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Intake Form 2020 PDF

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THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Eligibility, appropriateness and referrals: I understand that my eligibility for service is

contingent upon my status as FNU student or employee. The counsellor and I will decide
whether counselling services are appropriate for my presenting eeds and conditions. I
Informed Consent and Intake Form understand that if it is not, then I will be given referrals to resources more appropriate to
my needs and goals. I have had the opportunity to discuss any questions I have about this
Client’s Name: __________________________ ID#:___________________
Client’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ________________
I understand that the Fiji National University(FNU) is offering counselling services and that
this service is provided by the approved FNU Counsellors. I have discussed this information with the client:

Counsellor’s Name: _______________________________________________

Confidentiality: I understand that all information disclosed during counselling sessions is
confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without my written permission. The only
Signature: _____________________ Date: ________________
exception is in situations where disclosure is required by law:

Intake Form
1. if I present an imminent threat of harm to myself or others;
2. when there is an indication of abuse of a child, dependent adult, or elderly adult;
3. if I become gravely disabled All information provided is held in strict confidence. Tick in appropriate boxes.
4. by court subpoena; and
5. when debriefing with or referring to other FNU counsellors. Full Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________

Sex: M / F Religion: ______________________ Marital Status:________________

Communication: I understand that e-mail is not the appropriate way to communicate
confidential, urgent, or emergency information. FNU cannot ensure that e-mail messages Occupation: Staff: Job Title: _________________________ Division: ___________________
will be received or responded to if my counsellor is not available. Therefore, I am Student: Programme: _______________________________ Year: ______________________
encouraged to contact the FNU Counsellors during open hours or utilise the emergency
contacts and call the nearest Fiji Police if I have an urgent need after work hours. Name of sponsor: _________________________________ Hostel: _____________________

Current Address:______________________________________________________________
Digital recording: I understand that my interview/s may be digitally recorded for note-
taking, academic and research purpose without revealing the identity of the client. The Mobile: ___________________ Email: ___________________________________________
recordings are treated confidentially and are deleted after they are used.
Father’s name:__________________________ Occupation: ___________________
Risk and benefits: I understand that there is a possibility of risks and benefits which may
Mother’s name: ________________________ Occupation:____________________
occur in counselling. Counselling may involve the risk of remembering unpleasant events
and may arouse strong emotional feelings. Counselling can impact relationships with Your Parents are: Married Partnered Divorced Separated Widowed
significant others. The benefits from counselling may be an improved ability to relate with
others; a clearer understanding of self, values, goals; increased academic productivity; and Number of brothers: ________________ Number of sisters: _________________
an ability to deal with everyday stress. Taking personal responsibility for working with these Emergency Contact: Name: ________________________ Relation: ____________________
issues may lead to greater growth.
Mobile: ___________________ Address: __________________________________________
What is your current concern(s)? __________________________________________ Describe your childhood?
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ Describe your overall school experience?
Are you currently receiving help for your current concern? Yes No _____________________________________________________________________
If yes from GP Counsellor Mental Health Team
Are you happy with your current living conditions? Yes No
How has this concern impacted you studies/ work or day to day routine?
If no, specify___________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ If you are in a relationship, how would you describe it?
What strategies have you used to help you cope? _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
What do you feel is the cause of your current difficulty? Are you happy with the level of support you receive from family and friends?
Yes No If no, specify___________________________________________
Do you have any medical condition and/ or mental disorder? Yes No Are you happy with the level of support you receive from your course tutor/ lecturer or
If yes, specify__________________________________________________________ supervisor/employer? Yes No
If no, specify___________________________________________________________
Are you currently taking any prescribed or off- the counter medication?
Yes No If yes, specify____________________________________________ Do you currently consume alcohol? Yes No
If yes, what, how much and how often_______________________________________
Are you currently having suicide thoughts? Yes No
Do you currently use drugs recreationally? Yes No
Have you ever attempted committing suicide? Yes No
If yes, specify__________________________________________________________ If yes, what, how much and how often ______________________________________

Do you have any concerns about your present use of alcohol and/ or drugs?
Have you ever engaged in self-harming behaviour? Yes No
Yes No If yes, specify_________________________________________
If yes, specify__________________________________________________________
Do you believe there is any relationship between your alcohol/ drugs use and your
Does anyone in your family have any mental health problems? Yes No current concerns? Yes No
Where were you born? _______________ Where did you grow up?_______________ Does anyone in your family have any problems with alcohol and/or drugs?
_ Yes No
Who were your primary care provider? ______________________________________
DECLARATION: The information given by ______________________________ is
Have you ever experienced any type of abuse? Yes No correct and this is for the counselling purpose only.

If yes, specify_____________________________________________________ Client’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________________

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