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Deformability and Settlement of Jointed Rock Mass: Singh, Rajbal Sarwade, D.V. Kapoor, V.K

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Indian Geotechnical Conference – 2010, GEOtrendz

December 16–18, 2010

IGS Mumbai Chapter & IIT Bombay

Deformability and Settlement of Jointed Rock Mass

Singh, Rajbal Sarwade, D.V. Kapoor, V.K.

Joint Director Research Officer Assistant Research Officer
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi

This paper deals with in-situ parameters of rock mass determined by conducting five plate load tests in the right
bank drift of Anji Khad Bridge. There are vast variations in deformability of rock mass even in close vicinity and
it may be due to the extent and nature of discontinuities as seen from the results. Net settlement and elastic
rebound varies from 0.185 mm to 0.615 mm and 0.993 mm to 1.655 mm respectively at applied stress 5.66 MPa.
Expected settlement of bridge foundation for 1200m2 footing varied from 7.40 mm to 16.44 mm at applied stress
5.66 MPa. Values of coefficient of uniform elastic compression (Cu) and modulus of sub-grade reaction (Kz) varied
from 326 kg/cm2/cm to 534 kg/cm2/cm and 68 kg/cm3 to 148 kg/cm3 respectively.

1. INTRODUCTION This paper deals with in-situ parameters of rock mass

Anji Khad Bridge as part of Udhampur Srinagar Barmulla determined by conducting five plate load tests in the right
Rail Link Project is located in Reasi district, J&K. It bank investigation drift (Reasi end).
envisages the construction of an arc bridge across Anji 2. TEST LOCATIONS
Khad, a seasonal tributary of Chenab River, near Reasi.
Five plate load tests were conducted in the right bank drift
The proposed Anji Bridge is 186m high and 657m long
of the Anji Khad Bridge Project. The locations of the tests
with arch span of 265m and viaduct span on both Reasi
are shown in the Table 1 along with rock type. The reduced
and Katra ends of 312m and 80 m, respectively, and with a
distances (RD) of each test location is measured from the
deck width of 13.5m.
portal of the drift.
The right bank drift (Reasi end) is of 32m length at
elevation 701.3 m. The central line of the bridge falls around Table 1: Locations of Plate Loading Tests in Drift
17m from the portal of drift. The main rock type in the Test No. R.D. Rock Type
drift is blocky dolomite limestone. The rock type is criss- m
PLT-1 6.5 Jointed and fractured dolomite. Joints are
crossed by sub-vertical joints and sub-horizontal foliation
generally rough and tight.
joints with presence of sub-vertical random joints, which PLT-2 9.5 -do-
results in forming blocky/cubical structure. Few shear zones PLT-3 15.0 Jointed and fractured dolomite. Bedding
of different thicknesses are observed. Bedding shear zone & sub-vertical joints are prominent.
of thickness 30-40 cm is passing through the RD 29m. Spacing of joints 1 to 8cm.
Similarly shear zone of thickness 2-10cm is passing between *PLT-4 17.0 Jointed and fractured dolomite. Joints
the RD 10 and 11m. Two transverse shear zones are also generally rough and tight. Shear zone
observed on left wall.
observed passing through around RD 3m, 7m and 22m. PLT-5 22.0 Jointed and fractured dolomite. Joints are
The foliation joint strikes roughly N-S and dips 200 to generally rough and tight. Transverse
300 in East direction. The first joint strikes roughly NE- shear zone passes through the test
SW and dips 800 to 850 in NW direction and the second location.
joint strikes SE-NW and dips 600 to 700 in SW direction. * PLT-4 is on the central line of the bridge foundation
The strata have major three sets of discontinuities, which
are continuous and persistent. At most of the places, the 3. RESULTS OF PLATE LOAD TESTS
foliation joint and the other two joints intersect each other The plate load tests were conducted in 5 cycles as shown
forming cubical structure. in stress versus deformation curve of Fig. 1. Modulus of
906 Rajbal Singh, D.V. Sarwade and V.K. Kapoor

deformation and modulus of elasticity were calculated for P = Applied load in Tones, and
each cycle of loading and unloading, respectively. While W = Deformation corresponding to load in cm.
averaging the final results, data of first cycle was neglected Equation (2) was used to calculate the values of moduli
as it does not represent the actual deformation of rock mass. of deformation (E d) and elasticity (E e ) using total
deformation of loading cycle (Wd) and elastic deformation
(We) of unloading cycle, respectively as given in Table 2.
Deformability by Plate Load Test
Plate load test (PLT-4) was performed at RD 17 m from
the portal. The values of moduli of deformation (Ed) and
elasticity (Ee) of rock mass at an applied stress 5.66 MPa
were found to be 2.222 GPa and 2.782 GPa, respectively
(Table 2) and report of CSMRS (2009). The values of
moduli increases with the increase in applied stress level,
while the ratio of the moduli decreases with the increase in
applied stress level as given in Table 2 and also mentioned
by Singh (2009).
Table 2: Moduli of Deformation and Elasticity of PLT-4
S. Applied Wd We Ed Ee Ratio
No. Stress (mm) (mm) GPa GPa Ee/Ed
1 1.131 1.223 0.233 0.452 2.375 5.26
2 2.263 0.935 0.435 1.181 2.539 2.15
3 3.394 0.987 0.678 1.678 2.445 1.46
4 4.525 1.178 0.880 1.876 2.510 1.34
Fig. 1: Plot of Stress v/s Deformation of PLT-4
5 5.657 1.243 0.993 2.222 2.782 1.25
Moduli of Deformation and Elasticity
The modulus of deformation (ISRM 1979) for loading cycle
has been calculated by considering total deformation of a Average values of moduli of deformation and elasticity were
particular cycle whereas modulus of elasticity has been arrived by considering the data of all the five tests for
calculated by considering elastic deformation for the same different load cycles. The average values of moduli of
cycle by using the following equation. deformation and elasticity at different applied loads have
been presented in the Table 3. The average values of moduli
Pm(1 − ν 2 ) of deformation and elasticity were found to be 1.698 GPa
E= (1)
W A and 2.076 GPa, respectively for an applied stress 5.66 MPa.
Where, Table 3: Moduli of Deformation and Elasticity
E = Modulus of Deformation/Elasticity Cycle Stress Ed (GPa) Ee (GPa)
P = Applied load No. (MPa) Range Av. Range Av.
ν = Poisson’s Ratio 2 2.263 0.451-1.181 0.850 1.351-2.539 1.743

m = Constant depending upon the shape of plate 3 3.394 0.908-1.678 1.154 1.492-2.445 1.781

(m= 0.95 for square and m = 0.96 for circular plate) 4 4.525 1.192-1.876 1.400 1.661-2.510 1.998
5 5.657 1.698 2.076
W = Deformation corresponding to load 1.216-2.222 1.668-2.782
A = Area of plate
Considering the Poisson’s ratio of the rock mass as 5. SETTLEMENT BASED ON PLATE LOAD
0.21 and as the 60cm diameter circular plate was used in TESTS
the investigation, Eq. (1) reduces to Settlement was calculated from each cycle of loading for
0 . 0172558 P all the tests. Similarly, rebound was calculated from each
E = (2) cycle of unloading. Settlement of the 1st cycle should be
ignored, as it is settlement of assembly, sand filling used
for smoothening the surface and loose rock mass etc.
E = Modulus of deformation/elasticity in GPa
Deformability and Settlement of Jointed Rock Mass 907

Summary of the total settlement for each cycle of PLT-4 is Settlement of Footing at PLT-4 and Other Locations
shown in Table 4. The expected settlement of bridge foundation for 10m2 and
Table 4: Summary of Total Settlement During PLT-4 1200m2 footing are given in Table 5 for different plate load
Cycle Load Stress Total Elastic Net tests.
No. Tones MPa Settlement Rebound Settlement It can be seen from Table 5 that under applied stress of
mm mm mm 5.657 MPa (applied load of 160 tones) on test plate,
1 32 1.131 1.223 0.233 0.990 settlement of bridge foundation is expected to be 7.40 mm
2 64 2.263 0.935 0.435 0.500 for PLT-4 at the centre of the footing with a settlements of
3 96 3.394 0.987 0.678 0.310 14.28 mm and 16.44 mm from PLT-3 and PLT-5,
4 128 4.525 1.178 0.880 0.298 respectively, in the near vicinity of PLT-4. Hence the
5 160 5.657 1.243 0.993 0.250 expected settlement of 1200 m2 footing is varying from
The net settlements were observed to be in decreasing 7.40 mm to 16.44 mm from 5 plate loading tests with an
order from 0.990 mm to 0.250 mm with increase in applied average value of 10.87 mm.
stress from 1.131 to 5.657 MPa, respectively (Table 4). The As the major load is dead load itself and will be applied
elastic rebounds were observed to be in increasing order on foundation before arch is closed. Therefore in service
from 0.233 mm to 0.993 mm with increase in applied stress condition no settlement may occur for practical purpose.
from 1.131 to 5.657 MPa, respectively. However, the total Table 5: Expected Settlement of Bridge Foundation at
settlement were also observed to be in increasing order from PLT-1 to PLT-5 Applied Stress = 5.657 MPa
0.935 mm to 1.243 mm with increase in applied stress from Test RD Individual Expected
2.263 to 5.657 MPa, respectively with an exception of 1.223 No. from Settlement Settlement
Portal Total Elastic Net 10m2 1200m2
mm in the very first cycle at an applied stress of 1.131 m mm mm mm Footin Footin
MPa. g g
mm mm
PLT-1 6.5 1.58 1.38 0.21 6.70 7.91
Settlement of test plate has been converted into settlement PLT-2 9.5 1.61 1.42 0.19 7.02 8.30
of a standard footing of 10m2 area, using the following
PLT-3 15.0 1.74 1.39 0.35 12.09 14.28
formula as per IS: 12070 (1987):
PLT-4 17.0 1.24 0.99 0.25 6.27 7.40
S  B * (B + 0 . 3S)f 
 B f * ( B p + 0.3)  PLT-5 22.0 2.27 1.66 0.62 13.92 16.44
f f p
=  =  
S p  B p * (B f + 0 . 3S)p   B p * ( B f + 0.3)  Coefficient of Uniform Elastic Compression and
Modulus of Sub-Grade Reaction
(3) Graphs of pressure versus elastic rebound and pressure
Where, versus cumulative total settlement have been plotted and
Bp = Width of test plate = 0.60m shown in Figs. 2 and 3 for determination of values of
Bf = Width of footing = 3.16m coefficient of uniform elastic compression (Cu) and value
Sp = Observed settlement of test plate of modulus of sub-grade reaction (Kz) as given in Table 6,
Sf = Expected settlement of footing respectively.
Using the above values, formula for footing of 10m2
area (3.16m x 3.16m) reduces to:
Sf = 1.8766*Sp (4)
Similarly, value of expected settlement for 1200m2 area
with width of 40m reduces to
Sf = 2.21663*Sp (5)
From the co-relationship of S f and S p, expected
settlements for an area of 1200m2 (Bf = 40m) is calculated
for Anji Khad Bridge at all plate load test. Graphs of
pressure versus elastic rebound and pressure versus
cumulative total settlement were plotted. From the slopes
for these graphs value of coefficient of uniform elastic
compression (Cu) and value of modulus of sub-grade
reaction (Kz) are calculated. Fig. 2: Plot of Pressure v/s Elastic Settlement of PLT-4
908 Rajbal Singh, D.V. Sarwade and V.K. Kapoor

GPa to 2.222 GPa and 1.668 GPa to 2.782 GPa, respectively,

with average values of 1.698 GPa and 2.076 GPa.
In general, the values of modulus increase with increase
in applied stress, while the ratio of the moduli decreases
with increase in applied stress.
Net settlement and elastic rebound varies from 0.185
mm to 0.615 mm and 0.993 mm to 1.655 mm respectively
at applied stress of 5.66 MPa. Expected settlement of bridge
foundation for 1200m2 (30m x 40m) footing varies from
7.40 mm to 16.44 mm with an average value of 10.87 mm.
Values of coefficient of uniform elastic compression
(Cu) and modulus of sub-grade reaction (Kz) vary from 326
kg/cm 3 to 534 kg/cm 3 and 68 kg/cm 3 to 148 kg/cm 3
Fig. 3: Pressure v/s Cumulative Total Settlement of PLT-4 There are vast variations in deformability of rock mass
By finding out slope of these graphs, value of coefficient even in close vicinity, may be because of the extent and
of uniform elastic compression (Cu) from Fig. 2 and nature of discontinuities as seen from the results. The rock
modulus of sub-grade reaction (Kz) from Fig. 3 are observed mechanics parameters were determined based on results of
to be 534kg/cm3 and 148kg/cm3 respectively (Table 6) at plate load tests at site. It is always better to determine the
the centre of the footing at PLT-4. These values for PLT-1 rock mass properties based on in-situ testing due to
to PLT-5 are also given in Table 6 based on plots from variations in discontinuities at different project sites.
Table 6: Test Locations with Cu and Kz Values CSMRS (2009). Report on plate load tests at Anji Khad,
Test RD Coefficient of Modulus of Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New
No. from Uniform Sub-grade Delhi.
Portal Elastic Reaction (Kz)
m Compression Cu kg/cm3 ISRM (1979). Suggested methods for determining inset
kg/cm 3 deformability of rock, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. &
PLT-1 6.5 360 139 Geomech. Abstracts, Vol. 16, No 3, pp 195 214.
PLT-2 9.5 369 136 IS: 12070 (1987). Indian standard code of practice for
PLT-3 15.0 366 74 design and construction of shallow foundations on rocks,
PLT-4 17.0 534 148 Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
PLT-5 22.0 326 68 Singh Rajbal (2009). Deformability of rock mass by
different methods inside the underground desilting
7. CONCLUSION chamber, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling
The values of moduli of deformation and elasticity of the Technology, Volume 15, No. 1, pp. 37-54.
rock mass at applied stress of 5.66 MPa varied from 1.216

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