Set Date of Kidding Time (Step 10) First To Determine Approximate Dates of Other Management Steps
Set Date of Kidding Time (Step 10) First To Determine Approximate Dates of Other Management Steps
Set Date of Kidding Time (Step 10) First To Determine Approximate Dates of Other Management Steps
Instructions: Set date of kidding time (step 10) first to determine approximate dates of other management steps.
1 Buck management
2 Evaluate does’
Analyze 17
body condition
market strategy
3 Synchronize does
5 10 15 20 25 5
31 31 10 4 Flush and
Analyze 16 20 15
15 20 deworm does
10 25
strategy 5
30 5
30 10
JULY 5 Breed does
Wean 15 15
(optional) 15 20
10 25
5 JUNE 6 End flushing
Vaccination 14 MAY
booster due
5 30
Feed 13 25 10
requirements 20 15
10 25 7 Remove bucks
5 31
Vaccinate kids 12 5
31 20
Kid check; 11 25 20 15 10 5
monitor regularly 15
10 28
8 Vaccinate does
(30 days before kidding)
(based on 150-day gestation) 9 Prepare for kidding
Additional meat goat information is available online at
1. Select bucks from healthy, high-quality herds and 12. First CD&T shot at 3 to 6 weeks of age. Booster 2 to 4
farms with similar management styles and environ- weeks later. If creep feeding, a third booster m ay be
ment. Trim feet if necessary. Perform breeding- recommended. Consult veterinarian for recommenda-
soundness exam. One mature buck (1 year or older) tions in your area.
for 25 to 50 does.
13. C a n reduce creep protein based on kid wei ght and
2. Does should be in acceptable b od y condition. A desired performance. Nutritional requirements for
Manage obese or thin does accordingly. Doelings does also decline after 6 to 8 weeks of lactation.
should be growing at an acceptable rate (see step 5).
14. Refer to step 12 for vaccination protocol. Monitor for
3. Buck effect: bucks out of sight, sound, smell for 30 coccidiosis. A
days before joining will suffice for most commercial
15. Weaning time depends on management preference
producers. Use FAMAC HA© A system to monitor for
and marketing strategy. Do not wean and vaccinate on
parasites. Monitor doe condition.
same day — wait two weeks. Weigh kids if possible.
4. Flushing (improved nutrition) for mature does in thin Check udders, cull problem and poor producing
or marginal condition m ay improve ovulation but is animals. Monitor for coccidiosis. Monitor for internal
not justified for virgin does or fleshy mature does. parasites (FAMACHA© recommended). Good time to
Begin two weeks before breeding and continue two have fecal samples evaluated for parasite load.
weeks after breeding. Deworm if needed.
16. Use records to select replacement does or purchase
5. Turn in bucks. Record breeding dates if possible. does from producers with similar management and
Monitor pasture conditions A and rotate as needed. environment. Place “keepers” on high-quality forage
Doelings should reach 60 to 70% of mature or supplement with quality feedstuffs. Provide goat
body weight by breeding time. mineral and vitamin mix. Isolate new animals. A
6. Does are now capable of being on a maintenance diet 17. Market cull animals or kids not selected as replace-
until the last third of the gestation period. Moni tor ments. Given the wide variation in marketing strate-
condition of animals and pastures. gies used by goat producers, there are many possible
dates for marketing.
7. Monitor bucks and does for parasites (FAMACHA©)
and body condition. A These are suggestions. Additional information can be obtained
through your veterinarian, University Extension office, appropriate
8. Administer C D& T yearly booster. Check for internal faculty at agriculture colleges, or other meat goat experts to assure
the best management program for your operation.
and external parasites and treat accordingly. A
9. Check on kidding supplies and facilities. A Authors, institutional partners
Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, state small ruminant extension specialist,
10. Iodine navel. Ear tag, note and record any manage- Lincoln University in Missouri
ment concerns. Provide vitamins and minerals as Linda Coffey and Margo Hale, program specialists,
National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT/ATTRA)
needed. Provide good-quality forage for does. Monitor Jim Humphrey and Bruce Lane, regional livestock specialists,
for parasites (FAMACHA© preferred). Deworm does if University of Missouri Extension
necessary. Castrate and dehorn at about 1 we ek of Beth Walker, assistant professor, Agriculture Department,
age, if desired. Missouri State University
Acknowledgment: Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program (for use of their
11. If creep feeding, use 1 6 % crude protein m eat goat Sheep Management Wheel as a model)
ration. If pasture-based, provide browse and quality Published by University of Missouri Extension, an equal opportunity/ADA
forage. Observe kids and does for health issues (e.g., institution. To order additional copies, call 573-882-7216 or toll-free 1-
starvation, coccidiosis). Monitor for parasites. 800-292-0969, or visit us online at