Women Rights in India
Women Rights in India
Women Rights in India
According to the most recent population census (2011) the population
is made up of mainly Hindus (80.5 per cent), Muslims (13.4 per cent),
Christians (2.3 per cent), Sikhs (1.9 per cent), and small amounts of
Buddhists and Jains.
India’s poverty is one of the main reasons for low literacy among
women. Only 13% of farm is owned by women across India, however,
this figure is very low when it comes to Dalit women in India. About
41% women in India make their living by manual labour.
Woman in labour force
Women’s participation in the force is quite low, and has been falling
over the last few years. The female to male ratio is only 0.36. This is
worsened by lack of choices that women have to engage in paid work
related to work type and location, patriarchal gender norms, and the
undue burdens of unpaid care work that women bear.
Woman in media
The Global Media Monitoring Project 2015 has found that only 37 per
cent of all stories, including in newspapers and television, were
reported by women. This was the same figure a decade ago. Online,
however, women’s representation was 42 per cent.
Woman in Sports
One of the agreed reasons is that Gender bias holds back promoting
sporting talents in India especially in bigger stage. Be it any sports in
India, political support and economic background plays crucial role in
gaining a birth in any sport event.
Women Rights in India Vocabulary