Perelman's Proof of The Poincare Conjecture PDF
Perelman's Proof of The Poincare Conjecture PDF
Perelman's Proof of The Poincare Conjecture PDF
1. Introduction
1.1. Perelman’s theorem. In three remarkable papers [28], [29], [30] in 2003,
Grisha Perelman significantly advanced the theory of the Ricci flow, which was a
quasilinear PDE introduced by Richard Hamilton [16] and then extensively studied
by Hamilton and others in a program to understand the topology of manifolds. In
particular, in [29] Perelman showed that in three spatial dimensions there was a well-
defined Ricci flow with surgery procedure, which is the Ricci flow PDE punctuated
at a discrete set of times by carefully chosen surgery operations which may possibly
change the topology of the manifold, with the following remarkable property:
Theorem 1.2 (Perelman’s theorem, finite time extinction case). [28], [29], [30] Let
M = (M0 , g0 ) be a closed smooth three-dimensional compact Riemmanian mani-
fold whose fundamental group is a free product of finite groups and infinite simple
groups1. Then the Ricci flow with surgery t 7→ Mt = (Mt , gt ) is well-defined for all
t ≥ 0, and becomes extinct in finite time (thus there exists T∗ such that Mt = ∅ for
all t > T∗ ). Furthermore, at all times t ≥ 0 the manifold Mt is topologically equiv-
alent to a finite union of connected sums of quotients of S 3 (which in particular
includes the projective space RP 3 as a special case), and S 2 -bundles over S 1 .
Applying the conclusion of this theorem at t = 0, and using standard topological
methods to detect which of the possible connected sums are simply connected,
one obtains as a corollary the Poincaré conjecture: every closed smooth simply
connected three-dimensional manifold is topologically equivalent to a sphere2. A
more difficult version of this theorem proven in [28], [29], [30] for general (not
necessarily simply-connected) closed smooth manifolds M = M0 does not have the
finite extinction time result (which is false), but through an analysis of the final
1This hypothesis is in fact quite natural, because the arguments also show conversely that finite
time extinction for Ricci flow is only possible when the fundamental group is a free product of
finite groups and infinite simple groups. For the purposes of proving just the Poincaré conjecture,
though, it is possible to work entirely in the category of simply connected manifolds throughout,
although this only simplifies the argument at one small point (in the proof of finite time extinction).
We thank John Morgan for clarifying this point.
2In fact, an additional argument, noting that surgery cannot destroy the simple-connectedness
of the manifold components, demonstrates that the Ricci flow with surgery from a simply con-
nected manifold only involves finite unions of disconnected spheres. We thank John Morgan for
clarifying this point.
1.3. Purpose of these notes. Perelman’s own description [28], [29], [30] of the
arguments, which appeared in 2003, are highly succinct, with many steps which
would take over a page if written out in full often compressed to a few lines; for a
few years it was not entirely clear whether the argument was complete and correct,
though it was evident from the very beginning that major breakthroughs had been
made regardless4. However, in most cases these steps were of a standard type
known to the experts, and could be fleshed out with reasonable work; only in a
few cases were there significant enough issues with one or two steps which required
more non-trivial effort to resolve5, though, as noted in [22, §1], all such issues
could be resolved using the general methods of Hamilton and Perelman. Very
3It is a remarkable fact, appreciated in the last few decades (see e.g. [36]), that the flows of
nonlinear PDE are an extraordinarily effective tool for understanding geometry and topology, and
in particular in placing topological objects in a geometric “normal form”. One way to view this
is that the continuous flows of PDE, especially when augmented with a surgery procedure, are a
geometrically natural successor to the more classical discrete combinatorial algorithms that were
employed to understand topology (e.g. by taking a triangulation of a manifold and then simplifying
this triangulation by a sequence of combinatorial maneuvres). While a PDE flow is in many ways
“dumber” than a combinatorial algorithm (though this can be partially rectified by an intelligent
choice of surgery procedure), if the flow is sufficiently geometrical in nature then the flows acquire
a number of deep and delicate additional properties, most notably monotonicity formulae, which
sometimes have no obvious analogue for discrete combinatorial algorithms. Indeed, the non-
geometric nature of most combinatorial arguments introduces a certain amount of artificial “noise”,
thus drowning out some of the more subtle monotonicity properties and making it more difficult
to ensure that any given algorithm actually terminates in finite time.
4In particular, it was soon realised that Perelman had discovered a new monotone quantity for
Ricci flow which was both critical (scale-invariant) and coercive (geometry-controlling). While
this by itself does not automatically prove the Poincaré conjecture, it made several previously
impossible-looking steps in Hamilton’s program now become potentially tractable. In comparison
the global regularity problem for Navier-Stokes (another major unsolved problem in nonlinear
parabolic PDE) is considered extremely difficult precisely because no such critical coercive quantity
for that flow is known.
5For instance, in [29] some minor corrections to [28] were noted.
6Preliminary versions of parts of [22] were available as early as June 2003, and influenced all
three subsequent expositions.
7The book [27] deals only with the Poincaré conjecture aspects of Perelman’s work, and not
on the more lengthy version of the argument establishing the geometrisation conjecture.
8Indeed, the argument even goes beyond standard PDE milestones, such as classification of
blowup singularities, but also moves onward to new milestones, such as describing a surgery
procedure to remove singularities and continuing to control the flow beyond these singularities,
which are still considered too ambitious a project for most other PDE (unless one is content with
only possessing very weak solutions for which one has little control).
work; for such presentations, we refer the reader to [5], [22], [27]. In particular we
will often choose to sacrifice rigour for sake of exposition, and in fact will commit
a number of small lies9 in order to suppress certain technical issues which might
otherwise obscure the underlying ideas. In a similar spirit, we will often not discuss
the strongest version of any given component of the proof, but instead focus on a
much simpler model proposition which is not strong enough for the full proof of
Poincaré, but does indicate the main ideas that are used in the proof of the true
proposition. We will also not attempt to systematically survey the literature and
other context which Perelman’s work and Hamilton’s program builds upon and is
placed in; for this, we refer the reader to [25], [26], [1], [37]. Finally, it should be
noted that the arguments here are arranged in an ahistorical order, in order to
expedite the natural flow of the proof. In particular, recent arguments (such as
those of Perelman) will sometimes be juxtaposed with earlier arguments (such as
those of Hamilton), reflecting the fact that different parts of Hamilton’s program
to prove the Poincaré conjecture via Ricci flow were understood at different times.
As has been made clear in several other places (see e.g. the introduction of [5]),
the primary contributions here are those of Hamilton and Perelman. Of course,
as with all other modern mathematical achievements, many other mathematicians
in the field have also made important contributions, either by laying foundational
work, establishing tools, developing insights or suggestions, or by clarifying, refin-
ing, generalising, or giving alternate proofs of key results. In particular, as has
been mentioned earlier, the efforts in [5], [22], [27] to fully explicate all the details
of Perelman’s arguments have been a significant, and extremely non-trivial, service
to the field. Assigning credit to each particular idea or insight is of course difficult
to do with absolute accuracy. While we will try our best to attribute things here,
we will refer the reader to the careful and detailed expositions in [5], [22], [27] for
a more thorough treatment of each of the steps and their provenance.
1.4. Overview of argument. In the jargon of nonlinear PDE, the Ricci flow is a
quasilinear parabolic system, and Theorem 1.2 is (in part) a finite time blowup re-
sult10 from essentially arbitrary data for this system. But it is also much more than
merely a finite time blowup result; it gives quite precise control of the behaviour
near each blowup point, and consequently also allows one to continue the evolution
beyond each blowup point (which is a level of understanding which is currently not
enjoyed by many commonly studied nonlinear PDE, even those that are substan-
tially simpler11). The need to continue the evolution even after the appearance of
singularities is essential for the topological applications of the theorem, because the
topological structure of the evolved manifold Mt is only obvious at late times (in
9We will attempt to apologise for these lies using footnotes whenever feasible, and cross-
reference to the more rigorous statements in other papers when appropriate.
10In particular this suggests that the nonlinear component of this system is “focusing” in
nature, acting in the direction of blowup rather than in the direction of dissipation.
11This is perhaps an unfair comparison. While the Ricci flow is much more nonlinear than some
other model nonlinear equations, such as the semilinear heat, wave, and Schrödinger equations, it
is parabolic rather than hyperbolic or dispersive, and perhaps more importantly is an extremely
geometric equation, thus enjoying significantly more structure than most other model nonlinear
PDE. The combination of the parabolic and the geometric natures of the flow in particular leads to
a very large number of monotonicity formulae, which are essential to the analysis and which would
not be expected to be present for many other model nonlinear PDE. We thank Igor Rodnianski
for emphasising this point.
particular, after the extinction time T∗ ), and then to reconstruct the topology of
the initial manifold M0 one needs to understand the nature of the blowup at all
blowup times between t = 0 and the extinction time t = T∗ , and not just the first
such blowup time12.
The proof of Theorem 1.2 follows standard PDE paradigms, even if the execution
of these paradigms is extraordinarily non-trivial. Firstly, a local-in-time existence
result for the Ricci flow is needed. This was first established by Hamilton [16], with
a simpler proof given by DeTurck [14], and is sketched out in Section 4. With the
local existence result in hand, Theorem 1.2 then reduces to a structural result on
the blowup times, and on the nature of the blowup singularities at each of these
To achieve the latter task, one applies a standard rescaling limit argument
around each blowup singularity to understand the asymptotic profile of the blowup.
These asymptotic profiles were established in special cases by Hamilton [20] before
Perelman’s work, and conjectured in general. One major obstacle to establishing
this conjecture was the need for critical (scale-invariant) and coercive (geometry-
controlling) quantities as one approached a singularity of Ricci flow. For instance, a
paper of Hamilton [20] largely classifies the asymptotic profiles of singularities un-
der the scale-invariant assumption that the renormalised curvatures and injectivity
radius stayed bounded. However, it was not known at that time how to attain such
scale-invariant assumptions.
Previously to Perelman’s work, the type of controlled quantities which were
known were either supercritical in nature, which meant that they became dra-
matically weaker for the purposes of controlling the solution as one approaches
the singularity, or non-coercive, thus not controlling all aspects of the geometry
(except under special assumptions such as positive curvature). This raises the pos-
sibility that the rescaled solutions around that singularity might not be sufficiently
bounded to extract a limit. The first major breakthrough in Perelman’s work is to
introduce a number of new critical monotone quantities, which are coercive enough
to provide adequate boundedness on the rescaled solutions (in particular, uniform
bounds on the Riemann curvature) to provide a limit (by Hamilton’s compactness
theory [19] for Ricci flow, based in turn on the Cheeger-Gromov theory [7] of limits
of Riemannian manifolds). This very important no-collapsing theorem of Perel-
man13 controls the renormalised geometry as one approaches blowup, and allows
one to classify the asymptotic profiles of blowup singularities; a refinement of these
arguments then allows one to understand the geometry of high-curvature regions
quite accurately also. The latter is then crucial for defining a surgery procedure
12In the groundbreaking earlier work of Hamilton [16], it was shown that if the manifold M
initially has positive Ricci curvature everywhere, then there is extinction in finite time with no
intervening blowups, and that the metric becomes asymptotically round.
Actually, Perelman establishes a variety of no-collapsing theorems with variations in the hy-
potheses and conclusions, and for Ricci flow with and without surgery, as do the authors following
him: see [28, §4,7,8], [29, §7], [27, §8], [22, §12, 25, 27, 78], [5, §3.3, 3.4, 7.6].
The next major task is to establish finite extinction time14 for simply connected
manifolds. This was achieved simultaneously by Perelman [30] and by Colding-
Minicozzi [13], and also explained in detail in [27, §18]. While non-trivial, these
results are somewhat simpler in nature than those in [28], [29], relying on a different
monotone quantity from that considered earlier15 which was known to be both
decreasing and positive for Ricci flow, which can then be used to deduce finite
extinction time (after carefully attending to the behaviour of these quantities during
Finally, there is the endgame in which one returns back from the final extinction
time to the original state of the Riemannian manifold, and verifies that the topology
is always a finite union of spheres. This turns out to be relatively easy once the
other two major tasks are accomplished.
1.5. Acknowledgements and history. The author thanks Igor Rodnianski for
helpful discussions and John Lott, Gang Tian and especially John Morgan for many
clarifications and insights. The material here is of course heavily based on several of
the papers in the references, but the author was particularly reliant on all three of
the excellently detailed expositions of Perelman’s work in [22], [27], [5], in addition
to Perelman’s original papers [28], [29], [30]. Indeed, while these papers clearly have
strong overlap (as should be obvious from the discussion below), they each have
slightly different perspectives, strengths, and weaknesses, and by reading all these
papers in parallel (in particular, switching from one paper to another whenever
I was stuck on a particular point) I was able to obtain a far richer view of the
argument than I could have obtained just from reading one of them.
An initial version of this manuscript was posted on my web site on October 9,
2006. After receiving several comments and corrections, a revised version was then
placed on the ArXiV on October 29, 2006. At this present time, I am not planning
to submit this manuscript for publication.
2. Notation
I will be using notation from Riemannian geometry, which I will define very
rapidly here without providing any motivation as to where these geometric defini-
tions and identities arise from. For reasons of personal preference I tend to express
tensors using coordinates, for instance the metric g would be expressed as gαβ ,
with the usual raising and lowering and summation conventions. In many other
treatments it is more customary to use coordinate-free notation.
Throughout these notes, all Riemannian manifolds M = (M, g) will be smooth
compact and three-dimensional; while a substantial portion of Perelman’s work
does extend to general dimension, we will not discuss those generalisations in order
to slightly simplify the discussion.
Given a Riemannianpmetric g = gαβ , one has the inverse metric g −1 = g αβ , and
the volume form dg = det(gαβ )dx. The Levi-Civita connection ∇ is then defined
This is the “shortcut” approach to proving the Poincaré conjecture. There is a more difficult
approach that gives not only this conjecture, but also the geometrization conjecture, which allows
for the Ricci flow-with-surgery to evolve for infinite time, but we will not discuss this more complex
approach here.
In particular, this new monotone quantity is no longer critical, but criticality is not as relevant
for blowup time bounds as it is for blowup singularity analysis, as rescaling is not involved.
16Very informally, one can think of this dimensional analysis as simply counting the number of
times the symbols g and ∂ appear in every expression. Ricci flow will give ∂t the same dimension
as O(g −2 ∂ 2 ). See Table 1.
from conformal geometry, although this Laplacian does not seem to directly play a
role in Perelman’s work17.
The Ricci flow, introduced for the study of topology of manifolds by Hamilton
[16], is a flow which (assuming a suitable local existence theory) produces a curve
t 7→ (Mt , gt ) of three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds for all time t in some time
interval. It is usually described by keeping the manifold Mt fixed (thus Mt = M ,
though perhaps Mt = {t} × M would be more appropriate) and varying the metric
g = gt via the partial differential equation
∂t gαβ = −2Ricαβ .
17On the other hand, to verify various monotonicity formulae here one does need to apply the
Laplace-Beltrami operator to forms as well as to scalar fields, and the Ricci tensor again arises
as a lower order term in those cases. However as we are not pursing the structural geometric
identities in detail here we shall not go into these issues.
3. Dimensional analysis
In the large data global theory of nonlinear evolution equations, the role of scale
invariance, and the subsequent distinction of conserved or monotone quantities as
subcritical, critical, and supercritical, plays a fundamental role. Indeed, it is not
too much of an exaggeration to say that with current technology, a large data
global existence result is only possible either in the presence of a critical or sub-
critical controlled quantity (by which we mean a conserved or monotone quantity).
Furthermore, global asymptotics and blowup profiles are only possible in the pres-
ence18 of a critical controlled quantity, or the combination of a subcritical and a
supercritical controlled quantity.
In the context of Ricci flow, the scale invariance is given in coordinates by
(1) gαβ (t, x) 7→ λ2 gαβ ( 2 , x)
where λ > 0 is arbitrary. Comparing this with the (local) scaling diffeomorphism
1 x
(2) gαβ (t, x) 7→ 2 gαβ (t, )
λ λ
(which is just a change of coordinates, and which therefore will preserve every
local 19 scalar geometric quantity), one can also write the scale invariance locally in
the form
t x
(3) gαβ (t, x) 7→ gαβ ( 2 , )
λ λ
which is the familiar parabolic scaling.
A critical geometric quantity is one which is invariant under the scale invariance
(being geometric, it does not matter which of the above two definitions of scaling one
chooses). Such quantities will be essential for understanding behaviour of the flow
near singularities; subcritical quantities would be preferable, but unfortunately turn
out to be insufficiently coercive to control the geometry by themselves, while super-
critical quantities (such as the total volume of the manifold) become increasingly
useless as one approaches the singularity. In parabolic theory, one can sometimes
compensate for the lack of critical controlled quantities by relying instead on the
maximum principle; this was for instance achieved by Hamilton [20] when estab-
lishing global existence (and absence of singularities) for two-dimensional Ricci flow
assuming that the Ricci curvature is initially negative definite. However it appears
that the maximum principle by itself is not strong enough to control the evolution
of Ricci flow in the case of indefinite curvature.
One quick informal way to determine the criticality of an expression is to perform
a dimensional analysis. It is convenient to do this by using two units, a unit L for
the spatial coordinate scale, and a unit G for the metric gαβ . This allows us to
18Furthermore, these quantities need to be coercive, in that bounds on such quantities severely
restrict the possible range of solution behaviours. For example, a quantity which could be bounded
due to a cancellation between a large positive and large negative term is unlikely to be coercive,
unless control from other sources can somehow eliminate this cancellation scenario.
19The key word here is “local”. A global quantity such as the total volume R dg is geometric
but not invariant under this scaling diffeomorphism unless one is willing to rescale the domain
of the coordinate chart(s) of M to be arbitrarily large or small. On the other hand, a localised
volume such as M e−distMt (x,y) /4(t0 −t) dg would be asymptotically invariant under (2) in the
limit where t0 − t is small, as this integral is effectively localised to a small, scale-invariant, region
of space.
compute the dimension of every quantity in these notes in terms of G and L; see
Table 1.
L−2 L−1 L0 L1 L2 L3
∂t , ∆g , R, Rmin ,
G−1 γ̇ g −1
|Riem|g , |Ric|g , K
G−1/2 |γ̇|g
Ṽ , l,
G0 Riem, Ric, π ∂, Γ, X x, x0 , γ
κ, f, δ
dist, L, r,
h, ρ
G1 ∂2g
∂g g t, t0 , τ, dτ
Vol, dg
Table 1. The dimension of various quantities encountered in this
paper, as powers of G and L. Note that scalar geometric quantities
all lie on the diagonal where the power of L is twice that of G; this
is a manifestation of the dilation symmetry (2). Tensor quantities
typically do not lie on this diagonal, although their magnitudes do.
π here refers to the deformation tensor of a vector field X.
It is the power of G which determines the criticality, as can be seen from (1).
A net negative power of G implies that the quantity is sub-critical (control of this
quantity becomes increasingly powerful at fine scales and close to blowup times,
or equivalently when the metric becomes large), whereas a positive power of G
implies a super-critical quantity (and hence of little use near a blowup, unless one
has a favourable sign). A quantity with no powers of G is critical and thus a good
candidate for establishing uniform control on rescaled solutions near a singularity
(provided of course that it is sufficiently “coercive”, in that control on the quantity
implies significant control on the geometry).
The power of L is linked to that of G via the local scaling (2); as long as the
quantity is scalar and somehow “local” in nature, as well as being geometric, the
power of L must be twice the power of G. There is also a relationship for tensor
quantities depending on the number of subscripts and superscripts in the tensor
but it is slightly more tricky to state; it will be left to the reader (perhaps using
the above table as guidance).
The reader is also invited to verify the dimensional correctness of all the equations
in these notes.
4. Local existence
Given that we are trying to establish a large data final state result for a nonlinear
PDE, it is of course natural to begin with the local existence theory. Here we run
into an initial obstacle, which is that the Ricci flow
∂t gαβ = −2Ricαβ
does not obviously have the structure of a quasilinear parabolic equation. Indeed,
if we expand the Ricci tensor in coordinates we obtain
−2Ricαβ = g γδ (∂γδ gαβ + ∂αβ gγδ − ∂βγ gαδ − ∂αγ gβδ ) + O(g −2 (∂g)(∂g))
= O(g −1 ∂ 2 g) + O(g −2 (∂g)(∂g)).
Thus the Ricci flow equation takes the schematic form
∂t g = O(g −1 ∂ 2 g) + O(g −2 (∂g)(∂g))
where the lead term O(g −1 ∂ 2 g) is not elliptic. This is not a manifestly parabolic
Despite this, it is still possible to establish local existence for the Ricci flow for
suitably regular initial data. There are two approaches. The first approach, due to
Hamilton [16], uses the Nash-Moser iteration method to compensate for the lack of
smoothing present in the equation. The second approach, due to de Turck [14], is a
“gauge fixing” approach, taking advantage of the geometric nature of the Ricci flow,
which in practical terms creates the “gauge invariance” formed by diffeomorphisms
of the manifold (i.e. changes of coordinates). We shall briefly discuss the latter
method here.
Recall that every smooth vector field X α = X α (x) on a manifold (M, g) generates
an infinitesimal diffeomorphism xα 7→ xα + εX α + O(ε2 ). Pulling back the metric
gαβ by this diffeomorphism creates a infinitesimally deformed metric gαβ 7→ gαβ +
επαβ + O(ε2 ), where
παβ := LX gαβ = ∇α Xβ + ∇β Xα
is the deformation tensor of the vector field X. Thus, for instance, if the deforma-
tion tensor vanishes, then X generates an infinitesimal isometry, and is known as
a Killing field.
The Ricci flow commutes with diffeomorphisms. Because of this, the Ricci flow
equation is gauge equivalent to the equation
∂t gαβ = −2Ricαβ + παβ
where παβ is the deformation tensor of an arbitrary (time-dependent) vector field
X. Indeed, the solution to this gauge transformed Ricci flow is (formally) equal to
the solution to the original Ricci flow with the same initial data, composed with
the diffeomorphism obtained by integrating the vector field X; we omit the details.
In practical terms (and ignoring some technical issues in justifying uniqueness, pre-
serving regularity, etc.) this means that we have the freedom to add any expression
of the form παβ = ∇α Xβ + ∇β Xα to the right-hand side of the Ricci flow equation.
Note from the form of the Christoffel symbols Γ = O(g −1 ∂g) that
παβ = ∂α Xβ + ∂β Xα + O(g −1 (∂g)X).
In particular if one takes20
Xα := g γδ (∂γ gαδ − ∂α gγδ ) = O(g −1 ∂g)
then we see that
παβ = g γδ (−∂αβ gγδ + ∂βγ gαδ + ∂αγ gβδ ) + O(g −2 (∂g)(∂g)).
20This is not a completely arbitrary choice of infinitesimal diffeomorphism; it turns out that
the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by this recipe is also the harmonic map
heat flow deformation of the identity map from M to itself. See [24] for further discussion.
then give the result. As a very crude first approximation, the pinching phenomenon
means that in high curvature regions, almost all the negative curvature has been
eliminated, leaving only non-negatively curved geometries to consider.
One common application of maximum principles is to show that vanishing of
a non-negative elliptic or parabolic object at one point implies vanishing at other
points. For instance, the classical maximum principle for harmonic functions implies
that if a non-negative harmonic function on a domain vanishes at an interior point,
then it vanishes everywhere. Hamilton’s tensor maximum principle implies a result
of a similar flavour: if a three-dimensional Ricci flow with non-negative sectional
curvatures has a vanishing sectional curvature at one point, then (locally, at least)
the flow must split into the product of a two-dimensional Ricci flow, and a flat line
R. This type of splitting result is used heavily in the classification of various types
of limiting Ricci solution later on in the argument; see [27, §4.4], [22, §40] or [5,
Another naturalR quantity which is controlled (though not monotone) is the total
volume Vol(t) := Mt dg(t). Indeed, using the the formula for the rate of growth
of the volume form under Ricci flow, followed by monotonicity of Rmin ,
∂t dg = −Rdg ≤ −Rmin(t)dg ≤ −Rmin (0)dg,
we see from Gronwall’s inequality that the volume of the manifold can grow at most
exponentially in time, with the rate determined by initial minimal scalar curvature
Rmin (0). Unfortunately the volume is a supercritical quantity and is not directly
useful for blowup analysis, although we will need this volume control later in order
to show that the blowup times are discrete (the key point being that each surgery
removes a significant portion of volume from the manifold).
If the sectional curvatures are all non-negative, then much stronger monotonicity
formulae are possible. For instance, the above analysis shows that the volume is
now monotone decreasing; some further monotonicity results of this nature are dis-
cussed in the next section. Furthermore, there are stronger pointwise monotonicity
formulae for the Ricci scalar R, arising from Hamilton’s Harnack inequality [17]
(inspired by an earlier formula of Li and Yau [23] for a different equation). There
are several formulations of this inequality. One is the following: if the Ricci flow
has non-negative bounded sectional curvature on [0, t], then one has the pointwise
monotonicity-type formula for the scalar curvature
∂t R + R + 2∂ α RVα + 2Ricαβ V α V β ≥ 0
for all vector fields V ; this inequality can be obtained after some effort from many
geometric identities and the maximum principle. If 0 < t1 < t2 , one can then
quickly deduce the pointwise inequality
t1 2
R(x2 , t2 ) ≥ e−dMt1 (x1 ,x2 ) /2(t2 −t1 ) R(x1 , t1 )
which may help explain the terminology “Harnack inequality”. In particular, for an-
cient solutions (extending to arbitrarily negative times) with non-negative bounded
sectional curvature, then R(x, t) is a non-decreasing function of t, thus we have
pointwise monotonicity of the scalar curvature in this case. See [28, §7,9], [27,
§4.5.2], [22, Appendix F], or [5, §2.5] for details.
The above consequences of the maximum principle are quite robust. For instance,
they all extend (with minor modifications) to general dimensions. Furthermore,
while many of the stated results and arguments are initially only valid for compact
manifolds, there are a number of ways to extend them to non-compact manifolds
given a suitable control on the geometry at infinity. We shall gloss over the technical
details (usually involving suitable weight functions to localise arguments to near a
compact set) in performing such extensions, but see [34] or [27, §12.2] for examples.
Clearly one can extend and refine this type of estimate; see for instance [28, §8],
[27, §3.6], [5, §3.4], or [22, §26] for versions of the above compression phenomenon
of relevance to Perelman’s argument.
Using Proposition 6.1 one could then create a monotonic decreasing functional
in the non-negatively curved case, namely the minimal length of a non-contractible
closed loop. Unfortunately, this quantity is only non-zero when the homotopy group
π1 (M ) is non-trivial - and for the purposes of proving the Poincaré conjecture, this
is certainly not the case! However, let us note that this result will yield a finite time
extinction result for non-simply connected manifolds with strictly positive curvature
(though this was already known to Hamilton by other means). Thus we must move
to surfaces (such as embedded two-spheres or two-tori) to get some interesting
geometric quantities. Experience has shown that surfaces which minimise area or
energy29 are likely be of great use in geometry; to pick just one example, witness
the use of minimal surfaces in Gromov’s ground-breaking paper [15] on symplectic
non-squeezing. Actually, it turns out that minimising over surfaces only is able to
exploit π2 (M ) information; it lets one reduce to the case where π2 (M ) is trivial,
but this turns out to not be enough. One may think then to move to embedded
three-spheres to exploit π3 (M ) information, but this turns out to be difficult to do
directly. Fortunately, we can view embedded three-spheres as a loop of two-spheres,
or as a two-sphere of loops, and by taking an appropriate min-max over the two
parameters one obtains a useful monotone quantity that allows one to exploit π3 (M )
information, which turns out to be sufficient to force finite time extinction. The
loop-of-two-spheres approach was pursued by Colding and Minicozzi [13], whereas
the two-sphere-of-loops approach was pursued by Perelman [30]. We shall discuss
the former which is slightly simpler conceptually, even though for technical reasons
the proof of Poincaré’s conjecture turns out to be more easily pursued using the
latter; see [27, §18] for details30.
We remark that the idea of using minimal surface areas as controlled quantities
under Ricci flow originates from Hamilton [21].
Let us first discuss the π2 (M )-based quantities. Suppose that π2 (Mt ) is non-
trivial. Let β : S 2 → Mt be any immersed R sphere not homotopic to a point. Each
such sphere has an energy E(β, t) := 12 S 2 |dβ|2gt using the metric gt at time t; this
is at least as large as the area of β. Define W2 (t) to be the infimum of E(β, t) over
all such β. It turns out (from standard Sacks-Uhlenbeck minimal surface theory
[32]) that this infimum is actually attained (at which point the energy is the same
as the area). A computation (using the local structure of minimal surfaces, and the
Gauss-Bonnet formula) lets one obtain the differential inequality
∂t W2 (t) ≤ −4π − Rmin (t)W2 (t)
(where the derivative is interpreted in a suitably weak sense) whenever the Ricci
flow remains smooth. Combining this with (7) and some elementary Gronwall-type
29Area and energy of surfaces are closely related, but not quite the same. A surface β : R2 → M
has area R2 |∂x β ∧ ∂y β|g dxdy and energy 21 R2 |∂x β|2g + |∂y β|2g dxdy. By Cauchy-Schwarz, the
area is thus less than the energy, with equality when β is conformal. In practice, surfaces such as
spheres can usually be made conformal after reparameterisation, and so minimising the area and
minimising the energy usually end up amounting to the same thing.
30The papers [5], [22] do not address the finite time extinction issue as they are following
Perelman’s proof of the geometrisation conjecture, which does not require such extinction.
analysis one can show that W2 (t) becomes negative in finite time, which is absurd.
This forces blowup in finite time whenever π2 (M ) is non-trivial. It turns out that
a similar argument can also be extended for Ricci flow with surgery. The final
conclusion is that after finite time, the Ricci flow with surgery is either completely
extinct, or at every time each component of M trivial π2 .
A variant of this argument works for π3 (M ). If π3 (M ) is non-trivial, then there
exists a loop of two-spheres γ : [0, 1] × S 2 → M with γ(0) = γ(1) equal to a
point, which cannot be contracted to a point. For any such γ, define E(γ, t) :=
sup0≤s≤1 E(γ(s), t) be the largest energy obtained by a two-sphere on the loop, and
then let W3 (t) be the infimum of E(γ, t) over all such γ. A variant of the above
argument then gives31
∂t W3 (t) ≤ −4π − Rmin (t)W3 (t)
so once again we can demonstrate finite time blowup as long as π3 (M ) is non-trivial.
Again, it is possible (given sufficient care) to extend these arguments to the case of
Ricci flow with surgery.
There is the issue of π3 (M ) being non-trivial. Fortunately some homology theory
settles this fairly readily, at least in the simply connected case. If M is simply
connected, then π1 (M ) is trivial, which implies (by the Hurewicz theorem) that
the first homology group H1 (M ) is also trivial. Poincaré duality then gives that
H2 (M ) is also trivial, whereas the three-dimensionality32 of M gives that H3 (M ) =
Z. In short, M has the same homology groups as the three-sphere, and thus
by Whitehead’s theorem it is therefore homotopy equivalent to a sphere33. In
particular34 it quickly follows that π3 (M ) is non-trivial (indeed, it is isomorphic to
Z). The more general case when π1 (M ) is a free product of finite groups and infinite
cyclic groups can be handled by more sophisticated topological and homological
arguments of the above type; see [27, §18] for details.
As mentioned earlier, the Colding-Minicozzi approach requires a technical an-
alytical property which is expected to be true but whose proof is not currently
in the literature. There is an alternate approach of Perelman [30] for which the
corresponding analytical property is easier to verify (because one works with area-
minimising surfaces instead of arbitrary surfaces). Instead of viewing embedded
three-spheres γ in M as loops of two-spheres, one instead views them as two-spheres
of loops (with some natural boundary conditions). Each loop spans a minimal disk
(because of simple connectedness), which of course has an area (or energy). Taking
the maximal area obtained in this way along a two-sphere of loops, one obtains
31This is assuming some analytical facts concerning near-extremisers of W (t) which are widely
expected to be true, but have not yet been explicitly proven. More precisely, one needs a bubbling-
type concentration compactness property for minimising sequences of loops of spheres, which is
likely to be true (based on analogy with similar results for simpler variational problems). Never-
theless it is believed that this property will be established soon. We thank Gang Tian and John
Morgan for clarifying these points.
32Note that simply connected manifolds are necessarily orientable.
33Note that this is a substantially weaker statement than being homeomorphic to a sphere;
indeed, since non-trivial homology spheres are known to exist, the Poincaré conjecture cannot be
proven by homology theory alone!
34Here we are using the fact that the surgery procedure cannot destroy the simply connected
nature of Mt (in fact the fundamental groups of the post-surgery components can easily be shown
to be subgroups of the pre-surgery fundamental groups, which are trivial in the simply connected
(10) e−distR3 (x,x0 ) /4τ
u(t0 − τ, x) dx
(4πτ )3/2 R3
is constant in time for τ > 0; this is clear from the fundamental solution of the
heat equation. It turns out that when one replaces the free heat equations by
other parabolic equations, that similar quantities to (10) can often turn out to be
monotone in time rather than constant. As a gross caricature, one can think of (10)
as essentially measuring an average of u(t0 − τ ) on a ball centred at x0 of radius
35A significant technical issue arises, which is that to demonstrate the above inequality it
becomes necessary to evolve the loops involved by curve shortening flow. This flow can become
singular even when the Ricci flow is smooth, requiring a (standard) lift of the problem to higher
dimensions to resolve the singularities. See [30], [27, §18.4-18.6] for details.
36Perelman also introduces a number of other interesting critical monotone quantities, such
as a modified entropy functional W. While these quantities are also very useful, particularly for
the geometrisation conjecture, they are not strictly necessary for Theorem 1.2 and will not be
discussed here.
37Details on the reduced volume can be found in [28, §7], [27, §6], [22, §14-23], or [5, §3].
38Actually, the monotonicity formulae given here are valid (and scale-invariant) in all spatial
dimensions, thus raising the possibility that Perelman’s methods should extend to analyse Ricci
flow on manifolds in every dimension; see for instance [10] for some preliminary progress in this
direction. However, at present several other aspects of Perelman’s work is restricted to three
spatial dimensions.
O( τ ). Observe also that if we normalise (t0 , x0 ) to the origin, then (10) is also
invariant under the scaling u(t, x) 7→ u( λt2 , λx ), which is the analogue to (2).
Let (t0 , x0 ) be a point in spacetime of a solution M to Ricci flow in d spatial
dimensions, thus x0 lies on the 3-dimensional Riemmanian manifold (Mt0 , gt0 ).
Based on the above discussion, one might naively expect the expression
−distMt −τ (x,x0 )2 /4τ
(11) 3/2
e 0 dgt0 −τ (x)
(4πτ ) Mt0 −τ
where γ : [0, τ ] → Mt0 −τ runs over all smooth curves with γ(0) = x0 and γ(τ ) = x.
(Indeed, the minimiser is attained
q when γ traverses the geodesic from x0 to x,
which at time τ ′ is at distance ττ distMt0 −τ (x, x0 ) from x0 .) As mentioned before,
where γ : [0, τ ] ∈ M ranges over all smooth curves with γ(τ ′ ) ∈ Mt0 −τ ′ for 0 ≤
τ ′ ≤ τ , with γ(0) = x0 = (t0 , x0 ) and γ(τ ) = x = (t0 − τ, x), and R is the Ricci
scalar at the point (t0 −τ ′ , γ(τ ′ ) ∈ Mt0 −τ ′ . This type of “parabolic length” had been
39This definition differs from the one by Perelman by a harmless factor of (4π)3/2 ; I have
chosen this normalisation to give the flat metric a reduced volume of 1.
considered earlier in a different context than Ricci flow by Li-Yau [23]. The presence
of the Ricci scalar appears to be some sort of correction term, similar in spirit to
the Ricci curvature terms arising in other geometric formulae such as the second
variation formula for geodesic distance, the Bochner-Wietzenböck formula for the
Laplacian of energy densities, or the presence of the Ricci scalar in the conformal
Laplacian. See [28, §7], [5, §2.5] for some motivation of this length functional arising
naturally from a Li-Yau type inequality for the backwards heat equation.
One can easily verify that lt0 ,x0 (t0 −τ, x) is dimensionless, and hence the reduced
volume Ṽ (τ ) is also scale-invariant. Thus the monotonicity of this quantity is thus
a critical control on the geometry as one approaches a blowup point (t0 , x0 ); very
informally speaking, it asserts that as one approaches such a singularity, the net
curvature tends to increase, thus there is a trend from negative curvature to positive.
In some ways this can be viewed as a local version of the monotonicity formula for
Rmin .
The proof of this monotonicity is remarkably delicate; see [28, §7], [22, §22], [27,
§6.7], or [5, §3.2] for the details. In principle, one simply needs to differentiate the
reduced volume in time, use variation formulae to compute various derivatives of
the reduced length, and integrate by parts, using many identities from Riemannian
geometry, until one visibly sees the sign of the derivative. In practice, of course,
such a computation is very lengthy and seems highly miraculous in the absence
of geometric intuition. Since I do not have this intuition, I cannot really shed any
light as to why this monotonicity formula works (other than by analogy with simpler
equations). It does however appear to be instructive to show that the monotone
quantity is in fact constant in the case of a gradient shrinking soliton. In [28, §6],
[5, §3.1] an interpretation of reduced volume in terms of infinite dimensional Rie-
mannian geometry was given, relating this quantity to a matrix Harnack expression
considered by Hamilton [18]. A related (but not identical) geometric interpretation
for this expression also appears in [11].
Comparing the reduced volume against the informal interpretation for (11) leads
to the heuristic
This heuristic turns out to be essentially accurate in the case where the ball
B(x0 , τ 1/2 ) has bounded normalised curvature on the time interval [t0 −τ, t0 ], in the
sense that |Riem|g = O(τ −1 ) (this is the natural amount of curvature predicted by
dimensional analysis, and is also consistent with (8)). Verifying this is not trivial,
but roughly speaking proceeds by exploiting the curvature control to ensure the
reduced length lt0 ,x0 (t0 − τ, x) stays bounded on B(x0 , τ 1/2 ), which in turn leads
to an estimate similar to (13).
A more refined analysis of the proof of the monotonicity formula also reveals
the precise solutions for which equality occurs, i.e. the reduced volume is constant
rather than monotone. Indeed, this occurs precisely when the solution is a gradient
shrinking soliton, as in (5) (if we normalise t0 = 0 and t = −1). This strongly
suggests (but does not formally imply) that as one rescales around a singularity
(t0 , x0 ) of a Ricci flow, that the flow should increasingly resemble a gradient shrink-
ing soliton (possibly after passing to a subsequence of rescalings). A result of this
form will be essential later in the argument. Details can be found40 in [28, §7], [27,
§9.2], [22, §36], [5, §3].
We have normalised the reduced volume to equal 1 when the manifold is flat. If
the Ricci flow has bounded curvature and is smooth at the final point (t0 , x0 ), then
its rescalings become flat, and so the reduced volume is asymptotically 1 as t → t0 .
By monotonicity this means that the reduced volume is less than or equal to 1 at
all times t < t0 . By analysing when equality occurs in the monotonicity formula as
in the previous paragraph, one can in fact conclude that the reduced volume will
be strictly less than 1 unless the entire flow was flat. See [27, §9.2] for details.
40The argument in [28, §7] is slightly incorrect, however can be fixed in a number of ways; see
the other three references cited here.
41In order to fully prove Theorem 1.2, one has to consider generalised Ricci flows, in which
various surgeries take place between t = 0 and t = t∗ . This makes the analysis significantly more
complicated and non-trivial, but for sake of this high-level overview we shall focus on the much
simpler case of smooth Ricci flow (without surgeries).
42Roughly speaking, the injectivity radius at a point x is the radius of the largest ball B(x, r)
for which length-minimising geodesics are unique.
more precise versions needed for Perelman’s argument, see [31, §6.2], [27, §1.6-7],
or [8, §4.7].
Note that on a generic smooth Riemannian manifold it is possible to have col-
lapsing, in which the curvature is bounded but the volume of the ball is small (and
the injectivity radius is small too, by the reverse comparison theorem). A simple
example is given by an extremely small flat torus or flat43 cylinder, which has zero
curvature but for which the unit ball has unexpectedly small volume. Many more
exotic examples can of course be constructed. In contrast, in the non-collapsed
case, a famous finiteness theorem of Cheeger [6] limits the number of topologically
distinct such examples available. Thus we see that the non-collapsed property is
very powerful in constraining the behaviour of manifolds. As the small torus and
cylinder examples show, collapsing is associated with the presence of “little loops”
(i.e. short closed geodesics).
Of course one can rescale the above results to work at any radius scale r, to
• (Comparison theorem) If one has bounded normalised curvature on a ball
B(x0 , r), thus |Riem|g = O(r−2 ) on this ball, then for 0 ≤ r′ ≤ r, the
volume of B(x0 , r′ ), divided by (r′ )3 , is essentially non-increasing in r′ . In
particular B(x0 , r) has volume O(r3 ).
• (Reverse comparison theorem) If one has bounded normalised curvature
on a ball B(x0 , r), then the volume of the ball is ∼ r3 if and only if the
injectivity radius is & r.
One consequence of the monotonicity aspect of the comparison theorem is that
if there is no collapsing at a scale r, then there is also no collapsing at any smaller
A remarkable phenomenon concerning Ricci flow is that as one approaches √ a
blowup time t → t∗ , collapsing cannot actually √ occur at scales r = O( t ∗ − t)
which are finer than the natural length scale t∗ − t associated to the near-blowup
time t (this is the scale given by dimensional analysis). This no-local-collapsing
theorem was first established by Hamilton [20] in the case of non-negative sectional
curvature, and then in general by Perelman [28]. We state here a fairly weak and
imprecise version of this theorem (stronger versions are certainly available, see [28,
§4,7,8], [29, §7], [27, §8], [22, §12, 25, 27, 78], [5, §3.3, 3.4, 7.6]):
Theorem 8.1 (No local collapsing). [28] Let t 7→ Mt be a smooth Ricci flow for
0 ≤ t ≤ t0 = O(1), let x0 ∈ M , and suppose we have noncollapsed geometry at
time zero in the sense that the curvature is bounded by O(1) and the volume of any
unit ball is comparable to 1 at time zero. Then√we have local noncollapsing at time
t0 in the following sense: given any 0 < r < t0 , if one has bounded normalised
curvature on the parabolic cylinder [t0 − r2 , t0 ] × B(x0 , r), then the volume of the
ball B(x0 , r) at time t0 is comparable to r3 (or equivalently, the injectivity radius
of this ball at time t0 is comparable or larger to r).
43This is of course flatness in the intrinsic sense of Riemann, as opposed to any sort of extrinsic
sense; indeed, we are not actually embedding our manifolds into an ambient Riemannian space
with which to measure extrinsic curvatures such as second fundamental forms.
44It may be more intuitive to view this assertion in the contrapositive; if there is some break-
down of injectivity at a small scale caused by little loops, then this will replicate itself at larger
scales also, since little loops can be concatenated to form big loops.
that at each time tn , the curvature Rn is close to the largest curvature that has yet
been encountered, thus R(t, x) . Rn for all 0 ≤ t ≤ tn . One consequence of this
is that we automatically enjoy bounded normalised curvature at scales Rn and
below and all times up to tn . By the no local collapsing theorem we can then also
conclude that there is no collapsing at these scales or below up to time tn .
We can then create rescaled flows t 7→ Mt on the interval [−tn Rn , (T∗ − tn )Rn )
by setting
(n) (n) (n)
(Mt , gt ) := (Mtn +t/Rn , Rn gtn +t/Rn ).
These rescaled flows are also Ricci flows, and their backwards time of existence
extends to −∞ as n → ∞. Also, because of our rescaling, we now have bounded
normalised curvature and no collapsing at unit scales. Thus we may apply Hamil-
ton’s compactness theorem (declaring xn as the origin of each Mt ) and extract a
convergent subsequence whose limit is an ancient Ricci solution, i.e. one which has
existed on the entire interval (−∞, 0]. Furthermore this ancient solution is also non-
collapsed at unit scales and below; and in fact if the xn are all piled on top of each
other, one can compare the rescaled solutions to each other to obtain non-collapsing
at all scales for which the normalised curvature is under control. We caution that
even if the original manifold M is compact, it is perfectly possible for the limiting
ancient solution to be non-compact. Furthermore, the Hamilton-Ivey pinching phe-
nomenon ensures that the limiting ancient solution will have non-negative sectional
curvature everywhere.
Roughly speaking, what this analysis suggests is that every high-curvature region
of a Ricci flow should resemble a rescaled ancient non-collapsing solution to Ricci
flow. If we knew this, and we also knew enough about the geometry of ancient
non-collapsing solutions, then we could hope to perform a controllable surgery
on high-curvature regions in order to reduce their curvature while controlling the
change in topology (and not disrupting the finite time extinction argument which
will arise later). However, the above argument required that at any given time, the
high-curvature region one is studying has higher curvature than any other region
previously encountered. This is unfortunately not always the case (consider for
instance two simultaneous singularities, one with a faster curvature blowup rate
than the other). Fortunately, it is possible to induct on the curvature, starting
with the highest curvature region and controlling that, then moving onwards to the
next highest curvature region, and so forth. In order to make this induction work,
we cannot quite decouple the two major steps in the classification of curvature
regions, namely the approximation by ancient non-collapsing solutions and the
understanding of the geometry of these ancient solutions; they have to be applied
alternately because we need enough control on the very high curvature regions to
guarantee that they will not disrupt the analysis of the less high curvature regions.
For this reason it makes sense to talk about the ancient solutions first, before
explaining why they model singularities.
Interestingly, we will eventually have to perform a secondary blowup analysis
inside the first, in that the ancient solutions themselves are not the irreducible
components of asymptotic behaviour, and contain inside them an even more special
rigorous requires a slightly tricky downward induction on curvature; in other words, one needs to
control the very high curvature regions first before attending to the moderately high curvature
reasons. See the next few sections for more discussion.
asymptotic class of solution, namely the gradient-shrinking solitons. The latter were
completely classified by Perelman [28, §11] (assuming, as we may, non-negative
sectional curvature and non-collapsedness), which leads to a qualitative description
of the ancient solutions, which in turn will lead to a qualitative description of
the high curvature regions. It seems that this two-step procedure is necessary to
fully understand high curvature regions. Consider for instance a high-curvature
region which resembles a rescaled cigar. Then while this cigar itself contains an
asymptotically cylindrical piece at infinity (and the cylinder is a gradient-shrinking
soliton), the compact end of this cigar does not have any model as a gradient-
shrinking soliton.
a cylinder solution50. Undoing the scaling, we thus see that the original κ-solution
contains arbitrarily small regions which are approximate rescaled cylinders (the
precise term for this is an ε-neck, which we shall return to later). However the soul
theorem (see e.g. [31]) and the hypothesis of non-negative curvature can be used
to eliminate this possibility (see also [10] for an alternate argument).
10.2. Curvature decays spatially slower than scaling. Having just obtained
a uniform (in x) bound on the scalar curvature R(t, x), we now turn to a lower
bound in the asymptotic regime x → ∞ (of course this only makes sense for non-
compact solutions). Naive dimensional analysis (see Table 1) suggests that, for a
fixed origin x0 ∈ M , the scalar curvature R(t, x) should decay like 1/d(x, x0 )2 as
x → ∞. However, the curvature actually decays slower than this.
Proposition 10.3 (Infinite asymptotic scalar curvature ratio). [28, §11] If t 7→ Mt
is a non-compact κ-solution, then for each time t we have
lim sup R(t, x)d(x, x0 )2 = +∞
for any x0 ∈ M (the exact choice of x0 is not relevant).
We remark that a slightly weaker version of this proposition was established
earlier by Hamilton [20].
Proof. (Sketch; for details see [27, §9.6], [22, §40], [5, §6.4]) Let us first rule out the
case when the limit superior is finite but non-zero at some time t. Then we can
find a sequence of radii rk going to infinity in which supd(x,xk )∼rk R(t, x) ∼ rk−2 ; in
particular, as κ-solutions are non-collapsed, the volume of the annulus {d(x, xk ) ∼
rk } is ∼ rk3 . We rescale the annuli {d(x, xk ) ∼ rk } by the rk and take a limit (using
Cheeger-Gromov theory) to obtain a Tits cone (the cone over the sphere at infinity)
whose maximum scalar curvature is ∼ 1. But the Tits cone has some vanishing
sectional curvatures. It is then possible to apply tensorial maximum principles to
the equation (8) and conclude in fact that the limit is flat, but this contradicts the
non-zero scalar curvature.
Now let us rule out the case when the limit superior is zero. The above argument
now shows that the Tits cone is flat, which makes the sphere at infinity round. This
makes the manifold asymptotically flat in a volume sense; using Bishop-Gromov
volume comparison theory and the non-negativity of scalar curvature one sees that
this is only possible if the manifold was completely flat, a contradiction.
10.4. Volume grows spatially slower than scaling. Positive curvature tends
to contract volume. Since we have seen that the curvature is larger than what is
predicted by scaling, it is perhaps not then surprising that the volume is smaller
than is predicted by scaling51:
Proposition 10.5 (Vanishing asymptotic volume ratio). [28, §11] If t 7→ Mt is a
non-compact κ-solution, then for each time t and origin x0 ∈ M the asymptotic
volume ratio limr→∞ Volt (B(x0 , r))/r3 (which is independent of x0 ) vanishes.
50There is another possibility, that the 2D manifold looks like RP 2 instead of S 2 , but this case
can be eliminated by reducing to oriented solutions (this is the approach in [28], [22], [5]), or by
some additional case analysis involving the soul theorem (this is the approach in [27]).
51This is consistent with the non-collapsing nature of κ-solutions, because non-collapsing re-
quires bounded normalised curvature in order to lower bound the volume, and this hypothesis will
not be true for extremely large balls with fixed origin.
Proof. (Sketch; for details, see [27, §9.6], [22, §40]) This is an induction on dimen-
sion argument; to illustrate the key inductive step let us assume that the analogous
claim for two dimensions has already been shown and deduce the three-dimensional
Fix t, x0 . Using the infinite asymptotic scalar curvature ratio and a “point-
picking” argument of Hamilton [20], one can find xk and rk → ∞ with rk =
o(d(x0 , xk )) such that limk→∞ R(t, xk )rk2 = ∞, and such that xk essentially max-
imises the scalar curvature on the ball B(xk , rk ). If Volt (B(xk , rk )) = o(rk3 ) then
we can use comparison theory to conclude the argument, so suppose that this is not
the case. Rescaling these balls so that R(t, xk ) = 1, we then see that the rescaled
balls have curvature at most 1 + o(1), radius r̃k → ∞ and volume ∼ r̃k3 , which by
comparison theory implies an injectivity radius of & 1. One can then use Hamil-
ton’s compactness theorem (declaring xk as the origin of the B(xk , rk ), of course)
to extract a subsequence of these balls which converge to a manifold of scalar curva-
ture at most 1 (with equality attained at some origin x0 ), and non-zero asymptotic
volume ratio. One then inspects the rescaled annuli of this manifold (as was done
in the proof of Proposition 10.3) to show that the Tits cone splits as the product of
a line with a non-flat two-dimensional manifold with non-zero asymptotic volume
ratio. But this can be used to contradict the induction hypothesis52.
We have now seen some “asymptotic” connections between high curvature and
small volume. It turns out that one can modify these arguments (again by ex-
ploiting Hamilton’s compactness theorem) to also obtain some “local” connections.
The precise statements are technical (see [5, §6.4] or [22, §41]), but roughly the
gist (allowing for some white lies) is that for any given ball B(x, r) the following
statements are morally equivalent:
• B(x, r) has volume & r3 .
• The curvature on any point in B(x, r) is O(r−2 ).
• The curvature of at least one point in B(x, r) is O(r−2 ).
Note that these equivalences already imply Proposition 10.3 and Proposition 10.5
(and indeed these propositions are used in the proof), since the scalar curvature
is strictly positive. Note that it (morally) doesn’t really matter which curvature
tensor we use here, since the scalar curvature (essentially) bounds the Riemann and
Ricci curvatures thanks to pinching.
There are also a number of useful parabolic estimates which allow one to control
derivatives of the Riemann curvature tensor in a pointwise sense by the scalar
curvature R: indeed we have ∂tk ∇lx Riem = O(Rk+l/2+1 ) for any given k, l ≥ 0.
In summary, the scalar curvature R(x) at a point will control the geometry
more or less completely out to distances O(R(x)−1/2 ) away from x, without any
significant collapse of volume or increase in curvature. Of course R(x)−1/2 is the
natural length scale associated to R(x) by dimensional analysis. After that distance,
volume collapse will occur, and the curvature will fluctuate, though it has to drop
off slower than what scaling predicts.
One consequence of these very strong local controls on curvature (as well as
standard analytical tools such as the Rellich compactness theorem) is the following
useful compactness theorem of Perelman:
52There is a mild technical issue in ensuring that this two-dimensional manifold is also a
κ-solution, which we will gloss over here. See [27, §9.6] or [22, §40] for details.
Theorem 10.6 (Perelman compactness theorem). [28, §11] (see also [27, §9.7], [5,
§6.4], [22, §45]) Let t 7→ Mtk be a sequence of κ-solutions (with uniform control on
the non-collapsing), and let xk ∈ M0k be points. We normalise so that the scalar
curvature Rk (0, xk ) of (0, xk ) on M0k is equal to 1. Then the sequence Mtk (with
xk identified as an origin) contains a convergent subsequence whose limit is also a
Very roughly speaking, this compactness theorem gives automatic uniformity
on any result involving κ-solutions, so that once one obtains some control on the
geometry of each individual κ-solution, one automatically gets uniform control on
the geometry of all κ-solutions at once. We shall therefore gloss over uniformity
issues (which we are doing anyway, thanks to the use of our imprecise O() notation).
10.7. Asymptotic gradient shrinking solitons. It turns out that every κ-solution
has a (possibly non-unique) gradient shrinking soliton as its “asymptotic profile”
as t → −∞. Roughly speaking, this profile is obtained as follows. Pick any point
x(0) ∈ M0 , and then for any t < 0 pick a point x(t) ∈ Mt which is close to q in
reduced length: l0,x(0) (t, x(t)) ≤ 3/2. (Such a point can be shown to exist after
non-trivial effort by using variational formulae and Hamilton’s Harnack inequality
to deriving some differential inequalities for parabolic length, and then use standard
barrier techniques; see [28, §7.1], [22, §23], [5, §6.2], or [27, §7.2].) In fact there is
enough compactness to select x(t) to minimise this reduced length (see [27, §7.2]).
The point is that as t → −∞, the geometry around (t, x(t)), shall begin resembling
a gradient shrinking soliton after rescaling.
More precisely, let tk be a sequence of times going to negative infinity. We rescale
the Ricci flow to send tk to −1 and declare x(tk ) to be origin O to obtain a sequence
of pointed Ricci flows. We would like to extract a convergent subsequence from
this sequence. To do this we need uniform control of the geometry of this sequence.
Because we have bounds on the reduced length at the origin O, it is possible (thanks
to certain differential inequalities for the reduced length, combined with Hamilton’s
Harnack inequality) to then obtain bounds on the curvature at O, and hence by
the preceding sections we obtain bounds on curvature at nearby points as well
(and also lower bounds on volume, and hence lower bounds on injectivity radius).
This is enough control to apply Hamilton’s compactness theorem (or Perelman’s
compactness theorem) and extract a limiting Ricci flow t 7→ Mt∞ . Because each
manifold was non-flat, it had reduced volume strictly less than one at time t = −1;
this reduced volume will be decreasing in k thanks to monotonicity and thus tends to
a limit Ṽ∞ < 1. The reduced lengths lk for each of the manifolds in the sequence can
be shown (with some non-trivial analytic effort) to converge in a moderately strong
topology to a limit l∞ (which morally is the reduced length function of M ∞ , though
due to various defects in the compactness and initial lack of control on the regularity
of the limit flow M ∞ , this is not immediately obvious). We use this pseudo-reduced
length l∞ to define a pseudo-reduced volume Ṽ∞ (t) on M ∞ . Because the reduced
volumes of the rescaled manifolds were converging to a constant Ṽ∞ , one can show
by taking limits53 that Ṽ∞ (t) = Ṽ∞ , thus the pseudo-reduced volume of M̃t is
constant in t. Morally speaking, since reduced volume is only constant for gradient
shrinking solitons, this should imply that M∞ is a gradient shrinking soliton. There
53To justify this we need some additional bounds on reduced length away from the origin O,
but this can be done by using some arguments of Perelman; see [38], [5, §6.4], or [27, §9.21].
are however some annoying analytic issues related to possible defects of compactness
(e.g. the inequality in Fatou’s lemma need not be an equality). Nevertheless it is
possible to extend the above classification of constant reduced volume solutions
to constant pseudo-reduced volume by carefully going through the proof of the
classification interpreting everything in a distributional sense; see [5, §6.2], [22,
§38], or [27, §9.2]. Thus the limit manifold is indeed a gradient shrinking soliton.
10.8. Classification of gradient shrinking solitons. Now that we know that
κ-solutions contain rescaled copies of a gradient shrinking soliton as t → −∞, it
is of interest to classify these solitons. We already know two such examples, the
sphere S 3 and the cylinder S 2 × R54. It turns out that up to some minor details
such as quotients by finite group actions, the these are the only κ-solutions which
are gradient shrinking solitons. This important result is due to Perelman [28, §9]
but is mainly proven using earlier technology of Hamilton. There are several cases
to consider in the proof. If the soliton has at least one zero sectional curvature, it is
possible to use Hamilton’s maximum principle for the Ricci curvature to conclude
that the soliton is a quotient of the cylinder. If the soliton has positive sectional
curvature and is compact, one uses a result of Hamilton [16], which says that all
such manifolds become asymptotically round under Ricci flow, to conclude that
the gradient-shrinking soliton is perfectly round, and is thus the sphere soliton
or a quotient thereof. The difficult case is when the soliton has strictly positive
curvature but is non-compact. By integrating the equation (5) along gradient curves
of the potential function f appearing in (5), one can show that the scalar curvature
does not go to zero at infinity; standard splitting arguments as in the preceding
paragraph then let one show that the manifold is asymptotically a cylinder, with
some upper bound on the scalar curvature. On the other hand, one can show a
monotonicity formula for the area of level sets of f . Comparing the lower bounds
on these areas against the upper bounds on curvature, one eventually obtains a
contradiction to the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, thus excluding this case. See [5, §6.2]
or [27, §9.4] for details.
10.9. Canonical neighbourhoods. To summarise so far, we have learnt that the
space of κ-solutions is compact (modulo scaling), and that asymptotically these
solutions resemble (after rescaling) either a constant-curvature compact surface
(such as a sphere) or a round cylinder. This strongly suggests that any given κ-
solution at any given time is formed by something resembling the connected sum
of rescaled round cylinders and rescaled constant-curvature compact surfaces. We
now (partially) formalise this intuition.
Let us say that a point x = (t, x) in a Ricci flow lives in a rescaled canonical
neighbourhood if, after rescaling so that R(x) = 1, one of the following (somewhat
informally phrased) assertions55 is true:
• (ε-neck) After rescaling, x lies in the center of a region which is within
ε (in a smooth topology such as C k for suitably large k) of the cylinder
[−1/ε, 1/ε] × S 2 with the standard metric, for some suitably small ε. In
some cases, we need to additionally assume that similar statements hold
(with slightly wider cylinders) if we evolve backwards in rescaled time for a
54The three-dimensional cigar-type solutions, in contrast, are a gradient steady solitons; their
asymptotic gradient shrinking soliton is the cylinder S 2 × R.
55For more precise definitions, see [29, §1], [27, §9.8], [22, §57], or [5, §7.1].
short (but fixed) duration. This neck models the cylinder solution to Ricci
flow. We also define an ε-tube to be a finite or infinite number of ε-necks
chained56 together, thus for instance the standard cylinder R × S 2 is a
doubly infinite ε-tube, while cigar-type solitons are a half-infinite ε-tube
with a (C, ε)-component (see below) glued on the end.
• (C-component) After rescaling, x lies in a compact manifold diffeomorphic
to S 3 (or RP 3 ) with diameter ∼ 1, and all sectional curvatures positive and
∼ 1. This component models (rather crudely) the sphere solution to Ricci
• (ε-round) After rescaling, x lies in a open manifold which is within ε (in
a smooth topology) to a manifold of constant curvature +1, such as the
sphere S 3 or a quotient S 3 /Γ, for some small ε. This is similar to the
C-component with more precise control, but possibly with much smaller
diameter (because Γ could have arbitrarily large).
• ((C, ε)-cap) After rescaling, x lies in an open region C, diffeomorphic to
S 3 − {pt} or RP 3 − {pt} of diameter O(1), scalar curvature positive and
∼ 1 (with Lipschitz bounds in space and time). Furthermore, the region
C decomposes into an ε-neck N (with one end the boundary of C), and
a remainder Y , whose boundary is the other boundary of the ε-neck, and
whose interior Y (known as the core) contains x, and has a non-collapsed
geometry at scale 1. This cap models cigar-like solutions to Ricci flow.
It turns out that every point in a κ-solution lies in a rescaled canonical neigh-
bourhood. In fact a more global qualitative description of κ solutions is possible:
Theorem 10.10 (Description of κ-solutions). Let t 7→ Mt be a κ-solution. Then
one of the following occurs:
• (Constant-curvature compact) Mt is the round sphere example (or quotient
thereof ).
• (Approximately sphere or RP 3 ) Mt is a C-component for all t.
• (Cylinder) Mt is the cylinder example, or a quotient thereof by an involu-
tion. (In the former case, Mt is diffeomorphic to a punctured R3 .)
• (Approximate cigar) For each t, Mt is diffeomorphic to R3 , has strictly
positive sectional curvatures, and is a half-infinite ε-tube with a (C, ε)-cap
glued on at one end.
• (Two-ended cigar) For each t, Mt is diffeomorphic to S 3 or RP 3 , has
strictly positive sectional curvatures, and is a finite ε-tube with (C, ε)-caps
glued on at both ends.
For more precise formulations of this result, see [28, §11], [29, §1], [27, §9.8], [22,
§58], [5, §7.1].
Proof. (Sketch) There are several cases to consider. If Mt has vanishing sectional
curvature at even just one point and in one direction, then application of Hamilton’s
maximum principle for Ricci flow allows one to show that Mt (or a two-sheeted
covering thereof) factorises as the product of R with a two-dimensional κ-solution.
It turns out that there is only one such solution, namely the shrinking two-sphere
(this is a consequence of the classification of the sphere S 2 as the unique two-
dimensional gradient shrinking soliton, combined with Hamilton’s observation that
56One has to be a little careful what “chaining” means here; see [27] for full details.
any positively curved compact Ricci flow becomes round at the blowup time), and
we get the cylinder (or a quotient thereof).
Henceforth we may assume Mt has strictly positive sectional curvatures. If it is
non-compact, then the soul theorem (see e.g. [31]) tells us that Mt is diffeomorphic
to R3 and any soul is a point. Pick one such point, say x0 . Away from this point,
one can use the equivalences in Section 10.4 to conclude that the curvature decays
slower than scaling, thus limx→∞ R(t, x)d(x, x0 )2 = +∞ at any time t. Using the
classification of asymptotic gradient solitons, one can then conclude that Mt is
asymptotically a cylinder at infinity, which turns out to be enough to obtain the
approximate cigar case.
One consequence of the above analysis is that every point in a non-compact κ-
solution either lies in a rescaled ε-neck or is in the core of a rescaled (C, ε)-cap; we
shall need this result shortly.
The only remaining case is the compact case. We fix a time t and normalise the
maximum scalar curvature to be +1. There are two cases depending on whether
the normalised diameter of M is very large (≫ 1) for all time or bounded O(1) for
at least one time. In the former case, a rescaling argument exploiting Perelman’s
compactness theorem and observation in the preceding paragraph shows that every
point in M is contained either in the rescaled core of a (C, ε)-cap or a rescaled
ε-neck. Some elementary topological arguments then show that the compact man-
ifold M , which is glued together from finitely many of these components, must be
homeomorphic to S 3 , RP 3 , RP 3 #RP 3 , or an S 2 -fibration over S 1 . On the other
hand, compact manifolds of positive curvature are known to have finite fundamental
group, which rules out the latter two possibilities, and then leads to the two-ended
cigar case.
Finally, we have to consider the case when the manifold is compact with bounded
normalised diameter at some time t. If at some other time the manifold ceases to
have bounded normalised diameter, then by the preceding discussion M is homeo-
morphic to S 3 or RP 3 and will then be a rescaled C-component (using Perelman’s
compactness theorem to obtain uniformity in t). So we may assume that we have
bounded normalised diameter throughout. We look at the asymptotic gradient-
shrinking soliton. It must also have bounded normalised diameter, and thus cannot
be a cylinder or a quotient; it must be the sphere example. But then Hamilton’s
rounding theorem for positively curved compact manifolds implies that Mt is also
the round sphere example (or a quotient thereof).
(ii) If one rescales a point (t, x) of sufficiently high scalar curvature R(t, x) ≥ K
so that the scalar curvature is 1, then a large rescaled neighbourhood of
that point is a canonical neighbourhood.
(iii) If one rescales a point (t, x) of sufficiently high scalar curvature R(t, x) ≥ K
so that the scalar curvature is 1, then a large rescaled neighbourhood of
that point has bounded curvature.
For precise statements of these claims see [28, §12], [29, §6], [27, §10,11], [5,
§7], [22, §51-52]. Note that the arguments and statements in [28, §12] had some
inaccuracies, but these were essentially all corrected in [29, §6].
The three claims are inter-related. The claim (i) implies (ii) thanks to Theo-
rem 10.10. Furthermore, (iii) can be used58 to imply (i) because of the no-local-
collapsing theorem, which parlays the bounded curvature property into an injectiv-
ity radius property, which in turn lets59 us use Hamilton compactness (and Perel-
man compactness) to extract the claim. To conclude the proof of all these claims,
Perelman introduces a downward induction on the curvature threshold K, essen-
tially reducing matters60 to showing that (ii) (for a slightly larger value of K, say
4K) implies (iii). Iteration in K (from incredibly huge down to some moderately
large constant) then gives all three claims (i)-(iii).
It remains to show that (ii) for 4K implies (iii) for K. Thus, we are assuming
that points of really high curvature lie in rescaled canonical neighbourhoods, and
want to conclude that points of slightly less high curvature lie in rescaled neigh-
bourhoods without curvature blowup. Oversimplifying enormously, the argument
is as follows. Suppose for contradiction that the claim failed. Then one could find a
sequence of large neighbourhoods Un in rescaled Ricci flows where the centre of the
neighbourhood had scalar curvature 1, but that the curvature at other points of the
neighbourhood were unbounded. Furthermore, every point of scalar curvature at
least 4 was contained in a canonical neighbourhood. This means that there exists
a curve γn in each Un which starts at a point of curvature exactly 4, and passes
entirely through canonical neighbourhoods until it reaches a point of arbitrarily
large curvature. It is not hard to show that this scenario cannot happen with the
ε-round or C-component type of canonical neighbourhoods, so essentially this curve
γ has to be contained in a long chain of rescaled ε-necks (possibly with one cap on
the end, and with different rescaling on each component of the chain, in contrast to
an ε-tube; this is a truncated version of an ε-horn, which we shall see in the next
section). But the curvature is unbounded, which basically means that the necks
are getting narrower and narrower at one end. It turns out that there is enough
control on the geometry inside this chain that one can extract a limit, and obtain an
incomplete Ricci flow which is topologically a cylinder S 2 × (0, 1) in space, but has
bounded curvature on one end and asymptotically infinite curvature at the other,
58Conversely, one can use the material in Section 10.4 to deduce (iii) from (i), though this
direction of implication will not be of use to us.
59There is a technical issue here in that one needs to extend the control on the geometry of the
rescaled high-curvature region backwards in time somewhat in order to ensure that the limiting
solution is indeed ancient. This subtlety is not fully addressed in Perelman’s work, but see [22,
§51], [27, §11.2], [5, §7.1] for resolutions.
60There is the issue of establishing the claims (i)-(iii) for the “base case” when K is incredibly
large, but this can be dealt with trivially by truncating the Ricci flow just before the first singu-
larity, so that it is still bounded curvature, and then the claims are vacuously true for K large
and consists entirely of ε-necks chained together. One then approaches the infi-
nite curvature end, rescaling as one goes, and extracts a further limit (using some
Aleksandrov-Toponogov theory) to obtain an open non-flat cone (cf. the arguments
in Sections 10.2, 10.4). At this point there is a technical step in which one uses
parabolic theory to upgrade the convergence of this limit from Gromov-Hausdorff
convergence to a smoother type of convergence, which we gloss over. Now we use an
argument of Hamilton. Namely, one observes that cones have vanishing sectional
curvatures along their rays. Using Hamilton’s maximum principle once again, one
can show that the manifold locally splits as a product of a two-dimensional Ricci
flow with a line; in particular the scalar curvature stays constant along each ray
of the cone. But this contradicts the fact that the curvature is blowing up as one
approaches the apex of the cone.
Details of this argument can be found in [28, §12], [29, §4], [27, §10-11],[22,
§51-52], or [5, §7.1].
12. Horns
We now briefly mention an important technical issue regarding constants. We
have seen that at times close to a singularity, every high-curvature point in a Ricci
flow is contained in a canonical neighbourhood, such as an ε-neck. As it turns
out, the ε parameter here (which is measuring how close the ε-neck is to a round
cylinder) is merely a small absolute constant, such as 10−6 . For technical reasons
later on (having to do with making sure that Ricci-flow-with-surgery has the same
type of estimates as smooth Ricci flow) one actually needs to find necks that are
much closer to being round, i.e. to find δ-necks for some δ ≪ ε; these very round
necks turn out to be excellent locations for performing surgery. This turns out to
be possible by a variant of the arguments used previously. Very roughly, things
proceed as follows.
Let us first pass to the very final time T∗ of a smooth Ricci flow, where singulari-
ties have already begun to occur. There will however still be regions of the manifold
where the scalar curvature did not pointwise go to infinity; it turns out that in these
regions one can still define a limiting manifold Ω at time T∗ , although this manifold
will now be incomplete. On the other hand, we know that the curvature will always
go to infinity near any incomplete end of the manifold (in other words, the curva-
ture function is proper ). We also know that high curvature points are contained in
canonical neighbourhoods. If these neighbourhoods are ε-round or C-components,
then they are disconnected from the low-curvature regions of Ω; if the neighbour-
hood is an ε-cap, and is connected to a low-curvature region then this portion of the
manifold is not really close to an incomplete end of the manifold. Putting all this
together, one sees that each incomplete end of Ω is the infinite end of a half-infinite
chain of ε-necks, whose curvature goes to infinity (thus the necks get increasingly
narrow at the infinite end). This shape is known as an ε-horn. Thus the picture
of the limiting incomplete manifold Ω is a large (possibly infinite) number of high
curvature connected components (which in addition to ε-round and C-component
pieces, can also be double ε-horns, a capped ε-horn, or a doubly capped ε-tube), to-
gether with the components that contain at least some low-curvature points, which
consist of compact sets with finitely many ε-horns attached to them. See [29, §3],
[22, §66], [5, §7.3], [27, §11] for details.
Now the key point is that ε-horns increasingly resemble a round cylinder as one
goes deeper into the infinite end of the horn. More precisely, given any δ > 0, it
turns out that every point in the horn of sufficiently high curvature (depending on
δ) will be contained in a δ-neck. The proof of this statement (like many previous
arguments here) is by contradiction; if not, then we can find points xn of increasingly
high curvature which are unable to be placed in δ-necks. Rescaling and taking limits
we end up with a solution M∞ (not necessarily ancient) which has non-negative
sectional curvature, is non-collapsed, and is non-flat, and with every point contained
in an ε-neck. By considering what happens to geodesic rays from the xn to some
reference low-curvature point and to a point on the incomplete boundary (i.e. more
Aleksandrov-Toponogov theory) we see that M∞ has at least two ends (thus this
rules out toroidal examples such as S 2 × S 1 ). It turns out that this, combined
with negative curvature, already forces M∞ to be the product of R with a two-
dimensional manifold from Riemannian geometry considerations (see [27, §2.4]).
This two-dimensional manifold will of course also obey Ricci flow. Given that M∞
already has a local structure of an ε-neck, we see that the two-dimensional manifold
must be topologically S 2 and have positive curvature. It turns out that one can
use curvature bounds to extend this solution back in time to an ancient solution,
at which point the rounding theory of Hamilton shows that this solution is in fact
a round sphere, and so M∞ is a round cylinder. In particular the neighbourhoods
of xn must increasingly resemble this cylinder, a contradiction. Again, see [29, §3],
[22, §70], [5, §7.3], [27, §11] for details.
61It is possible to avoid use of this theory by approximating the non-compact manifold as a
limit of compact manifolds, and exploiting the rotational symmetry assumption heavily to reduce
the PDE analysis to what is essentially a 1 + 1-dimensional dynamics which can then be analysed
by fairly elementary (though lengthy) means. See [29, §2], [27, §12], [22, §59-65] for this approach.
The approach in [5], which goes through the non-compact local theory of [10], does not actually
require rotational symmetry assumptions.
It will also be unique, although this fact is not strictly necessary for the argument, as observed
in [22, §59] and attributed to Bernhard Leeb.
if we also let r → 0 as well. In other words, the volume of balls cannot grow slower
than scaling at scales O(1).
On the other hand, because we are assuming T is the maximal time of existence,
then there must be arbitrarily high curvature regions near the blowup time. By
Section 11 these high curvature regions resemble rescaled κ-solutions. By Section
10.4 this means that the volume of certain rescaled balls grows slower than scaling.
This rescaled balls get increasingly small as the curvature gets higher, and so we
contradict the preceding paragraph. Thus we must have T = 1. (For precise details
of this argument, see [29, §2], [27, §12.6], [22, §61], or [5, §7.3].)
Once T = 1, one can repeat the above types of arguments and eventually obtain
a bound
Rmin (t) & ;
the basic reason for this is that if Rmin was ever small at some point x compared
to 1−t , then the analysis in Section 11 would imply that the curvature remains
bounded near x even up to the blowup time T = 1. One can then show that the
same holds at all other points, because if there was a transition between bounded
limiting curvature and unbounded limiting curvature, the above type of analysis
shows that there is no volume collapsing near the first type of point and volume
collapsing near the second type of point, a contradiction. This leads to a limiting
metric at time t = 1, which must have unbounded curvature since T = 1 is the
maximal time of existence, which implies (by the blowup analysis) that the limiting
metric contains arbitrarily small necks. But this turns out to be incompatible with
the positive curvature. (See [29, §2], [22, §61-62], [27, §12.6], or [5, §7.3] for details.)
Because of this bound, we know that at times close to t = 1 the entire manifold
consists of high-curvature regions. One can then use the classification of high
curvature regions and basic topology (analogous to the arguments in Section 11)
to show that near the blowup time of a standard solution, every point either lives
in a ε-neck or (C, ε)-cap; again, see [29, §2], [22, §61-62], [27, §12.6], or [5, §7.3] for
14. Surgery
We can now informally describe how Ricci flow with surgery is performed.
We first normalise the initial manifold (M0 , g0 ) so that the curvature is O(1)
and that there is no collapsing at scales O(1). This is enough to ensure that Ricci
flow will remain smooth for a fixed time interval, say [0, 1]. We then split the
remaining future time interval [1, ∞) into dyadic pieces [2n , 2n+1 ) and define Ricci
flow with surgery with slightly different surgery parameters on each such dyadic
time interval (for technical reasons one needs the parameters on each interval to
be much more extreme than those on the previous intervals). In the case of the
Poincaré conjecture, when M0 is simply connected, the finite time extinction theory
from Section 6 (extended to the case of Ricci flows with surgery) ensure that only
finitely many of these intervals need to be considered before the flow becomes
completely extinct; however for the purposes of proving the full geometrisation
conjecture, finite time extinction is not known in general, and so one must then
consider all of these dyadic time intervals.
For the rest of this section we work on a single dyadic time interval [2n , 2n+1 ),
assuming that the flow with surgery has somehow been constructed up to time
63Strictly speaking, one needs to extend the analysis of Section 12 from smooth Ricci flows to
Ricci flows with surgery. This turns out to be a remarkably lengthy and non-trivial task, and it is
here that it becomes crucial that the δn , rn are chosen extremely small compared to all previous
values of δ and r, but we shall gloss over these very important technical issues in order to focus
on the broader picture of the argument.
To establish (iii), the key point is to ensure that some analogue of the mono-
tonicity of the Perelman reduced volume (see Section 7) for the Ricci flow, con-
tinues to hold for Ricci flow with surgery. This turns out to be rather technical
but straightforward to verify; the main point is to verify that the curves γ which
nearly attain the parabolic length (12) do not pass through the regions that are
cut away by surgery, and so behave (locally) as if one had a smooth Ricci flow.
In order to achieve this, it becomes essential that the surgery parameters on the
dyadic time interval [2n , 2n+1 ] are chosen to be sufficiently small compared to the
surgery parameters on previous intervals. See [29, §5], [22, §76-79], [5, §7.4], [27,
§16] for details. One technical point that arises for this analysis is that the quanti-
tative bounds for the non-collapsing on the time interval [2n , 2n+1 ] get substantially
worse as n increases, although this ultimately does not cause a major difficulty since
it simply means that the surgery parameters on later intervals have to be chosen
even smaller.
Claim (i) is proven in [27, §18]. The strategy is to adapt the finite extinction
arguments for Ricci flow of Perelman [30] as sketched in Section 6 to Ricci flow with
surgery. One can begin with some topological arguments which ensure that after
finitely many “exceptional” surgeries, the surgeries are all among homotopically
trivial 2-spheres (and so no longer affect π2 (Mt )). One then observes that the
geometric invariant of the minimal energy W2 (t) of a homotopically non-trivial 2-
sphere in Mt is not only decreasing under Ricci flow (as already noted in Section 6)
but is also non-increasing under surgery. As a consequence one readily deduces that
all homotopically non-trivial 2-spheres cease to exist in finite time, thus π2 (Mt ) is
trivial for large t.
A similar (but lengthier, and considerably more technical) argument also works
for the min-max energy W̃3 (t) in Section 6 to ensure π3 (Mt ) also becomes trivial
for large t. As mentioned in Section 6, there is a significant new technical issue
unrelated to surgery arising from the need to understand curve shortening flow in
order to demonstrate the monotonicity of W̃3 (t) even in the absence of surgery.
Once π3 (Mt ) is trivial one can use topological arguments (combined with the ex-
isting control on π1 (Mt ) and π2 (Mt ) to force that Mt is empty, and thus we have
finite time extinction as desired. This finally establishes the Poincaré conjecture!
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