MCGLM Manual

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Package ‘mcglm’

April 10, 2018

Type Package
Title Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models
Version 0.4.0
Date 2018-04-10
Author Wagner Hugo Bonat [aut, cre],
Walmes Marques Zeviani [ctb],
Fernando de Pol Mayer [ctb]
Maintainer Wagner Hugo Bonat <[email protected]>
Description Fitting multivariate covariance generalized linear
models (McGLMs) to data. McGLM is a general framework for non-normal
multivariate data analysis, designed to handle multivariate response
variables, along with a wide range of temporal and spatial correlation
structures defined in terms of a covariance link function combined
with a matrix linear predictor involving known matrices.
The models take non-normality into account in the conventional way
by means of a variance function, and the mean structure is modelled
by means of a link function and a linear predictor.
The models are fitted using an efficient Newton scoring algorithm
based on quasi-likelihood and Pearson estimating functions, using
only second-moment assumptions. This provides a unified approach to
a wide variety of different types of response variables and covariance
structures, including multivariate extensions of repeated measures,
time series, longitudinal, spatial and spatio-temporal structures.
The package offers a user-friendly interface for fitting McGLMs
similar to the glm() R function.
See Bonat (2018) <doi:10.18637/jss.v084.i04>, for more information
and examples.
Depends R (>= 3.2.1)
Suggests testthat, plyr, lattice, latticeExtra, knitr, rmarkdown,
MASS, mvtnorm, tweedie, devtools
Imports stats, Matrix, assertthat, graphics
License GPL-3 | file LICENSE
LazyData TRUE

2 R topics documented:


Encoding UTF-8
VignetteBuilder knitr
RoxygenNote 6.0.1
NeedsCompilation no

R topics documented:
ahs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
anova.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
coef.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
confint.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
fitted.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
fit_mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
gof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
GOSHO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
mc_bias_corrected_std . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
mc_car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
mc_complete_data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
mc_compute_rho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
mc_conditional_test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
mc_dglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
mc_dist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
mc_id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
mc_initial_values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
mc_link_function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
mc_ma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
mc_matrix_linear_predictor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
mc_mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
mc_ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
mc_remove_na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
mc_robust_std . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
mc_rw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
mc_sic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
mc_sic_covariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
mc_twin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
mc_variance_function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
NewBorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
pAIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
pBIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
pKLIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
plogLik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
ahs 3

plot.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
print.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
residuals.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
RJC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
soya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
summary.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
vcov.mcglm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Index 48

ahs Australian Health Survey

The Australian health survey was used by Bonat and Jorgensen (2016) as an example of multivariate
count regression model. The data consists of five count response variables concerning health system
access measures and nine covariates concerning social conditions in Australian for 1987-88.

• sex - Factor with levels male and female.

• age - Respondent’s age in years divided by 100.
• income - Respondent’s annual income in Australian dollars divided by 1000.
• levyplus - Coded factor. If respondent is covered by private health insurance fund for private
patients in public hospital with doctor of choice (1) or otherwise (0).
• freepoor - Coded factor. If respondent is covered by government because low income, recent
immigrant, unemployed (1) or otherwise (0).
• freerepa - Coded factor. If respondent is covered free by government because of old-age or
disability pension, or because invalid veteran or family of deceased veteran (1) or otherwise
• illnes - Number of illnesses in past 2 weeks, with 5 or illnesses coded as 5.
• actdays - Number of days of reduced activity in the past two weeks due to illness or injury.
• hscore - Respondent’s general health questionnaire score using Goldberg’s method. High
score indicates poor health.
• chcond - Factor with three levels. If respondent has chronic condition(s) and is limited in
activity (limited), or if the respondent has chronic condition(s) but is not limited in activity
(nonlimited) or otherwise (otherwise, reference level).
• Ndoc - Number of consultations with a doctor or specialist (response variable).
• Nndoc - Number of consultations with health professionals (response variable).
• Nadm - Number of admissions to a hospital, psychiatric hospital, nursing or convalescence
home in the past 12 months (response variable).
• Nhosp - Number of nights in a hospital during the most recent admission.
• Nmed - Total number of prescribed and non prescribed medications used in the past two days.
4 anova.mcglm


a data.frame with 5190 records and 15 variables.

Deb, P. and Trivedi, P. K. (1997) Demand for medical care by the elderly: A finite mixture approach.
Journal of Applied Econometrics 12(3):313–336.
Bonat, W. H. and Jorgensen, B. (2016) Multivariate covariance generalized linear models. Journal
of Royal Statistical Society - Series C 65:649–675.

data(ahs, package="mcglm")
form1 <- Ndoc ~ income + age
form2 <- Nndoc ~ income + age
Z0 <- mc_id(ahs)
fit.ahs <- mcglm(linear_pred = c(form1, form2),
matrix_pred = list(Z0, Z0), link = c("log","log"),
variance = c("poisson_tweedie","poisson_tweedie"),
data = ahs)

anova.mcglm Anova Tables

Performs Wald tests of the significance for the linear predictor components by response variables.
This function is useful for joint hypothesis tests of regression coefficients associated with categorical
covariates with more than two levels. It is not designed for model comparison.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
anova(object, ...)

object an object of class mcglm, usually, a result of a call to mcglm() function.
... additional arguments affecting the summary produced. Note that there is no
extra options for mcglm object class.
coef.mcglm 5

A data.frame with Chi-square statistic to test the null hypothesis of a parameter, or a set of pa-
rameters, be zero. Degree of freedom (Df) and p-values. The Wald test based on the observed
covariance matrix of the parameters is used.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

x1 <- seq(-1, 1, l = 100)
x2 <- gl(5, 20)
beta <- c(5, 0, -2, -1, 1, 2)
X <- model.matrix(~ x1 + x2)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = X%*%beta, sd = 1)
data = data.frame("y" = y, "x1" = x1, "x2" = x2)
fit.anova <- mcglm(c(y ~ x1 + x2), list(mc_id(data)), data = data)

coef.mcglm Model Coefficients

Extract model coefficients for objects of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
coef(object, std.error = FALSE, response = c(NA,
1:length(object$beta_names)), type = c("beta", "tau", "power",
"correlation"), ...)

object an object of mcglm class.
std.error logical. If TRUE returns the standard errors for the estimates. Default is FALSE.
response a numeric vector specifyng for which response variable the coefficients should
be returned.
type a string vector (can be 1 element length) specifying which coefficients should
be returned.
Options are "beta", "tau", "power", "tau" and "correlation".
... additional arguments affecting the summary produced. Note that there is no
extra options for mcglm object class.
6 confint.mcglm


A data.frame with parameters names, estimates, response variable number and parameters type.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

confint.mcglm Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters


Computes confidence intervals for parameters in a fitted mcglm model.


## S3 method for class 'mcglm'

confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)


object a fitted mcglm object.

parm specifies for which parameters are to be given confidence intervals, either a vec-
tor of numbers or a vector of strings. If missing, all parameters are considered.
level the nominal confidence level.
... additional arguments affecting the confidence interval produced. Note that there
is no extra options for mcglm object class.


A data.frame with confidence intervals, parameters names, response variable number and param-
eters type.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


ESS Generalized Error Sum of Squares

Extract the generalized error sum of squares (ESS) for objects of mcglm class.

ESS(object, verbose = TRUE)

object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.
verbose logical. Print or not the ESS value.

Returns the value of the generalized error sum of squares (ESS).

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
Wang, M. (2014). Generalized Estimating Equations in Longitudinal Data Analysis: A Review and
Recent Developments. Advances in Statistics, 1(1)1–13.

See Also
gof, plogLik, pAIC, pKLIC, GOSHO and RJC.

fitted.mcglm Fitted Values

Extract fitted values for objects of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
fitted(object, ...)
8 fit_mcglm

object an object of mcglm class.
... additional arguments affecting the summary produced. Note that there is no
extra options for mcglm object class.

A matrix with fitted values.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

fit_mcglm Chaser and Reciprocal Likelihood Algorithms

This function implements the two main algorithms used for fitting multivariate covariance general-
ized linear models. The chaser and the reciprocal likelihood algorithms.

fit_mcglm(list_initial, list_link, list_variance,
list_covariance, list_X, list_Z, list_offset,
list_Ntrial, list_power_fixed, list_sparse,
y_vec, correct, max_iter, tol, method,
tuning, verbose)

list_initial a list of initial values for regression and covariance parameters.
list_link a list specifying the link function names.
Options are: "logit", "probit", "cauchit", "cloglog", "loglog", "identity",
"log", "sqrt", "1/mu^2" and "inverse".
See mc_link_function for details. Default link = "identity".
list_variance a list specifying the variance function names. Options are: "constant", "tweedie",
"poisson_tweedie", "binomialP" and "binomialPQ". See mc_variance_function
for details. Default variance = "constant".
a list of covariance function names. Options are: "identity", "inverse" and
"expm". Default covariance = "identity".
list_X a list of design matrices. See model.matrix for details.
list_Z a list of knowm matrices to compose the matrix linear predictor.
list_offset a list of offset values. Default NULL.
fit_mcglm 9

list_Ntrial a list of number of trials, useful only when analysing binomial data. Default 1.
a list of logicals indicating if the power parameters should be estimated or not.
Default power_fixed = TRUE.
list_sparse a list of logicals indicating if the matrices should be set up as sparse matrices.
This argument is useful only when using exponential-matrix covariance link
function. In the other cases the algorithm detects automatically if the matrix
should be sparse or not.
y_vec a vector of the stacked response variables.
correct a logical indicating if the algorithm will use the correction term or not. Default
correct = TRUE.
max_iter maximum number of iterations. Default max_iter = 20.
tol a numeric specyfing the tolerance. Default tol = 1e-04.
method a string specyfing the method used to fit the models ("chaser" or "rc"). Default
method = "chaser".
tuning a numeric value in general close to zero for the rc method and close to 1 for the
chaser method. This argument control the step-length. Default tuning = 1.
verbose a logical if TRUE print the values of the covariance parameters used on each
iteration. Default verbose = FALSE


A list with estimated regression and covariance parameters. Details about the estimation procedures
as iterations, sensitivity, variability are also provided. In general the users do not need to use this
function directly. The mcglm provides GLM interface for fitting mcglm .


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. and Jorgensen, B. (2016) Multivariate covariance generalized linear models. Journal
of Royal Statistical Society - Series C 65:649–675.
Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

mcglm, mc_matrix_linear_predictor, mc_link_function and

10 gof

gof Measures of Goodness-of-Fit


Extract the pseudo Gaussian log-likelihood (plogLik), pseudo Akaike Information Criterion (pAIC),
pseudo Kullback-Leibler Information Criterion (pKLIC) and pseudo Bayesian Information Crite-
rion (pBIC) for objects of mcglm class.




object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.


Returns a data frame containing goodness-of-fit measures.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
Wang, M. (2014). Generalized Estimating Equations in Longitudinal Data Analysis: A Review and
Recent Developments. Advances in Statistics, 1(1)1–13.

See Also

plogLik, pAIC, pKLIC and pBIC.


GOSHO Gosho Information Criterion


Extract the Gosho Information Criterion (GOSHO) for an object of mcglm class. WARNING: This
function is limited to models with ONE response variable. This function is general useful only for
longitudinal data analysis.


GOSHO(object, id, verbose = TRUE)


object an object of mcglm class.

id a vector which identifies the clusters or groups. The length and order of id should
be the same as the number of observations. Data are assumed to be sorted so
that observations on a cluster are contiguous rows for all entities in the formula.
verbose logical. Print or not the GOSHO value.


The value of the GOSHO criterion. Note that the function assumes that the data are in the correct


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Wang, M. (2014). Generalized Estimating Equations in Longitudinal Data Analysis: A Review and
Recent Developments. Advances in Statistics, 1(1)1–13.

See Also

gof, plogLik, pAIC, pKLIC, ESS and RJC.

12 Hunting

Hunting Hunting in Pico Basile, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea.


Case study analysed in Bonat et. al. (2016) concernings on data of animals hunted in the village
of Basile Fang, Bioko Norte Province, Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. Monthly number of blue
duikers and other small animals shot or snared was collected for a random sample of 52 commercial
hunters from August 2010 to September 2013. For each animal caught, the species, sex, method of
capture and altitude were documented. The data set has 1216 observations.

• ALT - Factor five levels indicating the Altitude where the animal was caught.
• SEX - Factor two levels Female and Male.
• METHOD - Factor two levels Escopeta and Trampa.
• OT - Monthly number of other small animals hunted.
• BD - Monthly number of blue duikers hunted.
• OFFSET - Monthly number of hunter days.
• HUNTER - Hunter index.
• MONTH - Month index.
• MONTHCALENDAR - Month using calendar numbers (1-January, ..., 12-December).
• YEAR - Year calendar (2010–2013).
• HUNTER.MONTH - Index indicating observations taken at the same HUNTER and MONTH.




a data.frame with 1216 records and 11 variables.


Bonat, et. al. (2017). Modelling the covariance structure in marginal multivariate count mod-
els: Hunting in Bioko Island. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics,
Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
mcglm 13


data(Hunting, package="mcglm")
formu <- OT ~ METHOD*ALT + SEX + ALT*poly(MONTH, 4)
Z0 <- mc_id(Hunting)
Z1 <- mc_mixed(~0 + HUNTER.MONTH, data = Hunting)
fit <- mcglm(linear_pred = c(formu), matrix_pred = list(c(Z0, Z1)),
link = c("log"), variance = c("poisson_tweedie"),
power_fixed = c(FALSE),
control_algorithm = list(max_iter = 100),
offset = list(log(Hunting$OFFSET)), data = Hunting)

mcglm Fitting Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models

The function mcglm is used to fit multivariate covariance generalized linear models. The models are
specified by a set of lists giving a symbolic description of the linear and matrix linear predictors.
The user can choose between a list of link, variance and covariance functions. The models are fitted
using an estimating function approach, combining quasi-score functions for regression parameters
and Pearson estimating function for covariance parameters. For details see Bonat and Jorgensen

mcglm(linear_pred, matrix_pred, link, variance, covariance,
offset, Ntrial, power_fixed, data, control_initial,
contrasts, control_algorithm)

linear_pred a list of formula see formula for details.
matrix_pred a list of known matrices to be used on the matrix linear predictor. For details see
link a list of link functions names. Options are: "logit", "probit", "cauchit",
"cloglog", "loglog", "identity", "log", "sqrt", "1/mu^2" and "inverse".
See mc_link_function for details.
variance a list of variance functions names. Options are: "constant", "tweedie", "poisson_tweedie",
"binomialP" and "binomialPQ".
See mc_variance_function for details.
14 mc_bias_corrected_std

covariance a list of covariance link functions names. Options are: "identity", "inverse"
and exponential-matrix "expm".
offset a list of offset values if any.
Ntrial a list of number of trials on Bernoulli experiments. It is useful only for binomialP
and binomialPQ variance functions.
power_fixed a list of logicals indicating if the values of the power parameter should be esti-
mated or not.
data a data frame.
a list of initial values for the fitting algorithm. If no values are supplied automatic
initial values will be provided by the function mc_initial_values.
contrasts extra arguments to passed to model.matrix.
a list of arguments to be passed for the fitting algorithm. See fit_mcglm for

mcglm returns an object of class ’mcglm’.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. and Jorgensen, B. (2016) Multivariate covariance generalized linear models. Journal
of Royal Statistical Society - Series C 65:649–675.
Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
fit_mcglm, mc_link_function and mc_variance_function.

mc_bias_corrected_std Bias-corrected Standard Error for Regression Parameters

Compute bias-corrected standard error for regression parameters in the context of clustered obser-
vations for an object of mcglm class. It is also robust and has improved finite sample properties.

mc_bias_corrected_std(object, id)
mc_car 15

object an object of mcglm class.
id a vector which identifies the clusters. The length and order of id should be the
same as the number of observations. The data set are assumed to be sorted so
that observations on a cluster are contiguous rows for all entities.

A variance-covariance matrix. Note that the function assumes that the data are in the correct order.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Nuamah, I. F. and Qu, Y. and Aminu, S. B. (1996). A SAS macro for stepwise correlated binary
regression. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 49, 199–210.

See Also

mc_car Conditional Autoregressive Model Structure

The function mc_car helps to build the components of the matrix linear predictor used for fitting
conditional autoregressive models. This function is used in general for fitting spatial areal data
using the well known conditional autoregressive models (CAR). This function depends on a list of
neighboors, such a list can be constructed, for example using the tri2nb function from the spdep
package based on spatial coordinates. This way to specify the matrix linear predictor can also be
applied for spatial continuous data, as an approximation.

mc_car(list_neigh, intrinsic = FALSE)

list_neigh list of neighboors.
intrinsic logical.

A list of a matrix (intrinsic = TRUE) or two matrices (intrinsic = FALSE).
16 mc_complete_data

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
mc_id, mc_compute_rho, mc_conditional_test, mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw
and mc_mixed.

mc_complete_data Complete Data Set with NA

The function mc_complete_data completes a data set with NA values for helping to construct the
components of the matrix linear predictor in models that require equal number of observations by
subjects (id).

mc_complete_data(data, id, index, id.exp)

data a data.frame to be completed with NA.
id name of the column (string) containing the subject id.
index name of the column (string) containing the index to be completed.
id.exp how the index is expected to be for all subjects.

A data.frame with the same number of observations by subject.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
mc_dglm, mc_ns, mc_ma and mc_rw.
mc_compute_rho 17

mc_compute_rho Autocorrelation Estimates


Compute autocorrelation estimates based on a fitted model using the mc_car structure. The mcglm
approach fits models using a linear covariance structure, but in general in this parametrization for
spatial models the parameters have no simple interpretation in terms of spatial autocorrelation. The
function mc_compute_rho computes the autocorrelation based on a fitted model.


mc_compute_rho(object, level = 0.975)


object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.

level the confidence level required.


Returns estimate, standard error and confidential interval for the spatial autocorrelation parameter.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

mc_car and mc_conditional_test.

18 mc_conditional_test

mc_conditional_test Conditional Hypotheses Tests


Compute conditional hypotheses tests for fitted mcglm model class. When fitting models with extra
power parameters, the standard errors associated with the dispersion parameters can be large. In
that cases, we suggest to conduct conditional hypotheses test instead of the orthodox marginal test
for the dispersion parameters. The function mc_conditional_test offers an ease way to conduct
such conditional test. Furthermore, the function is quite flexible and can be used for any other
conditional hypotheses test.


mc_conditional_test(object, parameters, test, fixed)


object an object representing a model of mcglm class.

parameters which parameters will be included in the conditional test.
test index indicating which parameters will be tested given the values of the other
fixed index indicating which parameters should be fixed on the conditional test.


Returns estimates, conditional standard errors and Z-statistics.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
mc_dglm 19

mc_dglm Double Generalized Linear Models Structure


The function mc_dglm builds the components of the matrix linear predictor used for fitting double
generalized linear models.


mc_dglm(formula, id, data)


formula a formula spefying the components of the covariance structure.

id name of the column (string) containing the subject index. (If ts is not repeated
measures, use id = 1 for all observations).
data data set.


A list of a diagonal matrices, whose values are given by the covariates assumed to describe the
covariance structure.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

mc_id, mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw

and mc_mixed.
20 mc_dist

mc_dist Distance Models Structure

The function mc_dist helps to build the components of the matrix linear predictor using matrices
based on distances. This function is generaly used for the analysis of longitudinal and spatial data.
The idea is to use the inverse of some measure of distance as for example the Euclidean distance
to model the covariance structure within response variables. The model can also use the inverse of
distance squared or high order power.

mc_dist(id, time, data, method = "euclidean")

id name of the column (string) containing the subject index. For spatial data use
the same id for all observations (one unit sample).
time name of the column (string) containing the index indicating the time. For spatial
data use the same index for all observations.
data data set.
method distance measure to be used.

The distance measure must be one of "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary"
or "minkowski". This function is a customize call of the dist function.

A matrix of dgCMatrix class.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
dist, mc_id, mc_conditional_test, mc_car, mc_ma, mc_rw and mc_mixed.
mc_id 21

id <- rep(1:2, each = 4)
time <- rep(1:4, 2)
data <- data.frame("id" = id, "time" = time)
mc_dist(id = "id", time = "time", data = data)
mc_dist(id = "id", time = "time", data = data, method = "canberra")

mc_id Independent Model Structure


Builds an identity matrix to be used as a component of the matrix linear predictor. It is in general
the first component of the matrix linear predictor, a kind of intercept matrix.




data the data set to be used.


A list of matrix.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw and mc_mixed.

22 mc_initial_values

mc_initial_values Automatic Initial Values

This function provides initial values to be used when fitting multivariate covariance generalized
linear models by using the function mcglm. In general the users do not need to use this function,
since it is already employed when setting the argument control_initial = "automatic" in the
mcglm function. However, if the users want to change some of the initial values, this function can
be useful.

mc_initial_values(linear_pred, matrix_pred, link, variance,
covariance, offset, Ntrial, contrasts, data)

linear_pred a list of formula see formula for details.
matrix_pred a list of known matrices to be used on the matrix linear predictor.
See mc_matrix_linear_predictor for details.
link a list of link functions names, see mcglm for details.
variance a list of variance functions names, see mcglm for details.
covariance a list of covariance link functions names, see mcglm for details.
offset a list of offset values if any.
Ntrial a list of the number of trials on Bernoulli experiments. It is useful only for
"binomialP" and "binomialPQ" variance functions.
contrasts list of contrasts to be used in the model.matrix.
data data frame.

To obtain initial values for multivariate covariance generalized linear models the function
mc_initial_values fits a generalized linear model (GLM) using the function glm with the spec-
ified linear predictor and link function for each response variables considering independent obser-
vations. The family argument is always specified as quasi. The link function depends on the
specification of the argument link. The variance function is always specified as "mu" the only ex-
cession appears when using variance = "constant" then the family argument in the glm function
is specified as quasi(link = link, variance = "constant"). The estimated value of the
dispersion parameter from the glm function is used as initial value for the first component of the
matrix linear predictor, for all other components the value zero is used.
For the cases covariance = "inverse" and covariance = "expm" the inverse and the logarithm
of the estimated dispersion parameter is used as initial value for the first component of the matrix
linear predictor. The value of the power parameter is always started at 1. In the cases of multivariate
models the correlation between response variables is always started at 0.
mc_link_function 23

Return a list of initial values to be used while fitting in the mcglm function.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

mc_link_function Link Functions

The mc_link_function is a customized call of the function.
Given the name of a link function, it returns a list with two elements. The first element is the
inverse of the link function applied on the linear predictor µ = g −1 (Xβ). The second element is
the derivative of µ with respect to the regression parameters β. It will be useful when computing
the quasi-score function.

mc_link_function(beta, X, offset, link)

mc_logit(beta, X, offset)

mc_probit(beta, X, offset)

mc_cauchit(beta, X, offset)

mc_cloglog(beta, X, offset)

mc_loglog(beta, X, offset)

mc_identity(beta, X, offset)

mc_log(beta, X, offset)

mc_sqrt(beta, X, offset)

mc_invmu2(beta, X, offset)

mc_inverse(beta, X, offset)

beta a numeric vector of regression parameters.
X a design matrix, see model.matrix for details.
24 mc_link_function

offset a numeric vector of offset values. It will be sum up on the linear predictor
as a covariate with known regression parameter equals one (µ = g −1 (Xβ +
of f set)). If no offset is present in the model, set offset = NULL.
link a string specifying the name of the link function. Options are: "logit", "probit",
"cauchit", "cloglog", "loglog", "identity", "log", "sqrt", "1/mu^2"
and inverse. A user defined link function can be used (see Details).


The link function is an important component of the multivariate covariance generalized linear mod-
els, since it links the expectation of the response variable with the covariates. Let β be a (p x 1)
regression parameter vector and X be an (n x p) design matrix. The expected value of the response
variable Y is given by
E(Y ) = g −1 (Xβ),

where g is the link function and η = Xβ is the linear predictor. Let D be a (n x p) matrix whose
entries are given by the derivatives of µ with respect to β. Such a matrix will be required for the
fitting algorithm. The function mc_link_function returns a list where the first element is µ (n x 1)
vector and the second is the D (n x p) matrix. A user defined function can also be used. It must be a
function with arguments beta, X and offset (set to NULL if non needed). The function must return
a length 2 named list with mu and D elements as a vector and a matrix of proper dimensions.


A list with two elements: mu and D (see Details).


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

See Also



x1 <- seq(-1, 1, l = 5)
X <- model.matrix(~ x1)
mc_link_function(beta = c(1,0.5), X = X,
offset = NULL, link = 'log')
mc_link_function(beta = c(1,0.5), X = X,
offset = rep(10,5), link = 'identity')
mc_ma 25

mc_ma Moving Average Models Structure

The function mc_ma helps to build the components of the matrix linear predictor associated with
moving average models. This function is generaly used for the analysis of longitudinal and times
series data. The user can specify the order of the moving average process.

mc_ma(id, time, data, order = 1)

id name of the column (string) containing the subject index. Note that this structure
was designed to deal with longitudinal data. For times series data use the same
id for all observations (one unit sample).
time name of the column (string) containing the index indicating the time.
data data set.
order order of the moving average process.

This function was designed mainly to deal with longitudinal data, but can also be used for times se-
ries analysis. In that case, the id argument should contain only one index. It pretends a longitudinal
data taken just for one individual or unit sample. This function is a simple call of the bandSparse
function from the Matrix package.

A matrix of dgCMatrix class.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
mc_id, mc_dist, mc_car, mc_rw and mc_mixed.
26 mc_matrix_linear_predictor

id <- rep(1:2, each = 4)
time <- rep(1:4, 2)
data <- data.frame("id" = id, "time" = time)
mc_ma(id = "id", time = "time", data = data, order = 1)
mc_ma(id = "id", time = "time", data = data, order = 2)

Matrix Linear Predictor

Compute the matrix linear predictor. It is an internal function, however, since the concept of matrix
linear predictor was proposed recently. I decided let this function visible to the interested reader
gets some feeling about how it works.

mc_matrix_linear_predictor(tau, Z)

tau a numeric vector of dispersion parameters.
Z a list of known matrices.

Given a list with a set of known matrices (Z0 , ..., ZD ) the function
mc_matrix_linear_predictor returns U = τ0 Z0 + ... + τD ZD .

A matrix.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
Bonat, W. H. and Jorgensen, B. (2016) Multivariate covariance generalized linear models. Journal
of Royal Statistical Society - Series C 65:649–675.
mc_mixed 27

See Also
mc_id, mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw, mc_mixed and mc_car.

Z0 <- Diagonal(5, 1)
Z1 <- Matrix(rep(1,5)%*%t(rep(1,5)))
Z <- list(Z0, Z1)
mc_matrix_linear_predictor(tau = c(1,0.8), Z = Z)

mc_mixed Mixed Models Structure

The function mc_mixed helps to build the components of the matrix linear predictor associated with
mixed models. It is useful to model the covariance structure as a function of known covariates
in a linear mixed model fashion (Bonat, et. al. 2016). The mc_mixed function was designed to
analyse repeated measures and longitudinal data, where in general the observations are taken at a
fixed number of groups, subjects or unit samples.

mc_mixed(formula, data)

formula a formula model to build the matrix linear predictor. See details.
data data set.

The formula argument should be specified similar to the linear predictor for the mean structure,
however the first component should be 0 and the second component should always indicate the
name of the column containing the subject or unit sample index. It should be a factor. The other
covariates are specified after a slash "\" in the usual way. For example, ~0 + SUBJECT/(x1 + x2)
means that the column SUBJECT contains the subject or unit sample index, while the covariates
that can be continuous or factors are given in the columns x1 and x2. Be careful the parenthesis
after the "\" are mandatory, when including more than one covariate. The special case where only
the SUBJECT effect is requested the formula takes the form ~ 0 + SUBJECT without any extra
covariate. This structure corresponds to the well known compound symmetry structure. By default
the function mc_mixed include all interaction terms, the users can ignore the interactions terms
removing them from the matrix linear predictor.

A list of matrices.
28 mc_ns


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
Bonat, et. al. (2016). Modelling the covariance structure in marginal multivariate count mod-
els: Hunting in Bioko Island. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics,

See Also

mc_id, mc_conditional_test, mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw and mc_car.


SUBJECT <- gl(2, 6)

x1 <- rep(1:6, 2)
x2 <- rep(gl(2,3),2)
data <- data.frame(SUBJECT, x1 , x2)
# Compound symmetry structure
mc_mixed(~0 + SUBJECT, data = data)
# Compound symmetry + random slope for x1 and interaction or correlation
mc_mixed(~0 + SUBJECT/x1, data = data)
# Compound symmetry + random slope for x1 and x2 plus interactions
mc_mixed(~0 + SUBJECT/(x1 + x2), data = data)

mc_ns Non-structure Model Structure


The function mc_non builds the components of the matrix linear predictor used for fitting non-
structured covariance matrix. In general this model is hard to fit due to the large number of param-


mc_ns(id, data, group = NULL, marca = NULL)

mc_remove_na 29

id name of the column (string) containing the subject index. Note this structure
was designed to deal with longitudinal data. For times series or spatial data use
the same id for all observations (one unit sample).
data data set.
group name of the column (string) containing a group specific for which the covariance
should change.
marca level (string) of the column group for which the covariance should change.

A list of a n*(n-1)/2 matrices.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
mc_id, mc_dglm, mc_dist, mc_ma, mc_rw
and mc_mixed.

mc_remove_na Remove NA from Matrix Linear Predictor

The function mc_remove_na removes NA from each component of the matrix linear predictor. It is
in general used after the function mc_complete_data.

mc_remove_na(matrix_pred, cod)

matrix_pred a list of known matrices.
cod index indicating the columns should be removed.

A list of matrices.
30 mc_robust_std

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
mc_dglm, mc_ns, mc_ma and mc_rw.

mc_robust_std Robust Standard Error for Regression Parameters

Compute robust standard error for regression parameters in the context of clustered observations for
an object of mcglm class.

mc_robust_std(object, id)

object an object of mcglm class.
id a vector which identifies the clusters or subject indexes. The length and order of
id should be the same as the number of observations. Data are assumed to be
sorted so that observations on a cluster are contiguous rows for all entities in the

A variance-covariance matrix. Note that the function assumes that the data are in the correct order.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Nuamah, I. F. and Qu, Y. and Aminu, S. B. (1996). A SAS macro for stepwise correlated binary
regression. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 49, 199–210.

See Also
mc_rw 31

mc_rw Random Walk Models Structure


The function mc_rw builds the components of the matrix linear predictor associated with random
walk models. This function is generaly used for the analysis of longitudinal and times series data.
The user can specify the order of the random walk process.


mc_rw(id, time, data, order = 1, proper = FALSE)


id name of the column (string) containing the subject index. Note that this structure
was designed to deal with longitudinal data. For times series data use the same
id for all observations (one unit sample).
time name of the column (string) containing the index indicating the time.
data data set.
order order of the random walk model.
proper logical.


If proper = FALSE a matrix of dgCMatrix class. If proper = TRUE a list with two matrices of
dgCMatrix class.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

mc_id, mc_dist, mc_car, mc_ma, mc_mixed and mc_compute_rho.

32 mc_sic

id <- rep(1:2, each = 4)
time <- rep(1:4, 2)
data <- data.frame("id" = id, "time" = time)
mc_rw(id = "id", time = "time", data = data, order = 1, proper = FALSE)
mc_rw(id = "id", time = "time", data = data, order = 1, proper = TRUE)
mc_rw(id = "id", time = "time", data = data, order = 2, proper = TRUE)

mc_sic Score Information Criterion - Regression

Compute the score information criterion (SIC) for an object of mcglm class. The SIC is useful for
selecting the components of the linear predictor. It can be used to construct an stepwise covariate

mc_sic(object, scope, data, response, penalty = 2)

object an object of mcglm class.
scope a vector of covariate names to be tested.
data data set containing all variables involved in the model.
response index indicating for which response variable the SIC should be computed.
penalty penalty term (default = 2).

A data frame containing SIC values, degree of freedom, Tu-statistics and chi-squared reference

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.
Bonat, et. al. (2016). Modelling the covariance structure in marginal multivariate count mod-
els: Hunting in Bioko Island. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics,
mc_sic_covariance 33

See Also

x1 <- runif(100, -1, 1)
x2 <- gl(2,50)
beta = c(5, 0, 3)
X <- model.matrix(~ x1 + x2)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = X%*%beta , sd = 1)
data <- data.frame(y, x1, x2)
# Reference model
fit0 <- mcglm(c(y ~ 1), list(mc_id(data)), data = data)
# Computing SIC
mc_sic(fit0, scope = c("x1","x2"), data = data, response = 1)

mc_sic_covariance Score Information Criterion - Covariance

Compute the score information criterion (SIC) for an object of mcglm class. The SIC-covariance
is useful for selecting the components of the matrix linear predictor. It can be used to construct an
stepwise procedure to select the components of the matrix linear predictor.

mc_sic_covariance(object, scope, idx, data, penalty = 2, response)

object an object of mcglm class.
scope a list of matrices to be tested.
idx indicator of matrices belong to the same effect. It is useful for the case where
more than one matrix represents the same effect.
data data set containing all variables involved in the model.
penalty penalty term (default = 2).
response index indicating for which response variable SIC-covariance should be com-

A data frame containing SIC-covariance values, degree of freedom, Tu-statistics and chi-squared
reference values for each matrix in the scope argument.
34 mc_twin

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, et. al. (2016). Modelling the covariance structure in marginal multivariate count mod-
els: Hunting in Bioko Island. Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics,
Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

SUBJECT <- gl(10, 10)
y <- rnorm(100)
data <- data.frame(y, SUBJECT)
Z0 <- mc_id(data)
Z1 <- mc_mixed(~0+SUBJECT, data = data)
# Reference model
fit0 <- mcglm(c(y ~ 1), list(Z0), data = data)
# Testing the effect of the matrix Z1
mc_sic_covariance(fit0, scope = Z1, idx = 1,
data = data, response = 1)
# As expected Tu < Chisq indicating non-significance of Z1 matrix

mc_twin Twin Models Structure

The function mc_twin helps to build the components of the matrix linear predictor associated with
ACDE models for analysis of twin data.

mc_twin(id,, type, replicate = NULL, structure, data)

mc_twin_bio(id,, type, replicate = NULL, structure, data)

mc_twin_full(id,, type, replicate, formula, data)

mc_twin 35


id name of the column (string) containing the twin index. It should be the same
index (number) for both twins. name of the column (string) containing the twin index inside the pair. In general
1 for the first twin and 2 for the second twin.
type name of the column (string) containing the indication of the twin as mz or dz.
It should be a factor with only two levels mz and dz. Be sure that the reference
level is mz.
replicate name of the column (string) containing the index for more than one observation
taken at the same twin pair. It is used for example in twin longitudinal studies.
In that case, the replication column should contain the time index.
structure model type options are full, flex, uns, ACE, ADE, AE, CE and E. See example
for details.
data data set.
formula internal.


A list of matrices of dgCMatrix class.


Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>


Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also

mc_id, mc_dist, mc_car, mc_rw, mc_ns, mc_dglm and mc_mixed.


id <- rep(1:5, each = 4)

id.twin <- rep(1:2, 10)
36 mc_variance_function

mc_variance_function Variance Functions

Compute the variance function and its derivatives with respect to regression, dispersion and power

mc_variance_function(mu, power, Ntrial, variance, inverse,
derivative_power, derivative_mu)

mc_power(mu, power, inverse, derivative_power, derivative_mu)

mc_binomialP(mu, power, inverse, Ntrial,

derivative_power, derivative_mu)

mc_binomialPQ(mu, power, inverse, Ntrial,

derivative_power, derivative_mu)

mu a numeric vector. In general the output from mc_link_function.
power a numeric value (power and binomialP) or a vector (binomialPQ) of the power
Ntrial number of trials, useful only when dealing with binomial response variables.
variance a string specifying the name (power, binomialP or binomialPQ) of the vari-
ance function.
inverse logical. Compute the inverse or not.
logical if compute (TRUE) or not (FALSE) the derivatives with respect to the
power parameter.
derivative_mu logical if compute (TRUE) or not (FALSE) the derivative with respect to the mu

The function mc_variance_function computes three features related with the variance function.
Depending on the logical arguments, the function returns V 1/2 and its derivatives with respect to the
parameters power and mu, respectivelly. The output is a named list, completely informative about
what the function has been computed. For example, if inverse = FALSE, derivative_power =
TRUE and derivative_mu = TRUE. The output will be a list, with three elements: V_sqrt, D_V_sqrt_power
and D_V_sqrt_mu.
NewBorn 37

A list with from one to four elements depends on the arguments.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. and Jorgensen, B. (2016) Multivariate covariance generalized linear models. Journal
of Royal Statistical Society - Series C X(X):XX–XX.

See Also

x1 <- seq(-1, 1, l = 5)
X <- model.matrix(~x1)
mu <- mc_link_function(beta = c(1, 0.5), X = X, offset = NULL,
link = "logit")
mc_variance_function(mu = mu$mu, power = c(2, 1), Ntrial = 1,
variance = "binomialPQ", inverse = FALSE,
derivative_power = TRUE, derivative_mu = TRUE)

NewBorn Respiratory Physiotherapy on Premature Newborns.

The NewBorn dataset consists of a prospective study to assess the effect of respiratory physiother-
apy on the cardiopulmonary function of ventilated preterm newborn infants with birth weight lower
than 1500 g. The data set was collected and kindly made available by the nursing team of the
Waldemar Monastier hospital, Campo Largo, PR, Brazil. The NewBorn dataset was analysed in
Bonat and Jorgensen (2016) as an example of mixed outcomes regression model.

• Sex - Factor two levels Female and Male.

• GA - Gestational age (weeks).
• BW - Birth weight (mm).
• APGAR1M - APGAR index in the first minute of life.
• APGAR5M - APGAR index in the fifth minute of life.
• PRE - Factor, two levels (Premature: YES; NO).
• HD - Factor, two levels (Hansen’s disease, YES; NO).
• SUR - Factor, two levels (Surfactant, YES; NO).
38 NewBorn

• JAU - Factor, two levels (Jaundice, YES; NO).

• PNE - Factor, two levels (Pneumonia, YES; NO).
• PDA - Factor, two levels (Persistence of ductus arteriosus, YES; NO).
• PPI - Factor, two levels (Primary pulmonary infection, YES; NO).
• OTHERS - Factor, two levels (Other diseases, YES; NO).
• DAYS - Age (days).
• AUX - Factor, two levels (Type of respiratory auxiliary, HOOD; OTHERS).
• RR - Respiratory rate (continuous).
• HR - Heart rate (continuous).
• SPO2 - Oxygen saturation (bounded).
• TREAT - Factor, three levels (Respiratory physiotherapy, Evaluation 1; Evaluation 2; Evalua-
tion 3).
• NBI - Newborn index.
• TIME - Days of treatment.




a data.frame with 270 records and 21 variables.


Bonat, W. H. and Jorgensen, B. (2016) Multivariate covariance generalized linear models. Journal
of Royal Statistical Society - Series C 65:649–675.

data(NewBorn, package="mcglm")
formu <- SPO2 ~ Sex + APGAR1M + APGAR5M + PRE + HD + SUR
Z0 <- mc_id(NewBorn)
fit <- mcglm(linear_pred = c(formu), matrix_pred = list(Z0),
link = c("logit"), variance = c("binomialP"),
power_fixed = c(TRUE),
data = NewBorn,
control_algorithm = list(verbose = FALSE, tuning = 0.5))
pAIC 39

pAIC Pseudo Akaike Information Criterion

Extract the pseudo Akaike information criterion (pAIC) for objects of mcglm class.

pAIC(object, verbose = TRUE)

object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.
verbose logical. Print or not the pAIC value.

Returns the value of the pseudo Akaike information criterion (pAIC).

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
gof, plogLik, ESS, pKLIC, GOSHO and RJC.

pBIC Pseudo Bayesian Information Criterion

Extract the pseudo Bayesian information criterion (pBIC) for objects of mcglm class.

pBIC(object, verbose = TRUE)
40 pKLIC

object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.
verbose logical. Print or not the pBIC value.

Returns the value of the pseudo Bayesian information criterion (pBIC).

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
gof, plogLik, ESS, pKLIC, GOSHO and RJC.

pKLIC Pseudo Kullback-Leibler Information Criterion

Extract the pseudo Kullback-Leibler information criterion (pKLIC) for objects of mcglm class.

pKLIC(object, verbose = TRUE)

object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.
verbose logical. Print or not the pKLIC value.

Returns the value of the pseudo Kullback-Leibler information criterion.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>
plogLik 41

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

See Also
gof, plogLik, ESS, pAIC, GOSHO and RJC.

plogLik Gaussian Pseudo-loglikelihood

Extract the Gaussian pseudo-loglikelihood (plogLik) value for objects of mcglm class.

plogLik(object, verbose = TRUE)

object an object or a list of objects representing a model of mcglm class.
verbose logical. Print or not the plogLik value.

Returns the value of the Gaussian pseudo-loglikelihood.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

plot.mcglm Residuals and algorithm check plots

Residual and algorithm check analysis for objects of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
plot(x, type = "residuals", ...)
42 print.mcglm

x a fitted mcglm object.
type specify which graphical analysis will be performed. Options are: "residuals"
and "algorithm".
... additional arguments affecting the plot produced. Note that there is no extra
options for mcglm object class.

The function plot.mcglm was designed to offer a fast residuals analysis based on the Pearson
residuals. Current version offers a simple Pearson residuals versus fitted values and a quantile plot.
When using algorithm = TRUE the function will plot a summary of the fitting algorithm shows the
trajectory or iterations of the fitting algorithm. The iterations are shown in terms of values of the
model parameters and also the actually value of the quasi-score and Pearson estimating functions.
Hence, a quickly check of the algorithm convergence is obtained.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

See Also
residuals and fitted.

print.mcglm Print

The default print method for an object of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
print(x, ...)

x fitted model objects of class mcglm as produced by mcglm().
... further arguments passed to or from other methods.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

See Also
residuals.mcglm 43

residuals.mcglm Residuals

Compute residuals for an object of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
residuals(object, type = "raw", ...)

object an object of mcglm class.
type the type of residuals which should be returned. Options are: "raw" (default),
"pearson" and "standardized".
... additional arguments affecting the residuals produced. Note that there is no extra
options for mcglm object class.

The function residuals.mcglm returns a matrix of residuals values.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

See Also

RJC Rotnitzky-Jewell Information Criterion

Compute the Rotnitzky-Jewell information criterion for an object of mcglm class. WARNINGS:
This function is limited to models with ONE response variable.

RJC(object, id, verbose = TRUE)
44 soil

object an object of mcglm class.
id a vector which identifies the clusters. The length and order of id should be
the same as the number of observations. Data are assumed to be sorted so that
observations on a cluster are contiguous rows for all entities in the formula.
verbose logical. Print or not the RJC value.

The value of the Rotnitzky-Jewell information criterion. Note that the function assumes that the
data are in the correct order.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

Wang, M. (2014). Generalized Estimating Equations in Longitudinal Data Analysis: A Review and
Recent Developments. Advances in Statistics, 1(1)1–13.

See Also
gof, plogLik, pAIC, pKLIC, ESS and GOSHO.

soil Soil Chemistry Properties Data

Soil chemistry properties measured on a regular grid with 10 x 25 points spaced by 5 meters.

• COORD.X - X coordinate.
• COORD.Y - Y coordinate.
• SAND - Sand portion of the sample.
• SILT - Silt portion of the sample.
• CLAY - Clay portion of the sample.
• PHWATER - Soil pH at water.
• CA - Calcium content.
• MG - Magnesium content.
• K - Potassio content.

soya 45

a data.frame with 250 records and 9 variables.

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.


data(soil, package="mcglm")
neigh <- tri2nb(soil[,1:2])
Z1 <- mc_car(neigh)
# Linear predictor <- CA ~ COORD.X*COORD.Y + SAND + SILT + CLAY + PHWATER <- mcglm(linear_pred = c(, matrix_pred = list(Z1),
link = "log", variance = "tweedie", covariance = "inverse",
power_fixed = FALSE, data = soil,
control_algorith = list(max_iter = 500, tuning = 0.1))
# Conditional hypothesis test
mc_conditional_test(, parameters = c("power11","tau11","tau12"),
test = 2:3, fixed = 1)
# Spatial autocorrelation

soya Soybeans

Experiment carried out in a vegetation house with soybeans. The experiment has two plants by
plot with three levels of the factor amount of water in the soil (water) and five levels of potassium
fertilization (pot). The plots were arranged in five blocks (block). Three response variables are of
the interest, namely, grain yield, number of seeds and number of viable peas per plant. The data set
has 75 observations of 7 variables.

• pot - Factor five levels of potassium fertilization.

• water - Factor three levels of amount of water in the soil.
• block - Factor five levels.
• grain - Continuous - Grain yield per plant.
• seeds - Count - Number of seeds per plant.
• viablepeas - Binomial - Number of viable peas per plant.
• totalpeas - Binomial - Total number of peas per plant.
46 summary.mcglm


a data.frame with 75 records and 7 variables.

Bonat, W. H. (2018). Multiple Response Variables Regression Models in R: The mcglm Package.
Journal of Statistical Software, 84(4):1–30.

data(soya, package="mcglm")
formu <- grain ~ block + factor(water) * factor(pot)
Z0 <- mc_id(soya)
fit <- mcglm(linear_pred = c(formu), matrix_pred = list(Z0),
data = soya)

summary.mcglm Summarizing

The default summary method for an object of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
summary(object, verbose = TRUE, print = c("Regression",
"power", "Dispersion", "Correlation"), ...)

object an object of mcglm class.
verbose logical. Print or not the model summary.
print print only part of the model summary, options are Regression, power, Dispersion
and Correlation.
... additional arguments affecting the summary produced. Note the there is no extra
options for mcglm object class.

Print a mcglm object.
vcov.mcglm 47

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

See Also

vcov.mcglm Variance-Covariance Matrix

Returns the variance-covariance matrix for an object of mcglm class.

## S3 method for class 'mcglm'
vcov(object, ...)

object an object of mcglm class.
... additional arguments affecting the summary produced. Note that there is no
extra options for mcglm object class.

A variance-covariance matrix.

Wagner Hugo Bonat, <[email protected]>

∗Topic datasets mc_identity (mc_link_function), 23

ahs, 3 mc_initial_values, 14, 22
Hunting, 12 mc_inverse (mc_link_function), 23
NewBorn, 37 mc_invmu2 (mc_link_function), 23
soil, 44 mc_link_function, 8, 13, 23, 36, 37
soya, 45 mc_log (mc_link_function), 23
mc_logit (mc_link_function), 23
ahs, 3 mc_loglog (mc_link_function), 23
anova.mcglm, 4 mc_ma, 25
mc_matrix_linear_predictor, 13, 22, 26
bandSparse, 25 mc_mixed, 27
mc_ns, 28
coef.mcglm, 5
mc_power (mc_variance_function), 36
confint.mcglm, 6
mc_probit (mc_link_function), 23
mc_remove_na, 29
dist, 20
mc_robust_std, 30
ESS, 7 mc_rw, 31
mc_sic, 32
fit_mcglm, 8, 14 mc_sic_covariance, 33
fitted.mcglm, 7 mc_sqrt (mc_link_function), 23
formula, 13, 22 mc_twin, 34
mc_twin_bio (mc_twin), 34
gof, 10 mc_twin_full (mc_twin), 34
GOSHO, 11 mc_variance_function, 8, 13, 36
mcglm, 9, 13, 22
Hunting, 12 model.matrix, 8, 14, 22–24, 23, 24 NewBorn, 37

mc_bias_corrected_std, 14
mc_binomialP (mc_variance_function), 36 pAIC, 39
mc_binomialPQ (mc_variance_function), 36 pBIC, 39
mc_car, 15 pKLIC, 40
mc_cauchit (mc_link_function), 23 plogLik, 41
mc_cloglog (mc_link_function), 23 plot.mcglm, 41
mc_complete_data, 16 print.mcglm, 42
mc_compute_rho, 17
mc_conditional_test, 18 residuals.mcglm, 43
mc_dglm, 19 RJC, 43
mc_dist, 20
mc_id, 21 soil, 44


soya, 45
summary.mcglm, 46

vcov.mcglm, 47

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