Book Review: Otology & Neurotology 34:1180 Ó 2013, Otology & Neurotology, Inc

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Otology & Neurotology

34:1180 Ó 2013, Otology & Neurotology, Inc.

Book Review

Middle Ear and Mastoid Microsurgery, 2nd Edition applicable toward any middle ear and mastoid surgical
Mario Sanna, Hiroshi Sunose, Fernando Mancini, procedures detailed in later chapters. A dedicated chapter
Alessandra Russo, Abdelkader Taibah, Maurizio Falcinoi. on ‘‘Decision Making in Middle Ear Surgery’’ empha-
2nd ed. New York, NY: Thieme Publishing, 2012. sizes an important point of middle ear surgery the authors
wish to convey to readers as not just a series of discrete
Middle Ear and Mastoid Microsurgery, 2nd edition, is techniques but a part of the treatment strategy that starts
a comprehensive updated book, which built on the au- from selecting an appropriate patient.
thors’ well-organized first book on middle and mastoid Like its predecessor, the strength of this 2nd edition
surgery. The authors kept the style of step-by-step sur- book is to help readers understand the principles and
gical technique of middle ear surgery but enhanced it with system of middle ear and mastoid surgery by showing
beautifully detailed, systematic surgical photographs taken clear informative step-by-step photographs of the surgical
by digital versus only film-based cameras that were techniques involved. All its contents have been updated
available in its original publication 8 years ago. The clear accordingly. Trainees in otolaryngology, medical stu-
presentation of each photo compliments the schematic dents, and those in practice will find this new edition to be
drawings in each chapter for even better instructions to the useful in providing a comprehensive and detailed refer-
reader. At the end of each chapter, the authors have added ence book about middle ear and mastoid surgery. The
representative cases from their clinical experiences with book not only guides the young doctors in the right di-
intraoperative photos to illustrate points that were discussed rection in surgical decision but also helps experienced
in the chapter. Key surgical procedures presented also have a physicians to refine their techniques for a more favorable
‘‘Hints and Pitfalls’’ to summarize clinical pearls of each surgical outcome. The authors are commended for pro-
chapter. Topics of paraganglioma and hemipetrosectomy ducing another latest high-quality, recognized best book
have been rewritten to include modifications of Fisch’s in this field.
classification and applying the latter technique in many Yu-Lan Mary Ying, M.D.
clinical settings. Likewise, cochlear implantation has been Otology and Neurotology
updated to include challenging cases with newer technolo- Louisiana State University
gies the authors have gained experience over the past years. Health Science Center New Orleans
Besides chapters of different middle ear surgeries, the and Our Lady of the Lake Hearing and Balance Center
book also contains fundamental chapters including anat- Baton Rouge
Louisiana, U.S.A.
omy, operating room setup, pertinent anesthesia relating [email protected]
to ear surgeries, and general technical considerations for
the readers to establish a foundation of knowledge that is The author discloses no conflicts of interest.


Copyright © 2013 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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