Introduction To Written Communication: Some Basic Principles

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Introduction to Written 1
Communication: Some
Basic Principles

1.1 Introduction to Communication
1.2 Problems in Communication
1.3 The Communicator’s Behaviour
1.4 Written Communication
1.5 Helping Other People Communicate with You
1.6 Communication with People at All
Organisational Levels
1.7 Communicating With Groups
1.8 When Written Communication Is Most
Test 1
Test 2

This topic introduces students to the basic principles of written communication. It provides an
introduction to clear, positive messages and to understanding basic writing strategies. It is designed to
help you be more proficient in the kind of writing you need to
do at home, college and the workplace.

Communication is a learned skill. Most people are born with the physical ability to talk, but to speak
and write well are skills that we have to learn and develop.

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. identify some basic principles of communication;
2. define the various types of communication;
3. identify the true meaning of communication;
4. comprehend the importance of communication in construction;
5. solve problems in communication; and
6. distinguish between oral and written communication.



“A communication has two ends to the stick – it is composed of

a speaker’s intention and a listener’s reception of what is said.”
Linda Slakey

Communication, both oral and written, has become such a normal ACTIVITY
part of our everyday lives that we easily take communicating with
each other for granted. However, the field of communication “The meaning of
includes a wide variety of activities and situations. It is important to communication is in
strive for competence in both oral and written communication,
the way that it is
particularly in relation to the effective operation of the organisations.
received”. What do
The quality of communication affects people internally (through
you think of this
staff motivation/performance) and externally, where the whole
perception of the organisation which both existing and potential statement?
clients depend upon.

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others. This is a process that involves
both the sender of the message and the receiver. This process leaves room for error, with messages

often misinterpreted by one or more of the parties involved. Therefore, this causes unnecessary
confusion and counter productivity.

1.1.1 What is Communication?

Communication is usually defined as giving, receiving or exchanging information, opinions or

ideas so that the “message” is completely understood by everybody involved. Listening skills
are equally important as speaking skills. Non-verbal communication or “body-language” from
either party can influence the message (e.g. posture, gestures, facial expression, eye contact, dress). To
some degree, there are also “barriers” which may intervene with either verbal or written

Figure 1.1: The communication process

1.1.2 Importance of the Message in Communication

Getting your message across is paramount to progressing. To do

this, you must understand what your message (written or oral) is, ACTIVITY
what audience you are sending it to and how it will be perceived.
You must weigh the circumstances surrounding your You and your colleague feel
the need to write a letter to
communications, such as situational and cultural contexts. your boss asking for a raise in
salary. How do you ensure
In fact, a message is successfully received and comprehended only that your message is
when both the sender and the receiver perceive it in the same way. conveyed to him
successfully? What are the
points that you should
By successfully getting our message across, we convey our thoughts include in your letter?
and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas
that we convey do not necessarily reflect our own, causing a Draft the letter to your boss to
communicate your need.
communication breakdown and creating “roadblocks” that stand in Then, have it read by your
the way of our goals — both personally and professionally. tutor or your friends to see if
your message is
communicated, and if your
letter can be improved.


Effective communication is obviously a two-way process but there are a number of factors which may
distort this process and could affect overall interpretation and understanding.

Communication problems can popup at every stage of the communication process (which
consists of sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback and context) and have the potential to create
misunderstanding and confusion.

To be an effective communicator and to get our point across without misunderstanding and confusion,
our goal should be to lessen the frequency of these problem areas at each stage of this process with
clear, concise, accurate and well-planned communications.

If we were to check at each stage of the following process we might be able to minimise these barriers,
which include:

(a) Status/Role
The sender and receiver may be of equal status within a hierarchy (e.g. communication between
managers, with the sender first to establish credibility; between equivalent people in
different organisations) or they may be at different levels (e.g. manager/employee;
lecturer/student). Communication may also be with customers, clients or stakeholders of various

(b) Cultural Differences

This may be a significant factor within or outside the organisation, for example, dealings
between different departments, international communications with other organisations or ethnic

(c) Choice of Communication Channels

Are they appropriate for the purpose and the receiver? For example, written/verbal use of poor
verbal and body language can also confuse the message.

(d) Length of Communication

Is it appropriate for the purpose and receiver? Is the message too lengthy? Disorganised?
Does it contain errors?

(e) Use of Language

Poor choice of vocabulary and/or poor structure of the communication could create a barrier to

(f) Disabilities

Impairment of hearing or sight, dyslexia, mental health, etc., should be taken into consideration
(e.g. use of hearing loops, sign language, magnifying systems, symbols rather than words).

(g) Known or Unknown Receiver

Is the message created appropriately? Does the message contain too much information
too fast? ACTIVITY
(h) Individual Perceptions/Attitudes/Personalities Your father is not too
How is the message received? It helps if you are aware of the keen on your idea to
individual’s character. Sometimes, methods of communication, study medicine in the
for example, with the elderly or with children, may need UK. How will you try to
special consideration. Are you aware of the preferred persuade him and
communication style of the receiver — visual, auditory or justify your stand? Bear
kinesthetic — and can you amend your own appropriately? in mind the barriers in
communication which
(i) Atmosphere/Noise/Distraction you might encounter.
These may be a barrier to effective verbal communication.

(j) Clarity of Message

Is the message clear? Could anything be ambiguous?

(k) Lack of Feedback

This can create problems for either party. One - way communication may be quick but feedback
enables confirmation of understanding by both sender and receiver.

Therefore, in choosing the most appropriate method of communication to avoid/lessen problems,

communicators need to heed the following:

• Think carefully about all the possibilities.

• Consider all aspects of the communication process (interpretation, understanding, feedback).
• Consider the possible barriers.
• Consider the complexity of the subject matter and how it might be best conveyed.
• Ask Who? – Characteristics of the receiver(s).
Why? – The purpose of the communication.
What? – Content of the “message”.
How? – Oral, written, visual or combination of these.
• Whether you are in a meeting or speaking to individuals.
• Face-to-face or via telephone.
• Letter, e-mail, memo, report.
Where? – Location of a meeting.
When? – Timing/time limit/expected response time.

Choices of methods of communication also relate to a range of other factors such as cost, time,
confidentiality, convention, urgency and whether written records are required.


To be an active communicator and to get your point across without misunderstanding and confusion,
your goal should be to lessen the frequency of would-be barriers at each stage of the process (sender,
message, channel, receiver, feedback and context) with clear, concise, accurate, and well-
planned communication.
In simple English, be yourself. For instance, if you want to be a
better writer, READ. Not just books on writing, but magazines,
Come up with a dialogue
websites, newspapers, newsletters — everything that you can get where you and your
your hands on. Do not worry about grammar and spelling when you listener are engaged in a
start out. Fix it later. Get your thoughts down first. Better still, talk deep discussion of an
important topic, that is,
through your topic and type the way you speak. You can edit and university admissions. Write a
refocus the piece later. In addition, practise writing everyday. By brief dialogue between you
doing so, I can ensure you that you can change your habit and your and the other person but
behaviour. By doing so, you should be able to communicate make sure that it is of
reasonable length. Cite
confidently with others around you. examples wherever


To put it simply, written language communication is communication by means of written symbols that
is communicated by or to or between people or groups.

Thus, written communication is the presentation of ideas or essays that make a clear point, supply
details supporting that point and demonstrate unity and coherence of thought. The mastery of good or
standard written English and the ability to comprehend and write about information acquired through
reading, note-taking and listening are also elements of written communication. The goals of every
student in written communication are to be able to write unified and coherent essays, to have
knowledge of the vocabulary and conventions of the field, and a mastery of written English.

1.4.1 Ways to Improve Written Communication

“We all use language to communicate, express ourselves, get our ideas across and
connect with the person to whom we are speaking. When a relationship is
working, the act of communication seems to flow relatively effortlessly. When a
relationship is deteriorating, the act of communicating can be as frustrating as
climbing a hill of sand.”
Chip Rose

Successful written communication requires careful thought and clear planning. It is clear, correct and
easy to read. A plain writing style is easy to understand and reduces the chances of
misunderstanding and ambiguity.

In order to improve your written communication skills, you need to continually practise writing in the
language and write with a clear purpose that meets the needs of the reader. You decide what you want

to say and put this in a logical and suitable sequence. Such an approach will ensure the clarity of your
message. It will also help you to avoid omitting relevant details.

When you start writing, your tools are the words, sentences, paragraphs and lay-out. Use these to
convey your meaning concisely, courteously and confidently. When you reach the final stage of
writing, have the courage to edit your own work critically as well as from the reader ’s point of
view. Therefore, your written work must undergo three important stages before you print it out or
submit it to be marked or sent to the printer, namely:

• planning stage,
• writing stage, and
• editing stage.

In addition, if your work fulfills the preceding formats, this written document should have:

• efficiency,
• equity, and
• effectiveness.

If your work is written in plain English, it would be easy to read and understand and the number of
readers who would seek clarification is reduced.

Therefore, a useful tool in improving your writing skills is writing — start writing in simple, plain
English, then move on from something concrete to something abstract and expressive. We would
never improve our writing ability if we do not start somewhere. According to Sebranek, Meyer &
Kemper (1996), writing, like “basketball and juggling, is not a God-given mysterious talent given only
to a chosen few but, rather, a skill that gets better with practice, practice that involves increased
challenges and, therefore, risk.” By continually practising and editing your own work, you can also
avoid making grammatical errors. Errors in writing make a document difficult to read and cause
communication barriers.

Therefore, to remove them you need to edit. Judith (1993) has identified four common errors which
you must avoid in order to improve your writing competency, as shown in Figure 1.2.

To get a better
picture of what “Plain
Talk or Plain English”
means, you can refer
to Rudolf Flesch
(2000), “The Art of
Plain Talk”.

Figure 1.2: Common errors in writing

(a) Confusing Language

Confusing language means confusing words that can mislead the reader and cause
communication breakdown or barriers between the writer and the reader. Some words are
ambiguous, bombastic, vague, sexist, trendy, exaggerated, inflated and archaic. Again, we
must always remember to write to convey meaning in plain English. It is better to use the
familiar word to the far-fetched, the concrete word to the abstract, the single word to the
circumlocution and the short word to the long. As defined by
Webster ’s Dictionary, circumlocution means “the use of an ACTIVITY
unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea”.
When it comes to
(b) Verbosity
writing, why do you
Verbosity, on the other hand, means the use of too many
think it is necessary to
words. The overuse of words interferes with understanding.
Sometimes they are unnecessary because they interrupt the “omit needless words”
reader ’s understanding of the message. If verbosity as attested by Shrunk
persists, it may antagonise, confuse and bore the reader. For and White (2000)?

• He’s quick. (Ok)

• He moves quickly. (Better)
• Adnin was the winner! (Ok)
• Adnin won! (Better)
• The rugby ball went to the centre field. (Ok)
• The rugby ball sailed to the centre field. (Better)
• “The stability and quality of our financial performance will be developed through
the profitable execution of our existing business, as well as the acquisition or development
of new businesses.” (Cook, 1999) (Too long, too wordy, passive voice)
• We will improve our financial performance not only by executing our existing business
more profitably but by acquiring or developing new businesses (Better, shorter,
active voice)

(c) Poor Sentence Structure

Poor sentence structure relates to writing fragments instead of
complete sentences and writing sentences that lack unity. Try The following examples
to keep your sentence(s) short and compact to ensure that they have misplaced modifiers.
Try to reorder the words to
are correct, logical and easy to read. Long, complicated
make them acceptable,
sentences can be difficult to read and understand. Word order presentable and most
is important for meaning. Words have to be structured to the importantly, grammatical.
extent that what precedes should be in accordance with those
that follow. For sale. Antique desk
suitable for lady with thick
(d) Information Overload legs and large drawers.
Fur coats made for ladies
Information overload means giving too much information,
from their own skin.
hence, the reader becomes overwhelmed and confused. Enraged cows injures
This may also cause frustration and cast doubts on the farmers with an axe.
writer ’s credibility. Therefore, as a writer, you must decide
what sort of information is required in order to produce a (Taken from Ratner, B.D.,
clear, concise and relevant written work. 2004)

1.4.2 Letters of Memorandum

Reports intended for readers who are external to the organisation are often written as letter reports,
usually on the organisation’s letterhead. A letter report may present a problem, proposal, solution
or reply to a request.

The minimum acceptable standard of a letter report includes a

subject line plus the seven basic parts of a business letter:
“Tell me and I’ll forget.
Show me and I may not
• The writer’s address. remember. Involve me
• The date. and I’ll understand.”
• Reader’s address. (Native American
• Salutation.
• Body. In your opinion, how does this
• Complimentary close. saying relate to the art of
written communication?
• Signature block.

Memorandum reports are used for routine information. This includes information about a special issue,
problem or information needed for decision - making and problem - solving within an organisation.
The memorandum report format is the least formal report format.

The minimum acceptable standard of a short memorandum report includes the following five

• Reader’s name. ACTIVITY

• Writer’s name.
• Date. Write a memorandum to
• Subject line or title. your subordinate in the
• Body. school stating the need to
revamp the current dress
code policy for extra-
Whatever format you choose, organise information into separate
curricular activities. As a
sections. If headings make it easier to understand the report, use principal, among other
them. However, if the headings serve no purpose, leave them out. things, you plan to set
Make the decision on the basis of the report’s purpose, content and up a committee to
the reader’s needs. In short, you have to be consistent in your oversee this aspect and
presentation. If you use headings, you should proofread for provide reasons for the
consistency of font types and sizes in headings and subheadings. need for change. (Please
refer to format as outlined
in 1.4.2)

1.4.3 Formal and Informal Reports

A report is a document containing comprehensive information about a specific subject. To write a

good report, the following three stages must be discussed.

• Planning.
• Writing.
• Editing.

Once the mentioned skills have been acquired or have become automatic or second nature,
report writing tends to be less daunting. The writing stage really is the second priority, because
without careful planning and gathering of necessary information (i.e. pre-writing stage), there will be
no substance to your words. The larger the report, the more editing will be required. It can be useful to
get someone else to read it through for you.

“Tired eyes pressing up against a deadline often miss silly mistakes.” ACTIVITY
Claire Cook (1999) Why do you
think formal
written work
The purpose of the report often determines what type of format is used to
should always
present the
information. A number of different formats are used in report be

1.4.4 Documentation

The purpose of documenting written work varies, depending on the nature of the piece of work. The
question is, “Why do we need to document written work?” There is some work kept for research
purposes, some historical work kept for posterity, and some for others to know and see. There are also
others which are used to keep abreast with on- going projects, for remembrance, acknowledgement
and as a teaching-learning tool to improve one’s writing skill. We may also want to use such
documents as avenues to project our ideas or opinions to be shared with others as well as establish
and defend our points of view. These boil down to the fact that ‘writing is our thinking made public’.

Therefore, all writing must come out of the context of ideas. Then, someone has to read that writing.

So, what must be documented? Any idea, logic or argument or phraseology TIPS
derived from an outside source must be documented. You must give credit
for all borrowed materials; for example, quotations, references, primary You must cite and
and secondary sources; facts, data and statistics, opinions, ideas and document all
interpretations which you have gathered from your reading and research. ideas and
Borrowed materials must be acknowledged whether you paraphrase, arguments
borrowed from
19 an outside
summarise or quote directly. The only exception is what is loosely termed “general
knowledge” or “common knowledge”, which is information or ideas generally known and accepted by
the writer and audience.


Many people are intimidated by writing. Even so, there are times when writing is the best way to
communicate and often times the only way to get your message across.

Effective communication is a two-way process but there are a number of factors which may distort
this process and could affect overall interpretation and understanding. Checks at each stage of the
communication may help to minimise these barriers.

In order to help other people to communicate with you, we need to choose the most appropriate
method of communication. We need to bear in mind the following:

• Think carefully about all the possibilities.

• Consider all aspects of the communication process (interpretation, understanding, feedback).
• Consider the possible barriers.
• Consider the complexity of the subject matter and how it might be best conveyed.
• Ask Who? Why? What? and How?
• Consider whether it is going to be in the form of a letter, e-mail, memo or report.

Choices of methods of communication also relate to a change of other factors such as cost, time,
confidentiality, convention, urgency and whether written records are required.
When we use the written form of communication, such as letters, e-mails, memos, reports,
minutes, forms, questionnaires, enquiries/replies, records, leaflets/brochures, advertisements and
press releases, the objectives vary in each type of situation. We should not communicate only
because of the needs or expectations of the recipient(s), but we must do so with careful planning in
terms of content, structure, proofreading and editing as well as with proper decision - making.

It is only through communication with others that we convey our ideas and opinions in messages
delivered, as well as receive and process information for immediate or later transaction.

Communicating through words, however, can be more concrete with less room for error and even less
room for mistakes compared with verbal communication. This presents written communicators with
new challenges, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, style of writing and actual wording.
Thankfully, today’s technology makes memo, reports, letter and proposal writing much easier by
providing reliable tools that check and even correct words and incorrect grammar. Unfortunately,
these tools are not misspelt and will require your support, thus making knowledge in this area
important fool proof.

Currently, we transact messages electronically using e-mail, or we call over the phone, use SMS or
write letters, memos or other means at our disposal to enable people to communicate with us.
If, for whatever reasons, certain procedures must be followed, some are written while others are,
by convention, ethical and moral. Unless we adhere to certain norms, others might not want to
communicate with us by whatever means.

1.5.1 Problems Other People May Have Writing to You

The purpose of communication is to get our message across to others.

Having gone across we assume it is delivered, received and understood by ACTIVITY
the reader. This is a process that involves both the sender of the message
and the receiver. Sometimes our messages are conveyed successfully, What do you think
which means that our thoughts and ideas have been transmitted. On the are some of the
other hand, if they are not conveyed, they will cause communication problems other
breakdown and create roadblocks that stand in the way of our goals. people may have
writing to you?
In spite of the numerous opportunities currently present in this
technological age, many individuals continue to struggle with this and are
unable to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. This inability makes it nearly impossible
for them to communicate in the workplace and stands in the way of career progression.

Getting our message across is paramount to progressing. To do this you must understand what your
message is, what audience you are sending it to and how it will be perceived. You must also weigh
the circumstances surrounding your communications, such as situational, contextual, cultural,
formal, informal or professional.

People may not want to write to you for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons have
been stated earlier in the text, while others may appear in the following forms:
• One’s weaknesses as a writer (for example, language deficiencies).
• Too much information in the text.
• Too many grammatical errors and mistakes.
• Barriers between the sender and receiver (for example, cultural, status, role).
• Message not clear or precise.
• Wrong choice of channel/format deliverance.
• Past experiences (for example, treatment received).
• Documents not structured, messy or not well laid out

1.5.2 Using Questions to Overcome Problems

As stated earlier, it is the reciprocal nature of the communication process that is in question.
All written forms of communication, if delivered smoothly, will certainly be understood by the
receiver, with no questions asked.

However, there is no one-way trip to know whether your document has been safely delivered
to the receiver and most importantly, entertained by him/her. We need to find out the reasons behind
the positive/negative impact of the delivery. These can be done only through questions posed by you
as a writer.

Nevertheless, there are varieties of modes or activities that we can use to start the
communication processes moving. It is of utmost importance that we strive for competence in
written communication. The quality of communication affects people internally and externally,
where the whole perception of the organisation by both existing and potential clients may depend on it.

If the communicative channel is blocked or has come to a standstill, we need to ponder and assess
ourselves. Somewhere along the line, things are not in order. We should pose certain questions to
ourselves. Where did it go wrong? Why was the message not understood or interpreted by the
receiver? Was the timing wrong? Did I use the correct channel to deliver the message? Are there
many errors or mistakes in the document? Many other questions of this nature can shed some light
on the problems faced by the communicators.

1.5.3 Flow of Questions

Flow of questions must also be looked into. In 1.5.2, we discussed questions that we may want to pose
to the receiver/reader to solve problems arising from the written work. Questions, however, need to be
structured or ordered. You should arrange them so that the key facts and conclusions are very
accessible. Remember, not everyone will read the whole report, so ensure that your message will get
across even if a person only skims the document.

For example, if the document is report writing, we may want to ask questions such as:
• What is the report about?
• What are you trying to say?
• To whom is the report addressed?
• Who are you writing for?
• Who will read the report?
• How is the content of the report?
• How long can the report be?
• What type of information is to be included in the report?
• How shall I gather and present it?
• What sort of language should I use?
• Has the report been proofread?
• What is the minimum length of the report?
• When should the report be sent?



Communication in general and verbal communication, in particular, are arguably the most
important of all human behaviours. Our use of language defines us as a species and profoundly
influences all our other behaviours. Communication makes human organisation and
cooperation possible, and verbal as well as written communication establish culture and
civilisation. In the history of humanity, written communication is a fairly recent phenomenon.

Just as oral communication greatly increases our ability to accumulate and transmit information
and knowledge, writing further amplifies ability of language to overcome the barriers of time and
distance. With the advent of writing, the ability to store and transfer information from
individual to individual and group to group no longer depends entirely on memory. Writing
provides records that exist independently of the writer.

Based on these premises, we need to remember that written work breaks barriers and borders, and
knows no boundaries. We communicate at all organisational levels. Hence, we need to know every
minute detail before it gets to the receiver. We should consider our readers very early in the planning
process as the information is to be imparted to them. Thus, we should organise and design the written
work in a way that guides the reader through the main points to a full comprehension of the content.

To achieve a powerful effect and to ensure that your document is easy to read, make sure to provide
the following:

• A clear indication of your purpose.

• Accurate and objective information.
• Suitable headings.
• A suitable order of information.

1.6.1 Giving and Receiving Good Instructions

Communication is effective when a concise and a clear message is ACTIVITY

delivered well, received successfully and understood fully. All effective
communicators must consider purpose, occasion and audience when In your opinion,
planning their written work. As the communication process involves both what would be the
sending and receiving, it stands to reason that communication will be most best way to
effective when the writer or speaker considers the variables that will affect facilitate effective
the reception of his or her message. communication at
the organisational
All written documents produced need to be specifically stated with regards level?
to contents and actions to be taken. This is more so if a memorandum is
sent by management to subordinates. The receiver should be able to read and understand the contents
and take the necessary actions. Therefore, instructions must be clear and precise.

When commenting on papers, a teacher can show students precisely where their meaning
is unclear, pose questions designed to illuminate problems underlying the unclear
communication and provide models for expressing analysis more clearly.

The reader or the receiver who obtained the report and read the instruction must know how to respond
to it. He/she should be able to understand clearly and precisely what actions need to be taken, how to
do it and in what manner.

1.6.2 Communicating at Your Own Organisational Levels

Although internal correspondence at organisational levels looks Think of a problem that you
simple, easy and fast, it may not appear to work to one’s advantage. have, possibly some ideas
Often times, mails do not arrive on time, for reasons unknown to the (for example, congestion in
school hallways, damage
receiver, or there seems to be a breakdown in communication between done to school properties,
the sender and the individual entrusted to despatch the too little community
messages. Or, the receiver could not understand the contents of the recreational activity, noise in
memorandum. A lack of information or misunderstanding can cause the library and so on). Briefly
describe the problem and
problems and sometimes, hardship. Forms and documents should be outline the actions you
accurate, complete and clear in meaning. would take to solve it.
Write a memo to the
At other times too, internal mails, such as electronic e-mails, chat appropriate person using the
following guidelines:
lines, and gophers do not reach their destination as expected. This • Clearly state the
may be due to communication or electrical breakdown. Thus, problem.
messages are not delivered and meetings or scheduled gatherings of • Explain the relationship
between the problem
employees may not take place. and the solution and
why the solution is good.
• Describe any action that
needs to be taken.


Communication in groups may be formal or informal. In a group formal setting, such as meetings,
workshops, seminars or conferences, people meet to discuss subjects stated on the agendas. They make
every attempt to settle matters at their disposal. In an informal setting, on the other hand, matters
discussed are of minor importance. This does not mean that serious matters are not discussed.



Sometimes verbal communication may fail us. We do not receive the necessary response from the
receiver. This could be due to the ‘noise’ in the message, that is, the message is not understood due to
the language barrier or it may be wrongly interpreted. When this happens, we may want to resort to the
written form; it is formal and can be recorded. Official letters or documents, such as
memorandum of understanding (MOU), memorandum of agreement (MOA), letters of

agreement and appointment, and job applications are all documented. Since they are in the written
form, they are considered items of great importance.

You can check out the website: which is an online

community for writers and readers of all interests and backgrounds.


This topic attempts to highlight some basic principles of written communication, its meaning,
importance and the relationship between the message, sender and receiver. Problems
encountered in communication are also briefly discussed.


Channel – This refers to the line of communication used in the

communication process. For example, written or oral,
electronic or printed.

Chat lines – Chat lines are websites where users can send written
messages to each other and reply in ‘real time’, in which the
person receiving the message sees it as soon as it is typed
and can reply immediately.

Communication – Communication is the process of education transfer from a

sender to a receiver who understands the message from the

Documentation – This refers to texts composed, constructed, written and

delivered to the sender. They may appear as electronic
mail, e-mail, SMS messages sent over the phone and other
printed form, such as letters, minutes, reports, theses and

e-mail – This refers to electronic mail which allows the user to

send and receive messages. Through the use of e-mail,
learners can communicate with others around the world.
They can also participate in discussion groups.

Gopher – It is an Internet tool that provides access to information

through a menu system. The items on the menu allow
you to move through the Internet in an organised
manner. As gopher sites are located and/or organised by a
‘server’, they are not all available on the World Wide Web.
Neither do gophers give access to all the sites of the World
Wide Web.
Memorandum –
A memorandum (memo) is a form of communication
used to relay information within a company, club or other
organisation. The memo is usually concerned with only one
topic and is kept as short as possible.
Minutes –
Minutes are records of proceedings at meetings. Accurate
minutes are extremely important as a review of minutes is a
way for all who were at the meeting to agree on what was
said and decided.
Written –
communication Written communication provides records for future
reference. This is a major advantage as a single message can
be sent through mail to many people.

You are a laboratory assistant of a secondary school. You are to report to your school principal about
the loss of two desktop computers. In your report, you need to state the approximate time and the day
you discovered the loss and the circumstances surrounding it. You must include other relevant
information that you feel is necessary. The report must be brief, in plain English and must follow the
format given.


As a teacher, you are very concerned about your students’ work in written communication. You know
that you should assist them in whatever way possible. Write a letter to your head of department stating
your intention and possibly how you plan to conduct your lesson to improve their weaknesses.


Cook, C. (2002). Line by line. New York: Longman.

Flesch, R. (1996). The art of plain talk. New York: Harper Brothers Publishers.

Hacker, D. (2003). A writer’s reference (5th ed.). Boston/New York: Bedford/ St. Martin’s.

Ludlow, R., & Panton, F. (1992). The essence of effective communication. New York: Prentice Hall.

Strunk W. Jr., White E. B., & Roger, A. (2004). The elements of style: A style of gender for writers.
(4th ed.) New York: Longman.

Taylor, S. (2000). Essential communication skills: The ultimate guide to


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