This document contains a transcript of a phone intake with a male patient in his early 30s. He discusses a variety of chronic symptoms including night sweats, excessive thirst and hunger, throat irritation, skin issues like eczema, sensitivity to light and sound, insomnia, nightmares, and emotional instability. He traces many of these issues back to traumatic experiences during his time in the Peace Corps in Tanzania over 10 years ago, where he was robbed in his home and fears this exacerbated his existing conditions related to his diagnosis of neurofibromatosis.
This document contains a transcript of a phone intake with a male patient in his early 30s. He discusses a variety of chronic symptoms including night sweats, excessive thirst and hunger, throat irritation, skin issues like eczema, sensitivity to light and sound, insomnia, nightmares, and emotional instability. He traces many of these issues back to traumatic experiences during his time in the Peace Corps in Tanzania over 10 years ago, where he was robbed in his home and fears this exacerbated his existing conditions related to his diagnosis of neurofibromatosis.
This document contains a transcript of a phone intake with a male patient in his early 30s. He discusses a variety of chronic symptoms including night sweats, excessive thirst and hunger, throat irritation, skin issues like eczema, sensitivity to light and sound, insomnia, nightmares, and emotional instability. He traces many of these issues back to traumatic experiences during his time in the Peace Corps in Tanzania over 10 years ago, where he was robbed in his home and fears this exacerbated his existing conditions related to his diagnosis of neurofibromatosis.
This document contains a transcript of a phone intake with a male patient in his early 30s. He discusses a variety of chronic symptoms including night sweats, excessive thirst and hunger, throat irritation, skin issues like eczema, sensitivity to light and sound, insomnia, nightmares, and emotional instability. He traces many of these issues back to traumatic experiences during his time in the Peace Corps in Tanzania over 10 years ago, where he was robbed in his home and fears this exacerbated his existing conditions related to his diagnosis of neurofibromatosis.
(is a male, early 30s. He has neurofibromitosis, and as a complication, lost his leg at age 10. I have treated his son and his wife. His son also has NF, he is 2 years old.) What i’m trying to look for... not really sure where to start, with the process. One of the things i have that is, had for a long time, not sure what causes it. Bad nightsweats. Will be a really smelly nightsweat. When i get it, almost like in cycles. Not able to pin it down, not thought about it enough. Hard to really pin down to any one place. Trying to think... other things going on. More so, in terms of a long term span of events. One of the things hard time with, i know that i am hungry and thirsty a lot. I think more so than normal. Will keep drinking water. Perpetual thing in my throat, thing in the back of my throat that’s itchy. Been there years and years and never really gone way. The symptom things i have, are focused in upper body, not lower body. Weird.. indicator things. Seem to have continual things going on... respiratory tract. Not sure if that’s why i’m so thirsty because throat going crazy. For a long time, most of my life, like a kid. Parents said just clear my throat- doesn't’ go away. been there for a long time. Emotional stuff...definitely.. a little oversensitive about things. Tends to lead to me getting upset, getting really sad or angry or something. Depends on where my state is before. That has gotten a lot worse since in Tanzania. (my note: I know from treating JP’s wife that J’s behavior is abusive. It was much, much worse after her returned from Peace Corp in Tanzania 10 years ago. Although it has gotten better, he explodes. J does not come right out and say that in our consultation) Try to figure out things to help me be more emotionally stable. sensitivities, heightened sensitivities, hard to deal with. Noise and light...might be due to NF. Talked a little to geneticist... hard to say. Harder to know for sure. I know that a lot of time, it seems like there will be long periods of time will be pretty good, then emotional turmoil. Really upset. (constant... all light is pretty bad. the brighter the light the worse. anything that is a repetitive noise... crunching, tapping. Effect me... feel in my head really loud. repetitive. love music and bright light, seems brighter to me than it really is. I feel really... it’s a stressful event for me. when i wake up in the morning, light really bothers me. extreme... feel it in the front of my head. in the frontal cortex, hurts. The sounds, makes me nervous and anxious. Feels jarring inside my head; louder to me than others. Someone will someone will say something from far off and i can hear them. Certain sounds. really attuned to. Crunching... really loud to me. Like physical pain inside my head. Like i can’t deal with it. pain in front of head too. High pitch changes... classical music through tablet speakers... really tinny... hurts my head) Had to take methloquin for malaria for a long while. read a lot about it, think it had some sort of effect. Think exacerbated everything prior to that point. Seemed like when i came home, granted it was not the best situation, not an easy place to live for anybody. Left me with some residual stress about things. Underlying fears. Always had a hard time sleeping. Gotten way worse. Basically forced you to take it (the methloquin). In the warnings- never to take more than 6months... except in Peace Corp. Gave me hallucinogenic type dreams. Got malaria twice while on it; took doxycycline. 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P used to have long periods of insomnia... a couple of days not sleeping at all. Now, just really restless sleep occasionally a night i can’t sleep at all in general more restless in my sleep than average once i wake up, just really tough even if only sleeping for an hour, tough to get back to sleep (clearing throat) emotional things get exacerbated... really tired, just not going to feel up to the challenge of whatever you are trying to do. It’s tough because i don’t really know...tried different things to try and piece it together. assume there is something going on. The nightsweats are really alarming. been around for long enough now, there’s something that goes on there with it. Pretty clear that i am having bad nightmares sometimes in Tanzania, extremely rural, no electricity. really really dark. no electricity for miles in no direction... one night, my house got broken into while i was in it didn't have my leg on. woke up to it... really scary The way people interact is different. If you’re caught stealing from someone, the local people will just execute you in some way. People are fearful of that. Crimes are really violent, the person doing the crime doesn't want to get caught. Usually either maim or kill the person involved. Not a good experience. Has affected me. since that point, the sleeping thing more, way more hyper vigilant at night. Hear noises and things, freaks me out. Don’t get panic, but startles me. Can’t get back to sleep again... feel like i’m at that point, up for a couple of hours. i don’t know... (he’s pretty much talking nonstop.. I haven’t asked a clarifying question or anything) I didn’t get much sleep at all last night a little groggy...jumping around Emotional things... seems to me... and this may be a personality thing or indicator, I tend to not really, i won’t talk enough about the things going on until really bad, bothering me. Way too easily... will bother me a little bit over time and then ahhhh! feeling overwhelmed. I do know that i have a hard time stopping my brain from worrying all the time. Thinking, over analyzing. Do find myself can’t stop thinking... not classic racing thought. In depth analytic thinking for way too long... just keep on it. Replaying the whole scenario, concept... gets in the way of other things. Leads to more of everything. I’ve noticed over the last few years things have changed... lately one of [my wife’s] friends does cranio-sacral and she did a session with me and was intense.. changed... been really upset all the time, really sensitive. Maybe moved stuck energy. I’m going to have another session with her on Monday. Pretty good. Hopeing that whatever has transferred... I think i’ve been more emotional than most people. Getting sad about things. Extreme sad or happy. more than the average person I guess. that’s always been that way since i was a little kid. 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P Can’t really remember enough... 10 years ago, can't remember before that time. How my interaction was, how i felt about things. don't remember being so upset about things. Quite so extremely upset. Don’t recall getting so upset and angry about things prior to that (Tanzania)... everyone gets irritated or frustrated. Seems like a turning point. Things were different after that. Not sure if was stress of Tanzania, being there, after...such a complicated situation. Such a different part of the world. A lot to take on as a foreigner there... You realize... a lot of emotional stress. No matter what, you have it better than anyone around you. When i came home from Tanzania, felt guilt around everything i did. even [my wife] and i don’t live very consuming lifestyle, but is in the big scheme. Not sure if that changed in my makeup, how i externally do things. Clear difference for me in that. For a long time, feeling bad about things. .. anyhoo I have a lot of ton of skin problems. Especially on my hands, legs and thighs. Hard during the winter. Been since a kid. chronic eczema, red, itchy skin, bumpy. Get it really sensitive to chemicals. even benign ones... soap. Really even basic soaps will irritate my skin. If i get drop or 2 of water on my arm, if not totally submerged in water, will really bother me. Will feel like something is on me. My skin is really sensitive to it, haven’t figured it out. Will be consuming in that moment. splashed with a little bit of water. In my face, ok. On arms, or foot... really sensitive. Don't ‘get eczema on foot, maybe just ankle. Skin sensitivity things, always really been pretty problematic for me. Sometime if i stick my hand 1/2 way in the water, that area will get the worst. If I look at myself now- covered in skin things. Will bump up, raise up. like It’s way worse in winter time, most people have that, but is in the summer too. Frequently have itchy skin during summer months as well. I think i’m hotter too than most people are. [My wife] is always cold... she will typically be colder. Its hard for me to say, in general hotter...i’ll be wearing less than most people around me. i’ll still be hot. Shorts/tshirt and others in jeans/long sleeves. Will be feeling hot. Always been a radiator for heat, since really really young. Was really hot as a kid. Troubling things... dealing with daily things. Don't’ know, in terms of with homeopathy... wondered if there's a hormonal imbalance. NF has extreme effect on pituitary gland. Had a ton of anesthesia as a kid. They would just go and knock me out when i had an xray. Harder to give a baby x-ray awake. Now they don't’ do that. I had a ton of anesthesia...not sure how many. More than 20. I know that. I had like 15 surgeries, and also for x-rays. I know that will affect your hormones too... I know affected my teeth quite a bit... had bone graphs, taking bones out of my hips and put into my leg. 4 of those. Always really prone to infection... would over do on antibiotics... will make you more prone to infection in the long run. Before, they would just give me the antibiotics, 3 bags, before the operation. and then i would get sick. one time i did get really sick. When i had my leg cut off, had a bad staph infection. hospitalized for close to a month i was 10. Got to the point where i was so sick, didn’t know what to do. Typical.. my cast fell off, there was no one who could put my cast back on. Had to discharge to send me to the doctor... ridiculous. Were all worried because of infection. I went home, wasn't’ going back to the hospital. at that point- I got better pretty quick after going home. Not 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P being in a hospital. Cure-all for most people. That was significant when i was a kiddo, My medical situation. Also... when i was having all those bone grafts, everything was focused on my left leg (now gone)... one foot is never on the ground. I notice sometimes... you use everything..mechanics work differently. (joking, good sense of humor)... Artifical leg doesn’t help me function the same way. I have noticed over time...been told before can produce high blood pressure because body doesn't know... kind of get that, but seems hard to believe that 25 years later my body doesn’t know. Not sure if any indicator...always had pretty high blood pressure. Like they say i should take high BP meds. I’m so young... would be taking the rest of my life... the only solution for me is exercising 5 times a week or so. Will have a more consistent Bp, higher than it should be. Always been attributed these symptoms... linked... warmer... being hotter, then skin itching more. been so pervasive in m life. haven’t thought enough about my childhood to connect it more. Haven’t thought about that time in a long time. Always been really hot and itchy and sensitive to things. Always been there. How i interpret and deal is different since i was in Tanzania... hard to say. So many thing are different than they were prior. Hard to say what causes it.. not sure how much it matters, if cause matters more than the symptom with homeopathy... to me more on the symptoms, the issue, this is how it is presenting itself. The cause is nice to know but not sure how much it helps. not sure where some things came from. i guess that one of the things i’d like to get out of homeopathy a generalized sense of more equilibrium, feel more.. in control of emotions. Emotions be more stable. symptomatic things, the hottness and itchiness... assume that is all related. All seem nervous system things... with NF, am going to have some nervous system thing. tried other things that haven’t really worked. Skin is tough... have tried more than anything is the last few years, staying away from cream, going for oils and beeswax based things. keep it from breaking down to where its super painful. helping or making worse? (theorizing about skin stuff... ) is there an order/theory about homeopathy? emotional or physical? layering there? I’m just curious I focus on Tanzania a lot... a huge impact on my life. as far as events go...impacted me a lot. it’s hard to adjust... really strange. people don’t really in general don't’ want to hear about the rest of the world. People just don’t care. No one wants to hear about it.. they have their preconceived notions.. I assume... just from general interacting. People say stupid things all the time. Affected me. Made me more angry. Not sure how to deal with the emotions of it all. Been overly emotional. Not sure how to deal with my emotions. Where i learned the kind of behavior. My parents were very nice, i like them and talk to them and try to have a good relationship with them and don't’ see a reason not to. Not going to do them any good to have bitterness toward me or my brothers. they are both 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P fairly self-absorbed people. Neither one of them, will ever have any real meaningful conversation they will end up blaming me and my older brother for their own issues. ridiculous. Stems from there, but hard for me to place. But Tanzania, a major change... we all have those events that we’ll never be the same after. I think everyone has that. They change and rebuild and break things down. Affected me more, was in early 20s... the neo- coming of age period. Post college. Decide who you really are, formulating that person. A strange place to formulate that in... feel that part of me is stuck there. really odd... never thought of it being a big deal. Had so continuously, more aware of it lately. A continuing dream... somehow i get back to Tanzania... weird manipulating the state dept. to bring me back there. Once they separate you from a country, hard to go back. Why would you ever go back? tough to travel anywhere for awhile, stupid 911 stuff... I was in the Peace Corp. I actually got medically separated because of my leg... stupidity. Maybe that has something to do with it. My leg fell apart there, had a leather corset that holds the leg on because i hurt my knee bad after having no leg for 10 years, fell off a bus and wrecked my knee. I told them i need to go somewhere dry, not wet. From my roof i could see the ocean, most humid region of the country. My leg fell apart constantly. Medically separated me... honorable discharge form the army kind of thing. They aren’t really forcing me to leave, but if it comes down to it, we will. Had this dream where i keep going back and when i first went there in a little village,there was a town with a hub and the village i was in, so i’m in the village and i’m driving. Almost always driving in the dream. In between moragora (town) and village, i end up in this other dimension, where i’m stuck. like i’m lost... where i am in Tanzania, but don't’ remember. not between those 2 places. Maybe a couple of miles. i walked it. Not a far distance. Between.. there’s nothing there. I have this feeling i’m stuck and can’t get home. Weird.. stuck emotional block. i’ve always kind of attributed it to that scary event, the break in. Was traumatic. Wonder if more to it than that. An event that’s easy for me to place on... the extreme poverty everywhere you look. really poor... when i was there. When I was there it was the 2nd poorest country in the world and i was in the poorest region. Seeing how bad it gets for people, in your face. Constantly seeing this in dirt houses, not clean and sanitary. Not good for humanity to exist at all...crazy too... 100 years ago... even 50 years ago, all lush growing land. Now Monsanto planted corn there and a desert. Now its a desert and dirt. Still life there... but not good. Had a big effect.... some of the things are problematic, but worse. Exacerbated. a block there... worse or hard for me to overcome the things i would have normally overcome. One of the things in general that is funny.... the things most people get hung up on don’t bother me, but other things that don't bother others do. Like, my leg. People will say its so inspirational... doing things w/o my leg. I’m like whatever. Just something you have to deal with. But little things bother me a lot... think about way more than I should. Why am i getting so upset about this thing someone said, did... how i interpret... carried away in my own space of how it bothers me. overall... that is one of the things.. affects me 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P continuously everyday. Getting more worked up and upset about things that don’t matter. Really big things too... don't get bitter about my family, things like that. That is easy for me to just let it roll off. Just how it is- your own things... get more focused on everyday and daily things. Feel like is attacking... what they say or do. In retrospect, can see they weren’t meaning that. What people are saying about my character...affects me more than it should. I tend to internalize things- it may not be the case at all, but that’s how ti feels. that’s the way things will come in. ? example ? A lot of times, i feel like... i will say something. [My wife] as an example, she will say something to me about what I'm doing, if that’s not how i’m feeling or what i’m saying. She will say what i’m feeling/thinking...”you just think xyz” i feel the need to explain that isn't’ how i’m thinking or feeling... like i’m not being understood. That’s the root of human misundestanding. Feel it on a really deep level. Feel scared. Feel a heightened sense of fear, pretty pervasive. Not rational. So strange about our modern human life... removed ourself from fear inducing things to now things that aren’t rational. We don’t have tigers chasing us (laughing)... still will have that feeling... kind of scared... Will turn into something else. Will depend it i can get away from whatever is making me feel that way. ? feels like... i’m not being listened to or valued. Changes how i feel about myself. Like less about myself. Am i really communicating this bad? I think it creates this cycling though pattern for me. Why is this happening? super jittery... sensitive. Feel more in my head than anywhere else. Like i get disconnected from situation. Need to explain what I am saying/doing. I have a job where i communicate with people all day long. People say i’m communicating clearly... I can explain things. More the emotions. My emotions or feelings or thoughts are not being heard or understood. Push my buttons... anxiety... feeling like I... feel really disconnected in that moment, in my self and higher self. The emotion is so powerful... so controlling of the situation, but so evasive at the same time. Can't lay my finger on it or do anything about it. Not being really in control I guess. Symptomatically... its all cerebral. Stuck inside my own head. Even in the moment..or after the moment... I feel so irrational to have thought that way for any length of time. Can’t always grasp on to that in that moment. feeling emotionally wounded... assume has developed over the years. Parents... that weren’t super nice. Weren’t supportive in anyway. Assume on some level... want people who are important in my life to understand me. ? Both my parents were pretty emotionally disconnected from us as kids... i don't’ think either of them wanted kids. Were really young. Weren’t horrible, but not nice to us either. Esp. me more than my older brother. I was more difficult to deal with, in hospital, needing to drag me around places. They would tease me more than my brother...poke fun, make fun of. Weird events that don’t really make sense. When i was 8 years 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P old...when i was a kid. Really sensitive to foods, and still am. Some really bother me, weird reactions. Tomatoes made me sick... one time my brother and mom were throwing rotten tomatoes at me, chasing me around. .. nothing was ever right for them. (voice cracking... a little hoarse) Nothing was ever a good job. They just had a lot of ... unrealistic expectations. Hard too because... my brother is really able bodied and smart. I think that was a hard spot. It was a measuring stick... not necessarily realistic... made it harder. I became more the brunt of whatever was going on. My older brother, was really mean in terms of to me. Abusive to me... he would do things pretty sadistic. Both my parents were pretty abusive to both of us... verbally and physically. Less mom on physical side. Older brother... would just do weird things. Stab me with something... make weapons... silly things like that, in retrospect seem totally crazy... ?on your own? In retrospect... i guess so. I did a lot by myself... didn’t necessarily feel that way, but as an adult i would never let my kids be in a situation like that, even close to that. Doesn’t seem like a very good idea... the things that’s hard about all of it... what I remember. I would draw something, tell me it’s not right... to just a kid. Just strange sort of childhood... as i’ve gotten older... tried to just be like ‘whatever’ doesn’t do me any good to hold animosity toward people. Even as a young adult... need to just throw that stuff off. Everyone is where they are. (he’s crying a lot) I’m super direct and willing to process things and talk about things... i’ve always been open to talking about my family. None of them are the type to talk but they bring it back to you. What’s the point?... more just upsetting. Now in a place where everyone talks... at least on the social level. I see them, want my kids to know their grandparents a lot. Don't’ want them to not know them. It would be nice to have them recognize something... don't ‘think that’s realistic..but need to be at peace with it. When it comes down to it, when i start thinking about it it really bothers me. Really easy for me to... not to make excuses for them. People do stupid things, that’s how it is. Who am i to judge you for who you are... all you can do is make yourself better in life and move forward. I don't think they share that sort of sentiment. Neither or them or my brother would stop to admit anything about themselves, any flaws. Don’t want to be confronted on those things. That’s where my over directness comes from- do you mean this? or do you mean that? rejecting everything that i grew up around. I could never deal with that indirectness about everything... kind of like a crutch.. there are social behaviors... I wish i didn’t feel the need to be so direct. I can recognize a clear point in my life when i realized... that my family isn't’ clear about anything. Other families would be direct and clear and so I adopted that and when you’re young you take it to the extreme. If someone asks me my opinion.. i tell them. Most of us are a little too guarded. It affects the way I think about the world. That’s why i feel such a deep... becomes cerebral analytical... have a deep scorpio mindset, fixing things, make sense to me. Organize in my head and fix it.. have that ability to look at something and figure out how to do a project and foresee and know what’s going to happen along the way. Affects me in the negative way, that side of me is 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P clearly telling me this is not how I feel, why are you telling me that....bothers me more. probably because of how I grew up. Constantly devalued. Lesser than the others around me, emotions mattered less. Not important... the way i now view those situations. When i’m really upset about something, it’s how someone is perceiving me. That stressor keeps me upset enough that it becomes pervasive in other areas. Don’t like being misunderstood for whatever reason... affects me way more than it should. Be good if i can find out why. To move beyond that. Pervasive anxiety... feel like i just need to get a handle on it. Harder to deal with and manage now. That issue feels more urgent that it ever has. I can’t... its not helpful to externalize those things. Can’t go my whole life feeling this constant sense of anxiety over things. Not a helpful strategy for me at all. Tried to over time, hard for me to get a hold on that feeling of not being listened to or valued or whatever. Distracting me now more than ever in the past. Having kids, more of an impact on me. Don’t want my kids to not feel listened to or valued. The people who are supposed to care about me in life i feel that effect more than other people. With others doesn’t really matter. My work... so micromanaged... work for a large corporation. So ridiculous. The stress of my job is how to process... can i say this word or not, everything is recorded... the health insurance is key for me. It costs so much money for me to exist. Follow up questions on physicals: Soapy water affects me more than other water..being splashed. Doesn't always do it- in a more sensitive period for my skin. Raise up little bumps. if i don't dry off enough quickly after a shower, will be itching. Warm water, if in the middle. Really cold bothers me less. if i’m outside and get splashed, affects me less than inside. love swimming. bad... the sweat is really smelly. not normal sweat at all. will need to wash the sheets the next day. will be soaking wet, the sheets will be soaking wet. i think most of the time, having nightmares, but don't’ remember. Sometimes moving around, not always. Period of time getting them really bad... had them recently. Having a bad dream. Will wake up and be extremely hot, crazy. Will need to take a cold shower and still be hot. Body temp just rise. Maybe a week or two in a row and then not for awhile... only recently started paying attention to in the last year or so. Told it was a NF thing. Really stinky sweat- not body odor. Like putrid, musky. ? will stain things... hard to know with the color of the sheets. regular perspiration is just that) maybe had for a long time when i was younger. Some blocks of time i can’t remember at all.. in general. But don’t remember them getting to the point where i needed to change my sheets. Not sure if happened before or after Tan. My memory of my life before then is so bad. 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P My leg... what keeps the leg on is silicone... impossible to let it get enough air. You have to wear it more than people would think. Even with crutches. hard not to wear a leg. over the last year or so, have had more skin breakdown on my leg because leg doesn’t fit me right. Throat clearing- sdrives me nuts. Part of it is, what’s hard. Have a job where I talk all the time. don't’ ever get a break from talking. Work in dry, stale environment. Always been there. Coughing makes it go away. Comes right back. I cough... builds in intensity, cough and gone, builds, cough and gone. had a weird respiratory thing last week. Happens all the time. Since i was a little kid... feels like there’s a constant itch that never goes away. the cough scratches it a bit... weird.. the itch will feel lower in my throat... like a little lower down than normal. helps for a second, then come right back. Always there. Feels a little dry sometimes. drinking water a double edge sword... too much then constantly having to go to the bathroom. I think the thirstiness comes from the dryness... don’t need to drink water. That sensation of thirst is coming from that throat feels dry and scratchy and itchy. feels really rough. Gurgly, like a pile of pebbles. like a little rock in your shoe. Can tolerate but constantly there. not coughing anything up. Gets worse if talking a lot... seems like pretty pervasive throughout the year. all day and night... sometimes keeps me up. if i just lie down, notice it, gets a bit worse. Definitely lean toward that hypostatic blood pressure thing, lie down or stand up quick crazy vertigo. Need to put my head in my hands but would fall over. Can’t find balance at all. vertigo is standing up... get them the most doing sit-ups... raising and lowering my head. feel like i’m spinning and falling. last 30-45 seconds. Got bad migraines when i was younger. drank tons of coffee. have tried to cut back on that. i love coffee, probably drink more than i need to. more stress headaches. pressure in the front of the head. Phantom pains from leg... Good allergies... doctor osteopath. good for a western doc, pretty hip. thought i had a lot of leaky gut type issues. when they cut into my hip, not enough room for my organs. doc i saw in the peace corp- not enough room in rib cage for organs. had a heart murmur when younger. stopped drinking cream in my coffee.. that went away. sensitive to dairy. organs kind of crushed a little too tightly. digestion issues. more stomach problems- no, not really diarrhea or constipation. OVer the years, manage it more. Sensation of being full doesn't’ kick in for me. stomach rumbling... internal liquidy sounds... family history - dad’s side: cancer and diabetes. grandmother- colon cancer... her daughter had Hodgkin’s disease. mom’s side: heart problems and diabetes... everyone does over the age of 40. grandmother died of heart attack... survived but not for long after. mom has, uncle... aunts birth- when exposed in 245D or T... depends on version. Watered down agent orange herbicide. They know that... can’t prove it. What caused my birth defect around where i was born, where CPM was spraying the high tension sires. Kids born with missing organs... severe chemical 10/16/13 Phone intake, Constitutional call with J.P exposure. When i was born, missing parts of fibia and tibia... leg was crumpled. Thought leg broke In utero. Don't ‘know about birth itself, except leg was all screwed up. Parents said for the first couple years, I was really subdued and mellow. Pretty non-reactionary. Easiest kid... didn’t have the energy to do anything. Tired and really sick. Get really sick every winter in beginning of winter, every year. Crazy influenza strains, horrible. Fever 104-105, have me in a cold bath. Happened every year until had leg cut off when I was 10. Had something to do with the leg. Wore a brace, had metal rods, still got spiral compound fractures. Happened no matter. No one really knows... leg does and does not have to do with NF. They really don’t know, crazy disorder. Don’t understand a lot about it. Bone grafts would never take... NF sends out incorrect information about how to produce blood cells in different parts of the body. Got it from the spraying, but can be a carrier for it (why son has it). Spontaneous mutation, then becomes hereditary. ? I wanted to do... studied psychology. Fascinated by what makes people tick. In Tanzania in height of Bush administration. Thought i would be a little more conservative in my thought process... i was the liberal guy. Very organized by the policy that is in charge. Wanted us to go into the villages and teach abstinence. Was a health educator. Wanted to teach HIV prevention, clean water, disease protection through better practices. Being affected by ground water contamination, more important to me there... showed people how to dig wells to avoid getting sick.
I Cry for Help!: Autobiography/Health, My True Story<Br> Detailing the Aftermath of Child Abuse, Trauma, Stress, Combat Trauma, <Br>& Post Traumatic Stress Disorder