Cryptcloud: Secure and Flexible Access Control For Cloud Storage
Cryptcloud: Secure and Flexible Access Control For Cloud Storage
Cryptcloud: Secure and Flexible Access Control For Cloud Storage
Abstract—Traditional broadcast encryption (BE) schemes al- Nevertheless, a BE system heavily relies on a fully trusted key
low a sender to securely broadcast to any subset of members server who generates secret decryption keys for the members
but require a trusted party to distribute decryption keys. Group and can read all the communications to any members.
key agreement (GKA) protocols enable a group of members to
negotiate a common encryption key via open networks so that Group key agreement (GKA) is another well-understood
only the group members can decrypt the ciphertexts encrypted cryptographic primitive to secure group-oriented communica-
under the shared encryption key, but a sender cannot exclude tions. A conventional GKA [2] allows a group of members to
any particular member from decrypting the ciphertexts. In this establish a common secret key via open networks. However,
paper, we bridge these two notions with a hybrid primitive whenever a sender wants to send a message to a group, he
referred to as contributory broadcast encryption (ConBE). In
this new primitive, a group of members negotiate a common must first join the group and run a GKA protocol to share
public encryption key while each member holds a decryption key. a secret key with the intended members. More recently, and
A sender seeing the public group encryption key can limit the to overcome this limitation, Wu et al. introduced asymmetric
decryption to a subset of members of his choice. Following this GKA [3], in which only a common group public key is negoti-
model, we propose a ConBE scheme with short ciphertexts. The ated and each group member holds a different decryption key.
scheme is proven to be fully collusion-resistant under the decision
n-Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Exponentiation (BDHE) assumption in However, neither conventional symmetric GKA nor the newly
the standard model. Of independent interest, we present a new introduced asymmetric GKA allow the sender to unilaterally
BE scheme that is aggregatable. The aggregatability property is exclude any particular member from reading the plaintext 1.
shown to be useful to construct advanced protocols. Hence, it is essential to find more flexible cryptographic
Index Terms—Broadcast encryption, group key agreement, primitives allowing dynamic broadcasts without a fully trusted
contributory broadcast encryption, provable security. dealer.
A. Our Contributions
We present the Contributory Broadcast Encryption (ConBE)
ITH the fast advance and pervasive deployment of
W communication technologies, there is an increasing demand
of versatile cryptographic primitives to protect group
primitive, which is a hybrid of GKA and BE. Compared to
its preliminary Asiacrypt 2011 version [5], this full paper
provides complete security proofs, illustrates the necessity of
communications and computation platforms. These new plat- the aggregatability of the underlying BE building block and
forms include instant-messaging tools, collaborative comput- shows the practicality of our ConBE scheme with experiments.
ing, mobile ad hoc networks and social networks. These Specifically, our main contributions are as follows.
new applications call for cryptographic primitives allowing a First, we model the ConBE primitive and formalize its
sender to securely encrypt to any subset of the users of the security definitions. ConBE incorporates the underlying ideas
services without relying on a fully trusted dealer. Broadcast of GKA and BE. A group of members interact via open
encryption (BE) [1] is a well-studied primitive intended for networks to negotiate a public encryption key while each
secure group-oriented communications. It allows a sender member holds a different secret decryption key. Using the
to securely broadcast to any subset of the group members. public encryption key, anyone can encrypt any message to any
Q. Wu is with the School of Electronics and Information Engineering,
subset of the group members and only the intended receivers
Beihang University, and The State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Net- can decrypt. Unlike GKA, ConBE allows the sender to exclude
works, Xidian University and State Key Laboratory of Information Security, some members from reading the ciphertexts. Compared to BE,
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100093, China (e-mail: [email protected]).
ConBE does not need a fully trusted third party to set up
B. Qin is with Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge the system. We formalize collusion resistance by defining an
Engineering (Renmin University of China) Ministry of Education, School attacker who can fully control all the members outside the
of Information, Renmin University of China, ZhongGuanCun Street No. 59,
Haidian District, Beijing, China, Beijing, China (e-mail: [email protected]).
intended receivers but cannot extract useful information from
L. Zhang is with Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing, the ciphertext.
Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai,
1Dynamic symmetric GKA equipped with a leave sub-protocol allows the
China (e-mail: [email protected]).
J. Domingo-Ferrer, O. Farràs and J. A. Manjón are with Universitat Rovira i members to exclude some members from decrypting ciphertexts. In this case,
Virgili, Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics, UNESCO if the sender (who is also a group member) wants to exclude some other
Chair in Data Privacy, Tarragona, Catalonia (e-mail: {josep.domingo, ori- members, he/she has to seek the agreement of the remaining members to run
ol.farras, jesus.manjon} the leave sub-protocol. The sender cannot exclude any member unilaterally.
structures were independently proposed to improve efficiency ◆ CBSetup(U 1(x1), · · ·,U n(xn)). This interactive algorithm
in symmetric-key BE systems [37], [38], and further improved is jointly run by members 1U, , n·to· ·setU up a BE scheme.
in [39] with O(log n) keys. Cheon et al. [40] presented an Each member Ui takes private input xi (and her/his random
efficient symmetric BE scheme allowing new members to join coins representing the member’s random inner state infor-
the protocol anytime. Harn and Lin [41] proposed a group key mation). The communications between members go through
transfer protocol. Their protocol is based on secret sharing and authenticated and public channels. The algorithm will either
is considerably efficient, albeit it cannot revoke (compromised) abort or successfully terminate. If it terminates successfully,
users. each user U i outputs a decryption key dki securely kept by
In the public-key BE setting, the trusted center also gen- the user and a common group encryption key gek shared by
erates a public key for all the users so that any one can all the group members. The group encryption gek is publicly
play the role of a broadcaster or sender. Naor and Pinkas accessible. If the algorithm aborts, it outputs NULL. Here, we
presented in [36] the first public-key BE scheme in which up leave the input system parameters implicit. We denote this pro-
to a threshold of users can be revoked. Subsequently, [42] cedure by (U1(dk1), · · · , Un(dkn); gek) ←CBSetup(U1(x1),
presented a fully collusion-resistant public-key BE scheme · · · , Un(xn)).
exploiting new bilinear pairing technologies in which the key ◆ CBEncrypt(S, gek). This group encryption algorithm is run
√ by a sender who is assumed to know the public group encryp-
size, the ciphertext size, and the computation costs are O( n).
The scheme in [43] slightly reduces the size of the key and tion key. The sender may or may not be a group member.
the ciphertexts, although it still has sub-linear complexity. The The algorithm takes as inputs a receiver set S ⊆ { 1,· · · , n}
schemes presented in [44] strengthen the security concept of and the public group encryption key gek, and it outputs a pair
public-key BE schemes. As to performance, the sub-linear (c, ξ), where c is the ciphertext and ξ is the secret session key
√ in a key space K. Then (c, S) is sent to the receivers.
barrier O( n) has not yet been broken. In [45], Lewko et al. ◆ CBDecrypt(S, j, dkj, c). This decryption algorithm is run by
proposed two elegant schemes with constant public and secret each intended receiver j ∈ S. It takes as inputs the receiver set
keys, although their ciphertext size is linear with the number S, index j, the receiver’s decryption key dkj, and a ciphertext
of the revoked users, which is O(n) in the worst case. c, and it outputs the secret session key ξ.
D. Paper Organization A ConBE scheme is correct if the members in the receiver
set can always correctly decrypt when the members and the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, sender follow the scheme honestly. Formally, it is defined as
we model ConBE and define its security. In Section III, we follows.
present a collusion-resistant regular public-key BE scheme
with aggregatability. Efficient ConBE schemes are realized in Definition 1 (Correctness). A ConBE scheme is said to be
Section IV. We analyze the performance of our scheme in correct if for any parameter λ ∈ N and any element ξ
Section V and provide detailed proofs for the security results in the session key space, (U1(dk1), · · · , Un(dkn); gek) ←
in Section VI. Finally, Section VII concludes the paper. CBSetup(U1(x1), · · · , Un(xn)), and (c, ξ) ← CBEncrypt (S,
gek), it holds that CBDecrypt(S, j, dkj, c) = ξ for any j ∈ S.
A trivial ConBE scheme can be constructed by concurrently
We begin by formalizing the ConBE notion bridging the encrypting to each member with her/his public key in a
GKA and BE primitives. In ConBE, a group of members first traditional public-key cryptosystem. Unfortunately, the trivial
jointly establish a public encryption key; then a sender can solution incurs a heavy encryption cost and produces cipher-
freely select which subset of the group members can decrypt texts whose size grows linearly with the number of receivers.
the ciphertext. Since the negotiated public key is usually Another option would be a BE scheme in which the public key
employed to transmit session keys, we define a ConBE scheme is obtained by means of a multiparty computation protocol,
as a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). but it would require extra communication and point-to-point
confidential channels between the users. The challenge is to
A. Syntax design ConBE schemes with efficient encryption and short
We first define the algorithms that compose a ConBE ciphertexts.
scheme. Let λ ∈ N denote the security parameter. Suppose that
a group of members{U1, · ·,· Un } want to jointly establish a B. Security Definitions
ConBE system, where n is a positive integer and each member
We next define the security of a ConBE scheme. Several
iU is indexed by i for 1 ≤ i ≤n. To focus on ConBE,
we assume that the communications between members are methods have been proposed to transform public key en-
authenticated. However, we do not assume any confidential cryption (PKE) with security against chosen-plaintext attacks
channel during the execution of the protocol. Formally, a (CPA) into encryption against adaptively chosen-ciphertext
ConBE scheme (ParaGen, CBSetup, CBEncrypt, CBDecrypt) attacks (CCA2) in the standard model. In [48], Canetti et
consists of the following four polynomial-time algorithms. al. suggested conversion from CPA-secure IBE to CCA2-
◆ ParaGen(1λ). This algorithm is used to generate global secure PKE using a one-time signature. In [49], Matsuda and
parameters. It takes as input a security parameter λ and it Hanaoka proposed to obtain a CCA2-secure PKE from any
outputs the system parameters, including the group size n. CPA-secure PKE with a universal computational extractor. In
[50], Liu et al. obtained a CCA2-secure ABE from a CPA- The Corrupt oracle is used to model an attacker who
secure ABE without extra cryptographic primitives, but with compromises some members during the set-up stage to estab-
an additional on-the-fly dummy attribute. We note that these lish the group encryption key. The Reveal oracle is used to
methods are applicable to our ConBE setting with/without capture the decryption key leakage after the ConBE system has
modification (e.g., by adding an on-the-fly dummy receiver). been established. This difference can be used to differentiate
The cost depends on the methods, i.e., a universal compu- the security against attacks during the set-up stage from the
tational extractor, a one-time signature or a dummy user. security against attacks after a ConBE system is deployed.
Hence, it is sufficient to only define the CPA security of We assume that the communication channels between mem-
a ConBE scheme. However, noting that ConBE is designed bers are authenticated during the CBSetup stage to establish
for distributed applications where the users are likely to be the group encryption key. This is to allow each user to
corrupted, we include full collusion resistance into our security validate that the received protocol transcripts are from authen-
definition. tic members. The most usual way to establish authenticated
The fully collusion-resistant security of a ConBE scheme is channels is through a public-key infrastructure (PKI): each
defined by the following security game between a challenger user registers a public key to a certification authority CA and
CH and an attacker . A uses the corresponding private key to sign any message she
◆ Initialization. The challenger CH runs ParaGen with a generates during the CBSetup stage. Hence, the authenticity
security parameter λ and obtains the system parameters. The of the CBSetup transcript from a user can be verified by
system parameters are given to the attacker A. all other users. Note that after this stage has been completed
◆ Queries. Attacker A can make the following queries to and the group encryption key gek has been agreed upon,
challenger CH. messages encrypted under this group key cannot be understood
• Execute. A uses the identities of n members by CA, because the latter does not know the corresponding
1 ,
U ··· U , n to query CH . The challenger runs CBSetup decryption keys. For instance, in a social network application,
( U1(x1), ·, ·n·(xUn)) on behalf of the n members, and the social network operator can serve as the CA and certify the
responds with the group encryption key gek and the users’ public keys used to authenticate communication. In this
transcripts of CBSetup to A. way, the operator is only partially trusted and cannot decrypt
• Corrupt. A sends i to the Corrupt oracle maintained by the encrypted messages subsequently shared among the users
CH , where i ∈ { 1,· · · , n
} . The challengerCH returns under gek.
the private input and inner random coins ofUi during the
• Reveal. A sends i to the Reveal oracle maintained
In this section, we propose an efficient AggBE scheme that
by CH, where i ∈ { 1,· · · , n} . The challenger CH
is essential to construct ConBE schemes.
responds with dki, which is the decryption key of Ui
after execution of CBSetup.
◆ Challenge. At any point, attackerAcan choose a target set A. Definitions of AggBE
S∗ ⊆ 1,{ · · ·, n } to attack, with a constraint that the indices in A BE scheme [42], [1], [44] consists of the following
S∗ have never been queried to the Corrupt oracle or the Re- probabilistic algorithms.
veal oracle. Upon receiving S∗, the challenger randomly
CH ◆ BSetup(1λ). Take as input a security parameter λ. Output
selects ρ ∈ {0, 1} and responds with a challenge ciphertext the maximal size n of a group of broadcast receivers, and a
c∗, where c∗ is obtained from (c∗, ξ) ←CBEncrypt(S, gek) BE public/secret key pair (PK, SK).
if ρ = 1, or c∗ is randomly sampled from the image space of ◆ BKeyGen(i, SK). Take as input an index i ∈ {1,· · · , n}
CBEncrypt if ρ = 0. and the secret key SK. Output a private key di for user i.
◆ Output. Finally, Aoutputs a bit ρJ, its guess of ρ. The ◆ BEncryption(S, PK). Take as input a receiver set S ⊆
adversary wins if ρJ = ρ. {1, · · · , n} and the public key PK. If |S| > n, abort the
We define A ’s advantage Adv security−fc
ConBE,A in winning the protocol. if |S|
Else and
the ciphertext ξ∈≤ Kn,isoutput a pair (c,
the message ξ) where key.
encryption c is called
above fully collusion-resistant security game as
◆ BDecryption(S, i, di, c, PK). This algorithm allows each
security−f c = | Pr[ρ = ρJ ] − 1/2|.
AdvConBE,A receiver to extract the message encryption key ξ from the
Definition 2. An n-party ConBE scheme has adaptive ciphertext. Take as input the receiver set S, the index i ∈
(τ, n, ε)-security against a full-collusion attack if no adversary {1, · · · , n}, the receiver’s secret key di, the ciphertext c and
A can obtain in time at most τ an advantage Advsecurity−fc the public key PK. If |S| ≤ n and i ∈ S, output the message
ConBE, A
at least ε in the above security game. An n -party ConBE encryption key ξ.
scheme has semi-adaptive (τ, n, ε)-security against a full- The security for BE is defined by an experiment between an
if, for any attacker AJ running in time τ , AJ’s
collusion attack security−fc attacker A and a challenger CH. A is given the dealer’s public
advantage Adv is less than ε in the above security key including the system parameters. A can adaptively query
ConBE, t
(1) must commit to a set the decryption key of any user. At some point, the attacker
game, with extra constraints that AJ
of indices C ⊆ {1, · · · , n} before the Queries stage, (2) can specifies a challenge set S∗. The constraint is that, for any i ∈
only query Corrupt and Reveal with i ∈ / C and (3) can only S∗, the decryption key of user i has never been queried. The
choose S∗ ⊆ C to query CH in the Challenge stage. challenger sets (c∗, ξ0) ← BEncryption(S∗, PK) and ξ1 ←
K. It sets b ← {0, 1} and gives (c∗, ξb) to A. Finally, A aggregated public key PK = PK 1 ~ · · · ~ PK n . A wins
outputs a guess bit bJ ∈ {0, 1} for b and wins the game if if A outputs a correct1guess bit. Denote A’s advantage by
b = bJ . The adversary A’s advantage in the game above is AdvA = | Pr[win] − |.
A,n,N (1 ) = | Pr[b = b ] − 2 |.
defined as AdvBE λ J
(τ, ε, n)-aggregatable if no τ -
A BE scheme is said2 to be
Definition 3 (Adaptive security). We say that a BE scheme time algorithm A has advantage AdvA ≥ ε in the above
aggregatability game.
has adaptive security if, for any polynomial-time algorithm
A, its advantage AdvBE
A,n,N (1 ) is negligible in λ.
B. An AggBE Scheme
In [44], a slightly weaker notion of semi-adaptive security
is defined. In this case, the attacker must commit to a set of Let PairGen be an algorithm that, on input a security
indices C at the beginning of the above game. The attacker parameter 1λ, outputs a tuple Υ = (p, G, GT , e), where G
is allowed to query the decryption key of any user not in and GT have the same prime order p, and e : × G G→ GT is
C, and can choose any S∗ ⊆ C for a challenge ciphertext. an efficient non-degenerate bilinear map such that e(g, g) 1
Gentry and Waters also illustrate a generic transformation for any generator g of G, and for all u, v ∈ Z∗p , it hold-
[44] to convert any semi-adaptively secure BE scheme into s that e(gu, gv) = e(g, g)uv. Let Υ = (p, G, GT , e) ←
an adaptively secure one. PairGen(1λ), g be a generator of G. Let hj ∈ G be
Before formalizing aggregatability, we define a weaker randomly chosen for j = 1, · ·,· n. The system parameters
key homomorphic property for BE schemes. The key ho- are π = (Υ, g, h1· ,· · , hn). Assume n users in the system.
momorphic property was first defined in the static broadcast Our AggBE scheme extends the aggregatable signature-based
encryption scenario by Wu et al. [3]. Recently, Boneh et al. ex- broadcast [3] with user revocation and is constructed as
tended this concept to the attribute-based encryption scenario
[46]. For our dynamic BE scenario, the key homomorphism ◆ BSetup(1λ ): The dealer randomly chooses Xi ∈ G, ri ∈ Z∗p
states that, by combining the decryption keys associated with and computes Ri = g −ri , Ai = e(Xi , g). The BE public key
the same index of different BE instances, one can obtain a is PK = ((R0, A0), · · · , (Rn, An)) and the BE secret key is
functional decryption key associated with the same index of sk = ((r0, X0), · · · , (rn, Xn)).
the combined BE instances. ◆ BKeyGen(j, SK): For j = 1, · · · , n, the private key of the
user j is dj = (σ0,j, · · · , σj−1,j, σj+1,j, · · · , σn,j):
Definition 4 (Key homomorphism). A BE scheme is said
to be key homomorphic if for any two public/secret key σi,j = Xi hrji .
pairs (PK 1 , SK1), (PK 2 , SK2) ← BSetup(1λ), any index ◆ BEncryption(S, PK): Set S = { 0, 1, · · ·, n}\ S. Randomly
i ∈ S ⊆ 1, { · · ·, n }, any d1,i =BKeyGen(i, SK 1 ) and pick t in Z∗p and compute c = (c1 , c2 ) :
d2,i =BKeyGen(i, SK2 ), it holds that BDecryption(S, i, Y
d1,i © d2,i, c, PK 1 ~ PK 2 )= ξ for any KEM ciphertext c1 = g t , c2 = ( Ri ) t.
BEncryption(S, PK1 ~ PK2), where ~ : Γ Γ×
(c, ξ) ← Γ → i∈S
and © : Ω× Ω →Ω are two efficient operations in the public Set the session key ξ = ( i S∈
A i )t .
Output (c, ξ) and send
key space Γ and the decryption key space Ω, respectively.
(S, c) to receivers.
The key homomorphic property just indicates that the com- ◆ BDecryption(S, j, d j , c, PK): If j ∈ S, the receiver j
bined decryption key works for the combined BE instance. It extracts ξ from c with private key dj by computing
does not exclude the possibility that valid decryption keys for Y
the combined BE instance might be obtained in other ways; e( σi,j, c1)e(hj , c2) = ξ.
in contrast, aggregatability excludes this possibility. A BE i∈S
scheme is aggregatable if n instances of the BE scheme can be The correctness of the BE scheme above follows from direct
aggregated into a new BE instance secure against an attacker verification of the following equalities
accessing some decryption keys of each instance, provided Y
that the i-th decryption key corresponding to the i-th instance e( σi,j , c1 )e(hj , c2 )
is unknown to the attacker for i = 1,· · ·, n. Formally, this i∈S
property is defined as follows. Y Y
= e( Xi hrji , g t )e(hj , g −ri t )
Definition 5 (Aggregatability). Consider the following game i∈S i∈S
between an adversary A and a challenger CH: = e( Xi , g)t = ( Ai )t = ξ.
◆ Setup: A initializes the game with an integer n. CH replies i∈S i∈S
with (π, PK 1 , · · · , PK n ), that is, the system parameters and The security of our BE scheme relies on the well-established
the n independent public keys of the BE scheme.
decision n-BDHE assumption [47].
◆ Corruption: For 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, where i j, the adversary Definition 6 (Decision n-BDHE Assumption). Let G be a
A is allowed to know the decryption keys dkj,i corresponding
to index j with respect to the public key PK i . bilinear group of prime order p as defined above, g a generator
◆ Challenge: CH and A run a standard Ind-CPA (indistin- of G, and h = g t for some unknown t ∈ Z∗p . Denote → −
y g,α,n =
(g1, · · · , gn , gn+2 , · · · , g2n ) ∈ G2n−1, where gi = g α for
guishability under chosen-plaintext attack) game under the
◆ BEnc(S, P K): Randomly pick t in Z∗p and compute c = si,i = g x hri , si,i+1 = hri , · · · , si,n = hri .
i i+1 n
(c1, c2) where Y
c1 = g t , c2 = ( h j ) t . ◆ CBEncrypt. Decide the receiver set S⊆ {1,· · ·, n} . Invoke
j∈S the underlying Gentry-Waters encryption algorithm to compute
the ciphertext c = (c1, c2):
Set ξ = e(g, g)xt and output (c, k). Send (S, c) to the receivers.
◆ BDec(S, i, si, c, PK): If i ∈ S, the receiver i extracts ξ c1 = g t , c2 = ( h j )t
from c with private key di by computing j∈S
e(si,i si,j , c1 )e(si,0 , c2 ) = e( si,j , c1 )e(si,0 , c2 ) where t is randomly chosen from Z∗p . Set
j∈S\{i} j∈S t t(x +···+x ) tx
Y Y ξ = K = e(g, g) 1 n
= e(g, g)
= e((gx hri ), g t )e(g −ri , ( hj)t)
j∈S j∈S and send (S, c) to the receivers.
◆ CBDecrypt. If i ∈ S, the user i can extract ξ from c with relationship with the decrypted value e(g, g)xt by the intended
her decryption key di by computing receivers. Hence, the value e(g, g)x t extracted by the attackers
can be viewed as a shadow of the original value e(g, g)xt.
e(si,i si,j, c1)e(si,0, c2) = e( si,j, c1)e(si,0, c2) The above shadow property of the Gentry-Waters BE
j∈S\{i} j ∈S
scheme does not affect the security of their proposal as a
= e((g x hrji ), g t )e(g −ri , ( hj )t ) = e(g, g)xt = ξ. regular BE scheme. However, this property may prevent the
Gentry-Waters BE scheme from being used as a building block
j∈S j∈S for certain advanced protocols.
3) Attack on the Analog: In the sequel we show that the
above Gentry-Waters BE-based ConBE scheme is insecure. An
explicit attack is presented to allow an attacker to decrypt any V. P ERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
ciphertext encrypted to any subset of the group members. The A. Theoretical Analysis
attacker only needs to see the public key of the users and the We first examine the online complexity that is critical for
ciphertext, both of which are transmitted over public channels. the practicality of a ConBE scheme. When evaluating the per-
The attack proceeds as follows. formance, we use the widely adopted metrics [42], [43], [44]
Seeing the public protocol transcripts (Formula (2)) for regular BE schemes. In these metrics, the costs of simple
(PK k , d1,k, · · · , dk−1,k, dk+1,k, · · · , dn,k) from users k = operations (e.g., read the indices of receivers and perform some
1, · · · , n, the attacker can know (from Formula (1)): simple quantifications of group elements associated to these
r r
si,0,k = g −ri,k , si,1,k = h i,k , · · · , si,k−1,k = h i,k , indices) and communication (e.g., the binary representation of
1 k−1
the receivers’ set) are not taken into consideration. After the
si,k,k = gxk hri,k , s
k i,k+1,k = hk+1, · · · , si,n,k = hn
ri,k CBSetup procedure, a sender needs to retrieve and store the
for i = 1, · · · , n, iQƒ= k. The attacker also knows the ciphertext group public key PK consisting of n elements in G and n
elements in GT . Moreover, for encryption, the sender needs
(c1, c2) = (gt, ( j∈S hj)t). For each k = 1, · · · , n, the
attacker can compute only two exponentiations and the ciphertext merely contains
Y two elements in G. This is about n times more efficient
ξk = e( si,j,k, c1)e(si,0,k, c2) than the trivial solution. At the receiver’s side, in addition
j∈S to the description of the bilinear pair which may be shared by
Y Y many other security applications, a receiver needs to store n
= e(g xk ( hj )ri,k , g t )e(g −ri,k , ( hj )t ) elements in G for decryption. For decryption, a receiver needs
j∈S j∈S to compute two single-base bilinear pairings (or one double-
= e(g, g)xk t. base bilinear pairing). The online costs on the sides of both
the sender and the receivers are really low.
Then the attacker can decrypt the ciphertext by computing of the CBSetup
n n to We next
set up discuss system.
a ConBE the complexity
The overhead procedure
incurred by this pro-
ξk = e(g, g)xk t = e(g, g)(x1 +···+xn )t = ξ. cedure is O(n2). This procedure needs to be run only once and
k=1 k=1 this can be done offline before the online transmission of secret
The attacker obtains the secret session key if he knows session keys. For instance, in the social networks example, a
the public transcripts of the CBSetup sub-protocol and the number of friends exchange their CBSetup transcripts and
ciphertext. Hence, the construction based on the Gentry-Waters establish a ConBE system to secure their subsequent sharing
BE scheme is insecure. of private picture/videos. Since ConBE allows revoking mem-
We observe that the above attack roots in a specific property bers, the members do not need to reassemble for a new run
(which we call shadow property) of the Gentry-Waters BE of the CBSetup procedure until some new friends join. From
scheme. Suppose that there are two instances sharing the sys- our personal experience, the group lifetime usually lasts from
tem parameters of the Gentry-Waters BE scheme. Their public weeks to months. These observations imply that our protocol
keys are P K = e(g, g)x and P K J = e(g, g)x , respectively. is practical in the real world.
Assume that a user indexed by i in the first instance has Furthermore, if the initial group is too large, an efficient
secret decryption key si computed from secret value ri and trade-off can be employed [42] to balance the online and
the master secret key x corresponding to P K = e(g, g)x, offline costs. Suppose that n is a cube, i.e., n = n13, and the
and a user also indexed by i (the users identified by the initial group has n members. We divide the full group into n12
same index in two BE instances can be different or not) in subgroups, each of which has n1 members. By applying our
another instance has secret decryption key sJi computed from basic ConBE to each subgroup, we obtain a ConBE scheme
secret value rJi and the master secret key xJ corresponding to with O(n21)-size transcripts per member during the offline
J tx 2
PK = e(g, g) , as defined in the Gentry-Waters BE scheme. stage of group key establishment; a sender needs to do O(n1)
Let (c1, c2) = (gt, ( j S h∈j)t) be the ciphertext sent to a encryption operations of the basic ConBE scheme, which
receiver group S in the first instance. Then any receiver inxt produces O(n21)-size ciphertexts. Consequently,
we obtain a
S in the first instance can decrypt the session key e(g, g) . semi-adaptive ConBE scheme with O(n 3 ) complexity. This
However, a user with the same index in S in the second is comparable to up-to-date public-key BE systems whose
t 1
instance can extract a value e(g, g)x t which has a meaningful complexity is O(n 2 ).
100 GK Agreement AES-80 level GEKD AES-80 level CBEncrypt AES-80 level
GK Agreement AES-128 level 2 MDKD AES-80 level 100 CBDecrypt AES-80 level
80 GEKD AES-128 level CBEcrypt AES-128 level
B. Experimental Analysis once and then one can broadcast to any subset of the users,
In this section we present experimental results on our without re-running the protocol or any extra revocation sub-
ConBE scheme. The experiments were run on a PC with Intel protocol.
Core i7-2600 CPU at 3.4GHz, using the C programming lan- The central graph in Figure 1 shows the time to extract
guage. The cryptographic operations were implemented using the group encryption key and the decryption key for different
the Pairing-Based Cryptography library2. Following the NIST- group sizes and different security levels. Similarly to the
2012 key size recommendation3, we realized our protocol for group key agreement time, the key extraction time also grows
a moderate AES-80 level and a more usual AES-128 level, with the security level and the group size. However, even in
corresponding to the security level of an ideal symmetric the worst case, only about 3 seconds are required, which is
cipher with 80-bit and 128-bit secret keys, respectively. We affordable in practice.
used Type A pairings constructed on the curve y2 = x3 + x The rightmost graph in Figure 1 illustrates the online session
with embedding degree 2. Accordingly, in the first case for key encryption/decryption time. It can be seen that the time is
AES-80 level, G has 512-bit elements of a 160-bit prime almost constant for different group sizes, which is consistent
order and GT has 1024-bit/128-byte elements; and in the with the theoretical analysis. Both the session key encryption
second case for AES-128 level, G has 1536-bit elements of a and decryption take less than 10ms for a 80-bit security level,
256-bit prime order and GT has 3072-bit/386-byte elements, and less than 80ms for a 128-bit security level. After the
respectively. system is set up, the session key transmission is really efficient,
We performed experiments on the offline procedures in- which is user-friendly and definitely makes our ConBE scheme
cluding Group Key Agreement, Group Encryption Key practical.
Derivation and Member Decryption Key Derivation, and We also performed experiments on cost tradeoff between
the online procedures including CBEncrypt andCBDecrypt set-up and online encryption. For n = 180 and AES-128 level,
for different group sizes n = 6, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180. The the execution times for Group Key Agreement, Group En-
values for CBEncrypt and CBDecrypt consider the worst cryption Key Derivation, Member Decryption Key Derivation,
case, i.e., |S| = 1. Also, we did not optimize the underlying CBEncrypt and CBDecrypt are 101s, 2.20s, 1.86s, 55.3ms, and
pairing-related parameters or operations, e.g., by choosing a 57.6ms, respectively. However, using the trade-off described
large prime characteristic of the base field and the prime order in the previous section, specifically taking subgroups of 6
p with most bits 0 (or 1), and by accelerating multi-base users, the times become 410ms, 2.05ms, 1.63ms, 1.33s, and
exponentiations/multi-base pairings [51]. Hence, the practical 57.6ms. The set-up efficiency was significantly improved, at
performance of our protocol can be better than the illustrated the cost of a 1.33s encryption time, to be compared to a 55.3ms
experimental results. encryption time without tradeoff.
In Figure 1, the security level of our protocol is measured by
the secret key size of AES (assumed to be an ideal symmetric
cipher), i.e., AES with a truncated 80-bit key and AES with
a standard 128-bit key. The leftmost graph in the figure illus- A. Proof of Theorem 1
trates the group key agreement time for different group sizes
and different security levels. The execution time grows almost Proof: A semi-adaptive attacker must commit to a set
quadratically with the group size, and also grows with the of the group members at the beginning of the game. She is
allowed to corrupt all the users outside the committed set.
security level. This is consistent with our theoretical analysis,
Finally, she can choose any subset of the committed set as a
because the pairings and the exponentiations dominate the
target set to attack and try to get useful information sent to
computation costs. To achieve a moderate 128-bit security, the
the target group. Suppose thatA is a semi-adaptive τ -time
execution time is about 3 minutes for a group of 180 users.
This is realistic as the GKA procedure only needs to be run adversary breaking our BE scheme with advantage ε for a
system parameterized with a given n. We build an algorithm
2Version 0.5.12, available at B with advantage ε in solving the decision n-BDHE problem
in time τ J .
A commits to a set C ⊆ { 1,· · · , n} to B . B queries For the case i ∈ C and j =ƒi, from Equation (4), the
the decision n-BDHE challenger and obtains a random deci- following equations hold.
sion n-BDHE challenge (g, g t , → −
y g,α,n , Z), where →
−y g,α,n =
(g1, · · · , gn n+2 , · · · , g2n ) = (g , · · · , g , g
, g α
, · · ·, e(σi,j,ag)e(h j, Ri )
= e(g i g −ri g R−vj , g)e(g g vj , R )
gα ) and Z is either e(g n+1 , gt) or a random element of j n+1−i+j i j i
GT . B proceeds as follows. = e(g ai g −ri gn
j +1−i+j , g)e(gj , Ri )
Preparation for simulation. = e(g ai g −ri gn+1−i+j , g)e(gj , g ri g −1 )
j n+1−i
For j = 1, · · · , n, B randomly selects vj ∈ Z∗p and −1
computes hj = gj g vj . Denote C = {1, · · · , n} \ C. = e(g ai gn+1−i+j , g)e(gj, gn+1−i )
For i ∈ C ∪ {0}, randomly select ai , ri ∈ Z∗p . For j ∈ C, = e(g ai gn+1−i+j , g)e(g, g −1n+1−i+j )
compute = e(g, g)ai = Ai . (7)
Y For the case that i ∈ C and j ∈ {1,· · · ,n }, from Equation
gn+1−k ), A0 = e(g, g)a0+α
R 0 = g r0 ( ,
(5), the following equation holds.
e(σi,j, g)e(hj, Ri)
Y )R −vj . (3) a −r r
σ0,j = ga0 gj−r0 ( g−1 0 = e(g haji i , g)e(hj, g i )
k∈C n+1−k+j
= e(g, g) = Ai . (8)
For i ∈ C and j ƒ= i, compute Hence, for j ∈ C, i = 0, · · · , n and i ƒ= j, we have that
Ri = g ri g −1 e(σi,j, g)e(hj, Ri) = Ai. (9)
, Ai = e(g, g)ai ,
i∈St i∈S∗ i )
j n+1−k+j 0 = (g 0
g i g i ) = (g
Y = (gt)
), g)e(g , gr0 ( g )) = c 2; (11)
i∈S∗ ri
= e(ga0 g−r0 ( g −1
j n+1−k+j j n+1−k
( Ai)t t i∈S∗ a
= e(g, g) e(g, g) i
. (12)
k∈C k∈C
= e(ga0 ( g −1
) = e(g, g)a0+α
n+1 n+1
=A . (6) key ξ if Z = e(g, g)tα . Else if Z is chosen at random
from GT , (c∗1 , c∗2 ) is also well formed but independent of Case 1.1.2: k k∗ and k ∈ C. Randomly select
ξ. Therefore, B can answer the decision n-BDHE challenge ∗
a0,k , γ0,k ∈ Zp and compute
that Z = e(g, g)tα if and only if A answers that c∗ is a R0,k = gγ0,k g−1 , A0,k = e(g, g)a0,k ,
as follows.
For j = 1, · · · , n, compute hj = gj g vj where vj is chosen = A0,k∗ , j ƒ= k∗ ∈ C; (19)
at random in Z∗p .
Case 0: k ∈ C. In this case, B does as in the real scheme. B e(σi,j,k , g)e(hj , Ri,k ) = e(g, g)ai,k
randomly selects ai,k , γi,k ∈ Z∗p and computes = Ai,k, j k, k ∈ C, k ƒ= k∗, j ƒ= i. (20)
Ri,k = g γi,k , Ai,k = e(g, g)ai,k , σi,j,k = g ai,k h−γji,k . After the preparation above,Bcan answer all the queries
from A .
In this case, we have that Query transcript.A can query the system parameters and
e(σi,j,k , g)e(hj , Ri,k ) = e(g, g)ai,k = Ai,k . (13) the transcripts from all the group members participating in the
CBSetup sub-protocol. The system parameters except hj can
Case 1: k ∈ C. be trivially simulated from the decision n-BDHE challenge. As
Case 1.1: i = 0. B randomly selects k∗ ∈ C and sets in the preparation for simulation, hj = gj g vj for a randomly
Ck∗ = {1,· · · , n} \ { k∗} . chosen value vj ∈ Z∗p . Hence, all the system parameters
Case 1.1.1: k = k ∗ . Randomly select a0,k∗ , γ0,k∗ ∈ Z∗p are correctly simulated. Upon receiving the query for the
and compute transcripts from the members, B responds with
Y a ∗ αn+1
R0,k∗ = g γ0,k∗ ( gn+1−A ), A0,k∗ = e(g, g) 0,k e(g, g) , M = {(σi,j,k, Ri,k, Ai,k)|0 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ n,
A∈Ck∗ 1 ≤ k ≤ n, j ƒ= i, j k}.
a0,k∗ −γi,k∗ −1 −vj ∗ Due to Equations (18, 19, 20), one can see that transcripts
σ0,j,k∗ = g gj ( gn+1−A+j )R0,k∗ , j ƒ= k . in M are well formed. Furthermore, since γi,k and ai,k are
A∈Ck∗ uniformly distributed in Z∗p , the simulated transcripts have an
In this case, one can verify that for j k∗ ∈ C identical distribution as in the real world and the simulation
n+1 is perfect.
e(σ0,j,k∗ , g)e(hj, R0,k∗ ) = e(g, g)a0,k∗ e(g, g)α Query secret inputs and internal states. A can query the
= A0,k∗ . (14) secret inputs and internal states of members in {1, · · · , n} \
C = C. For these members, their transcripts are generated as Success probability. At some point, answers A whether (c∗1 , c∗2 )
in the real scheme in Case 0. Hence,B can answer this query is a valid ciphertext for ξ or is independent of ξ ∗ . From
Query decryption keys. Note that in our ConBE one can Equations (18, 19, 20), we have that
always compute the decryption key of a member if one knows ( i∈S Q i∈SQ ∗ k=1 Ai,k)
n t
∗ A i) t = (
Σ n
n+1 Σ i∈S∗ k=1 ai,k )t = e(g, g)tα +at
the member’s secret inputs and internal states during the = (e(g, g)α + .
CBSetup stage. Hence, the challenger B can handle these
queries as those for secret inputs and internal states. Note that ξ∗ = Ze(g, g)at. Hence, (c1, c2) is a valid ciphertext
Query challenge ciphertext. In the test stage, the attacker A for the session key ξ∗ if and only if Z = e(g, g)tα .
Then Banswers the decision n-BDHE challenger with Z =
submits a target set S∗ ⊆ C ⊆ { 1,· · · , n} for a challenge
e(g, g)tα if and only if Aanswers that c∗ is a valid
n n
Define Σ Σ γi,k = r and Σ Time-complexity: B’s overhead is dominated by computing
Σ ai,k = a
(σi,j,k, Ri,k, Ai,k) for j i, j ƒ= k. Computing σi,j,k requires
i∈S∗ k=1 i∈S∗ k=1
B. are known
Since B Balso to B because
Z and γ i,k and ai,k are chosen by
g from the
t decisionasn-BDHE O(n ) exponentiations.
ponentiations. Computing
Computing Ri,kO(n
Ai,k needs 2
requires O(n2) ex-
) exponentiations.
challenger, canknows
compute the challenge ciphertext follows:
The time for B to solve the decision n-BDHE problem is
∗ ∗ ∗
c1 = g , c2 = (g ) , ξ = Ze(g, g) .
t t r at τ J = τ + O(n3 )τExp .
Then B sets c∗ = (c∗1 , c∗2 ) and sends (c∗ , ξ ∗ ). In the following, VII. C ONCLUSIONS
we show that (c∗, ξ ∗ ) is well formed.
From Case 1.1, we have that In this paper, we formalized the ConBE primitive. In
ConBE, anyone can send secret messages to any subset
Yn Y Yn
R0,k = (gγ0,k∗ R0,k of the group members, and the system does not require a
gn+1−A) trusted key server. Neither the change of the sender nor the
k=1 A∈Ck∗ k=1,k k∗
dynamic choice of the intended receivers require extra rounds
Y Y −1 n
= (gγ0,k∗ gn+1−A )( gn+1−k )g k=1,kƒ=k∗ γ0,k to negotiate group encryption/decryption keys. Following the
A∈Ck∗ k∈C,kƒ=k
ConBE model, we instantiated an efficient ConBE scheme that
Y ∗ Σ is secure in the standard model. As a versatile cryptographic
−1 n
=( gn+1−A Y gn+1−k )g k=1 . primitive, our novel ConBE notion opens a new avenue to
A∈Ck∗ establish secure broadcast channels and can be expected to se-
From Case 1.2.1 and Case 1.2.2, we have that cure numerous emerging distributed computation applications.
−1 k=1 γi,k
Ri,k = n+1−i
g i∈C
The authors are supported by by the Chinese National
i∈C k=1 i∈C
n g Key Basic Research Program (973 program) through project
Y Y Σ n
γi,k . 2012CB315905, the Natural Science Foundation of China
Ri,k = g i∈St k=1
through projects 61370190, 61173154, 61472429, 61402029,
i∈St k=1
61272501, 61202465, 61321064 and 61003214, the Beijing
Note that Ck∗ = C ∪ C \ { k ∗ } and S∗ = C ∪ {0 } ∪ SJ . We Natural Science Foundation through project 4132056, the
have that Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and
Yn YY n YY n Σ the Research Funds (No. 14XNLF02) of Renmin University of
Σ n
R0,k Ri,k Ri,k = g i∈S∗ k=1 γi,k = gr. China and the Open Research Fund of Beijing Key Laboratory
k=1 i∈C k=1 i∈St k=1 of Trusted Computing, the European Union through projects
Hence the following equalities hold: FP7 “DwB”, FP7 “Inter-Trust” and H2020 “CLARUS”, the
Spanish Government through projects TSI-020302-2010-153
Y Y Yn and TIN2011-27076-C03-01, the Catalan Government under
( R i )t = ( Ri,k)t grant 2014 SGR 537, the Templeton World Charity Foundation
i∈S∗ i∈S k=1 under grant no.the
TWCF0095, the Shanghai NSF under grant
n n n 12ZR1443500; Shanghai Chen Guang Program (12CG24);
= (( R0,k )( Ri,k )( Ri,k ))t the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Munici-
k=1 i∈C k=1 i∈St k=1 pality under grant 13JC1403500. The fourth author is partially
supported as an ICREA-Acadèmia researcher by the Catalan
= (g r )t = (g t )r = c∗2 .
Government and by a Google Faculty Research Award. The
So far, we obtain that c∗1 = g t , c∗2 = ( ∈i S∗ Ri )t . Hence, URV authors are with the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, but
(c∗1 , c∗2 ) is well formed and the simulation of the challenge this paper does not necessarily reflect the position of UNESCO
ciphertext is perfect. nor does it commit that organization.
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[47] D. Boneh, X. Boyen and E.J. Goh, “Hierarchical Identity Based Encryp- Josep Domingo-Ferrer is a Full Professor of Com-
tion with Constant Size Ciphertext,” in Proc. Eurocrypt 2005, 2005, vol. puter Science and an ICREA-Acadèmia Researcher
LNCS 3494, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 440-456. at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Catalonia,
[48] R. Canetti, S.Halevi, and J. Katz, “Chosen-Ciphertext Security from where he holds the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy.
Identity-based Encryption,” in: Proc. EUROCRYPT 2004, 2004, vol. His research interests are in data privacy and data se-
LNCS 3027, pp. 207-222. curity. He received his M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in
[49] T. Matsuda and G. Hanaoka, “Chosen Ciphertext Security via UCE,” in Computer Science from the Autonomous University
Proc. PKC 2014, 2014, vol. LNCS 8383, Lecture Notes in Computer of Barcelona in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He also
Science, pp. 56-76. holds an M. Sc. in Mathematics. He has won several
[50] W. Liu, J. Liu, Q. Wu, B. Qin, Y Zhou, “Practical Direct Chosen research and technology transfer awards, including
Ciphertext Secure Key-Policy Attribute-based Encryption with Public the IEEE Fellow Grade, a Google Faculty Research
Ciphertext Test,” in Proc. ESORICS 2014, 2014, vol. LNCS 8713, pp. Award, and the Government of Catalonia’s “Narc´ıs Monturiol” Medal to the
91-108. scientific merit and twice the ICREA Acadèmia Prize. He has authored 5
[51] M. Scott, “On the Efficient Implementation of Pairing-Based Protocols,” patents and over 340 publications. He has been the co-ordinator of projects, 2011. funded by the European Union and the Spanish government, among which
the CONSOLIDER ARES project on security and privacy, one of Spain’s 34
strongest research teams. He has been the PI of US-funded research contracts.
He has held visiting appointments at Princeton, Leuven and Rome. He is a co-
Editor-in-Chief of Transactions on Data Privacy.