Pharyngitis: Approach To Diagnosis and Treatment
Pharyngitis: Approach To Diagnosis and Treatment
Pharyngitis: Approach To Diagnosis and Treatment
Sources of information The approach described is based on the authors’ Diagnosis of the cause of
clinical practice and peer-reviewed literature from 1989 to 2018. pharyngitis is primarily achieved
using key clinical features seen in
Main message Sore throat caused by pharyngitis is commonly seen in family the modified Centor or FeverPAIN
scoring systems and, sparingly, with
medicine clinics and is caused by inflammation of the pharynx and surrounding
rapid antigen detection testing.
tissues. Pharyngitis can be caused by viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. Viral
causes are often self-limiting, while bacterial and fungal infections typically Antibiotic stewardship and the low
incidence of streptococcal pharyngitis
require antimicrobial therapy. Rapid antigen detection tests and throat
complications suggest that
cultures can be used with clinical findings to identify the inciting organism.
treatments can be largely supportive.
Pharyngitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes is among the most concerning Empirical antibiotic use should be
owing to its associated severe complications such as acute rheumatic fever limited to patients who are severely
and glomerulonephritis. Hence, careful diagnosis of pharyngitis is necessary to ill, have a high risk of complications,
provide targeted treatment. or show no signs of improvement
within 5 days of presentation.
Conclusion A thorough history is key to diagnosing pharyngitis. Rapid antigen
detection tests should be reserved for concerns about antibiotic initiation.
Physicians should exercise restraint in antibiotic initiation for pharyngitis, as
restraint does not delay recovery or increase the risk of S pyogenes infections.
ore throat and pharyngitis represent more than 2% and 5% of all out-
patient primary care visits for adult and pediatric populations, respec-
tively.1 It is characterized by inflammation of the pharynx, nasopharynx,
and tonsillar tissues.2 Incidence peaks between late winter and early spring.
Eighty percent of cases are caused by viral agents, while the remaining are
bacterial and, rarely, fungal infections3 (Table 1). Herein, we provide an
updated clinical review of pharyngitis for Canadian family physicians.
Case description
Ms Z. is an 18-year-old woman presenting to the family medicine clinic
with a 3-day history of sore throat and odynophagia. She denies having
a cough or runny nose but has been febrile with intermittent chills. She
denies recent sick contacts and has not traveled in the past 2 months. She
had similar symptoms a few years ago, which were treated with antibiotics.
She is hoping to obtain an antibiotic prescription to alleviate her symptoms.
Given Ms Z.’s symptoms and probable fever in the absence of cough and
rhinorrhea, pharyngitis is suspected.
Sources of information
The approach described is based on the authors’ clinical practice along with
research and clinical review articles from 1989 to 2018.
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Main message Patients can present with some or none of these signs
Although viral pharyngitis is typically self-limiting with and symptoms. Predictive algorithms have been developed
minimal sequelae, bacterial and fungal infections are more to guide investigation and prevent antibiotic overprescrib-
severe. Streptococcus pyogenes—group A streptococcus ing by assigning signs and symptoms an aggregated pretest
(GAS)—infections (“strep throat”) occur in up to 30% and probability for bacterial pharyngitis.17 The modified Centor
15% of sore throats in pediatric and adult populations, score (Figure 2) remains the most widely used method
respectively.2 Group A streptococcus infections can have to work up streptococcal pharyngitis.18 Those with scores
life-threatening complications in less than 0.015% of pedi- of 1 or less are at very low risk (< 10%), while those with
atric and 0.05% of adult patients.4,5 These can be separated scores of 4 or greater are at high risk (53%) of streptococcal
into nonsuppurative (acute rheumatic fever, glomerulo- infections. Alternatively, the FeverPAIN score (Figure 3) has
nephritis, pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders gained popularity in the United Kingdom.19 It predicts strep
associated with streptococcal infections) and suppurative throat based on acute symptom onset (< 3 days), recent
(peritonsillar abscess, septic jugular-vein thrombophlebitis, (< 24 hours) fever, absence of cough or coryza, and purulent
Vincent angina) complications that warrant urgent medical or inflamed tonsils. Scores below 2 to 3 have up to a 40%
or surgical intervention.2,6 chance of streptococcal infection, and risk increases to up
Preventing complications requires antimicrobial to 65% with a score of 4.19 This approach might be equiva-
treatment, but growing antibiotic resistance has placed lent if not superior to the modified Centor score for reducing
emphasis on minimizing antibiotic use.7 Unfortunately, the need for diagnostic testing and antibiotics without neg-
differentiating bacterial pharyngitis from other infec- atively affecting patient outcomes.19
tions is difficult.
Laboratory investigations. Throat culture remains the
Signs and symptoms. Clinical differentiation of viral, criterion standard for bacterial pharyngitis diagnosis,
bacterial, and fungal pharyngitis is challenging owing with 97% to 100% specificity20 and 90% to 95% sensitiv-
to similarities in presentation. Sore throat, odynopha- ity.10 Unfortunately, culture of throat samples is diffi-
gia, and fever are all common features. These symptoms cult and can delay antibiotics.21 Cultures rarely influence
typically peak within 3 to 5 days and resolve by day 10.8 antibiotic selection, as prescribing practices currently
Although some pathogen-specific symptoms have been cover for GAS. Rather, they can rule out atypical infec-
reported, predictive values have only been formulated tions such as non-GAS and fungal pharyngitis that
for GAS pharyngitis (Table 2).2,3,9-14 require alternate antimicrobial regimens.22
Physical findings can help guide diagnosis (Figure 1). Rapid antigen detection testing (RADT) affords same-
Tonsillar hypertrophy, erythema, edema, or “cobble- visit diagnostics. These point-of-care tests detect bac-
stoning” of the posterior pharynx suggest viral infec- terial and viral antigens from throat swabs taken from
tions. 2 Findings like upper-lip edema, splenomegaly, tonsillar exudates or the posterior oropharynx using
posterior cervical adenopathy, and polymorphic rashes dipsticks. Currently, they have been designed to rule
increase suspicion for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infec- in streptococcal infections, respiratory syncytial virus,
tions.9,15 Bacterial pathogens might cause anterior cer- and influenza.23-25 The specificity and sensitivity of RADT
vical lymphadenopathy, sandpaperlike (scarlatiniform) vary widely from 54% to 100% and 38% to 100%, respec-
rashes, tonsillar exudates, and palatal petechiae. 16 tively.2,23,25-27 Although results are immediate, each kit
Fungal pharyngitis presents with angular cheilitis and is pathogen-specific and cannot broadly differentiate
painful white curdlike plaques or smooth red patches between viral and bacterial pharyngitis. Hence, negative
within the oropharynx.14 results cannot rule out non-GAS bacterial pharyngitis.
252 Canadian Family Physician | Le Médecin de famille canadien } Vol 66: APRIL | AVRIL 2020
Table 2. Summary of common signs and symptoms of viral, bacterial, and fungal pharyngitis: Signs and symptoms of
bacterial pharyngitis can overlap with those of streptococcal pharyngitis.
Viral Cough3,9,10 NA NA NA
Tonsillar hypertrophy2
Oropharyngeal erythema
or edema2
Bacterial Nausea and NA NA NA
Abdominal pain3,10,11
Group A streptococcus Scarlatiniform rash3,10-12 3.91 (2.00-7.62) 0.98 (0.95-0.99) 0.08 (0.05-0.14)
Palatal petechiae11-13 2.69 (1.92-3.77) 0.95 (0.91-0.97) 0.15 (0.10-0.21)
Tonsillar exudate11-13 1.53 (1.00-2.24) 0.74 (0.64-0.83) 0.38 (0.27-0.51)
Arthralgia or myalgia 11-13
1.42 (1.00-1.91) 0.87 (0.70-0.95) 0.18 (0.06-0.44)
Cervical adenopathy 11-13
1.40 (1.12-1.89) 0.40 (0.23-0.61) 0.82 (0.71-0.89)
Fungal Loss of taste 14
Mouth numbness 14
Oropharyngeal white
curdlike plaques14
Oropharyngeal smooth
red patches14
Angular cheilitis14
LR—likelihood ratio, NA—not available.
Antistreptolysin O titre tests are used for patients with bacterial and viral infections. Cultures effectively iden-
suspected suppurative complications of GAS. However, tify pathogens but should not delay or guide initial treat-
they are not recommended in acute illness, as serologic ment in atypical presentations, as results have a 5- to
markers peak 3 to 8 weeks after symptom onset.28,29 10-day latency and fail to distinguish those with acute
Individuals suspected of having EBV infections infections from carriers. Alternatively, RADT technol-
should receive mononucleosis spot testing. Despite hav- ogy is specific but equally should not guide management
ing a sensitivity of 70% to 92% and specificity of 96% to in isolation, as its sensitivity can be variable and RADT
100%,30 there is a 25% false-negative rate when used in lacks high-quality evidence in the pediatric population.23
the first 10 days of presentation.31 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Negative RADT results in patients aged 5 to 15 should
pharyngitis was traditionally diagnosed by oral swab be verified with a throat culture.34 Moreover, children
culture; recently nucleic acid amplification tests for younger than 3 should not be tested unless there is a
extragenital testing have been approved by Public high chance of GAS exposure, as incidence within this
Health Ontario, the Food and Drug Administration, and population is less than 14% and infection rarely causes
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.32,33 acute rheumatic fever.35
Approximately 7% of pediatric and 20% of adult
Clinical decision making. Management of pharyngitis patients are asymptomatic and noninfectious carriers of
focuses on deciding whether to watch and wait, pro- GAS.36 Superfluous antibiotic use can lead to unnecessary
vide symptomatic treatment, or initiate antimicrobial side effects and increase health care costs. The Infectious
therapy. This relies on accurate differentiation between Diseases Society of America 2012 guidelines suggest that
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254 Canadian Family Physician | Le Médecin de famille canadien } Vol 66: APRIL | AVRIL 2020
Figure 2. Modified Centor scoring system: Used to calculate the risk of streptococcal pharyngitis and to decide whether RADT and antimicrobial
therapy should be initiated in patients presenting with sore throat. Clinicians should consider performing RADT for those with scores of 2 if
they are pediatric patients, if they are at risk of complications (immunocompromised or frail), or if they appear clinically unwell.
Score ≤ 2 Score ≥ 3
GAS risk 1% to 17% GAS risk 28% to 53%
Figure 3. FeverPAIN scoring system: Developed in the United Kingdom for calculating the risk of streptococcal pharyngitis in patients
presenting with sore throat. Scores can be further used to decide when antimicrobial therapy versus follow-up is warranted.
GAS—group A streptococcus.
Values from Little et al.19
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Figure 4. Generalized approach to pharyngitis: Antimicrobial therapy should be initiated in patients who are severely ill or who are highly
suspected of having streptococcal infections. Modified Centor and FeverPAIN scores of < 3 should be treated symptomatically with possible
follow-up for worsening symptoms or delayed prescription if there are concerns about loss to follow-up. Those at risk of complications (elderly,
frail, immunocompromised) might benefit from RADT to rule out bacterial causes. Severely ill patients should be referred immediately to the
hospital or urgent care for immediate management and workup.
Atypical or high risk
Perform RADT
Negative results
Positive results
with amoxicillin–clavulanic acid or clindamycin. If atypi- without exudates. Her pharynx appears red and
cal bacteria such as N gonorrhoeae or Corynebacterium inflamed. The modified Centor and FeverPAIN scores
diphtheriae are suspected, patients should be started are both calculated to be 2. Viral pharyngitis is sus-
on ceftriaxone or erythromycin, respectively.3 Fungal pected, and RADT is not performed. Ms. Z is asked
pharyngitis should be suspected in immunocompro- to take ibuprofen for pain and to maintain adequate
mised patients and the elderly, for which fluconazole hydration. She is instructed to return if her symptoms
and miconazole treatments should be employed.14 worsen over the next 3 days.
Recurrent pharyngitis should be treated with
penicillin-rifampin or cefpodoxime proxetil. Patients Conclusion
with recurrent episodes of streptococcal bacterial ton- Pharyngitis is a common concern seen in primary
sillitis (> 7 in the past year, > 5 per year for the past care, caused by viral, bacterial, and fungal agents. The
2 years, or > 3 per year for the past 3 years) can be most concerning are S pyogenes infections, which can
referred to an otolaryngology–head and neck sur- lead to suppurative and nonsuppurative complica-
gery specialist for consideration of tonsillectomy. 35 tions. Diagnosis of the cause of pharyngitis is currently
Eradication for asymptomatic colonized carriers is achieved through key clinical features seen in the modi-
currently not indicated.50 However, acute flares should fied Centor or FeverPAIN scoring systems in conjunction
be treated as concurrent infections requiring 10 days with RADT. Antibiotic stewardship and the low incidence
of clindamycin or penicillin-rifampin, or 1 dose of of streptococcal pharyngitis complications suggest that
benzathine penicillin G and rifampin.51-54 treatments can be largely supportive. Empirical antibi-
otic use should be limited to patients who are severely
Case resolution ill, have a high risk of complications, or show no signs of
Ms Z.’s lack of cough and rhinorrhea help to rule improvement within 5 days of presentation.
out sinusitis and postnasal drip. She appears to be Dr Sykes is a first-year resident and Dr Wu is a second-year resident, both in the
Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Toronto
distressed and in pain when swallowing but does in Ontario. Dr M.M. Beyea is a fifth-year resident in the Department of Emergency
not appear severely ill. She is febrile and examina- Medicine at Western University in London, Ont. Dr Simpson is a family physician in the
Department of Family Medicine at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. Dr J.A. Beyea
tion reveals an enlarged cervical lymph node on her is Assistant Professor and Research Director in the Department of Otolaryngology at
left side, along with bilateral tonsillar hypertrophy Queen’s University and Adjunct Scientist with ICES Queen’s.
256 Canadian Family Physician | Le Médecin de famille canadien } Vol 66: APRIL | AVRIL 2020
Contributors 28. Cohen R, Haas H, Lorrot M, Biscardi S, Romain O, Vie Le Sage F, et al. Traitement antimicro-
Drs Sykes and Wu contributed equally to the literature review and its interpretation. bien des infections ORL. Arch Pediatr 2017;24(12S):S9-16.
All authors contributed to the interpretation of the literature and preparation of the 29. Stewart EH, Davis B, Clemans-Taylor BL, Littenberg B, Estrada CA, Centor RM. Rapid antigen
manuscript for submission.. group A streptococcus test to diagnose pharyngitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
PLoS One 2014;9(11):e111727.
Competing interests 30. Matthys J, De Meyere M, Van Driel ML, De Sutter A. Differences among international pharyn-
None declared gitis guidelines: not just academic. Ann Fam Med 2007;5(5):436-43.
31. Russell BL, Steele JC Jr. Infectious mononucleosis testing at the point-of-care. Point Care
Dr Jason A. Beyea; e-mail [email protected]
32. Womack J, Jimenez M. Common questions about infectious mononucleosis. Am Fam Physi-
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