Chemistry: Name

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Superior Coaching Center Hala

Date: 8-3-2020 Preparation Paper :2019-20 Class: IX

Time: 15 Minutes CHEMISTRY Total Marks: 15

Name: ______________________________
Section- A
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ’S)
Q1. Choose the Correct Answer for each from the given options:
1. Neutralization is ________ process:
a. Decomposition b. electrical c .exothermic d. endothermic
2. Which of the following is false in case of gases:
a. Diffuse easily b .Having mass c. Do not mix well d. Highly compressible
3. In an exothermic reaction
a. container becomes hot b. container becomes cooled
c. temperature of container remains same d. None
4. With the rise in temperature. The solubility of a gas
a. Stop b. Increase c .No Effect d. Decrease
5. _____ are mixtures containing particles that are intermediate in size between
those of suspension and true solution:
a. Tyndall effect b. Solubility c. Colloids d. None
6. Alums are:
a. acidic salt b. basic salt c. Neutral salt d. Double salt
7. 10 mole of King of acid are equal
a. 98g b. 908g c. 980g d. None
8. All the transition elements are.
a. Non Metal b.Gases c. Metal d.Both a&c
9. J.Priestly discovered:
a. Oxygen b.Sulphur di oxide c. Hydrogen chloride d. all
10. During chemical reactions there is no change in :
a. mass b. nature c. volume d. structure
11. Linus Pauling gave the scale for the measure of :
a. Atomic radius b. Electron affinity c.electronegativity
d. Ionization energy
12. The elements of II-A group are known as ;
a. Noble gases b. Actinides c. Alkali metals d. None
13. The bond in MgO is
a. Electro-valent bond b. Covalent bond
c. Dative bond d. Chemical bond
14. The process in which a solid directly changes to vapors is known as
a. Diffusion b. Vaporization c. evaporation d. sublimation
15. Electronegativity value of F is:
a. 2.5 b. 3 c. 2.8 d.4
Superior Coaching Center Hala

Date: 8-3-2020 Preparation Paper 2019-20 Class: IX

Time: 2 Hours CHEMISTRY Total Marks: 70

Section- B (Short Answer)

[[ Note: Answer any Eight of the following questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Q2. Define any Three of the following:
1.Organic Chemistry 2. ThermoChemistry 3.Isotope 4.Electrolyte
Q3. Differentiate between any one of the following:
a. Saturated Solution & Unsaturated solution b. Exothermic& Endothermic Reaction
Q4.What is the contribution of Jabir bin Hayan in the field of Chemistry ?
Q5. Give the Characteristics of Ionic Compund?
Q6. Explain Newland law of Octave? How this law provided the larger scope of
classification of elements?
Q7. What is Salt? Give any three formulas of the following salts.
a. Common Salt b. Potash Alum c. Blue Vitrol d. Epsom salt
Q8. How Solid is converted into liquid. Explain it?
Q9.What is Chemical Combination? Name the laws of Chemical Combination?
Q10. Outline the main points of Dalton atomic theory?
Q11.Define Heat Of Neutralization? What Would be the value of heat of neutralization
when strong acid react with strong base?
Q12. Calculate the Formula mass any two of the following ?
a. Al203 b. KNO3 c. C6H6
Q13. Balance the following equations
1. WO3+H2_________________ W+H20
2. KClO3 __________________ KCl+ O2
3. CuSO4 + NaOH _________________Cu(OH)2+ Na2SO4
4. N2 +H2 _________________NH3
5. H2 + O2 _________________H2O

Section- C (Descriptive Answer)

Note: Answer any two of the following questions each question carries equal marks.

Q14 (a). What is Electroplating? Describe the process of Nickel OR Chromium plating?
Q14 (b) What is diffusion? Explain on the basis of Kinetic Molecular theory

Q15(a). Describe the Theories of Acid and Base with Suitable Examples?

Q15(b) How does a covalent bond is differ from Co-ordinate Covalent Bond?

Q16: (a) Describe the discovery of Electron by discharge tube Experiment?

Q16 (b) What is Chemical Reaction? Explain any three types with Suitable Examples?

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