Adverse Effects of Perceived Stigma On Social Adaptation of Persons Diagnosed With Bipolar Affective Disorder
Adverse Effects of Perceived Stigma On Social Adaptation of Persons Diagnosed With Bipolar Affective Disorder
Adverse Effects of Perceived Stigma On Social Adaptation of Persons Diagnosed With Bipolar Affective Disorder
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of concerns esearch over the past four dec-
about stigma on social adaptation among persons with a diagnosis of bipo- ades has compellingly dem-
lar affective disorder. Methods: The sample comprised 264 persons who onstrated that individuals di-
were consecutively admitted to a psychiatric inpatient or outpatient serv- agnosed as having mental illness are
ice at a university-affiliated hospital and who met research diagnostic cri- socially stigmatized or discriminated
teria for bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, or schizoaffective disor- against on several dimensions by key
der, manic type. Patients were evaluated with use of the Schedule for Af- individuals in their social networks and
fective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Lifetime Version (SADS-L), the communities (1). For example, studies
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), and a measure of perceived stig- have found that employers (2–4), fam-
ma. Social adjustment was measured at baseline and seven months later ilies of patients (5), mental health work-
with the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS). Results: As predicted, patients ers (6), and prospective landlords (7)
who had concerns about stigma showed significantly more impairment at all endorsed devaluing statements
seven months on the social leisure subscale but not on the SAS extended about or discriminated against mental-
family subscale, after baseline SAS score and symptom level had been ly ill individuals. The degree of stigma-
controlled for. More refined models using SAS-derived factors as de- tization has been found to be positive-
pendent variables indicated that concerns about stigma predicted higher ly associated with the manifest severi-
avoidance of social interactions with persons outside the family and psy- ty of the mental disorder (8); however,
chological isolation at seven-month follow-up, after baseline SAS and even persons who have minimal signs
BPRS scores had been controlled for. Conclusions: Concerns about the of mental illness, that is, those who ap-
stigma associated with mental illness reported by patients during an acute pear “troubled,” may be stereotyped
phase of bipolar illness predicted poorer social adjustment seven months and rejected (9).
later with individuals outside the patient’s family. Greater attention to pa- Link and colleagues (10,11) have
tients’ concerns about stigma is needed from both researchers and clini- argued that because persons with
cians. (Psychiatric Services 52:1627–1632, 2001) mental illness internalize the devalu-
ing or discriminatory attitudes of soci-
ety at large, they anticipate discrim-
ination or rejection by others and de-
Dr. Perlick and Dr. Rosenheck are with the Northeast Program Evaluation Center at the velop coping strategies, such as secre-
Veterans Affairs Medical Center in West Haven, Connecticut, and Yale University School of cy about their illness or withdrawal
Medicine in New Haven. Dr. Clarkin and Dr. Sirey are with the department of psychia- from social interaction, in an effort to
try of the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Westchester Division, of the Joan and Sanford avoid the rejection they anticipate.
I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University in White Plains, New York. Ms. Salahi is in
Goffman (12) has suggested that to
the master’s program at the Social Work School of the University of Connecticut in West
avoid discrimination and rejection,
Hartford. Dr. Struening and Dr. Link are with the epidemiology of mental disorders pro-
gram at Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute in New York City. persons with mental illness may limit
Send correspondence to Dr. Perlick, Northeast Program Evaluation Center, Department their social interaction to individuals
of Veterans Affairs, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, 950 Campbell Avenue, West who are similarly stigmatized or who
Haven, Connecticut 06516 (e-mail, deborah.perlick@ This paper is part of a spe- are aware and accepting of the stig-
cial section on stigma as a barrier to recovery from mental illness. ma—for example, family members.
PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ December 2001 Vol. 52 No. 12 1627
To test Goffman’s theory, Link and Methods scale on which 1 indicates not present
colleagues (11) evaluated the associ- Subjects and 7 indicates extremely severe. Pos-
ation between reports of withdrawal The sample comprised 264 persons sible scores range from 7 to 168. An
from social interaction by persons aged 16 years or older who were con- intraclass correlation coefficient was
with mental illness in response to secutively admitted to a university-af- calculated for the four raters on the
concerns about stigma and their re- filiated psychiatric inpatient or outpa- basis of two videotaped interviews,
liance on individuals inside their tient service and who had a lifetime using all 24 items. Coefficients for
households rather than those out- diagnosis of bipolar depression with tape 1 were .83, .82, .85, and .96; for
side for emotional and practical sup- mania (bipolar I disorder), hypoma- tape 2, coefficients were .88, .87, 1,
port. As predicted by Goffman’s the- nia (bipolar II disorder), or schizoaf- and .90. Internal consistency for the
ory, they found that reports of with- fective disorder, manic type, accord- expanded BPRS was acceptable (Cron-
drawal in response to concerns ing to research diagnostic criteria (14). bach’s alpha=.76).
about stigma were positively associ- Because the study was carried out as Patients’ concerns about stigma
ated with reliance on individuals part of a study on family burden in were evaluated with use of a scale
within the household for support bipolar illness (15), only patients composed of eight items that meas-
but were negatively associated with whose family members consented to ure withdrawal as a coping mecha-
reliance on individuals outside the be studied were included. Fifty-seven nism designed to avoid rejection (10)
household. In other words, persons percent of eligible patients agreed to and 12 items from Link’s Beliefs
with mental illness who reported participate. Additional details about About Devaluation–Discrimination
avoiding social interaction to avoid sample selection are available else- Scale (11). Withdrawal was measured
exposure to rejection because of where (15). Institutional review board by asking the respondents to indicate
their mental illness also indicated approval was obtained for this study, the extent to which they agreed with
that they turned to members of their and all the participants gave informed statements such as “It is easier for me
own family rather than to persons consent. to be friends with people who have
outside the family for emotional and Patients were enrolled in the study been psychiatric patients” and “After
practical support. between October 1993 and Septem- being in psychiatric treatment, it is a
One implication of these findings is ber 1995; seven-month follow-up data good idea to keep what you are think-
that the adoption of coping strategies were collected approximately through ing to yourself.”
that reduce the stigmatized person’s April 1996. The attrition rate over the Beliefs about devaluation and dis-
range of social contacts—for exam- seven-month follow-up period was 20 crimination were measured by having
ple, withdrawal—may in fact further percent. A comparison of the socioe- the respondents report the extent to
handicap social adaptation and delay conomic and clinical characteristics of which they agreed with statements
recovery or limit the prospects of re- the participants who remained in the such as “Most people feel that enter-
covery. To investigate this possibility, study at seven months with those lost ing a mental hospital is a sign of per-
we evaluated the impact of concerns to follow-up found that the latter sonal failure” and “Most employers
about stigma among persons with a were more likely to be inpatients at will pass over the application of a for-
diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder baseline (χ2=4.52, df=1, p=.03). No mer mental patient.” All statements
on their social adaptation over time other significant differences were were rated on a 4-point scale with an-
within and outside of the family. found. chors ranging from “agree strongly”
Most studies of the stigma associat- to “disagree strongly.” The scale
ed with mental illness have focused Measures demonstrated adequate internal con-
on persons with schizophrenia or Baseline assessments were conducted sistency (Cronbach’s alpha=.83).
chronic mental illness; however, within one week of discharge from The interview version of the Social
there are indications that persons the index inpatient admission or with- Adjustment Scale (SAS) (19) was
with bipolar illness may also be ex- in one week of entry into a new epi- used at baseline and at seven-month
posed to stigma (13). On the basis of sode of outpatient care. The Schedule follow-up to evaluate participants’
findings from previous studies, we for Affective Disorders and Schizo- adaptive social functioning over the
hypothesized that strong concerns phrenia, Lifetime Version (SADS-L) previous three months. The extended
about stigma at baseline would pre- (16) was used to establish lifetime di- family subscale and the social leisure
dict impaired social functioning over agnosis and to rate the nature of the subscale of the SAS were used to
time among persons diagnosed as patient’s index episode of illness— evaluate participants’ adaptive social
having bipolar illness. We further manic versus depressed. The expand- functioning with their family and with
predicted that after baseline social ed version of the Brief Psychiatric their broader social network, respec-
functioning had been controlled for, Rating Scale (BPRS) (17), developed tively. The extended family subscale
concerns about stigma would be by Lukoff and colleagues (18) to in- assesses the quality of the respon-
found to have a more serious impact corporate the psychotic and affective dent’s relationships with his or her
on patients’ social interaction with in- symptoms associated with bipolar dis- parents, siblings, in-laws, and chil-
dividuals outside their families than order, was used to evaluate symptom dren living away from home along
on their interaction with family severity. The 24-item, interviewer-ad- eight dimensions: friction, reticence,
members. ministered instrument uses a 7-point withdrawal, dependency, rebellious-
1628 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ December 2001 Vol. 52 No. 12
ness, worry, guilt, and resentment. The Table 1
social leisure subscale assesses the Characteristics at baseline of individuals diagnosed as having mental illness who par-
quantity and quality of social interac- ticipated in a study of the effects of concerns about stigma on social functioning1
tions outside the family, including the
number of close friends and social in- Characteristic N or mean±SD % Range
teractions and the experienced de-
gree of friction, social discomfort, Female 158 58
hurt feelings, boredom, loneliness, Age (years) 38.46±13.55 15–82
and ease of confiding. Ethnicity
White 205 84
The global ratings made immedi- Nonwhite 38 16
ately after the interview were used to Socioeconomic status2
measure these dimensions of social I to II 49 22
adaptation over the previous three III 72 33
months and to assess overall adjust- IV to V 98 45
Marital status
ment during this time frame. Patients Married or cohabiting 68 27
were rated on 7-point Likert scales on Single 184 73
which 1 indicates excellent adjust- Living with family 142 54
ment and 7 indicates very severe mal- Inpatient 165 64
adjustment. The SAS marital and SADS-L3 diagnosis
Bipolar I 135 53
parental subscales, which assess rela- Bipolar II 25 10
tionships with spouses and children Schizoaffective disorder, manic type 93 37
living at home, respectively, were not Age at onset of illness (years) 20.85±11.60 10–82
included in this study, because only a Lifetime number of psychiatric
relatively small number of patients admissions 5.58±8.73 0–75
had spouses and children. The work 1 Ns range from 219 to 264.
subscale was not used, because it 2 Based on the Hollingshead-Redlich two-point scale (30); I indicates higher socioeconomic status.
3 Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Lifetime Version
combines data on adjustment within
the family—for example, functioning
as a homemaker—with data on ad-
justment outside the family—for ex- total BPRS score at baseline, the total were white, female, and single. Most
ample, adaptation to competitive em- stigma score at baseline, and the pa- had a primary diagnosis of bipolar I
ployment—and thus precludes exam- tient’s marital status were entered si- disorder and a relatively large number
ination of our hypothesis on the ef- multaneously to identify the contri- of psychiatric inpatient admissions.
fects of stigma on social adaptation bution of the stigma variable to social Onset of the illness had occurred at a
with family members compared with outcome while controlling for the ef- relatively early age. All the partici-
others. fects of other potential explanatory pants met criteria for a current affec-
factors. tive episode at baseline—49 percent
Analyses To further evaluate significant find- for a manic spectrum episode and 51
Bivariate correlations were calculated ings from the initial regression analy- percent for a depressive spectrum
with the Pearson r product-moment ses, the seven-month item-level data episode. About two-thirds were inpa-
correlation coefficient to identify so- from the global scales were subjected tients when they entered the study.
ciodemographic variables and clinical to a principal components analysis, The participants’ mean±SD BPRS
characteristics—for example, inpa- and additional, exploratory models score at baseline was 39.42±10.34.
tient versus outpatient and bipolar were run by using the resulting factor The mean global ratings assigned on
spectrum diagnosis—associated with scores as dependent variables. This an- the SAS at baseline and at seven-
the outcome variables for inclusion in alytic strategy enabled us to specify month follow-up, respectively, were
the multivariate models. Of all the more precisely the dimensions in so- 3.02±1.25 and 2.83±1.15 for the ex-
variables evaluated, only the partici- cial adjustment at seven months that tended family subscale, 3.49±1.41 and
pant’s marital status and BPRS score were affected by the patients’ percep- 3.27±1.36 for the social leisure sub-
at baseline were significantly correlat- tions of stigma at baseline. In these scale, and 3.91±1.14 and 3.58±1.21
ed with any of the measures of social models the global score for the rele- for the overall adjustment subscale.
adjustment; these were included in vant domain was used to control for
the multivariate models described the effects of baseline functioning on Predictors of social
below. seven-month adaptation. adjustment: global scales
Multiple regression models were As Table 2 shows, concerns about
then run with each of the three glob- Results stigma significantly predicted adjust-
al measures of social adjustment as an Sample characteristics ment at seven-month follow-up as
outcome variable. In each model, the Demographic and clinical character- measured on the social leisure sub-
corresponding baseline value for that istics of the sample are presented in scale (b=.151, t=2.37, df=177, p=
dimension of social functioning, the Table 1. Most of the participants .019), even after symptom level, base-
PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ December 2001 Vol. 52 No. 12 1629
Table 2
Baseline predictors of study participants’ scores on subscales of the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS) at seven-month follow-up
Predictor β b p β b p β b p
SAS score .491 .508 <.001 .393 .413 <.001 .522 .498 <.001
Brief Psychiatric
Rating Scale score .019 .006 .93 .164 .063 .37 .049 .018 .81
Marital status –.229 –.075 .25 –.056 –.022 .75 –.194 –.072 .27
Stigma total score .420 .151 .02 .250 .105 .13 .261 .106 .10
1 r2=.304, adjusted r2=.288
2 r2=.217, adjusted r2=.199
3 r2=.310, adjusted r2=.284
line functioning, and sociodemo- el, were not significant predictors in positive and significant predictors of
graphic covariates had been con- any domain, after baseline social psychological isolation and behavioral
trolled for. By contrast, concerns adaptation had been controlled for. avoidance. Baseline social leisure
about stigma at baseline were not a functioning was also a positive and
significant predictor of social adjust- Factor analysis and significant predictor of both factors,
ment at seven months on the SAS ex- exploratory models whereas baseline BPRS scores pre-
tended family subscale, either before The principal components analysis dicted poorer functioning on the psy-
or after symptom level and baseline for the SAS social leisure subscale chological isolation factor alone. In-
functioning in this domain had been produced three orthogonal factors. terestingly, a participant’s marital sta-
controlled for. Thus, as hypothesized, Factor 1, psychological isolation, had tus was differentially related to the
individuals who reported higher lev- high loadings (greater than .50) on so- psychological isolation and behavioral
els of concern about stigma at base- cial discomfort, loneliness, and bore- avoidance factors. Being married pre-
line had more impaired social func- dom. Factor 2, behavioral avoidance, dicted decreased psychological isola-
tioning in interactions with persons had high loadings on diminished con- tion but increased behavioral avoid-
outside their family but not in inter- tacts, reticence, and diminished inter- ance seven months after the index
actions with family members. actions. Factor 3, rejection sensitivity, episode of illness.
The effect of stigma in the model had high loadings on friction and hy-
predicting seven-month functioning persensitivity. Together the three fac- Discussion
on the overall adjustment subscale tors explained 53.7 percent of the cu- The findings of this study demon-
was not significant. Baseline social mulative variance. strate that concerns about stigma as-
adjustment was a significant predictor As Table 3 shows, the regression sociated with mental illness reported
of functioning at seven months in all models that used the three seven- by persons diagnosed as having bipo-
three domains. Conversely, marital month social leisure scale factors as lar affective disorder during an acute
status and baseline BPRS score, al- dependent variables demonstrated phase of their illness adversely affect-
though significant at the bivariate lev- that stigma concerns at baseline were ed an aspect of their social adaptation
Table 3
Baseline predictors of study participants’ scores on the social leisure subscale of the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS) at seven-
month follow-up
Predictor β b p β b p β b p
SAS score .171 .228 <.01 .332 .447 <.001 –.010 –.014 .87
Brief Psychiatric
Rating Scale score .454 .197 .01 .074 .032 .66 .265 .112 .18
Marital status –.420 –.189 .01 .321 .146 .04 –.199 –.088 .28
Stigma total score .301 .144 <.05 .286 .138 .05 .069 .032 .69
1 r2=.206, adjusted r2=.186
2 r2=.239, adjusted r2=.219
3 r2=.025, adjusted r2=.000