Money Matters Financial Services Limited: Long Term Bank Facilities Care BBB
Money Matters Financial Services Limited: Long Term Bank Facilities Care BBB
Money Matters Financial Services Limited: Long Term Bank Facilities Care BBB
Rating Management
CARE has assigned ‘CARE BBB – [Triple B Minus]’ The management team of MMFSL is headed by Mr.
rating to the bank facilities of MMFSL. This rating is Rajesh Sharma, Chairman and Managing Director. He
applicable to facilities having tenure of more than one is the promoter director of Money Matters (India) Private
year. Instruments with this rating are considered to offer Limited (MMIPL), the co-promoter of MMFSL. Mr.
moderate safety for timely servicing of debt obligations. Sharma started MMIPL in 1995 and has been looking
Such instruments carry moderate credit risk. The rating after the overall affairs of MMIPL. In August 2009, the
mainly takes into account MMFSL’s comfortable company also saw induction of some prominent names
profitability parameters as well as its comfortable capital from Indian Financial Services Sector on the Board.
adequacy levels. However, the rating is constrained by
Business Operations
the relatively limited track record of operations, high
dependence on key managerial personnel for business MMFSL primarily obtains its revenues by way of fees
opportunities, the recent departure of key management on its debt syndication business (accounted for over
executives associated with the debt syndication division 90% of its total income in FY09). The company is also
being the core business activity of MMFSL, susceptibility into trading in debt securities both Corporate and Gsec.
to volatilities in income profile on account of high
dependence on fee based income and high Though the debt syndication business was set up mainly
concentration risk from top clients. The rating also takes in Q3FY08, the growth of the business picked up only
into consideration the steps taken by the company to in FY09. In FY09 the Company has handled around 70
alleviate the impact of the departure of the key personnel debt issues (FY08:- 3 issues) aggregating to Rs.12490
crore (FY08:- Rs.305 crore). The client base of MMFSL
by putting together a new business team as well as
consists mainly of private sector entities.
broad-basing of the Board by induction of some
prominent names from Indian Financial Services Sector. The debt syndication business of the company is mainly
dependent on the professional experience of few key
managerial personnel. In September 2009, the company
MMFSL was originally incorporated as “Daiwa Securities saw departure of key executives associated with the debt
Limited” in November 1994. The Company’s name was syndication business. Given the recent departure of its
changed to Dover Securities Limited on May 19, 1999. key managerial personnel as well as nature of the
In April 2007, Mr. Rajesh Sharma and Money Matters business, which is more people centric, it is too early to
(India) Private Limited (promoter group company) took assess the impact on the future business prospects of
over Dover Securities Ltd. Subsequently, the name of the company. However, the company has taken steps
the Company was changed to Money Matters Financial to alleviate the impact of the departure of the key
personnel by putting together a new business team.
Services Ltd in October 2008.
Asset Profile
Money Matters Financial Services Ltd (MMFSL) is a BSE
Listed non deposit taking NBFC primarily focused in the MMFSL witnessed increase in its scale of operations
business of financial advisory services (debt post take-over by the present management in FY08.
syndication) and trading in debt securities. It is also the Total assets jumped substantially from Rs.91.40 crore
holding company for Merchant Banking & Broking as on March 31, 2008 to Rs.227.36 crore as on March
Businesses housed in its subsidiaries. The company 31, 2009 mainly on back of internal accruals in FY09.
became a systemically important non deposit taking As on Mar 31, 2009 the company’s funds were mainly
NBFC w.e.f from March 31, 2009. held in the form of cash and bank balances (39.25% of
company witnessed major changes in its key this risk by setting qualitative and quantitative limits
management team, impact of which is difficult to on its investment portfolio. The investment policy
ascertain at the moment. of the company prescribes a minimum “AA-” debt
rating for investments in PSU Bank bonds and
Concentration Risk in MMFSL’s advisory business “AAA” debt rating for investments in any other entity
is high with top 5 clients accounting for 43% of fee including investments in Private Bank bonds
income in FY09. Considering that the company has
just commenced its operations the concentration Presently the company’s underwiritng risk is low
risk may ease with expansion in scale of operations. as it is yet to commence the underwriting business
on a large scale considering that its merchant
The company takes proprietary positions in debt banking subsidiary (MMIAPL) has commenced full
issues, the company can face liquidity issues in the fledged operations only in April 2009. However
event it is unable to dispose of its investments in a broad limits have been set by the company in
timely manner. The company has tried to address respect of the quality of issues to be underwritten.
October 2009
CARE’s ratings are opinions on credit quality and are not recommendations to sanction, renew, disburse or recall the concerned bank
facilities or to buy, sell or hold any security. CARE has based its ratings on information obtained from sources believed by it to be
accurate and reliable. CARE does not, however, guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and is not
responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Most entities whose bank
facilities/instruments are rated by CARE have paid a credit rating fee, based on the amount and type of bank facilities/instruments.
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Sion (East), Mumbai 400 022 Tel.: (022) 67543456 Fax: (022) 67543457