Herbs in Magic
Herbs in Magic
Herbs in Magic
Fossil resin of extinct coniferous tree (Succinite) extinct.
P e r f u m e -- 4th lunar mansion; medicinal; amulet (worn by
Roman women as protection from witches).
Formed in intestinal track of sperm whale.
Psychic correspondence; oil; perfume; works of wrath and
vengeance; fixative.
Angelica Angelica archangelica
Sachet mix; incense; dry use; perfume; angelica root oil; resin;
medicinal; wine.
Liqueur defence against spirits; cures poison; keeps bad air
away; attributed to Michael the Archangel.
Resinous gum gathered and used in Pot Pourri in place of
musk; indoor garden magic and dry use-'when root is in
house naught harm can come from demons'.
Gum taken by cut in stems and crown of root in spring. Root
harvested after 2-3 years of growth.
"Angelica Incense" see page 78.
Fresh and dry use--for protection.
For protection, used in purified water and sprinkled aspurging.
Poisonous. Protection.
Perfume; flower.
White--spiritual aspiration.
Red-to make things larger than life.
Evergreen tree
Aromatic; oil; psychic correspondence; sachet; aphrodisiac.
Stills tongues; attracts riches.
1-leaf clover stands for fame; 2 leaves for wealth; 3 leaves
associated with Christian Trinity-the triad goddesses of the
Greeks and Romans and sacred sun wheel of Celts, charm
against witches, a faithful lover; 4 leaves ward off evil (symbol
of cross), for good fortune, excellent health; 5-leaf clover is
Red Clover-to dream of a field of clover is very fortunate.
Relaxant in psychic work.
Copal Copalquahuitl
Drug; oil.
Fertility rites; dry use.
Corn silk (Stigmata maidis) is the pistil of the corn plant.
Perfumed oil; salve; scent tranquilises.
Incense in psychic work; brings justice.
Flower; balsam.
Purity, innocence and loyal love. Aphrodite, northern goddess
of love and spring, measure of love, good luck charm.
(restricted dosage)
Sachet mix.
For psychic powers; money and protection.
Incense; perfume; oil;
divination; astrology.
Gota Cola
Philtre, incense.
Luck; money; wishing.
For health.
Collect mid-summer, only upper part of stems.
Houndstongue Cynoglossum offiinale
Put with heart of young frog and her matrice, and put them
where you wilt, and after a while all dogs in area will be
gathered around. If herb under foremost toe, the dogs remain
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
Bushy evergreen
Sachet; medicinal; liqueurs; perfumes; domestic; aromatic oil;
fatty oil; bath.
Power of attaining ascendency; used in water for purification.
For protection.
Flowers and leaves are collected mid-summer.
Fixed stars Deneb Algedi , Spica
Sachet mix; emblem; talisman; dry use; incense.
Narcotic, mystic plant; fertility drug; love plant; good luck
charms; capable of working any spell; root resembles whole of
male body except head; inducer of sleep; pain killer; for
psychic work; protection.
English Mandrake is White Bryony.
When pulling from ground, guard against hearing the plant
scream. Pick when moon is waxing, just after new moon,
between winter solstice and vernal equinox at night. Loosen
earth around root, then draw root out without injuring plant.
Trim foliage off main stem, leave small piece of root adhering
to it. Replant small root in spot where main plant was drawn.
Fixed star Deneb Algedi
Sachet; oil; balsam; perfume; medicinal; culinary; sleep bag;
domestic; philtre; scent tranquilises and brings peaceful sleep,
symbol of happiness.
For concentration and memory.
Collect leaves and stems before flowers appear.
Marigold Calendula officinalis
Fixed star Procyon
Oil; flower; perfume; love charm in garden magic; medicinal;
If gathered when sun in Leo, and wrapped in Laurel leaf or
May tree leaf and a wolfs tooth added thereto, no man shall
be able to have one word to speak against the bearer thereof,
but words of peace. If anything is stolen, and the bearer of the
things before named, lay them under the head at night and a
vision of the thief is shown.
Place Marigold in church and unfaithful wives will not enter.
Milk Thistle
Sacred to Druids; love philtre with Vervain to make one desire
you. Ensures good luck.
Mix with Martegon (Silphion or Laserpitium) and it opens
Put mixture in mouth and all thoughts are created.
From Cerberus of the underworld; poison; numbs senses and
gives sensation of flying.
Clairvoyance; divination.
Power of prolonged life; protection; philtre.
Dry use; philtre; medicinal; dye; protection against nightmares
if hung over bed.
Overpowering effect on demons; used in incantations and
brews of love potions.
Yellow aromatic oil; yellow dye.
Flowers and leaves are collected.
Deadly poisonous.
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
Evergreen tree
Perfume1 3th lunar mansion.
Oil--oil of nutmeg; incense for psychic work; for concentration
and memory. Oil is rubbed on temples. Nutmeg is used
for money and business.
A pain killer, mild hallucinogenic--can poison.
Arillode of the Nutmeg. Incense for creative work; money and
Poison Oak English Oak , red oak, white oak, black oak
Woody perennial
Incense; wood; sacrificial; wet burning; dry burning; wood;
dry use; red dye.
Associated with thunder gods; tree of life; sacred to Zeus,
Connotes strength, masculinity, stability and longevity.
Branch of oak over doorway affords protection.
Collect bark from young branches in spring. Acorns in
autumn when they drop from tree.
Sachet; oil; balsam; incense; woodbase; emblem; dry use;
anointing for religious purposes; symbol of peace and wealth;
for safe travel.
Greek goddess of wisdom, Athene taught men to use the
olive tree; to end a quarrel.
The oil is attributable to Minerva (goddess of wisdom), used
to burn the temple lights.
Sachet mix.
Bulbs (fruit) were named and set beside a chimney, and the
first to sprout named the future marriage partner.
Aromatic oil; fatty oil; ointment; balsam; medicinal; culinary;
incense; perfume industry extracts an essential oil from the
seed; domestic.
Triumph; the smoke of parsley drives away venomous beasts.
Chief virtue is in the root; then seeds; the leaves least
powerful. An ingredient in flying ointment; considered unlucky
to transplant parsley from one home to another; was
used in mourning by the Greeks.
Sow immediately after spring equinox. To nulify wickedness-
sow on Good Friday under rising moon. Collect seeds
before ripening by cutting umbells. Roots collected dried and
ground make good incense.
For black pepper, gather berries while green and crush them.
For white pepper, gather berries while ripe and turning red
and crush them.
Periwinkle Provinsa
Sunflower seed oil, to illumine lamps; medicinal; culinary.
For matters of money and business.
Perfume; incense; smoked.
The American Indian regarded tobacco weed to have
supernatural powers and used it in ritual fumigation.
An incense in psychic work.
Unicorn Root
Used for protection.