Writing Assignment 1 Rubric

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Bi Sci 002: Ecology, Evolution & Genetics

Spring 2019

Writing Assignment #1 Rubric

Grading Rubic (30 pts possible):

10pts Submit Hard-copy of paper IN-CLASS on Mon Feb 3 rd AND use paper for group discussions there
10pts Stay on-topic with the writing assignment prompt (see below), paper organization, coherence,
and argumentation
5pts Correctly cite at least 3 scientific research articles (in-text citations and References at the end)
5pts Correct formatting (see below)

 1 page, Single-spaced, 1” margins, Times New Roman, 12pt font
 Spacing should be 0 for all “before/after/left/right” under page layout
 Nothing written in the header/footer
 First line should contain: Full Name on far left and Date on the far right
 Second line should contain paper Title centered in the middle, skip the third line and start
writing the paper on the 4th line of the page.
 The remainder of the paper should be aligned left
 On the second page (at the end of the paper), please put a separate section labeled References
with your articles correctly cited using the APA style.

Formatting Example:
Melissa Alegre January 22, 2018
Paper Title Should be Here

The paper should start here on the fourth line--indent paragraphs.

Citations (APA Style):

In-text citations: (Last name, yr of publication)
Example: This is your paper and you need to cite here (Alegre, 2001).
Use this as your resource (if you need more help): http://guides.libraries.psu.edu/apaquickguide/intext
References at end: Last Name, First/Middle Initial. (year of publication). Title of article. Title of
Publication in italics, volume # in italics (issue, if given), pg #s. *Don’t worry about the DOI. Whether you
add it at the end (after pg #s) or not, it won’t be counted toward your grade. *Also, make sure to indent.
Blattner, J., & Bacigalupo, A. (2007). Using emotional intelligence to develop executive
leadership and team and organizational development. Consulting Psychology Journal:
Practice and Research, 59(3), 209-219. doi:10.1037/1065-9293.59.3.209
Use this if you need more help: http://guides.libraries.psu.edu/apaquickguide/articles

Due: Monday Feb 3rd Electronic copy submitted through CANVAS

Hard-copy due IN-CLASS on Mon Feb 3rd

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