Asset Integrity Management

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TCR Advanced Engineering is a leading provider of asset integrity management and failure analysis services with over 20 years of experience. They have 6000+ failure investigations and provide various testing, inspection, and consulting services.

TCR Advanced Engineering provides several metal testing services including failure analysis, fitness for service assessments, remaining life assessments, in-situ metallography, SEM/EDS analysis, risk-based inspections, and technical consulting.

Some of TCR Advanced Engineering's specialized capabilities include failure analysis, fitness for service assessments, remaining life assessments, in-situ metallography, SEM/EDS analysis, risk-based inspections, and technical consulting.


20 years of Excellence

Service Profile |

TCR Advanced Engineering Pvt. Ltd. | Global Leaders In Industrial Asset Integrity Management
Established 1999
Offered 200+
Total No. of
Investigations 6000+
Total No. of
Employees 120+
Total Cumulative


Established in 1999, TCR Advanced Engineering Pvt. Ltd. is a leading service

provider for optimizing Asset Integrity. With its extensive experience and
applied research in damage mechanisms and metallurgy, TCR Advanced
provides solutions to a large number of national & global customers to bring
about transformation along with enormous safety and economic benefits.

A service partner company of TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.

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8 speCialized seRviCes
22 advanCed ndT seRviCes

abouT us 33
TCR JouRney 34
advanTage TCR 35
aCCRediTaTions & appRovals 36

38 ouR managemenT Team
43 ouR advisoRy boaRd

maRquee ClienTs 48
Key pRoJeCTs 49
failuRe Case sTudies 55
global offiCes 58
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TCR Advanced Engineering’s ability to provide value to our metal testing

customers is based on organizing multiple talents into a focused set of
technological capabilities. TCR Advanced provides several testing services,
no matter which discipline you choose, one thing is certain, when you send
a sample to TCR Advanced, you can have confidence in the results, because
you are working with a company that has a reputation for being meticulous.


Failure analysis htha

Fitness For service toFD & phaseD array
remaining liFe assessment viDeoscopy
in-situ metallography eDDy current testing
sem & eDs acoustic pulse reFlectometry
risk BaseD inspection acoustic eye
technical help on inDigenization automateD reFormer tuBe
specializeD metallography inspection system (artis)
critical WelD solutions helium leak testing
corrosion testing positive metal iDentiFication (pmi)
material testing thermography
energy auDit heat exchanger tuBe inspection
Fire Damage assessment Ferrography
engineering Design revieW roBotic inspection oF tanks
venDor & material selection heat treatment Facility
training By evolve

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Procedure to conduct a Failure Analysis

SpECializEd CapabiliTiES
Cause of failure is determined using state-of-the-art analytical and mechanical
i. FailurE & rOOT CauSE aNalySiS procedures and often includes simulated service testing. A combination of analysis and
physical testing locates problems and provides recommendations for solutions.

The complete evaluation sequence is summarized as under:

TCR Advanced prides itself for its deep knowledge and has garnered best practices
from success stories compiled from over 6000 failure investigation assignments, stress that may have played
- Collection of background may also include Weld
which include major projects in manufacturing and metallurgical failures on ASME
boilers, pressure vessels, gas turbine engine components, oil and gas transmission data and selection of Examination, Case a role in the failure
pipelines, food processing equipment, heat exchangers, medical supplies, refineries, samples Depth, Decarburization - Analysis of fracture
petrochemical plants, aircraft/aerospace, offshore structures, industrial machinery, mechanics
- Preliminary examination Measurement, Coating/
weldments and ships.
of the failed part Plating Evaluation, Surface - Selection and testing
The Failure Analysis Team’s strength lies in the evaluation of high temperature and - Complete metallurgical Evaluation and/or Grain of alternative products
high-pressure failures. The Failure Analysis Team at TCR Advanced Engineering has and/or procedures that
analysis of failed material Size Determination
experience in the materials space, metallurgical, welding, quality assurance, and
forensic engineering fields. The analysis is conducted by engineers holding advanced - A thorough examination - Chemical analysis (bulk, will significantly improve
degrees in metallurgy, mechanical, civil, chemical, and electrical engineering. of the failed part including local, surface corrosion performance
Macroscopic and products, deposits or - On-site evaluation and
Microscopic examination coating and microprobe consulting services and
and analysis (electron analysis) Formulation of conclusions
microscopy, if needed) - Tests to simulate and writing the report
- If necessary tests environmental and physical (Including recommendations)
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Failure Investigation Report iii. rEmaiNiNg liFE aSSESSmENT

- Description of the failed processing history of quality TCR Advanced undertakes Damage Assessment work for the equipment / components
exposed to accidents in the industry. Integrity of Reactor/Pipeline/Heat exchanger etc. can
component component - Summary of failure
be found out with the help of modern NDT Techniques. If required representative samples
- Service condition at the - Mechanical and causing mechanism are drawn to undertake detailed lab study. The usefulness of equipment is derived based
time of failure metallurgical study of - Recommendations for on metallurgical requirements and operational details.
- Prior service history failure prevention of similar
- Manufacturing and - Metallurgical evaluation of failures


TCR Advanced provides fitness for service ASME, API, BS 5500 & other recognized
assignments in India and abroad for design codes provide rules for design and
chemical, Petrochemical, Fertilizer, power fabrication of new items of the plant e.g.
plants and their components. TCR’s FFS pressure vessels, piping & storage tanks.
methodology is primarily based on API 579,
BS 7910 and correlated with engineering The purpose of FFS assessment is not
calculations, actual characterization/ simply to continue the component in its
flaw/degradation, along with fracture service beyond its serviceable life but to
mechanical calculations. It is a practical ensure utilization of full potential concerning
tool that assists the management to select present damage assessment. Additionally,
the alternative action of whether to run, the fitness for service assessment of
repair or replace the equipment. The components can help set up proper
heuristic aspect of the useful remaining inspection schedules, modified maintenance
life of the equipment at the time of the procedures and more of online monitoring
inspection is also part of the FFS study. systems.

iv. iN-SiTu mETallOgrapHy - Early WarNiNg

Performed as an NDT service, In-Situ Metallography from TCR Advanced determines

in-service degradation of critical components of process plants operating under
high temperature, high pressure or corrosive atmosphere. TCR’s Metallurgists have
strong experience in the interpretation of microstructures. More than 10,000 replica
microstructure interpretations have been logged and captured to our databases. These
databases contain extensive information from various plants that have been captured
over the course of us performing this service.

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iv. iN-SiTu mETallOgrapHy (CONTd.) vi. riSk baSEd iNSpECTiON

The databases also include rare collections of varying microstructure damage levels for TCR’s RBI team study improves both, the team’s efficiency and knowledge sharing at the
various industries such as power, oil and gas, petrochemical, fertilizers, and other process plant site along with enhancing communication across all departments. Additionally, it
industries. The In-Situ Metallography team is highly skilled in the art of replica preparation. captures valuable plant knowledge from senior engineers in the team, encourages the
TCR has custom developed special purpose in-situ polishing devices which assist to enable training of junior engineers and augments corporate memory.
metallographic polishing in difficult locations and allows the field services team to carry
out high-quality replication even on warm components. The technology is designed to facilitate the successful implementation of RBI technology
processes at plant sites across oil and petrochemical industries, chemical, fertilizer and
ExamplEs of REplicatEd stRuctuREs power plants. The technology causes an increase in plant availability, ensures cost saving,
minimizes shutdowns, encourages changes in inspection strategies and intervals, and
promotes improved safety compliance.

vii. TECHNiCal HElp ON iNdigENizaTiON

In order to generate baseline standard for indigenization, multiple metallurgical studies
are undertaken to identify status and properties of imported components by different
v. SCaNNiNg ElECTrON miCrOSCOpE & EdS methods including destructive/non-destructive studies. Technical help is provided to
decide on the right manufacturing route or process and to develop quality checks on
indigenously created components. TCR’s proprietary approach seeks structural details
TCR Advanced has procured state of the art Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) attached from the client across several areas to optimize indigenization support:
with Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) system. SEM is a great diagnostic tool for:
Working condition Type of loading Design and Service history Life of an
– Failure investigation products at – Characterizing creep in of component and stresses operation of component important
– Fractography microscopic levels microstructure condition component
– Quality control – Identifying Surface – Identifying submicron
– Morphology & identification coating or plating features in microstructure
of localized defects – Particle size & shape – Identification of
– Identifying corrosion analysis Inclusions in metals. viii. SpECializEd mETallOgrapHy
Specialized Metallography service especially color metallography, one of the strongest
capabilities of TCR owing to its extensive research in this area of work. TCR Advanced has
expertise in determining the various phases of the microstructure of material using color
etching technique, which is commonly known as ‘tint etching’. This etching has been used
to color the phases present in many alloys such as cast irons, steels, stainless steels, nickel-
base alloys, copper- base alloys, etc. for their phase identification. Color metallography is
a useful method for characterizing microstructures of steel with multiple phases.

The large detector area of 20 mm2 gives better count rate at lower accelerating voltages
and lower spot sizes resulting in improved accuracy and quantification of elements which is
sometimes is a limitation of the conventional EDS detectors with 10 mm2 area.

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iX. SOluTiONS TO CriTiCal WEld prOblEmS

TCR Advanced has vast expertise of has strengthen the knowledge of
solving critical weld repair solution of TCR technical team which is directly
the aged plant components. The repair implemented for repair weld solution.
weld solutions can salvage the critical
components of process plant and can The engineering consulting team can
make huge saving in terms of production be approached with detailed history of
loss. The repair weld technology requires problem. Our team can reach to your
in depth understanding of metallurgical sight within 24 hrs. and start generating
degradations vise-versa operating information and data on the components
conditions. The off shoot of knowledge to be repaired. For successful repair a
bank at TCR Advanced is the successful mock up test is necessary from the same
stories behind more than 6000 failure material preferably for the aged material
investigations of the industries. This of similar grade.
insight in to the failure mechanisms

Corrosion Studies and Corrosion Testing is undertaken by TCR Advanced as per ASTM,
DIN, or as per individual client requirements. TCR Advanced has an in-house team of
industry-specific experts to provide corrosion consulting, advisory services on corrosion
prevention and corrosion control services including materials selection in a laboratory or
on-site inspection.

TCR’s staff with specific industry expertise covers a variety of corrosion problems that are
encountered in industries such as oil and gas production, oil and gas transmission, energy
conversion systems, and nuclear power systems. The objective of the corrosion detection
department at TCR is to provide quality service. A wide variety of corrosion related tests
is undertaken at TCR Advanced to determine the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion,
pitting corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, etc. The range of instruments available to
perform these tests is unrivaled in across geographies. TCR can also carry out testing
under third party inspection agencies like LRS, TUV, DNV, ABS, BV among other inspection

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TCR Advanced provides a comprehensive range of Mechanical Testing. The Mechanical

A. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Testing Facility consists of Universal testing machine, Rockwell hardness tester, Brinell
cum Vickers hardness testing machine, Micro Vickers hardness testing machine, Impact
TCR Advanced is providing chemical analysis facilities for accurate characterization testing machine etc. TCR Advanced conducts tensile tests for understanding the strength
and identification of metals & alloys. By wet chemical analysis and by Optical emission characteristics of a material and provides precise determination of Proof Stress by the
spectrophotometer using advanced Spectra lab machine SPECTROMAXx is capable of attachment of electronic extensometers. The following tests are also carried out: Welder
accurately analyzing the Iron base, copper base, nickel base and aluminum base alloys. It Qualification test, Welding Procedure qualification tests, Bend Tests, Compression
has more than 35 Certified Reference Materials (CRM) which ensures the highest accuracy Tests, Flaring and Flattening Tests on Universal testing machine. The mechanical testing
in test results. personnel of TCR Advanced are well aware of the requirements in various national &
International codes of testing such as IS, ASTM, DIN, EN, API, ASME, AWS.
TCR Advanced is equipped with Portable XRF based spectrometer for Positive Material
Identification. This is an NDT technique used for analysis of alloy content in the material. Superior technology, responsive versatility, and quality performance ensures reliable and
It cannot detect the nonmetallic elements; typical PMI results are accurate to ±10%. fast turnaround on all test results. Experienced technicians at TCR Advanced are capable
This is very useful technique in material sorting, scrap identification etc. TCR Advanced of low stress grinding and machining sub-size specimens to very close tolerances. We
also provides services chemical analysis at site by portable SPECTRO through its service have designed several fixtures for tensile testing of end products without machining
partner company. With this equipment one can analyze all elements including Carbon, them to tensile test specimens.
Sulfur, Phosphorous, Silicon apart from alloy elements. TCR Advanced has added EDS
analyzer to the SEM UNIT for identifying the chemical composition of localized area such
as plating, coating or localized corrosion defects.

Metallurgists at TCR Advanvced are qualified experts in Metallographic preparation &

examination to evaluate the characteristics of metals. We can assess a material’s heat
treatment condition, microstructure, and forming process. The team undertakes Macro
and Micro examination including Weld Examination, Case Depth and Decarburization
Measurement. Micro Hardness Testing and Coating/Plating evaluation is also undertaken.
The Metallography laboratory has the state-of-the-art Inverted Metallurgical Microscope
Olympus GX51 and three other inverted microscopes attached with CCD camera of
capturing metal structures on Image processing workstation for Image Analysis. TCR
Advanvced has developed Microstructure Characterizer (MiC) software that assists
metallurgists for analysis of images to determine depth of decarburization, phase/volume
percentage, grain size, inclusion rating, particle size, Nodularity, nodule count, porosity
and coating thickness, Austenite spacing.

TCR Advanced has taken a lead in certifying Heat Treatment Quality aspect from
microstructure point of view. A conventional acceptance criterion for heat treatment is
through hardness testing.

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Xii. ENErgy audiT
We certify following heat treatments:

Bulk suRfacE mEtal & alloys

TCR Advanced conducts an energy audit for inspection, survey, and analysis of energy
Normalizing Nitriding Steel flow for the purpose of energy conservation in a building, process plant or system. Our
Homogenization Carburizing Cast Iron team of experts will help you reduce the amount of energy input into the system without
Solution Annealing Carbonitriding Super Alloys negatively affecting the output(s). In commercial and industrial real estate, an energy
Hardening & Tempering Hard Surfacing Nickel Alloys audit is the first step in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expenditure and
Precipitation Hardening Induction Hardening Copper Alloys
Stainless Steel
Aluminum Alloys
Heat Resistant Alloys
Xiii. FirE damagE aSSESSmENT
carbon footprints.
TCR Advanced has expertise in Fire Damage Assessment and Fire Risk Assessment
Techniques to ascertain the extent of damage due to fire. The construction material used
in petrochemical plants is selected based on extensive research and experience and
adheres to specific guidelines to meet international standards, which deal with different

Xiv. ENgiNEEriNg dESigN rEviEW

As cast carbon steel Normalized carbon steel Intergranular carbide
precipitation Solution annealing manufacturing procedures, chemical composition, and mechanical properties.
is not satisfactory TCR Advanced has an in-house capacity to review engineering design for piping,
pressure vessels, heat exchangers and heaters. We provide design and analysis services
such as Computer Aided Designing (CAD) Engineering Design, Legacy Data Conversion,
Detailing Plant & Process Layout, CAM, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) including
Finite Element Modeling, Structural Analysis and Noise, Vibration, Harshness (NVH)

Xv. parT 1: vENdOr EvaluaTiON

Isolated carbide precipitation White layer developed during Porosities developed with analysis, and Project Management Services
Solution annealing is not gas nitriding process Sulphur nitriding treatment Vendor evaluation is a system for recording and ranking the performance of a supplier in
satisfactory Undesirable structure terms of a variety of issues, which may include delivery performance and the quality of
components. TCR helps in assessing and approving the potential line of suppliers of the
company through various quantitative and qualitative evaluation measures. TCR’s services

– Factory audit
– Process audit for metallurgical components
– Q.C. audit
– Design review

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Xv. parT 2: maTErial SElECTiON

Our corrosion and metallurgical experts with the help of design experts can undertake
challenges related to material selection for chemical and petrochemical industries
especially for:

– Establishing new process applications

– To increase the life of a component
– Changes in Design
– Engineering components

The laboratory is equipped with specific testing machines, advanced metallography and
accelerated corrosion testing like electrochemical testing.

Xv. parT 3: iNSpECTiON & QualiTy aSSuraNCE

TCR Advanced, through its service partner noncompliance and product recalls. The
company’s office, provides inspection on-site inspection team covers the all
and quality assurance services to help states across India and abroad. The pricing
retailers, trading partners, importers and structure for the on-site inspection services
manufacturers assess product quality and is set competitively and is based on man-
meet the regulatory requirements of their day charges.
industry vertical. Independent, third-party
inspection and quality assurance services TCR Advanced undertakes total quality
results in improved product quality, with improvements for stringent requirements
a reduction in customer complaints, against international specifications.

Xvi. TraiNiNg by EvOlvE

Evolve by TCR aims to build a technically proficient manpower pool to meet global
industry requirements. It offers a vast and comprehensive array of skill-based development
programs at its flagship centre in Vadodara. Evolve by TCR conducts short-term
courses and provides training and developments solutions to individuals, enterprises,
and institutions. Training programs at TCR Evolve are conducted by industry veterans
and subject matter experts who employ the latest pedagogy for a seamless learning

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advaNCEd NdT CapabiliTiES i. HigH TEmpEraTurE iNSpECTiON

At TCR Advanced, a team comprising of qualified and expert metallographers and High-temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) is observed in steel that is exposed to a
metallurgists to carry out in situ metallography testing (Replica), also have qualified NDT temperature of 200 °C or more. At such a high temperature, atomic hydrogen diffuses in
technicians (ASNT Level-II) performing Ultrasonic Flaw detection, Magnetic Particle and steel. This hydrogen reacts with carbon present in the steel and forms CH4. The methane
Liquid Dye Penetrant testing, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging survey, Hardness Testing that is formed bubbles and forms voids at the grain boundary.
Storage/Sphere Tank Inspection, Eddy Current testing, Helium Leak detection, Internal
Oxide scale thickness measurement for boiler tubes. Field service Metallography and MC + 4H = M + CH4
structural inspection are also offered. Our experienced personnel are respected for their
integrity and recognized by all the relevant inspection authorities. Our NDT services are These bubbles exert pressure and also coalesce resulting into fissures. The growth of voids
routinely performed in the following sectors: petrochemical, automotive, construction, and fissures weakens the metal, leading to a major crack. This reaction decarburizes the
transport, defense and general engineering. steel, produces micro cracks/fissures and lowers toughness of steel but not necessarily
cause a loss in thickness.
TCR Advanced offers advanced NDT testing facilities such as Eddy Current testing,
Internal Oxide scale measurement for Boiler tubes, Helium Leak testing, Thermography,
MFL (Magnetic Flux leakage for tank bottom), Hardness testing by UCI (Ultrasonic Contact
Impedance) Method using Kraut Kremer Hardness tester. ii. TOFd & pHaSEd array
TCR Advanced is now offering services of new and upcoming heat Exchanger tube
inspection technique acoustic Eye based on Acoustic Pulse reflectometry principle. This is When PAUT and TOFD techniques are judiciously performed together, the quality of testing
an ultrafast flaw detection technique with detection time less than 10 seconds per tube. increases when compared with radiography, i.e. the integrity of weld joints inspected with
It can detect blockages apart from pitting or punctures- useful for detecting extent of TOFD or PAUT is higher than those inspected using radiography. At times the combined
cleaning, to increase efficiency of heat exchanger. inspection cost for PAUT + TOFD may seem higher than conventional radiography testing
but since these advanced ultrasonic methods do not involve any radiation hazards and
TCR has IRIS DVR 5 Videoscope and an indigenously developed borescope machine which other jobs can be carried out in the vicinity of such testing, leading to a direct saving
can be used to carry of visual inspection of closed inaccessible spaces such as tube ID associated beside time saved in production/fabrication. The speeds of PAUT + TOFD
surface, vessels. Our videoscope probe can be inserted up to 10 mm dia holes. In the year inspection in one scan shortens the overall inspection time and eliminates the time-loss
2013 TCR Advanced became the first NABL accredited lab in Gujarat for NDT testing. associated with RT.
In the year 2014 TCR added Crack depth Meter, Ferritometer and Surface roughness
measurement facilities at lab and site testing

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iii. vidEOSCOpy / bOrOSCOpy

TCR Advanced Engineering provides videoscopy/ Borescope inspection services. We
have a state of the art Iris 5 DVR videoscope which has total probe length of 7.5 mts and
8 mm probe dia, which is suitable for carrying videoscopy in a component with opening as
small as 10 mm. The IRIS DVR is equipped with 4 way articulation to give 360 degree field
view. It has a high resolution CCD camera for HD Video recording and interchangeable
objective lenses for changing the degree of viewing and field of view. The videoscope is
useful in many fields such as Aerospace, Wind Turbines, Gas turbines, Oil & Gas Industries,
Chemical Industries, Power generation plants, quality control and internal weld inspection.

iv. Eddy CurrENT TESTiNg

The Eddy current test is not a volumetric technique. This is a surface technique and can
readily detect very shallow surface defects (fatigue crack, inter-granular stress corrosion
cracks etc.), sub surface defects (inclusions, voids etc.) within a depth of 6 mm. It can
also identify pitting, cracking, microbiological induced corrosion damage, support wear,
erosion etc. and hence is a widely used tool for in-service inspection of heat exchangers.
This Nondestructive testing using a multi frequency Eddy Current system would examine
surface and sub-surface areas of materials with suitable electrical conductive and magnetic
properties. The instrument used allows Inspection of a large variety of materials and
provides documentation of the inspection all in one unit. Our Engineers are well trained
in carrying out the test at Site and interpret the results accurately, depicting the actual
condition of the tubes based on the test results, particularly very competent in resolving
between defects and non-relevant indications. All Eddy current testing jobs were carried
out by Level II qualified engineers with a throughput of about 800 tubes per day.

v. aCOuSTiC EyE
Acoustic Eye’s breakthrough, non-invasive solution for today’s hard-to-inspect tubes up
to 4” inner diameter enables ultra-fast, accurate inspection of boilers, Fin Fans and other
heat exchangers, regardless of tube shape or material. Featuring patented Acoustic
Pulse Reflectometer (APR) technology, Dolphin G3™ is an advanced, yet easy-to-use
tool that overcomes the limitations of many conventional inspection techniques. With its
simple operation, automated analysis & report generation, there is far less dependency
on operator expertise. Providing reliable inspection of even the most challenging tube
sizes and configurations, Acoustic Eye increases inspection cycle efficiency, leading to
operational cost savings.

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vi. auTOmaTEd rEFOrmEr TubE

ARTiS is abbreviated for Automated Reformer Tube Inspection System. TCR ADVANCED
has indigenously developed an automated robotic crawler to aid ultrasonic inspection of
reformer tubes. It provides tabular and interactive digital output. The 1st point on every
tube is referred at bottom of tube climbing up to the 14 meters height and provides tube
data at every 0.1 meter distance. The ARTiS can simultaneously collect the tube data such
as ultrasonic dB level of attenuation, diameter of tube and bowing angle at every location.
An interactive, graphical user interface is part of digital report along with conventional
hardcopy print in tabular format. The major advantages of the ARTiS are as follows.

vii. HElium lEak TESTiNg

TCR Advanced performs Helium Leak testing in India to detect and locate leaks in
– Pressure increase in a vacuum - reservoir or
– Pressure decrease in pressure – tank

This includes welded, brazed, adhesion-bonded and other assemblies. The requirement
of leak testing is quantized by the maximum allowable leak rate.

TCR Advanced Helium Leak Testing instrument has a roughing capacity of 10 m3/h (7 cfm)
with usable helium sensitivity in the 10-11 range. The unit has a dedicated sniffing
unit, based on a well-proven leak testing concept, and is also available for outboard leak
testing applications. The leak rate value is 1 mbar l/s, if in a vacuum-reservoir with a
volume of one litre, the pressure rises in one second about one mbar or in a pressure-
reservoir it drops about one mbar in one second.

viii. pOSiTivE mETal idENTiFiCaTiON

The PMI division at TCR Advanced Engineering has expert engineering and inspection
workforce to undertake incoming material inspection and can provide on-site alloy
verification for quality control and stock control purposes. TCR can analyze both melt and
weld for comprehensive maintenance assessment.

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iX. THErmOgrapHy
It is used to find out temperature anomalies present in the equipment during their operation.
This is a non-contact method of testing and viewing is done remotely. Even helicopters can
be used for testing large regions. This is a very recent addition of the NDE. Any hot object
emits the heat radiation. An Infrared sensor which can pick up such radiation to form the
image of the hot body. The hot and cold regions on the surface can be analyzed for the
healthy condition of the object. Thermography is useful for applications such as Deposits
or blockages in pipe lines carrying hot or cold fluids, Refractory or insulation deterioration
in Furnaces, Boilers, heaters, converters etc. Electric sub-stations for control panels,
transformers, switch gear etc. for overloading, lose or damaged contacts, Overheated
bearings in rotary equipment e.g. Motors, generators, turbines etc.


Periodic inspection of heat exchanger tube is inevitable as it affects the heat transfer
phenomenon leading to forced shutdowns. Inspection of heat exchanger tubes for internal
damage is no longer a lengthier, tiresome, time-consuming and expertise-involving
procedure with the advent of advanced NDT methods like ECT, RFET, MFL, APR, IRIS,
Leak testing and videoscopy. TCR has expertise in heat exchanger tube inspection using
these techniques:
– Eddy current testing
– Acoustic pulse reflectometry
– Videoscopy
– Leak testing

Xi. FErrOgrapHy
Ferrography or oil analysis is a series of laboratory tests to determine the condition of used
Lubricants in equipment /components, over a period. A trend of wear particle distribution
and their Concentration typically presents the condition of the Equipment also it provides
opportunity for Maintenance programs from breakdown to be proactive.

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This technique uses an automatic robotic crawler to enter in to the Tank for collecting data
such as thickness, Ultrasonic soundness, visual inspection by video camera while tank is
in service. the robotic crawler systematically scans the tank bottom with an array of eight
ultrasonic transducers and relays high volume of UT data for analysis. The in tank service
follows a digital inspection grid and collects more than 200000 UT scans(based on the
average scan pattern in a 100 ft dia. Tank) for computer analysis. The robot pushes sludge
aside as it travels, performs cleaning and unnecessary waste disposal in many cases. Some
of the salient features of this technique eliminates the high cost of taking down your
tanks. The testing can be completed as per API 653 inspection in days instead of weeks
or months. Reduce environmental and safety risks without opening the tank or due to
manned entry.

Xiii. HEaT TrEaTmENT FaCiliTy

TCR Advanced offers post weld heat treatment by using electricity as source of heating for
stress relieving of weld joints. All TCR’s heat treatment services are designed to minimize
downtime, improve structural integrity, and enhance effective plant life. Additionally,
depending on the mobility of the required equipment many of our heating processes can
be applied on-site or at your facility.

TCR has specialized fully automatic programmable equipment capable of controlling

Heating rate, Holding time and cooling rate to carry out a wide range of heat treatment
processes like post weld heat treatment of PQR test coupons, and various components.
TCR is capable of doing Post weld heat treatment of carbon steel piping welds (pipe-
work, headers, flange joints, valves and branches) by means of the electrical resistance
method, in the form of ceramic heater pads. The Heat treatment equipment is supplied
with chart recorder to record up to 8 thermocouples simultaneously for meeting the critical
requirement of heat treatment.

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TCR Advanced Engineering was established in 1999 to provide credible solutions that
ensured uninterrupted operation of assets, improved productivity and enhanced safety
in compliance with all environmental standards. Located in Vadodara, TCR Advanced
Engineering is a service partner of TCR Engineering Services, Mumbai.

TCR Advanced aims to be the best at all that they do -- the goal is to make a positive
difference, help clients overcome their challenges, and maximize their success. TCR
Advanced has successfully conducted over 6000 investigations and has served over 1700
clients nationally and globally. TCR enables companies across the globe to efficiently
manage plant operations and optimize asset integrity. TCR continuously provides
innovative solutions that help its clients create an advantage from every opportunity.

At the helm of TCR Advanced is Paresh Haribhakti an industry expert and an acclaimed
author. He has authored “Failure Investigation of Boiler Tubes: A Comprehensive Approach’
which is published by the prestigious ASM International. Paresh’s expertise and experience
have led TCR Advanced to redefine the failure investigation and asset integrity industry
by focussing on client results and not just reports.

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TCR Advanced is an industry leader and has worked on some very critical problems
for organizations all over the world. TCR Advanced has over 500 years of cumulative
metallurgical and advisory experience that it has gathered from unique assignments.
This knowledge can greatly benefit the industry and enable new and existing
professionals to hone their skills. This thought was the reason for launching TCR
Evolve, the training arm of TCR Advanced.

TCR believes that true success lies in empowering their clients for growth, where
reports are more than just a report-they should deliver actionable insights, foresight
to help navigate challenges and provide solutions to maximize performance. TCR
strives to ensure that in all its services, responsiveness is fundamental, reliability and
transparency are its strengths and repeatability is its reward.

VIRENDRA KUMAR BAFNA COLLABORATION: This is the bedrock for TCR’s service delivery
Founder & Visionary
TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. 1 approach. TCR aligns with clients, fostering engagements into long-term
partnerships. No matter what the challenge is, TCR focuses on delivering
practical, enduring results to equip their clients for growth.

HIGHLY COMPETENT TEAM: The quality of people is the cornerstone of

2 TCR’s ability to address the needs of its clients. TCR makes tremendous
investments in identifying highly talented people, developing their skills
The mother entity TCR Engineering Services or Small-medium businesses, it delivers and building an environment that encourages their growth. TCR can
was incorporated in 1973 and has over the results with the same speed and efficiency assemble a team with the most appropriate expertise and experience in
years grown to be India’s leading material without compromising on quality. TCR the shortest possible time.
testing and research company. It was the recognizes the significance of developing
DEEP SECTORIAL EXPERTISE: TCR brings its experience gained over
vision of Mr. V. K. Bafna, the founder, a keen relationships that echo their culture of
metallurgist to provide real, sustainable mutual respect and unwavering ethics. the last 40 years in the field of material testing, inspection and quality
solutions to companies that would drive For over five decades, TCR is focused on assurance with strong commitment and adherence to the ISO 17025
progress for them. He infused the principles bringing to life great ideas and business standards. The technical teams are highly experienced having conducted
of precision, transparency and reliability in all solutions that drive growth for their over 1500 failure analysis projects. TCR is on the approved list of SABIC,
actions due to which, TCR today is a trusted clients. The company has many ‘firsts’ to Tasnee, APPC, Schlumberger and Reliance for Failure Analysis Services.
service provider for top-notch companies its credit and has become a thought leader The company has access to Scanning Electron Microscopy with EDAX and
across the globe. A visionary with sound in the industry because of its pioneering Optical Inverted Metallurgical Microscopes.
material sciences experience, strong business work. TCR has a growing global presence
acumen and relentless sincerity, the TCR and is rooted in behaving ethically in all DIVERSIFIED PROBLEM SOLVING: TCR helps clients address their
Advanced matured under his able guidance. their interactions with their employees,
partners and their customers.
4 business complexities and deliver business value throughout the life cycle
of any client initiative. This includes assessment, research, testing services,
Since its inception, TCR treated all its clients advisory capabilities, development and solution design, integration,
equally; whether it is Fortune 500 companies deployment, inspection and support for long-term sustainability.

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NABL Certificates
TCR Advanced Engineering accredited by
NABL as per international standard ISO-
IEC-17025 in chemical, mechanical, and
non-destructive testing disciplines. The
NABL certification is issued by the National
Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration
Laboratories, Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India. NABL
provides accreditation to laboratories that
perform tests/calibrations in accordance with
ISO 17025. ISO/IEC 17025 includes quality
system requirements of ISO 9001 and other
additional requirements to demonstrate that Recognition by MNC & Inspection Agency
the said laboratory is technically competent TCR Advanced is one of the select few testing laboratories in India to be on the approved
with the ability to produce technically valid vendor list of various MNC, public and private limited companies including Bharat Heavy
data and results. Electrical Ltd., Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
(L&T), Engineers India Ltd. (EIL), Toyo Engineering India Ltd., Oil & Natural Gas Commission
(ONGC), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC),
Department of Defense, DGS&D, Indian Railways, Mumbai Municipal Corporation,
Department of Telecommunications, Electronic Corporation of India Ltd and others.

TCR is also approved by several international third-party inspection agencies including

Central Board for Boiler Halliburton, Schlumberger, Wartsila, American Bureau of Shipping (USA), Bureau Veritas
In the year 2014, TCR Advanced (France), Lloyds Register of Shipping (UK), Det-Norske Veritas (Norway), SGS (India) Ltd.
Engineering received approval of “ Indian Register of Shipping, Mercantile Marine Dept, Bureau of Indian Standards etc.
well known Remnant Life Assessment
organization” as well as “well
known Material Testing Laboratory”
by Central Boilers Board (CBB),
Government of India, Ministry of
commerce and industries. With this
approval, TCR’s can carry out life
assessment jobs and certify the
fitness of boiler components as per
Indian Boiler Regulation (IBR).

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ABOUT US parESH u. HaribHakTi, Chief Failure Analyst and

Committed to driving innovative ideas while
TCR demonstrates a “one team” attitude that is reflected in its leadership implementing pragmatic solutions to transform
in all practices and offices across TCR. TCR’s strength lies in its people. They organizations, Paresh has been the catalyst for TCR
Advanced’s global reach. An acclaimed author,
have driven individuals who work in teams with cutting-edge technologies industry expert, a sought after mentor and coach to
set in an environment of transparency to deliver pragmatic action. The young metallurgists, Paresh is widely recognized for
teams constantly re-engineer themselves to be more responsive to his passion and expertise.
customer needs by identifying challenges and facilitating solutions that
Paresh Haribhakti has been at the helm of TCR
promote growth and deliver exceptional results for their clients, their
Advanced Engineering Services(a TCR Engineering
communities and their people. Meet our exceptional talents by reading Services partner company) since its inception. He is a
their profiles below: pioneer in promoting in-situ metallography, has solved
more than 5000 industrial problems and is an acclaimed
boiler tube failure investigation expert.
a laTE SHri virENdra baFNa, Founder and Visionary
Paresh has authored ‘Failure Investigation of Boiler Tubes: A Comprehensive Approach’
Late Shri. V.K. Bafna was founder of TCR Conglomerate and has the rare distinction of being published by ASM International, USA.
with TCR Engineering Services, Mumbai as its flagship
organization. He was visionary with sound material He has been driven to build an organization that is deeply committed to making a real
sciences experience, strong business acumen and difference by solving complex problems and making meaningful progress. He has worked
relentless sincerity, TCR Advanced matured under his on many complex metallurgical challenges and Failure Analysis assignments across various
able guidance. With clear sense of purpose and urgency, industries with one purpose: to deliver measurable results.
Through hard work, dedication, integrity and love for his
field, Mr. Bafna gained 35 years of practical experience Under Paresh’s leadership, TCR Advanced has grown in scale and diversity. His business
in the areas of corrosion detection, chemical analysis, success is driven by ensuring that the client is at the core of everything. Combining deep
mechanical testing, failure analysis and materials expertise with a clear understanding of client needs, he consistently attempts to deliver
characterization. He had introduced innovative methods business value to his clients. These underlying tenets drive the overall culture of speed
for Corrosion Studies, Non-Destructive Testing and was and excellence at TCR advanced.
a pioneer in showcasing the advantages of XRF-based
positive material identification to the industry. Paresh has a post-graduate in Materials Technology from M.S. University. He has contributed
to a number of leading metallurgical and engineering journals, as well as given presented
Mr. Bafna, was a gold medalist from the University of Indore and had two masters papers at several conferences across the world. An active leader not only in the business
degrees to his credit. He has done Master of Engineering from the University of Toronto, world but in the community as a whole, Paresh’s accomplishments are numerous. He is
Canada and Master of Industrial Management from the Clarkson College of Technology, the founder member of Metallography Society of India and is an active member of the
Potsdam, New York. Mr.V.K. Bafna was a member of various professional organizations Institute of Engineers, Institute of Foundry Man, Indian Institute of Metals and Indian
such as American Society for Testing and Materials, Institute of Standard Engineers, ASM Institute of Welding. Paresh is passionate about knowledge sharing and believes that it
International, NACE, Non-Destructive Testing Society of India, and Indian Institute of promotes active learning. His commitment to training led him to create ‘TCR Evolve’, a
Metals. He was an ex-committee member of ASM India chapter. Mr. Bafna’s vast expertise learning academy for aspiring and existing professionals to hone their skills.
in the field of laboratory testing has brought numerous laurels to TCR notable amongst
them is an award of appreciation from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for
the company’s contribution to the Project ASLV. TCR group companies progressed and
grew under his able guidance.
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C rOHiT baFNa, Director Global Sales d gOpul paTEl, General Manager (Technical)

Passionate about building and transforming As a postgraduate from Sardar Patel University, he
businesses, driving innovation, coaching and building brings extensive knowledge of Vacuum Technology and
high-performance teams, Rohit has been the powerful has worked as a scientific officer at the Department of
force behind the TCR’s global presence. His sound science and technology sponsored research center. He
leadership, boundless energy, exemplary foresight, has hands-on experience of operation and calibration
and innate ability to bring out the best in people of various sophisticated analytical instruments such as
around him, gives him an exceptional edge over his Transmission Electron Microscope, Scanning Electron
contemporaries. Microscope with EDS, X-Ray Diffraction, ICP OES,
spectrometers, Thermal Analyzers such as DSC, TGA.
He wears several hats with utmost elan and has He has experience of various advanced methods of
the unique ability to see the big picture. Under his material characterization and has worked extensively
leadership, brand TCR undertook a transformational in the field of microscopy. He has been trained for the
digital initiative in the late 1990’s on an ambitious operation of the Electron microscope at PHILLIPS, The
scale that was unseen and unheard of in the world of Netherlands and Pemtron, Korea.
material testing.

From being the pioneer of web presence before the advent of online business to preparing Gopul has also handled India’s First Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope with
for the future by building an online community on social media, he has done it all with EDAX analyzer for more than five years. He is qualified as NDT level II in M.T., P.T., U.T.,
astonishing impact on the ecosystem. A focused strategic intent, paired with a hands-on- and E.T and is responsible for the establishing & implementing management system at
approach makes him an exemplary leader. TCR Advanced and its functionality. He is actively involved in establishing new testing
facilities at the lab as well as on site. Gopul has played an instrumental role in establishing
Several prestigious clients that have trusted TCR to carry out material testing and quality custom designed web-based sample management system for handling sample flow in the
assurance services have been successfully secured by Mr.Rohit including Caterpillar, laboratory.
Aventech, Elliot Company, Komline-Sanderson, Constar, Xalloy, Sys-Concept and the US
Army. Mr. Bafna has the cost and technical responsibility for the execution of the specific
contract(s), including devising the planning, directing, and coordinating of project activities E kETaN upadHyay, General Manager (Reliability)
to ensure that project objective are accomplished within the prescribed time and funding
parameters. Where sub-contracts are required, Mr. Bafna manages the development of
specifications, statements of work, evaluation criteria, and requests for proposal. Mr. Ketan brings an experience of 23 years in the field
Bafna works with the material testing laboratory and engineering consulting divisions to of NDE, Acoustic emission techniques, Vibration
analyze proposals with respect to cost/risk/quality, lead source selections and negotiation measurement, and signature analysis, Failure
teams and monitors subcontract costs, schedules, and technical performance. He has Investigations, microstructure interpretation, Scanning
undergone extensive training on Ultrasonic Testing using Time of Flight Diffraction electron microscopy and digital imaging system. He
(TOFD) at Olympus in Quebec, Canada. has worked as a metallurgist at few of India’s largest
fertilizers and petrochemicals complex, GSFC Ltd.
Previously, Rohit held senior leadership roles in the areas of International Business
Development with Mphasis and Verizon from 1996-2008. Based out of Washington Having done B.E. (Metallurgy) from M.S. University of
DC, he implemented multiple Techno + Customer-Centric Business solutions for clients Vadodara, he is responsible for fabrication inspection,
including Chase, ABN AMRO, Singapore Airlines, Novartis. He was known for his in- providing welding procedures for maintenance and
depth understanding of customer pain points and translating that into magical solutions. relevant heat treatments, troubleshooting against
organic and inorganic corrosion and microbial-induced

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He is a qualified level II for Acoustic Emission testing (IISC Bangalore), Vibration Analyst ABOUT US
VT-II (Entec IRD) and Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (EEC Mumbai) techniques. He is actively
involved in Plant reliability Engineering and risk-based inspection projects for different OUR ADVISORY PANEL OF EXPERTS
components such as heater piping, reactors and static equipment of petrochemical
and refinery industries. He is well familiar with API/ASME/ASTM/JIS codes and ASM
literature. His association with TCR Advanced Engineering strengthens the Remaining Life TCR has assembled a strong team of external experts who will provide technical leadership
Assessment, Failure Investigations, and Advanced Non Destructive Examination projects. to the company. TCR Advanced draws on this experience to provide the best solutions for
He has played an instrumental role in developing an automated reformer tube inspection their clients The highly talented team of experts includes:
system (ARTiS) at TCR Advanced.
1 Dr. Kumar is a world-renowned metallurgist of our country. He is a doctorate
from the world-famous University of Sheffield, UK. Dr. Rajendra Kumar was
F kamlESH raNa, Senior Manager (Testing) the Director of National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur and a former
Director of Regional Research Laboratory, Bhopal. Dr. Rajendra Kumar has
more than 150 publications in national and international journals of repute. He
Mr. Rana is a having vast experience of fabrication has been a committee member of IBR for failure investigation. He has written
and forging fields. He holds a Diploma in Mechanical three books on metallurgy. He is the recipient of Metallurgist of the Year Award
engineering and has worked extensively in pipe for the year 1966.
manufacturing and forging industries. He has more
than 20 years of experience. He has headed the quality
and assurance department of various forge shops. He DR. P. B. JOSHI
is a qualified internal auditor for ISO 9001 and has
handled API audits. Mr. Rana is in-charge of chemical
2 Dr. Joshi was a professor in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Maharaja Sayajirao
and mechanical testing at TCR. University, Vadodara. He is a Ph. D. in Material Engineering. Dr. Joshi is having
more than 25 years of teaching experience in the field of metallurgy. He has
more than 50 research publications in International journals & National journals,
and authored a book titled “Materials for Electrical and Electronic Contacts”.


3 Dr. Pai was the former Head of the Department of Metallurgical & Materials
Engineering Faculty of Technology & Engineering, M.S. University. He is
a Ph.D. from IIT Mumbai. He is having more than 29 years of experience in
the Educational field. He began his career as a lecturer in 1989 and became a
professor in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department. Under his
able guidance, more than 4 Students were awarded a PhD. He has more than
90 national and international publications in reputed journals. Dr. Pai is actively
involved in providing Testing and industrial consultancy assignments for many
industries of Gujarat.

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in conducting laboratory and field experiments on corrosion measurements as

ABOUT US per national and international standards. He has been a member of National
OUR ADVISORY PANEL OF EXPERTS (CONT.) Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) the USA, for 8 years. He has
provided consultancy services to many industries in India and also successfully
carried out international collaborative projects with M/s Avesta, Sweden, M/s
Krupp VDM Germany and M/s Cormon UK.
4 Mr. Baad is Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgical Engineering with First Class
honors from IIT, Mumbai. He has working experience of 25 years in forge shop, HEMANT PRADHAN
steel, cast iron, S.G. Iron and Non-ferrous foundries. He has worked reached
to Sr. Management position starting from the Engineer level. He has handled 7 Mr. Pradhan is a Mechanical Engineer with over 34 years of experience in design,
detail engineering services, projects, inspection, mechanical construction,
Turnkey projects related to Foundry Mechanization, Quality Assurance and procurement, estimation, etc. for fertilizer and petrochemical plants and
Product management of critical castings for the turbine, material handling projects. His major experience field of expertise has been designing, detailed
and wears resistance applications. Some of them are first of its kind. For the engineering, troubleshooting of fertilizer plants like ammonia, urea, DAP, ASP,
last 12 year, he has been running an independent consultancy, related to AS, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, etc.; petrochemical plants like Caprolactam,
TQM-Product Management of Castings & Forgings and metallurgical related Melamine, Nylon-6, and utility/co-generation/ boiler, water treatment
turnkey projects. Mr. Baad is well versed in kaizen, Edward Debono /Osborn plants. He is also involved in engineering jobs for installing new projects, de-
techniques in creativity management. Energy audits related to metallurgical bottlenecking, capacity augmentation, plant modifications, the addition of new
processes. He is a Life member of various institutions such as Institute of Indian sections; troubleshooting; estimation; procurement; inspection; expediting for
Foundrymen, Indian Institute of Metals, Indian Society of Non-destructive more than 30 years. He has participated in design conferences at international
Testing, Indian Institute of Welding Metallography Society of India, Alumni and national level with process licensors/ detail engineering firms like M/s
Association of IIT Mumbai. Enco, Switzerland; M/s INCRO SA, Spain; Tunisian Joint Venture, Tunisia; M/s
Schmidt & Clemens, Germany M/s Davy Powergas, M/s Uhde, M/s Linde, at
India. He has vast experience in executing troubleshooting jobs in major plant
5 Mr. Brahmbhatt is Ex-GM inspection dept. of M/s RIL Erstwhile IPCL. His
area of responsibilities during his association with RIL includes inspection &
equipment like Primary Reformer, Air Pre-heaters, Waste Heat Boilers, Various
Heat Exchangers, Isothermal Shift Reactor, Urea Reactor, High-Pressure
Decomposer, high-pressure plunger pumps & their discharge piping, Contact
maintenance from health assessment & reliability/integrity angle for LDPE,
Furnace, Decomposer, Sulphur combustion furnace boiler, etc. Mr. Pradhan
PPCP, PBR-I, PBR-II, PP-IV, LAB, EG plants. Since last 32 years he is working in
has headed various departments like Inspection, Mechanical Construction,
the field of fabrication, maintenance welding, inspection, testing, up keeping,
Workshop, and Phosphoric Acid and Fiber Unit plants. He also has experience
metallurgy/material science, corrosion, health assessment, reliability &
in dealing with statutory authorities and third party inspection agencies.
integrity monitoring of piping &static equipment in the petrochemical process
plants. Familiar with all different type API/ASME/ASTM/ASM etc. codes &
standards in respect of inspection, NDT, welding & material of construction AWDHESH KUMAR SINGH
used in such plants in above areas/fields. He was appointed as a faculty on
inspection &testing, metallurgy, welding in process plants in training center 8 Mr. Singh is a power sector professional having more than 42 years of professional
experience. He holds Bachelor’s Degrees in Science & Engineering and Master’s
of IPCL/RIL-VMD. He was also a competent person for pressure vessel testing Degree in Technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He started his
for GFA compliance. professional career in the year 1975 in Steam Turbine Engineering Department
of BHEL, Hardwar. Shri AK Singh received his initial training in the area of design
DR. MUKESH PANDYA of steam turbine blades at Muelheim Works of M/s Kraft Werk Union in West

6 Dr. Pandya is Ex-DGM (Research) from Gujarat State Fertilizer Company

(GSFC) Limited, India’s premier fertilizer company. He has a Ph.D. in corrosion
Germany and subsequently in the mid-1990s worked on an R&D project on
“Design of Advanced Low-Pressure Steam Turbine Blading” with M/s Siemens
from Gujarat University. He has more than 25 years of experience in corrosion in Germany. During his tenure of 22 years with M/s BHEL, he developed many
evaluation, materials selection, failure investigation and online corrosion Steam Turbine Flow-Path Designs which have been implemented in many 210
monitoring in chemical, petrochemical and fertilizer industries. He possesses & 250 MW rating machines installed across the country. These machines are
in-depth knowledge of various forms of corrosion. His is having vast experience more efficient and are having better Heat Rate which had been validated to the

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satisfaction of respective customers. In 1996, Shri AK Singh joined the Power Generation
Segment of M/s Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. at Vadodara in Senior Management Cadre. He
received training at the Mannheim Works of M/s ABB in Germany.

Mr. Singh worked with ABB Power Generation, Vadodara as the Head of Engineering group
for large utility steam turbines. He was a member of the Power Segment Technology Team
of ABB India. Shri AK Singh represented ABB India as Engineering Manager on global
committees formed for developing technical solutions in the area of Retrofit and R&M. He
was Manager of Turbine Spare Parts Centre of ABB India. As a strategic Supply Management
Initiative, he led a Cross-functional Commodity Team and established the manufacture of
Industrial turbine blades at Baroda. From 2000 to 2002, Mr. AK Singh worked as a Professor
of Mechanical Engineering with Sardar Patel University and Gujarat University. From 2002
to 2009, Mr. AK Singh worked with Electrical Research & Development Association (ERDA),
Vadodara where he rose to become its CEO & Director. During his tenure as Director, ERDA
established itself as the premier testing, calibration and research organization of the country.
International Business Excellence Award was conferred on Mr. AK Singh by the International
Study Circle, New Delhi for the stupendous growth of ERDA. From April 2011 to October
2015, Prof. AK Singh worked as a Senior Faculty with Power Training Institute of M/s L&T
Power at the L&T Knowledge City, Vadodara. He provides technology training on Steam
Turbines and dwells on the comparative features of steam turbines offered by the OEMs
across the globe. From December 2015 to February 2017, Shri AK Singh was associated
with M/s L&T-Sargent & Lundy Limited, Vadodara as Principal Consultant for providing
consultancy in the domain of Residual Life Assessment, Renovation & Modernization,
Condition and Asset Management of Thermal Power Plants. Mr. Awadhesh Kumar Singh is
presently associated with M/s TCR Advanced Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara.

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TCR Advanced Engineering believes services to some of the best-known A. INLAND ENGAGEMENTS
in establishing long-term, strategic refineries and organizations in
Metallurgical Damage assessment- Provided consultancy Asia’s largest grass root
relationships with customers as the field of oil and gas chemicals,
refinery, RIL Jamnagar, India for damage assessment work during a fire incident in
opposed to short-term, opportunity- electronics, construction, power VGO-HT2 Plant
based engagements. TCR has had generation, automotive, defense,
the chance to serve over 3500+ aerospace, mining, pharmaceutical, TCR Advanced was engaged to assess the metallurgical integrity of different components
customers across multiple industry biotechnology, manufacturing, and equipment including pipelines, flanges, Heat Exchangers, Reactors, etc. to judge the
verticals and has a long-standing track process industry and all of the major extent of damage by microstructure examination at Reliance Industries Limited Jamnagar
record of delivering quality assurance public sector verticals. at the time of major fire incident of VGO-HT2 plant. Total 1200 microstructures were
prepared and evaluated at the site to judge go no go condition of the refinery components.
The dedicated team of TCR Advanced has worked round the clock and completed the
marathon assignments in the record 15 days time. The metallurgical experts from TCR
Advanced had provided the judgments based on our vast experience of evaluation of
different Refinery components and failure investigation related expertise.

To derive at critical decisions simulated heat treatments conditions were done in the
laboratory to generate the identical microstructural conditions pertaining to weld and
other low alloy steel material exposed to an accidental fire. Data on mechanical properties
were generated vis-à-vis damaged conditions and risk-based assessments were made
to judge the integrity of the different components. The judgments on affected and
unaffected structure were made by exercising the knowledge on location selection which
is of paramount importance during damage assessments job.

Health assessment of entire Hydrogen plant for Godrej Industries limited Valia, Gujarat

We had a bend failure in our hydrogen line in 2006 and we contacted TCR Advanced
Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara to conduct an in-depth root cause failure analysis. The
work carried out by the dedicated team of TCR helped Godrej Industries to take necessary
corrective actions for the second-hand plant of “Hydrogen Generation” procured from
England. The entire plant was thoroughly assessed by NDT and metallography with Health
Assessment approach by TCR. The components included Reformer section, Pigtails, SS
pipelines /Carbon steel/Alloy steel pipelines Heat exchangers, etc. TCR’s assessment
approach is scientific by knowledge of the anticipated degradation mechanism of different
components with organized teamwork by trained and qualified manpower.

TCR also provided services on Remaining life Assessment of aged components by

destructive analysis and Repair Weld Procedures of aged Incoloy 800H header joints by
TCR Advanced.

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Consultancy to provide weld procedure to meet with stringent quality test
KEY PROJECTS requirements of snamprogetti specification for Urea Plant for a fabricator
As a requirement, to be used in a Urea plant the M.S. plate is to be overlaid with stainless
steel welding. The base material is SA 516 Gr. 70. The weld over lay is of 6 mm thickness.
A. INLAND ENGAGEMENTS (Cont.) As per the Snamprogetti specification, the chemical composition on the surface of over
lay should be 2 RE69, which is equivalent to 310 MoLN. The essential requirement is that
Remaining life assessments of Power and Utility Boilers of Hindustan lever limited the surface shall be free from deleterious phases like carbides, delta ferrite and sigma
phase, whose sensitivity for deterioration in the presence of Urea is extremely high.
Total 8-Boilers of different capacities were evaluated for their remaining life by detailed
metallurgical approach. Based on the operational and design/construction of the boiler Several prototype trials were conducted at GMM Pfaulder Ltd Works. All of them were
their damage mechanisms were anticipated. With NDT, In-situ metallography and failing in IGC test as per ASTM 262 Practice ‘A’. In view, of the critical nature of the
chemical analysis of Boiler feed water/scales and corrosion products vis-à-vis metallurgical requirement, the matter was referred to TCR Advanced Eng. Pvt Ltd. They suggested
degradations under microstructure were compared. The safer remaining life was different welding procedures having varying parameters. The aim was to achieve faster
evaluated based on microstructure degradations and thickness measurements criteria’s. cooling rates with low heat inputs. IGC and metallography were carried out on all the
The recommendations were made to operate these boilers for safe and efficient use. TCR weld samples. The suitable welding procedure has been recommended that is passing
Advanced has very rich data based on different power boilers which are operated from IGC ASTM 262 Practice ‘A’ and showing freedom to sigma phase precipitation which
10Mw to 250 MW capacity. TCR Advanced is also engaged by different RLA agencies to cleared the most stringent corrosion test requirements.
undertake metallography evaluation which is most critical in Life assessments.
In addition to this, an evaluation was made to find out the effectiveness of the SR treatment
which is done after the first overlay over carbon steel tube sheet. The approach of the
Provided repair weld solution on used Incoloy 800H Header of Ammonia Plant micro-hardness profile was adopted. These tests were conducted on a sample having a
of Gujarat State Fertilizers and chemicals limited- India’s largest Fertilizers and single layer and the one accepted in the IGC practice A as per ASTM 262.
Petrochemical complex

M/s GSFC, Baroda has Fertilizer & Chemical Plants at Fertilizernagar, Baroda. In April-May Crevice Corrosion & Electrochemical Study for ITER- India
2007, TCR Advanced Engineering P Ltd was apprised about the loss of weldability in the As a service partner company of TCR Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., TCR Advanced
Tee components located between hot & cold headers of Primary Reformer, of Ammonia- have undertaken the electrochemical study of the prestigious work which is useful for
IV plant. It was a dire need to formulate the welding procedure to achieve crack-free materials selection and evaluation for shielding materials of Boronated stainless steels.
weld joint, to put back the plant in operations at the earliest. Considering fundamental Electrochemical studies have been performed under the pressurized system and using
inferences from microstructure degradations and reviewing of various reports of analysis/ stainless steel autoclaves and at different temperatures. It provided the comparison
tests and discussions, the most probable reason for the loss of weldability is judged with different grades of materials with respect to pitting tendency under the stipulated
with an objective to provide a solution to improve the weldability and formulated weld chemistry. The project is undertaken by the consortium of 8 countries as headquarters
procedure. Prima facie, the probable reason for loss of weldability seems to be associated at France. TCR got the opportunity to work under the ITER India.
with carbide coarsening & their agglomeration under the microstructure observations.
Also, carbide alignment was noticed under the influence of complex stresses of operation.
As per the fundamental understating if the carbide precipitations could be re-dissolved Material selection for Corrosion service at Solvay
in the matrix by sending important alloying elements like Niobium and Chromium back M/s Solvay Specialties India Private Limited is manufacturing products such as Veradel
into the solution. An elaborate repair welding procedure is suggested in the report that and PEEK. There were frequent incidences of finding corrosion of varying degree in
principally accentuates on carrying out “Solution Annealing Heat Treatment”. Finally, reactors & vessels used for the production. This was affecting the Quality of products
the effectiveness of solution annealing heat treatment has to be assessed to propitiate produced by the plant. In view of the seriousness of the matter, TCR Advanced was
proper procedure for repair welding purely on metallurgical considerations which can only approached to carry out laboratory accelerated corrosion tests on different samples at
mitigate the grave situation as a result of post-weld cracking that had put the production varying conditions. The purpose of the exposure tests was to find out the suitability of
at grinding halt. SS 304, SS 316L Inconel600, Hastelloy C276, SS 2205, SMO 254 and Al 6XN materials for
defined process conditions in welded and as received conditions in the condition of the
actual reactor and monitor them regularly by destructive as well as weight loss method.
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Damage assessment of hydrocrack reactors of refinery Baiji, Iraq: Total 6 hydro cracker
KEY PROJECTS reactors manufactured by Kobe Steel Japan had developed blisters at the SS 347 weld
overlay form Inside. The health assessment approach was undertaken with detailed
microstructure examinations form OD /ID with different etching technique to find out
A. INLAND ENGAGEMENTS (Cont.) the extent of degradations in terms of sigma phase and carbide precipitations and other
This exercise is done to evaluate the different materials of construction in the actual degradation due to prolonged use. The reason for blisters was identified and the inputs
process environment to decide for suitable material for the given process. were provided to repair welding of the Reactors.

RLA Study at Reliance Patalganga plant Metallurgical input for a health assessment to procure second-hand equipment from
The M/s. Reliance Industries Limited, Patalganga plant was commissioned in the year Taiwan for Gujarat Flurochemicals Ltd: The high-grade Inconel 600 Reactor were to
1987. It deals with the production of various commodities, including nylon and rayon. be imported from Taiwan by GFL. TCR Advanced was deputed to judge the health of
Some of the products Manufactured in Patalganga plant are these Reactors and recovery columns by undertaking various NDT Test. The health of this
– Para-Xylene (Px) from raw material, Naphtha equipment was judged to provide the final decisions on procurements which helped the
– Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) from raw material, Para-Xylene company to not only get the writhe equipment by finding out the safe useful life.
– Polyester Filament Yarn (PFY) from raw material, PTA & MEG
– Polyester Staple Fibre (PSF) from raw material, PTA & MEG Remaining life assessment for a package Boiler for Bangladesh Unilever limited: RLA
– Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) from raw material, Kerosene - n paraffin was conducted for package boiler at Unilever Bangladesh limited and certain tubes were
asked to replace.
The production of the above needs multiple process handling and importantly heating
furnaces. As the plants are aged, it is the need of time to assess various heaters for their The ball mill assessment at Kuwait Cement company, Kuwait: TCR Advanced was
safe operating life. The company has decided to carry out Remaining Life Assessment approached for metallurgical assessment of cracks observed on the Ball mill, a piece of
(RLA) of these heaters and to continue them in service. TCR has successfully carried out very critical equipment, for a cement mill. A detailed report was subjected to the reasons
the RLA of 4 heaters in the plant. of carking by undertaking the NDT approach of assessments.

Fitness for service - Isomerization reactor of refinery Failure investigation of an underground pipeline of NG: After the hydro test, the pipeline
An accidental temperature rise of 710 °C had occurred in the isomerization reactor was filled with liquid nitrogen by mistake and the entire pipeline was burst open from the
which was designed up to 350 °C temperature. The reactor is the 20-meter height underground region. Root cause analysis was done to find out the reason for failure and
with 3 m diameter used in hydrogen service. A team of experts from TCR decided the remedial measures were suggested to find out the health of the entire pipeline.
approach based on the API 579, ASME FFS-1. All the anticipated damage mechanisms
were identified as a vis-à-vis future operational requirement. The plant had limitation Shell Gas Terminal, Sri Lanka: Under the accidental attack from the terrorist, an LPG
not to open the reactor in view of platinum catalyst inside the reactor. The team TCR plant was damaged by the splinters and bullets. TCR Advanced had undertaken detailed
decided to take this challenge and detailed NDT approach was formulated by in-house metallography and WFMPI study on the bullet hit regions and the extent of damage was
NDT experts. The assessment was done with thorough metallurgical inputs as well as identified. A highly skilled team from TCR Advanced had visited the site and conducted
simulation study on the reactor material. All mechanical properties were evaluated with an onsite evaluation on the LPG bullet. A detailed report was submitted along with
degradation in view of temperature exposure. With the application of AUBT and ToFD observations.
techniques the reactor was thoroughly investigated. Based on the testing, assessment
and FFS calculation the reactor was declared fit for service. The reactor is in use without Natore Chemicals, Nigeria: A client from fertilizer industry experienced a cracking problem
any problems that have saved huge economic losses to the company. at the bottom portion of the atmospheric storage tank of anhydrous ammonia. On-site
examination along with a sample was brought to the laboratory for root cause failure
Fitness for service – VGO reactor and exchanger investigation. The root cause of the problem was identified as corrosion in the bottom part
HMEL experienced a major fire on VGO reactor and exchanger. The evaluation job of during the idling period of the plant. The entire plant was kept out of service for about 10
damage assessment was entrusted to TCR Advanced. An immediate mobilization was years during that time water got accumulated at the bottom and provided the preferential
undertaken by TCR. corrosion from the HAZ region which appeared as crack. The client was M/s Proplant USA.

52 3753
TCR Company pRofile

Omaniffco, Oman: TCR Advanced supported the client in solving a problem of repeated CASE STUDY
leakage in the ammonia discharge line with a pipe material of ASTM A333 Gr. 6 and failed
from the weld joint. The pipe sample was received in the laboratory for root cause failure FAILURE INVESTIGATION & ANALYSIS
investigation. A detailed metallurgical approach revealed the cause of the problem as
vibrational stresses and prevailing corrosive coastal atmosphere.
SWCC, KSA: As backend laboratory, TCR Advanced provides the supports to TCR Arabia The MOC of the tube is TU 15 CD 205. The service life of the tube is 7 years before
by undertaking Boiler RLA and health assessment jobs. Failure investigation and Remaining failure. The steam temperature & pressure of the tube are and 450°C and 140 kg/cm2
life assessment jobs are undertaken for power generation Boilers, high temperature, and respectively. The tube has OD 63.5mm and ID 5.5mm. Tubes are located horizontally with
high-pressure components. flue gas passes vertically.

SABIC, KSA: Metallurgical root cause failure investigation are done from TCR Advanced 1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Upon SEM examination conducted by engineers
to provide a variety of plants having chemical, petrochemical fertilizers and refinery at TCR, it revealed the presence of inter-granular cracks and the presence of numerous
equipment. creep cavities at the grain boundary. Presence of micro-cracks is observed more towards
the outer surface and nearby crack region. The severity of cracks and cavity reduces when
we move away from the main crack.

2. Microstructure Examination: Crack displayed inter-granular nature of propagation

with many small parallel cracks adjacent to the main crack is observed. This examination
was done at the TCR Engineering laboratory using a Leco Image Analyzer at 300X.

In the present case, the failure of the tube seems to have occurred due to long term
overheating, above allowable design temperature, could be due to higher velocity of
flue gas at this region or impingement of flue gases on tube surface facing flue gas or
improper steam flow.


In a bottom-fired furnace tube failure have experienced service of 14 months against
the normal life of 6 to 7 yrs. MOC of the tube is 25 Cr/35 Ni. The average tube metal
temperature remains between 1000 to 1100 ºC temperatures. As per the manufacturer
data, these tubes are designed for 1150ºC. The pressure inside the tube is 1 kg/cm2g.

1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): SEM analysis conducted by a failure investigation

team from TCR Engineering revealed a progressive nature of the fracture, especially
towards the OD side. However, a majority of the evidence on fracture surface was masked
under heavy scaling, which is generally expected under such service.

2. Microstructure Examination: The crack is associated with carburizing more so at the

outer surface with decreasing the depth of carburizing toward ID. Another important
evidence of crack originating outer diameter and progressing towards ID. This magnification
was done at the TCR Engineering laboratory using a Leco Image Analyzer at 300X.

In the present case, the failure of the tube has occurred due to localized overheating,
which reduced ductility and failed under operational vibrations. TCR recommends looking
into the possibility of development of high temperature at the time of decoking operation.

36 55
TCR Company pRofile

FAILURE INVESTIGATION & ANALYSIS (CONT.) Premature failure of integral pinion shaft was reported a cement mill. The shaft failed after
a service life of approximately 15,000 hours (625 days) against the intended design life of
30 years. The shaft is made from EN 10083-1 (1991) 30CrNiMo8 with through hardened
III. 8TH STAGE BLADE OF A STEAM TURBINE and tempered to achieve 310-335 BHN. The shaft rotates at 133 to 134 RPM. The failure
After 8-years of useful service life, a steam turbine was reported to have been working of the shaft noticed in the form of cracks. Cracks were observed at 45° to the longitudinal
with abnormal vibrations. When the turbine was opened five blades of the 8th stage axis of the shaft.
were found in broken condition from the root. Steam turbine operates with the steam
temperature of 770°F & working pressure at 568.3 Psi 1. Low Magnification Examination: Fracture surface at thread region shows relatively flat
fracture whereas further fracture shows brittle nature with chevron marks. Fracture surface
1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Fracture surface kept under SEM show multiple below the thread region at keyway disclosed multiple ridges with relatively coarse fatigue
origins of the fracture and clearly shows the progressive mode of failure. Fig. suggest striations.
rubbing of the metal surface where the failure had occurred.
2. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): SEM done by TCR Advanced Engineering reveal
2. Microstructure Examination: Microstructure on the cross-section of the blade and inter-granular fracture with inter-granular cracks. A fracture is brittle and shows inter-
showing the defect of deformation. At higher magnification crack shows branching nature granular mode. Presence of fine cracks is observed.
progressing in the forwarded direction i.e. perpendicular to the central axis seems to have
followed the trans-granular path. 3. Microstructure Examination: Microstructure examinations at various sections revealed
that the general condition of the shaft is in a hardened and tempted condition. Further
Failure of 8th stage blade has occurred due to corrosion fatigue, initiated at the most microstructure revealed presences of inter-granular cracks. The cracks are moving on prior
stressed area. Only one blade was submitted for investigation. It is difficult to pinpoint austenitic grain boundaries and are observed filled with oxides. Presence of oxide inside the
which blade failed first. cracks is the most important evidence in the present case. This was done at a magnification
of 560X at the TCR Advanced Engineering laboratory.

IV. SAC PLANT PIPING GOING TO V-801 TCR Advanced Engineering concluded that the shaft failed due to pre-existing Heat
In a Sulphuric acid concentration plant, as a part of the process, condensate is chilled in treatment cracks under operational load.
a heat exchanger. The line, which is connected from heat exchanger (E08-3) to vacuum
pump, one elbow was reported to have leaked and needed replacement. Severe corrosion
was reported inside the replaced pipeline within 10 days of operation. The extent of
corrosion was so severe that the entire replaced pipeline reduced to paper thickness with
punctures. The pipeline is operating with 1 to 2% H2SO4, 0.5% HNO2 and 0.6 to 1.0 %
HNO3 at 10 to 20°C temperatures.

1. Low Magnification Examination: Low magnification examination was done by the

failure Analysis and Investigation team from TCR Engineering to find out the corrosion
characteristics. Internal surface of pipe, weld, and elbow showed severe corrosion on the
pipe. The close-up view of the corroded surface inside the pipe show effect of general
corrosion and flow pattern. Leakages observed in the form of openings between weld
and pipe.

2. Microstructure Examination: Uniform dissolution at ID is observed under microstructure

examination at a magnification of 300x at the TCR Engineering laboratory in India.
The fluctuation in Nitric acid concentration did not allow to stabilize passivity on newly
fabricated pipeline resulted in severe corrosion

56 3757
Our glObal OFFiCES
The TCR team operates globally across different regions and countries. Please reach
out to them for any queries or assistance via email or phone

iNdia kSa kuwait

TCr labOraTOry TCR Company Limited TCR KUWAIT
VKB House, GAS Gardens Fahaheel-64023, Kuwait
EL-182 MIDC-TTC, King Abdulaziz Seaport Facility, Tel: +965-23910341
Electronic Zone, Mahape, Dammam, Saudi Arabia Tel: +965-23910345
Navi Mumbai - 400 710 Tel: +966-3-8475784/85 Cell:+965-65072765
Tel: +966-3-8475014 Fax: +965-23910340
Tel No: +91-22-67380900
Cell: +966-5-0499-7683 [email protected]
Fax: +966-3-8475768
[email protected]
TCR Advanced Engineering
36/2/9, First Floor, Abhishek Complex,
G.I.D.C., Makarpura
TCR Arabia (Jubail Branch)
Vadodara - 390 010, Gujrat, India
Office No. 11, Executive Business
Tel: +91-265- 2657233, 2643024
Fax: +91-265- 2634375
Center, Jubail - Dammam Highway,
Al-Jubail, Saudi Arabia
[email protected]
Tel: +966-13-3449553/56 TCR Malaysia
Fax: +966-13-3449943
C/o Approved Group International,
No 6 Jalan DBP 3, Dolomite Business
TCR Arabia (Yanbu Branch)
Park, 68100 Batu Caves
uaE P.O. Box -30377, Office # 001,
Al-zakri Mall, King Faud Street,
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: +603-6188 6311
Royal Commission, Yanbu – 41912,
TCr CONSulTiNg Fax: +603 6188 8311
Saudi Arabia
TCR Engineering Consulting FZC, PO
Tel: +966-14-3932321
Box 122453, Dubai, UAE
Fax: +966-14-3935181
Tel: +971-50-7858901
[email protected]
A Global Leader in Industrial Asset
Integrity Management

TCR Advanced Engineering Private Limited

Consulting HQ (Main Office): 250-252/9, GIDC
Estate, Makarpura, Vadodara-390010, Gujarat

Tel: +91-265-2657233
Fax: +91-265-2643024
E-mail: [email protected]

Flagship Laboratory:
VKB House, EL-182 MIDC-TTC,
Electronic Zone, Mahape, Navi Mumbai - 400 710
Tel No: +91-22-67380900

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