2020 FA L4 To L10 Students
2020 FA L4 To L10 Students
2020 FA L4 To L10 Students
(A) (a) Calculate the capital as at 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019.
(10 marks)
A sole trader, Ryan Ng, does not keep proper books of accounts. The following
information is extracted from Ryan Ng’s books for the year ended 31 (b) Prepare a statement to calculate the profit or loss for the year ended
December 2019: 31 December 2019. (2 marks)
1 January 2019 31 December 2019
Motor van 48,000 48,000
Furniture and fittings 34,000 38,800 The subscriptions received in cash by a club during the year 2019 were as
Trade receivables 19,000 18,800 follows:
Trade payables 17,600 17,000
Year RM
Inventories 33,000 37,500
2018 5,000
Prepaid expenses 800 1,000
2019 26,000
Cash in hand 2,500 4,800
2020 4,000
Additional information:
On 1 January 2019, there were RM2,000 of subscriptions received in advance.
1. An allowance for doubtful debts of RM600 is to be made for bad On 31 December 2019, the subscriptions in arrears amounted to RM3,500.
debts at the end of the year.
2. Depreciation of 10% per annum on cost is to be charged on all non-
current assets. (a) Prepare a subscriptions account to determine the subscriptions income for
the year ended 31 December 2019. (7 marks)
3. During the year, Ryan Ng had withdrawn RM800 from the business
each month for personal use. (b) Briefly explain the difference between a capital expenditure and a revenue
expenditure with an example each. (6 marks)
4. In August 2019, Ryan Ng brought in for use in the business a [Total: 25 marks]
cabinet, a table and an office chair amounting to RM4,800.
(A) (a)
(a) Subscriptions Account
Statement of Affairs as at … 2019 RM 2019 RM
31 December 2018 31 December 2019 Jan 1 Balance b/f Jan 1 Balance b/f
Debit Credit Debit Credit June 30 Inc. & Exp. June 30 Bank
RM RM RM RM `` Balance c/d 5,000 + 26,000 + 4,000
Motor van `` Balance c/d
Furniture and fittings
Trade receivables 2019 2019
Inventories July 1 Balance b/d July 1 Balance b/d
Prepaid expenses
Cash in hand
Trade payables (b)
Allowance for DD Capital expenditure
Accm Depreciation : MV
48,000 x 10% Amount paid for items that would last for several accounting periods.
For example the purchase of badminton nets; billiard tables
Accm Depreciation : FF
38,800 x 10% Revenue expenditure
Amount paid for items which are used up or consumed within a short
For example the purchases of shuttle corks and tennis balls are revenue
(b) expenditure.
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019
Capital as at 31 December 2019
Add: Drawings RM800 x 12 months
Question 1 (B)
(A) Sean’s Books Corner has been operating since 1 January 2010.
Unfortunately, a fire has destroyed all the books on 31 August 2019.
Fun Cycling Club has recruited 250 members since it first started in You are given the following information:
At the beginning of the year, all the books were valued at
As at 1 January 2019, the club recorded a total of 35 members who have RM385,000.
not paid their December 2018 subscriptions and there are 50 members
who have paid both their January 2019 and February 2019 subscriptions Sales and purchases during the eight months to 31 August 2019 were
in advance. RM1,560,000 and RM996,000 respectively.
As at 30 June 2019, the accounts staff found that there were 28 members Sean’s Books Corner has been maintaining a 20% mark up on all its
who have not paid their June 2019 subscriptions and 13 members who books sold.
have paid their July 2019 subscriptions.
Members are required to pay a monthly subscription of RM20 per
person. (a) Calculate the total inventories that were destroyed by the fire on 31
August 2019. (6 marks)
(b) State TWO (2) disadvantages of the single entry system of recording
(a) Calculate the amount of subscriptions received for the six months business transactions. (4 marks)
ended 30 June 2019. (10 marks) [Total: 25 marks]
(b) State the FIVE (5) sources of income for non-profit organisations.
(5 marks)
Question 1
Opening inventories
(A) (a)
Subscription Account Purchases
2019 RM 2019 RM
Jan 1 Balance b/f Jan 1 Balance b/f Closing inventories
Actual cost of goods sold
June 30 Income & Exp. June 30 Bank
Inventories loss = RM1,381,000 – RM1,300,000
= RM81,000
`` Balance c/d `` Balance c/d
2019 2019
(B) (b)
July 1 Balance b/d July 1 Balance b/d
Two disadvantages of single entry:
Trial balance cannot be extracted to check the arithmetic
(A) (b)
accuracy of the ledger entry.
Five sources of income:
Profit or loss cannot be determined easily by setting up final
Membership annual subscriptions
accounts in the normal way since no information is readily
Payments for life membership available on all its gains and revenue or its losses and expenses.
Profit from some business activities, such as bar, canteen etc. Its financial position is not easily determined since information
Profit from social events such as dinner, contest etc. on its assets and liabilities may not be complete.
Interest from investment in fixed deposits, shares etc. Comparison on its trading operations with previous years may
General donation received not be possible because of the unsystematic method of keeping
[Total: 25 marks]
(B) (a)
3. Cost of raw materials used Example: Wages for cleaners in factory; crane drivers; rent and rates for
factory; Depreciation of plant and machinery; maintenance cost of
The purchases of raw materials must be adjusted by the difference in machinery and crane, trucks, fork-lift; water and electricity etc.
opening and closing inventories of raw materials to find the cost of raw
materials used in the period. The same format as Cost of goods sold.
6. Illustration:
7. Work in progress
The production costs of Kijang Manufacturer for the year ended 31
December 2019 are as follows: Products that take a long time to complete, that is long manufacturing cycle
RM will always have products at the end of period which is incomplete. These
Inventories of raw materials as at 1 January 2019 1,750 items are called work in progress.
Inventories of raw materials as at 31 December 2019 2,450
Purchase of raw materials 28,000
Manufacturing wages 73,500 8. Format of a manufacturing account
Royalties 525
Indirect wages 31,500 Manufacturing account for the year ended …
Rent of factory building 1,540 RM
Depreciation of plant and machinery 1,400 Cost of raw materials used X
General indirect expenses 1,085 Add: Direct labour X
Add: Direct expenses (e.g. royalties) X
Manufacturing account for the year ended 31 December 2019 Prime cost ?
RM RM Add: Overheads X
Cost of raw materials consumed 136,850
Inventories as at 1 January 2019 Add: Opening work in progress 1,350
Add: Purchase of raw materials 138,200
Less: Closing work in progress 1,980
Manufacturing cost of finished goods 136,220
Less: Inventories as at 31 December 2019
Prime cost Given the extracts from Bayan Sdn. Bhd. for the year ended 30 April 2020.
Inventories as at 1 May 2019:
Factory overheads
Raw materials 4,000
Indirect wages Work in progress 1,750
Rent of factory building Finished goods 17,500
Depreciation of plant and machinery Inventories as at 30 April 2020:
General indirect expenses Raw materials 5,250
136,850 Work in progress 2,100
Finished goods 22,000
Bayan Sdn Bhd Less: Work in progress as at 30 April 2020
Manufacturing account for the year ended 30 April 2020
Production cost of completed goods 91,600
Cost of raw materials consumed
Inventories as at 1 May 2019
Add: Purchase of raw materials Bayan Sdn Bhd
Carriage inwards Trading account for the year ended 30 April 2020
Less: Inventories as at 30 April 2020 Sales
Administrative expenses consist of managers' salaries, legal and accounting The shared overhead costs are to be apportioned as follows:
fees, depreciation of office equipment etc. These amount to be charged to
the statement of profit or loss. Manufacturing Administration Selling
Depreciation of equipment 80% 5% 15%
Distribution coats are items such as sales representative salaries and
commission, advertising, deprecation of delivery van etc. These amount to Rates and assessment 50% 30% 20%
be charged to the statement of profit or loss. Depreciation of building 50% 30% 20%
Water and electricity 40% 35% 25%
Apportionment is required if rent paid is for factory and office. The Telephone 40% 60%
measurement basis can be by floor area, or property valuation etc.
The values of inventories are as follows:
11. Illustration: Manufacturing, trading, profit and loss account 1 January 2019 31 December 2019
Sedaya Sdn Bhd, a company incorporated in Malaysia, has its factory and
Raw materials 12,500 7,500
offices at the same site in Segamat, Johor. The results for the year ended
31 December 2019 were as follows: Work in progress 10,000 7,500
Finished goods 40,000 45,000
Sales of finished goods 447,500 Required:
Purchases of raw materials 150,000
Prepare the manufacturing, trading, profit and loss account of Sedaya Sdn.
Manufacturing wages 175,000
Bhd. for the year ended 31 December 2019.
Depreciation of equipment 25,000
Rates and assessment 12,500
Depreciation of building 5,000
Water and electricity 7,500
Telephone 5,000
Other manufacturing overheads 5,750
Other administrative expenses 6,375
Other selling expenses 2,875
Sedaya Sdn Bhd
Manufacturing Administration Selling Trading account for the year ended 31 December 2019
Depreciation of equipment 80% 5% 15% RM RM
25,000 Sales 447,500
Rates and assessment 50% 30% 20% Less: Cost of goods sold
12,500 Inventories as at 1 January 2019
Depreciation of building 50% 30% 20% Add: Production cost of completed goods
Water and electricity 40% 35% 25%
7,500 Less: Inventories as at 31 December 2019
Telephone 40% 60% Gross profit
5,000 Less:
Administrative expenses
Sedaya Sdn Bhd Depreciation of equipment
Manufacturing account for the year ended 31 December 2019 Rates and assessment
Depreciation of building
Cost of raw materials consumed
Inventories as at 1 January 2019 Water and electricity
Add: Purchase of raw materials Telephone
Other administrative expenses
Less: Inventories as at 31 December 17,500
2019 Distribution costs
Direct labour: Manufacturing wages Depreciation of equipment
Prime cost 330,000 Rates and assessment
Factory overheads
Depreciation of building
Depreciation of equipment
Rates and assessment Water and electricity
Depreciation of building Telephone
Water and electricity Other selling expenses
Telephone 15,000
Other manufacturing overheads 32,500
Net profit 50,000
Add: Work in progress as at 1 Jan 2019
Less: Work in progress as at 31 Dec 2019 Add: Retained earnings b/f 20,000
Production cost of completed goods 370,000 Retained earnings c/f 70,000
In certain business, management established profit centre of operations, As far as the business concerned, the manufacturing profit on goods
with each centre held accountable for making profit, and the manager of the manufactured but not sold cannot be included in the profit and loss account.
centre made responsible for its good and bad results of his centre.
The profit on goods manufactured but not yet sold is an unrealised profit,
When a production department is established as a profit centre, it makes a and must be excluded from the profit and loss account. This is done by
"profit" on the output it manufactures and transfers out, either to finish creating an "Allowance for unrealised profit account"
goods store or to another profit centre. However, production department do
not sell goods, they only manufacture the goods, and if a production
department is a profit centre, its "income" must come from the goods it 14. Purpose of having transfer prices
manufactures, not the goods sold.
The purpose of having internal transfer prices is said to make the managers
This can be achieved by creating an "artificial" selling price for goods in the factory and warehouse more aware of the impact of market forces,
manufactured and transferred out from the production department. This increase motivation and facilitate the evaluation of their performance.
artificial or internal selling price is called a transfer price.
A reverse transaction is required for opening inventories when all opening FIFA manufacturer
inventories were sold in the next financial year: Trading, profit and loss account for the year ended…
Opening inventories Dr
Profit and loss account Cr
(Factory profit element in opening inventories sold) Less: Cost of goods sold
Opening inventories
In the statement of financial position, inventories of finished goods is Add: Market price of completed goods
valued as follows:
Less: Closing inventories
RM Gross profit
Inventories of finished goods X
Add: Manufacturing profit
(gross value including profit)
Less: Allowance for unrealised profit (X) Less: Increase in allowance for URP
Cost of inventories of finished goods X 161,000
Illustration: 30,800
Unrealised profit for opening inventories = X 28,000 = RM2,800
Cost of production for FIFA manufacturer is calculated as RM280,000.
Opening and closing inventories are RM30,800 and RM53,900 respectively. 53,900
Unrealised profit for closing inventories = X 28,000 = RM4,900
Sales for the year amounted to RM420,000. 308,000
If the market price of the goods manufactured by FIFA manufacturer is 10% Increase in allowance for unrealised profit = RM2,100
above the production cost, the account would appear as follows:
Revision 1 (a)
Allowance for unrealised profit
Modified 24 April 2020 Q2 2019 RM 2019 RM
Dec 31 SPL Jan 1 Balance b/f
For the year ended 31 December 2019, Comfy Shoes Manufacturing Company ʺ Balance b/f Dec 31 Factory profit
(CSMC) has incurred a total production cost of RM1,400,000.
A 10% factory profit will be added to the total production cost and transferred
to the statement of profit or loss as finished goods. Total sales for the year Jan 1 Balance b/f
amounted to RM2,500,000.
CSMC also provided the inventories as at 31 December 2019 as follow: Comfy Shoes Manufacturing Company
RM Statement of profit or loss (extract) for the year ended 31 December 2019
Opening inventories of finished goods 60,500 RM RM
Closing inventories of finished goods Sales
Raw materials 55,000 Less: Cost of goods sold
Work in progress 48,000 Opening inventories
Finished goods 82,500 Transfer price 1,400,000 x 110%
(a) Prepare an allowance for unrealised profit account for the year ended 31 Gross profit
December 2019. (3 marks) Factory profit
(b) Prepare an extract of statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31
December 2019, showing factory profit. (4 marks) (c)
Comfy Shoes Manufacturing Company
(c) Prepare an extract of statement of financial position as at 31 December Statement of financial position (extract) as at 31 December 2019
2019, showing only the inventories. (4 marks) RM RM
[Total: 11 marks] Current assets
Raw materials
Workings: Work in progress
Allowance for URP @ 1 January 2019 = 60,500 x 10/110 = RM5,500 Finished goods
Allowance for URP @ 31 December 2019 = 82,500 x 10/110 = RM7,500 Less: Allowance for nrealised profit
Factory profit = RM1,400,000 x 10% = RM140,000
Revision 2
A company is governed by Memorandum of Association and the Articles of the Under the CA 1965, every company was required to have a memorandum and
Association. articles of association. The memorandum and articles of association are now
collectively known as the constitution, and it is expressly stated in s31 and 38
Memorandum of Association CA 2016 that only a company limited by guarantee shall have a constitution;
other types of company may or may not have a constitution. It is optional for
Memorandum of Association set out the rules covering the external affair of the them.
business, it contains:
(a) The name of the company; If a company has no constitution, the company, each director and each member
(b) The location of the company’s registered office; of the company shall have the rights, powers, duties and obligations as set out
(c) The objective of the company (i.e. those activities in which the company in the Act. And ‘if the company has a constitution, the company, each director
may legally operate). and each member of the company shall also have the rights, powers, duties and
(d) A statement that the liability of the members is limited. obligations as set out in the Act, except to the extent that such rights, powers,
(e) The amount of the authorised share capital for each class of shares and the duties and obligations are permitted to be modified in accordance with this Act,
nominal value of each share. and are so modified by the constitution of the company’ (s31(2) CA 2016).
(f) Other rules and regulations
In other words, the rights, powers, duties and obligations of the company,
director and member are prescribed by the CA 2016 unless modified by the
Articles of the Association company’s constitution. The company’s constitution can modify any of those
rights, powers, duties and obligations only if the Act permits it.
Articles of Association set out the rules covering the internal affair of the
business, It contains:
For companies which were registered prior to the coming into operation of the
(a) The rights of different classes of shareholders; CA 2016, s619(3) provides that the memorandum and articles of association of
(b) The transfer of shares; a company existing before the operation of the Act shall have effect as if made
(c) The duties, power and the proceedings of directors; or adopted under the Act unless otherwise resolved by the company. Thus, a
(d) Notice and proceedings of meeting; and company’s existing memorandum and articles shall form the company’s
(e) The borrowing power of the company, etc. constitution until the company alters it by passing a special resolution.
(c) Issued Capital: This represents the part of nominal capital which has been
(k) Yearly No mandatory No An auditor must be issued to the public for cash or other consideration. The issued capital may
Statutory requirements. mandatory appointed to perform the be either partly or fully paid.
Audit requirements. annual audit.
(d) Unissued Capital: This represents the remaining amount of share capital a
If all partners This is to safe-guard the company may issue to public in the future.
agree, an shareholders’ Unissued Capital = (a) Authorised Capital – (c) Issued Capital
auditor may investments, since the
be appointed. shareholders are not (e) Called up Capital: This is the amount of money that the company has
Usually, a actively involved the called up on the issued capital. The subscribers are required to pay within a
sleeping company’s operation. specified time.
prefers that, Re-appointment of (f) Uncalled Capital: This is the amount of money on the issued capital that
since he/she auditors are held every has not been called.
is not year at the Annual Uncalled Capital = (c) Issued Capital – (e) Called Up Capital
actively General Meeting (AGM)
involved in (g) Paid up Capital: This represents the amount of called up capital that has
the operation. been paid by the subscribers.
(h) Unpaid Capital: This is the amount of the called up capital that the
subscribers failed to pay. The unpaid amount is also known as “Call in
5. Capital Structure of a Limited Liability Company Arrears”. This amount will be shown under Statement of financial position,
under Current Asset.
The capital structure of a limited liability company comprises of: Unpaid Capital = (e) Called Up Capital – (g) Paid Up Capital
(a) Authorised Capital: This is the maximum amount of share capital a (B) Preference shares
company is empowered to issue. This amount must be stated in the (a) Cumulative preference shares
company’s M&A. (b) Non-cumulative preference shares
(c) Participating preference shares
(b) Par/Nominal Value: This is the face value of each unit of share. For (d) Non-participating preference shares
example, ordinary shares of RM1 each means, the par or nominal value of a
unit of share is RM1. (e) Convertible preference shares
The shareholders are effectively the owners of the company. (e) Convertible preference shares
(B) Preference share Shareholders are entitled to convert their preference shares to ordinary shares as
expressed in the Articles of Association.
Shareholders do not have any voting rights.
Shareholders carry preferential rights to the payment of dividends and 6. Issuance of shares
repayment of capital in the event of liquidation over the other classes of Share capital
Received a fixed rate of dividend which is expressed as percentage of the
nominal value.
Instalment basis Payable in full
(a) Cumulative preference shares
The holders entitled to receive a fixed dividend per annum. Should insufficient
Subsequent to IPO
or the absence of profits prevent payment of any year, the arrears can be carried
forward and become payable in the future.
Rights issue Bonus issue
(b) Non-cumulative preference shares
A company can issue its shares at:[NOT applicable under Companies Act 2016]
The holders entitled to receive a fixed rate of dividend only when the company
(a) par/nominal value
has sufficient profits to declare a dividend. Should the company not have
(b) premium ( above their par value)
sufficient profits to declare dividends, the dividends for the year are forfeited
(c) discount (below their par value)
and cannot be carried forward.
(i) The amount collected above par value is recorded in “Share Premium Question 1
Strawberry Bhd. was incorporated on 1 July 2018 with an authorised capital of
(ii) The difference between par value and issue price is recorded in “Discount 35,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each.
on Shares Account”. However, to issue shares at discount, conditions stated
in Companies Act 1965 have to be met (example, authorised by a On 17 July 2018, the directors decided to make an issue of 10,000,000 ordinary
resolution passed at general meeting and confirmed by court). shares, payable in full upon application. Applications for 15,000,000 shares
were received. The money received on the oversubscribed shares was refunded.
***Discount on Shares Account may be written off against Share Premium
Account or Retained earnings. Required:
Show the necessary journal entries, assuming the shares are issued at:
Recording Issuance of share
(a) RM1.00 each share.
Applicants for issue of shares are required to:
(b) RM1.70 each share.
(a) Pay the full amount of the share price upon application; or
Share application
(b) Pay by means of instalment (this is not a common practice in Malaysia).
Share allotment
Share Premium Account [NOT applicable under Companies Act 2016]
All forms of reserves included revenue reserves and capital reserves can be
utilised to issue bonus shares. The issue of bonus shares is also known as
(3) Share allotment capitalisation of reserve.
Ordinary share (10m x RM1.00)
(Issuance of 10m shares at RM1.00 each) (A) Revenue reserves (B) Capital reserve
(a) General reserve (a) Share premium
(b) Retained earnings (b) Asset revaluation reserve
(c) Capital redemption reserve
(1) Bank (15,000,000 x RM1.70) Bonus issue is made to the shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings.
Share application For example, if a company declare a “1 to 7” bonus share, a holder of 7 shares
(Amount received on application) will receive 1 share free.
1 to 7
New : Old / Existing
The issue of bonus shares does not involve any outflow of funds. However,
(2) Share application
there is a dilution in the net asset value of the shares after the bonus issue.
Share allotment (10m x RM1.70)
Bank Question 2 [NOT applicable under Companies Act 2016]
(Allotment of 10m shares at RM1.70 each
and refund to unsuccessful applicants) The extract of statement of financial position for Ice-cream Bhd. as at 31
December 2019 is as follows:
(3) Share allotment 17,000,000 Capital and reserves
Ordinary share (10m x RM1.00) 10,000,000 Ordinary share capital of RM0.50 each 700,000
Share premium (10m x RM0.70) 7,000,000 Reserves
(Issuance of 10m shares at RM1.70 each) Share premium 35,000
Retained earnings 780,700
On 1 January 2020, Ice-cream Bhd. declares a 1 for 4 bonus issue. The bonus A company may wish to raise additional capital to finance its expansion
issue is to be made out of the share premium account, and if the share premium programme, to repay borrowings, etc.
is insufficient, then the retained earnings is to be utilised.
Rights issue is an invitation to existing shareholders to purchase additional
Required: shares in the company.
(a) Show the necessary journal entries for the bonus issue.
(b) Prepare the statement of financial position (extract) of Ice-cream Bhd. as at Usually, price of rights issue offered to existing shareholders are lower than the
1 January 2020, after recording the bonus issue. market price.
Suggested answer [NOT applicable under Companies Act 2016] The shareholders are offered based on their existing shareholdings.
(a) Journal entries
Debit Credit The alternative available to the shareholders are:
Description RM RM
(1) Share premium 35,000 (a) To take up the shares that they are eligible to purchase;
Retained earnings 140,000
(b) To sell the “rights” to a third party; or
Bonus issue 175,000
[(RM700,000 / RM0.50 x 1/4) x RM0.50] (c) To renounce the “right” in favour of the company, in which case the
(350,000 shares issued as bonus shares) company may sell the shares in the open market.
On 1 December 2019, Green Apple Bhd. makes an offer of rights issue to all its 7. Loan Capital
existing shareholders at the rate of 2 rights issue for every 5 shares held at a
price of RM1.10 (market price RM1.35). In raising funds, a company may borrow from the public. The document issued
All shareholders took up the rights issue. stating the terms of borrowing is called “Debentures” or “Loan Stocks” or
(a) Show the necessary journal entries for the rights issue. (I) Differences between Ordinary shares and Debentures
(b) Prepare the statement of financial position (extract) of Green Apple Bhd. as Ordinary Shares Debentures
at 1 December 2019, after recording the rights issue. (1) Identity Shareholders. Payables.
Suggested answer (2) Classification SOFP – Capital and SOFP – Non-current liabilities
(a) Journal entries reserves
Debit Credit
Description RM RM (3) Returns Dividend. This Interest. This interest is at fixed
1 Bank [(RM700,000 / RM0.25 x 2/5) x RM1.10] 1,232,000 dividend varies rate.
from year to year.
Rights issue 1,232,000
(Amount received on rights issue) (4) Accounting Internal reporting Internal or External reporting
Treatment = Appropriation = Income Statement, under
2 Rights issue 1,232,000 for Returns Account finance cost.
OS [(RM700,000 / RM0.25 x 2/5) x RM0.25] 280,000 External reporting
SP [(RM700,000 / RM0.25 x 2/5) x RM0.85] 952,000 = Statement of
(Issue of 1,120,000 rights at RM1.10 each) Changes in Equity
(7) Transfer of Yes. Yes. Debentures may be issued at par, at premium or at discount.
Debentures issued are initially recognised at cost. Premium or discount is
amortised through the income statement using the effective interest rate or
(8) Security of Ordinary shares Debentures are secured against the straight-line, over the term of debentures.
Assets are not secured company’s assets (fixed or floating
against the charge). Premium on debentures will reduce the finance cost charged to the income
company’s assets. statement, while discount on debentures will increase the finance cost.
Fixed charge
a specified asset is charged to the Journal Entries
debenture. The company may use (1) On receipt of applicant money
the asset, but cannot dispose it off. Debit Bank account
Credit Debentures account
Floating charge
a group of assets are charged to the (2) If debentures are issued at a premium
debenture. This group of assets can Debit Bank account
vary from time to time. Credit Debentures account
Credit Premium on debentures account
(9) Repayment Ordinary The assets secured over debentures (3) If debentures are issued at a discount
of Capital shareholders are will be sold to pay the debenture Debit Bank account
due to paid last, after holders. Debit Discount on debentures account (SFP)
Liquidation preference Credit Debentures account
(4) Amortisation of discount on debentures
Debit Discount on debentures account (I/S – as expenses)
(II) Why Issue Debentures? Credit Discount on debentures account (SOFP)
(1) The new capital involved may be needed for a definite span of time only. The Debenture Account shown in the statement of financial position is always
For example, the company intends to repay the loan in 10 years’ time. in nominal value, regardless whether it is issued at a premium or discount.
(2) Interest is an allowable expense in company income tax payable
calculation, while dividend for shares is not allowable expense. Question 4
(3) The company may be reluctant to dilute control of existing ordinary
shareholders. Since debenture holders do not have voting rights, the control On 1 January 2011, Raindeer Bhd. offered to the public 850,000 7%
of the existing shareholder will not be affected. Debentures. The maturity date of debenture is on 31 December 2020. The issue
was fully taken up and fully paid.
(a) Bank (850,000 x RM100/RM100) 850,000 The external users include shareholders, customers, suppliers, providers
7% Debentures 850,000 of finance (i.e. bankers), government (including tax authority), public
(Issuance of 850,000 7% debentures at par) (who may be the prospective investors).
(iii)Keep records of transactions and financial statements for audit. (5) FORMAT
(iv) The company should retain these records for 7 years.
(v) Maintain other important books and registers which may be made Tanjong Jara Bhd
available for inspection on request. Examples of registers: Statement of financial position as at …
1. Register of Members RM
2. Register of Directors and Directors’ Shareholdings ASSETS
3. Register of Charges Non-Current Assets
(vi) Hold annual general meeting (AGM). Notice of AGM should be sent Property, Plant & Equipment X
to all shareholders 14 days before the date of AGM.
Investment properties X
Goodwill X
(3) Annual Reports
Other intangible assets X
The annual report is a compilation of reports and financial statements Investment in associates X
required by law. It should be sent to shareholders 14 days before the X
Current Assets
An annual report comprises of: Inventories X
(a) Chairman’s statement; Trade receivables X
(b) Corporate Governance Statement; Other receivables / Tax recoverable X
(c) The audit committee report; and
Prepaid expenses / Accrued income X
(d) Financial statements:
Short term deposit, cash & bank balances X
1. Statement of financial position (Balance Sheet)
2. Statement of profit or loss (Income Statement) - by function & X
by nature
3. Statement of Changes in Equity Total assets X
4. Statement of Cash Flow (Cash Flow Statement)
5. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies
& other explanatory notes EQUITY & LIABILITIES
(4) IFRS vs. PERS
Share capital X
Retained earnings X
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are for public
entities. Private entities may apply IFRSs or Private Entity Reporting Other components of equity X
Standards (PERS). X
Question 1 2. Depreciation of RM3.7 million has been charged during the year and
is included under the appropriate cost headings on the trial balance.
Lovely Star Bhd. operates a chain of department stores across the
country. 3. The directors paid a dividend of RM600,000 during the year ended
31 December 2019.
The following summarised trial balance has been extracted from the
book of Lovely Star Bhd. as at 31 December 2019. 4. Taxation for the year has been estimated at RM2.1 million.
Dr Cr
RM'000 RM'000 Required:
Sales 27,300
Cost of sales 16,250 Prepare Lovely Star’s statement of profit or loss and statement of
Administrative expenses 250 changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2019, and its
Distribution costs 2,500 statement of financial position as at that date. These should be in a
Trade receivables 800 format suitable for publication.
Interest paid 350
Property, plant and equipment - cost or valuation 37,000 Suggested solution
Property, plant and equipment – accum. depn. 4,200
Lovely Star Bhd.
Revaluation reserve 8,000
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019
Inventories as at 31 December 2019 850
Tax paid 2,000
Bank 150
Trade payables 1,800 Cost of sales
Long-term loan 2,300 Gross profit
Share capital 16,000 Administrative expenses
Retained earnings 1,150 Distribution costs
Dividend paid 600 Finance costs
60,750 60,750 Profit before tax
Income tax expense
The following information is also available: Profit for the year 5,850
1. The company revalued its land during the year. This was the first
time that such a revaluation had been taken place. The land had cost
RM19 million and had not been depreciated.
Book value:
Balance as at 1 January 2019 34,600
Balance as at 1 December 2019
1. Closing inventory amounted to RM5 million. 7. Directors’ remuneration is to be analysed between distribution costs
and administrative expenses as follows:
2. A review of the trade receivables total of RM6.9 million showed that RM’000
it was necessary to write off debts totalling RM400,000, and that the Distribution 300
allowance for doubtful debts should be adjusted to 2% of the Administrative 570
Flower Bhd.
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019
4. Dr Depreciation 1,700 RM
Cr Accumulated depreciation 1,700 Revenue
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Other income: Gain on disposal
Administrative expenses
Admin. expenses Distribution costs
Distribution costs
RM’000 RM’000
Finance costs
Directors’ rem. Directors’ rem.
Profit before tax
Bad debts Bank: Salaries
Tax expense
Doubtful debts Bank
Profit for the year 2,290
Bank: Salaries + Accruals
Bank Flower Bhd.
+ Accruals - Prepaid Statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019
2,690 RM’000
- Prepaid Non-current assets
4,620 Property, plant and equipment 17,000 – 4,700 12,300
Current assets
Cost of goods sold Inventory
RM RM Trade receivables 6,900 – 400 bad debts – 130 Allw DD
Inventories as at 1 January 2019 Tax recoverable
Purchases Prepaid administrative expenses
Warehouse wages Prepaid distribution costs
Depreciation: plant and machinery Bank 1,420 – 1,500 tax paid
Question 3
Equity and liabilities
Share capital The following trial balance relates to Blue Ocean Bhd., a manufacturing
Reserves and distribution company.
Additional information:
4. Tax expenses for the year is estimated at RM1,200,000. Blue Ocean Bhd.
Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019
Required: RM'000
Revenue 21,660
Prepare the following financial statements of Blue Ocean Bhd. for the Investment income
year ended 31 December 2019: Changes in FG and WIP [(460 + 1,780) - (330 + 1,530)]
RM used and consumed (770 + 8,530 - 680)
(a) Statement of profit or loss (by nature); Staff costs
Depreciation and amortisation expenses
(b) Statement of changes in equity; and Operating expenses
Finance costs: PS dividend (3,000 x 10% )
(c) Statement of financial position.
Profit before tax
Tax expenses
Profit for the year 3,800
Question 4
Blue Ocean Bhd.
Statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019 The following are the capital structure of Winter Bhd. as at 1 January
RM’000 2019:
Non-current assets RM
Property, plant and equipment Authorised share capital of RM1.00 each 2,500,000
Investments Issued and paid up capital of RM1.00 each 1,000,000
Share premium 780,000
Current assets Revaluation reserve 500,000
Inventory: RM + WIP + FG General reserve 600,000
Trade receivables Retained earnings 980,000
During the financial year ended 31 December 2019:
Equity and liabilities 2. On 10 January 2019, the directors offered a right issue of 1 ordinary
Share capital share for every 8 shares at RM1.20.
3. On 1 February 2019, the directors declared a bonus issue of 1
Non-current liabilities ordinary share for every 5 shares held out of the share premium
10% Redeemable preference shares account.
Current liabilities 4. On 13 March 2019, an interim dividend of 5% was declared and paid
Trade payables to the existing shareholders, excluding the rights and bonus issue.
Bank overdraft
Tax payable 5. On 18 April 2019, the company made a further issuance of 300,000
Dividend payable: PS ordinary shares at RM1.35 per share.
Dividend payable: OS
6. Profit for the year ended 31 December 2019 amounted to
39,110 7. On 30 December 2019, the board of directors approved a transfer of
RM98,000 from retained earnings to general reserve.
Question 5
8. Final dividend of 8% was declared and paid to all the shareholders at
the year end. Following is the trial balance of Netherland Bhd. as at 31 December
Required: DR CR
Prepare for Winter-Home Bhd. the statement of changes in equity for the RM RM
year ended 31 December 2019. Freehold land 2,780,000
Building 1,680,000
Plant and machinery (Note 10) 435,000
Fixtures and fittings at 316,900
Winter Bhd. Motor vehicles (Note 10) 227,300
Statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2019
SC SP RR GR RE Total Accumulated depreciation
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Building 222,600
Plant and machinery 154,230
Bal. @ 1 Jan 2019 1,000 780 500 600 980 3,080 Fixtures and fittings 171,100
Motor vehicles 109,700
Changes in equity
Revaluation Communication expenses 126,500
Rent expenses 218,900
Right issue
Utilities 250,200
Bonus issue Inventories as at 31 December 2018 69,269
Receivables and payables 343,295 97,464
Interim dividend 5% Bank overdraft 40,580
Issue of share Purchases and sales 1,012,406 3,622,054
Returns 9,800 3,680
Profit for the year Interest income 2,789
Transfer RE to GR Bank loan interest paid 15,000
Discount allowed and discount received 64,360 31,890
Final dividend 8% Allowance for doubtful debts 3,010
Bal. @ 31 Dec 2019 Salaries 211,460
Overtime pay 18,800
6. Depreciation is to be charged at :
2. Utilities unpaid as at 31 December 2019 was amounted to RM2,800. This transaction has not yet been recorded.
3. As at 31 December 2019, stationery in stock was valued at RM1,030. 10. During the financial year, some non-current assets were disposed. No
transaction has been recorded, including the receipts from disposal.
4. The company will continue to provide 2% allowance for receivables.
- A motor vehicle at cost of RM70,000 was disposed off at
5. Bank loan was obtained by the company in year 2016 and repayable RM56,000. The written down value of this motor vehicle at date
in full in year 2021. of disposal was RM51,100.
11. The following are the cost of non-current assets as at 1 January 2019: Common expenses are to be allocated as below:
Prepare for Netherland Bhd. the following financial statements for (f) Statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019;
publication purpose:
(g) Notes to the financial statements on:
(a) Schedule of allocation of expenses by nature;
(i) Property, plant and equipment;
(b) Schedule of allocation of expenses by function; (ii) Trade receivables;
(iii)Other receivables and prepayments; and
(c) Statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019 (by (iv) Other payables and accrued expenses.