Acrylol Synthesis

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May, 1950 NOTES 2299

3,6-Dimethoxy-9,10-dimethyl-9, IO-dihydrophenan- shaped flask, and the mixture w y heated one hour under
threnediol (I) .-3,6-Dimethoxyphenanthraq~inone~(1.5 reflux in a n oil-bath a t 170-220 .
The reaction mixture
g.) was added to the Grignard reagent prepared from 1 g. was cooled a t room temperature, and the upper end of the
of magnesium, 5 ml. of methyl iodide and 50 ml. of dry reflux condenser was sealed to a vacuum line through (A),
ether. The reaction mixture was refluxed for one hour. a trap cooled to -Bo, and (B) a second trap cooled to
Dry benzene (50 ml.) was then added and refluxing was -190' in liquid nitrogen. The reaction mixture was
continued for two hours. The reactionomixture afforded warmed to 70" a t a pressure of 0.1-0.01 micron. A small
1.2 g. of crude diol with m. p. 115-125 . Two crystalli- amount of triethyl phosphate collected in trap (A). In
zations from benzene-heptane gave a product with m. p. trap (B) 0.400 g. (4.54 mmoles, 93y0 yield) of ethyl ace-
125-126". For analysis it was dried for three hours a t tate-2-C14 was collected. Vapor pressures of the ethyl
80 O i n vacuo. acet$te were obtainet a t several temperatures: 31 mm.
Anal. Calcd. for ClaHz004: C, 72.0; H, 6.7. Found: a t 0 , 95 mm. a t 20 , and 122 mm. a t 30" (Dreisbach3
C, 71.4; H, 6.9. gives-30 mm. at 0.6"):
n-Butvl Acetate-2-C14.-Sodium acetate, 0.464 E. (5.66
3,6-Dihydroxy-9,lO-dimethylphenanthrene .-A mix- mmolesj having a specific activity of 2 3 . 6 . ~ permmole,
ture of 3,6-dimethoxy-9,10-dimethylphenanthrene (1.5 was mixed with 3.0 ml. of Eastman C. P. n-butyl phos-
g.), 15 ml. of acetic acid and 4 ml. of concentrated hy- phate. The mixture was he2ted under reflux for one hour
driodic acid was refluxed for one hour. The reaction in an oil-bath a t 140-220 . The viscous mixture was
mixture afforded crude 3,6-dihydroxy-9, 10-dimethylphen- cooled to room temperature, the upper end of the reflux
anthrene which, after crystallization from toluene, melted condenser was sealed through a liquid nitrogen cooled
a t 238-239"; yield, 0.35 g. trap to a vacuum line, and the product ester was distillet
Anal. Calcd. for CleH1402: C, 80.6; H, 5.9. Found: into the cold trap by heating the pot two hours to 80-140
C, 80.5; H , 6.3. a t 0.5 micron pressure while cold water was kept running
in the vertical reflux condenser. n-Butyl acetate, 0.540
(6) Prepared by the excellent procedure outlined by Fieser, THIS g. (4.66 mmoles, 82% yield) was obtained.
JOURNAL, 61, 2471 (1929).
N-Benzylacetamide-Z-C".-A 100 X sample of n-butyl
DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY acetate-2-C14 was diluted to 10.0 ml. with C. P. n-butyl
UNIVERSITYOF ALBERTA RECEIVED OCTOBER 3, 1949 acetate. From the well-mixed diluted ester sample, 2.0
EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA ml. was pipetted into 4 ml. of C. P. benzylamine, and 4 ml.
of distilled water was added. The mixture was heated'
under reflux thr;e and one-half hours a t a bath tempera-
Preparation of Ethyl Acetate-2-C14 and n-Butyl mm. ture of 100-130 . Then the mixture was distilled a t 15
pressure with a bath temperature of 190" until only a
Acetate-2-C14 Using Alkyl Phosphates' brown solid remained in the flask. The solid was twice
recrystallized from hot ligroin (b. p. 90-120") with char-
BY Gus A. ROPP coal treatment. About 0.5 g. of N-benzylacetamide,
For the conversion of C14-labelledsodium ace- burned m. p. 60-61.5", was obtained. Duplicate samples were
by the van Slyke wet combustion method6 and the
tate samples to alkyl esters of acetic acid, the use resulting carbon dioxide samples were counted in an ion
of alkyl phosphates has been found to be some- chamber.5 Specific activity values of 0.244 pc. per milli-
what superior to the use of the corresponding al- mole and 0.236 pc. per millimole were obtained.
kyl sulfates2 which boil slightly lower and are (3) R. Dreisbach, "Vapor Pressure-Temperature Data for Or-
much less stable a t temperatures near 200'. ganic Compounds," second edition, The Dow Chemical Company
Sodium acetate-2-C14 was converted to ethyl Midland, Michigan, 1946.
acetate-2-C14in 93% yield by heating to 170-220' (4) Buehler and Mackenzie, THISJOURNAL, 69, 421 (1937).
(5) Neville, i b i d . , 70, 3501 (1948).
with excess triethyl phosphate. The high purity
of the ethyl acetate was indicated by its vapor CHEMISTRYDIVISION
16, 1949
Sodium acetate-2-C14 was converted in 82%
yield to n-butyl acetate-2-C14 by heating a t 140-
220' with tributyl phosphate. T h a t the n-butyl
The Preparation of Acrylyl Chloride
ester was of high purity was shown by dilution
technique. A sample was diluted one hundred- BY GIJIDO H. STEMPEL, P. CROSSAND RAY-
fold with C. P. n-butyl acetate, and the diluted ester MOND P. MARIELLA

was converted to pure N-benzylacetamide having We have had occasion to prepare considerable
essentially the specific activity calculated from quantities of acrylyl chloride for use in making
the specific activity of the sodium acetate. various acrylic esters and acrylamides. Attempts
Experimental to use thionyl chloride with acrylic acid gave
Ethyl A~etate-Z-C~~.-Approximately4 mg. of sodium negligible yields, a result which is confirmed by
acetate-2-C14 having a specific activity of about 25 pc. observations made a t The General Tire and
per mg. was mixed with 0.4018 g. (4.90 mmoles) of an- Rubber Company2 and a t Rohm and Haas3,
hydrous sodium acetate. The mixture was dissolved in 5 who also reported poor results with phosphorus
ml. of distilled water, the solution was evaporated to dry;
ness, and the residue was dried several hours a t 100-120 oxychloride and with phosphorus pentachloride.
a t 0.5 micron pressure. One and one-half milliliters of The use of phosphorus trichloride suggested by
distilled triethyl phosphate and a small piece of glass wool Rehberg4 did not appear to be entirely suitable for
were added to the dried sodium acetate in a 10-ml. pear-
(1) Present address: The General Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, 0.
(1) This document is based on work performed under Contract (2) Unpublished work of Harold Barker.
Number W-7405, eng. 26 for the Atomic Energy Project at Oak Ridge (3) Rohm and Haas Co., Report P B 30751, "Combustible Nitro
National Laboratory. Polymers," to Division 8, National Research Committee, Office of
(2) Sakami, Evans and Gurin, THISJOURNAL, 69, 1110 (1947); Scientific Research and Development, pp. 38-39, March 6, 1944.
Tolbert, Christensen, Chang and Sah, J . Org. Chcm., 14, 525 (1949). (4) Rehberg, Dixon and Fisher, THIS JOURNAL, 67, 2OQ (1945).
2300 NOTES Vol. 72

our purposes because the boiling points of phos- The product gave positive tests for unsaturation with bro-
phorus trichloride and acrylyl chloride are within mine and potassium permanganate. Anal. Calcd. for
C18H28: C, 88.45; H, 11.55. Found: C, 88.9; H, 11.1.
a degree of one another. We therefore adopted A portion of the material (24.4 g.) was reduced prac-
the method using benzoyl chloride for the prep- tically quantitatively in the presence of Raney nickel
aration of aliphatic acid chlorides first reported catalyst in a Parr type hydrogenerator a t 90-100" and 51
by Brown.6 This synthesis gave us good yields p. s. i. hydrogen pressure for four hours. The resulting
hydrocarbon, l-phenyl-6-methylhendecane,was filtered
of a pure product. and distilled, b. p. 136-137" (1 mm.), n% 1.4874. It
Acknowledgment.-This work was performed gave negative tests for unsaturation with bromine and
as a part of a research project sponsored by The potassium permanganate. Anal. Calcd. for C18H30:
C, 87.8; H, 12.2. Found: C,88.0; H, 12.3.
General Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Retention of the benzene ring was demonstrated by in-
Ohio. frared analysis, and the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of
Experimental the compound agreed well with that expected of a mono-
alkylbenzene . 6
A mixture of 216 g. (3 moles) of acrylic acid, 844 g. (6
moles) of benzoyl chloride, and 0.5 g. of hydroquinone was Acknowledgment.-Our thanks are due to the
distilled a t a fairly rapid rate through an efficient 25-cm. Procter and Gamble Company for financial as-
distilling column. The distillate was collected in a re- sistance in this work.
ceiver containing half a gram of hydroquinone, immersed
in ice. When the temperature a t the top of the column, ( 5 ) We are indebted to t h e Chemical Division of the Procter and
which remained between 60 and 70" for most of the dis- Gamble Company for this information.
tillation, had reached 85 O the distillation was discontinued. DEPARTMENTOF CHEMISTRY
The crude product, weighing between 215-225 g., was PURDUE
then redistilled through the same column and the fraction LAFAYETTE,
30, 1949
boiling a t 72-74' a t 740 mm. was collected. The weight
of the final product was 185-195 g., or 68-72370.
( 5 ) Brown, THISJOURNAL, 60, 1326 (1938). Basic Ketals of Benzophenone
14, 1949 The recent success of Benadry12 as a potent
PITTSBURGH13, PENNSYLVANIA histamine antagonist suggested the possibility
that the structurally related diphenyl-di- (2-dial-
kylaminoethoxy) -methane might exhibit a similar
Preparation of 1-Phenyl-6-methylhendecane potency.
BY WILLIAME. TRUCE AND JOHN T. WISE Although Fourneau and Chantalou3 have re-
ported certain similar cyclic acetals, namely, 2-
A pure sample of 1-phenyl-6-methylhendecane phenyl-4-dialkylaminomethyldioxalane-1,3,their
was desired for infrared and ultraviolet absorption method of synthesis was unsuccessful when ap-
studies. It was prepared by treating l-phenyl-5- plied to preparation of the compounds reported in
pentylmagnesium bromide with 2-heptanone, fol- this paper.
lowed by dehydration and subsequent hydrogena- Even though other procedures gave some of the
tion. desired ketals, the preferred method of synthesis
Experimental was by the addition of anhydrous potassium car-
1-Phenyl-5-pentan011 was prepared by treating l-phen- bonate to a refluxing solution of diphenyldichloro-
yl-3-propylmagnesium bromide with a two-fold excessa of methane and the appropriate 2-dialkylaminoeth-
ethylene oxide; yield68%, b . p . 136" (5mrn.), n"D 1.5158. anol.
1-Phenyl-5-bromopentane was prepared by treating The diphenyl-di-(2-dialkylaminoethoxy) -
the corresponding alcohol with anhydrous hydrogen bro- methanes prepared in this manner were very vis-
mide8; yield 80.3%, b. p. 144" (12 mm.), n% 1.5332. cous liquids which hydrolyzed rapidly when in
Anal. Calcd. for CllHllBr: Br, 35.1. Found: Br, 35.1. contact with diluted hydrochloric acid. Benzo-
To the Grignard reagent prepared from 319.5 g. (1.40
m.) of l-phenyl-5-bromopentane, 34.1 g. (1.40 m.) of phenone was obtained from this hydrolysis. I t
magnesium and 600 ml. of ether, 159.6 g. (1.40 m.) of 2- was necessary to prepare the disuccinates or di-
heptanone was added over a period of five hours. After methiodides of these basic ketals in order t o ob-
standing for thirty-six hours, the reaction mixture was tain pure crystalline products.
hydrolyzed with cold, dilute hydrochloric acid. The
alcohol was extracted with ether. After removing the Neither of the disuccinate salts prepared in this
ether, the crude product was refluxed for twenty hours work showed appreciable antihistamine activity.
with twice its volume of 90% formic acid.4 The mixture Experimental4
was made alkaline with aqueous sodium hydroxide and the
crude olefin(s) was extracted with ether. After removing The 2-dimethylaminoethanol, 2-diethylaminoethanol
the ether, the residue was distilled over sodium in an at- and 2-piperidinoethanol were obtained from Eastman Ko-
mosphere of nitrogen; b. p. 158" (5 mm.), W"D 1.4979; dak Company and distilled before use.
40.1% conversion based on 1-phenyl-5-bromopentane.
(1) Present address: Department of Chemistry, Arlington State
(1) v. Braun, Bcr., 44, 2872 (1911). College, Arlington, Texas.
(2) Huston and Langham, J . Org. C h c n . , 12, 90 (1947). @)(a) Parke, Davis & Co. Trade Mark. (b) Rieveschl and Huber,
(3) v. Braun, Deutsch and Schmatloch, Ecr., 46, 1258 (1912); Paper 41, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical
"Organic Syntheses," Coll. Vol. 11, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Society Meeting, Atlantic City, 1946.
York. N. Y.,1943, p. 246. (3) Fourneau and Chantalou, Bull. SOC. chim., 12, 845 (1945).
(4) Soffer, Strauss, Trail and Sherk, THISJ O U R N A L , 69, 1684 (4) Melting points were taken with a Fisher-Johns melting point
(1947). apparatus.

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