Immediate Dental Implant Placement Into Infected vs. Non-Infected Sockets: A Meta-Analysis
Immediate Dental Implant Placement Into Infected vs. Non-Infected Sockets: A Meta-Analysis
Immediate Dental Implant Placement Into Infected vs. Non-Infected Sockets: A Meta-Analysis
Yaqin Wu†
Chun Xu
into infected vs. non-infected sockets:
Fuqiang Zhang a meta-analysis
Authors’ affiliations: Key words: bone implant interactions, histo-pathology, surgical techniques
Dan Zhao, Yaqin Wu, Chun Xu, Fuqiang Zhang,
Department of Prosthodontics, Shanghai Ninth
People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Abstract
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China Objective: This meta-analysis was aimed at assessing whether immediate dental implant placement
Dan Zhao, Yaqin Wu, Chun Xu, Fuqiang Zhang,
into infected vs. non-infected sites produced different effects on implant failure risk and marginal
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Shanghai
Research Institute of Stomatology, Shanghai, China bone loss.
Material and methods: Relevant studies were identified by searching articles in PubMed, Web of
Corresponding authors:
Chun Xu and Fuqiang Zhang
Knowledge, and the Cochrane Library through February 2015 and by reviewing the reference lists
Department of Prosthodontics, Shanghai Ninth of the retrieved articles. When an intervention led to dichotomous outcomes, the outcomes were
People’s Hospital expressed as risk ratios, whereas continuous outcomes were expressed as mean differences in
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
639 Zhizaoju Road millimeters; each had a 95% confidence interval. Study-specific estimates were combined using
Shanghai 200011 fixed-effects models.
China Results: A total of 1743 articles were identified following the search process. Seven studies were
Tel.: +86 21 23271699x5691
Fax: +86 21 63162608 finally included in the meta-analysis, which comprised a total of 1586 implants and 25 failures.
e-mails: [email protected] (C. Xu), fqzhang@vip. Compared to the immediate insertion of a dental implant into a non-infected site, the insertion of (F. Zhang). an implant into an infected site showed 116% increase in the risk of implant failure, which had
borderline statistical significance (risk ratio = 2.16, 95% confidence interval: 0.97, 4.80, P = 0.058;
heterogeneity: I2 = 0.0%, Pheterogeneity = 0.997). With regard to marginal bone loss, we observed no
statistically significant difference between insertions into infected vs. non-infected sites (mean
difference = 0.04, 95% confidence interval: 0.09, 0.02, P = 0.173, heterogeneity: I2 = 0.0%,
Pheterogeneity = 0.765).
Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggests that immediately placing a dental implant into an infected
site may increase the risk of implant failure. Given the presence of uncontrolled confounders in the
studies that were assessed, the results should be interpreted with caution.
Traditionally, before placing implants, tooth socket may increase the failure risk of the
extraction sockets are left to heal for several dental implant in comparison with implants
months or longer (Adell et al. 1981). How- placed into non-infected sockets (Schwartz-
ever, due to the preservation of esthetics, the Arad & Chaushu 1997; Lindeboom et al.
maintenance of the alveolar walls, and a 2006; Marconcini et al. 2013), whereas in
reduction of treatment time, it is sometimes other studies, no difference in risk was
advisable to place the implant into the observed (Del Fabbro et al. 2009; Truninger
extraction socket immediately, without wait- et al. 2011). Although there are three reviews
ing for healing (Lazzara 1989; Vanden about this topic, they gave different conclu-
Bogaerde et al. 2005). sions and suggestions. One suggested that
Recently, the immediate placement of an implants could be placed into sites with peri-
implant into an infected socket has become a apical and periodontal infections (Waasdorp
very controversial topic. A large collection of et al. 2010), while the other two gave
animal studies has shown there to be no sig- reserved suggestions (Alvarez-Camino et al.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
nificant difference between the success rates 2013; Chrcanovic et al. 2015).
Date: of immediately placing an implant into an Despite that a large number of relevant
Accepted 8 October 2015
infected socket vs. a non-infected socket studies have been conducted thus far, the
To cite this article: (Novaes et al. 2003; Palmer 2012), although results are still conflicting and inconclusive
Zhao D, Wu Y, Xu C, Zhang F. Immediate dental implant
placement into infected vs. non-infected sockets: a meta- controversy still exists in human studies. as to whether the presence of periodontal or
analysis. Several clinical studies have indicated that periapical infection is associated with
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 27, 2016, 1290–1296
doi: 10.1111/clr.12739 immediate implantation into an infected immediate implant failure and whether it is
1290 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Zhao et al Infection and immediate dental implant failure
advisable to heal the infected socket prior to than one study was conducted within the related to the implants and not the patients.
implant placement. Therefore, we conducted same study population, we selected either The estimates of relative effect were
a meta-analysis of published clinical studies the most recent report or the report with expressed as a risk ratio (RR) in the case of a
to quantitatively assess whether the immedi- the most applicable estimates to the meta- dichotomous outcome and as a mean differ-
ate placement of dental implants into analysis. ence (MD) in millimeters in the case of a
infected vs. non-infected sites changed the continuous outcome; both required a 95%
risk of implant failure and marginal bone Data extraction confidence interval (CI). Study-specific esti-
loss. We used a standardized protocol and report- mates were combined using either fixed or
ing form to extract the following data from random effects models, depending on
each publication: the first author, the year of whether a statistical heterogeneity was
Material and methods publication, the study design, the number of detected (Der Simonian & Laird 1986).
patients, the patients’ ages, the follow-up Heterogeneity among studies was assessed
This study followed the Preferred Reporting time, the type of pathology, the implant heal- with the Q and the I2 statistics, and the
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Ana- ing time, the number of patients with results were defined as heterogeneous for a P
lyses protocols 2015 (PRISMA-P 2015) state- implant failures, and the marginal bone loss. value <0.10 or an I2 > 50% (Higgins &
ment guidelines (Moher et al. 2015). If possible, we contacted the authors for Thompson 2002). Small study effects (effects
missing data. due to studies with small sample size), such
Study selection as publication bias, were evaluated by visual
We performed a systematic literature search Statistical analysis inspection of a funnel plot, and formal test-
in PubMed, Web of Knowledge, and the The infection and implant failure rates were ing was conducted using Egger’s and Begg’s
Cochrane Library through February 2015 treated as the dichotomous measures; the tests (Begg & Mazumdar 1994; Egger et al.
using the following key words: (implant OR rate of marginal bone loss was treated as a 1997).
implants) AND (infected OR infectious OR continuous variable. The statistical units for Statistical analyses were conducted using
periapical OR periodontal) AND (immediate “implant failure” and “marginal bone loss” Stata version 11.0 (StataCorp LP, College
OR immediately). The identified publications
were reviewed for their relevance to the
research topic by two independent authors
(ZD and WYQ). We also manually searched
the reference lists of the identified studies
and the relevant reviews to identify addi-
tional studies.
In this meta-analysis, oral infection is
defined as a periapical or periodontal lesion
identified by radiographs and chart notes.
The primary outcome of interest was implant
failure; the secondary outcome of interest
was marginal bone loss. Implant failure crite-
ria included clinically detectable implant
mobility during follow-up evaluations, radio-
graphic evidence of peri-implant radiolu-
cency, and signs or symptoms of infection,
according to the criteria reported by Albrek-
tsson (Albrektsson et al.1986).
To be included in the meta-analysis, each
study had to meet the following eligibility
criteria: (i) the study type was a clinical
human study, either randomized or not, and
was either interventional or observational; (ii)
the study compared the risks of implant fail-
ure or marginal bone loss for implants that
were immediately placed into infected vs.
non-infected sockets; (iii) implant failure and
marginal bone loss were the outcomes of
interest; (iv) the study either provided the
usable estimates and the corresponding 95%
CIs or enough data to calculate these mea-
sures. Exclusion criteria included case
reports, technical reports, animal studies,
in vitro studies, finite element analysis (FEA)
studies, and reviews. In cases where more Fig. 1. Selection process.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1291 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 27, 2016 / 1290–1296
Zhao et al Infection and immediate dental implant failure
Station, TX, USA). Two-sided P values had relatively long follow-up times (at least with periodontal lesions were pooled, a RR of
<0.05 were considered statistically 12 months). 1.99 was the result (95% CI: 0.10, 41.09,
significant. Of the seven studies, a total of 674 dental P = 0.66). And a subgroup analysis stratified
implants were placed into infected sites, with by different follow-up periods showed that
Results 15 failures (2.23%); a total of 912 implants the pooled RRs were 2.05 (95% CI: 0.84,
were placed into non-infected sites, with 10 4.99) and 2.58(95% CI: 0.43, 15.47) for the
Literature search failures (1.10%). No individual study showed <3-years and ≥3-years follow-ups, respec-
The study selection process is summarized a statistically significant difference concern- tively. No evidence of publication bias was
in Fig. 1. The literature search identified a ing the risks of implant failure between the indicated by visual examination of the funnel
total of 1743 records. After excluding 596 infected and non-infected (control) groups. In plot or the Egger’s (P = 0.252) and Begg’s tests
records with duplicated titles and abstracts, two of the included studies, there were no (P = 0.806) (Fig. 3).
1147 records were obtained. After the title implant failures (Crespi et al. 2010b; Jung For the secondary outcome, i.e., marginal
and abstract screening, 1128 records were et al. 2013). Three of the studies did not pro- bone loss, there was no statistically signifi-
further excluded based on the prespecified vide information about marginal bone levels cant difference between infected and non-
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Thus, 19 (Bell et al. 2011; Fugazzotto 2012; Blus et al. infected sites, and the pooled MDoverall was
records were selected for full-text screen- 2015); of the four studies providing this infor- 0.04 (95% CI: 0.09, 0.02, P = 0.17; hetero-
ing. Twelve articles did not meet the mation, only one study reported a change of geneity: I2 = 0.00%, Pheterogeneity = 0.765).
inclusion criteria after reading the full vertical distance from the implant shoulder The pooled MDs were 0.05 (95% CI: 0.15,
texts, of which eight did not have control to the first bone-to-implant contact (IS-BIC) 0.04, P = 0.25; heterogeneity: I2 = 0.0%,
groups, two were updated studies, one was on the mesial or the distal side of the Pheterogeneity = 0.164) and 0.03 (95% CI:
a duplicated study, and one was a review. implant (Jung et al. 2013). Three studies 0.10, 0.04, P = 0.40; heterogeneity: I2 =
Finally, a total of seven publications were reported marginal bone loss during the fol- 0.00%, Pheterogeneity = 0.490) for the 1-year
included in the meta-analysis (Crespi et al. low-up period (Crespi et al. 2010a,b; Mon- and ≥2 year follow-ups, respectively (Fig. 4).
2010a,b; Bell et al. 2011; Fugazzotto 2012; toya-Salazar et al. 2014).
Blus et al. 2015; Jung et al. 2013; Montoya- Discussion
Quality assessment
Salazar et al. 2014). Additional manual
Each trial was assessed for risk of bias
searching of the reference lists of
(Table 2). The trials were assessed in follow- To our knowledge, this is the first meta-ana-
selected studies did not yield additional
ing aspects: random sequence generation, lysis to summarize the current evidence on
allocation concealment, blinding of outcome the association between the immediate
assessments, and incomplete outcome data. placement of an implant into an infected
Description of the studies If all criteria were met, the trail would be socket and the implant failure risk. We
The descriptive details of the seven included judged as low risk of bias. In each of the found a borderline significant difference on
studies are listed in Table 1. There were five studies, sequence generation was not ran- the risks of implant failure between infected
prospective and two retrospective studies. A domized, allocation concealment was inade- and non-infected sites. The findings from
total of 935 patients with 1586 implants quate, and there was no blinding. Thus, all this meta-analysis suggested that the imme-
were included in the meta-analysis. All stud- studies were judged to be at high risk of bias. diate placement of implants into infected
ies provided information on the patients’ sockets might increase the risk of implant
ages, and none of them included non-adult Meta-analysis failure.
patients. Two studies included several Compared with the insertion of a dental Currently, many animal studies have
patients who smoked (Bell et al. 2011; Jung implant into a non-infected site, inserting an shown that there are no significant differ-
et al. 2013). The implants were immediately implant into an infected site doubled the risk ences between placing implants into infected
placed into infected sites after either being of implant failure, which had borderline vs. non-infected sites with regard to either
irradiated with a yttrium–scandium–gallium– statistical significance (pooled RR = 2.16, implant failure or to changes in marginal
garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser (Montoya-Salazar 95% CI: 0.97, 4.80, P = 0.058; heterogene- bone levels (Marcaccini et al. 2003; Novaes
et al. 2014) or ultrasonicated (Fugazzotto ity: I2 = 0.0%, Pheterogeneity = 0.997; Fig. 2). et al. 2003; Papalexiou et al. 2004). These
2012), which is a different method than is When the studies that evaluated implants results obtained in the animal studies may
used in other studies. In two of the studies, with a standard time of loading were be due to small sample sizes, short follow-up
the implants were from Straumann (Bell pooled, a RR of 2.03 was the result (95% times, or the creation of artificial periapical
et al. 2011; Jung et al. 2013), and two studies CI: 0.88, 4.69, P = 0.10; heterogeneity: or periodontal lesions that may not be repre-
did not indicate which brands of implants I2 = 0%, Pheterogeneity = 0.945), whereas when sentative of human lesions. Several clinical
were used (Fugazzotto 2012; Blus et al. studies that evaluated implants with imme- trials have suggested that implant placement
2015). All of the implants were inserted into diate loading were pooled, a RR of 1.26 was into sites with periodontal or endodontic
fresh extraction sockets, and information the result (95% CI: 0.16, 9.82, P = 0.82; infections may increase implant failure risk
was provided with regard to the healing/load- heterogeneity: I2 = 0%, Pheterogeneity = 0.687). and/or marginal bone loss (Karoussis et al.
ing time. In Crespi’s study (Crespi et al. When studies that evaluated sites with peri- 2003; Casap et al. 2007). This increased
2010b), implants were immediately loaded, apical lesions were pooled, a RR of 2.16 was failure risk may result from a negative
and in Blus’ study (Blus et al. 2015), the result (95% CI: 0.90, 5.21, P = 0.09; effect imparted by periapical and periodon-
implants were loaded either immediately, heterogeneity: I2 = 0%, Pheterogeneity = 0.922), tal infected lesions on osseointegration
early or delayed. All of the included studies whereas when studies that evaluated sites (Werbitt & Goldberg 1992). Implants can also
1292 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 27, 2016 / 1290–1296 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Table 1. Characteristics of studies included in meta-analysis
Follow-up, Failed/Placed Failure Antibiotics/Mouth Healing Marginal bone loss Type of
Study Design Patients, n Age, years year/month Implants, n Rate, % Rinse, days Period, m (Mean SD), mm Infection Implant type
Blus et al. (2015) Prospective 168 (36,Ta; 47, 26–77 1 2/36 (Ta), 0/47 97.6 (T), Amoxicillin with Immediate; NM Acute, NM
Tc; 85,C) (Tc), 1/85 (C) 98.8 (C) Clavulanic acid, 1–3 m; 3 m Chronic
2 9 1 g/day for periapical
5 days, starting lesion
6–12 h before
Montoya-Salazar Prospective 36 (18,T; 18,C) 18–50 3 1/1 8 (T), 94.44z(T), Amoxicillin, 4.5 m 0.53 0.13 (T); Chronic Mis Ibe
et al. (2014) 0/1 8 (C) 100(C) 10 days (pre- 0.60 0.16 (C) periapical Barcelona,
operation lesion Spain
4 days)
Jung et al. (2013) Prospective 27 (12,T; 15,C) 53 (31–87), T; 5 0/12 (T), 100 (T), Amoxicyllin 3m Change IS- Periapical Standard Plus or
60 (28–82), C 0/15 (C) 100 (C) 750 mg, 5 days; BIC mesial: lesion Tapered Effect;
0.2% 0.2 0.4 (T); Straumann
Chlorhexidine 0.1 0.4 (C) Dental Implant
digluconate Change IS- System, Straumann
BIC distal: AG, Basel,
0.3 0.7 (T); Switzerland
0.2 0.6 (C)
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Fugazzotto (2012) Retrospective 128 (64,T; 64, 46 (21–71) 62–64 m 3/64 (T), 95.3 (T), Amoxicillin 3–7 m NM Periapical NM
C) 1/64 (C) 98.4 (C) (39500 mg/day, pathology
for 10 days), or
(29300 mg/day,
for 10 days).
49400 mg /day,
for 5 days
Bell et al. (2011) Retrospective 922 (285,T; 58.4 (T); 60.1 19.75 m 7/285 (T), 97.5 (T), Pre-operative 3m NM Chronic Strauman Dental
637,C) (C) (3–93 m) 8/637 (C) 98.7 (C) Chlorhexidine periapical Implants, Basel,
rinse, lesion Switzerland
(600 mg
Clindamycin or
2 g Ampicillin)
Crespi et al. Prospective 275 (197,T; 78, 52.5 (32–71) 4 2/197(T), 98.9 (T), Amoxicillin Immediate 0.79 0.38 (T); Chronic Titanium Plasma
1293 |
(2010a) C) 0/78 (C) 100 (C) (291 g /day, for 0.78 0.38 (C) periodontal Spray, Sweden-
7 days) from 1 h lesion Martina, Padova,
before surgery Italy.
twice daily for
15 days
Crespi et al. Prospective 30 (15,T; 15,C) 51.2 (34–71) 1 0/15 (T), 100 (T), Amoxicillin 3m 0.86, 0.54 (T); Chronic Seven, Sweden-
(2010b) 0/15 (C) 100 (C) (291 g /day, for 0.82,0.52 (C) periapical Martina, Padova,
7 days) from 1 h lesion Italy.
before surgery
twice daily for
15 days
T, the text (infected) group; C, the control (non-infected) group; Ta, the acute infected group; Tc, the chronic infected group; NM, no mention.
Zhao et al Infection and immediate dental implant failure
Table 2. Risk of bias analysis dures to perform the decontamination of the single study level with respect to the risk of
Incomplete outcome implant site, such as preoperative antibiotics, implant failure between infected groups and
Study data addressed postoperative antibiotics, and alveolar non-infected control groups. However, a
Blus et al. (2015) No debridement, have been suggested to create meta-analysis of these individual studies
Montoya-Salazar No the appropriate conditions for bone regenera- could help gain a higher statistical power for
et al. (2014)
tion and osseointegration (Lindeboom et al. the measure of interest, as opposed to a less
Jung et al. (2013) Yes
Fugazzotto (2012) No 2006; Siegenthaler et al. 2007). precise measure derived from a single study.
Bell et al. (2011) No There are several important issues in the Second, only one of the included studies was
Crespi et al. (2010a) No present meta-analysis that should be taken about periodontal infection. Despite being
Crespi et al. (2010b) No
into consideration. First, several of the different as to etiology and pathogenesis,
For all studies, sequence generation was not included publications had only short-term periodontal infections and periapical infec-
randomized; allocation concealment was
follow-up periods, which may explain why tions show some similarities. They share a
inadequate; there was no blinding; and the
estimated potential risk of bias was high. the failure risks were low in some studies common microbiota (Sundqvist 1992; Noiri
and why some studies reported no failure et al. 2001) and both elevate systemic cyto-
events at all. A longer follow-up period can kine levels (Barkhordar et al. 1999; Gamonal
potentially become contaminated due to rem- lead to an increase in the risk of failure. et al. 2000). The similarity suggests that
nants of infection, which may also lead to Because of the short follow-up periods in the cross-infection between the root canal and
implant failure (Polizzi et al. 2000). In cur- included studies, it was difficult to discern the periodontal pocket can occur. When we
rent clinical practice, proper clinical proce- statistically significant differences on the excluded the study about periodontal infec-
tion, the results were basically the same;
however, the generalization of these results
should be taken with caution. Third, in two
included studies, two implants (one was for
test and the other for control subject) placed
in the same patient. When we excluded
these two studies from the analysis, the
pooled results of the remaining studies did
not change materially. Forth, as follow-up
time increased, the differences in marginal
bone loss between the intervention and the
control groups decreased, which suggested
that marginal bone loss primarily occurs
within the first year following implant place-
ment (Jung et al. 2013). With the passage of
time, the autoimmunization of the patient
may defeat the infection, which results in a
Fig. 2. Forest plot for implant failures regarding infected group vs. non-infected group. phase of stability (i.e., the marginal bone
level no longer substantially changes) (Block
et al. 2009).
Our study had several strengths. The pre-
sent article is the first meta-analysis to quan-
titatively assess the association between the
immediate placement of a dental implant
into an infected socket and the implant fail-
ure risk. Moreover, no significant heterogene-
ity was detected between the included
studies. However, this study also had limita-
tions. First, two of the included studies had a
retrospective design, and the nature of a ret-
rospective study is inherently flawed. Second,
several unknown or unmeasured con-
founders, such as smoking, diabetes, the
pathological extent of the infections, and
brushing habits, may have affected implant
failure risks or marginal bone loss. However,
it is difficult to avoid the residual confound-
ing that was inherent to the original studies
when using a meta-analyzed approach. Third,
one of the included studies used different
Fig. 3. Forest plot of margin bone levels for 1 year and no less than 2 years. procedures (i.e., the application of a laser to
1294 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 27, 2016 / 1290–1296 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Zhao et al Infection and immediate dental implant failure
Fig. 4. Funnel plot for implant failures regarding infected group vs. non-infected group.
Acknowledgements: The authors
the infected site) between the test and con- did not change. Finally, publication bias declare no funding for the study and no
trol groups, which might have affected the might have influenced the results. Although conflict of interest. We appreciate Dr. Yang
failure risk. However, when we excluded this there is no proof of publication bias in the Yang for his contribution to the statistical
study from the analysis, the pooled results present meta-analysis, tests for publication analysis.
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1296 | Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 27, 2016 / 1290–1296 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd