Writing Assignment 1 Rubric
Writing Assignment 1 Rubric
Writing Assignment 1 Rubric
Spring 2019
10pts Submit Hard-copy of paper IN-CLASS on Mon Feb 3 rd AND use paper for group discussions there
10pts Stay on-topic with the writing assignment prompt (see below), paper organization, coherence,
and argumentation
5pts Correctly cite at least 3 scientific research articles (in-text citations and References at the end)
5pts Correct formatting (see below)
1 page, Single-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman, 12pt font
Spacing should be 0 for all “before/after/left/right” under page layout
Nothing written in the header/footer
First line should contain: Full Name on far left and Date on the far right
Second line should contain paper Title centered in the middle, skip the third line and start
writing the paper on the 4th line of the page.
The remainder of the paper should be aligned left
On the second page (at the end of the paper), please put a separate section labeled References
with your articles correctly cited using the APA style.
Formatting Example:
Melissa Alegre January 22, 2018
Paper Title Should be Here