CO2 Separation
CO2 Separation
CO2 Separation
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CO2 separation membranes prepared by green, simple, and efficient methods have faced great challenges.
In this work, a facilitated transport membrane with high CO2 permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity was
prepared by an aqueous self-assembly method using commercially available polyethylenimine (PEI) and
reverse osmosis (RO) membranes as the assembled molecule and substrate, respectively. When the PEI
concentration was 50 mg L1, the prepared membranes showed excellent permeability and selectivity.
The effects of PEI concentration, pH of electrostatic-assembly and operating conditions on the
membrane performance were systemically studied. The prepared membrane was also analyzed by
Received 4th January 2017
Accepted 27th February 2017
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle
measurements to determine the adsorption and assembly kinetics of PEI. For CO2, the facilitated
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra00094d
transport mechanism was dominant because of the presence of amine groups from PEI molecules, while N2 transport was accomplished by a simple solution-diffusion mechanism.
14678 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14678–14687 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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Thus, CO2 in membranes is transported from one carrier site the membrane surface.29–32 Polyethylenimine (PEI) was chosen as
to another by free diffusion and carrier diffusion simulta- the polycation in the membrane preparation process because it
neously. As a result of the reversible reactions described above, had the highest positive charge density among the materials
CO2 and its carriers are released at the lower pressure side.5 available at the time of the study, as well as its abundant primary
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Several carriers with amino groups have been developed, and secondary amino groups. The positive charge of PEI allows it
including polyetherimide/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP),22 carbox- to bond tightly to the negative membrane by electrostatic
ymethyl chitosan/polyethylenimine (CMCS/PEI),17 attraction, and its amino groups facilitate CO2 transport. The
polyethylenimine/poly(vinylalcohol) (PEI/PVA),18 amino-agarose method described in this study, which utilizes electrostatic self-
derivative/polyethersulfone (AAG/PES),23 amine-containing assembly of an ultra-low concentration of PEI in aqueous solu-
polymer/zeolite Y/polyethersulfone (PES),24 high-molecular- tion on polyamide membranes, is inexpensive, environmentally
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.
weight polyvinylamine/piperazine glycinate (PVAm/PG),25 friendly, easy to perform, and rapid. In this work, we describe the
diethanolamine-impregnated poly(vinyl alcohol) (DEA/PVA).26 effects of varying the PEI concentration, pH of the PEI solution,
Most of these membranes were prepared by solution casting on and preparation conditions (feed pressure and pump pressure)
supported layers, which results in mass solvent pollution. on the structure and performance of the facilitated transport
Moreover, each of these preparation methods required post- membrane to determine the applicable self-assembly rules and
treatments, such as heat treatment or peeling the membranes appropriate conditions for membrane preparation.
from glass plates, making the preparation process very lengthy.
In this study, we used a polyelectrolyte self-assembly tech-
nique that was dependent on the electrostatic force between 2. Experimental
polycations and polyanions to form an ultrathin charged skin 2.1. Materials
layer on the surface of commercial polyamide reverse osmosis
Commercial polyamide reverse osmosis composite membranes
membrane substrates. Using this relatively simple method, we
were obtained from the Development Center of Water Treat-
successfully adjusted membrane thickness, charge density, and
ment Technology (Hangzhou, China). The membrane surface
CO2 transport speed.27,28 The substrate membranes were
contained abundant carboxyl groups, as shown in Fig. 1(a).
prepared by interfacial polymerization of m-phenylenediamine
Branched PEI was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (average
with trimesoyl chloride on polysulfone porous substrates. The
molecular weight ¼ 750 000). The chemical structure of PEI is
membranes were negatively charged under typical operating
shown in Fig. 1(b). High purity nitrogen and CO2 feed gases
conditions (pH > 4) because of the presence of carboxyl groups on
were produced by Jingong Specialty Gases Inc. (Hangzhou,
Fig. 1 Schematic diagrams of the chemical structures of the membrane surface (a) and polyethylenimine (b).
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China). Hydrochloric acid (HCl, AR) was purchased from Hua- The separation performance of CO2 membranes is deter-
dong Medicine Inc. (Hangzhou, China). Deionized water with mined by solute permeability, solute permeance, and selectivity
conductivity <3 ms cm1 was used in this study. All chemicals for the target species relative to other components in the feed
were used without any further purication. stream.33,34 The permeability of species i (Pi) is represented by
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membranes were cut into round shapes matching the test cell
are equivalent to 106 cm3 (STP) (cm2 s cmHg)1. JTi is the total
and supported by a porous, sintered, stainless steel plate xed
ux of species i, Dpi is the pressure difference of species i across
in the permeation cell. The effective permeation area of the
the membrane, and l is the effective thickness of the membrane.
membrane was 25 cm2. Before preparation, the membranes
For asymmetric membranes, l cannot be measured accurately;
were tested under different pressures using high purity nitrogen
therefore, in these cases, Pi/l is generally taken into consideration
and CO2 feed gases, thus obtaining the permeance and selec-
rather than Pi; as l is reduced, Pi increases. The selectivity of
tivity of the as-delivered membranes. Aerwards, the PEI solu-
species i with the respect to species j (aij) is dened as:
tion was poured into a tank and circulated past the membrane
surface by a pump for 1 hour. The pump provided transport yi =xi
aij ¼ (4)
pressure ranging from 0.1 to 1.1 MPa. Simultaneously, poly- yj xj
cations were deposited on the negatively charged polyamide
membrane surface. This preparation was carried out in situ (the
membrane remained in the cell during the entire process), as
a result the differences in the performances of the original and
prepared membranes were clear. The prepared membranes
were used for further permeation experiments.
14680 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14678–14687 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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where x and y are the mole fraction of the gas on the feed and
penetration side respectively. But if the penetration pressure is
negligible compared to the feed pressure, the ideal selectivity
can be represented as:
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a*ij ¼ (5)
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14682 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14678–14687 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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temperature, and pH 8). The feed pressure ranged from 0.1 MPa
to 0.5 MPa. Feed pressures of 0.2 and 0.3 MPa were taken as
examples. The PEI concentration ranged from 1 mg L1 to
1000 mg L1. In order to allow an explicit comparison of the
performance of the prepared and original membranes, the values
of gas permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity were normalized. In
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Permeance Selectivity
normalization normalization
temperature ( C) N2 CO2 CO2/N2
14684 | RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14678–14687 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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Table 4 Comparison of the performance of the membranes obtained in this work with that of other membranesa
PVA/PEG/PEI Solution casting and Dried in a vacuum oven Pure CO2, pure N2 250 Max: 24 0.1 25 39
solvent evaporation at 50 C for 12 h
surface per unit interval; this effect was similar to that caused by 5. Conclusions
increasing the PEI concentration. Under a pump pressure of
0.6 MPa, facilitated transport of CO2 by PEI/H2O was gradually A CO2 facilitated transport membrane was prepared through
enhanced as additional PEI molecules assembled onto the electrostatic self-assembly of PEI on a polyamide RO membrane
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membrane; as a result, the relative permeance of CO2 through in an aqueous solution. The method was simple, environmen-
the membrane was faster than that of N2, while CO2/N2 selec- tally friendly, and rapid (tens of seconds). The prepared
tivity was increased. However, when the pump pressure was membrane was used in permeation experiments without any
0.6 MPa or higher, the increased free volume caused by polymer post-treatment. The assembly of PEI switched the charge of the
swelling played a dominant role, as a result N2 and CO2 per- membrane surface from negative to positive and led to good
meance increased, while CO2/N2 selectivity decreased. CO2 permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity, which was ascribed to
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