Advertising and Brand Management: UNIT-1

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Advertising Role in the Marketing Process: Legal Ethical and social Aspects of Advertising.
Functions and types of advertising. Integrated Marketing communication .Brand management ,
Brand Image, Brand Equity and Brand Building. Ethics of advertising

The major players in advertising, Advertising agency, Brand manager, market research firms, ,
Media, Type of agencies. Structure of an agency and its functions. The process of developing an


Objective Setting and market Positioning; Dagmar Approach ñ Determination of Target

Audience and understanding them. Assumptions about consumer behavior an advertiser makes.
Building of Advertising Programme-Message, Headlines, Copy, Logo, Illustration, Appeal,
layout Campaign Planning. Creative Strategies. Production and execution of TVCs and print

Media Planning, Budgeting; Evaluation- Methods . Media buying . Emerging medias and trends.

Advertising Research. Effectiveness of advertising- methods of measurement. Rationale of

testing Opinion and Attitude Tests, Recognition, Recall,


Advertising: Its importance and nature; Communication model; Persuasion Process – perception,
learning and attitude change; Major advertising decisions and influencing factors; Determining
advertising Objectives and budget.

Developing Advertising Campaign: Determining advertising message and copy - Headline, body
copy, logo, illustration and layout; Creative styles and advertising appeals; Media planning –
media selection and scheduling Advertising through Internet.

Organisation and Evaluation of Advertising Efforts: In-house arrangements; Using advertising

agencies – selection, compensation and appraisal of advertising agency; Evaluating Advertising
Effectiveness. Importance of branding; Basic Branding concepts – Brand personality, brand
image, brand identify, brand equity and brand loyalty; Product vs. Corporate branding: Major
branding decisions.


Understanding Brands ñ Branding practices, Brand Manager concept & organisation.

Module-II: Brand Personality, Brand Image, brand identity, Brand Positioning, Brand Equity;
Value addition from Branding ñ Brand-customer Relationships, Brand Loyalty and Customer

Module-III: Managing Brands; Brand Creation, Brand Extensions Brand-product Relationships,

important factors in conception and various stages of growth and maturity of brands


Module-IV: Brand Portfolio, brands going international, Assessment of Brands through Research
ñ Brand identity, Personality Assessment and Change; Brand Revitalization, brand repositioning

Module-V: Financial Aspects of brands, Branding in Different Sectors: customer, Industrial,

Retail and Service Brands.

Identifying and selecting brand name Building brand personality, image and identity; Brand
positioning and re-launch; Brand extension; Brand portfolio; communication for branding
Enhancing brand image through sponsorship and even management.

Managing Brand Equity and Loyalty: Brand Building in Different Sectors - Customers,
industrial, retail and service brands. Building brands through Internet. Developing International
Brands: Pre-requisites and process; Country-of-origin effects and global branding; Building
Indian brands for global market

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