Internal Quality Control in Serological Tests For Syphilis
Internal Quality Control in Serological Tests For Syphilis
Internal Quality Control in Serological Tests For Syphilis
SUMMARY The importance of syphilis serological tests demands that laboratory reports are
reliable. Internal quality control applied to the organisation of a syphilis serology service improves
laboratory bench performance and reporting. Described here are internal quality control
procedures of a department that serves a genitourinary medicine clinic and conducts 70 000 tests a
year to investigate for syphilis.
Improved performance derived from internal quality records of the source, volume, and serological profile
control will benefit the management of patients. of serum specimens. All banked serum samples are
Implementing internal quality control is not HBsAg negative.
difficult but requires discipline from the laboratory In house standards for the TPHA and VDRL tests
staff in respect of monitoring and recording specific are calibrated against the WHO reference serum. An
data. It also costs time; an estimated 12/o of a in house standard titre does not have to equal the
specific work load is taken up by internal quality reference titre. Whenever further comparisons are
control, and laboratories should include this as a made between the two serum samples, however, the
separate item of expenditure in their financial in house standard is expected to maintain its titre in
budgets. relation to the WHO reference serum. Serum samples
Date VDRL TPHA FTA (G) (M) Latex RW Lab
2.6.81 16 1280 Pos 3241
Age 32 4.6.81 16 1280 Pos 4018
D.OB. 1. 3.49 15.6. 81 8 1280 Pos 6301
26.6.81 Neg Neg Neg 8416
A Primary
FIG 3 Sample serology record card.
Internal quality control in serological tests for syphilis 93
Collection of blood,
request form, transnort
Receipt of specimen,
Collection and clerking in
1st Component
transport of specimen Liquid transfer,
Collection and prepar- separation by centrifuge
ation of blood specime Receipt and
preparation Separation of serum,
transfer to working
Examine results
4th Component Record results
Report and scrutiny
Laboratory reporting
Prepare lab report Locate report venue,
dispatch report
File lab report copy
FIG 4 Analysis of VDRL test (each component part may be analysed further if necessary.)
the performance of staff.8 Whether the cost incurred advance towards achieving standardisation in syphilis
in reducing errors is more than current budgets can serology, and its use as a biological standard should
afford to pay is a matter of policy. If the current be exploited. Technical excellence is fundamental in
economic climate denies laboratories additional achieving consistency; this embraces technique,
financial resources to implement internal quality equipment, tools, reagents, and skills, all of which
control, it may be that this should still be undertaken need periodical review. Serological testing for
by reappraising workloads. The availability of the syphilis, particularly the mass screening of blood, is
WHO reference serum (ref 3-1980) is an important tedious. This does not alter its importance as a
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I thank Dr James Taylor and Dr Rt N Thin for their
advice on the preparation of this paper.