Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance: The Moderating Effect of Organisation Life Cycle

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2 (2016)



Milan Malý
University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

Emil Velinov
University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic

The research paper examines the moderating impact of Organizational Life Cycle on the relationship
between Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance. The study first elaborates and
establishes the theoretical link between organization lifecycle and composition of management elites.
Second, a quantitative empirical study is conducted to test the OLC stages moderating impact on the upper
echelons diversity and firm performance of the top companies in the Czech Republic.
A detailed procedure is developed to accurately classify organizations at different lifecycle stages, drawing
extensively on existing literature and scales.
Paper findings state that more mature the company becomes, more diversified the senior management is
regardless the firm performance. Also, the industry dynamism impact has its own role in the relationship
between the organization life cycle and senior management diversity which is expressed by the paper
findings as well.

Keywords: Top management team, Diversity, Company performance, Organization life cycle.


INTRODUCTION perspectives within the team (Cox, Lobel &

Recently, there is a surge of interest in exploring McLeod, 1991; McLeod & Lobel, 1992; Watson,
Top management teams (TMT) and Diversity these Kumar & Michaelsen, 1993).
topics are referring to successful global companies One of the most important factors which can
have multinational top management (Berman, substantially increase the efficiency of decision-
1997). making of top management teams (TMT) is the
Research on multicultural teams, however, characteristics where we measure efficient
suggests that national diversity has positive effects composition and diversity of TMT.
for team effectiveness and performance. Diversity Business World tries to find this efficiency by
in national origin is associated with diversity in incremental (ongoing) improvement of TMT. The
values, cognitions and experiences that generate literature examines two important factors
broader knowledge bases and different substantially influencing the composition, 1
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

diversity, life cycle phases and company interpretation of possible choices. In a perceptual
performance. model of strategic choice under conditions of
In the unstable business environment, there is an bounded rationality, Hambrick and Mason (1984)
ongoing debate as to prevent a repeat of the visualize how ma
governance failures that triggered these strategic choice in a three-stage process: a limited
developments. A recent focus of this debate has field of vision, selective perception and
been the issue of increasing Top Management interpreting noticed stimuli based on the
Team (TMT) and Board Diversity to improve .
company performance and reduce groupthink and In their seminal work, Hambrick and Mason
inertia at the top of large and influential (1984) suggest that manage -
companies in particularly critical situations. economic characteristics can be used as proxies for
Proposals to improve TMT and board diversity the more complex psychological dimensions of
have ranged from the launch of voluntary their personalities. The reasoning is based on the
measures to direct intervention through the organizational socio-economy approach, which
introduction of quotas to ensure a minimum criticizes the use of constructs such as attitudes,
representation of TMT and board members. needs, values, preferences and cognitions, since
The paper links two independent variables (Top
Management Team Diversity) and Company and conceptually validate [and] are neither
Performance and it investigates how these concrete nor unambiguous in their meanings and
variables interact by applying moderating variable -
of Organization Life Cycle, which is vital for each economy is regarded as an important causal
organization especially in a world of fast changes variable and whereas the existence of process and
and turbulent environment. Therefore, the other intervening variables between socio-
research paper sheds a light on the economic composition and organizational
interconnection between TMT and company outcomes is acknowledged, it is not considered
performance. The results of this study have necessary to explore these process constructs, as
twofold results- conceptual and practical as it help they are mostly mental processes, which are also
us to better understand what stays behind considered difficult to access and measure reliably
diversity in TMTs and how important is the stage (Pfeffer, 1983). The combination of strategic choice
of company development in relation to company and organizational socio-economy perspective
performance. leads to the first TMTs model as suggested by
Hambrick and Mason (1984).
Diversity of functional backgrounds also
contributes to cohesion by endowing team
Top Management Team and Company members with similar frames of reference for
Performance problem solving (Dearborn & Simon, 1958; Gupta
The roots of the Top Management Teams (TMT) & Govindarajan, 1984).Like average team tenure, a
perspective lie in the behavioral theory of the firm common functional background contributes to the
(Cyert & March, 1963), which suggests that development of common schema among team
managerial choices are not always following members and thereby increases cohesion by
rational motives but are to a large extent providing a common premise for decision making.
influenced by the natural limitations of managers Due to difficulties of gaining access to and
as human beings. Behavioral factors such as assessing intricate psychological dimensions of top
bounded rationality, multiple and conflicting goals, managers and their actual behavior, organizational
various aspiration levels etc., are believed to socio-economy has become the predominant
influence strategic choices made by top executives, approach in TMTs research (Daily, Dalton &
which in turn determine board composition. In a Cannella, 2003; Hambrick & Mason, 1984;
particular decision-making situation, managerial Pettigrew, 1992). Numerous empirical studies
decisions are influenced by their own values and scrutinize the effects of top management socio-
economics on organizational outcomes, such as
perception of the situation and the subsequent 2
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

strategy and performance. Especially the topic of TMTs will face different personnel requirements
team diversity has been of particular interest for based on the organization's lifecycle stage. The
researchers from a theoretical point of view characteristics of a successful TMT may for
(Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1996). Measures of example be different based on the extent to which
distributional properties (dispersion of a group they pursue innovative, growth-directed strategies
over specified categories) rather than central or maintenance-oriented strategies. The decision-
tendencies, such as mean, median or proportion, making style is also likely to become more
are considered crucial for understanding the participative and decentralized as an organization
effects of socio-economy on organizational develops (McNamara & Baden- Fuller, 1999),
outcome. The most recent decade of TMT research potentially influencing the type and mix of top
is characterized by several important, and at the manager profiles sought by an organization
same time distinguishing, themes. When over the course of its lifecycle. As the
contrasted with earlier upper echelon organization lifecycle may influence TMT
investigation, recent research did not carry the characteristics through a variety of organizational
burden of validating the original Hambrick and mechanisms, the dissertation will adopt a broad
Mason model. Rather, it was able to capitalize on a approach to the application of pertinent theories.
foundation of empirical results linking not only Key theories that may be drawn upon to explain
TMT characteristics and firm strategic profiles (e.g., the varying needs for TMT characteristics at
Bantel & Jackson, 1989; Finkelstein & Hambrick, different lifecycle stages include, i.a., socio capital
1990; Smith, Grimm, Gannon & Chen, 1991). theory (Burt, 1992; Coleman, 1988), resource
Moreover, earlier work had already established diversity theory (Barney, 1991), and resource
that the TMT model was applicable in diverse dependence theory (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978).
contexts, including U.S. and international A one-size-fits-all approach to TMT
organizations (e.g., Hoffman & Hegarty, 1993; characteristics may not be ideal for organizations
Wiersema & Bird, 1993), as well as different life at all stages of organizational evolution. Indeed, it
cycle stages, and business and corporate strategy may be counterproductive for organizations to
arenas (Cannella & Hambrick, 1993; Eisenhardt & comply with a set of regulations that are
Schoonhoven, 1990; Hambrick, Cho and Chen, incompatible with their evolutionary stage. For
1996). example, if a mandatory measure to increase
TMT diversity is designed to improve an
Organization Life Cycle and Top Management average outcome in a large sample of
Team predominantly mature firms, such regulations may
at the same time hamper the progress of firms that
In one of the most influential organization
are at other evolutionary stages such as growth or
lifecycle models, Miller and Friesen (1984)
contend that organizations tend to move in a linear
sequence of five stages: birth, growth, maturity,
revival, and decline. Miller and Friesen (1984) METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH
suggest that an organization has unique features at Hypotheses
each lifecycle stage with regard to the general state
In this part, hypotheses are elaborated regarding
of affairs of the organization. This includes features
the relationship between TMT diversity and
such as size, age, ownership dispersion, influence
performance, and the relevant independent
of stakeholders on decisions, and the diversity
variables, moderate variable are identified and
and/or hostility of the organization's environment.
Whereas at early lifecycle stages top managers
focus primarily on managing external TMT size
dependencies, organizations become increasingly Existing studies have presented mixed results on
focused on internal issues as they grow and the impact of TMT size on company performance.
mature (Dodge & Robbins, 1992). Different Some research on the role of the TMT as an
lifecycle stages also imply different approaches to organizational resource has demonstrated a
strategic decision-making, which means that positive relationship between TMT size and firm
performance such as innovation or financial 3
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

performance. For instance, Sanders and Carpenter frustration, and a relative unconcern for social
approval (Amabile 1996; Feldman 1980; Golann
collective capacity gather and process complex 1963; Stein 1974). Thus, firms with younger TMT
information. They found a positive relationship members (on average) will be more inclined to
between TMT size and expansive global strategies. pursue risk-taking strategies than firms with more
mature TMT members. On the assumption that
performance is enhanced in an environment where
Hypothesis 1: Bigger TMT Size is negatively
risk-taking is encouraged and supported (Amabile
related to company performance
1988; Sternberg et al.1997), we suggest the
following hypothesis:
TMT Members Gender
Hypothesis 3: Higher amount of Average Age of
encompasses multiple factors including genetic TMT is negatively related to company performance
influences, brain chemistry, learned behaviors, and
TMT Members Nationalities
personal choices. These factors shaped by
culture, custom, socio constraints and beliefs People from different nationalities have different
affect us all. Gender diversity is measured by the life experiences. This flavors their interpretation of
proportion of males and females in the top events. These differences can bring strength to the
management teams of the companies expressed by group if it is valued and integrated into the group
the formula: dynamics. However, it can take time, intent and
the willingness to be open-minded and non-
DG= N1/N2, where DG- Gender diversity, N1-
judgmental about the value the differences bring.
number of female members in the TMT and N2-
It definitely takes effort to make nationality
total number of members in the TMT.
diversity a strength. Nationality diversity is
The gender diversity is a typical indicator for measured by the ratio between foreigners in the
gender diversity in a company. Most of the TMT team and total number of members in the
companies encompass of very low number of TMT described by the formula below:
females which makes the coefficient quite low.
DN= N1/N2, where DN- Nationality diversity, N1-
number of foreigners in the TMT and N2- total
Hypothesis 2: Higher number of TMT Members number of members in the TMT. This coefficient is
Gender is negatively related to company important for the top management team diversity
performance because it shows the proportion of local nationals
to the foreign nationals. In many IPOs there are
TMT Members Average Age more than two nationalities in the TMT which
indicates that the companies are multinational.
Previous research indicates that the average age
of TMT members influences the degree to which
they are oriented toward risk during strategic Hypothesis 4: Higher number of TMT Members
decision-making (Hambrick and Mason 1984; Hitt Nationalities are negatively related to company
and Tyler 1991). Older managers possess less performance.
physical and mental stamina (Child 1974), have
greater psychological commitment to the TMT Members Tenure
organizational status quo, and see financial and
This coefficient basically indicates the
career security as their primary goals (Hambrick
distribution of time period of the top management
and Mason 1984). Therefore, older executives
team member within the team spent in years and
generally tend to engage in less risk-taking (Vroom
it is important for us to see how long on average
and Pahl 1971). Numerous studies have pointed
the top management team members spend with
out that personal performance of firm members
the companies within the TMT. Team Tenure
are affected by the organizational atmosphere or
Diversity is measured by the following formula
culture of orientation toward risk-taking, tolerance
for ambiguity, perseverance in the face of 4
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

DTT= N1/N2, where DTT- Team tenure diversity, TMT Members Career Length
N1-number of TMT members with team tenure This TMT characteristic is measured by the ratio
less than 5 years and N2- total number of between TMT members with career length less
members in the TMT than 15 years and TMT members with career
length more than 15 years. It is vital for each
Hypothesis 5: Higher number of TMT Members company that its TMT members possess long
Tenure is positively related to company experience and exposure to their competent
performance. business areas in order to perform well their jobs.
The formula below indicates the career length
TMT Members Company Tenure
DCL= N1/N2, where DCL- career length
The company tenure diversity factor is very diversity, N1-number of TMT members with
important for the company as well because it length less than 15 years and N2- total number of
indicates how much the TMT members are members in the TMT.
devoted to the firm and how long they have been
working for the company. In some cases TMT
members have been working all their life for one Hypothesis 8: Higher number of TMT Members
company which shows loyalty, dedication and Career Length is positively related to company
strong cooperation towards the employer. performance
We measure this coefficient by the following
formula: TMT Members Education Background
DCT= N1/N2, where DCT- company tenure Each TMT member has certain education
diversity, N1-number of TMT members with background but not always it matches their
company tenure less than 10 years and N2- total dominant function. Therefore, we measure the
number of members in the TMT ratio between TMT members with non-
management education background and the TMT
members with education background in
Hypothesis 6: Higher number of TMT Members
management expressed by the formula below:
Company Tenure is positively related to company
performance. D_EB= N1/N2, where D_EB- education
background diversity, N1-number of TMT
members with non-management education
TMT Members Dominant Functions background and N2- total number of members in
TMT members dominant function expresses their the TMT
expertise and experience in certain business areas.
Therefore, when company hires new TMT
Hypothesis 9: Higher number of TMT Members
members is crucial to look in their dominant
Education Background is not positively related to
function in order to perform more in the TMT
company performance.
Company Performance
The coefficient of dominant function diversity is
measured by the formula: In the literature Company Performance is
measured mainly as a ration between Volume of
DDF= N1/N2, where DDF- dominant function
Sales per one employee or ROA per one employee.
diversity, N1-number of TMT members with
For the purpose of this paper we have taken the
dominant function in non-management field and
first aforementioned option due to the fact that in
N2- total number of members in the TMT.
the secondary data it was more accessible to
collect Volume of Sales and number of employees
Hypothesis 7: Higher number of TMT Members of the selected companies.
Dominant Function is not positively related to
company performance.
Hypothesis 10: Higher TMT Diversity is positively
related to company performance. 5
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

TMT Diversity and OLC in the paper are depicted in Table 1 below as
In addition to fitting the different characteristics follows:
in each stage of organizational life cycle, Miller &
Friesen (1984) verify that the sequence of stages DISCUSSIONS AND FINDINGS
does not exactly follow the models found in the
As mentioned in the literature review OLC phases
literature. There is no sequence that is irreversible,
have direct impact on the TMT diversity in all of
unique and definitive. Hence, the progression
the researched companies regardless the industry
stages of life cycle would not be deterministic. The
in which the companies are nested. Very little was
major trend observed is that the organization
found in the literature on the question of to what
remains at the same stage. Moreover, the duration
extend the OLC stages impact TMT characteristics
of each stage varies considerably. With the growth
but statistically we have proved that there is
of each organization, the diversity of their TMT is
influence in each phase of the OLC.
increasing due to changes in organizational
structure, formalization of TMT positions and The results of the paper indicate that OLC phase
increasing management operations. of Maturity has significant impact on the TMT
Diversity. In the paper comparing management
elites in the Czech Republic showed that the mean
Hypothesis 11: Higher TMT Diversity is positively degree of TMT Diversity is noticeable and
related to OLC. important for practitioners and academicians to
understand the OLC and Company Performance
Empirical Data Set impact on TMT Diversity.
The sample of companies comprises of the This finding corroborates the ideas of Miller and
Friesen (1984), who suggested that each individual
profiles) in the Czech Republic at year-end 2015 phase of OLC has certain impact on the
according to number of employees and organization and its top management in terms of
turnover.The independent variable in the paper is decision-making, structure, performance and
the TMT Diversity represented by turnover. The results of the research paper now
gender,nationality,team tenure, educational will be compared to the findings of Miller &
background, age, company tenure. The moderator Friesen (1984). These results match the literature
variable is Organization Life cycle review on OLC, TMT and Company Performance
(Birth,Growth,Maturity,Revival/Decline) and the which is verified through the hypotheses in the
dependent variable is the Company Performance. paper. It is therefore likely that such connections
In the paper is employed correlation analysis by exist among OLC, TMT and Firm Performance and
using SPSS software, which enables carrying out of these findings have important implications for
different regression and correlation analysis developing investigating all the aspects of OLC
among different independent variables in order to impact on TMT Characteristics. Thus, this is an
show to what extend there are interlinks between important issue for future research in the area of
the independent variable and the dependent OLC and TMT Diversity.
variables. Table 2 illustrates the situation for the Central-
There are two levels from statistical stand point European country-the Czech Republic, where the
in the research study whish are industry level and TMT members are relativley young in comparison
company level. Each company of the data set is to their counterparts in other Central Europen
designated with SIC code and the secondary data is countries. We can state based on the table 2 that
gathered from the Thomson Reuters 1 quite many TMT members possess Master Degree
database,annual reports of the selected companies with dominant function in Management due to the
and the website of Czech Trade. The companies are fact that in the Czech Republic is highly appreciate
grouped according to the industry code (SIC code). it e.g. MBA degree in regard to the TMT
For the purpose of the paper it is considered as an characteristics. On other side, in the biggest Czech
independent variable TMT Diversity, dependent companies we observe not so diversified TMTs in
variable Company Performance and moderating respect to age, nationality, gender and career
variable Organisation Life Cycle Stage. All variables length diversity. Statistically, the ratio of female 6
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

TMT members and foreigner to the total number of mechanisms to increase interaction among TMT
TMT is much lower than in neightbouring members and compositional diversity in order to
countries from the region. Furthermore, statistical reduce the risks of high organizational inertia and
results show positive relationship between TMT thus increase performance. The results of our
Diversity and Company Performance expressed in research indicate that higher average age of a TMT
Table 3, which is related to the fact that highly has negative effects on company performance. This
diversified TMTs increase level of creativity, effect may be attributable to organisational
innovations, internationalization and firm structure rigidness, risk aversion, adherence to the
performance. status quo, and pursuit of financial and career
Moderation effects are tested with multiple security among older TMT members. Therefore, a
regression analysis, where all predictor variables firm must include younger executives on the TMT
and their interaction term are centered prior to in order to increase organizational performance. In
model estimation to improve interpretation of addition to TMT size and average age, TMT
regression coefficients. A single regression diversity had a significant effect on firm
equation forms the basic moderation model: performance. Ten dimensions of TMT diversity
were examined in this study: age, function, and
Y=i5+β1X+β2Z+β3XZ+e5, where β1 is the
educational background diversity. Only TMT
coefficient relating the independent variable, TMT
functional diversity had a significant and positive
Diversity, to the outcome, Company Performance,
effect on organizational performance. Our results
when Z = 0, β2 is the coefficient relating the
indicate that hiring TMT members with diverse
moderator variable-OLC Stages, Z, to the outcome
functional experience enhances performance by
when TMT Diversity = 0, i5 the intercept in the
enabling a firm to exploit a variety of knowledge
equation, and e5 is the residual in the equation.
sources and different viewpoints.
The regression coefficient for the interaction
In conclusion, the findings of this study
term, β3, provides an estimate of the moderation
suggested that TMT diversity must be considered
effect. If β3 is statistically different from zero, there
for firms that desire to foster firm performance. In
is significant moderation of the TMT Diversity-
this paper, the relationship between TMT
Company Performance relation in the data.
characteristics and firm performance was
Plotting interaction effects aids in the
elucidated. Many previous studies have shown that
interpretation of moderation to show how the
TMT characteristics have critical effects on
slope of Company Performance on TMT Diversity is
organizational outcomes and contextual factors
dependent on the value of the moderator variable-
such as firm culture, climate, and knowledge base.
In addition, many scholars have studied the social
and contextual factors that influence company
CONCLUSIONS performance. However, few studies have examined
The statistical findings of this study the direct relationship between TMT diversity and
demonstrated that TMT diversity has an important organizational performance through the prism of
influence on firm performance. These results OLC, as most of existing studies are concerned with
propose some conceptual and practical a group impact on firm performance. A few papers
implications about the relationship between TMT that examined the relationship between TMT
diversity and company performance. According to diversity and organizational performance did not
the results presented here the disadvantages
related to a large TMT outweigh the benefits in characteristics other than their business-related
terms of fostering management tool diversity. abilities or backgrounds.
Structural inertia, increased cognitive and In this study, TMT characteristics are viewed as
emotional conflict among TMT members, longer antecedents of organizational features that
decision-making time, and decreased influence organizational performance. Future
opportunities for interaction among members may research may identify other organizational or
contribute to this decline. Thus, to promote firm environmental factors that enhance or undermine
performance, the size of the TMT should be firm efficiency. For example, firm
carefully considered. Such firms must develop can impact firm performance. Firms that focus on 7
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

technological innovation and make large Dodge, H.R., & Robbins, J.E. 1992. An empirical
investments in R&D activities are expected to have investigation of the organizational life cycle
higher efficiency and performance. As model for small business development and
aforementioned, industry effects also may exist. survival, Journal of Small Business
In addition, moderating factor between TMT Management, vol. 30(1).
diversity and firm performance is nested in Greiner, L.E. 1972. Evolution and revolution as
organization life cycle stage. For instance, organizations grow, Harvard Business
organizational structure or the learning process Review, vol. 50(4).
may also affect the relationship between TMT Greve, P., Biemann, T., & Ruigrok, W. 2011. Fishing
diversity and organizational performance. in the global talent pool: A multilevel
Organization life cycle stages may themselves play approach to foreign executive appointments.
a role in mediating or moderating the effect of TMT Working paper, University of St. Gallen.
diversity on firm performance. In terms of research
Hambrick, D. C. 2007. TMTs theory: An update.
methodology, increasing the number of sample
Academy of Management Review, vol. 32.
firms for the Czech Republic will certainly enhance
applicability and reliability of the paper. With a Kimberly John R. and Robert H, Miles, 1980
larger sample, we can conduct multilevel analysis Sources, Responses, and Effects of
of measurement items to understand better the Organizational Decline," in The
influence of industry dynamism on TMT diversity Organizational Life Cycle: Issue in the
and company performance. Sub-samplings from a Creation, Transformation and Decline of
sizable data set also provide researchers Organizations, ed. [San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
opportunities to broaden the scope of studies on Publications, 1980].
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Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov


Milan Malý, email: [email protected]
Dr. Milan Malý is a member of the Department of
Management at University of Economics,
Prague. His long academic career is related to
research and work in the area of Corporate
Governance and International Management. He
has been working for four years at the top-
notch research center ICEE near Vienna where
he did research in the area of System approach
in Management. His international experience is
quite rich in terms of teaching and carrying our
research in Corporate Governance as he has
taught in University of San Diego, University
Joseph Keppler-Linz, Austria, Moscow State
University-Lomonosov,etc. At the moment he is
a President of the Association of MBA school-
CAMBAS in the Czech Republic. At the same
time Prof. Maly has written several articles in
Journals with Impact Factor, e.g. Journal of
Eastern European Management.
Dr. Emil Velinov is an Assistant professor at the
Department of Management at Faculty of
Business Administration. He has completed his
PhD studies at the latter institution in the area
of International Management and Business. His
international experience is related to managing
interinstitutional projects in the area of
Diversity Management, New Public
Management and International Business. Dr.
Velinov has been teaching in several
universities across Europe including University
of Economics and Business, Vienna, University
of Liechtenstein, University of Economics-
Plekhanov, etc. He speaks fluently English,
Czech, Bulgarian and Russian and he presents
different research papers at international
conferences in the area International
Management, Diversity Management and
Corporate Governance. 9
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

Attachment 1:
Table 1:Descriptions of variables

Variable Description
(Dependent) Company Performance Measured by volume of Sales per
(Independent) TMT Size Total Number of TMT members
(Independent)TMT Members average age Average age of all TMT members
(Independent) TMT Members Gender Variation of the Blau index:
, where H is the heterogeneity measure
and S the percentage of TMT members in
each of three gender categories

(Independent)TMT Members Nationality Variation of the Blau index:

, where H is the heterogeneity measure
and S the percentage of TMT members from
two categories- Czech and Non-Czech

(Independent) TMT Members Tenure Length of time period of member in the

(Independent) TMT Member Career Career Length of time period of member
(Independent) TMT Member Educational = , where - education
Background background diversity, N1-number of TMT
(Independent)Dominant Function members with non-management education
diversity in TMT background and N2- total number of
members in the TMT
Variation of the Blau index:
, where H is the heterogeneity measure
and S the percentage of TMT members in
each of ten special dominant functions

(Moderator) Organisation Life Cycle The OLC phases are valued 1 to 5,

Phases whereas 1 is Birth and 5 is decline 10
Top Management Team Diversity and Company Performance Milan Malý, Emil Velinov

Attachment 2:
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. N
TMT Size 4,35 ,000 187
Average Age 1952,9 7,286 187
Gender ,87 ,341 187
Nationality ,00 ,000 187
TMT Tenure 4,26 3,498 187
Company Tenure 7,17 7,026 187
Education 21,91 12,797 187
Career Length ,10 ,303 187
Dominant 32,28 6,867 187
Company 2,41 1,224 187

Notes: Means and standard deviations are reported for the unweighted sample 11

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