8.2 Lever SC

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Science Form 2 KSSM Name : Date :

8.2.3 Lever

Objectives checklist! S T
i. Classify and solve problems involving levers based on the
position of fulcrum, load and effort
ii. Explain and communicate about moment of force.

What is a lever? A lever is a that rotates on a .


What is the PURPOSE of a lever?

 To do
 To use when doing work

Classification of levers (depending on the position of the effort, fulcrum and load)

Class First class lever Second class lever Third class lever


FLE (Flea)
LFE (Life) FEL (Fell)
Middle position

Direction of load and

Opposite Opposite
A SMALLER EFFORT is needed to
overcome BIGGER LOAD (Effort <
Advantages  Work become easy if effort is far from  A SMALLER EFFORT is needed to  A smaller movement of Effort causes
fulcrum but load is near to fulcrum overcome BIGGER LOAD bigger movement of Load
 A SMALLER EFFORT is needed to
overcome BIGGER LOAD


8.2.4 Moment of Force Lever Calculation

 The weight of the load produces a clockwise moment.

 The applied effort produces an anticlockwise moment to balance the lever horizontally.
 Therefore, the product of the magnitude of effort and the perpendicular distance from the pivot (fulcrum) is the same as the moment required to
balance the lever.
Example 1

Figure 8.29 shows two children sitting on a see-saw. What is the distance of Jia Yin from the fulcrum so that the see-saw is balanced?

Example 2

Figure 8.30 shows a man trying to move a boulder weighing 100 kg using a small stone as a fulcrum. The distance between the boulder and the
small stone is 0.5 m and the distance between the man and the small stone is 2 m. Calculate the effort required by the man to move the boulder.
(Gravitational force = 10 N kg–1) Moment of Force

 The TURNING EFFECT that is produced when A FORCE IS ACTING on an OBJECT at a FIXED POINT

 Moment of force depends on and the from the fulcrum to the force.
 Moment of force will increase if : increases, and increases.
 Unit for moment of force is
Example 1
Example 2
The force used to open the lid of a can is 10 N using a spoon of length 15 cm. Calculate the moment of force.

Activity 8.6 (Textbook)

Aim: To study the relationship between moment of force, effort and perpendicular distance from pivot to force.

0.5 m 1.0 m

5N 5N

Which position requires more effort? Which position results in greater moment of force?
Exercise 8.2.3 & 8.2.4
1. Figure 1 shows a lever system in equilibrium. Calculate the weight of X. (TP3)

2. Figure 2 shows a nail being removed from a plank using a hammer. If a force of 5 N is required to
remove the nail, what is the moment of force required to pull the hammer in the direction shown in
Figure 2? (TP3)

3. Wan and Nurul sat on a see-saw (Figure 3). The see-saw is imbalanced because Wan’s mass is 45
kg while Nurul’s mass is only 30 kg. Suggest how Nurul can balance the see-saw. (TP3)

4. Mr. Tan pushes a wheelbarrow on a muddy road (Figure 4). He finds it very difficult to push the
wheelbarrow. Suggest one modification that can be made to reduce the pressure exerted on the
road. Explain your answer. (TP3)

1. The effort and effort distance of a lever is 500 N and 50 m respectively. If the load is 1000 N, what is
the distance of the load from the fulcrum?

2. Diagram below shows the process of pruning leaves.

The tool used can be classified as a first class lever because

A. the load is between the fulcrum and the force
B. the fulcrum is between the load and the force
C. the force is between the load and the fulcrum
D. the load is at the same position as the fulcrum

3. Diagram below shows the position of a worker’s hands lifting sand using a spade.

What should the worker do in order to lift the sand using his minimum force?

4. Which statement is correct about a third class lever?

A  The effort is further from the fulcrum than

     the load
B  The effort is located between the load and
     the fulcrum
C  The load and the effort act in the same
D  The load is located between the effort and
     the fulcrum
5. Diagram below shows a nail being pulled out using tools, P and Q.

Which of the following statements is correct about the effort that was used?

A  P needs less effort than Q to pull out the nail

B  Q needs less effort than P to pull out the nail
C  The distance of the nail from the fulcrum
     does not influence the effort used

D  If the distance of effort is nearer to the

     fulcrum, the effort used will decreased
6. Which crowbar uses the least effort to pull out the nail?
7. Diagram below shows two objects, X and Y, hung at the two ends of ruler which is in
equilibrium. Points P, Q, R, S, T and U are marked on the ruler.

Which statement is true?

A The mass of X is the same as the mass of Y

B The mass of Y is twice the mass of X

C If X is placed at P and Y is placed at S, the

ruler is in equilibrium

D If the mass of X is 20 g, Y will be placed at

Q to make the ruler in equilibrium

8. Which pair of devices does not use the principle of a lever?

A  Screw and ladder
B  Fishing rod and plier
C  Nutcracker and paper cutter
D  Wheel-barrow and bottle opener
9. Diagram below shows two devices that use the principle of lever.

Which principle of lever is correct for these devices?

I The load and effort act in the same direction

II The devices are classified as second class


III The effort is between the fulcrum and the


IV A greater effort is required to overcome a

smaller load

A  I and II
B  I and IV
C  II and III
D  III and IV
10. Diagram below shows a simple machine used to lift the sand.

Calculate the force needed to lift 50 kg of sand.

Given: 1 kg = 10 N

A  200 N                            B  300 N
C  750 N                            D  1 250 N

11. Diagram below shows a vegetable seller carrying two baskets, F and G. F has a mass of 40 kg and G
has a mass of 60 kg. The distance between G and the seller is 1.0 m.

What should be the distance between the seller and F in order to balance both the baskets?
A  0.5 m
B  1.0 m
C  1.5 m
D  2.5 m
13. The diagram shows a balanced lever system.

What is the load of X?

A  10 N
B  20 N
C  40 N
D  80 N
14. Diagram below shows a type of lever.

Which of the following levers can be classified in the same class as the lever in diagram above?

15. Diagram below shows a pair of pliers.

(a)  (i)  What is the class of lever of the pair of pliers?

[1 mark]
      (ii)  State one reason for the answer in 15(a)(i).


[1 mark]

(b)  Based on Diagram above, why is it easier to cut the wire when we hold the pliers at K rather than
at L?


[1 mark]

(c)  Diagram below shows a worker carrying a load using a wheel-barrow.

       Draw a lever system for the wheel-barrow and label the position of load, force and fulcrum.

[2 marks]

(d)  Diagram below shows a system when a force and a load are balanced.

        Calculate load W when the system is in equilibrium.

        Use the following formula:

W = __________ N
[2 marks]

(e)  Diagram below shows two persons, P and Q, rowing their boats.

       Why does P use less force than Q to row his boat?


[1 mark]

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