Network Flow

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1. Hard Rock Concrete Supply makes concrete at its plant in Centerville, Virginia, and delivers it to
construction sites throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC, area. The following network shows
the possible routes and distances (in miles) from the concrete plant to seven construction sites.
A. Determine the shortest route a concrete truck would take from the plant at node 1 to node 8 and
the total distance for this route, using the shortest route method.
Based from the computations on QM for Windows, Hard Rock Concrete Supply should
take the route, 1–4–7–8, in order to have its shortest route from Centerville Virginia to
Washington, DC. The shortest route possible will be in a distance of 42 miles.

2. The FAA has granted a license to a new airline, Mariahyan, and awarded it several routes between
Los Angeles and Chicago. The flights per day for each route are shown in the following network.
A. Determine the maximum number of flights the airline can schedule per day from Chicago to Los
Angeles and indicate the number of flights along each route.
The above table shows the flow of the flight with specified number of flights per the
specific route.
Based on the computations from QM for Windows, in order to have the maximum
number of flights the airline can schedule per day from Chicago to Los Angeles, the flow
would be from: Los Angeles-Salt Lake City-Denver-Phoenix-Dallas-St.Louis-Chicago, which
will have a maximum number of 18 flights.

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