Detailed Lesson Plan4

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Teaching English 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students must be able to:
a. Define what idiomatic expressions are;
b. Delineate connotatively the given idiomatic expressions through oral recitation,
c. Apply idiomatic expressions through dialogues

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Idioms/Idiomatic Expressions
B. Springboard: Bones Will Crow: An Insider’s View (An Excerpt)
C. References: Learning Module for English-Grade 8, PNU English Reviewer, and
English Grammar-Quiz and Learn Mobile Application
D. Materials: Visual aids, chalk and chalkboard

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning too, Madam!
c. Checking of Attendance
Is everyone present? Yes, everyone’s present Madam!
d. Review
Yesterday, we tackled the
poem titled VISION, didn’t
we? Yes, we did Madam!

Who was the author of the

poem again?
Yes, Charell! Madam, the author of the poem was

How about the theme

proposed in the poem?
Yes, Patricia! The poem VISION is all about what the
author envisions or hopes Burmese
people to be.
Brilliant answer!

e. Motivation
I have posted an expression on
the board.
It says, “Bring home the
Now, let us try to define this
expression literally and
figuratively. (The students will give their literal and
figurative interpretations on the
You all have wonderful ideas

B. Developmental Activity/Development
of the Lesson
a. Presentation of the Lesson
With the activity that we just did,
who has an idea about what could
be our lesson for today?
Let’s have, Shayne!

Madam, I think that our lesson for today

is going to focus on idioms because the
I love the way you think! expression “Bring home the bacon” is an
She’s right class! idiomatic expression.

Today, we will be discussing

about idioms as well as its
b. Reading Proper
we are going to read an excerpt
from the text titled “Bones Will
Crow:An Insider’s View” and let
us try to unlock the underlined the
expression connotatively.
A. First Reading

B. Second Reading
I will give you 1 minute to read (The teacher will call a student to read
again the excerpt silently. the excerpt orally.)
c. Discussion
From the text, what are the
underlined expressions?
Alright, Jamaica!

Precisely! Madam, the underlined expressions are

”Bones Will Crow”, and “ears have been
So we have the expressions “Bones lamed”.
Will Crow” and “ears have been

Who would like to give the definition

of the first expression?
Okay, Mia!

Very good! Madam, the expression “Bones Will

Crow” means “whatever you give, you
How about the second underlined get back”.
Yes, Josel!

Great idea! The expression “ears have been lamed”

means “having a poor or weak
When we say “ears have been understanding of an idea”.
lamed,” it means you weren’t able to
grasp the meaning of something.

Class, as you have observed, those

expressions are examples of idiomatic

Who would like to read and tell us

what idioms or idiomatic expressions
Okay, Shella!

Madam, idioms or idiomatic expressions

are words, phrases, or expressions which
Thank you! are commonly used in everyday
conversation by native speakers of
Class, idioms are a combination of English and usually figurative.
words that has a figurative meaning.

For example, the expression “a piece

of cake,” this means “easy or simple
to do”. This expression does not refer
to the number or a part of a cake.

Is it understood class?

Let us try the expression “Give me a

Who wants to define the expression?
Yes, Lara! Yes Madam!


“Give me a hand” is an expression of

a person who wants to be helped out
or asks for some help. The expression “Give me a hand” means
“help me”.
How about the expression “Zip your

Alright, Jamille!

That’s correct!

If you want to stop someone from

talking, tell him/her to “Zip your lip”.
Madam, “Zip your lip” means be quiet or
Let’s have the expression, “Apple of stop talking.
the eye”.
What does this mean?
Alright, Abigail!

Very good!
C. Values Infusion
Class, what do you think is the
significance of idioms/idiomatic
expressions when we communicate?
Yes, Mia! The expression “Apple of the eye” means

Bulls’ eye!
D. Application
This time, we will have an activity.
There will be 3 groups. Each group
will be given 8 idiomatic expressions
along with their definitions to work Madam, I think the significance of using
on. idioms as we communicate is that it adds
Each group must present or create a more flavor to our sentences.
dialogue using the idiomatic

I will give you 5 minutes to create

your dialogues which will be
presented in front afterwards.
Am I communicating?
You may start now!

Great job class!

E. Generalization
What are idioms again, class?
Yes, Andrei! Yes, you are Madam!
(Each group will create their dialogues
Brilliant! and present their output afterwards.)

Class, you can use idioms to make

your sentences more appealing and
attractive especially when you Madam, idioms are expressions that are
communicate with other people. figurative in meaning.

IV. Evaluation
Instruction: On a half sheet of paper, define the following idiomatic expressions:
1. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
2. “Not all that glitters is gold.”
3. “Time is gold.”
4. “a dime a dozen”
5. “a drop in the ocean”
V. Assignment/Agreement
A. Follow-up Activity
Instruction: Research on other examples of idiomatic expressions with their definitions.
Write it in your notebooks.

B. Advanced Reading
Instruction: Read in advance about ‘Propaganda’ in your Learning Module for English-
Grade 8 on pages 346-347.

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