S06-Management Deception PDF
S06-Management Deception PDF
S06-Management Deception PDF
Ole-Kristian Hope
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
[email protected]
Jingjing Wang
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
[email protected]
We thank the Michael Lee-Chin research grant for financial support. We thank Stefan Anchev,
Muhammad Azim, Stephanie Cheng, Mahfuz Chy, Bingxu Fang, Shushu Jiang, Ross Lu, Gordon
Richardson, Barbara Su, Aida Wahid, Eyub Yegen, Wuyang Zhao, two anonymous reviewers, and
seminar participants at the Rotman School of Management and the Canadian Academic
Accounting Association for their comments and inputs. Hope gratefully acknowledges funding
from the Deloitte Professorship.
Accounting big baths are pervasive in practice. While big baths can improve the information
environment and reduce information asymmetry, they can also degrade the information
environment and obscure operating performance. In this study, we examine the role of
deceptiveness) affects how investors perceive big baths. Using linguistic analysis on earnings-
significantly higher following big baths taken by deceptive CEOs, compared with big baths taken
1. Introduction
How does a firm’s information environment change after accounting big baths? Prior literature
provides evidence on both positive (Elliott and Shaw 1988; Francis, Hanna, and Vincent 1996;
Haggard, Howe, and Lynch 2015) and negative (Moore 1973; Kirschenheiter and Melumad 2002;
Kothari, Shu, and Wysocki 2009; Bens and Johnston 2009) consequences of big baths on the
information environment. As managers have discretion regarding whether to incur a large write-
off, and can decide the timing and amount of the write-off, management’s incentives are important
in studying the effects of big baths. However, such incentives are unobservable. Investors may use
managerial characteristics to infer management incentives. Among the most salient managerial
characteristics in this setting is truthfulness; thus this study examines how truthfulness (or
According to upper-echelons theory (Hambrick and Mason 1984), the ethical attentiveness
throughout the organization is instilled by its leaders (Patelli and Pedrini 2015). A series of
accounting fraud scandals over the last decades put leadership ethics at the forefront of the heated
debate on financial-reporting truthfulness (Tourish and Vatcha 2005; Mihajlov and Miller 2012).
Ethics is an intrinsic part of managers’ behavior (Solomon 1992). As firms’ high-level decision
makers, top managers are likely to follow a cognitive and rational approach that revolves around
moral judgments about the issues when making ethical decisions, just as an individual making a
choice when facing an ethical dilemma (Kohlberg 1981; Rest 1986; Weber 1990; Vitell, Lumpkin,
and Rawwas 1991; Reynolds 2006; Albert, Scott, and Turan 2015). Big baths are managerial
decisions that can be the result of managers’ ethical considerations of the firms’ welfare, or can be
investors and other stakeholders also indicates management’s ethical choice of how they view their
On one hand, big baths can manifest themselves as exceptionally large negative discretionary
accruals. On the other hand, big baths can consist of one-time, large write-offs, and may include
restructuring charges, asset impairments, and litigation losses. These write-offs are generally
reflected as “special items” in the financial statements. There are two ways to look at a big bath.
If a company reports a loss that is larger than expectations, it could be the case that there are certain
issues within the firm that warrant such actions and that managers are truthfully conveying such
information to the capital market and other stakeholders. In line with that view, some analysts
interpret big baths as managers’ positive response to existing problems (Elliot and Shaw 1988).
Big baths can also “clear the air” (Haggard et al. 2015). That is, by writing off assets when their
carrying values are less than the market values, the reported values of the assets are realigned with
their economic values. As a result, firm-level information asymmetry following a big bath should
However, big baths are sometimes used as an earning-management technique to shift current
earnings to future periods. As Levitt (1998) points out, if big-bath charges are overly
conservatively estimated with “extra cushioning,” they can miraculously be reborn as income
when future earnings fall short. Big baths can also be used to secure bonus payments. Often,
managers’ rewards are tied to meeting certain performance targets. In an economic downturn,
managers may follow the big-bath approach by bundling as much bad news into the current period
as possible, aiming to make their targets easier to achieve in the next period.1 In cases of new
This big-bath approach is discussed in the article “why honesty is the best policy” in the special report section of
The Economist, March 7, 2002.
The new manager can benefit from taking a big bath, blaming the low earnings on the previous
From investors’ perspectives, the action of taking big baths by a firm is observable, but the
motivations behind the action are not entirely clear. Hou (2015) finds that in a well-diversified
discretion and thus ambiguous. Can investors infer the motivations of managers by observing their
types – truthful or deceptive – and associating their actions with the types? By taking advantage
of newly-developed technologies, investors are now analyzing the linguistic patterns displayed in
management speech. Investors have been using algorithmic textual analysis, CIA lie-detection
techniques, and more recently, audio analysis of management speech, to seek an edge with stock
Earnings-conference calls, in which managers discuss their firms’ financial performance with
analysts and investors, are important information sources to search for signs of management
deception. If a manager is discovered to be deceptive when discussing her firm’s financial results,
and the firm takes a big bath at the time, will investors perceive this big bath to have low
credibility? Will investors associate this big bath with such motivations as meeting earnings targets
or securing bonus payments? If this is the case, we would expect to observe an increase in
information asymmetry following big baths taken by deceptive managers. Conversely, if a firm’s
manager takes a big bath and she is considered truthful, investors may perceive this big bath as
having high credibility. In this case, the information asymmetry may decrease.
A primary reason both practicing accountants and researchers care about information
“Some new bank CEOs take an earnings bath when they start,” The Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2014.
A discussion on the topic of “how to tell if a CEO is lying” can be found at http://www.CNBC.com, July 7, 2015.
big baths is whether these accounting events improve or deteriorate the firm’s information
environment. However, to broaden the scope of our study, in additional analyses we also test for
trading volume (another commonly employed outcome variable in this line of literature).
This study builds on Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) who find that certain words are
significantly associated with management deception. For instance, deceptive CEOs use more
“reference to general knowledge” and “extreme positive emotion” words, and use fewer “anxiety”
and “shareholder value” words. The linguistic approach proposed by Larcker and Zakolyukina
(2012) is based on psychological theories linking deception to linguistic behavior (Vrij 2008), and
There are an increasing number of applications of LIWC analyses in deception detection, and also
in personality, forensic, clinical, relationship, and cultural assessments (Chung and Pennebaker
2012). Providing further validity to Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012), Loughran and McDonald
(2013) demonstrate that the credibility of managers is diminished by having an overly positive S-
1 in the IPO process, consistent with Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) who find that deceptive
CEOs use significantly more positive emotion words in conference calls. Another piece of
provided by Hobson, Mayew, Peecher, and Venkatachalam (2017), who demonstrate that once
given instructions on the "cognitive dissonance" in the CEOs remarks, auditors are able to more
precisely detect fraudulent companies as well as the unidentified "red flag" sentences in earnings-
conference calls.
For example, Haggard et al. (2015) use the terms information environment and information asymmetry
managers in this paper, and examine whether the change in information asymmetry around a big-
bath event is a function of managerial deception. As CEOs play the largest role in corporate
propensity-score matching of treatment and control firms. This approach provides strong control
for potential confounding events as well as omitted-variable biases. We find evidence that investors
are able to discern managers’ deception levels from conference calls and that information
using Amihud’s 2002 illiquidity measure and bid-ask spreads) increases significantly after big
baths taken by deceptive CEOs as compared to those taken by less deceptive CEOs. In additional
analyses, we find that this effect is more pronounced when a CEO who has been truthful in the
past becomes deceptive in the bath year. Our inferences are robust to a variety of regression
The study adds to the big-bath line of research by examining a potentially important factor
that could affect the impact of big-bath taking on information asymmetry. Second, our study
contributes to research on how investors use ex-ante credibility of CEOs to interpret financial
reporting quality (e.g., Loughran and McDonald 2013). We do this by applying textual-analysis
techniques to accounting issues to infer management’s intentions using subtle linguistic cues.
Finally, the study adds to management-ethics research by examining management deception and
by studying the financial outcomes of CEO idiosyncratic characteristics and psychological patterns.
Prior research has examined the timing, motivation for, and consequences of taking big baths.
Moore (1973) finds that discretionary accounting decisions that reduce income are more likely to
be made in a period of management changes. The write-offs, many of which have substantial
(2002) construct a theoretical model to demonstrate that managers under-report earnings the most
when the news is sufficiently “bad.” Management, on average, delays the release of bad news to
investors (Kothari, Shu, and Wysocki 2009). Mendenhall and Nichols (1988) find that most bad
news, including large write-offs, takes place in the fourth quarter and that the market reaction for
fourth-quarter bad news is smaller than the reaction to similar news in other quarters.6
On one hand, big baths can be motivated by the desire to manipulate earnings. On the other
hand, big baths may be used to reflect declines in the values of assets due to poor performance,
increased market competition, and changes in the economic environment. Managers can make use
of big baths to turn adversity into financial advantage. Large accounting write-offs often follow
Maak and Pless (2006) call for research that focuses more on the identification and measurement of leadership styles
that lead to responsible leadership. The extent to which CEOs influence accounting choices is fundamental to the
understanding of how organizations work, but this linkage is poorly understood (Mackey 2008).
There are different types of write-offs. Write-offs in PP&E and inventory accounts are typically considered less
reflective of earnings manipulation, while restructuring charges and write-offs of goodwill are considered more
reflective of such a motif (Francis, Hanna, and Vincent 1996). Similarly, write-offs of long-lived assets after the
adoption of SFAS 121 are less reflective of firms’ fundamentals and such big baths are associated with managers’
opportunistic actions (Riedl 2004). Bens and Johnston (2009) find that before EITF No. 94-3, when fewer codified
rules existed regarding restructuring charges, managers were more likely to engage in earnings management by
recognizing overly large charges.
the losses taken on their predecessors and take credit for subsequent improvements in reported
profitability. Not only do CEOs have incentives to maximize their bonus payments, they also wield
significant influence over the firm’s reported financial results and may use discretionary accruals
However, the motivation for and consequences of big baths may not all be negative. Strong
and Meyer (1987) discuss how write-down decisions may be used by managers to provide signals
to investors that actions are taken to eliminate those assets generating little or no return. By
cleaning up the balance sheet and reducing reported equity, a company can boost future profits and
increase its per-share return. However, a series of write downs can erode investors’ confidence in
management and induce declines in a firm’s stock price. Elliot and Shaw (1988) discuss the
existing problems and their constructive responses. Consistent with that view, the financial press
Christensen, Paik, and Stice (2008) examine management’s motifs when faced with the
opportunity of making a big bath even larger. They find that after SFAS 109, which prescribes the
establishment of a deferred-tax valuation allowance when relevant, the majority of the larger-than-
expected valuation allowances reflect informed management pessimism about the future of the
firms, as such firms experience poorer operating performance in subsequent periods. Finally, and
in a similar spirit, Haggard, Howe, and Lynch (2015) examine the information environment of
firms following large, non-recurring charges and find that earnings become smoother, firm-level
information asymmetry decreases, and stock returns become more responsive to unexpected
CEOs are the primary decision makers within firms, and they go through a moral decision-
making process and trade off costs and benefits when they face ethical choices. Several factors
play a role in influencing executives’ ethical behavior, such as the behavior of superiors (for CEOs
this could potentially be interpreted as the board), the ethical climate of the industry, the behavior
of one’s equals, the lack of formal company policy, and one’s personal financial needs (Baumhart
1961; Ekin and Tezölmez 1999).7 Importantly, managers are given the power of discretion. In the
case of high-ranking business executives, discretion to do good is also discretion to do bad (Carson
2003). Managers often face an ethical dilemma in reporting decisions (Evans, Hannan, Krishnan,
and Moser 2001; Liu, Wright, and Wu 2015). There is a social standard of ‘‘doing the right thing’’
and not acting in a deceptive, unethical manner, but at the same time, managers’ incentive to
maximize self-interests may lead to actions that are detrimental to the firms’ stakeholders.8
Extant research in management emphasizes the role of the CEO as the key driver of corporate
strategy (Hambrick and Mason 1984; Zona, Minoja, and Coda 2013). “Tone at the top” not only
affects corporate strategy, but also influences financial reporting choices. Amernic, Craig, and
Tourish (2010) point out that a fundamental and direct manifestation of tone at the top is the
narrative language of the CEO. Craig, Mortensen, and Iyer (2013) examine the linguistic features
of Ramalinga Raju, the main individual involved in the biggest corporate scandal in India, and find
that his word choices changed noticeably in his five annual-report letters prior to the collapse of
his firm, as the scale of his financial misstatements increased. After analyzing 535 annual CEO
letters to shareholders with DICTION, a computer-based language analysis program, Patelli and
In a recent study, Cardinaels (2016) provides experimental evidence about how the interaction between a company’s
earnings and its information system influences the degree of honest reporting by managers.
Top management is often identified as key antecedents of corporate fraud (Baucus 1994; Efendi, Srivastava, and
Swanson 2007; Khanna, Kim, and Lu 2015; Chen, Cumming, Hou, and Lee 2016).
With technological development, investors and analysts are now able to look at both verbal
and non-verbal cues that are indicative of management deception, not only from 10-Ks and 10-Qs,
but also from press releases, conference calls, and other information sources. Such information has
become increasingly important for investors to make decisions and for analysts to make earnings
deception. One stream of linguistic analysis is based on existing dictionaries or the modification
of these dictionaries (also known as the “bag-of-words” approach). The most commonly used
dictionaries are Harvard General Inquiry, LIWC, Diction, and Loughran and McDonald (2011).
This “bag-of-words” approach, even though it does not take into account the actual and contextual
meaning of words, has the advantages of being easy to understand, implement, and replicate.
Loughran and McDonald (2011) examine whether negative, uncertainty, and litigious words in 10-
Ks can predict 10b-5 fraud lawsuits, after weighting these words to account for rarity. Using
linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) software, Newman, Pennebaker, Berry, and Richards
(2003) find a set of “lying words” that identify deceptive language in a variety of experimental
settings. Most important for this study, Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) employ LIWC as well as
In terms of information sources to analyze management linguistic cues, conference calls have
been used extensively by researchers, as these conference calls are essential in resolving the
information asymmetry between firms and outside investors. Earnings-conference calls are more
spontaneous than 10-Ks or 10-Qs, and the information disclosed during conference calls is mostly
voluntary (Frankel, Mayew, and Sun 1999; Bowen, Davis, and Matsumoto 2002; Kimbrough
2005; Davis, Ge, and Matsumoto 2015). Management linguistic features such as vocal emotion
cues (Mayew and Venkatachalam 2012), excessive use of negative words (Druz, Wagner, and
Zeckhauser 2015), and tone dispersion (Allee and Deangelis 2015) have been examined in prior
studies and these linguistic features are demonstrated to have information content. Among
practitioners, earnings-conference calls are used by equity-research firms to search for cues of
deception (Javers 2010). In addition, Auditing Standard No. 12 issued by the Public Company
Accountability Oversight Board in 2010 mandates that auditors consider “observing or reading
transcripts of earnings calls” as part of the process for identifying and assessing risks of material
misstatements. However, to our knowledge, no prior research has examined conference calls (or
The research question we examine is whether big baths taken at firms with truthful CEOs are
more credible, and whether investors can perceive different motivations behind big baths by
Another stream of linguistic analysis research involves supervised machine learning, such as Naïve Bayes method
and Support Vector Machines. Purda and Skillicorn (2015) use a decision-tree approach to establish a rank-ordered
list of words from the MD&A sections that are best able to distinguish between fraudulent and truthful reports, and
use support vector machines to predict the status of each report and assign it a probability of truth.
financial-statement users are likely to assess the credibility of management disclosure regarding
the extent to which such disclosure represents management’s unbiased beliefs about the true nature
of the transactions and events within the firm (Hodge, Hopkins, and Pratt 2006).
reactions to a message (Petty and Cacioppo 1986; Pornpitakpan 2004; Cianci and Kaplan 2010).
Attribution theory illustrates that individuals have motivation to interpret and analyze events for a
better understanding of the environment (Ross and Nisbett 1991), and that information is gathered
and combined by an individual to form a causal judgment (Fiske and Taylor 1991).
In line with the above psychological theories, Williams (1996) and Mercer (2005) find that
the quality of managers’ disclosures influences how the managers are judged by analysts and
investors. Hodge, Hopkins, and Pratt (2006) show that the level of discretion in the reporting
consistency in explaining the credibility of management disclosures. Cianci and Kaplan (2010)
argue that even for nonprofessional investors who possess limited investment expertise, these
investors might still scrutinize the available information and assess the plausibility of
management’s disclosures.
We predict that, if CEOs are deceptive, big baths are more likely to reflect an accounting
choice driven by such incentives as securing bonus payments or meeting earnings targets. Such
big baths would have low credibility and should increase the firm-level information asymmetry.
In contrast, a big bath taken by a less deceptive (or more truthful)CEO is more likely to be
reflective of the CEO’s constructive response to an existing problem or the intention to “clear the
air”– realign a firm’s accounting numbers with their economic values. If this is the case, big baths
managers and should decrease information asymmetry. Conversely, the more deceptive the CEO,
the less credible the big bath should be and subsequently, the higher the information asymmetry
should be in the post big-bath period. Stated formally (in alternative form):
H1: Compared with a big bath taken by a less deceptive CEO, a big bath taken by a deceptive
CEO will result in an increase in the information asymmetry in the post-bath period.
We focus on information asymmetry in our paper for two main reasons. First, information
asymmetry is a fundamental issue to the health of capital markets. Addressing the effects of
asymmetric information has always been on the top of the agenda for the SEC, FASB, and other
regulators, as well as oversight boards. As discussed in a major conference held by SEC, the
information or hidden actions may permit executives to collect unwarranted rents for themselves,
at the expense of shareholders.10 Thus, we study information asymmetry against the backdrop of
big baths and management deception, in the hope of shedding light on how to prevent and mitigate
the negative consequences resulting from asymmetric information in the capital markets. Second,
information asymmetry has also aroused substantial interest among academic researchers.
Reduction in information asymmetry, or increase in liquidity, can benefit capital markets from
various perspectives. For example, Amihud and Mendelson (1986) provide theoretical and
empirical evidence that higher liquidity can lower a firm’s cost of capital. Supporting that
Excerpts of the keynote address by Mark J. Flannery, the chief economist and director of Division of Economic
and Risk Analysis at SEC, in a 2015 conference on auditing and capital markets.
implied cost of capital and with higher valuation. They conclude that liquidity is a major channel
through which financial reporting transparency can affect firm valuation and cost of capital.
Identifying big-bath events is not straightforward. Generally speaking, the trade-off is between
having a large enough sample that utilizes an objective (or “less subjective”) approach versus the
researcher using her intuition to attempt to capture the spirit of big baths by coming up with a self-
constructed measure.11 For our primary analyses we consequently employ two different empirical
For our first proxy, intuition and practical insights suggest that big baths should capture the
idea that firms “over-state certain charges.” We consider that firms that have especially large
negative discretionary accruals would meet the definition of “over-stating charges.” Specifically,
accruals model (2005). We require industry-year adjusted income before extraordinary items
minus special items to be in the bottom tercile and we require performance-matched discretionary
accruals to be in the bottom quintile of the distribution. Please see Appendix A for further details.
Consequently, this measure – “the Accruals Approach” - should capture especially egregious
charges that are likely to fall under the caption of big baths. However, this comes at the cost of a
Not surprisingly, researchers have employed a variety of empirical approaches. Definitions of big baths include
announced asset write-downs (Strong and Meyer 1987; Zucca and Campbell 1992; Francis et al. 1996) and non-
discretionary asset write-downs (Elliott and Shaw 1988). However, these definitions of big baths suffer from certain
limitations. For example, only focusing on announced asset write-downs ignores multiple small write-downs that do
not warrant disclosure individually, but can be substantial when combined together; manual deletion of non-
discretionary items can introduce subjectivity (and thus measurement error) into the sample selection (Haggard et al.
As our second approach, we follow a more objective approach that allows us to benchmark
our results on recent research (Haggard et al. 2015). Specifically, we identify big baths as fiscal
year-end observations in Compustat for which Special Items are negative and exceed one percent
of lagged total assets (i.e., they are especially large and non-recurring charges). This definition is
consistent with prior research including Elliott and Shaw (1988) and Haggard et al. (2015). We
name this approach as the “Special Items Approach” for future discussion. Appendix A provides a
Considering the research design and the availability of earnings-conference calls, we choose
2005 to 2015 as the sample period to define big baths, generate treatment baths, and perform
propensity-score matching.12 From this sample, we remove financial firms (SIC codes between
6000 and 6199), firms with total assets less than five million dollars, and firms with the absolute
value of Special Items exceeding 100 percent of total assets. A big-bath indicator is generated that
equals one for each big bath identified satisfying our definition, zero otherwise. There are 4,557
such cases under the Accruals Approach, and 14,209 under the Special Items Approach. To cleanly
analyze how the information asymmetry changes from the pre to post period, baths are removed
that occur within one year of another bath, both before and after, to avoid complications arising
from multiple consecutive baths. A total of 3,180 unique treatment baths are identified under the
Accruals Approach and 6,174 are identified under the Special Items Approach.
To test how the market reacts, we use two event windows in the empirical analyses: three and
six months pre and post baths.13 To create a benchmark sample, event windows for the control
Quarterly conference-call transcripts are obtained from SeekingAlpha.com. We start the sample period in 2005 as
this is when the website provides sufficient conference-call transcripts.
In choosing the event window, the trade-off is between isolating the effect (i.e., using a short window) versus
investors having sufficient time to respond (i.e., using a longer window).
bath during the period of 2005 to 2015. Through propensity-score matching (see below), each
treatment bath firm is matched to a control firm that does not take a big bath in the event window.
Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) propose a linguistic approach that can be used to detect
management deceptive discussions during earnings-conference calls. They find that deceptive
managers’ speech displays certain linguistic patterns. In this paper, we apply their methodology to
identify whether CEOs are classified as high or low in terms of deceptiveness. A summary of the
To apply Larcker and Zakolyukina’s (2012) approach to our setting, we first need to obtain
earnings conference-call transcripts for linguistic analysis. Specifically, we use Python to crawl
crowd-sourced content service for financial markets. SeekingAlpha.com is also used by Allee and
A typical conference-call transcript can be divided into three parts. Basic information is listed
in the first part: company name, ticker symbol, fiscal year, quarter, transcript date, and a list of
inside and outside participants with their names and occupations. We use Python to extract the
basic information.
The second part is management prepared remarks. Following the operator’s introduction, the
CEO will discuss the financial situation, financial performance, and other major events or changes
(Q&A), in which analysts ask questions for managers to answer. To some extent, the prepared
remarks section is more scripted than the Q&A section. However, Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012)
find similar results in their linguistic models regardless of pooling these two sections together or
separating them. As combining these two sections provides more instances of words to analyze,
we follow Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) and do not make a distinction between the prepared
remarks and Q&A. As an additional test, we also run tests using linguistic patterns displayed in
prepared remarks and Q&A, separately, to identify management deception. The test results are
All phrases that belong to a CEO in the conference calls are gathered for linguistic analysis.
The transcripts are structured in the chronological order of the speech: each speaker’s name is
followed by the content of her speech, and then the next speaker’s name and her speech. For each
transcript, we use Python to collect all the parts of the speech that belongs to the same speaker, so
that the content of each transcript is classified and allocated to different speakers. Next, we pick
the speech of CEOs from the classified transcripts and combine CEO speech with company name,
ticker symbol, fiscal year, quarter, and transcript date, constructing a dataset that can be linked
Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) use the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count psychosocial
dictionary (LIWC) for their textual analysis (see also Pennebaker, Chung, Ireland, Gonzales, and
Booth 2007). They construct several word categories based on their readings of the conference-
call transcripts. To be consistent with Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012), we use LIWC 2007
We remove CEOs with fewer than 150 total word counts from the sample.
irregularities or restatements on word frequencies as well as total word count. They find that
deceptive CEOs use more “reference to general knowledge” and “extreme positive emotion”
words, and use fewer “anxiety” and “shareholder-value” words. We provide details of deceptive
words in Appendix C.
deceptive. First, for each category of deceptive words, we calculate the sample-median word
frequency and code a score of 2 (1) if a CEO is associated with an above (equal to or below)
sample-median word frequency. Word frequencies are multiplied by minus one for words that are
negatively associated with deception. Then we add up the scores of each word category to generate
a total deception score. The score is further standardized so that the range of the variable remains
between zero and one. If a firm has a deception score that is above (equal to or below) the sample
median of the deception score, we classify the firm into the high (low) deception group. The
indicator variable DECEPTION equals one for the CEOs who are classified to the high deception
When analyzing changes in information asymmetry between the pre- and post-bath periods, it
is important to control for non-bath events. For example, big baths are generally associated with
negative income in the pre-bath period, and it is possible that changes in information asymmetry
are common among firms with poor operating performance. Failing to control for such factors
would introduce an omitted-variable bias into the regression model. It is also essential to control
for the potential firm characteristics that are associated with a firm’s big-bath taking choice. In
firms and control firms. Propensity-score matching enhances the comparability between treatment
firms and control firms, as the propensity score summarizes across all relevant matching variables
and offers a diagnostic on the comparability of the treatment and comparison groups (Dehejia and
Wahba 1999).
Each treatment firm is matched to a control firm using propensity-score matching. To generate
propensity scores, we run logit regressions, for both the Accruals Approach and Special Items
Approach, with the big-bath indicator as the dependent variable and with firm size, book-to-market
ratio, net income scaled by total assets, revenue scaled by total assets, annual cumulative stock
returns, annual Amihud illiquidity, annual share turnover, leverage, sales growth, institutional
ownership, and analyst coverage as explanatory variables.15 Treatment baths with missing data
points on the matching variables are dropped after this stage. Treatment baths with no conference-
call data available are also dropped, resulting in 327 treatment baths under the Accruals Approach
and 1,137 treatment baths under the Special Items Approach for the next step in which each
treatment firm is matched to a control firm that has the same industry classification, the same
fiscal-year end, and the closest propensity score. The control group consists of firms that have not
taken any bath during the sample period. A total of 254 treatment firms are matched to 254 control
firms in the Accruals Approach; 442 treatment firms are matched to 442 control firms in the
Among these matching variables, following Francis et al. (1996) and Haggard et al. (2015), size, book-to-market
ratio, net income scaled by total assets, revenue scaled by total assets, annual cumulative stock returns, annual Amihud
illiquidity, and annual share turnover are lag values. Leverage, sales growth, institutional ownership, and analyst
coverage are current-year observations.
matching process, as involving caliper is generally a best practice to decrease the likelihood of
‘‘poor’’ matches and to improve covariate balance (Shipman, Swanquist, and Whited 2017). For
each successful match, the maximum allowable distance between propensity scores is restricted
within the range of a caliper distance. A better covariate balance can be achieved following this
approach, but it may come at the cost of a reduced sample size. We set a strict caliper distance of
0.00001 for the propensity-score matching procedure for both the Accruals Approach and Special
Items Approach, as in this way a matched treatment and control group that are comparable across
many important matching variables can be generated, without unduly reducing the sample size.
can increase the credibility of big baths and whether investors can perceive the different
motivations behind big baths taken by the two types of CEOs. In the model, TREAT equals one for
firms in the treatment bath group and zero for firms in the control group. POST is an indicator
variable that equals one (zero) for the months after (prior to) a bath. DECEPTION equals one for
CEOs that belong to the high-deception group. The main variable of interest is β7, which measures
asymmetry post bath. We use this triple-difference framework to study whether the effects of big
baths on information asymmetry differ for baths taken by more deceptive CEOs versus those taken
illiquidity measure and bid-ask spreads, both of which are widely used in the literature (e.g.,
Balakrishnan, Billings, Kelly, and Ljungqvist 2014; Haggard et al. 2015). Goyenko, Holden, and
Trzcinka (2009) conclude that the Amihud measure is better at capturing price impact than other
liquidity measures. Amihud is defined as the monthly mean of the daily absolute returns divided
by dollar volume. In the regressions, we take the log of one plus Amihud. Spread is defined as the
monthly average of the daily bid-ask spreads. Data used to calculate the liquidity measures are
information asymmetry. However, to reduce the possibility that our findings are confounded by
omitted variables, we include a number of control variables that are motivated by prior research.
The control variables include SIZE (log of total assets), BTM (book-to-market ratio), INCOME
(income scaled by total assets), LEVERAGE (debt to equity ratio), RETURN_A_LAG (lagged
BEAT (indicator variable of beating analyst forecast), DELTA (CEO equity compensation delta),
VEGA (CEO equity compensation vega), DELTA_M and VEGA_M (indicator variables of
SHVALUE_PRIOR, and ANX_PRIOR (CEO prior linguistic patterns). SIZE, MTB, INCOME,
information asymmetry in prior literature. Studies find that firm size is negatively associated with
percentage spread (Golsten and Harris 1988; Leuz 2003) and PIN (Brown, Hillegeist, and Lo 2004).
We therefore expect a negative coefficient on SIZE. INSTOWN is used to control for the presence
of potentially informed market participants and sophisticated investors (Brown et al. 2004). We
expect a negative coefficient on INSTOWN, given prior literature illustrates a negative association
Desal, Venkataraman 2013). Analyst following can reflect the information collection process of
market participants and its interaction with firms’ financial reporting practice (Bhushan 1989).
Firms with higher analyst following are found to be associated with lower information asymmetry
(Bhattacharya et al. 2013), and with reduced profitability of insider trades (Frankel and Li 2004).
firm’s actual earning exceeds analysts’ consensus forecast by a small margin. Brown, Hillegeist,
and Lo (2009) find that “beat” firms experience a decrease in information asymmetry. Thus, we
We add several other measures in our regression model to control for their potential influential
effects, but do not provide a directional prediction on these coefficients due to the lack of consensus
findings in prior research. BTM, book to market ratio, is a proxy for growth opportunities or risk.
Information asymmetry and disclosure issues are pertinent for growth firms, generally
characterizing by a high level of intangible assets (Smith and Watts 1992; Leuz 2003). However,
analyst coverage is also higher for such firms and analysts expend more effort in analyzing these
firms. In terms of LEVARAGE, pecking order theory of capital structure implies that leverage is
negatively associated with the amount of firm-investor information asymmetry. However, the
and Thakor 1993). EARNING_SHOCK, the absolute value of earnings shock, controls for the
information content of the earnings announcement (Bushee, Core, Guay and Hamm 2010).
INCOME, RETURN_A_LAG, and ROA_CHANGE are added to control for firms’ financial
performance, as prior studies show that the level of firm investor information asymmetry is likely
to increase with performance variability (Brown and Hillegeist 2007). We also control for CEO
risk taking incentives, measured by DELTA, the sensitivity of a manager's wealth to the firm's
stock price, and VEGA, the sensitivity of a manager's wealth to the firm's stock return volatility.
CEO DELTA and VEGA are found to be significantly associated with firms’ financial policies such
SHVALUE_PRIOR, and ANX_PRIOR represent prior conference calls’ average word frequencies
in the use of “reference to general knowledge,” “extreme positive emotions,” shareholder value,”
and “anxiety.” These variables are included in the regressions to control for the effect of the CEO’s
linguistic habit.16 All continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. Finally,
we include both year and industry fixed effects (based on two-digit SIC codes) and cluster the
We use the Compustat variable Datadate, which indicates the fiscal-year end for the financial
statements, to identify the cutoff for the pre and post periods. The advantage of using Datadate is
that it is consistently available across firm years and is closely associated with how we define big
baths. Each Datadate is matched with the most recent earnings-conference call held prior to this
Datadate. We further require that the time lag between a conference call and Datadate to be within
Results are robust if we remove these four linguistic characters as control variables. More generally, our inferences
are not affected by the inclusion or exclusion of particular control variables.
Alternatively, we cluster standard errors by industry instead of by firm. No conclusions are affected (untabulated).
to the fiscal-year end big baths. The choice is also consistent with the recency effect in psychology
– people tend to recall things that arrive more recently (or appear at the end of a list).18
4. Empirical Results
Table 1 presents the sample-selection process for the final treatment firms. Table 2 exhibits
the logistic regression of the big-bath indicator on important predictors of such big baths.19 Of all
the matching variables used in the propensity-score matching under the Accruals Approach in
defining big baths, BTM_LAG (lag of book to market ratio), TURNOVER_A_LAG (lag of annual
share turnover), LEVERAGE, and ANALYST are positively associated with big baths and the
coefficients are statistically significant (0.136, 0.0672, 0.177, 0.138, respectively). SIZE_LAG,
and INSTOWN are negatively associated with big baths and the coefficients are statistically
significant (-0.361, -0.0775, -2.473, -0.0851, -0.0926, -0.148, and -0.424, respectively). For the
Special Items Approach in defining big baths, the logit regression shows that SIZE_LAG,
Each big-bath event is associated with CEO linguistic characteristics identified in the most recent earnings
conference call prior to the fiscal year-end. To illustrate the timeline of the overall research design, if a firm has a year-
end of December 31, 2017 (Datadate), the associated conference call date could be October, 2017, which is the
conference call held closest to the year-end date. We then calculate the information asymmetry and trading volume
measures for each month from December 2016 to November 2018.
The area under the curve is 82.36% (70.76%) for the Accruals Method (Special Items Method).
Table 4 presents the results of the differences in these variables across the treatment and control
groups. After propensity-score matching, there is considerable similarity between bath and non-
bath firms. Panel A illustrates the results of key variable difference after propensity-score matching
under the Accruals Approach. After propensity-score matching, only INCOME_LAG remains
significantly different between treatment and control firms, according to t-test results.
and control firms, based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. Panel B demonstrates the results of
variable difference after propensity-score matching under the Special Items Approach.
in the t-test; BTM_LAG, REVENUE_LAG, and LEVERAGE are different in the K-S test. Table
5 illustrates the correlations among key variables for the main regressions under the Accruals
Table 6 presents the results of different specifications of regressions testing how information
asymmetry changes after big baths taken by deceptive CEOs, compared with big baths taken by
less deceptive CEOs. AMIHUD and SPREAD are the dependent variables. Panel A represents
results from the Accruals Approach and Panel B represents results from the Special Items
Approach. The main variable of interest is the coefficient on the interaction term
statistically significant (at the 5% level or better using two-sided tests). Specifically, the
coefficients are 0.0957, 0.105, 0.196, and 0.191. Consistent with our hypothesis, Panel A shows
that big baths taken by deceptive managers lead to significant increase in information asymmetry
after big baths, compared with big baths taken by less deceptive managers.20
For control variables, the signs on the variables are mostly consistent with prior literature.
SIZE, RETURN_A_LAG, and INSTOWN are negatively associated with information asymmetry
and statistically significant. BTM, LEVERAGE, and ROA_CHANGE are positively associated
Using the larger sample but likely coarser measure of big baths in Panel B, again the estimated
our inferences are consistent using an alternative approach to measuring big baths that has been
The primary coefficients of interest, in the triple-interaction specification, are the coefficients on TREAT × POST
and especially TREAT × POST × DECEPTION. The coefficient on TREAT × POST captures the net effect of big
baths for less deceptive CEOs; the coefficient on TREAT × POST × DECEPTION measures the differential effect of
big baths for deceptive CEOs, compared with less deceptive CEOs. From Panel A, we observe that coefficients on
TREAT × POST are negative through column 1 to column 4 (statistically significant for column 2, 3, and 4), indicating
that information asymmetry decreases, or information environment improves, post big baths for less deceptive CEO
group. The coefficients on TREAT × POST × DECEPTION are positive and statistically significant in all columns,
indicating that information asymmetry increases, or information environment worsen off, if the baths are taken by
deceptive CEOs. In terms of numerical magnitude, using regression result in column 1 to illustrate, the net effect of
big baths on information asymmetry for less deceptive CEO is -0.0311, while the net effect of big baths on information
asymmetry for deceptive CEO is 0.0646 (-0.0311+0.0957). We find consistent results in Panel B, in which big baths
are identified using special items. As an alternative approach to avoid the three-way interaction, we estimate our model
including TREAT, POST, and TREAT×POST in separate deceptive and less-deceptive subsample regressions. In
untabulated results, the coefficients on TREAT×POST are all significantly positive in regressions for deceptive CEOs,
whether using three month or six month as event window, or with Amihud or Spread as information asymmetry
measure. In contrast, the coefficients on TREAT×POST are negative in regressions for less deceptive CEOs. The
difference in coefficients on TREAT×POST between deceptive and less deceptive subgroups is positive and
statistically significant, according to a z-test (Paternoster, Brame, Mazerolle, and Piquero 1998). Overall, this approach
provides consistent evidence that information asymmetry increases after big baths taken by deceptive CEOs.
deceptive CEOs are associated with larger increase in information asymmetry following the baths,
In this section, we first provide robustness tests related our primary analyses. In particular, we
examine the effects of our matching procedures as well as other research-design choices. Next, we
attempt to investigate the “mechanisms” through which investors learn about the big baths. Finally,
we explore the effects of investors’ prior experience with CEOs’ deceptive (or truthful) speech.
5.1 Robustness
We conduct several tests to assess the sensitivity of our inferences to research-design choices.
As described in Section 4.1, only one variable is statistically different (based on a t-test)
between the treatment and control samples after our propensity-score matching approach when
using the Accruals Approach. For the Special Items - based big-bath definition, four variables
remain significantly different. This reflects a trade-off between reducing differences between the
two samples and having a sufficiently large sample (“generalizability”). Please note that we
include the matching dimensions as control variables in all tests. To assess the robustness of our
findings to our propensity-score matching specifications, we conduct the following tests. First, for
the variables with significant differences after matching, we include non-linear terms in the
Next, we implement a different matching approach: entropy matching. This approach allows
the researcher to match not only on means but also on higher-order dimensions of the covariates.
We find that our results continue to hold. Finally, although we believe the propensity-score
matching approach provides strong control for potential omitted variables, to generalize our
findings we run the regression without a control sample and thus test for a pure pre-post effect for
the treated firms. This sensitivity test also ensures that our findings are not induced by matching
(i.e., are not driven solely by the control-sample firms). Again, inferences remain. In sum, our
To broaden the scope of our analyses, we also consider trading volume, another commonly
employed empirical outcome variables in this line of research. As the literature has used different
measures of trading volume, we consider both Turnover and Dollar Volume.21 Table 7 provides
the empirical results and shows, consistent with our predictions and with the primary tests,
Turnover, calculated as the total monthly trading volume divided by shares outstanding, is a widely used information
asymmetry measure in research (e.g. Leuz 2003; Chae 2005; Mohd 2005; Haggard et al., 2015). Dollar volume,
calculated as monthly mean of log daily dollar trading volume, is used to proxy for the benefit of information collection
(Bhushan 1989), and also to measure (inversely) the liquidity-related trading costs (Utama and Cready 1994).
are not restricted to information asymmetry as measured by Amihud illiquidity and bid-ask spreads.
First, we repeat the above analyses by generating quartiles for each deception-word category,
instead of using the median cutoff. We additionally use the mean rather than the median of
deception scores to divide into high- and low-deception groups. Results reveal that inferences are
not sensitive to a particular cutoff standard being used to generate the deception score.
Next, although we employ two different approaches to identifying big baths in the paper, given
the importance of this empirical proxy and the fact this is not an obvious choice (i.e., prior research
uses a plethora of approaches), as a sensitivity analysis we follow the approach in Bens and
Johnston (2009).22 We find that our conclusions are unaltered using this alternative proxy.
Further, recall that the regressions include year fixed effects. For example, these fixed effects
control for any particular effect associated with the financial crisis. As an alternative approach, we
replace the year fixed effects with a specific control for the financial-crisis period, and inferences
are unaffected.
Big baths are likely to happen when there is a CEO turnover. We control for this possibility
by including an indicator variable that equals one if there is a CEO turnover during the event
window, zero otherwise. CEO turnovers are identified from the Compustat ExecuComp database,
which provides time-series data for top executives in the S&P 1500 firms since 1992. Our results
Using the Bens and Johnston (2009) methodology, we define big baths as restructuring charges (item #376) and
asset impairments (items #368 and #380) that exceed one percent of beginning total assets.
approach we follow in this study, we also conduct additional validity tests. That is, we test whether
our measure of CEO deception is positively associated with benchmark beating. Using both
analysts’ forecasts and prior earnings as benchmarks, consistent with our prediction we find that
DECEPTION loads positively and is highly statistically significant (after controlling for known
We conclude that our inferences are robust to these research-design choices and that the
empirical evidence suggests that investors are able to process the information in conference calls
and the information environment is differentially affected depending on whether CEOs are deemed
to be deceptive or not.
5.2 How Do Investors Learn about Big Baths and Detect Truthfulness?
It is interesting and important to consider the “mechanisms” through which our primary results
ensue. We clearly acknowledge that by using U.S. data we are not able to completely answer this
question as data on individual investors and their characteristics are generally not available.
However, to potentially shed some light on these important issues we do the following.
First, we have carefully scrutinized the conference-call transcripts in our sample. Specifically,
we have read through them and paid attention to whether and how analysts and investors ask
questions related to big baths, and also to company executives’ responses to these queries. We
provide several examples of such exchanges in Appendix D. As the appendix makes clear, both
analysts and investors ask questions related to big-bath accounting, and company executives
respond to such questions. Thus, we believe that investors are cognizant of the possible effects of
Next, we consider that the results should be stronger when the baths are more visible and
salient to investors. Accordingly, we partition the sample based on the medians of (1) institutional
ownership, (2) analyst coverage, (3) press coverage, and (4) the magnitude of the baths.23 The
results are reported in Table 8. We observe that the effects are much stronger (and in some cases
only present) in the subsamples with higher visibility or salience. It is in these cases that
management deception is likely to be visible to investors and to matter (especially the magnitude
of the baths) more to investors.24,25 As these tests are indirect we do not want to draw strong
conclusions from them; however the findings are consistent with the idea that salience matters in
Third, we explore which segment of the conference call, prepared remarks versus the question
and answer section (Q&A), provides linguistic patterns that are more indicative of management
deception and more relevant in driving the upsurge of information asymmetry. Prior literature
shows that both segments convey incremental information over the accompanying press release,
but that the Q&A section is relatively more informative (Matsumoto, Pronk, and Roelofsen 2011).
We calculate deception scores based on the linguistic characteristics from prepared remarks and
Q&A individually, and run regressions with AMIHUD as the dependent variable for prepared
marks deception and Q&A deception separately. As shown in Table 9, management deception
Data on press coverage are obtained from RavenPack and aggregated within a fiscal year for each firm.
It is possible that technological developments have made it easier to detect deception over time. That is, the
technology becomes more familiar and improved over time. In an untabulated test, we find that the effect is more
pronounced in the most recent time period, providing some indirect support for this idea.
In another (untabulated) test, we follow the approach in Haggard et al. (2015) and partition the baths based on how
“forced” they are. Specifically, we use the Barton and Simko (2002) methodology that relies on the opening Net
Operating Assets to identify “forces” and “voluntary” baths. We find that the information asymmetry is higher when
the baths are taken by deceptive managers and when the baths are most discretionary (which is consistent with the
findings of Haggard et al. 2015).
It is possible that the capital market can form an expectation on the truthfulness or
deceptiveness of a CEO based on prior earnings-conference calls. For each individual CEO, it
could be that the CEO is truthful to investors in general, but deceptive to investors in the event
(bath or non-bath) year; or it could be the contrary - the CEO is a deceptive person most of the
time, but truthful to investors in the event year. In order to identify whether and how the capital
market reacts differently under these two circumstances, we construct a Deception_prior score for
each CEO by using the available earnings conference-call transcripts. CEOs with
Deception_prior score that is above (equal to or below) the sample median of Deception_prior are
classified in the high (low) prior deception group, which is indicated by PRIOR DECEPTIVE
(PRIOR TRUTHFUL). We run the regressions for the high and low groups, respectively.
The regression results are presented in Table 10. The main variable of interest is the coefficient
for the PRIOR TRUTHFUL group, with 3 months as the event window. The coefficient on the
interaction term is positive and significant at the 5% level, implying that a prior truthful CEO being
deceptive when taking a big bath leads to significant increase in information asymmetry post bath,
compared with a prior truthful CEO being truthful when taking a big bath. Column 2 contains the
Specifically, for each CEO, we calculate the average word frequency for the four deception-related word categories
– GenKnlRef, PosEmoExtr, Anxiety, and ShareValue – across all available prior quarterly earnings-conference calls.
By taking the average of word frequencies, we intend to capture the CEO deception on a general level prior to the
bath event, to be compared with the level of CEO deception at the event time. Deception_prior score is generated the
same way as DECEPTION, using the average prior word frequencies.
the interaction term is not statistically significant. We observe similar results for regressions using
Table 10 suggests that, if a CEO is deceptive in general, the capital market does not react
significantly different whether the CEO is being truthful or deceptive when taking a big bath.
However, information asymmetry increases significantly for a generally truthful CEO being
deceptive when taking a big bath. It is thus conceivable that the capital market can form an
If a CEO is perceived to be deceptive in general, it is likely that investors will interpret his or her
disclosures with caution. In contrast, investors may less likely to rigorously scrutinize the behavior
of a generally truthful CEO, as Mercer (2004) points out that management’s reputation is a
6. Conclusion
While some studies find that big baths can improve the information environment, others find
that they degrade the information environment. To expand upon prior literature, this paper looks
management deception can decrease the credibility of big baths and alter investors’ perceptions.
We find that information asymmetry (proxied for using the Amihud illiquidity measure and bid-
ask spreads) increases significantly after big baths taken by deceptive CEOs as compared to those
taken by less deceptive CEOs. Thus, investors are able to discern which managers are deceptive
and react accordingly. We believe our findings add to the big-bath literature as well as the
Zakolyukina (2012). By applying textual-analysis methodology to identify managers who are more
likely to engage in such action in order to manage earnings, this paper also contributes to the
literature by introducing a managerial factor that may help explain the inconsistent findings in
prior studies regarding the impact of big baths on information asymmetry. The study further adds
to the literature by studying how management ethics, indicated by the linguistic patterns during
conference calls can affect the information environment. Future research can consider alternative
textual-analysis techniques such as naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machines to test the validity
of our findings and potentially improve the precision in capturing management deception. Finally,
we encourage future research to explore the mechanisms behind the findings in this study in more
detail, possibly using surveys or interview-based approaches, and possibly also using other
institutional settings (e.g., in countries where data on individual investors and their characteristics
are available).
We use two standards in recognizing whether a firm is taking a big bath: (1) if the firm has
extreme negative discretionary accruals, estimated from the approach proposed in Kothari, Leone,
and Wasley (2005); (2) the firm’s incentive of taking a big bath is discernible. Specifically, this
standard is applied to distinguish whether an earnings bath is happening when the current-year
financial performance is relatively poor compared to its industry peers, i.e. big bath incentive, or
when the company achieves superior financial performance and thus inclines to smooth earnings
into the future, i.e. earnings smooth incentives. Bens and Johnston (2009) discuss the two different
managerial incentives behind large accounting write-offs in their study of restructuring charges
Kothari et al. (2005) suggest that the ROA (return on assets) matched discretionary accrual
derived from Jones model is a viable measure for earnings management, and this performance-
matched approach performs better than incorporating a performance variable in the discretionary
accruals regression. Applying this approach, we first estimate discretionary accruals by running
the Jones model (illustrated below) cross-sectionally each year using all firm-year observations in
the same two-digit SIC code. We require a minimum observations of ten for each two-digit SIC
TAit is total accruals, defined as the difference between income before extraordinary items and
operating cash flows, scaled by lag of total assets. ASSETSit-1 represents lagged total assets.
∆SALESit is change in sales scaled by lagged total assets. PPEit is the net property, plant, and
equipment scaled by lagged total assets. All data are obtained from COMPUSTAT.
with another from the same industry (two-digit SIC code) and year with the closest current year
ROA, which is calculated as net income divided by total assets. Kothari et al. (2005) demonstrate
that matching based on the current year ROA is superior to matching on the prior-year ROA. We
The first standard in defining big baths is whether a firm-year is associated with extreme
negative accruals. In achieving this objective, we rank performance matched discretionary accruals
into quintile and identify observations satisfying standard one if these observations fall under the
bottom quintile rank of discretionary accruals. The second standard in defining big baths is whether
a firm is experiencing a financial downturn in the current year, relative to other firms in the same
industry. We rank firms’ basic income, calculated as income before extraordinary items minus
special items, into tercile at industry-year level (industry represented by two-digit SIC code) and
standard two is met for observations belong to the bottom tercile of the basic income rank.
Indicator variable BATH is defined if a firm-year observation satisfies both of these two standards.
In Compustat, special itmes (SPI) are defined as unusual and/or nonrecurring items considered
special items by the company, including: (1) Adjustments applicable to prior years; (2) After-tax
adjustments to net income for the purchase portion of net income of partly pooled companies; (3)
Any significant nonrecurring items; (4) Bad debt expense/Provisions for doubtful
operations and operations to be discontinued; (6) Flood, fire, and other natural disaster losses; (7)
or “Non-recurring” regardless of the number of years they are reported; (9) Inventory writedowns
when separate line item or called non-recurring; (10) Nonrecurring profit or loss on the sale of
assets, investments, and securities; (11) Profit or loss on the repurchase of debentures; (12)
Recovery of allowances for losses if original allowance was a special item; (13) Relocation and
moving expense; (14) Severance pay when a separate line item; (15) Special allowance for
facilities under construction; (16) Transfers from reserves provided for in prior years; (17) Write-
downs or write-offs of receivables and intangibles; (18) Year 2000 expenses regardless of the
calls during the period of September 2003 to May 2007, and calculate word frequencies for all the
word categories that have been shown by previous psychological and linguistic research to be
related to deception. Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) further regress financial deception indicators
on these word frequencies using logit regression and find that deceptive CEOs use significantly
more references to general knowledge words, more extreme positive emotion words, fewer
Form 8-K filing; relates to an irregularity as described in Hennes, Leone, and Miller (2008);
involves accounting issues that elicit a significant negative market reaction such as those described
in Palmrose, Richardson, and Scholz (2004) and Scholz (2008); involves a formal SEC
Word categories related to deception are selected based on Vrij (2008), which provides the
including emotions, cognitive effort, attempted control, and lack of embracement. To construct
deception related word categories, Larcker and Zakolyukina (2012) use LIWC, with some word
categories expanded by adding synonyms from a lexical database of English WordNet. Larcker
and Zakolyukina (2012) also establish word categories specific to conference call setting, namely,
references to general knowledge words, shareholder value words, and value creation words.
Please see Appendix C for definitions of deceptive words.
Variables Definition
TREAT Indicator variable - equals one for each treatment bath
POST Indicator variable - equals one if in the post bath period
Indicator variable - equals one if a CEO is in the high deception
Monthly mean of the daily absolute return divided by dollar volume:
1,000,000 × |ret|÷ (prc × vol). Log of one plus this ratio is used in the
regressions. Daily CRSP data (variables ret, prc, and vol) are used to
calculate the ratio
Monthly mean of the daily bid-ask spread, which is calculated as 100
× (ask − bid)/[(ask + bid)/2]. Daily closing bid and ask data from
CRSP (variables ask and bid) is used, with crossed quotes (negative
spreads) excluded
TURNOVER Monthly total trading volume divided by shares outstanding
DOL_VOL Monthly average of log dollar trading volume
SIZE The natural logarithm of total assets
BTM Book value of equity divided by market value of equity
REVENUE Revenue scaled by total assets
INCOME Net income scaled by total assets
LEVERAGE Book value of debt divided by market value of equity
The natural logarithm of 1 plus the number of analysts issuing
ANALYST earnings forecasts for any horizon during the fiscal period. 0 for
any period in which no data are available on I/B/E/S
The percentage of shares held by institutional investors during the
INSTOWN fiscal period; 0 for any period in which no data are available in the
13-F filings
SALEGROWTH The percentage change in sales from the previous year
Expected dollar change in CEO wealth for a 1% change in stock
sensitivity (Delta) price (using entire portfolio of stocks and
DELTA options) computed as in Core and Guay (2002). Data of DELTA
are obtained from the website of Lalitha Naveen:
https://sites.temple.edu/lnaveen/data/. The data span 1992-2014
Expected dollar change in CEO wealth for a 1% change in stock
return volatility (using entire portfolio of options) computed as in
VEGA Guay (1999). Data of VEGA are obtained from the website of Lalitha
Naveen: https://sites.temple.edu/lnaveen/data/. The data span 1992-
(1) (2)
Accruals Approach Special Items Approach
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
SPREAD_M (2) 0.87
TREAT (3) 0.02 0.04
POST (4) 0.00 0.01 0.00
DECEPTION (5) -0.01 -0.01 0.02 0.00
SIZE (6) -0.39 -0.48 0.03 0.00 -0.03
BTM (7) 0.12 0.14 -0.11 -0.05 -0.03 0.00
INCOME (8) -0.08 -0.16 -0.33 0.11 0.12 0.34 0.11
LEVERAGE (9) 0.02 0.04 -0.01 -0.02 -0.09 0.33 -0.11 0.04
RETURN_A_LAG (10) -0.12 -0.17 -0.02 0.00 0.04 0.03 -0.10 0.08 -0.11
INSTOWN (11) -0.28 -0.38 0.01 -0.01 0.05 0.29 -0.13 0.13 -0.11 0.14
ANALYST (12) -0.35 -0.44 -0.01 0.01 0.03 0.44 -0.17 0.11 -0.06 0.07 0.63
EARNING_SHOCK (13) -0.08 -0.09 0.10 -0.09 -0.06 0.26 -0.03 0.03 0.27 -0.01 0.12 0.20
ROA_CHANGE (14) 0.10 0.10 -0.07 0.00 0.02 -0.11 -0.02 0.02 -0.03 0.02 -0.01 -0.04 -0.03
BEAT (15) -0.03 -0.04 -0.03 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 0.04 -0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04 -0.05 0.03
DELTA (16) -0.05 -0.06 -0.09 0.00 0.09 -0.07 -0.07 0.11 -0.09 0.09 0.11 0.03 -0.05 0.01 0.05
VEGA (17) -0.03 -0.03 0.02 0.00 0.08 -0.07 -0.05 0.06 -0.06 0.02 0.06 0.03 -0.03 -0.01 -0.01 0.71
This table presents the correlations among regression variables for the main regressions under the Accruals Approach. Numbers that are significant at least at 10%
level are displayed in bold format.
Institutional Ownership
TREAT×POST×DECEPTION 0.0257 0.174*** 0.0538 0.161***
(0.635) (3.207) (1.374) (3.021)
Analyst Coverage
TREAT×POST×DECEPTION 0.0554 0.144*** 0.0777* 0.142***
(1.347) (2.788) (1.917) (2.748)
Press Coverage
TREAT×POST×DECEPTION 0.00171 0.212*** 0.0114 0.224***
(0.0368) (4.315) (0.267) (4.427)
Bath Magnitude
TREAT×POST×DECEPTION 0.0642 0.128** 0.0830** 0.121**
(1.604) (2.099) (2.214) (2.008)