Foot
Examples: Herdmania, Doliolum, Doliolum Herdmania
Oikopleura, etc.
6.21 Animals in Sub- phylum Urochordata
B. Sub phylum -Cephalochordata
Segmental Muscles
Nerve chord 1. These are small, fish-like, marine
2. Notochord is present throughout the
body length.
3. Pharynx is very large and contains
Liver Intestine Anus
Pharyngeal gills gill-slits.
Gonads 4. These animals are unisexual.
Ex.: Amphioxus.
6.21 Animals in Sub- phylum Cephalochordata
d. Class- Reptilia
1. According to the course of animal evolution, Eyes
these are first true terrestrial animals with Scaly skin
creeping movement.
2. These are cold blooded (poikilotherms)
3. They creep on the land as their body cannot be
lifted up.
4. Their skin is dry and scaly. Legs
5. Neck is present between head & trunk.
6. External ear is absent. 6.26 Class-Reptilia : Wall lizard
7. Digits are provided with claws.
Examples: Tortoise, Lizard, Snake, etc.
e. Class- Aves Head
1. These vertebrates are completely adapted for
aerial life. Eyes
2. These are warm blooded (Homeotherms) i.e. Neck
they can maintain their body temperature
3. Their body is spindle-shaped to minimize air
resistance during flight.
4. Forelimbs are modified into wings. Digits are
covered with scales and bear claws.
5. Exoskeleton is present in the form of feathers. Claws
6. Neck is present between head and trunk.
7. Jaws are modified into beak.
Examples: Peacock, Parrot, Pigeon, Duck,
Penguin, etc. 6.27 Class- Aves: Pigeon
f. Class- Mammalia Eyes
1. Presence of mammary glands is typical
character of mammalia.
2. These animals are warm blooded.
3. Body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail.
4. Digits are provided with nails, claws, or
hooves. Patagium
Body Legs
5. Exoskeleton is in the form of hairs or fur.
Examples: Elephant, Human, Kangaroo,
6.28 Class-Mammalia: Bat
Dolphin, Bat, etc.
Use of Information Technology
Prepare the presentation of Always remember
animal classification using video clips
downloaded from internet. Varieties of animals are found
in our surroundings. We should be
Books are My Friends cautious about not causing any harm
Read the book- The Animal Kingdom: to animals during their studies and
Libbie Hyman and some other observations.
similar books.
1. Identify me. d. To which phylum does Cockroach
a. I am diploblastic & acoelomate. belong? Justify your answer with
Which phylum do I belong to? scientific reasons.
b. My body is radially symmetrical. 6. Give scientific reasons.
Water vascular system is present in a. Though tortoise lives on land as well
my body. I am referred as fish though as in water, it cannot be included in
I am not. What is my name? class- Amphibia.
c. I live in your small intestine. b. Our body irritates if it comes in
Pseudocoelom is present in my contact with jelly fish.
thread like body. In which phylum c. All vertebrates are chordates but all
will you include me? chordates are not vertebrates.
d. Though I am multicellular, there are d. Balanoglossus is connecting link
no tissues in my body. What is the between non-chordates & chordates.
name of my phylum? e. Body temperature of reptiles in not
2. Write the characters of each of the constant.
following animals with the help of 7. Answer the following questions by
classification chart. choosing correct option.
Bath sponge, grasshopper, rohu, a. Which special cells are present in
penguin, frog, lizard, elephant, jellyfish. the body of sponges (Porifera)?
3. Write in brief about progressive 1. Collar cells. 2. Cnidoblasts.
changes in animal classification. 3. Germ cells. 4. Ectodermal cells.
4. What is the exact difference between b. Which of the following animals’
grades of organization and symmetry? body shows bilateral symmetry?
explain win examples. 1. Star fish. 2. Jelly fish.
5. Answer in brief. 3. Earthworm. 4. Sponge.
a. Give scientific classification of c. Which of the following animals can
shark up to class. regenerate it’s broken body part?
b. Write four distinguishing characters 1. Cockroach. 2. Frog.
of phylum- Echinodermata. 3. Sparrow. 4. Star fish.
c. Distinguish between butterfly and d. Bat is included in which class?
bat with the help of four 1. Amphibia. 2. Reptilia.
distinguishing properties. 3. Aves. 4. Mammalia.
8. Complete the following chart. 11. Label the following.
Body cavity Germ Layer Phylum
Industrial microbiology
This science is related to commercial use of microbes in which various economic,
social and environment related processes and products are included. Various microbial
processes useful for this purpose are carried out.
A. Dairy Products
Since ancient days, milk is converted into various products for its preservation purpose.
Ex. Cheese, butter, cream, kefir, yoghurt, etc. Water content and acidity of the milk changes
during formation of these products and texture, taste and flavour is improved.
These processes are performed on large scale with more skill. For production of most
of the milk products, bacteria in milk itself are used; only cheese is produced with the help
of fungi. Basic process for production of yoghurt, cheese and cream is same. Milk is
pasteurized at the beginning to destroy unwanted microbes. It is then fermented with the
help of lactobacilli. In this process, lactose sugar of the milk is converted into lactic acid
and milk proteins are coagulated with the help of lactic acid. Besides, compounds with
taste and flavour are also formed. Ex. Diacetyl has the flavour of butter.
2. Yoghurt Products
Yoghurt is a milk product produced with the help of lactobacilli (inoculant). For
maintaining the protein content, condensed milk powder is mixed with milk to be fermented
for industrial production of yoghurt. Milk is boiled and once it cools to warm temperature,
bacterial strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii are added to it
in 1:1 proportion. Lactic acid is formed due to Streptococcus that makes the proteins to gel out
that gives dense consistency to the yoghurt.
Acetaldehyde like compounds are formed due to lactobacilli
that gives characteristic taste to the yoghurt. Now a day, various
fruit juices are mixed with yoghurt to impart different flavours. Ex.
Strawberry yoghurt, banana yoghurt, etc. Shelf life of yoghurt and
its probiotic properties can be improved by pasteurization.
3. Butter
Two types of butter like sweet cream and cultured are produced
on large scale. Microbes are used for production of cultured variety.
4. Cheese production
Cheese is produced on large scale from the abundantly available
cow milk all over the world. First, chemical and microbiological
tests of milk are performed. Some colours and microbes like
Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus cremoris, and Streptococcus
thermophilus are mixed with milk. It imparts sourness to the milk.
After this, to impart the dense texture, whey (water in yoghurt) needs
to be removed.
An enzyme, rennet obtained from alimentary canal of cattle
was being traditionally used earlier. However, an enzyme protease
obtained from fungi is used at present to produce vegetarian cheese.
The whey is separated from yoghurt (which has some other
uses). Then, process of production of cheese is started through steps 7.1 Cheese and Butter
like cutting the solid yoghurt into pieces, washing, rubbing, salting, and mixing of essential
microbes, pigments and flavours. Then, cheese is pressed and cut in to pieces and stored for
1. Which different types of cheese are used in western food like
Let’s think pizza, burger, sandwich, etc?
2. What is difference between those types of cheese?
Do you know?
During industrial production of milk products, strict cleanliness and sterilization
is essential as bacteria can be attacked by viruses. Hence, virus-resistant varieties of
bacteria are developed. Recently, use of mutant varieties of bacteria has been increased.
Artificially, some strains are developed that will help to avoid unnecessary steps /
Freshly prepared cheese is always soft e.g. cottage cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella
cheese. On storing for 3 to 12 months, semi-hard cheddar cheese is formed whereas after
ripening for 12 – 18 months, very hard cheese called parmesan cheese is formed.
Can you tell? What for probiotic food is famous?
These are also milk products, but contain active bacteria e.g. Lactobacillus,
Acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum, etc. These microbes maintain
the balance of intestinal microorganisms i.e. increase the population of microbes helping
the digestion and decrease the population of harmful microbes (ex. Clostridium). Probiotic
products are available in various forms like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut (pickle of cabbage),
dark chocolate, miso soup, pickles, oils, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, microalgae (Sea
food like Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue green algae, etc.).
Why the probiotics have developed much importance in
recent days? These products form the colonies of useful
microbes in alimentary canal and control other microbes and
their metabolic activities, improve resistance and lower the
ill-effects of harmful substances formed during metabolic
activities. Useful microbes become inactive due to antibiotics;
probiotics make them active again.
Nowadays, probiotics are used for treatment of diarrhoea
and treatment of poultry also. 7.2 Probiotics
Sewage Management
In villages, domestic sewage is disposed off either in nearby soil or in biogas plant.
However, in cities, sewage needs to be carried to processing unit and acted upon by
microbial processes.
Microbes which can decompose any compound as well as destroy the pathogens
of cholera, typhoid, etc. are mixed with sewage. They release methane and CO2 by
decomposition of the carbon compounds present in sewage. Phenol oxidizing bacteria
decompose the xenobiotic chemicals present in sewage.
The sludge that settles down
in this process can again be used Collect Information
as fertilizer. Water released
after microbial treatment is 1. Which materials should not be present in
environmentally safe. Microbes garbage for its proper microbial decomposition?
are used for bioremediation of 2. How the sewage generated in your house
environment polluted due to or apartment is disposed off ?
Clean Technology
Human being has made a very fast progress in technology. However, environmental
pollution is also increasing with same speed. Let us see the ways of control over air, soil
and water pollution with the help of microbes.
Microbes have natural ability of decomposing the manmade chemicals. Hydrocarbons
and other chemicals are transformed with the help of these abilities.
1. Some microbes remove the sulphur from fuels.
2. Metals like copper, iron, uranium, zinc, etc. leach into environment from low
quality metalloids. These are converted into compounds before leaching, with the help of
thiobacilli and sulphobacilli.
Water soluble salts of uranium are present in the wastes produced during
electroplating and in effluent released in environment from the atomic energy plant.
Geobacter convert these salts of uranium into insoluble salts and thereby prevent those
salts from mixing with ground water sources.
Microbes and Farming
How the bacteria present in soil and root nodules of
Can you tell?
leguminous plants are useful?
Microbial Inoculants
Some microbes-containing inoculants are produced by process of fermentation. These
inoculants are sprayed on seeds before sowing and some of the inoculants are released
into plants. Microbes in the inoculants help in plant growth by supplying nutrients. They
improve the quality of vegetarian food. Solution containing Azotobacter and artificial
nitrogenase is used in organic farming.
Soil pollution occurring due to Always Remember
chemical fertilizers is prevented due to use
of these solutions. Fluoroacetamide-like Plastic being used for
chemicals are mixed with soil due to use of storing the garbage is
chemical pesticides in agriculture. These biodegradable polylactic
prove to be harmful to other plants and acid. Such material should
animals as well as cause skin diseases to be used as per need only
human. These pesticides in the soil can be and environment should be
destroyed with the help of microbes.
Bacterial and fungal toxins which
can destroy pests and pathogens can be
directly integrated into plants with the help
of biotechnology. Being toxic to insects,
they do not consume the plants. Similar to
bacteria, some species of fungi and viruses
are useful as pesticides. Spinosad, a by-
product of fermentation is a biopesticide.
7.14 Caterpillar feeding on leaf
1. Rewrite the following statements 4. Complete the following conceptual
using correct of the options and picture.
explain the completed statements.
(gluconic acid, coagulation, amino Cleaning
acid, acetic acid, clostridium,
lactobacilli) Sewage after
a. Process of -- -- -- -- of milk proteins processing
occurs due to lactic acid.
b. Harmful bacteria in like -- -- -- in the
intestine are destroyed due to
c. Chemically, vinegar is -- -- --. 5. Give scientific reasons.
d. Salts which can be used as a. Use of mutant strains has been
supplement of calcium and iron are increased in industrial microbiology.
obtained from -------- acid. b. Enzymes obtained by microbial
2. Match the pairs process are mixed with detergents.
‘A’ group ‘B’ group c. Microbial enzymes are used instead
a. Xylitol 1. Pigment of chemical catalysts in chemical
b. Citric acid 2. To impart industry.
sweetness 6. Complete the following conceptual
c. Lycopene 3. Microbial
restrictor picture with respect to uses.
d. Nycin 4. Protein binding
5. To impart acidity
3. Answer the following.
a. Which fuels can be obtained by microbial Xanthan gum
processes? Why is it necessary to increase
the use of such fuels?
b. How can the oil spills of rivers and
oceans be cleaned?
c. How can the soil polluted by acid 7. Complete the following conceptual
rain be made fertile again? picture related to environmental
d. Explain the importance of bio- management.
pesticides in organic farming.
e. Which are the reasons for increasing
the popularity of probiotic products? Oil spill
f. How the bread and other products
produced using baker’s yeast are
g. Which precautions are necessary for Microbes
proper decomposition of domestic
h. Why is it necessary to ban the use of
plastic bags?
8. Answer the following. Project :
a. What is role of microbes in compost 1. Find the ways to implement the
production? zero garbage system at domestic
b. What are the benefits of mixing
ethanol with petrol and diesel?
c. Which plants are cultivated to 2. Which are the microbes that
obtain the fuel? destroy the chemical pesticides in
d. Which fuels are obtained from soil?
biomass? 3. Collect more information about
e. How does the bread become reasons for avoiding the use of
spongy? chemical pesticides.
8. Cell Biology and Biotechnology
Cell Biology (Cytology) Ø
Stem Cells
Biotechnology and Its Applications Ø
Important Stages in
Development of Agriculture
1. What is cell?
Can you Recall 2. What is tissue? Which are the functions of tissue?
3. Which technique in relation to tissues have you studied in
earlier classes?
4. Which are the various processes in tissue culture?
We have studied the plant production by technique of tissue culture in the last class.
Stem cells are used for that purpose. Whether such stem cells are present in animals?
Assign names in the figure given below. Explain the various stages
Observe those are kept blank.
Earlier, we have studied the structure,
types and organelles of the cell. This is
called as cell biology / cytology. Besides
above mentioned points, it includes the
study of cell division and many other
aspects of the cell.
There are revolutionary changes in the
field of human health due to cell biology.
Research institutes specially dedicated for
research on cells are established at Pune
and Bengaluru, India. National Center for
Cell Science ( at
Pune and ‘Instem’ (http://www.instem.res.
in) at Bengaluru are involved in valuable 8.1 Diagram
Visit both the websites mentioned above and with the help of your teacher, try to
understand the research undergoing in those institutes.
Stem Cells
These are special types of cells present in the body of multicellular organisms. These
cells give rise to all other types of cells present in the boy of multicellular organisms.
Similarly, these cells play an important role in wound healing.
We had studied the stem cells of plants in the previous class. Now, we shall study the
stem cells in animals, particularly in human beings.
New organism is formed from the zygote that is formed by union of male and female
gamete. At the earliest stage of development, organism is in the form of a mass of cells.
All the cells in that mass are almost alike. Those cells are called as stem cells.
During further development, these cells form any type of cell, different types of tissues
and perform different functions in the body. This is the differentiation of stem cells. However,
once the tissues are formed, the cells in those tissues, at the most, can form same types of cells
only. This is the case in each part of the body. However, stem cells are present for longer
duration in some parts of the body.
Stem cells are present in the umbilical cord by which the foetus is joined to the uterus of
the mother. Stem cells are also present in the blastocyst stage of embryonic development.
Stem cells are present in red bone marrow and adipose connective tissue of adult human
beings. It has become possible to produce different types of tissues and the degenerated part
of any organ with the help of these stem cells.
Stem Cell Preservation
For the purpose of preservation, stem cell samples are carefully collected from sources
like cord blood, red bone marrow or embryo (blastocyst) and are kept in small, sterile vials.
Those vials are kept in liquid nitrogen at -1350C to -1900C.
Recall A Little
1. What is biotechnology?
2. In which various fields, the
biotechnology has been useful? Bone
3. What the impact of biotechnology on Skin
agriculture and other related fields?
Make a list and discuss Give five examples of each of the fruiting and flowering
plants developed through tissue culture and mention their benefits.
2. Animal Husbandry
Two main methods as artificial USE OF ICT
insemination and embryo transfer are used Collect information about
in animal husbandry. It helps to improve various hybrid varieties of animals.
both, the quantity and quality of animal What are their benefits? Make a
presentation of various pictures and
products. Ex. Milk, meat, wool, etc.
Similarly, animals with more strength
have been developed for hard work.
3. Human Health
Diagnosis and treatment of the diseases are two important aspects of the human health
management. Biotechnology helps to identify the role of gene, if any, in disease of a
person. Diagnosis of diabetes and heart diseases has become possible even before the
onset of symptoms, with the help of biotechnology. Diagnosis of the diseases like AIDS,
dengue can be done within few minutes. Hence, treatment can be done at the earliest.
Various medicines are used for the treatment of diseases. Ex. The hormone insulin is
used in treatment of diabetes. Earlier, insulin was being collected from the pancreas of
horses. However, nowadays, due to biotechnology, insulin can be prepared with the help
of bacteria. For this purpose, human insulin gene has been inserted into the genome of
bacteria. Various vaccines and antibiotics are also produced in the same way.
a. Vaccines and Vaccination: Vaccine is the ‘antigen’ containing material given to
acquire either permanent or temporary immunity against a specific pathogen or disease.
Traditionally, vaccines were prepared with the help of pathogens. Completely or partially
killed pathogens were used as vaccines. However, due to this, there were chances of
contracting the disease in case of some persons. Hence, as an alternative, scientists tried
to artificially produce vaccines with the help of biotechnology. For this purpose, scientists
produced the antigen in laboratory with the help of gene isolated from the pathogen and
used it as vaccine. Thus, safer vaccines are being produced.
Now, proteins which act as antigen are injected in pure form instead of injecting the
killed or semi-killed pathogens. These proteins keep the persons away from the diseases
by keeping the immune system active. Thus, injecting the antigens is safest way in
vaccination. Vaccines produced with the help of biotechnology are more thermo-stable
and remain active for longer duration. Ex. Vaccines of polio, hepatitis,
Edible Vaccines: Work on production of edible vaccines is in progress and presently,
potatoes are being produced with the help of biotechnology. These potatoes are called as
transgenic potatoes. These potatoes will act against bacteria like Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia
coli. Consumption of these raw potatoes generates the immunity against cholera and the
disease caused due to E. coli. What will happen if these potatoes are cooked for consumption?
Transgenic Consumption of
Virus infects Entire plant is de- raw potatoes
Isolation of plant virus. the pieces of veloped from the helps to develop
desired gene potato leaves. leaf pieces contain- immunity
from human ing genes of human
pathogen. against that
pathogen pathogen
8.7 Transgenic potatoes
e. Cloning: Production of replica of any cell or organ or entire organism is called cloning.
i. Reproductive cloning: A clone can be produced by fusion of a nucleus of somatic cell
with the enucleated ovum of anybody. Thus, there is no need of sperm to produce the new
Collect more information about the Human Genome Project,
Internet My Friend
one of the important projects in the world
i. Microbes are useful on large scale while production of compost by treatment on solid
organic waste material.
ii. Bio-remediation, biopesticides, biofertilizers, biosensors, etc, are some new concepts
in biotechnological methods.
Bioremediation means either absorption or destruction of toxic chemicals and harmful
pollutants with the help of plants and microorganisms. If plants are used for this purpose,
it called as ‘phyto-remediation’. Some examples of bioremediation are as follows-
* The Pseudomonas bacteria are useful for cleaning the hydrocarbon and oil pollutants
from soil and water.
* The fern Pteris vitata can absorb the arsenic from the soil.
* Genetically modified variety of Indian mustard can absorb selenium from soil.
* Sunflower can absorb uranium and arsenic.
* The bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans is highly radiation resistant organism. It has
been genetically modified and used to absorb the radiations from radioactive debris.
* Grasses like alfalfa, clover and rye are used in phyto-remediation.
5. Food Biotechnology: Food items like bread, cheese, wine, beer, yoghurt, vinegar
are produced with the help of microorganisms. These food items are probably the
oldest ones produced with the help of biotechnology.
6. DNA fingerprinting: DNA sequence of each person is unique as that of the
fingerprints. Due to this, identity of any person can be established with the help
of its available DNA. This is called as DNA fingerprinting. It is mainly useful in
forensic sciences. Identity of the criminal can be established with the help of any
part of its body found at the site of crime. Similarly, identity of father of any child
can be established. This research is performed in Center for DNA fingerprinting and
Diagnostics, Hyderabad.
Cleaning of Oil Spillage in Oceans: If oil spillage occurs, it adversely affects the
marine life. Now, cleaning the ocean without any harm to environment in cheaper
way has become possible with the help of oil-digesting and fast multiplying bacteria.
India born American citizen and scientist Dr. Anand Mohan Chakravarti had for the
first time suggested the use of such microbes. Naturally, the credit for this discovery
goes to him.
Important stages in agricultural development
Green revolution
Problems of population explosion were
started to appear at the beginning of 20th
century. Almost all the countries, especially
underdeveloped and developing countries had
been badly affected by the effects of poor
quality and quantity of food. Various methods
applied for harvesting maximum yield from
minimum land are collectively called as green
Dr.M.S Swaminathan Dr. Norman Borloug
Improvised dwarf varieties of wheat and rice, proper use of fertilizers and pesticides
and water management has led to the increased production of food grains and thereby
large population had been saved from hunger. Dr. Norman Borlaug (USA) and Dr. M. S.
Swaminathan (India) have valuable contribution in green revolution.
Various research institutes and laboratories are engaged in development of new
varieties of various crops through research. Ex. Indian Agricultural Research Institute
(IARI), New Delhi, National Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur and allied branches, Indian
Institute of Sciences, National Pomegranate Research Institute, Solapur.
Cultivation of Medicinal Plants
India has been gifted with a great Try this
biodiversity. Indian citizens have
established the humble and strong relation Bring a packet of ‘Balghuti’ from
with the nature. We have a great tradition ayurveda shop. Learn the information about
of ayurveda that cures the diseases with the each component in it. Collect information
about various other medicines and prepare
help of natural sources.
the chart as shown below.
Fruit Processing
We are daily using various products
prepared from fruits. All are consuming the
products like chocolates, juices, jams and
jellies. All these products can be produced
by processing on fruits. Fruits are perishable
agro-produce. It needs the processing in
such a way that it can be used throughout
the year. Fruit processing includes various
methods ranging from storage in cold
storage to drying, salting, air tight packing, 8.14 Mango processing Unit
preparing murabba, evaporating, etc.
1. Fill in the blanks and complete the statements.
a. Methods like artificial insemination and embryo transplant are mainly used for --
b. -- -- -- -- is the revolutionary event in biotechnology after cloning.
c. The disease related with the synthesis of insulin is --- --- ---.
d. Government of India has encouraged the -- -- --- -- for improving the productivity
by launching NKM-16.
2. Match the pairs. 7. Write the correct answer in blank
a. Interferon 1. Diabetes circles.
b. Factor 2. Dwarfness
c. Somatostatin 3. Viral infection
d. Interleukin 4. Cancer Uses of
5. Haemophilia stem cells
3. Rewrite the following wrong
statements after corrections.
a. Changes in genes of the cells are
8. Identify and complete the following
brought about in non-genetic
a. Insulin : Diabetes :: Interleukin : -- -- --
b. Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis is b. Interferon : -- :: Erythropoietin :
introduced into soyabean. Anaemia.
4. Write short notes. c. ------- : Dwarfness :: Factor VIII :
a. Biotechnology: Professional uses. Haemophilia.
b. Importance of medicinal plants. d. White revolution : Dairy :: Blue
5. Answer the following questions in revolution : -- -- -- --.
your own words. 9. Write a comparative note on usefulness
a. Which products produced through and harmfulness of biotechnology.
biotechnology do you use in your daily Projects:
life? 1. Visit the organic manuring projects
b. Which precautions will you take nearby your place and collect more
during spraying of pesticides? information.
c. Why some of the organs in human 2. What will you do to increase public
body are most valuable? awareness about organ donation in
d. Explain the importance of fruit your area?
processing in human life? 3. Collect information about ‘green
e. Explain the meaning of vaccination. corridor’. Make a news-collection
6. Complete the following chart. about it.
Merits of
9. Social health
Elders always instruct you to get out of the home to interact with
Let’s Think relatives and others and play outdoor games but not to spend time
continuously with television, phone and internet
Why the children of your age are instructed same in each home? Our lifestyle has
been changed to some extent in this age of technology. Each person is busy with own daily
routine work and favourite job only. How much is it scientifically correct?
Earlier, we have studied the importance of physical health, cleanliness and staying healthy.
However, the concept of health does not end with it only.
Out of the various aspects of social health, we thought about only one in the above
mentioned activity. Social health is the ability of a person to establish relationship with
other persons. Ability to change one’s own behaviour according to changing social
conditions is an important characteristic of social health. Various factors like strong
personality, having large number of friends and relatives, proper use of time during
loneliness and with peer-group, trust in others, respect and acceptance for others are
important for good social health. We have seen that various factors affect the social health.
Factors disturbing the social health
Mental Stress
Competition has increased in opportunities for education, employment and business
due to increase in population. Children are facing the problems of loneliness and mental
stress due to reasons like nuclear family and parents staying outdoors due to job.
There are many bindings on girls and excessive freedom for
boys in some families. Boys enjoy the concession from their
domestic duties whereas girls have compulsion for the same
on the pretext that ‘should be used to it’. Do you see the
advertisements about increasing awareness on avoiding the
discrimination between girls and boys or sister and brother
in same family on choice for fresh/left-over food, learning
medium? In society too, adolescent girls have to
unnecessarily face the problems like teasing and molestation.
Girls are facing the problem of stress due to such gender
inequality. 9.2 Mental Stress
Nowadays, everyone has to face the stress due to ever increasing disorder, crime and
violence. At the same time, people looking at this as ‘fast and easy way of making money’
may become scapegoats and become part of such system. This is the deadly effect of
social illness.
Peer-group influence is stronger in case of
adolescents. Adolescents always prefer the
company of friends and follow their good or
bad habits instead of following advice of
parents and teachers. Children in their early
age try upon tobacco, cigarette, gutkha,
alcoholic drinks, drugs, etc. due to either peer-
-group pressure or symbol of high standard
living or as an imitation of elders. However, it
may lead to addiction to such deadly substances.
Temporarily intoxicating drugs of plant origin
and some chemicals may permanently damage
the human nervous system, muscle system,
heart, etc. Earlier, we have studied the
carcinogenic effect of tobacco containing
substances on mouth and lungs. 9.3 Addiction control
Incurable disease Whether the incidence shown
Factors like ignorance towards Think in the following picture is
the people with incurable diseases rational? Express your opinion.
like AIDS, T. B., leprosy and mental
disorders as well as old persons leads
to increase in old age homes and such
factors also may cause harm to social
Then Now
Distribute the 24 hours of your daily routine as per various duties you
Compare have observed. Make two categories as time spent on your health and
time spent on other responsibilities and compare both the categories.
Now a days, excessive, unnecessary and irrational use of modern technology and
communication media is becoming a sensitive issue through the view point of social health.
Persons spending the time with cell phones for several hours are usually unaware of the
surrounding. This is also a sort of addiction and leading to endangering of the social health.
Various physical problems like tiredness, headache, insomnia, forgetfulness, tinnitus,
joint pains and problems in vision may arise due to radiation of cell phones. More serious
fact is those radiations penetrate the bones of children more effectively than the bones of
adults. Persons continuously using the computers and internet become solitary. They cannot
establish harmonious relations with relatives and other members of the society. Habitually,
they become self-centered and thereby they may develop problems like autism and
selfishness. They become less sensitive towards others. Chronic effect of such tendency is
that they are not ready to help others in need and hence they also do not get it in need.
1. Do you recall the sudden closing of any cartoon serial of for-
Recall a little eign origin being telecast on television?
2. Explain details on happenings about blue whale game.
Children who watch the cartoon films may
imitate the characters of those films. Tendency
and behaviour of the children who play the games
like virtual war and car races (especially
deliberately brought about virtual accidents in
games) gradually become negative. Some games
available on cell phones and computers are
extremely time-consuming and also cause
economic losses, to lose concentration on some
essential subjects and may also prove fatal.
Along with some useful purpose, huge 9.6 Boy using cell phone while eating
information available on internet is used for
viewing some inappropriate videos too. However,
there is a governmental regulation over such
media. Website, movies and cartoon films
inappropriate for children are banned by the
Why is there increase in news of death by
drowning in ocean, falling in deep valleys or
under trains during catching the cell phone
There is increasing competition to upload the
videos of road accidents instead of helping the
9.7 Selfie on Road
victims. What is the mentality of such people?
Why are the video-clips of parents threatening
or hitting the children not studying as per their
wish or domestic helpers beating the children Observe the above images Is it
are very common on social media nowadays? rational? Why?
Person indulging in such destructive and
unnatural activities is usually under stress and
such activities are bursting of stress. Medical
science has declared such activities as mental
Person indulging in selfie is not aware about
the world around and the risks. This is called as
selfiecide. Persons indulging in domestic
violence, sending messages to others before
committing suicide or those who send the video
clips of suicidal act are mentally ill and they do 9.8 Pedestrian making a video-clip of the
so to win the sympathy. accident scene
Hence, make the constructive use of communication media like television, phone, and
internet for essential needs and entertainment only but do not go into the clutches by
spending hours with those media.
t Electronic media is also misused by sending derogatory messages, spreading vulgar
pictures and inflammatory statements.
t Exchange of information through media like email, Facebook and Whatsapp occurs
very fast. However, our personal information and phone numbers are automatically
spread and thereby reaches the unwanted persons which leads to malpractices like
incoming of unnecessary messages. Some of such messages either impair of shut down
the mobiles and computers.
All the above mentioned incidences are examples of cyber crime. Committing such
crimes is also a mental illness. Later on, the criminal also has to face the mental stress.
‘Cyber crime unit’ has been newly launched in police department. Cyber crime experts
collect the details, investigate the cyber crime and thereby find the criminal with the help
of internet.
Do You Know
IT Act-2000: This act has been enacted since 17th October 2000 and been amended
in 2008. Person committing the cyber crime has to face the punishment like imprisonment
for 3 years of fine up to 5 lakh. Maharashtra is at forefront in controlling the cybercrimes
and it has been proved to be a first state to start a separate cyber crime unit.
Stress management
Have you seen the loudly laughing
citizens in morning in public gardens?
Name of this newly popularized concept
is ‘laughter club’. These people relieve
their mental stress by laughing loudly.
Various ways of expression like
establishing communication with friends,
peers, cousins, teachers and more
importantly parents, noting down our
feelings, expressing our feeling with near
and dear ones help us to relieve the stress.
Fostering the hobbies like material
collection, photography, reading, cooking, 9.10 Laughter Club
sculpturing, drawing, rangoli, dancing, etc. help us to properly utilize the free hours. By
diverting the energy and mind towards the positive thinking, negative thoughts are
automatically neutralized.
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 5. Give three examples of each.
a. Laughter club is a remedy to drive a. Hobbies to reduce stress.
away -- -- -- --. b. Diseases endangering the social
b. Alcohol consumption mainly health.
affects -- -- -- -- system. c. Physical problems arising due to
c. The act -- -- -- -- is to curb the cyber excessive use of mobile phones.
crimes. d. Activities under the jurisdiction of
2. Answer the following. cyber crime laws.
a. Which factors affect the social 6. What will you do? Why?
health? a. You are spending more time in
b. Which changes occur in persons internet/mobile games, phone, etc.
continuously using internet and b. Child of your neighbour is addicted
mobile phones? to tobacco chewing.
c. Which problems do the common c. Your sister has become
man faces due to incidences of incommunicative. She prefers to
cyber crime? remain alone.
d. Explain the importance of good d. You have to use free space around
communication with others. your home for good purpose.
3. Solve the following cross-word
e. Your friend has developed the hobby
1. Continuous consumption of
of snapping selfies.
alcoholic and tobacco-materials.
f. Your brother studying in XII has
2. This app may cause the cyber
developed the stress.
7. What type of changes occurs in a
3. A remedy to resolve stress.
home having chronically ill old
4. Requirement for stress free life.
person? How will you help to maintain
5. Various factors affect -- -- -- health.
good atmosphere?
6. Art of preparing food items.
आ Project:
3 Enlist various factors affecting the
5 6 social health in your residential
4अ area. Decide the necessary changes
to correct the situation and
implement those changes.
1 Aई D D I C T I O N
1. What is disaster?
Can you recall?
2. Which disasters have you experienced in your area?
3. What are the effects of that disaster on local and surrounding
Variously dangerous events occur many times in the environment. Those are called as
disasters. Some of the main natural disasters are floods, wet and dry famine, cyclones,
earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. These are ‘all of a sudden’ troubles to the mankind. Such
events cause sudden changes in the environment and thereby cause the damage to it. En-
vironment is also damaged due to use of natural resources for our development. This leads
to sudden disasters, unexpected to human. These can be called as man-made disasters.
United Nations has defined the disaster as ‘the sudden event that leads to the huge loss of
life and property. Words like ‘huge’ and ‘sudden’ are important in the definition. As the
disaster occurs suddenly, it cannot be predicted. Hence, precautions are not possible. Huge
losses to the property occur in the area of disaster. There are long term effects on society
due to incidences of life and property loss. Various areas of life like economic, social,
cultural, political, law and administration, etc. are affected by it. The life in the area of
disaster disturbs totally. There is loss to life and property of the people in distress.
Earlier, we have studied various types of disasters and the measures to be taken. None of
the different disasters are similar. Period of each disaster is not same. Some disasters are
short term where as some are long term. Reasons behind each disaster are also different.
Depending upon the nature of disaster, it can be determined that which component of the
environment will be affected more.
Earlier, we have studied the effects of various types of disasters and the precautionary
measures to be taken in case any disaster happens. We can classify the disasters in other
ways too; like catastrophic disasters. Ex. Cyclones in Odisha, catastrophic earthquakes of
Gujarat and Latur, frequently buzzing cyclones in coastal Andhra Pradesh, etc. which lead
to total chaos, huge loss of life and property in respective region. However, irrespective of
all these, life has always returned to normal within short time. Disasters making the impact
for long duration are those whose after-effects are either severe or severity increases with
time. Ex. Famine, various problems of crop, strikes of workers, rising levels of oceans,
desertification, etc.
Observe the following images. Whether the places of
Let’s Discuss disasters are known to you? Discuss the effects of these
disasters on public life. How it could have been saved from
these disasters? Discuss with your friends in the class-room.
Internet is my friend
Types of Disasters
................................. .................................
Prof nistrativ
................................. .................................
Injuries, emotional /
expenditure, shortage of
mental stress, increase
funds for development of Economic Disaster Medical
in epidemics, death of
other sectors, decrease in
Taking into consideration the nature and scope of disaster, only three aspects of
disaster are important for common citizens.
1. Phase of emergency: Important character of this phase is that maximum lives can be
saved by quick actions during this phase only. Various actions like search and rescue op-
erations, medical assistance, first aid, restoring communication services, removing the
people from affected area are expected in this phase. Gravity of disaster can be estimated
in this phase only.
2. Transitional Phase: Rehabilitation work is started in this phase, after the subsidence of
any type of disaster. It includes clearing of debris, restoring water supply, repairing roads,
etc. so that it will help to bring normalcy in public life. Rehabilitation of the victims is
important aspect of this phase. Generally, different institutes offer the monetary and other
type of help to such people. It helps to soothe the mental stress at the earliest if these vic-
tims are offered with the permanent mean of earning livelihood and this is true rehabilita-
3. Reconstruction Phase: This is highly complicated phase. This phase begins in transi-
tional phase. People reconstruct their buildings and facilities like roads and water supply
are restored. Farming practices are restarted. However, it takes long time for reconstruc-
Planet Earth has experienced many natural disasters. Listening to the description of those
disasters brings numbness to the mind. Most of the disasters and related unprecedented
situations have been occurred in the Asian continent and region of Pacific Ocean. Huge
loss to the life and the planet Earth has been occurred due to such disasters. Generally,
such conditions of natural imbalance have been arisen due to greed of economic progress
of human being.
In reality, old problems of several years have become fierce. Ex. Increasing population, its
increasing needs emerging problems out of it are now at the extreme end. Such disasters
have been increased after the world war-II. Condition of instability arises in the country
due to various reasons like economic inequality, racial and religious differences, etc. Inci-
dences like terrorism, abduction, social differences have been a routine now.
Production and use of harmful chemicals is under ban in developed countries. How-
ever, production of either same or those chemicals which can wipe out the human race is
common in developing and poor countries.
Do you know?
In 2014, there had been a huge land slide in the village Malin, Tal. Ambegaon,
Dist. Pune. Following is the image of the school reconstructed after the disaster.
Another such threat to human being is from the atomic energy plants. Ex. Radiation
leakage occurred after a blast in atomic energy plant at Chernobyl, Russia. Its ill-effects
are still experienced in the region. This atomic energy plant was only used for electricity
generation. Now a day, many countries are equipped with atomic energy. Out of this,
risk of radiation leakage is increasing due to carelessness. Hence, importance of disaster
management has become the foremost need of almost all the nations. In fact, it is most
necessary for citizens of all countries, because they are the main sufferers in any type of
disaster. Hence, direct participation of citizens in disaster management is highly neces-
sary. Similarly, disaster management schemes should be changed with respect to loca-
tion, time and nature of the disaster. It should not be restricted for a particular period.
Overall, there may be any type of disaster, it should be overcome. Concept of disaster
management has been arisen out of this only.
Disaster management
Disaster may be minor or major, short- Objectives of disasters management
-time or long-time, it should be overcome 1. Disposal of human life suffered by
and effective disaster management is human being during the calamity
necessary for it. There is close relationship and release of the people.
between disaster management and public 2. Supply of essential commodities
participation. Disaster management is either of the people to reduce the effect
prevention of disasters or making of disaster.
arrangements to face it or at least achieve 3. The restore the human life in the
the abilities to face it. region by creating reconciliation
Disaster is a very fast process, in fact it in disaster.
is accident. What shall we do in such 4. Rehabitant disaster victims.
situation? How can we protect ourselves, 5. Considering protective measure
our belongings and animals? in disaster, such disaster will not
In case of disaster management, there reach in future and slop take care
should be an attempt to minimize the losses. to reduce their intensity.
Disasters are never planned but losses due it
can be prevented in a planned manner.
Disaster management is achieving or time to time improving the ability to face the disasters
through scientific and careful observations and analysis of data. For example, preparing
the action plan through study of various aspects like preventive measures, rehabilitation
and reconstruction and executing that plan is nothing but the management of disaster.
Disaster management can be divided into two parts.
Pre-disaster management Post-disaster management
This includes the complete 1. Providing all types of necessary help
preparation and planning to face any to victims of disasters.
type of disaster. For that purpose.. 2. Participation of preferably local
a. Identifying the pro-disaster areas. peoples saved from the disaster in
b. Collecting the information about arranging the help to victims.
intensity of disaster and probable 3. Quick establishment of help centre.
sites of disasters through predictive Different types of disasters need dif-
intensity maps and hazard maps ferent types of control centres.
respectively. 4. Categorization of the help material
c. Getting special training for disaster received from control centre, deliver-
management. ing the material to victims and con-
d. Increasing awareness about disaster tinuous review of the help.
management among the general 5. Being always prepared for disaster
public through training programmes, rescue.
mass media, and etc. Post-disaster
Observe the disaster cycle given below and explain each aspect of
the disaster of earthquake.
Try this Always remember
Chairman : Chief Minister
Get information
Visit the district collector or Taluka Tehasildar office and collect the information
about disaster management.
District Disaster Management Authority:
At the district level, district collector is responsible for disaster management and imple-
mentation of rehabilitation schemes. Collector is planning, coordinating and controlling
the implementation of rehabilitation programme, gives out necessary instructions and re-
views the entire system. District collector is also responsible for designing the schemes for
each district, separately for each type of disaster and getting those sanctioned from
state-level authorities.
District-wise Disaster Control Unit:
District control unit is established immediately either after the impact of disaster or
getting intimation about it. It reviews about various aspects of disaster, keeps continuous
contact with various agencies like army, air force, navy, telecommunication department,
paramilitary forces, etc. for getting help. It is also responsible for coordinating with various
voluntary organizations for their help in disaster management.
Internet is my friend
Find out more about the activities international organizations that work for
disaster management.
1. United Nations Disaster Relief Organization
2. United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
3. Asian Disaster Reduction Centre.
4. Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre.
5. World Health Organization.
6. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Who Does What? National Disaster Response Force has been established as
per the Disaster management Act, 2005. Divisions of this
force are working in army. Overall, 12 divisions are working
in the country. Its headquarter is in Delhi and it is in action
all over the country with the help of army. In Maharashtra,
National Disaster Response Force is in action through State
Reserve Police Force. Personnel of this force have
substantial contribution in rescue work in disasters like
cyclones, cliff-sliding, building collapse, etc. Website:
Following are some pictures of disasters. Which precautions would
Let's Think
you take during those disasters?
10.2 Various disasters
Give the reference of following pictures and explain importance
Observe of each of those in disaster management. Which are other such
a b c d e f
10.4 Various activities
Complete the chart complete the chart as per the objectives of Firstaid.
Preventing deterioration
of condition of victims of Objectives of First Aid
Attempt to improve the
Saving lives condition
First Aid Kit
It is essential to have material necessary for first aid with us. That material is available
in the first aid kit. You can also prepare a first aid kit. It is also important to use whatever
the material available in the given condition for first aid.
Meet the medical officer / doctor from your village and collect
Get information information about providing the first aid.
Whether there had been mock drill by fire fighters under the
Can you tell? disaster management scheme in your school? Which techniques
did you see during the drill?
Mock Drill
It is a practice to check the preparedness of facing the disaster as early as possible.
Virtual / Apparent situation of disaster is created to check the reaction time for any type
of disaster. Trained personnel observe their responsibilities to check execution of plan
designed for disaster redressal. This helps to check the efficacy of the system prepared for
disaster redressal.
Mock drill is arranged on disaster of fire in various schools by the fire fighters. It
includes the demonstrations like extinguishing the fire, rescuing the people trapped at
higher floors of buildings, rescuing the persons whose clothing have catched the fire, etc.
Such activities are also arranged by police force and voluntary organizations.
Always remember
1. Do not chaos and push each other while using staircase in the school.
2. Remind important help-lines and use as per need. Ex. Police 100, Fire fighting force
101, Disaster Control Unit 108, Ambulance 102, etc.
3. Follow the traffic rules. Look at left and right sides while crossing the road and ensure
that any vehicle in not passing by.
4. Do not touch any unclaimed object. Do not spread rumours.
5. Do not make chaos at the crowded places.
1. Complete the table. 3. Answer the following questions.
a. Explain the role of district disaster
(Motor accident, land sliding, forest control unit after occurrence of any
fire, theft, riot, war, epidemic, drought, disaster.
locust attack, financial crisis, flood, b. Give the reasons for increase in
famine) human disasters after the World
Disaster Symptoms Effects Remedy c. Which are the objectives of disaster
d. Why is it essential to get the training
of first aid?
e. Which different methods are used
for transportation of patients? Why?
2. Write notes.
4. On the basis of the structure of disaster-
a. Disaster management Authority management authority, form the same
b. Nature of disaster management for your school.
c. Mock drill 5. Write down the reasons, effects and
remedial measures taken for any two
d. Disaster Management Act, 2005
disasters experienced by you.
6. Which different aspects of disaster a.
management would you check for
your school? Why? b.
7. Identify the type of disaster.
a. Terrorism b. Soil erosion
c. Hepatitis d. Forest fire
e. Famine f. Theft
8. Some symbols are given below.
Explain those symbols. Which c.
disasters may occur if those symbols
are ignored?
1. Demonstrate the activities shown on
page no. 106 of std. IX textbook in
front of the students of other classes.
Make a video clip and send it to others.
2. Form a group of students from your
9. Explain that why is it said like that? school to demonstrate the mock drill
A] Mock drill is useful and demonstrate it in the school.
B] Effective disaster management
makes us well prepared for future.
10. Complete the following chart.
Properties of Predisaster