Cyclic Load Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages of Modern Structures
Cyclic Load Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages of Modern Structures
Cyclic Load Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages of Modern Structures
The seismic performance of four one-half scale exterior beam-column subassemblages (A1, E1, E2, and G1) had the same general
subassemblages is examined. All subassemblages were typical of new and cross-sectional dimensions, as shown in Fig. 1.
structures and incorporated full seismic details in current building Subassemblages E1, E2, and G1 had the same longitudinal
codes, such as a weak girder-strong column design philosophy.
The subassemblages were subjected to a large number of inelastic
column reinforcement, eight bars with a diameter of 14 mm,
cycles. The tests indicated that current design procedures could while the longitudinal column reinforcement of A1 consisted of
sometimes result in excessive damage to the joint regions. eight bars with a diameter of 10 mm (0.4 in.). The longitudinal
column reinforcement of A1 was lower than that of the other
Keywords: beam-column frames; connections; cyclic loads; reinforced three subassemblages (E1, E2, and G1) due to the restrictions
concrete; structural analysis. of ACI 352R-026 for the column bars passing through the
joint. Subassemblages E1 and G1 had the same percentage
INTRODUCTION of longitudinal beam reinforcement (ρE1 = ρG1 = 7.7 × 10–3)
The key to the design of ductile moment-resisting frames and Subassemblages A1 and E2 also had the same percentage
is that the beam-to-column connections and columns must of longitudinal beam reinforcement (ρA1 = 5.23 × 10–3 and
remain essentially elastic throughout the load history to ρE2 = 5.2 × 10–3), but different from the percentage of E1 and
ensure the lateral stability of the structure. If the connections G1. The longitudinal beam reinforcement of A1 consisted of
or columns exhibit stiffness and/or strength deterioration four bars with a diameter of 10 mm, while the beam reinforce-
with cycling, collapse due to P-Δ effects or to the formation ment of E2 consisted of two bars with a diameter of 14
of a story mechanism may be unavoidable.1,2 mm. Subassemblage A1 had smaller beam reinforcing bars
Four one-half scale beam-column subassemblages were than Subassemblage E2 due to the restrictions of ACI 352R-026
designed and constructed in turn, according to Eurocode 23
for the beam bars passing through the joint. The joint shear
and Eurocode 8,4 according to ACI 318-055 and ACI 352R-02,6
reinforcements of the subassemblages used in the experiments,
and according to the new Greek Earthquake Resistant
Code7 and the new Greek Code for the Design of Reinforced are as follows: Ø6 multiple hoop at 5 cm for Subassemblage A1
Concrete Structures.8 (Fig. 1(a)), Ø6 multiple hoop at 5 cm for Subassemblage E1,
The subassemblages were subjected to cyclic lateral load (Fig. 1(b)), Ø6 multiple hoop at 4.8 cm for Subassemblage E2
histories so as to provide the equivalent of severe earthquake (Fig. 1(a)) and Ø8 multiple hoop at 10 cm for Subassemblage G1
damage. The results indicate that current design procedures (Fig. 1(b)). All subassemblages incorporated seismic details.
could sometimes result in severe damage to the joint, despite The purpose of Subassemblages A1, E1, E2, and G1 was to
the use of a weak girder-strong column design philosophy. represent details of new structures. As is clearly demon-
strated in Fig. 1(a) and (b), all the subassemblages had high
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE flexural strength ratios MR. The purpose of using an MR ratio
Experimental data and experience from earthquakes indicate (sum of the flexural capacity of columns to that of beam(s))
that loss of capacity might occur in joints that are part of significantly greater than 1.00 in earthquake-resistant
older reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures.9-12 There is constructions is to push the formation of the plastic hinge in
scarce experimental evidence and insufficient data, however, the beams, so that the safety (that is, collapse prevention) of
about the performance of joints designed according to the structure is not jeopardized.1,2,4-7,9,10,13 Thus, in all these
current codes during strong earthquakes. This research subassemblages, the beam is expected to fail in a flexural mode
provides structural engineers with useful information about during cyclic loading.
the safety of new RC frame structures that incorporate The concrete 28-day compressive strength of both
seismic details from current building codes. In some cases, Subassemblages A1 and E2 was 35 MPa (5075 psi), while the
safety could be jeopardized during strong earthquakes by concrete 28-day compressive strength of both Subassemblages
premature joint shear failures. The joints could at times E1 and G1 was 22 MPa (3190 psi). Reinforcement yield strengths
remain the weak link even for structures designed in accordance are as follows: Ø6 = 540 MPa (78 ksi), Ø10 = 500 MPa (73 ksi),
with current model building codes. and Ø14 = 495 MPa (72 ksi) (note: Ø6 [No. 2]), Ø10 [No. 3],
and Ø14 [No. 4]) are bars with a diameter of 6, 10, and 14 mm).
Four one-half scale exterior beam-column subassemblages ACI Structural Journal, V. 104, No. 4, July-August 2007.
were designed and constructed for this experimental and MS No. S-2006-230.R1 received June 21, 2006, and reviewed under Institute publi-
cation policies. Copyright © 2007, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, includ-
analytical investigation. Reinforcement details of the ing the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including author’s closure, if any, will be published in the May-
subassemblages are shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b). All the June 2008 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by January 1, 2008.
Approximately 10 electrical-resistance strain gauges were Scott et al.15 tested column subassemblages with various
bonded on the reinforcing bars of each subassemblage of amounts of hoop reinforcement under strain rates ranging
the program. from 0.33 × 10–5 sec–1 (static loading), to 0.0167 sec–1
(seismic loading). Their test results conformed with the
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND results obtained from Eq. (1).
The general arrangement of the experimental setup is Using the aforementioned expression, it is estimated that for
shown in Fig. 2(a). All subassemblages were subjected to a strain rate of ε· = 0.0167 sec–1, concrete strengths increase
11 cycles applied by slowly displacing the beam’s free end by approximately 20% (compared with the static one). An
according to the load history shown in Fig. 2(b) without expression similar to Eq. (1) can be found in the CEB code.16
reaching the actuator stroke limit. The amplitudes of the Thus, the strengths exhibited by Subassemblages A1, E1,
peaks in the displacement history were 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, E2, and G1 during the tests are somewhat lower than the
45, 50, 55, 60, and 65 mm. One loading cycle was performed strengths they would exhibit if subjected to load histories
at each displacement amplitude. An axial load equal to 200 kN similar to actual seismic events.
was applied to the columns of the subassemblages and kept
constant throughout the test. The experimental loading EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
sequence used is a typical one, commonly used in previous Failure mode of Subassemblages A1, E1, E2, and G1
studies.1,11,13 It was not the objective of this study to investigate The failure mode of Subassemblages A1 and E2, as
the effect of other, nonstandard loading histories on the expected, involved the formation of a plastic hinge in the
response of the subassemblages. beam at the column face. The formation of plastic hinges
As previously mentioned, all the subassemblages were loaded caused severe cracking of the concrete near the fixed beam end
slowly. The strain rate of the load applied corresponded to of each subassemblage (Fig. 3). The behavior of Subassem-
static conditions. In the case of seismic loading, the strain blages A1 and E2 was as expected and as documented in the
rate ε· is higher than the rate corresponding to static conditions. seismic design philosophy of the modern codes as will be
Soroushian and Sim14 showed that an increase in ε· with explain in the following.4-7
Fig. 1—Dimensions and cross-sectional details of: (a) Subassemblages A1 and E2; and (b) Subassemblages E1 and G1. (Note:
dimensions are in cm. 1 cm = 0.0394 in.)
αγ 4
V jh
τ = -------------------
- (4) ψ = ----------- 1 + -----2- (12)
hc ′ × bc ′ 2 fc α
where h ′c and b ′c are the length and the width of the joint Then Eq. (10) is transformed into
core, respectively.
It is now necessary to establish a relationship between the 5
( x + ψ ) + 10ψ – 10x = 1 (13)
average normal compressive stress σ and the average shear
stress τ. From Eq. (3) and (4)
The solution of the system of Eq. (11) to (13) gives the
beam-column joint ultimate strength τult = γult f c (MPa).
σ = ------jv- × τ (5) This system is solved each time for a given value of the joint
V jh aspect ratio using standard mathematical analysis. The joint
ultimate strength τult depends on the increased joint concrete
It has been shown that compressive strength due to confining fc and on the joint
aspect ratio α. Thus, typical values of τult for comparison with
the values of ACI 318-05,5 ACI 352R-02,6 and Eurocode 84
V h
------jv- = ----b- = α (6) are not possible to derive. A particular value, however, for
V jh hc each joint would be calculated as in the following example.