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Maureen O'Hara

Copyright © Maureen O'Hara 1995

The right of Maureen O'Hara to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published 1995 Reprinted 1995, 1996

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

O'Hara, Maureen.

Market microstructure theory I Maureen O'Hara.

p. em.

Includes bibliographical references and Index. ISBN 1-55786-443-8

1. Securities-Mathematical models. 2. Stock-exchange-Mathematical models. I. Title HD4515.2.020 1994



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About the Author

Maureen O'Hara is the Robert W. Purcell Professor of Finance at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Northwestern University. Professor O'Hara has also taught at the London Business School and the University of California at Los Angeles. She received the Young Scholar Recognition Award from the American Association of University Women in 1986. She is a director of both the American Finance Association and the Western Finance Association. Professor O'Hara is the co-editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation and is an associate editor at numerous finance journals. Maureen O'Hara resides in Ithaca, NY with her husband and two children.


About the Author v Foreword ix

j Chapter 1 Markets atul Market Making 1 1.1 Prices and Markets 3

1.2 The Nature of Markets 6

Chapter 2 Inventory Models 13

2.1 Order Arrival and Market Making 14 2.2 The Dealer's Problem 25

2.3 The Intertemporal Role of Inventory 29

2.4 Prices and Inventories in Competitive Markets 44 2.5 Inventory Models and Market Maker Behavior 51

v Chapter 3 Information-Based Models 53

3.1 Informed Traders and Uninformed Traders 53 3.2 The Information Content of Trades 57

3.3 The Glosten-Milgrom Model 58

3.4 Trade Quantities and Price Behavior 66

3.5 Sequential Trade Models and Price Behavior 73 Appendix: Bayesian Learning Models 77

JChapter 4 Strategic Trader Models I: Informed TraJers 89 4.1 The Strategic Behavior of an Informed Trader 90 4.2 Price Behavior and Multiple Informed Traders 106 4.3 Strategic Behavior and the Trading Mechanism 113 Appendix: Rational Expectations Models 119


Chapter 5 Strategic Trader Models II: Uninformed Traders 129 5.1 Strategic Behavior and Uninformed Traders 131

5.2 Strategic Behavior and Long-lived Information 140

5.3 Strategic Behavior and Security Returns 143

5.4 The Robustness of Strategic Models 150

Chapter 6 Information atul the Price Process 153 6.1 Information and the Sequence of Prices 154 6.2 The Volume Critique 160

6.3 The Role of Time in Price Adjustment 168

Chapter 7 Marleet Viability anti Stability 179 7.1 Information and Market Viability 181 7.2 Order Form and Price Behavior 191 7.3 Policy Issues in Market Structure 205

Chapter 8 Liquidity arul the RelatioJUhipJ Betw~m MarkdJ 215 8.1 The Nature of Liquidity 216

8.2 Endogenous Liquidity and Market Performance 223

8.3 Block Trades and Alternative Trading Mechanisms 233 8.4 Information and Multimarket Activity 243

Chapter 9 lulU!! in Market PerJormanc~ 251 9.1 Market Transparency 252

9.2 Trader Anonymity 260

9.3 How to Design a Market? 268

References 273

Index 283



This book began as the basis for a ph.D. course in Market Microstructure that I taught at Cornell University. My motivation then, as it is now, was to provide a unified exposition and examination of the major models and theories used in market microstructure. These modeling issues are extensive, as microstructure has evolved from focusing primarily on inventorybased problems to being focused more recently on issues typically associated with information economics. The literature has now developed to the point that there are several widely used paradigms, but the generality of their results, and hence their applicability, is not well understood. Moreover, the complexity of the models requires a familiarity with rational expectations

m ~~_, I;!~y_esian l~g!. __ and ga~e.~~c:?~y_ .. ~_?_.~.£l?~:~iate their behavior": --For both theorists and empirical researchers, there appeared a need for a unified treatment of market microstructure theory, whence the origins of this book.

This book analyzes the development of microstructure theory from the initial inventory models through the information-based and game-theoretic paradigms of more recent research. In this development, I explain how the main theoretical models work, the evolution of the literature to that point, the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, and the issues left unaddressed. While this involves extensive discussion of the literature, the book is not intended to be the definitive literature survey of the area. My goal is the more modest (and more achievable) one of providing a general perspective on the development and evolution of market microstructure theory.

In pursuing this goal, I have chosen to focus on the topics that I find most interesting in the field. This has the somewhat unfortunate consequence that some work (particularly my own) is emphasized, while other work is perhaps not given the attention it deserves. My focus only on theoretical work also means that some of the most provocative work in


market microstructure is not included simply because it is empirical in nature. I freely acknowledge these difficulties, and hope that the sheer dimension of the field provides at least some justification for these shortcomings.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the assistance of a number of people who generously provided me with their insights and comments on these chapters. I am particularly grateful to Peter Carr, Michael Fishman, Doug Foster, Ananth Madhavan, Craig MacKinley, Duane Seppi, Matt Spiegel, and S. Viswanathan for all their help. I would also like to thank Joe Paperman for his assistance and his careful reading of the manuscript. Part of this manuscript was completed while I was at the University of Cambridge, and I acknowledge the support of Churchill College and the Department of Applied Economics. Above all, lowe a particular debt of gratitude to David Easley. His help with virtually every step of this project is thankfully acknowledged.




Markets and Market Making

Market microstructure is the study of the process and outcomes of exchanging assets under explicit trading rules. While much of economics abstracts from the mechanics of trading, the microstructure literature analyzes how specific trading mechanisms affect the price formation process. These mechanisms may involve a specific intermediary such as a stock specialist or an order clerk (a saitori), employ a centralized location such as an exchange or a futures pit, or be simply an electronic bulletin hoard in which buyers and sellers indicate an interest in trading. Whatever the specific mechanism, however, prices emerge and buyers and sellers trade.

Interest in the role of trading mechanisms has undoubtedly been spurred by the fragility of markets revealed by the market crash in 1987. And the proliferation of new markets and exchanges occurring now with remarkable speed further contributes to the appeal of the microstructure area. But underlying the study of market microstructure is a more basic curiosity: the desire to know how prices are formed in the economy. This subject, long relegated to the "black box" of economics. is fundamental to understanding how economies work to allocate goods and services.

Market microstructure research exploits the structure provided by specific trading mechanisms to model how price-setting rules evolve in markets. This provides the ability to characterize not only how different trading protocols affect price formation, but also why prices exhibit particular time .. series properties. As microstructure research is set in the markets for financial assets, this enhances our ability to understand both the returns to financial assets and the process by which markets become efficient.

In the abstract, market microstructure research is valuable for illuminating the behavior of prices and markets. This has immediate application in the regulation of markets, and in the design and formulation of new trading mechanisms. An even greater payoff, however, may come from the insights




market microstructure theories yield for empirical research. The increased availability of detailed, and in some cases real-time, data on prices, orders, and other market information allows for empirical investigations at a level of detail never before possible. But our knowledge of economic behavior over fine time intervals is not extensive. and there is need to formulate exactly what behavior is consistent with the actions of optimizing economic agents.

This book provides such a formulation by investigating the Current state of theoretical work in market microstructure. The goal of this book is not to provide an encyclopedic reference of every issue addressed in market microstructure, but rather to analyze the general paradigms used to explain market behavior. With the extensive literature emerging in this area, as, well as the burgeoning use of tools and techniques from information, economics, market microstructure theory may appear an amorphous collection of models, with little in common but subject matter. Underlying much of this research, however, is a shared focus on the information implicit in market data, and on the learning process that translates this information into prices. It is my hope in this book to provide a unified framework for understanding these connections, and a consequent appreciation for the insights available from existing theoretical research.

One interesting aspect of market microstructure theory is its evolution.

While the early work investigated issues relating to the stochastic nature of supply and demand, later work focuses more on the information-aggregation properties of prices and markets. These two approaches have not yet been wholly merged. meaning that many interesting and important dimensions of microstructure problems have not been addressed. These general paradigms have been applied to a wide range of issues, however, and it is useful to understand what these analyses have shown.

Perhaps more important are the many questions yet to be investigated in microstructure. The evolution of financial markets has raised innumerable policy issues relating to market structure and stability. And despite extensive modeling. theoretical analyses have not as yet provided definitive results on the empirical properties and behavior that security prices should possess. Such issues will undoubtedly be the focus of research agendas over the next decade. Before these issues can be understood, the more fundamental issue of how markets work must be addressed. It is to this task that we now turn.

In the remainder of this chapter, I consider the very basic question of how prices are set in markets. I illustrate the difficulties with the traditional view of price formation and, in particular, its failure to include any role for explicit trading mechanisms. I then provide a brief discussion of the types of markets used to trade financial assets. This serves as an introduction to our

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analysis in subsequent chapters of the various theoretical approaches used to explain the evolution of prices in markets.


What determines a price! In the standard economics paradigm, it is the intersection of supply and demand curves for a particular good. And certainly, in equilibrium, this must be the case. But how, exactly, is this equilibrium actually attained? What is it in the economy that coordinates the desires of demanders and suppliers so that a price emerges and trade occurs? Perhaps surprisingly, economics provides few answers to this question, and therein lies the beginnings of market microstructure research.

For economists, there were two traditional approaches to the mechanics of price formation. The first was to argue for its irrelevance. Since much of economics involves the analysis of equilibrium, what mattered for many questions were the properties of equilibrium prices. These properties could be determined by simply solving for a market-clearing price; how exactly this market clearing was achieved was not of interest. Such an agnostic approach to price setting can be found, for example, in the rational expectations literature.' There, the questions of interest involve how traders use information in prices to determine their equilibrium demands. Behavior out of equilibrium is not considered, in part because it is difficult to reconcile ever observing such behavior, let alone characterizing what its properties might be.

Two assets of this approach are its simplicity and its generality. Implicit in this approach, however, is the assumption that the trading mechanism plays no role in affecting the resulting equilibrium; that, whatever the trading mechanism employed, the same equilibrium would arise. This assumption is particularly troubling for markets in which traders have differential information. As Radner [1979] notes: "A thorough analysis of this [equilibrium] situation probably requires a more detailed specification of the trading mechanism than is usual in general equilibrium analysis. Nevertheless, it is tempting to try to obtain results that are as independent as possible of the specifics of the trading mechanism, by using some suitable concept of equilibrium." Subsequent researchers (see Blume, Bray, and Easley [1"982] for discussion) would question whether this was, in fact,

1. A similar view can be found in the work of Hicks [1939], for example. who argued that there were actually two types of equilibrium: a temporary one in which at a given date supply equaled demand, and equilibrium over time, in which stationarity of supply and demand would result in prices realized being the same as those expected to prevail. This latter equilibrium was deemed of more importance, but in neither framework was the issue how such market clearing obtains given consideration. For more discussion, see Radner [1982)'



achievable, but this abstraction from the trading mechanism dictated an indifference to the underlying mechanisms that generate equilibrium prices. 2

An alternative approach to the mechanics of price setting is the fiction of a Walrasian auctioneer. As generations of economists learned, the price formation process could be captured by the general representation of a Walrasian auctioneer, who aggregates traders' demands and supplies to find a market-clearing price. The actual mechanism by which this occurs begins with each trader submitting his demand, or even his demand schedule, to the auctioneer. The auctioneer announces a potential trading price, and traders then determine their optimal demands at that price. No actual trading occurs until each trader has a chance to revise his order. A new potential price is suggested, traders again revise any orders, and the process continues until there is no further revision. Equilibrium prevails where each trader submits his optimal order at the equilibrium price, and at that price the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded.

This representation views market prices as arising from a tattonement, or a series of preliminary auctions. There is no trading allowed outside of equilibrium and incentive issues are not considered, and so there is no difficulty of traders wishing to recontract once the "true" price is known. Because the price is adjusted until there is no excess demand, the Walrasian auctioneer does not take any trading position, but serves only to redirect quantities from sellers to buyers. Moreover, this auction activity is costless, so there are no frictions in the exchange process. The equilibrium price thus emerges as the natural outcome of an unseen trading game in which buyers and sellers costlessly exchange assets.

The Walrasian auctioneer provides a simple and elegant way to envision the price-setting process. But does it, in fact, capture the actual process by which prices are formed? Is it the case that prices evolve as naturally as is posited here, or are there other factors influencing price behavior? The answers to these questions are not immediate. As we shall discuss in the next section. in the case of financial assets, there are markets that bear at least an approximate resemblance to the W alrasian framework. But there are many other markets that differ dramatically, with specific market participants playing roles far removed from the passive one of the auctioneer. Perhaps more important is the issue of trader behavior. If trading involves more than simply matching supplies and demands in

2. In particular. researchers would investigate whether there is any trading mechanism that could implement a rational expectations equilibrium. The negative results found in this research suggest that the "temptation" noted by Radner may not have been a wise choice. This issue is discussed further in Section 4.3.

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equilibrium, then the trading mechanism may have an importance of its own.

Such concerns were raised by a number of economists, for example, Working [1953] and Houthakker [1957]. The most direct analysis of trading, however, was that of Demsetz [1968], who examined the determination of prices in securities markets. Although Demsetz's focus was on the nature of transaction costs, his analysis of how the time dimension of supply and demand affected market prices set the stage for the formal study of market microstructure.

Demsetz began with the simple observation that trade may involve some cost. This cost could be explicit, arising, for example, from charges levied by a particular market, or it could be implicit, reflecting costs connected with the immediate execution of trading. These implicit costs, referred to as the price of immediacy, arose because, unlike in the Walrasian auction, trading had a time dimension. In particular, while over time the number of sellers might equal the number of buyers, at any particular point in time such an outcome was not guaranteed. If the number of traders wishing to sell immediately did not equal the number who wished to buy immediately, the imbalance of trade would make it impossible to find a market-clearing price at a given time t.

Demsetz argued that this lack of equilibrium could be overcome by paying a price for immediacy. Specifically, he argued that at any point in time there are two sources of supply and demand in the market. On the demand side, there is one demand arising from traders who want to buy immediately, and another coming from traders who want to buy but do not feel the need to do so at this particular time. The supply side of the market is defined analogously. If there is an imbalance of traders wanting to buy now, then either some buyers have to wait for sellers to arrive, or they can offer a higher price to induce those waiting sellers to transact now. Similarly, if there is an imbalance of sellers wanting to trade now, a lower price must be bid to induce more demanders to trade now. This results in two prices, not one, characterizing the equilibrium.

This idea that the price could contain a cost of immediacy captured an aspect of the price process not envisioned in the Walrasian framework. Now there were actually two supply curves and two demand curves, reflecting the two time frames of the trading process. While a trader willing to wait might trade at the single price envisioned in the Walrasian framework, trades occurring immediately would not share this outcome. This meant that even the notion of an equilibrium price was problematic. The price depended on whether one wanted to buy or to sell, and not simply on the willingness to trade.



Of perhaps equal importance was the implication that the specific structure of the market could affect the trading price. Since the size of the price concession needed to trade immediately, i.e., the spread, depended on the numbers of traders, factors such as volume could affect the cost of immediacy and thus the market price. These structure issues were addressed by Demsetz, who empirically investigated the relation of the size of the spread and the volume of trade on the NYSE. His work suggested that the behavior of markets, much like the behavior of firms, could only be understood by examining their structure and organization.

If the actual mechanism used to set prices is not merely a channel to an inevitable outcome, but rather is an input into the equilibrium price itself, then how such mechanisms work cannot be ignored. The Demsetz model analyzes the behavior of one simple trading mechanism, but its analysis is clearly limited. Actual mechanisms are far more complicated than that in this one-period model. Indeed, the list of features not included in the Demsetz analysis is seemingly endless. Equally important, however, are the interactions between the market mechanism and trader behavior. If the trading mechanism matters in setting prices, then so too will it matter in affecting traders' order decisions. Consequently, the exogeneity of the order process to the price-setting mechanism is unlikely to hold. The question of how prices are set thus takes on a complexity far removed from the simplicity of the Walrasian auctioneer.

In the remainder of this book, we examine how trading mechanisms affect the formation of prices. While aU theoretical work involves some degree of abstraction from detail, microstructure research remains partially grounded by the features of actual market design. Consequently, at least a broad understanding of security market design is a prerequisite for the study of market microstructure. In the next section, we consider some general features of exchange markets and the alternative ways that price-setting rules are structured in actual markets. Our discussion will, by necessity, be incomplete; there are myriad ways markets are currently structured, and new market-clearing mechanisms are arising with surprising frequency. But many markets share common features. and it is these commonalties that we explore in subsequent chapters.


The process of exchange occurs in many ways. Buyers and sellers can contact each other directly. Traders can gather at a central setting or communicate through a computer screen. A single intermediary can arrange every trade, or there can be numerous individuals who meet to set prices. Whatever the setting, however, there are rules either explicit or implicit

Markets and Market Making


that govern the trading mechanism, and it is these rules that result in the formation and evolution of market prices.

As we discussed earlier, one simple set of rules could involve a sequential auction like that implicitly used by the Walrasian auctioneer. And, indeed, such a market approximates the London gold fixing.3 There, every morning at approximately 10:30 representatives from each of the five London Bullion houses meet in the offices of N. M. Rothschild to determine the spot market price for gold. The fixing begins by the chairman of the session suggesting an opening price:' The representatives then indicate whether their firm is a net buyer or a net seller at that price. The chairman announces a new price. and net buying and selling is again determined. This process continues until a price is established at which net buying and selling are equal. and each representative has indicated his approval by lowering a small British flag on his desk. That price is the morning London gold fix. A similar process is repeated in the afternoon to establish the afternoon gold fixing.

This market captures the spirit of the Walrasian auction in that the market-clearing price is determined through a sequential process and no trades occur out of equilibrium. Unlike the Walrasian process, however, the actual quantity of gold trading at the equilibrium price is unknown. Because dealers only communicate their net positions. the total amount traded can be virtually any amount.! Consequently, while the gold fixing provides a price, it lacks at least one of the attributes (physical trading) that one might expect to _find in a market. Nonetheless, by iterating from net supplies and demands to prices, the participants at the gold fixing establish a spot price for gold.

While this process determines a market price, it does so at some cost. The actual process takes place in one locale, there are a limited number of buyers and sellers actually determining the price. and it is time consuming. Only two prices are produced per day, so that intraday prices may be stale due to changes in events. Compared with a market such as foreign exchange (FX), where price quotes from a dozen or more dealers are outstanding at all times, the gold market appears archaic and inefficient. But the gold fixing and the FX market both produce market-clearing prices, and despite their differences they, like all trading mechanisms, share common features.

3. This description of the London gold market is drawn from O'Callaghan [1993].

4. The price is established for the sale of at least 2,000 ounces of gold in London deliverable in bars of 400 ounces.

5. O'Callaghan notes that while exact trading volume is not available, most of the London market's 100 to 200 tons of daily volume is believed to trade at the London fix. There are, however, many other larger markets in which gold trades, the most notable being Zurich, New York. and Hong Kong.



Any trading mechanism can be viewed as a type of trading game in which players meet (perhaps not physically) at some venue and act according to some rules. The players may involve a wide range of market participants. although not all types of players are found in every mechanism. First. of course, are customers who submit orders to buy or sell. These orders may be contingent on various outcomes, or they may be direct orders to transact immediately. The exact nature of these orders may depend upon the rules of the game. Second, there are brokers who transmit orders for customers. Brokers do not trade for their own account, but act merely as conduits for customer orders. These customers may be retail traders, or they may be other market participants such as dealers who simply wish to disguise their trading intentions. Third, there are dealers who do trade for their own account. In some markets, dealers also facilitate customer orders and so are often known as broker/dealers. Fourth, there are specialists, or market makers. The market maker quotes prices to buy or sell the asset. Since the market maker generally takes a position in the security (if only for a short time while waiting for an offsetting order to arrive), the market maker also has a dealer function. The extent, however, to which the market maker acts as a dealer can vary dramatically between markets.

These four categories include the main market participants, but they are by no means exhaustive. There are intermediaries such as block traders, who combine the brokerage and dealer functions with a broader search role. There are scalpers in futures markets who approximate the dealer role but hold no long-run market positions. The saitori, or order clerk, in Tokyo clears the market. but does so by matching orders rather than actively trading on his own account. The banks operating in the foreign markets may act as dealers for their customers. but as customers in the interdealer market. But while different markets have different specific players, their underlying functions can generally be described by the four groupings given above.

Where trading occurs is the second dimension of our trading mechanism.

Traditionally I the most common setting is the exchange, which is simply a central location for trading. Orders are sent to the exchange, and all trade execution occurs there. Exchanges are used to trade equities in New York, Madrid, and Tokyo, futures in Chicago and Osaka. and options in San Francisco and Frankfurt. Such a central physical location. however, is clearly not necessary for trading to occur. Bonds trade primarily by computer screen and telephone, as does foreign exchange. Computerized trading networks such as Instinet and POSIT trade equities for institutional traders in the US, while Globex is struggling to establish computerized trading for futures. Indeed. the newly established Arizona Stock Exchange

Markets and Market Making


is nothing more than a computer network (which originally was not even based in Arizona!).

The proliferation of trading venues means that virtually any place can be a trading mechanism. What determines the operation of the market is thus .not its location, but rather the rules by which trades occur. These rules, the 4:hird dimension of our trading game. dictate what can be traded, who can trade, when and how orders can be submitted, who may see or handle the orders. how orders are processed. and how prices are set. The rules may apply to every order submitted (such as the NYSE rule that all trades must execute on the floor of the exchange). or there may be differential rules governing various aspects of trading (such as the practice in London of clearing small volume stocks differently from large volume stocks). In any case. however. the rules determine how the mechanism works. and thus how the outcome of the trading game is decided.

Because each mechanism has its own distinctive set of rules, it is neither easy nor useful to describe how each trading mechanism works. But it is possible to discuss the operation of a specific mechanism, and detail, at least in principle, how mechanisms of that type actually work. The research in market microstructure has often focused on the behavior of the New York Stock Exchange, and so this seems a natural candidate to consider.

The NYSE currently trades equities for approximately 2,089 listed firms, with daily trading volume in 1992 averaging just over 202 million shares.t Equity trading is centered on the stock specialist, who is assigned particular stocks in which to make a market. While each listed security has a single specialist, the approximately 400 specialists may be assigned multiple stocks. Current exchange protocols assign stocks to specialists based on specialist performance and on the expected trading volume of the specific security. Lindsay and Schaede [1990] report that specialists handled an average of 3.7 stocks.

All trading on the exchange must go through the specialist, although the specialist may not be a participant in every trade. Estimates of the specialist's participation as either a buyer or seller in 1992 averaged around 19.4 percent of trades, with the specialist's role generally greater for less frequently traded stocks. In addition to all market orders (orders for immediate execution), the specialist also receives all public limit orders (orders that are contingent on price, time, etc.), and these orders are kept in the specialist'S book. On the NYSE, the book is not common knowledge,

6. The data used throughout this discussion is drawn from the New York Stock Exchangt Fact Book [1992]. It should also be noted that the New York Stock Exchange also trades a small number of bonds and, through the New York Futures Exchange, a range of futures contracts. Our discussion here considers only the equity trading mechanism.



although it is often available to traders to view at the discretion of the specialist.

Trading occurs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Mondays to Fridays, with the exception of designated holidays. Trading on the NYSE actually involves two different trading mechanisms, with a call auction used to open trading and a continuous auction used throughout the trading day _7 In a call auction, orders accumulate and the specialist sets a single market-clearing price at which all executed orders transact. In a continuous auction, the specialist quotes bid and ask prices (i.e., the price at which he or she will buy the stock and the price at which he or she will sell), and trades occur individually.

The opening call is an important feature of the NYSE mechanism. Prior to the call auction, market-on-open orders and limit orders accumulate. The Opening Automated Report Service (OARS) receives all market orders up to 30,099 shares and matches the buy and sell orders. The specialist then knows the market order imbalance as well as the limit orders at every price, and he or she endeavors to set a single market-clearing price. At this price, the specialist may take a position for her own account, or she may rely entirely on the existing limit orders to offset any market order imbalance. One goal of the specialist is price continuity; large jumps from the previous day's closing price are to be avoided if at all possible.

On occasion, the imbalance in orders at the open may make it impossible to open the market without a large price movement. In this case, the specialist may delay the open and attempt to induce more liquidity by announcing a provisional opening price. In general, the specialist is not permitted to solicit orders but must instead use prices to influence order arrivals. Once a price is determined, the stock is opened with an initial trade of all relevant orders at the opening price.

Following the open, trading reverts to a continuous-auction mechanism.

The specialist quotes bid and ask prices to buy and sell the stock up to some particular trade size, known as the depth. The specialist may not preempt a standing limit order, and so the actual quote may include orders on the book rather than the specialist's actual trading price." There is: some debate regarding the degree to which the specialist actually changes his quotes to

7. For infrequently traded stocks, the call auction might not be employed.

8. Limit orders are submitted contingent on a specific price. For a limit sell order, this price is above the current ask, and conversely it is below the current bid for a limit buy. Since there may be multiple orders submitted at a price, there must be rules for assigning priority of execution. On the NYSE, priority is assigned by price. quantity. and time. There are also other types of contingent orders in the market, and they, too, have priority over the market maker in execution. These issues are considered in more detail in Chapters 6 and 7.

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reveal the "hidden" limit orders (see McInish and Wood [1991]), but in principle, at least, the quote should reflect the current trading prices.

Orders arrive at the specialist's post directly via floor traders and electronically via the Designated Order Turnaround System (part of the SuperDot system). Market" orders of up to 2,099 shares and limit orders up to 99,999 shares may be sent by NYSE members to the specialist. Program trades are also submitted via the SuperDot system, and these orders currently account for approximately 11.5 percent of all orders. Orders also arrive via the Intermarket Trading System (ITS), which links nine US markets (the NYSE, the American Stock Exchange. Boston, Midwest, Cincinnati, Pacific, Philadelphia, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, and the NASD).

The specialist must clear any submitted orders at his outstanding quotes, but is free to change his quotes or depths at any time. A goal of the trading mechanism is price stability and continuity, and so the specialist is expected to move prices in minimal increments. The specific rules for price continuity are complex and vary depending upon the underlying stock's. price and trading volume. For 1992, 96.4 percent of all transactions occurred with a price change of 1/8 or less. The specialist is also expected to stabilize the market, meaning that he should not contribute to market movements. This would preclude, for example, the specialist selling into a falling market.

Following the market crash of 1987, the NYSE instituted limit moves for prices, more commonly known as "circuit breakers." These rules are designed to restrict the behavior of the trading mechanism in periods of great market movement. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average declines 250 points from the previous day's close. all trading in stocks is halted for one hour. When the decline totals 400 points, all trading is halted for two hours. These procedures have never actually been used. of more importance has been Rule BOA. which restricts index arbitrage (or program trading). When the Dow Jones Industrial Average declines 50 points from the previous close, index arbitrage-related sell orders can only be executed on a plus (or zero) tick, meaning that orders that would depress the market price further are not allowed; buy orders can only be executed on a minus (or zero) tick. For individual stocks, firm-specific events may also create difficulty in finding a fair market price, and a trading halt in that stock may be imposed. Trading is generally resumed once new information about the firm has been publicly released.

The rules of the NYSE define one mechanism for the trading of financial assets. It is, however, only one of many mechanisms used for trading securities. and, indeed, for trading equities. In Tokyo, for example, there are no specialists; instead, intermediaries known as saitori, or order clerks,



handle the price-setting process." These clerks match submitted orders and report the resulting transaction to the Exchange, but take no position themselves. Hence, unlike the specialist, who will trade to smooth out order imbalances, the saitori establishes a price only from the orders of other market participants. When, as may be the case, large imbalances arise, the saitori lowers or raises the prices until either new orders enter the market or the price movement reaches the market's preestablished limit.

As with the NYSE mechanism, the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange provide a mechanism for determining the trading price of an asset. So, too, do the rules of the London Stock Exchange, the Paris Bourse, and the Bolsa in Mexico City. Yet, while it is straightforward to write down the rules governing a trading mechanism, it is less apparent how it determines the equilibrium behavior of prices. The difficulty is that markets are influenced by myriad factors such as risk aversion, private information, and wealth constraints, all of which affect the buying and selling behavior of traders and market makers. As we will investigate in the remainder of this book, this devolves an importance to the structure of trading and of markets, and to the process by which prices are formed.

In the next chapter, we begin our study by examining the initial models in market microstructure. These models view the trading process as a matching problem in which the market maker must use prices to balance supply and demand across time. In this approach, a key factor is the market maker's inventory position. An alternative approach, which we investigate in later chapters, views the trading process as a game involving traders with asymmetric information regarding the asset's true value. Central to this approach is the learning problem confronting market participants. These inventory-based and information-based paradigms provide the general theoretical frameworks used in market microstructure theory, and it is to their derivation and application that we now turn.

9 This description of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is drawn from Lindsay and Schaede [1990]. who provide an interesting description of the operations and differences of the Tokyo and New York markets.

2 Inventory Models

In traditional research on securities markets, securities prices were typically viewed as macroeconomic phenomena. This focus changed with the work of Demsetz, whose depiction of the nature of bid and ask prices focused attention on the underlying microfoundations of security markets. Viewing the behavior of securities prices from this microeconomic perspective provided a means of characterizing security price behavior as arising from optimizing behavior by economic agents. This, in turn, had two important benefits. First, since prices are typically set by a specific person or mechanism, the study of price formation becomes the study of the behavior of this individual or institution. The standard approximation of Walrasian equilibrium and its attendant lack of an explanation of how equilibrium prices actually arise can be discarded. Second, this microfocus permitted market behavior to be viewed as the aggregation of individual trader behavior, with the consequent ability to predict how prices would change given changes in those underlying decision problems.

In this chapter, we examine the initial theoretical analyses of the security market microstructure. Beginning with an important paper by Garman [1976], researchers focused on understanding how market prices arise given the nature of the order flow and the market-clearing protocol. In analyzing this problem, there are three distinct research paradigms that emerged in the literature. The first, beginning with Garman, focuses on the nature of order flow in determining security trading prices. The second approach, typified by the work of Stoll and Ho and Stoll, investigates explicitly the dealer's optimization problem. The third area, including work by Cohen, Maier, Schwartz, and Whitcomb, analyzes the effects of multiple providers of liquidity. Central to each of these approaches are the- uncertainties in the order flow, which can result in inventory problems for the specialist or dealers and execution problems for the trader.




In this chapter, we discuss these general approaches and examine how the market maker deals with price and inventory uncertainty. Our focus is on ascertaining how market prices are set by specific price-setting agents in various market settings, and how these prices change as we introduce different types of uncertainty. As will be apparent, the market spread and the evolution of market prices can be explained in a variety of ways, with the result that a number of interesting properties can be predicted by these inventory-based approaches.

What may also be apparent, however, is that some of these approaches ultimately proved unproductive; they have been supplanted by other approaches and paradigms (which are investigated in later chapters of this book). Such is the nature of research, and understanding why this occurs and what contributes to a model's viability and longevity enhances our ability to build better and more useful models of microstructure phenomena. We begin by considering how a risk neutral market maker deals with the complex uncertainty introduced by stochastic supply and demand.


The equilibrium price is the price at which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied. Predicting that this price will prevail in the market has proven to be a useful first approximation to market outcomes. But a closer examination of trading in securities markets raises questions as to how to apply this paradigm as well as to its value in predicting the fine behavior of securities prices. For example, if buyers and sellers arrive at different points in time, to what time period do the supply and demand schedules refer? Similarly, if orders to buy or sell are not always balanced in the selected time period, how does the price change to reflect the order flow? Further, can a market-clearing mechanism survive in the long run given that shortrun imbalances can arise between supply and demand?

These issues were the focus of research by Garman [1976]. Garman argued that an exchange market could be characterized by a flow of orders to buy and sell. These orders would arise as the solution to - individual traders' underlying optimization.problems, but the explicit characterization of such problems was not necessarily important. What mattered was that orders would be submitted to the market and imbalances between supply and demand could temporally arise. This imbalance gave an importance to the "temporal microstructure," or how the exchange between buyer and seller actually occurred at any polnt"In·~ime. Garman\Jocus' onjhese intertemporal issues thus inaugurated-the explicit study of market microstructure.

Inventory Models


Treating supply and demand as stochastic processes allowed the exchange process to be viewed from a different perspective. While previous researchers (such as Demsetz) had noted the importance of trade imbalances, the focus on the trading desires of individual traders limited their ability to characterize how the market, as an entity. worked to resolve this clearing problem. Viewing the order flow in isolation made the exchange process appear more similar to stochastic matching problems found in inventory applications and in insurance markets. This perspective also provided a way to analyze the interaction between the specific market clearing mechanism (or price setter) and the behavior of the order flow. In particular, if the stochastic processes governing orders [i.e .• the order arrival rates) were affected by the price prevailing in the market, then the optimal pricing mechanism must incorporate this relation. Moreover, since order imbalances were certain to occur, how the exchange mechanism operated would affect the provision of intertemporal liquidity. Such liquidity considerations are the focus of much subsequent work, and they are treated in more detail later in this chapter and in Chapter 8.

To examine these exchange issues, Garman considered two marketclearing frameworks, a dealer structure and a double auction mechanism. The double auction approach was a natural construct given the extensive research in auction theory, but its abstraction from explicit market characteristics was a drawback for studying specific market settings.' The dealer approach would prove more characteristic of the mechanism found in organized securities markets, and so we will concern ourselves with this specification.

In Garman's model, there is a single, monopolistic market maker who sets prices, receives all orders, and clears trades. The dealer's objective is to maximize expected profit per unit of time, subject to the avoidance of bankruptcy or failure. Failure arises in this model whenever the dealer runs out of either inventory or cash. The market maker's only decision is to set an ask price, P» at which he will fill orders wishing to buy the stock, and a bid price, Ph, at which he will fill orders wishing to sell the stock.? Orders are assumed to be for one unit of the stock. The dealer has an infinite horizon, but only selects bid and ask prices once, at the beginning of time.

1. The double auction approach views the market as a purely matching process. Other researchers also investigated such matching behavior, most notably Mendelson [1982]'

2. This notation differs from that in Garman's paper: he denotes his ask price as Pb and his bid price as Ps' While certainly a reasonable way to define prices. this is confusing given the convention followed by subsequent researchers of denoting bids and asks differently. For clarity, I adopt the more standard approach.



The uncertainty in the model arises from the arrival of the buy and sell orders. These orders are represented as independent stochastic processes, where the arrivals of buy and sell orders are assumed to be Poisson distributed, with stationary arrival rate functions A.a(P) and Ab(P). Buy (or sell) orders follow a Poisson process if the waiting time between arrivals of buy (sell) orders is exponentially distributed. More formally, letting t be the time of the last buy order, the probability of a buy order arriving in the interval [t, t + .dt] is approximately A.a.dt for small .dt. Representing orders as Poisson processes allows Garman to capture the randomness of the order arrival over time in a tractable manner.

With buy and sell orders following independent stochastic processes, the flow of buys and sells to the dealer will not be synchronous. It is this potential imbalance that is the crux of the dealer's problem. Since the order arrival processes are stationary but not identical, balancing his level of inventory and cash to avoid running out of either (and therefore failing) is not a trivial problem for the market maker. This is compounded by the assumption that the market maker is unable to change prices "midstream" to avoid imminent failure (an assumption both restrictive and unrealistic). In this model, therefore, the main problem for the dealer is simply "staying alive. "

Garman's model involves several rather stylized assumptions. The market maker is not permitted to borrow either stock or money, dictating that his position at any point in time is completely determined by the order arrival rates. The level of demand associated with these order processes is also assumed exogenous to the market maker. Indeed, all market parameters except the order arrival rates are exogenous to the market marker.

These assumptions are not innocuous. While some restrictions can be justified as applying if not to all markets then to some, others, in particular the inability to borrow, are much less benign. The assumption of the exact structure of the order arrival processes is particularly restrictive. As Garman notes, Poisson order arrival rates essentially require that (1) there are a large number of agents in the market; (2) each agent acts independently in submitting her order; (3) no agent can generate an infinite number of orders in a finite period; and (4) no subset of agents can dominate order generation. This latter restriction would rule out, for example, any orders submitted by traders acting on private information, or any synchronized order strategies (such as portfolio insurance) that are followed by a subset of agents. What is required here is that the order flow be stochastic without being informative about future market or price movements. This is the general view taken in virtually all inventory-based microstructure models.

At time 0, the market maker is assumed to hold lc(O) units of cash and Is(O) units of stock. Let Ic(t) and Is(t) be the units of cash and stock at time t.

Inventory Models


Let Na{t) be the cumulative numbers of shares that have sold to traders up to time t (these are the executed buy orders), and let Nb{t) be the cumulative number of shares that have been bought from traders as of time t (these are the executed sell orders). Then inventories are governed by

(2. t)



Characterizing the behavior of these inventory processes is not easy, as they each depend on the behavior of the underlying (separate) buy and sell order arrival processes. In general, we would like to know when these processes violate the bankruptcy bounds since this, in turn, would give us the expected time to failure. Similar problems involving the probability of "ruin" are the focus of extensive research in the insurance (and gambling) literatures. Unfortunately, calculating such a probability directly is intractable because of the multiple stochastic processes.

Garman argues, however, that we can approximate the market maker's position by analyzing how he changes his holdings of stock and cash over time. In particular, suppose we define the variable Qk{t) to be the probability that Ic{t) = k and the variable Rk{t) to be the corresponding probability that Is(t) = k. Essentially, Qk(t) is just the probability that at time t the market maker has exactly k units of cash (or for Rk{t), of stock). Now consider how this position could have arisen. In the case of stock, the market maker could have exactly k units at time t because:

1. the market maker held exactly k - 1 units of stock at time t - At and in the next instant an order to sell one unit to him arrives; or

2. the market maker held exactly k + 1 units of stock at time t - At and in the next instant an order to buy one unit from him arrives; or

3. the market maker is holding k units at time t - !1t and in the next instant nothing happens.

It might also seem that the market maker could have exactly k units of stock at time t because at time t - dt he or she held some arbitrary position k - z and over the next interval z units arrive (where z exceeds one, the minimum order arrival size). The assumption of a Poisson process, however, dictates that as f),t goes to 0, the probability of a jump greater than the smallest amount goes to zero even faster. It follows that the probability


of being at exactly k units of stock or of cash at time t can then be decomposed into the three positions given above.

Suppose we now calculate the probability that the market maker has exactly k units of cash at time t. To determine this probability, Garman assumes that a unit of cash (say a dollar) arrives with rate Aapa and departs at rate 4Pb. Intuitively, this corresponds to a cash inflow resulting from the arrival of an order to buy stock from the dealer at price Pa. and conversely for the cash outflow. Using the three positions framework developed above, note that:

1. the probability the dealer had k - 1 units of cash and in the interval t - dt receives a cash inflow is Qk - 1(t - dt)[Aa(Pa)Pa dt][l - 4(Pb)Pb dt].

2. the probability the dealer .had k + 1 units of cash and in the interval t - ~t has a cash outflow is Qk + 1(t - ~t)[4(Pb)Pb ~t][1 - Aa(Pa)Pa ~t].

3. the probability that the dealer is holding k units at of cash time t - ~t and in the next instant nothing happens is Qk(t - dt) [1 - Aa(Pa)Pa dt][l - 4(fJb)J'lAt).

The probability that the dealer has exactly k units of cash at time t is the sum of these probabilities, or

Qk(t) = Qk-l (t - ilt) [Aa (pa) pa ilt] [1 - Ab (Pb) Pb ilt]

+ Qk+l (t ,.... Llt) [Ab <Ph) Pb ilt] [1 - Aa (pa) r« Llt] {2.3}

+ Qk (t - at) [1 - Aa (pa) pa at][l - Ab (Ph) Ph at].

To calculate the time derivative of the probability Qk(t), we take the limit as !it ---t 0 of [Qk(t) - Qk(t - !it)]I !it. This yields

a~kt (t) = Qk-l (t) [Aa (POl) POl] + o., 1 (t) [Ab (Pb) Pb] - Qk (t) [Aa (Pa) pa + Ab (Pb) Ph] .


This differential equation (2.4) gives the dynamics of the market maker's cash position. As the orders arrive throughout the day, this cash position changes, and it is this dynamic movement that is important for the dealer. Since he cannot augment his cash (or, for that matter, his stock) except through trading, the question of interest is whether the market maker can avoid running his cash position to zero, and thus failing. Using equation (2.4), we can now address this issue.

Inventory Models


2.1.1 The Gambler's Ruin Problem

Before proceeding to the solution for the market maker's failure probabilities, it is useful to consider how such problems are solved in general. In a typical gambler's ruin problem, the gambler is assumed to start with some initial wealth and wagers until either he reaches a certain threshold level or loses all his money. The failure probability is then calculated as a function of the odds of winning, the odds of losing, the threshold level, and the initial wealth. The market maker context considered here differs slightly, because there is no positive stopping point or threshold level; the market maker's maximum gain can be unbounded. and she stops only when she loses her cash (or stock). In this unbounded case, provided the odds of winning exceed the odds of losing. the ultimate failure probability can typically be expressed as

( dd f I . f I ) initial wealth position

o s a oSlng x amount 0 oss

odds of winning x amount of gain (2.5)

If, on the other hand, the odds of losing exceed the odds of winning, then it is easy to show that this probability is one. In either case, the gambler faces a positive probability of ruin. But to the extent the gambler's initial stake is high or the odds of losing are small relative to the odds of winning, the gambler can expect to last longer.

To show why this is true, consider the following simple gamble involving units of stock. Suppose that a dealer "gains" a unit of stock (i.e., someone sells to the dealer) with probability p and loses a unit of stock (someone buys from him) with probability q, where p > q, If the dealer initially starts with So units of stock, what is the probability that he runs out of stock (fails) at time t? Denote the probability of failing at time t given that the dealer currently has S units as Pr{FfS!. Then, in the next transaction, there is a q chance that someone will take one unit away, leaving him with S - 1 units, while there is a p chance he will get a unit of stock. leaving him with S + 1 units. This implies that

Pr{FIS} = qPr{FIS - I} + P Pr{FIS + 1}.


The solution to this difference equation yields the general expected failure probability




which has the same general form as equation (2.5). Notice also that the difference equation in (2.6) is essentially the same as that derived in equation (2.4).

2.1.2 The Market Maker's Ruin Problem

In the continuous time context considered here, Garman shows that solving equation (2.4) for the approximate failure probability from running out of cash yields

(A (P) ) Ic(O)jfJ

lim Qo (t) :::::: b b Pb

t-oo Aa (pa) pa

= 1



where p is defined to be the average price (calculated as the mean of the bid and ask prices). The corresponding stock failure probability is given by

(A (p ) ) Is (0) t~~ Ro (t):::::: A: (p:)

= 1



Since Aa(PJ is simply the probability of stock going out, Ab(Ib) is the probability of stock in, and 1s(0) is our initial stock holdings, equation (2.9) is essentially the same failure probability as we derived for our example in equation (2.7). The cash failure probability is not as straightforward, however, as the bid and ask prices affect cash unequally. While equation (2.8) is essentially cash out over cash in, the initial cash level in the exponent must be normalized to account for the size of the "gamble" (i.e., the amount of the inflow or outflow). To solve the difference equation, Garman approximates the cash flow effect by scaling by some p , where pis a price between the bid and the ask.3

3. Note that this transformation is not exact because there is a units problem in converting cash flow. In this approximation, p essentially scales the average cash flow effect. To see how this matters, return to our simplified example but let qJ'b be cash out, and 1tpa be cash in. Then, for equation (2.8) to be correct. there must be a p that solves the difference equation

(b) w/p ( ) (w-Pb)/p ( ) (w+p.)/p

qp = q q}>b + 11" 'lPb

1f~ 1f~ 1f~

While such a ft may exist, the resulting solution only approximates the market maker's failure probability .

Inventory Models


In this framework, as in more standard ruin problems, the dealer's failure probabilities are always positive. Consequently, no matter what price the dealer sets, there is no way to guarantee that he or she will not fail. of perhaps more interest is that under certain conditions the dealer fails with probability one. Equations (2.8) and (2.9) imply that to avoid certain failure the market maker must set Pa and Ph so that they simultaneously satisfy




provided this is possible.

These conditions dictate that a single market maker set a lower price when he buys stock and a higher price when he sells. This results in a spread developing, and it implies the spread is an inherent property of this exchange market structure. This spread protects the market maker from certain failure, but it is not a panacea: he or she still faces a positive probability of failure.

What determines the size and placement of this spread is not immediately obvious. Since both the market maker's inventory and cash positions will have positive drift, characterizing price behavior or the market maker's inventory position is complex. To investigate the problem further requires limiting the scope of the uncertainty. Garman first simplifies the problem by assuming that the dealer pursues a zero-drift inventory policy. Given this assumption, the dealer's pricing strategy has some interesting properties. First, by assumption, the dealer sets prices to equate the order arrival rates. There are multiple pricing strategies that satisfy this condition, however; so where the dealer sets his prices depends on factors other than inventory. Given the dealer's objective, the exact prices he sets are those which maximize the dealer's expected profit.

These market-clearing prices are depicted in Figure 2.1. An important property of these prices is that the dealer does not set a single marketclearing price p. but rather sets different buying and selling prices Pa and Ph. respectively. This allows the dealer to extract larger rents while still maintaining the zero-drift inventory requirement. As is typically optimal



for a monopolist, this pricing strategy results in volume at the optimal prices being less than would occur with competitive prices.

This pricing strategy is reminiscent of that suggested by Demsetz. Where the analyses differ is that the Demsetz model did not incorporate the intertemporal nature of the dealer's problem; nor, for that matter, did it include a dealer. To address the dealer's intertemporal inventory problem, Garman considers a second simplification in which the profit maximization assumption is relaxed. Here, the dealer is assumed to set a single marketclearing price, p ". With the dealer's pricing strategy specified, the effect of inventory on the dealer can be isolated.

From our earlier discussion of failure probabilities, it should not be surprising that pursuing this simple pricing strategy results in the dealer failing with certainty. One way to characterize the underlying difficulty is that the market maker fails if he or she runs out of inventory or runs out of cash. Since inventories follow a random walk, sooner or later a sequence of trades will force either his stock position or his cash position to their boundary. When this happens, the process meets an "absorbing barrier" and failure occurs.



Order arrival rate

The A functions depict the order arrival rates corresponding to orders to sel I to the market maker ("-b) and orders to buy from the market maker {AJ. The market maker buys stocks at Ph and sells stock at Pa'

Figure 2.1 The Market Maker's Optimal Prices

Inventory Models


Garman's characterization of the market-making process is thus simplistic but provocative. While the behavior of prices and inventories in this model is too mechanistic to be realistic, the demonstration of the dual complexity the dealer faces and its implications for market viability is insightful. This model provided an impetus for future research by demonstrating how, even with the simplest supply and demand specification, the actual price-setting problem faced by the dealer was quite complex. Equally important, the model demonstrated a frailty to the "exchange" process not suggested by previous work. One paradoxical aspect of this analysis is the role of inventory. As Garman's analysis demonstrates, inventory determines the dealer's viability. Yet in Garman's model, inventory per se plays no role in the dealers' decision problem since by assumption the dealer is allowed to set prices only at the beginning of trading. This restriction severely limits the applicability of this model to actual market settings in which prices continually evolve, and so the model's influence lies largely in its initial contribution.

A more realistic approach to the underlying problem is to consider how the dealer's prices change as his inventory position varies over time. This is the approach taken by Amihud and Mendelson [1980], who reformulate Garman's analysis to explicitly incorporate inventory into the dealer's pricing problem. Using essentially the same framework as Garman, Amihud and Mendelson show that the dealer's position can be viewed as a semi-Markov process in which the inventory is the state variable. The dealer's decision variables, again his bid and ask prices, depend on the level of the state variable and thus change over time depending on the level of the dealer's inventory position.

An important assumption in this analysis is that the inventory is bounded above and below by some exogenous parameters. This removes the possibility that the dealer can "run out" of inventory and so removes the failure considerations fundamental to Garman's analysis. Since the dealer need not worry about bankruptcy, his pricing policies are considerably simplified. This allows Amihud and Mendelson to characterize in more detail the link between the dealer's inventory and his prices.

Rather than focus on the specifics of their model (which retains much of the structure of Garman's model), it is perhaps more useful to consider the model's conclusions and then return to the issue of the underlying approach. The model yields three main results. First, the optimal bid and ask prices are monotone decreasing functions of the dealer's inventory position. As the dealer's inventory increases, he lowers both bid and ask prices, and conversely he raises both prices as inventory falls. Such a linkage between prices and inventory had been suggested by several authors (see, for example, Smidt [1971]) but had not been rigorously shown before. A



second implication of the model is that the dealer has a preferred inventory position. As the dealer finds his inventory departing from his preferred position, he moves his prices to bring his position back. Subsequent research on dealer behavior (for example, Madhavan and Smidt [1993] and Hasbrouck and Sofianos [1993]) would examine this preferred position in more detail. Third, as was also the case in Garman, the optimal bid and ask prices exhibit a positive spread.

These latter two results raise interesting questions about the behavior of security prices and, by extension, about the appropriateness of the model. Whereas in Garman the spread arose partially because of the need to reduce failure probabilities, the spread here reflects the dealer's efforts to maximize profit. Since the dealer is assumed to be risk neutral and a monopolist, the spread reflects the dealer's "market power." In this model, however, if the dealer faces competition, then the spread falls to zero." Consequently, the spread plays no role in the viability of the market but acts essentially as a transaction cost.

Similarly, the dealer's preferred inventory position arises because of the nature of the order arrival processes. The underlying asset value is irrelevant. What determines the optimal inventory position is the "variability" of the order arrival stochastic process, as inventory plays simply a buffer role. Hence, regardless of what is expected to happen to the value of the stock, the dealer holds the same preferred position. This may be an accurate depiction of the dealer's problem, but it seems likely that the preferred inventory position depends on factors other than the order arrival rates. The framework developed here. however. is not amenable to investigating such factors.

This suggests that additional insight into the price-setting problem requires greater emphasis on the nature of the dealer's decision problem, and this dictates departing from the simple stochastic process approach of Garman and Amihud-Mendelson. This statistical approach. however, did provide a new perspective on the difficult intermediation task required to clear markets, and in particular it focused attention on the dynamic behavior of markets. This dynamic focus would be an important direction for subsequent microstructure research. although the interesting failure difficulties posed by Garman would generally be ignored. In the next section. we consider the dealer-based approach for modeling price-setting behavior.

4. Interestingly, this same conclusion will arise in a much later model of liquidity, by Grossman and Miller [1988]. In both models, competition removes any role for the spread and hence suggests that the existence of a spread is due solely to fixed transactions costs or to market power.

Inventory Models



Analyzing the dealer's decision problem requires specifying the dealer's objectives and constraints in more detail. Of paramount importance is the need to delineate the risks the dealer faces and how these risks affect his decision making. From this perspective, the dealer's price-setting problem takes on the more natural characterization of choosing the optimal.pricing strategy to maximize utility, with security prices arising as the outcome of the dealer's optimizing behavior.

One way to characterize this approach is to recognize that the dealer must be rewarded for providing specialist's services, in the same way that any intermediary must be compensated. By focusing on the supply of intermediary services, the dealer's decision problem reduces to determining the appropriate compensation to offset the costs the dealer faces in providing such services. This is the notion of the dealer as a supplier of immediacy. A formal analysis of this dimension of the dealer's problem was fi;:s":··-lindertaken by Stoll [1978).

Stoll's analysis departs from the order-based analyses discussed in the previous section by focusing on the portfolio risk the dealer function entails. For Stoll, the market maker is simply a market participant, or trader, who is willing to alter his own portfolio away from desired holdings to accommodate the trading desires of other traders, As a market participant himself, the dealer is assumed to be risk averse and therefore must be compensated for bearing this risk·, This compensation arises from the "bid and ask prices, and so the market spread reflects the "costs" the dealer faces in bearing this risk. This role of the dealer contrasts with that presented in the Garman and Amihud-Mendelson models, where the dealer is assumed to be a risk neutral monopolist whose prices reflect largely his market power.

Stoll focuses on determining the costs the dealer faces in providing dealer services, or, as Demsetz defined it, "immediacy." These costs arise from three sources. First, there are holding costs imposed by the suboptimal portfolio position the dealer must hold. These costs reflect the exposurerisk ofthe dealer, which, since the dealer is assumed risk averse, now affects his decision making. Second, there may be order-processing costs that reflect the nature of the trading mechanism, such as exchange fees, transfer taxes, etc. Third, a cost may arise from trading with individuals who k.now more about the stock, than the dealer. This latter asymmetric information cost will be the focus of much subsequent research (and indeed, the remainder of this book) but is addressed in a limited manner in this research.

Stoll considers a two-date model in which the dealer maximizes the expected utility of terminal wealth, where this wealth is a function of the



dealer's initia~_}Ve_alth and his subsequent market-making positions. The deateTs-aecr~ion problem is to set prices f~-~ -~'ne transaction in which he will buy or sell the asset at time 1, with liquidation of the asset occurring at time 2. The dealer finances his inventory by borrowing at the risk-free rate.. R& and conversely can lend excess_ funds ai_.~FAs-' the time period

'~~nsidered is short and his' borrowing ability is unlimited, the market maker's risk of bankruptcy is zero. An important assum_£~iQn in the model is that the dealer has some exogenous (and unchanging) beli_~f~, about the "true" priceof th~-assetand'ab~ut Its "true" rate of return. This true price is" invarianrjn the modd.--~- '"--

The dealer is assumed willing to transact if his position in utility terms after the trade is at least as good as it would be if he did not trade. Let the dealer's initial wealth, Wo, be composed of the value of his initial position in the optimal efficient portfolio, the true value Qp of his position in his trading account, and any remaining funds. Since the dealer knows the "true" value of the stock, let Qi denote the true value of a transaction in stock i, where the true value is the true price times the number of shares, a positive (negative) number indicating a buy (sell). Following a trade, the dealer's terminal wealth is then given by


where R* is the rate of return on his initial portfolio, and Ri is the rate of return on stock i. The last term in (2.12) includes the cost of carrying the inventory (or the return on the proceeds in the case of a sale), where C; is defined to be the present dollar cost to the dealer of trading the amount Qj. So, for example, if the dealer buys shares with a value Qj, he need only borrow Qj - C, to finance the purchase. These costs, which are specified in more detail shortly, can be positive or negative depending on whether the trade in stock i raises or lowers the dealer's inventory holding costs, and they essentially capture the dealer's exposure cost of holding a nonoptimal portfolio.

The dealer is assumed to be willing to undertake any transaction that leaves his expected utility unchanged. That is, he requires


Expanding both sides of (2.13) in a Taylor series expansion, dropping terms of order higher than two, setting Rf = 0, and simplifying the resulting expression yields

Inventory Models


C, z 1 z 2

Qi = c; = Wo O"ipQp + "2 Wo O"j Qi.

where z is the dealer's coefficient of relative risk aversion, Qp is the "true" dollar value of stocks held in the dealer's trading account (his total inventory), O"ip is the correlation between the rate of return on stock i and the rate of return on the optimal efficient portfolio, and crT is the variance of stock i's return. Equation (2.14) for Ci(Qi) = C/Qi determines the percentage dollar cost that is necessary for the dealer to be willing to take that position Q stock i.

This cost function indicates that the dealer's cost of providing immediacy depends on several factors. First, the dealer's wealth and risk preferences enter directly, with greater initial wealth reducing his costs and greater risk aversion increasing them. Second, the level of the dealer's inventory position matters. with a larger position implying a greater cost for taking on more inventory. Similarly, the transaction size affects the total size of the costs; the larger the trade, the more it moves the dealer from his previous position. Of course, if the trade moves the dealer back toward his desired holdings, then this can reduce the costs of the trade. Finally, the characteristics of the stock as captured by its variance and correlation with other securities also affect the cost. Each of these factors affects the costs to the dealer of accepting a suboptimal portfolio position.

The dealer is compensated for bearing these costs through his trading prices. If the market is competitive. then his bid and ask prices must just compensate him for the costs of accepting the trade, and hence the bid and ask prices can be solved for as a function of the trading cost.! Expressing these costs in percentage terms relative to the true price Pt , the optimal bid price, Pb, for a transaction with true value Q~ is then


(2. IS)

where Qf represents the "true value" of a sale to the dealer. A similar expression can be used to derive the optimal ask price, POl' with the resultant spread given by

(Pa - Ph)/ pi = Cj(Q~) - Cj(Qi) = [z/ Wolo} I Q I for IQi I = IQf I = IQI·


5. One difficulty with such a competitive pricing assumption is that it implicitly requites dealers to be identical in every dimension, including their inventory holdings. This is unlikely to be accurate, but abstracting from this complication does indicate a lower bound on prices in this model.



There are several interesting features of these prices to consider. The linearity of percentage costs in trade size means that the spread increases linearly with trade size. And, as the spread equation does not include inventory as an argument, this spread does not change in response to the dealer's trades. Where the dealer's inventory matters is in affecting the placement of the bid and ask prices. A large (positive) inventory causes the dealer to face a higher cost for absorbing more inventory, and this increased cost lowers both bid and ask prices by the same amount. A negative inventory moves prices in the opposite direction. This prediction, that inventory would affect the placement of the spread but not its size, is an important and potentially testable hypothesis."

While this analysis characterizes the effects of the dealer's portfolio exposure on trading prices, there can be other costs affecting prices as well. Stoll extends the analysis to incorporate order-processing costs, which are assumed to be a fixed fee per transaction. Such a fee structure results in a decreasing cost function with respect to order size. With portfolio costs increasing in trade size while processing costs decrease in trade size, the total dealer cost function becomes V-shaped. This has the intriguing implication that there is an optimal cost minimizing scale, or preferred trade size, for the dealer."

This model thus provides a cogent analysis of the dealer's pricing behavior. In this model, inventory matters largely because of the dealer's inability to hedge his inventory exposure. This "risk aversion" -based spread contrasts with the "market power" role of the spread developed by Amihud and Mendelson or the "defense against bankruptcy" role described by Garman. The simplicity of the Stoll model, however, raises concerns about its generality. For example, if the dealer were risk neutral or able to diversify. then the cost of the providing dealer services would fall precipitously and, indeed, could fall to zero (or to the level of any orderprocessing costs). This implies a natural tendency for dealers to diversify their risk by incorporation or other means, a trend not observed on organized exchanges such as the NYSE.8 This also suggests that differences

6. This implication is empirically examined by Hasbrouck [1988] and others.

7. Stoll also considers the effect of a simple adverse selection cost, which he assumes is independent of the scale of the transaction. This simply adds a fixed cost to the dealer's cost and hence widens his spread equally for every transaction. Subsequent researchers would expand this notion of the costs of informed trading significantly. In particular, Easley and O'Hara [t 987 a] would suggest that this adverse selection component would be increasing in trade size.

8. A related issue concerns the effect of competition on the dealer's spread. This issue is addressed in Ho and Stoll [1983].

Inventory Models


in spreads between markets would be primarily due to risk-bearing abilities. While certainly possible, it is not clear that this provides the entire explanation. Furthermore, it is not obvious how this theory would explain phenomena such as differences in spreads during the trading day in the same stock.

A more fundamental difficulty is that the model minimizes the intertemporal dimension of the dealer's problem by assuming that the stock is liquidated at time 2. In this sense, it is a one trade-one period model because the dealer faces no uncertainty over how long he must hold any inventory position. If the order flow is random, however, this length of exposure may be an important dimension of the problem. Moreover, the assumed exogeneity of variables such as the stock's true price and the portfolio's return further restricts the risk that the dealer faces. because his ultimate return is not a random variable. The generality of the results is thus not apparent.

These concerns suggest that the intertemporal dimension so fundamental to Garman and Amihud and Mendelson must also be explicitly considered in formulating the dealer's decision problem. In the next section we consider the development of this approach by examining the models of Ho and Stoll [1981] and 0 'Hara and Oldfield [1986].


The Ho and Stoll [1981] model extends the intuition of the Stoll [1978] analysis to a multiperiod framework in which both order flow and portfolio returns are stochastic. As in Garman [1976], buy and sell orders are represented by stochastic processes, whose order arrival rates depend on the dealer's pricing strategy. In this model, however, a monopolistic dealer is assumed to maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth, and consequently the dealer's attitude toward risk will affect the solution. This is a significant difference from the risk neutral intertemporal models of Garman [1976] and Amihud and Mendelson [1980].

The model employs a finite horizon (T period) dynamic programming approach to characterize the dealer's optimal pricing policy." The dealer's optimal pricing strategy is actually a function that specifies bid and ask prices, Pb and pa, given the level of those variables which affect the dealer's future utility. In this model, these state variables are the dealer's cash,

9. Readers unfamiliar with continuous-time dynamic programming may find it useful to read Chapters 4 and 5 in Merton [1990}. Those unfamiliar with discrete-time dynamic programming (which is employed later in this chapter) should see Hinderer [1970].

sx = 'xX dt+X dzx,




inventory, and base wealth positions. Since this is a finite horizon model, the time period itself also affects the dealer's choice.

As in Stoll [1978], the model assumes that the true value of the stock is fixed at some value p, and so the dealer's prices can be written as pa = p + a and Pb = P - b. It will often be more convenient to denote the dealer's choice variables by a and b rather than by the specific prices. In this model, transactions are assumed to evolve as a stationary continuous-time jump process, which, as in Garman, is assumed to be a Poisson process. The arrival rate of buy orders, A.a. and that of sell orders, A.b, will depend on the dealer's ask and bid prices, respectively.l? Since orders are stochastic, however, the dealer's price influences the probability of the next trade being either a buy or a sell, but does not guarantee that such a transaction will occur. Consequently, the dealer faces uncertainty over the order flow and thus over the time he will have to carry any inventory position.

The dealer is also assumed to face uncertainty over the future value of his existing portfolio, X, implying that his future wealth is random. The return on the portfolio is assumed to follow a nonstandard Wiener process, so that the dealer earns some random return over time.'! In the absence of any transactions, the portfolio growth, dX, is given by

where rx. is the mean return per unit time, and Zx is a Wiener process with mean zero and instantaneous variance rate ox2 •

The dealer's portfolio consists of cash, stock, and any base wealth. The dealer's cash level changes as he buys and sells securities, with any balance in the account earning the risk-free rate r. The value of the cash account, P, is thus given by


where qb and qa are dealer buys and sales of securities, respectively. Similarly, the value of the dealer's stock or inventory position. I, is assumed to follow


10. A Poisson process in which the intensity A. is stochastic is called doubly stochastic or a Cox process.

11. It is nonstandard in that the variance is not equal to one and there is a drift.

Inventory Models


This specification includes several interesting features. First. inventory is always valued at the known intrinsic value of the stock. p, and not at the prices at which it actually trades. Hence. bid and ask prices play no role in the valuation of the inventory. Second. the value of the inventory does change due to both changes in its size (reflected in the qb and qa transaction terms) and changes in its value resulting from the diffusion term I dZ1 and the drift term r1 I dt.

These latter fluctuations in the value of the stock pose a difficult technical problem, given that the price of the stock (and hence of the inventory)' is assumed to remain constant at price P: This somewhat awkward construction dictates that any inventory return must take the form of a continuous stock, i.e., in-kind, dividend rather than the more standard cash dividend. While Ho and Stoll argue that this essentially captures the return uncertainty of the stock, this also removes any interaction between the dealer's pricing decision and the inventory value. We return to this issue later in the chapter.

Finally, the dealer's portfolio also includes base wealth, Y, whose change in value is described by

dY= ryY dt+ Y dZy.


When the dealer begins trading, he is assumed to have no initial cash or inventory and hence holds only the initial portfolio. This construction is consistent with the interpretation of the dealer as a trader willing to provide dealer services in return for sufficient compensation. To avoid the failure complications noted by Garman. Ho and Stoll assume the dealer cannot go bankrupt over the T-pcriod time horizon considered.

The dealer's pricing problem, therefore, is to choose bid and ask prices to maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth, where wealth is


The maximized value of this problem is given by the value function J(.) (the function that solves the Bellman equation) such that

J(t, P, I, Y) = max[E[U(Wy)] I t, F, I, Y],



where U is the utility function, a and b are the ask and bid adjustments, and t, F, I, and Yare the state variables time, cash, inventory, and base wealth, respectively. The value function gives the level of utility given that the dealer's decisions are made optimally. Since there is no intermediate

dJ(t, F, I, y) = 0 and J(t, F, I, y) = U(Wt).




consumption before time T, the recursion relation implied by the principle of optimality is

To find a solution to the dealer's problem, we need to find the ask and bid adjustments that solve (2.23) for each state.

The solution to this continuous time problem requires applying stochastic calculus, a technique painfully familiar to students of option pricing. While the complete derivation is beyond our purpose here, it is perhaps useful to demonstrate the basic solution technique. This involves an application of Ito's Lemma. Suppose we consider a smooth function

Y = fix, t),


where t is time and x is some well-defined Ito process

dx = J.t dt + o dz.


If we now wish to maximize Y by choosing x, we need to take the derivative of Y, and this is given by Ito's Lemma.'? In particular, it will be the case that

af 8f 1 a2f

dY = at dt + ax dx + 2 ax2 (dx)2

= of dt+ 8f r .. dt+u dz] +! 82f (12 dt.

at ax If" 2 ax2 (2.26)

Collecting the dt terms and rewriting yields

[af st 1 a2(] ar

dY = _'J + _'J J.t + - _:!_(12 dt + _'J (1 dz,

at ax 2 8x2 ax


This is Ito's Lemma. It gives the formula for calculating the derivative of a function that depends on time and a stochastic process.'?

12. To apply [to's Lemma.f should be twice continuously differentiable in X and once continuously differentiable in t. Generalizations of Ito's Lemma relax these sufficient conditions.

13. For more discussion. see Merton [1990]. Chapter 3. particularly 78-80.

Inventory Models


In Ho and Stoll's model. the dealer's problem in equation (2.23) involves maximizing the value of the J(.) function. which depends on time and the three state variables cash, stock, and base wealth. Writing out the partial differential equation implied by (2.23) and applying Ito's Lemma yields


dt = jt + LJ + max {Aa[J(t, F + pQ + aQ, 1- pQ, Y} - j(t, P, I, Y}]} a,b

+ Ab[J(t, F - pQ + hQ, 1+ pQ, Y) - ](t, F. I, Y)] = 0, (2.28)

where Jt is the time derivative and L is the operator defined as 1

Lj = jp'P + jI'I! + JyryY + 2-'yya?y2


1 2 2

+ 2'IIU/I + ]Iyo"[yIY.

Equations (2.28) and (2.29) can perhaps be better understood by comparing these equations with the simple example in equation (2.27). The first term in (2.28) is the time derivative corresponding to the aj/at term in the example. The first three terms of Lj are the mean terms of the state variables P, I, and Y. The next two terms in LJ contain the variance terms of .. the I (inventory) and Y (wealth) state variables (the third state variable, cash, earns the constant, and hence has no variance). The final term of LJ is the covariance term. The example in (2.27) also contains a sz term, but the sz term does not appear in (2.29). The reason is that in the problem considered here, the dealer is maximizing expected utility, and so the expectation of the sz term is zero at the optimum.

The final term in equation (2.28) (i.e .• the max term) gives the effect on the dealer's utility of transactions taking place at the bid and ask prices. It is here that the dealer's pricing decisions directly affect his utility. The first part (the Aa term), for example, is the effect of a dealer sale, and hence it is the incremental utility effect of cash in and inventory out. The second part is the corresponding effect for a dealer buy.

While equations (2.28) and (2.29) determine the solution, finding the actual solution requires solving explicitly for the J(.) function. This is not straightforward. and Ho and Stoll do not solve the general problem. Instead, they introduce some transformations and simplifications into the problem in order to solve it. First, they consider the problem only at the endpoint, or when the time remaining, defined as r, is equal to zero. Second, since it would be useful if the cash and inventory effects on utility could be handled explicitly, Ho and Stoll take a first-order approximation of the Taylor'S series expansion of the max term in (2.22) such that

] (I, F + Q + aQ, I - Q, y) = ] (I, F + Q, I - Q, y)

+ ]p (I, F + Q, 1- Q, Y) aQ,



and similarly for the bid term.l" Also, Ho and Stoll now assume symmetric linear demand and supply to the dealer, so that Aa =A(a) = (l ~f3a, and Ab = A.(b) = a + f3b. Finally, they define the sell operator, S, by

SJ = S U (I, F, I, Y)] = ] (I, F + Q, I - Q, Y)


and the buy operator, B, by

BJ= B[J(t,F,I, Y)] =](t,F- Q,I+ Q, Y).


These functions give the effect of transactions on the dealer's utility excluding the bid and ask increments. The buy and sell operators are intended to capture the incremental effects on the dealer's utility of changing his holdings by Q units. So utility will decrease if the transaction takes the dealer farther from his desired portfolio, and it will increase if the transaction takes him closer to the desired position.

With these simplifications and substitutions (and suppressing the time arguments), the dealer's problem can be restated as

Jr = LJ + max {'x(a)aQSJF - A(a) U (.) - SJ]


+ A(b)bQBJp - A(b) U(.) - BJ]}.


The first-order conditions to this problem can be solved for the dealer's optimal prices, which in the case of the bid is simply

.. a J(.) - BJ(.) b = 2/3 + 2B QJ F '


where (l and f3 are parameters of the linear supply and demand functions.

While equation (2.34) gives the dealer's bid optimal price, it depends explicitly on the J(.) functiort, which has not yet been determined. To characterize the dealer's pricing strategy, the optimal prices must be substituted back into equation (2.33) and the problem solved explicitly for the optimal J(.) function. Unfortunately, as is often the case in such

14. Note that the error of this approximation is on the order of a2.

Inventory Models


dynamic programs, there is no known closed-form solution to this problem. It is possible, however, to approximate the solution through a Taylor series expansion with some additional assumptions on the model's parameters. The most important of these is that Ho and Stoll now assume the dealer has a quadratic utility function. Rather than concentrate on the mechanics of the approximation, it is perhaps more useful now to analyze the resulting optimal policy.

Ho and Stoll demonstrate three important properties of the dealer's optimal pricing behavior. First, the spread depends on the time horizon of the dealer. As the dealer nears the end of trading, the risks in acting as a dealer decrease since there is less time in which the dealer must bear any inventory or portfolio risk. For the limiting case where the time remaining is essentially zero, the dealer sets the risk neutral, monopolistic spread. This spread simply depends on the slopes (or elasticities) of the supply and demand curves, with greater elasticity reducing the dealer's spread. As the time horizon lengthens, the spread increases to compensate the risk averse dealer for bearing inventory and portfolio risks.15 This demonstration that the spread can be decomposed into a risk neutral spread plus an adjustment for uncertainty is an important feature of the analysis.

This risk adjustment depends on the dealer's coefficient of relative risk aversion, the size of the transaction, and the risk of the stock as measured by its instantaneous variance. These factors are the same as those determined by Stoll in his one-period model. One interesting finding in this model is that transactions uncertainty per se does not affect the spread. Although such uncertainty enters indirectly through the time horizon effects noted above. one might have expected a direct risk adjustment based on the variability of the order arrival processes. Ho and Stoll argue that this does not occur because transactions variability has no direct effect on the dealer but rather works indirectly through its effect on his overall portfolio position. Such a direct effect would arise, for example. if the dealer faced a fixed operating cost, so that having fewer transactions would pose cash flow problems for the dealer. As there is no such assumed cost, transaction uncertainty does not enter the spread.

The third property of this optimal pricing policy is that the spread is independent of the inventory level. This property, which was also a feature

15. This increase in the spread as the time horizon lengthens is somewhat paradoxical as the market maker has more opportunities with a longer horizon to alter his position. But since the market maker can liquidate his portfolio at a certain price at the end of the horizon, a short time period reduces the interim period in which the dealer is subject to risk, while giving the dealer the same end-of-period certainty. In the absence of a certain liquidation value, it is not obvious that this result would remain.



of Stoll's one-period model, means that the spread is not affected by the dealer's inventory position or even his expected change in inventory (since transaction uncertainty also does not matter). Although individual prices depend on inventory. the dealer affects the order arrival processes by moving the placement of the spread relative to the true price rather than increasing or decreasing the spread itself. Thus, if the true price is 50, the dealer may set first-period prices of 48 and 52. If the next order is at the bid, then the dealer increases his inventory, and he shifts both prices down, say to 47 and 51. How much the dealer shifts the prices is a function of his relative risk aversion, the riskiness of the stock, and his wealth.

These results are derived in a complex framework capable of including both multiperiod issues and dealer risk aversion. There are, however, a number of underlying restrictions in the model that are important to consider. Because the model employs a finite horizon, there is an explicit assumption that the inventory is liquidated at some known point in the future, in this case at time T. This ending certainty reduces the underlying risk of the inventory and introduces the time element into the dealer's spread equation. One implication of this behavior, however, is that the dealer's prices will exhibit deterministic patterns. For example, if the dealer's horizon were one trading day, spreads would be largest in the morning and would narrow steadily throughout the day. Indeed, traders would always be worse off dealing with a specialist who had a long time horizon as opposed to a market maker with a shorter horizon. Such dependence on the dealer's horizon seems unlikely to be a realistic feature of actual markets.

A second important assumption of the model is that there is a fixed "true" price for the stock. This assumption is fundamental to the analysis. If the underlying stock value could vary across time, then it would be formidable even to approximate the model's solution. Assuming a fixed intrinsic value of the stock, however, seems realistic only if the time horizon is fairly short. Ho and Stoll argue that the stochastic return on the inventory position allows for future differences in the stock value to affect the market maker, but as discussed earlier, it is not clear that this captures completely the interaction effects of security value uncertainty. Since the focus of the model is on the intertemporal behavior of security prices, it seems more realistic that this underlying value could itself be a random variable. If the price is variable, then it is unclear whether the authors' pricing results will all still hold. In particular, the movement of a fixed spread around the true price may no longer be optimal if the price itself is moving.

The model also assumes a specific underlying stochastic process for the order flow. Why orders would necessarily exhibit that specific process is

Inventory Models


not clear, but as an approximation to the order flow such a specification need not be unrealistic. It is the case, however, that the assumptions needed to justify the Poisson distribution effectively preclude the possibility that some traders know more about the future movement of prices (i.e., are informed traders) than do other traders. For the inventory focus in this paper, this is not important. But for subsequent work, the absence or presence of informed traders is a crucial element in affecting order flow behavior, and hence the applicability of this approach to that setting is not clear.

It should be noted that this order flow assumption implicitly restricts the analysis to consider only market orders. Market orders are orders to buy and sell for immediate execution, as opposed to limit orders, which are orders to buy or sell at some prespecified price. As the limit price is "better" than the current price, such orders are generally held in the specialist's book until the price moves to the designated level. Since limit orders are price-contingent, however, their representation by a simple stochastic process is problematic. Moreover, the collection of unexecuted orders in the specialist's book may provide valuable order flow information to the market maker.

These concerns are addressed in research by O'Hara and Oldfield [1986].

They consider the dynamic pricing policy of a risk averse market maker who receives both limit and market orders, and who faces order- flow and inventory value uncertainty. Their analysis involves a discrete-time multiperiod framework and hence differs from the continuous-time multiperiod models of Amihud-Mendelson and Ho-Stoll." O'Hara and oldfield model the trading day as containing n trading intervals, and they assume the dealer maximizes his utility over an infinite number of trading days. This essentially views the dealer's dynamic program as an infinite series of n finite period intervals. The dealer's payoff (in utility terms) occurs everyday, and not only at the terminal date as was the case in the models considered thus far in this chapter. Because the dealer operates with an infinite horizon, there is also no presumed date at which the dealer's inventory is liquidated, and the analysis does not assume a fixed value for the stock. Consequently, the "price" or value of the stock may vary, dictating that the value of the dealer's inventory is also not fixed.

Because of the model's discrete-time focus, the dealer's trading behavior differs from that discussed in previous models. The dealer's order flow is composed of both known limit orders and unknown market orders. The dealer is assumed to set bid and ask prices at the beginning of every period,

16. Discrete-time models of dealer behavior are also developed by Zabel [19811 and Bradfield [1979].



and in each period some quantity of market orders arrive. The dealer then clears all such orders as well as any qualifying limit orders at his posted prices, and he sets prices for the next trading interval. The last trading interval in the day is followed by an overnight market in which trades settle and the dealer can borrow or lend stock. Trading then begins anew the next trading day.

This framework allows incorporation of several "realistic" features of actual security markets. For example, traders can "hit the quote" by submitting market orders to trade at the specialist's current quote. The incorporation of an overnight market also allows trade settlement to be modeled independently of order processing. And the ability to include limit orders provides a dimension not yet incorporated in inventory models.

One drawback with this approach, however, is that the trading process is modeled as a series of call markets, and hence it only approximates the continuous trading process found on most organized exchanges.'? As with all approximations, this can be made arbitrarily close by shortening the time period included in each of the n trading periods. A second limitation is that the limit orders are implicitly assumed to last one period, with new limit orders arriving for the book before each trading interval. This restriction reflects the difficulty of characterizing the piecewise optimization problem resulting from executed orders leaving the book. A similar assumption can be found in virtually every model incorporating limit orders, and we discuss such models in more detail in Chapter 7.

The dealer's problem is to set bid and ask prices, bt and atJ to solve

max E r f: ,pi u (t frjt)] ,

u=o t=l


where r:/> is a discount rate, j is the index for trading days, U is a strictly concave utility function, t is the index of trading periods in each day, and ftjt is the trading profit in period t of day j (this trading profit will be defined in more detail shortly). Note that while the dealer is assumed to maximize expected utility, his portfolio outside of his trading account is not considered. Hence, this model does. not include the portfolio considerations so fundamental to the Ho and Stoll analysis. The approach developed here

t 7. The timing of the model is also different in that the market maker sets prices before he sees his total order flow. As will become apparent, however, the market maker does know the structure of supply and demand because he uses the information in the book. This timing convention is also used by subsequent researchers to address information issues; see Admati and Pfleiderer [1989 J and Easley and 0 'Hara [t 992b].

Inventory Models


instead views the dealer as an individual who specifically acts as a specialist, rather than as a trader who is willing to accommodate orders.

The market maker's order flow in any period is potentially composed of limit orders to buy or sell and market orders to buy or sell. The limit orders are assumed to be linear functions of the price, and they are represented by cumulative order functions defined as integrals of the incremental orders. The limit orders to buy from the dealer in period t, denoted AL, are given by


and the limit orders to sell to the dealer, BL, are defined by


In these equations, the L superscripted variables refer to the limit order book, c, y, ~, and tp are parameters of the limit order flow, the q functions are the incremental orders at each price, and the limits of integration a and b are the highest ask and lowest bid price. respectively, at which traders will submit orders. Intuitively, these functions can be understood as adding up the outstanding limit orders to buy at or below an ask price a, or to sell at or above a bid price h. The market maker is assumed to clear all qualified limit orders at the current quote, dictating that some orders actually transact at better prices than they were placed. This contrasts with their treatment in actual markets. where limit orders typically trade only at their specified prices. The issue of order form and price behavior is considered in more detail in Chapter 6.

A period's market order flow is composed of both price-dependent and liquidity-based orders. The market maker uses the information from his limit orders to form his expectation about the market order flow. Thus, the market order flow is represented as functions

A-m m m-

t = a - at')' + Wt,



where the rot and Et terms are random variables incorporating both deviations from the market maker's expected price-dependent orders and any liquidity-based orders. The total order flow in any period is just the sum of these limit and market orders.



Because the dealer must clear all relevant orders at his stated prices, it is likely that he will acquire either a positive or negative inventory position in the stock. In this model, all transactions settle at the end of the day. Gains and losses accumulate during the day, but neither shares nor cash change hands until close. At that time, the dealer delivers all securities sold and takes cash, and he accepts all securities bought and pays cash. If the dealer is short inventory, he can borrow in the overnight market; if he is long inventory, he can lend. This overnight market is a repurchase market that establishes a price p and an interest rate r for transactions, which are reversed the next day. If the dealer is short, he pays rpIn' and conversely he receives this amount if he is long.

This daily settlement means that inventory affects both the current cash flow and the dealer's future operations. Inventory thus represents the state variable of the system. The market maker's dynamic program for any trading day can then be expressed by


where V is the dealer's derived value function. This value function incorporates the effect of current actions on future expected utility given that future actions are chosen optimally. Since the value function depends on the dealer's inventory position, it follows that the dealer's expectation of this future value of the inventory affects his optimal strategy.

The dealer's optimal pricing policy can be found by working backward.

The dealer's last decision is a trading day is to set an and bn to maximize


+ rp{In-l +,B + bncf> + en - a + an')' - wn)) + V (1n-1 + f3 + bntP + en - a + an')' - wn)


u( L ii"t + an (a - an')' + wn) - bn (j3 + bncP + En)



subject to

Q:L _ an'YL > 0,



Note that the dealer's profit in period n, 7tm IS captured by

1nvento~ Alode&


an (a - an, + wn) - bn (j3 + bnr/> + en) + ip (In-1 + f3 + bntP + en - a + an1 - wn),

where the first two terms are the direct cash flow effects, and the last term gives the cash flow cost of financing or lending the resulting inventory. The problem is a constrained maximization because the limit orders must be positive.

The first-order conditions can be solved for the optimal bid and ask prices for period n. Assuming interior solutions, these are given by


a _ Q E (U'Wn) rE (U/p) E (0)

n - 2, + E (UI) 21 + 2E (U') + 2E (U') , (2.45)

b - _ f!_ _ E (U'in) rE (Up) E (vt) (2.46)

n - 2t/> E (U') 2<P + 2E (U') + 2E (V')"

These expressions are not explicit solutions for an and bro because they contain U' and V', both of which depend on an and bn. The expressions do provide some interesting insights into the determinants of the bid and ask prices. The first terms in each expression derive from the known limit orders and expected market orders. As might be expected, these terms reflect the slope of the order flow, and a monopolistic dealer sets prices based on these demand and supply elasticities. The remaining terms reflect risk adjustments due to the randomness confronting the dealer. The second term, for example, incorporates the effect of the market order flow. Market orders affect the dealer directly by determining the scale of trading. For a risk averse dealer, however, the variability of the market order flow is also important. This is captured by the covariance between U' and (J) and E, and all else being equal, this variability effect shifts prices downward.

The effects of inventory are impounded in the third and fourth terms, Inventory affects the dealer directly through cash flow. and indirectly through the value of the position he takes into the future. Both effects can be seen in the price equations, as the third term captures the overnight effects of borrowing or lending at rp, while the fourth term impounds the value of carrying his inventory position into the future. An interesting feature of these inventory adjustments is that they affect the bid and ask prices equally. Hence, as we have seen in previous analyses, increases or decreases in inventory tend to shift prices in the same direction.

These trading prices can be solved for the spread, given by




The structure of this spread is similar to that of Ho and Stoll in that it can be viewed as a risk neutral spread plus adjustments for risk. The first two terms reflect the market maker's expected order flow, while the last term incorporates the effects of market order uncertainty. If the market maker is risk neutral, this last term is zero. For a risk averse market maker, this term can be either positive or negative depending on the relative magnitudes of the covariances. This has the intriguing implication that a risk averse dealer can set a smaller spread than a risk neutral specialist.

Significantly, the spread equation has no explicit inventory terms, nor does any value function term appear. At first glance, this might appear to reinforce the finding of Ho and Stoll that the spread is independent of inventory. The spread does include a marginal utility U' term, however, and this implicitly contains the inventory variables. To delineate exactly how inventory affects utility, we need to impose more structure on the dealer's preferences. One commonly used approach for doing so is to assume that the dealer's preferences exhibit constant absolute risk aversion. Such preferences can be represented by a negative exponential utility function.

In this problem, a difficulty in interpretation immediately arises, because while the utility function may be negative exponential, it is not immediately obvious that the value function will be as well. Hakansson [1970] has shown that, under some fairly general conditions, exponential preferences lead to an indirect utility function that is exponential in wealth. Consequently, O'Hara and Oldfield assume that the dealer's problem can be represented by

where the parameters c and d are the market maker's coefficients of absolute risk aversion associated .with trading profits and overnight inventory, respectively. Since the value of taking inventory into the next trading day depends on both its size and market value, some price must be attached to the overnight inventory position. For simplicity. it is assumed that the market maker values his overnight inventory at the random repurchase market price. Since this price is not known to the dealer until after the close

Inventory Models


of trade, it is a random variable at the time the dealer is making his buying and selling decisions.

If trading profits and inventory value are jointly normally distributed, the dealer's expected utility is linear in means and variances. Consequently, the explicit effect of inventory on dealer marginal utility can be calculated as a function of these two moments. These inventory effects are quite complex, as inventory imposes two types of risk on the dealer. First, the variability in market orders means that the dealer is never entirely sure what the size of his inventory position will be. This quantity exposure means that the dealer can finish the trading day with a large negative or positive inventory position. Second, the price of the stock is also a random variable, dictating that the value of the inventory position is also unknown. These two effects on the dealer can be isolated by solving separately for the optimal spread.

First, suppose that there were no market order variability. so that the market maker faced only price variability. Then solving the dealer's problem reveals that the optimal spread is simply the risk neutral spread derived earlier, but the individual bid and ask prices do not equal their corresponding risk neutral values. Hence, the market maker incorporates uncertainty about future inventory value by moving the bid and ask prices symmetrically. With his supply and demand fixed. the dealer can control his inventory position, and so he incorporates variation in the stock's price by moving the placement of his trading prices.

Alternatively, suppose that the market maker faced market order variability but not price variability. This would occur if the inventory could be valued at a constant pJ corresponding to the framework analyzed by Ho and Stoll. There are two interesting results that emerge in this case. First, the spread now contains a risk adjustment term that can be either positive or negative. Second, the level of inventory does not affect the spread. This suggests that faced with either order uncertainty or price uncertainty alone, the market maker moves his prices symmetrically, and his spread remains invariant with respect to his inventory.

In general, however, the' market maker faces simultaneous order and price uncertainty. and his pricing policy changes to reflect this dual uncertainty. Of particular importance is that now solving the dealer's problem reveals that both the placement and the magnitude of the spread depend on his inventory position. The reason is that with multiple uncertainty the market maker cannot adequately control his risk by simply moving his trading prices. By allowing the size of the spread to change as well, the market maker gains more flexibility to offset what can be complex changes in both the size and value of his inventory. This result, that the spread is not independent of the market maker's inventory, suggests a



complexity to the dealer's pricing problem not envisioned m prev10us work.

These results relate to the dealer's period n problem. Given these optimal prices, the dealer's n - 1 period problem can then be solved. While the solution is shown in the paper, the complexity of the problem defies easy characterization. Moreover, solving for earlier periods rapidly becomes intractable, illustrating the practical difficulties with applying a discretetime multiperiod model to analyze the dealer's problem. Interestingly, this same difficulty arose in the continuous-time framework of Ho and Stoll [1981), and as noted earlier, their solution involved analyzing only the last time instant before the end of the horizon.

The dealer-based models considered in this section thus illustrate the complexities of the pricing problem faced by the dealer. In each model, inventory introduces risks for the dealer, and his pricing strategy reflects at least partially his efforts to minimize those risks. The spread plays a role related to the inventory, but the extent of this role differs in the various frameworks considered. What is true in every model, however, is that inventory imposes some cost on the dealer, and it is this cost that is reflected in market bid and ask prices.

One feature common to the models considered here is that the dealer acts as the sole provider of liquidity in the market.P In markets in which there is only a single specialist and all trades arise from market orders, such models may accurately describe market behavior. But many, indeed perhaps most, markets do not fit this simple description. Some markets have multiple market makers, aJlowing for alternatives to any particular dealer's prices. Even if there is only one specialist in a market, however, competition may arise through the guise of order form. In the next section we consider these issues by first analyzing how traders' order strategies affect price behavior. We then consider the interaction between inventory and prices in markets with competitive dealers.


In the models considered thus far in this chapter, the main activity of the specialist is the provision of immediacy to traders. If there exist other traders who are willing to provide such immediacy, however, then a specific "specialist" need not be necessary in the market. For example, if

18. Recall, however, that Stoll {1978] used the notion of potential competition to find the market maker's prices. Thus, that model included the effects of potential competition on prices.

Inventory Models


traders can submit limit orders, then any market orders requiring immediate execution can be crossed with such orders. leaving no role for the specialist. This suggests that the interaction of market and limit orders may provide sufficient liquidity to result in a viable security market in much the way suggested by Demsetz. Equally important, analyzing the properties of these two order types may indicate how liquidity arises in markets in ways other than directly from the market maker.

These issues are addressed in an interesting paper by Cohen, Maier, Schwartz, and Whitcomb (CMSW) [1981]. Their model examines the order strategies of traders who can choose between submitting a market order for immediate execution or a limit order that specifies a specific price for execution. In this model, there is no active specialist, and so market prices evolve as a result of orders crossing between traders.!" What is an important feature of this market, however, is the existence of exogenous transaction costs. These transactions costs influence the order decisions of traders and hence determine the trading prices of the underlying asset.

The underlying investor problem is highly structured. The investor is assumed to maximize the expected utility of terminal wealth by allocating funds between a risky asset and a risk-free asset. There are assumed to be transactions costs that impede the trader's ability to continuously alter his portfolio. These costs dictate that the trader will make trading decisions only periodically, and in particular, he will trade only at a discrete set of decision points. These decision points are assumed exogenously given and are presumably identical for all traders. At each decision point, the trader may trade via a market order, he may submit a limit order, or he might not trade at all.

What the trader opts to do depends partially on the properties of the alternative order forms. CMSW assume that the market ask (or bid) price depends only on the last previous market ask and hence is a Markov process. With some additional assumptions, the market ask price generation process can be modeled as a Poisson proccss.P' Now, let a trader consider submitting a limit order between the current market bid and ask. What is the probability that the limit order will in fact execute over the next trading

19. Such crossing networks are now a common feature in many markets. For example. both POSIT and Instinet function this way. while many European markets (such as the Helsinki Stock Market) also operate as crossing networks. Much current research is being directed to the behavior of such markets. but it is interesting to note that this issue was first addressed in the early microstructure literature.

20. Again, this assumption of a Poisson process makes sense here because orders cannot be information related, If there could be such orders. then the robustness of this approach is not clear.



period? If it is one, then it will clearly be optimal for the trader to submit a limit order and hence reduce the price at which he trades.

The authors show that such is not the case; no matter how close the trader places his limit order to the current market price, the probability of the limit executing is always less than one. Since a market order always executes, this implies that there is a jump in the probability as the price approaches the ask. This jump, however, is crucially dependent on the existence of transaction costs. CMSW show that without such costs, the underlying price process becomes a Wiener process and the 'Jump" property disappears. One way to view this result is simply that the existence of trading costs limits trading activity and hence discretizes the price process. The greater the trading intensity, however, the less this happens and the more the process becomes like a Wiener process. This has the important implication that in inactive (or thin) markets the probability jump is larger, dictating that the probability of a limit order executing is also correspondingly lower.

Given these properties of the price process. the optimal order strategy for an investor can be determined. To address this issue, CMSW assume that all orders are for the same quantity and that any limit orders last only one trading period and are then canceled if not executed. This latter assumption is a serious simplification; most limit orders are active for much longer periods, and the cost of submitting an order is an important factor in the model. Incorporating such intertemporal properties. however. would preclude finding a closed-form solution for the model. Allowing oneperiod limit orders does allow the trader's decision between trading for certain or pursuing a contingent order strategy to be investigated, and hence it captures the execution uncertainty implicit in the limit order.

CMSW assume a particular cost structure such that the trader pays a cost for submitting a limit order and an additional cost if the order executes. Alternatively, if the trader submits a market order then he faces a single transaction cost (as well as the implicit bid-ask spread). Perhaps not surprisingly, the trader's optimal order strategy is shown to depend on factors such as transaction costs, the parameters of his utility function, and the existing market spread. What matters for this analysis is that under some parameterizations the trader will submit a limit order. Consequently, the interaction between these orders and market prices is nontrivial, and indeed it influences what will be the actual market spread.

In this model 1 the limit orders held in book determine the market "spread" because the spread is essentially the "hole in the book." If the spread is wide, then a trader has much to gain from submitting a limit order; if it executes, the trader will have transacted at a much better price. This will induce traders to shift from using market orders to using limit

Inventory Models


orders, and this will tend to decrease the spread. As the spread narrows, however, the probability jump property discussed earlier means that at some point the trader will prefer to take the certain execution with a market order to the uncertain execution of a limit order. The resulting influx of market orders will cross with existing limit orders from the book, which in turn widens the spread.

There are two important properties of this process to note. First, the "gravitational pull" of the market orders dictates that a nonzero spread is an equilibrium property of the market. This spread exists because it is not optimal (given the underlying transaction costs) to continuously trade, and hence the certain execution of the market order induces some traders to enter market orders rather than limit orders. This occurs in a neighborhood of the market prices, and hence the spread does not collapse to zero.

Second, the size of the spread depends on the movement of traders between limits and markets, and this in turn partially depends on the execution probability of the limit order. In the absence of transaction costs. all orders would be limits because the continuity of the price process would guarantee execution, but with transaction costs this probability falls with trading intensity. In thin markets. limit execution is low, and hence even with a large spread traders may prefer to enter market orders rather than limit orders. This trading strategy dictates that larger spreads will be an equilibrium property of thinner markets.

This analysis suggests a number of interesting insights into the behavior of market prices and spreads. In this model, spreads arise as a natural consequence of transaction costs. If there were no such costs, there would be no bid-ask spread. What limits the size of the spread are the gains available to providing immediacy. As the spread widens. more traders find it optimal to enter limit orders and thereby increase the liquidity available to the market. As spreads narrow, the gains to such trading decrease, and traders switch to demanding liquidity via market orders. This suggests that the behavior of traders provides a natural bound on the size of the market bid-ask spread.

In this model. unlike in the other models considered in this chapter. inventory does not play an explicit role. This reflects the highly stylized structure of the model. as well as the model's focus on competitive traders essentially endeavoring to minimize transaction costs in meeting their own trading needs. If traders were willing to act as dealers. however, then the inventory position of each dealer might be expected to affect at least his willingness to buy or sell the asset. This issue is investigated by Ho and Stoll [1983], who examine price setting in a model with competitive dealers.



The Ho and Stoll [1983] model does not include limit orders per se, but instead allows market makers the ability to trade either directly with the public or between themselves in an interdealer market. While this might appear to be very different from the issues we have been considering in this section, the fundamentals of these processes are the same. The interdealer market allows the dealer to lock in a certain price by trading with another dealer, while trading in the public market provides the dealer with better prices (his bid or ask) but uncertain execution. This trade-off dictates that the dealer's price may reflect more than the simple order- balancing issues analyzed previously. And the existence of competitive dealers means that the dealer does not have an exclusive franchise on clearing the order flow; so inventory positions can expose the dealer to substantial risk.

Introducing competing dealers into the models analyzed thus far is not a trivial exercise. Since traders will presumably transact with the dealer with the best price, each dealer's pricing problem should in principle depend on the actions of every other dealer. This dictates solving for the dealer's optimal strategy given his expectations over the actions of the other dealers. Over multiple periods with uncertain order flows, this would constitute an extremely complicated decision problem. Moreover, if dealers differ in their risk preferences, expectations of the stock's future value, or knowledge of the order flow, then a dealer's price-setting problem could be so complex as to be intractable.

Ho and Stoll do not analyze this general problem. Instead, they consider a simpler model in which two competing market makers, each trading two stocks denoted Nand M, choose bid and ask prices to maximize their expected utility of wealth. This model shares features with both the Stoll [1978] and Ho and Stoll [1981] models, in that the dealer cares about his overall portfolio and not simply his trading activity. For each stock. each dealer chooses a buying fee. bj• i = N, M, and a selling fee, ai, i = N, M. These buying and selling fees are selected so that the dealer's utility from trading at those prices is no lower than if he did not trade at all. It is also implicitly assumed that there is perfect information regarding each dealer's inventory and wealth positions. While Ho and Stoll set up the general multiperiod model, they explicitly solve a simpler one-period model in which the intertemporal dimensions of the dealer's inventory are not included. The strategic element one might expect to find in such a problem is also not a feature of this model.

These assumptions result in each dealer's pricing functions having a very simple form. Assuming transactions in stocks M and N are independent, then a dealer with inventories of M dollar value in stock M and N dollar value in stock N has a reservation buying fee for stock M of

Inventory Models



and a selling fee for stock M of


where Q is a fixed transaction value (rather than a size), and R is the discounted coefficient of dealer absolute risk aversion. In these equations, 1M = M + (ONM/OM2 )N is the overall value of the dealer's inventory position, which depends on the return variance of stock M (crM2 ) and the covariance of return between stocks M and N. Given these buying and selling fees, the dealer's spread for stock M is simply s = crM2 RQ. Thus, the value of the dealer's inventory affects the placement of the spread, but not its size. This also implies that the dealer's spread is independent of the number of stocks he trades, and so the diversification of the dealer's trading activities does not affect the spread. Notice that these pricing and spread functions do not include expectations of the other dealer's actions. or even the size of the other dealer's inventories. In a more complete model or even in this model with a two-period horizon. such interactions would arise.21

Where the market spread lies does depend on the spreads quoted by each of the dealers. Ho and Stoll argue that the market buying and selling fees will reflect the second best prices rather than each dealer's reservation prices. In particular, suppose that one dealer's reservation price to sell is 50. while the other dealer's reservation price is 51. The first dealer can clearly outbid the second for order flow, but could do so at any price up to 51. Thus. the first dealer will quote 51 (or an epsilon below). and the market spread will reflect the second best price.P This means that the spread need also not reflect its reservation price level. Ho and Stoll argue that with two dealers the spread can exceed OM2 RQ with three dealers it will equal OM2 RQ and with more than three it can be below that level.

21. Subsequent research (for example, Pagano [1989a]; Biais [1993]) addresses these effects in more detail. We consider this issue further in Chapters 8 and 9.

22. This second best pricing is characteristic of a Dutch auction, and this is essentially what Ho and Stoll argue occurs in the competitive market. Biais [1993} provides an interesting analysis along similar lines by looking at how fragmenting orders between exchanges affects prices in fragmented and centralized markets. He shows that prices in the two settings correspond to those arising in English and Dutch auction, and that in general the type of mechanism does not affect prices. He argues that this irrelevance result is reminiscent of Vickrey's finding of the irrelevance of auction mechanisms.



An interesting feature of this model is that interdealer trading is permitted. Such trading is extensive in markets for foreign exchange (see Lyons [1993]) and is also important in many other markets. If interdealer trading is permitted, then a dealer can layoff an unwanted position by trading at another dealer's quote. In this model, if there are only two dealers, then such trading does not arise, because each dealer essentially acts as a monopolist on his side of the market. The dealer in a better position to buy thus quotes the highest price he can, which results in his price being essentially the same as that of the other dealer. Since selling at this price cannot improve the utility position of the first trader, no interdealer trade occurs, and each dealer instead waits to cross his position against a market order. The market spread is then essentially the monopoly spread, with its width determined by the inventory positions of the dealer on each side of the market.

If there are more than two dealers, however, then bids and asks need not be at the "worst" prices, and a smaller spread arises. Ho and Stoll argue that this spread will not go to zero because of the interdealer trades. In particular, since a sale to a dealer raises that dealer's inventory position, this should also lower his bid price and thereby widen the spread. As the market spread narrows, therefore, a gravitational pull of orders from other dealers will arise. This causes the best bids and asks to worsen, resulting in a widening (and nonzero) spread. This gravitational pull is similar to that in Cohen, Maier, Schwartz, and Whitcomb. and it suggests that the spread reflects factors relating to the supply of liquidity.

One caveat that should be stressed, however, is that Ho and Stoll do not actually show that such an equilibrium occurs. In a one-period model, such dynamic effects are not really possible. Perhaps more important, to find such an equilibrium really requires a formal game-theoretic structure, and that is not a feature of this analysis. Subsequent microstructure research would employ such a game-theoretic approach, and we analyze several such models in the next three chapters. That inventory would affect the placement of the spread differentially among dealers. however, is an interesting and important insight of this paper.

In the next chapter, we consider an alternative theory of market prices and spreads in which explicit inventory costs play no role at all. Before proceeding to that, however; it may be useful to summarize some remaining issues and concerns in the inventory literature.

Inventory A1ode~



The models examined in this chapter present a varied view of the behavior of market prices and spreads. In each of the approaches we have discussed, a spread arises between the market maker's buying and selling prices. The explanations for this phenomenon differ widely, however, ranging from "market failure" and "market power" explanations of the spread to more transaction cost-related "dealer risk aversion" and "gravitational pull" theories. These divergences reflect the many dimensions of the pricesetting problem, and they suggest that, at least to some degree, all these factors may be present in market spreads.

Despite the apparent differences in the various approaches, there is an underlying similarity to the inventory-based approach to market making. In 'an inventory model, the specialist faces a complex balancing problem in that he must moderate random deviations in inflows and outflows. These deviations are by assumption unrelated to the future value of the stock. but in the short run they determine the behavior of the market. For the long run, however, assuming the dealer can adjust his position and prices, these stochastic inflows and outflows are irrelevant. Consequently, the dealer's effect on prices is also always temporary, with prices ultimately reverting to "true" levels that prevail when order flows are balanced.

For empirical researchers, this behavior dictates a need to focus only on the short run in characterizing market behavior. Joel Hasbrouck (see, for example, [1988, 1991a, 1991 b]) has used this property to separate price movements into short-run inventory-related effects and longer-run effects related to other factors such as information. There remain, however, several puzzling issues in characterizing exactly how the dealer formulates his strategy for dealing with his inventory, and hence there are still a number of unresolved issues in understanding even the short-run behavior of market pnces.

One of the most important of these unresolved issues concerns the dealer's preferred inventory position. As Amihud and Mendelson demonstrated. it may be that the dealer simply operates so as to keep his inventory position at some specific level. If this is the case, then inventory will be mean-reverting, and the dealer's inventory control measures will induce serial dependence in the security price process. What this desired level is, however, is not obvious, nor is it clear what, if anything, would change the level. Moreover, if the dealer could speculate on the stock (even assuming the absence of private information in the market), it seems likely that this preferred level need not be stationary even over longer time periods.



One reason this matters is that the recent availability of databases containing dealer inventory positions suggests at least the possibility of testing for the effect of dealer inventory positions on bid and ask prices. To formulate any test, however, requires specifying how the dealer's optimal strategy translates into his prices. and as we have seen, the complexity of such problems defies easy (or in some cases, any) characterization. Moreover, the results we do have often rely on specific restrictions (such as Poisson) on the order arrival process, and hence their generality is not apparent. Research articles by Madhavan and Smidt [1991, 1993] and Hasbrouck and Sofianos [1993] provide interesting empirical evidence to bear on this issue. These authors find evidence of preferred inventory positions, but also that the dealer is willing to depart from these preferred positions over long (i.e., several weeks) cycles. Such behavior is not yet predicted by extant inventory models.

One simple prediction of the inventory models is that since a dealer will prefer to sell if he is long inventory and buy if he is short, there should be mean reversion in security prices due to inventory effects. These predictions have been the focus of extensive research by Madhavan and Smidt [1991], Manaster and Mann [1992], Lyons [1993], Laux [1993], and many others. Interestingly, while Lyons finds evidence of inventory effects in foreign exchange markets, Madhavan and Smidt find little evidence of inventory effects in equity markets, and Manaster and Mann find similarly little evidence of inventory effects in futures markets.

These conflicting results may be due to differences in market structures and data sources, but they may also reflect the difficulty of specifying empirical tests given the simplicity of current inventory models. Further, if inventory can be correlated with factors related to future stock price movements (a property not allowed in the inventory models considered in this chapter), then testing for inventory effects can be extremely complex. We consider this issue more fully in later chapters. but it remains the case that many aspects of the market maker's behavior have not been fully resolved in the inventory literature.

3 Information-Based Models

The inventory approach discussed in the previous chapter provides a number of important insights into the behavior of market prices. One implication of these models, however, is that transaction costs (albeit augmented to include a wide variety of inventory costs) still determine the bid-ask spread. Beginning with an insightful paper by Bagehot [1971], a new theory emerged to explain market prices that did not rely on transaction costs. but rather posited an important role for information. These information-based models used insights from the theory of adverse selection to demonstrate how, even in competitive markets without explicit transaction costs, spreads would exist.

In the next three chapters. we analyze the major information-based models with a view to understanding how these models explain price behavior. One important aspect of the information-based models is that they allow for examination of market dynamics and hence provide insights into the adjustment process of prices. These adjustment issues will be examined in more detail in Chapter 6. Another aspect of information-based theories is that they allow for potential strategic behavior for informed and uninformed traders. These issues are considered in Chapters 4 and 5.


The origin of the information models is usually credited to a simple paper by Bagehot [1971]. His starting point was noting that there is a distinction in the market between market gains and trading gains. The former concept is the familiar notion that when market prices go up in general, most investors gain; when they fall. most investors lose. Since over time prices tend to both rise and fall, one might expect that investors playa fair game and hence receive a neutral market rate of return. The latter concept of trading gains, however, suggests otherwise: information costs will make




this average investor actually lose money relative to the market return over time.

This infonnation loss arises because of the presence in the market of traders who have superior information. In particular, the market maker, who is in the middle of all trades, knows that some traders may have better infonnation than he does. These informed traders buy when they know the stock's current price is too low; they sell when they know it is too high. Moreover, these informed traders have the option not to trade, unlike the market maker, who must always quote prices to buy and sell. Consequently, the market maker knows that when he is trading with an informed trader, he always loses. To remain solvent, he must be able to offset these losses by making gains from uninformed traders. These gains arise from the bid-ask spread.

That the spread reflects a balancing of losses to the informed with gains from the uninformed represented a fundamental insight into the nature of market making. While, undoubtedly, inventory and transaction costs are important factors, the notion that information costs also affect prices provided a new and important direction for market structure research. Perhaps most significant, it provided a way to explain market bid-ask spread behavior without relying on exogenous technological specifications of transaction costs.

The first attempt to formalize this concept of information costs was by Copeland and Galai [1983]. Their analysis develops a one-period model of the market maker's pricing problem given that some fraction of traders have superior information. The Copeland and Galai paper includes two almost distinct approaches to viewing the bid-ask spread. The first approach assumes a risk neutral dealer who sets bid and ask prices to maximize expected profit. The second views the bid and ask prices as call and put options provided by the dealer to the traders. Although the second approach captures a potentially important characteristic of the dealer's position, it would not prove as tractable as explicitly solving the dealer's maximization problem. 1 Hence, we consider how the dealer's decision problem can be formulated in a world of asymmetric information.

Copeland and Galai consider a very simple model. There is a single risk neutral dealer, who trades with a population of traders. The stock price, denoted P, is drawn from some known density,j(P), which is exogenous to the market. Some traders are assumed to know the actual value of the stock and hence are informed. Other traders know only the general price process

1. In particular, using the latter approach, Copeland and Galai demonstrate that the volatility of the underlying value is an important determinant of the spread. They also demonstrate that higher priced stocks have lower percentage spreads.

Information-Based Models


and not the actual value, and hence they are uninformed, or liquidity, traders. How information arises in this model and who gets to know it are left unspecified. Similarly, why liquidity traders trade is also left unspecified. This general approach of viewing liquidity traders' motivations as exogenous to the model is similar to the approach taken in the inventory models considered in the last chapter. As in those models, traders' utilities, risk preferences, etc., are all left unspecified. The recognition, however, that the informed traders have a clear and quantifiable reason for trading allowed this model to capture an aspect of order flow not considered in the inventory models.

As in the inventory models, traders are assumed to arrive at the market according to some exogenous probabilistic framework that is independent of the stock price process. Since some traders know more about P, this assumption now is not innocuous, as it might seem likely that informed trader behavior depends on what they know about the stock relative to what the market thinks. This aspect of the problem is not addressed in this simple one-period framework. Copeland and Galai do introduce the notion, however, that the dealer's order flow may include information-based trades. In particular, while individual traders are anonymous to the dealer, the market maker knows that any given trade comes from an informed trader with probability XI and from an uninformed trader with probability 1 - XI. This probabilistic structure is an important contribution of the model.

Once a trader arrives at the market, Copeland and Galai assume that there is some probability an uninformed trader will buy (xBd. some probability he will sell (xsL), and some probability he will not trade at all (7tNd. The informed trader is assumed to make the trade (either buy or sell) that maximizes his pronto All trades are for the same fixed size. Traders are allowed to have price-elastic demand functions, and so the uninformed are not forced to trade.? This latter feature is important; it means that whether a trade actually occurs depends on the bid-ask spread, and so the price-setting problem for the market maker must take account of this elasticity.

In an instantaneous quote framework, the market maker sets his quotes, and trades occur with no intervening time passing. Given this structure, the market maker can calculate his expected gain or loss from trading with any trader over the next instant. If the trader is informed (which occurs with probability 1Cr), the market maker can expect to lose

100 InPB

{P - PA)f(P)dP + (PB - P)f(P)dP,

PA 0


2. Note that the uninformed do not consider any strategic issues in their decision to trade, such as whether it makes sense to trade if other traders in the market are informed. This issue is addressed by Milgrom and Stokey [1982].



where PB and PA are the dealer's bid and ask prices and P is the "true" stock pnce.

Conversely, if the trader is uninformed, then the market maker's expected gain IS given by


Implicit in the trading probabilities of both equations ace the respective demand elasticities of the informed and uninformed traders. Since the dealer does not know the type of trader he is facing, he weights his expected gains and losses by the probability of informed and uninformed trading. Hence, -7T1 times (3.1) plus (1 - 171) times (3.2) gives the dealer's objective function. The optimal bid and ask prices then emerge as the solutions to the dealer's maximization problem, provided these prices are positive (otherwise, the market closes).

This model captures the information notion suggested by Bagehot in that it allows the explicit calculation of the market maker's expected gains and losses to traders to influence the size and placement of the spread. The model also makes clear that calculating these gains and losses requires knowing the trading probabilities of the informed and uninformed, the stochastic behavior of the stock, and the elasticities of traders' demands. Indeed, this focus on elasticities is reminiscent of the earlier Demsetz analysis. The decision problem described here is for a monopolistic dealer. The framework, however, can include competition by incorporating a zeroprofit constraint into the dealer's problem.

The most important result that emerges from this model is that even with risk neutral, competitive dealers, a spread arises. The size of this spread differs with various market parameters, in particular the elasticities of traders' demand functions and the population parameters of the uninformed and informed traders. As long as there is a positive probability that some traders are informed. however, the, spread is never zero, Consequently, a market spread will exist without either risk aversion, market power on the part of the market maker, or the inventory effects so extensively analyzed by previous researchers. The Copeland and Galai framework thus quantifies the intuitive concept introduced by Bagehot that information alone is sufficient to induce market spreads.

While the model provides an interesting characterization of the bid-ask spread, it does so in a static one-trade framework.' Because the dealer's

3. The authors also consider an interesting extension by casting the dealer's problem in an option pricing framework. Here, the dealer can be thought of as writing a call option at his bid price and writing a put option at his ask price. If both prices are the same, then an

Information-Based Models


decision problem in this framework is simply to balance gains and losses, his problem is isomorphic to the inventory control problems discussed earlier. This similarity disappears, however, once dynamic considerations are introduced. With asymmetric information. the nature of the order flow is not exogenous to the dealer's problem, and consequently the trade itself conveys information. Moreover, the continued trading of the informed provides at least the potential for other uninformed market participants to infer the underlying information. This concept of trades as "signals" of information is developed in papers by Glosten and Milgrom [1985] and Easley and O'Hara [1987a].


If some traders have superior information, then the market maker loses on average to those traders. In the one-trade world considered by Copeland and Galai, it is easy to quantify the size of this expected loss. If the new information, however. is not instantly revealed after the trade. the issue of losses to the informed is not so easily resolved. Instead, the size of the loss will depend not only on the current bid and ask price, but also on how quickly those prices reflect the new true value.

The effect of information on market prices. therefore, takes on added dimension as the possibility of multiple rounds of trade is considered. What makes this problem particularly interesting is that it cannot be viewed as a simple repeated version of the problem solved by Copeland and Galai. If it were, then the losses to the informed would simply be the cumulative total of the (constant) loss per trade times the number of trades. The reason for this is that the market maker has no reason to change bid and ask prices, because the parameters affecting his decision (the probability of trade by the informed, the stochastic process of the stock, and the elasticities of demand) remain unchanged. What is missing in this framework is the realization that the trades, in themselves, could reveal the underlying information and so affect the behavior of prices.

It is this insight that Glosten and Milgrom develop in their model of the market maker's pricing decision. They focus on the fact that in a

informed trader essentially exercises an in-the-money option. An uninformed trader, conversely, exercises an out-of-the-money option. Balancing these gains and losses requires the dealer to write options at different prices (a "reverse strangle"), and hence the spread can be solved for as optimal put and call prices. This approach certainly captures an important aspect of the dealer's problem. One difficulty in extending it further is that the option pricing framework requires exogeneity of the underlying order processes, and as will be apparent, it is this exogeneity that future researchers would relax to characterize the dynamics of the market making process.



competitive market. informed agents' trades will reflect their information, either selling if they know bad news or buying if they know good news. If someone wants to sell to the market maker. therefore, it could signal that the trader knows bad news. It could also mean, however, that the trader is uninformed and simply needs liquidity. Since the market maker cannot tell which is the case, he protects himself by adjusting his beliefs about the value of the stock, conditional on the type of trade that occurs. As the market maker receives trades, therefore, his expectation of the asset's value changes, and this, in turn, causes his prices to change. Glosten and Milgram demonstrate that over time the preponderance of informed trades on one side of the market results in the market maker eventually learning the informed traders' information. and his prices converge to the expected value of the asset given this information.

This focus on the learning problem confronting the market maker was a new, and important. direction in microstructure research. In previous research, the _!xogen~ of order flow. and asset -Yalut..Jillf~_~~in~ __ di<;!~~~_d that the market ma~ decision problem __ ~~~el!!~~!!Y concerned setting

, .~.~. .. ~., __ ._~. ~_"""'-- -- _~_ .. __ ~~._,_ _.~. -- -··'.~N_.,.

prices JO __ h.al~~~~ __ ris~~._~!.~lim~_. The resultin gmarlret-pme-s- reflected-these

exogenous.parameters, __ ~s __ well as the market maker'spreferences or_ market PQwer..Now, however, the ability to Iearn _ _(tmll._th~ma!k~~,mt;~~£~h~.t the p_~~~ _ _p~t_h_~as _.!lot_iudependent_Q( er~~;!~e informarien.~o_n the asset's true valu~. This linkage of price setting to underlying asset valuesmeantthatthe process by which information was impounded into prices could be addressed. This issue. long the focus of both the efficient markets and the rational expectations literatures, could now be addressed in the context of the actual mechanisms used to set prices in security markets.

The focus of market microstructure research thus moved to analyzing how the market maker learns from the order flow and how this, in turn, affects the movement of prices over time. While the specific market setting of this learning problem could differ. all asymmetric-information microstructure models, essentially solve a Bayesian learning model. Such models provide a cogent, and tractable. mechanism for solving dynamic learning problems. The Appendix to this chapter examines the mechanics of Bayesian learning models and demonstrates several fundamental properties of Bayesian dynamics. The reader unfamiliar with such models may find it useful to read the Appendix before continuing with the rest of this chapter.


The sequential trade framework used by Glosten and Milgrom begins with similar assumptions to that of Copeland and Galai. The market maker and all market participants are assumed to be risk neutral and act competitively.

Information-Based Models


The asset being traded has an eventual value given by the random variable V. Trades involve one unit of the asset, and all trades take place at either the market maker's bid or ask prices. There are no inherent transactions costs to trade [i.e., no commissions, taxes. etc.). nor are there any explicit costs to holding inventory or maintaining short positions.

Indeed, an important characteristic of both models is that inventory does not matter by construction; the assumptions of market maker risk neutrality. unlimited capital. no bankruptcy. and a short time horizon negate any meaningful inventory-carrying effects. This specification provides a convenient way to specify how information per se affects prices without the compounding distraction of inventory. But if. as seems likely, both information and inventory matter in actual markets. then this dichotomization is also a weakness; to incorporate both effects as well as the interaction between them requires a richer model than either that of Copeland and Galai or Glosten and Milgrom.

In the Glosten-Milgrom model, some traders have information about V, while others do not. The uninformed traders face an interesting problem because. if the informed are profiting on their information, it must be at the uninformeds' expense. An important paper by Milgrom and Stokey [1982] demonstrates that if the uninformed trade for speculative reasons. then it is always optimal for them to forgo trading rather than face a certain loss transacting with an informed trader. This "no trade equilibrium" result necessitates that the uninformed must trade for reasons other than speculation. A useful construct to achieve this is that of the liquidity trader who trades for reasons exogenous to the model.

In this model, trade takes place sequentially, with one trader allowed to transact at any point in time. How traders actually arrive at the market is an important issue. Informed traders profit from trading if prices are not at full-information levels, and so any informed trader will prefer to trade as much (and as often) as possible. Since such behavior would quickly indicate the information of the informed. the market maker would quickly (perhaps instantly) adjust prices to reflect this information. Such a revealing outcome is a problem in the rational expectations models, which are discussed in the Appendix to Chapter 4. One way to avoid this instantaneous revelation outcome is to assume that traders are chosen to trade probabilistically, and that once selected, a trader may trade at most one unit of the asset. If a trader desires to trade further, he must return to the pool of traders and wait to be selected again to trade.

This probabilistic selection process dictates that the population of traders the market maker actually faces is always the same as the population of potential traders. This distinction is important because it means that, despite the informed traders' informational advantage, the market maker can



always calculate the probability that he is trading with an informed trader. Note that this does implicitly rule out some plausible trading scenarios. For example, if information is likely to become more dispersed over time, then the &action of informed trades would also increase with time, giving the market maker yet another parameter to learn. This is not considered in the simple framework developed here, but the general sequential trade approach can be developed to include this and other trade specifications. We consider some of these trading frameworks later in this chapter and in Chapters 6-8.

The specialist in the Glosten-Milgrom model sets prices such that the expected profit on any trade is zero. The general rationale for this zeroprofit condition is that competition combined with risk neutrality dictates that any rents earned on trades would be bid away by a competing specialist. Indeed, since dealers compete through supply-and-demand schedules, two competing agents are sufficient to create the competitive outcome (see MasColell [1980]). In effect, each market maker selects an expected profitmaximizing supply-and-demand schedule (his strategy) given his competitors supply-and-demand schedules. Market makers thus play a game, in these strategies, against each other. Since each market maker starts with the same prior belief and trade information is common knowledge, every market maker can calculate every other market maker's optimal prices." This results in all market makers quoting the same bid and ask prices.

An important implication of this competitive pricing is that prices a~ eq_ual to t_he_specialists.:_f:0~dit~onal exp~_~t_~~i_?n_ of~~~_asset'~lue glv~n the type of_traac:~h~~_ C?~~s. In equilibrium, bid and askprices are "regret-free"

in-the sense that given the trade that actually Occuis'""t1ie--fli~~~! maKer

believes the price is fair. Hence the bi4p!'~t:_~ is simply the market ~ker's expecte:'fYaJ;~~=()_ftli~.-~'!Sset given that a trader wants to sell the asset to the ~k_Ct_maker.;. the askprice is the expected value _ _g!y.£~._~h~~ . .a-:traaer·-wants to buy the assetJ~()ll~_the _~~~_t;~Il1~k~r. s~di-;~r~gret-free" prices'-retain die property typically found- in rational expectations models of incorporating the information the trade itself reveals. Since the type of trade h.as signal _value, following the trade the market maker revises his beIkrs-a"iia-sets--new tnarrig prices. These new piices·- refIecthls--'beIiefs . given·-·~hat::·~~~J1as learnedf~~m the trade outcomes.

4. Notice that this would not be true if inventory mattered (as would be the case with risk aversion or capital constraints) or if the order flow were not observable to all specialists. In this case, the market maker's prices might reflect idiosyncratic information known only to himself. With risk neutrality, such inventory-based pricing effects will not arise, but the order flow constraint could be violated if there were limit orders known to one specialist and not to all. Such market structure and order form issues are considered in more detail in Chapter 7.

Information-Based Models


Viewing bid and ask prices as conditional expectations allows the adjustment of prices over time to be seen as isomorphic to the change in the market maker's beliefs. Consequently, to understand the behavior of bid and ask prices, we need to analyze the market maker's learning problem. The Appendix to this chapter examines this learning problem in more detail, but it is useful here to illustrate the basic problem. While Glosten and Milgrom derive their results in a more general framework, their results are more easily illustrated by examining a simple version of their model.!

Suppose that informed agents know the true value of the stock will be either low or high, denoted Y or V. Let S1 denote the event that a trader wants to sell the stock to the market maker and Bl the event that someone wants to buy from the market maker. The market maker sets bid and ask prices such that

at = E[VI B1] = V Pr{V= VIBt} + V Pr{V= VIB1}· (3.3)

bt = E [VI St] = V Pr{ V = VISt} + V Pr{ V = VISt}· (3.4)

Hence, the ask price at time 1 is the conditional expectation of V given that a trader wishes to buy from the market maker. with the bid price defined similarly given that a trader wishes to sell.

To determine the bid price, for example, the market maker calculates Pr{ V = VISt} and the corresponding Pr{V = VISt}. The approach taken here is standard Bayesian learning, and so these probabilities are found by applying Bayes Rule. This first probability is given by

Pr{V = VISt} =

Pr{V = K} Pr{StIV = K} (3.5)

Pr{V = V}Pr{Stl V = V} + Pr{V = V} Pr{StIV = V}.

The corresponding probabilities Pr{ V = !::JB t }, Pr{ V = VI S t }, and Pr{ V = VIBt} can be calculated similarly. The initial bid and ask prices then follow from simple calculations.

One important characteristic of these prices is that they explicitly depend on the probability of a sale (and a buy). In previous theoretical models and in many empirical analyses. the assumption made (either implicitly or

5. The Glosten-Milgrom model makes extensive use of the law of iterated expectations to demonstrate when one information set results in a finer partition than another. This allows them to demonstrate how trader and market maker behavior evolves given their respective information sets. In that setting as in here, the basic approach is Bayesian learning.



explicitly) is that buys and sells are equally likely. As should be apparent, in this framework this cannot be true. If there is good news, there will be more buy orders; if there is bad news, there will be more sell orders. And it will not be the case that the market maker's prices will adjust to offset this imbalance. As long as prices are not at full-information equilibrium levels, the expected order flow will differ depending on the market maker's beliefs regarding the asset's true value."

Calculating these probabilities of receiving a buy or a sale can be greatly simplified by constructing a simple tree diagram. In this tree, nature makes the first move and chooses whether the information will be good or bad. This is represented in Figure 3.1 as the first node on the tree. The second node corresponds to what fraction of traders learn the information, and as is apparent this is assumed to be symmetric with respect to good and bad information. The third node corresponds to the trading decision each trader will make if given the opportunity to trade. Here the difference between informed and uninformed enters directly, as informed traders will not buy if they know bad news (or sell if they know good news), while uninformed traders are assumed equally likely to buy or sell whatever the information.

In the tree diagram, the end of each branch gives the probability of being at that point of the tree, and hence it corresponds to the likelihood of observing a particular outcome. As our interest is in the probability of a particular trade occurring (a buy or a sale), this can be calculated by simply adding up the various ways a sell (buy) order can occur. For example, in the tree in Figure 3.1, the probability of observing a sale is (1 - 1L)'Ys + (1 - 9)"", while that of observing a buy is (1 - 1l)'YB + 91l. In both expressions, the first terms are the probabilities the trade is from an uninformed trader, while the latter terms give the probabilities the trade is from an informed trader. As is apparent, more complex trading games can be represented by adding nodes to the tree corresponding to any additional decision points. 7

Given the initial price quotes, some trade occurs at time 1. Suppose that this actual time 1 trade is a sale. The market maker must then use the information conveyed by the trade to construct his posterior probability that V= y. This is just the valuePr{V= YI Sdcalculated above. To set his

6. In the limit, however, when everyone is informed, buys and sells will be equally likely.

Recall that in the Garman model the market maker ultimately failed because she either ran out of stock or money. In this setting such failure cannot occur because the market maker is assumed to have access to unlimited amounts of either commodity. If the order flow is informative. it will also be the case that the market maker may learn the true value rather quickly, suggesting that very large imbalances in stock or cash may not develop even over short periods.

7. For examples of more complex decision trees in microstructure applications, see Diamond and Verrecchia [1987] or Easley and O'Hara [1992a].

Information-Based Models



o 8(1-I1)y8

8(1-I1)YS o


(1-8)11 (1-8)(1- J.1)yB

(1- 8)( l-I1)Ys



Traders decide to buy or sell

chooses learn

information information

In the diagram e is the probability the signal is good news, 1 - 9 the probability it is bad news; ~ is the probability a trader is informed, 1 - ~ the probability he is uninformed; yB is the probability an uninformed trader buys and ys the probability he sells.

Figure 3.1 The Probability Structure of Trade



trading prices for time 2, the market maker updates his beliefs by using this posterior in place of his prior in the formulae above. A specific example of this is given in the Appendix.

The determination of beliefs and prices for subsequent periods proceeds in the same way. An important characteristic of this learning process is that revision of beliefs can be expressed as a simple updating of the market maker's prior belief by Bayes Theorem. The eventual convergence of beliefs and thus of prices to full-information levels follows from standard Bayesian learning results.

There are several important results that Glosten and Milgram demonstrate in this framework. The first is that, as in Copeland and Galai, a spread arises that is independent of any exogenous transaction or inventory costs. There is, however, an important difference in interpretation between the two models. For Copeland and Galai, the spread merely balances expected gains and losses. The spread in the Glosten and Milgrom model arises because the fact that someone wishes to buy causes the market maker to revise his expectation of the asset's value upward and his quotes move accordingly; the willingness of someone to sell causes the opposite revision. The assumption of competitive behavior dictates that the specific prices set will balance the market maker's expected gains and losses in much the way it does in the Copeland and Galai framework, but here these prices are the expected values given publicly available information. Glosten and Milgrom characterize the specific factors influencing the spread. and in particular they demonstrate how it depends on the nature of the underlying information, the number of informed traders. and traders' elasticities.

A second important result of the model is that transaction prices form a Martingale. The stochastic process of prices follows a Martingale with respect to the market maker's information if E[Pt + 1 I ft1 = Pt. for It the market maker's information set at time t. Intuitively, this means that a market observer following prices cannot do better in predicting the future price than by simply using the current price. This property is important because it suggests a linkage between the price behavior in the model and the concept of market efficiency. As it is usually defined. prices are strongform efficient if they reflect all private information, semi-strong-form efficient if they reflect all publicly available information, and weak-form efficient if they reflect the information in their own past values." As the Appendix demonstrates, in Bayesian learning models it will be the case that prices ultimately converge to the true value, and hence they become strong-

8. These concepts of efficiency are suggested by Roberts [1967) and are formally tested by the research of Fama [1976}, Leroy [1972], and others.

Information-Based Models


fonn efficient. Given that some traders have superior information, however, it is clear that prices along the way do not exhibit strong-form efficiency. The Martingale property dictates that prices will be semi-strong form efficient in that they reflect all the information available to the market maker.

An interesting point to consider, however, is that it is not entirely clear what market efficiency tells us in a dynamic setting. Depending upon the information the market maker sees, there can be very different price adjustment paths, with some price paths closer to the true value than others. Each path, however, has the property that prices are a Martingale, and so the notion of efficiency is somewhat limited. This issue was raised in a provocative article by Black (1989] and is considered in a microstructure setting by Easley and O'Hara (1992b].

An interesting implication of the Martingale property is that the frrst differences of the transaction price process will be serially uncorrelated. As Glosten and Milgrom discuss, this contrasts with the negative serial correlation that arises from transaction costs such as inventory carrying costs, or from risk aversion or market power by the market maker. Roll [1984] used this negative serial correlation property to estimate the effect of transaction costs on the bid-ask spread. With asymmetric information. however, future prices are not independent of the current transaction, and so Roll's technique is no longer applicable. Glosten and Milgrom derive an alternative estimator that incorporates the presence of asymmetric information. This divergence in serial correlation properties also provides a means to estimate empirically the impact of asymmetric information on security prices. Such empirical testing would be the focus of subsequent research by Hasbrouck [1988], Harris [1990], and Glosten and Harris [1988].

Another result that arises from the Glosten and Milgrom model is that under some conditions the adverse selection induced by asymmetric information can cause the market to collapse or shut down. The intuition for this result is similar to the classic reasoning of Akerloff [1970]. If there are too many informed traders. then the market maker may have to set the spread so large as to preclude any trading at all. Since information is reflected in prices through trades, however, this lack of trade results in a breakdown of the market system. One application of this is in considering whether there exist alternative market structures that avoid this unpleasant feature. A second application is in considering whether institutional features such as trading halts or circuit breakers are useful in dealing with information-based problems. These issues in market structure are addressed in Chapter 7, but it is important to note that their genesis is to be found in this early paper.



In both the Copeland-Galai and Glosten-Milgrom models, the central result can be stated as showing that asymmetric information induces a bidask spread. With this as a starting point, two obvious questions arise. First, how robust is this result to the trading environment? Is it the case that the presence of informed traders always induces a bid-ask spread? A second, and perhaps more intriguing, question is, can other market phenomena be, explained by the presence of asymmetric information?

One area where both issues converged was in the role of trade size. In the models considered thus far, traders are assumed to buy or sell one unit of the asset. If traders could chose to transact different quantities, is it the case that spreads would still arise? Moreover, since empirical research (for example, Dann, Mayers, and Raab [1977], Holthausen et al. [1987, 1990]) has found interesting price patterns connected with large trade quantities (or block trades), could an information-based approach provide insight into this security price behavior? These questions are addressed in research by Easley and O'Hara [1987a].


The approach taken by Easley and O'Hara involves a sequential trade model similar in spirit to that of Glosten and Milgram. Traders are assumed to trade an asset with competitive, risk neutral market makers. The market makers quote bid and ask prices and adjust quotes across time based on the trades that occur. Inventory effects do not matter, and trades take place sequentially according to a probabilistic structure.

The Easley-O'Hara model differs from previous asymmetric information models along two dimensions. First, traders are allowed to transact different trade sizes. This ability to transact orders for large or small quantities provides the potential to address the effects of trade size on security prices. The ability of traders to choose order sizes also introduces a simple strategic element into the trading game, and this, in turn, requires the development of a more sophisticated equilibrium concept. A second difference in the models lies in the nature of the information uncertainty. Unlike in previous analyses, the existence of new information is not assumed. Instead, in this game, nature essentially has two moves in deciding first whether there will he new information and then, if there is, what it will be. This dual uncertainty means that the market maker's learning problem involves determining both the existence and direction of new information.

In the Easley and O'Hara model, an information event is defmed as the occurrence of a signal, s, about the value of the asset. The probability that a signal occurs is Q, and if a signal occurs, it is assumed to do so before the trading day begins. The signal can take on two possible values, low and

Information-Based Models


high. If a signal occurs, some fraction J.l of the traders receive the signal. of course, if no signal occurs, all traders will be uninformed. Since the market maker does not know if there is new information, he cannot know for certain when such an uninformed outcome occurs. Such information-event uncertainty seems a natural representation of how private information may exist in markets. In cases where information is known to exist but its particular level is not known to the public, it is common practice to halt trading in the stock until the information is revealed.

Trade occurs sequentially. with the individual trader chosen to trade based on the probabilities of trader ~ in the population. The model allows for different-sized orders. and so a trader whose rum it is to transact may either buy a small or a large quantity (denoted B1 and B2), sell a small or a large quantity (Sl or 52)' or simply not trade. Because of the "no trade" equilibrium results of Milgrom and Stokey [1982], some infonned traders will trade the large quantity only if uninfonned traders want to trade the large quantity. If they did not, then a large trade could only be: from an informed trader, and the market maker's "regret-free" prices for luge trades would then be the full-information values (for good and bad news). After each transaction, the market maker sets new trading prices.

Informed traders are assumed to be risk neutral and trade to maximize their expected profits. Because there are multiple trade sizes, the behavior of the informed takes on a dimension not found in the previous papers. In particular, since the informed profit at the market makers' (or the uninformed traders') expense, the larger the trade size, the larger is their gain all other things remaining equal. Consequently, trade size induces an adverse selection problem. because at the same price the informed trader always prefers to trade larger quantities. Since uninformed traders do not share this size bias, a rational market maker will interpret large orders as a signal of information-based trading and adjust prices accordingly.

The idea that the informed could choose to transact in certain ways introduces a simple strategic element into the market making problem. Much subsequent research would involve analyzing more complex strategic decisions, but even in this simple structure the effect of aJIowing the informed to select among trade sizes means that the equilibrium need not be that of the Copeland-Galai or Glosten-Milgrom models. In particular, how the market maker sets prices now depends on where he believes the informed will be trading. But, of course, where the informed trade depends un the prices the market maker sets. This requires finding a fixed point at which, in addition to the competitive constraints noted earlier, the market maker's conjectures regarding the location of the informed are correct.

One aspect of the Easley-O'Hara model that should be stressed is that the informed are assumed to act competitively. This competitive behavior



greatly simplifies the informeds' decision problems and facilitates the construction of a well-behaved equilibrium. In the absence of competitive behavior, with multiple informed traders the equilibrium can be intractable, if it exists at all. In the next two chapters we consider models in which informed traders act strategically, and these equilibrium issues are discussed in more detail.

Easley and O'Hara demonstrate that in this framework, two types of equilibria are possible. The informed traders could all choose to trade only the large quantity and hence be "separated" from the small uninformed traders. Alternatively, informed traders could choose to submit both large and small orders and thus be "pooled" with the uninformed traders. Of course, even in the separating equilibrium some uninformed traders must be active in the large trade market, suggesting that a "semiseparating" equilibrium is actually a better description of the separating outcome. Such pooling and separating equilibria are common constructs in many areas of economics and finance (such as in search models or in more general signaling analyses), but heretofore had not been applied to market microstructure issues.

Determining which outcome occurs is done by first solving the market maker's pricing problem assuming that the informed traders all trade large quantities. The market maker's decision problem is then solved again assuming instead that the informed are trading both quantities. The two outcomes then provide a means to determine when it is rational (i.e., optimal) for informed traders to choose one strategy over the other, thus dictating the conditions under which each outcome prevails. Solving each pricing problem involves the same general approach used in all Bayesian learning problems, with the specific trade probabilities adjusted to reflect the market maker's conjecture as to where the informed are trading.

If the informed are trading the large quantities, then the market maker's pricing policy in the separating equilibrium has the following properties. First, there is no spread for trades of the small quantity. Since informed traders do not trade small quantities, there is no reason for the market maker to protect himself from infonnation-based trading by setting a spread. Second, prices for large trades do exhibit a spread. These prices are given by

2 [ 1

b* - v* _ (1" aJ.'

- V - V X~(l - Ott) + DUtt '

2 [ 1

* V* (j" att

a = + V - V Xi(1 - Ott) + fitt(l - 6) ,



Information-Based Models


where ~ is the expected value of V with V E [y, V]. X denotes the fraction of uninformed traders who trade the large quantity (subscripted to indicate buy or sale), l) is the probability that V is equal to Y., a 2 v is the variance of V, and UJ.l represents the probability of informed trading (which depends on the probability of an information event and the fraction of traders who are informed if there is an event).

Given these trading prices, it follows that the informed choose to trade large sizes only if doing so results in larger profits than trading the small amount. Since there is no spread at the small quantity. the informed trader must be able to offset the better price by the ability to trade more shares, albeit at a worse price. If this does not occur, then the optimal strategy for the informed does not involve only trading the large quantity, and the separating equilibrium cannot prevail. For the prices in (3.6) and (3.7) to constitute an equilibrium, therefore, the following conditions must hold:

S2/S1 > 1 + ap6/X~(1 - OIJ) .

B2 / B 1 > 1 + oJ.L(l - 6)/ X~(l - 01') .

(3.8) (3.9)

where 82 (B2) denotes the larger sell (buy) size and st (Bt) is the smaller sell (buy) size.

These conditions guarantee that the informed traders' profit is higher trading the larger quantity at the "worse" price than it is trading the smaller quantity at a better price. If the large quantity is large enough or there is little threat of information-based trading, then the market will be in a separating equilibrium. In both conditions, the left side gives the relative size of the large and small trades, and it reflects the simple fact that trading enough shares, even at poor prices, may still be preferred if the amount is large enough. In many active markets, huge blocks often transact, suggesting that in such markets a separating equilibrium might be expected to prevail. The right sides of (3.8) and (3.9) reflect the effects of informed trading on the price. If the market maker knows that most large trades are uninformed, then he can "break even" on these trades with only a small spread. In this case, the informed trader pays little penalty for trading the large amount and so profits more by trading large.

If these conditions do not hold, then the market cannot be in a separating equilibrium. It may, however, be in a pooling equilibrium. If the informed are assumed to pool with the uninformed, then the market maker's pricing strategy can again be determined. With the informed trading both large and small quantities, the market maker now sets a spread at both large and small trade sizes. The small trade spread is smaller than the large trade spread, however, resulting in a similar better price-bigger trade trade-off as occurs



in the separating equilibrium. For this to be an equilibrium, it must again be the case that the informed make a larger profit by pooling than by separating. Solving for the conditions under which this is true results in conditions exactly the opposite of those in equations (3.8) and (3.9). This dictates that the market is always either in a separating or a pooling equilibrium, depending on the market parameters.

That spreads could vary across trade sizes, and indeed could even be zero in some cases, provides several important insights into the behavior of market prices. Indeed, one difficulty it reveals is that there is no one market price: the price will depend on the size oj the trade. A second, and related, implication is that using market spreads as measures of market "goodness" can be very misleading. Since spread size will depend partly on the nature of the equilibrium, examining only the small-trade spread cannot provide a good indication of the extent of asymmetric information or of the costs of trading.

The model also provides an information-based explanation for the observed empirical regularity that large trades transact at worse prices. One traditional explanation for this phenomenon was that the large inventory exposure such trades imposed on the market maker required additional compensation, and this was accomplished by the trade clearing at a worse price. One difficulty with this story. however, is that the specialist rarely takes the other side of such trades, and indeed he or she may not participate in the trade at all. Instead, many large trades (known as blocks) bypass the specialist system completely and are handled via syndication. The mechanics of this alternative trading process are examined in Chapter 8. Since the information-based explanation given by the Easley and O'Hara is equally applicable whether the trade takes place at the risk neutral specialist's quote or clears in the "upstairs market," this model provides an explanation that is robust to trading venues.

One additional implication of the analysis is that the extent to which the market maker revises his beliefs, and hence his prices, following a trade also vanes with trade size. As in the Glosten-Milgrom framework, the revision process in this model involves a Bayesian updating approach. Because of the dual uncertainty in the model over the existence and direction of new information, however, the revision process results in a different price process than that which arose in the Glosten-Milgrom framework. Easley and O'Hara demonstrate that this revision process can explain not only the immediate price drop associated with block trades, but also their puzzling subsequent price behavior as well.

In particular, suppose that the market is in a separating equilibrium and that the initial trade of the day is a large sale. In setting quotes for the next trading interval, the market maker again sets bid and ask prices equal to the

Information-Based Models


(revised) conditional expectation of the asset given the type of trade. It is straightforward to see that the occurrence of two large sales leads the market maker to increase his belief that there is adverse information, and so he sets the next large sale price below the current large sale price.

Where he sets the small-trade price is more intriguing. In a separating equilibrium, the market maker knows that only uninformed traders trade small amounts. With no possibility of trading with an informed trader, therefore, there is no need for a spread, and the market maker sets the new small-trade bid and ask prices equal. But that the trader wants to trade a small quantity rather than a large amount may, in itself, provide information to the market maker regardless of whether the trade is a buy or a sell. If there is uncertainty over the existence of informanon, then even an uninformed trade can have information value, because it ID2y signal that no new information exists. In particular, if there has been no information event, then the probability of a small trade rises because there are no informed traders in the market. A small trade following a block trade thus causes the market maker to revise downward his belief that there is new information, and this causes the price path to differ from what it is if there is no information-event uncertainty.

Figure 3.2 depicts these price path effects for the trade sequence small trade, block sale, small trade. Figure 3.2{a) gives the market maker's price; when new information is known to exist. As expected, the price for the block sale falls, and the price for the next small trade is set at the market maker's new expected value of the stock, which is, of course, the block price. In this path, the stock price is permanently lower following the block trade because the market maker believes it more likely that the new information is bad news. And, since small trades do not cause the market maker to revise his beliefs, the price stays at this level until a new block trade causes a revision in his beliefs.

Figure 32(b) gives the price path when there is uncertainty as to whether there is new information. Again, the block sale trades at a lower price, but now the price partially recovers if the next transaction is a small trade. This recovery reflects the market maker's revision of his beliefs regarding the existence of information, and whether the next trade is a small buy or a small sale, the price recovers. What is particularly intriguing about this effect is that such a recovery is consistent with the observed empirical behavior reported by numerous researchers (see, for example, Kraus and Stoll [1972], Dann, Mayers, and Raab [1977]).

This "existence" uncertainty introduces a new complexity into the analysis of asymmetric information. Now, the price effect of a trade depends not only on the trade and the current, but also on the sequence of past trades. In statistical parlance, this means that while pnces are



Martingales, they are not Markov. A Markov process is one in which the future movement of the process does not depend on the history of the process, but only on its current state. Thus, the price process is Markov if E{Pt + t I Pt) = E{Pt + 1 I P» Pt - 1, ... , PI)' For empirical researchers, the result that prices are not Markov has the unpleasant implication that price observations cannot be viewed as independent of the prior sequence of prices. Because prices will move differently depending upon the sequence of trades preceding the current observation, this makes empirical investigations of specific economic events of interest extremely difficult. This issue of the role of price sequences is considered in more detail in Chapter 6. What this sequence result suggests for our focus here, however, is that the effects of information on security prices may be more complex than the simple "balancing" idea suggested by Bagehot.


a 1 - b 1

t+2- t+2


~ Price path for small trade, block sale, small trade



Figure 3.23 is the price path for a market in a separating equilibrium when there is no information-event uncertainty.


Price path for small trade, block sale, small trade




Figure 3.2b is the price path for a market in a separating equilibrium when there is information-event uncertainty.

Figure 3.2 The Time Path of Prices

Information-Based Models



The sequential trade models of Glosten and Milgrom and Easley and O'Hara provide a framework for addressing issues related to the adjustment of prices to information. The strength of these models is that they allow the learning problem of the market maker and the uninformed trader to be analyzed explicitly. This allows price behavior to be characterized on a trade-by-trade basis without ignoring the dynamic linkages between trades and information. Moreover, this approach allows the process of market maker quotes to be separated from the process of transaction prices, thereby allowing greater insight into the movement of beliefs across time. In concluding our discussion of these models, it is useful to consider the strengths and limitations of these models in more detail.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of these models is their ability to characterize the bid-ask spread. By demonstrating how market parameters such as the size of the market or the ratio of large to small trades affect quotes and spreads, these models explicitly detail how asymmetric information affects market behavior. And this, in turn, should provide at least some guidance to empirical researchers examining security market behavior.? These models also demonstrate that there may be an important distinction between quotes and prices. This issue, which will be addressed in more detail in Chapter 6, takes on particular importance for empirical researchers employing transaction data. Since trades across securities do not take place synchronously, the existence of a continuous quote process provides a mechanism to deal with this problem.

Another important aspect of the sequential trade approach is that it is possible to demonstrate that prices do indeed converge to full-information values. In the absence of this, concepts such as market efficiency would be problematic. This actual convergence, however, takes place only in the limit. Hence, one limitation of these two models is that they provide little insight into how long this adjustment process takes. Although more general results provided in the Appendix give more structure to this convergence issue. it remains the case that "how long" it takes is not easily determined. One reason this is important is that knowing how quickly information is assimilated into security prices might yield new insights into the nature of market efficiency. A more applied benefit is that it might suggest how institutional market design features contribute to or impede this attainment of efficiency. Subsequent research, discussed in Chapter 7, addresses some

9. This approach also distinguishes an important role for trades. This has been investigated in the work of Hasbrouck [1988. 1991a. 1991b].



of these issues, but it remains the case that the actual adjustment paths remain difficult to characterize precisely.

A third aspect of these models that deserves consideration is the actual mechanics of the sequential trading process. In both the Easley-O'Hara and Glosten-Milgrom models, traders essentially form a queue and trading takes place sequentially. How traders arrive at the queue is problematic. One simple scenario is that a trader is selected from a pool of traders according to the population probabilities. Hence, if there are x percent informed traders in the trader population. then there is an x percent chance that an informed trader will be transacting. That trader is allowed to transact once and then must rejoin the end of the queue if he wishes to trade further.

There are two obvious difficulties with this approach. Presumably, any informed trader would prefer to continue to trade until the price has adjusted. If this were the case, however, then once a single informed trader began to transact. the uninterrupted sequence of trades all on one side of the market would quickly convey to the market maker the underlying information. and prices would adjust almost immediately. Moreover, if the fiction of a queue is abandoned. an informed trader acting competitively would simply submit so many orders that again prices would adjust so quickly that returns to informed traders would be minuscule. The solution to this problem is to assume that. however trades occur, the intensity of the informed trades is such that x percent of trades arise from informed traders. This allows prices to reflect the uncertainty of underlying information. but avoids specifying (and thus understanding) the actual mechanism by which traders transact.

A related problem is that informed and uninformed traders are both assumed willing to continue to transact. For an informed trader, such repeat trading is certainly optimal, but it is less believable that a randomly selected uninformed trader's behavior remains the same after trading as it was before. But if the uninformed trader "drops out" of the market, the probabilistic framework used in these models is not correct. One way to characterize this difference is that informed traders should be sampled with replacement while uninformed traders should be sampled without replacement. The sequential trade models, however, assume that the percentage of trades that are information-based is constant, which can only be true if the number of uninformed traders is constant. While likely to be approximately true in some markets, it is not clear that this holds in general.

A final issue relates to the ability to incorporate strategic behavior in these models. In these models. traders and market makers are assumed to behave competitively. For uninformed traders, the lack of any coherent trading motivation is clearly an area of major weakness in the model. In the case of informed traders, the competitive assumption rules out broad

Information-Based Models


categories of behavior that could be rational under a wide range of conditions. For example, if only one or even a few traders know the new information, a strategy of trading to disguise the true information might lead to higher trading profits.

In the sequential trade models. this issue is difficult to address for two reasons. First, since traders never know for certain that their turn to trade will arrive, delaying or disguising trades is only optimal if the information is extremely long-lived. A more serious problem is that it is not generally possible to compute the return to information in these models. Because the adjustment path depends on the specific trade sequence and prices are known to converge only in the limit, the trading gains to the informed depend on the specific outcomes of numerous random variables. Indeed, it is not even generally possible to determine how many times the informed will transact, let alone how much they make on each trade.

This inability to compute the exact return to information means that the sequential approach is not useful for some problems. In the next chapter, we consider another class of models designed to address these issues. In these models, the trading environment departs from the sequential trade-by-trade approach and considers a batch framework. In batch models, the payoff to strategic behavior can be calculated since trades clear at a single price. This structure, however, necessarily means that the information contained in single trades or in the bid-ask spread is removed. We return to these issues in later chapters.


Bayesian Learning Models

In microstructure models with asymmetric information, the key to understanding the dynamics of price adjustment is Bayesian learning. The market maker (and potentially other uninformed agents) knows that the order flow is correlated with the value of the asset but does not know what this "true" value is. What he or she must do is usc the indirect evidence from the order flow to infer what this underlying value must be. This order flow may he a single trade (as in the sequential trade models) or it may be the outcome of a call market in which orders are hatched together and only the net demand is observable (as in a Kyle model). In either case, the learning problem is solved via an application of Bayes Rule.

The mechanics of this learning problem are straightforward. Each trader has a prior belief about the value of the asset. One can think of this prior belief as being the probability that the value of the asset. denoted by the random variable V, has a realized value x. The trader then observes some data (say a trade) and based on this data will calculate the conditional probability that the event (V = x) has occurred given the data he has seen. This conditional probability is his posterior probability of the event, and hence it incorporates the new information he has learned from observing the trade. The posterior then becomes his new prior, he observes more data, and the updating process continues.

There are three important aspects of this learning process that this appendix will address. First, the updating process is done according to Bayes Rule, and we will review how this actually transpires. Second, because the movement of beliefs (and prices) over time is determined by Bayes Rule, it is important to understand what we know about the dynamics of this updating process and, in particular, its convergence properties. This will allow us to determine what aspects of price behavior follow simply from the nature of Bayesian learning, and which reflect other factors such as dealer-specific preferences or market structure constraints. Third, because many problems involve random variables with continuous distributions, it is useful to understand how Bayes Rule applies in those settings. To conclude the appendix, we will examine the more general learning problem, with a particular emphasis on Bayesian learning with normally distributed random variables.




To determine the probability of an event occurring given the data we observe, we need two pieces of information. First, we need to know the likelihood of seeing the data, given that the event has occurred (i.e., Pr{ data I event }). And we need to know the likelihood of seeing the data, given that the event did not occur (i.e., Pr{ datajnot event}). Using these, we can calculate the marginal likelihood function of the data having occurred;

Pr{data} =

Prjdatajevent] Pr{event} + Pr{datalnot event} Pr{not event}.


We know that the probability of both seeing the data and the event having occurred has the symmetric property that

Pr{ data, event} =

Pr{ event I data} Pr{ data} = Pr{ datal event }Pr{ event}.


This means

{ [data] - Pr{datalevent}Pr{event}

Pr event ata - P {d }



But Prldata] is simply given by (3.10), and so

Pr{ evenrldata] =

Pr{ datalevent} Pr{ event} (3.13)

Prjdataleventj Prj event] + Prj datalnot event} Pr{not event}

This is Bayes Rule. It gives the updating formula to use to form the posterior probability that an event has occurred given the observation of some data. Another way to state this is

. . Prior belief x Pr{ data/event}

Posterior belief = Pr{eventldata} = M . I rk l"h d f h d '

arglna 1 e 1 00 0 t e ata


where the marginal likelihood of the data is simply the denominator in equation (3.13).

Information-Based Models


An Example

Suppose that the market maker believes that an asset's value is either high or low (for simplicity, let this be 0 or 1) and that his prior probability that the value equals 0 is (). Now either a buy or a sale occurs. What do we need to know to set our posterior, Pr{ V = 01 Ql}, when we observe a trade of Ql!

First, suppose that the trade at time 1 is a sale (i.e., Ql = S). Then, Bayes Rule dictates that

Pr{V= D!S} =

Pr{V = O} Pr{SI V = O}

Pr{ V :::: o} Pr{ SI V = o} + Pr{ V = t} Pr{ SI V = I}


To solve this explicitly, we need to specify some parameter values. Suppose that initially Pr{ V = O} = 1/2 and Pr{ V = 1} = 1/2, so that 8 = 1/2. Since we learn from the order flow. the trading propensities of informed and uninformed traders are also important. For simplicity, suppose that half of the traders are informed and half are uninformed. Further, assume that any uninformed trader is equally likely to buy or sell.

Given these probabilities, we can calculate Pr{ SI V = OJ. First, note that if V = 0, then the informed all know bad news and, hence, will sell with probability one. The probability that an uninformed trader sells is 1/2. So, since informed and uninformed are equally likely to trade, the probability of seeing a sale if V = ° is

Pr{ in. trader} Pr{ in- trader sells} + Pr{ un. trader} Pr{ un. trader sells} = (1/2)(1) + (1/2)(1/2) = 1/2 + 1/4 = 3/4

= Pr{SI V = O}.


In similar fashion, we can calculate Pr{ SI V = I}. Now the informed know good news and so sell with probability 0, while the uninformed continue to sell with probability 1/2. Hence, the probability of seeing a sale if the true value is 1 is

Pr{ in. trader} Pr{ in. trader sells} + Pr{ un. trader} Pr{ un. trader sells} = (1/2)(0) + (1/2)(1/2) = 1/4 = Pr{SI V = I}.



We now have sufficient infonnation to solve our updating equation (3.15). Substituting for the probabilities yields


Pr{ V = OIS} = (1/2)(3/4) + (1/2)(1/4)

3/8 3 P .

4/8 4 ~ ostenor.


This is the posterior belief on V = 0 given that a sale occurs. A similar updating process gives us the posterior if the first trade is a buy. In this case, Bayes Rule dictates

Pr{V = OIB} =

Pr{V= O}Pr{BIV= O} (3.19)

Pr{ V = O} Pr{ B I V = O} + Pr{ V = 1} Pr{ BI V = 1}'

Solving for the probability of observing a buy proceeds as before. If V = 0, then the probability that the

Uniformed buy = 1/2} Pr{B I V = O} = 1/4.

Informed buy = 0


If V = 1, then the probability that the

Uniformed buy = 1/2} Pr{B I V = 1} = 3/4.

Informed buy = 1


Substituting into equation (3.19) gives


Given these conditional expectations, where does the market maker set his prices? We know that if the market maker sees a buy I he believes the probability that the asset value is 0 is now 1/4, while if he sees a sale he believes this probability is 3/4. Thus, setting prices equal to conditional expected values yields

E[VIB] = (1)(3/4) + (0)(1/4) = 3/4,


Information-Based Models


E[VIS] = (1)(1/4) + (0)(3/4) = 1/4,


These are the market makers ask and bid prices, respectively. They are "regret-free" prices in the sense that if a buy does occur, then its trading price (the ask) is at the market maker's expected value given the trade. and similarl y for a sale at the bid.

Now, suppose there actually is a buy. We know this trade takes place at E[V I B]. Where does the market maker set the next price'? Again, starting from his new prior (which is now 3/4) the market maker calculates the conditional expected values:

Pr{V = OIB, B} =

Pr{V = 0 I B}Pr{BIV = O}

Pr{ V = OIB}Pr{BI V = O} + Pr{ V == liB} Pr{BI V = I} (3.25)

(1/4)(1/4) 1/16

- (1/4)(1/4) + (3/4)(3/4) = 10/16 = 1/10,

Pr{V = OIB, S} =

Pr{V = 0 1 B}Pr{SIV = O}

Pr{V= 0IB}Pr{SIV= O} + Pr{V= liB} Pr{SIV= I} (3.26)

(1/4)(3/4) 3/16

(1/4}(3/4) + (3/4)(1/4) = 6/16 = 1/2,

Notice that if the latter event occurs (the buy is followed by a sale), this moves the new posterior back to its original value (the beginning prior). It is also useful to note that these posteriors can be calculated directly from the prior, without going through the intermediate step of updating after the first observation. That is, for example,

Pr{V = OIB, B} =

Pr{ V = O}(Pr{BI V = O})2

Pr{V = O}(Pr{BIV = 0})2 + Pr{V == I} {Pr{BIV = 1})2 . (3.27)

= (1/2)(1/4)2 = 1/10

{1/2)(1/4)2 + (1/2)(3/4)2

Given these posterior beliefs, what are the ask and bid prices?

Pr{ V = 0 leO) + Pr{ V = 1 }(1) (.1)(0) + (.9)(1) =.9 ,




E[V I B,S] =Pr{V=O}(O)+Pr{V= t}(l)=.S. (3.29)

The evolution of quotes for this trade history can thus be depicted as follows:









Figure l.A.l The Evolution of Quotes in the Market.


As updating occurs, it follows that beliefs (and thus prices) change over time. Since this price movement corresponds to the market maker's learning about the underlying information, several important questions arise. First, where are the prices going? Does the price process eventually go to a single point, or can prices continue to cycle? A second, and related, issue concerns the speed of price adjustment. If prices do converge to some value, how long does this take?

To address these issues, we must analyze how the updating process behaves over time. In particular, we will demonstrate two important properties of the dynamics of Bayesian learning:

1. the posteriors converge almost surely to the true value; and

2. the posteriors of a Bayesian observing an independent and identically distributed process over time converge exponentially.

This first property has the important implication that prices will eventually be at the fuJI-information value. and so they will be strong-form efficient (for a discussion of efficiency definitions, see Section 3.3). From a finance perspective, this is clearly a desirable property, as it suggests that markets are efficiently impounding information into prices. The second

Information-Based Models


property, suggests that, while this adjustment is not instantaneous. it is possible to quantify how long it will take. Consequently, it may be possible to analyze (and compare) the speed of price adjustment in alternative market settings. To demonstrate these properties, we need first to consider the Strong Law of Large Numbers.

The Stron.g Law of Large N"m'us

Let X, be an i.i.d. sample from some distribution with mean J.1. Then

lim 1 T

T---+ oc T L x, =J1 t= 1


Intuitively, this says that if you take the average. as the sample gets large the average observation goes to the true mean. By almost surely (denoted a.s.) it is meant that


or that, on a set of sample paths, with probability one the limit of the sample average is the true mean ).1.

Now, let's return to our market maker problem. We want to look at what happens to prices as we look at a sequence of trades. To do so, we need to specify a few definitions.

Deji"iti(l": Let b = # buys. 5 = # sales.

Because the trades are i.i.d., we need not worry about the sequence of trades and so can keep track of simply the aggregate numbers of buys and sales. These are sufficient statistics for the sample. Let us retain the structure introduced earlier of letting V take on values either high or low, but now let these values be denoted ~ and V.

Drji"itio,,: Let

q Pr{BIV} ,1 - q = Pr{SIV} 1

p Pr{B1V} ,1 - P = Pr{SIV} ,

where B denotes the event that a specific trade is a buy, and S that it is a sale.

Now, we can write the general updating formula as


Pr{V Ib s} = (Prior) Pr{ datal V = Y}

-, Marginal likelihood of the data

prior Pr {dataIV=V}

PrM ~ (3.32)

Pr{Y} qh(1 - q)s + Pr{V}ph(1 - pr'

Marginal likelihood for data

This formula gives us our posterior belief on the event V = Y. given the information we have learned from b buys and s sales. Notice that it has the same form as equation (3.27) but is now based on more than simply two trades. The formula for Pr{V I b, s} is calculated similarly.

We now establish our first proposition that the posterior belief in equation (3.32) converges to the true value. Suppose that the event V = Y. has occurred. To prove our convergence result, we first look at the posterior odds (the ratio of the probability that V = iT to the probability that V = Y. ):

Pr{V I b, s} Pro{V}pb(1 - py Pr{V I b, s} - Pro{V}qb(1 _ q)5


Second, take log of both sides:

10 (pr{V1b, s}) g Pr{Vlb, s}

(pr{V}) b 5

= log Pr{E} + log p (1 - p)

log qb(1 _ q)S

= log(::~~n

+ blog p + s log(l - p) - b log q s log(1 - q) .


The third step is to look at this average after many transactions. So divide both sides by the total trades b + s and take the limit as b + s goes to 00:

This goes to ° as b + s ----t 00, If V= V, then this goes to q

and so the term - 0. by definition of q, a.s.

Information-Based Models


1 I (pr{V1b,s}) _ 1 I (prof V}) + b

b+s og Pr{Elb,s} - 5 og Pro{V} ~


s ( 1 - p)

+ 5 10g1 _ q . (3.35)

This goes to 1 - q, by definition (i.e., proportion of

trades that are sales when V = V is 1 - q, a.s.).

This implies that

_1_ 10 (pr{V1b, s}) a.s. 10 (l!.) + (1 _ ) 10 (1 - p)

b+s g Pr{V[b,s} -+ q g q q g 1-q {3.36}

Now suppose the right hand side of equation (3.36) is negative. How can this happen? Only if log (:~ ~: ~ I b:; ) is going to minus infinity. This

I (pr{V-Vlbs}) -

wi 1 happen when Pr{V:E 1b:s} goes to 0, or Pr{V = Vlb,s} goes to

0, which is what we wished to show. This suggests that to establish our result, we need only determine the sign of the right-hand side. As will be apparent, the right hand side of the equation is related to the standard statistical concept of entropy.


Entropy is a measure of distance between probabilities. Entropy is defined as


There are three useful properties of entropy measures to note:

(1) Iq{P) > 0 Vq, p, (2) Iq(q) = 0

(3) lq{;) # 0 if P i= q.

{3.38} (3.39)


_2_ 10 [pr{ V = Vlb, s}) a.s, _ I (P)

b + s g Pr{ V = ~ b, s} --+ q,




The first property states that entropy is always positive, while the second states that its minimum is at zero. The third property dictates that the measure will not be zero unless p = q. To see the intuition for these claims, note that Iq(P) is strictly convex in p and attains its minimum at p = q.

Let us now return to our market maker problem. What is the right-hand side of equation (3.36}1 The negative of the entropy. So

which is <0 if q * P: Note that if q = p, then trade data is not informative, and beliefs will remain at our original prior. If trades are informative, then beliefs do go to the true value, and this establishes our convergence result.

The second property we wish to establish is the speed of convergence.

This, too, can be derived from our entropy measure. Since trades take place sequentially and there is one trade per period, letting t index time we can substitute t for b + s. Then equation (3.41) can be written

1 [ Pr{ V = V I b, s}]

t log Pr{ V = 1:: Ib, s} --+ -Iq(P), a.s.



Our analysis thus far has demonstrated the updating method and convergence properties of Bayesian learning models in which the underlying random variables have discrete distributions. Many decision problems, however, involve continuously distributed random variables, and hence it is useful to consider how Bayesian updating occurs in those settings. To conclude this appendix, we review the genera] updating procedure and then derive the posterior distribution for the case of normally distributed random variables. Since many microstructure and rational expectations models involve such a normal structure, examining Bayesian learning in this context is particularly useful for understanding the evolution of prices and beliefs in those models.

To specify the learning problem, suppose we have a prior belief on a parameter Il, given by the density g(J.l). We observe independently and identically distributed draws of a random variable x. Let the conditional

Information-Based Models


density of x given J.1 be given by f(xlll}. To find the posterior distribution on !1 given an observation x, recall that

P . b li f Prior belief x Conditional probability of the data

osterior e le = " .

Marginal likelihood of the data

which for continuous distributions is


This is Bayes Rule for updating beliefs with continuously distributed random variables.

Example: Normally Distri6utd Random Variables

Suppose that the prior density g(Jl) is N(m, <l).l2) and thatfix I Jl) is N(J.1.

O'x2 ). Then



Applying equation (3.43). the posterior density is glven by


and so the posterior distribution is

N (~ + ~, [_!_ + _!_)-l]

1 + 1 (72 (72

:.7a a=:'!' !1 x

II x


There are several important properties to note about this example. First, the posterior is a normal. Hence if we begin with a normal prior and observe a normally distributed random variable, our posterior remains normal. This is a particularly useful property for tractability, and as we will see in the Appendix to Chapter 4, this feature is extensively exploited in rational expectations models.



Second, the mean of the posterior distribution reveals that the updating essentially involves weighting the prior and the signal by their respective precisions. where the precision is defined as the inverse of the variance. Hence, the posterior mean can be written as


where the denominator is simply the sum of the precisions. Rather than calculate the integral in equation (3.43), therefore, a simpler method for finding the mean of the posterior belief is to multiply the prior and the signal outcome by their precisions and divide by the sum of the precisions.

Just as in the discrete case, the Bayesian's posterior beliefs converge to the truth when he sees repeated draws of x. After T independent draws Xl, ... , Xr from N(~. ox2), the posterior IS


Using the Strong Law of Large Numbers, we again see that the mean of the posterior converges a.s. to 11 and the variance of the posterior converges to zero.



Strategic Trader Models I:

Informed Traders

The sequential trade models analyzed in the previous chapter characterize the behavior of security prices when all agents act competitively. The existence of private information, however, means that an informed trader may have an incentive to act strategically to maximize his profits. In this chapter, we consider the main models that analyze these information-based trading strategies. Because strategic models allow agents to time their trades or to choose their trade size, the equilibrium in these models can differ dramatically from that of the competitive outcome characterized in the sequential trade models.

One aspect of the strategic trader models that differs from the earlier microstructure models is their explicit link to the rational expectations literature. In rational expectations models (for example, see Grossman and Stiglitz [1980», an important aspect of an agent's decision problem is the .' inference he makes from market statistics about others' information. In the· market microstructure context analyzed here, it is the informed agent's conjecture about the market maker's pricing policy as well as the market I maker's inference about the informed agent's information that plays a / crucial role in determining the nature (and even the existence) of the Ii equilibrium. For the reader unfamiliar with the rational expectations, approach, the Appendix to this chapter provides a review of the basic framework and a discussion of its properties.

In the next two chapters we consider how this approach has been developed to address strategic issues in market microstructure. As a starting: point, we consider the basic question of how a single informed trader can: best exploit his informational advantage to maximize his profit. This, strategic behavior was analyzed by Kyle (1985] in an important model of batch trading in securities markets. We then examine more complex




strategic issues involving multiple informed traders and the nature of the trading mechanism. In the next chapter, we extend the analysis to incorporate strategic behavior by uninformed traders, and we analyze the effect of uninformed strategic behavior on security prices.


In the models considered thus far, a trader who has superior information simply submits an order at each trading opportunity until prices eventually adjust to the new full-information value. If there are numerous traders acting in a competitive market, this strategy may accord well with actual market behavior. If there is one or even a few informed traders, however, this depiction is unlikely to be accurate. The problem is that a single informed trader possesses a valuable commodity, and as an "information monopolist" he should act to exploit that advantage. In particular, the trader will want to select his order size and trading intensity to explicitly take account of the effect that his trades will have on the movement of prices. This requires the informed trader to incorporate expectations of the market maker's pricing strategy, as well as any possible strategic actions by uninformed traders, into his optimal order strategy.

The first models to address theses strategic aspects of information in a market microstructure context were Kyle [1984, 1985]. Kyle's initial paper [1984] was directed at analyzing the behavior of informed speculators in a futures market and so includes multiple speculators and multiple market makers. Because of this slightly different focus, we consider this work more fully later in this chapter. Kyle's [1985] analysis involves a - simpler framework in which a single risk neutral informed trader and a number of uninformed liquidity traders submit orders to a risk neutral market maker. The market maker aggregates the orders and clears all trades at a single price. Hence, unlike the sequential trade models, Kyle's batch-trading model docs not allow for a bid-ask spread nor does it analyze the transaction price for individual trades. What his model does allow, however, is the explicit characterization of how an informed trader would choose to transact to maximize the value of private informatiotl. This, in turn, provides a way to characterize how information is incorporated into

, security prices across time given the strategic use of information by an , informed trader.

In Kyle's model, a single risk neutral informed trader receives private information about the ex post liquidation value. v, of an asset. This liquidation value is assumed normally distributed with mean PO and variance I:o. Initially , Kyle considers a single trading period in which the informed

Strategic Trader Models I


trader submits his optimal order along with the orders submitted by uninformed traders. Kyle then temporally extends the model to consider sequential-auction and continuous-auction frameworks. As the intuition is the same, we focus on the simpler version of the model.

4.1.1 The Single-Au.ction Setting

In this batch-clearing model, the market maker does not see individual ~ orders but rather sets a market-clearing price given the aggregate net order, flow. As this order flow includes both informed and uninformed trades. it can provide a signal to the market maker of the underlying information in, much the same way as it does in the sequential trade models. The actual! learning process differs. however, in that it is the aggregate trade quantity ,


that affects price behavior and not the size of any individual trade.

As was also true in the sequential trade models, there must be some uninformed traders who transact for nonspeculative reasons. If not. then the only equilibrium is a fully revealing one in which the price is set at the new, full-information. value. In the Kyle model, this requirement is met by assuming the existence of "noise" traders. Kyle assumes that these noise traders do not act strategically but rather submit a trade quantity that is a normally distributed random variable ~ with mean 0 and variance 0"1J.2. This random variable is assumed independent of the distribution of the asset value v.

The informed trader knows the distribution of J.1 and hence can attempt t to use the uninformed volume to hide his trades. An important aspect of the Kyle framework. however. is that the informed trader does not know the actual realization of the uninformeds' demands. Consequently. the informed trader cannot condition on the uninformed trade quantity when he submits his order.' This represents a significant departure from the typical approach taken in rational expectations models. As the Appendix demonstrates, in those models it is commonplace for an informed trader to condition on the equilibrium price in deciding on his optimal order. Since' in actual markets this is not observed. Kyle's framework captures the ' uncertainty that more naturally surrounds security trading.

The trade protocol in this model involves a two-step process. In the first step. v (the asset's true value) and J.1 (the uninformed traders' order flow) are realized. and the informed trader chooses his trade quantity, x. In the

1. Rochet and Vila [1994] analyze a model related to that of Kyle in which the informed trader does know the uninformed demand before submitting this order. They view this model as essentially allowing the informed trader to submit a limit order. Their focus lies in determining the uniqueness of equilibrium, and they show that in their model the equilibrium is unique. See also the discussion in Section 4.3



second stage, the market maker observes the aggregate net order flow quantity x + J.1 and sets a single price p to clear the market. In equilibrium, the informed trader's profits are then simply given by 1t = (v - p)x.

The equilibrium in this model is more complex than in the sequential trading models because it involves analyzing the strategies of both the informed trader and the market maker. In equilibrium, the market maker is assumed to set prices so that, given the order flow (x + 11), prices are efficient. This means that the price is set equal to the conditional expected value of the asset given the aggregate order quantity. This condition is similar to that found in the sequential trade models, but here the market maker only observes and conditions on aggregate net trades. This changes the specific learning problem from that analyzed in the previous chapter,

I where each trade was observable. Because, however, the market maker sets a "regret-free" price and earns zero expected profit, the learning problem is solved using the same Bayesian framework, and the general results of

Bayesian learning models apply.

Let the market maker's pricing strategy be represented by a function p = P{x + J.1). Then the equilibrium price must satisfy


The informed trader's order strategy, X(.), depends on this pricing rule as well as on the parameters of the uninformed traders' order distribution.

I Although the informed trader does not know the actual uninformed trader order flow, he does know the parameters of its distribution and he has an , expectation of how the market maker will set prices given any order flow realization. Given this pricing rule, the order strategy of the informed trader must satisfy

E [ll'(X(.), P) 1 v = v] > E [1l'{X' (.), P) I v = v], for each v, (4.2)

I or simply that the expected profit of the informed trader from following \ the strategy X(.) is greater than that from following any other order j strategy X' ( • ).

\ This strategic behavior by the informed trader means that he explicitly , takes into account the effect his trade will have on the equilibrium price set I by the market maker. In this sense, the informed trader acts as an "information monopolist" by attempting to extract the most rent from his

unique private information. If, instead, the informed trader acted competitively, then the absence of constraints on trade size combined with the trader's risk neutrality would result in prices in the batch market

. immediately adjusting to new, full-information values. With strategic

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