Food Industry Protein By-Products and Their Applications: L.J. Yu, M.S.-L. Brooks
Food Industry Protein By-Products and Their Applications: L.J. Yu, M.S.-L. Brooks
Food Industry Protein By-Products and Their Applications: L.J. Yu, M.S.-L. Brooks
Food Industry Protein By-Products
and Their Applications
L.J. Yu, M.S.-L. Brooks
Department of Process Engineering and Applied Science, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Protein Byproducts
121 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
122 7. Food Industry Protein By-Products and Their Applications
accounted for more than half of the total ship- a loss on ignition (LOI) of 10%, since waste so-
ment values (C$93.7 billion) in 2012. The grain lidification may be hampered by high organic
and oilseed milling industry, as well as the bak- content (Environment Agency, 2010). The organ-
ery and tortilla manufacturing industry, were ic matter issues of solid waste can be managed
also significant, with shares of 9.7 and 9.0%, re- by anaerobic digestion, which can be used for
spectively (AAFC, 2014). industrial or domestic purposes to manage or-
ganic waste and/or to produce fuels (DeBruyn
and Hilborn, 2007).
1.2 Food Industry Wastes and The vast quantities of industrial food waste
Environmental Aspects produced every year are a great burden to so-
The food industry generates significant volumes ciety because of the costs associated with waste
of food production wastes every year. For example, handling and disposal and treatment, as well as
in Canada, during 2009, approximately 40% of the potential environmental contamination caused
food produced was disposed of as waste, which is by discharged waste streams (Stantec, 2012). In
equivalent to CAD $27 billion (approximately 2% many countries, such as Canada, this has led
of Canada’s GDP), or in other terms, representa- to stricter discharge limits and enforcement of
tive of 70% of Canada’s agri-food exports, or 1.1 discharge regulations and has also resulted
times the value of Canada’s agri-food imports in in companies being subject to escalating sur-
2009 (Uzea et al., 2014). The food industry waste charges from publicly owned treatment works
comes from various points along the food value (Stantec, 2012). The purpose of these regulations
chain, from farm, packaging/processing, trans- is to push the food industry to reduce, renovate,
portation/distribution, retailing, food service, and/or treat their wastes before discharging.
to households. Among this, 18% of the waste The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) mea-
comes from food processing and packaging, surement is one of the most commonly used pa-
which could be caused by many reasons, result- rameters for assessing the environmental impact
ing in waste from necessary processing opera- of wastewater and is used as a gauge of the ef-
tions, such as washing, peeling, seed removal, fectiveness of wastewater treatment. BOD is de-
whey separation from casein, and waste from fined as the amount of dissolved oxygen needed
unnecessary losses, such as equipment defi- by aerobic biological organisms in a body of
ciencies, employee behavior, contamination, water to break down the organic material pres-
customers’ rejections, quality of ingredients, ent in a water sample, at a specific temperature
and food safety issues (Uzea et al., 2014). Food and specified period. The BOD5, is expressed
industry wastes include both solid and liquid in milligrams of oxygen consumed per liter of
forms. Solid waste is mainly organic leftovers, sample during 5 days of incubation at 20°C. It
such as seeds, bran, peels from plant origin, is often used as a robust surrogate of the degree
and bones and skins from animal origin. Liquid of organic pollution in water and is listed as a
waste, also called wastewater, is organic water conventional pollutant in the US Clean Water
rich in nutrients, such as protein, sugar, and Act (Sawyer, 2003). Publicly owned treatment
minerals (Aggelopoulos et al., 2014). works in Canada that receive food-processing
For food production solid waste, regulations wastewater with BOD5 values greater than
about limiting organic matter being dumped 300 mg/L will add an additional surcharge for
into landfills can be strict. For example, in the treatment. In addition, companies are fined by
United Kingdom, the granular solid waste can an environmental enforcement agency, when
only be accepted at a landfill if the waste meets wastewater that exceeds their permitted BOD5
a total organic carbon (TOC) content of 6% or discharge level, is discharged into a receiving
with disposal and treatment of the food waste of whey is by drying to produce whey powder
make it very attractive to develop appropri- (WP, with 13–15% protein, 70–80% lactose, and
ate technologies for the recovery of valuable 1–8% minerals), which accounts for 70% of the
proteins and creation of new products. The annual whey production. Comparatively less
following sections will examine protein by- whey protein concentrate (WPC, with 65–80%
products from animal sources (milk, meat, and protein, 4–21% lactose, and 3–5% minerals) and
fish) as these are significant sectors in the food whey protein isolate (WPI, with 88–92% protein,
industry, and then discuss their applications <1% lactose, and 2–4% minerals) are produced
and future needs. every year. To manufacture WP, any fat from the
whey must be removed, followed by heat treat-
ment, evaporation, then lactose crystallization
2 SIGNIFICANT SOURCES OF and spray drying (Jelen, 2011).
FOOD PROTEIN BY-PRODUCTS Whey proteins in the form of WP, WPC,
and WPI, are used as additives in many types
of foods including meats, dairy, and baked
2.1 Milk Proteins
goods because of their ability to hold water,
Whey is a major by-product of cheese mak- form gels, bind ingredients, and act as emulsi-
ing. Normally, 10 L of milk can produce 1 kg of fiers (Morr, 1982; Ha and Zemel, 2003). Whey
cheese and generate about 9 L of whey. There proteins have great nutritional benefits because
are two major types of whey: sweet rennet of their unique fractions. Whey protein is typi-
whey and sour or acid whey. The former is a cally a mixture of β-lactoglobulin (β-lg, ∼65%),
by-product in making cheddar and other types α-lactalbumin (α-la, ∼25%), bovine serum albu-
of sweet cured cheese, while the latter is a by- min (∼8%), and immunoglobulins (Onwulata
product from the production of cottage cheese et al., 2011). Whey protein and its fractions can
and similar products. Both sweet and acid whey be separated using membrane filtration tech-
contain 60–70 g/L of total solids, 44–52 g/L of niques based on molecular weight differences.
lactose and 6–10 g/L of proteins (Jelen, 2011). During this process, lactose, salts, and other
The main differences are the higher levels of low molecular weight materials pass through
calcium, phosphate, lactic acid, and lactate con- a membrane as the permeate, while higher mo-
tents in the acid whey, with the calcium content lecular weight components, such as protein are
being 10 times higher than in the sweet whey. concentrated (Ramos et al., 2012). The remaining
In addition, sweet whey also contains glycomac- permeate can be used to produce lactic acid, bio-
ropeptides (Božanić et al., 2014). Globally, most ethanol, or lactose (Jelen, 2011). Ion exchange is
the whey produced is in the form of sweet whey, another separation technique for whey protein
and in the United States, for example, about 94% and its fractions. Here, the whey protein frac-
of the whey produced is sweet whey, with the tions can be separated from the whey according
remaining 6% as acid whey (American Dairy to the surface charge characteristics of the mol-
Products Institute, 2002). ecule (ie, the ζ-potential). This method uses mild
The disposal of large volumes of whey pro- pH adjustments to activate and subsequently
duced from cheese-making has traditionally deactivate the attraction between the ion exchange
been a problem for the dairy industry because resin and the protein molecules. Ion exchange is
of the high pollutant-loading of the whey. generally more selective in what is retained during
However technologies have been developed the process (Doultani et al., 2003). More recently,
to obtain value-added products from this by- ion exchange membrane chromatography has
product stream. The main industrial processing been investigated as a promising method for
making human foods, such as blood sausage in The fish-processing industry is a major ex-
some countries (Mandal et al., 1999; Ofori and porter of seafood products in many countries
Hsieh, 2011). Feathers, with a crude protein con- including China, Norway, and the United
tent of more than 90%, constitute 5–7% of the States (FAO, 2010b). Globally, about 154 mil-
live bird weight (Grazziotin et al., 2008; Taskin lion tons of fish were produced in 2011, with a
and Kurbanoglu, 2011). The low-value proteins value of US$217.5 billion (FAO, 2012). Typically,
from feathers can be hydrolyzed and used in pet two-thirds of the fish is processed before sale.
food or animal feed. Poultry feet, with a crude Processing the fish involves stunning the
protein content of 16% (Okanović et al., 2009), fish, grading, slime removal, scaling, wash-
can either be used for human food or separated ing, deheading, gutting, cutting of fins, slicing
for animal consumption. Those used for human into steaks and fillets, meat bone separation,
food should be approved during the inspection packaging, labeling, and distribution (Ghaly
process and are heat treated to remove skin and et al., 2013). During these processes, 20–80% of
nails before packing (FAO, 2010a). by-products are generated depending on the lev-
In general, meat by-products obtained from el of processing and type of fish (AMEC, 2003).
animals are rich in proteins and are also good The solid by-products from fish processing
sources of minerals and B-complex vitamins. For include the heads, tails, frames, and skin. Fish
example, animal liver is especially rich in vitamin frames contain significant amounts of muscle
A and has a higher proportion of unsaturated fat- proteins that can be recovered from this process-
ty acids than saturated fatty acids (FAO, 2010a). ing by-product. These muscle proteins are high-
Animal blood is rich in protein, zinc, iron, vita- ly nutritious, easily digestible, and nutritionally
min B2, and has a higher value of trivalent iron superior to those of plant sources. Furthermore,
and other nutrients. It is easily digested and ab- they have a better balance of essential amino
sorbed by the body and therefore a good source acids compared to other animal protein sources
for patients, children, and elderly people (Mandal (Friedman, 1996). The fish proteins can be ex-
et al., 1999; Toldra et al., 2012). In addition to the tracted by chemical or enzymatic processes. In
consumption of meat-processing by-products for the chemical method, salts including NaCl and
nutritive purposes, modern technologies have solvents, including isopropanol, are used (Sikor-
led the application of the meat by-products be- ski and Naczk, 1981), whereas in the enzymatic
yond general nutrition. The applications of meat extraction, enzymes such as Alcalase and Neu-
protein by-products to other areas will be pre- trase are applied (Liaset et al., 2000). These fish
sented in Section 3, which follows. proteins can be used as a functional ingredient
in many food products because of their unique
properties, such as water-holding capacity, oil
2.3 Seafood Proteins absorption, gelling activity, foaming capacity,
Seafood by-products have recently attracted and emulsifying properties. They can also be
much attention because of their natural abun- used in milk replacers, infant formulas, and as
dance and underutilized bioactive materials. bakery substitutes.
Various bioactive materials, such as peptides, Amino acids can also be produced from fish
gelatin, collagen, chitin, chitosan, calcium, and protein by-products by enzymatic or chemical
fish oil have been isolated from the seafood processes. Enzymatic hydrolysis of protein sub-
by-products and have been reported to have strates uses protease enzymes, such as alcalase,
antihypertensive, antitumor, anticancer, anti- chymotrypsin, trypsin, and pepsin (Kim and
bacterial, antioxidant and anti-HIV activities Wijesekara, 2010), whereas chemical hydrolysis
(Senevirathne and Kim, 2012). of protein substrates uses acid or alkali to extract
TABLE 7.1 Some Application Examples of Protein By-Products in Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, and Food Systems
Origin of
waste Type of protein by-product Characteristics Applications References
rich amino acid composition. Also, various com- protein by-products, such as whey proteins,
mercial nutraceuticals are produced from fish are becoming more valuable as food ingredi-
protein hydrolysates, which serve as dietary ents, biodegradable packaging, dietary sup-
supplements to support healthy body functions plements, and pharmaceuticals, because of
and prevent aging diseases, such as cardiovas- their unique bioactive and functional proper-
cular disease and hypertension (Chalamaiah ties, resulting in positive benefits to human
et al., 2012). health and the environment. However, some
Commercial amino acids from fish by-prod- protein by-products, including those derived
ucts are used as food additives, animal feed, from meat processing, have not been fully de-
and for pharmaceutical applications. The larg- veloped in terms of their potential for value
est usage of amino acids is the food-flavoring addition. This is evident as the two major com-
industry, which uses monosodium glutamate, mercial application areas for meat by-products
alanine, aspartate, and arginine to improve the are still as animal feed and direct human con-
flavor of food products. The animal feed indus- sumption as food. It is possible that this may be
try also uses large amounts of amino acids to partly caused by religious reasons and health
improve the nutritional quality of animal feed concerns discouraging the use of animal-
(Ghaly et al., 2013), and commonly used amino derived compounds, such as gelatin, as food
acids include lysine, methionine, threonine, additives. Thus, it is necessary to explore meat
and tryptophan among others. Some amino ac- by-products for other potential applications,
ids, such as arginine, glycine, glutamate, and such as in the cosmetics and energy industries,
histidine, are widely used in protein-based and more research is needed to develop novel,
pharmaceuticals as an excipient for drug de- efficient, cost-effective technologies to ensure
velopment. In addition, amino acids can be that food by-products can be fully used so as
used in pharmaceutical formulations and as a to maximize economic value and minimize en-
substrate for the microbial production of an- vironmental impact.
tibiotics and biopharmaceuticals (Arakawa
et al., 2007; Ramakrishnan et al., 2013b). Since
1996, amino acids have become increasingly
more valuable (Ikeda, 2003) and the demand is LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
high. For example, amino acids are being pro-
duced at the multimillion-ton scale, with the α-la α-Lactalbumin
fermentative production of l-glutamate and β-lg β-Lactoglobulin
AAFC Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
l-lysine in 2013 estimated at more than 5 mil- BOD Biochemical oxygen demand
lion tons (Wendisch, 2014). Further examples EU European Union
of the applications of fish protein by-products FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
are shown in Table 7.1. GDP Gross domestic product
LOI Loss on ignition
NaCl Sodium chloride
TKN Total Kjeldahl nitrogen
4 FUTURE DIRECTIONS TOC Total organic carbon
TP Total phosphorous
Food-processing protein by-products need TSS Total suspended solids
not be an environmental burden; indeed, they USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USDEC US Dairy Export Council
are a promising source of value-added prod- WP Whey powder
ucts. With the increasing public awareness of WPC Whey protein concentrate
health and nutrition issues, food-processing WPI Whey protein isolate
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