RMT Report 1
RMT Report 1
RMT Report 1
3.1. Research Design:
3.2. Population:
Green marketing is the promotion of goods that are believed to be environmentally safe, accordin
g to the American Marketing Association. Green marketing thus requires a wide range of activiti
es, including-
1. Modification of the drug,
2. Increases in production processes.
3. Changes in packaging,
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the term green marketing came to prominence. In 1975, the
American Marketing Association (AMA) organized the first "Ecological Advertising" workshop.
The workshop's findings culminated in one of the first "Ecological Advertising" books on
ecological advertising Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including
product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as
modifying advertising.
In simple terms green marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based
on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in
itself or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
The obvious assumption of green marketing is that potential consumers will view a product or
service’s “greenness” as a benefit and base their buying decision accordingly. The not-so-
obvious assumption of green marketing is that consumers will be willing to pay more for green
products than they would for a less-green comparable alternative product an assumption that has
not been proven conclusively, specially the mild effect which it had had on consumers has
washed away by the present recession (2008-09) only.
Green or Environmental Marketing satisfies human needs with minimal detrimental impact on
the national environment. Green marketing not only includes consumer goods and industrial
goods but also the services sector. In the process of distribution of goods and services, both the
manufacturing and the services balance contribute towards the ecological imbalance and loss of
the ozone layer.
However, the role of the manufacturing sector in this regard is more significant. The process of
manufacturing and selling goods and services with the least threat to the environment is a big
issue before the business houses. Green marketing requires awareness not only from the
consumers but also from the manufacturers of such goods.
Ultimately green marketing requires extra cost but the stakeholders should be ready to bear that
cost. Business firms have also started responding to environmental challenges by adopting and
practicing green marketing strategies.
The most important advantage of green marketing is that eco-friendly goods have a competitive
advantage over other firms selling non-eco-featured goods. At the same time, it should be noted
that in the era of green marketing, each and every shareholder should take part in this process as
a social responsibility.
It is a fact that the natural environment is the basis of all activity. Natural environment and
ecosystem services provide us with food, water and material for living. Since the economic
activities directly depend upon the natural resources and the environment, the protection of
natural environment is the duty of all stakeholders.
He should take utmost care to protect both the renewable and non-renewable energy sources. If
we fail to manage the ecosystem and environmental resources in a proper way, the future
generations will face severe imbalances in climate and availability of water, food, good air, etc.
It is needless to say that the major reason behind the imbalance in the ecosystem is the improper
management of resources and the population explosion. Hence, the process of selling goods and
services in an eco-friendly way is a big issue before the business houses across the globe.
Moreover, keeping eco-friendly goods in the hands of the ultimate users is the social
responsibility of the manufacturer as the role of wealth creators has been more in damaging the
ecosystem rather than preserving it.
In our days the environmental problems seem to concern all active citizens, enterprise, and
institutions all over the world much more than it did 30 years ago. International researches show
that consumers worry about the environment and change their behavior gradually. Thus a new
market for viable or sustainable product emerges, which is further strengthened by active
consumers since it is a way to contribute to the protection of the environment.
The enterprises gradually recognize the various competitive advantages and the enterprising
opportunities that arise from this ecological consuming approach, entering the word “green” in
many of their activities. Thus, in parallel with the concept of corporate social responsibility of
“green marketing” has also been cultivated with sufficiently effective practices.
The term green marketing refers to the planning, development and promotion of products or
services that satisfy the needs of consumers for quality, output, prices and services without a
negative effect on the environment with regard to the use of raw material, the consumption of
energy, etc.
According to Kingies, green marketing must be more than a green way of marketing of the so-
called green products. Green has to refer both to the method and to the product. This is why the
very idea of green marketing needs considerable development and analysis, with rules and
integrity in economic, scientific, academic and ethical terms.
The environmental parameter has been included in the strategy of marketing from the beginning
of 1990s.
It is reported that in the USA, the green market counts about $250 billion, which 63 million of
consumers are directed to the products that either protect the environment contrary to the
conventional ones or have been produced with processes that respect the society and the
The same consumers are prone to spend an additional 7 to 20% in order to buy pure green
products and reject the non-viable alternatives, offered to them by conventional market.
According to a recent research, at a world level the supportive fame of a company about its
environmental responsibility is determined by the 53% of consumers as a decisive reason that
makes them buy and use its products.
Green marketing is a relatively new focus in business endeavors and came into prominence only
in the late 1980s. Since the mid-nineties, environmental legislation has increased leading to a
high level of awareness of environmental issues in the business domain and many corporations
being required to consider the issues in their strategic planning in order to meet stricter
environmental change that is far easier said than done. The so called “green consumer”
movement in the USA has struggled to keep afloat by not quite being able to reach critical mass
not being at the very forefront of shopper’s minds.
In the fast moving period, there is a huge requirement of standard entity wealth as well as fresh
environment. It is the primary responsibility of the public and private sector enterprises to
provide the essentials of a life and the maintenance of the demands of the environment. In green
marketing, products are offered to satisfy the customers with special consideration on
1.1. Background of the Study:
What would spring be like without chirping birds and happy animals? This is the quiet future
Rachel Carson predicted in her 1962 book, Silent Spring. She had a bad, gut feeling
that pesticides, like DDT, were not only hurting people, but animals and the environment as well.
Ten years after the release of Carson's book, DDT was no longer allowed to be used in the
United States. This wasn't the first time that businesses were regulated (business regulation goes
back to the 18th century), nor the first time a book led to regulatory acts (Upton Sinclair's
book The Jungle did this with the meat packing industry). What is unique about Carson's piece is
that it made people start caring about the environment. This created a snowball effect that
eventually led to the change towards green marketing.
Businesses Go Green
After the release of Silent Spring, there were anti-war protests happening all over the United
States, and then California's oil spill in 1969. The environment became the focus of most
conversations. April 22nd became Earth Day to focus this energy and draw more attention to
environmental issues. These efforts aided in the creation of the Environmental Protection
Agency (1970), the Clean Air Act (1970) and Clean Water Act (1972), and the Endangered
Species Act (1973).
Once the 1990s came around, people had much more awareness about several different
environmental issues. We learned about the hole in the ozone layer and the consequences
of deforestation; we had experienced yet another oil spill (the Exxon Valdez) and a tragic gas
leak (Union Carbide India); and we had experienced several natural disasters, including the
wildfire in Yellowstone, the North American drought, and Hurricane Hugo.
People were ready to make changes in consumption in the 1990s. During this time The Green
Consumer was a best seller, the Green Party in the UK had the highest vote count, and
businesses were to respond as well. The number of newspaper print ads featuring green products
quadrupled in the US. (Triple d for television); there were twice as many new green products
introduced; and a survey found that a majority of multinational corporations in
1.2. Problem Statement/Identification:
The basic purpose of this research is to find the effect of attitude, purchase intension, consumer
behavior and consumer perceived effectiveness on green marketing to see if they bring any
change in it.
o To identify the factors that influences the customer persuasion to buy green products
The scope of this study is limited to Karachi and the goal is to know the impact of consumer
Behavior towards green marketing and also how companies are making an effort in order to
Up with eco-friendly products in the interest of the consumer’s well-being in particular and that
Of societies in general.
o This research is based on limited areas of Karachi reason being the mobility issue and
Time consideration.
o Availability of the right respondent is also a challenge, since our targets are mainly the
Youth and people who are moving towards the buying of green products.
o Quality of responses might vary due to broader point of view of the respondents.
2.1 Attitude:
Attitude towards a brand is allied to the consumer’s preference and overall evaluation of a brand,
which epitomizes their likes and dislikes (Solomon, 2014).According to Ajzen and Fishbein
(1977), attitudes are formed by some aspects within the consumers´ weltanschauung which
represent the evaluation of the product concerned. Attitude measurements are the activities that
consumers decide to take in their behavior purchasing in retail supermarkets. When consumer’s
attitude towards green brands becomes more positive, the level of green product purchase
intention amongst consumers would also increase. In the previous factor analysis, attitude
towards green brands consisted of elements of reliability, dependability, and trustworthiness.
Purchasing green products reflects that the consumer feels responsible for the environment,
consumers attitude towards green brands have a significant positive relationship with green
product purchase intention (MohdSuki 2006). A positive brand attitude shows that consumers
have a high environmental consciousness and frequently enjoy utilizing green brands, to the
point that they mentally start to see these brands as a major aspect of themselves (Mostafa, 2009;
Norazah, 2013a; Teng, 2009). A research effort by Teng (2009) further specified that consumers
with a positive attitude towards a particular brand tend to have a stronger purchase intention to
buy the brand. Their judgement to purchase green products are often based on their
environmental attitudes (Aman et al., 2012; Barber et al., 2009; Flamm, 2009; Gupta and Ogden,
2009; Lim et al., 2016; Paul et al., 2016; Yadav and Pathak, 2016). It can be stated that there is
no way back to produce destructive products for the environment and governmental and
competitive pressures and change of customers’ attitude (Mehdi Abzari1, Faranak Safari Shad1,
Ali Akbar Abedi Sharbiyani1, Atefeh Parvareshi Morad2).When consumers have knowledge
about the advantage of consuming green products that match with the products great
performance, the consumers level of awareness, interest, and demand could shift their buying
behaviour towards a greener lifestyle (Huang et al., 2014).Green brand knowledge significantly
affects consumers attitude towards green brands.( MohdSuki 2006).To further boost consumer
attitude towards green brands, firms should aggressively use various marketing channels
including creative product packaging through convincing eco-labelling, and via Social Media
sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. These efforts would help disseminate
promising green marketing message contents such as superior green product quality, product
ingredients, and competitive prices, all of which would increase consumer awareness and
encourage repeated purchasing and satisfaction. These strategies could also contribute to
business sustainability. (MohdSuki 2006).The research conducted by Tan Booi Chen & Lau
Teck Chai (2010) which states that personal norms towards the environment contribute to the
green products to attitude on green product. Furthermore price perception does not affect the
attitude toward green product. (Lily Suhaily, Syarief Darmoyo, SintaBoentoro 2018)
2.2Purchase Intention:
Ajzen (1991), the combination of attitudes towards the behaviour, subjective norms, and
perceived behavioral control guide the formation of an intention, and thus, intention is assumed
to be the predecessor of the actual behavior. Again, a central factor in the Theory of Planned
Behavior is the individual’s intention to perform a given behavior. Intentions are assumed to
control the motivational factors that influence behavior. They are indications of how hard people
are willing to try, or how much of an effort they are planning to exert in order to execute the
behavior. Whereas the study by Nik Abdul et al. (2009) referred green purchase intention as the
probability and willingness of a person to give preference to products having eco-friendly
features over other conventional products in their purchase considerations. Wang (2014)
examined the relative importance of the four antecedent variables (external locus of control,
collectivism, environmental visibility, and subjective norms) for green purchase intentions. The
findings show that unlike collectivism values, environmental visibility, and subjective norms,
which exert a positive effect on green product purchase intentions, the external locus of control
exerts a negative effect. The results of this study also show the dominant effect that collectivism
values exert on green purchase intentions. Likewise, Chen and Chang (2012) defined green
purchase intention as the likelihood that a consumer would buy a particular product resulting
from his or her environmental needs. According to Lopes (2010, p.35): stimuli push consumers
to seek information on the product. After processing the collected (or received) information,
consumers evaluate several alternatives and take an attitude. The installed attitude, coupled to the
environmental variables, will determine purchase decision. According to Arslan and Zaman
(2014) purchase intention can be defined as the possibility; a consumer will purchase a product
or service in future. A positive purchase intention drives to consumer for actual purchase action
or a negative purchase intention restrain to consumer not to purchase that. An increase in
purchase intention means an increase in the possibility of purchasing. It was found that green
brand positioning has a positive and significant impact on green product purchase
intention(MohdSuki 2006).When consumer have more detailed information regarding green
products such as how they are produced, promoted and packaged, they could lean towards
putting in their own personal set of considerations in the purchase decision-making process
(Norazah, 2013a).
2.3Purchase Behavior:
Mostafa (2007) conceptualizes green buying behavior as the consumption of environmentally
friendly products that are sensitive, responsive, recyclable, conservable, benevolent and
beneficial to the environment. In the current market, most marketers clearly understand the
actual behavior, factors, and objectives of the consumers’ buying approach by aiming for the use
of environmentally friendly marketing Lages & Vargas Neto (2002), Garcia et al. (2008) and
Moretti, Silva & Braga Junior (2010) who insist in stating that the subject´s behavior is related to
the object of purchase. The authors report that subjects with an ecological-prone relationship
with the product or firm are more likely to tend towards the environment and more favourable to
firms that show social and environmental responsibility. Due to the detrimental impacts on
natural environment, green marketing activities have been a popular tool that used by many
firms, and these events caused a shift in consumers’ buying approach towards green products
(Cohen, 1973). According to Emgin and Turk, 2004, price is considered as an important factor in
determining Green Purchase behavior. A lower price caused by cost saving will encourage
consumers to buy environmentally friendly products. When the demand for a product is price
responsive, a lower price will be a more successful strategy for the company. When the price is
held at the same level, positive properties of the product about the environment can be used as a
competitive advantage element. In case the price of the product is higher, importance should be
given to promotion of differentiated green product and also there should be consumers ready to
overpay for the product. People are now willing to pay more for environment-friendly product
against environmental pollution that threatens our world together with developing technology
and industrialization. (Aysel Boztepe2012). A good presentation provides the opportunity for the
consumer to get together with businesses showing environmental responsibility. The presentation
policy aims to create an “environmentally friendly business firm” image in the eye of the
consumer and give environmental messages to consumers about the product. To achieve this
goal, advertising campaigns, promotion, public relations and other marketing tools are adopted.
This requires both internal and external communication (Uydacı, 2002: 128). Boztepe (2012)
emphasized that the green consumers would stop consuming any harmful product which may
affect their health, involves torture of animals and causes damage to the environment during
production process, disposal or use. Also green product significantly influences consumer green
purchase behavior (Mondelaers et al., 2009; Smith &Paladino, 2010; Tsakiridou et al., 2008).
Product attributes positively influence purchase of green products (Young et al., 2010).
affected by their actions (Thompson, 1981).Furthermore, the results found support for a positive
and significant relationship between perceived customer effectiveness and green purchase
behavior. The outcome lends credence to Vermeir and Verbeke (2008) who opine that in the
domain of green consumption, perceived customer effectiveness is a crucial predictor of green
behavioral intentions. The extent to which people feel that they have little behavioral control
over the performance of a behavior has been argued to uniquely reduce behavioral intentions and
behavior, even under situations where social norms and attitudes towards the action are favorable
(Ajzen & Madden, 1986; Ajzen, 1985).Pedro and Lemke’s (2013) position that if a green
product is highly expensive, few consumers pay attention to such products and may be
discouraged from patronizing same. Berger and Corbin (1992) surmise that perceived consumer
effectiveness has a positive effect on environmentally friendly behavior. To this end, this
research argues that if consumers believe that their green purchase behavior can generate
benefits to the environment, they will increase the purchase of green products.
3.1. Research Design:
Quantitative survey research design will be followed in this research. The research questionnaire
is based on likers scale in order to access the numerical data and form a conclusion. The
population of interest is limited to Karachi due to reasons of accessibility, convenience and low
cost. Student samples are minimized because reliance on students has been criticized previously
in management studies due to lack of real-life managerial experience their responses will reflect
the inclination towards the green marketing.
3.2. Population:
Our research sample consists of students of Bahria University belonging to different departments
such as management sciences, computer science, engineering, etc. It also includes family
members and friends. This would strike a proper balance with respect to demographic variable
like age, qualification, position and marital status.
The questionnaire will be given to approximately 122 students to collect the responses through
convenience sampling from different departments and to family members and friends in order to
have a broader set of responses. Convenience sampling was used due to ready availability and
expedited data collection as shortage of time was the main constraint in our research.
The responses were collected through a questionnaire containing structured questions to measure
brand awareness and consumer loyalty. Through literature review, it was found that in related
studies (Chan 2002; MohdSukhi2016; Cecilia Larsson (21959) and Natalia Luczynski (21651))
questionnaire was used as data collection instrument. The questions were as followed:
2. I feel that green product’s environmental performance is generally dependable (A2)
3. I feel that green product’s environmental claims are generally trustworthy (A3)
5. Green products keep promises and responsibilities for environmental protection (A5)
Purchase Intention:
2. I expect to purchase green product in the future because of its environmental benefits
3. Overall, I’m glad to purchase green product because it is environmental friendly (PI3)
Consumer Behavior
1. whether or not I will purchase eco-friendly products for personal use in the coming
month is entirely up to me (CB1)
2. I have complete control over the number of eco-friendly products that I will buy for
personal use in the coming month (CB2)
3. Whether or not I will purchase eco-friendly products for personal use in the coming
month is completely within my control (CB3)
1. There is not much any one individual can do about the environment (PCE1)
2. I can protect the environment by buying products that are friendly to the environment
For collection of data from primary sources, a survey was conducted using convenience
sampling technique, the respondents mainly working as professionals in different sectors through
online questionnaire. The data final result was obtained via Google Docs and analyze through
automated graph generation from Google doc.
38.3% people are highly satisfied with the green product reputation and consider it
reliable. 25% are satisfied with the green product reputation where as 14.2% are
neutral considering the reliability of green products, 15.8% are dissatisfied with the
green product reputation whereas 6.7% are totally dissatisfied.
14.3% people are highly satisfied with the dependability of green product performance, 36.1%
people are satisfied with the dependability of green product performance, 30.3% people are
neutral considering the dependability of green product performance, 13.4% people are
dissatisfied with the dependability of green product performance and 5.9% people are highly
dissatisfied with green product dependability.
16.7% people highly satisfied that green product is environmental trustworthy, 41.7% people
are satisfied with the green product environmental trustworthy, 23.3% people are neutral
considering green product environmental trustworthy, 12.5% people are dissatisfied with the
green product environmental trustworthiness and 5.8% people are highly dissatisfied with the
green product environmental trustworthiness.
22.5% people are highly satisfied that green products meet their expectation, 25.8% people are
satisfied that green product environmental meet their expectation, 31.7% people are neutral
considering that green product environmental meet their expectation, 15% people are
dissatisfied that green product environment meet their expectation and 5% people are highly
dissatisfied that green product environment meet their expectation.
21.7% people are satisfied that green product keep promises and
responsibilities for environmental protection, 28.3% people are satisfied that
green product keep promises and responsibilities for environment protection,
25% people are neutral considering this, 20% people are dissatisfied that green
product keep promises and responsibilities for environment protection, 5%
people are highly dissatisfied that green product keeps the promises and
responsibilities for environment protection.
28.3% people are highly satisfied to buy green product because of environmental concern, 31.7%
people are satisfied to buy green product because of environmental concern, 21.7% people are
neutral to buy product because of environmental concern, 15% people are dissatisfied to buy
green product because of environmental concern and 3.3% people are highly dissatisfied to buy
the green product because of environmental concern.
25.85 people are highly satisfied to buy the green product for the future environmental benefit,
34.2% people are satisfied to buy the green product because of future environmental benefit,
20.8% people are neutral buying green product for the future environmental benefit, 12.5%
people are dissatisfied to buy the green product for the future environmental benefit and 8.7%
people are highly dissatisfied to buy the green product for the future environmental benefit.
29.2% people are highly satisfied to purchase the green product because it is environmental
friendly, 28.7% people are satisfied to purchase the green product because it is environmental
friendly, 23.3% people are neutral purchasing green product because it is environmental friendly,
15.8% people are dissatisfied to purchase the green product because it is environmental friendly
and 5% percent people are highly dissatisfied to purchase the green product because it is
environmental friendly.
QUESTION 9- There is not much any one individual can do about the
15.8% people are highly satisfied that one individual can do a lot about the environment, 23.3%
people are satisfied that one can do a lot about the environment, 25.8% people are neutral
thinking that one individual can do a lot about the environment, 14.2% people are dissatisfied
that one individual can do a lot about the environment and 20.8% people are highly dissatisfied
that one individual can do a lot about the environment.
QUESTION 10- I can protect the environment by buying products that are friendly
to the environment?
28.3% people are highly satisfied with buying products which are friendly to the environment to
protect the environment, 29.2% people are satisfied with buying products which are friendly to
the environment to protect the environment, 20% people are neutral whether to or not to buy the
product to protect the environment, 16.7% people are dissatisfied with buying product which are
friendly to protect the environment and 5.8% people are highly dissatisfied to buy products
which are friendly to the environment to protect the environment.
26.7% people are highly satisfied of being capable to help solve the environmental problems,
26.7% people are satisfied of being capable to help solve the environmental problems, 23.3%
people are neutral of being capable to help solve the environmental problem, 16.7% people are
dissatisfied of being capable to help solve the environmental problem and 6.7% people are
highly dissatisfied of being capable to help solve the environmental problem.
QUESTION 12- Whether or not I will purchase eco-friendly products for personal
use in the coming month is entirely up to me?
20.8% people are highly satisfied that buying ecofriendly product in the coming month is
totally up to them, 31.7% people are satisfied that buying ecofriendly product in the
coming months are up to them, 24.4% people are neutral that buying ecofriendly product
in coming months is totally up to them, 17.5% people are dissatisfied that buying
ecofriendly product in coming months is totally up to them and 5.8% people are highly
dissatisfied that buying ecofriendly product in coming months are totally up to them.
QUESTION 13- I have complete control over the number of eco-friendly products
that I will buy for personal use in the coming month?
21% people are highly satisfied that they have total control on them buying ecofriendly
product in the coming month, 28.6% people are satisfied that they have total control on
them buying ecofriendly product in the coming months, 25.2% people are neutral that
they have total control on them buying ecofriendly product in the coming months, 18.5%
people are dissatisfied that they have total control on them buying ecofriendly product in
the coming months and 6.7% people are highly dissatisfied that they have total control on
them buying ecofriendly product in the coming months.
QUESTION 14- Whether or not I will purchase eco-friendly products for personal
use in the coming month is completely within my control?
13.3% people are highly satisfied that buying ecofriendly product for personal use in the
coming months is totally up to them, 30% people are satisfied that buying ecofriendly
product for personal use in the coming month is totally up to them, 30.8% people are
neutral that buying ecofriendly product for personal use in coming month are totally up to
them, 19.2% people are dissatisfied that buying ecofriendly product for personal use is
totally up to them and 6.7% people are highly dissatisfied that buying ecofriendly product
for personal use is totally up to them.
The analysis shows that our sample consists of 122 respondents which were evaluated over the
four variables. The variable attitude showed that participants mostly agreed that green products
reputation, performance, and claims are reliable and trustworthy. Moreover, it was found that
green products meet their customer’s expectations and keep their promises for environmental
Participant responses also showed that their intention to purchase green products is affected by
their concern for the environment and it’s all over benefit. Furthermore results show that
participants believe that they can do something for their environment and have control over their
ability to purchase green products.