Innovative Concepts For Hydrogen Production Processes Based On Coal Gasification With CO Capture
Innovative Concepts For Hydrogen Production Processes Based On Coal Gasification With CO Capture
Innovative Concepts For Hydrogen Production Processes Based On Coal Gasification With CO Capture
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ar t ic l e i n f o abs tra ct
Article history: This paper investigates the technical aspects of innovative hydrogen production concepts
Received 15 June 2007 based on coal gasification with CO2 capture. More specifically, it focuses on the technical
Received in revised form evaluation and the assessment of performance of a number of plant configurations
28 October 2007 based on standard entrained-flow gasification processes (dry feed and slurry feed
Accepted 19 December 2007 types) producing hydrogen at pipeline pressure, which incorporate improvements for
Available online 11 February 2008 increasing hydrogen purity and pressure. The dry feed type of entrained-flow gasifier is
currently considered to be the most efficient means of producing hydrogen from coal.
The main shortcomings are relatively low hydrogen purity due to the need of using
Hydrogen production
nitrogen as a transport gas for the coal and a pressure limitation of this type of design. The
Coal gasification
purity issue can be solved by using captured CO2 to transport the coal in the gasifier.
CO2 capture
The pressure limitation can be overcome by using in-plant compression of the raw
H2 pressure and purity
syngas. Simulations, made using commercial process flow modelling packages (ChemCAD),
show that these changes can be made without compromising plant efficiency;
on the contrary, the efficiency slightly increases because of the better thermal integration
of the plant.
& 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 224 565001; fax: +31 224 565630.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (C.-C. Cormos).
0360-3199/$ - see front matter & 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 1286 – 1294 1287
the hydrogen transmission pressure should be similar to that 99% (vol.) oxygen purity is used instead of 95% as gasifier
of natural gas, i.e. 60–70 bar [10]. oxidant.
A second key aspect is that of the purity of hydrogen
produced by the gasification plant. It is expected that Clearly, all these modifications could penalize a dry feed
hydrogen will be produced at a purity of 99.99% (vol.), to be design. Hence, it is important to asses any reduction in
suitable for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell performance compared to the standard type of dry feed
applications for the transport sector, which could represent gasifier, and if there is a difference to see whether the
the first large-scale utilization of hydrogen. To take advantage efficiency margin of this modified dry feed design is main-
of economies of scale, it is reasonable to assume that such tained over the slurry feed system. As noted above, the CO2
highly pure hydrogen will be produced centrally, rather than which is needed to transport the coal will be taken from the
being purified at the point of end use, when the demand of stream of captured CO2 .
hydrogen will be significant. All systems analysed in the paper produce hydrogen only,
but the ancillary power for the air separation unit (ASU) and
other plant equipment is generated on site using a combined
2. Shortcomings of current designs of cycle gas turbine (CCGT), to whose steam is integrated with
entrained-flow gasifiers that coming from gasifier process steam boilers. The elec-
tricity for the ancillaries is produced by steam turbines
There are, basically, two ways in which coal is transported and gas turbines, the later being supplied with hydrogen plus
into an entrained-flow gasifier: (i) via water slurry (slurry feed the tail gas from PSA. To summarize, although the plant
gasifier), and (ii) via a gas, typically nitrogen (dry feed gasifier). requires a medium CCGT, all the electricity is consumed
For the slurry feed gasifier, the need to bring water by the plant and the plant has no net power output. In
in the slurry up to gasifier temperatures results in some of all plant configurations, the coal input was maintained the
the coal having to be combusted, producing CO2 , same (equivalent to 550 MWth based on coal lower heating
as this reaction provides much more energy than the reaction value—LHV).
of coal with oxygen to produce CO. The effect of this
is to reduce the amount of hydrogen that can be produced,
since the CO can subsequently react with steam to form
hydrogen in a shift reactor located downstream of the gasifier 3. Basic outline of innovation and
[11–14]. methodology
Despite this disadvantage in terms of hydrogen yield, the
hydrogen that is produced from slurry feed gasifiers contains 3.1. Plant configuration with in-plant compression
less nitrogen than dry feed gasifiers, since the latter utilizes
nitrogen to transport the coal into the gasifier. The level of In a conventional entrained-flow gasifier, used for the
nitrogen contamination of the hydrogen could be reduced production of hydrogen, the hot raw syngas from the gasifier
even more, if the purity of the oxygen fed to the gasifier is is cooled down to a suitable temperature using quench gas,
increased from the typical level of 95% to 99% (vol.). Nitrogen water quench or a radiant boiler, depending on the gasifica-
contamination is important since its presence requires a tion process [11–16]. The raw syngas is then cleaned of
more rigorous treatment of the produced raw hydrogen and particulates and passed through a series of CO shift con-
this implies an actual loss of hydrogen. verters, where CO in the raw syngas reacts with steam to
Increased oxygen purity could also be beneficial to the dry produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide [13]. The H2 S and CO2
feed gasifiers. However, a more significant difference to the are then removed in an acid gas removal system [16–19]. The
level of nitrogen contamination in these gasifiers can be made hydrogen, if necessary, is further purified in a PSA unit.
by replacing the nitrogen by carbon dioxide as a transport gas. In the innovative concept presented here, to overcome the
This gas can be subsequently removed by the acid gas pressure limitation associated with dry feed gasifiers, an in-
removal (AGR) and pressure swing adsorption (PSA) systems plant compressor is positioned after the gas quench and
much more easily than nitrogen. There is also no problem before shift conversion (see Fig. 1). The temperature and the
with the supply of carbon dioxide since it can be taken from pressure of the syngas at this point are 150 1C and 35 bar,
the pipeline that is used to transport this gas, which has been respectively. After the compression, the temperature and the
captured downstream, to the storage site. pressure of the gas are raised to 250–270 1C and 72 bar,
Regarding the pressure, only slurry feed gasifiers are able to respectively.
produce hydrogen at sufficiently high pressure (60–70 bar) An advantage of this configuration is that the heat
[13]. Dry feed gasifiers, in contrast, are currently limited to generated during compression is used to promote the shift
30–40 bar [12,13]. It is therefore proposed in this paper to reaction and to raise steam, this having a positive influence
compress the syngas at a suitable point in the plant so that on the overall plant efficiency. The gas is dry at the inlet of the
the outlet pressure can be increased. in-plant compressor; hence, steam must be added to the
The aim of this paper is to analyse an innovative modifica- syngas at the compressor outlet to promote the shift reaction.
tion of a dry feed gasifier in which: For the capture of CO2 , a physical solvent ðSelexols Þ was
considered. The decision to use a physical solvent was based
Carbon dioxide is used as a coal transport gas. on the advantages that this kind of solvent has over chemical
In-plant compression is used to boost the syngas pressure. solvents (e.g. methyldiethanolamine—MDEA), the advantages
1288 I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 1286 – 1294
Air Air
Nitrogen (Case 3) and carbon dioxide (Case 4). All these cases were
simulated using the ChemCAD software package [20].
Fig. 1 – Plant configuration for dry feed gasification with The information required by the modelling work of these
syngas in-plant compression. case studies was derived from internal studies [21–24]
and from the literature [13,15,25–35]. The coal properties
(proximate and ultimate analysis, higher heating value—HHV
and lower heating value—LHV) used to evaluate all the cases
of which increase with the CO2 partial pressure in the syngas
studied in this paper are presented in Table 1.
Main input data and assumptions used for modelling and
simulation of the hydrogen production processes based on
3.2. Hydrogen purification aspects coal gasification (either slurry feed or dry feed gasifiers) are
presented in Table 2.
To obtain a high level of hydrogen purity (99.99 vol%), a PSA
system is used [13,15]. As the level of nitrogen in the syngas
increases, the loss of hydrogen in the tail gas also increases. 4. Main plant items and model parameters
Hence, to minimize this loss the oxygen purity to the gasifier
is set at 99% (vol.) in all the cases analysed in this paper. As This section provides a brief description of each major
noted, there is a contrast to most gasification processes where component of technology used in all four cases studied in
the oxygen level is 95% (vol.). Also, as noted earlier, another this paper.
way to minimize the hydrogen loss in the tail gas is to use
captured CO2 as a coal transport gas.
4.1. Coal gasification
3.3. Methodology and input data The coal gasification takes place in oxygen blown entrained-
flow gasifier in two different situations: a coal–water slurry
Four plant configurations have been analysed in this paper: feed gasifier operated at 75 bar and a dry coal feed gasifier
operated at 40 bar.
Case 1: Slurry feed gasifier with water quench. For the slurry feed gasifier, the coal–water slurry and
Case 2: Dry feed gasifier with gas quench. oxygen are fed through an injector located at the top of the
Case 3: Dry feed gasifier with in-plant compression and gasifier. The coal gasification process takes place at slagging
nitrogen as coal transport gas. temperatures (1300–1500 1C). The configuration assumes the
Case 4: Dry feed gasifier with in-plant compression and full water quench of the hot gases leaving the gasifier. The
carbon dioxide as coal transport gas. raw syngas leaves the quench chamber at 200–300 1C and it is
saturated with wet steam. This will provide sufficient steam
The first two case studies are conventional gasification for the CO conversion process in the shift reactor.
technologies. These are a slurry fed gasifier with water For a dry coal feed gasifier, the coal is transported to the
quench (Case 1) and a dry feed gasifier with nitrogen as coal gasifier as a dense phase in nitrogen (or other transport gas
transport gas (Case 2). The next two case studies are like CO2 Þ and is then mixed with oxygen and steam. The
innovative concepts, where a dry feed gasifier is combined gasification temperature is around 1500–1600 1C. The hot raw
with in-plant compression. In addition, the effects of using syngas leaving the gasifier is quenched with cooled syngas
two different transport gases are assessed, namely, nitrogen which is recirculated from further down the plant. This gas
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 1286 – 1294 1289
5. Results
Purified hydrogen
The modelling and simulation of all the cases analysed in this Fig. 3 – Scheme of hydrogen production based on dry feed
paper was done using a general chemical process simulator gasification, syngas compression (optional), shift
software (ChemCAD). The thermodynamic package used in conversion, CO2 and H2 S removal and H2 purification.
the simulations (based on a modified SRK model) was chosen
taking into account the chemical species present in the
system and the range of process parameters (e.g. pressure,
temperature). The simulation of the plant configurations 5.1. Raw syngas properties
yields all necessary process data (flows, composition,
temperatures, pressures, power generated and consumed) For the gasification processes assessed in this paper (coal–
that are needed to assess the overall performance of the water slurry feed and dry coal feed gasifiers), the main
processes. properties of the raw syngas are presented in Table 3.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 1286 – 1294 1291
Property Slurry feed Dry feed The shift reaction occurs in two catalytic reactors. The shifted
syngas compositions at the second shift reactor outlet are
Coal transport medium Water Nitrogen CO2 presented in Table 4. The high H2 O=CO ratio used in all cases
Pressure (bar) 75 40 40 (1.8–2.7) ensures a CO conversion around 96–98%.
Temperature ( 1C) 1369 1560 1551
The heat generated from the shift reaction is used to
Composition (vol%) raise medium pressure steam and low pressure steam. Part of
CO 42.24 61.56 63.63 the steam generated is used to cover the heat requirements
H2 25.33 26.54 25.62 of the process (pre-heating the feed streams, gasification,
CO2 10.61 2.62 3.63
solvent regeneration, etc.) and the other part is sent to CCGT
H2 O 20.81 4.58 5.93
and used to generate the power needed to run the ancillary
CH4 0.01 0 0
H2 S 0.26 0.31 0.31 equipment.
COS 0.02 0.03 0.03
N2 0.64 4.27 0.76
O2 0 0 0 5.4. Acid gas removal
Ar 0.08 0.09 0.09
52–60 vol%).
1292 I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 1286 – 1294
For a dry feed gasifier using nitrogen as transport 5.5. Hydrogen purification
gas, the clean gas purity is much lower (92.62% H2 ) than in
the case where CO2 is used (96.3% H2 ), or when a slurry After gas clean-up, a PSA stage is used to purify the raw
gasifier is used (96.22%) because of the use of nitrogen as a hydrogen to 99.99% H2 (vol.). If the purity of the raw hydrogen
transport gas. (96–98% H2 vol.) is considered to be high enough for different
H2 S is removed from the syngas prior to CO2 capture applications (e.g. heat or power generation) the hydrogen
in a standard configuration (absorption tower–flash–stripper) purification stage by PSA can be omitted leading to significant
which removes almost 100% of the H2 S. The H2 S capital cost savings.
stream, which also contains about 65–75% CO2 (vol.), is then The PSA purification yields are 82–84% according to the
sent to a Claus plant. This needs to use oxygen instead operational specifications of the industrial units of this type
of air for combustion, to enable the H2 S to burn properly, [13,15]. The tail gas (delivered at 1.5 bar) and, as previously
since the stream is so heavily diluted with CO2 . After stated, part of raw hydrogen is burned in the CCGT to produce
combustion and separation of molten sulphur, the power needed to run the plant. For Cases 1, 3 and 4, the purified
cooled and dried stream, containing CO2 and a small hydrogen pressure after PSA is high enough for pipeline
amount of unreacted H2 S, is recycled back to the inlet of transportation (64 bar). For Case 2, the purified hydrogen has to
AGR system. be compressed after PSA to the same delivery pressure (64 bar).
After H2 S removal, in the first stage of AGR, the gas is
further processed in a second stage for CO2 removal in a 5.6. Plant efficiency
configuration that uses an absorption tower and four flash
vessels operated at different pressure levels (20, 5, 2 and All plant configurations analysed in the paper were designed
1.05 bar). The CO2 capture rate is around 96–97% (except Case to be self-sufficient in terms of heat and power. This means
2 when it is around 93–94% because of the lower operating that the power needed to run the plant (ASU, pumps,
pressure). The captured CO2 stream is compressed to 114 bar compressors, solvent regeneration, etc.) is generated on-site
and is then sent to the storage site or used for different in a combined cycle gas turbine and no extra (net) power is
applications like EOR. produced apart from the plant power demand.
1 2 3 4
1% of the feedstock energy (LHV), this includes coal handling and preparation.
Process and feed water pumps.
1% of the heat released to the ambience.
Both for gas quench compression and syngas compression.
Consumption of the AGR system including recycle compressor.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 1286 – 1294 1293
In all plant configurations, the coal input was the same rate is around 93–94%. The explanation for this lower capture
ð550 MWth Þ; the thermal energy of the fuel input and the rate is the lower pressure of the AGR system (28–29 bar)
hydrogen output are expressed taking into consideration the compared with other cases (65–66 bar).
lower heating values (28.13 MJ/kg for coal and, respectively, In this paper, the decision was made to place the in-plant
10:795 MJ=Nm3 for hydrogen). The energy balances for all four compressor after the gasifier but before the shift converters. If
plant configurations analysed in this paper are presented in the compression was delayed until the syngas is transformed
Table 6. In calculating the efficiencies of the various cases, the to hydrogen, a multi stage centrifugal unit would be needed
assumption was made that all the power required by the because of the lower gas density. Furthermore, the heat
ancillary equipment (i.e ASU, AGR, CO2 compressor, pumps generated during the compression would be difficult to
and where fitted, the in-plant compressor) was supplied from integrate with the rest of the process and it would be only
the gas and steam turbines. Hence, the only net energy output suitable for producing LP steam.
from the plant was in the form of hydrogen; all the electricity Finally, it would appear that with improvements in oxygen
that was generated was consumed by the ancillaries. It purity and use of CO2 as coal transport gas, the hydrogen
follows that the overall efficiency of the plant was calculated produced by a dry feed gasifier could reach a fuel gas purity
considering the thermal energy of the hydrogen output around 96% (vol.) comparable with the hydrogen purity
divided by the thermal energy of the coal used as feedstock. delivered by a slurry feed gasifier. This relatively high purity
The results show that the innovative concepts (Cases 3 and 4) implies that the hydrogen purification stage will be done with
have a higher efficiency than conventional concepts (Cases 1 lower cost and minimum hydrogen loss. Furthermore, a
and 2). purity level of 96% would be perfectly acceptable for some
hydrogen end-use applications (e.g. heat or power genera-
tion). This would enable the PSA system to be removed, with
6. Discussion some benefit to plant output and efficiency, but giving a
marked reduction to capital costs.
The main objectives of the paper were to examine methods of
overcoming two basic shortcomings of dry feed gasifiers used
for hydrogen production with CO2 capture, namely, relatively
low outlet pressure and the low hydrogen purity. To overcome 7. Conclusions
these problems, in-plant compression of the syngas was
proposed as a means of increasing the hydrogen plant outlet The paper shows that the increase in hydrogen outlet
pressure. Hydrogen purity was enhanced by using carbon pressure and the production of very pure hydrogen
dioxide as coal transport gas and by increasing the oxygen (99.99 vol%) can be achieved in the least penalty in plant
purity required for gasification.
efficiency in the following ways:
Although it was not in the scope of this paper to make an
economic analysis of the analysed plant concepts, the view is
The use of in-plant compression of the raw syngas, in a
that an in-plant compressor will not have a significant
dry feed gasifier, not only maintains, but actually improves
influence on the plant capital cost. It should be noted that a
on the efficiency advantage of this type of gasifier
higher syngas pressure will have a positive benefit on the
compared with the slurry feed design.
capital and operating costs required for the AGR (smaller
The use of CO2 as a transport gas rather than nitrogen, in a
column sizes, lower solvent flow rates, etc.). But the like-
dry feed gasifier, does not compromise the efficiency of the
lihood of a cost penalty should disappear completely when
hydrogen production process or change significantly the
the in-plant compressor scheme is compared with the
raw gas composition.
alternative, in which a hydrogen compressor has to be used
A combination of the two techniques actually raises the
at the exit of the plant to bring the hydrogen up to standard
gasifier efficiency compared to the conventional dry feed
pipeline pressures.
The results indicate that the efficiencies of dry feed
gasifiers with in-plant compression of the syngas (Cases 3
and 4) are better by about 5% points than that of the slurry Acknowledgements
feed gasifier (Case 1) mainly because of the higher cold gas
efficiency of the dry gasifier and the fact that the heat This work has been carried out within the multi-annual work
generated in the syngas compression stage is used to promote programme of the European Commission’s Joint Research
the shift reaction. Also, the performances of dry feed gasifiers Centre within the ‘‘Assessment of Energy Technologies and
with an in-plant compressor are better by 0.5–0.75% points Systems’’ Action. Any interpretations or opinions contained
than the conventional dry feed gasifier (Case 2). in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
Regarding dry feed gasifiers with in-plant syngas compres- represent the view of the European Commission.
sion (Cases 3 and 4), the coal transport gases assessed in this
paper (nitrogen and carbon dioxide) do not have much effect R E F E R E N C E S
on the overall efficiency of the plant (less than 0.25% points).
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