Rbi Assistant Pre 2020 Test Id - RBP - 876591047

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RBI Assistant Pre 2020 TEST ID – RBP - 876591047

English Language Ans.15(1)

Ans.16(1) The word UBIQUITOUS means commonly found
Ans.1(2) The sentence states that while the number of or occurring everywhere. The sentence uses this
millionaires in the Indian economy has grown, word to convey how plastic is commonly used in
there has been a rise in the level of grocery stores. Refer to the lines: “Plastic is
unemployment too. In B, we need to replace ubiquitous in most grocery stores, so common
IN with AT. IN means within and is used when it’s almost invisible. But the moments when its
referring to a bigger location (e. g. in India, in presence is felt can be dramatic.” So, its
the room). AT is used when referring to a antonym would be UNUSUAL.
specific point or location, here it is used to refer WIDESPREAD and OMNIPRESENT are its
to the millionaires in India. synonyms. Hostile - unfriendly. Insincere - not
Ans.2(3) The sentence talks about the role of the private Sgenuine.
sector in society. In C, we need to replace Ans.17(1) The word ENCASED means to be enclosed or
MAKING with MAKE. We need a verb in the contained within something. The passage uses
base form to fit the infinitive construction of this word to explain how milk is packed.
TO+VERB. Refer to the lines: “As supply chains daisy-linked
Ans.3(5) The sentence is grammatically and contextually longer and longer, the weight and size of a
correct. package became more critical, so a quart of
Ans.4(4) The sentence states that people need jobs to milk encased in a few-ounce plastic jug was
earn so that they can pull themselves out of better, shipping-costs-wise, than that same quart
poverty. Here the subject(PEOPLE) is plural. A glugging in a hefty, breakable glass bottle.”
singular subject takes a singular verb (IS) Surrounded - encircled. Prohibited - forbidden.
whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb Ensured - to make certain of something.
(ARE). Assured - to make someone’s fears or doubts go
Ans.5(4) The sentence states that the perception that away.
some states are benefitting at the expense of Ans.18(2) In B, replace the second form verb BECAME
others has become quite popular. In A, we with BECOME as the present perfect tense
need to replace LITTLE with FEW. Little refers construction HAS + VERB will take the past
to uncountable nouns, and is used with the participle form of the verb.
singular form to indicate that something exists Ans.19(4) In C, replace the singular verb IS with the plural
only in a small amount or to a slight degree. Few ARE as it is being used to modify the plural noun
refers to countable nouns, and is used with the PROBLEMS.
plural form to indicate not many persons or Ans.20(2) In C, replace TRANSFORMED with
things. Here, YEAR is a countable noun. TRANSFORM as the infinitive construction TO +
Ans.6(3) The sentence talks about how governments all VERB will take the base form of the verb.
over the world are now engaged (involved) in Ans.21(3) In D, replace the adverb THERE with the
efforts to ramp down (reduce) greenhouse gas possessive pronoun THEIR as the sentence
emissions from fossil fuels to avert the worst talks about how the answers of the students.
effects (impact) of climate change. Ans.22(5) The sentence is grammatically and meaningfully
Ans.7(5) The sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
correct. Ans.23(5) STEP means stairs, as used by 1, which
Ans.8(4) The sentence states that the belief that GDP is a conveys how he froze on the bottom stair in fear.
good way to measure the economic STEP also refers to a footstep, as used by 2,
performance of a country has been questioned which conveys how she retreated several steps
regularly. We need to replace CHALLENGE with backwards as she was overwhelmed. STEP
CHALLENGED. We need a verb to be modified refers to a stage in a gradual process; 3 uses it
by the adverb FREQUENTLY. CHALLENGE is a to convey how achieving better communication
noun. is a higher stage towards achieving peace.
Ans.9(1) The sentence states that progress in the field of Ans.24(3) PLACE refers to a location; 1 uses this word to
technology is important to reduce carbon convey how that particular location was a good
emissions. ADVENTURE is excitement and one to raise children. PLACE, as a verb,
willingness to do new, unusual, or rather means to put in a particular position; 3 uses this
dangerous things. We need to replace it with word to convey how the author put his/ hand on
ADVANCES. An ADVANCE in a particular the speaker’s shoulder.
subject or activity refers to the progress that has 2 is incorrect as it confuses PACE with PLACE;
been made in that field. the former means to walk slowly within a small
Ans.10(4) The sentence states that the sea cover in area; the sentence talks about how he walked
Antarctica has shrunk to a low in 20176 and the up and down the room.
current level is below the average level. We Ans.25(5) STAND means to tolerate, as used by 1, which
need to replace REMAIN with REMAINED as tells us how the author was unable to tolerate
the present perfect tense construction HAS + the cold wind. STAND OUT is a phrasal verb
VERB always takes the past participle form of and means to be different from others; 2 uses
the verb. this phrasal verb to convey how a few
Ans.11(1) restaurants in Chicago are different from the
Ans.12(1) The author describes the incident in the first two rest. STAND means to assume an upright
paragraphs, and concludes on the note that the position, as used by 3, which tells us how she
repackaging was the logical outcome of a long tried to assume an upright position, but was
and complicated story - food waste. unable to.
The other options, barring A, are not mentioned Ans.26(2) We need a verb in the base form to fit in the
in the passage. A is mentioned in the passage infinitive construction TO + VERB. The sentence
but it is not the reason why the author names talks about how getting team, timing and idea to
the incident as the avocado fiasco. adjust themselves in a way that is conducive for
Ans.13(1) a startup is tough. ALIGN means to arrange in a
Ans.14(1) correct manner and will fit here.
66-H block, Near Nehru Park, Sri Ganganagar (Raj.) Power House Road, Near Bus Stand, Bathinda (Pb.)
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RBI Assistant Pre 2020 TEST ID – RBP - 876591047
Assign - delegate. ARRANGED is in the second Ans.35(5) Required number of Nike brand shoes sold by
form. Allay - to remove someone’s fears or the outlet in 2016= 560 + (75/2)% of 560
doubts. Adorn - decorate. = 560 + (3/8) × 560 = 560 + 210 = 770
Ans.27(4) We need an adjective here to modify the noun Ans.36(3) Required ratio = 540: 300 = 9:5
PROCESS. The sentence talks about how the Ans.37(1) Required average = (250+350+160+280+ 300)/5
process of successfully set up a startup is = 268
difficult. MERCURIAL means constantly Ans.38(5) Total number of students preparing for IIT-JEE
changing or uncertain and will fit here. and NEET together in institute B
UNPREDICTABLY and UNSTEADILY are = 420 + 350 = 770
adverbs. VOLATILITY is a noun. MOODY is an Total number of students preparing for NEET in
adjective but is used to describe changes in institutes C and D together = 160 + 280 = 440
mood or temperament of people, not non-living Required percentage
entitities. = {(770 – 440)/440} × 100 = 75%
Ans.28(1) We need a verb in the continuous form to follow Ans.39(4) Number of students preparing for IIT-JEE in
the helping verb IS. The sentence talks about institute F = 1.23 × 600 = 738
how Vietnam is facing many contradictions. Number of students preparing for NEET in
NAVIGATING means to encounter and will fit institute F = 0.8 × 350 = 280
here. Required difference = 738 – 280 = 458
STRUGGLING and GRAPPLING are synonyms Ans.40(2) Number of students preparing for IIT-JEE
but they will be correct only if followed by the entrance exam from all the given five institutes
preposition WITH. FOUGHT and WRESTLE are together = 460 + 420 + 600 + 540 + 380 = 2400
verbs in the second and base form respectively, Ans.41(3) 43 + 6×1 = 49
while we need a verb in the continuous form. 49 + 6×2 = 61
Ans.29(3) We need a verb in the past participle form to fit 61 + 6×3 = 79
in the present perfect tense construction HAVE 79 + 6×4 = 103
+ VERB. The sentence talks about how far too 103 + 6 × 5 = 133
many people have managed to fight poverty in Ans.42(5) 54 + 50 = 55
the last two decades. ESCAPED means to 55 + 51 = 60
overcome or run from and will fit here. 60 + 52= 85
Abdicated - gave up the throne. RAN will be 85 + 53= 210
correct only if followed by the preposition FROM. 210 + 54= 835
EVADE (avoid) is in the base form. Extracted - Ans.43(5) 110 + 2 = 112
to take something out of another thing. 112 +3 = 115
Ans.30(5) We need an adjective here to modify the noun 115 + 5 = 120
GAINS. INSUFFICIENT means not enough and 120 + 7 = 127
will fit here as the sentence talks about how the 127 + 11 = 138
World Bank views the success achieved as not Ans.44(2) 13 + 22 – 2 = 15
enough. 15 + 32 – 3 = 21
INADEQUATELY is an adverb. Competent - 21 + 42 – 4 = 33
able; efficient. LIMIT is a noun/ verb. Miserly - 33 + 52 – 5 = 53
not generous; stingy. 53 + 62 – 6 = 83
Ans.45(2) 5 + 52 = 30
Quantitative Aptitude 7 + 72 = 56
Ans.(31-35) Let total number of shoes sold by the outlet be 9 + 92 = 90
‘x’. 11 + 112 = 132
Then (100/3)% of x – (100/9)% of x = 1400 13 + 132 = 182
x/3 – x/9 = 1400 15 + 152 = 240
(3x – x)/9 = 1400 Ans.46(1) 40% of 240 + 152 + 212 – 368 = ?
2x/9 = 1400 ? = 96 + 225 + 441 – 368
x = 700 × 9 = 6300 ? = 762 –368
Total number of shoes sold by the outlet = 6300 ? = 394
Number of Puma shoes sold by the outlet Ans.47(4) 30% of 490 + 13×√(841) – 324 = 50% of ?
= (100/3)% of x = (1/3) × 6300 = 2100 50% of ? = 147 + 13×29 – 324
Number of Reebok shoes sold by the outlet 50% of ? = 147 + 377 – 324
= (50/3)% of x = (1/6) × 6300 = 1050 50% of ? = 200
Number of Adidas shoes sold by the outlet ? = 400
= (100/9)% of x = (1/9) × 6300 = 700 Ans.48(3) 25% of 900 – (350/7) × (8/2) = √?
Number of Nike shoes sold by the outlet √? = 25% of 900 – 50×4
= (80/9)% of x = (8/90) × 6300 = 560 √? = 225 – 50×4
Number of Wrogn shoes sold by the outlet √? = 225 – 200
= 30% of x = 0. 3 × 6300 = 1890 √? = 25
Ans.31(1) Number of formal Reebok shoes sold by the ? = 625
outlet = (16/21) × 1050 = 16 × 50 = 800 Ans.49(1) ?% of 900 = 83 – 292 + 272 – 310
Ans.32(4) Difference between the sale of shoe of Wrogn ?% of 900 = 512 – 841 + 729 – 310
brand and Puma brand = (2100 – 1890) = 210 ?% of 900 = 90
Required percentage= (210/2100)× 100 =10% ? = 10
Ans.33(1) Number of good quality shoes of Adidas sold by Ans.50(5) (25/6)% of ? = 25% of (10 + 5 × 2 –(8/4) ×2)2
the outlet = 60% of 700 = 0. 6 × 700 = 420 (25/6)% of ? = 0. 25×(10 + 10 – 2 × 2)2
Total profit earned by selling all the Adidas (25/6)% of ? = 0. 25 × (16)2
shoes of good quality= 420 × 25 = Rs. 10500 (25/6)% of ? = 0. 25 × 256
Ans.34(2) Average number of shoes of Adidas, Nike and (25/6)% of ? = 64
Wrogn brand sold by the outlet ? = 64×24 = 1536
= (700 + 560 + 1890)/3 = 1050 Ans.51(4) 107. 89 + 336. 03 – 115. 35 + 117. 85 – 23.
04×8. 89 = ?
66-H block, Near Nehru Park, Sri Ganganagar (Raj.) Power House Road, Near Bus Stand, Bathinda (Pb.)
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RBI Assistant Pre 2020 TEST ID – RBP - 876591047
? ~108 + 336 – 115 + 118 – 23×9 Ans.60(5) Let speed of swimmer in still be ‘s’ meters/
? ~108 + 336 – 115 + 118 – 207 minute and speed of water be ‘w’ meters/minute.
? ~ 240 Speed of swimmer upstream = s – w
Ans.52(4) {72.07 + 24.89 – (96.12 ÷ 5.91 – 13.09 × 11.98)} Speed of swimmer downstream = s + w
=? According to question
{72 + 25 – (96 ÷ 6 – 13 × 12)} ~ ? Distance between point A and B = distance
{97 – (16 – 156)} ~ ? travelled in downstream – distance travelled in
97 – 16 + 156 ~ ? upstream = 200
237 ~ ? 5 × (s + w) – 5 × (s – w) = 200
Ans.53(3) {31.97% of 150.08 + 14.13 × 7.11 – 447.91 ÷ 5s + 5w – 5s + 5w = 200
8.08} = ? 10w = 200
{32% of 150 + 14 × 7 – 448 ÷ 8} ~ ? w = 200/10 = 20 m/minute
{48 + 98 – 56} ~ ? Therefore, speed of stream
90 ~ ? = (20 × 60)/1000 km/hour = 1. 2 km/hour
Ans.54(4) {286.08 + 124.13 + 288.91 + 345.31 – 587.98} Ans.61(1) Profit share ratio of (A + B): C
=? = 4800: (7800 – 4800)
{286 + 124 + 289 + 345 – 588} ~ ? = 4800: 3000
{286 + 124 + 289 + 345 – 588} ~ ? = 8: 5
456 ~ ? So, value of x = 5/8 × (4200 + 5400) = Rs. 6000
Ans.55(5) √(91. 908×23. 05) + 213. 987 – 6. 325% of 30. Ans.62(2) Let present age of Amit, Bhanu and Chiku be A,
925 = ?% of 2600. 25 B and C years, respectively.
?% of 2600 ~ √(92×23) + 214 – 6. 25% of 32 Then, A = B + 3, and B = C – 4
?% of 2600 ~ √2116 + 214 – 2 Also, (A + 4)/(B – 2) = 7/6
?% of 2600 ~ 46 + 214– 2 (B + 3 + 4)/(B – 2) = 7/6
?% of 2600 ~ 258 (B + 7)/(B – 2) = 7/6
? ~ 10 6B + 42 = 7B – 14
Ans.56(4) Amount of milk in the container after taking 160 B = 56
litres of mixture and adding 160 litres of water C = B + 4 = 56 + 4 = 60
= 560 – 310 = 250 litres So, Chiku’s age 6 years ago
Amount of water in the container after taking 160 = 60 – 6 = 54 years.
litres of mixture = 560 – 250 – 160 = 150 litres Ans.63(1) Total amount received after 2 years in simple
Since, the ratio of milk to water initially will be interest = 1200 + 1200 × 0.12 × 2 = Rs. 1488
same as the ratio of milk to water after taking out So, (1488 + x) × {(1.1)2 – 1} = 378
160 litres of mixture. 312.48 + 0.21x = 378
So, required ratio = 150: 250 = 3: 5 x = 312
Ans.57(4) Time taken by B alone to complete the work Ans.64(2) Required average = (64 × 2 + 72 × 2)/4
= 15 × 2 = 30 days = 272/4 = 68
Let, time taken by A alone to complete the work Ans.65(1) Let the number of students who passed the
be ‘2x’ days examination be ‘x’.
So, time taken by A and B together to complete Number of students who failed in the
50% of work is ‘x – 4’ days examination = 200 – x
Therefore, time taken by A and B together to Total marks obtained by 200 candidates
complete 100% of work is ‘2x – 8’ days = 200 × 40
So, 1/30 + 1/2x = 1/(2x – 8) Total marks of passed candidates = 55x
1/30 = (2x – 2x + 8)/(4x2 – 16x) Total marks of failed candidates =35 × (200 - x)
4x2 – 16x – 240 = 0 Total marks obtained by 200 candidates = Total
x2 – 4x – 60 = 0 marks of passed candidates + Total marks of
x2 – 10x + 6x – 60 = 0 failed candidates
x(x – 10) + 6(x – 10) = 0 200 × 40 = 55x + 35 × (200 - x)
x = 10, - 6 55x + 35 × 200 – 35x = 200 × 40
So, time taken by A and B together to complete 20x = 200 ×40 – 200 × 35
the whole work alone = 20 – 8 = 12 days 20x= 200×5, x = 50
Ans.58(1) Let total amount of work to be done = 100 units So, number of passed candidates = 50
(LCM of 50, 100/3 and 50/3) Number of failed candidates = 200 – x
Efficiency of Virat = 100/50 = 2 units/day = 200 – 50 = 150
Efficiency of Hardik = 100/(100/3) = 3 units/day Required ratio = 50: 150 = 1:3
Efficiency of Rohit = 100/(50/3) = 6 units/day
Let the work is completed in ‘x’ days.
Reasoning Aptitude
Then, According to question Ans.(66-70) The final table is given below:
2x + 3(x – 9) + 6(x – 5) = 100
2x + 3x – 27 + 6x – 30 = 100
11x = 157
x = 157/11 days
Therefore, the whole work will be completed in
(157/11) days.
Ans.59(4) √(l2 + b2 + h2 ) = 28 Ans.66(4) D is 17 years old.
l2 + b2 + h2 = 282 = 784…… (1) Ans.67(2) E is 18 years old.
Total surface area of cuboid = 1617 cm2 Ans.68(1) 2nd youngest child (i.e. A) lives 4 floors above F.
2(lb + bh +lh) = 1617……. (2) Ans.69(3) B is 13 years old and C is 12 years old.
Since, (l + b + h)2 = l2 + b2 + h2 + 2(lb + bh +lh) Sum = (12 + 13) years = 25 years.
(l + b + h)2 = 784 + 1617 (from eq. 1 and 2) Ans.70(4) only 1 child lives between 1st and 2nd child.
(l + b + h)2 = 2401 Ans.71(2) Following figure can be formed:
l + b + h = 49 cm

66-H block, Near Nehru Park, Sri Ganganagar (Raj.) Power House Road, Near Bus Stand, Bathinda (Pb.)
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RBI Assistant Pre 2020 TEST ID – RBP - 876591047
(Highest) (Lowest)
Ans.88(4) If A scores 450 and D scores 434 marks. And F
scores 43 marks more than the average of A
and D, than
Average of A and D = (450 + 434) /2 = 442.
Marks of F is (442 + 43) = 485 marks.
From the figure, none of the conclusions is true. Ans.89(3) If D scores 441 marks and score of B is 45 more
Ans.72(5) Following figure can be formed:
than D,
Score of B = (441 + 45) = 486.
A must have scored more than 441 but less than
Ans.90(3) From statement I alone, as D live 2 floors below
B, who lives 2nd from the topmost floor. A
lives 2 floors above C. F lives below E, who
From the figure, only conclusion I follows.
lives below G, who doesn’t live on the topmost
Ans.(73-74) 9 P 8 U 3 ! 4 T A & 5 $ Q = 6 % E 7 @ B > S 2 I 6
floor, so
Ans.73(1) There are two such symbols in the given
arrangement which are immediately followed by
a number and immediately preceded by a letter.
Ans.74(4) There are two such letters in the given
arrangement which are immediately followed by
a number but immediately preceded by a
Ans.75(2) Q is the wife of R Clearly, 3 persons live between A and G. From
Ans.76(3) V is the grandmother of S statement II alone, as D lives 2 floors below B,
Ans.77(4) who lives 2nd from the topmost floor. C lives 3
floors above E. F lives below E. G doesn’t live
above A, so

Point P is towards north-west of point T.

Clearly, 3 persons live between A and G. Data in
Ans.(78-82) The final arrangement is as follows:
statement I or statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question.
Ans.91(1) From statement I alone, the code for ‘don’t’ is
Ans.78(2) There are 11 persons sitting in the row. ‘red’.
Ans.79(1) 4 persons are sitting between A and C. From statement II alone, the code for ‘don’t’ can
Ans.80(5) No one is sitting to the right of K. be either ‘red’ or ‘orange’ or ‘white’. Clearly, data
Ans.81(2) Six persons are sitting to the left of G. given in statement I alone is sufficient to answer
Ans.82(3) Six persons must be sitting to the right of X. the question.
Ans.(83-87) Given numbers Ans.(92-96) The final arrangement is shown below:
3946 9453 4723 5178 6135
Ans.83(4) The 4th digit of the number is subtracted from the
2nd digit, we get
3 1 4 -7 -4
The 2nd highest value is 3.
Ans.84(1) The sum of the 3rd highest and the lowest digits
In each of the given numbers,
10 9 7 12 8
Highest value: 12
Ans.85(2) The 2nd digit is subtracted from the sum of the
remaining digits of the number, we get Ans.92(1) R is sitting opposite to S.
4 13 2 19 13 Ans.93(1) T is sitting adjacent to Q.
So, the highest value 19, which represents Ans.94(3) 3 persons are sitting between P and W.
5178. Ans.95(1) V is sitting to the immediate right of U.
Ans.86(3) If all the even digits in the number are added for Ans.96(2) T is sitting opposite to U.
each of the given numbers, we get- Ans.(97-100 The final arrangement is as follows:
10 4 6 8 6
The 2nd highest number is 8, which represents
Ans.87(3) After rearranging all the digits with each
numbers in increasing order, we have
9643 9543 7432 8751 6531
The 2nd highest value is 9543 which represents
Ans.(88-89) As D scored less than B and F, who scores the Ans.97(5) The jacket kept on the bottommost shelf cannot
highest. At least 2 persons score less than D. A be determined.
scores more than C and E. D doesn’t score Ans.98(1) Only one jacket is kept below UCB.
more than A. C scores less than E, so Ans.99(5) Decathlon is kept immediately above woodland.
F > A/B > B/A > D > E > C Ans.100(3) Position of Roadster is not fixed

66-H block, Near Nehru Park, Sri Ganganagar (Raj.) Power House Road, Near Bus Stand, Bathinda (Pb.)
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