BSHM Tracers Study

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Global economic crisis is one of the major problems the world is having

now. Many countries including the Philippines is suffering from this crisis. Every

year different institutions produced graduates in different field of study but only of

them got a job.

Presently a lot of newly graduates or professionals are employed or

even under employed. In order to earn living many of them are working in jobs

which are not in line with their chosen course and received a lower salary which

could not meet the needs of the family. This is the reason why many of the

Filipinos prefer to works abroad and earn better income. These overseas workers

work abroad as laborers, engineers and others. Among these professionals were

graduates of education, nursing, food technology, economics, vocational and

other skills related course.

Although education is not a guarantee for employment, it has been

observed that employment rates as the level of education rises. Personal income

generally increases in relations to individual’s educational level. The job seekers

must have a dear idea of his abilities, interest, limitations and aims he will be able

to narrow his choice of employment and match himself with the occupations.

The study was conducted to provide vital information to the school

administrators, teachers, and students to be aware of the employability of the

BSHM graduates for the last eight years.

Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to race the employability of the BSHM
graduates of Capiz State University, Pontevedra, Capiz for the last three years.
Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the personal profile of the BSHM graduates of CapSU,
Pontevedra, Capiz considering the following:
a) Gender
b) Civil status
c) Monthly income
d) Status of employment
e) Year graduated
2. What is the employment status of the BSHM graduates for the last eight
3. Is their job/employment fitted or suited to their degree completed?
4. What are the benefits they obtained from the degree they have finished?
5. What are their suggestions or recommendation to improve the BSHM
6. What is the employability of the BSHM graduates when group according

a) Gender
b) Major
This study was conducted to trace the employability of the BSHM
graduates of CapSU, Pontevedra, Capiz for the last three years. The specific
objectives of the study were the following:
1. To draw the personal profile of the BSHM graduates
2. To find out the employment status of BSHM graduates of CapSU,
Pontevedra, Capiz for the last three years.
3. To determine the fitness or suitability of the employment to the degree
they have completed.
4. To find out benefits obtained from the degree they are finished.
5. To identify the suggestions to improve the BSHM program.

Significance of the Study

The Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management has existed for nine

years. At present there are no concrete data which shows of what had happened

to the graduates of the course in terms of their employment status, suitability of

their employment to their chosen career and the benefit from the degree.

Results of the study can provide valuable information to the following:

Institution. Data gathered from this study could served as baseline

information about the whereabouts and their occupation/employment status. The

data could provide insights about what the graduates have become after

completing the course.

The OSA and the Guidance counselor. Results of the study could give

them the update of their graduate records for monitoring sand can also served as

basis in assisting the students in choosing a career.

Teachers/Instructors. Results of the study will enable the teachers or

instructors to updates information regarding the achievements of the students

they have had before.

Students. Data obtained from this research will provide them insights

about the course they have chosen and give them idea on the advantages of that

degree in preparation for future works.

Researchers. Finding of the study could provide information that will

serve as reference for future study on related topics.

Parents. Results of this study can benefit them to assist their children in

selecting courses or degree that help them land a job after graduation.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study was limited to the BSHM graduates of CapSU, Pontevedra,

Capiz from school year 2011-2018. The data will be gathered were limited to

their personal and employment profile, fitness of their employment and benefits

derived from the degree finished and general evaluation of the training received

from the university.

Definition of Terms

These terms will be defined theoretically and operationally as used in the study.

BSHM (Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management)

Employment refers to the work a person does (Webster, 1997). As used

in the study it refers to the work possessed by the graduates after graduation.

Employment status as used in the study, refers to whether the

respondents were permanent, casual, contractual or temporary in their


Personal profile contains information about the respondents such as

age, gender, parent’s monthly income, religion and parent’s educational


Occupation is a person’s usual or principal work in earning a living

(Webster Dictionary, 1993). As used in the study, it refers to the work of the

BSHM graduates as their source of living.

Self-employed graduates refers to the respondents when they earn a

living through their own efforts by applying the skills acquired.

Unemployed graduates refer to the respondents who have no work at all.


Review of Related Literature and Status

Chapter gives the researchers an insight in the formation on the

research paradigm.

The Capiz State University, Pontevedra Campus formerly the Panay

State Polytechnic College is Science in BSHM (BSHM). In this course, the

students are exposed in different area of concerned to develop their abilities and

skills which be capable in their job.

In the study conducted by Francisco (1982), Salinas (1986) as cited by

Ubugan (1998) entitles “Relevance of Vocational Technical Course to Actual Job

Experience”, it was found out that majority of industry rated the theoretical
knowledge of graduates fair enough to be used in industry. This is the reason

why they preferred to hire new graduates than those who are not. As far as

practical skills are concerned, industry supervisor and manager opined in

industry satisfactory.

Japanese companies make every effort to ensure stable employment

until retirement age. (around 55). At times of economic slowdown, companies

usually hire part time or seasonal employees who are not considered members

of the permanent work force. Also, instead of being laid off, permanent

employees are often transferred to organizational units that are in need of

additional help. But practice of lifelong employment seems to be on its way out.

In an interview (Weichrich, 1994) Japnese executives suggested that lifelong is

very costly to a company resulting in a top-heavy organization structure, and

therefore will have to be slowly modified.



This chapter presents the methods, place and subject of the study, the

researcher instruments used of the collection and interpretation of data.

Method of Investigation

This study used the descriptive methods of investigation.

Place and Subject of the Study

This study was conducted at Capiz State University, Pontevedra, Capiz.

The subject of the study were the BSHM graduates from school year 2011-2018.

A total of 290 BSHM graduates were used in the study.

Research Instrument

This study utilized a questionnaire/checklist designed by the researcher.

The registrar’s record of the list or graduates was also used in determining the

subject of the study.

Collection and Presentation of Data

The data collection by utilizing the questionnaire/ checklist distributed to

the respondents and a follow up interview schedule. In case of the respondents

who cannot be reached, the questionnaires were mailed for easy access. The

researcher also used the modern technology of communication to reach out the

respondents. The respondents were given enough time to completely answer the

questionnaire so that it can be retrieved at the soonest time.

Upon retrieval, the researcher counted and checked the instrument to

find out whether the questionnaire was completely retrieved from the

respondents. Tabulation followed after the checking. Tally sheets was provided

so that tabulation would be easy to finish. After tabulation, data were presented

in tabular form with a brief explanation before it.

Sampling Design

The total of 295 graduates from year 2011-2018 were used in selecting

the respondents of the study.

Statistical Analysis
The statistical tools used in the study were the mean and percentage


The formula for the percentage was:

% = n x 100

n= number of respondents in a category
N= total number of respondents
%= percentage
There are a total of 348 BSHRM graduates of the Zamboanga State College of
Marine Sciences and Technology from 2014-2016; however, only 144 graduates
responded to this study. This study was conducted from June 2016 to January
The graduates were reached through the social media – Facebook and
Messenger, for they are the easiest ways of reaching out the graduates. Each of
the respondents was given a questionnaire which consists of four parts: profile, job
placement, struggles and difficulties, and extent of applicability of skills in their
current employment. Some of them answered the questionnaire form actually;
others answered it on the messenger. Some of the respondents, since they were
not easy to reach through phone, were interviewed for clarification concerning the
nature and function of their work. In addition, some of the graduates who were
reached and contacted did not participate due to personal reasons.
The instrument was submitted to three reliable professors for the validation.
Corrections and suggestions were accepted. Hence, the research instrument
underwent minor revision which some information was removed and some
information was added. It had also undergone pilot testing for higher reliability.
This study used the frequency and percentage distribution to analyse the job
placement status of the graduates and the length of time in acquiring their first job.
Weighted mean was used to determine the common struggles or difficulties they
encountered in looking for a job and the extent of applicability of skills in their
current employment. Interpretations of means were based on the following scale:
1.00-1.50: Not at all; 1.51-2.50: Very Limited; 2.51-3.50: Limited; 3.51-4.50: To
Some Extent; 4.51-5.00: To a Great Extent

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