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CO2 Separation

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CO2 separation membranes with high permeability

and CO2/N2 selectivity prepared by electrostatic
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14678

self-assembly of polyethylenimine on reverse
osmosis membranes†
Jing Sun,a Zhuan Yi,a Xueting Zhao,a Yong Zhou*a and Congjie Gaoab

CO2 separation membranes prepared by green, simple, and efficient methods have faced great challenges.
In this work, a facilitated transport membrane with high CO2 permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity was
prepared by an aqueous self-assembly method using commercially available polyethylenimine (PEI) and
reverse osmosis (RO) membranes as the assembled molecule and substrate, respectively. When the PEI
concentration was 50 mg L1, the prepared membranes showed excellent permeability and selectivity.
The effects of PEI concentration, pH of electrostatic-assembly and operating conditions on the
membrane performance were systemically studied. The prepared membrane was also analyzed by
Received 4th January 2017
Accepted 27th February 2017
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle
measurements to determine the adsorption and assembly kinetics of PEI. For CO2, the facilitated
DOI: 10.1039/c7ra00094d
transport mechanism was dominant because of the presence of amine groups from PEI molecules, while
rsc.li/rsc-advances N2 transport was accomplished by a simple solution-diffusion mechanism.

membranes. Traditional polymeric membranes have been

1. Introduction widely used in commercial applications,13 but they are limited
Separation and recycling of CO2 from post-combustion, pre- by their permeability–selectivity trade-off, known as Robeson's
combustion and oxy-fuel combustion1,2 are vitally important upper bound.14,15 Although sol–gel membranes have high
for society. Combustion of fossil fuel can satisfy the increasing permeability and high selectivity, they are difficult to apply in
demands of energy that accompany rapid economic growth, but practice because of the instability and expense of ionic liquid,16
this process releases a signicant amount of CO2, an important as well as solvent pollution. Facilitated transport membranes of
greenhouse gas responsible for approximately 60% of global the type described in this work could surpass the upper
warming.3 Worldwide CO2 emissions have nearly doubled since boundary for permeability and selectivity via reversible reac-
1971.4 However, CO2 should be removed from fuel gases like tions of reactive carriers in the membranes and target gases,17
methane, syngas and natural gas,5,6 thus enhancing their calo- such as CO2. Carriers in facilitated transport membranes may
ric value and reducing pipeline corrosion during transport. be mobile or xed; the former type may be subject to degrada-
Recycled CO2 can be reused to produce ammonia, urea, refrig- tion of membrane permeance because of evaporation of the
erants, and re extinguishing gases, as well as to enhance the membrane solution or removal of the carriers by washing,6,18
recovery of oil in oil/gas reservoirs and coal bed methane.7,8 while the latter type does not suffer from this limitation.
Commercial CO2 separation technologies mainly include Generally, CO2 is an unreactive molecule, but it can react
absorption, adsorption, cryogenic separation, and membrane rapidly with amines at normal temperature and pressure to form
separation. Among these technologies, membrane separation carbamates. The reaction is essentially an acid–base equilibrium.19
has received the most interest because this process is clean, When a xed carrier membrane containing amine groups (primary
simple, energy efficient, and low in cost.9–12 amine or secondary amine) is swollen by a solvent (e.g. water)
Types of CO2 separation membranes include polymeric acting as a reaction medium, the facilitated transport mechanism
membranes, sol–gel membranes and facilitated transport of CO2 in the membrane is described by the following formula:20,21

2CO2 + 2RNH2 + H2O % RNHCOOH + RNH3+ + HCO3

Department of Ocean, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China.
E-mail: [email protected]
Water Treatment Technology Development Center, Hangzhou 310012, China 2CO2 + 2R2NH + H2O % R2NCOOH + R2NH2+ + HCO3
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: (2)

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Thus, CO2 in membranes is transported from one carrier site the membrane surface.29–32 Polyethylenimine (PEI) was chosen as
to another by free diffusion and carrier diffusion simulta- the polycation in the membrane preparation process because it
neously. As a result of the reversible reactions described above, had the highest positive charge density among the materials
CO2 and its carriers are released at the lower pressure side.5 available at the time of the study, as well as its abundant primary
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Several carriers with amino groups have been developed, and secondary amino groups. The positive charge of PEI allows it
including polyetherimide/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP),22 carbox- to bond tightly to the negative membrane by electrostatic
ymethyl chitosan/polyethylenimine (CMCS/PEI),17 attraction, and its amino groups facilitate CO2 transport. The
polyethylenimine/poly(vinylalcohol) (PEI/PVA),18 amino-agarose method described in this study, which utilizes electrostatic self-
derivative/polyethersulfone (AAG/PES),23 amine-containing assembly of an ultra-low concentration of PEI in aqueous solu-
polymer/zeolite Y/polyethersulfone (PES),24 high-molecular- tion on polyamide membranes, is inexpensive, environmentally
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.

weight polyvinylamine/piperazine glycinate (PVAm/PG),25 friendly, easy to perform, and rapid. In this work, we describe the
diethanolamine-impregnated poly(vinyl alcohol) (DEA/PVA).26 effects of varying the PEI concentration, pH of the PEI solution,
Most of these membranes were prepared by solution casting on and preparation conditions (feed pressure and pump pressure)
supported layers, which results in mass solvent pollution. on the structure and performance of the facilitated transport
Moreover, each of these preparation methods required post- membrane to determine the applicable self-assembly rules and
treatments, such as heat treatment or peeling the membranes appropriate conditions for membrane preparation.
from glass plates, making the preparation process very lengthy.
In this study, we used a polyelectrolyte self-assembly tech-
nique that was dependent on the electrostatic force between 2. Experimental
polycations and polyanions to form an ultrathin charged skin 2.1. Materials
layer on the surface of commercial polyamide reverse osmosis
Commercial polyamide reverse osmosis composite membranes
membrane substrates. Using this relatively simple method, we
were obtained from the Development Center of Water Treat-
successfully adjusted membrane thickness, charge density, and
ment Technology (Hangzhou, China). The membrane surface
CO2 transport speed.27,28 The substrate membranes were
contained abundant carboxyl groups, as shown in Fig. 1(a).
prepared by interfacial polymerization of m-phenylenediamine
Branched PEI was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (average
with trimesoyl chloride on polysulfone porous substrates. The
molecular weight ¼ 750 000). The chemical structure of PEI is
membranes were negatively charged under typical operating
shown in Fig. 1(b). High purity nitrogen and CO2 feed gases
conditions (pH > 4) because of the presence of carboxyl groups on
were produced by Jingong Specialty Gases Inc. (Hangzhou,

Fig. 1 Schematic diagrams of the chemical structures of the membrane surface (a) and polyethylenimine (b).

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China). Hydrochloric acid (HCl, AR) was purchased from Hua- The separation performance of CO2 membranes is deter-
dong Medicine Inc. (Hangzhou, China). Deionized water with mined by solute permeability, solute permeance, and selectivity
conductivity <3 ms cm1 was used in this study. All chemicals for the target species relative to other components in the feed
were used without any further purication. stream.33,34 The permeability of species i (Pi) is represented by
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the following expression:

2.2. Membrane preparation JTi
Pi ¼ (3)
The immersion solutions were prepared by dissolving PEI in Dpi =l
deionized water at predetermined concentrations (1–1000 mg
in this expression, Pi is expressed in Barrer, which is equivalent to
L1). The pH of each solution was adjusted to 5–11 by titration
1010 cm3 (STP) cm (cm2 s cmHg)1. Pi/l is the permeance of the
with dilute hydrochloric acid. The polyamide reverse osmosis
membrane and is expressed in gas permeation units (GPU), which
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.

membranes were cut into round shapes matching the test cell
are equivalent to 106 cm3 (STP) (cm2 s cmHg)1. JTi is the total
and supported by a porous, sintered, stainless steel plate xed
ux of species i, Dpi is the pressure difference of species i across
in the permeation cell. The effective permeation area of the
the membrane, and l is the effective thickness of the membrane.
membrane was 25 cm2. Before preparation, the membranes
For asymmetric membranes, l cannot be measured accurately;
were tested under different pressures using high purity nitrogen
therefore, in these cases, Pi/l is generally taken into consideration
and CO2 feed gases, thus obtaining the permeance and selec-
rather than Pi; as l is reduced, Pi increases. The selectivity of
tivity of the as-delivered membranes. Aerwards, the PEI solu-
species i with the respect to species j (aij) is dened as:
tion was poured into a tank and circulated past the membrane
surface by a pump for 1 hour. The pump provided transport yi =xi
aij ¼  (4)
pressure ranging from 0.1 to 1.1 MPa. Simultaneously, poly- yj xj
cations were deposited on the negatively charged polyamide
membrane surface. This preparation was carried out in situ (the
membrane remained in the cell during the entire process), as
a result the differences in the performances of the original and
prepared membranes were clear. The prepared membranes
were used for further permeation experiments.

2.3. Membrane characterization

The surface and cross section view of the membranes were
examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using a Hita-
chiS-4700 instrument. The chemical composition of the
prepared membranes near the membrane surface was charac-
terized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) using a Kratos
AXIS Ultra DLD instrument. Contact angle measurements were
carried out using a Dataphysics OCA 30 instrument to assess
membrane surface wettability. A water drop was allowed to sit
on the surface of the original and prepared membranes for 5 s
to achieve complete wetting. Each sample was tested at ve
different points to reduce the chance of experimental error.

2.4. Permeation experiments

The original and prepared membranes were tested under feed
gas pressures ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 MPa. Pure nitrogen was
used rst, followed by CO2. The ow rates of the permeation
gases were measured by a soap bubble owmeter. The pressure
on the permeation side was atmospheric pressure. A schematic
diagram of the permeation unit for CO2 and N2 separation is
shown in Fig. 2(a). The feed gases were humidied with water
vapor generated from a buffer tank, thus avoiding dehydration
and maintaining the separation performance of the membrane
in the test cell. The measured temperature (25  C) was kept
constant by a water-bath. The humidied feed gas and perme-
ation gas go across the membrane in a countercurrent ow. The
membrane preparation process is shown in Fig. 2(b). Aer
preparation, the membrane was placed in the setup described Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for (a) CO2 and
above to test its performance (Fig. 2(a)). N2 permeation testing; (b) membrane preparation.

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where x and y are the mole fraction of the gas on the feed and
penetration side respectively. But if the penetration pressure is
negligible compared to the feed pressure, the ideal selectivity
can be represented as:
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a*ij ¼ (5)

3. Results and discussion

3.1. SEM images
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.

SEM was used to examine the surface and cross section

morphologies of the membranes. As shown in Fig. 3, the images
of membranes prepared at different PEI concentrations and pH
values were studied. From the surface images of original and
prepared membranes, it could be seen evidently that PEI
molecules were self-assembled onto the membranes surface.
But because the self-assembly layer was ultrathin, the thickness
of the PEI coated layer on the membrane surface couldn't be
measured by the cross section point of view (see Fig. 3(c)).

3.2. XPS analysis

The thickness of the interfacially polymerized skin layer was
approximately 100 nm. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra
of membranes was measured rstly, but due to the small number
of PEI molecules self-assembled, the results couldn't be proved
the functional groups on the skin layer of membranes (see FT-IR
spectra in ESI†). The sample surface was probed to a depth of 1–
10 nm by XPS, as a result the XPS analysis only considered the top
layer near the membrane surface. The results of the analysis of C,
O, and N are shown in Table 1. O was found in the basement
membrane, where it was the result of hydrolysis of acyl chloride
on the polyamide membrane surface. PEI contains only C and N,
as a result the O/N ratio represents the amount of –COOH on the
membrane surface. The theoretical O/N ratio of a fully cross-
linked polyamide is 1;35 when the O/N ratio exceeds 1, the
membrane surface is negatively charged. When the O/N ratio is
less than 1, excessive PEI absorption occurs. In this study, when
the PEI concentration was less than 400 mg L1, the O/N ratio
was greater than 1 (Table 1). When the PEI concentration was Fig. 3 SEM images of surface and cross section for membranes
greater than 400 mg L1, the O/N ratio was less than 1. In addi- prepared by different PEI concentrations (pH ¼ 8.0) and pH values
tion, the O/N ratio at a PEI concentration of 50 mg L1 (pH 8.0) (50 mg L1) (a) original membranes; (b) surface morphologies; (c) cross
was slightly greater than 1, while the O/N ratio at a PEI concen- section views.
tration of 500 mg L1 (pH 8.0) was slightly less than 1. At PEI
concentrations of 50 mg L1 and 500 mg L1, the O/N ratio at pH
6 was greater than 1, while the O/N ratio at pH 10 was less than 1. study under different concentrations and pH levels are shown
in Table 2. Even if the membrane is prepared with a very low
3.3. Contact angle measurements concentration of PEI, the contact angle was sharply decreased in
comparison with that of a PA RO membrane. That meant PEI
For facilitated transport membranes, saturated water vapor molecules were self-assembled onto the membranes, thus
molecules in feed gases can increase the reaction rate of CO2 increasing the membrane hydrophilicity. That was consistent
with carriers (working like weak base catalysts, as shown in eqn with the results of SEM. In addition, the contact angle did not
(1) and (2)) and the water vapor molecules can also increase the vary signicantly (approximately 30 to 45 ) across the range of
driving force for CO2 transport to determine the permselective PEI concentrations tested in this study. The contact angles for
properties.5,36,37 Thus, hydrophilicity is a signicant inuence membranes with 50 mg L1 PEI (pH 8.0) and 500 mg L1 (pH
on the performance of facilitated transport membranes. The 10.0) were less than 30 ; therefore, these membranes had
water drop contact angles for the membranes assessed in this

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Table 1 XPS results for CO2 separation membranes prepared under

different conditions

PEI concentration/pH O/% N/% C/% O/N

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PA RO membrane 13.65 13.14 73.21 1.04

5 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.56 13.05 72.39 1.12
50 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.87 14.85 70.27 1.00
70 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.98 13.89 71.13 1.08
100 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.3 13.22 72.47 1.08
150 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.16 13.95 71.89 1.02
400 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.05 14.2 71.75 0.99
500 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 15.14 15.15 69.71 1.00
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700 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.34 15.37 70.29 0.93

1000 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 14.52 16.15 69.33 0.90
50 mg L1 PEI, pH 6.0 14.43 12.54 73.03 1.15
50 mg L1 PEI, pH 10.0 14.1 14.73 71.17 0.96
500 mg L1 PEI, pH 6.0 14.42 14.15 71.43 1.02
500 mg L1 PEI, pH 10.0 15.21 15.45 69.34 0.98

Table 2 Effects of PEI concentration and pH on membrane contact

angle (0.4 MPa pump pressure and 25  C operating temperature)

PEI concentration/pH level Contact angle ( )

PA RO membrane 61.7  0.5

5 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 47.0  2.0 Fig. 4 Effect of feed pressure on CO2, N2 permeance and CO2/N2
50 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 24.4  1.8 selectivity (a-1), (a-2): 50 mg L1, pH ¼ 10.0; (b-1), (b-2): 30 mg L1, pH
70 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 38.2  1.9 ¼ 8.0; (c-1), (c-2) 250 mg L1, pH ¼ 8.0. The operating temperature
100 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 41.7  1.9 was 25  C; the pump pressure was 0.4 MPa. (1 GPU ¼ 1  106 cm3
150 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 34.3  2.5 (STP) cm2 s cmHg).
400 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 31.1  0.9
500 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 47.4  2.4
700 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 43.4  1.6
1000 mg L1 PEI, pH 8.0 42.7  1.0 study, membrane carriers did not reach saturation at lower feed
50 mg L1 PEI, pH 6.0 44.4  3.3 pressures, as a result transport was accomplished by solution-
50 mg L1 PEI, pH 10.0 31.7  7.0 diffusion and facilitated transport mechanisms. In addition,
500 mg L1 PEI, pH 6.0 43.5  2.6 the N2 and CO2 permeance of the prepared membranes was
500 mg L1 PEI, pH 10.0 24.4  0.8
reduced in comparison with that of the original membranes,
likely because additional PEI hydrogel layers on the membrane
surface increased transport resistance. However, the CO2/N2
selectivity of the original membranes decreased as the feed
excellent hydrophilicity. The contact angles of the membranes
pressure was increased, while that of the prepared membranes
decreased sharply as pH was increased. Taken together, these
rst increased and then plateaued at a constant level.
results showed that the hydrophilicity of the prepared
N2 did not react with the membrane carriers, and its ux
membranes surpassed the hydrophilicity of the original
changed in an approximately linear manner for the original and
membranes, while alkaline conditions favored membrane
prepared membranes as the feed pressure was increased;
hydrophilicity in comparison with acidic conditions.
however, the change in N2 permeance was insignicant for the
prepared membranes, which indicated that N2 permeance was
3.4. Effect of feed pressure on membrane separation the result of solution-diffusion only. For humidied CO2,
performance facilitated transport by PEI (and H2O) played a dominant role,
The effect of gas feed pressure on membrane performance was as a result CO2 permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity increased as
studied at different PEI concentrations and pH levels. The feed the feed pressure was increased from 0.1 to 0.3 MPa. However,
pressure ranged from 0.1 MPa to 0.5 MPa. As shown in Fig. 4, the when the feed pressure was greater than 0.3 MPa, the
N2 and CO2 permeance of the original and prepared membranes membranes carriers reached saturation, while the complexation
increased as the feed pressure was increased. This change is reaction rate stabilized,38 thus decreasing CO2 permeance
contradictory to the commonly accepted idea that CO2 per- accordingly. Under these conditions, increasing feed pressure
meance decreases as feed pressure increases for normal facili- increased the driving force of transport and gas solubility,
tated transport membranes. In previous studies, decreased CO2 favoring the process of solution-diffusion. As a result of this
permeance was the result of carrier saturation on the feed side of change, CO2 permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity tended to
the membrane under low pressure.5,18,38,39 Therefore, in this plateau at constant levels.

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3.5. Effect of PEI solution concentration on membrane

separation performance
The effect of the PEI concentration on membrane performance
was investigated (0.4 MPa pump pressure, 25  C operating
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temperature, and pH 8). The feed pressure ranged from 0.1 MPa
to 0.5 MPa. Feed pressures of 0.2 and 0.3 MPa were taken as
examples. The PEI concentration ranged from 1 mg L1 to
1000 mg L1. In order to allow an explicit comparison of the
performance of the prepared and original membranes, the values
of gas permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity were normalized. In
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.

terms of self-assembly layers increasing transport resistance, the

gas permeance of the prepared membranes was reduced in
comparison with that of the original membranes, as a result the
normalization values were less than 1. As shown in Fig. 5, N2 and
CO2 permeance decreased rst, aer which it increased. At PEI
concentrations of 150 mg L1 or greater, CO2 permeance
remained almost constant as the concentration was increased,
while N2 permeance continued to increase. As a result, CO2/N2
selectivity increased rst, aer which it decreased.
In water-swollen polymer membranes, increased permeance of
N2 and CO2 can be ascribed to the increased free volume between Fig. 5 Effect of PEI concentration on membrane performance under
feed pressures of (a) 0.2 MPa; (b) 0.3 MPa. The permeance and CO2/N2
swollen polymer chains. Meanwhile, water molecules in the
selectivity values of the prepared membranes were normalized to
membrane act as an N2 barrier and facilitate CO2 transport.36 those of the original membranes. Operating conditions: pump pres-
Therefore, increased free volume between polymer chains and sure ¼ 0.4 MPa, temperature ¼ 25  C.
facilitated transport by PEI and H2O are two important factors
resulting in the performance changes observed in this study
and high (500 mg L1) PEI concentrations were assessed. As
following membrane wetting. Under these conditions, the number
shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b), as pH was increased, permeance of
of PEI molecules that assemble onto the membrane increases as
CO2 and N2 decreased and then increased, while CO2/N2
the PEI concentration is increased. This change was illustrated by
selectivity increased and then decreased.
the results of XPS and contact angle analysis. Facilitated transport
For this phenomenon, combined contributions from facili-
of CO2 by PEI and H2O was gradually enhanced as the PEI
tated transport by PEI/H2O and increased free volume (ascribed
concentration was increased; consequently, the permeance rate of
to polymer swelling) are responsible for the changes in perfor-
CO2 through the membrane was faster than that of N2, and CO2/N2
mance described above. Typically, alkaline solutions lead to
selectivity was increased. This change was consistent at PEI
deprotonation of carboxyl groups on membranes, creating
concentrations lower than 50 mg L1. However, additional PEI
a more negatively charged surface and favoring adsorption of PEI
molecules adsorbed onto the membranes at PEI concentrations of
molecules. As shown by the results of XPS and contact angle
50 mg L1 and higher increased the free volume between PEI
analysis (Tables 1 and 2), pH inuences to self-assembly of PEI
polymer chains, increasing permeance by CO2 and N2. Under these
molecules. At pH values lower than 8, the relative permeance rate
conditions, permeance was strongly inuenced by the free volume
of CO2 through membranes by PEI-facilitated transport becomes
between polymer chains. In addition, the increase in the free
much faster than that of N2 as pH increases, as a result CO2/N2
volume between polymer chains decreased the number of water
selectivity increases. However, at pH values of 8 and higher, more
molecules between polymer chains and was unfavourable to
PEI molecules self-assemble onto the membranes, increasing the
facilitated transport of CO2; therefore, N2 and CO2 permeance both
free volume between swollen polymer chains and thus enhancing
increased, while CO2/N2 selectivity decreased. When the PEI
permeance. Under these conditions, increased free volume is the
concentration was higher than 150 mg L1, CO2 permeance ten-
strongest inuence on gas permeance; CO2 and N2 permeance
ded to be constant because of saturation of PEI adsorption, while
increases, while CO2/N2 selectivity decreases. In addition,
N2 permeance continued to increase, as a result CO2/N2 selectivity
damage to the PA skin layer by alkaline solutions may cause gas
continued to decrease.
leakage and decreased CO2/N2 selectivity. At pH values lower than
8, the area between PEI molecules is occupied by water mole-
3.6. Effect of PEI concentration and pH on membrane cules, which also contribute to facilitated transport of CO2.
The effect of the pH of the PEI solution on membrane separa-
tion performance was studied (0.4 MPa pump pressure and 3.7. Effect of self-assembly temperature on membrane
25  C operating temperature). The feed pressure ranged from performance
0.1 MPa to 0.5 MPa; a feed pressure of 0.1 MPa was taken as an The effects of self-assembly temperature on membrane sepa-
example. Changes in separation performance at low (50 mg L1) ration performance were studied at a PEI concentration of

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Fig. 6Effect of PEI concentration and pH on gas permeance and

CO2/N2 selectivity at PEI concentrations of (a) 50 mg L1 and (b) Fig. 7 Effect of pump pressure on membrane separation performance
500 mg L1. Operating temperature, 25  C; feed pressure, 0.1 MPa; at feed pressures of (a) 0.1 MPa and (b) 0.2 MPa. Operating tempera-
pump pressure, 0.4 MPa. ture, 25  C; PEI concentration, 500 mg L1; pH, 9.

increased, while CO2/N2 selectivity increased and then

1 decreased. As the self-assembly pump pressure was increased,
500 mg L , a pump pressure of 0.4 MPa and a pH value of 9.0. A
feed pressure of 0.1 MPa were taken as an example. The additional PEI molecules were transported to the membrane
experimental results were shown herein in Table 3. As the self-
assembly temperature was increased, the speed of PEI mole-
cules transported to the membrane surface was accelerated.
When additional PEI molecules adsorbed onto the membranes,
the free volume between swollen polymer chains was increased
and played a dominant role resulting in the membranes
performance changes, thus enhancing permeance, while CO2/
N2 selectivity decreased.

3.8. Effect of pump pressure on membrane performance

The effects of pump pressure on membrane separation perfor-
mance were studied at a PEI concentration of 500 mg L1, an
operating temperature of 25  C, and a pH value of 9.0. Feed
pressures of 0.1 MPa and 0.2 MPa were taken as examples. As
shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b), gas permeance decreased and then

Table 3 Effect of self-assembly temperature on membrane separa-

tion performance

Permeance Selectivity
normalization normalization
temperature ( C) N2 CO2 CO2/N2

20 0.02 0.12 7.03

30 0.06 0.17 3.02 Fig. 8 Effect of self-assembly time on membrane separation perfor-
40 0.07 0.20 2.85 mance under feed pressures of (a) 0.2 MPa and (b) 0.3 MPa. Operating
temperature, 25  C; PEI concentration, 50 mg L1; pH, 8.0.

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Table 4 Comparison of the performance of the membranes obtained in this work with that of other membranesa

CO2 permeance (GPU)

Membrane Preparation Post-treatment Feed gas (v/v) or permeability CO2/N2 selectivity Dp(pCO2) (MPa) T ( C) Ref.

PVA/PEG/PEI Solution casting and Dried in a vacuum oven Pure CO2, pure N2 250 Max: 24 0.1 25 39
solvent evaporation at 50  C for 12 h

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DNMDAm- Interfacial Washed and heat- CO2/N2 20/80 173, 97 70, 56 0.1(0.02), 0.5(0.1) Room 42
TMC/PS polymerization treated temperature
PVA/TETA Solution casting Dried at room Pure CO2, pure N2 Max: 6.9 Max:50 7.6 cmHg 25 20
for at least 24 h
PVAm-EDA/ Solution casting Dried at least 24 h CO2/N2 20/80 239, 169, 109 83, 81, 73 0.1(0.02), Room 41
PS before peeling from the 0.6(0.12), temperature
substrate 1.1(0.22)
PVAm/zeolite Vacuum-assisted dip- Dried in a fume hood at CO2/N2 20/80 Max: 1100 At least 200 1.5 psig 57 24
Y/PES coating room
temperature for
overnight before testing
AF-MWNTs/ Solution casting Immediately dried by CO2/H2/N2 20/ 224 bars, 139, 384 28 bar, 15 bar 107 40
PVA-POS/PSF convective air ow at 40/40 20/20.2/59.8 957 bars
150  C for 20 min,
followed by thermal
curing in a muffle oven
at 120  C for 6 h
PEI/ Electrostatic self- NO Pure CO2, pure N2 77 63 0.2 25 This
polyamide assembly work
Dp, transmembrane pressure (MPa); pCO2, CO2 partial at feed gas side (MPa); T, operating temperature ( C) during permeation; PVA, poly(vinylalcohol); PEG, poly(ethyleneglycol); DNMDAm, 3,30 -
diamino-N-methyldipropylamine; TMC, trimesoyl chloride; PS, polysulfone; TETA, triethyelenetetramine; PES, polyethersulfone; AF-MWNTs, amino-functionalized multi-walled carbon
nanotubes; POS, polysiloxane; PSF, polysulfone; PVAm, polyvinylamine.
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surface per unit interval; this effect was similar to that caused by 5. Conclusions
increasing the PEI concentration. Under a pump pressure of
0.6 MPa, facilitated transport of CO2 by PEI/H2O was gradually A CO2 facilitated transport membrane was prepared through
enhanced as additional PEI molecules assembled onto the electrostatic self-assembly of PEI on a polyamide RO membrane
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.

membrane; as a result, the relative permeance of CO2 through in an aqueous solution. The method was simple, environmen-
the membrane was faster than that of N2, while CO2/N2 selec- tally friendly, and rapid (tens of seconds). The prepared
tivity was increased. However, when the pump pressure was membrane was used in permeation experiments without any
0.6 MPa or higher, the increased free volume caused by polymer post-treatment. The assembly of PEI switched the charge of the
swelling played a dominant role, as a result N2 and CO2 per- membrane surface from negative to positive and led to good
meance increased, while CO2/N2 selectivity decreased. CO2 permeance and CO2/N2 selectivity, which was ascribed to
Open Access Article. Published on 06 March 2017. Downloaded on 2/14/2020 7:22:17 AM.

the facilitated transport mechanism. Although CO2/N2 per-

meance was decreased aer PEI assembly, the CO2/N2 selectivity
of the prepared membrane was increased remarkably. A PEI
3.9. Adsorption kinetics and equilibrium curves concentration of 50 mg L1 achieved optimal permeance and
The effect of PEI self-assembly time on membrane separation selectivity within a pH range of 8–9, implying that production of
performance was investigated at an operating temperature of such membranes could be scaled up easily. The adsorption
25  C, a PEI concentration of 50 mg L1, and a pH value of 8.0. kinetics at 25  C demonstrated that self-assembly of PEI on the
Feed pressures of 0.2 MPa and 0.3 MPa were taken as examples. polyamide membranes progressed quickly. Electrostatic
As shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b), N2 and CO2 permeance both assembly of PEI onto the membrane substrate at low PEI
declined, aer which they tended to remain unchanged as self- concentrations was deduced to be a primary reason for the
assembly time increased. As a result, CO2/N2 selectivity increased performance of the prepared membranes.
increased and then stayed constant. It is clear that contact
between the membrane and PEI solution for a period of tens of Acknowledgements
seconds greatly changed the separation performance of the
membrane. Under these conditions, additional PEI molecules This work was supported by the National Basic Research
were adsorbed onto the membrane as self-assembly time Program of China (grant no: 2015CB655303), the National
increased, which gradually enhanced facilitated transport. As Major Research and Development Program of China (grant no:
a result of facilitated transport, the rate at which CO2 per- 2016YFC0401508) and the Open Research Fund Program of
meance decreased slowed; in comparison with N2 permeance, Collaborative Innovation Center of Membrane Separation and
a longer time was required for CO2 permeance to plateau at Water Treatment of Zhejiang Province (2016ZD02, 2016YB08).
a constant level. CO2 permeance was unchanged aer the
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